Indonesia Market Report - Q1 2015



market report

Transcript of Indonesia Market Report - Q1 2015


    REPORTQ1 2015

  • 2Profiling Internet Users in Indonesia

    Key Digital Statistics:

    Indonesia vs the Global Average

    Internet, Mobile and Tablet Trends

    Media Consumption Behaviors

    Social Networking

    Online Commerce

    Brand Engagement 04








  • 3GWIs Market Reports track key digital behaviors and engagement rates in each of

    the 33 countries we survey, providing the very latest figures at a headline level as

    well as looking at trends over time and across demographics.

    In this report, we focus on:

    How Indonesia compares to the global average across a number of key measures

    Devices used to access the internet

    Mobile and tablet usage

    Media consumption and gaming behaviors

    Engagement with social networking platforms

    E-commerce rates

    How digital consumers are engaging with brands

    Unless otherwise stated, all figures are drawn from our Q1 2015 wave of online

    research among 754 Indonesian internet users aged 16-64. Where data appears

    from previous years, it is an average across all waves conducted throughout that

    year (each of which had a minimum sample size of 750 online adults).

    Data is collected in the last six weeks of every quarter, with respondents completing

    an online questionnaire that uses stratified sampling techniques to ensure that

    they are representative of the internet population aged 16 to 64. No individual can

    participate in our survey more than once a year, and we set quotas to ensure correct

    proportions in terms of gender, age and educational attainment.

    Want to explore these behaviors and trends for a particular audience? GWI can customize any of our reports or infographics to reflect your target groups with final outputs featuring tailored commentary and professionally designed visuals. For more information, get in touch with the Trends team: [email protected]


    Create custom audiences in our Audience Builder and explore their demographics and digital

    behaviors to help you target the customers you want.

    From Celeb Fans to Early Tech Adopters, Snapchatters to Teens, use our powerful PRO platform to

    create bespoke audiences based on shared interests, demographics, attitudes or behaviors. To start,

    click on My Audiences in PRO.

    Alternatively, choose from our extensive list of Default Audiences, covering the most important

    demographics and marketing personas, as well as all of the audiences covered in past reports.




  • 5Other demographic variables available to explore in PRO Platform include: Number of Cars Owned in Household /// Number of Properties Owned (Outright or with Mortgage) /// Types of Saving/Investment /// Approximate Value of Savings/Investments /// Relationship Status /// Household Type /// Family Stage /// Responsibility for Grocery Shopping /// Voting Intention in Next Election (UK/US only)



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    Device OwnershipDEVICE OWNERSHIP% who say they personally own the following

    PCs and laptops remain the devices that Indonesian internet users are most likely to own personally but smartphones are now a close second on 87%.

    Tablets have now become mainstream devices too. Although theres a growing sense that these devices have lost some of the momentum they had earlier in the decade, its 51% of Indonesias internet users who own one. Behind this, games consoles and smart TVs also post decent figures.

    Wearable devices remain extremely niche; just 12% say that they own a smartwatch and 7% a smart wristband, putting Indonesia in line with the global average. The release of the long-awaited Apple Watch is set to have a clear impact on these figures, though.

    In terms of demographics, smartphone ownership is consistently high among all the age groups. In contrast, 16-24s are notably less likely to own a tablet than older consumers, reflecting one of the barriers that these devices have failed to overcome; whether for reasons of cost or interest, Indonesias youngest internet users are yet to become seriously enthused with tablets.

    Question: Which of the following devices do you personally own? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Internet Landscape > Access Points > Device Ownership

  • 13

    Internet Usage by DeviceINTERNET ACCESS BY DEVICE% who use the following devices to access the internet

    PCs and laptops are in pole position once more when we look at the devices that people are using to access the internet. As with the ownership figures seen above, though, theyre facing a strengthening challenge from mobiles; since 2012, PCs and laptops have been trending upwards gently but smartphones have seen much stronger rises.

    Tablets have also seen increases over the last few years, with the numbers using them to access the web having more than doubled since 2012.

    Smart televisions have seen a big jump too in terms of the numbers using them as an internet access point. Along with games consoles, however, smart TVs are one of the devices where we see the biggest disconnect between the numbers who own one and the numbers who use them to get online. Although streaming sticks are playing a part here (a device being added to the GWI survey in Q2 2015), its clear that many online adults are yet to utilize smart TVs and games consoles to their full potential.

    Question: In the past month, from which of the following devices have you accessed the internet either through a web browser or an application? Source: GlobalWebIndex 2012-2015 (averages across all waves conducted in each year) Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Internet Landscape > Access Points > Internet Device Access

  • 14

    VPNs and Proxy ServersVPN USAGEEngagement with Virtual Private Networks and Proxy Servers

    Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Proxy Servers have made frequent appearances in the news over the last year as more and more internet users have started to take advantage of the benefits they offer. Indonesia is at the forefront of this trend; its some 42% who say theyve used one of these tools when accessing the web a number which translates to about 12 million individuals (many of whom are likely to be invisible or incorrectly geo-allocated in passive analytics).

    In Indonesia, accessing restricted sites/networks is the most popular reason behind usage of VPNs. Gaining access to better entertainment content is also key, a result of these tools allowing people to connect via servers located in different countries (and hence, to bypass the geo-restrictions that many providers place on material such as television shows and films).

    From a demographic perspective, VPN usage peaks among 16-34s and men.

    Question: When you access the internet, do you ever do so using a VPN (virtual private network) or proxy server? // Can you please tell us why you use VPNs or proxy servers when browsing the internet? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Internet Landscape > VPN/Proxy Server Usage

  • 15

    Device SharingDEVICE SHARING% users who share their mobile or tablet device with others

    Its long been known that devices such as PCs, laptops and smart TVs are shared by multiple users. But GWIs data makes it clear that the same trend is in evidence across many other device types too.

    Given their role as a device used principally inside the home, its little surprise to see that tablets are subject to high levels of sharing. Only 40% of owners in Indonesia say that no-one else has use of their device, with particular spikes for sharing among users who are in a relationship (especially those who are married) as well as those with children (particularly young ones). Despite normally being considered the most personal device of all, a sizable minority are sharing mobiles too.

    That means the audiences across both tablets and mobiles are likely to be much bigger than passively collected data would be able to indicate, providing clear caution against any automatic assumption that one device or browser = just one individual.

    Question: Thinking about the devices you use to access the internet, can you please tell us how many, if any, other people use each device? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Mobile and Tablet Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Internet Landscape > Access Points > Device Sharing

  • 16

    Time Spent on the Internet

    TIME SPENT ONLINE: PCS VS MOBILESNumber of hours per day typically spent online via the following devices

    MOBILE INTERNET CONNECTION TYPE% who normally use the following when connecting to the mobile internet

    As weve already seen, growing numbers of online adults in Indonesia are accessing the web via mobiles. Thats only part of the story, though: just as significant are the strong year-on-year rises in the average amount of time being spent on the mobile web per day a figure which has almost doubled since 2012

    Question: Roughly how many hours do you spend on/doing the following each day? Source: GlobalWebIndex 2012-2015 (averages across all waves conducted in each year) Base: Internet Users aged 16-64 Question: When using the internet on your personal mobile phone, what type of service/connection do you use? Source:

    GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > Cross Media Consumption > Time Spent Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Mobile > Mobile Specifications > Mobile Connection Speeds

    Simultaneously, time spent online via PCs, laptops or tablets has been largely holding steady. Despite minor fluctuations between years, there has been no major increase or decrease evident; in fact, the amount of time spent online via these devices in 2012 (4.90 hours) is remarkably similar to the equivalent figure from 2015 (4.95 hours).

    Mobiles are not necessarily taking people away from other devices, then; rather, they are encouraging internet users to go online for an even longer period of time each day and, in many cases, to connect at moments and in locations that previously might not have been feasible or desirable.

    Extensive usage of the mobile web is likely to increase still further as more individuals gain access to 4G on their handsets. Currently, its still only 11% in Indonesia who have 4G (a trend led by men and the top income quartile).

    Some 7% say they principally connect via WiFi a trend which underlines just how reliant some users are on it.

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    Mobile OSMOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS% who use the following OS on their mobiles

    Within the world of mobile, it is Apple which continues to generate the most headlines and create the most excitement when a new handset is released. Nevertheless, look at the year-on-year figures for mobile OS usage and its clear that Android is the dominant force in Indonesia (and has been for some time).

    Second-placed BlackBerry is a much stronger force in Indonesia than in most other markets. However, it has seen its percentage tumble from 32% to 17%.

    In contrast, iOS has been growing its Indonesian audience steadily but is still only a minor force in this market (10%). Usage is highest among the 25-44 segment as well as the top income quartile. Relatively speaking, then, Apple has a fairly young and affluent audience with its small number of handsets also making it much easier (and hence cost-effective) for developers to produce apps. One of the biggest reasons behind Androids success its availability on an extremely wide range of handsets is actually something of a disadvantage here, and is a major reason behind the lingering Apple-first mindset when it comes to app creation. Nevertheless, that Android has increased its lead over iOS since 2012 should still give some pause for thought.

    Windows Phone posts a small figure to take fourth place and all other operating systems account for minor shares of the market only. Symbian in particular has been a notable loser in recent years.

    Question: What operating system runs on your mobile? Source: GlobalWebIndex 2012-2015 (averages across all waves conducted in each year) Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    * Other includes Sailfish, Tizen and Ubuntu Touch

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Mobile > Mobile Specifications > Mobile Operating Systems

  • 18

    Mobile Handset BrandsMOBILE HANDSET BRANDS% who own/would consider purchasing the following handsets

    With Android taking top spot for mobile operating systems, its hardly a surprise that Samsung is in first place for handset ownership; half in Indonesia currently own one of the companys mobiles.

    However, when we look at those brands that Indonesian internet users say they would definitely consider purchasing, it is iPhone which shoots to pole position. A third would think about getting an Apple handset, showing the clear opportunity for expansion that the brand has in this market.

    While Nokia and Blackberry can claim second and third place in ownership rates, it is notable that their figures for future purchase consideration are significantly lower than current ownership levels.

    Question: Which of the following mobile brands do you currently own? // Which of the following mobile brands would you definitely consider purchasing? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Mobile > Handset Brand > Mobile Brand Ownership

  • 19

    TOP SAMSUNG AND IPHONE MODELS% who own the following

    Question: You said that you have a Samsung mobile phone / an iPhone. Please could you tell us which model it is? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Mobile > Mobile Model Ownership > Samsung Mobile Phone Model Ownership

    At present, the 4S and 4 are the most popular iPhone models in Indonesia (both being owned by 3%). Given that the 6 handset has only been available for a very short period of time, though, its clearly significant that 1% already have a 6Plus and similar numbers have a 6 confirming that the upgrade mentality is particularly strong for the Apple brand (as well as underlining why this model has been such a money-spinner).

    For Samsung, the sheer number of models available to consumers has a clear impact on the figures; the Galaxy S4 comes top among those named in the GWI survey, but Other is the most popular option of all.

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    Tablet OSTABLET OPERATING SYSTEMS% who use the following OS on their tablets

    For tablets, Android is victorious once again. Whats more, Android has been increasing its lead over iPad over the past few years. Other OS then capture extremely small shares of the market, confirming that the tablet contest is effectively a straight two-way battle.

    As with mobiles, Apple can point to the fact that its best figures come among higher income segments (members of the top income quartile are in fact 2x as likely as those in the lower income quartile to have an iPad). Nevertheless, that Android is now number one for both smartphone and tablet operating systems (globally as well as in Indonesia) is a sign of how successful Android has been in winning new users. It also demonstrates how effective the Apple marketing machine has been in pushing the notion that the iPhone and iPad are the smart devices par excellence, despite ownership figures showing otherwise.

    Question: What operating system runs on your tablet? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    *Other includes BlackBerry, Firefox, Linux and Tizen

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Tablet > Tablet Specifications > Tablet Operating Systems

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    Top Internet Activities TOP 20 INTERNET ACTIVITIES% who have done the following online in the last monthWhen using the internet, online adults in Indonesia are most likely to be using social networks; over 8 in 10 say they did this last month, showing the importance of social media to Indonesian internet users. That the online space is now hugely important for content consumption too is pretty clear from these figures: 80% are watching video clips and around 50% are watching films or streaming music, for example.

    Across the board, its worth noting that PCs and laptops tend to post the highest figures. This is a clear sign of how wedded certain behaviors still are to these devices. Clearly, gaining access to the mobile or tablet web does not lead to other, more traditional devices being abandoned.

    Of the various activities tracked in our chart, some have however made a much stronger jump to mobiles than others. Obviously mobile-friendly behaviors such as instant messaging, using location-based services and checking the weather are at the forefront of this.

    Question: Which of the following activities have you done online on your PC, Mobile or Tablet in the last month? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Cross Device > Online Activities > Online Activities Done in Last Month on PC, Mobile or Tablet

  • 22

    To explore the topics covered in this report in more detail, please download the following reports from our Insight Store:

    GWI DEVICE (Flagship Report)


    GWI DEVICE (Flagship Report)WEARABLE TECH (Trend)



    4G MOBILE USERS (Audience Report)

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    Daily Media TimeMEDIA CONSUMPTION BEHAVIORSNumbers of hours per day typically devoted to the following

    On a typical day, internet users are now spending much more time online (8.46 hours) than they are on various traditional activities combined (with 5.03 hours being spent on linear TV, broadcast radio, traditional press and console gaming).

    Across the various offline or traditional activities, it is linear TV which continues to capture the biggest share of our time. On average, online adults in Indonesia are watching over 2 hours of shows per day. Online television might now account for 0.75 hours, but it still has considerable ground to cover before it can be considered a real challenger to linear TV. In stark contrast, online has a notable lead over print press.

    Of the time spent online, the mobile internet (42%) remains a little behind the other connections (PCs, laptops and tablets). Nevertheless, that it already accounts for 3.51 hours of daily media time in Indonesia is an impressive achievement.

    In terms of specific online activities, the dominance of social is clear to see; a third of the time spent on online media is being devoted to networking.

    Question: Roughly how many hours do you spend on/doing the following each day? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > Cross Media Consumption > Time Spent

  • 25

    Changes in Media Consumption

    MEDIA CONSUMPTION BEHAVIORS OVER TIMENumbers of hours per day typically devoted to the following

    MOBILE INTERNET USAGE BY AGENumber of hours per day typically devoted to the mobile internet

    Each year, digital consumers in Indonesia are spending more and more time per day on the internet. But by far the biggest story here is the progressively bigger share of online time being captured by mobiles. These devices now account for 42% of our online time, up from 27% in 2012.

    Question: Roughly how many hours do you spend on/doing the following each day? Source: GlobalWebIndex 2012-2015 (averages across all waves conducted in each year) Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Question: Roughly how many hours do you spend online on a mobile during a typical day? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > Cross Media Consumption > Time Spent

    Most of the traditional media activities have been holding relatively stable in terms of their percentage shares. That said, the slight dip for linear TV is very much in line with this type of media becoming slightly less central to daily lives.

    Age is a crucial factor here. Differences are most pronounced when it comes to mobile internet usage where 16-24s are about 3.25x ahead of 55-64s but similar patterns are in evidence for most online forms of media; broadly speaking, the younger someone is, the more their media portfolio has migrated to online/digital forms.

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    SECOND-SCREENING% who have recently second-screened via the following devices

    SECOND-SCREEN ACTIVITIES% who did the following the last time they second-screened

    Second-screening is prolific in Indonesia, with almost all (94%) online adults saying theyve recently done this while watching TV. In fact, this is one of the major reasons why the total time being spent online each day has been rising: many media activities are happening simultaneously rather than sequentially.

    As has been the trend globally, mobiles have overtaken laptops as the top dual-screen device in Indonesia. Over two thirds say they use one while watching TV.

    As they second-screen, Indonesias internet users are most likely to be checking social networks. With chatting to friends also featuring prominently, the strong connection between mobiles and networking is pretty clear to see (as is the growing importance of chat apps).

    Question: Which of the following devices have you used while watching TV? Source: GlobalWebIndex 2012-2015 (averages across all waves conducted in each year) Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Question: The last time you were watching TV and using the internet, which of the following did you do? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > Second-Screen Consumption > Second-Screen Devices

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > Second-Screen Consumption > Second-Screen Behaviors

    Broadly speaking, theres something of a division between playful, social and TV-related dual-screen behaviors (where younger age groups have the lead) and more functional activities such as emailing and reading the news (where figures are more even across the age groups). As just one example of this, 16-24s have a 23-point lead over 55-64s when it comes to chatting with friends.

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    Online ContentONLINE ENTERTAINMENT BEHAVIORS, BY AGE% in each age group who did the following online last month

    Age has a less of an impact over other entertainment-related behaviors in Indonesia than in many other markets. Activities such as streaming music/TV, watching TV on-demand and watching vlogs are consistently popular across the 16-54 age group, though the oldest internet users lag behind notably.

    In terms of specific on-demand services, Google Play is the clear winner. This is a reflection of the success of Android in Indonesia. In fact, more than twice as many say they are using Googles content store as rival service iTunes.

    In terms of VoD, MyFirstMedia is neck-and-neck with Netflix, while Amazon Prime Instant Video follows behind. Given that Netflix is yet to launch in most APAC markets, its clear that many Indonesians are turning to VPNs in order to gain access. In fact, some 18% of all those using VPNs in Indonesia say they used Netflix last month.

    Question: Which of the following activities have you done online on your PC, Mobile or Tablet? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Cross Device > Online Activities > Online Activities Done in Last Month on PC, Mobile or Tablet

  • 28

    Convincing all users in Indonesia to pay for content remains something of a challenge. Across the various categories tracked in our chart, 37% say they havent paid for any of them in the last month. So, while over half are using music streaming sites, just 19% say they have paid for such a service.

    Its a similar picture elsewhere, too: from genre to genre, there are more people consuming content than there are paying for it. That said, its certainly significant that 16-24s are the most likely to pay for content a clear sign that the proposition of paying for digital material has become a little more firmly established within this group.

    Overall, mobile apps are the most commonly paid-for type of content, followed by web services and music downloads.

    ON-DEMAND MEDIA SERVICES% who used the following services last month

    Question: Which of the following services have you used in the last month? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > On-Demand Media Services

    PAYING FOR DIGITAL CONTENT% who have paid for the following in the last month

    Question: Which of the following types of online content have you paid for in the past month? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Commerce > Paid Content > Content Have Paid For Last Month

  • 29

    Gaming Devices

    GAMING DEVICES% who have used the following to play games within the last three months

    CONSOLE BRANDS% interested in purchasing the following

    The success of PlayStation in this market is clear the PS3 is currently the most popular device for gaming in Indonesia. However, arguably the most significant trend here is that a pretty impressive 73% have recently used at least one of the devices tracked in our chart for gaming-related purposes.

    Question: Thinking about the gaming devices listed below, can you tell us which you have used to play games in the past 3 months? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Question: Thinking about the gaming devices listed below, can you tell us which you are interested in purchasing? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Media Consumption > Gaming Devices > Console Brands

    In terms of named consoles, Sony can claim the most played last gen console (PS3), as well as the most played and most wanted next gen machine (PS4).

  • 30

    To explore the themes covered in this chapter in more detail, please download the following content:

    GWI DEVICE (Flagship Report)

    GWI ENTERTAINMENT (Flagship Report)


    SHAZAM USERS (Audience Report)




    VLOGGERS (Trend)

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  • 32

    Networking by DeviceENGAGEMENT WITH SOCIAL NETWORKING% who use social networks, as well as the top reasons for doing so

    % who have recently used a social network via

    Top 10 Reasons for Using Social Networks

    Social networking remains a hugely popular activity in Indonesia; on a monthly basis, 8 in 10 online adults say they actively use this type of site. Whats more, a staggering 98% say they are a member of at least one network.

    As weve seen elsewhere in this report, PCs/laptops are still extremely important when it comes to social networking being used by about three quarters of the countrys internet users. But well over half are networking via a mobile; within the multi-device landscape, people might have favored devices for a particular activity but they rarely confine themselves to using just one access point.

    Question: Which of the following activities have you done online on your PC, Mobile or Tablet in the last month? What are you main reasons for using social networking services? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Social Media > Motivations for Using Social Media > Motivations To Use a Social Network

  • 33

    Top Social PlatformsTOP 10 SOCIAL NETWORKS/PLATFORMS% who are members/active users of the following social networks/platforms

    Across all of the named social platforms tracked by GlobalWebIndex, user engagement is monitored in two main ways:

    Account Membership. People who say they have an account on the platform in question

    Active Usage. People who say that, within the last month, they have actively contributed to or used the platform in question.

    We measure both of these aspects in order to differentiate a social networks total potential audience e.g. its overall membership base from its current active audience (those who are actually engaging with it on a regular basis). This allows us to see how many of a social networks members can be legitimately counted as active users by far the most important measure of engagement in a digital landscape where social networking behaviors have proliferated.

    Critically, GWI applies the same definitions across all of the platforms that we track. This enables us to assess their relative popularity in a fair and like-for-like way, whereas the networks themselves tend to have rather more complex, competing and sometimes slightly elusive definitions which do not permit accurate comparisons between platforms. In short, in their own self-published figures, an active user as defined by Facebook is unlikely to be the same as an active user as defined by Twitter or YouTube.

    Question: On which of the following services do you have an account? / Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month using any type of device? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2014 & Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Social Media > Social Platforms > Active Usage

  • 34

    Whats more, some networks will categorize someone as an active user if they are logged in via their app, if they have clicked an associated button on a third-party website or if they have simply visited the networks main site without actually doing anything. That means an individual can potentially be classified as active without really engaging with the site especially where passive web analytics are being deployed. Spam, bot and other false accounts can also be a real issue.

    GWIs data has the benefit of representing the users perspective; an individual is counted as an active user only if they consider themselves to be one. We believe our figures thus represent the most accurate and robust snapshot of active usage and offer one of the only ways to make true comparisons across networks

    Overall, digital consumers in Indonesia are now members of 7.27 social networks, and are actively using 3.59 of them. This gives yet more evidence for the trend towards multi-networking with users turning to different platforms to carry out different activities.

    That said, its pretty clear that Facebook remains the most popular network within Indonesia in terms of both membership and active usage. Even so, the figure for members might have held steady over the last year but active usage has dipped slightly. This puts Indonesia absolutely in line with global trends which have seen engagement with Facebook becoming more passive.

    The rise of smaller networks like Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr is a major contributor to this, with behaviors and platforms becoming more specialized. But the growth of chat apps is also a big factor here; many conversations that used to take place on Facebook are now being hosted elsewhere.

    As is also the case in most other markets, Google+, YouTube and Twitter are the three networks competing for second position. Compared to the global average, however, Google+ is a stronger force in Indonesia. Two factors help to explain this: the fact that Google encouraged users of its other services to sign up for accounts; and that Google+ has always been more popular in fast-growth markets rather than mature internet countries.

    Behind these top 4 networks, names such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Tumblr have been enjoying significant growth over the last year. However, they still have some distance to cover before they can be considered legitimate challengers to Facebook and the other biggest names. This is particularly true of Instagram; despite its claim to have overtaken Twitter, our data shows that this simply isnt true (whether in Indonesia or globally). As is often the case, the fact that networks tend to use their own, competing definitions of active usage meant that Instagrams claim was not based on a like-for-like comparison.

  • 35

    Visitors vs Active Users MEMBERS, ACTIVE USERS AND VISITORS% who engage with the top 4 global networks in the following ways

    As weve seen, on traditional social media metrics such as membership and active usage it is Facebook which is still the most popular platform. However, look instead at visitation rates that is, those who say theyve visited the service in question during the last month and YouTube now posts the same figures as Facebook.

    Whats particularly noteworthy from this data is that YouTubes visitor number is 12 points ahead of its membership number. Its the only major social platform to find itself in this situation, and its a trend which shows that significant numbers of its visitors are either not logged in to their accounts, or are not even members in the first place. User experience is one of the driving reasons behind this. A site like Facebook is not geared towards people who are not logged in or registered; in contrast, such individuals can use a platform like YouTube without their experience being compromised in any major way. In short, YouTube is a more public site, and one where people are more likely to be viewing content posted by others rather than sharing/uploading their own material.

    This is exactly the territory in which Twitter finds itself too; some of its members are using the micro-blog without signing into their account, while others are engaging with tweets which have been embedded in other websites or inside news stories. Monetizing and quantifying this audience will be a key area to watch in the future. Such data also shows why simple black-and-white definitions of MAUs (monthly active users) will not always tell the whole story, and why sites like YouTube and Twitter will always have much bigger audiences than such metrics are able to report (for more on this, see our Twitters Hidden Users trend).

    Google+ sees a smaller boost when we compare active users to visitors. While those users it does have tend to be relatively enthusiastic, it is struggling to engage many people beyond this. It also has the worst ratio of members to active users, suggesting that many accounts are now lying largely un-used.

    Question: Membership: On which of the following services do you have an account? // Visitation: Which of the following websites/apps have you used in the last month via any device? // Active usage: Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month using any type of device? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Cross Device > Web Brand Visitation

  • 36

    Engagement with Facebook

    FACEBOOK ENGAGEMENT OVER TIME % who are visitors or active users of Facebook

    Few digital subjects generate as much controversy as the numbers using Facebook, with the network itself having a rather broad definition which as it admits itself can include false, duplicate or incorrectly geo-allocated users.

    Whats more, while Facebook itself might be announcing consistent quarter-on-quarter increases in active user numbers, we know that the social media landscape is growing more competitive than ever and that significant segments of Facebooks audience express a degree of boredom about the site. So, why arent these factors impacting their own self-published figures? As usual, its a question of definitions.

    In recent years, Facebook has seen the numbers visiting its site remain fairly stable. At the same time, though, weve seen a gentle decline in the numbers who perceive themselves to be active on the service. Its not that people are leaving the site, then. Nor have they stopped visiting. Rather, its that they are using it in more passive ways i.e. visiting it to check their newsfeed without actively posting anything or interacting with other users.

    Question: Visitation: Which of the following websites/apps have you visited in the last month via any device? // Active usage: Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month using any type of device? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2013 - Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Social Media > Social Platforms > Active User

    As our chart on the next page shows, its certainly pretty telling that about 1 in 2 active users say that, within the last month, they have logged in to see whats happening without posting/commenting on anything myself.

    Just as important are our active user figures for other social networks; compare Q1 2014 against Q1 2015 and, as weve already seen, Facebook saw a decline in active user numbers. All other networks held steady or experienced uplifts in their active usage figures. This is clear evidence for social networking behaviors becoming more diversified; while Facebook was once the natural go-to point for most of our social activities, it now has to compete with a much wider range of alternatives. To explore this subject in more detail, please see our Facebooks User Numbers trend.

  • 37

    Top Facebook and Twitter BehaviorsTOP ACTIONS ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. % who have done the following in the last monthAcross the 20 or so different Facebook behaviors tracked in the GWI survey,

    active users in Indonesia are most likely to be clicking the like button something which is providing Atlas with ever more precise information about which types of ads are best targeted at which types of users.

    As yet more evidence of the move towards more passive forms of networking, the top options are dominated by behaviors which involve users interacting with content posted by other people. Users are more likely to be clicking the like button, commenting on posts and reading articles/stories than they are to be updating their own status or posting a photo. Increasingly, then, Facebook is a place where we are more likely to follow the lives of others than share details of our own.

    Even so, the importance of Facebook as a brand touchpoint is clear from these figures; 44% say they have recently visited a page belonging to a brand/product and a third have started following a new brand within the last month or have shared branded content. Its not all positive news though: a fifth have un-liked a brand and over 15% have posted a critical comment.

    When we turn our attention to Twitter, users are most likely to be checking whats trending and reading news stories, giving yet more evidence for the importance of Twitter as a news/information platform in Indonesia. Equally significant is Twitters function as a platform for celebrity engagement: some 33% in Indonesia have visited a famous persons feed during the last month, while 26% have retweeted one of their posts.

    Question: Thinking about when you use Facebook / Twitter, can you please tell us if you have done any of the following within the last month? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Active Facebook/Twitters Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Social Media > Social Platform Past Month Activities > Twitter/Facebook Actions

  • 38

    Networking and Messaging AppsTOP SOCIAL AND MESSAGING APPS% who have used the following apps in the last month

    Within the ultra-competitive app space, Facebook can claim the most popular social app, while BBM tops the list for messaging apps.

    For social networks proper, first-placed Facebook has a decent lead over second-placed YouTube. Google+ and Twitter are then neck-and-neck in third place. Despite being a favorite of marketers, Vine remains a very minor force just 2% of people say they used it last month.

    In the contest between messaging/chat apps, BBM is the leader in this market. Indonesia is the only market tracked by GWI where BBM is the leading chat app and its continued importance in the face of declining Blackberry use is testament to its established position among Indonesian internet users.

    Behind BBM, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are being used by about 4 in 10 each, while Line is now being used by a third of Indonesians. Skype completes the top 5, being used by about a quarter.

    Question: Which of the following mobile / tablet applications have you used in the past month? (on any device) Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Apps > Specific Applications > Specific Applications Used

  • 39

    Social Following

    FOLLOWING BEHAVIORS ON SOCIAL MEDIA% who say they follow these types of people/organizations

    Unsurprisingly, people are most inclined to follow people they know in real-life on social media. Beyond this, though, there are sizable segments who follow brands they like as well as those from which they are considering making a future purchase.

    Despite attracting considerable interest in the media, vloggers are some of the least likely to be followed indicating that people are more likely to dip in and out of different vlogs rather than follow particular vloggers avidly. That said, 16-24s over-index a little here: over a fifth in this key demographic say that they follow vloggers.

    Question: Which of the following types of people or organizations do you prefer to follow online via social media services (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Social Media > Social Platforms > Types of People/Organizations Followed on Social Media

  • 40

    To explore the themes covered in this chapter in more detail, please download the following content:

    GWI SOCIAL (Flagship Report)


    GWI DEVICE (Flagship Report)MULTI-NETWORKING (Trend)





    TWITTER USERS (Audience Report)



    PROFILE REPORTS (Key trends & numbers across social platforms)

  • 41



  • 42

    Online Buying and Reviewing

    ONLINE BUYING AND REVIEWING% who have done the following in the last month via these devices

    Online commerce is less widespread in Indonesia than in many other APAC nations but its still 62% of internet users who have bought a product online within the last month.

    Currently, PCs and laptops remain integral to this process; as our data shows, almost everyone who is purchasing online is making at least some of their transactions on these devices. That said, mobiles have become a key commerce device too; almost 40% in Indonesia are using them to shop online.

    Equally important is the role of the internet in terms of product reviews; in Indonesia, 56% say they have recently posted a brand or product critique, underlining just how much noise is being made inside the online space. Its also a behavior which is remarkably even across the major demographic splits.

    Question: Which of the following activities have you done online on your PC, Mobile or Tablet? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Cross Device > Online Activities > Online Activities Done in Last Month on PC, Mobile or Tablet

  • 43

    E-Commerce by Category

    TOP 20 PRODUCTS FOR ONLINE PURCHASING AND RESEARCH% who have recently bought or researched the following items online

    GWIs survey tracks purchasing behaviors across approximately 70 different product categories, asking whether people have bought them online in the last six months (for big-ticket items) or within the last month (for more routine or small-scale purchases). As our chart shows, it is clothes and shoes which are the most commonly bought items. Also prominent are a number of everyday grocery products, emphasizing the importance of online grocery shopping.

    Question: Looking at the list of products and services below, which of the following have you purchased online in the past six months (big-ticket items) / last month (minor purchases)? And which of the following have you researched online prior to purchasing? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Commerce > Online Purchasing and Research > Products Purchased Online

    Clothes top the list again in terms of pre-purchase research, with shoes scoring well too. Mobiles also move up the list, giving clear evidence that many digital consumers are using the internet to research high-value items during the purchase journey.

    If we look at the number of online buyers versus the number of online researchers on a category-by-category basis, some clear trends emerge. In some cases, there are more buyers than researchers; most of the products in this group are FMCG/CPG products that are purchased on a regular basis (e.g. fabric conditioner, snack foods, chocolate, soft drinks, etc). In these instances, there is neither the need nor desire to invest much time in research; purchasing habits in these categories are fairly habitual or deal-driven, and the items in question are typically low-value ones.

    There are however a handful of items which do not fit these rules, including clothes. Its in these categories that were likely to be seeing a degree of showrooming; theres an obvious advantage to investigating or testing these products personally (e.g. to find the right fit or style), but some consumers are doing this in-store before completing their purchase journey online in order to access the best prices.

    At the other end of the spectrum are those product categories with more online researchers than buyers; cars feature prominently here, as do mobiles, financial products and a wide range of electronic products. Here were seeing an element of webrooming, whereby consumers research various options online and narrow down the list of choices before completing their purchase journey offline inside a store. Typically, webroomed categories involve big purchases where the levels of investment (both financially and emotionally) are significant and where the physicality of in-store retail remains important.

    Purchased Researched

  • 44

    Online Purchase DriversTOP 10 PURCHASE DRIVERS% who say the following things make them more likely to purchase a product online

    During the online purchase journey, it is a retail store on a social network which is most likely to increase someones chances of completing a transaction. Indonesians over-index particularly strongly for this option, underlying the importance of social networking in this market.

    Financial rewards and consumer reviews are also well-received by Indonesians, with online customer service being just behind. Across most of these categories, women are ahead of men.

    Interestingly, just 23% see appeal in personalized purchase recommendations, putting this option outside the top 10 and indicating that more work needs to be done for consumers to see their value and/or potential. That around 55% in Indonesia say they worry about how their personal data is being used by companies is highly relevant here.

    Question: Which of the following online activities from a brand are most likely to positively influence your consideration to purchase? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Marketing Implications > Brand Activation > Motivation to Drive Purchase Consideration

  • 45

    Topics of Online ConversationTOP 20 TOPICS OF ONLINE CONVERSATION% who say they talked about the following subjects online during the past month

    Within the GlobalWebIndex survey, digital consumers are asked if they have recently talked or posted an opinion online about 30 different subjects and product categories. If we rank these in Indonesia, it is tech subjects that dominate with computers and mobiles topping the list. Travel and fashion are key topics of discussion too.

    Across the board, consumers in Indonesia tend to be more vocal than their counterparts in many other countries. Whats more, that about three quarters say they have recently shared an online opinion about at least one of the categories in question gives yet more evidence for the important role of the internet in terms of brand advocacy.

    Question: Which of the following products, services or topics have you posted opinions about online in the past month? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Commerce > Influence and Advocacy > Products Talked About Online

  • 46

    To explore the themes covered in this chapter in more detail, please download the following content:

    GWI COMMERCE (Flagship Report)



  • 47



  • 48

    Brand Discovery

    Research Channels

    TOP 10 SOURCES OF BRAND/PRODUCT DISCOVERY% who say they discover products via the following sources

    TOP 10 RESEARCH CHANNELS% who say they use the following when looking for more information about a brand/product

    At the very start of the purchase journey, it is stories on online newspaper/magazine sites which make the biggest impact. These articles are equally powerful by income but their impact increases among men and the youngest consumers.

    Compared to their counterparts in other markets, those in Indonesia over-index notably for coverage in press, both online and offline. They are also twice as likely to find brands via social media posts.

    Once consumers are aware of a brand and are looking for further information, they are most likely to turn to search engines (a behavior which tends to increase in line with age).

    Compared to other markets, social networks and blogs are (much) more important to consumers in Indonesia.

    Consumer reviews are also an important go-to point but, as in most other markets, there are more people posting reviews than there are actively looking for them. Helping consumers to cut through the noise being made online thus remains a key challenge.

    Question: In which of the following ways are you most likely to find out about new brands, products, or services? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Question: Which of the following online sources are you primarily using when you are actively looking to find out more information about brands, products, or services? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Marketing Implications > Brand Discovery > Sources of Brand Discovery

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Marketing Implications > Brand Discovery > Online Research Channels Used

  • 49

    Online Brand Interactions

    Brand Advocacy

    TOP 10 ONLINE BRAND INTERACTIONS% who did the following last month

    TOP 10 REASONS FOR BRAND ADVOCACY% who say they would advocate a brand online for the following reasons

    Of the 20 or so online brand-consumer interactions monitored in the GWI survey, the importance of brand websites is abundantly clear. This option outscores all of the others by a considerable margin and remains consistently important across the various age groups (with peaks among older consumers).

    Social channels have a vital role to play as well, with options such as liking products/brands or visiting a brands page on a network both featuring prominently. Indonesian consumers over-index here, as they do for branded blogs. Perhaps the most important trend is that 95% are interacting with brands in at least some way each month.

    When we ask online consumers in Indonesia about the factors that would make them most likely to endorse or publicize a brand, one stands out particularly clearly: over half report that they would do this in return for a reward. Interestingly, these figures are consistent across the various income, gender and age quartiles. Clearly, then, the appeal of a reward is one that transcends demographics.

    Across most of the other options tracked in our chart, differences by age tend to be more pronounced. Older groups lead for things such as great customer service and high-quality brands, for example, while the youngest users are the most likely to engage in promotion out of simple love of a brand.

    Question: Which of the following brand-related actions have you done in the past month? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Question: What would most motivate you to promote your favorite brand online? Source: GlobalWebIndex Q1 2015 Base: Internet Users aged 16-64

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Marketing Implications > Brand Activation > Interactions in the Past Month

    Want to explore this data in PRO Platform? Click here: Marketing Implications > Brand Activation > Motivation to Advocate Favorite Brand

  • 50

    To explore the themes covered in this chapter in more detail, please download the following content:

    GWI BRAND (Flagship Report)



  • 51

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    Jason ManderHead of Trends

    E [email protected] @thejasonmanderT + 44 207 731 1614 A GlobalWebIndex, Bedford House,

    69-79 Fulham High Street, London, SW6 3JW, England