Indie music

“Indie” Music & Where it all started

Transcript of Indie music

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“Indie” Music & Where it all started

Page 2: Indie music

The name Indie music stems from Independent Music and it describes musicians that are independent from major commercial record labels. These artists have a self- governing Do-It yourself approach to recording and publishing. In the UK during the 1950s it was hard for independent labels to establish themselves due to the power of major record companies. Some British producers tried to launch independent labels but failed to do so. As a result of the punk rock era the number of independent labels grew and from the late 1970s the distribution of independent labels became more organized. Internet technologies make it possible for artist to introduce their music to a big audience for little to no cost after having to pay for recording, manufacturing and promoting. Sites like Artist Share where the general public i.e. fans can directly finance an artist are extremely helpful for independent musicians.

A more recent trend is to give away music for free like the “record label” Quote Unquote Records an example of an Independent Band that has done that is Radio head with their album “rainbows”. Usually it was harder for independent labels to exist but now with the newer, cheaper and more accessible technologies it has become easier for artists to gain recognition without being signed to a major record label. Being independent has its ups and downs.

One could argue that independent artists have a closer relationship to their music as they create almost every aspect of it themselves but it might be difficult sometimes as a purely independent record label has less resources. But it is possible for an independent artist to make more money by producing and promoting their own CDs rather than signing to a major label as only 1out of 10 CDs released by major labels make any profit for the label. Major labels feature Indie artists on distribution & marketing in CD projects to raise awareness for upcoming, new artists to stay current with the changing music scene. Independent artists can earn money through record deals, touring and publishing hence the Indie Culture of “gigging”.

Examples of Independent Record Labels: XL Recordings, Epitaph, Victory & Koch.

Most Independent Record Labels are founded and run by individuals.

Independent pianist Bradley Joseph said.[15] "A lot of musicians don't learn the business. You just have to be well-rounded in both areas. You have to understand publishing. You have to understand how you make money, what's in demand, and what helps you make the most out of your talent."