Indices de Correlacion de Pearson

Indices de Correlacion de Pearson LnAg LnAl LnAs LnBa LnBe LnBi LnCa LnCd LnCo LnCr LnCu LnFe LnGa LnK LnLa LnMg LnMn LnMo LnNa LnNb LnNi LnP LnPb LnS Ln Ag !"#$% "&#' "#&( !"&)' !"(( ")#* "#&' !"&%+ !"&)' "(*# "&) "(%% !"&(' "#+& "*+ "'% Ln Al !"#$% !"('( "&& !"(+ !"(++ "%) Ln As !"('( !"('# !"(% "(*( "(&+ "((# !"(+$ "(+) !"('& "('# Ln Ba "&#' !"(& "(* "&%' !"(& !"(*& "(#( "( "&& "(%& !"($( !"(%& Ln Be "&& !"('# !"(& !"#&& !"&& "((+ !"(+& "* "$( "()' "(#) !"()% "$' !"'* !"(&( "(&& "#($ !"#+# !"#++ "+# !"# Ln Bi "(* !"#&& "(+ !"(+$ !"#* "#&( !"$' "((# "(*+ !"## !"(# !"(( Ln Ca "#&( !"(+ !"(% !"&& "(+ "&'# !"()) !"(($ !"(%) Ln Cd !"(++ "&%' "&'# !"(#& !"#&# "(() !"#+* !"(* "$+ !")(# ")* "# Ln Co !"&)' "(*( !"(& "((+ !"(+$ !"(#& "($ !"('+ "()$ "(# !"(#% Ln Cr !"(( "(&+ !"(*& !"(+& !"#* !"#&# "(& !"(&( "()$ Ln Cu "(#( "* "#) "()# "( Ln Fe ")#* "( "$( "(#) Ln Ga "#&' "%) "((# "&& "()' "#&( "($ "#) "$ !"(( !"+ "%& "(#$ !"( Ln K !"&%+ !"(+$ "(#) !"()) "(() "(& "$ !"()* !"( "(& !"(%$ Ln La !"&)' "(+) !"()% !"$' !"#+* "()# "(+& "(&# "(*( Ln Mg "(*# !"('& "(%& "$' "((# !"(* !"(&( !"(( "(#% !"()( !"()& Ln Mn "&) !"'* "($ "(#* "(%+ "( Ln Mo "(%% !"(&( "(*+ "$+ !"('+ "(#) !"+ !"()* "(+& "($ "( Ln Na !"&(' "(&& !"## !"(($ !")(# "()$ "( "%& !"( "(&# "(#% "(#* "(%' "()' Ln Nb "#+& "#($ "(# "(& !"()( "(%+ "($* "() !"(+( Ln Ni "*+ "('# !"($( !"#+# !"(# ")* "(%' "($* !"( Ln P "'% !"(%& !"#++ !"(( "# "()' "() !"( Ln Pb "+# !"(%) !"(#% "()$ "(#$ !"(%$ "(*( !"()& !"(+( Ln S !"#+ !"(% "(%) "(' !"($& !"(+* Ln Sb !"((' "($% "(% "(# !"$( "$( !"(*% !"(# "(* "(+) "(+& !"& !"# !"(') Ln Sc !"##& !"($$ "#)% !"(&% "+( "(*% "& "(#* "(&) Ln Sn "$+% "$# "($+ !"#& "(&* !")$ "' "($$ !"&$ "(+' !"(#( "##& "()% !"() !"(+% "()% !"('& !"(*# "( "# Ln Sr "(&' !"()& !"(&' "%+ !"(+ !"(#$ "((% !"($# !"(' !"(%# Ln Ti !"&%& !"(+ !"+#+ "(%$ "(*' !"('% !"(() !"((# Ln Tl !"#++ ")) !"(# !"'+ "(#$ "(** !"(*' "((* !"(( !"(( "((& !"%% !"(() "$ !"+& !"$% !"( Ln V !"(%* !"()$ "#*( "(&& !"(+( !"(%$ "(## "() Ln W !"#(% "(& !"#+) "' "%)) "(# !"(+# "#) !"# !"('( !"#$ "#(# !"('+ "&% "(+ "(% Ln Y !"(* "%+ !"(%( "(+& !"()) "(#) "(&# "($& "() !"(#' !"( Ln Zn "(%+ "(&+ !"(' "(# "(#) !"((# "(*% !"(** Ln Zr !"((% "&$% "(%' "((% !"() "%) "(*% "(*# !"(## "(*& Ln Hg ")'# "&(' ")## !"#%$ "&+ !"(&# "&) !"(+$ "#+* !"+& !"#'$ !"#(' !"(&% !"((& !"#&) "+& !"((& "(& " Ln Au "($% !"((' !"(#) "$+) "&%# !"+' "%%& "()* "( "+' "($+ "(%% "#' !"(( !"( "(* "%# "&* "( ,," La correlaci-n es signi.ica/i0a en el ni0el (1(2# colas3" ," La correlaci-n es signi.ica/i0a en el ni0el (1(% 2# colas3" b" No se 4uede calcular 4or5ue1 co6o 67ni6o1 una de las es cons/an/e" 1$$,, "b 1'&$,, 1$#+, 1$',, 1$%%,, 1$# !1&#,, !1#(, 1+#',, 1#, 1&)#,, 1%*,, 1%+*,, 1++,, 1))%,, 1&$',, !1$$,, 1&+(,, 1#$,, 1*,, 1##,, !1&$,, !1&) 1$$,, 1&*,, 1+*,, 1*&$,, 1&*$,, 1$%,, 1)),, 1&%, !1+),, !1&*, 1(, 1%%%,, 1&) !1&#,, 1&*,, 1#*&,, 1%#,, !1+#,, 1),, !1*$,, !1#**,, !1&&&,, 1**,, 1&' "b "b 1'&$,, !1#(, 1+*,, 1++', 1$&,, 1)),, !1#&, 1#%&, 1#&(, 1+%,, 1%' 1#*&,, !1%,, !1##&,, !1&&,, !1#**,, !1*+, !1%%(,, 1),, !1(+, !1&&,, !1#%*,, !1%(,, !1#*,, 1%$ 1$#+, 1*&$,, "b 1++', 1$(%,, 1$+',, 1(((,, 1*%(,, 1$'&, 1'(,, 1*$ 1+#',, !1%,, 1#&+,, 1%)*,, 1$#&,, 1&,, 1#*,, 1%#+,, 1)+*,, 1&(),, 1&#,, !1* 1#, !1##&,, 1#&+,, 1#(#,, 1&),, 1&*(,, 1#*(,, 1'),, 1&*+,, 1#$+,, 1*),, 1+)&,, 1+&&,, !1#$ 1$',, 1&)#,, 1&*$,, 1$&,, !1&&,, 1$(%,, 1%)*,, 1#(#,, 1%'$,, 1#&&,, 1&&*,, 1)$#,, 1$$,, 1%%,, 1)&,, 1)&,, 1)%#,, 1+ 1%*,, 1$%,, 1)),, !1#**,, 1$+',, 1$#&,, 1&),, 1%'$,, 1%#$,, 1#'+,, 1&+#,, 1#'),, 1+(',, 1$*,, 1&)*,, 1&)(,, 1&&',, 1%+,, !1' !1*+, 1(((,, 1&*(,, 1%#$,, 1#(&, 1#+, 1)(&,, 1#&', 1##+, 1%+*,, 1%#,, !1#&, 1&,, 1#&&,, 1#'+,, 1##',, 1#$%,, 1#*&,, 1*',, 1'(,, !1# 1++,, !1+#,, !1%%(,, 1#*,, 1#*(,, 1&+#,, 1#(&, 1##',, !1*',, 1#*&,, 1#$#,, 1#%#,, 1#)&,, !1&$ 1))%,, 1),, 1%#+,, 1&&*,, 1#'),, 1#$%,, !1*',, 1#+),, !1+(,, 1%*,, 1*(,, 1# 1&$',, 1)),, 1),, 1#%&, !1(+, 1*%(,, 1)+*,, 1'),, 1)$#,, 1+(',, 1#+, 1#*&,, 1#*&,, 1#+),, 1&#%,, 1&&,, 1&+$,, !1$$,, 1&%, !1*$,, !1&&,, 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1#++,, "b !1#, 1#+#,, !1#*&,, 1+#),, !1#(, 1##),, 1)#',, 1+,, 1#(+,, 1%'$,, 1&'$,, 1##,, 1&'+,, 1#&+,, !1(#, 1)$),, 1##&,, !1##,, !1) 1$$%, 1%&,, 1$&),, 1++,, 1&(', 1&$%, 1)*',, 1%# 1#++,, !1)+,, !1('#, 1##*,, 1#'),, 1&&%,, 1&&',, 1'$,, 1#&),, 1+(,, 1%((,, 1)%,, 1#%,, 1)*), 1%+#,, 1#&%,, 1%#+,, 1#(),, 1$**,, 1#*,, 1)+#,, 1#)),, 1#+&,, 1)**,, !1&),, 1(*, 1#(,, 1++&,, 1)* 1+(',, 1#*,, !1&$,, 1$*,, 1#&&, 1&$,, 1'&,, !1(, !1%, 1###,, !1('', !1('$, !1((, 1* !1)$, 1)(#, "b !1&'*, 1)#, 1&#$,, 1*$, 1#(*, 1#(', 1&%,, Correlaciones Lineales mayores a 0.50 . Correlaciones Lineales negativas maximas.

Transcript of Indices de Correlacion de Pearson

Page 1: Indices de Correlacion de Pearson

8/16/2019 Indices de Correlacion de Pearson 1/2

Ln Ag Ln Al Ln As Ln Ba Ln Be Ln Bi Ln Ca Ln Cd

Ln Ag !"#$% "&#' "#&(Ln Al !"#$% !"('( "&& !"(+ !"(

Ln As !"('( !"('# !"(%

Ln Ba "&#' !"(& "(* "&

Ln Be "&& !"('# !"(& !"#&& !"&&

Ln Bi "(* !"#&& "(+

Ln Ca "#&( !"(+ !"(% !"&& "(+ "&

Ln Cd !"(++ "&%' "&'#

Ln Co !"&)' "(*( !"(& "((+ !"(+$ !"(

Ln Cr  !"(( "(&+ !"(*& !"(+& !"#* !"#

Ln Cu "(#( "*

Ln Fe ")#* "( "$(

Ln Ga "#&' "%) "((# "&& "()' "#&(

Ln K !"&%+ !"(+$ "(#) !"()) "(

Ln La !"&)' "(+) !"()% !"$' !"#

Ln Mg "(*# !"('& "(%& "$' "((# !"

Ln Mn "&) !"'*

Ln Mo "(%% !"(&( "(*+ "

Ln Na !"&(' "(&& !"## !"(($ !")

Ln Nb "#+& "#($

Ln Ni "*+ "('# !"($( !"#+# !"(# "

Ln P "'% !"(%& !"#++ !"(( "Ln Pb "+# !"(%)

Ln S !"#+

Ln Sb !"((' "($% "(% "(#

Ln Sc !"##& !"($$ "#)% !"(&% "

Ln Sn "$+% "$# "($+ !"#&

Ln Sr  "(&' !"()& !"(&' "

Ln Ti !"&%& !"(+ !"+

Ln Tl !"#++ ")) !"(# !"'+

Ln V !"(%* !"()$ "#*( "(&& !"(

Ln W !"#(% "(& !"#+) "' "%

Ln Y !"(* "%+ !"(%( "(+& !"(

Ln Zn "(%+ "(&+

Ln Zr  !"((% "&

Ln Hg ")'# "&(' ")## !"#%$ "

Ln Au "($% !"((' !"(#) "$+) "&%# !"+' "%

,," La correlaci-n es signi.ica/i0a en el ni0el (1( 2# colas3"

," La correlaci-n es signi.ica/i0a en el ni0el (1(% 2# colas3"

b" No se 4uede calcular 4or5ue1 co6o 67ni6o1 una de las es cons/an/e"




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1$$,, 1&*,, 1+*,, 1*&

!1&#,, 1&*,, 1#*&,,


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1%*,, 1$%,, 1)),, !1#**,, 1$+

!1*+, 1((

1%+*,, 1%#,, !1#&,

1++,, !1+#,, !1%%(,,

1))%,, 1),,

1&$',, 1)),, 1),, 1#%&, !1(+, 1*%

!1$$,, 1&%, !1*$,, !1&&,,

1&+(,, !1+),, !1#**,,

1#$,, !1&*, !1&&&,, 1#&(, !1#%*,, 1$

1*,, !1%(,,

1##,, 1(, !1#*,,

1$%%,, !1&$,, 1%%%,, 1**,, 1+%,, 1'(

1$#,, !1&)&,, 1&)),, 1&'#,, 1%'$,, 1%$$,, 1*$

1*++,, 1&'(,, 1'#*,, 1$+

1$'),, !1&(,, 1$',,

!1(((,, 1++(,, 1#)+, 1((

1)*#, 1#$+,, 1#$, 1*)*,,

1%(+,, !1#'+,, !1#+',, 1%&),, !1'(,,

!1#&', "b 1#++,,

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1$$%, 1%&,, 1$&),,

1#++,, !1)+,, !1('#,

1)*), 1%+#,, 1#&%,, 1%#+,, 1#(),, 1$*

1+(',, 1#*,, !1&$,, 1$*,, 1#&&, 1&$,,

!1)$, 1)(#, "b


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Correlaciones Lineales mayores a 0.50 .

Correlaciones Lineales negativas maximas.