Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Civilian ...€¦ · E F. ITEC. Civilian Training...

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 Sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi

Transcript of Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Civilian ...€¦ · E F. ITEC. Civilian Training...

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Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation

Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Sponsored byMinistry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi

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Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme 11 - 13

List of ITEC Countries 14 - 15

Incredible India 17 - 19

Map of India showing location of ITEC Institutes 20

List of ITEC Empanelled Institutes 21 - 22

• Accounts,Audit,BankingandFinanceCourses 23-28

• IT,TelecommunicationandEnglishCourses 29-48

• ManagementCourses 49-56

• SME/RuralDevelopmentCourses 57-68

• SpecializedCourses 69-90

• TechnicalCourses 91-110

• EnvironmentandRenewableEnergyCourses 111-118

• ITECApplicationForm 119-126

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India has always strongly believed that capacity building and technical cooperation areamong themost importantdriversofanation'seconomicgrowthand independentpolicymaking.Thisbeliefhasinformedthecourseofourcooperationwiththedevelopingworld.The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme has been an expression of India's solidaritywith fellowdevelopingcountriesof theSouth, traversingsimilarpathsofdevelopment.ThousandsofparticipantsfromallcornersoftheglobehavecometoIndiasincetheITECprogrammewasformallylaunchedonSeptember15,1964.

ITECiscompleting50yearsthisyear.Duringthesefivedecades,ithasgrownandevolvedconsiderably.Indianowwelcomesaround10,000participantseveryyearfrom161partnercountries, for attending capacity building courses in diverse areas at leading centres ofexcellence,inbothpublicandprivatesectors.Thewiderangeofsubjectsoffered,rangingfrom information technology, government finance and audit to information technology,renewableenergy,entrepreneurshipandmanymore,areofparticularinterestandrelevancetothedevelopingworld.Thesecoursesarevaluedhighlyfortheopportunitytheyaffordinhuman resource development and empowerment as also in building bridges of friendship andcamaraderie.

It gives me immense pleasure to invite all partner countries to nominate participants for the coursesandtoderiveoptimumadvantage.IalsotakethisopportunitytoconveymygreetingsandfelicitationstoallonthefiftysuccessfulyearsofITECprogramme.




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MinisterofExternalAffairs& OverseasIndianAffairs


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The Golden Jubilee of the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programmeisanoccasionofhappinessandpride,notjustfortheMinistryofExternalAffairsbutforIndiaasawhole.

Institutedin1964,theITECprogrammehasbeenIndia’sprincipalinstrumentforsharingthelessonsofitsowndevelopmentaljourneywithfellowdevelopingnationsintheworld.Themajorcomponentsof ITEChavebeenthetrainingofforeignofficials in India,andthesecondmentofIndianexpertsforinstitutionaldevelopmentinpartnercountries.Withthisemphasisoncapacitybuildingandskill-development,theITECprogrammeembodiesthephilosophythat‘itisbettertoteachsomeonetofish,thantogivehim/herfish’.

Indeed,thathasbeentheverybasisof India’sdevelopmentaloutreachtootherdevelopingcountries– tohelpothersbenefit fromourexperience,andeven tohelp themavoidmistakeswemayhavemadeon theway. Suchcollaboration,when itcomes froma fellowdevelopingcountry,offers solutionsand ideas thatareoftenmore relevant, cost-effectiveandpracticabletothebeneficiariesthanthoseofferedbytraditionaldonorcountries–afactthatisreallyacknowledgedbyallourITECpartners.

It is notable that the ITEC programme had helped India create such collaborative partnerships with over a hundred developing nations even while India was itself reliant on foreignassistance,andlongbeforethenarrativeof‘emergingdonors’cameintobeing.ItwasthusamongtheearliestmanifestationsintheworldofSouth-Southcooperation.

Aswecomplete50successfulyearsofITECcollaborations,Iwouldliketoextendmy thanks and appreciation to the partner countries, training institutions and individualparticipantswhohavehelpedusmakeITECabridgethatconnectsIndianstoothercitizensofthedevelopingworld,creatingnotonlycapacitiesandskills,butalsolastingrelationshipsbetweenourpeoples.



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TheDevelopment PartnershipAdministration of theMinistry of ExternalAffairs, the nodalagencyforadministeringdevelopmentassistanceandcapacitybuildingprogrammesoftheMinistry, publishes a compendium each year of training institutions in India, along withthe trainingcourses tobeconductedeveryyearandavailableunder the IndianTechnicaland Economic Cooperation (ITEC) and other capacity building schemes. This brochure,accordingly, contains a list of courses available for the year 2014-15, byway of civiliantrainingprogrammes,aswellotherusefulinformationrelatedtothesecourses.

In2014-15,47institutionsinIndiaareofferingover280courses,bothshort-termandlong-term, in a diverse range of areas. Detailed information about the institutes, as well asimportantinformationregardingcoursesonoffer,andeligibilitycriteria,isavailableatthewebsiteofITEC:

TheGovernment of India bears the cost of training under the ITEC and related capacitybuilding schemes, namely, the Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa Programme(SCAAP)andtheTechnicalCooperationSchemeoftheColomboPlan.Thesupportextendedincludesreturnairfare,coursefee,accommodation,studytourandastipend.

This brochure is being published as a reference document for both nominating governments in ITEC/SCAAPpartnercountriesandforindividualparticipantswhoareinterestedinattendingthesecourses.Ihopethiswillbefoundtobeuseful,andampleasedtoinvitetheattentionofallconcernedtothiscompendiumofinformation.

(SujataMehta)Secretary(ER&DPA) September9,2014


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The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme was instituted by adecision of the Indian Cabinet on 15 September1964asabilateralprogrammeofassistanceoftheGovernmentofIndia.TheITECProgramme,bornoutofthevisionofourfirstPrimeMinister JawaharLalNehru,was formally launchedunder thepremiershipofLalBahadurShastri.Whileconveying theirdecision to initiate the ITECprogramme, theCabinetnotedthat “a programme of technical and economic cooperation is essential for the development of our relations with the other developing countries on the basis of partnership and cooperation formutualbenefit.Itwouldalsobeaconcretemanifestationofourresolvetocontributetotheevolutionofworldcommunitybasedontheinter-dependenceofall itsmembersin theattainment of their common goal for promoting the social and economic well-being of their people.”

UndertheITECprogramme,therearemorethan160countriesinAsia,Africa,EastEurope,LatinAmerica,theCaribbeanaswellasPacificandSmallIslandcountriesareinvitedtoshareintheIndiandevelopmentalexperienceacquiredoversixdecadesofIndia’sexistenceasafreenation.Asaresultofdifferentactivitiesunderthisprogramme,thereisnowavisibleandgrowing awareness among other countries about the competence of India as a provider of technicalknow-howandexpertiseaswellastrainingopportunities,consultancyservicesandfeasibilitystudies.

TheITECProgrammeisessentiallybilateralinnature.However,ITECresourceshavealsobeenused for cooperation programmes conceived in regional and inter-regional context such as SCAAP(SpecialCommonwealthAssistanceforAfricaProgramme),TCS(TechnicalCooperationSchemeofColomboPlan),EconomicCommissionforAfrica,IndustrialDevelopmentUnitofCommonwealthSecretariat,UNIDO,Groupof77andG-15.Inmorerecentyears,itsactivitieshave also been associated with regional andmultilateral organizations and cooperationgroupingslikeAssociationofSouthEastAsianNations(ASEAN),BayofBengalInitiativeforMulti-SectoralTechnicalandEconomicCooperation(BIMSTEC),Mekong-GangaCooperation(MGC), African Union (AU), Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), PanAfricanParliament,CaribbeanCommunity(CARICOM),WorldTradeOrganization(WTO)andIndianOceanRim–AssociationforRegionalCooperation(IOR–ARC)andIndia-AfricaForumSummit.

TheutilityandrelevanceofITECprogrammehasbeenreflectedintheincreasingnumberofparticipants. In2014-15,over10000scholarshipslotshavebeenofferedunder the ITEC/SCAAP/TCSofColomboPlanprogrammes.Therearemorethan47trainingsinstitutionsinIndiawhich run trainingcourses indiverse subjects ranging from IT,publicadministrationtoelectionmanagement,SME,entrepreneurship, ruraldevelopment,parliamentaryaffairs,renewable energy to namea few. More than280 courses have been offered this year.Similarly, training programmes on security and strategic studies, defence management,marine and aeronautical engineering, logistics and management, marine hydrography,counterinsurgency,etc.,areorganizedfordefencepersonnelinprestigiousinstitutionslikeNationalDefenceCollege,DefenceServicesStaffCollege,coveringallthethreewingsofthedefenceservices–Army,NavyandAirForce.Thefacilityisalsoextendedandavailedby

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ApartfromregularcoursesofferedundertheITEC,special courses and training programmes arealsoconducted/scheduledatthespecificrequestofpartnercountries.Inrecentyears,special courses have expanded to new areas such as election management (at the International Institute of Democracy and Election Management (IIDEM), New Delhi), governmentperformancemanagement (with Cabinet Secretariat), mid-career training of civil servants(atNational Institute of Administrative Research/NationalCentre forGoodGovernance),ParliamentaryStudies (Bureauof ParliamentaryStudies), urban infrastructuremanagement(HumanSettlementManagement Institute), fragranceand flavour studies (FragranceandFlavourDevelopmentCentre),WTOrelatedtopics(CentreforWTOStudies,IndianInstituteofForeignTrade),etc.Also,someinnovativecoursesareofferedunderITEC,includingoneonsolar technologyforsemi-literateandilliterategrandmothersfromtheLeastDevelopedCountriesatBarefootCollege,Tilonia.

The ITEC programme has several components. Apart from organizing training courses inIndia, italsocoversdeputationof Indianexpertsabroad,aid fordisaster relief,giftingofequipment,studytoursandfeasibilitystudies/consultancyservices.ITECisademanddrivenprogramme,therefore,assistanceofferedunderITECisusuallyinresponsetorequestsreceivedfromfriendlycountriesandthecommitmentsmadebyIndia’spoliticalleadership.

FordeputationofIndianexpertsunderITEC,theprocessbeginsuponreceiptofrequestfromthepartnercountry,indicatingitsspecificrequirementsandconfirmingtheresponsibilities/obligationsof the twosides. In recentyears, Indianexpertshavebeendeputed inareassuchasinformationtechnology,auditing,legalaffairs,agriculture,ayurveda,statisticsanddemography,publicadministrationandtextiles.Theservicesofdefenceexpertshavebeenalsoavailedbyseveralcountries.

India assists ITEC partner countries in establishing useful infrastructure facilities with technologyandskillsappropriatetotheirresourcesandneeds.Anumberofbilateralprojectsareundertaken,notablyinthefieldsofarchaeologicalconservation,InformationTechnology,(IT)andSmallandMediumEnterprises(SMEs).Feasibilitystudiesandconsultancyservices,attherequestofITECpartnercountries,arealsocarriedoutundertheProgramme.Resultsof these studies are handed over to the Governments concerned to use in a manner deemed appropriatebythem.



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ITEChascreateda largenetworkofalumniacross thecontinentswhohavebecomeITECtorch-bearersintheirrespectivecountriesandintheprocess,developedapowerfulculturalbridge between India and the country concerned. ITEC alumni have carved a niche forthemselves,withmanyofthembecomingministers,seniordiplomats,academics,governmentofficialsandleadingentrepreneurs.AsaresultofdifferentactivitiesunderITEC,thereisnowa visible and growing awareness among other countries about the competence of India as aproviderof technical know-howandexpertise.Over theyears, theseprogrammeshavegeneratedimmensegoodwillforthecountry.

2014 is the 50th year of launchingof the ITEC Training Programmeand celebrationsareunderwaytocommemoratetheevent.September15iscelebratedas‘ITECDay’byallIndianMissionsinITECpartnercountries.MissionsinvitetheITECalumniandotherhighdignitariesofthatcountrydealingwiththeITECprogrammetocelebratetheday.ThealumnisharetheirexperiencesaboutthetrainingprogrammeaswellastheirstayinIndia,whichalsoservesasameetingpointforITECparticipantsinbuildingalumninetworksandprovidingfeedback.Inmanycountries,ITECalumnihaveformedITECfriendshipsocieties.ITECalumniarealsointeractingthroughsocialnetworkingsiteFaceBook(

ITECistheflagshipprogrammeoftheIndianGovernment’scapacitybuildingeffort,notonlybecause of its magnitude and wide geographical coverage but also for innovative forms of technicalcooperation.DPA-IIDivisionof theDevelopmentPartnershipAdministration(DPA)in theMinistryof ExternalAffairs is the nodaldivision for handlingall capacitybuildingprogrammes. The ITECprogramme isavisiblesymbolof India’s roleandcontribution toSouth-Southcooperation.IndiaremainsastaunchproponentandpractitionerofSouth-SouthCooperationwhichconstitutesafundamentalpillarofIndia’sforeignpolicyanddiplomacy.

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14 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

1 Afghanistan2 Albania3 Algeria4 Angola5 Anguilla6 AntiguaandBarbuda7 Argentina8 Armenia9 Azerbaijan10 Bahamas11 Bahrain12 Bangladesh13 Barbados14 Belarus15 Belize16 Benin17 Bhutan18 Bolivia19 Bosnia-Herzogovina20 Brazil21 BruneiDarussalam22 Bulgaria23 BurkinaFaso24 Burundi25 Cambodia26 CapeVerdeIsland27 CaymanIsland28 CentralAfricanRepublic29 Chad30 Chile31 Colombia32 CommonwealthofDominica33 Comoros34 Congo(Republicof)35 CooksIsland36 CostaRica37 CoteD'Ivoire38 Croatia39 Cuba40 CzechRepublic41 DemocraticRepublicof Congo42 Djibouti43 DominicanRepublic44 Ecuador45 Egypt46 El-Salvador47 Equatorial Guinea

48 Eritrea49 Estonia50 Ethopia51 Fiji52 Gabon53 Georgia54 Grenada55 Guatemala56 Guinea57 GuineaBissau58 Guyana59 Haiti60 Honduras61 Hungary62 Indonesia63 Iran64 Iraq65 Jamaica66 Jordan67 Kazakhstan68 Kiribati69 Korea(DPRK)70 Kyrgyzstan71 Laos72 Latvia73 Lebanon74 Liberia75 Libya76 Lithuania77 Macedonia78 Madagascar79 Malaysia80 Maldives81 Mali82 MarshallIslands83 Mauritania84 Mexico85 Micronesia86 Moldova87 Mongolia88 Montenegro89 Montserrat90 Morocco91 Myanmar92 Nauru93 Nepal94 Nicaragua95 Niger

96 Oman97 Palau98 Palestine99 Panama100 PapuaNewGuinea101 Paraguay102 Peru103 Philippines104 Poland105 Qatar106 RepublicofSaoTome107 Romania108 Russia109 Rwanda110 Samoa111 Senegal112 Serbia113 Singapore114 SlovakRepublic115 SolomonIsland116 Somalia117 SriLanka118 St.Kitts&Nevis119 St.Lucia120 St.Vincent&Grenadines121 Sudan122 SouthSudan123 Suriname124 Syria125 Tajikistan126 Thailand127 Timor Leste128 Togo129 Tonga130 Trinidad&Tabago131 Tunisia132 Turkey133 Turkmenistan134 Turks&CaicosIsland135 Tuvalu136 Ukraine137 Uruguay138 Uzbekistan139 Vanuatu140 Venezuela141 Vietnam142 Yemen

List of ITEC Countries

ITEC Countries

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TCS of Colombo Plan Partner CountriesSCAAP Countries1 Botswana2 Cameroon3 Gambia4 Ghana5 Kenya6 Lesotho7 Malawi8 Mauritius9 Mozambique10 Namibia11 Nigeria12 Seychelles13 SierraLeone14 SouthAfrica15 Swaziland16 Tanzania17 Uganda18 Zambia19 Zimbabwe

1 Afghanistan2 Bangladesh3 Bhutan4 Fiji5 Indonesia 6 Iran7 Korea(RoK)8 Laos9 Malaysia10 Maldives 11 Mongolia 13 Myanmar13 Nepal14 PapuaNewGuinea15 Phillipines 16 SriLanka17 Thailand 18 Vietnam

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Incredible India

Indiaisthelandofmagicandmystery,ofdazzlingbeautyandexoticcharms-wherethecenturiesco-existand themodernblendsseamlessly into theancient -wherehospitality isa tradition,anddevelopmentapassion.Anancientcivilization,asoldashistory, India isaglitteringmosaicofpeopleofdifferent faithsandcultures,ofvaryingclimaticzones,ofgreeneryanddesert, riverandmountain,wealthandhappiness,modernityand tradition.ThisisIndia,aplacelikenoneelseonthisplanet–IncredibleIndia!

KnowntoitspeopleasBharat,thisancientlandfascinatesthevisitorwithitssize,cultureanddiversity, itscolours,scents, styles,customs, languages,architectureandgeography. Indiasatisfiesevery tasteanddesire - fromsunandsand tomountainsandsnow, fromancientmonumentstoadventureholidays,fromgentletraditionsandcustomstoruggedlandscapesanddauntingriversandvalleys.

LocatedinthesouthofAsia,IndiaisborderedbytheArabianSeatoitswestandtheBayofBengaltotheeast.India'ssheersizemeansthecountryhasavariedclimateandterrain,stretchingfromtheHimalayasinthenorth,todesertsinthewest,plainsinthecentralregion,andplateaus in thesouth,about7,500km longcoastal lineandrain-fed tropical forests.Therearedistinct seasons in Indiabut the intensity of seasonal variations in theweatherdiffersfromregiontoregion.

Thesubcontinenthaseightclimaticzones.Althoughmonsoonrainsarecommontoallareas,the wet season occurs at different times across the country. In general, the mountainousregionstothenorthhavethemostdistinctiveseasons,whiletheplainstothesoutharedryandhot,andthecoastalregionsenjoyarelativelymoderateclimateyearround.SummerlastsfromApriltothemiddleofJune,whentemperaturesrisetoover40degreescentigradeinmanypartsofnorthernandcentralIndia.December,JanuaryandFebruaryarethecoldestmonths,whentemperaturesdroptonearzeroinnorthernIndia,thesouthrarelyexperiencestemperaturesbelow10degreescentigrade.

With 1,500 dialects and 22 official languages, all theworld’s major religions includingHinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism,variousstylesofart,architecture, literature,musicanddance,cuisineandseveral lifestylesfromtheurbanandruraltothetribal,Indiancultureisarichconfluenceofvariousdiversities.India’smusic spansvarious traditions, fromregional folk songsandmusic to tribalmusic,fromclassicalandsemi-classicaltraditionstopopularandfilmmusic.Indiandancehasanunbroken tradition of over 5,000 years,with themes drawn frommythology, legend andclassicalliterature.ThediversityofIndiandanceformsspansfolkandtribaldanceswiththeirregionalvariations,andclassicaldances,basedonancienttextswithrigidrules.SomeofthemajorclassicaldancetraditionsareBharataNatyam,Kathak,Odissi,Manipuri,Kuchipudi,MohiniattamandKathakali.IndianliteraturedatestotheoraltraditionoftheVedasseveralthousand years ago, and the great epics are still an integral part of daily life. The oraltraditioncontinues through folk songsanddramas.The traditionofdance-drama in Indiahasancienthistoricalroots,andiskeptalivebyavibranttraditionoffolktheatre.Indianartcontinuesitsvibrantclassicalandfolktraditionsfrompaintingtosculpturetohandicrafts.

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The renowned Taj Mahal in Agra, one of the 'Wonders of theWorld', has become asymbolofeternalloveandisanimperativeforthefirst-timevisitortoIndia.The17thcenturymonumentisamagnificentyetintricatelydelicatecompositioninmarble,itsbeautycaptivatesandenthrals immediately.The impressiveAgraFortandnearbyFatehpurSikriadd to theattractionsofAgra.

TheHimalayas in the north are endowedwith some of themost beautiful hill stations intheworld. Escapes for theBritish rulers from the summer heat, these little towns, suchasNainital,Mussourie,Dalhousie,andDarjeeling,stillretainsomeofthatold-worldcharm.TheprettyvalleysofKulluandgushingmountainriversproviderareopportunities for trekking,white-water rafting, skiing,oradventure sportsamid splendorousmountainvistas. For thehistorically-inclined,ancienttemplesandmonasteriesaretobefoundalongtraditionaltraderoutestoCentralAsia.

Rajasthan, the desert State in the west, with its rich heritage of majestic forts, imposingpalacesandhistorictemples,isanimmenselypopulartouristdestination.Itscolourfulpeopleandcraftsenrich theariddesert landscape.Camel ridesandcamping in thedunesoffera romantic escapade. Jaipurbetter knownas 'PinkCity' of Indiaandalso the capital ofRajasthan,isfamousforitsfortsandpalaces.OnecanvisitAmberFort,JaigarhFort,CityPalaceandHawaMahalinJaipurreflectingIndia'srichculturalheritage.


SouthIndiaoffersbeautifulbeaches,palaces,traditionaltemples,andplacesofpilgrimage.Kerala on theArabianSea hasbecomea centre for traditionalmedicine,massage, andrelaxingspas,whileafewdaysaboardahouseboatonitsserenebackwatersofferanidealcalmingexperience.TheStatesofWestBengal,AssamandSikkimintheeastareendowedwithbeautifulhillstations,teagardens,andwildlifesanctuaries.ManyoftheseStateshavebasepoints for treks toMountEverestandKanchenjunga.Buddhismwasamajorreligionin India in ancient daysanda tour of important Buddhist sites havebecomea highlightfor travellers interested in Buddhism. The famous cities include Bodhgaya in BiharwheretheBuddhaattainedenlightenment,Sarnathwherehedeliveredhisfirstsermon,SanchiinMadhyaPradesh,thesiteofahistoricalstupa,andKushinagarwhereheattainednirvana,besidesothercentresoflearningandmemorials.

India's diverse culture and traditions have resulted inmaking eachpart of the country auniqueshopper'sparadise.Differentregionsof Indiaspecializeindifferentkindsofitems.Eachitemisuniquetotheplacewhereitismadeandinmanycasesenjoysastronghistoricalbonding.Indiantextileshavebeenamuchsought-afteritemfromancientdaysandavarietyofrichfabricsareavailablealloverthecountry.LucknowinUttarPradeshisfamousforchikan

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Tovisit this landofeternalenchantingbeauty,alloneneedsisavalidpassportandvisa.Aspeciallicenseisrequiredtophotographprotectedmonumentsusingaflashandtripod.Therearesomeconditionsforbringingincertainpersonalgoodssuchasfilm,videocameras,liquor,tobaccoandweapons,whileallhighvaluearticlesandprofessionalmaterialsmustbedeclaredonarrivalandre-exportedondeparture.AllofIndiaisonthesametime,GMT+5hours30minutes,throughouttheyear.Voltageis220AC50cyclesandinternationaltelephoneandpostalconnectionsareavailableeverywhere.

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20 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Jammu - Kashmir

Andhra Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh







Himachal Pradesh




Madhya Pradesh










Tamil Nadu


Uttar Pradesh


West Bengal

Andaman and Nicobar Islands


Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Daman and Diu




Map of India showing location of ITEC InstitutesNewDelhi/NationalCapitalRegionAptechLtd.BureauofParliamentaryStudiesandTrainingCentralFertilizerQualityControlandTrainingInstituteCentreforDevelopmentofAdvancedComputing,NoidaCentralScientificInstrumentsOrganization,CMCLtd.HumanSettlementManagementInstituteIndian Institute of Mass Communication InstituteofGovernmentAccountsandFinanceInternationalCentreforInformationSystemsandAudit






KansbahalIndian Institute of Production Management



Ahmedabad Entrepreneurship DevelopmentInstituteofIndia






Mumbai Centre for Excellence in TelecomTechnologyand






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List of ITEC

Accounts, Audit, Banking and Finance Courses

01. InstituteofGovernmentAccountsandFinance-NewDelhi 25

02. InternationalCenterforInformationandSystemAudit–Noida 26

03. NationalInstituteofBankManagement–Pune 27

IT, Telecommunication and English Courses

04. AptechLimited-NewDelhi 31

05. CentreForDevelopmentofAdvancedComputing–Mohali 33

06. CentreForDevelopmentofAdvancedComputing–Noida 36

07. CentreForExcellenceinTelecomTechnologyandManagement–Mumbai 38

08. CMCLtd.-NewDelhi 40

09. EnglishandForeignLanguagesUniversity–Hyderabad 43

10. NIITLtd-NewDelhi 45

11. UTLTechnologiesLtd.–Bangaluru 47

Management Courses

12. AdministrativeStaffCollegeofIndia–Hyderabad 51

13. NationalInstituteofLabourEconomicsResearchandDevelopment–Delhi 52

14. InternationalManagementInstitute-NewDelhi 54

15. IndianInstituteofManagement–Ahmedabad 56

SME/Rural Development Courses

16. EntrepreneurshipDevelopmentInstituteofIndia–Ahmedabad 59

17. NationalInstituteofEntrepreneurshipandSmallBusinessDevelopment– 62


18. NationalInstituteforMicroSmallandMediumEnterprises–Hyderabad 64

19. NationalInstituteofRuralDevelopment–Hyderabad 66

Specialized Courses

20. BureauofParliamentaryStudiesandTraining-NewDelhi 71

21. HumanSettlementManagementInstitute-NewDelhi 72

22. IndianInstituteofMassCommunication-NewDelhi 73

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22 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

23. IndianInstituteofForeignTrade,NewDelhi 74

24. InternationalStatisticalEducationCentre–Kolkata 76

25. NationalCrimeRecordsBureau-NewDelhi 77

26. NationalInstituteofTrainingforStandardization–Noida 79

27. NationalInstituteofTechnicalTeachersTrainingandResearch–Chennai 81

28. NationalUniversityofEducationalPlanningandAdministration-NewDelhi 83

29. RafiAhmedKidwaiNationalPostalAcademy,Ghaziabad 85

30. ResearchandInformationSystemforDevelopingCountries-NewDelhi 87

31. V.V.GiriNationalLabourInstitute–Noida 88

Technical Courses

32. CentralFertilizerQualityControlandTrainingInstitute–Faridabad 93

33. CentralInstituteofRuralElectrification–Hyderabad 94

34. CentralInstituteofToolDesign–Hyderabad 96

35. CentralScientificInstrumentsOrganization-NewDelhi 98

36. FluidControlResearchInstitute–Kerala 100

37. GeologicalSurveyofIndia-TrainingInstitute,Hyderabad 102

38. IndianInstituteofProductionManagement–Kansbahal,Orissa 103

39. IndianInstituteofRemoteSensing–Dehradun 105

40. IndianInstituteofTechnology–Roorkee,DepartmentofHydrology 106

41. IndianInstituteofTechnology–Roorkee,DepartmentofWaterResources

DevelopmentandManagement 107

42. NationalInstituteofPharmaceuticalEducationandResearch–SASNagar,Punjab 109

43. SouthIndiaTextileResearchAssociation–Coimbatore 110

Environment and Renewable Energy Courses

44. AlternateHydroEnergyCentre,IndianInstituteofTechnology,Roorkee 113

45. NationalInstituteofWindEnergy–Chennai 115

46. NationalInstituteofSolarEnergy–Gurgaon 116

47. TheEnergyandResourcesInstitute–NewDelhi 117

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Accounts, Audit, Banking and Finance Courses

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24 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 25

01. Institute of Government Accounts and Finance

BlockNo.IV,JNUOldCampus, NewDelhi-110067

+91-11-26184031,26166254& 26174184


[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. N. Satish KumarFacultyMemberTel. : +91-11-26717233Mobile: +91-9716956815

Head of the InstituteMs. Bharati DasTel. : +91-11-26184031Fax : +91-1-126105378E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course CoordinatorMr. N. Satish KumarTel : +91-11-26717233,

26105713,26166254,Extn : 222Fax : +91-11-26105378,

26102257E-Mail : [email protected]: +91-9716956815

Sl. No. Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To

1. Public Expenditure Management

3 10.11.2014 28.11.2014 30

2. GovernmentAccountsandFinancial Management

3 09.02.2015 27.02.2015 30

3. Public Expenditure Management

3 09.03.2015 27.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 2 and 3:Graduate,servingGovernmentofficer/official.EmployedinMinistryofFinance/relatedMinistriesofrespectivecountries.DealingwithAccounts,Finance,Budgetingandrelatedactivities.Middle/SeniorLevel(howeverexceptionscanbemadeforparticipants).ShouldhaveworkingknowledgeofEnglish.

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26 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

02. International Centre for Information Systems and Audit




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Rajesh ShenoyTel. : +91-120-2400050Mobile: +91-9400370478

Head of the InstituteMr. Roy MathraniDirectorGeneralTel : +91-120-2400046Fax : +91-120-2401430E-mail : [email protected]

: [email protected]: +91-9958433677

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Anindya DasguptaDirectorTel. : +91-120-2400057Fax : +91-120-2400041E-mail : [email protected]

: [email protected]: +91-9968695577

Sl. No Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To

1 AuditinginITEnvironment 4 04.08.2014 29.08.2014 30

2 Audit of Public SectorEnterprises

4 15.09.2014 10.10.2014 30

3 PerformanceAudit 4 20.10.2014 14.11.2014 30

4 Auditofe-Governance 4 24.11.2014 19.12.2014 30

5 AuditofSocialSectorSchemes 4 12.01.2015 06.02.2015 30

6 EnvironmentAudit 4 16.02.2015 13.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1-6:Middle toSenior levelAuditmanagers fromSupremeAudit Institutionsandothergovernmentdepartments,shouldhaveatleast5yearsexperienceinrespectiveSupremeAudit Institution and should have dealt with audits in the area forwhich they are beingnominated.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 27

03. National Institute of Bank Management

NIBMPostOffice, Khurd,Pune411048



[email protected]


24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Prof. Kalyan Swarup Tel : +91-20-26716000Mobile: +91-9923463300Mrs. Rosamma PeterProgrammeOfficer-II:Tel. : +91-20-26804866Mobile: +91-9422006967

Head of the InstituteShri Allen CA PereiraDirectorTel. : +91-20-26716000Fax : +91-20-26831447E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Prof. Kalyan SwarupProfessor&Dean-TrainingTel. : +91-20-26716000/

26716234Fax : +91-20-26834478E-mail : [email protected]

Sl. No. Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max.)From To

1. International Programme in BankingandFinance(Focus:RiskManagement)

2 14.07.2014 26.07.2014 30

2. InternationalProgrammeinAssetLiabilityManagementinBanksand Financial Institutions

2 06.10.2014 18.10.2014 30

3. International Programme in BankingandFinance (Focus:RiskManagement)

2 02.03.2015 14.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1-3:Graduatewith5yearsexperienceinBanking/FinanceMinistry/Corporate.

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28 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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IT, Telecommunication and English Courses

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30 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 31

04. Aptech Limited



[email protected]/ [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Kartik Dabral/Mr. Hanit VairagiMobile: Kartik+91-9958644460 Hanit+91-9873676676

Head of the Institute:Ms. Sonia NarulaVicePresidentTelefax: +91-11-24622761E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Kartik Dabral/Mr. Hanit VairagiProjectCoordinatorTelefax: +91-11-24658005E-mail : [email protected]/

[email protected]: Kartik:+91-9958644460



Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max) From To

1 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglishandITSkills

10 12.06.2014 20.08.2014 30

2 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglish Communication and WebDesigning

14 16.07.2014 21.10.2014 30

3 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglishandITSkills

10 22.08.2014 30.10.2014 30

4 CertificateofProficiencyinGraphicDesigningandEnglishCommunication

14 22.08.2014 27.11.2014 30

5 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglishandBusinessCommunication

10 19.09.2014 27.11.2014 30

6 CertificateofProficiencyinGraphicandWebDesigning

12 16.10.2014 07.01.2015 30

7 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglish Communication and WebDesigning

14 16.10.2014 21.01.2015 30

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32 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

8 CertificateofProficiencyinGraphicandWebDesigning

12 07.01.2015 31.03.2015 30

9 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglishandBusinessCommunication

10 14.01.2015 24.03.2015 30

10 CertificateofProficiencyinEnglishandITSkills

10 14.01.2015 24.03.2015 30

11 AdvancedCertificateinWebDesignandDevelopment

14 04.02.2015 12.05.2015 30

12 CertificateofProficiencyinGraphicDesigningandEnglishCommunication

14 04.02.2015 12.05.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1,3, 5, 9, 10:PriorknowledgeofBasicEnglishisessential.

Sl. No. 2, 4, 7, 12:PriorknowledgeofBasicEnglishisessential.Acreativebentofmindisessential.

Sl. No. 6 and 8:Priorknowledgeofcomputersandacreativebentofmindisessential.

Sl. No. 11 :Priorknowledgeofcomputersisessential.Inclinationtowardscreativityandknowledgeofaprogramminglanguagewillbeanadvantage.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 33

05. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (Mohali)




[email protected]

24 hours Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Pradeep MishraTel. : +91–17–25090910,Mobile: +91–9888413388E-mail : [email protected]

Head of the InstituteMr. D. K. JainDirectorTel : +91–172–2237050

: +91–172–5090911Fax : +91–172–2237050-51E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Ajay MudgilSr.EngineerFax : +91–17–22237050Mobile: +91–9417161072E-mail : [email protected]

Sl. No Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)


From To1 Coursein3DAnimation 8 14.07.2014 05.09.2014 30

2 Training Program on Information andNetworkSecurity

8 14.07.2014 05.09.2014 30

3 CourseonSpecialeffectsandvideo postproduction techniques

8 08.09.2014 31.10.2014 30

4 DiplomainLINUXforNetworkApplications

8 08.09.2014 31.10.2014 30

5 AdvancedCourseonHealthcareTechnologies(Bio-MedicalEquipment and Medical Informatics)

8 08.09.2014 31.10.2014 30

6 AdvancedCourseinComputerNetworksEngineeringandManagement

12 03.11.2014 23.01.2015 30

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34 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

7 AdvancedCourseinMultimediaandWebDesignTechnology

12 03.11.2014 23.01.2015 30

8 AdvancedcourseinTelemedicine and Medical Informatics

04 03.11.2014 28.11.2014 30

9 Advancedcourseinmanagementonoperation,repair and maintenance of cardiac,imagingandnuclearmedicine equipment

08 01.12.2014 23.01.2015 30

10 Advancedcourseinhealthcaretechnologymanagementandclinical engineering

04 26.01.2015 20.02.2015 30

11 AdvancedcourseinTelemedicine and Medical Informatics

04 23.02.2015 20.03.2015 30

12 TrainingProgramonNetworkIntegrationandSupport

12 23.03.2015 12.06.2015 30

13 AdvancedCourseinMultimediaandWebDesignTechnology

12 23.03.2015 12.06.2015 30

14 AdvancedDiplomainCADDEngineering

12 23.03.2015 12.06.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 and 6:TwelveyearsofSchoolingorGraduationwithworkingknowledgeofcomputers.

Sl. No. 2:GraduationwithknowledgeofWindowsOperatingSystempreferablyfamiliaritywithitsadministration.UnderstandingofNetworking,OSIModelandConceptsofprotocols.

Sl. No. 3,7and13:TwelveyearsofSchoolingorGraduateswithworkingknowledgeofcomputers,WorkingProfessionalwithknowledgeofcomputers.

Sl. No. 4 and 12:Graduateswithworkingknowledgeofcomputers,TwoyearsTechnicalCourseinElectronics/Telecommunication/Computers.

Sl. No. 5:Professionals(Electronics/Electrical/InstrumentationEngineer)orequivalentwithinterestinMedicalEquipment;HealthCareProfessionalsengagedinBioMedicalEquipmentMaintenance at hospitals and health centres; Diploma holders in Electronics/Electrical/Instrumentation or equivalent aspiring to become healthcare professionals; Junior or Middle levelofficershavingthepriorbasicknowledgeofElectronics.

Sl. No. 6: Graduate in Science (Electronics/Computer Science/Telecommunications/orequivalent)withsomeexperience/Graduateof IndustrialTraining Institute inanyof the

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 35


Sl. No. 8 and 11:HospitalAdministrators/ParamedicalStaff/Pharmacists/Graduate inMedicalsciencewithsomeworkingknowledgeofcomputersandHealth-careTechnologists.PreferablyfromGovernment/PublicHealthCareInstitutions/UniversitiesorotherAcademicInstitutions/HealthandTelecomMinistries.

Sl. No. 9: Professionals (Electronics/Electrical/Instrumentation engineer) or Diplomaholders in electronics/Electrical/Instrumentation or equivalent aspiring to become healthcare professionals/Hospital Administrators/Paramedical Staff/Doctors. Preferably fromGovernment/Public Health Care Institutions/Universities or other Academic Institutions/HealthMinistries.

Sl. No. 10:Professionals (Electronics/Electrical/Instrumentation/Bio-Medicalengineer)orDiplomaholders inElectronics/Electrical/Instrumentationorequivalentaspiring tobecomehealth care professionals/Hospital Administrators/Paramedical Staff. Preferably fromGovernment/Public Health Care Institutions/Universities or other Academic Institutions/HealthMinistries.

Sl. No. 14:Degree/Diploma inCivilMechanical,Architecture,workingprofessionals indesigning.

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36 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

06. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (Noida)




[email protected]

24 hours Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. V. K. Sharma,AssociateDirectorMr. Navneet Jain, PrincipalTechnicalOfficerTel. : +91–120–3063303,3063396Mobile: +91–9811900715/9811900728

Head of the Institute

Dr. B. K. MurthyExecutiveDirectorTel. : +91–120–3063300Fax :+91–120–3063317/3063374E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. V. K. SharmaAssociateDirectorTel. : +91–120–3063303Fax : +91–120–3063374E-mail : [email protected]: +91–9811900715


Name of the Course Duration (in Weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1 SpecializedProgrammeonGovernanceApplicationDevelopment

12 28.07.2014 17.10.2014 30

2 SpecializedProgrammeonWebApplicationDevelopmentusingOpenSourcetools

12 28.07.2014 17.10.2014 30

3 SpecializedProgrammeonReducingCyberCrimethroughKnowledgeExchangeandCapacityBuilding

8 27.10.2014 19.12.2014 30

4. SpecializedProgrammeonDesign,DevelopmentandImplementation of e-Learning Courses

8 27.10.2014 19.12.2014 30

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 37

5. SpecializedProgrammeonInternetWorkingDesignandLANWANAdministration

12 05.01.2015 27.03.2015 30

6. SpecializedProgrammeonApplicationDevelopmentusingGISandRemoteSensing

12 16.02.2015 08.05.2015 30

7. SpecializedProgrammeonWebApplication

8 30.03.2015 22.05.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6:2yearstechnicalcourseorgraduateinanystreamafter12yearsofschooling.Knowledgeofanyprogramminglanguageisdesirable.

Sl. No. 3:TwoyearsTechnicalcourseorGraduationwithknowledgeof- WindowsOperatingSystempreferablyfamiliaritywithitsadministrationthoughnotessential;understandingofNetworkingConcepts.

Sl. No. 7:GraduationinInformationTechnology

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38 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

07. Centre for Excellence in Telecom Technology and Management


DuringOfficerhours:+91-22-25714777 AfterOfficerHours:+9122-27715758


[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. K. G. Prithviraj SM (IT), CETTMTel. : +91-22-27715758Mobile: +91-9969005758

Head of the InstituteMr. S. P. RaiPrincipal General ManagerTel. : +91-22-24304646Fax : +91-22-24371441E-mail : [email protected] of the DepartmentMr. Shashank MalviyaGeneralManager(TRG-1)(Switching,Transmission,Wireless,IT&Management)Tel. : +91-22-25708010Fax : +91-22-25707060E-mail : [email protected] CoordinatorMr. K. G. PrithvirajSM(IT),CETTMTel. : +91-22-25714777 +91-22-25707098Fax : +91-22-25714644E-mail : [email protected]

Sl.No. Name of the Course Duration

(in Weeks)


From To1 DatabaseManagementand

Webprogramming8 14.07.2014 05.09.2014 24

2 BroadbandTechnologiesandFuture Trends

8 04.08.2014 26.09.2014 30

3 Mobile Technologies and Services

8 25.08.2014 17.10.2014 30

4 Telecom Management 8 08.09.2014 31.10.2014 30

5 OpticalFiberCable,Systemsand Modern Telecom Transport Technologies

8 22.09.2014 14.11.2014 30

6 DataCommunicationandIPTechnologies

8 06.10.2014 28.11.2014 24

7 OpenSourceEnterpriseSystemsinTelecom

8 13.10.2014 05.12.2014 24

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 39

8 MultiProtocolLabelSwitching(MPLS)Technologies

8 20.10.2014 12.12.2014 30

9 IntelligentNetwork,ValueAddedServicesandModernSwitchingtechnologies

8 12.01.2015 06.03.2015 30

10 InternetProtocolversion-6(IPv6)_ImplementationStrategyinTelecomNetworks

8 19.01.2015 13.03.2015 24

11 Mobile Technologies and Services

8 27.01.2015 20.03.2015 30

12 OpticalFiberCable,Systemsand Modern Telecom transport Technologies

8 02.02.2015 27.03.2015 30

13 NextGenerationNetworkTechnologies and Future Trends

8 16.02.2015 10.04.2015 30

14 BroadbandTechnologiesandFuture Trends

8 02.03.2015 24.04.2015 30

15 Telecom Management 8 16.03.2015 08.05.2015 30

16 MultiProtocolLabelSwitching(MPLS)Technologies

8 23.03.2015 15.05.2015 30

17 DataCommunicationandIPTechnologies

8 30.03.2015 22.05.2015 24

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16,:Degree/Diploma,Minimum1year’sworkingexperienceintherelevantfield.

Sl. No. 1: EngineeringDegree/Diploma.Minimum1year’sworkingexperienceinanyDatabaseManagementSystem/Webprogramming.

Sl. No. 6 and 17:EngineeringDegree/Diploma.Minimum1year’sworkingexperienceinDataNetwork.

Sl. No. 7: EngineeringDegree/Diploma.Minimum1yearsworkingexperienceinLinux/Unix.

Sl. No. 10: Degree/Diploma.Minimum1year’sworkingexperienceinmaintainingDataNetworks.

Sl. No. 14: Engineering Degree/Diploma. Minimum 1 year’s work experience withTelecom/InternetServiceprovider.

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40 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

08. CMC Ltd.

C-11,CommunityCentre (BehindJanakCinema) Janakpuri,NewDelhi-110058


+91-11-25624211 +91-9818119202

[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Kumud SethiTel. : +91-11-25619411,65515112Mobile: +91-9818119202

Head of the Institute:Mr. Kumud SethiSr.ManagerBusinessDevelopment–E&T(NR)Tel. : +91-11-65515112,25619411Fax : +91-11-25624211Mobile: +91-9818119202E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Shimul PaulCourse CoordinatorE-mail : [email protected]. : +91-11-64731373

Sl. No.

Name of the Coure Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1 CertificatecourseinAdvancedJAVATechnologywithFramework(Including“WebandAndroid”ApplicationandExposuretoSoftwareEngineeringandRDBMS)

12 12.05.2014 01.08.2014 30

2 CertificateCourseforProficiencyinBusinessCommunicationandLifeSkills(includingEssentialInternetskills)

8 09.06.2014 01.08.2014 30

3 CertificateCourseinEnglishFluencyandI.T.Skills

12 07.07.2014 26.09.2014 30

4 CertificateCourseinComputerHardwareandNetworking(IncludingA+,N+,CCNA,ITSecurityandExposuretoITILand Cloud Computing)

12 07.07.2014 26.09.2014 30

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 41

5 CertificateCourseinEnglishFluencyandI.T.Skills

12 11.08.2014 31.10.2014 30

6 CertificateCourseforProficiencyinBusinessCommunicationandLifeSkills(includingEssentialInternetskills)

8 08.09.2014 31.10.2014 30

7 CertificatecourseinLinuxAdministrationandRDBMS(Including Exposure to ITIL and Cloud Computing)

8 06.10.2014 28.11.2014 30

8 CertificateCourseinComputerHardwareandNetworking(IncludingA+,N+,CCNA,ITSecurityandExposuretoITILand Cloud Computing)

12 03.11.2014 23.01.2015 30

9 CertificateCourseinRDBMSandAdvancedWebTechnology(Including.NETFramework,MVVM,‘WCF,WPF,LINQ,WFandExposuretoSharePointServerandCloudComputing)

12 08.12.2014 27.02.2015 30

10 CertificateCourseinEnglishFluencyandI.T.Skills

12 27.01.2015 17.04.2015 30

11 CertificateCourseforProficiencyinBusinessCommunicationandLifeSkills(includingEssentialInternetskills)

8 23.02.2015 17.04.2015 30

12 CertificatecourseinLinuxAdministrationandRDBMS(Including Exposure to ITIL and Cloud Computing)

8 23.02.2015 17.04.2015 30

13 CertificateCourseinEnglishFluencyandI.T.Skills

12 16.03.2015 05.06.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1and9:Graduates(orequivalentdegree)holderswhohavebasicknowledgeofcomputers;preferablywithproficiencyofanyonecomputerprogramminglanguage.

Sl. No. 2, 6 and 11: Participants who look forward skills to enhance their Businesscommunicationandlifeskills(includingessentialInternetskills).

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42 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Sl. No. 3, 5, 10 and 13:Participantswholookforwardto‘read,writeandspeak’Englishfluently,usecomputers/ITeffectivelyatworkandwishtobereadyforaninternationalworkenvironment.

Sl. No. 4, 7, 8 and12 : GraduatesinScience/Math’sorequivalentdegreeandpreferablywithabasicknowledgeofcomputers.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 43

09. English and Foreign Languages University




[email protected] [email protected]

24hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Prof. Surabhi BharatiTel. : +91-40-27689458,27689445Mobile: +91-9676404243

Head of the Institute : Vice-ChancellorProf. Sunaina SinghVice-ChancellorTel. : +91-040-27098141Mobile: +91-9000501357Fax : +91-40-27070029E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Prof. Surabhi BharatiProfessorTel. : +91-40-27689445Mobile: +91-9676404243Fax : +91-40-27096554E-mail : [email protected]

Sl. No

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. ProgresstoProficiency– Basic

12 13.06.2014 04.09.2014 30

2. ProgresstoProficiency–Intermediate

12 13.06.2014 04.09.2014 30

3. ProgresstoProficiency–Advanced

12 13.06.2014 04.09.2014 30

4. ProgresstoProficiency– Basic

12 12.09.2014 04.12.2014 30

5. ProgresstoProficiency–Intermediate

12 12.09.2014 04.12.2014 30

6. ProgresstoProficiency–Advanced

12 12.09.2014 04.12.2014 30

7. Teacher Training - cum - English ProficiencyDevelopmentCourse

6 22.09.2014 31.10.2014 30

8. ProgresstoProficiency– Basic

12 06.01.2015 30.03.2015 30

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44 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

9. ProgresstoProficiency– Intermediate

12 06.01.2015 30.03.2015 30

10. ProgresstoProficiency–Advanced

12 06.01.2015 30.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 4 and 8:Professionals fromanyfieldareeligible toapply,candidatesmustbeabletounderstandandrespondtosimpleoralstatementsandquestionsofaneverydaynature.TheymustbeabletowritesimplesentencesinEnglish.

Sl. No. 2, 5 and 9:Professionalsfromanyfieldareeligibletoapply,candidatesmustbeabletolistento,read,writeandspeakEnglishforsocialpurposeswithamoderatedegreeoffluencyandaccuracy.

Sl. No. 3, 6 and 10:Professionalsfromanyfieldareeligibletoapply,candidatesmustbeabletouseEnglishfluentlyandaccuratelyforsocialpurposesandwithafairdegreeofaccuracyinwritingforofficialpurposes.

Sl. No. 7: School teachers of English, should have a moderate to adequate ability inreceptive(ListeningandReading)andproductive(SpeakingandWriting)skills.Atleasttwoyears’ofteachingEnglishatprimary/secondarylevel

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 45

10. NIIT Ltd



[email protected]

24 hours Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Neel Mani Tel. : +91–9013623779Mobile: +91–9810360448E-mail : [email protected]

Head of the Institute:Mr. Manish MohanBusinessUnitHeadTel. : +91–124–4917595E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Ravi MalhotraGovt.VerticalHeadTel.No.: +91–124–4917605E-mail : [email protected],

[email protected]: +91–9911234563

Sl. No.

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1. CertificateCourseinDatabaseAdministrationande-Commerce

8 04.07.2014 28.08.2014 30

2. CertificateCourseinSpokenEnglishandWebDevelopment

8 04.07.2014 28.08.2014 30

3. DiplomainAdvancedNetworking

12 03.09.2014 27.11.2014 30

4. DiplomainCommunicationEnglish,ITandNetworkingSkills

12 03.09.2014 27.11.2014 30

5. CertificateCourseinSpokenEnglishandMS-OfficeSkills

8 01.10.2014 25.11.2014 30

6. DiplomainCommunicationEnglish,ITandNetworkingSkills

8 01.10.2014 25.11.2014 30

7. CertificateCourseinSpokenEnglishandWebDevelopment

8 01.12.2014 24.01.2015 30

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46 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

8. ProficiencyinSpokenEnglish 8 01.12.2014 24.01.2015 30

9. DiplomainAdvancedNetworking

8 01.02.2015 28.03.2015 30

10. CertificateCourseinSpokenEnglishandMS-OfficeSkills

8 01.02.2015 28.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 :WorkingknowledgeofMicrosoft®WindowsasOperatingSystem.2/3yearsofworkexperience.

Sl. No. 2 and 7 :Shouldbeable toreadandwrite inEnglish languageandworkingknowledgeofMicrosoft®WindowsasOperatingSystem.2-3yearsofworkexperience.

Sl. No. 3 and 9 : WorkingknowledgeofMicrosoft®WindowsasOperatingSystem.3-4yearsofworkexperience.

Sl. No. 4, 5, 6 and 10 : ShouldbeabletoreadandwriteinEnglishlanguage,basicknowledgeofcomputerswillbeaddedadvantage.Minimum2-3yearsofworkingexperience.

Sl. No. 8 :BasicunderstandingwithEnglishandfamiliaritywiththeEnglishAlphabet.2-3yearsofworkingexperience.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 47

11. UTL Technologies Ltd.

19/6,AshokapuramSchoolRoad,IndustrialSuburb,Yeshwanthpur,Bangalore-560022, NearISCKONTemple

+91–8023472171/23472172 +91–8023572795

[email protected]

24 hours Emergency/AfterOffice/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. J. Srinivasa RajuTel. : +91–8023472171/23472172Mobile: +91–9980866166

Head of the InstituteMr. J. Srinivasa RajuTel. : +91–8023472171/23472172Fax : +91–8023572795E-mail : [email protected]: +91–9980866166

Manager ITEC ProgrammeMr. Vishwas M.Tel. : +91–8023472171/23472172Fax : +91–8023572795E-mail : [email protected]

@utltraining.comMobile: +91–9902966833

Sl. No.

Name of the Courses Duration (in Weeks)

Period Seats (Max)

From To

1 CertificateCourseinNetworking (A+,N+,MCSE2012,CCNA,Exposure to ITIL)

12 30-06-2014 20-09-2014 30

2 CertificateCourseinOpticalNetworking

8 30-06-2014 23-08-2014 30

3 CertificateCourseinAdvancedMobile Communication Technologies

10 25-08-2014 01-11-2014 30

4 CertificateCourseinNetworkSecurity

10 22-09-2014 29-11-2014 30

5 CertificateCourseinCiscoEnterpriseNetworking

12 24-09-2014 13-12-2014 30

6 CertificateCourseinOpticalNetworking

8 29-10-2014 20-12-2014 30

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48 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

7 CertificateCourseinNetworking(A+,N+,MCSE2012,CCNA,Exposure to ITIL)

12 26-11-2014 14-02-2015 30

8 CertificateCourseinCiscoEnterpriseNetworking

12 05-01-2015 28-03-2015 30

9 CertificateCourseinAdvancedMobile Communication Technologies

10 05-01-2015 14-03-2015 30

10 CertificateCourseinLinuxAdministration

8 11-02-2015 04-04-2015 30

11 CertificateCourseinNetworkSecurity

10 16-03-2015 23-05-2015 30

12 CertificateCourseinWirelessNetworkAdministration

10 30-03-2015 06-06-2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No., 1, 5, 7, 8, 10 : Graduates/Engineers/DiplomaholderswithpriorknowledgeinComputerNetworking

Sl. No 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 : Graduates/Engineers/Diploma holders in electronics/electrical/communications/telecomorequivalentwithpriortelecomknowledge

Sl. No. 4 and 11:Graduates/Engineers/DiplomaholderswithpriorWorkExperienceinNetworking.

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Management Courses

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50 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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12. Administrative Staff College of India




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. V. V. V. S. MurthyTel. : +91–40–66533088,66533000Mobile: +91–9989829201

Head of the Institute:Dr. Siripurapu K RaoDirectorGeneralTelNo.: +91–40–66534223/4251FaxNo.: +91–40–23321401E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr Lakshmi BDeanofManagementProgrammesTel. : +91–40–66533080Fax : +91–40–23312199E-mail : [email protected]: +91–8897508701

Sl.No. Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To1. General Management


4 07.07.2014 01.08.2014 25

2 LeadershipDevelopmentforEnhancedPublicServiceDelivery

2 06.10.2014 17.10.2014 30

3. Leadership Engagement andDevelopment–LEAD

2 20.10.2014 31.10.2014 25

4. General Management ProgrammeforSeniorExecutives:Session–124

4 05.01.2015 30.01.2015 25

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 and 4: SeniorExecutivesholdingExecutives/Managementpositions in theirrespectiveorganizations.

Sl. No. 2: Senior Civil Servants, holding Executives/Management positions in theirrespectiveorganizations.Mustbeintheagegroupof25–45years.

Sl. No. 3: A Post Graduates/Graduates, Mid-level executives managing teams withexperienceof05yearsandabove,Agelimitshouldnotexceed35+.

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52 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

13. National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development



+91–11–277843467,27783468,27787211, EPABX–27787214-18

[email protected]

Head of the Institute:Mr. Pawan AgarwalAdvisor,PlanningCommissionActingDirectorGeneralTel. : +91–11–23096631E-MAIL: [email protected]

Dr. Purna Chandra ParidaDirector&Head(E&T)Tel. : +91–11–27783468Mobile: +91–9818622985E-mail : [email protected]

Mrs. Renu LalJointDirectorCoordinator,Master’sDegreeinHRP&DTel. : +91–11–27787212Fax : +91–11–27783467,27787211E-mail : [email protected]: +91–9891689000

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.

Mrs. Gayatri PandeyJointDirector,CoordinatorPGDinHRP&DTel. :+91–27787212Fax :+91–27783467,27787211E-mail : [email protected]:+91– 9968375368

Mr. A. K. MathurDeputyDirector,Coordinator(ITP)Mobile:+91–9717830379E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Shachi JoshiDeputyDirectorCoordinator,DiplomaCourseinM&EMobile:+91–9212376275E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Chaitali RoyAssistantDirector&Warden(Hostel)Mobile:+91–9250881749E-mail : [email protected]


Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1 International Training ProgrammeinHumanResourcePlanningandDevelopment

8 03.07.2014 27.08.2014 25

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 53

2 International Training Programme in Manpower Research

8 08.09.2014 29.10.2014 25

3 International Training ProgrammeonGlobalHumanResourceManagement

6 07.11.2014 18.12.2014 25

4 DiplomainMonitoringandEvaluation

12 11.11.2014 02.02.2015 25

5 International Training Programme in Manpower InformationSystem

8 05.01.2015 02.03.2015 25

6 Master’sDegreeinHumanResourcePlanningandDevelopment

52 01.02.2015 31.01.2016 30

7 PostGraduateDiplomaCourseinHumanResourcePlanningandDevelopment

24 03.03.2015 18.08.2015 25

8 International Training ProgrammeonHumanCapabilities

4 11.03.2015 11.04.2015 25

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1-8:Bachelor’sdegreeoritsequivalentwithminimumof2yearsworkexperience.

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54 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

14. International Management Institute

B–10,QutabInstitutionalArea, TaraCrescent,NewDelhi–110016

91-11-47194100 (30 lines) 91-11-47194200 (30 lines)


[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/AfterOffice/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Sunil Singh/Mr. Vishnu PrasadTel. : 91-11-47194202,91-11-47194114Mobile: +91-9560466478,9810947613

Head of the InstituteDr. Pritam SinghDirectorGeneralTel. : 91-11-46012731,47194187,Fax : 91-46012729E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Faculty Coordinator:Mr. Aseem KumarAVP(MDP)Tel. : 91-11-47194130(D) 91-11-47194100/200Extn : 130Fax : 91-11-46012729E-mail : [email protected]

Sl. No

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)

From To

1 CertificateCourseinStrategicManagement for Emerging Markets

4 03.08.2014 30.08.2014 30

2 CertificateCourseinCorporate Governance and Excellence in Management of Public Enterprises

4 03.09.2014 30.09.2014 30

3 CertificateCourseinExcellenceinPublicServicesthroughMarketOrientation

4 27.10.2014 22.11.2014 30

4 CertificateCourseinOperationManagement

11 03.11.2014 16.01.2015 30

5 CertificateCourseinPerformance Management

2 05.01.2015 17.01.2015 30

6 CertificateCourseinGeneralManagement

6 22.01.2015 05.03.2015 30

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 55

7 Executive Post Graduate DiplomainManagement

52 in India(plus12weeksprojectin


30.03.2015 29.03.2016 15

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:Graduationinanydisciplinewith5yearsworkexperience.

Sl. No. 2 and 7 :Post–degreewith5yearsormorefull-timeexperience

Sl. No.3 : The candidates should be from any department/ministry or public sectorundertaking,withatleast4-5yearsofworkexperience

Sl. No. 4: Graduates(preferablyinengineeringscience)withpost–degree3yearsworkexperience

Sl. No. 5 :Graduationinanydisciplinewith5yearsofworkexperienceinasupervisoryposition.

Sl. No. 6 :PostGraduatedegreewith2yearsworkexperience

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56 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

15. Indian Institute of Management- Ahmedabad




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Sajan JosephManagerPGPXMobile: +91–9825096229

Head of the InstituteProf. Ashish Nanda DirectorHeadofProgramme

Prof. Anurag K. Agarwal ChairpersonPGPXTel. : +91–79–66324916Fax : +91–79–66324447E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Sajan JosephManagerPGPXTel. : +91–7966324449Fax : +91–7966324447Mobile: +91–9825096229E-mail : [email protected]


Name of the Course Duration(in week)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1. 1yrPostGraduateProgrammein Management for Executives (PGPX)

48 06.04.2015 11.03.2016 05

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 :AvalidGMATscore (test takenbetweenApril1,2011 toAugust10,2014).Graduationinanydiscipline;minimumageof27yearsason31stMarch2015.

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SME/Rural Development Courses

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58 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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16. Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. K. K. Soni ChiefAdministrativeOfficer(Adm,PerandEstate)In-chargeTel. : +91-79-23969151,23969158,

23969161,23969163Mobile: +91-9925016850Res. : +91-79-26753818

Head of the InstituteDr. Dinesh AwasthiDirectorTel. : +91-79-23969157Fax : +91-79-23969160E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC CoordinatorMs. Lalitha KrishnanManager (Planning)Tel. : +9179-23969158/161/163Fax : +91-79-23969160/23969164E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9974694496


Name of the Course Duration(in Weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1 PostGraduateDiplomainManagement-BusinessEntrepreneurship(PGDM-BE)onlyforstudentsofEDCsofCambodia,LaosandMyanmar

104 30.06.2014 30.04.2016 10

2 SMEBankingandFinancialServices

8 25.08.2014 17.10.2014 30

3 CapitalMarketsandInvestmentBanking

6 08.09.2014 17.10.2014 30

4 EntrepreneurshipandSmallBusinessPromotion

6 08.09.2014 17.10.2014 30

5 BusinessResearchMethodologyandDataAnalysis

8 29.10.2014 20.12.2014 30

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60 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

6 InformalSectorEnterprise,Entrepreneurship and Local EconomicDevelopment

8 29.10.2014 20.12.2014 30

7 Industrial,InfrastructureandSustainableProjectPreparationandAppraisal

8 29.10.2014 20.12.2014 30

8 Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship through Incubation

6 05.01.2015 13.02.2015 30

9 ClusterDevelopmentExecutives(CDEs)Programme

6 05.01.2015 13.02.2015 30

10 Agri-EntrepreneurshipandSupplyChainManagement

6 05.01.2015 13.02.2015 30

11 Entrepreneurial Management 6 23.02.2015 03.04.2015 30

12 EmpoweringWomenthroughEntrepreneurshipDevelopment

6 23.02.2015 03.04.2015 30

13 Entrepreneurship Education to StrengthenEmergingEconomies

6 23.02.2015 03.04.2015 30

14 SustainableLivelihoodsandMainstreamingwithMarket

8 23.02.2015 17.04.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1: GraduateandabovewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish.

Sl. No. 3 :AdegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish,Minimum3yearsof experience of those involved in SME promotion and policy formulation in FinancialIntermediaries

Sl. No. 2,7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13:AdegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish.3-4yearsofexperience.

Sl. No. 4:AdegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish,Minimum3yearsof experience of those involved in small business promotion in the government and non-governmentsector.

Sl. No. 5 :Diploma/DegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglishwithminimumof3-5yearsexperience.

Sl. No. 6:AdegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish,Minimum2yearsof experience as Senior andmiddle level professionals associatedwith Business/IndustryAssociations;FundingAgenciesfocusingonInformalSector/Entrepreneurship;CivilSocietyOrganizations/NGOs,Professionalsinvolvedinmanagingdevelopmentprojects;Government

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 61


Sl. No. 11:AdegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish,minimum3yearsof experience as Policy-makers, Business Owners, Managers, Executives and WorkingProfessionals.

Sl. No. 14 :AdegreeinanydisciplinewithbasicknowledgeofEnglish.Minimum2yearsofexperienceasseniorandmiddlelevelprofessionalsassociatedwithGovernmentandNon-Governmentorganizations/Departments,Funding,Researchorganizations,BusinessSchools,Universityteachingstaff.

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62 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

17. National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development




[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Mukesh Kumar GuptaAdministrativeOfficerMobile: +91-9810569166Mr. Sunil TanejaProgramme CoordinatorMobile: +91-9871675533

Head of the InstituteMr. Arun Kumar JhaDirectorGeneralTel. : +91-120-4017001,4017009Fax : +91-120-2403057/62E-Mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. Rishi Raj SinghDirectorTrainingUEPA&TrainingOfficerTel. : +91-120-4017743Fax : +91-120-2403062E-Mail : [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Mobile: +91-9818658897


Name of the Course Duration(in Weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. InternationalMarketingandGlobal Competitiveness (IMGC)

6 01.07.2014 08.08.2014 30

2. RuralEnterpriseManagement(REM)

6 01.07.2014 08.08.2014 30

3. Gender,DevelopmentandPlanning(GDP)

8 04.08.2014 26.09.2014 30

4. HumanResourceDevelopmentand Entrepreneurship Education Training(HRD-EE)

8 04.08.2014 26.09.2014 30

5. ProjectManagementTrainingandCertification(PMTC)

5 25.08.2014 26.09.2014 30

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 63

6. PortfolioManagement:RiskandtheBehaviourofInvestors(PMRBI)

5 25.08.2014 26.09.2014 30

7. SmallBusinessPlanningandPromotion(SBPP)

8 29.09.2014 21.11.2014 30

8. TrainersTrainingonSelfHelpGroupFormation,GrowthandSustenance(TT-SHGFGS)

8 29.09.2014 21.11.2014 30

9. Trainers Training on Entrepreneurship and Promotion of Income GenerationActivities(TT-EPIGA)

8 01.12.2014 23.01.2015 30

10. WomenandEnterpriseDevelopment(WED)–ATrainers/PromotersProgramme

8 01.12.2014 23.01.2015 30

11. Innovative Leadership for OrganizationGrowthandExcellence(ILOGE)

8 27.01.2015 22.03.2015 30

12. EntrepreneurshipforSmallBusinessTrainers/Promoters(ESB-TP)

8 27.01.2015 22.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1-5:Seniorofficials,directors,executives,consultantsengagedinentrepreneurshipeducation,humanresourcedevelopment,management,selfemploymentandsmallbusinessdevelopmentworking in government, non-government organizations, universities, businessorganizations,banksetc.AdequateknowledgeofEnglishisnecessary.

Sl. No. 6,8 & 9:Businessadvisors/consultants/entrepreneursandofficialsofconsultancyinstitutions, government departments/ministries, development agencies, consultants ofNGOs/voluntaryagenciesandtrainersfromtheareasofmarketing,humanresources,qualityassurance,IT/software,manufacturing,etc.AdequateknowledgeofEnglishisnecessary.

Sl. No. 7: Officials in government departments, small business corporations, planningdepartment, financial institutions, commercial banks, research institutions, trainers ofentrepreneurshiptraininginstitutionsandindustrial/smallbusinessdevelopmentorganizations.AdequateknowledgeofEnglishisnecessary.

Sl. No. 10: Senior executives/directors/officials/trainers/researchers of organizations/institutionsworking for development ofwomen, developmental organizations andwomenentrepreneurs’associationsengagedinassistingwomeninthecreationanddevelopmentofsmallbusinessventures.AdequateknowledgeofEnglishisnecessary.

Sl. No. 11 & 12: Trainers/faculties, consultants working in government departmentscorporations, financial institutions, including banks, training organizations, consultants/orvoluntaryorganizationsengagedinpromotingentrepreneurshipandsmallbusinessdevelopment.

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64 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

18. National Institute for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises


+91-040-23633499,23608544, 23608546,23608317


[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. N Murali KishoreAsst.RegistrarTel. : +91–40–23608544-46 Ext260&217Mobile: +91-9391032238E-mail : [email protected]

Head of the InstituteProf. M. Chandrasekhar ReddyDirectorGeneralTel. : +91–40–23608577Fax : +91–40–23608547,23541260E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course CoordinatorDr. N. SrilakshmiRegistrarTel. : +91–40-23608544,23608546 Ext258Fax : +91–40–23608956Mobile: +91–9391010382E-mail : [email protected]

Sl. No

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max.)

From To

1 CommunicationSkillsinEnglishandPromotionofMicro,SmallandMediumEnterprises(EPMSMEs)

12 04.08.2014 24.10.2014 30

2 CommunicationSkillsinEnglishandTourismandHospitalityManagement(ETHM)

12 04.08.2014 24.10.2014 30

3 CapacityBuildingforprovidingAlternativeLivelihoodOpportunitiesforPoor(CBALO)

8 01.09.2014 24.10.2014 30

4 EnterpriseDevelopmentthroughMicroFinance(EDMF)

8 01.09.2014 24.10.2014 30

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 65

5 ManagementRuralHousingandHabitationProjects

4 03.09.2014 30.09.2014 25

6 EmpowermentofWomenthroughEnterprises(EWE)

8 10.11.2014 02.01.2015 30

7 InnovativeStrategiesforSMEDevelopment(ISSD)

8 10.11.2014 02.01.2015 30

8 TrainingMethodsandSkillsforManagers(TMSM)

8 10.11.2014 02.01.2015 30

9 SMEFinancing–ApproachesandStrategies(SMEFAS)

8 10.11.2014 02.01.2015 30

10 TotalQualityManagementandISO9001:2008/14001/22000/27001andSixSigma(TQM)

8 10.11.2014 02.01.2015 30

11 Planning and Promotion of AgroandFoodEnterprises(PAFE)

8 19.01.2015 13.03.2015 30

12 Promotion of Micro Enterprises (POME)

8 19.01.2015 13.03.2015 30

13 Training of Trainers in EntrepreneurshipandSkillDevelopment(ToT-ESD)

8 19.01.2015 13.03.2015 30

14 IntellectualPropertyRights(IPRs)andImplicationsforSMEs(IPRIS)

8 19.01.2015 13.03.2015 30

15. TourismandHospitalityManagement(THM)

8 19.01.2015 13.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 to 15 :Graduationwith3yearsworkexperienceOrDiplomawith5yearsexperienceOrCertificatewith7yearsworkexperience.

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66 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

19. National Institute of Rural Development


24hrs Emergency/AfterOffice/Holidays Contact Nos.AssistantRegistrar(E)Mobile: +91-9848011004E-mail : [email protected]

Shri K C Behara PublicRelationOfficerMobile: +91-9848521043Transportarrangements:Mobile: +91-9848781141,9848781142

Head of the InstituteDr. M V Rao, IASDirectorGeneralTel. : +91-40-24008430E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr R P AchariAssociateProfessor(Research&TrainingDivision)NIRDFax : +91-40-24008439,24008526,

24016500E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9848992619


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. ManagementofRuralDrinkingWaterandSanitationProjects

4 01.07.2014 28.07.2014 25

2. Planning and Management of RuralDevelopmentProgrammes

4 01.07.2014 28.07.2014 25

3. CommunityBasedDisasterManagement

4 04.08.2014 31.08.2014 25

4. ManagementofRuralEmploymentProjectsforPovertyAlleviation

4 04.08.2014 31.08.2014 25

5. TrainingMethodologyforDevelopmentProfessionals

4 03.09.2014 30.09.2014 25

6. ManagementRuralHousingandHabitationProjects

4 03.09.2014 30.09.2014 25

7. Geo-informaticsApplicationsinRuralDevelopmentforSharingInnovative andBestPractices

12 01.10.2014 23.12.2014 25

8. Good Governance and ManagementofRuralDevelopmentProgrammes

4 01.10.2014 28.10.2014 25

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 67

9. ParticipatoryRuralDevelopment 4 05.11.2014 02.12.2014 2510. CommunityDrivenRural

Development6 03.11.2014 12.12.2014 25

11. EmpowermentofWomenforRuralDevelopment

4 05.01.2015 01.02.2015 25

12. SustainableAgriculturalStrategiesforRuralDevelopment

4 05.01.2015 01.02.2015 25

13. ParticipatoryPlanningforPovertyReductionandSustainableDevelopment

4 02.03.2015 29.03.2015 25

14. ManagementofRuralCreditforPovertyAlleviation

4 02.03.2015 29.03.2015 25

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1: Graduationintherelevantfield.MiddleandSeniorlevelofficialsofDepartmentsandBoardsofRuralDrinkingWaterandSanitation;PublicHealthEngineering(PHE);RuralDevelopment;HealthandFamilyWelfare,NGOsandotherrelevantdepartments.

Sl. No. 2:Graduation,OfficialsandNGOrepresentativeswhohaveexperienceinthefieldofRuralDevelopmentandplanning.

Sl. No. 3:MinimumofBachelorsDegreeeitherinScienceorArts,middlelevelofficerswithspecialfocusonDisasterManagement.

Sl. No. 4:GraduationorPostGraduationinrelevantfield(SocialSciencesetc).Atleast8yearsexperienceindevelopmentsector.

Sl. No. 5: Middle level or senior level government officials from Agriculture, Forestry,Water Resources, Disaster Authority, Health, Animal Husbandry, Scientists from ResearchOrganizations,RuralandorUrbanDevelopment.

Sl. No. 6: GraduateinCivilEngineering/Ruraldevelopment/RuralInfrastructure.RelevantexperienceinRuralHousing/RuralDevelopment.PreferablySeniorandMiddlelevelOfficialsofRuralDevelopment,RuralHousing,StateHousingBoards/Corporations,etc.

Sl. No. 7:Graduationinanydisciplinewithworkingknowledgeincomputers,.Developmentfunctionaries directly concerned with planning and implementation of Projects andProgrammes for rural development viz. SectoralActivities like Education,Health, Forestry,Agriculture,Engineering,Roads,Infrastructure,ICT,Irrigation,etc.

Sl. No. 8: Bachelors orMasters degree with 2 years of experience.Working in RuralDevelopment area preferably Ministry of rural development/local government/publicadministrationwing/planning/programmeimplementation/goodgovernancewing.

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68 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Sl. No. 9: Post graduation in social sciences and agricultural studies, at least 8 yearsexperienceindevelopmentsector,officialspreferablyworkinginalldevelopmentdepartmentsdealingwithruraldevelopment,employment,health,education,sanitationetcorProfessionalsrepresentingreputedNGOs.

Sl. No. 10: Graduationwithgood communication skillswithminimum5yearsofworkexperience in social and development sector. Preferablymiddle and senior level officialsworking inRuraldevelopment,Communitydevelopment,Education,AgricultureandTribaldevelopment.

Sl. No. 11:Graduation in social/natural scienceswithat least05yearsexperience inpublic/privatesectorconnectedtoruraldevelopment.

Sl. No. 12:Graduation in Science orArts.Middle level officerswith special focus onagricultureandalliedsectors.

Sl. No. 13:Graduate,officialsandNGOrepresentativeswhohaveexperienceinthefieldofRuralDevelopmentandplanning.

Sl. No. 14:Graduation in Social Scienceswith2 years ofwork experience. PreferablyworkinginCreditinstitutions,BanksorCommunityDevelopmentOrganizationslookingafterlivelihoods.

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Specialized Courses

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70 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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20. Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training (BPST)




[email protected]

[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. Seema Kaul SinghJointDirectorTel. : +91-11-23035593,Mobile: +91-9818152789

Head of the Institute:Mr. P. SreedharanSecretary-General,LokSabhaTel. : +91-11-23017465,23034255Fax : +91-11-23017465E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mrs. Alpana TripathiAdditionalDirectorTel. : +91-11-23034656Fax : +91-11-23015293E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9999695879


Name of the Course Duration(in week)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1 ParliamentaryInternshipProgramme (PIP)

4 10.11.2014 09.12.2014 30

2 International Training Programme in Legislative Drafting(LD)

4 12.02.2015 13.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria:

Sl. No. 1: Senior Parliamentary Official, should be well-versed in English-written andspoken;ofsoundhealth;mustbeseniorparliamentaryofficial

Sl. No. 2: Senior Parliamentary/Govt.Official,must be LawGraduate, shouldbewell-versedinEnglish-writtenandspokenwithsoundhealth.

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72 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

21. Human Settlement Management Institute

HUDCOHouse,LodhiRoad, NewDelhi-110003



[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Rajiv SharmaFellow,HSMI,Mobile: +91-9868315379

Head of the Institute:Mr. A. N. KrishnamurthyExecutiveDirector(Training)Tel. : +91-11-24308677Fax: : +91-11-24365292E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Rajiv SharmaFellow,CentreforProjectDevelopmentandManagement,HSMI/HUDCOTel. : +91-11-24308638Fax : +91-11-24365292E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9868315379


Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. Planning and Management of UrbanServices

6 19.01.2015 27.02.2015 25

Eligibility Criteria:

Sl. No. 1: Engineers,Architects,TownPlanners,UrbanDesigners,CommunityDevelopmentProfessionals, HealthWorkers, Sociologists, Legal Experts and Elected representatives ofUrbanLocalBodies.Atleast10yearsofworkexperience.Seniorofficialsoftheurbanlocalbodieswillbeencouragedtoparticipateinthecourse.

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22. Indian Institute of Mass Communication

ArunaAsafAliMarg, NewDelhi–110067

+91-11-26741268,26742920,26742940,26742960, +91-9999882948


[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. Anand PradhanAssociateProfessorTel. : +91-11-26742482Mobile: +91-11-9818305418

Head of the Institute:Shri Sunit TandonDirector-GeneralTel. : +91-11-26742492-OfficeFax : +91-11-26741532E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:

Prof. Vijay ParmarCourseDirectorTel. : +91-11-26742168-OfficeFax : +91-11-26742472-OfficeE-mail : [email protected]: +91-9810328113


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)

From To

1. DiplomaCourseinDevelopmentJournalismforNon-alignedandotherDevelopingCountries

17 01.08.2014 30.11.2014 25

2. DiplomaCourseinDevelopmentJournalismforNon-alignedandotherDevelopingCountries

17 02.01.2015 30.04.2015 25

Eligibility Criteria:

Sl No. 1 and 2 :Graduationinanydisciplinewithminimumfiveyearsexperienceinmediawith ability to comprehend, converse andwrite in English.Mid-careerworking journalistGovernmentemployeeandmediaacademics.Below45yearsonthedateofapplication.

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74 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

23. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

B-21,QutabInstitutionalArea, NewDelhi110016



Head of the InstituteMr. Abhijit DasHead&ProfessorCentreforWTOStudiesTel. : +91-11-26533254Fax : +91-11-26960893E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course CoordinatorMr. Mukesh BhatnagarProfessorTel. : +91-11-26512152Fax : +91-11-26512152E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9868511771


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1. SpecializedCourseonWTOIssues for Geneva based officialsofWTOMissions

1 12.05.2014 16.05.2014 25

2. SpecializedWTOcourseonAnti-dumping,Subsidies,Safeguards,DisputeSettlementandRTAs

2 14.07.2014 23.07.2014 25

3. SpecializedAdvancedTrainingProgrammeonCurrentWTO

2 04.08.2014 13.08.2014 25

4. SpecializedTrainingProgrammeonSelectWTOIssues:Agriculture,Services,TRIPSandRTAs

2 12.01.2015 21.01.2015 25

5. Mid-career training course for MyanmargovernmentofficialsonWTOanditsimplications

2 09.02.2015 20.02.2015 15

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:Nominimumeducationalqualification isprescribed.Thecourse isaimed forGenevabasedofficialsworkinginMissionsofITECcountries.

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Sl. No. 2, 3 and 4:Graduation.Preferablyformiddle/seniorgovernmentofficialsworkingin the Trade or CommerceMinistries in developing and least developed country, with aspecificinterestandknowledgeintheidentifiedareas.

Sl. No. 5 :Nominimumeducationalqualificationisprescribed.Thecourseisaimedformid-careertrainingformiddle/seniorgovernmentofficialsofMyanmar.

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76 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

24. International Statistical Education Centre




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Prof. Premananda BharatiWarden,ISECHostelTel. : +91-33-25753210Mobile: +91-9830261859

Mr. Subrata Ghosh ProgrammeCoordinator,ISECTel. : +91-25752522

Head of the Institute:Dr. Prasanta Pathak MemberSecretaryBoardofDirectorsTel. : +91-33-2575-2520/2521/

2522Fax : +91-33-25781834E-Mail : [email protected], [email protected]: +91-9433138268

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Subrata GhoshTel. : +91-33-25752521/2522/2520Fax : +91-33-25781834E-Mail : [email protected]

Sl. No.

Name of the Course Duration (in week)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. ISECRegularCourse–68th Term 43 01.08.2014 31.05.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria :

Sl. No. 1:GraduatewiththeabilitytofollowclassroominstructionsinEnglish;musthavetheknowledgeofMathematicsuptoGCE(O-Level);GovernmentofficialsworkinginStatistics,Finance,ForeignTrade,Banking,etc.havingstatisticalwork,desirableexperienceof2yearsstatisticalwork.

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25. National Crime Records Bureau

EastBlock-7,Sector-1,RKPuram, NewDelhi-110066



[email protected], [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. Pawan Bhardwaj JAD(Training)Tel. : +91-11-26101767Mobile: +91-8800897906,9313498559

Head of the Institute:Mr. Shafi Alam, IPSDirectorGeneralTel. : +91-11-26104648Fax : +91-11-26186576E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. Pawan BhardwajJointAssistantDirector(Training)Tel. : +91-11-26101767Fax : +91-11-26180347E-mail : [email protected]: +91-8800897906


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1 AdvancedprogrammeinComputerNetworkingandSecurity

6 14.07.2014 22.08.2014 30

2 AdvancedFingerprintScience 6 14.07.2014 22.08.2014 30

3 I.T.inLawEnforcement 6 13.10.2014 21.11.2014 30

4 AdvancedFingerprintScience 6 13.10.2014 21.11.2014 30

5 AdvancedCourseonI.T.inLaw Enforcement

12 05.01.2015 27.03.2015 30

6 AdvancedFingerprintScienceandI.T.

12 05.01.2015 27.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 3 & 5 : PreferablyGraduates; Knowledge ofComputerOperation,MiddleleveldecisionmakingLawEnforcementofficerswithatleast6yearsofserviceinInformationTechnologyfield.Theyshouldbeabletospeak,readandwriteEnglish.


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78 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Sl. No. 2, 4 and 6:PreferablyGraduates;WorkingknowledgeofFingerprintAnalysis,MiddleleveldecisionmakingofficersengagedinFingerprintIdentificationactivitieswithatleast5yearsofservice.Theyshouldbeabletoread,writeandspeakEnglish.

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26. National Institute of Training for Standardization


+91-120-2402201-04, +91-120-4670219–222,226, 232,255


[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Jayanta Roy Chowdhury & Mr. Anuj Bhatnagar Mobile: +91-9810561450,9811865305

Head of the Institute:Mr. Jayanta Roy ChowdhuryScientist’F’&Head(NITS)Tel. : +91-120-4670232Fax : +91-120-4670232E-mail : [email protected],[email protected]: +91-9810561450

ITEC Course Coordinators:Mr. Deepak Aggarwal Scientist‘D’(ForManagementSystems)Tel. : +91-120-4670229Fax : +91-120-4670227E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9643587968

Mrs. Priti BhatnagarScientist‘E’(forStandardization&QualityAssurance)Tel. : +91-120-4670218Fax : +91-120-2402202,03E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9425603660

Mr. Anuj BhatnagarScientist‘E’(forLaboratoryQMS)Tel. : +91-120-4670255Fax : +91-120-2402202,03E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9811865305


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seat(Max)From To

1. International Training Programme on Management Systems(ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO22000,ISO27000,ISO17025,OHSAS18001,etc.)

4 01.09.2014 26.09.2014 30

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80 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

2. International Training ProgrammeonStandardizationandQualityAssurance

8 13.10.2014 05.12.2014 30

3. International Training ProgrammeonLaboratoryQualityManagementSystems

3 02.02.2015 20.02.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria :

Sl. No.s 1, 2 and 3 :Post-GraduatesinanydisciplineorGraduatesinengineeringortechnology with professional experience in the field of Standardization/Quality Control/QualityAssurance/Environment/FoodSafety/OccupationalHealthandSafetyetc.

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27. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research




[email protected],[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. T. Jagathrakshakan Professor&Headi/c,CentreforInternationalAffairsTel. : +91-44-22545447/22545406Mobile: +91-9790895361

Head of the Institute:Dr. S. MohanDirectorTel. : +91-44-22542334Fax : +91-44-22541126E-Mail : [email protected]

ITECCourseCoordinator:Dr. T. JagathrakshakanProfessorandHeadi/c,(CIA)Tel : +91-44-22545447Fax : +91-44-22541126E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9790895361


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1 AdvancedCertificateCourseonModernLibraryPracticesManagement

8 30.07.2014 23.09.2014 20

2 CertificateCourseonWomenEmpowerment through TechnicalandVocationEducation

8 30.07.2014 23.09.2014 20

3 AdvancedCertificateCourseonCurriculumDesignandInstructional Materials Development

8 01.10.2014 25.11.2014 20

4 AdvancedCertificateCourseonSpatialInformationTechnologyforUrbanPlanningand Management

8 27.10.2014 19.12.2014 20

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82 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

5 AdvancedCertificateCourseonSustainableDevelopmentand Environmental Management

8 03.12.2014 27.01.2015 20

6 AdvancedCertificateonDevelopingTechnicalEducationtomeettheGlobalNeeds

8 03.12.2014 27.01.2015 20

7 AdvanceCertificateCourseonWaterQualityAnalysis:LaboratoryPractices

8 04.02.2015 31.03.2015 20

8 AdvanceCertificatecourse on Information and CommunicationTechnologyinEducation and Training

8 04.02.2015 31.03.2015 20

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:DegreeordiplomainLibraryandInformationScienceorequivalent.Minimumtwoyearsexperienceinteaching/administrationofaLibraryandproficiencyinEnglish.

Sl No. 2:DegreeorDiploma inEngineering/Technology/Science/Humanitiesor inanyvocationalfield.

Sl No. 3:DegreeorDiplomainEngineering/Technologyoranyvocationalfield.

Sl. No. 4:AnyDiploma/Degree/Post-graduationinScienceorEngineeringorSocialScienceor Management. Minimum Three years of experience in Teaching/Training/Research/Consultancy/Administration/PolicyPlanninginColleges,Universities,ResearchLaboratories,Industries,CompaniesandTrainingOrganizations

Sl. No. 5 and 7:DegreeinEngineering/Technology/Scienceorinanyvocationalfield.

Sl. No. 6:DegreeinEducation/Engineering/Science/Technology/Managementandgoodproficiencyinspoken,writtenandcomprehensiveEnglish.

Sl. No. 8: Degree/Diploma in IT/Computer Science/Information and CommunicationTechnology/NetworkTechnology/InternetSecurityTechnology/NetworkSecurity.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 83

28. National University of Educational Planning and Administration

17-B,SriAurobindoMarg, NewDelhi-110016



[email protected]

Head of the Institute:Prof. R. GovindaVice-ChancellorTel. : +91-11-26515472,26853038Fax : +91-11-26853041,26865180E-Mail : [email protected], [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Prof. Najma AkhtarProgrammeDirectorTel.No.EPABX : +91-11-26544800,26544839FaxNo: +91-11-26853041,26865180E-Mail: [email protected],

[email protected]

Mobile: +91-9899675104 24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. B. K. PandaSeniorProgrammeCoordinatorAssociateProfessorTel : +91-11-26544863Mobile: +91-98-10698297E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Mona SedwalProgramme CoordinatorEPBX : +91-11-26544871Mobile: +91-9811912566E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]


Name of the Course

Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. International DiplomainEducational Planning and Administration(IDEPA-XXXI)

12weeksin India



(Phase II from 01.05.2015to

31.07.2015in home country)






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84 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Eligibility Criteria

Educationofficersworkingatthenational,provincial,districtorinstitutionallevelareeligiblefor admission to the programme. The heads of educational institutions (school, college),regionalanddistricteducationdepartments, functionariesworking in theuniversity systemteacher-trainingcolleges.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 85

29. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy

KamlaNehruNagar,Ghaziabad-201002 India



[email protected]

Head of the Institute : DirectorMr. John SamuelDirectorTel. : 91-120-2789060Fax : 91-120-2789503E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9899089500

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. V. RajarajanAdditionalDirectorTel. : 91-120-2789061Fax : 91-120-2789679E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9717671255

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. K. L. Pillai Asstt.DirectorTel. : +91-120-2789508,8800821339


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1 LeadershipDevelopmentProgramme for Top Management of Postal Administration

2 17.11.2014 28.11.2014 30

2 International Mail Management forPostalOfficershandlingMailOperationsatMiddleManagement Level

2 08.12.2014 19.12.2014 30

3 QualityManagementinPostalServicesforManagersandPostmasters

2 08.12.2014 19.12.2014 30

4 AdvancedPostalManagementProgramme for Middle Management

2 05.01.2015 17.01.2015 30

5 International Executive DevelopmentProgrammeforPostmasters and Managers

2 16.03.2015 27.03.2015 30

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86 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1: Graduate with Minimum 7 years of service as Postal Officer at MiddleManagementLevel/Postmastermanagingthepostalservices

Sl. No. 2. : Graduate with Minimum 7 years of service as Postal Officers at middleManagementLevel,Managershandlinginternationalmailoperations/mailaccounting.

Sl. No.3.:GraduatewithMinimum5yearsofserviceasManagers/PostmastersofForeignPostalAdministration

Sl. No.4:GraduatewithMinimum7yearsofserviceasPostalOfficeratMiddleManagementLevel/Postmastermanagingthepostalservices.

Sl. No. 5:GraduatewithMinimum7yearsofserviceasPostmastersofaMediumorlargePostOffice/ManagerinchargeofaRegion/ManagerworkinginAdministrativeOffice

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30. Research and Information System for Developing Countries

CoreIVB,4thFloor,IndiaHabitatCentre,LodhiRoad, NewDelhi-110003



[email protected]

Head of the Institute:Dr Sachin ChaturvediDirectorGeneralTel. : +91-11-24682176Fax : +91-11-24682175E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr Ram Upendra DasSeniorFellowTel. : +91-11-24682177-80Fax : +91-11-24682173-74E-mail : [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.:Shri Mahesh C. Arora Director(FinanceandAdministration)Tel. : +91-11-24682177-80Ext.147Mobile: +91-7827499097


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. International Economic Issues andDevelopmentPolicy[IEIDP]

4 16.02.2015 13.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:Governmentofficials,diplomats,academiciansandjournalistsfromdevelopingcountries.HoldingMastersdegreewith2yearsexperiencerelatingtointernationaleconomicissues

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88 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

31. V.V. Giri National Labour Institute




[email protected]

Head of the Institute:Mr. P.P. MitraDirectorGeneralTel. : +91-120-2411470Fax : +91-12-02411474E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. J.K. KaulProgrammeOfficerTel/Fax: +91-120-2411471E-mail : [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. V. K. SharmaAsstt.AdministrativeOfficerTel. : +91-120-2411533/Ext.219Mobile: +91-9213102817


Name of Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1 International Training ProgrammeonSkillDevelopmentandEmploymentGeneration

3 11.08.2014 29.08.2014 30

2 International Training Programme on Gender Issues in Labour

3 08.09.2014 26.09.2014 30

3 International Training Programme on Leadership Development

3 13.10.2014 31.10.2014 30

4 International Training Programme on Labour and EmploymentRelationsinaGlobalEconomy

3 10.11.2014 28.11.2014 30

5 International Training Programme on Managing DevelopmentandSocialSecurityMeasures

3 01.12.2014 19.12.2014 30

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 89

6 International Training ProgrammeonResearchMethodsinLabourStudies

3 09.02.2015 27.02.2015 30

7 International Training ProgrammeonHealthProtectionandSecurity

3 09.03.2015 27.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1: Graduate;Govt.Officialsinvolvedwithimplementationofvocationaleducationand skill training programmes, trainers and instructors, research institutes, organizations/institutionsinvolvedinimpartingvocationaleducationandtraining;withminimumtwoyearsofwork/researchexperience in thefieldofvocationaleducationand trainingand labourmarketissues.

Sl. No. 2:Graduate;OfficialsfromGovernmentDepartments,Institutions,Representativesfrom Employee/Employers’ Organisations, Officials from industrial and Service Sector/NGOsetc.;MinimumtwoyearsofworkexperienceindealingwithGenderIssues

Sl. No. 3 and 5: Graduate; Officials from Government Departments, Institutions,RepresentativesfromEmployee/Employers’organisations,Officialsfromindustrialandservicesectorandotherofficials connectedwithAdministrativeWorketc.Minimum twoyearsofworkexperienceintheconcernedfield.

Sl. No. 4:Graduate,SeniorandMiddleLevelFunctionariesfromGovernment,Employers’Associations,TradeUnionsandInstitutionsinvolvedwithlabourandsocialpolicyParticipantsmust also have a working knowledge of English; Minimum two years of work/researchexperienceinthefieldoflabourandrelatedissues.

Sl. No. 6: Graduate; Researchers from Universities/Colleges/Research Institutions andProfessionals inGovernmentOrganizations Pursuing/intending to pursue their interests inLabourResearchandPolicywillformtheexpectedgroupofparticipants,MinimumtwoyearsofworkexperienceinthefieldofLabourresearch.

Sl. No. 7:GraduatewithSocialScienceBackground,SeniorandmiddlelevelfunctionariesfromGovernment,TradeUnions,Employers’organizationsandIndustrieswhoareworkingonhealthissues.Minimumtwoyearsofwork/researchexperienceintheconcernedfield.

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90 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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Technical Courses

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92 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 93

32. Central Fertilizer Quality Control and Training Institute

N.H.IV,Faridabad-121001 (Haryana)



[email protected]


24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. K.K. Dhingra/Mr. S.B. MeenaTel. : +91-129-2414712(O),2423779(R)Mobile: +91-9899267363,9871085610

Head of the Institute:Mr. K.K. DhingraDirectorTel. : +91-129-2414712,2418282,

2418484Fax : +91-129-2414712E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9899267363

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. S. B. MeenaDy.DirectorTel. : +91-129-2414712,2418282, 2418484Fax : +91-129-2414712E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9871085610


Name of the Course Duration (in week)

Period Seats (Max)

From To1 Training Programme on

FertilizerQualityControl 5 12.11.2014 16.12.2014 20

Eligibility Criteria


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94 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

33. Central Institute of Rural Electrification

Shivrampally, NearAramgharXRoad,NPAPost,Hyderabad-500052



[email protected],[email protected],

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. R. Mohd. NafiChief ManagerTel. : +91-402-4017252 +91-4042300286(Hostel)(R)Mobile: +91-9441296670

Head of the Institute:Mr. G. ShankerAdditionalDirectorTel. : +91-402-4015901Fax : +91-402-4015896E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. R. Mohd. NafiChief ManagerTel. : +91-402-4015897(O)

+91-42300286(R)Fax : +91-402-4015896E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]: +91-9441296670


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1 SolarPowerGeneration– Grid enabling

4 04.08.2014 29.08.2014 25

2 Financial Management and AccountingSystems(includingIFRS)ofPowerCompanies

8 04.08.2014 26.09.2014 25

3 Design,Erection,Operation,Maintenance and Protection of EHVSubstations

4 08.09.2014 03.10.2014 25

4 Planning and Management of Power Transmission and DistributionSystem

8 27.10.2014 19.12.2014 25

5 Planning,AppraisalandFinancial Management of PowerProjects

8 27.10.2014 19.12.2014 25

6 BestPracticesinPowerDistribution

5 29.12.2014 30.01.2015 25

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 95

7 Management of Power Utilities usingICT/AutomatedSolutions

5 29.12.2014 30.01.2015 25

8 DecentralizedDistributedGenerationandRuralPowerDistributionManagement

8 02.02.2015 27.03.2015 25

9 TrendsandDevelopmentsinElectric Power Generation

8 02.02.2015 27.03.2015 25

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 3 and 9:Diploma/DegreeinEngineering.ShouldbeworkinginPower/EnergyDepartments ofMinistries, Electrical EngineeringDepartment of Universities, Engineers ofPowerUtilities/Companies,etc.

Sl. No. 2:Diploma/Degree in Finance/Accounts. Shouldbeworking in Power/EnergyDepartmentsofMinistries,ElectricalEngineeringDepartmentofUniversities,EngineersofPowerUtilities/Companies,etc.

Sl. No. 4 and 6: Diploma/Degree in Electrical Engineering. Should be working inPower/EnergyDepartmentsofMinistries,ElectricalEngineeringDepartmentofUniversities,EngineersofPowerUtilities/Companies,etc.

Sl. No. 5:Diploma/Degree inEngineering/Finance/Economics. Shouldbeworking inPower/EnergyDepartmentsofMinistries,ElectricalEngineeringDepartmentofUniversities,ElectricalEngineersofPowerUtilities,etc.

Sl. No. 7:Diploma/DegreeinEngineering/ComputerSciences/IT/MISrelated.ShouldbeworkinginPower/EnergyDepartmentsofMinistries,ElectricalEngineeringDepartmentofUniversities,ElectricalEngineersofPowerUtilities,etc.

Sl. No. 8:DegreeinanyDiscipline.ShouldbeworkinginPowerSector/EnergyrelatedOrganizations.Power/EnergyDepartmentsofMinistries,ElectricalEngineeringDepartmentofUniversities,ElectricalEngineersofPowerUtilitiesetc.

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96 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

34. Central Institute of Tool Design

MSME-ToolRoom,HyderabadCentralInstituteofToolDesign (AGovt.ofIndiaSociety–MinistryofMSME)A-1toA-8,APIE,BalanagarHyderabad–500037



[email protected], [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. K. N. Reddy/ Mrs. M.M. Suhasini/ Shri S. AnjaneyuluTel. : +91-40-23771959, 23776156,23774536Mobile: +91-9912569575,9030155765


Head of the Institute:Shri Shujayat KhanPrincipalDirectorTel. : +91-40-23774536(O) +91-40-23771853(R)Fax : +91-40-23772658E-Mail : [email protected]: +91-9959148618

ITEC Course Coordinator:Shri V. Udaya Bhaskara ReddyTel. : +91-40-23776156Fax : +91-40-23772658E-Mail : [email protected]: +91-9949846777


Name of the Course Duration(in Weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To


10 10.06.2014 16.08.2014 20

2 VeryLargeScaleIntegration(VLSI)Design 10 10.06.2014 16.08.2014 20

3 DesignofJigsandFixturesbyusingPro-ESoftware 10 19.08.2014 25.10.2014 20

4 Programmable Logic Controllers forAdvancedAutomation 10 19.08.2014 25.10.2014 20


10 04.11.2014 10.01.2015 20

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 97

6 CNCProgrammingUsingMasterCamSoftware 10 04.11.2014 10.01.2015 20

7AnalysisusingAnsysandHypermeshSoftware 10 20.01.2015 28.03.2015 20

8 Mechatronics and its Applications 10 20.01.2015 28.03.2015 20

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 5, 6 & 7:DegreeorDiplomainMechanicalEngineeringoritsequivalentwithexperienceintherelevantfield.

Sl. No. 2:DegreeinElectrical/Electronics/InstrumentationEngineeringoritsequivalentwithexperienceintherelevantfield.

Sl. No. 3:Degree/DiplomainMechanicalEngineeringoritsequivalentwithanaptitudeforDesignandDevelopmentofJigsandFixturesfromindustryandacademiclines,fortheirenhancementoftheseskills.

Sl. No. 4 & 8: Degree or Diploma in Mechanical/Production/Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation/AutomobileEngineeringoritsequivalentwithexperienceintherelevantfield.

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98 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

35. Central Scientific Instruments Organization


CSIRComplex,2ndFloor, OppositeInstituteofHotelManagement,Pusa, NewDelhi-110012



[email protected] [email protected]

Head of the Institute:Mr. A.D. KaulDirectorTel. : +91–11–25843794 +91–11–25843191Fax : +91–11–25846290E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Ms. Shashi MoitraSr.TechnicalOfficerTel. : +91–11–25843794 +91–11–25843191Fax : +91–11–25846290Mobile: +91–9810612117E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.

Ms. Shashi MoitraSr.TechnicalOfficerTel. : +91-11-25705556E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]: +91-9810612117

Mr. D. BansalSr.Scientist&In-chargeTel. : +91-11-28744621E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]: +91-9868482342


Name of the Course Duration(in Weeks)

Period Seats(Max)

From To1 ManagementDevelopment


6 13.08.2014 23.09.2014 25

2 ManagementDevelopmentProgrammeonOperation,MaintenanceandRepairofBiomedicalEquipment

8 10.09.2014 04.11.2014 25

3 ManagementDevelopmentProgrammeonOperation,MaintenanceandRepairofAnalyticalEquipment

8 10.12.2014 03.02.2015 25

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 99

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 : A Graduate/Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/Instrumentation Engineeringor A Post Graduate/Graduate in EnergyManagement and Experience in maintenance/management of electrical systems. Or A Practiced Industrial/Estate Engineer havingexperience/responsibilityofMaintainingElectricalSupply/DistributionSystems.

Sl. No. 2 : A Diploma in Electronics/Electrical/Instrumentation/Biomedical Engineeringor A Post Graduate/Graduate in Physics with Electronics/Biomedical and Experience inMaintenanceofBiomedicalEquipmentorAMedicalDoctorhavingexperience/responsibilityofMaintenanceManagementofBiomedicalEquipment.

Sl. No. 3 : ADiplomainElectronics/Electrical/Instrumentation/BiomedicalEngineering/LabTechnicianorAPostGraduate/GraduateinPhysics/Chemistry/Bio-chemistry/PharmacyandExperienceinMaintenanceofAnalyticalEquipmentorAMedicalDoctor/Biochemist/Forensic Scientist/Agricultural Research Scientist and Technologist having experience/responsibilityofMaintenancemanagementofAnalyticalequipment.

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100 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

36. Fluid Control Research Institute




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. K. I. RaphaelHead(P&A)&Admn.Co-ordinator(Trg.)Tel. : +91-491-2566120,2566596(R)Mobile: +91-9847024119

Head of the InstituteDr. Jacob ChandapillaiDirectorTel. : +91-491-2566119Fax : +91-491-2566326E-mail : [email protected]

[email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. K.I. RaphaelTel. : +91-491-2566206,2567992Fax : +91-491-2566326E-mail : [email protected],

[email protected]: +91-9847024119

Sl. No.

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)

From To

1 Oil,WaterandGasFlow Measurement and Control TechniquesandStandards

12 01.08.2014 31.10.2014 25

2 DigitalLibraryPracticesandInformationTechnologyApplicationforAdvancedKnowledgeManagement

6 20.11.2014 05.01.2015 25

3 Instrumentation and Control and DataAcquisitionSystem


15.01.2015 15.03.2015 25

4 QualitySystemCertification(ISO9001)andSixSigmaPracticesforOrganisations/Laboratories(TestingandCalibration)

8 03.02.2015 31.03.2015 25

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 101

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1, 3 and 4:Diploma/Engg.inMechanical,Electronics,Instrumentation,Chem/Electrical/IndustrialEngg./workinginOilandGasindustry,processindustriesandrelatedfields.

Sl. No. 2 :WorkingprofessionalswithGraduationinanydiscipline.

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102 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

37. Geological Survey of India- Training Institute

GSIComplex,Bandlaguda, NearNagole,Hyderabad–500068



[email protected] [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. B. NageswaranDirector(Tech.Coord)Tel. : +91-40-24225004Fax : +91-40-24225029E-mail : [email protected]: +91-8374000702

Head of the Institute:Dr. N.R. RameshAdditionalDirectorGeneralTel. : +91-40-24225001Mobile: +91-8332931954Fax : +91-40-24225029E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. B. NageswaranDirector(Tech.Coord)Tel. : +91-40-24225004Fax : +91-40-24225029E-mail : [email protected]: +91-8374000702

Mr. M. N. MishraSr. GeologistTel. : +91-40-24225004Fax : +91-40-24225029E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9618228021

Sl. No

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)

From To

1 RemoteSensingandDigitalImage Processing

4 30.10.2014 28.11.2014 15

2. RemoteSensingandDigitalImage Processing

4 02.02.2015 03.03.2015 15

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 :Graduation inanysubject inEarthsciencesorrelated technicalcoursesandworking knowledge in computerswithWindowsOSandMSoffice.Work experience inrespectivefield.

Sl. No. 2 :Graduationinanysubject inEarthsciencesorrelated technicalcoursesandworking knowledge in computers withWindows OS and MS office. Knowledge in anydrawingsoftwareisadvantageous.Workexperienceintheirrespectivefields.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 103

38. Indian Institute of Production Management

AT/PO:Kansbahal,NearRourkelaDistt.–Sundargarh Odisha,Pin–770034



[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact DetailsMr. Sachidananda Swar(Training Coordinator)Tel. : +91-6624–280576,Mobile: +91-8895496459E-mail : [email protected],

[email protected]

Head of the InstituteProf. (Dr.) Niranjan NayakDirectorTel. : +91-6624–280322/

+91-9437046576Fax : +91-6624–280122E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course CoordinatorMr. B. K. SahaniTrainingOfficerTel. : +91-6624–280576Fax : +91-6624–280122E-mail : [email protected],

[email protected]: +91-9438144634

Sl.No. Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To1 International Training Program

onAdvanceMaintenanceEngineering through Condition Monitoring

10 04.08.2014 10.10.2014 20

2 International Training Program on Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation

10 15.10.2014 19.12.2014 20

3 International Training Program onElectricalPowerSystemMaintenance

10 15.10.2014 19.12.2014 20

4 International Management DevelopmentProgramme

10 05.01.2015 13.03.2015 20

5 International Training Program onBankingandInsurance

10 05.01.2015 13.03.2015 20

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104 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:Degree/DiplomainElectrical/MechanicalEngineeringwithupto5-10yearsofexperiencerespectivelyinindustriesinmaintenancerelatedactivities.

Sl. No. 2: Degree/DiplomaholdersinElectrical/Electronics/EEE/ControlandInstrumentationEngineeringwitharound5-10yearsofexperienceinanyPrivate/Public/GovernmentSectorsinthefieldofcontrol,automation,maintenanceetc.

Sl. No. 3:Degree/DiplomaholdersinElectricalEngineering/ElectronicsEngineering/EEE/CandIwithupto5–10yearsIndustrialExperienceinthefieldofOperation,Maintenance,ControlandProtectioninPowerPlantorSubstationinanyPrivate/Public/Governmentsectors.

Sl. No. 4:AnyGraduate/PostGraduateinEngineering,Technology,Science/Arts/Commerceupto5-10yearsofexperienceinanyfunctionalareainanyCorporate,NGO,Public/Private/GovernmentOrganizationsandthosewhoarerecentlypromotedtomanagementpositionswillfindtheprogramveryuseful.

Sl. No. 5:AnyGraduate/PostGraduateinEngineering/Science/Arts/Commercehavingexperienceupto5-10yearsinanyofthefunctionalareasinanyFinancialOrganizations,Corporate,BankingandInsuranceCompanies,NBFCs,MicroFinance/InsuranceCompanies,NGOsinvolvedinfinancialactivitieswillfindtheprogramveryuseful.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 105

39. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing




[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact DetailsMs. Minakshi KumarCourseDirector,ITECTel. : +91-135-2524118(O)Mobile: +91-9410394497Mr. P. UnnikrishnanAdmn.OfficerTel. : +91-135-2524338(O)Fax : +91-135-2748041Mobile: +91-9400417349

Head of the Institute :Dr. Y.V.N. Krishna MurthyDirector,IIRSTel. :+911352744583Fax :+911352741987/2748041Email :[email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Ms. Minakshi KumarScientist/Engineer,CourseDirector,ITECTel. : +91-135-2524118(O)Fax : +91-135-2741987/2748041E-mail : [email protected]: +91-9410394497

Administrative Support:Mr. P. UnnikrishnanAdmn.OfficerTel. : +91-135-2524107/2746798(O)Fax : +91-135-2741987Mobile: +91-9400417349E-mail : [email protected]


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1. ShortCourseon Geo-informatics 8 22.09.2014 14.11.2014 20

2. ShortCourseonRemoteSensingwithspecialemphasisonDigitalImageProcessing

8 05.01.2015 27.02.2015 20

Eligibility Criteria

Sl No.1: Post Graduate degree in natural sciences or geographic, graduate in anyengineeringdiscipline,orgraduateinnaturalsciencesorgeographywithsufficientknowledgeofmathematics/statistics at high school level with 2 years experience relevant to naturalscience/management/datamaphandling.

Sl No. 2: PostGraduatedegreeinnaturalsciences,graduateinanyengineeringdiscipline,or graduate in natural sciences or geographywith sufficient knowledge ofmathematics/statisticsathighschoollevelwith2yearsexperiencerelevanttonaturalscience/management/data maphandling.

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106 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

40. Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee (Department of Hydrology)




24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. M. PerumalTel. : +91-1332-285817(O),285011(R)Mobile: +91-9410130958

Head of the InstituteProf. Pradipta BanerjiDirectorTel. : +91-1332-285500Fax : +91-1332-285815E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. M. PerumalProfessor&HeadTel. : +91-1332-285817,285236(O)Fax : +91-1332-285236,273560Mobile: +91-9410130958E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)

From To

1. P.G.Diploma(Hydrology) 52 19.07.2014 19.07.2015 20

2. M.Tech(Hydrology) 104 19.07.2014 19.07.2016 20

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 and 2: Bachelor’s degree in Civil/Agriculture/Mechanical Engineering/Hydrology or its equivalent qualification. orMasters degree in Physics/Geology/AppliedGeology/Chemistry/Applied Geophysics/Meteorology/Geography/Atmospheric Physics/EnvironmentalSciencewithMathematicsinB.Sc.Level,orMaster’sdegreeinStatisticswithPhysics orMathematics in B.Sc. level orMaster’s degree inMathematicswith Physics inB.Sc. Level;Minimum60%marks required inqualifyingdegree,withMinimum twoyearsexperiencetillthelastdateofsubmissionofapplication.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 107

41. Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee (Deptt. of Water Resources Development and Management)

DepartmentofWaterResourcesDevelopment&Management, IndianInstituteofTechnology Roorkee–247667,Uttrakhand



[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] wrt/index.htm

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. Deepak KhareProfessor&HeadTel. : +91-1332-285251,285951Mobile: +91-9412990808

Head of the Institute:Prof. Pradipta BanerjiDirectorTel. : +91-1332-285500/272342Fax : +91-1332-285815/273560E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. Deepak KhareProf.&Head,WRD&MDDepartmentTel. : +91-1332-285251,285951Fax : +91-1332-271073,273560E-mail : [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

Mobile: +91-9412990808


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1. M.Tech(WaterResourcesDevelopment) 104 15.07.2014 14.07.2016 30

2. M.Tech(IrrigationWaterManagement) 104 15.07.2014 14.07.2016 20

3. P.G.Diploma(WaterResourcesDevelopment) 52 15.07.2014 14.07.2015 30

4. P.G.Diploma(IrrigationWaterManagement) 52 15.07.2014 14.07.2015 20

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108 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 and 3 :Bachelor’sDegreeinCivil/Electrical/Mechanical/ElectronicsandTele-CommunicationEngineeringor itsequivalent.Minimum60%marksorCGPA6.00on10pointscale.Minimum2yearsexperienceinresponsiblecapacityinrelevantfieldMinimum60%marksorequivalentgradeisrequired.PreferablyofficersworkinginWaterResourcesandEnergyandPowerDepartments.

Sl. No. 2 and 4 :Bachelor’sDegree inCivilEngineeringor itsequivalent/AgriculturalEngineering or its equivalent or M. Sc. Agriculture in Agronomy, Soil Science, Agro-meteorologywithMathematicsasoneof thepaperat the levelofB.Sc./B.Sc.Agriculture.Minimum60%marksorCGPA6.00on10pointscalemarksorequivalentgradeisrequired.Minimum2 years experience in responsible capacity in relevant field. Preferably officersworkinginWaterResourcesandAgricultureDepartments.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 109

42. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

Sector-67,S.A.S.Nagar,Mohali, Punjab–160062



[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. Sanjay Jachak Tel. : +91–172–2292037Mobile: +91–9888235595

Head of the Institute:Prof. K.K. BhutaniDirectorTel. : +91–172–2214682-88Fax : +91–172–2214692E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr Sanjay Jachak AssociateProfessorTel. : +91–172–2292037Fax : +91–172–2230068E-mail : [email protected]: +91–9888235595

Sl.No Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To

1 PharmaceuticalQualitybyDesign:ARiskBasedApproach

2 24.11.2014 04.12.2014 25

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:BachelordegreeinpharmacyorequivalentorMaster’sdegreeinPharmacywith5yearsexperienceintherelevantfield.

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110 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

43. South India Textile Research Association




E-mail:[email protected] [email protected];

[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. K. Sajjan Rao, TrainingAdministratorTel. : +91–422–2316082Mobile: +91–9443911131

Head of the Institute:Dr. Prakash VasudevanDirectorTel. : +91–422–4215333,2574367-9Fax : +91–422–4215300,2574186E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. K. Sajjan RaoTrainingAdministratorTel. : +91–422–4215337,2574367-9Fax : +91–422–4215300,2574186E-mail : [email protected]: +91–9443911131

Sl. No

Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats (Max.)From To

1 Textile Mill Management 9 03.10.2014 03.12.2014 25

2 TextileTestingandQualityControl

9 03.10.2014 03.12.2014 25

3 ManagerialSkillsforHRMpersonnel in textileindustry

9 03.10.2014 03.12.2014 25

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1: Diploma/degree in Textiles, around 5 years experience in Textile or alliedindustriesinseniorlevel.

Sl. No. 2: Diploma/degreeinTextiles/Science,atleast2yearsexperienceinlaboratoriesoftextilesoralliedindustries.

Sl. No. 3: Degree/Diploma in management and allied disciplines, around 5 yearsexperienceinTextileoralliedindustriesinHRDpositions.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 111

Environment and Renewable Energy Courses

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112 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 113

44. Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee)




E-mail:[email protected]; [email protected],

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Dr. R. P. Saini, Head,AHECTel. : +91–1332–274254,285213Mobile: +91–9412071956Mr. Neel Mani Tel. : +91–9013623779Mobile: +91–9810360448E-mail : [email protected]

Head of the Institute:Prof P. Banerjee,DirectorTel. : +91–1332–285500,272742Fax : +91–1332–285815E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. R.P. Saini, HeadAlternateHydroEnergyCentreTel. : +91–1332–274254,285213Fax : +91–13322–73517,273560E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]: +91–9412071956

Sl. No.

Name of the Course Duration (in weeks)

Period Seats (Max)From To

1. M.TechinAlternateHydroEnergySystems

104 15.07.2014 14.07.2016 10

2. M.Tech.EnvironmentalManagementofRiversandLakes

104 15.07.2014 14.07.2016 05

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1:Candidateshaving60%marksorCGPAof6.00outof10atbachelordegreein Civil/Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Industrial/Chemical/Agricultural/EnvironmentalEngineering/itsequivalent/MasterinScienceinanysubjectwithmathematicsatgraduationlevelwithtwoyearsofprofessionalexperience.

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114 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

Sl. No. 2:Candidateshaving60%marksorCGPAof6.00outof10atbachelorsdegreeinCivil/Electrical/Mechanical/Industrial/Chemical/Agricultural/Environmental Engineering/Architecture/planning/Biotechnology/equivalent,orMaster inScience inanysubjectwithmathematicsatgraduationlevelwithtwoyearsofprofessionalexperience.

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Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015 115

45. National Institute of Wind Energy

SurveyNo.657/1A2, Velachery–TambaramMainRoadPallikaranai,Chennai-600100.



[email protected],

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. P. Kanagavel(i/c),Services(ITCS)Unit,C-WETTel. : +91–44–22475259Mobile: +91–9444116305

Head of the Institute:Dr. S. GomathinayagamExecutiveDirectorTel. : +91–44–22463981Fax : +91–44–22463980E-mail : [email protected]

ITECCourseCoordinatorMr. P. KanagavelScientist&UnitChief(i/c),ITCSUnitTel. : +91–44–22463994Fax : +91–44–22463980/85E-mail : [email protected]: +91–9445798007


Name of the Course Duration(in weeks)

Period Seats(Max)From To

1. 14th International Training ProgrammeonWindTurbineTechnologyandApplications

4 03.09.2014 30.09.2014 30

2. 15th International Training ProgrammeonWindTurbineTechnologyandApplications

4 04.02.2015 03.03.2015 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 & 2:Degree inScience/Diploma/Engineeringdisciplineswith knowledgeofEnglish;relevantexperienceinWindEnergypreferred.

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116 Civilian Training Programme 2014-2015

46. National Institute of Solar Energy

19thMileStone,Gurgaon-FaridabadRoad,GwalPahari Distt.:Gurgaon,Haryana-1221001


+91–124–2579 207

[email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. S. S. BediTel. : +91–124–2579210,2579205Mobile: +91–9560889489

Head of the InstituteDr. Praveen SaxenaDirectorGeneral-NISEandAdviser-MNRETel. : +91–124–2579208Telefax: +91–124–2579207Mobile: +91–9871119101E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Dr. P.C. PantDirector/Scientist‘E’(HRDandInnovativeProjectDivision)-MNRETel. : +91–11–24365496/ +91–124–2579214Fax : +91–11–24365496/

+91–124–2579 207Mobile: +91–9891721533E-mail : [email protected]

Sl.No. Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To1. International Training


3 01.09.2014 19.09.2014 30

2. International Training ProgrammeonSolarEnergyTechnologiesandApplications

3 10.11.2014 28.11.2014 30

Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1 and 2 :PostGraduateinScience(preferablyphysics)orBachelorinEngineering/TechnologywithknowledgeinEnglish;relevantexperienceinrenewableenergydesirable.

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47. The Energy and Resources Institute

DarbariSethBlock,IHCComplex,LodhiRoad,NewDelhi–110003 India



[email protected] [email protected]

24 hrs Emergency/After Office/Holidays Contact Nos.Mr. Suresh Kumar DevAssistantManagerTel. : +91–11–2579320/9326Mobile: +91–9953332547

Head of the InstituteDr. R.K. PachauriDirectorGeneralTel. : +91–11–24682100,24682111Fax : +91–11–24682144,24682145E-mail : [email protected]

ITEC Course Coordinator:Mr. Krishna DwivediAssociateFellowMr. Anandajit GoswamiFellowTel. : +91–11–24682100,24682111Fax : +91–11–24682144/24682145E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]: +91–9654749605,


Sl. No. Name of the Course Duration

(in weeks)Period Seats

(Max)From To

1. EnergyAccessandHumanDevelopment 3 06.10.2014 24.10.2014 30

2. Climatic Change and Sustainability 3 27.10.2014 14.11.2014 30

3. TradeandSustainableDevelopment 3 17.11.2014 05.12.2014 30

4. ApplicationsofBiotechnologyand its regulation 3 08.12.2014 26.12.2014 30

5. EnergyandWaterUseEfficiency 3 12.01.2015 30.01.2015 306. RenewableEnergyandEnergy

Efficiency 3 16.02.2015 06.03.2015 30

7. NaturalResourceSecurities:Governance,ChallengesandOpportunities

3 09.03.2015 27.03.2015 30

8. IntegratedApproachtowardsSustainableDevelopment 3 30.03.2015 17.04.2015 30

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Eligibility Criteria

Sl. No. 1: Bachelors degree in technology or science with 2 years work experience.PreferablyGovernmentofficialsfromtheMinistry,Executivesfrompublicsectororganizations;RepresentativesofaccreditedNGOsworkingonenergyandconservationforatleastpast5yearsandinvolvedinpromotionofmicro-enterprisesinruralareasPersonnelfromtechnicaland/orfinancialInstitutes.

Sl. No. 2, 5 and 8:Bachelors’degreeinanydisciplinewith2yearsworkexperience.

Sl. No. 3:Bachelors/Master’sdegreeinanydisciplinewith2yearsworkexperience.

Sl. No. 4:Bachelorsdegreewithscienceinschoolwith2yearsworkexperience.

Sl. No. 6: Bachelors’ degree in any discipline, preferably Masters with 3 years workexperience.

Sl. No. 7: Bachelorsdegreeinanydisciplinewith3yearsworkexperience.

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TECHNICAL COOPERATION SCHEME OF COLOMBO PLAN (Application for the courses fully funded by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India)

Please read instructions carefully before applying


PART- I Nationality: __________________________ Institute : ____________________________

Name of Course: ____________________________________

Commencing : From _____________ to ____________ DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY

1. Personal Particulars Name (s) :

Surname :

Sex (tick one):


Marital Status:

Date of Birth:

---------------------------------------------------- Date - Month - Year

Passport No.:

_________________Date & Place of issue :- ____________________________Valid till :- __________________

Address: Office Residence

Tel Nos. Mobile/Cell : Fax : E-mail : Special dietary needs, if any :

3 x 4 cm 3 x 4

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Person(s) to be notified in case of Emergency Official Contact Personal / Family Contact Name : Address:

Tel Nos: Mobile /Cell : Fax: E-mail: Educational Qualification(s) Degree / Diploma / Certificates Year Name of Educational Institute 1 2 3 4 5 6 Professional Qualification(s), if any: Professional Qualification(s) Year Name of Institute 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Details of Employment/Profession (current & previous) Name of Employer /

Department / Company Position Period Description of Work 1 2 3 4 5 6

Are you an employee of: (Mark appropriate box) a. Government □ b. Semi-government/Parastatal □

c. Private company □ d. Others ( Please specify)

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Details of present employer :

Name : Address:

Tel. No. : E-mail :

3. Have you ever attended a course sponsored by the Government of India? (Mark one) Yes No 3.1 If answer to 3 is yes, details of the Course (s): Name of the Course (s) and Institute Year

1 2 3

4. Details of Course(s) attended, if any, outside your country: Country Course Details & Duration Year Sponsor/Programme

5. Please describe in your own words (about 100 words) - (a) qualification/experience related to the course applied for; & (b) reason (s) for applying for this training course.

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6. Certification of English language proficiency (by Indian Mission/Designated Authority) Good Basic Remarks Spoken Written Mother tongue / Native language: ______________ / Other language(s), if any:__________________ English Language test administered by:

Name :

Address :

Telephone Number: Email :

------------------------- Signature with date

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(To be certified by a doctor/hospital on the panel of the Indian Mission, UN Mission, if any or as designated by Indian Mission)

(i) Name of Applicant: (ii) Age: (iii) Sex: (Male / Female) (iv) Height (cm): (v) Weight (kg): (vi) Blood Group: (vii)Blood Pressure:

(viii) Blood Sugar: (Pre-prandial) ( Peak post- prandial)

1. Is the person examined in good health at present ?

2. Is the person examined physically and mentally fit

to carry out intensive training away from home?

3. Is the person free of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, trachoma, skin diseases etc.)?

4. Has the person taken Yellow Fever inoculation (in case of people coming from Yellow Fever region or as laid out in WHO Regulations) ? Yellow Fever Certificate is mandatory.

5. Does the person examined have any chronic ailment which may require regular treatment/ medication during the course?

6. List of any observed abnormalities indicated in the chest X ray.

7. Does the person require any special assistance to carry out his daily activities? If yes, please specify.

I certify that the applicant is medically fit to undertake a training course in India. Name of Doctor/Physician:______________________________________________________ Registration No.:______________________________________________________________ Address of Clinic / Hospital:______________________________________________________ City / Town : _________________________________________________________________ Telephone :_________________________________________________________________ E mail: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Signature of Doctor/Physician: ___________________Seal of Clinic/Hospital: _______________

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I, _____________________________________________________________________ (Name, Middle name, Family name) of (country)_________________________________________ certify that information provided by me in this form is true, complete and correct.

I also certify that :-

(i) I have read the course brochure and that I am aware of the course contents and living conditions in India.*

(ii) I have sufficient knowledge of English to participate in the training programme.

(iii) I am medically fit to participate in the Course and have submitted a medical certificate from the designated doctor.

(iv) I have not attended any programme previously sponsored by Government of India.

(v) I have not applied for or am not required to attend any other training course/conference/ meeting etc. during the period of the course applied for.

If accepted for the ITEC / SCAAP training programme, I undertake to:

(a) Comply with the instructions and abide by Rules, Regulations and guidelines as may be stipulated by both the nominating and sponsoring Governments in respect of the training;

(b) Follow the full and complete course of study/ training and abide by the Rules of the University/Institution/ Establishment in which I undertake to study or undergo training;

(c) Submit periodic assessments / tests conducted by the Institute (progress report which may be prescribed);

(d) Refrain from engaging in political activity, or any form of employment for profit or gain;

(e) Return to my home country at the end of the course of study or training;

(f) I also fully undertake that if I am granted a training award, it may be subsequently withdrawn if I fail to make adequate progress or for other sufficient cause determined by the host Government.

(g) I confirm that I will not travel to India to attend the Course applied for in case I am pregnant - (for lady participants).



Name: _________________________

* Details of the course are on the website of the Institute or can be obtained from them through e-mail.

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To be completed by the authorized official of the Nominating Government/ Employer

I, ________________________________________________ on behalf of the Government of___________________________________ certify that:

(a) I have examined the educational, professional and other certificates quoted by the nominee in Part – I of this form and I am satisfied that they are authentic and relate to the nominee.

(b) I have gone through the medical certificates and X-ray reports produced by the nominee which state that he/she is medically fit and free from any infectious disease and Yellow Fever and that having regard to his/her physical and mental history there is no reason to indicate that the nominee is other than fit to undertake the journey to India and to undergo training in India. (c) The nominee has adequate knowledge of spoken and written English to enable him/her to follow the course of training for which he/she is being nominated. (d) The nominee has not availed of ITEC/SCAAP training facilities earlier in India.

I nominate Mr./Mrs./Miss__________________________________________ on behalf of the Government of___________________________________ as employer. Name of Nominating Authority:_______________ Designation:______________________________ Address:_________________________________ Signature (With seal) Name and Designation (in block letters) Date : Place :

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• Please read the form carefully. Tick the scheme under which you are applying. • The application will be automatically rejected if any column is inaccurate,

incomplete or blank.

• While filling the form, no abbreviations should be used. Write full name of degree, organization/institution, designation, etc.

• Undertaking by the candidate and the recommendations from employer are

compulsory pre- requisites.

• Working knowledge of the English language is a pre-requisite. For English language and language-related courses, basic knowledge of English is required.

• Candidates are expected to be physically fit to undertake the training programme

in India. It may kindly be noted that medical cover provided by Government of India is only for any medical emergency arising during the training programme. For regular medical problems, the candidates are required to pay for doctor’s fee and medicines out of their living allowance.

• In case a candidate is under medication for some chronic ailment(s) like

hypertension/diabetes, etc., and with the prescribed medication can undertake the training, the candidate must bring the prescribed medicines along with him/her for the whole duration of the course.

• Female candidates, if pregnant, are advised not to travel to India to attend the

course applied for.

• Candidates requiring special assistance during their stay in India, must check with the Institute about the availability of such facilities prior to their departure for India.

• Candidates must abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute.

• Candidates who leave the course midway for personal reasons without prior

permission of the Ministry of External Affairs or remain absent from the programme without sufficient reasons are required to refund the cost of training and airfare to Government of India.

• Candidates interested to visit different parts of India for tourism purposes will

require prior permission of the Ministry of External Affairs.

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