Indian Baby Names

Page 1 of 64 GIRLS 1 Aashika lovable 981 Mita 2 Abha lustre, shine 982 Mitali 3 Abhati splendour, light 983 Mithi 4 Abhaya fearless 984 Mithra 5 Abhidha literal meaning 985 Mohana 6 Abhidhya wish, longing 986 Mohini 7 Abhijna remembrance, recollection 987 Mohitha 8 Abhilasa desire, wish 988 Moksha 9 Abhilasha desire 989 Monisha 10 Abhinithi that which is already been perform 990 Mridula 11 Abhiprithi full of love 991 Mriganayani 12 Abhirathi pleasure 992 Mrinal 13 Abhisri surrounded by glory, shining, powe 993 Mrinali 14 Abhithi fearlessness 994 Mrinalini 15 Abja born in water 995 Mrinmayi 16 Aboil the name of a flower 996 Mrudani 17 Achala constant 997 Mrudu 18 Acira brief, swift, fast 998 Mudra 19 Adarsha ideal 999 Mudrika 20 Adhira lightning 1000 Mugdha 21 Adishree exalted 1001 Mukta 22 Aditha the first root 1002 Mukti 23 Adithi freedom, safety, abundance 1003 Mukul 24 Aditi mother of gods 1004 Mullai 25 Adrija of the mountain, another name for 1005 Muniya 26 Adrika celestial 1006 Muskan 27 Advika unique 1007 Muthammal 28 Adya first, unparalleled 1008 Mutholi 29 Aghanashini destroyer of sins 1009 Muthunagai 30 Agrata leadership 1010 Mythily 31 Agrima leadership 1011 Naaz 32 Ahalya Rishi Gautam's wife, woman rescued 1012 Nabhanya 33 Ahilya maiden 1013 Nabhitha 34 Ahladita in happy mood 1014 Nabhya 35 Ahladitha delighted 1015 Nachni 36 Aishani Goddess Durga 1016 Nadira 37 Aishwarya wealth 1017 Naganandini 38 Ajala the earth 1018 Naganika 39 Ajanta famous Buddist cave 1019 Nagina 40 Ajeeta invincible, unconquerable 1020 Naima 41 Akalka free from impurity, moonlight 1021 Naina 42 Akanksha desire, wish 1022 Najma 43 Akhila complete 1023 Nalina 44 Akriti diagram 1024 Nalini 45 Akshaya indestructible 1025 Namita 46 Akshita seen 1026 Namrata 47 Aksithi imperishability 1027 Namya 48 Akuti princess 1028 Nanda 49 Alaka, Alka a girl with a lovely hair 1029 Nandana 50 Alaknanda a river in the Himalayas 1030 Nandika 51 Alisha protected by God 1031 Nandini 52 Alka lock of curly hair 1032 Nandita 53 Almas a diamond 1033 Nangai 54 Alopa faultless 1034 Narayani 55 Alpa little 1035 Narmada 56 Alpana a decorative design 1036 Narois 57 Amala, Amla the pure one 1037 Nartan 58 Amani road, one who shows the path 1038 Naseen 59 Amari eternal 1039 Natun 60 Amarta immortality 1040 Nauka 61 Amba Parvati 1041 Navaneeta 62 Ambalika mother, one who is sensitive 1042 Naveena 63 Ambika Goddess Parvati 1043 Naviya 64 Ambu water 1044 Navya 65 Ambuda cloud 1045 Nayana 66 Ambuja born of a Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi 1046 Nayantara 67 Amita limitless 1047 Nazima 68 Amithi immeasurable 1048 Neeharika 69 Amiya nectar 1049 Neela 70 Amoda happiness 1050 Neelabja 71 Amodini happy girl 1051 Neelakshi


both boys and girls

Transcript of Indian Baby Names

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GIRLS1 Aashika lovable 981 Mita a friend2 Abha lustre, shine 982 Mitali friendship3 Abhati splendour, light 983 Mithi truthful4 Abhaya fearless 984 Mithra friend5 Abhidha literal meaning 985 Mohana attractive6 Abhidhya wish, longing 986 Mohini enchantress7 Abhijna remembrance, recollection 987 Mohitha infatuated8 Abhilasa desire, wish 988 Moksha salvation9 Abhilasha desire 989 Monisha Lord Krishna

10 Abhinithi that which is already been performed, 990 Mridula soft11 Abhiprithi full of love 991 Mriganayani doe-eyed12 Abhirathi pleasure 992 Mrinal lotus13 Abhisri surrounded by glory, shining, powerfu 993 Mrinali lotus14 Abhithi fearlessness 994 Mrinalini lotus15 Abja born in water 995 Mrinmayi of the earth16 Aboil the name of a flower 996 Mrudani another name for parvathi17 Achala constant 997 Mrudu soft18 Acira brief, swift, fast 998 Mudra expression19 Adarsha ideal 999 Mudrika ring20 Adhira lightning ### Mugdha spellbound21 Adishree exalted ### Mukta liberated; pearl22 Aditha the first root ### Mukti freedom from life and death23 Adithi freedom, safety, abundance ### Mukul bud24 Aditi mother of gods ### Mullai flower with lovely fragrance25 Adrija of the mountain, another name for pa ### Muniya name of a bird26 Adrika celestial ### Muskan smile27 Advika unique ### Muthammal pure, like a pearl28 Adya first, unparalleled ### Mutholi shines like a pearl29 Aghanashini destroyer of sins ### Muthunagai smiles like a pearl30 Agrata leadership ### Mythily Seeta31 Agrima leadership ### Naaz pride32 Ahalya Rishi Gautam's wife, woman rescued ### Nabhanya celestial33 Ahilya maiden ### Nabhitha fearless34 Ahladita in happy mood ### Nabhya central35 Ahladitha delighted ### Nachni dancer; suggestive look36 Aishani Goddess Durga ### Nadira pinnacle37 Aishwarya wealth ### Naganandini mountain born38 Ajala the earth ### Naganika serpent maiden39 Ajanta famous Buddist cave ### Nagina jewel40 Ajeeta invincible, unconquerable ### Naima belonging to one41 Akalka free from impurity, moonlight ### Naina name of a goddess42 Akanksha desire, wish ### Najma sorry43 Akhila complete ### Nalina lotus44 Akriti diagram ### Nalini lotus45 Akshaya indestructible ### Namita humble46 Akshita seen ### Namrata modesty47 Aksithi imperishability ### Namya to be bowed to48 Akuti princess ### Nanda happiness, a daughter49 Alaka, Alka a girl with a lovely hair ### Nandana daughter50 Alaknanda a river in the Himalayas ### Nandika Lakshmi51 Alisha protected by God ### Nandini a holy cow, bestower of joy, Ganga52 Alka lock of curly hair ### Nandita happy53 Almas a diamond ### Nangai cultured lady54 Alopa faultless ### Narayani Goddess Lakshmi55 Alpa little ### Narmada one who arouses tender feelings in others, river Narmada56 Alpana a decorative design ### Narois flower57 Amala, Amla the pure one ### Nartan dance58 Amani road, one who shows the path ### Naseen cool breeze59 Amari eternal ### Natun new60 Amarta immortality ### Nauka boat61 Amba Parvati ### Navaneeta butter62 Ambalika mother, one who is sensitive ### Naveena new63 Ambika Goddess Parvati ### Naviya new64 Ambu water ### Navya worth praising65 Ambuda cloud ### Nayana eye66 Ambuja born of a Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi ### Nayantara iris67 Amita limitless ### Nazima song68 Amithi immeasurable ### Neeharika dew drops69 Amiya nectar ### Neela blue70 Amoda happiness ### Neelabja blue lotus71 Amodini happy girl ### Neelakshi blue-eyed

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72 Amrapali famous courtesan who became a devo### Neelam sapphire73 Amrita immortality ### Neelanjana blue74 Amritkala nectarine art ### Neelkamal blue lotus75 Amrusha sudden ### Neepa name of a flower76 Amshula sunny ### Neeraja lotus flower77 Amulya priceless ### Neeta upright78 Anagha sinless ### Neeti good behaviour79 Anahita graceful ### Neha love, rain80 Anala fiery ### Nehal rainy; handsome81 Anamika ring-finger ### Netra eye82 Anandalakshmi goddess of happiness ### Netravati beautiful eyed83 Anandamayi full of joy ### Nidhi treasure84 Anandi jovial ### Nidhyana intuition85 Anandini joyful ### Nidhyathi meditation86 Anandita happy ### Nidra sleep87 Anantha, Anantyendless, eternal ### Niharika nebula88 Ananya matchless ### Nikhila complete89 Anarghya priceless ### Nikhita sharp90 Anasuya without spite or envy ### Nila enchanting moon91 Anathi modest, respectful ### Nilasha blueness92 Anavi kind to people ### Nilavoli ray of light from the moon93 Anchal the decorative end of a sari ### Nilaya home94 Anchita honoured, worshipped ### Nileen surrendered95 Angana handsome woman ### Nilima blue96 Angarika flame coloured flower, Palash or Flame### Niloufer a celestial97 Anhithi gift, donation ### Nimisha twinkling of an eye98 Anindita beautiful ### Nina lovely-eyed99 Aninditha virtuous, venerated ### Niraimadhi full moon

100 Anisha continuous ### Niral calm101 Anita grace ### Niranjana name of a river; Goddess Durga; the night of the full moon102 Anjali offering ### Nirmala clean, virtuous103 Anjalika one of Arjuna's arrows ### Nirmayi without blemish104 Anjana mother of Hanuman ### Nirmitha created105 Anju one who lives in heart ### Nirupa a decree, command106 Anjushri, Anjush dear to one's heart ### Nirupama unique, uncomparable107 Ankita conquered, a signet, symbol ### Nisha night108 Ankitha with auspicious marks ### Nishithini night109 Annapurna Goddess Parvati; generous with food ### Nishtha devotion110 Anokhi unique ### Nita moral111 Anshula sunny ### Nitha carried, red112 Antara the second note in Hindustani classic ### Nithilam pure like the pearl113 Antini living in a hermitage ### Niti morality114 Anuga a companion ### Nitima girl of principles115 Anula not wild, gentle ### Nitya constant116 Anulekha one who follows destiny ### Nityapriya ever pleasing117 Anumati consent ### Nivedita one dedicated to service118 Anunitha courtesy ### Nivritti nonattachment119 Anupama unique, unparalleled ### Niyati fate120 Anuprabha brightness ### Noopur anklet121 Anuradha a bright star ### Noor light122 Anuragini beloved ### Noorjehan light of the world123 Anurati consent ### Nupura anklet124 Anusha beautiful morning, a star ### Nusrat help125 Anushri pretty ### Nutan new126 Anusri glorious, famous ### Nuti worship, praise, reverence127 Anuva knowldege ### Odathi refreshing128 Anwesha quest ### Ojal vision129 Anya Inexhaustible ### Ojaswini lustrous130 Apala most beautiful ### Omala earth131 Aparajita undefeated ### Omana a woman132 Aparijita undefeated; name of a flower ### Omvati sacred, having the power of Om133 Aparna Goddess Parvati ### Oviya artist, beautiful drawing134 Apeksha expected ### Padma Goddess Lakshmi135 Apsara celestial maiden ### Padmaja born from lotus, Lakshmi136 Apurva, Apoorva unique ### Padmajai Born from lotus, Lakshmi137 Aradhana worship ### Padmakali lotus bud138 Arati hymns sang in praise of god ### Padmal lotus139 Arati, Aaarti worship ### Padmalaya lake of lotuses140 Archa worship ### Padmalochana lotuseyed141 Archan worship ### Padmaroopa like a lotus142 Archana worship ### Padmavati Goddess Lakshmi143 Archisha a ray of light ### Padmini lotus

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144 Archita one who is worshipped ### Pakhi bird145 Ariktha fulfilled ### Pakshi bird146 Arpana surrendered ### Pallavi new leaves147 Arpita dedicate ### Pallavini with new leaves148 Arshia heavenly ### Panchali Draupadi's name149 Aruna dawn ### Pankaja lotus150 Arundhathi fidelity ### Panna emerald151 Arundhati a star ### Panya admired, glorious, excellent152 Aruni dawn ### Parama the best153 Arunima glow of dawn ### Parameshwari Goddess Durga154 Arushi dawn, red sky in the early morning ### Paramita wisdom155 Asavari name of a raga or melody ### Pari beauty, fairy156 Aseema, Ashima limitless ### Paridhi realm157 Asgari devotee ### Parinita expert158 Asha hope ### Parnal leafy159 Ashakiran ray of hope ### Parnashri leafy beauty160 Ashalata creeper of hope ### Parni leafy161 Ashavari name of a raaga ### Parnik creeper162 Ashis benediction ### Parnika a small leaf, parvati163 Ashna friend ### Parthivi Sita164 Ashoka without grief ### Parul name of a flower165 Ashritha dependant ### Parvani full moon; a festival or a special day166 Ashwini a star ### Parvati Durga167 Asita the river Yamuna ### Parveen star168 Aslesha a star ### Patmanjari a raga169 Asmita pride ### Patralekha a name from ancient epics170 Asvika a little mare ### Pavana holy, sacred171 Atasi a blue flower ### Pavani Hanuman172 Atmaja daughter ### Payal anklet173 Atreyi name of a river ### Payoja lotus174 Avani Earth ### Phiroza turquoise175 Avani, Abani earth ### Phoolan flower176 Avanti ancient Malwa; Ujjain ### Pia beloved177 Avantika city of Ujjain ### Piki cuckoo178 Ayesha wife of the Prophet ### Pingala Lakshmi179 Ayushmati one who has a long life ### Pival a tree180 Bageshri name of a raaga ### Piyali a tree181 Bakula Nagakeshar flower ### Pooja idol worship182 Bala an ever 9 year old girl, a young girl ### Poonam full moon183 Bandhura pretty ### Poorbi eastern184 Bani Saraswati ### Poornima full moon185 Bhagyalakshmi goddess of wealth ### Poorvi a classical melody186 Bhairavi a melody in classical music ### Poushali of the month Poush187 Bhanuja river Yamuna ### Prabha light, glow, shine188 Bharati Saraswati ### Prabhati of the morning189 Bhavana feelings, sentiments ### Prachi east190 Bhavani Parvati ### Pradeepta glowing191 Bhavya grand, splendid ### Pradnaya Knowledge192 Bhuvana the earth ### Pragati progress193 Bina a musical instrument ### Pragya prowess194 Bindiya drop, point ### Pragyaparamita wise195 Brinda Tulasi ### Pragyawati a wise woman196 Cauvery same as Cavery- name of a river ### Prama knowledge of truth197 Chadna love ### Pramada woman198 Chahana desire, affection ### Pramila one of Arjuna's wives199 Chaitali born in the month of Chaitra ### Pramiti knowledge of truth200 Chaitaly name of an ancient city ### Pranati prayer201 Chaitanya consciousness ### Prapti gain202 Chakori a bird enamoured of the moon ### Prarthana prayer203 Chakrika Lakshmi ### Prasana rising204 Chameli a creeper with flowers ### Prashansa praise205 Champa a flower ### Prashanti peace206 Champabati the capital ### Prathysha early morning, from Sanskrit word Prathyusham207 Champakali a bud of champa ### Pratibha keen intellect208 Champakavathi owner of champak trees ### Pratigya pledge, vow209 Champamalini garland of champa flower ### Pratima icon, idol, statue210 Champika little champa flower ### Pratishtha preeminence211 Chanasya delighting ### Preeti love212 Chanchala restless ### Prem love213 Chanda moon ### Prema love214 Chandalini glorious ### Premala loving215 Chandana sandal wood ### Premila queen of a women's kingdom

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216 Chandani a river ### Prerana encouragement217 Chandanika diminutive ### Preyasi beloved218 Chandika diminutive of Chandana ### Prita dear one219 Chandni moonlit ### Pritha Kunti, mother of Pandavas220 Chandrabali Krishna;s girl-friend ### Priti love221 Chandrabhaga river Chenab ### Pritika dear one222 Chandrabindu crescent moon ### Pritikana an atom of love223 Chandraja daughter of the moon ### Pritilata a creeper of love224 Chandrakala moonbeams ### Priya loved one, darling225 Chandraki peacock ### Priyadarshini delightful to look at226 Chandrakin a peacock ### Priyal beloved227 Chandraleksha a ray of the moon ### Priyam beloved228 Chandramathi as beautiful as the moon ### Priyamvada sweet spoken229 Chandramukhi as beautiful as the moon ### Priyanka beautiful or lovable act, symbol or body230 Chandrani wife of the moon ### Priyasha dear one231 Chandratara the moon and the stars conjoined ### Puja same as Pooja232 Chandravathi lit by the moon ### Pujita worshipped233 Chandrika moonlight ### Puloma wife of the sage Bhrigu234 Chandrima the moon ### Punam, Poonam full moon235 Changuna a good woman ### Punarnava a star236 Chapala restless; lighting ### Punita pure237 Charita good ### Punthali a doll238 Charitra history ### Purnima full moon239 Charu beautiful, attractive ### Purva east240 Charulata beautiful ### Purvaja elder sister241 Charulekha beautiful picture ### Pushpa flower242 Charumati beautiful ### Pushpanjali flower offering243 Charuprabha beautiful ### Pushpita decorated with flowers244 Charusheela a jewel ### Pusti nourishment, endorsement245 Charusila beautiful jewel ### Putul doll246 Charvi a beautiful woman ### Quarrtulain God's mercy247 Chatura clever ### Quasar meteor248 Chayana moon ### Raakhi symbol of protection;full moon in the Sravan month249 Chellam pampered ### Rabia famous; godly250 Chetana intelligence ### Rachana creation251 Chhabi picture ### Rachita created252 Chhavvi image, radiance ### Rachna construction, arrangement253 Chhaya shadow ### Radha Krishna's lover, prosperity254 Chimayi blissful ### Radhana speech255 Chinmayi blissful ### Radhani worship256 Chintan, Chintanmeditation ### Radhika Radha257 Chiti love ### Ragini a melody258 Chitkala knowledge ### Rajalakshmi Goddess lakshmi259 Chitra picture, a nakshatra ### Rajani night260 Chitragandha a fragrant material ### Rajanigandha a flower261 Chitralekha as beautiful as a picture ### Rajata silver262 Chitrali a row of pictures ### Rajdulari dear princess263 Chitramala series of pictures ### Rajeshwari goddess Parvati264 Chitramaya worldly illusion ### Rajhans swan265 Chitrangada one of Arjuna's wives ### Rajitha illuminated266 Chitrani river Ganga ### Rajivini collection of blue lotuses267 Chitrarathi with a bright chariot ### Rajkumari princess268 Chitrarekha picture ### Rajnandhini princess269 Chitrita picturesque ### Rajshri sage-like king270 Chumban kiss ### Raka full moon271 Dadhija daughter of milk ### Rakhi thread of brother-sister bonding272 Daksha the earth; Sati, wife of Shiva ### Raksha protection273 Dakshakanya able daughter ### Rama Goddess Lakshmi274 Dakshata skill ### Ramana enchanting275 Dakshayani Goddess Durga ### Ramani beautiful girl276 Dakshina a donation to god or priest ### Rambha celestial dancer277 Dalaja produced from petals ### Rameshwari Parvati278 Damayanti Nala's wife ### Ramila lover279 Damini lightning ### Ramita pleasing280 Darika maiden ### Ramya beautiful281 Darpana a mirror ### Rangana a flower282 Darpanika a small mirror ### Rangitha charmed283 Darshana seeing ### Ranhitha swift284 Darshini the one who blesses ### Rani Queen285 Daya kindness ### Ranita tinkling286 Dayamayee kind ### Ranjana delightful287 Dayanita tender ### Ranjika exciting

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288 Dayita beloved ### Ranjini pleasing289 Debanshi Deva ansh ### Ranjita adorned290 Deeba silk ### Ranvitha joyous291 Deepa a lamp ### Ranya pleasant292 Deepabali row of lamps ### Rashi collection293 Deepali collection of lamps ### Rashmi a ray of light294 Deepamala row of lamps ### Rashmika ray of light295 Deepana illuminating ### Rasika connosseur296 Deepanwita diwali ### Rasna the tongue297 Deepaprabha fully lighted ### Rathika satisfied298 Deepashikha flame ### Rati consort of cupid299 Deepika a lamp ### Ratna gem300 Deepitha illuminated ### Ratnabala jewelled301 Deepta shining ### Ratnabali string of pearls302 Deepti flame; lustre ### Ratnajyouti lustrous jewel303 Deeptikana a beam of light ### Ratnalekha splendour of jewels304 Deeptimoyee lustrous ### Ratnali a jewelled305 Deshna gift ### Ratnamala string of pearls306 Devahuti daughter of Manu ### Ratnangi jewel-bodied307 Devak divine ### Ratnaprabha lustrous jewel308 Devakanya celestial maiden ### Ratnapriya lover of jewels309 Devaki divine ### Ratnavali a bunch of gems310 Devalatha divine wine ### Raviprabha light of the sun311 Devalekha celestial beauty ### Rehwa ancient name of river Narmada312 Devamati godly minded, virtuous ### Rekha line313 Devamayi devine illuision ### Renu atom314 Devangana celestial maiden ### Renuka the mother of Parasurma, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu315 Devasmitha with a devine smile ### Resham silk316 Devasree divine beauty ### Reshma silken317 Devika minor deity ### Reshmi silken318 Devina resembling a goddess ### Reva a star319 Devya devine power ### Revati a star320 Devyani daughter of Shukraacharya ### Riddhi good fortune321 Dhanalakshmi goddess of wealth ### Riju innocent322 Dhanapriya loved by wealth ### Rijuta innocence323 Dhanashri a raga ### Rishika saintly324 Dhanishta a star ### Rithika brass325 Dhanya great ### Riti memory; well being326 Dhanyata success, fulfilment ### Ritu season327 Dhara constant flow ### Riya Graceful, singer328 Dharani the earth ### Rohini a star329 Dharini earth ### Rolee sindoor330 Dharitri the earth ### Roma Lakshmi331 Dhatri earth ### Roshan bright332 Dhitha daughter ### Roshni brightness333 Dhithi thought, idea ### Rubaina bright334 Dhriti courage, morale ### Ruchi lustre; beauty335 Dhuthi spleandour, lustre ### Ruchira beautiful336 Diksha initiation ### Ruchitha bright337 Dilber lover ### Rudrani a wife of Shiva (Rudra)338 Dilshad happy ### Rudrapriya Goddess Durga339 Disha direction ### Ruhika desire340 Diti wife of the sage Kashyap ### Rujula who endows wealth, Lakshmi, soft341 Divena blessing ### Rujuta honesty, sincerity342 Divya divine lustre ### Rukma golden343 Doyel a songbrid ### Rukmini consort of Lord Krishna344 Draupadi wife of the Pandavas ### Ruksana brilliant345 Dristi eyesight ### Ruma wife a Sugriva346 Druthi softened ### Rupa beauty347 Dulari dear ### Rupali beautiful348 Durga Parvati ### Rupashi beautiful349 Durva, Durba sacred grass ### Rupashri beautiful350 Dwipavati river ### Sabita beautiful sunshine351 Ecchumati a river ### Sachi wife of Indra352 Edhitha progressed, increased ### Sachika kind353 Ehimaya an all pervading intellect ### Sachita consciousness354 Eka matchless, alone, unique ### Sadaf pearl355 Ekadhana a portion of wealth ### Sadgati liberation356 Ekaja the only child ### Sadguna good virtues357 Ekantha lovely ### Sadhan fulfulment358 Ekanthika devoted to one aim ### Sadhana long practice/study, fulfilment359 Ekaparana wife of Himalaya ### Sadhika achiever

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360 Ekata, Ektaa unity ### Sadhri conqueror361 Ekavali single-string ### Sadhvi virtuous woman362 Ekisha one goddess ### Sadhya perfection363 Ekta unity ### Sadiqua kindly364 Ela cardamom tree ### Saeeda priestly365 Elampirai young crescent ### Safia chaste366 Elavarasi youthful, princess ### Sagari of the ocean367 Elili beautiful ### Sagarika wave; born in the ocean368 Enakshi dear-eyed ### Saguna possessed of good qualities369 Esha desire ### Sahana a raga370 Eshana search ### Saheli friend371 Eshanika fulfilling desire ### Sahiba the lady372 Eshanya east ### Sahila guide373 Eshika an arrow, dart ### Sahitha being near374 Eshita one who desires ### Sai a flower375 Ethaha, Etasha shining ### Sajala clouds376 Faiza gain ### Sajili decorated377 Fajyaz artistic ### Sajni beloved378 Falguni, Phalgun born in Falgun, a Hindu month ### Sakhi friend379 Farha happiness ### Sakina friend380 Faria a caravan ### Salena the moon381 Farida turquoise ### Salila water382 Fatima, Fatma the prophet Mohammad's daughter ### Salima happy383 Fawiza successful ### Salma peace384 Firoza turquoise ### Samata equality385 Foolan, Phoolan flowering ### Sameena happy386 Foolwati, Phoolw delicate as a flower ### Samhita a vedic omposition387 Fulki spark ### Samidha an offering for a sacred fire388 Fullara wife of Kalketu ### Samika peaceful389 Gagana the sky ### Samiksha analysis390 Gaganadipika the lamp of the sky ### Samit collected391 Gaganasindhu ocean of the sky ### Samita collected392 Gajagamini majestic- like an elephant's walk ### Sammathi agreement393 Gajalakshmi lakshmi as graceful as an elephant ### Sampada wealthy394 Gajra a string of flowers ### Sampatti wealth395 Ganda knot ### Sampriti attachement396 Gandha fragrant ### Samrithi meeting397 Gandhali fragrance of flowers ### Sana praise, prayer398 Gandhara fragrance ### Sananda happy399 Gandhari from gandhara ### Sanchali movement400 Gandharika preparing perfume ### Sanchaya collection401 Gandhini fragrant ### Sanchita collection402 Ganga river Ganga ### Sandhaya collection403 Ganga, Gangotri sacred river of India ### Sandhya evening404 Gangika river Ganga ### Sangita music405 Ganitha regarded ### Sanika flute406 Garati virtuous woman ### Sanithi obtainment407 Gargi an ancient scholar ### Saniya moment408 Gathika song ### Sanjana gentle409 Gatita a river ### Sanjivani immortality410 Gauhar a pearl ### Sanjukta union411 Gaura a fair woman ### Sanjula beautiful412 Gauri a fair woman; parvati ### Sanjushree beautiful413 Gaurika a young girl ### Sankari Goddess Parvati414 Gautami river Godavari ### Sankul full of415 Gayana singing ### Sannidhi nearness416 Gayanthika singing ### Sanskriti culture417 Gayatri mother of the Vedas, a goddess ### Santawana consolation418 Gazala a deer ### Santayani of the evening419 Geena silvery ### Sanvali dusky420 Geeta holy book of the Hindus ### Sanwari dusky421 Geeti a song ### Sanyakta joined; united422 Geetika a little song ### Sanyukta union423 Geshna singer ### Saparna leafy424 Girija born of a mountain; Goddess Parvati ### Saphala successful425 Girika summit of a mountain ### Sapna dream426 Gita song ### Sarada Goddess Saraswati427 Gitali lover of song ### Sarakshi good sight428 Gitanjali an offering of songs ### Sarala simple429 Gitika a small song ### Sarama wife of Bibhisan430 Godavari river Godavari ### Sarani protecting431 Gomati name of a river ### Saranya surrendered

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432 Gool a flower ### Sarasa swan433 Gopa Gautama's wife ### Sarasi jolly, happy434 Gopi, Gopika a cowherd; cowherd woman ### Sarasvati a goddess of learning435 Gopika cowherd girls ### Saraswati goddess of learning436 Gorochana Goddess Parvati ### Saravati a river437 Gourangi fair complexioned ### Sarayu a holy river438 Govindi a devotee of Lord krishna ### Sarbani Goddess Durga439 Grhalakshmi lakshmi of the house ### Sarika a koel440 Grhitha understood and accepted ### Sarit river441 Gudiya doll ### Sarita river442 Gulab rose ### Sarjana creative; creation443 Gulika ball ### Saroj lotus444 Gunasundari made beautiful by virtues ### Saroja lotus445 Gunitha proficient ### Sarojini lotus446 Gunjana buzzing of a bee ### Saruprani beautiful woman447 Gunjika humming ### Sarvari night448 Gunjita humming of bee ### Sarvika universal449 Gunwanti virtuous ### Saryu river Sharayu450 Gurjari a raga ### Sashi moon451 Gyanada Goddess Saraswati ### Sasmita smiling452 Habiba beloved ### Sati chaste woman453 Hafiza protected ### Satya truth454 Haimavati Parvati, Lord Shiva's wife ### Satyarupa truth; personified455 Hamsa swan ### Satyavati mother of Vyasa456 Hanima a wave ### Saudamini lightning457 Hansa swan ### Saujanya kind458 Hansanandini daughter of a swan ### Saumya mild459 Hansaveni another name for Saraswathi ### Savarna daughter of the Ocean460 Hansika swan ### Savita sun461 Hansini swan ### Savitashri lustre of the sun462 Hariganga ganga of Vishnu ### Savitri a form of the Devi463 Harijatha fair haired ### Sawini a river464 Harimanti born in the season of hemanta ### Sayeeda leader465 Harinakshi doe-eyed ### Seema boundary466 Harini deer ### Seemanti parting line467 Haripriya consort of Lord Vishnu; lakshmi ### Seemantini woman468 Harita green ### Seerat inner beauty; fame469 Harithi green ### Sejal river water470 Harmya palace ### Selma fair471 Harsha happiness ### Semanti a white rose472 Harshada giver of joy ### Serena quiet473 Harshini happy ### Sevati white rose474 Harshita happy ### Sevita cherished475 Harshitha full of joy ### Shabab beauty476 Hasanthi one that delights ### Shabalini a mossy477 Hasika smiling ### Shabana decorated478 Hasina beautiful ### Shabari a tribal devotee of Lord Rama479 Hasita happy ### Shabnum sew480 Hasna laughing ### Shachi wife of Lord Indra481 Hasumati happy ### Shagufta flowering482 Hatisha with no desire ### Shaheena tender483 Heera diamond ### Shaila Goddess Parvati484 Hema golden ### Shailaja a river485 Hemakshi golden eyed ### Shaili style486 Hemangi golden body ### Shakambari Goddess Parvati487 Hemangini girl with golden body ### Shakeel handsome488 Hemanti early winter ### Shakeela beautiful489 Hemanya golden bodied ### Shakti Goddess Durga; power490 Hemavati golden Parvati ### Shakuntala brought up by birds491 Hemlata golden creeper ### Shalaka Goddess Parvati492 Hena a flower ### Shalin silk-cottom tree493 Henna Mehendi ### Shalini modest494 Hetal friendly ### Shalmali silk-cottom tree495 Hima snow ### Shama a flame496 Himagouri Parvati ### Shambhavi Goddess Parvati497 Himani Parvati ### Shameena beautiful498 Hina fragrance ### Shamim fire499 Hindola a raga ### Shamita peacemaker500 Hiral lustrous ### Shampa lightning501 Hiranmayi golden ### Shankari Goddess Parvati502 Hiranya golden ### Shankhamala a fairytale princess503 Hiranyadha giving gold ### Shanta peaceful

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504 Hirkani small diamond ### Shantala Goddess Parvati505 Hita lovable ### Shanti peace506 Hiya heart ### Sharada goddess of learning, Saraswati507 Holika lighting of ceremonial fire ### Sharadini autumn508 Hoor a celestial ### Sharanya surrender509 Hradha lake ### Sharika Goddess Durga510 Husna beautiful ### Sharmila happy511 Ibha elephant ### Sharmistha wife of Yayat512 Idhika another name for parvathi ### Sharvani Goddess Parvati513 Idhitri one who praises ### Sharvari the night514 Iha the earth ### Shashi the moon515 Ihina enthusiasm ### Shashibala the moon516 Ihitha desired ### Shashirekha moon's ray517 Iksha sight ### Shaswati eternal518 Ikshana sight ### Shatarupa Lord Shiva519 Ikshitha visible ### Sheela cool520 Ikshu sugarcane ### Sheetal cool521 Ila earth, daughter of Manu ### Shefali a flower522 Ilampirai young crescent ### Shefalika a flower523 Ilavalagi young and beautiful ### Shejali a fruit524 Ilavenil spring, youthful ### Shekhar Lord Shiva525 Ilisha queen of the earth ### Shevanti a flower526 Ina mother ### Shibani Goddess Durga527 Inayat kindness ### Shikha flame528 Indira Goddess Lakshmi ### Shilavati a river529 Indiya knowledgeable ### Shilpa stone530 Indrakshi one with beautiful eyes ### Shilpita well- proportioned531 Indrani wife of Indra ### Shinjini anklebells532 Indrasena daughter of King Nala ### Shipra a river533 Indratha power and dignity of Indra ### Shirin sweet534 Indrayani the name of a sacred river ### Shishirkana particles of dew535 Indu moon ### Shiuli a flower536 Induja Narmada river ### Shivangi beautiful537 Indukala digit of the moon ### Shivani Goddess Parvati538 Indulala moon light ### Shivanne Goddess Parvati539 Induleksh the moon ### Shobha attractive540 Induma moon ### Shobhana splendid541 Indumati the full moon ### Shobhita splendid542 Indumukhi with moonlike face ### Shobhna ornamental, shining543 Inika little earth ### Shorashi young woman544 Iniya Sweet ### Shraddha veneration545 Inkurali Sweet voice ### Shradhdha faith, trust546 Ipsa desire ### Shravana, Shrab name of a star547 Ipsita desired ### Shravani born in the month of Shravan548 Ira earth; muse ### Shravanti a name in Buddhist literature549 Iraja daughter of the wind ### Shravasti an ancient Indian city550 Iravati the river Ravi ### Shree Goddess Lakshmi551 Isai music ### Shreela beautiful552 Isha one who protects ### Shreemayi fortunate553 Ishana rich ### Shreeparna tree adorned with leaves554 Ishani Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva ### Shrestha Perfection555 Ishanika belonging to the north east ### Shreya auspicious556 Ishanya north east ### Shreyashi good557 Ishika paint brush ### Shri lustre558 Ishita mastery; wealth ### Shridevi goddess559 Ishrat affection ### Shridula blessing560 Ishwari goddess ### Shrigauri goddess Parvati561 Ivy a creeper ### Shrigeeta the sacred Geeta562 Iyalisai music ### Shrijani creative563 Jabeen forehead ### Shrikirti lustrous fame564 Jagadamba mother of the universe ### Shrikumari lustrious565 Jagathi of the universe ### Shrilata lustrious creeper566 Jagavi born of the world ### Shrilekha lustrious essay567 Jagrati awakening ### Shrimati Goddess lakshmi; fortunate568 Jagriti vigilance ### Shrimayi fortunate569 Jahanara queen of the world ### Shrivalli Goddess Lakshmi570 Jaheel lake ### Shruti expert in Vedas571 Jahnavi daughter of Jahnu ### Shubha auspicious572 Jailekha a record of victory ### Shubhada giver of luck573 Jaiman victorious ### Shubhangi handsome574 Jaimathi victorious mind ### Shubhra white; the Ganga575 Jaipriya beloved of victory ### Shuchismita one who has a pure smile

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576 Jaishree honour of victory ### Shuchita purity577 Jaisudha nectar of victory ### Shukla Goddess Saraswati578 Jaiwanti victory ### Shukti pearl-oyster579 Jalabala a river ### Shulka Goddess Saraswati580 Jaladhi treasure of water ### Shweta white581 Jaladhija Lakshmi ### Shyama dark as cloud; Goddess kali582 Jalahasini smile of water ### Shyamal dusky583 Jalaja lotus ### Shyamala dusky584 Jalanhili as blue as water ### Shyamali dusky585 Jalela goddess of water ### Shyamalika dusky586 Jamini night ### Shyamalima dusky587 Jamuna s holy river ### Shyamangi dark-complexioned588 Janaki Seeta ### Shyamari dusky589 Janani mother, tenderness ### Shyamasri dusky590 Janhavi river Ganga ### Shyamlata a creeper with dusky leaves591 Janhitha one who thinks of the welfare of men ### Shyla Goddess parvati592 Janitha born ### Sibani goddess parvati593 Jansi life-like ### Siddheshwari Lord Shiva594 Januja daughter ### Siddhi achievement595 Janya born ### Siddhima achievement596 Jasoda mother of Lord krishna ### Sikata sand597 Jasodhara mother of Lord Buddha ### Sikta wet598 Jaya Durga ### Simran, Smaramremembrance599 Jayalakshmi the goddess of victory ### Simrit, Smrita remembered600 Jayalalita victorious goddess Durga ### Sindhu ocean; river601 Jayamala garland of victory ### Sinsapa Ashok tree602 Jayani a sakti of Ganesha ### Sita wife of Lord Rama603 Jayanti Parvati ### Sitara a star604 Jayantika Goddess Durga; Parvati ### SivaSankari goddess Parvati605 Jayaprada giver of victory ### Siya Sita606 Jayashree the goddess of victory ### Smita smile607 Jayashri goddess of victory ### Smriti memory608 Jayati victorious ### Sneh love609 Jayita victorious ### Sneha affection610 Jayitri victorious ### Snehal friendly611 Jayshri the goddess of victory ### Snehalata creeper of love612 Jeeval full of life ### Snigdha smooth, tender613 Jeevankala art of life ### Sohalia moon-glow614 Jeevanlata creeper of life ### Sohana graceful615 Jeevika water ### Sohni beautiful616 Jenya 1 ### Soma moon-rays617 Jetashri a raga ### Somalakshmi lustre of the moon618 Jharna a stream ### Somansh half moon619 Jhilmil sparkling ### Somatra excelling the moon620 Jhinuk oyster ### Sona gold621 Jigya curiosity to know ### Sonakshi golden-eyed622 Jithya victorious ### Sonal golden623 Jivika source of life ### Sonali golden624 Joel God ### Sonam beautiful625 Joshita pleased ### Sonia golden626 Jowaki a firefly ### Sonika golden627 Juhi a flower ### Soorat beauty628 Jui a flower ### Soumya handsome629 Juily a flower ### Sourabhi fragrance; the celestial cow630 Jyoti flame, lamp ### Sphatika Crystal631 Jyotibala splendour ### Sragvi Tulasi (Sacred Basil plant)632 Jyotika light; a flame ### Sristi creation633 Jyotirmoyee lustrous ### Sriya prosperity634 Jyotishmati lustrous ### Stavita praised635 Jyotsna moon light ### Stuti praise636 Kaandhal attractive ### Subarna of the colour of gold637 Kadambari Goddess ### Subhadra a wife of Arjuna638 Kadambini an array of clouds ### Subhaga a fortunate person639 Kadhiroli Intelligent, brilliant like a ray of sunlig ### Subhagya lucky640 Kahini young ### Subhashini well-spoken641 Kaishori Goddess Parvati ### Subhuja auspicious Apsara642 Kajal eyeliner ### Subrata devoted to what is right643 Kajjali kohl ### Suchandra beautiful644 Kajri cloud like ### Sucharita of good character645 Kakali chiping of birds ### Sucheta with a beautiful mind646 Kala art ### Suchi radiant647 Kalaimagal queen of arts ### Suchira tasteful

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648 Kalaka blue ### Suchita beautiful649 Kalandhika bestower of art ### Suchitra beautiful650 Kalanidhi treasure of art ### Sudakshima wife of king Dilip651 Kalavati artistic ### Sudarshana handsome652 Kali a bud; Parvati ### Sudeepa bright653 Kalika a bud ### Sudeepta bright654 Kalindi Yamuna river ### Sudeshna wife of king Virata655 Kallol large waves; gurgling of water ### Sudevi wife of Krishna656 Kalpana idea, imagination, fancy ### Sudha nectar657 Kalpini night ### Sudhamayi full of nectar658 Kalpita imagined ### Sudhira calm659 Kalya praise ### Sudhithi bright flame660 Kalyani auspicious ### Sudipta bright661 Kamadha granting desires ### Sudipti brightness662 Kamakshi Goddess Lakshmi or Parvati; one with ### Sugita beautifully sung663 Kamala Goddess ### Sugouri Goddess Parvati664 Kamalakshi one whose eyes are beautiful like lotu### Suhag love665 Kamali full of desires ### Suhaila moon-glow666 Kamalika Lakshmi ### Suhasini ever-smiling667 Kamalini lotus ### Suhela easly accessible668 Kamalkali the bud of a lotus ### Suhina beautiful669 Kamana desire ### Suhitha suitable670 Kamika desired ### Suhrita well-disposed671 Kamini a handsome woman ### Sujala affectionate672 Kamitha desired ### Sujata of good caste673 Kamna desire ### Sujaya victory674 Kampana unsteady ### Sukanya comely675 Kamya beautiful ### Sukeshi with beautiful hari676 Kana an atom ### Sukriti good deed677 Kanak, Kanaka gold ### Suksma fine678 Kanaka gold ### Sukthi shining679 Kanakabati a fairy-tale ### Sukumari soft; meritorious680 Kanaklata golden creeper ### Sulabha easy; natural681 Kanakpriya lover of gold ### Sulakshana well brought up682 Kanan a garden; forest ### Sulalita very pleasing683 Kananbala nympth of the forest ### Sulekh beautifullY684 Kanchan gold ### Suloch one with beautiful eyes685 Kanchana gold ### Sulochana one with beautiful eyes686 Kanchi a waistband ### Sultana queen687 Kandhara lute ### Sumana flower688 Kangana a bracelet ### Sumanolata flowery689 Kanika an atom ### Sumati good minded690 Kanimoli speaks with a gentle tone ### Sumedha wise691 Kanitha iris of the eye ### Sumita a good friend692 Kanjari a bird ### Sumitra Lakshman'd mother693 Kankana a bracelet ### Sunanda very pleasing694 Kanmani precious like an eye ### Sunandini happy695 Kanta a beautiful ### Sunandita happy696 Kanti lustre ### Sunaya very just697 Kanya daughter ### Sunayana a woman with lovely eyes698 Kanyana maiden ### Sunayani a woman with lovely eyes699 Kapalini another name for Durga ### Sundari beautiful700 Kapardini a goddess ### Sundha a character in Ramayana701 Kapila name of the celestial cow ### Suneeti mother of Dhruva702 Kapotakshi eyes like a pigeon's ### Sunetra one with beautiful eyes703 Karabi a flower ### Sunila blue704 Karishma miracle ### Sunita one with good morals705 Karuka heavenly piece of art ### Suniti good principles706 Karuna compassion; mercy ### Suparna leafy707 Karunamayi merciful ### Suprabha radiant708 Karunya merciful ### Supriti true love709 Kashi Varanasi, the holy city ### Supriya beloved710 Kashmira from Kashmir ### Surabhi wish-yielding cow, fragrance711 Kasturi musk ### Suraksha protection712 Katyayani Goddess Parvati ### Surama very pleasing713 Kaumudi moonlight ### Suranjana pleasing714 Kaushalya mother of Rama ### Suravinda a beautiful Yaksa715 Kaushika silk ### Surekha beautifully drawn716 Kavana poem ### Surina a goddess717 Kaveri a river ### Surotama auspicious Apsara718 Kavika poetess ### Suruchi good taste719 Kavini composes beautiful poems ### Surupa beautiful

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720 Kavita a poem ### Surya sun god721 Kavya poetry in motion ### Suryakanti suns's rays722 Kayalvili fishlike bautiful eyes ### Sushama beauty723 Keertana hymn, a song in praise of god ### Sushanti peace724 Kesar pollen, lion ### Sushila good conduct725 Kesari saffron; a lion ### Sushma beautiful woman726 Keshi a woman with beautiful hair ### Sushmita good smile727 Keshika a woman with beautiful hair ### Sushobhana very beautiful728 Keshini a woman with beautiful hair ### Susita white729 Ketaki a cream coloured flower ### Susmita smiling730 Ketana home ### Sutanuka beautiful731 Keya a monsoon flower ### Sutapa seeker of God732 Khyati fame ### Suvarna golden733 Kilimoli pleasing voice ### Suvarnaprabha lustre of gold734 Kimaya divine ### Suvarnarekha ray of gold735 Kiran ray of light ### Suvarnmala golden necklace736 Kiranmala a garland of light ### Swagata welcome737 Kirtana praise ### Swaha wife of Agni; the lord of the fire738 Kirti fame ### Swapna dreamlike739 Kishori a young girl ### Swapnali dreamlike740 Kiya the cooing of a bird ### Swapnasundari woman of dreams741 Kokila cuckoo, nightingale ### Swarnalata lustrous742 Komal tender ### Swarupa truth743 Komala delicate ### Swasti name of a star744 Koyel the cuckoo ### Swati a nakshatra745 Krandasi the sky and the earth ### Sweta fair complexioned746 Kranti revolution ### Swetha pure747 Kripa mercy ### Tabassum a flower748 Krishna Draupadi ### Talikha nightingale749 Krishnaa Draupadi ### Tamali a tree with very dark bark750 Krishnakali a flower ### Tamalika belonging to a place full of Tamal751 Krithi action ### Tamanna desire752 Krithya action ### Tamasa a river; darkness753 Kriti A work of art ### Tamasi night754 Krittika the plaids ### Tambura a musical instrument755 Kriya performance ### Tanaya son756 Krupa grace, favour ### Tanika rope757 Ksema safety, security, welfare, tranquility ### Tanima slenderness758 Kshama forgiveness ### Tanmaya absorbed759 Kshanika momentary ### Tannishtha dedicated760 Kshithi earth ### Tanseem salute of paradise761 Kumari youthful, unmarried ### Tanu body762 Kumkum vermilion ### Tanuja a daughter763 Kumud a lotus ### Tanuka slender764 Kumudini a lotus ### Tanushri beautiful765 Kunda musk, jasmine ### Tanvi a delicate girl766 Kundan pure ### Tapani the river Godavari767 Kundanika golden girl ### Tapasi a female ascetic768 Kundini an assemblage of Jasmines ### Tapati the sun's daughter769 Kunjal cuckoo, nightingale ### Tapi name of a river770 Kunjalata forest creeper ### Tapti a river771 Kunjana forest girl ### Tara star772 Kuntal hair ### Taraka star773 Kuntala a woman with luxurious hair ### Tarakeshwari Goddess Parvati774 Kunti the mother of the Pandavas ### Tarakini starry night775 Kurangi deer ### Tarala honeybee776 Kurinji special, flower which blooms once in ### Tarana a musical composition777 Kushala safe, happy, expert ### Tarangini a river778 Kusum a flower ### Tarannum melody779 Kusuma flower ### Tarika starlet780 Kusumanjali flower offering ### Tarini Goddess Parvati781 Kusumavati flowering ### Tarjani the first finger782 Kusumita blossomed ### Taru tree783 Kusumlata flowering creeper ### Tarulata a creeper784 Kuvalai flower ### Taruni young girl785 Kuyil sweet voice like a Cuckoo bird ### Tarunika young girl786 Kuyilsai sweet voice like a Cuckoo bird ### Tarunima youth787 Labangalata a flowering creeper ### Tatini river788 Laboni grace ### Teertha place of pilgrimage789 Lajja modesty ### Teesta a river790 Lajjawati a sensitive plant; modest woman ### Tehzeeb elegance791 Lajwanti a sensitive plant ### Teja radiant

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792 Lajwati modest ### Tejal lustrous793 Laksha white rose ### Tejashree with devine power and grace794 Lakshana one with auspicious signs on her ### Tejaswi lustrous795 Lakshmi goddess of wealth ### Tejaswini lustrous796 Lakshmishree fortunate ### Thamarai Lotus flower, Pure and lovely797 Lalan nurturing ### ThamilSelvi pride of the Tamilians798 Lalana a beautiful woman ### ThenMoli speaks sweet like honey799 Lali darling girl ### Thenral Cool breeze;encouraging800 Lalima morning red in the sky ### Thulasi holy plant with sweet fragrance801 Lalita beautiful ### Thumri light classical melody802 Lata a creeper ### Tilaka a kind of necklace803 Latangi a creeper ### Tilottama a celestial maiden804 Latika a small creeper ### Timila a musical805 Lavali clove ### Titiksha forgiveness806 Lavangi apsara, of the clove plant ### Toral a folk heroine807 Lavanya grace ### Treya walking in three paths808 Leela divine play ### Tridhara the river Ganga809 Leelamayee playful ### Triguna maya or illusion; Goddess Durga810 Leelavati playful; goddess Durga ### Triguni the three dimensions811 Leena devoted ### Trikaya three dimentional812 Lekha writing ### Trilochana Lord Shiva813 Lily a flower ### Trinayani Goddess Durga814 Lipi script ### Trinetra Goddess Durga815 Lipika a short letter ### Triparna leaf of sacred Bael816 Lochan the eye ### Tripta satisfied817 Lochana eye ### Tripti satisfaction818 Lohita red, ruby ### Tripurasundari Goddess Parvati819 Lola Goddess Lakshmi ### Tripuri Goddess Paravati820 Lona beauty, pretty ### Trisha thirst821 Lopa wife of sage ### Trishala mother of Lord Mahavir822 Lopamudra wife of sage Agastya ### Trishna thirst823 Madhavi a creeper with beautiful flowers; spri ### Triveni confluence of three sacred rivers824 Madhavilata a flowering creeper ### Triya young woman825 Madhu honey ### Triyama night826 Madhubala sweet girl ### Trupti satiatedness827 Madhuchhanda pleasing metrical composition ### Trusha thirst828 Madhuja made of honey ### Tuhina snow829 Madhuksara one who showers honey ### Tulasi a sacred plant (basil)830 Madhula sweet ### Tulika brush831 Madhulata sweet creeper ### Tusharkana a particle of snow832 Madhulekha beautiful ### Tusti peace, happiness833 Madhulika honey ### Tvarika swift, quick 834 Madhumalati a flowering creeper ### Tvesa brilliant, glittering835 Madhumati full of honey ### Udaya dawn836 Madhumita full of honey ### Udita one who has risen837 Madhunisha pleasant night ### Uditi rising838 Madhur sweet ### Ujas bright839 Madhura sugar ### Ujjanini an ancient city840 Madhuri sweet girl ### Ujjwala bright, lustrous841 Madhurima sweetness ### Ujwala, Ujjala bright842 Madhushri the spring ### Ulka mateorite843 Madira nectar ### Ulupi wife of Arjuna, the Pandava prince844 Madirakshi woman with intoxicating eyes ### Uma Goddess Parvati845 Madri wife of pandu ### Umika Goddess Parvati846 Madura a bird ### Umrao noble847 Mahadevi Goddess Parvati ### Unnati progress848 Mahaganga the great ganga ### Upala sandy shore849 Mahagauri Goddess Durga ### Upama comparison850 Mahajabeen beautiful ### Upasana veneration851 Mahalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi ### Ura the heart852 Mahamaya Goddess Durga ### Urja energy853 Mahasweta Goddess Saraswati ### Urmi wave854 Mahati great ### Urmila wife of Lakshmana855 Mahi great earth, heaven and earth conjoi ### Urmila, Urmil wife of Lakshmana - Lord Rama's brother856 Mahijuba a hostess ### Urmimala garland of waves857 Mahika the earth ### Urna cover858 Mahima greatness ### Urshita firm859 Mahitha greatness ### Urvashi a celestial maiden860 Mahiya happiness ### Urvasi most beautiful of Apsaras861 Mahua an intoxicating flower ### Urvi earth862 Mahubala sweet girl ### Usha dawn863 Maina a bird ### Ushakiran rays of morning sun

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864 Maithili, Mythili sita ### Ushashi morning865 Maitra friendly ### Ushma eat866 Maitreya the name of a sage ### Usri a river867 Maitreyi a learned woman of the past ### Uthami honest868 Maitri friendship ### Utpala lotus869 Makshi honeybee ### Utpalini lotus pond870 Mala a garland ### Utsa spring871 Malarvili beautiful eyes like a flower ### Uttara a star872 Malashree an early evening melody ### Vagdevi Goddess Sarawati873 Malati a creeper with fragrant flowers ### Vahini flowing874 Malavika princess of Malawa ### Vaidehi name of Sita875 Malaya a creeper ### Vaijayanti a garland of Lord Vishnu876 Malika a garland ### Vaijayantimala a garland of Lord Vishnu877 Malina dark ### Vaishali an ancient city of India878 Malini a garland maker ### Vaishavi, Vaishn Goddess Parvati879 Malliga jasmine ### Vajra diamond880 Mallika jasmine ### Vallari Goddess Parvati; creeper881 Malti small fragrant flower ### Valli creeper882 Mamata affection ### Vallika creeper883 Manadha giving honour ### Vama woman884 Manaka according to the mind ### Vanadurga Goddess Parvati885 Manal a bird ### Vanaja a forest girl886 Manali a bird ### Vanamala garland of forests887 Manana meditation ### Vanani forest888 Mananya deserving praises ### Vanathi of the forest889 Manasa conceived in the mind ### Vanca wish, desire890 Manasi a lady ### Vandana salute891 Manasika of mind ### Vanhi fire892 Manasvi intelligent ### Vanhishikha flame893 Manavi wife of Manu ### Vani muse, Goddess Saraswati894 Manayi wife of Manu ### Vanita lady895 Manda a river ### Vanmala wildflower garland896 Mandakini a river ### Vanshika Flute897 Mandakranta a Sanskrit metre ### Varada Goddess Lakshmi898 Mandana cheerful ### Varana a river899 Mandara large, firm ### Vari water; sea900 Mandarmalika a garland of celestial ### Varija lotus901 Mandira cymbals; home ### Varsha rain902 Manditha adorned ### Varuna wife of the lord of the sea; name of a river903 Mandra pleasant ### Varuni a goddess904 Mangai cultured lady ### Vasanta spring905 Mangala auspicious ### Vasanti of spring906 Mangalya pious, pure ### Vasavi wife of Indra907 Manideepa a lamp of precious stones ### Vasudha the earth908 Manik gem ### Vasudhara Earth909 Manika of jewels ### Vasumati apsara of unequalled splendour910 Manikuntala one whose hair is like gems ### Vasundhara the earth911 Manimala a string of pearls ### Vatsala affectionate912 Manimekhala a girdle of gems ### Vedi altar913 Manini a lady ### Vedika altar; a river in India914 Manisha goddess of mind, desire ### Vedvalli joy of the Vedas915 Manisha, Mohish intellect ### Veena a musical instrument (Beena)916 Manisi desired by heart ### Veenapani Goddess Saraswati917 Manisila a jeweled stone ### VeeraSundari Goddess of bravery918 Manisitha wisdom ### Vela time919 Manitha honoured ### Vennela Moon Light920 Maniya a glass bead ### Vetravati a river in India921 Manjari a bunch ### Vibha night922 Manjira ankle-bells ### Vibhavari starry night923 Manjistha extremely ### Vibhuti great personality924 Manju snow, dew drops ### Vidhut electricity925 Manjubala a sweet girl ### Vidula moon926 Manjula melodious ### Vidya learning927 Manjulika a sweet girl ### Vidyul lightning928 Manjusha a box ### Vidyut lightning929 Manjushri sweet lustre ### Vijaya victorious930 Manjusri Saraswati ### Vijayalakshmi goddess of victory931 Manjyot light of the mind ### Vijeta victorious932 Manmayi jealous; Sri Radha ### Vijul a silk-cottom tree933 Manorama attractive, beautiful ### Vilasini playful934 Manoritha of the mind ### Vilina dedicated935 Manthika thoughtful ### Vimala pure

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936 Manushri Lakshmi ### Vinanti prayer, request937 Manya worthy of honour ### Vinata humble, mother of Garuda938 Marala swan ### Vinaya modest939 Marichi name of a star ### Vindhya knowledge940 Marisa mother of Daksa ### Vineeta humble941 Markandeya a devotee to Lord Shiva ### Vinita requester942 Marudham from the lush green fields ### Vinoda, Vinodini pleasing943 Masilmani pure, without any blemishes ### Vinodini happy girl944 Matangi Durga ### Vinutha exceptionally new945 Maushmi monsoon wind ### Vipasa a river946 Mausumi beauty, monsoon wind ### Vipula plenty947 Maya illusion ### Virata bravery948 Mayil full of grace, like a peacock ### Visala celestial Apsara949 Mayukhi peahen ### Vishakha a star950 Mayura illusion ### Vishala wide; spacious951 Mayuri peahen ### Vishalakshi large-eyed952 Mayurika with peacock feathers ### Vishaya subject953 Medha intellect; Goddess Saraswati ### Vishnumaya Goddess Parvati954 Medhani of intelligence ### Vishnupriya Goddess Lakshmi955 Medhya mighty, clean, fresh ### Viveka right956 Medini the earth ### Vrajabala girl from Mathura and its neighbourhood957 Meena precious blue stone ### Vrinda basil; Radha958 Meenakshi a woman wil beautiful eyes ### Vritti nature; temperament959 Meera a devotee of Krishna ### Vyanjana rhetorical suggestion 960 Megha cloud ### Vyjayanti961 Meghamala array of clouds ### Waheeda unique, singular962 Meghana cloud ### Wamika Goddess Durga963 Mehal cloud ### Wamil beautiful964 Mehbooba beloved ### Yaalini Melodious965 Meher benevolence ### Yaalisai Melodious966 Mehrunissa benevolent ### Yajna worship967 Mehul cloud; rain ### Yamini night968 Mekhala girdle ### Yamuna Jamuna river969 Mena wife of the Himalayas ### Yamya night970 Menaka a celestial dancer ### Yashawanthi with great fame 971 Menitha wise ### Yashawini successful lady972 Menmoli speaks kindly ### Yashila famous973 Mihika mist, fog ### Yashoda Krishna's mother974 Milana union ### Yogini one who can control senses975 Milika desiring union ### Yogita one who can concentrate976 Minakshi fish eyed, daughter of Kubera ### Yosana girl977 Minal a precious stone ### Yuktha absorbed, attentive978 Minati prayer ### Yuthika multitude979 Minnoli brilliant like lightning ### Yuvika young woman, maid980 Mirium wished-for child

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BoysS. No. Name Desc 1235 Manoj born of mind

1 Aachman intake of a sip of water before a yagya 1236 Manonith carried by the mind2 Aadesh command; message 1237 Manoranjan one who pleases the mind3 Aadi first; most important 1238 Manoth born of the mind4 Aafreen encouragement 1239 Manprasad mentally calm and cool person5 Aakar shape 1240 Mansukh pleasure of mind6 Aakash the sky 1241 Manth thought7 Aalap musical 1242 Manu founder father of human beings8 Aandaleeb The Bulbul bird 1243 Manuj son of Manu9 Aashish blessings 1244 Manyu mind

10 Abeer color 1245 Mardav softness11 Abhay fearless 1246 Mareechi ray of light12 Abhayananda delighting in fearless 1247 Markandeya a sage13 Abhayaprada bestower of safety, another name for V 1248 Martand sun14 Abheek fearless 1249 Martanda the sun15 Abhi fearless 1250 Marut the wind16 Abhibhava overpowering, powerful, victorious 1251 Maruti Lord Hanuman17 Abhicandra with a moon like face, one of the seven 1252 Matsendra king of the fishes18 Abhidi radiant 1253 Mayank moon19 Abhihita expression, word, name 1254 Mayanka the moon20 Abhijat noble, wise 1255 Mayur peacock21 Abhijaya conquest, complete victory 1256 Megh cloud22 Abhijit one who is victorious (Abhijeet) 1257 Megha a star23 Abhijvala blazing forth 1258 Meghashyam Lord Krishna24 Abhilash desire 1259 Meghdutt gift of clouds25 Abhimand gladdening 1260 Meghnad thunder26 Abhimani full of pride, another name for Agni as 1261 Mehboob beloved27 Abhimanyu Arjuna's son, heroic, with self-respect 1262 Mehdi a flower28 Abhimanyusuta son or Abhimanyu 1263 Mehmood the Prophet of Islam29 Abhimoda joy, delight 1264 Mehul rain30 Abhinabhas renowned, famous 1265 Mekhal girdle, belt31 Abhinanda to rejoice, to celebrate, to praise, to ble 1266 Meru famous mountain in Hindu mythology, high point32 Abhinandana felicitous, delighting, welcoming 1267 Mihir sun33 Abhinatha lord of desires, another name for kama 1268 Milan union34 Abhinav quite new 1269 Milap union35 Abhinava new, young, fresh, modern, a sakta notab 1270 Milind honey bee36 Abhirup pleasing 1271 Milun union37 Abhishek shower of milk/water over an idol 1272 Mirza a prince38 Abhisoka passionate, loving 1273 Misal example39 Abhisumat radiant, another name of sun 1274 Mitesh one with few desires40 Abhisyanta splendid, a son of Kuru and Vahini 1275 Mithil kingdom41 Abhivira surrounded by heroes, a commander 1276 Mithilesh the king of Mithila, Janak, father of Sita42 Abhra cloud 1277 Mithun couple43 Abhrakasin with clouds for shelter, an ascetic 1278 Mitra friend; the sun44 Abhyagni towards the fire, a son of Aitasa 1279 Mitul limited45 Abhyudaya sunrise, elevation, increase, prosperity 1280 Mohajit attractive46 Abhyudita elevated, risen, prosperous 1281 Mohak attractive47 Abjayoni born of the lotus, another name for Br 1282 Mohal attractive48 Abjit conquering water 1283 Mohamad the Prophet49 Acalapati lord of the immovable, lord of mountain 1284 Mohan charming, fascinating50 Acalendra lord of the immovable, the Himalayas 1285 Mohin attractive51 Acalesvara god of the immovable, another name for 1286 Mohit ensnarled by beauty52 Acanda not of the hot temper, without anger, g 1287 Mohnish Lord Krishna53 Acarya teacher, another name for Drona, Asva 1288 Mohul attractive54 Acaryanandana son of the teacher, another name for 1289 Monish lord of mind55 Acaryasuta son of the teacher, another name for 1290 Moti pearl56 Acaryatanaya son of the teacher, another name for 1291 Motilal pearl57 Acchindra flawless, uninterrupted, perfect 1292 Moulik valuable58 Achal constant 1293 Mriganka the moon59 Achintya beyond comprehension 1294 Mrigankamouli Lord Shiva60 Achyut imperishable; a name of Vishnu 1295 Mrigankasekhar Lord Shiva61 Achyuta indestructible 1296 Mrigendra lion62 Acintya surpassing thought, incogitable 1297 Mrigesh lion63 Acyutaraya worshipper of the infallible, a devotee o 1298 Mrityunjay Lord Shiva64 Adalarasu king of dance 1299 Mubarak congratulations65 Adarsh ideal 1300 Mudita happy66 Adesh command 1301 Muhamad the Prophet67 Adhik greater 1302 Mukesh lord of the dumb68 Adhikara principal, controller 1303 Muktananda liberated69 Adhipa king, ruler 1304 Mukul bud70 Adhita a scholar 1305 Mukunda freedom giver

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71 Adikavi first poet 1306 Mukut crown72 Adil sincere; just 1307 Mulkraj king73 Adinath the first lord; Lord Vishnu 1308 Mumtaz conspicuous74 Adit from the beginning 1309 Muni sage75 Aditeya another name for the sun 1310 Murad prowess76 Aditya sun 1311 Murali flute77 Adityanandana son of the sun 1312 Muralidhar Lord Krishna78 Adityavardhana augmented by glory 1313 Muralimanohar Lord Krishna79 Adripathi master of the mountains 1314 Murari Lord Krishna80 Adwaita non-duality 1315 Murarilal Lord Krishna81 Adway one; united 1316 Musheer advice82 Adwaya unique 1317 Nabarun morning sun83 Aftab,Aftaab the sun 1318 Nabendu new moon84 Agasti, Agastya name of a sage 1319 Nabhanyu eternal85 Agendra king of mountains 1320 Nabhas sky86 Agha pre-eminent 1321 Nabhi focus; the best87 Agharna the moon 1322 Nabhith fearless88 Aghat destroyer of sin 1323 Nabhya central89 Agneya son of agni 1324 Nachiketa an ancient rishi, fire90 Agnikumara son of agni 1325 Nadal fortunate91 Agniprava bright as the fire 1326 Nadin lord of rivers92 Agrim leader; first 1327 Nadir pinnacle93 Agriya first best 1328 Nagarin lord of a town94 Ahijit conquerer of the serpent 1329 Nagarjun best among the snakes95 Ahilan knowledgeable, commanding 1330 Nagendra Seshnag96 Ahmad praiseworthy, commendable 1331 Nagesh Seshnag, Cosmic Serpent97 Ahsan mercy 1332 Nahusha a mythological king98 Aijaz favour 1333 Nairit south-west99 Aiman fearless 1334 Naishadh King Nala, a hero from the Mahabharata who was king of Nishadha

100 Ainesh the sun's glory 1335 Nakshatra star101 Ajamil a mythological king 1336 Nakul name of one of the Pandavas102 Ajatashatru without enemies 1337 Nalin lotus, water103 Ajay unconquerable, invincible 1338 Nalinaksha lotus-eyed104 Ajinkya invincible 1339 Naman salutation105 Ajit unconquerable (Ajeet) 1340 Namasyu bowing106 Ajitabh one who has conquered the sky 1341 Nambi self confident107 Ajitesh Vishnu 1342 Namdev poet, saint108 Ajmal pious 1343 Nanak guru fo the Sikhs109 Akalmash stainless 1344 Nand joyful110 Akalpa ornament 1345 Nanda meritorious, great achiever111 Akash sky 1346 Nandakishor wiz kid112 Akhil complete 1347 Nandan pleasing, son113 Akhilesh indestructible, immortal 1348 Nandi one who pleases others114 Akmal complete 1349 Nandin son, delightful115 Akram excellent 1350 Naotau new116 Akroor kind 1351 Narahari Lord Vishnu117 Akshan eye 1352 Narasimha an incarnation of Lord Vishnu118 Akshar imperishable 1353 Narayan Lord Vishnu119 Akshat uninjurable 1354 Narayana Vishnu, refuge of man120 Akshath indestructible 1355 Narendra king of men121 Akshay indestructible 1356 Naresh lord of man122 Akshit permanent 1357 Narhari man-lion123 Akul a name of Lord Shiva 1358 Narinder the King124 Alagan handsome 1359 Narmad bringing delight125 Alagarasu handsome king, King of beauty 1360 Narottam best among men126 Alam, Aalam the whole world 1361 Narsimha lion among men127 Alamgir the lord of the whole world 1362 Nartan dance128 Alhad joy 1363 Narun leader of men129 Alok cry of victory 1364 Natesh king130 Aloke light 1365 Nathan controller131 Amal bright, clean, pure 1366 Nathin protected132 Amalendu the unblemished moon 1367 Natraj king among actors133 Amalesh the pure one 1368 Natwar Lord Krishna134 Amanath treasure 1369 Naval wonder135 Amanda active 1370 Navalan orator136 Amar forever, immortal 1371 Navaneet butter137 Amartya immortal, Amber of the sky 1372 Naveen new138 Ambar sky 1373 Navin new139 Ambarish the sky 1374 Navnit fresh butter140 Ambuj lotus 1375 Navrang beautiful141 Ameya boundless, magnanimous 1376 Navroz a Parsee festival142 Amil invaluable 1377 Nayan eye

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143 Amish honest 1378 Nayath leading144 Amit endless, boundless 1379 Nedumaan prince145 Amitabh one with boundless splendour 1380 Nedumaran tall and handsome146 Amitabha, Amita limitless lustre; name of Lord Buddha 1381 Neel blue147 Amitava same as Amitabh 1382 Neeladri the Nilgiris148 Amitbikram limitless prowess 1383 Neelam emerald149 Amitesh infinite god 1384 Neelambar blue sky150 Amitiyoti limitless brightness 1385 Neelanjan blue151 Amitrasudan destroyer of enemies 1386 Neelesh Lord Krishna; moon152 Amiya nectar; delight Amlan unfading; everbri 1387 Neelkanta Lord Shiva153 Amlankusum unfading flower 1388 Neelkanth peacock, Shiva154 Ammar the maker 1389 Neelmadhav Lord Jagannath155 Amod pleasure 1390 Neelmani sapphire156 Amogh unerring 1391 Neelotpal blue lotus157 Amoha clear, straight 1392 Neeraf river158 Amol priceless, valuable 1393 Neeraj lotus159 Amolik, Amolak priceless 1394 Nibodh knowledge160 Amrit nectar 1395 Nidhish lord of treasure161 Amrit, Amrik nectar 1396 Nigam treasure162 Amulya priceless 1397 Nihal gratified163 Anadi eternal Anal fire 1398 Nihar mist, fog, dew164 Anamitra the usn 1399 Niket home165 Anand bliss 1400 Nikhat fragrance166 Ananda, Anand joy; happiness 1401 Nikhil complete, whole167 Ananga, Anang name of Cupid or Kamadeva 1402 Nikhilesh lord of all168 Ananmaya one who cannot be broken 1403 Nikunj a bower169 Anant infinite 1404 Nikunja grove of trees170 Ananta, Anant infinite 1405 Nilay heaven171 Anantram eternal god 1406 Nilesh Krishna, blue god172 Anarghya priceless 1407 Nimai Chaitanya173 Anbarasu king of love 1408 Nimish spilt-second174 Anbu love, kindness 1409 Ninad sound, gentle sound of water175 Anbuchelvan kind, king of love 1410 Nipun expert176 Anbumadi kind and intelligent 1411 Nirad given by water177 Angad an ornament 1412 Niraj lotus flower178 Angada bracelet, brother of Wali and Sugreev 1413 Nirajit illuminated179 Angamuthu made of pearls 1414 Niral unique180 Anil god of wind 1415 Niramay without blemish181 Animish, Animes open-eyed therefore attractive 1416 Niramitra son of pandava Sahadeva182 Anirudhha cooperative 1417 Niranjan simple183 Anirvan undying 1418 Nirav without sound184 Anisa Supreme 1419 Nirbhay fearless185 Anish supreme 1420 Nirijhar waterful186 Aniteja Immeasurable splendour 1421 Nirmal clean, pure187 Anjasa guileless, deceitless 1422 Nirmalya pure188 Anjum a token 1423 Nirmanyu free of anger189 Anjuman a token; a symbol 1424 Nirmit created190 Ankit conquered 1425 Nirmohi unattached191 Ankur sprout 1426 Nirupam without comparison192 Ankush check; an instrument used for guiding e 1427 Nirvan liberation193 Anmol priceless 1428 Nischal calm194 Anoop incomparable, the best 1429 Nischith fixed195 Anshu the sun 1430 Nishad seventh note on Indian musical scale196 Anshul radiant 1431 Nishanath moon197 Anshuman Sun 1432 Nishant dawn198 Anshumat luminous 1433 Nishesh entire199 Anu an atom 1434 Nishikanta the moon200 Anugya authority 1435 Nishit midnight201 Anuha satisfied 1436 Nishita sharp202 Anuj younger brother 1437 Nishith night203 Anunay supplication; consolation 1438 Nishkama selfless204 Anup, Anoop without comparison 1439 Nishok happy205 Anupam incomparable 1440 Nissim unbounded206 Anurag attachment, devotion, love 1441 Niteesh god of law, one well versed in law207 Anurag, Anuraaglove 1442 Nithik master of justice208 Anuttam unsurpassed 1443 Nithilan brilliant like a pearl209 Anwar devote of God 1444 Nitin master of the right path210 Apoorva quite new 1445 Nitish master of the right path211 Apparajito undefeated 1446 Nityagopal constant212 Apurva, Apoorva unique 1447 Nityanand perennially happy213 Arav peaceful 1448 Nityananda Lord Krishna; always happy214 Aravali righteous 1449 Nityasundar ever good-looking

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215 Aravan righteous 1450 Nivrutti separation from world216 Archan worship 1451 Niyath behaviour217 Archit worshipped 1452 Nripa king218 Ardhendu half moon 1453 Nripendra king of kings219 Arghya offering to the Lord 1454 Nripesh king of kings220 Arham the word is just like OM for Jain commun 1455 Oha meditation, true knowledge221 Arhant destroyer of enemies 1456 Ohas praise222 Arihant one who has killed his enemies 1457 Ojas body strength223 Arijit conquering enemies, son of Krishna an 1458 Om the sacred syllable224 Arindam destroyer of enemies 1459 Omanand joy of Om225 Arivalagan intelligent and handsome 1460 Omar an era226 Arivali smart, intelligent 1461 Omja born of cosmic unity227 Arivarasu king of wisdom 1462 Omkar the sound of the sacred syllable228 Arivoli glowing with intelligence 1463 Omprakash light of Om229 Arivuchelvan one whose wealth is his wisdom 1464 Omrao, Umrao king230 Arivumadhi intelligent 1465 Omswaroop manifestation of divinity231 Arivumani intelligent jem 1466 Oojam enthusiasm232 Arivunambi confident and intelligent 1467 Oorjit powerful233 Arjit earned 1468 Oppilmani purest of gems234 Arjun peacock 1469 Ori charitable king235 Arka the sun 1470 Osman, Usman salve of God236 Arnav ocean, sea 1471 Ottakoothan poet237 Arnesh lord of the sea 1472 Oviyan artist238 Arokya very pious 1473 Paavan purifier239 Arshad pious 1474 Pachai youthful, resourceful240 Arul gods grace, gods blessing 1475 Pachaimani youthful, resourceful241 Arulchelvan blessed 1476 Pachaimuthu youthful, resourceful242 Arumugan lord murugan 1477 Padman lotus243 Arun sun 1478 Padmanabh one with lotus in his navel i.e. Vishnu244 Arun, Aroon mythical charioteer of the sun; dawn 1479 Padmanabha Lord Vishnu245 Aruni name of a devoted pupil 1480 Padmapati Lord Vishnu246 Arvind lotus 1481 Palak eyelash247 Arvinda, Arabind lotus 1482 Palani Abode of Lord Murugan248 Arya honoured, noble 1483 Palaniappan another name for Lord Murugan249 Aryaman the sun 1484 Palanikumar another name for Lord Murugan250 Asao, Asav essence 1485 Palanimurugan another name for Lord Murugan251 Asgar devotee 1486 Palanisami another name for Lord Murugan252 Ashis benediction 1487 Palanivel another name for Lord Murugan253 Ashok one without sorrow 1488 Palash a flowering254 Ashraf without grief 1489 Palashkusum the flower of Palash255 Ashu quick 1490 Palashranjan beautiful like a Palash256 Ashutosh Lord Shiva 1491 Pallav young shoots and leaves257 Ashvin a cavalier 1492 Panchanan Lord Shiva258 Ashwatthama fiery tempered 1493 Pandhari Lord Vithobha259 Ashwin, Asvin a Hindu month 1494 Panduranga one with pale white complexion260 Ashwini one of the constallations 1495 Panini the great scholar-grammarian261 Asit, Ashit the planet 1496 Pankaj lotus flower262 Aslesh embrance 1497 Panmoli speaks sweetly263 Atal immoveable 1498 Pannalal emerald264 Atanu Cupid 1499 Parag pollen grains265 Atiya to surpass 1500 Parakram strength266 Atma soul 1501 Param the best267 Atmaja son 1502 Paramananda superlative joy268 Atmajyoti light of soul 1503 Paramartha highest truth269 Atmananda bliss of soul 1504 Paramesh Lord Shiva270 Atralarasu skilled king 1505 Parameshwar Alimightly Lord271 Atreya receptacle of glory 1506 Paramhansa supreme soul272 Atul matchless 1507 Paramjeet highest success273 Atul, Atulya matchless 1508 Paranjay Varun; Lord of the Sea274 Atulya unweighable, incomparable 1509 Parantapa conqueror; Arjuna275 Avadhesh King Dasaratha 1510 Paras touchstone276 Avanindra king of the earth 1511 Parashar an ancient277 Avanish god of the earth 1512 Parashuram sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu278 Avatar incarnation 1513 Parasmani touchstone279 Avikshit not see before 1514 Paravasu name of a sage280 Avinash indestructible 1515 Parees touch stone281 Avkash limitless space Avatar incarnation 1516 Paresh supreme spirit282 Ayog institution 1517 Pari charitable prince283 Ayushman blessed with long life 1518 Parijat a celestial flower284 Ayyapan ever youthful 1519 Pariket against desire285 Badal cloud; rain 1520 Parikshit name of an ancient king286 Badri Lord Vishnu 1521 Parimal fragrance

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287 Badrinath Lord of Mt.Badri 1522 Parin another name for Lord Ganesha288 Badriprasad goft of Badri 1523 Parindra lion289 Bahubali a Jain Tirthakar 1524 Paritosh contentment290 Bahuleya Lord Kartikeya 1525 Parnad a Brahmin in the qpics291 Bahumanya honoured by many 1526 Partha Arjun292 Bahurai with great riches 1527 Parthapratim like Arjuna293 Bajrang a name of Lord Hanuman 1528 Parvatinandan Lord Ganesh294 Bakhtawar one who brings good luck 1529 Parvesh Lord of celebration295 Balaaditya young sun 1530 Pasupati Lord Shiva296 Balachandra young moon 1531 Patakin holder of a banner297 Balachandrav the crescent moon 1532 Patanjali famous Yoga philosopher298 Baladhi deep insight 1533 Pathik a traveller299 Baladhitya the newly risen sun 1534 Pathin traveller300 Balagovind baby Krishna 1535 Patralika new leaves301 Balaji a name of Vishnu 1536 Pavak fire302 Balakrishna young krishna 1537 Pavalan skilled in literature303 Balakumar youthful 1538 Pavan wind304 Balamani young jewel 1539 Pavani Hanuman305 Balamohan one who is attractive 1540 Pavitra pure306 Balamurugan young lord murugan 1541 Payas water307 Balan youthful 1542 Payod cloud308 Balanath lord of strength 1543 Peeyush nectar309 Balaraj strong 1544 Perumal Lord Venkateshwara310 Balaram the brother of Lord Krishna 1545 Phalgun . A month in Hindu Calander311 Balaravi the morning sun 1546 Phaninath . lord of serpents312 Balbir strong 1547 Phanindra . king of gods313 Baldev godlike in power 1548 Phanishwar . king of serpents314 Balgopal baby krishna 1549 Phenil foamy315 Balram Krishna's brother 1550 Phoolendu . full moon316 Balvindra, Balvinstrong 1551 Pinak Shiva's bow317 Balwant strong 1552 Pinaki Lord Krishna318 Banbihari Lord Krishna 1553 Pirmohammed rhw holy prophet319 Bandhu friend 1554 Pitambar Lord Vishnu320 Bandhul pleasing 1555 Piyush milk321 Bankebihari Lord Krishna 1556 Ponnan precious322 Bankim curved 1557 Poojan worship323 Bankimchandra crescent moon 1558 Poojit worshipped324 Bansi flute 1559 Poorna complete325 Bansilal Lord Krishna; the first lord; Lord Vishnu 1560 Poornachandra full moon326 Barid cloud 1561 Prabal coral327 Baridbaran colour of the cloud 1562 Prabhakar sun328 Barindra the ocean 1563 Prabhas lustrous329 Barun Lord of the Sea 1564 Prabhat dawn330 Basanta spring 1565 Prabhav effect331 Basavaraj lord of bulls 1566 Prabir hero, brave one (Praveer)332 Basistha a sage 1567 Prabodh sound advice333 Basudha earth 1568 Prabodhan knowledge334 Bhadrak handsome 1569 Prabuddha awakened335 Bhadraksh one with beautiful eyes 1570 Prachetas energy336 Bhadrang beautiful body 1571 Prachur abundant337 Bhadranidhi treasure of goodness 1572 Pradeep light, shine338 Bhagaditya the sun which bestows wealth 1573 Pradnesh lord of wisdom339 Bhagat devotee 1574 Pradosh dusk340 Bhagirat with glorious chariot 1575 Pradyot lustre341 Bhagirath one who brought Ganga on earth 1576 Pradyumna cupid342 Bhagwant fortunate 1577 Pradyun radiant343 Bhagyanandana controller of destiny 1578 Praful blooming344 Bhairav Lord Shiva 1579 Prafulla pleasant, cheerful345 Bhajan adoration 1580 Pragun straight; honest346 Bhanu sun 1581 Prahlad excess of joy347 Bhanudas a devotee of the sun 1582 Prajeet victorious348 Bhanuprasad gift of sun 1583 Prajesh Lord Brahma349 Bharadwaj a lucky bird 1584 Prajin kind350 Bharat India, universal monarch 1585 Prajit kind351 Bhargava Lord Shiva 1586 Prakash light352 Bhargyaraj lord of luck 1587 Prakash, Parkashlight353 Bhaskar sun 1588 Prakat mainfested354 Bhaumik attached to the earth 1589 Prakriti nature355 Bhavamanyu creator of universe 1590 Pralay Himalay356 Bhavesh lord of the world 1591 Pramath horse357 Bhim fearful 1592 Pramesh master of accurate knowledge358 Bhishma one who has taken a terrible vow 1593 Pramit consciousness

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359 Bhojaraja lord of generosity 1594 Pramod delight360 Bhooshan decoration 1595 Pran life361 Bhooshit decorated 1596 Pranav the sacred syllable Om362 Bhudev lord of the earth 1597 Pranay romance363 Bhumi earth 1598 Pranet leader364 Bhupathi lord of the earth 1599 Pranit modest365 Bhupen king 1600 Pranjal simple366 Bhupendra king of kings 1601 Pranjivan life367 Bhushan ornament 1602 Pransukh joy of life368 Bhuvan palace, one of the three worlds 1603 Prasad offering to god during pooja369 Bhuvanesh lord of the worlds 1604 Prasanna cheerful, pleased370 Bibek conscience 1605 Prasata father of Draupad371 Bibhas a raga 1606 Prasenjit a king in the epics372 Bibhavasu the sun; fire 1607 Prasham peace373 Bijal lightning 1608 Prashant calm and composed374 Bikram prowess 1609 Prashanta calm375 Bilva a sacred leaf 1610 Prasiddhi accomplishment, fame376 Bimal pure 1611 Prasoon flower377 Bindusar an excellent pearl 1612 Prasun blossom378 Bipin forest (Vipin) 1613 Pratap dignity, majesty379 Birbal brave heart 1614 Prateek symbol, first word in a sentence380 Bitasok one who does not mourn 1615 Prateep king, Shantanu's father381 Bodhan kindling 1616 Prateet manifested382 Boudhayan the name of a sage 1617 Pratik symbol383 Brahmabrata ascetic 1618 Pratiti faith; undrstanding384 Brahmadutt dedicated to Lord Brahma 1619 Pratosh extreme delight385 Bratindra devoted to right deeds 1620 Pratul plenty386 Brijesh god of the land of Brij 1621 Praval fierce, strong387 Brijmohan Krishna 1622 Pravar chief388 Buddhadev wise person 1623 Praveen expert389 Buddhadeva Gautama Buddha 1624 Praver chief390 Budhil learned 1625 Pravir brave391 Bukka heart, loving, sincere 1626 Prayag confluence of Ganga-Jamuna-Saraswati392 Chaitanya life, knowledge 1627 Preetish god of love393 Chakor a bird enamoured of the moon 1628 Prem love394 Chakradev Lord Vishnu 1629 Premal full of love395 Chakradhar Lord Vishnu 1630 Premanand joy of love396 Chakrapani Lord Vishnu 1631 Premendra lover397 Chakshu eye 1632 Pritam lover398 Chaman garden 1633 Prithu broad, spacious399 Chamanlal garden 1634 Prithvi earth400 Champak a flower 1635 Prithvijaj king of the earth401 Chanakya son of chanaka 1636 Prithviraj king of the earth402 Chanchal restless 1637 Priya beloved403 Chandak the moon 1638 Priyabrata devoted to pleasing404 Chandan sandalwood 1639 Priyaranjan beloved405 Chandra moon 1640 Pugal glory, fame406 Chandrabhan the moon 1641 Pugalendhi glorious, admirable407 Chandrachur Lord Shiva 1642 Pujit worshipped408 Chandrahas bow of Shiva 1643 Pukhraj topaz409 Chandrak peacock feather 1644 Pulak joy410 Chandrakanta the moon 1645 Pulakesh joyous411 Chandrakiran moonbeam 1646 Pulastya an ancient412 Chandrakirthi as famous as the moon 1647 Pulin beautiful413 Chandrakishore the moon 1648 Pulish name of a sage414 Chandrakumar the moon 1649 Pundalik lotus415 Chandramohan attractive like the moon 1650 Pundarik white lotus416 Chandran the moon 1651 Puneet pure417 Chandranath the moon 1652 Punit pure418 Chandraprakash moonlight 1653 Punyabrata dedicated to the good419 Chandraraj moonbeam 1654 Punyasloka sacred verse420 Chandrashekar Lord Shiva 1655 Purandar Lord Indra421 Chandrashekhar one who holds moon in his hair knot (Sh 1656 Puranjay Lord Shiva422 Chandratha nectar of the moon 1657 Purnanada God423 Chandresh lord of the moon 1658 Purnendu full moon424 Chandrodaya moonrise 1659 Puru abundant; name of a king425 Chanyana moon 1660 Purujit conqueror of city426 Chapal quick 1661 Purumitra friend of city427 Charan feet 1662 Pururava the founder of Chandra dynasty428 Charanjit one who has won over the lord (Charanj 1663 Purushottam best among men429 Charu agreeable, charming, genteel 1664 Pushkar lotus; a lake430 Charudatta born with beauty 1665 Pushpak mythical vehicle of Lord Vishnu

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431 Charudutta born of beauty 1666 Puskara blue lotus, fountain432 Charuvardhana one who enhances beauty 1667 Pyarelal Lord Krishna433 Charuvindha striving for beauty 1668 Pyaremohan Lord Krishna434 Chaturbhuj four armed 1669 Qatadah tree with hard wood435 Cheliyan rich, resourceful, prosperous 1670 Quamar the moon436 Chellamani precious gem 1671 Quasim old generation437 Chellamuthu precious pearl 1672 Qudamah courage438 Chellapan precious 1673 Qutub tall439 Chemmal premier, best 1674 Radhak liberal440 Chetan life 1675 Radhakanta Lord Krishna441 Chetana perceptive, consciousness 1676 Radhakrishna Radha and Lord Krishna442 Chevatkodiyon Lord Murugan 1677 Radhatanaya son of Radha443 Chhandak the charioteer of Lord Buddha 1678 Radhavallabh Lord Krishna-beloved of Radha444 Chidambar one whose heart is as big as the sky 1679 Radheshyam Lord Krishna445 Chidambaram home of Lord Shiva 1680 Radheya Karna446 Chidananda Lord Shiva 1681 Rafat elevation447 Chiman curious 1682 Raghav Lord Rama448 Chinmay full of knowledge 1683 Raghavendra Lord Rama449 Chinmayananda blissful, supreme consciousness 1684 Raghu the family of Lord Rama450 Chinnadurai prince 1685 Raghunandan Lord Rama451 Chintamani philosopher's stone 1686 Raghunath Lord Rama452 Chintan thought 1687 Raghupati Lord Rama453 Chinthanaichelv Intelligent, thoughtful 1688 Raghuvir Lord Rama454 Chintya worthy of thought 1689 Rahas secret455 Chirag lamp 1690 Raheem merciful456 Chiranjeev longlived 1691 Rahman merciful457 Chirantan immortal 1692 Rahul son of Lord Buddha458 Chirayu immortal 1693 Raivath wealthy459 Chirtrang with multicolored body 1694 Raj king460 Chithayu born of intellect 1695 Raja king461 Chitrabhanu fire 1696 Rajak illuminating462 Chitragupta secret picture 1697 Rajam Goddess Lakshmi463 Chitraksh beautiful eyed 1698 Rajan king464 Chitral of variegated colour 1699 Rajani night465 Chitrarath the sun 1700 Rajanikant sun, lord of night466 Chitrasen a king of Gandharvas 1701 Rajanikanta moon467 Chitresh moon, wonderful lord 1702 Rajanya kingly468 Chitta mind 1703 Rajarshi, Rajrishiking's sage469 Chittaprasad happiness 1704 Rajas mastery; fame; pride470 Chittaranjan one who pleases the mind 1705 Rajat silver471 Chittaswarup the supreme spirit 1706 Rajatshubhra white as silver472 Chittesh lord of the soul 1707 Rajdulari dear princess473 Chudamani crest jewel 1708 Rajeev blue lotus474 Dabeet warrior 1709 Rajendra king475 Daha Blazing, very bright 1710 Rajendrakumar king476 Daivya Divine 1711 Rajendramohan king477 Daiwik By the grace of God 1712 Rajesh god of kings478 Daksha able, talented 1713 Rajit decorated479 Dakshesh Shiva 1714 Rajiv elephant480 Dakshi The glorious 1715 Rajkumar prince481 Dakshina donation to god 1716 Rajyeshwar king482 Dalajit winning over a group 1717 Rakesh lord of the night, sun483 Dalapathi leader of a group 1718 Raksha the moon, protection484 Dalbhya belonging to wheels 1719 Rakshan protector485 Daman one who controls 1720 Ram Lord Rama, pleasing, charming486 Damian tamer 1721 Ramakanta Lord Vishnu487 Damodar with a rope around the waist 1722 Raman beloved, pleasing488 Danuj born of danu, a danava 1723 Ramanuja born after Rama i.e. Lakshman489 Danvir charitable 1724 Ramashray Lord Vishnu; protected by Rama490 Darpak Kamdev, god of love 1725 Ramavatar reincarnation of Lord Rama491 Darpan a mirror 1726 Ramchandra Lord Rama492 Darshan paying respect, religious text 1727 Ramesh Lord Vishnu493 Daruka deodar tree 1728 Rameshwar Lord Shiva494 Dasharath the father of Lord Rama 1729 Ramith loved495 Dasharathi Lord Rama 1730 Ramkishore Lord Rama496 Dasmaya beautiful 1731 Ramkrishna Lord Rama, Krishna497 Dattatreya a son of Atri, a god 1732 Ramkumar Lord Rama498 Dayada son, inheritor 1733 Rammohan Lord Rama499 Dayakara compassionate 1734 Ramnath Lord Rama500 Dayanand one who likes being merciful 1735 Ramprasad Lord Rama501 Dayanidhi treasure house of mercy 1736 Rampratap Lord Rama502 Dayasagara ocean of compassionate 1737 Ramratan Lord Rama

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503 Dayashankar merciful Lord Shiva 1738 Ramswaroop Lord Rama504 Debashis benediction of god 1739 Ranajay victorious505 Debashish pleased by gods 1740 Ranajit victorious506 Deenabandhu friend of the poor 1741 Randhir brave507 Deep a lamp 1742 Rangan a flower508 Deepak lamp, kindle 1743 Ranganath Lord Vishnu509 Deepan lighting up 1744 Rangith well couloured510 Deepankar one who lights lamps 1745 Ranjan pleasing511 Deependra lord of light 1746 Ranjeet victor in wars512 Deependu bright moon 1747 Ranjit victorious513 Deepesh lord of light 1748 Rasaraj mercury514 Deepit lighted 1749 Rasbihari Lord Krishna515 Deeptanshu the sun 1750 Rasesh Lord Krishna516 Deeptendu bright moon 1751 Rashmil silken517 Deeptiman lustrous 1752 Rasik connoisseur518 Deeptimoy lustrous 1753 Rasul angel519 Dev God, king 1754 Ratan precious stone520 Dev Kumar son of gods 1755 Ratannabha Lord Vishnu521 Devabrata a name of Bhisma 1756 Rathik one who rides a chariot522 Devachandra moon among the gods 1757 Rathin celestial523 Devadarshan familiar with gods 1758 Ratish cupid524 Devadas follower of God 1759 Ratnakar mine of jewels, sea525 Devadatta god given 1760 Ratul sweet526 Devadhipa lord of the gods 1761 Ravi sun527 Devadutt gift of god 1762 Ravikiran sun ray528 Devadyumna glory of the gods 1763 Ravinandan Karna529 Devajyoti brightness of the Lord 1764 Ravindra sun530 Devak divine 1765 Ravishu cupid531 Devakantha beloved of the gods 1766 Raza hope532 Devamadana gladdening the gods 1767 Razak devotee533 Devanand joy of god 1768 Rebanta a son of Surya534 Devang from god 1769 Rehman merciful535 Devaraj king of the gods 1770 Rehmat mercy536 Devarpana offerings to the gods 1771 Riddhiman possessed of good fortune537 Devarsi sage of the Devas 1772 Rijul innocent538 Devarya divine belief 1773 Ripudaman killer of enemies539 Devdas servant of god 1774 Rishabh morality540 Devdutta king 1775 Rishi sage, ray of light541 Devendra king of gods 1776 Rishikesh Lord Vishnu542 Devesh god of gods 1777 Rituparan joyous543 Deveshwar Lord Shiva 1778 Rituraj spring544 Devilal son of godess 1779 Ritvik priest545 Deviprasad gift of godess 1780 Riyaz practice546 Devnarayan king 1781 Rizvan harbinger of good news547 Devnath King of gods 1782 Rochak tasty548 Devraj king of gods 1783 Rochan red lotus, bright549 Devya devine power 1784 Rohan ascending550 Dhanajit wealth 1785 Rohanlal Lord Krishna551 Dhananjay one who wins wealth 1786 Rohit red552 Dhanesh lord of wealth 1787 Rohitasva son of King Harishchandra553 Dhanraj Lord Kuber 1788 Ronak embellishment554 Dhansukh wealthy; happy 1789 Roshan illumination555 Dhanvant wealthy 1790 Ruchir beautiful556 Dharanidhar Shesh - the cosmic serpent 1791 Rudra Lord Shiva557 Dharendra king of the earth 1792 Rujul simple, honest558 Dharma law (religious) 1793 Rukma radiant, sun559 Dharmachandra moon of dharma 1794 Rupak sign, feature560 Dharmadas one who serves his religion 1795 Rupesh lord of beauty561 Dharmadev lord of law 1796 Rupin embodied beauty562 Dharmaditya son of dharma 1797 Rushil charming563 Dharmanand one who takes pleasure in his religion 1798 Rustom warrior564 Dharmendra king of religion 1799 Rutajit conquerer of truth565 Dharmendu light of religion 1800 Rutujit conquerer of seasons566 Dharmesh master of religion 1801 Sabarinathan Lord Ayyapa567 Dharmpal protector of his religion 1802 Sabhya refined568 Dharmveer religious 1803 Sacchidananda total bliss569 Dhaval fair complexioned 1804 Sachet consciousness570 Dhavalachandra white moon 1805 Sachetan rational571 Dhawal white 1806 Sachin Lord Indra572 Dheeman intelligent 1807 Sachit consciousness573 Dheemant wise; intelligent 1808 Sadaiappan Lord Siva574 Dheer gentle 1809 Sadanand ever joyous

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575 Dheeran achiever 1810 Sadashiva eternally pure576 Dheerendra god of courage 1811 Sadeepan lighted up577 Dheivamani blessed gem 1812 Sadhan pocessing578 Dhevan godly 1813 Sadiq kingly579 Dhevaneyan pious 1814 Saeed priestly580 Dhikshit initiated 1815 Sagar sea, ocean581 Dhinakar the sun 1816 Sagun possessed of qualities582 Dhinanta evening 1817 Sahaj natural583 Dhipin exciting 1818 Sahas bravery584 Dhiraj emperor 1819 Sahay help585 Dhiren one who is strong 1820 Sahdev one of the Pandava princes586 Dhirendra lord of the brave 1821 Sahib the lord587 Dhritiman patient 1822 Sahil guide588 Dhruv pole star 1823 Sainath Saibaba589 Dhvanya suggested meaning 1824 Saipraasad blessing590 Dhwani sound 1825 Saipratap blessing of Saibaba591 Dhyana meditation 1826 Sajal moist592 Dhyanesh meditative 1827 Sajan beloved593 Digamber nacked 1828 Saket Lord Krishna594 Dilawar brave 1829 Salaman high595 Dilip a king, ancestor of Rama 1830 Salarjung beautiful596 Dinanath protector 1831 Saleem healthy597 Dinapati the sun 1832 Salil water598 Dinar gold coin 1833 Salim happy; peaceful599 Dindayal kindto the poor 1834 Samantha bordering600 Dinesh sun, god of the day 1835 Samar war601 Dinkar sun 1836 Samarendra Lord Vishnu602 Divakar sun 1837 Samarendu Lord Vishnu603 Divyanga divine body 1838 Samarjit victorious in war604 Divyendu bright moon 1839 Samarth powerful605 Divyesh sun 1840 Sambaran restraint; name of an ancient king606 Drupad a king, father of Draupadi 1841 Sambhav born; manifested607 Dulal dear one 1842 Sambhddha wise608 DuraiMurugan Lord Murugan 1843 Sambit consciousness609 Duranjaya a heroic son 1844 Sameen valuable610 Durjaya difficult to conquer 1845 Sameer breeze611 Dushyanta a king from the epic Mahabharata 1846 Samendra winner of war612 Dwaipayan the sage Vyasa 1847 Samgram host613 Dwijaraj king of Brahmins; the moon 1848 Samir wind614 Dwijendra king of Brahmins; the moon 1849 Samiran breeze615 Dwijesh river 1850 Sammath agreed616 Dyumani lord Shiva 1851 Sampat prosperous617 Dyutit illuminated 1852 Samrat emperor618 Edhas happiness 1853 Samudra sea619 Edi herb 1854 Samudragupta a famous Gupta king620 Ednit evolved 1855 Samudrasen lord of the ocean621 Eeshwar god 1856 Samvath prosperous622 Egaiarasu king of charity 1857 Samyak enough623 Eha lord Vishnu 1858 Sanabhi related624 Ehimay all pervasive 1859 Sanam beloved625 Eka lord Vishnu 1860 Sanat Lord Brahma626 Ekachandra the only moon 1861 Sanatan eternal627 Ekachith with one mind 1862 Sanchay collection628 Ekagrah focused 1863 Sanchit collected629 Ekaksha lord Shiva 1864 Sandananda eternal bliss630 Ekalavya renowned for his devotion to his guru 1865 Sandeep a lighted lamp631 Ekalinga . Shiva 1866 Sandeepan a sage632 Ekambar sky 1867 Sangupt percectly hidden633 Ekana lord Vishnu 1868 Sanjan creator634 Ekanath king 1869 Sanjay Dhritarashtra's charioteer635 Ekanga . bogyguard 1870 Sanjith perfectly victorious636 Ekansh whole 1871 Sanjiv love; life637 Ekapad lord Shiva 1872 Sanjivan immortality638 Ekaraj emperor 1873 Sanjog coincidence639 Ekatan closely attentive 1874 Sankalpa resolve640 Eknath . poet, saint 1875 Sankara Shiva641 Ekram honour 1876 Sankarshan a name of Balaram, brother of Lord Krishna642 Elango prince, author of tamil masterpiece Si 1877 Sanket signal643 Elil handsome 1878 Sanobar palm tree644 Elilarasan handsome, king of beauty 1879 Santosh happiness645 Elilarasu handsome, king of beauty 1880 Sanwariya Lord Krishna646 Elilvendan handsome, king of beauty 1881 Sanyog coincidence

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647 Ellu sesame seed considered sacred 1882 Sapan dream (Swapna)648 Elumalai lord Venkateshwara, lord of seven hills 1883 Saquib bright649 Eshwar Lord Shiva 1884 Saral straight650 Etash luminous 1885 Sarang spotted deer651 Evyavan lord Vishnu 1886 Saras a bird; lake652 Faakhir proud; excellent 1887 Sarasija lotus653 Faaris horseman; knight 1888 Sarasvat learned654 Faarooq one who distinguishes truth from falseh 1889 Sarat a sage655 Fadi the redeemer 1890 Saravanan Lord Murugan656 Fadl outstanding; honourable 1891 Sarbajit one who has conquered everything657 Fadl Ullah excellence of God 1892 Sarfaraz head held high658 Fahad lynx 1893 Saroj lotus659 Faisal decisive 1894 Sartaj crown660 Faiyaz artistic 1895 Sarthak well done661 Faiz gain 1896 Sarup beautiful662 Fakhry honorary 1897 Sarvadaman son of Shakuntala-Bharat663 Falak the sky 1898 Sarvanavel Another name for Lord Murugan664 Falgu lovely 1899 Sarvesh lord of all665 Falguni, Phalguniborn in Falgun, a Hindu month; Arjun 1900 Sarwar promotion666 Fanibhusan Lord Shiva 1901 Sashreek prosperous667 Fanindra the cosmic serpent Shesh 1902 Satindra Lord Vishnu668 Fanish the cosmic serpent Shesh 1903 Satish ruler of hundreds669 Fanishwar lord of serpents, Vasuki 1904 Satrijit father of Satyabhama, wife of Lord Krishna670 Faraz equitable 1905 Satvamohan truthful671 Fareed unique 1906 Satyajit victory of truth672 Farhad happiness 1907 Satyakam son of Jabala in the Mahabharata673 Farhat happiness 1908 Satyaki charioteer of Krishna674 Farid wide 1909 Satyamurty statue of truth675 Faris ability to discern, perspicacity 1910 Satyanarayan Lord Krishna676 Farukh, Farokh power of discrimination 1911 Satyankar true; good677 Fateen clever, smart 1912 Satyaprakash light of truth678 Fateh victory 1913 Satyapriya devoted to truth679 Fatik crystal 1914 Satyasheel truthful680 Fawaz successful 1915 Satyavan husband of Savitri; true681 Fidaa sacrifice 1916 Satyavrat one who has taken vow of truth682 Firdaus paradise 1917 Satyavrata dedicated to truth683 Firoz name of a king 1918 Satyendra lord of truth (Satyen)684 Fravash guardian angel 1919 Saurabh fragrance685 Fuad heart 1920 Saurav divine, celestial686 Gagan sky, heaven 1921 Savanth employer687 Gaganvihari one who stays in heaven 1922 Savar Lord Shiva688 Gajanan one with elephant face 1923 Savitendra the sun689 Gajanand Lord Ganesh 1924 Sawan a Hindu month690 Gajendra elephant king 1925 Sayam evening691 Ganaka one who calculates 1926 Sayed leader692 Ganapati Lord Ganesh 1927 Seemanta parting line of hair693 Ganaraj lord of the clan 1928 Selvakumaran prosperous694 Gandesha lord of fragrance 1929 Selvan prosperous695 Gandhar fragrance 1930 Senajit victory over army696 Gandharaj king of fragrance 1931 Sendhil Lord Murugan697 Gandharva celestial musician 1932 SendhilNathan Lord Murugan698 Gandhik fragant 1933 Sengannan visionary699 Gandira hero 1934 Senmal the best700 Ganendra lord of a troop 1935 Senthamarai Red Lotus701 Ganesh son of Lord Shiva & Parvati 1936 Sevak servant702 Gangadhar holding the ganga, lord shiva 1937 Shaan pride703 Gangadutt gift of Ganga 1938 Shachin Lord Indra704 Gangesh Lord Shiva 1939 Shadab fresh705 Gangeya of the Ganga 1940 Shaheen tender706 Gangol a precious 1941 Shahid patriot707 Ganjan surpassing 1942 Shailendra king of mountains, Himalaya708 Garisht heaviest 1943 Shailesh god of mountain, Himalaya709 Gaurang fair complexioned 1944 Shaistakhan polite710 Gaurav honour, pride, respect 1945 Shakib patience711 Gaurinath Lord Shiva 1946 Shaktidhar Lord Shiva712 Gautam Lord Buddha 1947 Shakunt blue jay713 Gavisht abode of light 1948 Shakyasinha Lord Buddha714 Gayak singer 1949 Shalin modest715 Gayan sky 1950 Shambhu Lord Shiva716 Geet song 1951 Shameek an ancient sage717 Ghalib excellent 1952 Shami fire718 Ghanashyam Lord Krishna 1953 Shamindra quiet; gentle

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719 Giri mountain 1954 Shams fragrance720 Giridari Lord Krishna 1955 Shamshu, Shamsbeautiful721 Giridhar one who holds mountain (Krishna) 1956 Shandar proud722 Girik Lord Shiva 1957 Shankar Shiva723 Girilal son of mountain 1958 Shankha conch724 Girindra Lord Shiva 1959 Shanmukha, ShaKartikeya, first son of Lord Shiva725 Giriraj lord of mountain 1960 Shantanu a king from the epic Mahabharata726 Girish god of mountain 1961 Shantashil gentle727 Gokul a place where Lord Krishna was brough 1962 Shantimay peaceful728 Gopal Krishna, cowherd 1963 Shantinath lord of peace729 Gopan protection 1964 Shantiprakash light of peace730 Gopesh Lord Krishna 1965 Shantipriya peace-loving731 Gopichand name of a king 1966 Sharad name of a season732 Gorakh cowherd 1967 Sharad, Sarat autumn733 Gourishankar Mt. Everest 1968 Sharadchandra autumn moon734 Govind cowherd 1969 Sharadindu autumn moon735 Govinda Lord Krishna 1970 Sharan shelter736 Grahish lord of the planets 1971 Sharang deer737 Granthik astrologer, narrator 1972 Shardul tiger738 Grihith understood, accepted 1973 Shariq intelligent739 Gudakesha the archer Arjuna 1974 Shashank moon740 Gulab rose 1975 Shashanka the moon741 Gulfam the colour 1976 Shashee moon742 Gulzar gardener 1977 Shashibhushan Lord Shiva743 Gulzarilal name of Lord Krishna 1978 Shashidhar the moon744 Gunalan filled with virtue 1979 Shashikant moon stone745 Gunaratna jewel of virtue 1980 Shashikiran moon's rays746 Gunayukth endowed with virtue 1981 Shashimohan the moon747 Gunjan buzzing of a bee 1982 Shashishekhar Lord Shiva748 Gunwant virtuous 1983 Shashwat ever lasting, continuous749 Gupil a secret 1984 Shatrughna, Sha victorious750 Gurbachan promise of the guru 1985 Shatrujit victorious over enemies751 Gurcharan feet of the guru 1986 Shatrunjay one who overcomes enemies752 Gurdayal compassionate guru 1987 Shattesh king of mountains753 Gurdeep lamp of the guru 1988 Shaukat grand754 Gurmeet friend of the guru 1989 Shaunak a great sage755 Gurnam name of the guru 1990 Sheetal cool756 Gurpreet love of the teacher 1991 Sheil mountain757 Gursharan refuge at the guru 1992 Shekhar Lord Shiva758 Guru teacher, master, priest 1993 Shesh cosmic serpent759 Gurudas servant of the guru 1994 Shevantilal a crysanthemum760 Gurudutt gift of the guru 1995 Shikha flame761 Gyan knowledge 1996 Shikhar peak762 Gyandev lord of knowledge 1997 Shirish a flower; raintree763 Habib beloved 1998 Shiromani superb jewel764 Hafiz protected 1999 Shirshirchandra winter moon765 Hakesh lord of sound 2000 Shishir name of a season, cold766 Hamid friend 2001 Shishirkumar the moon767 Hamir a raga 2002 Shishupal sone of Subhadra768 Hans swan 2003 Shiv Lord Shiva, auspicious, lucky769 Hansaraj king of a swan 2004 Shivendra Lord Shiva770 Hanuman the monkey god of Ramayana 2005 Shivendu pure moon771 Hanumant the monkey god of Ramayana 2006 Shivesh Lord Shiva772 Hardik heartfelt 2007 Shivlal Lord Shiva773 Harekrishna Lord Krishha 2008 Shivraj Lord Shiva774 Harendra Lord Shiva 2009 Shivshankar Lord Shiva775 Haresh Shiva 2010 Shobhan splendid776 Hari sun, Vishnu 2011 Shoorsen brave777 Haridas servant of Krishna 2012 Shravan name of a Hindu month778 Harigopal Lord Krishna 2013 Shravankumar a character from the epic Ramayana779 Harihar Vishu and Shiva together 2014 Shrenik organised780 Harikanth dear to Indra 2015 Shreshta the best781 Harilal son of Hari 2016 Shreyas superior782 Harinaksh Lord Shiva 2017 Shridhar Lord Vishnu783 Harinarayan Lord Vishnu 2018 Shrigopal Lord Krishna784 Hariom Lord Vishnu 2019 Shrihari Lord Krishna785 Hariprasad blessed by Lord Krishna 2020 Shrikanta beautiful786 Hariraj king of lions 2021 Shrikrishna Lord Krishna787 Hariram Lord Rama 2022 Shrikumar beautiful788 Harish Lord Shiva 2023 Shrinath Lord Vishnu789 Harishankar Lord Shiva 2024 Shrinivas Lord Vishnu790 Harishchandra King of Surya dynasty, charitable 2025 Shripad Lord Vishnu

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791 Haritbaran green 2026 Shripal Lord Vishnu792 Harith lion 2027 Shripati Lord Vishnu793 Harjeet victorious 2028 Shriram Lord Rama794 Harkrishna Lord Krishna 2029 Shriranga Lord Vishnu795 Harmendra the moon 2030 Shrish Lord Vishnu796 Haroon hope 2031 Shrivatsa Lord Vishnu797 Harsh happiness 2032 Shriyans wealth798 Harsha joy, delight 2033 Shubha auspicious799 Harshad one who gives pleasure 2034 Shubhang handsome800 Harshal lover 2035 Shubhankar auspivious801 Harshaman full of joy 2036 Shubhashis blessing802 Harshavardhan creator of joy 2037 Shubhendu luckly moon803 Harshil joyful 2038 Shubhranshu the moon804 Harshit joyous 2039 Shuddhashil well-born805 Harshul deer 2040 Shulabh easy806 Harshvardhan one who increases joy 2041 Shvetang fair complexioned807 Hashmat glory, joyful 2042 Shvetank having a white mark808 Hasit happy 2043 Shyam dark blue, black809 Hassan an Islamic 2044 Shyamal black, dark blue810 Heer diamond 2045 Shyamsundar Lord Krishna811 Hem gold 2046 Siddhanta principle812 Hemachandra golden moon 2047 Siddharth white mustard813 Hemadri mountain of gold 2048 Siddhartha a name of Lord Buddha814 Hemamdar golden creeper 2049 Siddheshwar a goddess815 Heman golden yellow, made of gold 2050 Singaravelan Lord Murugan816 Hemang one with shining body 2051 Siraj lamp817 Hemanga goldenbodied 2052 Sitakanta Lord Rama818 Hemant early winter 2053 Sitanshu the moon819 Hemaraj king of gold 2054 Sitikantha Lord Shiva820 Hemendra lord of gold 2055 Sivakumaran Son of Lord Siva821 Hemendu golden moon 2056 Sivanta Lord Shiva822 Heramba boastful, name of Ganapati 2057 Smarajit one who has conquered lust823 Himachal the Himalayas 2058 Smaran remembrance824 Himadri Himalaya 2059 Smritiman unforgettable825 Himaghna the sun 2060 Smyan smile826 Himanshu the moon 2061 Snehal freindly827 Himmat courage 2062 Snehanshn affectionate828 Himnish Lord Shiva 2063 Snehin a friend829 Hiranmay golden 2064 Sohail moon-glow830 Hiranya wealth 2065 Soham 'Iam He'-the presence of divinity of each soul831 Hirendra Lord of diamonds 2066 Sohan good looking832 Hiresh king of gems 2067 Sohil beautiful833 Hitendra well-wisher 2068 Som the moon834 Hriday Heart 2069 Soman the moon835 Hridayanand joy of the heart 2070 Somansh half moon836 Hridayesh king of heart 2071 Somendra moon837 Hridaynath beloved 2072 Someshwar Lord Shiva838 Hridik lord of the heart, beloved 2073 Somnath Lord Shiva839 Hriman wealthy 2074 Sopan steps840 Hrishikesh one who controls senses 2075 Soumil a friend841 Hritish lord of heart 2076 Soumyakanti handsome842 Hurditya joyous 2077 Sourabh fragrance843 Hussain Islamic thinker, saint 2078 Souren of the sun844 Ibhanan elephant faced 2079 Sourish Lord Vishnu845 Ibhya possessor of many attendants 2080 Sragvibhushan Lord Vishnu (who loves tulasi)846 Ibrahim Abraham; earth 2081 Srijan creation847 Idris fiery Lord 2082 Srikant lover of wealth848 Iham expected 2083 Srinivas abode of wealth849 Ihit prize; honour 2084 Sriram Lord Rama850 Ikshu sugarcane 2085 Sual asked for851 Ilaiyavan Youthful 2086 Subal a friend of Lord Krishna852 Ilamporai Prince 2087 Subash fragrance853 Ilamurugu young lord Murugan 2088 Subbarao auspicious854 Ilancheliyan Full of youthful potential 2089 Subhan aware855 Ilandevan young master 2090 Subhash soft spoken856 Ilango Chera Prince who wrote Tamil masterpi 2091 Subinay humble857 Ilanthirayan Young man whose influence extends be 2092 Subodh sound advice, easily understood858 Ilavalagan Young and handsome 2093 Subramani Lord Murugan859 Ilavarasan Prince 2094 Subrata devoted to what is right860 Ilavenil brilliant 2095 Suchir eternal861 Ilesh lord of earth 2096 Sudama meek862 Iman name of raga 2097 Sudarshan good looking

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863 Imaran strong 2098 Sudeep bright864 Imtiaz power of discrimination 2099 Sudesh country865 Inakanta beloved of sun 2100 Sudesha good country866 Inbanathan happy 2101 Sudeva good Deva867 Indeever blue lotus 2102 Sudhakar mine of nectar868 Indivar blue lotus 2103 Sudhamay full of nectar869 Indra excellent, first 2104 Sudhan very rich870 Indradutt gift of Indra 2105 Sudhanshu the moon871 Indrajeet conqueror 2106 Sudhanssu moon872 Indrajit conquerer of Indra 2107 Sudhi scholar873 Indrakanta Lord Indra 2108 Sudhindra lord of knowledge874 Indraneel emerald 2109 Sudhir resolute, brave875 Indrasena the army of Indra 2110 Sudhish lord of excellent intellect876 Indrasuta son of Indra 2111 Sudhith kind877 Indratan as strong as Indra 2112 Sudip very bright878 Indubhushan the moon 2113 Sugata a name of the Buddha879 Induhasan like a moon 2114 Sugreev man with a beautiful neck880 Indukanta like a moon 2115 Sugriva one with graceful neck881 Indulal moon's lustre 2116 Suhail moon-glow882 Indumat respected by moon 2117 Suhas smiling beautifully883 Indushekhar like a moon 2118 Suhrid well-disposed884 Inesh a strong king 2119 Suhrit well-disposed885 Iniyavan pleasant natured 2120 Sujan honest886 Intekhab chosen 2121 Sujash illustrious887 Iqbal desire 2122 Sujay victory888 Iraiyavan blessed by the supreme 2123 Sujit victory889 Irfan knowledgable 2124 Sukant, Sukanta handsome890 Iri Hanuman, son of wind god 2125 Sukesh with beautiful891 Irshaad signal 2126 Suketu a Yaksha king892 Irya powerful 2127 Sukhamay pleasurable893 Isaiarasu king of music 2128 Sukhdev god of happiness894 Isaivalan skilled musician 2129 Sukrit good deed895 Isar eminent; Lord Shiva 2130 Sukumar handsome896 Ishan sun 2131 Sulalit graceful897 Ishrat affection 2132 Sulekh beautifully written898 Ishwar powerful, the supreme god 2133 Sulochan one with beautiful eyes899 Itish such a lord 2134 Sultan king900 Iyyappan Lord Iyyappan, youthful 2135 Suman flower901 Izhar submission 2136 Sumant wise902 Jadhav a yadava 2137 Sumanta wise903 Jag the universe 2138 Sumantra friend of King Dasarath904 Jagachandra moon of the universe 2139 Sumedh clever905 Jagad universe 2140 Sumeet, Sumit a good friend906 Jagadayu life spring of the universe 2141 Sumit well measured907 Jagadbandu Lord Krishna 2142 Sumitra good friend908 Jagadeep light of the world 2143 Sunanda very pleasing909 Jagadev lord of the world 2144 Sunasi Lord Indra910 Jagadhidh lord of the world 2145 Sundar beautiful911 Jagadip lamp of the universe 2146 Sundaravel Lord Murugan912 Jagadish lord of the universe 2147 Suneet of good principles; prudent913 Jagajeet conquerer of the world 2148 Sunil dark blue914 Jagajeevan life of the world 2149 Sunirmal pure915 Jagan universe. world 2150 Suparna leafy916 Jaganmay spread over the universe 2151 Suprakash manifested917 Jagannath lord of the world 2152 Supratik cupid918 Jagath the universe 2153 Supratim beautiful image919 Jagesh lord of the world 2154 Supriya beloved920 Jagjeevan worldly life 2155 Sur a musical note921 Jagmohan one who attracts the world 2156 Suraj the sun922 Jahan the world 2157 Surajit god923 Jai conqueror 2158 Suranjan pleasing924 Jaichand victory of the moon 2159 Surdeep lamp of music925 Jaidayal victory of kindness 2160 Suren Lord Indra926 Jaidev god of victory 2161 Suresh sun927 Jaigath victorious 2162 Surya sun928 Jaigopal victory of Lord Krishna 2163 Suryabhan the sun929 Jaikrishna victory of Lord krishna 2164 Suryakant loved by the sun930 Jaimini an ancient philosopher 2165 Suryakanta a jewel931 Jainarayan victory 2166 Suryashankar Lord Shiva932 Jaipal Lord Brahma 2167 Sushanta quiet933 Jairaj lord of victory 2168 Sushil well-behaved934 Jaisal famous folk 2169 Sushobhan very beautiful

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935 Jaishankar victory of Lord Shiva 2170 Sushrut well- heard936 Jaisukh joy of winning 2171 Sushruta son of sage Viswamitra937 Jaitra leading to vitory 2172 Sutej lustre938 Jaiwant victory 2173 Sutejas very bight939 Jalad giving water 2174 Suvan the sun940 Jalal glory 2175 Suvimal pure941 Jalendra lord of the water 2176 Suvrata strict in religious vows (Subrata)942 Jalendu moon in the water 2177 Suyash illustrious943 Jalil revered 2178 Swagat welcome944 Jalindra lord of the water 2179 Swami master945 Janak father of Sita, creator 2180 Swaminath the Lord Almighty946 Janamejay, JanarLord Vishnu 2181 Swapan dream947 Janardan one who helps people 2182 Swapnil seen in a dream, dreamy948 Janav protecting men 2183 Swaraj freedom949 Janith born 2184 Swarup truth950 Janya born 2185 Swayambhu Lord Shiva951 Japa chanting 2186 Swetaketu an ancient sage952 Japan muttering prayers 2187 Syamantak a jewel of Lord Vishnu953 Japendra lord of chants-Lord Shiva 2188 Tahir holy954 Japesh lord of chants-lord Shiva 2189 Taizeen encouragement955 Jasamit protected by fame 2190 Taj crown956 Jasapal very famous 2191 Tajdar corwned957 Jasbeer victorious hero 2192 Talat prayer958 Jashan celebration 2193 Talib divine959 Jashun celebration 2194 Talleen absorbed960 Jaspal Lord Krishna 2195 Tamal a tree with very dark bark961 Jasraj king of fame 2196 Tamkinat pomp962 Jasveer hero of fame 2197 Tamonash destroyer of ignorance963 Jaswant victorious (Yashwant) 2198 Tanay son964 Jatan nurturing 2199 Tanmay engrossed965 Jatin pertaining ato saint 2200 Tanuj son966 Jatya pleasing 2201 Tanveer englightened967 Javed immortal 2202 Tapan sun, summer968 Javin swift 2203 Tapas heat, penance969 Jawahar jewel 2204 Tapasendra Lord Shiva970 Jayad causing victory 2205 Tapasranjan Lord Vishnu971 Jayadeep light of victory 2206 Tapomay full of moral virtue972 Jayaditya victorious sun 2207 Tarachand star973 Jayant victorious 2208 Tarak star, pupil of eye, protector974 Jayanta Lord Vishnu 2209 Tarakeshwar Lord Shiva975 Jayashekhar crest of victory 2210 Taraknath Lord Shiva976 Jaysukh pleasure of victory 2211 Taral honeybee977 Jeemutbahan full of life 2212 Taran raft, heaven978 Jeevan life 2213 Tarang wave979 Jehangir Akbar's son 2214 Taranga wave980 Jenya 1 2215 Taraprashad star981 Jhoomer ornament 2216 Tarik one who crosses the river of life982 Jignesh curiosity to research 2217 Tariq morning star983 Jihan the world 2218 Tarit lightning984 Jinendra lord of life 2219 Tarpan refreshing985 Jishnu triumphant 2220 Tarun young, youth986 Jitendra lord of conquerers 2221 Taruntapan morning sun987 Jivitesh God 2222 Tathagata the Buddha988 Jnyandeep light of knowledge 2223 Tausiq reinforcement989 Jnyaneshwar god of wisdom 2224 Teerth holy place, sacred water990 Jogindra, JogindeLord Shiva 2225 Teerthankar a Jain saint991 Jograj Lord Krishna 2226 Tej light, lustrous992 Jugnu a firefly 2227 Tejas sharpness993 Jujhar one who struggles 2228 Tejeshwar the sun994 Jusal pari 2229 Tejomay glorious995 Jyotichandra splendour 2230 Thakur leader; God996 Jyotiprakash splendour of the flame 2231 Thangabalu Golden997 Jyotiranjan joyous flamae 2232 Thangadurai golden king998 Jyotirdhar holder of the flame 2233 Thangamani Golden gen999 Jyotirmoy lustrous 2234 Thangarajan golden king

1000 Kabir famous sufi saint 2235 Thangasami golden lord1001 Kailas abode of Lord Shiva 2236 Thangavel Lord Murugan, God1002 Kailash name of a Himalayan peak, abode of Sh 2237 Thayanban devoted to ones mother1003 Kailashchandra Lord Shiva 2238 Theeran brave1004 Kailashnath Lord Shiva 2239 Thenappan kind1005 Kalapriya lover of art 2240 Thevan Godly1006 Kalash sacred pot 2241 Thinakaran brilliant like the sun, intelligent

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1007 Kalicharan devotee of Goddess Kali 2242 Thirugnanam wise, knowledgeable, attained realization1008 Kalidas the poet, dramatist; slave of godess Kal 2243 Thirumal Lord Venkateshwara1009 Kalimohan a devotee of Goddess Kali 2244 Thirumalai Abode of Lord Venkateshwara, holy place1010 Kalipada a devotee of Goddess Kali 2245 Thirumani precious gem1011 Kaliranjan devotee of Goddess Kali 2246 Thiruvalluvar Author of Tamil classic, Thirukural1012 Kalith understood 2247 Thooyavan pure, flawless1013 Kalpa able, fit 2248 Tilak spot of vermillion or sandal wood paste on forehead1014 Kalya pleasant 2249 Timin large fish1015 Kalyan welfare 2250 Timir darkness1016 Kamadev god of love 2251 Timirbaran dark1017 Kamal lotus flower 2252 Tirtha holy place1018 Kamalakar Lord Vishnu 2253 Titir a bird1019 Kamalapati Lord Vishnu 2254 Toshan satisfaction1020 Kamalesh lord of Kamala 2255 Trailokva the three worlds1021 Kamalnayan lotus eyed 2256 Trambak Lord Shiva1022 Kaman desired 2257 Tribhuvan the tree worlds1023 Kamat unrestrained 2258 Tridib heaven1024 Kamik desired 2259 Trigun the three dimensions1025 Kamlesh god of lotus 2260 Trilochan one with three eyes, Shiva1026 Kamod a raga 2261 Trilok the three worlds (heaven, earth, hell)1027 Kamraj cupid 2262 Trilokesh Lord Shiva1028 Kamran success 2263 Tripurari Lord Shiva1029 Kamukh passionate 2264 Trishanku a king of the Surya dynasty1030 Kanad an ancient 2265 Trishul Shiva's weapon1031 Kanak gold 2266 Trivikram Lord Vishnu1032 Kanal shining 2267 Tufan storm1033 Kanan forest 2268 Tuhin snow1034 Kanchan gold 2269 Tuhinsurra white as snow1035 Kandan cloud 2270 Tukaram a poet saint1036 Kandarpa Cupid 2271 Tula balance scale, zodiac sign Libra1037 Kanha Krishna 2272 Tulasidas servant of Tulasi (basil plant)1038 Kanhaiya Lord Krishna 2273 Tulsidas a famous saint1039 Kanhaiyalal Lord Krishna 2274 Tungar high, lofty1040 Kanishka name of a king 2275 Tungesh moon1041 Kanishta youngest 2276 Turanyu swift1042 Kantilal lustrous 2277 Tushar fine drops of water1043 Kantimoy lustrous 2278 Tusharkanti Lord Shiva1044 Kanu Lord Krishna 2279 Tusharsuvra white as snow1045 Kanvar young prince 2280 Tyagraja a famous poet1046 Kanwal lotus 2281 Udar generous1047 Kanwaljeet lotus 2282 Uday to rise1048 Kanwalkishore lotus; Lord krishna 2283 Udayachal eastern horizon1049 Kapil name of a sage 2284 Udayan rising; name of king of Avanti1050 Kapish Lord Hanuman 2285 Udayasooriyan rising sun1051 Karan Karna, the firstborn of Kunti 2286 Uddhar liberation1052 Kareem kind 2287 Uddhav Lord Krishna's friend1053 Karna the firstborn of Kunti 2288 Udeep flood1054 Karnik judge 2289 Udit grown, awakened, shining1055 Kartar master 2290 Udyam effort1056 Kartik name of one of the months 2291 Udyan garden1057 Kartikeya god of war 2292 Ujagar bright1058 Karun compassionate 2293 Ujala bright1059 Karunakar merciful 2294 Ujesh one who gives light1060 Karunamay full of light 2295 Ujwal, Ujjala bright1061 Karunashankar merciful 2296 Ulagan wordly1062 Kashif connoisseur 2297 Ulagappan creator of the world1063 Kashinath Lord Shiva 2298 Ulhas joy, delight1064 Kashiprasad blessed by Lord Shiva 2299 Umanand Lord Shiva1065 Kashyap name of a sage 2300 Umanant, UmakaLord Shiva1066 Kathith well recited 2301 Umang enthusiasm1067 Kaunteya son of Kunti 2302 Umaprasad blessing of Goddess Parvati1068 Kausar lake of paradise 2303 Umashankar Lord Shiva1069 Kaushal clever, skilled 2304 Umed hope1070 Kaushik sentiment of love 2305 Umesh Lord Shiva1071 Kaustav a legendary gem; a gem worn by Lord V 2306 Umrao noble1072 Kaustubh a jewel of Lord Vishnu 2307 Unmaivilambi honest1073 Kavan water, poem 2308 Unmesh flash, blowing, opening1074 Kavi a wise man, poet 2309 Unnat energized1075 Kaviraj doctor 2310 Upagupta name of a Buddhist monk1076 Kedar a raga 2311 Upamanyu name of a devoted pupil1077 Kedarnath Lord Shiva 2312 Upendra an element1078 Keshav Lord Vishnu 2313 Urjita energized

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1079 Ketan home; banner 2314 Ushakanta the sun1080 Kevalkishore absolute 2315 Utanka a disciple of sage Veda1081 Kevalkumar absolute 2316 Utkarsh prosperity, awakening1082 Keyur armlet 2317 Utkarsha advancement1083 Khadim servant of God 2318 Utpal water lily, fleshless1084 Khajit Lord Buddha 2319 Utsav celebration1085 Khalid immortal 2320 Uttal strong, formidable1086 Khazana treasure 2321 Uttam best1087 Khemchand welfare 2322 Uttar son of king Virata1088 Khemprakash welfare 2323 Uttiya a name in Buddhist literature1089 Khushal perfect 2324 Vachan speech1090 Kinshuk a flower 2325 Vachaspati lord of speech1091 Kiran ray of light 2326 Vaibhav richness1092 Kiranmay full of light 2327 Vaijnath Lord Shiva1093 Kirik sparkling 2328 Vaikunth Vaikuntam, the abode of Lord Vishnu1094 Kirit a crown 2329 Vajra Lord Krishna's greatgrandson; diamond1095 Kirtikumar famous 2330 Vajradhar Lord Indra1096 Kishore young 2331 Vajramani diamond1097 Kishorekumar young 2332 Vajrapani Lord Indra1098 Kotijit conquering millions 2333 Valavan skillful1099 Kovida wise 2334 Vallabh beloved, dear1100 Kriday Lord Krishna 2335 Valmiki, Valmik the author of the epic Ramayana1101 Kripal merciful 2336 Vaman fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu1102 Krishanu fire 2337 Vanajit lord of the forest1103 Krishna Lord Krishna 2338 Vandan salutation1104 Krishnachandra Lord Krishna 2339 Vaninath Husband of Saraswati1105 Krishnadeva Lord Krishna 2340 Vardhaman Lord Mahavir1106 Krishnakanta Lord Krishna 2341 Varij lotus1107 Krishnakumar Lord Kirshna 2342 Varindra lord of the ocean1108 Krishnala Lord Krishna 2343 Varun lord of the waters, neptune1109 Krishnamurari Lord Krishna 2344 Vasant VasanSpring (season)1110 Krishnamurthy Lord Krishna 2345 Vasava Indra1111 Krishnaroop dark 2346 Vasistha name of a sage1112 Krishnendu Lord Krishna 2347 Vasu wealth1113 Kshaunish king 2348 Vasudev Krishna's father, god of wealth1114 Kuber god of wealth 2349 Vasuman born of fire1115 Kuberchand god of wealth 2350 Vatsal affectionate1116 Kularanjan star of family 2351 Ved sacred knowledge1117 Kulbhushan ornament of family 2352 Vedanga meaning of Vedas1118 Kuldeep light of family 2353 Vedavrata vow of the Vedas1119 Kulik well born 2354 Vedmohan Lord Krishna1120 Kumar prince 2355 Vedprakash light of the Vedas1121 Kunal son of emperor Ashok 2356 Veer brave1122 Kundan pure 2357 Veera the brave1123 Kundanlal golden 2358 Velan another name for Lord Murugan1124 Kundir strong 2359 Vendan king1125 Kunja grove of trees 2360 Vengai brave1126 Kunjabihari Lord Krishna 2361 Veni Lord Krishna1127 Kush son of Lord Rama 2362 Venimadhav Lord Krishna1128 Kushal clever 2363 Vetrival successful1129 Kusumakar spring 2364 Vibhas decoration; light1130 Lagan appropriate time 2365 Vibhat dawn1131 Lakshin with auspicious marks 2366 Vibhishan a character from the epic Ramayana1132 Lakshman prosperous, brother of Rama 2367 Vibhu all-pervading1133 Lakshmibanta fortunate 2368 Vidur wise1134 Lakshmidhar Lord Vishnu 2369 Vidyacharan learned1135 Lakshmigopal Lord vishnu 2370 Vidyadhar demi god1136 Lakshmikanta Lord Vishnu 2371 Vidyaranya forest of knowledge1137 Lalit beautiful 2372 Vidyasagar ocean of learning1138 Lalitaditya beautiful sun 2373 Vidyut lightning1139 Lalitchandra beautiful moon 2374 Vighnesh, VignesLord Ganesh1140 Lalitkishore beautiful 2375 Vihanga bird1141 Lalitkumar beautiful 2376 Vijay victory1142 Lalitmohan beautiful and attractive 2377 Vijendra, Vijany victorious1143 Lambodar Lord Ganesh 2378 Vikas development, expanding1144 Lankesh Ravana 2379 Vikesh the moon1145 Latafat elegance 2380 Vikram the sun of valour1146 Latif elegant 2381 Vikramaditya a famous king1147 Lav, Luv son of Lord Rama 2382 Vikramajit a famous king1148 Lavana handsome 2383 Vikramendra king of prowess1149 Lochan the eye 2384 Vikrant powerful1150 Lohitaksha Lord Vishnu 2385 Vikranta brave

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1151 Lokajit conqueror of world 2386 Vilas play1152 Lokesh king of world 2387 Vilok to see1153 Loknath lord of all worlds 2388 Vilokan gaze1154 Lokprakash light of the world 2389 Vimal pure1155 Lokranjan Lord Vishnu 2390 Vinay good manners1156 Madan Cupid, god of love 2391 Vinayak Lord Ganesh1157 Madanapal lord of Love 2392 Vineet unassuming1158 Madangopal Lord Krishna 2393 Vinesh godly1159 Madhav sweet like honey 2394 Vinod happy, full of joy1160 Madhavdas servant of Lord Krishna 2395 Vipan sail, petty trade1161 Madhu honey, nectar 2396 Vipin forest1162 Madhuk a honeybee 2397 Viplab floating; revolution1163 Madhukanta the moon 2398 Viplav drifting about, revolution1164 Madhukar honey bee, lover 2399 Vipra a priest1165 Madhumay consisting of honey 2400 Vipul plenty1166 Madhup a honeybee 2401 Vir brave1167 Madhur sweet 2402 Viraj resplendent, splendour1168 Madhusudan Lord Krishna 2403 Viral priceless1169 Madhusudhana Krishna, one who killed demon Madhu 2404 Virat very big, giant proportioned1170 Madin delightful 2405 Virendra brave lord1171 Madur a bird 2406 Viresh brave lord1172 Magadh son of Yadu 2407 Virochan moon, fire1173 Magan engrossed 2408 Vishal huge, broad, great1174 Mahabahu Arjuna 2409 Vishesh special1175 Mahabala great strength 2410 Vishnu Lord Vishnu, root, to pervade1176 Mahadev most powerful god 2411 Vishram rest1177 Mahaj a noblel descent 2412 Vishva earth, universe1178 Mahanidhi a great treasure house 2413 Vishvajit one who conquers the universe1179 Mahaniya worthy of honour 2414 Vishvakarma architect of the universe1180 Mahanth great 2415 Vishvatma universal soul1181 Maharath a great charioteer 2416 Vishwambhar the lord1182 Maharth very truthful 2417 Vishwamitra friend of the universe1183 Mahavir most courageous among men 2418 Vishwanath the lord1184 Maheepati the king 2419 Vishwas faith, trust1185 Mahendra Indra 2420 Vishwesh the lord Almighty1186 Mahesh Shiva 2421 Vismay surprise1187 Maheshwar Lord Shiva 2422 Viswanath god of universe1188 Mahijith conqueror of the earth 2423 Viswas trust1189 Mahin the earth 2424 Vithala, Vitthal Lord Vishnu1190 Mahindra a king 2425 Vivek judgement1191 Mahipal a king 2426 Vivekananda joy of discrimination1192 Mahir expert 2427 Vrajakishore Lord Krishna1193 Mahish a king 2428 Vrajamohan Lord Kirshna1194 Mahith honoured 2429 Vrajanadan Lord Krishna1195 Mahmud the Prophet of Islam 2430 Vrajesh Lord Krishna1196 Mahtab the moon 2431 Vrishin peacock1197 Mainak a mountain a Himalayan peak 2432 Vyasa the author of Mahabharata1198 Maitreya friend 2433 Vyomesh lord of the sky1199 Makarand bee 2434 Wadee calm1200 Makul a bud 2435 Wajeeh noble1201 Makur mirror 2436 Wali protector1202 Malay a mountain 2437 Waman short1203 Manajith one who conquered the mind 2438 Wasan idol 1204 Manas mind 2439 Yadav lord Krishna, descedent of Yadu1205 Manasi born of the mind 2440 Yadavendra lord Krishna 1206 Manasyu wishing, desiring 2441 Yadunandan lord Krishna 1207 Manav man 2442 Yadunath lord Krishna 1208 Manavendra king among men 2443 Yaduraj lord Krishna 1209 Mandan adorning 2444 Yaduvir lord Krishna1210 Mandar flower 2445 Yagna ceremonial rites to God 1211 Mandeep light of the mind 2446 Yahyaa Prophet's name1212 Mandhatri prince 2447 Yajat Lord Shiva 1213 Mandin delighting 2448 Yajnadhar Lord Vishnu 1214 Mandir temple 2449 Yajnarup Lord Krishna 1215 Mandith adorned 2450 Yajnesh Lord Vishnu 1216 Manendra king of mind 2451 Yamajith another name for Shiva1217 Mangal auspicious 2452 Yash victory, glory1218 Mangesh Lord Shiva 2453 Yashodhan rich in fame1219 Mani a jewel 2454 Yashodhara one who has achieved fame1220 Manibhushan supreme gem 2455 Yashpal protector of fame1221 Manik gem .... gem 2456 Yashwant one who has achieved glory1222 Manikandan another name for Lord Ayyappa 2457 Yatin ascetic

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1223 Manindra diamond 2458 Yatindra lord Indra 1224 Maniram jewel of a person 2459 Yayin lord Shiva 1225 Manish god of mind 2460 Yoganand delighted with meditation1226 Manishankar Shiva 2461 Yogendra god of Yoga1227 Manith honoured 2462 Yogesh god of Yoga1228 Manjeet conqueror of the mind 2463 Yudhajit victor in war1229 Manmatha Cupid 2464 Yudhisthir firm in battle1230 Manmohan pleasing 2465 Yugma twins, zodiac sign of Gemini 1231 Mannan meditate 2466 Yukta attentive, skillful 1232 Mannath a vow to a deity 2467 Yuvaraj prince, heir apparent1233 Mannith chosen 2468 Yuyutsu eager to fight1234 Manohar one who wins over mind