India Localization2

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India Localization Query2

Transcript of India Localization2

REM +======================================================================+REM | Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA|REM | All rights reserved. |REM +======================================================================+REM NAMEREMREM DESCRIPTIONREMREM NOTESREMREM +======================================================================+REM dbdrv: sql ~PROD ~PATH ~FILE none none none sqlplus &phase=plb+2 checkfile(120.13.12010000.18=120.30):~PROD:~PATH:~FILESET VERIFY OFFWHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK;WHENEVER OSERROR EXIT FAILURE ROLLBACK;CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg AS/* $Header: jai_cmn_tax_dflt.plb 120.38.12020000.10 2014/02/26 12:55:11 vkaranam ship $ *//*Bug 8371741 - Start*/PROCEDURE get_created_from(p_header_id IN NUMBER,p_created_from OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS--PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;BEGIN select jat.created_from into p_created_from from JAI_AR_TRXS jat where jat.customer_trx_id = p_header_id;END;/*Bug 8371741 - End*//*Bug 8241905 - Added the procedure to get the quantity from the parent requistionline to split the taxes in the child linesUsed Autonomous transaction as po_requistion_lines_all needs to be queried*/PROCEDURE ja_in_po_get_reqline_p( p_req_line_id IN NUMBER, p_prev_quantity OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) ISPRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;BEGIN select quantity into p_prev_quantity from po_requisition_lines_all where requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id;END;PROCEDURE ja_in_cust_default_taxes ( p_org_id NUMBER, p_customer_id NUMBER, p_ship_to_site_use_id NUMBER, p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_header_id NUMBER, p_line_id NUMBER, p_tax_category_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER)IS v_address_id NUMBER; v_tax_category_list VARCHAR2(30); v_tax_category_id NUMBER; /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_cust_default_taxes'; -- to get address_id CURSOR address_cur(p_ship_to_site_use_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT cust_acct_site_id address_id FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all A -- Removed ra_site_uses_all from Bug# 4434287 WHERE A.site_use_id = p_ship_to_site_use_id; -- to get tax_category_list CURSOR tax_catg_list_cur(p_customer_id IN NUMBER, p_address_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS SELECT tax_category_list FROM JAI_CMN_CUS_ADDRESSES a WHERE A.customer_id = p_customer_id AND A.address_id = p_address_id; -- to get tax_category_id CURSOR tax_catg_id_cur(p_tax_category_list IN VARCHAR2, p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT tax_category_id FROM JAI_INV_ITM_TAXCTG_DTLS a WHERE a.tax_category_list = p_tax_category_list AND a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;BEGIN OPEN address_cur(p_ship_to_site_use_id); FETCH address_cur INTO v_address_id; CLOSE address_cur; IF p_customer_id IS NOT NULL AND v_address_id IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_list_cur(p_customer_id , v_address_id); FETCH tax_catg_list_cur INTO v_tax_category_list; CLOSE tax_catg_list_cur; END IF; IF v_tax_category_list IS NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_list_cur(p_customer_id,0); FETCH tax_catg_list_cur INTO v_tax_category_list; CLOSE tax_catg_list_cur; END IF; IF v_tax_category_list IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_id_cur(v_tax_category_list, p_inventory_item_id); FETCH tax_catg_id_cur INTO v_tax_category_id; CLOSE tax_catg_id_cur; -- ELSE -- redundant -- ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; IF v_tax_category_id IS NULL THEN /* redundant code OPEN tax_catg_list_cur(p_customer_id,0); FETCH tax_catg_list_cur INTO v_tax_category_list; CLOSE tax_catg_list_cur; IF v_tax_category_list IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_id_cur(v_tax_category_list ,p_inventory_item_id ); FETCH tax_catg_id_cur INTO v_tax_category_id; CLOSE tax_catg_id_cur; -- ELSE -- redundant -- ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; IF v_tax_category_id IS NULL THEN ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; */ ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; p_tax_category_id := v_tax_category_id; /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('JA','JAI_EXCEPTION_OCCURED'); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('JAI_PROCESS_MSG', lv_object_name ||'. Err:'||sqlerrm ); app_exception.raise_exception;END ja_in_cust_default_taxes;/***********************************************************************************************************************/PROCEDURE ja_in_vendor_default_taxes( p_org_id NUMBER, p_vendor_id NUMBER, p_vendor_site_id NUMBER, p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_header_id NUMBER, p_line_id NUMBER, p_tax_category_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS v_tax_category_list VARCHAR2(30); v_tax_category_id NUMBER; /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_vendor_default_taxes'; -- to get tax_category_list CURSOR tax_catg_list_cur(p_vendor_id IN NUMBER, p_vendor_site_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0) IS SELECT tax_category_list FROM JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES A WHERE a.vendor_id = p_vendor_id AND a.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id; -- to get tax_category_id CURSOR tax_catg_id_cur(p_tax_category_list IN VARCHAR2, p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT tax_category_id FROM JAI_INV_ITM_TAXCTG_DTLS a WHERE a.tax_category_list = p_tax_category_list AND a.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;BEGIN IF p_vendor_id IS NOT NULL AND p_vendor_site_id IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_list_cur(p_vendor_id, p_vendor_site_id); FETCH tax_catg_list_cur INTO v_tax_category_list; CLOSE tax_catg_list_cur; END IF; IF v_tax_category_list IS NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_list_cur(p_vendor_id,0); FETCH tax_catg_list_cur INTO v_tax_category_list; CLOSE tax_catg_list_cur; END IF; IF v_tax_category_list IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_id_cur(v_tax_category_list ,p_inventory_item_id ); FETCH tax_catg_id_cur INTO v_tax_category_id; CLOSE tax_catg_id_cur; -- ELSE redundant code -- ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; IF NVL(v_tax_category_id,0) = 0 THEN /* REDUNDANT CODE OPEN tax_catg_list_cur(p_vendor_id,0); FETCH tax_catg_list_cur INTO v_tax_category_list; CLOSE tax_catg_list_cur; IF v_tax_category_list IS NOT NULL THEN OPEN tax_catg_id_cur(v_tax_category_list ,p_inventory_item_id ); FETCH tax_catg_id_cur INTO v_tax_category_id; CLOSE tax_catg_id_cur; ELSE ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; IF NVL(v_tax_category_id,0) = 0 THEN ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; */ ja_in_org_default_taxes(p_org_id, p_inventory_item_id, v_tax_category_id); END IF; p_tax_category_id := v_tax_category_id; /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('JA','JAI_EXCEPTION_OCCURED'); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('JAI_PROCESS_MSG', lv_object_name ||'. Err:'||sqlerrm ); app_exception.raise_exception;END ja_in_vendor_default_taxes;---------------******************JA_IN_ORG_DEFAULT_TAXES******************---------------------PROCEDURE ja_in_org_default_taxes( p_org_id NUMBER, p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_tax_category_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHANGE HISTORY:Sl. YYYY/MM/DD Author and Details------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2004/09/22 Aiyer for bug#3792765. Version#115.2 Issue Warehouse ID is not currently being allowed to be left null from the base apps sales order. When placing a order from 2 different manufacturing organizations, it is required that customer temporarily leaves the warehouseid as Null and then updates the same before pick release. However this is currently not allowed by localization even though base apps allows this feature. Reason:- The trigger ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg raises an error of warehouse not found when the value of warehouse_id goes as null from the form. Solution:- Removed this part from the trigger ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg. The procedure jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_org_default_taxes has been modified for the same. During tax defaultation, if the tax category list is not found in the customer/customer site level then it is being picked up from the item class level. Now in cases where the warehouseid is left blank in the base apps sales order form, the tax category id from the master organization set for the default operating unit is picked up for further processing Dependency Due to this Bug:- Functional dependency with the trigger ja_in_oe_order_lines_aiu_trg.sql version 115.42 31/10/2006 SACSETHI for bug 5228046, File version 120.3 1. Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523 (Additional CVD Enhancement). This bug has datamodel and spec changes. 2. Forward porting of bug 52192253 25/04/2007 cbabu for BUG#6012570 (5876390 )version = 120.5 (115.29 ) FP: Project Billing4 05/06/2007 bduvarag for the bug#6081966 and 5989740, File version 120.8 forward porting the 11i bugs 6074792 and 5907436 5. 01-08-2007 rchandan for bug#6030615 , Version 120.10 Issue : Inter org Forward porting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_org_default_taxes'; --Code Added on 18-SEP-2000, Srihari and Gsrinivas v_operating_unit NUMBER; /* || Start of bug 3792765 || Cursor added by aiyer to get the operating unit and master organization id in case the warehouse id is passed || as null from the Base apps sales order form. */ CURSOR cur_get_master_org_id IS SELECT org_id operating_unit, master_organization_id FROM oe_system_parameters ; /* || End of bug 3792765 */ CURSOR operating_unit_cur(c_org_id NUMBER) IS SELECT operating_unit FROM org_organization_definitions WHERE organization_id = NVL(c_org_id, 0); -- to get tax_category_id from Item class CURSOR tax_catg_id_cur(v_org_id IN NUMBER, v_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, v_operating_unit NUMBER) IS SELECT b.tax_category_id FROM JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS a , JAI_CMN_TAX_CTGS_ALL b -- redundant, org_organization_definitions c WHERE a.item_class = b.item_class_cd AND a.inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id AND a.organization_id = v_org_id AND b.org_id = v_operating_unit; --End of Addition , Srihari and Gsrinivas rec_cur_get_master_org_id CUR_GET_MASTER_ORG_ID%ROWTYPE;BEGIN /* || Start of bug 3792765 || IF the warehouse id i.e the invemtory organization id is null from the SAles order base apps form || then in that case get the operating unit and master organization id from the oe_system_parameters table */ IF p_org_id IS NULL THEN OPEN cur_get_master_org_id; FETCH cur_get_master_org_id INTO rec_cur_get_master_org_id ; CLOSE cur_get_master_org_id ; v_operating_unit := rec_cur_get_master_org_id.operating_unit; ELSE /* || End of bug 3792765 */ OPEN operating_unit_cur(p_org_id); FETCH operating_unit_cur INTO v_operating_unit; CLOSE operating_unit_cur; END IF; v_operating_unit := NVL(v_operating_unit, 0); OPEN tax_catg_id_cur( nvl(p_org_id,rec_cur_get_master_org_id.master_organization_id) , p_inventory_item_id , v_operating_unit); FETCH tax_catg_id_cur INTO p_tax_category_id; CLOSE tax_catg_id_cur; /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('JA','JAI_EXCEPTION_OCCURED'); FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('JAI_PROCESS_MSG', lv_object_name ||'. Err:'||sqlerrm ); app_exception.raise_exception;END ja_in_org_default_taxes;/*****************************JA_IN_CALC_PREC_TAXES********************************/PROCEDURE ja_in_calc_prec_taxes( transaction_name VARCHAR2, p_tax_category_id NUMBER, p_header_id NUMBER, p_line_id NUMBER, p_assessable_value NUMBER DEFAULT 0, p_tax_amount IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, p_inventory_item_id NUMBER, p_line_quantity NUMBER, p_uom_code VARCHAR2, p_vendor_id NUMBER, p_currency VARCHAR2, p_currency_conv_factor NUMBER, p_creation_date DATE, p_created_by NUMBER, p_last_update_date DATE, p_last_updated_by NUMBER, p_last_update_login NUMBER, p_operation_flag NUMBER DEFAULT NULL , -- for CRM this is used to hold aso_shipments.shipment_id p_vat_assessable_value NUMBER DEFAULT 0 /** bgowrava for forward porting bug#5631784,Following parameters are added for TCS enh.*/ , p_thhold_cat_base_tax_typ JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.tax_type%type default null -- tax type to be considered as base when calculating threshold taxes , p_threshold_tax_cat_id JAI_AP_TDS_THHOLD_TAXES.tax_category_id%type default null , p_source_trx_type jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_doc_type%type default null , p_source_table_name jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_table_name%type default null , p_action varchar2 default null /** End bug 5631784 */ , pv_retroprice_changed IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N' --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13 , p_modified_by_agent_flag po_requisition_lines_all.modified_by_agent_flag%type default NULL /*Added for Bug 8241905*/ , p_parent_req_line_id po_requisition_lines_all.parent_req_line_id%type default NULL /*Added for Bug 8241905*/ , p_max_tax_line NUMBER DEFAULT 0 /*Added for Bug 8371741*/ , p_max_rgm_tax_line NUMBER DEFAULT 0 /*Added for Bug 8371741*/ --, pn_gst_assessable_value NUMBER DEFAULT 0 -- Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10 , pn_customs_assessable_value NUMBER DEFAULT 0 --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement ) IS --TYPE num_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER(30,3) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- sriram - bug # 2812781 was 14 eaerler changed to 30 --TYPE tax_amt_num_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER(30,3) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; -- sriram - bug # 2812781 was 14 eaerler changed to 30-- Date 02/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI TYPE num_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE tax_amt_num_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE tax_adhoc_flag_tab IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(2) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; /* rchandan bug#6030615 */ --added by Walton for inclusive tax 07-Dev-07 --------------------------------------------- TYPE char_tab IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(10) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; lt_adhoc_tax_tab CHAR_TAB; lt_inclusive_tax_tab CHAR_TAB; ln_exclusive_price NUMBER; lt_tax_rate_per_rupee NUM_TAB; lt_cumul_tax_rate_per_rupee NUM_TAB; ln_total_non_rate_tax NUMBER :=0; ln_total_inclusive_factor NUMBER; lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; ln_bsln_amt_nr NUMBER :=0; ln_tax_amt_nr NUMBER(38,10) :=0; ln_vamt_nr NUMBER(38,10) :=0; ln_total_tax_per_rupee NUMBER; ln_assessable_value NUMBER; ln_vat_assessable_value NUMBER; ----------------------------------------------- --ln_gst_assessable_value NUMBER; -- Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10 base_tax_amount_nr_tab tax_amt_num_tab; --added by Xiao Lv for bug#8789761 ln_amount NUMBER; --Added shujuan for bug ln_customs_assessable_value NUMBER; --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */ lv_object_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(61) := 'jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.ja_in_calc_prec_taxes'; p1 NUM_TAB; p2 NUM_TAB; p3 NUM_TAB; p4 NUM_TAB; p5 NUM_TAB;-- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI-- start bug 5228046 p6 NUM_TAB; p7 NUM_TAB; p8 NUM_TAB; p9 NUM_TAB; p10 NUM_TAB; line_no_tab NUM_TAB; --added for bug#9214366-- end bug 5228046 tax_rate_tab NUM_TAB; /* || Aiyer for the fwd ported bug#4691616 . Added tax_rate_zero_tab table ------------------------------------------------------------- tax_rate(i) tax_rate_tab(i) tax_rate_zero_tab(i) ------------------------------------------------------------- NULL 0 0 0 0 -9999 n (non-zero and not null) n n ------------------------------------------------------------- */ tax_rate_zero_tab NUM_TAB; tax_type_tab NUM_TAB; qty_rate_tab NUM_TAB; /*By mmurtuza for Bug 14358278*/ tax_target_tab NUM_TAB; tax_amt_tab TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; round_factor_tab TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; --added by csahoo for bug#6077133 base_tax_amt_tab TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; func_tax_amt_tab TAX_AMT_NUM_TAB; adhoc_flag_tab TAX_ADHOC_FLAG_TAB ; /* rchandan bug#6030615 */ end_date_tab NUM_TAB; bsln_amt NUMBER; -- := p_tax_amount; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35 v_conversion_rate NUMBER; -- := 0; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35 v_currency_conv_factor NUMBER; -- := p_currency_conv_factor; --Ramananda for File.Sql.35-- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI-- v_tax_amt NUMBER(25,3) := 0; -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465-- v_func_tax_amt NUMBER(25,3) := 0;-- vamt NUMBER(25,3) := 0; v_tax_amt NUMBER := 0; v_func_tax_amt NUMBER := 0; vamt NUMBER := 0; v_amt NUMBER; row_count NUMBER := 1; counter NUMBER; max_iter NUMBER := 10; v_excise_jb NUMBER; v_line_focus_id_holder JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS.line_focus_id%TYPE; -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465 /** bgowrava, Begin forward porting bug#5631784 */ refc_tax_cur ref_cur_typ; rec tax_rec_typ; type tax_table_typ is table of tax_rec_typ index by binary_integer; lt_tax_table tax_table_typ; ln_max_tax_line number; ln_max_rgm_tax_line number; ln_base number ; ln_dup_tax_exists number; v_modvat_flag varchar2(1); -- moved from prev location to here lv_recalculation_sql varchar2 (4000); ln_exists number (2); ln_prev_quantity NUMBER; /*Bug 8241905*/ ln_tax_modified_flag VARCHAR2(1); /*Bug 8241905*/ ln_rounding_factor NUMBER; /*Bug 8241905*/ l_created_from VARCHAR2(10); /*Bug 8371741*/ /* || Cursor will check if the given tax_categories have common taxes */ cursor c_chk_tax_duplication is select 1 from JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES where tax_category_id in (p_tax_category_id, nvl(p_threshold_tax_cat_id,-1)) group by tax_id having count(tax_id) > 1; cursor c_get_max_tax_line is select max(line_no) max_tax_line from JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES cat where cat.tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id; cursor c_get_max_rgm_tax_line is select max(line_no) max_rgm_tax_line from JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES cat, JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL taxes where cat.tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id and taxes.tax_id = cat.tax_id and taxes.tax_type = p_thhold_cat_base_tax_typ; /** End Bug#5631784*/ CURSOR tax_cur(p_tax_category_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT a.tax_category_id, a.tax_id, a.line_no lno, a.precedence_1 p_1, a.precedence_2 p_2, a.precedence_3 p_3, a.precedence_4 p_4, a.precedence_5 p_5, a.precedence_6 p_6, -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI a.precedence_7 p_7, a.precedence_8 p_8, a.precedence_9 p_9, a.precedence_10 p_10, b.tax_rate, b.tax_amount, b.uom_code, b.end_date valid_date, DECODE(rgm_tax_types.regime_Code,jai_constants.vat_regime, 4, /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/ /*jai_constants.cgst_regime, 7, --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10 jai_constants.sgst_regime, 7, --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10*/ jai_constants.customs_regime, 8, --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement DECODE(UPPER(b.tax_type), 'EXCISE', 1, 'ADDL. EXCISE', 1, 'OTHER EXCISE', 1, 'TDS', 2, 'EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS' ,1, 'CVD_EDUCATION_CESS' ,1, 0 ) ) tax_type_val, b.mod_cr_percentage, b.vendor_id, b.tax_type,nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor , inclusive_tax_flag --added by walton for inclusive tax 08-Dev-07 FROM JAI_CMN_TAX_CTG_LINES a, JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b , jai_regime_tax_types_v rgm_tax_types /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/ WHERE a.tax_category_id = p_tax_category_id AND rgm_tax_types.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/ AND a.tax_id = b.tax_id -- AND (b.end_date >= sysdate OR b.end_date IS NULL) ORDER BY A.line_no; CURSOR uom_class_cur(p_line_uom_code IN VARCHAR2, p_tax_line_uom_code IN VARCHAR2) IS SELECT a.uom_class FROM mtl_units_of_measure A, mtl_units_of_measure B WHERE a.uom_code = p_line_uom_code AND b.uom_code = p_tax_line_uom_code AND a.uom_class = b.uom_class; --2001/03/30 Manohar Mishra /*Start of Addition*/ v_organization_id NUMBER; v_location_id NUMBER; v_batch_source_id NUMBER; v_register_code JAI_OM_OE_BOND_REG_HDRS.register_code%TYPE; CURSOR get_header_info_cur IS SELECT organization_id, location_id, batch_source_id FROM JAI_AR_TRXS WHERE customer_trx_id = p_header_id; CURSOR get_register_code_cur(p_organization_id NUMBER, p_location_id NUMBER, p_batch_source_id NUMBER) IS SELECT register_code FROM JAI_OM_OE_BOND_REG_HDRS WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id AND location_id = p_location_id AND register_id IN (SELECT register_id FROM JAI_OM_OE_BOND_REG_DTLS WHERE order_type_id = p_batch_source_id AND order_flag = 'N');/* Additions by nkodakan for bug 17831734 starts */ CURSOR get_tax_uom_code(p_header_id NUMBER, p_line_id NUMBER, p_tax_line_no number) IS SELECT jcta.uom_code, joost.tax_line_no FROM jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta, jai_om_oe_so_taxes joost WHERE jcta.tax_id = joost.tax_id AND joost.header_id = p_header_id AND joost.line_id = p_line_id AND joost.tax_line_no = p_tax_line_no; /* Additions by nkodakan for bug 17831734 ends */ v_debug boolean := true; -- Vijay Shankar for Bug# 2837970 v_line_num number:=1 ;--added by rchandan for bug#6030615 ln_reg_id number; /*End of Addition*/ uom_cls UOM_CLASS_CUR%ROWTYPE; lv_tax_remain_flag VARCHAR2(1); --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13lv_transaction_name VARCHAR2(30); --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13lv_start NUMBER; --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13lv_line_loc_id NUMBER; --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13lv_process_flag VARCHAR2(10); --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13lv_process_message VARCHAR2(2000); --Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13lv_tax_type varchar2(30); --Add by Qiong Liu for bug#11684111 BOE Ehancementlv_boe_flag VARCHAR2(1);-- Add by Wenqiong for bug#12611347v_tax_uom_code VARCHAR2(3); /* by nkodakan for bug 17831734 */ v_tax_line_no NUMBER; /* by nkodakan for bug 17831734 */ BEGIN/*************************************************************************************************************************/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHANGE HISTORY: Procedure ja_in_calc_prec_taxesS.No Date Author and Details------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 12/07/2003 Aiyer - Bug #3749294 File Version 115.1 Issue:- Uom based taxes do not get calculated correctly if the transaction UOM is different from the UOM setup in the tax definitions India Localization (JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL table). Reason:- -------- This was happening because the UOM calculation was previously happening only for cases of exact match between transaction uom and setup UOM. Fix:- ---- Modified the procedure ja_in_calc_prec_taxes.The exact match condition was removed. Now if an exact match is not found then the conversion rate between the two uom's is determined and tax amounts are calculated for defaultation. Dependency Due to This Bug:- ---------------------------- None2. 27/01/2005 ssumaith - bug#4136981 - Version 115.2 In case of Bond Register scenario , in addition to excise taxes , Excise Cess (EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS,CVD_EDUCATION_CESS) should also not flow to AR3. 2005/03/10 ssumaith - bug# 4245053 - File version 115.3 Taxes under the vat regime needs to be calculated based on the vat assessable value setup done. In the vendor additional information screen and supplier additional information screen, a place has been given to capture the vat assessable value. This needs to be used for the calculation of the taxes registered under vat regime. This change has been done by using the view jai_regime_tax_types_v - and outer joining it with the JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL table based on the tax type column. Parameter - p_vat_assessable_value NUMBER DEFAULT 0 has been added Dependency due to this bug - Huge This patch should always be accompanied by the VAT consolidated patch - 42450894. 01-Jun-2006 Aiyer for bug# 4691616. File Version 120.2 Issue:- UOM based taxes do not get calculated correctly. Solution:- Fwd ported the fix for the bug 4729742. Changed the files JAINTAX1.pld, jai_cmn_tax_dflt.plb and jai_om_tax.plb.5. 24-Jan-2007 bgowrava for forward porting bug#5631784, File Version 120.3 - TCS Enhancement Issue: 1. As a part of TCS enh. there was a requirement to default taxes using the tax category attached to threshold setup for TCS regime in the India-Threshold setup UI. 2. Package should provide an API for inserting taxes in to new table jai_cmn_document_taxes Fix: To support above functionalities the following approach is used. 1. New parameters are added to this procedure to get the tax category defined for threshold limit. (Please refer the procedure signature) 2. Whenever p_threshold_tax_cat_id is not NULL then it means taxes from two categories needs to be merged. one using p_tax_category_id and other is p_threshold_tax_cat_id 3. current driving cursor (tax_cur) is modified to handle multiple tax categories. 3.1 For all the tax lines defined in the p_tax_category_id there is no change 3.2 For all the tax lines defined in the p_threshold_tax_cat_id, line_no will be changed to ln_max_tax_line + line_no where ln_max_tax_line is the maximum of line numbers for tax lines defined in p_tax_category_id 3.3 All the precedences defined in p_threshold_tax_cat_id will be changed as following - If precedence refers to base precedence (i.e. 0) it will be changed to ln_max_rgm_tax_line where ln_max_rgm_tax_line is maximum of the line numbers of taxes having tax_type = p_thhold_cat_base_tax_typ (i.e. tax type to be considered as a base tax when calculating threshold taxes defined using p_threshold_tax_cat_id) - All other precedences will be changed to precedence_N + ln_max_tax_line6 04/june/2007 ssumaith - bug#6109941 - review comments for TCS . TCS enhancement forward porting has some minor issues that were resolved.7. 05-Jun-2007 CSahoo for bug#6077133, File version- 120.7 Issue: The Taxes at header and the Line level does not tally for the Manually created AR Transaction. Fix: added a rounding factor round_factor_tab.8. 16-Oct-2007 CSahoo for bug#6498072, File Version 120.12 R12RUP04-ST1: TCS TAXES ARE WRONG ON ADDING SURCHARGE On creating a sales order and after delivery the taxes are taken only for a Single Quantity which is wrong. so made changes in the code so that the taxes are taken for the whole quantity9 01-Dev-2007 Walton for Inclusive Tax10. 20-Nov-2008 JMEENA for bug#6488296( FP of 6475430) Added OR condition in procedure ja_in_calc_prec_taxes as we are passing p_action null in case of 'CASH' Receipt.11. 14-Sep-2009 JMEENA for bug#8905076 Modified the update statement of table JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES and used base_tax_amt_tab instead of tax_amt_tab to update the column base_tax_amount.12. 4-Nov-2009 Xiao Lv for bug#8789761 Added variable base_tax_amount_nr_tab with type of tax_amt_num_tab to calculate base tax amount. base_tax_amt_tab(I) := ln_exclusive_price*base_tax_amt_tab(I) + base_tax_amount_nr_tab. 13. 22-Dec-2009 CSahoo for bug#9214366, File Version 120.13.12010000.9 Issue: UNABLE TO SAVE AR TRANSACTION WITH VAT + TCS OR CST +TCS TYPE OF TAXES Fix: Modified the code in the procedure ja_in_calc_prec_taxes. Added a new table type variable line_no_tab to store the line number of the tax lines. Further added a code to initialize the tax_amt_tab table for surcharge taxes.14. 19-Mar-2010 Walton for bug#9288016, File Version 120.13.12010000.10 Issue: Function tax amount column is not populated correctly Fix: in the old code, function tax amount only cover rate amount, when the taxes is computed based on assessable value, non-rate amount is not getting summed, so the fix is to re-assign function base amount once tax amount is computed.15. 19-Mar-2010 JMEENA for bug#9489492 Modified the dynamic query lv_recalculation_sql and changed the order of columns $$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$ and inclusive_tax_flag as inclusive_tax_flag is last column in the record type. 16 10-JUN-2010 Bo Li for Bug#9780751 Issue - Round factor of vat tax is 0. But the accounting entry amount inserted into gl_interface table has 2 bit demical. Fix - Set the same round factor to the functional tax amount which is used in the gl_interface table 17. 27-aug-2010 vkaranam for bug#9692478 Issue : EXCISE CESS AND SHECESS TAXES NOT GETTING CALCULATED CORRECTLY ON ORDER SPLIT Issue is due to the base tax amount not calculated correctly. Fix: base_tax_amount_nr_tab has been initalized correctly . 18. 10-Sep-2010 Jia for GST Bug#10043656.19. 11-Mar-2011 Bo Li for BOE Enhancement bug#1168411120. 16-Jan-2012 Qinglei for Bug#13547239 Issue: FUNCTIONAL TAX AMOUNT IN INDIA LOCALIZATION TAXES UI IS INACCURATE Fix: Rounded the functional tax amount before insert into jai_cmn_document_taxes. 21. 07-Jun-2012 mmurtuza for bug 14591926Issue: TAX CALCUALTION IS GOING WRONG WITH INCLUSIVE TAXESFix: While calculating the tax amount for exclusive taxes, added condition to check if the corresponding tax line no of precedence ofexclusive tax is inclusive.22. 27-Sep-2012 mmurtuza for bug 14675629Issue: IN SHIP CONFIRM LOCALIZED FORM, WRONG TCS TAX AMOUNTS GETTING DEFAULTEDFix: Added b.tax_amount in lv_recalculation_sql and assigned it to qty_rate_tab(row_count)23. 17-Jan-2012 mmurtuza for bug 16172861Issue: INDIA LOC:INCLUSIVE CST TAX AMOUNT CALCULATED WRONGLY IN MANY SALES ORDERFix: Added condition while calcualting ln_vamt_nr. If ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0, only then p_tax_amount is added24. 24-Apr-2013 mmurtuza for bug 16656728 Issue: APP-JA-460633 ERROR ENCOUNTERED IN TRANSACTION WORKBENCH Fix: Added code to prevent adhoc taxes from becoming zero 25. 19-Dec-2013 nkodakan for bug 17831734 Issue : TAXES ARE CALCULATED BASED ON SO UOM INSTEAD OF PRIMARY UOM CONVERSION CLASS DEF Fix : Added a cursor get_tax_uom_code to fetch the uom_code from jai_cmn_taxes_all and if tax uom is not equal to transaction uom then multiply with the proper conversion rate. Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-(Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency due to spec change/ A new call to a object/A datamodel change )----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Current Version Current Bug Dependent Files Version Author Date RemarksOf File On Bug/Patchset Dependent Onjai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg.sql----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------115.1 2977185 IN60105D2 None -- Aiyer 13/07/2004 Row introduces to start dependency tracking115.3 4245053 IN60106 + ssumaith Service Tax and VAT Infrastructure are created 4146708 + based on the bugs - 4146708 and 4545089 respectively. 4245089*************************************************************************************************************************/--Added by Kevin Cheng for Retroactive Price 2008/01/13--=====================================================IF pv_retroprice_changed = 'N'THEN--===================================================== --Ramananda for File.Sql.35 bsln_amt := p_tax_amount ; v_conversion_rate := 0; v_currency_conv_factor := p_currency_conv_factor; ln_base := 0 ; IF transaction_name 'CRM_QUOTE' THEN -- Vijay Shankar for Bug# 2837970 IF v_debug THEN fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, ' transaction_name -> '||transaction_name); END IF; --2001/03/30 Manohar Mishra /*Start of Addition*/ OPEN get_header_info_cur; FETCH get_header_info_cur INTO v_organization_id, v_location_id, v_batch_source_id; CLOSE get_header_info_cur; OPEN get_register_code_cur(v_organization_id, v_location_id, v_batch_source_id); FETCH get_register_code_cur INTO v_register_code; CLOSE get_register_code_cur; -- Vijay Shankar for Bug# 2837970 ELSE -- this should get executed when tax defaultation is for CRM_QUOTE v_register_code := null; END IF; --2001/03/30 Manohar Mishra /*End of Addition*/ /*Bug 8241905 - Start*/ /* Fetch Tax modified flag of the parent line to check if taxes defaulted based on Tax Category attached to Vendor or Item have been modified. If 'Y' then the new taxes need to be used to calculate taxes of child lines else the normal defaultation logic can be used */ BEGIN select tax_modified_flag into ln_tax_modified_flag from JAI_PO_REQ_LINES where requisition_line_id = p_parent_req_line_id; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN ln_tax_modified_flag := 'N'; END; /* The line is split using Tools->Modify option in AutoCreate when p_parent_req_line_id is NOT NULL p_modified_by_agent_flag is set to 'Y' if it is parent line */ if (transaction_name = 'PO_REQN' and (p_tax_category_id is null or ln_tax_modified_flag = 'Y') and p_modified_by_agent_flag is NULL and p_parent_req_line_id is NOT NULL) then for c_req_tax_lines in (select * from JAI_PO_REQ_LINE_TAXES where requisition_line_id = p_parent_req_line_id) loop /*Fetch quantity of parent line to populate taxes in child lines*/ ja_in_po_get_reqline_p(p_parent_req_line_id, ln_prev_quantity); select rounding_factor into ln_rounding_factor from JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL where tax_id = c_req_tax_lines.tax_id; /*Insert Tax Lines for child lines based on Tax lines of the parent*/ insert into JAI_PO_REQ_LINE_TAXES( requisition_line_id, requisition_header_id, tax_line_no, precedence_1, precedence_2, precedence_3, precedence_4, precedence_5, precedence_6, precedence_7, precedence_8, precedence_9, precedence_10, tax_id, tax_rate, qty_rate, uom, tax_amount, Tax_Target_Amount, tax_type, modvat_flag, vendor_id, currency, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login, tax_category_id ) VALUES ( p_line_id, c_req_tax_lines.requisition_header_id, c_req_tax_lines.tax_line_no, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_1, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_2, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_3, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_4, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_5, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_6, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_7, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_8, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_9, c_req_tax_lines.precedence_10, c_req_tax_lines.tax_id, c_req_tax_lines.tax_rate, c_req_tax_lines.qty_rate, c_req_tax_lines.uom, round((c_req_tax_lines.tax_amount * p_line_quantity)/ln_prev_quantity, ln_rounding_factor), round((c_req_tax_lines.Tax_Target_Amount * p_line_quantity)/ln_prev_quantity, ln_rounding_factor), c_req_tax_lines.tax_type, c_req_tax_lines.modvat_flag, c_req_tax_lines.vendor_id, c_req_tax_lines.currency, c_req_tax_lines.creation_date, c_req_tax_lines.created_by, c_req_tax_lines.last_update_date, c_req_tax_lines.last_updated_by, c_req_tax_lines.last_update_login, c_req_tax_lines.tax_category_id ); end loop; end if; /*Bug 8241905 - End*/ /** bgowrava for forward porting bug#5631784*/ if ((p_tax_category_id is null and (p_threshold_tax_cat_id is null or p_threshold_tax_cat_id 0 then /* || Cursor to check if same taxes exists in both tax categories */ ln_dup_tax_exists := null; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Open/Close/Fetch cursor c_chk_tax_duplication');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 open c_chk_tax_duplication; fetch c_chk_tax_duplication into ln_dup_tax_exists; close c_chk_tax_duplication; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'ln_dup_tax_exists='||ln_dup_tax_exists);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 if ln_dup_tax_exists is not null or (nvl(p_threshold_tax_cat_id,-1) = p_tax_category_id) then fnd_message.set_name('JA', 'JAI_DUP_TAX_IN_TAX_CAT'); app_exception.raise_exception ; end if; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Open/Close/Fetch cursor c_get_max_tax_line');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 open c_get_max_tax_line; fetch c_get_max_tax_line into ln_max_tax_line; close c_get_max_tax_line ; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Open/Close/Fetch cursor c_get_max_rgm_tax_line');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 open c_get_max_rgm_tax_line; fetch c_get_max_rgm_tax_line into ln_max_rgm_tax_line; close c_get_max_rgm_tax_line ; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'ln_max_tax_line='||ln_max_tax_line||', ln_max_rgm_tax_line='||ln_max_rgm_tax_line);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 end if; /*Bug 8371741 - Start*/ if ln_max_rgm_tax_line IS NULL then ln_max_rgm_tax_line := p_max_rgm_tax_line; ln_max_tax_line := p_max_tax_line; end if; /*Bug 8371741 - End*/ /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Opening ref cursor');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 get_tax_cat_taxes_cur ( p_tax_category_id => p_tax_category_id , p_threshold_tax_cat_id => p_threshold_tax_cat_id , p_max_tax_line => ln_max_tax_line , p_max_rgm_tax_line => ln_max_rgm_tax_line , p_refc_tax_cat_taxes_cur => refc_tax_cur ); /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Cursor is opened');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 elsif p_action = jai_constants.recalculate_taxes then /** Following is a dynamic sql string which can be modifed as per requirement The sql has four place holders defined as below $$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$ - Use this place holder to select additional columns in the sql. You must also change corrosponding fetch statements and the record being used for fetch. SELECT statement above should also be changed to include the newly added columns as they are sharing a common cursor and fetch record. $$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$ - At runtime this placeholder must be replaced with name of source table to be used for recalculation $$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$ - At runtime, this place holder must represent a boolean condition which can filter required rows from the source table for recalculation. It must be the first condition and should never start with either AND or OR $$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$ - Replace the placeholder with additional conditions if any. The condition must start with either AND or OR keyword $$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$ - Replace the placeholder with list of columns and order sequence, if required. Column list must start with comma (,) If any of this placeholder is not required to be used it must be replaced with a null value as below replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$' , '' ); */ lv_recalculation_sql := ' select a.tax_id , a.tax_line_no lno , a.precedence_1 p_1 , a.precedence_2 p_2 , a.precedence_3 p_3 , a.precedence_4 p_4 , a.precedence_5 p_5 , a.precedence_6 p_6 , a.precedence_7 p_7 , a.precedence_8 p_8 , a.precedence_9 p_9 , a.precedence_10 p_10 , a.tax_rate , a.tax_amount , b.tax_amount qty_rate /*Added b.tax_amount qty_rate by murtuza for bug 14675629*/ , b.uom_code , b.end_date valid_date , DECODE(rttv.regime_code, '''||jai_constants.vat_regime||''', 4, /* added by ssumaith - bug# 4245053*/ /*'''||jai_constants.cgst_regime||''', 7, *//* Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10 */ /*'''||jai_constants.sgst_regime||''', 7, *//* Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10 */ '''||jai_constants.customs_regime||''', 8, /* Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement */ DECODE(UPPER(b.tax_type), ''EXCISE'' , 1 , ''ADDL. EXCISE'', 1 , ''OTHER EXCISE'', 1 , ''TDS'' , 2 , ''EXCISE_EDUCATION_CESS'',6 --modified by walton for inclusive tax , '''||JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_EXC_EDU_CESS||''' , 6 /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/ --modified by walton for inclusive tax , ''CVD_EDUCATION_CESS'' ,6 --modified by walton for inclusive tax , '''||JAI_CONSTANTS.TAX_TYPE_SH_CVD_EDU_CESS||''' , 6 /*bduvarag for the bug#5989740*/ --modified by walton for inclusive tax , 0 ) ) tax_type_val , b.mod_cr_percentage , b.vendor_id , b.tax_type , nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor , b.adhoc_flag $$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$ ,b.inclusive_tax_flag --added by walton for inclusive tax on 08-Dev-07,--Added inclusive_tax_flag in end as it is last column in record type. by JMEENA for bug#9489492 from $$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$ a , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL b , jai_regime_tax_types_v rttv where $$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$ and rttv.tax_type (+) = b.tax_type and a.tax_id = b.tax_id $$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$ order by a.tax_line_no $$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$'; /** No extra columns required. Dummy column (NULL) tax_category_id needs to be added in the last as same record (rec) is being used when fetching the cursor. If there is a need to override this default behaviour then please replace these place holder with desired strings which can be evaluated at runtime by sql-engine */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$EXTRA_SELECT_COLUMN_LIST$$' , ',null tax_category_id' ); /** No additional filtering required */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE$$' , '' ); /** No additional sorting required */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$ADDITIONAL_ORDER_BY$$' , '' ); if upper(p_source_trx_type) = jai_constants.source_ttype_delivery then /** replace the correct tax source table */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$' , 'JAI_OM_WSH_LINE_TAXES' ); /** replace join condition */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$' , 'a.delivery_detail_id = ' || p_line_id ); elsif upper(p_source_trx_type) = jai_constants.bill_only_invoice then /** For bill_only_invoice tax source table is ja_in_ra_cust_trx_tax_lines*/ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$' , 'JAI_AR_TRX_TAX_LINES' ); /** replace join condition */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$' , 'a.link_to_cust_trx_line_id = ' || p_line_id ); /* elsif upper(pv_tax_source_table) = '' then ... ... */ -- Date 24-Apr-2007 Added by SACSETHI for bug 6012570 (5876390) -- in This , Recalculation will be happen in Draft invoice --------------------------------------------------------- elsif upper(p_source_trx_type) = jai_constants.PA_DRAFT_INVOICE then lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , 'a.tax_amount' , 'a.tax_amt' ); lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$' , 'JAI_CMN_DOCUMENT_TAXES' ); /** replace join condition */ lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$' , 'a.SOURCE_DOC_LINE_ID = ' || p_line_id || ' and SOURCE_DOC_TYPE ='''|| jai_constants.PA_DRAFT_INVOICE || '''' ); -- Added by Jason Liu for standalone invoice on 2007/08/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSIF upper(p_source_trx_type) = jai_constants.G_AP_STANDALONE_INVOICE THEN lv_recalculation_sql := REPLACE( lv_recalculation_sql , 'a.tax_amount' , 'a.tax_amt' ); lv_recalculation_sql := REPLACE( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$' , 'JAI_CMN_DOCUMENT_TAXES' ); -- replace join condition lv_recalculation_sql := REPLACE( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$' , 'a.SOURCE_DOC_LINE_ID = ' || p_line_id || ' and SOURCE_DOC_TYPE ='''|| jai_constants.G_AP_STANDALONE_INVOICE || '''' ); -- Added by Zhiwei Hou for Bug#13359892 DTC enhancement on 2011/11/28 begin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSIF upper(p_source_trx_type) = 'TDS INVOICE' THEN lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , 'a.tax_id' , 'a.actual_tax_id' ); lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , 'a.tax_rate' , 'b.tax_rate' ); lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , 'nvl(b.rounding_factor,0) rounding_factor' , 'nvl(b.rounding_factor,99) rounding_factor' ); lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$' , 'JAI_AP_TDS_INV_TAXES' ); lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$' , ' a.invoice_id=' || p_header_id || ' and a.INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID = ' || p_line_id ); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Added by Zhiwei Hou for Bug#13359892 DTC enhancement on 2011/11/28 end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Added by Bo Li for bug#11684111 BOE Enhancement Begin -------------------------------------------------------- ELSIF transaction_name = 'BOE_INVOICE_UPDATE' THEN lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$TAX_SOURCE_TABLE$$' , 'jai_boe_detail_taxes' ); lv_recalculation_sql := replace ( lv_recalculation_sql , '$$SOURCE_TABLE_FILTER$$' , 'a.boe_detail_id = '||p_line_id ); --------------------------------------- --Added by Bo Li for bug#11684111 BOE Enhancement End end if; /*pv_tax_source_table*/ /** When control comes here, a valid sql statement hold by variable lv_recalculate_sql must be ready to execute. open a dynamic select statement using OPEN-FOR statement */ /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'TAX RECALCULATION SQL STATEMENT'); jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, lv_recalculation_sql); jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Opening ref cursor with dynamic sql'); */--commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 open refc_tax_cur for lv_recalculation_sql; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Cursor is opened with lv_recalculation_sql');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 end if; /** RECALCULATE */ /** Clear the tax table */ /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Before fetching cursor rows and starting loop');*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 lt_tax_table.delete; loop /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'In Loop, row_count='||row_count||', lt_tax_table.count='||lt_tax_table.count);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 fetch refc_tax_cur into rec; /* jai_cmn_debug_contexts_pkg.print (ln_reg_id, 'Post Fetch refc_tax_cur, rec.tax_id='||rec.tax_id||', rec.tax_rate='||rec.tax_rate);*/ --commented by bgowrava for bug#5631784 exit when refc_tax_cur%notfound; /** End of bug 5631784*/ /** Add current record in the lt_tax_table for future use at the time of either UPDATE or INSERT into the tables*/ --FOR rec IN tax_cur(p_tax_category_id) LOOP lt_tax_table(lt_tax_table.count+1) := rec; p1(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_1,-1); p2(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_2,-1); p3(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_3,-1); p4(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_4,-1); p5(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_5,-1); p6(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_6,-1); -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 ) p7(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_7,-1); p8(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_8,-1); p9(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_9,-1); p10(row_count) := nvl(rec.p_10,-1); tax_rate_tab(row_count) := NVL(rec.tax_rate,0); line_no_tab(row_count) := rec.lno; --added for bug#9214366 --added by walton for inclusive tax on 08-Dev-07 ----------------------------------------------------------------- lt_tax_rate_per_rupee(row_count):=NVL(rec.tax_rate,0)/100; ln_total_tax_per_rupee:=0; lt_inclusive_tax_tab(row_count):=NVL(rec.inclusive_tax_flag,'N'); lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(row_count):=0; lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(row_count):=0; ------------------------------------------------------------------lt_adhoc_tax_tab(row_count) := nvl(rec.adhoc_flag, 'N'); /*Added by mmurtuza for bug 16656728*/ /* || The following code added by aiyer for the bug 4691616 || Purpose: || rec.tax_rate = 0 means that tax_rate for such a tax line is actually zero (i.e it is not a replacement of null value) || So, when rec.tax_rate = 0, tax_rate_zero_tab is populated with -9999 to identify that this tax_line actually has tax_rate = 0 || To calculate the BASE_TAX_AMOUNT of the taxes whose tax_rate is zero */ IF rec.tax_rate is null THEN /* ||Indicates qty based taxes */ tax_rate_zero_tab(row_count) := 0; ELSIF rec.tax_rate = 0 THEN /* ||Indicates 0% tax rate becasue a tax can have a rate as 0%. */ tax_rate_zero_tab(row_count) := -9999; ELSE tax_rate_zero_tab(row_count) := rec.tax_rate; END IF; tax_type_tab(row_count) := rec.tax_type_val;qty_rate_tab(row_count) := rec.qty_rate; /*Added by mmurtuza for bug 14675629*/ /*End of bug 4691616 */ -- tax_amt_tab(row_count) := 0; /*added for bug#6498072, start*/ IF p_action = jai_constants.recalculate_taxes AND --recalculate_taxes NVL(rec.adhoc_flag,'N') = 'Y' --adhoc_flag='Y' THEN tax_amt_tab(row_count) := nvl(rec.tax_amount,0) ; ELSE tax_amt_tab(row_count) := 0; END IF ; /*bug#6498072, end*/ round_factor_tab(row_count):=rec.rounding_factor; --added by csahoo for bug#6077133 base_tax_amt_tab(row_count) := 0; adhoc_flag_tab(row_count):=rec.adhoc_flag ; /* rchandan bug#6030615 */ IF tax_rate_tab(row_count) = 0 AND rec.uom_code is not null --added by csahoo for bug#6498072 THEN -- Start of bug 3749294 /* Code added by aiyer for the bug 3749294 Check whether an exact match exists between the transaction uom and the setup uom (obtained through the tax_category list). IF an exact match is found then the conversion rate is equal to 1 else the conversion rate between the two uom's would be determined and tax amounts,base_tax_amounts are calculated for defaultation. */ Inv_Convert.inv_um_conversion( p_uom_code, rec.uom_code, p_inventory_item_id, v_conversion_rate); IF NVL(v_conversion_rate, 0) line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P1(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p2(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p2(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p3(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p3(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p4(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p4(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p5(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p5(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 ) -- start bug 5228046 IF P6(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(P6(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p7(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p7(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p8(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p8(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p9(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p9(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; IF p10(I) > line_no_tab(I) THEN --replaced I by line_no_tab(I) for bug#9214366 vamt := vamt + NVL(tax_amt_tab(p10(I)),0); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; -- end bug 5228046 base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt; base_tax_amount_nr_tab(I):=ln_vamt_nr; /*9692478*/ v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + (vamt * (tax_rate_tab(I)/100)); ln_tax_amt_nr:=ln_tax_amt_nr+(ln_vamt_nr * (tax_rate_tab(I)/100)); --added by walton for inclusive tax IF vamt 0 THEN base_tax_amt_tab(I) := base_tax_amt_tab(I) + vamt; END IF; tax_amt_tab(I) := NVL(tax_amt_tab(I),0) + v_tax_amt; lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I),0)+ln_tax_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I):= tax_amt_tab(I); --added by walton for inclusive tax base_tax_amount_nr_tab(I):=ln_vamt_nr; --added by Xiao Lv for bug#8789761 on 30-Oct-09 vamt := 0; v_tax_amt := 0; ln_vamt_nr :=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax ln_tax_amt_nr :=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSE base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt; base_tax_amount_nr_tab(I):=ln_vamt_nr; /*9692478*/ tax_amt_tab(I) := 0; END IF; END LOOP; FOR counter IN 1 .. max_iter LOOP vamt := 0; v_tax_amt := 0; ln_vamt_nr:= 0; --added by walton for inclusive tax ln_tax_amt_nr:=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax FOR i IN 1 .. row_count LOOP /* || Modified by aiyer for the fwd porting bug 4691616. || The following if clause will restrict the taxes whose tax_rate is null || i.e when tax_rate is null, tax_rate_tab(i) is 0. */ IF ( tax_rate_tab( i ) 0 OR tax_rate_zero_tab(I) = -9999 ) AND end_date_tab( I ) 0 THEN IF tax_type_tab( I ) = 1 THEN --Added by walton for inclusive tax on 08-Dec-07 ------------------------------------------------ IF ln_assessable_value =1 THEN v_amt:=1; ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0; ELSE v_amt :=0; ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_assessable_value; END IF; ------------------------------------------------ /*v_amt := p_assessable_value;*/ --commented out by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 4 THEN --Added by walton for inclusive tax on 08-Dec-07 ------------------------------------------------ IF ln_vat_assessable_value =1 THEN v_amt:=1; ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0; ELSE v_amt :=0; ln_bsln_amt_nr :=ln_vat_assessable_value; END IF; ------------------------------------------------ /*v_amt := p_vat_assessable_value;*/ --commented out by walton for inclusive tax --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10, Begin ------------------------------------------------ /* ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 7 THEN IF ln_gst_assessable_value = 1 THEN v_amt := 1; ln_bsln_amt_nr := 0; ELSE v_amt := 0; ln_bsln_amt_nr := ln_gst_assessable_value; END IF; */ ------------------------------------------------ --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10, End --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement , Begin ------------------------------------------------ ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 8 THEN IF ln_customs_assessable_value = 1 THEN v_amt := 1; ln_bsln_amt_nr := 0; ELSE v_amt := 0; ln_bsln_amt_nr := ln_customs_assessable_value; END IF; ------------------------------------------------ --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement , End --Added by walton for inclusive tax ------------------------------------- ELSIF tax_type_tab(I) = 6 THEN v_amt:=0; ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0; ------------------------------------- ELSE IF p_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) 1 THEN /* v_amt := p_tax_amount;*/ v_amt:=1; --Added by walton for inclusive tax ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0; --Added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p_vat_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) 4 THEN /* v_amt := p_tax_amount;*/ v_amt:=1; --Added by walton for inclusive tax ln_bsln_amt_nr :=0; --Added by walton for inclusive tax --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10, Begin ------------------------------------------------ /* ELSIF pn_gst_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) 7 THEN v_amt := 1; ln_bsln_amt_nr := 0; */ ------------------------------------------------ --Added by Jia for GST Bug#10043656 on 2010/09/10, End --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement , Begin ------------------------------------------------ ELSIF pn_customs_assessable_value IN ( 0, -1 ) OR tax_type_tab( I ) 8 THEN v_amt := 1; ln_bsln_amt_nr := 0; ------------------------------------------------ --Added by Bo Li for Bug#11684111 BOE Ehancement, End END IF; END IF; /* Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , Begin -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF P1( i ) -1 THEN IF P1( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( P1( I ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF P1(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p2( i ) -1 THEN IF p2( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p2( I ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p2(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p3( i ) -1 THEN IF p3( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p3( I ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p3(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p4( i ) -1 THEN IF p4( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p4( i ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p4(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p5( i ) -1 THEN IF p5( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p5( i ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p5(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF;-- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 ) -- start bug 5228046 IF P6( i ) -1 THEN IF P6( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( P6( I ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF P6(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p7( i ) -1 THEN IF p7( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p7( I ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p7(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p8( i ) -1 THEN IF p8( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p8( I ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p8(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p9( i ) -1 THEN IF p9( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p9( i ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p9(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; IF p10( i ) -1 THEN IF p10( i ) 0 THEN vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab( p10( i ) ); ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)),0); --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSIF p10(i) = 0 THEN vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr:=ln_vamt_nr+ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; END IF; -- end bug 5228046 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011, End */ -- Added by shujuan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011, Begin ----------------------------------------------------------- ln_vamt_nr :=0; lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=0; IF P1(i) -1 THEN IF P1(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P1(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P1(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt:= vamt + tax_amt_tab(P1(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P1(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF P1(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p2(i) -1 THEN IF p2(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P2(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P2(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p2(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P2(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p2(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p3(i) -1 THEN IF p3(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P3(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P3(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p3(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P3(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p3(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p4(i) -1 THEN IF p4(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P4(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P4(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p4(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P4(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p4(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p5(i) -1 THEN IF p5(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P5(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P5(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p5(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P5(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p5(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Date 31/10/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI ( added column from Precedence 6 to 10 ) -- start bug 5228046 IF p6(i) -1 THEN IF p6(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P6(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P6(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p6(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P6(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p6(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p7(i) -1 THEN IF p7(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P7(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P7(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p7(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P7(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p7(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p8(i) -1 THEN IF p8(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P8(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P8(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p8(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P8(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p8(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p9(i) -1 THEN IF p9(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P9(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P9(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p9(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P9(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p9(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF p10(i) -1 THEN IF p10(i) 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(P10(I)) = 'Y' OR lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(P10(I)) IS NOT NULL then vamt := vamt + tax_amt_tab(p10(I)); ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + NVL(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(P10(I)), 0); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ELSIF p10(i) = 0 THEN IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' then vamt := vamt + v_amt; ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax ELSE if (ln_bsln_amt_nr = 0) then /*16172861*/ ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr + p_tax_amount; else ln_vamt_nr := ln_vamt_nr + ln_bsln_amt_nr; /*16172861*/ end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- end bug 5228046 ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Added by shujuan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011, End base_tax_amt_tab(I) := vamt; tax_target_tab(I) := vamt; base_tax_amount_nr_tab(I):=ln_vamt_nr;/*9692478*/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*Change History: jai_cmn_tax_defaultation_pkg Last Modified By Jagdish Bhosle. 2001/04/05 The follow check will ensure that for Bond reg. Txns excise duty will not be added to original Line amount. */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (v_register_code='BOND_REG') THEN --- Added By Jagdish 2001/04/05 IF counter = max_iter AND tax_type_tab( I ) NOT IN ( 1, 2 ) THEN v_func_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + ( vamt * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100)); v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + ( vamt * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100)); ln_tax_amt_nr:=ln_tax_amt_nr+(ln_vamt_nr*(tax_rate_tab(i)/100)); --added by walton for inclusive END IF; ELSE v_func_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + ( vamt * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100)); v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt + ( vamt * ( tax_rate_tab( i )/100)); ln_tax_amt_nr:=ln_tax_amt_nr+(ln_vamt_nr*(tax_rate_tab(i)/100)); --added by walton for inclusive END IF; -- End of Addition Jagdish 2001/04/05 ELSIF tax_rate_tab(I) = 0 THEN base_tax_amt_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(i); v_tax_amt := tax_amt_tab( i ); ln_tax_amt_nr:=lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(i); tax_target_tab(I) := v_tax_amt; ELSIF end_date_tab( I ) = 0 THEN tax_amt_tab(I) := 0; base_tax_amt_tab(I) := 0; base_tax_amount_nr_tab(I):=0; /*9692478*/ tax_target_tab(I) := 0; END IF; tax_amt_tab( I ) := NVL( v_tax_amt, 0 ); -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , Begin ------------------------------------------------------------------- --lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(I); --added by walton for inclusive tax ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , End -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , Begin ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' THEN lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) := tax_amt_tab(I); --added by walton for inclusive tax END IF; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , End lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I):=ln_tax_amt_nr; --added by walton for inclusive tax /*tax_amt_tab(I) := round(tax_amt_tab(I) ,round_factor_tab(I)); --added by csahoo for bug#6077133*/--commented by walton for inclusive tax --func_tax_amt_tab(I) := NVL(v_func_tax_amt,0); --Commented by walton for bug#9288016 base_tax_amount_nr_tab(I):=ln_vamt_nr; --added by Xiao Lv for bug#8789761 on 30-Oct-09 IF counter = max_iter THEN IF end_date_tab(I) = 0 THEN tax_amt_tab( i ) := 0; func_tax_amt_tab(i) := 0; END IF; END IF; vamt := 0; v_amt := 0; v_tax_amt := 0; v_func_tax_amt := 0; ln_vamt_nr :=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax ln_tax_amt_nr:=0; --added by walton for inclusive tax END LOOP; END LOOP; --Added by walton for inclusive tax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR I IN 1 .. ROW_COUNT --Compute Factor LOOP IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' THEN ln_total_tax_per_rupee := ln_total_tax_per_rupee + nvl(lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I),0) ; ln_total_non_rate_tax := ln_total_non_rate_tax + nvl(lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I),0); END IF; END LOOP; --End Compute Factor ln_total_tax_per_rupee := ln_total_tax_per_rupee + 1; IF ln_total_tax_per_rupee 0 THEN ln_exclusive_price := (NVL(p_tax_amount,0) - ln_total_non_rate_tax ) / ln_total_tax_per_rupee; END If; FOR i in 1 .. row_count --Compute Tax Amount Loop -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , Begin ------------------------------------------------------------------ --tax_amt_tab (i) := (lt_tax_amt_rate_tax_tab(I) * ln_exclusive_price ) + lt_tax_amt_non_rate_tab(I); ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Commented out by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , End -- Added by Shyan for bug 10358786 on 28-Jan-2011 , Begin ------------------------------------------------------------------ if (lt_adhoc_tax_tab(i) = 'N') then /*Added if condition by mmurtuza for bug 16656728*/ tax_amt_tab (i):=0;end if; IF lt_inclusive_tax_tab(I) = 'Y' THEN IF (tax_type_tab(I) = 1 and ln_assessable_value>1) OR (tax_type_tab(I) = 4 and ln_vat_assessable_value> 1) OR /*(tax_type_tab(I) = 7 and ln_gst_assessable_value >1) OR*/ (tax_type_tab(I) = 8 and ln_customs_assessable_value >1) --Added by Bo Li for bug#11684111 BOE Enhancement THEN IF tax_t