Indg330 - Selecting Protective Gloves for Work With Chemicals

7/23/2019 Indg330 - Selecting Protective Gloves for Work With Chemicals 1/3 Introduction U K ind ustry spen d s ab out £3 0 m illion a year buying ch em ica lp rotec tive g loves to use as personalp rotective eq uipm en t(P P E ).S uch gloves a re availab le in a w id e selection of naturaland syn thetic m aterials a nd range in price from 25 p to £6 0 a p air (M arch 20 00 ). This lea etp rovid es p ractica ladvice to em p loyers and self-em ployed people on how to select the b est ch em ica lprotective gloves to w ithstan d exp osure to chem ical agents and so m eet the prim e req uirem ent of PPE, 1 w hich is to protectthe w earer. A llliq uid s, solid s, g ase s, vapours,aeroso ls, fum es,dusts and b res are chem ical ag en ts.They are called ch em ica lagen ts to disting uish them from biolog ica lag ents (such as m icro-organ ism s) and physical ag ents (su ch as noise ,vibration and friction). M anag ers,supervisors,em ployees,health and safety professionals, safety representatives and trade union representatives w illalso nd this lea etuseful. for employers and health and safety specialists Guidance S electing protective gloves forw ork w ith chem icals

Transcript of Indg330 - Selecting Protective Gloves for Work With Chemicals

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U K industry spends about £30 m illion a year

buying chem ical protective gloves to use as

personal protective equipm ent (PPE). Such

gloves are available in a w ide selection of

natural and synthetic m aterials and range in

price from 25p to £60 a pair (M arch 2000).

This lea et provides practical advice to

em ployers and self-em ployed people on

how to select the best chem ical protective

gloves to w ithstand exposure to chem ical

agents and so m eet the prim e requirem ent

of PPE,1 w hich is to protect the w earer.

All liquids, solids, gases, vapours, aerosols,

fum es, dusts and bres are chem ical

agents. They are called chem ical agents to

distinguish them from biological agents

(such as m icro-organism s) and physical

agents (such as noise, vibration and friction).

M anagers, supervisors, em ployees, health and

safety professionals, safety representatives

and trade union representatives w ill also nd

this lea et useful.

for employers a nd

hea lth and sa fety s pecialists



protectiveglovesfor work w ith chem icals

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