INDEX [] · min...

INDEX (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS ; names of places in italics) Abbot, Miss Elizabeth Sergeant, ex- hibitor at Rittenhouse Bicentenary, 243, 244 Abercrombie, Colonel, 264 Aberdeen, Lord, friend of James Buchanan, 18 Academy, The, Philadelphia, 113. 115 ; first fire bell in Philadelphia hung in, 1752, 368 Academy, see also University of Penn- sylvania Adams, Abigail, 277 Adams, Henry. 109 Adams, John, 18, 88, 98, 125, 195, 215; to Mrs. Adams describing entertainments of delegates to Con- gress, 120 ; named by Congress for Vice President, 146; inauguration of, 153 ; visit of to shop of Charles Willson Peale, 277 ; description of Francis Hopkinson by, 277: de- scription of Miss Keys by, 277, 299 Adrain, Robert. 222 Agricultural Society, George Wash- ington attends meetings of, 142. ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER JOHN. 256 ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER JOHN AITCHISON, 255, 256 ALEXANDER, MRS. ALEXANDER JOHN AITCHISON, 255, 256 Alexander, Mrs. Alexander John Aitchison, portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin in Pos- session of, 255, 259 ALEXANDER, MARIANNE, 250, 251, 252 ALEXANDER, ROBERT, 256 Alexander, Robert, friend of Benja- min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, 255, 256 Alexander, William, friend of Ben- jamin Franklin. 250, 252 ALEXANDER, SIR WILLIAM, 256 ALEXANDER FAMILY. Kentucky 256 Alexander the Great, Abraham Lin- coln contrasted with, 98 Allen, Attorney General Andrew, George Washington entertained by, 123 Allen, Chief Justice William, George Washington entertained by, 117 Althaus, Johann Krist, 13 Althaus, Johannes, 13 American Philosophical Society, 214, 215, 236 : visited by George Wash- ington, 93 ; meeting for merger of. with American Society, 1768, 125 : Addresses to General Washington presented by Mr. Bond, President of, 1781, 1783, 135, 137 ; Commit- tee of, to observe Transit of Venus, 388 212; instruments made by David Rittenhouse owned by, 212 ; clock made for by Edward Duflield, 1769, 226 ;Rittenhouse clock owned by, 239 : exhibitors at Rittenhouse Bi- centenary, 243, 244, 239, 240, 245 : portrait of Benjamin Franklin (after David Martin) by Charles Willson Peale, presented to, 257. 259 American Society, meeting for merger of, with American Philosophical Society, 1768, 125 Ancestors and Descendants, The, of Zachariah Eddy of Warren, Penn- sylvania, by Byron Barnes Horton, review of, 95 ANDREWS, CATHERINE.45 ANDREWS, ROBERT,45 Anthony, Irvin, Decatur, by, review of, by Burton Alva Konkle, 188, 189 Anti-Federalists, attacks of, on Presi- dent Washington, 151 Apollo on Locust Street, by Richard Mott Gummere, 68 Appleton, John, 26 Armitt, John, 364 Armitt, Richard. 361 Armitt, Stephen, 364 ARMSTRONG, JAMES, 286 ARMSTRONG, JOANNA, 286 Armstrong, Captain John, 47 Armstrong, Captain Richard, of Gren- adier Company, 262 Ash, Joshua, 365 Ashton, Thomas, Philadelphia, ship- builder, 157 Attwood, William, 160 Audet, Francis J., of Department of Archives, Canada, 57 Augsburg, fire at, 1518, 357 Austin, Samuel, 160, 162, 164, 167, 180 Babb, Maurice Jefferis, 227, 237, 240; David Rittenhouse by, Ad- dress delivered by, April 9, 1932, 193 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, David Rittenhouse to, 246 Bache, Sarah, dances with General Washington, 131; General Wash- ington entertained by, 143 Ball, Colonel Burgess, 93 Ball, L. C, 245 Ballard, Herbert T., exhibitor at Rit- tenhouse Bicentenary, 245 Bancroft, George, 26 Bantoft, William, 164 Baptist Meeting House, Philadelphia, Barber, , engraver, executes bronze medal of David Rittenhouse, 223 Barclay, George, 8

Transcript of INDEX [] · min...

Page 1: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

INDEX(Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS ;

names of places in italics)

Abbot, Miss Elizabeth Sergeant, ex-hibitor at Rittenhouse Bicentenary,243, 244

Abercrombie, Colonel, 264Aberdeen, Lord, friend of James

Buchanan, 18Academy, The, Philadelphia, 113.

115 ; first fire bell in Philadelphiahung in, 1752, 368

Academy, see also University of Penn-sylvania

Adams, Abigail, 277Adams, Henry. 109Adams, John, 18, 88, 98, 125, 195,

215; to Mrs. Adams describingentertainments of delegates to Con-gress, 120 ; named by Congress forVice President, 146; inaugurationof, 153 ; visit of to shop of CharlesWillson Peale, 277 ; description ofFrancis Hopkinson by, 277: de-scription of Miss Keys by, 277, 299

Adrain, Robert. 222Agricultural Society, George Wash-

ington attends meetings of, 142.




Alexander, Mrs. Alexander JohnAitchison, portrait of BenjaminFranklin by David Martin in Pos-session of, 255, 259


ALEXANDER, ROBERT, 256Alexander, Robert, friend of Benja-

min Franklin, 250 ; orders portraitof Benjamin Franklin by DavidMartin, 251, 252

ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, 255, 256Alexander, William, friend of Ben-

jamin Franklin. 250, 252ALEXANDER, SIR WILLIAM, 256ALEXANDER FAMILY. Kentucky

256Alexander the Great, Abraham Lin-

coln contrasted with, 98Allen, Attorney General Andrew,

George Washington entertained by,123

Allen, Chief Justice William, GeorgeWashington entertained by, 117

Althaus, Johann Krist, 13Althaus, Johannes, 13American Philosophical Society, 214,

215, 236 : visited by George Wash-ington, 93 ; meeting for merger of.with American Society, 1768, 125 :Addresses to General Washingtonpresented by Mr. Bond, Presidentof, 1781, 1783, 135, 137 ; Commit-tee of, to observe Transit of Venus,


212; instruments made by DavidRittenhouse owned by, 212 ; clockmade for by Edward Duflield, 1769,226 ;Rittenhouse clock owned by,239: exhibitors at Rittenhouse Bi-centenary, 243, 244, 239, 240, 245 :portrait of Benjamin Franklin(after David Martin) by CharlesWillson Peale, presented to, 257.259

American Society, meeting for mergerof, with American PhilosophicalSociety, 1768, 125

Ancestors and Descendants, The, ofZachariah Eddy of Warren, Penn-sylvania, by Byron Barnes Horton,review of, 95

ANDREWS, CATHERINE. 45ANDREWS, ROBERT, 45Anthony, Irvin, Decatur, by, review

of, by Burton Alva Konkle, 188,189

Anti-Federalists, attacks of, on Presi-dent Washington, 151

Apollo on Locust Street, by RichardMott Gummere, 68

Appleton, John, 26Armitt, John, 364Armitt, Richard. 361Armitt, Stephen, 364ARMSTRONG, JAMES, 286ARMSTRONG, JOANNA, 286Armstrong, Captain John, 47Armstrong, Captain Richard, of Gren-

adier Company, 262Ash, Joshua, 365Ashton, Thomas, Philadelphia, ship-

builder, 157Attwood, William, 160Audet, Francis J., of Department of

Archives, Canada, 57Augsburg, fire at, 1518, 357Austin, Samuel, 160, 162, 164, 167,


Babb, Maurice Jefferis, 227, 237,240; David Rittenhouse by, Ad-dress delivered by, April 9, 1932,193

Bache, Benjamin Franklin, DavidRittenhouse to, 246

Bache, Sarah, dances with GeneralWashington, 131; General Wash-ington entertained by, 143

Ball, Colonel Burgess, 93Ball, L. C, 245Ballard, Herbert T., exhibitor at Rit-

tenhouse Bicentenary, 245Bancroft, George, 26Bantoft, William, 164Baptist Meeting House, Philadelphia,

Barber, , engraver, executesbronze medal of David Rittenhouse,223

Barclay, George, 8

Page 2: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 389

Barclay, Moylan & Company, GeneralJames Wilkinson, partner in, 35,53

BARHAM, , 5Barlow, Joel, 89Barratt. Honorable Thomas S.f 228Bartholomew, Edward, David Ritten-

house to, 246BARTON, ESTHER, 207BARTON, HETTY, 215Barton, Hetty, 248BARTON, THOMAS, 207Barton, Reverend Thomas, 207, 208,

210, 211; instructor in College ofPhiladelphia, 207 ; library of, 207 ;clergyman of Church of England,207, David Rittenhouse makes clockfor, 208; chaplain to the King'sAmerican Regiments, 208; meetsGeneral Washington returningfrom Fort Cumberland, 208; toDavid Rittenhouse relating to hisorrery, 213

BARTON, WILLIAM, 202, 207Barton, William, 220, 244, 245;

purchases clock made by DavidRittenhouse, 238; biographer ofDavid Rittenhouse, 238

Barton, Mrs. William, 244Bartram, John, 85Bartram, William, scientist, 85, 93 :

writings of, 86-88 ; George Wash-ington visits, 144

Bartram House, Philadelphia, 110BARTRAM'S GARDEN, visited by

George Washington, 93Bayard, Honorable John, David Rit-

tenhouse to, 246Bayard, Major R., accompanies George

Washington to New York, 118Baynton, Peter, 167Beard, Duncan, 235Beatty, Reverend Charles, a founder

of Union Library, Hatboro, 290Beatty, Doctor, 50, 51Bechtel, John, 234Beesley, Simon, Philadelphia Clock-

maker, 157, 164, 167Beesley, Stephen, Philadelphia Clock-

maker, 157, 160, 164, 167Bell, Edmund Hayes, to Charles P.

Keith, regarding George Ross andAeneas Ross, 285, 286

Bell, William, 364Belmont residence of Peters,

110, 141, 143; visited by GeorgeWashington, 93

Benezet, Anthony, sketch of, 49Benezet, Daniel, 373Benezet, Philip, 368, 369Benjamin Franklin Memorial, 236Bennett, James Gordon, 26Bethlehem, General Washington at,

137Bickley, Abraham, Philadelphia Coun-

cil purchases fire engine from, 360BIDDLE, ANN, 34, 39Biddle, Mrs. Arthur, clock made by

Owen Biddle owned by, 227Biddle, Charles, George Washington

guest of, 145; David Rittenhouseto, 246


45, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 251, 253Biddle, Clement, land in Kentucky


Biddle, James, 268BIDDLE, JAMES G., 36Biddle, James G.t letters of Ann Bid-

dle Wilkinson owned by, 36BIDDLE, JOHN, 34, 39, 41, 251Biddle, John, sketch of, 39BIDDLE, LYDIA, 39, 41, 45. 46BIDDLE, LYMAN W.. 253BIDDLE, MARY, 50BIDDLE, MARY SCULL, 41, 46BIDDLE, MILDRED LEE, 253Biddle, 0"wen, 36, 39, 41, 43, 45, 52,

227; early Philadelphia clock-maker, 216, 227; associated withDavid Rittenhouse in scientific in-vestigations, 227 ; honors conferredon, 227 ; clocks made by, 227

BIDDLE, REBECKAH, 40, 45, 47,49-51

BIDDLE, REBECKAH CORNELL, 40BIDDLE, SARAH, 39, 42-45BIDDLE, THOMAS, 251, 253BIDDLE, THOMAS A., 251, 253Biddle, Thomas A., 257, 258BIDDLE, WILLIAM, 39, 41, 46Biddle, , with David Ritten-

house makes scientific observations,217

Bigod, M., letter of Minister of Ma-rine to, quoted, 57

BINGHAM, ANNE HOWARD. 44Bingham, Captain, 147Bingham, Major Charles, 44Bingham, William, General Washing-

ton entertained by, 140, 143Bining, Arthur Cecil, Report About

the Mines in the United States ofAmerica, 1783, by Samuel GustafHermelin, review of, by, 190

Black, Jeremiah Sullivan, AttorneyGeneral, 15, 26, 29, 32

Blaines, Colonel, 47Blair, John, Accompanies George

Washington to Mount Vernon, 146Bland, Elias, to John Reynell, 159,

171-186; presents fire engine toPennsylvania Hospital, 1763, 159,375 ; to James Pemberton, 170,171 ; Tetsworth built for, by JohnReynell, 170, 171 ; John Reynell to,171, 179 ; part owner of the Tets-worth, 182

Bland, Elias and Co., 174, 182. 183Bland, Richard, delegate to second

Continental Congress, 124Blue Licks, Kentucky, Battle of, 48BODLEY, CATHERINE, 48Bodley, Temple, 54BODLEY, THOMAS, 48, 55Boehler, Pastor, 10Boggs, Edward T., exhibitor at Rit-

tenhouse Bicentenary, 245Bonaparte, Napoleon, Abraham Lin-

coln contrasted with, 98Bond, Samuel, 160. 164Book Notices, 95, 188, 286, 381BO'ONE, ANNA, 101BOONE, DANIEL, 101Boston, George Washington in, 112,

113Bougainville, de, 57Bourn, John, 161Bourne, Thomas, 160Boyd, Julian P., The Susquehannah

Company Papers, edited by, reviewof, by Burton Alva Konkle, 383

Braddock, General Edward. 112, 267:defeat of, participation of GeorgeWashington in, 100

Page 3: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

390 IndexBradford, Andrew, 364Bradford, John, 123Bradford, William, 202; member of

committee to build Rittenhousepaper mill, 199, 200

Bradley, Edward, 160, 164Bradley, Edward Sculley, Henry

Charles Lea, Review of, by, 286Bradstreet, Mrs., 81Brandywine, Battle of, 103, 130, 216,

343Brandywine Hundred, 261BRANT, ALBERTUS, 202BRANT, SUSANNA, 202Breckenridge, John Cabell, 32Brimodge, Samuel, 167Brinley, Katharine, member of Rit-

tenhouse Bicentenary Committee,236

Brittania, brings fire engine pre-sented by Elias Bland to the Penn-sylvania Hospital, 159

Brittania Fire Company, 367Britten, F. J., 229Brockden, Charles, 365Brook Club, New York, owner of por-

trait of David Rittenhouse, byCharles Willson Peale, 243; en-graving of portrait by Savage, 243

BROOKE, MARY, 6Brooks, Edward. 164Brown, Charles Brockden, 92BROWN, CLARISSA, 45Brown, David Paul, 276Brown, John, first Congressional del-

egate from Kentucky, 45Brown, Preserve, 181Brown, Dr. William, Solomon Drowne

to, quoted, 34Brownfield, Major, 219Brubaker, Dr. Albert P., member of

Committee of Rittenhouse Bicen-tenary Committee, 236; The Mar-tin Portraits of Franklin, by, 249

Buchanan, Miss Annie, niece of Presi-dent Buchanan, 23, 28

Buchanan, Reverend Edward Y., 27Buchanan, Henry, 23Buchanan. James, The Squire from

Lancaster, by Philip P. Aucham-paugh (cont. from Vol. LV., p.300), 15 ; The Squire at Home, 15-32; description of, by Mrs. MaryBlack Clayton, 15; called "TheSquire" by his cabinet, 15 ; descrip-tion of, by Mrs. Maury, 15, 16;sketch of, by Nathaniel Hawthorne,16 ; attracted to Southerners, andEnglish, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23. GeorgeWashington held up to, as anideal, 18; Scotch-Irish ancestry,19, 23 ; retired lawyer, 20 ; leaderof Pennsylvania Democracy, 20;friends of, 20, 26-30; visit of, toRussia and treaty resulting, 20,30 ; desire for a country estate, 20 ;purchases "Wheatlands," fromHonorable William M. Meredith,20, 2 1 ; letter of Mr. Meredithto, 21 ; description of Wheatlands,published in The World, 2 1 ;known to his friends as "JimmieBuchanan" and "Jeems Buchanan."23, 24 ; sketch of in his home, 23,24; description of library of, 23,25 ; views of, on States Rights andAbolition, 24, 32 ; literary inclina-tions, 25, 26 ; keen interest of, inpolitics, 26, 32 ; correspondents of,

26 ; friendships of, 28, 29, 30; "Re-publican Dinners" of, in Russia,30; most accomplished diner-outin Pennsylvania, 30; description of,as host, 30, 31 ; Wheatlands forsale, 31 ; political leadership of,32 ; attitude of, towards slavery, 32

Buck, William J., 1Budden, , 180Burd, Colonel James, Samuel Pur-

viance to, 211Burlington, George Washington at,

118Burnside, General Ambrose E., 104Burr, Aaron, 36Bush Hill, residence of William Ham-

ilton, 141, 143Byng, George, Viscount Torrington,

163Byrne, John, Tavern of, George

Washington at, 121, 125Byrne, Patrick, Sign of the Cock

owned by, 125 ; meeting for mergerof American Philosophical Societyand American Society, 1768, 125

Byron, Lord, quoted in praise ofGeorge Washington, 106

Cable Lane, now New Market Street,157

Cadwalader, Captain, 278Cadwalader, Jacob, subscriber to Un-

ion Library, Hatboro, 296-298Cadwalader, John, George Washing-

ton dines with, 117Cadwalader, General John, 102, 217CADWALADER. MILDRED. 253Cadwalader, Miss, George Washing-

ton entertained by, 140Cadwalader, Thomas (b. 1707) with

Benjamin Franklin founder ofPhiladelphia Library, 79

CADWALADER, WILLIAMS B., 253Cadwalader, Dr. and Mrs. Williams

B., original portrait of BenjaminFranklin by David Martin, in pos-session of, 252, 259

Cambridge, George Washington takescommand of the army at, 128

Campbell, Colin, 283-285Campbell, James, oration on Anni-

versary of Independence, 1787, by,143

Canadian Posts1 referred to in letterof Minister of Marine to M. Du-quesne and Governor General Bi-good, 57

Carey, John, 90Cannon, , 216Cape Henlopen, 212Carlton Mansion, headquarters of

General Washington at, 129, 130Carpenter, Samuel, 3 ; owner of land

on which Rittenhouse Paper Millis built, 199

Carpenter's Hall, 110, 119, 142 ; vis-ited by George Washington, 93 ;State Society of the Cincinnatimeet in, 1784, 139

Carroll, Charles, 98Cass, Lewis, 26CASSEL, ARNOLD, 157Cassel, Arnold, Philadelphia ship-

builder, 157CASSEL, LIDIAH, 157CASSEL, SUSANNAH, 157Cassell and Maugridge. 167

Page 4: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 391

Caswell, Richard, delegate to secondContinental Congress, 124

Catherine, ship bringing German im-migrants, 13

Ceracchi, 245 ; bust of David Rit-tenhouse by, 243

Chancellor, William, sailmaker, 161Chandler, Samuel, 173, 181CHAPMAN, REBECKAH. 50CHAPMAN, WILLIAM, 50Charles I., 196, 197Charles II., 197Charles XII., Abraham Lincoln con-

trasted with, 98Charleston, surrenders to the British,

262Chase, Samuel, delegate to Second

Continental Congress, 124Chastelleux, General, with General

Washington in Philadelphia, 1781,133, 134

Chester, George Washington at, 116,124, 139, 147

Chester Springs, 207Chestertown, 218Chestnut Will, British troops at, 261,

262Chew, Chief Justice Benjamin, George

Washington dines with, 122 ; houseof, Scene of Battle of German-town, 122

Chew House, 110, 143 ; George Wash-ington at, 93, 143

Cheyney, Dr. Edward Potts, owner ofclock made by David Rittenhouse,238, 245

Childs, George W., Rittenhouse clockformerly owned by, now propertyof Drexel Institute, 237, 238

Chouagen, fall of, 65, 66, 67Chovet, Dr. Abraham, George Wash-

ington visits, 142Christ Church, Philadelphia, 110, 113,

121; visited by George Washing-ton, 93 ; service at, attended byFree Masons, 1778, 131; bells of,rung welcoming George Washing-ton, 137, 140

Christman, Enos, The Letters andJournal of a Forty-niner, edited byFlorence Morrow Christman, re-view of, 287

Christman, Florence Morrow, OneMan's Gold. The Letters and Jour-nal of a Forty-niner by, review of,287

Cincinnati, Pennsylvania State So-ciety of, meeting of, 139 ; presentsAddress to George Washington, 149

Cincinnati, Society of, first Conven-tion of, 1784, 138

City Light Horse, dinner given by, inhonor of Don Diego Gardoqui, 145

City Light Horse, see also FirstTroop Philadelphia City Cavalry.

City -Tavern, George Washington at,119, 121, 124, 125, 133, 136, 137,141, 142, 145-149, 150; ball at,for Delegates to first ContinentalCongress, 123 ; farewell supper at,to George Washington by Officersand Delegates to Congress, 1775,128

Clark, William Bell, Lambert Wickes,Sea Raider and Diplomat, by, re-view of, by Albert Gleaves, 381-383

Clay, Henry, 20, 29Clayburn, Major, 280

Claypoole, George, 361Clayton, Mary Black, description of

James Buchanan by, 15Clear, J., 161Clinton, General Sir Henry, 262Cliveden, see Chew HouseClockmakers, Early Colonial in Phila-

delphia, 225-235Clocks exhibited at the Rittenhouse

Bicentenary, 237-239Clough, Frederick Hamilton, 284, 285Clymer, George, George Washington

entertained by, 140COALE, ANN, 278COALE, DR. SAMUEL STRINGER,278

COATES, BEULAH, 158COATES, MARY, 158Coates, Samuel, 364COATES, THOMAS, 158Coats, William, Jr., Philadelphia

ropemaker, 157Cobbett, William, 153Cold Spring Club, George Washing-

ton attends entertainments of, 142College of Philadelphia, 205, 207, 211.

212, 214, 215, 216, 218; GeorgeWashington attends Commence-ment of, 1775, 126

College of Philadelphia, see also Uni-versity of Pennsylvania

Collins, V. Lansing, 242Colman, Thomas, 359Colonial Reading List, edited by

Chester T. Hallenbeck, 289Colors taken from British at York-

town, presented to General Wash-ington, 135

Columbia University, see King's Col-lege

Concord, Battle of, news of, 125Congress Hall, Philadelphia. 110Connoly, William, 167Conrad, Honorable Henry C, quoted

as to Duncan Beard, 235CONRADINA, MARGARITHA AL-

BERTINA, 6Constitution of the United States

adopted by the Convention, Sep-tember 15, 1787, 145

Continental Congress, first meetingof, 118; delegates to, 118, 120,123; entertainments for delegatesto, 120, 123; second ContinentalCongress, 124

Convention of Delegates at Philadel-phia, 1787, 139-146

Conway, General Thomas, 217"Conway Cabal," 217Cooke, Jay, financier of the Civil

War, 105Cooper, William. 364Cooper's Ferry, 262Cordry, Hugh, 160CORNELL, GIDEON, 40Cornell University Library, plan of

Valley Forge by General Duportail,owned by, 345, now in possessionof The Historical Society of Penn-sylvania, 345

Cornish, John, Captain of the Tets-worth, 174

Cornish, Captain Joseph, 181, 182,184, 185, 186

Cornwallis, Lord, surrender of, 134,263

COULSTON, ELEANOR, 211Coultas, James, 230, 368Coverley, Sir Roger de, 15

Page 5: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

392 IndexCOVERT, ELIZABETH, 270Cox, Abraham, saddler, 358Crawford, Alexander, purchases prop-

erty of General Duportail, 352Cresap, Colonel, 208Cressorook Farm, headquarters of

General Duportail at Valley Forge,purchased by Henry N. Woolman,346 ; presented by Henry N. Wool-man to University of Pennsylvania,1931, 346

Crevecoeur, Hector St. John de, 86 ;author of "Letters from an Ameri-can Farmer," 83 ; quoted, 84, 85

CRITTENDEN, JOHN J., 48CRITTENDEN, MARIA, 48Crosthwaite, Thomas, 174Curfew, introduced by William the

Conqueror as prevention of fires,1608, 355

Currie, John, 285Curtis, George Ticknor, 27CUSTIS, DANIEL PARKE, 115CUSTIS, JOHN, 115Custis, John, accompanies his step-

father to Philadelphia and NewYork, 115-118 ; enters King's Col-lege, New York, 115, 118


Dagworthy, CaptainDavis, Davis, subscriber

111to Union

Library, Hatboro, 308, 309Davis, Jefferson, 104Decatur, by Irvin Anthony, review

of, by Burton Alva Konkle, 188Declaration of Independence written

on desk made by Benjamin Ran-dolph, 120

Deeble, Richard, owner of ships builtby John Reynell, 159-169 ; to JohnReynell relating to commission forbuilding the John and Anna, 169,170

De Foe, Daniel, 92De Grasse, Count, arrives in Chesa-

peake Bay, 134 ; French fleet under,blocks York River, 262

Delacour, James Philip, farm of, atSwede's Ford, purchased by Gen-eral Duportail, 349, 350

Delaware, snow, built by Aaron Go-forth, 1730, 163, 164; cargo of,165

Delaware and Lake Erie Canal pro-posed by David Rittenhouse andReverend William Smith, 208

Delworth, Joseph, subscriber to UnionLibrary, Hatboro, 302-304

Deshler, David. 151Detroit, From Connecticut to Detroit,

in 1833, 187, 188Deuxpont, Count, in command of

French troops at Yorktown, 263DEWEES, WILLIAM, 199Dewees, William, works in Ritten-

house Paper Mill, 201; founder ofsecond paper mill in America, 201

DEWEES, WILLJMINTIE, 199Diary of Jacob Smith Ameri-

can born, edited by Charles Wil-liam Heath cote, 260

Dicas, Mary, 184Dicas, Randle, 184Dicker, Michael Lee, 168

Dicker, Samuel, Cargo sent to, bythe John and Anna, 168

Dickinson, John, President of Penn-sylvania, 88, 101, 138; GeorgeWashington dines with, 122 ; meetsGeneral Washington at Frankford,1783, 137

Digby, Admiral, 263DIGGS, ANN, 2, 8DIGGS, ROBERT, 2Dillwyn, John, 364Dillwyn, William, saddler, 358Dock, Christopher, schoolmaster, 207Dollond, John, telescope made by,

239, 240, 245Dominic Frederick, clockmaker, 233Donaldson, John, letter of David

Rittenhouse to, 246Drexel Institute, David Rittenhouse

clock owned by, 237 ; exhibitor atRittenhouse Bicentenary, 245

Drowne, Solomon, 34Duff, Michael, meeting of Jockey

Club at Tavern of, 117Duffield, Benjamin, 359Duffield, Edward, early clockmaker of

Philadelphia, 226, 227 ; makes clockfor American Philosophical Soci-ety, 226 ; takes care of State Houseclock, 226; succeeded by DavidRittenhouse, 226

Dugan, Joseph, 283-285Dumond, Dwight Lowell, The Seces-

sion Movement, 1860, 1861, by, re-view of by Bunford Samuel, 190

Dungan, Daniel, subscriber to UnionLibrary, Hatboro, 312, 313

Dunkers, George Washington's viewson, 102

Dunn, Major [Isaac B.], 44Duperon, Jean, 246Duponceau, Peter S., attorney for

estate of General Duportail, 354;sketch of, 354


Duportail, General Louis Lebeque dePresle, Chief Engineer under Gen-eral Washington, 341, 348; forti-fications at Valley Forge erectedby, 341, 343, 344; opposition byAmericans to foreign volunteers,341, 342 ; made Brigadier Generaland joins General Washington atWhitemarsh, 342; reply of, toCouncil of War, 1777, 343; notpopular with other officers, 343;advises General Washington to gointo camp at Valley Forge, 343;original and copy of plan of ValleyForge encampment, drawn by, inpossession of The Historical Societyof Pennsylvania, 345 ; headquartersof, at Valley Forge, purchased byHenry N. Woolman, 1926, 346;proposed memorial to, at ValleyForge, 346 ; founder of EngineeringDepartment of the United States,347 ; purchases property of JamesPhilip Delacour at Swede's Ford,349, 350 ; life of, as a farmer, 350-353 ; sells parts of farm to Alex-ander Crawford and Samuel Hol-stein, 352 ; returns to France, 353;Isaac Huddleston agent for, 353;death of, 353 ; estate of, 353, 354

Duquesne, M., letter of Minister ofMarine to, quoted, 57

Page 6: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 393

du Simitiere, Pierre Etienne, profilesketch of George Washington by,132

Dutch Calvinist Church, Philadelphia,113

Early Colonial Clockmakers in Phila-delphia, by Carolyn Wood Stretch,225

Eastburn, John, 350Eastburn, Margaret, 350Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Library,

loans by, to Blttenhouse Bicen-tenary, 248

Eddington, , 194, 195Eddy, The Ancestors and Descend-

ants of Zachariah Eddy of War-ren, Pennsylvania, by ByronBarnes Horton, notice of, 95

EDDY FAMILY, 95, 96Edgill, Simon, 164Edwards, Jonathan, 21Eldridge, Obadiah, 358, 365Elgin, Lord, friend of James Bu-

chanan, 18Ellicott, Andrew, 242, 248 ; Surveyor

General of the United States, 212 ;extracts from diary of, 219, 220 ;description of view from Masonand Dixon Line, 1785, 219 ; visitsDavid Rittenhouse, 219, praiseswork of David Rittenhouse, 220

Ellis, Robert. 160Ellis, Thomas, 167Elsoff, Westphalia, 13, 14Elsoff ers, arrival of in America, 11-

14Elves, Henry, 180Emlen, George, brewer, 164, 168, 181:

member of first volunteer fire com-pany, 364

Engledew, Blackstone, 164, 167English Ancestry of Samuel Hedge,

Son-in-Law of Major John Fen-wick of Salem Colony, New Jersey,bv Reverend A. H. Hord, 270

Eplirata, centre of learning, 76 ; Con-rad Weiser at, 266, 267

Erie, see Presqu' IsleEvans, Charles, owner of clock made

by Joseph Wills, 233Evans, Elisha, purchases the Du-

portail estate at Sheriff's Sale, 354Evans, George, 242, 248Evans, Jonathan, 181Evans, Nathaniel, poet, 80, 81Evans, William Bacon, owner of

clock made by Thomas Stretch,233

Everett, Edward, 26Ewing, , 221 ; and David

Rittenhouse run boundary betweenNew York and Massachusetts, 219

Ewing, Reverend John, first Provostof the University of Pennsylvania,211, 212

Fair Hill, residence of John Dickin-son, 122

Fallen Timbers, Battle of, 41, 107Falls of SchuylMU, 141; George

Washington at, 129, 130FAUCETT, H. P., 261Faucett, H. P., diary of Jacob Smith

in possession of, 261Fayette, see LexingtonFellowship Fire Company organized.

367FENWICK, 274

FENWICK, ANNA, 270FENWICK, ELIZABETH, 270FENWICK, MAJOR JOHN, 270Fenwick, Major John, 272; founder

of Salem Colony, New Jersey, 270 ;an executor of William Penn, 274

FERGUS SON, ELIZABETH, 2Fergusson, Elizabeth, attempts to in-

duce George Washington and Jo-seph Reed to forsake AmericanCause, 2

FERGUSSON, HENRY HUGH, 2Fergusson, Henry Hugh, Scotchman,

married Elizabeth Graeme, 2 ; wentto England during Revolution andnever returned, 2

Ferree, Joseph, David Rittenhouseto. 246

Ferry House Tavern, George Wash-ington at, 121, 125

Fielding, Mantle, 255Fillmore, Millard, 24Fire bell purchased and hung in the

Academy, 367, 368Fire engines, early purchased for

Philadelphia, 357, 360-363, 365,366, 376 ; care of, 361, 374, 375 ;exercise of, 373 ; engine presentedto the Pennsylvania Hospital, 373,375 ; Richard Mason appointedcaretaker of, 374 ; locations of,1784, 375; Elias Bland presentsa Fire Engine to University ofPennsylvania, 375; engine pre-sented to House of Employment,376

Fire insurance, 356; first companyformed in Philadelphia, 1749-50,368, 369

First Troop, Philadelphia City Cav-alry, 119, 128, 133, 137, 138, 150

First Troop Philadelphia City Cav-alry, see also City Light Horse

Fishbourn, William, 164, 167, 359,372, 373

Fitch, John, operates his first steam-boat between Philadelphia andBurlington, 1787, 143, 144; mem-bers of Convention express opinionof, 144

Fitz Randolph, Edmund, 119Flaxney, Daniel, 170Flinn, William, of Washington, 26Flower, Henry, clockmaker, 233Folwell, John, 214; makes case for

orrery of David Rittenhouse, 240Folwell, William, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 292-294Forbes, General John, 267Ford, Paul Leicester, 115Foreign volunteers come to America,

341; attitude of America towards,341, 342

Forney, John W., 26, 28. 29Fort de Chartes, 60Fort de la Riviere aux Boeufs,

French fort on the River auxBoeufs, 62

Fort Duquesne, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64Fort Duquesne, Le, French Fort on

the Ohio and Monongahela Rivers,63

Fort Huntington, line of entrench-ments at, 344

Fort Machaut, he, French Fort on theRiver Aux Boeufs, 63

Fort Mifflin, evacuation of, 261Fort Necessity, surrender of, 100,


Page 7: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

394 IndexFort Niagara, see NiagaraFort Ontario, 66Fort Orange, 66Fort Rittenhouse, 245, 247Fort Toronto, 67Fort Washington, see CincinnatiFort Washington, Valley Forge line

of entrenchment® at, 344Forts of New France, 56-67Fothergill, Dr. John, 78, 86"Fountain Low," country seat of Sir

William Keith, 4Fourth of July, 1787, 142, 143Fowler, Captain, sketch of, 46Fowler, Mrs., 51Frame, Richard, poem by, on Penn-

sylvania, 200Francis, Captain, 278Francis, Tench, George Washington

entertained by, 140Frank, Colonel Isaac, house of, vis-

ited by George Washington, 93Frankford, 133, 137Frankfort, 35, 42, 43FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN, 250Franklin, Benjamin, 2, 76-80, 87, 88,

92, 98, 143, 152, 217-219, 229, 235,247, 266, 366, 373; Founder ofPhiladelphia Library, 79; Presi-dent American Philosophical So-ciety, 93 ; quoted regarding Battleof Germantown, 130 ; George Wash-ington entertained by, 139, 140,144 ; mangle invention of, 144 ;appointed Chairman of Committeeof Safety, 215 ; David Rittenhouseelected to seat of, in Legislature,216 ; lines on death of, by Rever-end William Smith, D.D., 223;portraits of, by David Martin, 249-259 ; life of, abroad, 250, 251; firstreplica of original portrait of, byDavid Martin, ordered by himself,253, 254, 259 ; extract from will of,regarding first replica, 254 ; secondreplica, 255, 256, 259; portraitof, bought by Edward Ingersoll,254; in possession of the Penn-sylvania Academy of Fine: Arts,255 ; portrait of, by Charles Will-son Peale in possession of Penn-sylvania Academy of Fine Arts,255 ; portrait of, by Charles Will-son Peale (after David Martin)presented by him to the AmericanPhilosophical Society, 257, 259;portrait of, by J. R. Lambdin(after David Martin) in possessionof The Library Company of Phila-delphia, 257, 258, 259 ; portrait of(artist unknown), in possession ofThe Fire Insurance Company ofAmerica, 258, 259 ; request of Con-gress to, for French Engineers,342; suggestions of, for fire pro-tection, 360; a founder of theUnion Fire Company, 364 ; memberof Committee to hang Fire Bell,1752, 367 ; with others, forms firstFire Insurance Company, 1749-50,368-370

Franklin, Governor William, 2 ;George Washington and JohnCustis entertained by, 118

Franklin Fire Insurance Company,portrait of Benjamin Franklin(artist unknown) in possession of,258, 259

Franklin Institute, 236, 241, 243 ; ex-hibitor at Rittenhouse Bicentenary,245

Franklin Memorial, 235Franks, Colonel Isaac, President

Washington leases house of, Ger-mantown, 151

Frederick the Great, 103Free Masons, attend service at Christ

Church, 1778, 131Fremont, John C, 24French Alliance, 1778, to be cele-

brated at Valley Forge, 1933, 347French and Indian War, 112French Forts, 56-67French Grenadiers at Yorktown, 264French Legions, march of, through

Philadelphia, 1781, reviewed byGeneral Washington and ThomasMcKean, 133, 134

French Posts in the Northern Partof North America, Last Ofl&cialReport on, 56

Freneau, Philip, writings of, 88-92Fretwell, , deputy collector,

161FRICKER, MRS., 269Friendly Society for the Mutual In-

suring of Houses against Fire,formed in Charleston, South Caro-lina, 1735, 370

Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Gen-eral Washington entertained by, atCity Tavern, 135, 136; GeneralWashington made an honorarymember of, 136

Friendship, ship bringing Germanimmigrants, 14

Friendship Fire Company organized,367, 374

From Connecticut to Detroit in 1833,letter of Susan Hood to Mrs. Ro-bert Middlebrook, 187. 188

Frontenac, 66, 67Furnace, Anthony, 164

Galloway, Joseph, 216Gardner, Sergeant Robert, 262Gardoqui, Don Diego, Spanish Min-

ister, visits Philadelphia, 145 ; en-tertained by George Washingtonand others, 145

Garrett, Anna C, Stretch clockowned by, 232

Garrett, James, saddler, 358Garrison, William Lloyd, 106Gates, Horatio, appointed Adjutant

General, 1775, 128Gates, Thomas S., President of Uni-

versity of Pennsylvania, 238General Duportail at Valley Forge,

by Elizabeth S. Kite, 341Genet, Citizen, 151German emigration to America, 1730,

and later, 9-14German Lutheran Church, eulogium

on Benjamin Franklin at, 133German Settlers, Philadelphia houses

of burnt, 1693, 356Germantown, Battle of, 122, 130, 216,

261, 343; George Washington at.103; Benjamin Franklin quoted,regarding, 130 ; founded by FrancisDaniel Pastorius, 198

Germantown Historical Society, ex-hibitor at Rittenhouse Bicentenary.242, 245

Page 8: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 395

Gerry, Elbridge, Massachusetts, 145Gibbs, Parnell, 214Gibson, Colonel Ged, 279Gillingham, Harrold E., Some Colon-

ial Ships Built in Philadelphia, by,156 ; Sale in the Year 1800 of theBrig Mercury, contributed by, 282 ;First Fire Defences by, 355

GLANFIELD, ELIZABETH, 271GLANFIELD, FRANCIS, 271Glanfleld, Francis, goldsmith, 271GLANFIELD, JOHN, 271Gleayes, Albert, review of Lambert

Wickes, Sea Raider and Diplomat,by, 381-383

Glenworth, Thomas, 14Glouvay, Alexander de, French school

of, Philadelphia, 136; entertain-ment by pupils of, in honor of Gen-eral Washington, 136

Godfrey, Thomas, poet, 80 ; writingsof, 80, 81

Godwin, William, 92Goforth, Aaron, shipbuilder, 160;

builds the Torrington, 162 ; buildsthe Delaware, 163

Goforth, Aaron, Jr., 167Gordon, George, 47Gordon, Governor Patrick, 266Gorgas, John, 201Gouvion, de, associate engineer with

General Duportail, 342Governor's Club, George Washington

at, 122 ; meets at Peggy Mullen'sBeefsteak House, 122; Vauxhall,122

GRAEME, ANN, 2Graeme, Elizabeth, 7 ; jilted by Wil-

liam Franklin, 2 ; married HenryHugh Fergusson, 2 ; death of, 1801,2

GRAEME, DR. THOMAS, 2Graeme, Dr. Thomas, marries Ann

Diggs, 2 ; purchases "GraemePark," 4 ; takes care of Lady Keith,4 ; appointed to report on incom-ing vessels, 13 ; port physician, 205

"Graeme Park," country seat of Dr.Thomas Graeme, 4 ; now owned byWelsh Strawbridge, 4

Graham, George, English clockmaker,213, 229

Grange Farm, residence of John Ross,122

Grant, Robert, member of Ritten-house Bicentenary Committee, 236

Grant, Samuel, 258Gray, , 148Gray, William, 164Gray's Ferry, General Washington at,

139, 141, 148; F§te at, in honorof President and Mrs. Washington,151

Grayson, Colonel William, 53, 54Great Meeting House Yard, 362Greene, General Nathaniel, and Mrs.

Greene give concert in honor ofGeneral and Mrs. Washington, 135

Griffiths, Isaac, 363GRISCOM, ELIZABETH, 286Guadeloupe, proposal by Great Brit-

ain to exchange for Canada, 58Guild, Lurelle Van Arsdale, quoted

on Pennsylvania craftsmen, 229Gummere, Richard Mott, Apollo on

Locust Street, by, 68

Haddeck, Eden, 181Haddonfield, 262"Hail Columbia" sung at entertain-

ment of the French Minister inhonor of General and Mrs. Wash-ington, 135

Hall, John, delegate to Second Con-tinental Congress, 124

Hallenback, Chester T., A ColonialReading List, by, 289

Hallowell, Thomas, subscriber toUnion Library, Hatboro, 314

Hamilton Family Arms, 275Hamilton, Colonel Alexander, 145;

in command of American troops atYorktown, 263

HAMILTON, ANDREW, 275Hamilton, Andrew, who was Andrew

Hamilton, by Joseph Jackson, 275-277; native of Ireland, 275-277;descended from Hamiltons of Scot-land, 275 ; "pensioner," 275 ; emi-grates to America, 275; settlesin Virginia, 275, 276 ; steward forJoseph Preeston, 276 ; admitted toGray's Inn, 1712, 276

Hamilton, Anthony, Governor ofLimerick, 275


Arms used by, 275HAMILTON, PATRICK, 275Hamilton, Richard, 276Hamilton, William, 93, 276; George

Washington entertained by, 121,141, 143

Hammerly, Fabian, 374Hancock, John, President of Con-

gress, General Washington conferswith, 128, 129

Hand, General Edward, 137Hand-in-Hand Fire Company organ-

ized, 367, 374Hanson, John, delivers an Address

to General Washington, 1781, 134Harlan's Corner, 209Harmar, Lieutenant Colonel, 280Harmar, General Josiah, 107HARRIS, ELIZABETH, 48, 50HARRIS, HANNAH, 48Harris, Hannah, 49 ; sketch of, 48HARRIS, JOHN, 48Harrison, Benjamin, delegate to sec-

ond Continental Congress, 124HARRISON, JOSEPH, 255Harrison, Joseph, purchases portrait

of Benjamin Franklin by CharlesWillson Peale, 255

HARRISON, SARAH, 255Harrison, William Henry, 49 ; escort

of Mrs. Wilkinson to Philadelphia,36

Hart, Colonel, David Rittenhouse to,246

Hart. Joseph, a founder of Union Li-brary, Hatboro, 290 ; subscriber toUnion Library, 294-296

Harvard, John, old house of, originalplan of Valley Forge found in, byLawrence McCormick, 345 ; now inpossession of The Historical So-

ciety of Pennsylvania, 345Hassell, Samuel, 362Hassert, Arent, 168

Page 9: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

396 IndexHastings, George E., A Note on "Miss

Keys, a Famous New JerseyBeauty," 277

Hatboro, Union Library of, loan listsof, 1762-1787, 289-340; historyof, 290, 291; bibliography of booksloaned by, 323-340

Hatton, Thomas, 164, 364Hausihl, Reverend Bernard Michael,

269Hawkins, John, 43, 44Hawthorne, Nathaniel, sketch of

James Buchanan by, quotationfrom, 16

Hay, Thomas Robson, Letters of Mrs.Ann Biddle Wilkinson, 1788-1789,Introduction and notes by, 33-55

Hay, William, David Rittenhouse to.246

Hazzard, Samuel, 181Head of Elk, General Washington at,

1781, 133Heart-in-Hand Fire Company organ-

ized, 367Heath cote, Charles William, Diary of

Jacob Smith—American Born, ed-ited by, 260

Heck, Captain N. H., member ofRittenhouse Bicentenary Commit-tee, 236

Hedge Family Arms on silver spoonowned by a descendant of Samueland Anne Hedge, 273, 274

HEDGE, ANNA, 270Hedge, Christopher, 272HEDGE, ELIZABETH, 271, 272, 273Hedge, John, 272HEDGE, MARY, 272HEDGE, SAMUEL, 270-274Hedge, Samuel, the English Ancestry

of, 270-274Hedge, Samuel, Sr., citizen of Lon-

don, 272HEDGE, SAMUEL, JR., 274HEDGE, THOMAS, 271, 272Heister, Daniel, 14Henderson, David, 268HENDRICKS, GARETT. 199HENDRICKS, ZYTHIAN, 199Henry, Patrick, delegate to second

Continental Congress, 124Henry, William, David Rittenhouse

guest of, 217Hermelin, Samuel Gustaf, Report

About the Mines in the UnitedStates of America, 1783, by, re-view of, 190

HERRE, LOUISA, 279Hewes, Joseph, delegate to second

Continental Congress, 124Hewes, Lieutenant Colonel. 280Hibernia Fire Company, 374Hiester, Professor, 13Hill, Captain, 181Hill, Henry, member of Jockey Club,

118, 129 ; residence of, 129 ; GeorgeWashington entertained by, 129

Hill, Richard, 167Hilliard, George W., of Alabama, 26Hills, The, see Lemon HillHinke, Professor William J., Note by,

on "Two German town Letters of1738," 13, 14

Hiscox, Robert, letter of, relating toraising hemp in America, 157

Historical Society of MontgomeryCounty, The, exhibits of, at Ritten-house Bicentenary, 242, 246

Historical Society of Pennsylvania,The, 236; exhibits of, at Ritten-house Bicentenary, 243, 245-247;letters of Conrad Weiser in collec-tion of, 266 ; plans of Valley Forgeencampment in possession of, 345

History of Science Society, 236Hochner, Jacob, flaxen fire hose in-

vented by, 358Hodge, Andrew, 181Hog Island, 261Holland, Captain, with David Ritten-

house, commissioner, to makeSchuylkill River navigable and set-tle boundaries, 215

Holland, Sir Henry, 30HOLLAND, JOANNA, 286HOLLAND, CAPTAIN THOMAS, 286Holmes, Captain, 197Holmes, Andrew, purchases house of

General James Wilkinson, 36Holmes, Richard, 167Holstein, Samuel, purchases property

of General Duportail, 352Holt, Samuel, saddler, 358Hooker, General Joseph, 104, 105Hoopes, Penrose R., 234Hopkins, Robert, 167HOPKINSON, ANN, 278HOPKINSON, FRANCIS, 278Hopkinson, Francis, 218 ; writings of,

81-83 ; "The Temple of Minerva"by, 135 ; George Washington en-tertained by, 140 ; Orrery Seal ofUniversity of Pennsylvania sug-gested by, 218 ; description of JohnAdams, 277 ; portrait of Miss Keysby, 277-279

Hopkinson, Joseph, author of "HailColumbia," 135

HOPKINSON, MARY, 278Hopkinson, Thomas, 364Hord, Reverend A. H., English An-

cestry of Samuel Hedge, Son-in-Law of Major John Fen wick of Sa-lem Colony, New Jersey, by, 270

Horrox, Jeremiah, astronomer, 212Horsham, residence of Sir William

Keith at, 7Horticultural Hall, site of Lans-

downe, Fairmount Park, 141Horton, Byron Barnes, The Ances-

tors and Descendants of ZachariahEddy of Warren, Pennsylvania, by,notice of, 95

Hotels see InnsHough, Isaac, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 300-302House, George, 364House, Mrs. Mary, George Washing-

ton to lodge at house of, 139, 141House of Employment, fire engine pre-

sented to, 376, built by RichardMason, 376

Houston, John J. L., List of Build-ings now standing in Philadelphiavisited by Washington, Compiledby, 93

Howe, General Sir William, 343HOWELL, SIDNEY, 41, 46Huddleston, Isaac, General Dupor-

tail's agent, 353, 354; Doctor inNorristown, 353

Hudson, Joseph, 363Hulings, Michael, shipbuilder, 167,

168 ; shipyard of, 167Hunt, Leigh, 82Hunt, William, 167HURD, SUSAN, 187

Page 10: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 397

Hurd, Susan, to Mrs. Robert Middle-brook, 1833, 187, 188

Hiister, Jost, 14Huston, William, early Philadelphia

clockmaker, 228; house built by,228

HUTCHINSON, DR. JAMES, 41, 45Hutchinson, Dr. James, 52, 54, 55;

sketch of, 45HUTCHINSON, LYDIA, 41, 45

Illinois, Les, French Post on the Miss-issippi River, 60

Independence Hall, 110, 113, 127Independence Hall, see also State

HouseIndian Queen Tavern, George Wash-

ington dines at, with members ofthe Convention, 1787, 141, 142

Indians, in Kentucky, 52; tradingat French Posts, 57-66; attackedby the Paxton Boys, 210, 211

INGERSOLL, EDWARD, 254Ingersoll, Edward, purchases replica

of portrait of Benjamin Franklinby David Martin, 254

Ingersoll, Jared, George Washingtonentertained by, 140

Innes, Harry, 47, 48INNES, MARIA KNOX, 4-8Inns, Hotels, Taverns: Bevan's Tav-

ern, 119, 121, 125; John Byrne'sTavern, 121, 125-127 ; City Tavern,118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 128,133, 136, 137, 141, 142, 145, 149,150, 286; Conestoga Wagon, 125,126; Michael Duff's tavern, 117;Ferry House Tavern, 121, 125;Indian Queen Tavern, 141, 142;Jolly Post Boy, 128 ; Model CoffeeHouse, 141; Peggy Mullen's Beef-steak House, 122, 125, 127; NewTavern, 119; Penny Pott House,156 ; Rising Sun Tavern, 262, 354 ;Sign of the Cock, 125; SorrelHorse, 118; Tun Tavern, 122;Vauxhall Tavern, 122

Insurance Companies formed, 368-372; Philadelphia first of all largecities in fire prevention, 1931, 377

Irvine, James, David Rittenhouse to,246

Irwin, Adjutant John, missing leaffrom Valley Forge Orderly Book of,279

Island of Baroadoes, near ValleyForge, 217

Jackson, Andrew, friend of James Bu-chanan, 20

Jackson, Joseph, Washington inPhiladelphia by, 110; who wasAndrew Hamilton, by, 275; Hon-orable Richard S. Rodney to, 286

JACKSON, MAJOR WILLIAM. 152Jackson, Major William, 150 ; Presi-

dent and Mrs. Washington at wed-ding of, to Eliza Willing, 152

JACOBS, , 216JACOBS, HANNAH, 215JACQUES, BEULAH, 158James, Daniel, Philadelphia ship-

builder, 157Janney, Mrs. Nathaniel, owner of

clock made by Peter Stretch, 233Jarret, John, Jr., subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 307, 308Jarrett, Anna, 291Jay Treaty, 151

Jefferson, Thomas, 17, 18, 83, 84, 88,89, 195; lodges with BenjaminRandolph, 119 ; Benjamin Randolphmakes desk for, on which he wrotethe Declaration of Independence,120; to David Rittenhouse, 217,244; with David Rittenhouse,works out a system of measure-ments, 224

Jefferson, see LouisvilleJockey Club, Philadelphia, 118 ; Gov-

ernor Richard Penn, President of,116 ; George Washington and JohnCustis entertained by, 117

John, vessel, 172-174John and Anna, The, Thomas War-

cup, Captain of, 159 ; built by JohnReynell, 159, 166 ; owned by Rich-ard Deeble, 159, 166 ; cost of, 166-168; James Shirley, Captain of,166-170; cargo of, 168

John Galley, 172, 174 ; invoice shippedby, for the Tetsworth, 174-179

Johnson, Amandus, Translation ofReport About the Mines in theUnited States of America, 1783,by, 190

Johnson, Francis, 181JOHNSON, MARY, 272Johnson, Samuel, 365Johnson, Thomas, delegate to sec-

ond Continental Congress, 124Jones, , 144Jones, Francis, 362Jones, John, 164Julian, Mr., General Washington at-

tends benefit concert of, 141

Kaiamazoo, 61Kansas, admission of, 24Kean, John, David Rittenhouse to,

246Keith, General, 5KEITH, ALEXANDER HENRY, 5KEITH, ANN, 1, 2, 3, 5Keith, Dame Ann (Lady) wife of Sir

William Keith, 3 ; portraits of, 1,7, 8,; at Horsham, 3 ; sale of landsfor benefit of, 4 ; death of, 4 ; let-ter of, to her daughter, Jane Yeeles,1740, 4, 5

Keith, Charles P., The Wife and Chil-dren of Sir William Keith, by, 1 ;Edmund Hayes Bell to, regardingGeorge Ross and Aeneas Ross. 285,286


Keith, George, 79; arrival of, 76;education and religious discussionsof, 76, 77 ; headmaster of WilliamPenn Charter School, 1689, 77

KEITH, HENRY 5KEITH, JAMES, 3, 6, 7KEITH. JANE, 5, 6KEITH, MARGARITHA, 6. 7Keith, Robert, 5Keith, General Robert, 6KEITH, SIR ROBERT, 1, 3, 5-8Keitb, Sir Robert, to Mrs. Yeeles,


6, 7KEITH, THOMASINE, 5Keith, Thomasine, Palmer Burying

Ground, founded by, 5KEITH, WILLIAM, 5Keith, William, 5KEITH, SIR WILLIAM, 1, 2, 3, 5

Page 11: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

398 IndexKeith, Sir William, 4, 5 ; The Wife

and Children of, by Charles P.Keith, 1 ; marries Ann Diggs, 2 ;returns to England and becomes in-volved in difficulties, 2, 3 ; sur-veyor of customs, 3 ; LieutenantGovernor of Pennsylvania, 3 ; re-turns to England, 3 ; portraits of,7, 8

Kelly, Sergeant , of AmericanArtillery, killed at Yorktown, 264

Kelpius, John, hermit, journal of, 76KENNEDY, JOHN, 274KENNEDY, MARY, 274Kentucky, descriptions of Wilder-

ness of, 36-55Keys, Miss, portraits of, by Francis

Hopkinson, 277, 278; New JerseyBeauty, 277, 278; description of,by Mrs. John Morgan, 278, 279

Kimball, Dr. Fiske, member of Ritten-house Bicentenary Committee, 236

King, Senator Horatio of Alabama,26 ; friend of James Buchanan, 29 ;tribute to, by James Buchanan atUniversity of North Carolina, 29

King's College, New York, John Cus-tis enters, 115, 118

Kingston, 66Kinsey, Chief Justice, 79 ; tribute to,

77Kite, Elizabeth S., General Duportail

at Valley Forge by, 341Knox, General Philander, at York-

town, 263Konkle, Burton Alva, review of "De-

catur," by Irvin Anthony, by, 188 ;review of "The Susquehannah Com-pany Papers," by, 383

Koster, H. B., 75

Lafayette, Marquis de, 342Lambdin, J. R., portrait of David Rit-

tenhouse by (after David Martin),257, 259

Lancaster, residence of James Bu-chanan at, 16, 19 ; Paxton Riots at,210; British Regiment encampedat, 1781-2, 264

Lane, Elliot T., brother-in-law ofJames Buchanan, 19

Lane, Harriet, niece of James Bu-chanan, 18, 19, 22, 29, 31

Langdon, John, President of Con-gress, 147

Lansdowne, residence of John Penn,141; now site of HorticulturalHall, 141

Last Official Report on the FrenchPosts in the Northern Part ofNorth America, Introduction andNotes by Honourable William Ren-wick Riddell, 56

Latrobe, B. H., architect for Capitolat Washington, 83

Laumoy, de, associate engineer withGeneral Duportail. 342

LAURENS, HENRY, 344Laurens, Henry, President Continen-

tal Congress, entertains Generaland Mrs. Washington, 130; letterof, 1778, 344

LAURENS, COLONEL JOHN, 344Laurens, Colonel John, aide-de-camp

of General Washington, 344 ; in-terpreter of General Duportail, 344

Lawrence, Mayor John, George Wash-ington entertained by, 140

Lawrence, Thomas, 364

Lea, Henry Charles, by EdwardSculley Bradley, review of, 286

Leach, May Atherton, The Ancestorsand Descendants of ZaehariahEddy of Warren, Penna., by ByronBarnes Horton, review of, by, 95,96

Leaf, Douglass, owner of clock madeby David Rittenhouse, 239; ex-hibitor at Rittenhouse Bicentenary,247

League Island, 261Lecompton Constitution, 28Lee, General Charles, death of, at

The Conestoga Wagon, 1782, 126 ;appointed Major-General, 1775, 128

Lee, Richard Henry, delegate to sec-ond Continental Congress, 124

LEECH, SARAH, 286Lemon Will, Philadelphia, 110 ; resi-

dence of Robert Morris, 126, 140,144

L'Enfant, Major Pierre Charles, arch-itect for Capitol at Washington, 83

Le Gentil, , French astron-omer, 213

Leiper, George, 29Les Miamis, French Fort on Miamis

River, 61Letters of Mrs. Ann Biddle Wilkin-

son from Kentucky, 1788-1789, In-troduction by Thomas Robson Hay,33

Lewis, James, 160Lewis, John, 47, 54Lewis, John Frederick, 236; owner

of two clocks made by David Rit-tenhouse, 238 ; exhibitor at Ritten-house Bicentenary, 243, 247

Lexington, 34-36, 40, 42, 46-48, 52-54 ; description of, 52 ; Battle of,George Washington receives newsof, 124, 125

Libraries, Colonial, subscription andpublic, 289

Library Company of Philadelphia, ex-hibits of at Rittenhouse Bicenten-ary, 247; portrait of BenjaminFranklin (after David Martin) byJ. R. Lambdin, presented to, 257,259

Limestone, see MaysvilleLINCOLN, ABRAHAM, 101Lincoln, Abraham, and George Wash-

ington, the Father and Saviour ofthe Country, by Isaac R. Penny-packer, 97—109 ; comparison of lifeof with Washington, 9-109 ; lettersof, 97; contrasted with foreignleaders, 98 ; intellectual and phys-ical superiority, 98, 99, 105 ; knowl-edge and love of trees, 99, 100 ; for-bears in Pennsylvania, 100, 101marriage of, to Anna Boone, 101enters upon Civil War, 102-105107, 108 ; religious belief of, 104quotations from, 105

LINCOLN, ANNA, 101Lincoln, General Benjamin, presents

colors of British at Yorktown toGeneral Washington, 135; surren-ders Charleston to the British, 262

Lincoln, James. 53LINCOLN, MORDECAI, 101LINCOLN, THOMAS, 101Livingston, Mrs. 93Lloyd, Thomas, 79, 364 ; literary at-

tainments of, 77Logan, Dr. George, 3, 9, 246 ; George

Washington entertained by, 143

Page 12: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 399

Logan, James, 79, 80, 157, 203, 230 ;classical scientist, 77-79 ; RobertProud, quoted regarding, 78 ;Stenton, country seat of, 78 ; writ-ings of, 78 ; biographical, 78, 79 ;Loganian Library bequeathed tothe people of Pennsylvania, by,78, 79 ; horoscope sent by, to Wil-liam Penn on birth of his sonWilliam, 195

Logan, William, 369Loganian Library, 203, 207London, great fires in, 355 ; fire pre-

vention in, 355-357Long Island, Battle of, 103Longstreth, Isaac, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 317-319Loudoun, Lord, sent to take com-

mand of the military forces of theColonies, 114; Colonel GeorgeWashington summoned to meet andgive information as to militarysituation, 114; letter of LordLoudoun to Washington, 114, 115

JLouisourg, Canada, fall of, 57Lowndes, , 19Lukens, Abraham, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 304-306Lukens, John, Surveyor-General, as-

sists David Rittenhouse with hisexperiments at Norriton, 239 ; afounder of Union Library, Hatboro,290; subscriber to Union Library,Hatboro, 311, 312

Lukens, Peter, Jr., subscriber toUnion Library, Hatboro, 313

Luzerne, M. de la, French Ministerin Philadelphia, 134, 138 ; dinnerin honor, attended by GeneralWashington, 133 ; dinner given by,134 ; concert given by, in honor ofGeneral and Mrs. Washington, 135 ;entertainment given by, in honorof birth of the Dauphin, 136

Lyons, Lord, British Minister to theUnited States, 18

Lyons destroyed by fire, 355

McClellan, General George B., 104McClenahan, Dr., 235McClenahan, Blair, 93 ; George Wash-

ington dines with, 143McCormick, Lawience, finds original

plan of Valley Forge encampment,by General Duportail, 345 ; Cress-brook Farm owned by, purchasedby Henry N. Woolman, 346

McCoy, Mrs. W. Logan, clock madeby David Rittenhouse, owned by,232

McFadden, George, the Sorrel Horse,now residence of, 118

McFUNN, LYDIA, 46McFUNN, CAPTAIN WILLIAM, 46Me Gill, Captain , 262Mcllhatten, Mrs. I. S., 291McKEAN, ELIZABETH WHARTON,

254McKEAN, HENRY PRATT, 254McKEAN, THOMAS, 254McKean, Thomas, President Con-

tinental Congress, reviews Frenchlegions in Philadelphia, 1781, 134 ;George Washington entertained by,143 ; David Rittenhouse to, 246

Mackey, Honorable Harry A., 93McLean, , 216, 217McMichael, Morton, 30Macpherson, William, 284Madeira, , 141

Madison, James, 88, 91, 93, 153Magie, Dean W. F., of Princeton

University, 241Major, Charles, 354Malbone, , 244Mansfield, Lord, portrait of, by David

Martin, 249Mansin, Henry, execution of, 279Marcus Hook, General Washington

at, 147Marietta, Ohio, 47Markham, William, 156Markle Mill, 247Markoe, Captain, 278Marlborough, Duke of, Abraham Lin-

coln contrasted with, 98Marshall, Christopher, extract from

diary of, 124Martin, David, The Martin Portraits

of Franklin, by Albert P. Bru-baker, 249 ; portrait of Lord Mans-field by, 249 ; extract from Bry-an's Dictionary of Painters andEngravers, relating to, 249 ; sketchof, 249 ; original portrait of Ben-jamin Franklin by, 249, 251-253,255, 259; extracts from inscrip-tions of, on back of portrait, 252,253, 254 ; first replica of originalportrait by, 253, 254, 259 ; secondreplica of original portrait by, 255,256, 259 ; copy of original portraitby Charles Willson Peale, 257-259 ;copy of first replica by J. R. Lamb-din, 257, 258 ; copy of second re-plica, 258, 259

Mason, Abraham, 181Mason, Colonel , Virginia, 145Mason, George, Cherry walk planted

by, at Gunston Hall, 100Mason, John, 164, 167Mason, John Y., 29Mason, Richard, takes care of fire

engines, Philadelphia, 1770, 374;fire engine made by, 376; adver-tisement of, 377

Mason and Dixon in Philadelphia,1767, 209

Mason and Dixon Line, 24, 219Massey, Elez., 164Massey, Wight, 164MASTERS, MARY. 116Mathematics, Greek, problems of,

193; modern, problems of, 193,194 ; earliest known book on, 194

Mather, Cotton, 74, 76, 88Matlack, Timothy, brewer, 181Maul, John, 181Maury, Sarah Mytton, description of

James Buchanan, 15, 16Maysville, Kentucky, 47Mease, , George Washington

and John Custis entertained by,117, 118

Mease, J., 118Mease, M., 118MEDLEY, ELIZABETH, 271. 272MEDLEY, JOHN, 272Memoire sur les Forts de la Nou-

velle France, authorship of, 56-67Menan, Patrick, School of, 207Mennonites, George Washington's

views on, 102Mercer, Captain, aide to Colonel

George Washington, 111Mercury, brig, built in Philadelphia,

282; owned by Ambrose Vasse,282 ; captured by a French priva-teer, 282 ; recaptured by an En-glish ship, 282 ; sale of, 1800, 282

Page 13: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

400 IndexMeredith, Samuel, George Washing-

ton entertained by, 117, 140Meredith, William M., lawyer, Secre-

tary of the Treasury, 20; JamesBuchanan purchases estate of, 20,21

Mery, Moreau de, Saint, descriptionof burial of David Rittenhouse by,224

Meschianza, The house of JosephWharton, Jr., scene of, 122

Michaux, Francois Andre\ 132Middlebrook, Louis F., 186, 187MIDDLEBROOK, MRS. ROBERT,

187Middlebrook, Mrs. Robert, Susan

Hurd to, 1833, 187, 188MIDDLEBROOK, SUSAN, 187Middlebrook, General Washington at

camp at, 132Middle Ferry, 118. 130Mifflin, John, 373Mifflin, General Thomas, 102, 217;

as Major, appointed by GeorgeWashington as his aide-de-camp,1775, 128 ; George Washington en-tertained by, 141; receives Presi-dent Washington in Philadelphia,147, 150

Miland, Colonel, 263Miles, Captain . 147Miller, Peter, German student, head

of Ephrata movement, 76; mem-ber American Philosophical So-ciety, 76

Milligan, Robert, George Washingtonentertained by, 140

Missing Leaf from John Irwin's Val-ley Forge Orderly Book, 279

Mitchell, , 143 ; David Ritten-house to, 246

Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 79Monmouth, Battle of, 262; George

Washington at, 103, 106Montague, Mrs. Margaret L., owner

of clock made by Benjamin Ritten-house, 239; exhibitor at Ritten-house Bicentenary, 247

Montague, William B., member of Rit-tenhouse Bicentenary Committee,236

Montague, William E., II., exhibitorat Rittenhouse Bicentenary, 242,244, 247

Moore, Reverend Benjamin, 44Moore, Honorable John Bassett, opin-

ion of James Buchanan, 25Moore, Samuel Preston, Mayor of

Philadelphia suggests means offire prevention, 357

Moore, Major Thomas Lloyd, GeorgeWashington entertained by, 140

Morgan, Able, subscriber to UnionLibrary, Hatboro, 306, 307

MORGAN, ANN, 1Morgan, Benjamin, 362Morgan, Lieutenant George, 278MORGAN, DR. JOHN, 278Morgan, Dr. John, 279 ; biographical,

79, 80Morgan, Mrs. John, describes pro-

cession of General Washington toCambridge, 1775, 278, 279

MORGAN, MARY, 278Morris, , George Washington

dines with, 117Morris, Anthony, Mayor of Philadel-

phia, 69Morris, Gouverneur, 117, 146 ; George

Washington entertained by, 140,141

Morris, James, 364Morris, Jane, 141Morris, Robert, 98, 117, 138, 208;

George Washington entertained by,126, 133, 135, 138-146, 149 ; houseof, in Philadelphia, 133 ; financialtroubles of, 142

Morris, Mrs. Robert, 138, 139, 141Morris, Captain Samuel, 136, 373Morris, Wistar, clock made by David

Rittenhouse, owned by, 232Morris House, Germantown, 110 ; oc-

cupied by President Washington,151

Mount Joy, Valley Forge, line of en-trenchments on, 343, 344

Mount Vernon, 142, 146; treesplanted by George Washington at,100; George Washington at, 106,107, 123, 137, 139

MOYLAN, JAMES, 53Moylan, James, 53MOYLAN, JASPER, 53MOYLAN, JOHN, 53MOYLAN, MARY. 53Moylan, Stephen, Sketch of, 53Mud Island, 261M U H L E N B E R G . REVEREND

HENRY MELCHIOR, 265Muhlenberg, Henry M., Speaker of

Assembly, delivers an address toGeneral Washington, 1781, 135;marries daughter of Conrad Weiser,267

Muhlenberg, General John Peter Ga-briel, 102

MULLEN, MARGARET, 122Mullen, Peggy, Beefsteak House of,

122 ; known as Tun Tavern, 122 ;meeting place of Governor's Cluband first Masonic Grand Lodge, 122

Mullen, Robert, 122MULLEN, THOMAS, 122Mullen, Thomas, Vauxhall Tavern,

owned by, 122 ,Murry, John, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 321, 322Muskingum, see MariettaMyer, Wendall, execution of, 279

Nairne, Edward, London, telescopesmade by, 212, 239, 248

Nancarrow, John, brewer, 43, 46Nancy, ship bringing German immi-

grants, 14Napoleon Bonaparte, 98, 103Neisser, Augustine, Germantown

clockmaker, 233 ; clock made • by,owned by Professor Weygandt, 233,234 ; description of clock, 234

Nesbitt, John Maxwell, David Rit-tenhouse to, 246

NesUaminy, army encamped at, 130NEWBURY, ANN, 1, 2, 8New Castle, 209NEWCOMB, SIMON, 213Newcomb, Simon, American astrono-

mer, 213Newman, James, 160New Orleans, relations of General

James Wilkinson with Spaniardsat, 33, 37-39, 47, 5 1 ; death ofAnn Biddle Wilkinson at, 36

Newsham, Richard, patents fire en-gine, 357

Newton, Sir Isaac, 196, 204, 209,218 ; death of, 202, 205

New York, George Washington in,112, 113, 118

Page 14: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 401

Niagara, French Fort on Lakes Erieand Ontario, 59, 62-66.

NICHOLAS, MARY, 158NICHOLAS, SAMUEL, 158Nicholas, Samuel, 160, 162Nichols, Anthony, 365 ; first fire en-

gine made in Philadelphia, by, 362Nichols, Major Samuel, The Cones-

toga Wagon kept by, 126Nicholson, John, David Bittenhouse

to, 246Nicols, S., 164Noailles, Guy de, farm in Montgom-

ery County, owned by, 349Noailles, Louis Marie de, farm in

Montgomery County, owned by, 349Noble, John, 160, 164, 167Nolan, J. Bennett, Conrad Weiser's

Inventory by, 265Norris, Charles, 373Norris, Isaac, Speaker Pennsylvania

Assembly, 79, 203; literary attain-ments of, 77

Norristown, 217, 218Norriton, David Rittenhouse's experi-

ments at, 239Norriton Observatory, instruments

used at, exhibited at RittenhouseBicentenary, 239

Norriton, see also NorristownNorth Carolina, University of, ad-

dress at, 25Northern Liberty Fire Company, 374Notes and Queries, 93, 187, 275, 378Nova Scotia, inducements to settle

in, offered by British Government,264

Nutting, Wallace, 234

O'dell, Parson, to David Rittenhouse,1779, 218

O'Hara, John, 283-285Old Baltimore, by Annie Leakin Sious-

sat, review of by May AthertonLeach, 191

Oldman, Joseph, 160, 164, 167, 173,180

Oldman, Thomas, saddler, 358, 361Olhausin, , arrival of daugh-

ter of, with her two sons, 11, 13Oliver, Arthur, ropemaker, 160, 164,

167One Man's God. The Letters and

Journal of a Forty-niner, by Flor-ence Morrow Christman, review of,287

OnyatanonSj Les, French Post on Wa-bash River, 60

Opera House, Southwark, see South-wark Theatre

Oppolzer, , astronomer, 195Orrery, Earl of, 213Orrery, made by David Rittenhouse,

195, 196 ; description of, 240, 241 ;case for, made by John Folwell,240; property of University ofPennsylvania, 241; deposited withFranklin Institute, 241; exhibitedat Rittenhouse Bicentenary, 241;first Orrery not in existence, 241,242; Reverend William Smithwrites concerning, 243

Orrery Seal of University of Pennsyl-vania, 218

Oswald, Colonel Eleazer, aide toGeneral Charles Lee. 126

Owen, Griffith, 79OWEN, OWEN, 39OWEN, SARAH, 39

Page, John, David Rittenhouse to.247

Paine, Thomas, pamphlets of, 92Palmer, Captain, David Rittenhouse

to, 246PALMER, ANTHONY, 5PALMER, THOMASINE, 5Palmer Burying Ground, founded by

Thomasine Keith, 5Parker, Robert, merchant, 40, 42,

43, 46, 47 ; sketch of, 39Parker, William, 167Parris, Austin, 164Parris, Widow, 167Parrock, James, Philadelphia ship-

builder, 157Parsons, William, 364Paschall, Joseph, 364Passmore, Mrs. E. Pusey, owner of

clock made by David Rittenhouse,239; exhibitor at Rittenhouse Bi-centenary, 247

Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 71, 77,202; emigration of, to America,74-76, 197, 198; learning of, 74,75; writings of, 75, 76; founderof Germantown, 198

Pastorius, Melchior Adam. 74Pattee, Professor F. L., 89Paxton Riots, 210Peale, Angelica, 148Peale, Charles Willson, 148, 149, 216,

244-246, 248 ; George Washingtonsits for portrait, 132, 142, 143;exhibition of transparencies ofGeneral Washington's Triumphalreturn to Philadelphia, 1781, 134 ;portraits of David Rittenhouse by,243 ; accepts portrait of BenjaminFranklin by David Martin, 254;Museum of, 254; life portrait ofBenjamin Franklin by, 255; pre-sents portrait of Benjamin Frank-lin (after David Martin) to theAmerican Philosophical Society,257 ; visit of John Adams to shopof, 277

Pearsey, Reverend William, Chaplainto Countess of Huntingdon, 126;George Washington attends ser-vice of, 126

Peel, Oswald, 181Pemberton, Israel, 202, 277. 362, 368,

370Pendleton, Edmund, delegate to sec-

cond Continental Congress, 124Penn and Baltimore boundary dis-

pute, 208, 209-213Penn, John, 93 ; George Washington

entertained by, 141, 143Penn, John, Jr., George Washington

entertained by, 143Penn, Letitia, Manor of at Valley

Forge, 343, 348PENN, MARY, 116PENN, RICHARD, 116Penn, Governor Richard, entertains

George Washington and John Cus-tis in Philadelphia, 116-118 ; Pres-ident of the Jockey Club, 116;house of, destroyed by fire, 133

Penn, Thomas, receipts signed by forwork done by Peter Stretch, 230 ;telescope presented to College ofPhiladelphia, by, 239

Penn, Admiral Sir William, captureof Jamaica by, 197

Page 15: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

402 IndexPenn, William, 76, 77, 79, 103, 104,

195, 197, 201, 203, 343, 348; ad-vises Germans against more emi-grants, 13; encourages educationin Philadelphia, 69, 70; founderof William Penn Charter School,69; first evidence of literary in-terest in Philadelphia by, 70, 7 1 :writings of, 71-74; descriptionof Francis Daniel Pastorius by, 76 ;quoted regarding ship building inPhiladelphia, 1681, 156, 157 ; ves-sel built for, by James West, 156 ;birth of, 1644, 196 ; John Fenwickan executor for, 274

Penn, William, Jr., 203; birth of,195, 197 ; Duke of York guardianof, 197

Penniman, Dr. Josiah Harmar, ownerof clock made by David Ritten-house, 238; exhibitor at Ritten-house Bicentenary, 247

Pennsylvania, provisions sent to Ger-man emigrants from, 11 ; JamesBuchanan leader of Democracy of,20 ; General Assembly of, presentsAddress to General Washington,1783, 137; Supreme ExecutiveCouncil of, presents Address toGeneral Washington, 137; craftsof, 229

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts,replica of portrait of BenjaminFranklin by David Martin, ownedby, 253, 255, 259 ; portrait of Ben-jamin Franklin by Charles WillsonPeale owned by, 255

Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia,110; visited by George Washing-ton, 93, 123 ; Elias Bland presentsfire engine to, 1763, 159, 373, 375 ;clock made by David Rittenhouseowned by, 238 ; exhibitor at Rit-tenhouse Bicentenary, 247

Pennsylvania-Maryland, boundaryLine discussion, 13

Pennypacker, Isaac R., Washingtonand Lincoln, the Father and Sa-viour of the Country, by, 97

Pennypacker, Honorable SamuelWhitaker, 205, 238 ; remarks of, onGeorge Washington, 113; obtainsplan of Valley Forge encampmentfrom Cornell University for TheHistorical Society of Pennsylvania,345

Pennypacher's Mills, army at, 130Penrose, , Ferry House Tav-


45Penrose, Clement Biddle, sketch of,

44PENROSE, JAMES, 44PENROSE, SARAH, 44Pepys, Samuel, Diaries of, 120. 272Peter Stretch's corner, Philadelphia,

226, 231; purchased by John Wood,228

Peters, Richard, 93 ; George Washing-ton entertained by, 141, 143;Speaker of Pennsylvania Assembly,147

Peters, Reverend Richard, 209Peters, Thomas, 160Petersburg, Kentucky, 43

Pettit, Charles, to David Rittenhouse,248

Philadelphia, literature in, 68-70;buildings now standing in, visitedby Washington, 93 ; George Wash-ington in, 1756-1798, 110-155;Dancing Assembly, George Wash-ington buys ticket for, 113; de-scription of, 113, 114 ; churches in,113; churches in, attended byGeorge Washington, 121, 125, 126 ;Scull and Heap's map of, showingskyline, 1754, 113; epidemic ofsmallpox and camp fever, 1776,129; Generals Washington, Roch-ambeau and Chastellux arrivefrom Trenton, 1781, 133; marchof French Legions through, 1781,134 ; Commons, 134 ; Addresses pre-sented to George Washington bymerchants, magistrates, varioussocieties and others, 1781, 1783,1789, 135, 137, 149; City LightHorse and City Artillery, 139 ; Con-vention of Delegates meet in, 1787,139, 140; Reception of, to Gen-eral Washington en route to NewYork for inauguration, 147-149;federal city, 150; property of Pres-ident Washington in, 150 ; dinner toPresident Washington by Corpora-tion of, 150; Yellow Fever epi-demics, 151; Some Colonial ShipsBuilt in, 156-186 ; Paxton Riots at,211 ; Early Colonial Clockmakersin, 225-235 ; evacuation of, byBritish, 262; First Fire Defencesof, 355—378; fire among GermanSettlers, 1693, 356 ; petition pre-sented to Council for fire defence,1695, 356 ; Mayor Preston proposesutensils for extinguishing fires,357 ; purchase of fire buckets andhose by citizens of, 357-361; in-spection of buildings, 1723, 359;suggestions for fire prevention, 359,360; City Council orders fire en-gines, and placing same, 360-362,365, 366; deficit in subscriptionsto fire departments, 363; volun-teer fire companies organized, 364—367, 374, 376, 377; fire bell pur-chased and hung in Academy, 367,368; Lottery, 367 ; first city inmatter of fire prevention, 1931,377; old Revolutionary canonfound in excavations, 1932, 378

Philadelphia Contributionship for theInsurance of Houses from Loss byFire, organized 1752, 370

Philadelphia Country Club, owner ofclock made by Joseph Wills, 233

Phillips, Mrs. Thierry Van C, clockmade by David Rittenhouse, ownedby, 239; exhibitor at RittenhouseBicentenary, 248

Picard, J., 208PIETRE, JAN, 199PIKE, CLARISSA, 45PIKE, ZEBULON, M., 45Pike, Zebulon M., explorer, 45Piller, James, 167Pine, Robert Edge, George Washing-

ton sits for portrait by, 142Pitman, Dr. John H., chairman of

the Rittenhouse Bicentenary Com-mittee, 236

Pittsburgh, 35, 59Pleasants, Samuel, George Washing-

ton dines with, 126

Page 16: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 403

Plitt, George, Editor of Pennsylvan-ian. 26, 29

Plumsted, William, 364Pollock, Oliver, George Washington

entertained by, 143Pope, General, 104Post de Yincennes, French Fort on

Wabash River, 60, 61Potter, James, Vice President of

Pennsylvania, 136Potts, Joseph, David Rittenhouse

makes clocks for, 237, 238Potts, Reverend Joshua, a founder of

Union Library, Hatboro, 290Potts, , 242, 247Powel, Samuel, 362, 374; George

Washington entertained by, 93, 140,142, 144 ; residence of, on Schuyl-kill River, 138

Powel, Mrs. Samuel, dance given by,attended by General and Mrs.Washington, 131

Powel, Samuel, Jr., 364Powel House, Philadelphia, 2, 110Powers, Benjamin, subscriber to

Union Library, Hatboro, 298-300Pownall, James Corne, 282-285Preeston, Joseph, 276PRESLE, A. G. LE BEQUE DE, 354Presqu' Isle, 59, 63Preston, Mary, 160Priestley, Doctor Joseph, entertained

by President Washington, 152Prime, Alfred Coxe, 225Princeton, Battle of, 106Princeton University, Orrery by Da-

vid Rittenbouse, owned by, 214;purchases first Orrery made byDavid Rittenhouse, 241; Orrerydisappeared from, 241, 242

Prior, Thomas, purchases clock madeby David Rittenhouse, 238

Privateering in 1793, 94, 95Proud, Robert, historian, quoted re-

garding James Logan, 78, 79; writ-ings of, 80

Province Island, 121, 125Provost William Smith in England,

1762, by William Renwick Riddell,280-282

Pryor, Norton, 164Purviance, Samuel, to Colonel James

Burd, 211Putnam, Israel, 130; appointed

Major-General, 1775, 128Pyewell, William, 167

Quaker Meeting, Philadelphia, GeorgeWashington attends, 121

Quakers, George Washington's viewson, 102, 103

Quare, Daniel, English clockmakers,229

Queen Charlotte Fire Company, 374Queen's Rangers, 261, 263

Rabley, William, part owner of snowDelaware, 166

Radiere, de la, associate engineer withGeneral Duportail, 342

Rakestraw, William, Philadelphiaropemaker, 157

Ramsay, Allen, David Martin a pupilof, 249

Randolph, Benjamin, cabinetmaker,119 ; member First Troop City Cav-alry, 119; George Washingtonlodges with, 119, 125; Thomas Jef-ferson lodges with, 119; makesdesk for Thomas Jefferson, 120

Randolph, Jacob, 119Randolph, Peyton, 145 ; President

First Continental Congress, 119;delegate to second Continental Con-gress, 124

Rawle, William, 364Read, Collins on, 81Read, George, delegate to second

Continental Congress, 124Read, T. Buchanan, 26REDWOOD, MRS. FRANCIS TAZE-

WELL, 278, 279Reed, General , 136Reed, Joseph, 26 ; attempts of Eliz-

abeth Fergusson to make him for-sake American cause, 2 ; GeorgeWashington entertained by, 124

Reed, William B., 26, 27, 29Reed, Mrs. William B.f 27Rees, Margaret, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 320, 321Reformed Calvinist Church, George

Washington attends, for oration onanniversary of Independence, 143

Rehel, Wendelin, 198Report About the Mines in the

United States of America, 1783,by Samuel Gustaf Hermelin, reviewof, by Arthur Cecil Bining, 190

Revolutionary Cannon, The Story of,by Norman M. Rolston, 378 ; foundin excavations for subway in Phila-delphia, 1932, 378

REYNELL, JOHN, 158Reynell, John, Philadelphia ship-

builder, manuscripts of, 1729-1784,158 ; public services of, 158, 159 ;Elias Bland to, 159, 171-173, 179,180, 185, 186; builds ship Tor-rington for Richard Deeble, 159 ;extracts from Journal of, 159-186;Richard Deeble to, relating to Com-mission for building the John andAnna, 169, 170 ; Edward Wilson to,182, 183, 185, 186; President ofthe Pennsylvania Hospital, 375

REYNELL, SAMUEL, 158REYNELL, SARAH, 158Reynell and Allen, 174Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 229Rezer, Johan, 12, 13Rezer, Tewwis (Tobias), 12, 13Rhoades, Peter, David Rittenhouse

to, 246Rhoades, Samuel, 364Rhodes, , 25Richard I., ordered ladders and water

for fire prevention, 1189, 355, 356Richards, George W., 258Richardson, Francis, silversmith and

clockmaker, 233Bickett'8 Circus, Ball at, in honor

of President Washington's Birth-day, 1797, 153; George Washing-ton, a guest at dinner at, bymerchants of Philadelphia, 1797.153

Riddell, Honourable William Renwick,Last Official Report on the FrenchPosts in the Northern Part ofNorth America, Introduction andNotes by, 56; Provost Smith inEngland, 1762, review of, 280-282

Ridge, John, 173, 181Rising Sun Tavern, burned by the



Page 17: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

404 IndexRittenhouse, Benjamin, 213, 242;

surveying instrument and clocksmade by, 239, 247


211, 215, 220, 239Rittenhouse, David, 101, 229, 235;

"David Rittenhouse," by MauriceJefferis Babb, Address April 9,1932, 193-224 ; resides near Nor-nistown, 194, 195 ; constructsclocks, 194; house of, on LincolnDrive, 203 ; views eclipse, 1743,204 ; death of his uncle, 205 ;tools and books of his uncle, DavidRittenhouse, bequeathed to, 205 ;waterwheel and clocks made by,206, 207, 208 ; attends school ofPatrick Menan, 207 ; obtains booksfrom the College, and library ofJames Logan, 207 ; illness of, 207,208 ; meets Colonel Washingtonand makes instruments for, 208;employed by the Penns to makeboundary calculation, 209, 211,215, 219 ; marriage of, to EleanorCoulston, 211; degree of Master ofArts conferred by the College ofPhiladelphia, 211 ; instruments forobserving transit of Venus at Nor-riton, made by, 211 ; platform atState House for observation oftransit of Venus, 212 ; second or-rery constructed by, owned by Uni-versity of Pennsylvania, 214, 218 ;death of wife, 214 ; a secretary ofAmerican Philosophical Society,214 ; elected to take charge of theOrrery and State House clock, 214,215 ; marriage of to HannahJacobs, 215 ; appointed on Com-mittee of Safety as engineer,215 ; participation in public affairs,215, 220 ; with Benjamin Frank-lin in public affairs, 215-219;Thomas Jefferson to, 1778, 217,218; connections of with Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, 218 ; refer-ence to, in diary of BenjaminFranklin, 220; inventions of, 221-224 ; advertisement of, 222 ; firstdirector of the United States Mint,223 ; bronze medal of, 223 ; deathof, 224 ; buried in floor of hisO'bservatory, 224 ; succeeds EdwardDuffield as caretaker of State Houseand American Philosophical Soci-ety clocks, 226 ; astronomical clockmade by, 231, 239, 240; celebra-tion in honor of, at The HistoricalSociety of Pennsylvania, 234, 236 ;200th anniversary of the birth of,236-248 ; committee on celebration,236 ; clocks of, on exhibition, 237-239 ; assisted in astronomical workat Norriton by Reverend WilliamSmith, 239 ; description of Or-rery of, 240, 241 ; first Orrery of,241, 242 ; surveyor's instrumentsmade by, 242 ; first Director ofUnited States Mint, 242 ; portraitsof, 243 ; loans by individuals andSocieties to the Rittenhouse Bi-centenary, 237-248 ; documents, let-ters and other manuscripts, 244-248

Rittenhouse, Mrs. David, at Norriton,217

Rittenhouse, Eleanor, 211RITTENHOUSE, ELIZABETH, 199,

202, 203, 211Rittenhouse, Elizabeth, 244RITTENHOUSE, ESTHER, 203, 204,

211Rittenhouse, Esther, 207RITTENHOUSE, GARET, 199Rittenhouse, Garett, 201RITTENHOUSE, HANNAH, 215Rittenhouse, Hannah, 244RITTENHOUSE, HENRY, 202, 203Rittenhouse, Hetty, 220RITTENHOUSE, MARY, 202RITTENHOUSE, MATHIAS, 202,

203, 204Rittenhouse, Mathias, 207RITTENHOUSE, NICHOLAS, 199,


LEM, 196, 198Rittenbouse, William, birth of, in

Germany, 1644, 196, 198 ; emi-grates to Amsterdam and becomesa papermaker, 198; water-markof, 198 ; emigrates to Pennsylvania,1688, 199 ; with others erects thefirst paper mill in America, 199,200; works at, 201; becomes Men-nonite Bishop, 201 ; mill of, sweptaway by flood, 201 ; referred to, byWilliam Penn as "old and de-crepid," 201 ; paper mill rebuilt,202; death of, 1708, 202


Rittenhouse Astronomical Society,236

Rittenhouse Bicentenary, 193; Loanexhibit at The Historical Societyof Pennsylvania, 236-248

Rittenhouse Exhibition, The, byJames Stokley, 236-248

Rittenhouse Family, 244, 245Rittenhouse Mill, 245, 247Riviere St. Joseph, La, French Fort

on the St. Joseph River, 61Roberdeau, Mrs. 278Robert, Edward, 167Roberts, Edward, 364Roberts, Hugh, 167, 364, 368, 372,

373Robinson, William, saddler, 358Rochambeau, General, with General

Washington at Philadelphia, 1781,133, 134

Rockwell, William, Master of theMercury, 284

Rodney, Caesar, delegate to secondContinental Congress, 124

Rodney, Honorable Richard S., toJoseph Jackson, 286

Rolston, Norman M., The Story of aRevolutionary Cannon found un-der Market Street, Philadelphia,378-380

Rome, destroyed by fire, 355Rope Ferry, Passyunk, 122, 124Roser, Johann Kraft, 13Roser, see also RezerROSS, REVEREND ^ENEAS, 285,


Page 18: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 405

Ross, Elizabeth, story of, and visitof George Washington to, 1776,disposed of, 129

ROSS, HONORABLE GEORGE, 285Ross, George, Signer of the Declara-

tion of Independence, letter of Ed-mund Hayes Bell to Charles P.Keith, regarding, 285, 286

ROSS, REVEREND GEORGE, 285ROSS, JOANNA, 286ROSS, JOHN, 286Ross, John, house of, 110; George

Washington entertained by, 122,140

ROSS, MARIA, 286ROSS, MARY, 286ROSS, SARAH, 286Rouse, John, 365ROWE, COLONEL VALENTINE, 6Rowland, Hell Fire John, 205Rowley, , 213Roy, Pierre-Georges, Archivist of Que-

bec, 57Rudolph, Joseph, Ferry House Tav-

ern kept by, 121Rudolph's Ferry, 124Rufus, Dr. W. C, 239RUSH, DR. BENJAMIN, 251Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 212, 244, 245 ;

student and author, 80; GeorgeWashington entertained by, 143

RUSH, JULIA, 251Russia^ James Buchanan in, 20, 23Ruston, Dr. Thomas, George Wash-

ington entertained by, 140Rutledge, , 93, 141Riittinghiiysen, see Rittenhouse

St. Andrew, ship bringing Germanimmigrants, 13, 14

St. Clair, General Arthur, 107, 148St. Mary's Church, Philadelphia, 110,

121 ; George Washington attendsservices at, 93, 141

St. Memin, Charles Balthazar, 244,246

St. Peter's Church, 110, 121; GeorgeWashington attends service at, 93

Sale in the year 1800 of the BrigMercury, contributed by Harrold E.Gillingham, 282

Salem Colony, New Jersey, MajorJohn Fenwick, Founder and Pro-prietor of, 270

Salzburgers, arrival of, in America,11

Samuel, Bunford, review of The Se-cession Movement, 1860-1861, byDwight Lowell Dumond, by, 190

Sandy Hook, British sailed from, toNew York, 1778, 262

Saratoga, Battle of, 343Sauer, J. Christopher, printer, 12, 14 ;

two letters of, 1738, translated byWaldemar Westergaard, 9-13 ; pub-lished in 1927, 9 ; print shop of,12

Saunders, William, 160Savage, Edward, engraving of por-

trait of David Rittenhouse by, 243-246

Savage, John, 283, 285Savage, William, 285Savery, William, 232Sawitzky, William, 255Schuyler, Philip, appointed Major-

General, 1775, 128

SCOTT, GENERAL CHARLES. 41Scott, General Charles, 43, 44 ; sketch

Of, 41Scott, Mrs. Charles, 41Scott, Sir Walter, 19Secession Movement, The, 1860-1861,

by Dwight Lowell Dumond, reviewof by Bunford Samuel, 190

Second Presbyterian Church, Phila-delphia, 113

Seely, Judge Jonas, 268Sellers, Edwin Jaquett, 270Sellers, Horace Wells, exhibitor at

Rittenhouse Bicentenary, 242, 248Sellers, John, 242, 248Sellwood, John, master of the Snow


SON, 211Sergeant, Mrs. 244Seventh-Day Baptists, 12Seward, William H., 27Sewell, Richard, 304Shane, John D., 52SHAW, JOHN, 44SHAW, SARAH, 44SIIIELL, ANN HARRIS, 48Shiell, Ann Harris, sketch of, 48SHIELL, CATHERINE HARRIS, 48SHIELL, DR. HUGH, 48, 55Shiell, Dr. Hugh, 37, 52-55 ; partner

of General James Wilkinson, 34,35 ; General James Wilkinson to,quoted, 35

Shippen, Edward, 364Shippen, Dr. Edward, 93 ; George

Washington entertained by, 140Shippen, Dr. William, house of, 110;

George Washington entertained by,119, 123, 140

Shirley, General, 111Shirley, James, Captain of the John

and Anna, 166-170Shoemaker, Benjamin, 364Short, , astronomer, 221SHORT, MARY, 51SHORT, PEYTON, 35, 51Short, Peyton, 41 ; sketch of, 5 1 ;

partner of General James Wilkin-son, 35, 51

Short, Mrs. Peyton, 51SHORT, WILLIAM, 51Sickles, Daniel E., 29Simble, Captain, of the Brittania, 159Sims, William, 181Sinclair, General , 137Sioussat, Annie Leakin, Old Balti-

more, by, review of, by May Ather-ton Leach, 191

Sioussat, St. George Leakin, 25Sisson, , astronomical quad-

rant made by, 212Slavery, views of James Buchanan

on, 24, 32Slidell, John, 28, 29Small, Mrs. Ruth Z., 291Smallpox epidemic in Philadelphia,

1776, 129SMITH, ALICE, 279SMITH, C. ARTHUR, 279Smith, Captain, 261SMITH, CLARENCE H., 279Smith, Daniel, Proprietor of The City

Tavern, 119SMITH, JACOB, 261

Page 19: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

406 IndexSmith, Jacob, diary of, 260-264;

American, born, 260 ; ancestors of,Swedish settlers, 260; enlists inthe English service, 1777, 260;resides at Concordville, Pennsyl-vania, 260, 261; buried at Con-cordville, 261; at Battle of Ger-mantown with British troops, 261;made Corporal, 1778, 262

Smith, Lieutenant Colonel, 279SMITH, MARY, 279Smith, Reverend William, D.D., 207,

212, 214, 217, 218, 240, 247, 248;preaches sermon before Free Ma-sons at Christ Church, 1778, 131;Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin by,1791, 133 ; residence of at Islandof Barbadoes, 217; founder ofWashington College, 218 ; lines ondeath of Benjamin Franklin by,223; clock made for, by DavidRittenhouse, 238 ; assists David Rit-tenhouse in his experiments at Nor-riton, 239 ; letter relating to Or-rery by David Rittenhouse, 243,248

Snowden, John, 164Snyder, Governor, 245"Solitude," residence of John Penn,

Jr., 110, 143; George Washingtonentertained at, 93

Some Colonial Ships Built in Phila-delphia, by Harrold E. Gillingham,156

Sons of St. Tammany, May Dayfestivities of, at Mr. Powers resi-dence, 138

Sorrel Horse, residence of George Mc-Fadden, 118

Southwark Theatre, General Wash-ington at, 136, 143

Sower Bible with Rittenhouse familydata. 245

Sower, Christopher, G e r m a n t o w nclockmaker, 233

Spafford, William, 180Speed, James, 35Spencer, Herbert, 109Spofford, Ernest, 236Springettsbury, George Washington

attends entertainments of ColdSpring Club, at, 142

Stamper, Captain, 184, 185, 186Stanley, brigantine, 261Star Redoubt, line of entrenchments

at, 344State House, George Washington at,

93 ; Convention of General Societyof the Cincinnati held at, 139;clock made by Thomas Stretch, 225,226

State House, see also IndependenceHall

State in Schuylkill Fishing Club,Thomas Stretch a founder, and firstGovernor of, 226, 230 ; clocks madeby Peter Stretch purchased bymembers of, 230; clock made byPeter Stretch owned by, 232

States Rights, views of James Bu-chanan on, 24, 32

STEDMAN, ANN, 2STEDMAN, CHARLES, 2Stedman, Charles, Scotchman, settles

in Philadelphia, in Powel House, 2Steel, James, 362Stenton, Philadelphia, 110, 143 ; resi-

dence of James Logan, 78, 230 ; vis-ited by George Washington, 93


Stephens, James, 8Stephens, Priscilla, 279STEPHENS, SARAH, 279Stephens family of Valley Forge, 279Stevenson, Captain , 185Stevenson, Robert, part of cargo of

snow Delaware, consigned to, 165STEWART, HANNAH, 48Stewart, William, 48Stirling, William Alexander, Lord, ac-

companies George Washington toNew York, 118

Stokes, F. J., owner of clock madeby David Rittenhouse, 238 ; exhib-itor at Rittenhouse Bicentenary,48

Stokes, J. Stodgell, Stretch clockowned by, 232

Stokley, James, The Rittenhouse Ex-hibition, 236-248 ; chairman of sub-committee, 236

Stona Bay, British fleet at, 262Stony Point, Battle of, 106Story, Enoch, loss of, by fire, 372;

insurance paid to by the UnionFire Company, 372

Story, Thomas, 79Strawbridge, Welsh, "Graeme Park,"

owned by, 4Streepers, William, 201Stretch, Carolyn Wood, Early Colon-

ial Clockmakers in Philadelphia by,225 ; desires information respect-ing Colonial clocks, 225

STRETCH, ISAAC, 231STRETCH, PETER, 225, 226, 229,

230Stretch, Peter, early Philadelphia

clockmaker, 225, 226, 233, 235,362 ; credited with making theState House clock, 225, 226; ar-rives in Philadelphia, 229, 230;clocks and mathematical instru-ments made by, 230-232 ; articlespurchased from, 230, 231; clockmade by, owned by State in Schuyl-kill, 232, 233

STRETCH, SAMUEL, 229, 231Stretch, Samuel, English clockmaker,

229STRETCH, THOMAS. 226Stretch, Thomas, early Philadelphia

clockmaker, 226 ; founder and firstGovernor of "State in Schuylkill,"226, 230; maker of State Houseclock, 226; friend of Philip Syng,231; watches made by, 231; clocksmade by, in Philadelphia, 231, 232 ;clocks made by, owned in differentparts of the country, 233

STRETCH, WILLIAM, 230Stretch, William, early Philadelphia

clockmaker, 230, 231; descriptionof clocks made by, 231, 232

Sullivan, General Jeremiah, 344Sun Fire Company, 374Supreme Executive Council, Benjamin

Franklin bequeaths a portrait ofhimself, to, 254; abolishes aboveportrait, 254

Susquehannah Company Papers, The,edited by Julian P. Boyd, review ofby Burton Alva Konkle, 383

Swain, James, purchases clock madeby David Rittenhouse, 238

Swanwick, John, George Washingtonentertained by, 143

Swarr, Hiram B., friend of JamesBuchanan, 29

Page 20: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 407

Swede's Ford Tract, property at pur-chased by General Duportail, 348—350

Swiss, arrival of in America, 11SYMMES, JOHN CLEVES. 35Symmes, John Cleves, 51SYMMES, MARY, 51Syng, Philip, silversmith, 230, 367,

372, 373 ; friend of Thomas Stretch,231; member of committee to hangFire Bell, Philadelphia, 1752, 367 ;with others, forms first Fire In-surance Company, 1749-50, 368,369

Syng, Philip, Jr., 364

Taft, Dr. Simon, 277Taggart, Dr. Walter T.f member of

Rittenhouse Bicentenary Commit-tee, 236

Taverns, see InnsTegarden & McCullough, merchants,

51Telescopes exhibited at Rittenhouse

Bicentenary, 239, 240TELNER, JACOB, 202TELNER, SUSANNA, 202Tetsworth, The, ship built by John

Reynell for Elias Bland, 170-185 ;John Cornish, Captain of, 174 ; in-voice for, shipped by the John Gal-ley, 174-179; launching of, 180,183; accounts of, 180-185 ; cargoof, 183, 184 ; captured by Spanishsloop, 184-186.

Thicubert, S. M., 285Thistle, ship bringing German immi-

grants, 13Thomas, Governor George, 13THOMAS, PRISCILLA, 279Thompson, William, 359Thomson, Charles, 215; elected sec-

retary of first Continental Con-gress, 119 ; sent to notify GeorgeWashington of his election as Presi-dent, 147

TILLIER, RUDOLPH, 42, 44, 45Tillier, Rudolph, sketch of, 44TILLIER, SARAH, 42, 44, 45TILLIER, SARAH BIDDLE, 51, 52TODD, ELIZABETH, 48, 50TODD, JOHN H., 48TODD, MARIA, 48TODD, THOMAS, 48, 50Todd, Thomas, sketch of, 50Tompion, Thomas, English clock-

maker, 229Toronto, 59, 67 ; French Post on Lake

Ontario, 65Torrington, ship, built by John Rey-

nell for Richard Deeble, 159-16*3,169; owned by Richard Deeble,159-161, 163-169; Thomas War-cup, captain of, 159, 160; cost of,160, 161; cargo of, 162, 163; pas-sengers on, 163

"Trent, Mr.," name used by AndrewHamilton when he came to Amer-ica, 275, 276

Trenton, 133 ; Battle of, 106; GeorgeWashington at, 136, 141

Trescot, , 26Tress, Thomas, member of Committee

to build Rittenhouse Paper Mill,200

Trumbull, John, 247; portrait of Da-vid Rittenhouse by, 243

Tucker, Lydie, 206Tun Alley, 122

Tun Tavern, see Mullen, PeggyTurner, , purchases seat of Sir

William Keith and conveys it toDr. Thomas Graeme, 4

Turner, Joseph, 364, account of, withthe Union Fire Company, 366

Turner, Robert, member of commit-tee to build Rittenhouse Paper Mill,200

Turpin, Horatio, 47Two Germantown Letters of 1738,

translated by Waldemar Wester-gaard, 9

Tyler, Moses Colt, 277Tyler, Robert, 26

Union Fire Company, Philadelphia,organized, 1736, 364, 377; mem-bers of, 364; rules of, 364, 365;apparatus and affairs of, 365, 366;fines of, 367, 373, 374 ; forms anInsurance Company, 368-370; in-surance paid to Enoch Story by,372 ; members of, exercise on Mar-ket Street, 372, 373

Union Library, Hatboro, loan booksof, 1762-1787, 289 ; history of, 290,291; list of books loaned by, 292-322; bibliography of works men-tioned in loan list of, 323-340

United States Mint, 247, 248 ; DavidRittenhouse first Director of, 242 ;exhibits of, at Rittenhouse Bicen-tenary, 242, 243, 248

United States National Museum,loans instruments made by DavidRittenhouse, to Rittenhouse Bicen-tenary, 242

University of Pennsylvania, 236, 368 ;money raised for Medical Schoolby Dr. John Morgan, 80; Addressesto General Washington, presentedby, 1781, 1783, 135, 137; GeneralWashington attends commencementof, 136 ; instruments of David Rit-tenhouse, property of, 212 ; electedby Act of Legislature, 218 ; ownerof clock made by David Ritten-house, 238 ; O'rrery of David Rit-tenhouse owned by, 241; exhibitsof, at Rittenhouse Bicentenary,243, 248; Cressbrook Farm, Val-ley Forge, presented to, by HenryN. Woolman, 346

University of Pennsylvania, see alsoCollege of Philadelphia

Upper Ferry, 138

Valley Creek, 344Valley Forge, 217 ; George Washing-

ton at, 103, 104, 141; General vonSteuben at, 103; army at, 130;missing leaf from Orderly Bookof John Irwin at, 279 ; GeneralDuportail at, by Elizabeth S. Kite,341; entrenchments at, 343-345 :plans of encampment at, 344, 345

Valley Forge Park Commission, res-toration of camp at Valley Forge,by, 341, 343-345

Vanhorn, , 216Vasse, Ambrose. 282-285Vaugham, John, George Washington

entertained by, 140 ; David Ritten-house to, 246

Vauxhall, George Washington at, 122Vienne, Monsieur de, 57Vining, A., 161, 167Volunteer Fire Companies formed,

364-367, 374-377

Page 21: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

408 IndexWalker, John, Philadelphia rope

maker, 157Walker, Thomas, 181Walnut Grove, residence of Joseph

Wharton, Jr., 122, 230 ; Meschianzaheld at, 121

"War of Jenkins' Ear," 1739, 9Warcup, Thomas, Captain of the

John and Anna, 159 ; part ownerand Captain of the Torrington,159-166

Ward, Artemis, appointed Major-Gen-eral, 1775, 128

WARDELL, LYDIA, 39WASHINGTON, BETTY, 138WASHINGTON, GEORGE, 115Washington, George, 53, 88, 89, 195,

229 ; attempts of Elizabeth Fergus-son to make him forsake the Amer-ican cause, 2 ; held as an ideal byJames Buchanan, 18; concert inhonor of French Minister, 1781,83 ; buildings now standing inPhiladelphia visited by, 93 ; com-parison of life of, with AbrahamLincoln, 97-109; letters of, 97;comparison of, with William ofOrange, 98 ; aristocracy of, 98 ;intellectual and physical strengthof, 98 ; influence of mother and en-vironment, 99 ; love of trees, 100 ;associations of, with Pennsylvaniaand Philadelphia, 100, 101; inven-tory of estate of, 101, 102 ; entersupon Revolutionary War, 102-104,106, 108 ; religious belief of, 104,105 ; negro slaves emancipated bywill of, 106 ; at Mount Vernon,106, 107; in Philadelphia, 110^155, 286; buildings in Philadel-phia associated with, 110, 111;portraits of, from life done inPhiladelphia, 111, 131, 132, 142,143, 151, 152 ; as Colonel rode intoPhiladelphia, 1756, 111, 114;greater part of public life of,spent in Philadelphia, 111, 113;placed in command at Fort Cumber-land, 111 ; journey of, to Boston,111-113 ; at the Dancing Assembly,113 ; consults with Lord Loudounin Philadelphia, 114; orders en-gagement ring for Martha Custis,115 ; marriage of, 115 ; entertainedby Governor Richard Penn, 116—118 ; with his stepson visits Phila-delphia, 115, 116; entertained bymembers of Jockey Club, 117-119,120; entertained by Chief JusticeWilliam Allen, and others, 117-120, 122-153 ; delegate to first Con-tinental Congress, 118 ; lodges withBenjamin Randolph, 119, 125;diaries of, 120, 126, 127, 141, 142 ;visits all parts of Philadelphia,1774, 121-123 ; delegate to secondContinental Congress, 122-128 ; ap-pointed Commander-in-Chief of theAmerican Army, 126-128 ; appointsMajor Thomas Mifflin as aide decamp, 128; headquarters of, inCarlton Mansion, Falls of Schuyl-kill, 1777, 129, 130; at Penny-packer's Mills, 130; at Battle ofGermantown, 130; at Valley Forge,130; celebration of birthday of,131; elected a member of the Amer-ican Pholosophical Society, 132;receives Addresses in Philadelphia.

1781, 134, 135, 137, 149; "HailColumbia" sung for the first timebefore, 135; degree of Doctor ofLaws conferred on by University ofPennsylvania, 137; President ofthe General Society of the Cincin-nati, 138 ; attends meeting of So-ciety of the Cincinnati in Phila-delphia, 138, 139; delegate toConstitutional Convention, 1787,139-146 ; entertained a t Cold SpringClub, 141, 142 ; celebration on theFourth of July, 142, 143 ; attendsforbidden performances at OperaHouse, Southwark, 143; not in-terested in John Fitch's steamboat,144; visits garden of WilliamBartram, 144; comments on Ben-jamin Franklin's mangle, 144;named for President, 146, 147;journey of, to New York, 147-149 ;leaves the post chaise and ridesinto Philadelphia on a whitecharger, 147, 148 ; Presidential pro-cession of, through Philadelphia,148, 149 ; arrives in Philadelphia,the capital, 150; leases house inGermantown to escape YellowFever, 151; President's BirthNight Balls, 1796, 1797, 152, 153 ;second inauguration, 1793, 152 ; at-tacks against, 153; Farewell Ad-dress of, 153; memorandum ofvisits of, to Philadelphia, 154, 155 ;David Rittenhouse makes instru-ments for, 208, 240 ; medal of, 223 ;coach of, 244 ; at Siege of York-town, 262, 263 ; description of pro-cession of, to Cambridge, by Mrs.Morgan, 278 ; at Whitemarsh, 342 ;headquarters of, at Valley Forge,344; reply of General Duportailto, 343

Washington, Martha, 115, 123, 150;letter of George Washington to, re-lating to his appointment as Com-mander-in-Chief of the Army, 127 ;visits Philadelphia, 1776, 128 ; vac-cinated against smallpox, 129 ; en-tertained by Henry Laurens, 130 ;attends dance at Mrs. Powel's, 131;attends concert given in honor of,by M. de la Luzerne and Generaland Mrs. Greene, 135 ; dines withRobert Morris, 135 ; returns1 toPhiladelphia, 1790, 150

Washington, Mary, 123Washington and Lincoln, the Father

and Saviour of the Country, byIsaac R. Pennypacker, 97-109

Washington in Philadelphia, byJoseph Jackson, 110

Washington, the new Federal City,150, 151

Washington College, Chestertown,established by Reverend WilliamSmith, 218

Waters, Mrs., 244WATERS, ESTHER. 211WATERS, DR. NICHOLAS, B., 211Watson, Amos, subscriber to Union

Library, Hatboro, 309-311Watson, John, artist, 1Watson, John F., 4Watson, John Fanning, quoted re-

garding State House clock, 225;quoted regarding "State in Schuyl-kill," 226

Page 22: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,

Index 409

Watt, James, inventor of steam fireengine, 357

Watterson, , 29Watts, John, subscriber to Union Li-

brary, Hatboro, 319, 320Wayne, General Anthony, 49, 102,

106, 107, 262, 280; to GeneralJames Wilkinson, 36

Weed, , 30Weedon, General, headquarters of, at

Valley Forge, 279WEISER, CONRAD, 269WEISER, CONRAD, 102; Inventory

of, by J. Bennett Nolan, 265-269 ;Indian interpreter and guide, 265,266; appraisal of estate of, 265,266; public offices held by, 266;Weiser, library of, 267 ; letters of inthe collection of The HistoricalSociety of Pennsylvania, 266; re-ligious beliefs of, 266, 269 ; literarytastes of, 266-268; in Braddockand Forbes Expeditions, 267;money lender, 268 ; persons owingmoney to, 268, 269


Welch, T. B., engraver, 257WELD, 270, 273, 274WELD, ELIZABETH, 271, 272, 273WELD, SIR HUMPHREY, 274WELD, JOHN, 271, 273, 274Weld, John, goldsmith, 271, 274WELD, MARY, 274WELD, THOMAS, 271, 273, 274WELD, WILLIAM, 274Weld Family Arms, on silver spoon

owned by a descendant of Samueland Anna Hedge, 270

Welling, Thomas, 160Wells, Henry, 181Welton, Dr. Richard, 5Wesley, John, 10 ; Journal of, Quoted,

10WEST, CHARLES, 157West, Charles, Philadelphia ship-

builder, 157, 171WEST, JAMES, 156West, James, shipbuilder, 171, 173,

179-181, 186; builds vessel forWilliam Penn, 156 ; enlarges ship-yard, 156, 171 ; death of, 1701, 156

WEST, PRUDENCE, 156West, Prudence, widow of James

West, will of, 156, 157Westergaard, Waldemar, Two Ger-

mantown Letters of, 1738, trans-lated by, 9

Weygandt, Cornelius, 234Wbarton, George, Jr., Meschianza at

house of, 122Wharton, Joseph, 230Wharton, Joseph, Jr., George Wash-

ington dines with, 122Wharton, Thomas, 358Wheatland, residence of James Bu-

chanan at Lancaster, purchase of,20, 21 ; description of in TheWorld, 21, 22; owned later byGeorge Willson, 22 ; description of,by visitor at, 23 ; entertainmentsat, 30, 31 ; for sale, 31

Wheeler, Samuel, 372Wharton, Thomas, 372, 373Whitby Hall, residence of James

Coultas, 230White, Honorable Andrew D., 30White, Rosannah, George Washington

lodges with, 154

White, Bishop William, 104Whitehead, James, Jr., 268Whitfield, John, preaches in Philadel-

phia, 205Whitemarsh, George Washington at,

143, 342, 348; British troops at,261

Whitworth, Richard, master of theStanley, 261

Who was Andrew Hamilton? By Jo-seph Jackson, 275

Wickes, Lambert, Sea Raider, by Wil-liam Bell Clark, review of, by Al-bert Gleaves, 381-383

Wife and Children of Sir WilliamKeith, by Charles P. Keith, 1

Wilcox, Benjamin, Philadelphia rope-maker, 157; ropewalk made by,157 ; Mayor of Philadelphia, 157

WILKINSON, ANN BIDDLE, 34, 35,36, 39, 41, 45

Wilkinson, Ann Biddle, Letters of,from Kentucky, 1788-1789, 33-55 ;wife of General James Wilkinson,34 ; joins her husband in Kentucky,1784, 35 ; death of at New Orleans,1807, 36 ; Biddle returns to Phila-delphia, 49

Wilkinson, Anthony, 160, 162, 164WILKINSON, CATHERINE, 45WILKINSON, GENERAL JAMES,

34, 35, 41, 45Wilkinson, General James, 47, 48, 5 1 -

55 ; sketch of, 33-39 ; political andmilitary services of, 33-35, 38, 54 ;attends Medical School in Philadel-phia, 33, 34; relations of. withSpaniards at New Orleans, 33, 37-39, 47, 5 1 ; marries Ann (Nancy)Biddle, 34 ; land agent in Kentucky,34, 35, 38, 52, 53 ; partnerships of,34, 35 ; to Dr. Hugh Shiell, quoted,35


Wilkinson, James Biddle, 42, 49, 50 ;sketch of, 45

WILKINSON, JOHN BIDDLE, 35, 41Wilkinson, John Biddle, 42, 46, 49,


45, 49Wilkinson, Joseph Biddle, sketch of,

45Willem S'tadt, given by William Penn

to William Penn, Jr., 203Willett, John, 167William and Mary, 199William of Orange, called Father of

his country, 98William Penn Charter School, George

Keith, headmaster, 1689, 77William The Conqueror orders the

Curfew for fire prevention, 1068,355

Williams, Dr. , David Ritten-house to, 246


251, 252

Page 23: INDEX [] · min Franklin, 250 ; orders portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, 251, 252 ALEXANDER,


BLER, owner of clock made byDavid Rittenhouse, formerly prop-erty of Honorable Samuel W. Pen-nypacker, 238; exhibitor Ritten-house Bicentenary, 248.

WILLIAMS, JOHN MERRICK, 6WILLIAMS, JONATHAN. 250-253Williams, Jonathan, grandnephew of

Benjamin Franklin, 250, 254;death of, 251

WILLIAMS, JULIA, 251WILLIAMS, MARIANNE, 251WILLIAMS, SUSANNA, 202Williams, Thomas, boat builder, 164,

167. 180Williamsourg, 262, 263Willing, Charles, 364WILLING, ELIZA, 152Willing, Thomas, David Rittenhouse

to, 246Wills, Joseph, early clockmaker. 233Wilmington, army at, 130Wilson, Edward, to John Reynell,

1747, 182, 183; 1748, 185, 186;part owner of the Tetsworth, 182,184

Willson, George, owner of Wheatlandafter death of James Buchanan, 22

Wilson, Isaac, 49Winckles, John, 173, 181Winther, Oscar Osburn, 288Wissahickon Greek, valley of, closed,

199 ; first paper mill in America,built on bank of, 199

Wistar House, visited by GeorgeWashington, 93

Witherspoon, Reverend John, Presi-dent of Princeton University, 213

Wittgensteiners, 14Wolfe, General James, 81Wometedorf, residence of Conrad

Weiser, 267WOOD, H., 41Wood, John, purchases Peter Stretch's

corner for his son, 228; buried inSt. Paul's Churchyard, 228 ; publicservices of, 228; clock in Metro-politan Museum, the work of, 229

Wood, John, Jr., early Philadelphiaclockmaker, 227-229

WOODBRIDGE, GEORGE, 171WOODBRIDGE, JOHN, 171Woodbridge, John, part owner of the

Tet8worth, 182

Woodbum, residence of Robert Alex-ander, 256

Woodlands, Philadelphia, residence ofWilliam Hamilton, 110, 121, 141;George Washington at, 93

WOODMAN, ALICE R.. 279WOODMAN, EDWARD. 279WOODMAN, HENRY, 279WOODMAN, LOUISA, 279WOODMAN, MARY, 279WOODMAN, SARAH, 279WOODMAN, WILSON M.. 279Woodward, George W., 32Woolman, Henry N., purchases Cres-

brook Farm, headquarters of Gen-eral Duportail a t Valley Forge,346 ; presents same to Universityof Pennsylvania, 1932, 346

Woolman, John, Journal of, 92Wynkoop, Henry, 246


to, 1740, 4, 5YEELES, MARY, 6YEELES, THOMAS, 6, 7YEELES, WILLIAM, 6Yeeles, William, 8Yeeles, Mrs. William, letter of Sir

Robert Keith to, 1753, 7, 8Yellow Fever Epidemics in Philadel-

phia, 151York, Congress at, 1778, 344York River, Va., blocked by French

fleet under Count De Grasse, 262,263

Yorktoum, 103, 106; British Colorstaken at, presented to GeneralWashington, 135; siege of, 134,262-264 ; surrender of, 1781, 264

Young, James, subscriber to UnionLibrary, Hatboro, 314-317

Young, John, Jr., saddler, 358, 359

Zachary, John. 364Zachary, Lloyd, 167, 373Zenger Trial, Andrew Hamilton acts

as counsel for Zenger without fee,276

Zoological Garden, on site of Soli-tude, residence of John Penn, 143