Index [] · Index WSC and FDR are used ... see also Mackenzie King Canary Islands , , Canton...

A- phone scrambling device A-4 rocket (later V-) ABDA Abetz, Otto Achiary, André Acland, Richard acrobat (plan to occupy Tripoli) Adana (Turkey) , Admiral Scheer (cruiser) Adviser on Combined Op- erations (Mountbatten) adultery, Pamela Churchill’s, WSC condones aerial bombardment see bombing Africa, East: Madagascar see also Egypt; Morocco; North Africa; North-West African situation; Tunisia; and names of specic towns Afrika Korps , , ; sup- ply problems see also Panzergruppe Afrika; Rommel Agheila , , aircraft: B-s , , ; in Malaya; ; Middle East , , ; produc- tion of ; supply of to Soviet Union , , , , see also aircraft losses; bombing; Pearl Harbor; RAAF; RAF Bomber Com- mand; USA war production aircraft losses (British) , , air raids (London) , , , see also Blitz air strength, inadequate , , aircraft production (US) see also USA war produc- tion; war production ajax (proposed attack on Norway) , , , Akers, Professor W A , Alam Halfa Alamein see El Alamein; lightfoot; supercharge Alanbrooke, Lord see Brooke, General Alan Alba, Duke of (Spanish am- bassador) , alcohol consumed at Cheq- uers ; alcohol consump- tion by WSC xi, xviii–xix, , n, , ; , , , , , , , , ; alcoholism symp- toms, Alexander, A V , , , , , Alexander, General Sir Harold , , , ; in Burma , ; Eisen- hower’s deputy in Eighth Army ; replaces Auchinleck , ; see also lightfoot Alexandria , , ; Vichy French Fleet at , , Algiers , , , , , , , ; de Gaulle visits , ; torch landings , , , , , ; WSC visits , All-India Congress Party , , , Allied air strength , , Allied command strategy see Combined Chiefs of StaAllied Fleet strength after Index WSC and FDR are used as abbreviations for Churchill and Roosevelt. People with military or honoric titles are accorded the one current in this volume.

Transcript of Index [] · Index WSC and FDR are used ... see also Mackenzie King Canary Islands , , Canton...


A- phone scrambling device–

A-4 rocket (later V-)


Abetz, Otto

Achiary, André

Acland, Richard

acrobat (plan to occupyTripoli)

Adana (Turkey) ,

Admiral Scheer (cruiser)

Adviser on Combined Op-erations (Mountbatten)

adultery, Pamela Churchill’s,WSC condones

aerial bombardmentsee bombing

Africa, East: Madagascar

see also Egypt; Morocco;North Africa; North-WestAfrican situation; Tunisia;and names of specific towns

Afrika Korps , , ; sup-ply problems

see also Panzergruppe Afrika;Rommel

Agheila , ,

aircraft: B-s , , ;in Malaya; ; Middle East–, , ; produc-tion of –; supply of to

Soviet Union , , ,,

see also aircraft losses;bombing; Pearl Harbor;RAAF; RAF Bomber Com-mand; USA war production

aircraft losses (British) –, –, –

air raids (London) , ,,

see also Blitzair strength, inadequate –

, ,

aircraft production (US)

see also USA war produc-tion; war production

ajax (proposed attack onNorway) , –, –,

Akers, Professor W A ,

Alam Halfa

Alameinsee El Alamein; lightfoot;supercharge

Alanbrooke, Lordsee Brooke, General Alan

Alba, Duke of (Spanish am-bassador) , –

alcohol consumed at Cheq-uers ; alcohol consump-

tion by WSC xi, xviii–xix,, n, , ; , ,, , , , ,, ; alcoholism symp-toms,

Alexander, A V , , ,, ,

Alexander, General SirHarold , , , ;in Burma , ; Eisen-hower’s deputy in EighthArmy ; replacesAuchinleck –, –;see also lightfoot

Alexandria , , ;Vichy French Fleet at ,–,

Algiers , , , ,, , , ; deGaulle visits , ;torch landings , ,, , , ; WSCvisits –, –

All-India Congress Party, , ,

Allied air strength , ,

Allied command strategysee Combined Chiefs ofStaff

Allied Fleet strength after


WSC and FDR are used as abbreviations for Churchill and Roosevelt. People withmilitary or honorific titles are accorded the one current in this volume.

churchill’s war1018

Pearl Harbor ,

Allied troops in North Af-ricasee crusader; torch

American –; see in generalUS, United States

American Jewish Congress

Amery, John (son of Leo),works for Goebbels –

Amery, Julian (son of Leo),

Amery, Leopold CharlesMaurice Stennett (Secre-tary of State for India) xii,xviii, , , , ,, , , , ,, –; Jewish ori-gins of xii, ; critical ofFDR over India , ;discussions over appoint-ment of viceroy , ;Gandhi hunger strike ;Indian independence dis-cussions –, ; In-dian sterling balances –; Jewish Fighting Force; Palestine ; troopsupply for Soviet Union–

anakim (plan to recaptureBurma) , , ,–,

see also BurmaAnders, General Wladyslaw

–, ,

Anderson, John , ,, –, ; andtube alloys , ,–; may replaceLinlithgow as viceroy ,

Anderson, Lieutenant-Gen-eral Kenneth –

Anglo–US relations , ,; scientific co-operation(generally) ; diplomaticestrangement , ,, , , –,–; friction in North-ern Ireland ; differ-ences over shared atomicresearch , ; poor af-ter Darlan assassinated;see also Intelligence co-op-eration

Anglo–US (supply) boards,

Anglo–US strategy ,

see also Combined Chiefsof Staff

Anglo–Chinese relations

Anglo–French relations–

see also de Gaulle; France;Free French; Vichy Regime

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company

Anglo–Irish relations

Anglo–Japanese relations–, ; deteriorate, , ,

see also Malaya; Pacific re-gion; Singapore

Anglo–Jewish communityxii

Anglo–Polish Treaty ()–

Anglo–Soviet relations –,–; deteriorate –;exchange of Intelligence–, ; Iran, invasionof –, ; Treaty pro-posed , , , ,–

see also Soviet Union; Sta-lin

Anglo–Thai relations –; non-aggression pact

Annet, Armand

annexation of Finland andBaltic States

see also Poland, border dis-putes

anthropoid (SOE opera-tion against Heydrich)–,

anti-British feeling in US

anti-Semitism, in Britain–, , –, ,–; in USA –,; in US navy

Anti U-boat Warfare Com-mittee , , , ,,

Aosta, Duke of

appeasement, of China ;of Japan , , , –, –, , ; of So-viet Union

Appropriations Committee(US Senate)

Arab–Jewish relations ,

Arabs and WSC ,

Archangel, British troops for–

see also PQ convoysArchbishop of Canterbury

and bombing strategy

archive information incom-plete , –, ,, , –, ; onde Gaulle ; on Japan–, , , ,

Arctic convoyssee PQ convoys

Ark Royal sunk ,

Arms production

Army Council ,

Arnim, Colonel-General


Hans-Jürgen von , ,, –,

Arnold, H H (‘Hap’) –,, –; in England, ; meets WSC inCairo


assassinations: actual: ofPatrice Lumumba by CIAn; of Darlan , ,–, SOE involved ,Darlan aware of likelihood, British assassinationring in Algiers –;alleged: Sikorski, –;W R Davis, ;attempts: on French per-sonnel ; on Colombianforeign minister ; onde Gaulle, , , ,, –, , ,, , –, ; onGamel Abdel Nasser n;on Rommel ; author-ised: Duke of Windsor,

Atlantic, Battle of , ,, , , , ,; US convoy duties ,,

Atlantic Charter , –,–, , , , ;Article Three ; ArticleFour , ; Stalin’s de-mands –, –,, ,

see also Anglo–RussianTreaty; Lend–Lease Agree-ment

Atlantic crossings by WSC,by air , , , ;by sea –, –, ;–; , –

Atlantic Front, The (memo-randum by WSC) –

Atlantic Monthly, The (peri-odical) xvi

Attlee, Clement (later stEarl Attlee) xviii, , ,–, , , , ,

atomic bomb research: Al-lied –, , –,–, –, –;German ,

see also Norsk Hydro;tube alloys; manhattan

Auchinleck, General SirClaude , –, , ,–, , ; appointedCommander-in-Chief In-dia ; communicationlinks with WSC –,, ; in charge ofEighth Army ; Crippsto visit ; criticised inUS ; Middle East strat-egy –, ; WSC criti-cises , , , ,–, ; El Alamein

see also Battle of El Ala-mein; crusader , ,–, ; delay to –, –, , –;progress –, –,–, , , –,, , –; Tobrukfailure , –; op-poses whipcord

audax (proposed Alliedbombing of Rome) –

auka codebooks

Auschwitz, reports on ,–,

Australia , , –,, , , ; Atlan-tic Charter discontent ;defence of , , ,

, , (US troopsto be sent ); Japanesethreat underestimated byWSC ; press ; searoutes ; troops ,, ; (losses , ,, ); withdrawalfrom Middle East , ,; WSC criticises –

Australian Imperial Force(AIF) –

Augusta (cruiser) , , ,, , ,

Axis powers , , ,, , ; bridgeheadat Tunis ; morale low inNorth Africa –

Azores, The , ; Allies toseize in lifebelt 786–8

B- bombers –, ,; destroyed in Philip-pines

Bach-Zelewski, SS Obergrup-penführer Erich von dem–

‘Bædeker’ raids , ,

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro

Bajpai, Sir Girja S (AgentGeneral, India)

Baku oilfields –, , ,, –, , ,

Balfour, Harold viii,

Balkans , , ;Anglo–Russian Treaty ,; Australian losses in; invaded by Germany; Soviet interests ,–, –; Stalin andWSC discuss –; WSCproposes invasion

Bandœng (Java) ;


churchill’s war1020

barbarossa xiv, xv,

Barham sunk ,

Barkley, Senator Alben W

Barrington-Ward, Robin ,

Bartholomew, Guy

Baruch, Bernard M ,, , ,

Bataan Peninsula (Philip-pines), MacArthur’s re-treat from

Bath city bombed

‘bathroom incident’ –


battleaxe (tank battle atSollum) ,

Bay of Bengal

BBC broadcasts PearlHarbor news –

BBC Sound Archive xviisee also radio broadcasts ofWSC

‘Bear, The’ (nickname forStalin)

Beaufort, Major

Beaverbrook, WilliamMaxwell Aitken, st Baronviii, xvii–xviii, , , ,–, , , , ;asthmatic , ; criti-cises WSC , , ,, ; leadership ambi-tions , , , ,–; leaves cabinet–; minister of supply, , , , ;Beaverbrook-Harrimansupply mission , , ,–, –; ministerof war production ;newspaper proprietor ,, ; and Soviet Un-ion , –, –,–, ; pro-Stalin

, ; unpopular ;US visit , , ,, –, –,

Bedell Smith, GeneralWalter , , ,–, ; sees FDRconcerning Darlan ;torch , ,

Bel Hamed overrun

Belmonte, Major Elias

Ben-Gurion, David ,

Bene, Edouard x, –,, , ,

Benghazi , , , ,,


Berger, SS GruppenführerGottlob –

Bergeret, General Jean-Marie-Joseph –, –

Beria, Lavrenti, and Katynmassacre

Berle, Adolph

Berlin, Irving (musician)–

Berlin, Isaiah xiv, ,

Berlin bombed viii, , ,, , , –,–, –, , –

Bermuda ; Parliamentaddressed by WSC

besondere Aufgaben (specialtasks)

Bethnal Green station, inci-dent –

Béthouart, General Emil-Marie , ; ‘disposal’of Darlan and Noguès con-sidered

Bevan, Aneurin , ,; editor of Tribune

Bevan, John (Chief of Lon-don Controlling Section)

Bevin, Ernest viii, xviii, ,, , –,

Bevir, Anthony

Bey of Tunis appeals againstbombing


Biddle, Francis (US attor-ney-general) ,

‘Big Three’ meeting pro-posed by WSC –

Bir Hakeim , ,

Birmingham ,

Birse, Major A H (inter-preter) , ,

Bismarck xviiiBizerta (Tunisian naval base)


BJs (‘Black Jumbos’) ix, ,, , –, , –, ; BJ/ (illus-trated) ; No. ,

(Ribbentrop andMadasgar) ; No., (Jewish problem,Budapest) ; Japanesecodes –, ,

black code stolen from Ital-ian Embassy –,

Black US troops and racialfriction –

Bletchley Park ix, xiii, –,, , , , , ,, , –; Ger-man codes ; scorpion–; Japanese codes ,–, –, , ;Japan–German communi-cations ; purples ex-changed with US ,; Intelligence derivedat, ix, , , , ,, ; German inter-cepts ,

see also codebreaking;


names of individual cy-phers, cypher machinesand interceptssee also winds messages;Government Code & Cy-pher SchoolMiddle East intercepts–; USA denied accessto ultra until May

–, , , –,; WSC visits

see also boniface; enigma,magic, ultra

blind-bombing equipment

Blitz , , , , ,, ,

Blue Books (of Harris, onBritish bombing) ,

‘Blue Jackets’ see BJsBoard on Future Strategy

(US war department)

Bogomolov, A Y ,

Boisson, General Pierre(Governor-General FrenchWest Africa) –, ,, , ; and Eisen-hower ; Darlan agree-ment over Dakar ; deGaulle demands dismissal

bolero (cross-channel inva-sion) –, , ,, , ,

see also round-up ;sledgehammer

Bolivian–German relations

bombe , , –

Bomber Command, RAF, , , –, ,, –; aircraft lost–, , ; Casa-blanca directive redefinespurpose ; crews coura-

geous but perhaps insensi-tive ; operations re-sumed –, –; No. squadron –, ,, proposed for Romebombing

bombing (by British) criti-cised viii, –, ;WSC wishes to impressStalin ; as reprisal, dis-approved of –;saturation bombing viii,, , , , ,, , –

see also Bomber Com-mand; Harris, Sir Arthur;names of individual cities

bombing of Britainsee Blitz; names of indi-vidual cities

bombs, blockbuster ;bouncing bombs –;phosphorus incendiaries, n

Bonham-Carter, Violet ,

boniface cyphers ix, ,,

Bonnier de la Chapelle,Fernand Eugene ,

Borneo , , ,

bouncing bombs –

Bowes-Lyon, Hon. David

Bowhill, Sir Frederick

Bracken, Brendan (ministerof information) , , ,, , , –,, ; investigatingNew Statesman articles–

Brantès, Major

Brauchitsch, Field-MarshalWalther von

Braun, Werner von

Brazzaville –,

Bremen to be bombed

Brereton, Major-GeneralLewis Hyde

Brest (France) , 433, 491,715see also sledgehammer

Bridges, Sir Edward , ,, ; and telephone se-curity


see also SicilyBrink, Lieutenant-Colonel


Bristol (flying-boat)

Britain at war: anti-Semitism –; debtcaused by war ; in de-cline viii; domestic politicsx–xi; German invasionfeared viii, x, xv, ,, ,–, , ; HomeFront ,

see also air raids; bombingof Britain; British press;British public opinion;names of cities

British Army of the Nile

British Dominionssee Dominions (British)

British empire xiv, xv–xvi,, ; US attitude to ,, –; FDR’s dislike; WSC’s attitude ix, x,, , , , ,

see also Dominions (Brit-ish); names of countries

British First Army in Tunisia,

see also torchBritish fleet movements

see Naval StrategyBritish Malaya

see MalayaBritish Scientific Mission (to

churchill’s war1022


‘British Security Co-ordina-tion’

British West Indies

British working class: sup-port Stalin and Soviet Un-ion

Brooke, General Alan (laterField-Marshal Lord) vii,, , –, –,, , ; and anakimplan ; and Auchinleck; changes in Chiefs-of-Staff –; as Chief ofImperial General Staff

(CIGS) , –, ,, ; in cabinet ;Cairo visit with WSC ,–; criticises bombingstrategy ; criticisesWSC ; criticises jubi-lee planning ; disap-proves of sending troopsto Soviet Union , ;offered Middle East com-mand ; torch ,–, –; WSCmeets in bathroom –

Brooke-Popham, Air Chief-Marshal Sir Robert ,, , , , ,, ; criticised overSingapore ; relieved byGeneral Pownall ; USsupport

Brown, William J

brown (cypher)

brown (German occupationof Southern France) –

Bruce, Stanley Melbourne, –

Bruce Lockhart, Robert

Bruneval (France) ,

Buchenwald (concentrationcamp) ,


Buerat (battle area)

Bulge, Battle of the Bundy, Harvey H

Bundy, Lieutenant-ColonelCW

Bureau of Censorship (US)

Bureau Central de Renseigne-ment et d’Action (BCRA)

Burma , , , ,, , , –,–; lost , , ,, , , –;plan to recapture ,

Burma Road, Chinese wantreopened , –

Bush, Dr Vannevar , ,, , , ,

Butcher, Harry –

by-elections ,

‘C’ (Brigadier StewartMenzies) xiii, , , , ,, , , ; Intelli-gence between ‘C’ andHoover , ; Japanesecodes and strategy infor-mation –, , ,, ; Kra Isthmusmessage ; and MiddleEast , , ; Sovietsreceive information ;US relations –; USsecurity leak noted –

cabinet meetings (British), –, , , n,, , , , ,, , –, ,, , –, ,, ; ajax ; Atlan-tic Conference ;Auchinleck’s delaying tac-tics over-ruled –;

Azores, possible Allied in-vasion –; Baltic policy; Beaverbrook disa-grees with WSC , ;bombing strategy –;for Rome –; Cairovisit , ; and Casa-blanca summit –;China and Singapore dis-cussed ; Darlan ,, ; de Gaulle dis-cussed , –, ;Hongkong discussed –; German atomic re-search ; India discussed, , , –,, , ; Italianpeace moves ; jubilee(Dieppe) cover-up byMountbatten ; MiddleEast ; post-wareconomy –; Princeof Wales to Singapore ;prisoners-of-warunshackled ; reshuffles:first , , , ,, , –, –,, –, –; sec-ond (re Cripps) , –; shipping losses revealed, ; Singapore de-fences ; sledgeham-mer not approved ;Smuts addresses ; So-viet Union , ; Anglo-Soviet Treaty announced; British and Empiretroops to , , ;supply needs discussed; Stalingrad offensive; Thailand discussed; torch analysed ,–; US visits by WSC, ; WSC not goodchairman ,


see also names and topicsCabinet War Rooms ,

–, , , ,, ; opeps telephonescrambler link

Cadogan, Sir Alexander(Head of FO) , , ,, , , , ;against WSC’s trip toWashington ; and Ja-pan , , , ;critical of Craigie’s assess-ment –; diary entryfor Pearl Harbor day ,n, ; meets deGaulle ; and MiddleEast –; and RAFlosses ; Rome ; andSoviet Union , , ;and Sikorski ; andtorch , ; Tunisiagives concern ; Turkeyvisited with WSC –

Cairo –, , ;Cripps to visit Auchinleck; visits by WSC: first, , , , ,–, –, ; sec-ond , , –

Cairo (cruiser) sunk

Campbell, Sir Ronald

Campbeltown (ex-US de-stroyer) –

Camrose, Lord (newspaperproprietor)

Canada ; Atlantic Charterdiscontent –; Diepperaid, troops lost in ,; troops to invade Nor-way ; Parliament ad-dressed by WSC , ,–, , –; WSCaddresses Cabinet WarCommittee –; minis-ter contracts rranium and

heavy water supplies solelyto USA

see also Mackenzie KingCanary Islands , ,

Canton (Pacific island)

Cape Verde

Capetown , ,

Carthage, WSC addressestroops at

Carvell, JEM ,

Casablanca , , ,, , ; torchlandings , ; symbol(summit conference) –, –, –, ;atomic research raised; de Gaulle meets withWSC and FDR , –, –; press conference–,

Casey, Richard , ,–, , , ,; negotiates with deGaulle over Syria ; Pal-estinian situation

Caspian Sea ,

Castlerosse, Lady Doris

Catalina accident –,

Catroux, General Georges, , , ; ‘dis-posal’ of Darlan andNoguès

Caucasus , ; Britishtroops to move in ;German spring offensive, ,

see also Baku oilfieldsCavendish-Bentinck, Victor

see also Joint IntelligenceCommittee

Caviglia, Marshal Enrico

Cazalet, Victor –

censorship , , –;of telephone calls; –

see also D-notices; mediamanipulation

Centurion (battleship)

Ceylon , , , ,, , –; at-tacked –

chaffinch (Rommel’s armycypher) –

Chamberlain, (Arthur)Neville viii, xviii,

Chancellor of the Duchy ofLancaster (Duff Cooper)

Chancellery, Reich ,

Chandos, Lordsee Lyttelton, Oliver

Chaney, Major-GeneralJames E

Channel, German fleetwithdrawal through (Feb-ruary ) , –,, ,

Chantiers de la Jeunesse (un-derground youth organisa-tion) –

Charmley, John viii, xi, xii,xvi; Churchill – The End ofGlory xv

Charteris, Laura ,

Chartwell Trust xvichastise (‘Dambusters’)

Chemical warfare

Chequers , , , , ,, , , ; alco-hol quantities consumedat, ; security duringMolotov’s visit ; USguests for weekend ofPearl Harbor , –;disastrous visit of EleanorRoosevelt –; WSCconvalesces after pneumo-

churchill’s war1024

nia –, , ; re-laxes after USA/Africavisits ; rests and hasminor operation

Cherbourg invasionsee sledgehammer

Cherwell, Baron(Lindemann, Frederick Al-exander, ‘The Prof.’) ,, , , , , ,, , –, –,, ; and bombingstrategy –; British nu-clear research –;tube alloy s , ,, , –, ,

Chesapeake Bay, WSC landsat

Chiang Kai-Shek , ,, , , , ,, ; against anakim; and India ; modusvivendi ; US–Japanese‘deal’

Madame Chiang , ;WSC declines invitation tomeet

Chief of the Imperial Gen-eral Staff

see Brooke, General Alan;Dill, Sir John

chiefs of staff , , ,, , , , ,–, , , ,, ; and Anglo-USstrategy , ; boleronot feasible ; bombingof Germany necessary, ; changes of per-sonnel –; Diepperaids –; germ warfare; ironclad ;jupiter –; Norwaydiscussed ; PQ

should be called off ;

and Singapore –;Thailand strategy ;torch –, –,–, ; Tunisia (Ei-senhower’s strategy) ,; White House meeting–; German nuclearresearch

Chevalier, Jacques ixChina , , , , ,

, , ; air-supportrequested ; Britishlease on Hongkong –;Japanese war , ;post-war position consid-ered –; Japanese pro-pose US cease aid to ,; unhappy with US re-sponse –

Chindwin river

Chrétien, Colonel Jean

Christmas in the WhiteHouse

Churchill, Clementine (wifeof WSC) , , , ,, , , , ,, , –, ,, , –, ,, ; puts de Gaullein his place , , ;Eisenhower brings lemonsfor –; and Pamela’sadultery , –; let-ter from WSC in Casa-blanca (quoted) , ;WSC bringing stockingsfrom US for

Churchill, Diana (m. toDuncan Sandys)

Churchill, Major John(brother of WSC) ,

Churchill, Mary (daughterof WSC) , , ,, , ; WSC at-

tends her party

Churchill, Pamela (m. toRandolph Churchill) ,, –, ; adulterywith Harriman –,,

Churchill, Randolph (son ofWSC) , , , –, , , , ;in Cairo , , ; carcrash , ; in Casa-blanca –, , ;Committee for a JewishArmy ; Dover visitwith WSC –; gam-bling debts , ; asjournalist ; and LauraCharteris , ; rela-tionship with WSC –,, , –; WSC’scorrespondence , ,, ,

Churchill, Sarah (daughterof WSC) , , ,, ,

Churchill, Winston (Jr.)(grandson of WSC) ,, , , , ,

Churchill, Winston LeonardSpencer: as actor ; ad-mires Stalin –; age-ing xi, , , , ;alcohol consumption xi,xviii–xix, , , ; ,, , , , ,, , ; mocked byHitler ; as artist –, ; uses establishedFrench artist’s name ;as author xi–xii; birthdays–, ; ; ‘BlackDog’ (his depression) ;reveals breaking of SScodes in broadcast (August


) ; careless of tel-ephone security –;cat-naps , , ;childish ; cigars as‘trademark’ xviii, , ,, ; clothing: sirensuit , , , , , ,, , , , ,, , , , ;nudity habit –, ,–, , , ,, , , , ;receives Eden in bath ;cruel streak vii; dentalproblems , , –, ; dictatorial ,–, , , –;egotistical , , ,; films, enjoys watch-ing , , ; finances xii;‘gaga’, becoming ,; health, exhausted, , , , ,, , ; heart prob-lems , , –,, , , , ,, , , ; nerv-ous breakdown imminent–, , ; pneu-monia diagnosed ,–, ; prolongswar viii; thyroid operation; tonsillitis , ,; hostile to Soviet Un-ion –;Japanese threat underesti-mated ; urges pre-emptive US air trike on Ja-pan –, ; Jewishblood of mother xii;judgement questioned vii,xiv, xv, ; leadershipstyle of xiv, xv, , , ,, ; oratory xviii, ,, –, , ,

, ; hostility to deGaulle, orders contain-ment of ; personal hab-its –; popularity ofxviii, –, , ,, , , ; post-war, lacks concern for viii,, ;attitudes on race: to Chi-nese , , ; to In-dians , ; resignationconsidered ; rests atChequers ; ‘unlovable’viii, ; as war-monger ix,x working hours xi, , ,, , , , ,, , , –,, , ; Zionismxii, ,

Churchill – The End of Glory(Charmley) xv

Ciano, Count Galeazzo (Ital-ian foreign minister) ,; meets Hitler

Ciliax, Vice-Admiral Otto,

Cinque Ports, Lord Wardenof: WSC titled

civilian casualties of Britishbombing , , ,, , , –; of‘dambusters’ raid ,; at Wuppertal ,

citadel (Hitler’s offensive atKursk) , , ,,

Claridge’s (hotel) , ,

classified documentssee archive materials

Clark, Alan (historian) xvClark, Major-General Mark

–, , , ; inAlgiers , –, ,

, ; and Darlan ,, ; and torch ,, ,

Clark-Kerr, Sir Archibald,

Coastal Command ,

code books and machinesdestroyed in Japanese em-bassies , , ,–, ,

code words broadcast ,

see also windscodebreaking ix, –, ,

–; British–US–; Britain plays themajor part –; dou-ble-playfair code ;German cypher machinescaptured –; Japanesecodes broken ; U-boatcyphers broken

see also Bletchley Park;boniface, colossus,enigma, magics, purples,ultra; names of indi-vidual cyphers

Cologne bombing , ,, –, , ,, ,


Colonial Office, anti-Zionist

colossus ,

Colombo (Ceylon) ,

Colville, Jock ,

Combined Bureau MiddleEast

Combined Chiefs of Staff

(British–US) , ,, , , , –, , ; and cross-channel invasion plans; and Darlan situation; sledgehammer and

churchill’s war1026

gymnast discussed ;Marshall objections ;torch 566–7, 570–2; andTunisia , –

Combined OperationsTraining Centre (Inverary)

Combined Policy Commit-tee (on atomic project)

Comintern (Communist In-ternational) , ,

Commando raid on Sark–

Commando order

Committee of Imperial De-fence

Committee on Allied Sup-plies , –

Committee for a JewishArmy

Communist International(Comintern) , ,

Conant, Dr James B (FDR’sscientific adviser) ,, ,

concentration camps, Nazi, , –,

Congress (US government), , , , , ,, , ; agrees toUS declaration of war ;thinks Roosevelt too influ-enced by WSC ; WSC’saddresses to –, ,–, , , –;WSC meets leaders –,

Coningham Air Vice-MarshalArthur (‘Mary’) , –

Conservative Party , ,, ,

convoys, Atlanticsee Atlantic, Battle of;

Japanese invasion –;for Malta , , ,, , ,

see also PQ convoysCooper, (Alfred) Duff (Lord

Norwich); , , ,, ; criticised byLord Moyne ; and Ma-laya

Coral Sea, Battle of the ,–,

Cordier, Abbé Louis –,

Cork, Lord

Cornwall (cruiser) , ,,

cost of living

Coventry bombing ,

Cowling, Maurice (histo-rian) viii, xii

Craigie, Sir Robert –,, , , ; criticalof WSC , –

Cranborne, Lord , ,–, ,

Crankshaw, Colonel Edward


Cripps, Sir Stafford , ,, , , ; as am-bassador to Moscow ,,, , –; in cabinet, ; offered ministryof supply , , ;moves to MAP (ministryof aircraft production), , ; Indian visit–, –; Cripps–Johnson formula rejected–; plan for provisionalgovernment , ; toresigns as Leader of theHouse ; and torch, –

Crocker, General John

Crosby, Sir Josiah

cross-Channel attack consid-ered , , , ,, , ; disap-proved of by WSC ,, , , ; post-poned –

see also bolero; round-up

crusader (Middle Eastoffensive) , , ,, –, , –,–, , , ,–, , , –;delays to –, –,, –, , –,–; losses ;progress –, –,, , , –;outcome uncertain –,, , , , ,, –

cryptographysee codebreaking


Cunningham, General SirAlan Gordon , ,, ,

Cunningham, Admiral SirAndrew Browne (st Vis-count Cunningham) xi,, , , , ,–, , ; com-plains about Montgomery; Darlan–Eisenhowersituation , –, ;and FCNL ; andGiraud ; refusesTovey’s post ,

see also torchCurda, Sergeant Karel ,

nCurrier, Lieutenant L –

Curtin, John (Australianprime minister) , ,


, , , , ;anger over defence of Sin-gapore –, ; andBurma –; and Ceylonattack , ; and FarEast war , ,

cypher machines at JapaneseEmbassies , ,

cypherssee codebreaking


Cyrenaica , , –,, , , , ;Eighth Army enters –; Italian emissaries to

Czechoslovakia x, xii, ,; relations with SovietUnion ; Skoda armsfactory bombed

d’Astier de la Vigerie, Gen-eral François –; Al-giers meetings –;bagman for assassination ofDarlan , , –,, ; lunches withWSC ; joins Gaullistforces

d’Astier de la Vigerie, Henri–, , –, ,–, –


see also British Press; cen-sorship; media manipula-tion

Daily Express, The , ,

Daily Herald, The ,

Daily Mirror, The , ,

Daily Telegraph, The –

Daily Worker, The

Dakar , , , ,, , , ;

French fleet sails to ,, ; released to USforces ,

Dalton, Hugh , , ,, , ,

Daluege, SS Obergruppen-führer Karl ,

‘Dambusters’ squadron, No. squadron –, ,; proposed for Romebombing

Daniell, Raymond (US jour-nalist)

Darlan, Alain (son of Admi-ral Darlan)

Darlan, Admiral JeanCharles François , ,, , , –,, ; agreement withBoisson over Dakar ;arrival in Algiers –,, , ; cease-firedeal with Mark Clark ,–; negotiates with Ei-senhower , , ;Jewish criticism of ;and WSC , , ,–; assassinated ,, , –, ; fu-neral

Davis, William Rhodes, as-sassination alleged

Dawson, Harry

daylight bombing of Ger-many –

de Gaulle, Charles x, , ,, –, , ,; in Algiers , ,–; ambivalent ondeath of Darlan ;anglophobic –, ,, , ; archive filesstill closed ; assassina-tion attempts and plotsagainst , , ,

, –, , ,, , –, ;US overhears WSC orderfor elimination of ; inBrazzaville ; in Casa-blanca , –, ,, –; criminal ac-tivities of , , ,, ; Dakar , ;to unite the French empire; demands post ofCommissioner of NationalDefence ; and Eisen-hower –; and Darlandeal , , , ,; spurns FDR/Giraudmeeting , , ;Giraud meetings –,; and husky ; Ca-nadian islands seizure –, , –; ironclad, –; and torch–, –, , –, –; narcotics ;plans dictatorship ,; and Syria free elec-tions in ; condones tor-ture by ‘Passy’ , ;‘traitor telegram’ –;US Intelligence on

WSC hostile to –,orders mail intercepted; , –, –,, , , ; meet-ings –, –, ,–, , , ;WSC’s Secret Sessionspeech on –

de Gaulle–Giraud rap-prochement –

de Laborde, Admiral Jean

de Mesa, Dr Lopez (Colom-bian foreign minister)

de Valera, Eamon (Irish

churchill’s war1028

prime minister) , ,

Deakin, Dr William ix‘Declaration’ on India ,


defence committee , ,, –, , –,–, , , ;Anglo-US strategy dis-cussed ; resumption ofBomber Command opera-tions ; calculations byCherwell ; Eden wantsabolished ; ironclad; lifebelt –; onMalta ; PQ disaster–; supplies to SovietUnion , ; round-up discussed ; Singa-pore , ; Tirpitz tobe destroyed , ; USdaylight bombing

Defence Council (India)

Denman, Lady (Head ofWomen’s Land Army)

Denniston, CommanderAlastair , , –,, , ,

Dentz, General H-F ,

Derna (Africa)

deportation of Jewssee Jews, treatment

desert air force

Dewavrin, André (‘Passy’), ; uses torture, , ; threatensassassination of Giraud

Diego Suarez (Madagascar),

Dieppe plan , , –, , , –, ,; account in WSC’sbook drafted by Mount-batten ; disaster ,,

Dietrich, Otto

Dill, Sir John (Chief of Im-perial General Staff) , ,, , , ; BritishJoint Staff Mission Head inWashington ; and cru-sader ; replacement of–; and Rome bomb-ing plan ; and Sovietsituation , –;torch ; and Tunisia; WSC criticises

Director of Combined Op-erations

Director of Military Intelli-gence ;see also Kennedy, Sir John

Dixon, Sir Owen

Dniepr river ,

domestic politics x–xiDominions (British) ,

, , , ,

see also British Empire;names of individual coun-tries

Donovan, General William B, ,

see also Office of StrategicServices

Dorman-Smith, General SirEric

Dorsetshire (cruiser) ,, ,

Dortmund bombed

Dover , –

Dowding, Hugh Caswall(later st Baron) ,

Downing-street , , dem-onstrations in

Drax, Admiral Sir Reginald

Driberg, Tom

Dugdale, ‘Baffy’

Duke of York (ship) –,

Duke-street, London

Dupuy, Pierre ; tel-egrams of

Düsseldorf bombed ,

Dutch East Indies , ,, , , ; andJapanese invasion , ,, , –

Dutch government , ,, , , ,

Dytchley Park , ,

Eagle (carrier) sunk

Eaker, Ira C ,

Eastern Fleet –, ,–, , ; aircraftcarriers from US needed–

Eden, (Robert) Anthony(later st Earl of Avon)xviii, , , , , ,, , , ;Anglo-Soviet agreementsigned –; appease-ment over Hongkong ;arrives in Algiers ; dis-cusses Beaverbrook withWSC –; cocaine use; critical of AtlanticCharter ; critical ofDill’s replacement ;Darlan controversy ,–, –, , –; rôle in assassination ofDarlan –, , ,; protects de Gaulle, –, –,, –, losing trust in; WSC’s phone callfrom USA ; dislikesFrench ; wants defencecommittee abolished ;disapproves of WSC’s visitto FDR ; and Finland


; and Hungary ;Japanese strategy ,, , ; critical ofappeasement –, ,; as Leader of theHouse ; and MiddleEast strategy , , ;Pearl Harbor –; andRomania ; post-warplanning, discussed withSmuts ; with FDR ;pessimistic aboutlightfoot (Alamein) ;and Stalin ; relationswith WSC: tense –,, ; Soviet Union ,, , , , ; aiddiscussed with WSC ,; Soviet Union visit–, , , ,–; Stalin’s demands reBaltic, Finland and Roma-nia , –, –,; troop supply –,, ; WSC’s instruc-tions before departure; as successor to WSC, –, , ,, , ; Thailandsituation , ; USvisit –, , ; de-layed by WSC’s pneumonia; viceroy, proposed as–

Eder Dam (Ruhr valley)

Edinburgh, WSC receivesFreedom of

Edwards, Captain Ralph,

Egypt , , , ,; campaign , ,

see also Cairo; El AlameinEighth Army –, ,

, , –, ,, , ; at El Ala-

mein , , ; atMedenine –; and Ei-senhower ; Montgo-mery as commander-in-chief , ; WSC’s vis-its to ,

Eire government , –

Eisenhower, GeneralDwight D , –,–, , , ,; and Eighth Army ;WSC criticises for Tunisiastrategy , , ,, –; and Darlan, –, , ,, ; agreementsigned with , , ,; and de Gaulle –;failures at Kairouan andKasserine ; huskyconcerns , ; andRome bombing ;torch planning , –, , , –, –; Smuts discusses –;Tunisia retreat possible,

El Alamein , ; Battleof –, –, –, –,

see also lightfootElberfeld (Ruhr valley)


elections (UK) vii,

Elizabeth, Queen, wife ofHM King George VI ,

Embick, General Stanley

Enderbury (Pacific island)

Engineer’s Way to win the War,An (Barnes Wallis)

enigma , , , ,

, , ; North-Af-rican Intelligence ,–; US not given ac-cess , –,

Eritrea ,

Essen (Ruhr Valley) bombed, , , ,

Esteva, Admiral Jean ,

Estonia –

Euthanasia ,

Evatt, Dr Herbert Vere(Australian foreign minis-ter) ,

Exeter bombed ,

Exeter (cruiser)

exposing self, WSC foiblefor

Fadden, Arthur (Australianprime minister)

Faid (Tunisia)

Far East , , , ;British possessions in ,, ; sacrificed byWSC , –; warwarning issued to

see also names of countriesFar Eastern Fleet

see also Pacific Fleet (US)Faroukh, King of Egypt ,

FBI xiii, , , , ;monitoring Beaverbrook; signals to SIS –

FCNLsee French Committee forNational Liberation

FECB (Far East CombinedBureau) , , ,


Federal Bureau of Investiga-tionsee FBI

Fellers, Colonel Bonner

churchill’s war1030

, ,

Fenard, Vice-AdmiralRaymond A , ,

Fenn, Captain HerbertKeeney (Assistant Directorof Censorship, US)

see also Price, Byron;Herbert, Sir Edwin

Finland, Britain declares waron , –, , ,; Soviet relations ,, , , –,,

First Burma Corps –

fish (code) –, –,, , ,

Flandin, Pierre

Fleet Air Arm

Fliegerführer Afrika

Florida, WSC rests in ,

Flossenbürg (concentrationcamp)

focus Group, The xii, nFoot, Michael

Force ‘K’ ,

Forschungsamt (Nazicodebreaking agency)

Forschungsanstalt derReichspost (Nazi telecom-munications research labo-ratory) –

Foreign Affairs Committee(US Senate)

foreign office ix, xii, xiii; ap-peases Arabs ; andDarlan , –, ,, , , ‘jubilant’ atdeath of ; and deGaulle ; Japanese rela-tions , ; planningfor post-war –;sceptical on reports onJews ; US relations,

see also Eden, Anthonyforgery, art 335Formosa

Fourteenth Naval District(Hawaii)

France , ; bombed byBritish –, –;bombed by Americans; British landing pro-posed , , , ; col-lapse () ; fleet tosail to North Africa –,, , , ; fleetof, and Germany ,scuttled at Toulon ; in-vasion of possible ,–, , –, ,, ; invasion ofSouthern France ; lib-eration of , , ;‘sacrifice’ landing pro-posed ; WSC’s views

see also bolero; sledge-hammer; cross-channel in-vasion; round-up;coastal raids on –,

see also cross-channel inva-sion; Dieppe

Franco, General Francisco, , , , ;reaction to torch ,,

Franco–US relations ,–

Frank, Staatssekretär Karl-Hermann (Prague) ,

Frankfurt bombed

Frankfurter, Justice Felix, ,

Frazer, Peter ,

‘Free French’ forces –,, , , , –

, ; heroism at BirHakeim ; British sup-port for ; Madagascar; and Syria militarycommand

see also de Gaullefree trade –, ,

see also Atlantic Charter;Imperial preference;Lend–Lease

Freeman, Chief-Marshal SirWilfrid , –

French Committee for Na-tional Liberation (FCNL)–, ; de Gaulle de-mands Commissioner post; Roosevelt anger

French fleet , –,, , , ; at Al-exandria , ; atToulon , , ,; Darlan message to

French National Committee, ,

French underground move-ments

French West Africa surren-ders to torch troops –

Friedman, William F –,,

fuel rationing

Fuso Maru (freighter)

Gabcík, Joseph ,

Gafsa: US troops evacuated, ,

Galland, Colonel Adolf

Gandhi, Mahatma MohandasKaramchand , ,; asks British to with-draw from India , ;imprisoned –; hungerstrike –, ,


gas chambers not mentionedin intercepts ,

gee (radio navigation-griddevice) , ,

Gazala ,

Geheimschreiber (fish cipherof) , , ,

General Policy Group (USgroup on nuclear research)

‘general statement’ (USA–Japan, before PearlHarbor) , , ,, , ,

Geneva ‘agreement’

Genoa bombed

George VI, HM King , ,, , , , ,, ; and AtlanticCharter , ; congratu-lates WSC and Army onvictory in Middle East; and Darlan ; andde Gaulle ; concernedabout North Africa ,–; to visit allied ar-mies –; dines withWSC and cabinet –;and India , , ;against Eden as viceroy; and Molotov ; andPacific war ; and Singa-pore ; visits Chequers

Georges, General Alphonse, , , , ,, ,

Gerbrandy, Pieter Sjoerds(Dutch prime minister)

germ warfare

Germany, armed forces(Wehrmacht) , , ,

German army: st Panzerdivision , ; Panzer-

gruppen and ;see also Rommel;Kesselring; Stumme;names, and units.

German surrender, ’phonetranscripts on

Germany, anti-Semitism in, ; bombing of –, , –, , ,–, , –;bombing of, scaled down, resumed –, ,–, –, ;tannenberg , –;bombing of Malta, Ger-man ; code machines; and Cyrenaica ,; and the Caucasus ,, , , –, ,; Dieppe raid; antici-pated by ; expects todefeat Britain ; HighCommand (OKW) ,; Iranian relations ;torch a surprise to ;US relations ; war dead; weapons testing –, –

and Japan, commits to waragainst US ; Ribben-trop promises support to; Tripartite Alliancewith

oil supplies ; plans forBritish invasion , ;propaganda broadcasts ;Secret Service , ;sinks US destroyer

and Soviet Union ; inva-sion of , , , , ,, –; retreat fromMoscow , , ;typhoon (Moscow offen-sive) –, –, ,, ; WSC thinks will


see also individual citiesand regions

Gerow, General Leonard T,


Ghormley, Rear-AdmiralRobert L , –, ;on strategy after PearlHarbor ,

Gibraltar , ; Eisen-hower arrives at –;WSC at ; convoy toMalta ; effect of pil-grim ; troop build-upbefore torch ;Sikorski’s death at –,appendix iii

Gibson, Guy –, ,

Gilbert, Sir Martin: WSC’sofficial biographer xii,xiii–xiv, xv, xvii

Giraud, General HenriHonoré , , ,, –, –, ,, , , , ,; agrees to raise Frenchforces , ; assassina-tion plots , , ,, ; and Casablanca; code name kingpin; and de Gaulle –, , –, ; ex-pects ‘supreme command’, –, , ;proposed as Governor ofNorth Africa ; pro-moted after Darlan’s mur-der ; talks with WSC, , ,

Gneisenau (ship) –,–, , –, ,, ,

Godfrey, Admiral Sir John

churchill’s war1032

xiiiGodfroy, Admiral René ,

, –, , ;brings French Fleet toDakar

Goebbels, Dr Joseph ,; exploits Katyn massa-cre , , –

Golikov, Lieutenant-General(later Marshal) Philip I

Göring, ReichsmarschallHermann , , ,

Gort, Lord , , ,; sent to Malta ,, ,

Gott, Lieutenant-General, ; killed –

Government Code & Cy-pher School (GC&CS) ,, ; see also BletchleyPark

Government Communica-tions Headquarters(GCHQ)

‘Grand Alliance’

Grandi, Count Dino

Grant, General UlyssesSimpson

Gray, David (US minister inDublin) –

Greece , , , ,

green hornet telephonescrambler system

Greenwood, Arthur ,,

Grew, Joseph

Grigg, Sir Percy James xviii,, –, –; assecretary for war –,, , ,

Grot-Rowecki, GeneralStefan

Groves, Major-General

Leslie , , , ,; see also manhattan

Gruppe Nord (German NavalGroup North) –

Gubbins, General Colin

Gul Hek (Teheran, summerlegation at)

Gunther, John (writer)

gymnast (invasion ofFrench North-West Africa), , , –,, , , , ,; Combined Chiefs ofStaff discuss , ; has-tening defeat of Italy ;WSC and FDR discuss–,

Hácha, Emil

Hague Convention

Halifax, Lord Edward viii,ix, , –, , , ,, , , , ,, ; Beaverbrook un-dermines ; and Darlan; and FDR–WSC Intel-ligence ; and Japan, , , –,, , ; reports at-tack on Pearl Harbor ;meets FDR –, ,–, ; meets Hull, –, , ,; talks with Welles ;matador –; Polishambassador informs ofJewish extermination

Halifax bombers

Halsey, Edwin M

Hamburg bombed viii, ,, , ,

Hamilton, Rear-Admiral SirLouis (‘Turtle’) , –, ,

Hankey, Sir Maurice –,, –, –, ;

critical of WSC , ,, –,

Hammamet –

Hanover bombed

Hardinge, Sir Alexander

Harriman, W Averell –,, , , , –,; affair with PamelaChurchill –, ,; at Chequers withdaughter Kathleen ,, , –; in Cairo; de Gaulle eliminationdiscussed –; FDR–Stalin meeting discussedwith WSC –

see also Beaverbrook–Harriman supply mission

Harris, Sir Arthur C(‘Butcher,’ ‘Bomber’) ,, , , –,, , –; plansBerlin bombing with WSC, , –; Cologne–, –;Dambusters –, ,, ; Hamburg ;tannenberg –;lunches with WSC ;bombs Paris , –;responds to criticism ,–; bombing of Rome,proposed , , ,–; Rostock

Harrow School, visited byWSC ,

Hart, Admiral Thomas B, , , ,

haruna (code word) ,,

Harvie-Watt, ColonelGeorge , ,

Harvey, Oliver (Eden’s pri-vate secretary) ,

Harwood, Admiral Sir


Henry H , , ,–

Hastings, Captain Edward G(SIS station chief in Wash-ington) , , –,, ,

hattori (code word)

Hawaii , ,

see also Pearl HarborHayter, Sir William

heavy water, Canadian sup-plies under exclusive con-tract to USA –

Heeresgruppe Mitte (ArmyGroup Centre)

Heinkel factory bombed

Heisenberg, Werner

Helfrich, Admiral Conrad,

Helpern Captain

Herbert, Sir Edwin ,; warns WSC abouttelephone security

Hermes (aircraft carrier), , , ,

Herring, Squadron-LeaderWilfred

Hess, Rudolf (Deputy Füh-rer) –, , ,

Heydrich, SS Obergruppen-führer Reinhard , ,,

Hill, Kathleen (WSC’s sec-retary) , ,

Hillgarth, Captain Alan

Himmler, SS ReichsführerHeinrich , ,

Hinsley, Professor Sir Frank:official historian

Hirohito, Emperor ,

Hitler, Adolf x, xi–xii, xv,xvi, , ; anti-Semitism ; and Britainxiv–xv; offers peace viii,xv, , ; briefed on

Japanese–US breakdown; Intelligence on Italystrategy ; MemorialDay () speech: revealscasualty figures ; mili-tary strategy xiv; in Mid-dle East ; and invasionof Soviet Union , ;spring () offensive; summer () offen-sive ; and USA –;Munich meeting withCiano and Laval –;naval strategy xiv, –,; pact with Stalin ,–, ; and use of poi-son gas ; urges Franceto declare war on Allies; exhorts Rommel tofight on at Alamein ,, ; speech againstWSC ; unaware of Pa-cific crisis

Hoare, Sam (Sir Samuel, stViscount Templewood) xii,, , ,

Holland, Captain Cedric

Home Front ,

Hongkong , , ,, ; winds messagepicked up at –; at-tacked by Japan , ,, ; defeated ,; Japanese atrocities, ; New Territorieslease –

Hoover, J Edgar (director ofFBI) , ,

Hopkins, Harry L xiii, , ,, , , , , , ,; and de Gaulle –;engagement ; illness, ; Japanese strategy, , , , ; re-

port on Pearl Harbor ;tube alloys , ,, ; and WSC ,, –, –

Hore-Belisha, Leslie Hornbeck, Dr Stanley K

Höss, SS SturmbannführerRudolf (Auschwitz) ,

House of Commonssee Parliament

House of Representatives(US)

see also Congress (US)Howe, C D (Canadian min-

ister of munitions) ,

Hughes, Major-GeneralEverett S ,

Hull, Cordell (US secretaryof state) , , , ,; and de Gaulle ,; and death of Darlan; Japanese strategy ,, , , , ;expects attack , ;response to final proposals, –, –, ,, , , , ,; blames British forfailure , , , ,; British discussions–, –; seesKurusu ; uneasy abouttorch plans , ,; Vichy supporter ,–, ,

‘human torpedoes’ ,–,

Hungary , British decla-ration of war , ,,

Huntziger, General Charlesassassinated

churchill’s war1034

Hurley, Patrick

husky (invasion of Sicily)–, , , ,–, , , ,–, –, delay, ; Eisenhower hasmisgivings , ;Macmillan informs deGaulle ; WSC on ,

Hyde, H Montgomery –

Hyde Park (FDR’s countryresidence) , , ,

hydra (German naval cy-pher)

Ibn Saud, King

Iceland , , , –,, ; North Russianconvoys –

Ickes, Harold F , ,,

Illustrious (warship)

Imperial preference , ,, , , , –,,

see also Atlantic Charter;free trade; Lend–Lease


India –, , ,; Cripps mission to–, , –, ;Defence Council –;Dominion status for ,–, ; disturbancesin –, , –,; ‘draft declaration’, –, ; Gandhiarrested –; hungerstrike –, –; inde-pendence discussions –, –, , –;internees –; Nehru

; Japanese attack possi-ble , , , ;

sterling balances –

see also Amery, LeoIndia Committee , ,


India Office ; anti-Zion-ist

Indian Council

‘Indian National Army’ sup-ports Japanese

Indian Ocean , , ,

Indo-China –, ; at-tack on China from ;Japanese invasion convoys; Japanese occupationof , , , –, ,; Japanese withdrawalif oil supplies restored–, –, –

Indomitable , –,

Indonesiasee Dutch East Indies

Inönü, Ismet (Turkish presi-dent)

Intelligence exchange with:Soviet Union , –,–, , ; USA–; –; ,

see also enigma; magics;purple; ultra

Intelligence gathering: aboutGermany , , , , –, –, , –,–; about Italy ;

about Japan , –,–, , , ,; war to begin –,–; winds–executemessage –; about US; combined Intelligence, –

see also codebreaking; cy-phers; names of individual

codes and machinesInternational Red Cross to

investigate Katyn massacre, ,

invasion of Britain, German,viii, x, xv, , ,

Iran, invasion of , , –, –, , , , ,, ,


Irish Republican Army(IRA)

ironclad (Madagascar sei-zure) , –, –

Irving, David xvi; appendixiii.

islands seizure, Canadian–, , , ,–

Ismay, General Hastings(‘Pug’) (Chief of Staff) ,, , , , , ,, , , , ,, , ; visits Casa-blanca ; defence co-or-dination , , –;describes WSC , ;Dieppe raid planning ,–; round-up 393;Tunisia 672–3

Italy: agents burgle US em-bassy in Rome ; bomb-ing of , ; bombsMalta ; and Cyrenaica; government commitsto war against USA ;declares war on USA ;invasion of , , ,, , , , ,; oil tankers supplyingRommel ; peace moves–; WSC hopes to‘knock out of war’ ,, , , ,

see also husky; Sardinia;



Jacob, Colonel Ian , –,, , , –,, , –; and Sta-lin

Jan Mayen island ,

Japan , , , , , ,, ; army of ;press –; assets frozenin US and Britain ; Brit-ish archive files on incom-plete –, , ,, ,

British government’s fileson ; doctored –;China, war with , ,; cyphers , , ,–, –; eco-nomic sanctions , ,, , , –, , ,; oil embargo as key toJapan entering war ,, –, ; em-bargo relaxation proposedin US deal –, –;embassy and Intelligencestaff , , ; finalresponse to USA –;shipbuilding ; Ger-many and ;military strategy: plan tomove south , , ;protest at WSC’s

Mansion House speech–, ; and SovietUnion , , , ;possible US pre-emptivestrike against –, –, ; and Thailand ;Vichy relations ; US re-lations , , –, de-teriorating ; WSChopes for Japan–US war–; war imminent

, –, , –, , ; declareswar on Britain and US–, ,

invasion convoys sightedoff Malaya –; FDR’sresponse –; WSCthinks should attack –,

fleet , , , ,–, ; attacksCeylon –; Coral Seabattle –

intercepts No. ,

(i.e., BJ/) reproduced; Coral Sea Battle in-formation

see also purplesJava , , , ,

see also Dutch East IndiesJeckeln, SS Gruppenführer


Jerome, Jenny Jacobsen(mother of WSC) xii

jet engine testing

Jewell, N L A

Jewish Agency , , ,, ,

Jews, treatment of: internedin Britain ; murderedin Germany and SovietUnion , , , –,, ; Judenaktion

see also concentrationcamps; focus; Weizmann,ChaimJewish Fighting Force(Jewish Army) , , ,, , , ,

JN (Japanese naval cy-pher) , –, –, ,

Johnson, Colonel Louis A–

Johnson, Paul (journalist)

xv–xviJohore (Malaya) , ,

Joint Chiefs of Staff (US), , ; agree toRome bombing –

Joint Declaration on theUnited Nations

Joint Intelligence Commit-tee , , , ,, ,

Joint Staff Mission, British,in Washington

see also Dill, Sir JohnJones, Dr Reginald V

jubilee (Dieppe raid) –, , disaster –,–

Judenaktion ; see alsoJews

Juin, General Alphonse ,, ,

jupiter (Northern Norway,invasion) –, ;WSC cools on idea


Kamieniets-Podolsk(Ukraine) ,

Kasserine Gap disaster –, ,

Katyn massacre –,, ,

Kelly-Rogers, Captain J C

Kennedy, Major-General SirJohn , –,

Kennedy, Joseph P (US am-bassador) xi,

Kent, Tyler Gatewood (US‘traitor’) ,


Kesselring, Field-MarshalAlbert , , , ;his cypher messages to

churchill’s war1036

Berlin read

Kessler, General Ulrich

Keyes, Sir Roger (Admiralof the Fleet) –; replacedby Mountbatten, –,

Kidney Ridge taken byMontgomery ,


Kimmel, Admiral HusbandE –,

King, Admiral Ernest S ,, hostile to gymnast,

King, Cecil (journalist) ,, , , , , –; Britain told US of Japa-nese attack in advance

King, William Lyon Mac-kenziesee Mackenzie King,William Lyon

King-Hall, CommanderStephen

kingpin (code name forGiraud)

knight’s move (attack onconvoy PQ) –

Knox, Colonel Frank –, , , ; sup-ports gymnast

Klimecki, General Tadeusz

Kluge, Field-Marshal Hans-Günther von

Kobilisi nKonoye, Prince Fumimaro

, FDR refuses to meet

Koo, Dr Wellington (Chi-nese ambassador)

Kra Isthmus (Thailand) ,, , –, , ,, , , , ;Japanese invade ;

matador , ,

Krüger, SS Obergruppen-führer Friedrich-Wilhelm

Krupp armaments factory,

Kuantan ,

Kubis, Jan ,

Kuibyshev (Russia) ,

Kulaks liquidated ,

Kummersdorf (missile prov-ing ground)

Kursk, German attack (cita-del) , , ,

Kurusu, Saburo (Japaneseemissary) , , ,,

Labour Party viii, , ,

Lake Trasimine

Lambe, Admiral Sir Charles–

Lampson, Sir Miles (ambas-sador in Cairo) , –, ,

Lancaster bombers ,,

landing craft shortage ,, , , , ,

Laski, Professor Harold


Laval, Pierre (French primeminister) , , ,; meets Hitler

Lavendon Manor

Layton, Elizabeth (stenogra-pher to WSC) , –,, , , , ,, , , , ,, , ,

Layton, Sir Geoffrey (Com-mander, China Station)

Leach, Captain John

League of Nations ; WSCsuggests reviving –

Leahy, Admiral William Dix, , , , ,, ; supportive ofDarlan –; proposes‘elimination’ of de Gaulle

Leáky (French village) nLeathers, Lord ,

Lebedeva, Natalya –

Lee, Brigadier Raymond E, , –, ,

Leeds, WSC visits

Léger, Alexis –

Lehmann, Herbert H

Lembergsee Lvov

Lemnitzer, General Lyman

Lend–Lease agreement ,, , , , ,, , , , ;Article VII , , –; signed

Leningrad , ; Germanarmy near

Levant, The , , ,, , ,

Libya , , , , ,, , , –,; Rommel’s retreatfrom ,

Lidice (Czech village) ,,

Life magazine ,

lifebelt (Azores seizure),

lightfoot (initial Alameinoffensive) –, –,–, –, –,

see also El AlameinLindbergh, Charles


Lindemann, ProfessorFriedrich (Frederick) Asee Cherwell, Lord

Lingayen Gulf (Philippines)

Linlithgow, Lord –,, , , , ,; criticises WSC’s airstrategy ; differs withCripps ,

Lippmann, Walter ,

Lithuania –

Little, Sir Charles ‘Tiny’, –, ,

Litvinov, Maxim –


Llewellin, John

Lloyd George, David , ,–,

London bombed , ,,

see also BlitzLondonderry, US engineers

build bases ; racial dis-turbances

Long Stop, Battle of –

Lopez de Mesa, Dr

Lorient bombed –

Lothian, Lord Lübeck bombed ,

Luce, Claire Booth

Luce, Henry ,

Luftwaffe , , ,, , , ,

Lukács, John (writer) xviLumley, Sir Roger (Gover-

nor of Bombay) ,

Lumumba, Patrice nLützow (destroyer)

Lvov area disputed ,


Lyster, Rear-Admiral A LLyttelton, Captain Oliver

(st Viscount Chandos) –, , , , , ,

; and cabinet reshuffle; replaces Beaverbrookas minister of war produc-tion ; replaced as min-ister resident in Cairo–; possible viceroy; views on British debt

MacArthur, General Doug-las , , , –

Macdonald, Malcolm

Mack, W H B , ,, , ,

Mackenzie King, WilliamLyon , , , , –,, , , , , ,; eccentricity and oc-cult beliefs of –, ;meets WSC at the WhiteHouse –, –,–, ; tube alloys–

Macmillan, Harold ,, , , ; atCasablanca , ;meets de Gaulle , ,–; informs of husky

Macy, Louise (m. HarryHopkins) ,

Madagascar –, ,, , ; Japanurged to seize ; ashome for Jews ; WSCorders invasion

magic (US intercepts ofpurple) , , , ,, , , , –,, ; German inter-cepts , ; interceptsin public domain ,, ; Japanese inter-cepts , , , ,, ; Oshima to

Ribbentrop ; US–Japandeal close ; war immi-nent , , –,–, , ; Stalingiven hint about by WSC

magnet (US troops toNorthern Ireland) ,

mail seized by Soviets

Maisky, Ivan (Soviet ambas-sador) , , –, , ,–, –, , ,; informed of torch, ; Katyn massacre, ; PQ disasterdiscussed ; recalled toMoscow () , ;Stalin to meet WSC ,; WSC discusses Turkeyand proposes invasion ofBalkans –

Majdanek (concentrationcamp)

Malay Peninsula , ,, Indian troops sent to

Malaya , , , ,; Japanese threat ,, , , ; attack, , , ; Japa-nese invasion convoys near; Penang ; rein-forcements , –,; Thai border at Kra re-inforced ,

Malta , , –, –, , , ; convoys, , , , ,

Manchester (cruiser) sunk

manhattan engineeringproject (US atomic bombproject) –, ,

churchill’s war1038

see also atomic bomb re-search, Groves, Leslie;tube alloys

Manila ,

Mannerheim, MarshalGustav

Mannheim bombed ,

Mansion House luncheon–

see also speeches by WSCManstein (genannt Lewin-

ski), Field-Marshal Erichvon ,

Mareth line –, ;Montgomery takes

Margesson, Captain David(secretary of state for war), , , , ,, –

marijuana, and Black UStroops

Maritza (oil tanker) –

Marshall, Dr Geoffrey

Marshall, General George C, , , , , ,, ; in Algiers withWSC –, , ,, , , , ;Casablanca ; gymnast; husky 743; Japanesestrategy , , ,, ; Middle Eaststrategy –; post-waroptions considered ;Rome bombing plans –; round-up –,–; telephone security; anger at WSC overlapses –; disapprovesof torch ,

Martin, John , –, ,, , , , ,, , , ; and‘Darlan’ message ; fobsoff Weizmann

‘Martin, Major William’–, , ,

see also mincemeatMason-Macfarlane, Lieuten-

ant-General Sir Noël ,, , ; ‘disposal’of Darlan , , ;reports death of Sikorski–, ; WSC visits

Mast, General Charles –

matador (pre-emptive Brit-ish move into Thailand)–, , –, ,, , , ;Brooke-Popham has au-thority for

Matthews, H Freeman(‘Doc’)

maud committee –,

see also atomic researchMauthausen (concentration

camp) nMayfield, Captain Irving HMcCormack, Colonel Alfred

McNaughton, GeneralAndrew ,

meacon gear

Medenine –

media manipulation xv, ,–,

see also censorshipMediterranean, British

losses in –, –,; Allied strategy in re-gion discussed –

Medjez el Bab –



Menzies, Robert , , ,, , , ; critical ofBrooke-Popham

Menzies, Brigadier Stewartsee ‘C’

Merkulov, Vesvold guilty ofKatyn massacre

Mersa Matruh

Mers el-Kébir , ,, , , , ,; and French fleet

Messerschmitt- jets

Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw ,, –

Middle East , –, ,, ;see also Levant, Theair cover deficient –;and Atlantic Charter ;battleaxe ; British Intel-ligence compromised–; German retreatfrom Tobruk 243; inter-cepts –, –; Iraninvasion –, ; andpilgrim ; Polish troopsto be used ; troop mo-rale low –; US sup-port needed , ,; victory for Montgo-mery , –

see also Auchinleck; cru-sader; El Alamein; Libya;lightfoot; pugilist;Rommel, Erwin; Tobruk;torch

Midway, Battle of , ,–, ,

Middle East conference pro-posed by FDR

Midlands ,

Miles, Major-GeneralSherman

Military Intelligencesee ‘C;‘ codebreaking; In-telligence gathering;Kennedy, Sir John

mincemeat –, ,



minelaying in Channel

ministry of economic war-fare –

ministry of informationsee Bracken, Brendan


Miquelon (island) –

Miyako (newspaper) –

missile testing by Germany–, –

modus vivendi proposals ,, , , , ,

Möhne Dam bombed

Moisiewitch, Benno

Molotov, Vyacheslav , ,, –, –, ,, ; in London –; meets WSC in Moscow, –; visits US–; sees FDR ,

Mombasa (Kenya), Japanesecyphers burned at

Monnet, Jean

Montgomery, Lieutenant-General Sir Bernard –, , , ; com-mands Eighth Army ,, ; lightfoot plan–, , –, –, –, –; vic-tory –; meets WSC inTripoli ; promotion; pugilist assault onMareth line successful

Moran, Lord (WSC’s doc-tor) , , , ,–, , , ,; in Cairo with WSC; diaries of xiii–xiv

Moravec, Frantiek

Morgenthau, Henry R (Jr.), , , , –,, , ; discusses

post-war economics withWSC

Morocco , , ,

Morrison, Herbert (homesecretary) , –,, ,

Morton, Major Desmond, , , , ,, ; and Generald’Astier ; and deGaulle , –,

Moscow , , ,, , ; Germanspring offensive against, , , , ,; weather hinders Ger-man advance , ,, ; Panzergruppen and retreat ; WSC’svisit –

see also typhoon‘Moses Smith’ (code name

for WSC)

Moslems , , ,

Mountbatten, Lord Louis, –, , ,, , , , ;appointed to chiefs of staff

committee ; corre-spondence with FDR ;Dieppe raid , ,, –, , –,–; planning criticisedby Brooke –; Sarkraid prisoners tied andshot –

Moyne, Lord , , ,; tactless about Jewsand Madagascar –

‘Mr. Bullfinch’ (code namefor WSC)

‘Muh’ (code name forSchulze, Hans-Peter) –

mulberry harbours –

Munich , ,

‘Munich Mouser’ (Down-ing-street cat) –

Murphy, Robert D ,, , ; briefs Ei-senhower on Vichy –;in communication withDarlan –, , ;alleged SIS contract on; and Darlan assassina-tion , , , ;and Giraud –; andtorch planning –

Murrow, Ed (CBS journal-ist) , ,

Muselier, Admiral E H D–, –, –,

Muslims , , ,

Mussolini, Benito , ,, , , ; de-clares war on US ;moves HQ from Rome; Harris proposesbombing raid on home.

Mutual Aid Agreementsee Lend–Lease

Nagumo, Admiral Chuichi, ,

Nankin (British steamer)–


National Defense ResearchCommittee (US)

Naval Intelligence Division,

naval strategy, British xviii,, ; Force K destroysItalian convoys ; Medi-terranean losses –,, ; in Pacific ,–, ; US , ;Pacific fleet depleted

churchill’s war1040

Nave, Commander Eric,

Negro troops and race fric-tion –

Nehru, Pandit , ,

Nelson (battleship) sunk

Neptune (naval arsenal atRostock) destroyed

Netherlands , ,

Neutrality Act (US)

New Guinea ,

New Statesman, The –

New York Herald-Tribune, The,

New York Times, The ,

New Zealand , , ,, ; troops in MiddleEast ,

nepotism (WSC’s) –,

Niederhagen (concentrationcamp)

Nincic, Dr (Yugoslavian for-eign minister) –

Niven, David –

NKVD (Soviet Secret Po-lice) , , ,

Noguès, General Auguste, , , , ,, , ; proposed‘disposal’ of

nomenclature, points of–

Nomura, Kichisaburo –,, , , , ,, , ; meets FDR; presents final propos-als –, –,

Norman, Montagu (Gover-nor of Bank of England),

Norsk Hydro (hydro-elec-tric plant) sabotaged –,

North Africa invasion ,–; gymnast , ,,

see torchNorth Cape (Norway) sei-

zure planned , –,

see also ajax, ironclad,jupiter, Norway

North Russian convoyssee PQ Convoys

Northern Ireland , ,, ; magnet ,; US bases established, , , ; racialdisturbances in London-derry

Northern Midlands tour byWSC and Evatt

Northolt (RAF base) Norway , , , , ,

, , , ; attack(ajax) proposed by WSC, –, –; iron-clad ; North Cape sei-zure planned (jupiter)–

Norwich, Lordsee Cooper, (Alfred) Duff

Norwich bombed ,

Noyes, Admiral Leigh –,

nuclear research co-opera-tion halted , –

see also tube alloysnudity, WSC

see Churchill, nudity habitNuremberg bombed

Nye, Lieutenant-General SirArchibald –, ,, ,

Office of Censorship (US), ,

Office of Scientific Research

and Development (OSRD)

see also Bush, Dr VannevarOffice of Strategic Services

(OSS) x–xi,

see also Donovan, BillOhnesorge, Wilhelm (minis-

ter of posts, Germany),

oil supplies ; British ,; German , ;Japanese , ; with-drawal from Indo-China ifembargo lifted –,, –

oilfields: Baku –, , ,, –, , , ;Iranian , , ; PersianGulf , Ploesti

O’Malley, Sir Owen ;report on Katyn ,

Op––G (US code-breaking unit)

opeps (scrambler telephonelink)

Oran , , , ,, , , ; torchlandings , ,

oratory of WSC , ,

see also radio broadcasts;speeches

Orbay, Rauf (Turkish ambas-sador) ,

Osborne, d’Arcy , ,

Oshima, General Hiroshi–; contacts Ciano; Ribbentrop informs–, , , ,; plans to meet Hitler

Ottawa Agreement ,

Pacific air forces ,


Pacific Fleet (US) , ,, , ,

Pacific War Council ,–, , , ; andironclad –

Pacific Front, The (WSCmemorandum)

Pacific region (generally), , ,

see also names of specificcountries

Page, Sir Earle , ,,

Paget, General Sir Bernard,

Palestine , , –;Jewish immigration andsettlement , –, ,, –, ,

see also White Paper()

Panama Canal


Panzergruppe Afrika ,, ; Panzergruppen and retreat

Papen, Franz von

Paris, Compte de

Paris, Renault factory at,bombed –, –

Parkinson, Sir John (cardi-ologist)

Parsons, Geoffrey

Pas de Calais, missile launchsites , –

‘Passy’ (André Dewavrin); accused of torture, , ; threatensGiraud assassination

Pathfinder Force (No. Group) , ,

Patton, General George S(Jr.) , ; in Casa-blanca , ; andtorch ,

Pazyc (Poland)

Peake, Charles ,

Pearl Harbor , , ,; US losses , ;archive material , ,, bombing –, ;true scale of, withheldfrom UK –, ; In-telligence , ; Brit-ain’s prior warning viawinds–execute message

Parliament –, , ;Casablanca report ;critical of Darlan situation; loss of Singapore–, , ; death ofSikorski –; Dieppedisaster ; discontentwith WSC , , ,–; cabinet reshuffle; speeches of WSC to–, , , , ;on conscription of women; on India , ; onthe Middle East –,, ; on loss of Princeof Wales and Repulse –, ; on Singapore, , –

Peace Conference , ,

pedestal (Malta convoys), ,

Peenemünde (missile pro-duction site) –, ,

Peirse, Air Chief Marshal Ri-chard ,

Penang (Malaya) invaded

Percival, Lieutenant-Gen-eral Sir Arthur , ,,

Persian Gulf

Pétain, Marshal HenriPhilippe ix, , –,, ; assassinationplotted , ; in Mo-rocco ; and torch, ; disowns Clark–Darlan agreement

Peter, King of Yugoslavia–

Peyrouton, Marcel

Phibunsongkhram, Luangsee Songgram, GeneralPibul

Philippines, The , ,; US heavy bombersstationed in , –, ,–, –, ; Japa-nese embassy destroys cy-pher machines ; FDRand Hull expect attack on; Japanese invade ,; Manila attacked ,

Phillips, Rear-Admiral Tom, –, , ,, , ; WSC’s tele-gram ; sails to inter-cept Japanese convoys, , sunk ; and

Phillips, Hon. William –

phosphorus incendiarybombs

Pibul, Generalsee Songgram, GeneralPibul

pilgrim (plan to seize Ca-nary Islands) ,

Pius XII, His Holiness Pope, ,

Placentia Bay, Atlantic Con-ference at , , , ,, , , ,

see also rivieraPleven, René , , ;

churchill’s war1042

representing de Gaulle,

Ploesti (Romania)

poison gas, Hitler to use, , ; WSC to use,

Poland x; Anglo–Polishtreaty () –; Jewishghettos liquidated ; re-lations with Soviet Union, , , , –;border dispute , –, , ; and Katynmassacre –

see also Sikorski,Wladyslaw; Mikolajczyk,Stanislaw

Polish secret army

Polish government-in-exile, , –; recognisedby Vatican –,

political testament (of WSC)

Political Warfare Executive(PWE) , –

Ponting, Clive (author) xiPope Pius XII , ,

population transfers

Port Moresby (New Guinea)–

Portal, Air Chief MarshalCharles (‘Peter’), Chief ofAir Staff , , , ,–, , , ;WSC’s ‘toady’ ; andaircraft losses –, ;and Berlin bombing ,–; Middle East secu-rity

Portugal , ; lifebelt–,

post-war arrangements,possibilities discussed ,, , –, –,–; FDR’s view –

, , , –, ;German viewpoint ;WSC lacks interest viii,,

Postal & Telegraph Censor-ship Department

see also censorship;Herbert, Sir Edwin

Pound, Admiral Sir AlfredDudley (First Sea Lord) xi,, , , , , ,, , , , ;bombing strategy disap-proved of ; cancer de-veloping ; Germanfleet withdrawal throughChannel (February ); and codebreakingequipment ; concernedat Darlan’s death ; con-voys disaster –, ,; and Japan , ,, , –, ,, , ; receiveswar warnings ; in-forms WSC on PearlHarbor ; sinking ofPrince of Wales and Repulse–; and jupiter ;Mediterranean naval losses; torch planning ;and whipcord –

see also PQ Convoyspower shortages

Pownall, Sir Henry (Vice-CIGS) , , , , –, , ; sent out toSingapore

PQ convoys , , –, , , –, –, , –, –,; more promised toStalin , , , ;Tovey against continuationof , , –;

PQ , ; attacked, –, , –;scatter order ; Stalin’sanger –, ; PQ18, –, ; Sovietmaltreatment of Alliedsailors

Pravda ,

President of the Board ofTrade (Lyttelton)

press, British , ;briefed on shipping crisisby WSC ;critical: of WSC and gov-ernment , , ,, , –, ; ofBerlin bombing ; ofweakness in Singapore, , –; andcrusader news , ;D-notices to ; onDarlan , ; Japan; Kursk news ; dis-cusses WSC’s pneumonia; and Sikorski ;Tobruk disaster ; warbriefing –; warned notto criticise –

see also Beaverbrook,Lord; censorship;Camrose, Lord; King,Cecil; media manipulation;names of individual news-papers

press manipulation ,

see also censorship; D-no-tices; media manipulation

Price, Byron ,

prime/potus (prime minis-ter – president) secretmessages ,

Prinz Eugen (cruiser) –

Prince of Wales (battleship)–, , , , , ,, ; sails to


Capetown , , ,; to Singapore ,, –, , ,; sallies forth to inter-cept Japanese convoys, , is sunk ,

prisoners-of-war , ,, , , , ,, ; extermination of; missing Poles massa-cred in Katyn –,; shackling reprisals–, ,

Procida (oil tanker) –

production , ,

project x (telephonescrambler)

propaganda ; anti-Japa-nese –; German see also media manipula-tion

proposals ‘A’ and ‘B’ (US–Japanese) –, –

public opinion, British ,, , ; anti-Jewishundercurrents ; bomb-ing Germany supported, –; critical ofgovernment , ;critical of WSC , ,, ; and de Gaulle-Darlan situation –,; ‘duped’ over Katynmassacre ; morale low; Nazi Germany hated; satisfied with US en-try into war ; Vichy re-gime disliked ; WSC’slacks concern for

pugilist (assault on Marethline)

puma ,

purple (Japanese diplo-matic cypher) , , ,, , , , ,

; situation revealed by, , , –,–, , , ;‘weather reports’ (codedmessages) ,

see also windsputsch planned (Algiers) ,

Qattara Depression –

Quayle, Major Anthony

Québec Agreement ()

Queen Elizabeth (battleship), , , ,

Queen Elizabeth (Cunardliner) –

Queen Mary (Cunard liner)–; carries WSC to US, –

racial problems in UK –

Rackiewicz, Wladyslaw(President of Poland)

Raczynski, Count Edward, –, , ,, ,

radar equipment , ,; centimetric radar; gee, , , ;HS panoramic radar ,; oboe ,

radio broadcasts, not actu-ally broadcast by WSCxvi–xvii; of WSC , ,, , –; crusadernews ; ‘Fireside chats’by FDR ;propaganda: British ,–; German ; Germaninvasion of Soviet Union–; news of Pearl Harbor, ; post-war pro-posals –; Singapore

loss –

radio navigation systems

radio-telephone link, WSC –FDR

Raeder, Grand-AdmiralErich

Rainsborough, Thomas (al-leged pseudonym ofMichael Foot)

Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti

Ralston, Colonel James (Ca-nadian defence minister),

Ramilles (battleship) ,

Ramsay, Vice-AdmiralBertram H , , ,, –

Ranger (US Carrier)

Rangoon (Burma) ,

rasher (German cypher)

rationing ,

reinforcements for Far East, –, –, –

Renault factory, Paris

Repulse (battle cruiser) ,, , , , ,, ; sallies forth tointercept Japanese convoys, , sunk ,

Resolution (battleship)

Retinger, Dr Joseph –,


Reuben James (US destroyersunk by Germans)

Revenge (battleship)

Reynaud, Paul (Frenchprime minister) , ,

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, , , , ,–; Ribbentrop–Molo-

churchill’s war1044

tov agreement Riegner, Gerhart ,

Ritchie, Major-General Neil, , ,

riviera (Atlantic Confer-ence) –, , ,,–, , , ,

Roberts, Andrew (writer)xiv

Roberts, P Q nRomania, , –, ,

, ; British declara-tion of war possible ,, , , ; Jewsin –; Ploesti oilfields

Rome, bombing of –,, , , –

Romer, Tadeusz (succeedsRaczynski)

Rommel, Field-MarshalErwin (‘Desert Fox’) ,, , , , ,–, –; AfrikaKorps , , ; attack onsouthern British line ;assassination attempts ;battleaxe 6; exhausted–; lightfoot –,–; retreats ; re-sists strongly ;Panzerarmee Afrika –,, –, –; sup-ply problems , , ,, –, –,Tobruk triumph ; ,, ; desperate ;Tunisia campaign –;see also crusader; El Ala-mein; Middle East

Roosevelt, Eleanor (wife ofFDR) , , , ;stay at Buckingham Palace; stay at Chequers, un-happy –

Roosevelt, Elliott (son ofFDR) ,

Roosevelt, Franklin Delanox, –, ; wheelchairuser , ; anti-BritishEmpire –, –; andDarlan , , , ,, shocked by Darlan’sdeath ; Eden meeting; and de Gaulle ,, –, –, ;evasive , –; ‘Fire-side Chats’ (radio broad-casts) ; Giraud meetingsuccessful ; gymnast; and India –,–; Japanese strategy, , , , –, ,–, , , ,; promises Britain‘armed support’ ;communications file stillincomplete , ; un-published correspondencewith WSC via secret link; ‘telephone jobs’ ;Congress approves decla-ration of war ; expectsJapanese to invade SovietUnion –; expects warwith Japan , , ;Indo-China troop build-upquestioned –; issueswar warnings to Pacificoutposts –, ;meets Nomura ; re-ceives final response fromJapanese government–; Ten Points (pro-posal to Japan) ; ‘thindiet’ telegram received; and winds–executebroadcast ; allegedJewish influence on ,; and North-West Africa

; nuclear researchstalemate apparently re-solved , ; and Po-land ; and post-warconsiderations –; re-lations with Cordell Hull; supports Western Eu-rope invasion plan

see also sledgehammerand Soviet Union: opposedto territorial claims of; Stalin’s telegram dis-cussed ; telephone cen-sorship –;and Vichy regime ;and WSC: communicationswith xii–xiii, xv, , ,, ; crusader letter–, ; matador tel-egram ; off-recordtalks ; secret commu-nications with WSC ,–, , , –;Stalin meeting planned–; Thailand telegram, ; friendship with, , , , ,; meetings with –,, , , –; NorthAfrica meeting proposed

see also visits to USA byWSC; White House

Roosevelt, James (son ofFDR)

Roper, Miss (masseuse) ,, ,

Rosen, Lieutenant L –

Roskill, Captain Stephen

Rostock bombed


Rotterdam bombed ,

Rouen bombed


Rougier, Louis ix,

round-up (cross-Channelinvasion) , –, ,, –, , ,, , , , ,; FDR insistent on; WSC has little enthu-siasm for –

Royal Air Force ,

see also Bomber CommandRoyal Australian Air Force


Royal Institute of Interna-tional Affairs, biased publi-cations

Royal Navy losses see NavalStrategy (British)

Royal Sovereign (battleship),

rubber supplies ,

Ruhr Valley bombed

, , –, ;dams bombed by ‘Dam-busters’ in Chastise 765–6, 788, 807

Rumbold, Sir Algernon

Ryder, Major-GeneralCharles S

Sachsenhausen (concentra-tion camp) –,

‘sacrifice’ landing operationproposed in Europe –

Safford, CommanderLaurance F


Saint-Nazaire dry dock de-stroyed –

Saint-Pierre (island) –,

Salazar, Dr Antonio deOliveira , , , ,

Salisbury, Lord (‘Bobbety’),

Sandys, Diana (née Church-ill)

Sandys, Duncan (WSC’sson-in-law) , , ,, ; investigates Ger-man missiles threat ,, , ,

Sanson, Captain –

Sardinia possible invasion of, , , , ,

see also mincemeatSargent, Sir Orme (‘Moley’)

Sark (Channel Islands) –

Sawyers, Frank (WSC’svalet) , , ,

Sayre, Francis B

Scapa Flow ,

Scharnhorst (battleship)–, –, , –, , , , ,

Scientific Advisory Commit-tee

Schulze, Hans-Peter (agent‘Muh’) –

scorpion (Army–Luftwaffecypher)

Scotland ,

sea lion as grand deceptionxiv–xv,

Sebastopol captured

Second Front , ,, –, , ,, , , , ,; Beaverbrook supports; Roosevelt supports, , , ; Stalindemands , ,

, , , ; Stalinand WSC to discuss ,, ; WSC not keen

Secret Information Centre

Secret Intelligence Service(SIS) xiii, ; , ,, ; alleged assassina-tion ring in Algiers –;contact with French un-derground organisations; German police sec-tion –; information onJewish situation –,

see also ‘C;’ Stephenson,Sir William; GCHQ; SOE

Secret Sessions (House ofCommons) , , ,, –, ; aboutAnglo-French relations–; about US securityleak –

security lapses by WSC –, –

Selborne, Earl of, and SOE, ,

Seraph (warship)

sex offences by Black UStroops –


Sheffield, WSC visits facto-ries ,

shark (German U-boat cy-pher) broken , –

Shah of Iran, WSC luncheswith –

Shaposhnikov, Marshal B MShelley, Norman (‘Dennis

the Dachshund’) xvi–xviiShigemitsu, Mamoru ,

Shinwell, Emanuel

shipping losses , , ,, , –, ,, –

see also Mediterranean:British losses; PQ convoys,names of ships

churchill’s war1046

Short, General Walter C

‘Short Snorters’ , n,

Siam, Gulf of

see also ThailandSicily , –, ; Al-

lied invasion possible ,, , , , –, , ; German airunits reinforced

Sidi Omar

Sidi Resegh ,

Signals Intelligence Service(SIS) US

Sikorska, Helena ,

Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, , , , –,–, , ; FDRsupportive on border issue; and Katyn massacre–, ; pleads forbombing of ‘certain tar-gets’ ; WSC suggestsconcessions to Stalin ;death in plane crash –, appendix iii

silver a and b

Silverman, Sydney (MP)

Sinclair, Sir Archibald , ,, , , , ,; supports Cherwellbombing strategy ,; troops to Soviet Un-ion ; and death ofSikorski

Singapore , , , ,, , , , ;Duff Cooper appointedresident cabinet ministerfor Far East ; Japanesethreat , , , ,, , , , ,, , , , ,, ; Japanese nation-als evacuated ; Japa-

nese destroy cypher ma-chines ; Kra Isthmusinvasion , ; mata-dor as defensive move; Japanese invasionconvoys sighted off Malaya–; British troops lackstrength and training ,, , –, –;attack , , , –; lost , , ,

Singleton, Mr Justice ,–,

Singora (Songhkla) ,, ,

Sinkov, Lieutenant-CaptainAbraham ,

Skoda arms factory bombed

sledgehammer (Cherbourginvasion) –, , ,, –, , ; notready for –

Slessor, Air Vice-MarshalJohn

Slim, Field-Marshal (laterst Viscount) WilliamJoseph



Smuts, General Jan Chris-tian xvi, , , , ,, , , –;warns of Japanese threat; meets WSCat Cairo, ; critical of navalstrategy ; and Darlan; bombing in MiddleEast ; post-war plan-ning ; Madagascar ;speech to British Parlia-ment ; and torchplanning , ; USmust ‘recover’ Pacific


Snyder, J Buell –

socialism in Britain viiiSOE see Special Operations

ExecutiveSoldiers and Statesmen

– (Robertson)

Sollum , ,

Solomon Islands

Somervell, General Brehon

Somerville, Admiral SirJames –, ; andwhipcord 131–2, 134

Sonderbehandlung ,

Songgram, General Pibul, ,

Songhkla (Singora) ,, ,

Soong, T V (Chinese foreignminister) , , ,,

Sosnkowski, GeneralKazimierz (new Polish C-in-C)

Soviet Union; air power ;annexations in Finland andBaltic ; and AtlanticCharter ; barbarossacampaign xiv, xviii, ,

(see also battles, locations);admits guilt over Katyn() ; cypher mes-sages intercepted ; Eden’svisit –, ; Intelli-gence co-operation withBritain –; militaryaid requirements , –, –, –, , ,–, , , ,; oilfieldssee Baku oilfields;anger at PQ setback; press ‘vitriolic’ overSikorski ; Red Army ,, , ; relations with


Germany ; invasion by, , , –, –,; spring offensive by Hit-ler ; typhoon offensive, , , –,, , , , ;relations with Japan ,; relations with Poland, , , , –;border dispute , –, , ; tankstrength , ; territorialclaims , ; weatherreports

see also Stalin, JosephSoviet–British Intelligence

sharing –, ,

Soviet–Polish frontier ,–, , ,

Spain , , , –,, ; and torch plans–

Spears, Sir (Edward) Louis, ,

Special Operations Execu-tive (SOE) , –,, ; in Czechoslova-kia –; and Darlanmurder ; in France; in Italy ; NorskHydro plant bombed –; Rommel to be ‘de-stroyed’ ; Sikorski’sdeath –

speeches by WSC xv, –,, , ; ‘Production’speech ; Atlantic Meet-ing –, , , , ,, –; at Harrow ;on crusader ; to Do-minions’ representatives–; about Far East ,; king’s speech preview; at Lord Mayor’sluncheons , –,

, ; threatens Japan–, –; at WhiteHouse ; to Secret Ses-sions of Parliament –,–; about Tobruk–; about Stalin meet-ing

Spellman, Archbishop –,

Spilsby, Sir Bernard

SS Reitbrigade

‘staff conferences’ , ,, –,

Stagg, Fred Louis: SIS sta-tion chief in Bogotá, to as-sassinate Colombian for-eign minister

Stalin, ‘Joseph’ (properlyIosif VissarionovichDzhugashvili) x, ; accusesWSC of anticipating dealwith Hitler –, ;aid to , , , –;is promised assistance byWSC , –, ;convoys to Moscow ,, –, ; andhusky , ; Anglo-Soviet Treaty , , ,, –; Berlinbombing expected by–, –, ; ap-proves use of Darlan ;

frontier disputes , ,, , –, ,; annexation of EastPoland , ; Hitler,pacts and peace proposalswith , –, , ,, , ; Iran inva-sion ; troop withdrawalrequested by WSC ;

and Katyn massacre –; Stalin’s Big Lie –;

Kursk battle preparations

by ; post-war alliancewith Britain mooted ;secret agreement on weap-ons research ; andtorch –, , ,; and WSC –, ,–, , , –,, , ; meetingswith , –, –,–; telegram –;ultra information passedto ,

Stalingrad , , ,; Soviet offensive suc-ceeds

Stanley, Oliver ,

Stark, Admiral Harold R(‘Betty’) , , ,, ; and d’Astier; and Far East strategy, , , , ;Pacific strategy

Steed, Henry Wickham xiiStephenson, Sir William –

, , ,

sterilisation, Jews at Ausch-witz ,

Sterndale Bennett, Sir John, , , , ,

Stevenson, Air Vice-MarshalSir Donald ,

Stilwell, General Joseph W(‘Vinegar Joe’) –

Stimson, Henry L , ,, –, , , ,, –; and China–; and gymnast 453;Japanese strategy ,, , , ; doc-tors own Pearl Harbor filesto clear FDR , ;and tube alloys –;uneasy about torch ,

churchill’s war1048

Stirling, Colonel David ,, –

Stokes, Richard (MP)

Strakosch, Sir Henry ,

Strang, Sir William ix; andDarlan , ,

strategy, WSC’s memorandaon –, , ,–

Strong, General Kenneth(US military Intelligencechief)

Stuart, James

Stumme, General Georg, , ,

submarines, German –,, , , –; Japa-nese

Suez Canal

Sultan of Morocco, views of,on FDR and WSC –

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, ,

Sumatra , , ,

Sunday Express, The

Sunday Pictorial, The ,

supercharge (El Alamein )

Swinemünde, missile prov-ing range near

Sydney (Australian cruiser)

Syfret, Rear-Admiral SirNeville

symbol (code name forCasablanca summit)

Syria , , , , ,, ; British trooplosses ; and de Gaulle,

Table Talk, Churchill’s

tanks, British , , , ,

, , ; US, movedto Middle East ,

tannenberg (bombing ofBerlin) , –

Taylor, A J P xivTaylor, Mrs Moses

Taylor, Myron C (US rovingambassador) at the HolySee –, , ,

Taylor, Telford

Tedder, Sir Arthur (com-mander, Desert Air Force)–, , , ,, ; accompaniesWSC to Moscow ; Ei-senhower’s deputy ;and husky 743; and Romebombing –

Teheran –, , –,

telephone conversations:WSC – FDR, files on, in-complete ; censors–; security –,–

‘Ten Point’ plan

Thai–British non-aggressionpact ; relations –

Thai–Japanese relations ,

Thai–US relations

Thailand , , , ,, , , ,

see also Kra Peninsula‘thin diet’ telegram –,

Thoma, General WilhelmRitter von , , ,,

Thompson, CommanderC R (‘Tommy’) , ,,

Thomson, George

Thor (German destroyer)–

tiger convoy to Malta Time magazine ,

Times, The xv, ,

tin supplies (Japanese)

Tirpitz (battleship) ,, , , , ;at Narvik ; convoy at-tack , , , ;WSC wishes destroyed,

Tittman, Harold

Tizard, Sir Henry ,

Tobruk , , , –, , , ; Austral-ian troops recalled ,; Germans capture, –, –, ,–, retreat from ,

Togo, Shigenori , ,, , ; sends cy-pher messages to embas-sies

Tojo, General Hideki ,, ; message to Ber-lin intercepted

tops (telephone prioritycode word)

torch (Allied invasion ofNorth West Africa) ,, , , , ,–; begins –;British losses ; com-promised after Catalinaflying-boat crash –;WSC discloses to Stalin–, , , ;planning –, –;friction between US andBritish –; initial land-ings made by US troops

Toulon , French fleet at, , , Darlanscuttles , ,


Tovey, Admiral Sir JohnCronyn (First Sea Lord)xi, , –, ;North Russian convoys, , , , –; opposes Second Front, –; against WSC’sbombing strategy –,

Toyoda, Tejeiro ,

trade, world –

see also Atlantic Charter;free trade; Imperial pref-erence; Lend–Lease

trade routes

trades union movement viiitransatlantic alliance xviTrasimine Lake


Travis, Commander Edward

Tree, Ronald ,

see also Dytchleytrident conference ,

Trincomalee , , ,

Tripartite Alliance , ,

Tripoli , , , ;WSC visits –

Tripolitania ,

Trondheim , –,–; WSC wishesTirpitz destroyed ,

troop transport , , ,, –

tube alloys atomic project;, , , –;Britain to carry on inde-pendently –, ,, –, , –

Tunis , ; bombing; land attack ; Ei-senhower assault –,


see also TunisiTunisia , , , ;

Allied advance –,, , , ;Hammamet –; Hitleraware of strategic impor-tance , ; establishesbridgehead –, ;troop build-up , ,–,

Turkey , , , –, , , ; WSChopes to entice into war, , –; WSCvisits , ; Adana con-ference, ,

Turing, Alan ,

Turner, Paymaster-Lieuten-ant J H –

Turner, Rear-Admiral Kelly

typhoon (German assaulton Moscow) , ,, –,

U Saw (Burmese nationalistleader)

U-boats , , , ,, , –, ,; bases bombed –; cyphers broken ;sinkings –,

Ukraine , , , ,

ultra (decoded intercepts)ix, xiii, . , , , , ,, , , ; onGerman fleet withdrawalthrough Channel –;on Himmler ; WSC dis-closes to Kremlin , –, ; WSC accused ofrevealing in broad-cast ; Hitler’s final plansfor Soviet Union –; re-treat from Moscow ;

on Rommel , ,, ; reveals Tirpitzmoving north –; USaccess –, ,

Unconditional Surrender (ofGermany), doctrine –, ,

‘United Nations’ , ;joint declaration –

United States of America x;WSC demands aid of ,; British, relations withxiv, , ; Imperial inter-ests ; US imperialism; scientific co-operation; WSC hopes for US–Japanese war –; en-try into war , , ,–, , , –, ,, , , , ,; encouraged by WSC–, , , , –,, , –; refusesto consult or inform UK indealing with Japan ;British files on episode still‘sanitised’ ; forces tobe based in Britain ,, –, –, ;US public opinion criticalof Britain , ; USperceptions of the British, , , of WSC, ; -USA withholdcypher Intelligence fromUK codebreakers, who re-taliate (November ); plans with Marshallpre-emptive air strikeagainst Japan cities ;arms production ; warproduction targets ,, ;see also atomic bomb re-search

churchill’s war1050

strategy review ; andde Gaulle , –;Reuben James sunk ; Zi-onist influence on , –; German relations ;files on Japan doctored, , ; Japaneserelations with –, ,, –, –, ,deteriorating , –,; warning sent ;Middle East Intelligence; British secrets leakedby Cairo attaché –;naval strategy; , ; oilcompanies and post-warrivalry ; Philippines,US bases in ; press ,, ; and South-EastAsia ; Thai relations

war declared on: by Ger-many ; by Italy ; byJapan ;WSC favours interests ofxii, xvi

US air force –; bombersquadrons ; bombingtechnique

see also Arnold; B-sUS army, fails to impress at

Kairouan, ; at Kasse-rine –, ,

see also Eisenhower;MacArthur; Marshall;Stilwell; Stimson; man-hattan project

US Army Security Agency

US Joint Chiefs of Staff ,,

US National SecurityAgency

US War Plans division

‘United States of Europe’

upkeep (bouncing bombproject) 764

Uranium ores, Canadiansupplies under exclusivecontract to USA –;Czech supplies to Ger-many

V- flying-bomb (Fieseler, ‘doodle-bugs’)

V- rocket (A-)

Vaagsö raid

Valiant (warship) , ,, ,

Vatican, The –, ;endangered by Romebombing –, –,, ; recognisesSikorski’s government-in-exile –, –;

VE-day viivegetarian (bacterial war-


Vemork (Norsk Hydro site)–

venereal diseases

Vichy (town), WSC consid-ers bombing

Vichy regime , –,, , , , ,; fleet , , ; Japa-nese relations with , ;and Madagascar , ,, –; and torch–, , , –,, ; cyphers relatingto , ; and Tunisia; WSC’s ties with ix–x,–, –,

see also Dupuy; Pétain;Rougier

visits: WSC’s to US ,, , , –,–, –, ,, ; to Canada –

Volga, river


vote of no-confidence inWSC , ,

vulture (cypher)

Waldau, Lieutenant-GeneralHoffman von

Wallace, Henry (US vice-president) , , ,

Wallis, Dr Barnes Neville–

Walmer Castle

Walwyn, Sir Humphrey

war cabinetsee cabinet; individualnames

war censorship rules –

see also censorship; ‘D’-[defence] notices; mediamanipulation

War Office , , , ,,

War Plans Division (US)

War Supplies Conference, ,

Ward, General Orlando(‘Pink’)

Wardlaw-Milne, Sir John(MP) , ,

warning to Japan drafted byWSC –

warnings, war –, –,

Warsaw ghetto

Washington Post, The

Watten (Ypres), V- rocketlaunch silo ,

Waugh, Evelyn (describesWSC) xii

Wavell, General SirArchibald , , , ,


, , , ; andanakim ; visits Cairowith WSC , ; pro-moted to field-marshal–; C-in-C Far East–, , , ,; Singapore worries, , –, –,; to be viceroy –

weapons research agree-ment (Anglo-Soviet)

weather reports for Sovietfront

Wedgwood, Lord

Weeks, Lieutenant RobertH

Wehrmachtsee Germany, armed forces

Weizmann, Dr Chaim ,; offers to drag USA intoWSC’s war –; ,, , , –,

Welles, Sumner , , ,, , ; blames Brit-ain for failure of US–Japa-nese talks ; meets Hali-fax ,

Wenneker, Paul

West China Sea

Western Desert , ,

Wetterlin (Holland), Nazilistening post –, ,–

Weygand, General Maxime, ,

Wheatcroft, Geoffrey(philosemitic journalist)xii, xvi, xvii

whipcord (invasion of Sic-ily) , –, –,

White House, WSC’s staysat , , –, ,–

White House Papers of HarryL Hopkins, The xiii

White Paper on Palestine() , , , –,

Whiteley, Brigadier J P(MP)

Whitney, Major WilliamDwight –,

Wickard, Claude , ,

wilfrid (plan to lay minesin Norwegian waters)

Wilkie, Wendell –,

Wilkinson, Gerald (SIS sta-tion chief) ,

William S Knudsen

Wilson, Sir Charles (WSC’spersonal physician)see Moran, Lord

Wilson, Sir Henry Maitland(‘Jumbo’) , ,

Winant, John Gilbert ,, , , , , ;at Chequers , –,

–; and de Gaulle–; discusses Irish re-public with Gray –;hears of Pearl Harbor at-tack –; asks Rooseveltfor timing of war declara-tion ; supports SecondFront ; discusses Romebombing

winds messages (Japanesehidden-meaning broad-casts) , , –,, , ; broadcast, , ; heard inHongkong ; receivedby foreign office –;probably received by WSC, –; foreign officedenies () picked up inUK

Windsor, Duke of ix, ;proposed elimination of

Wingate, Orde

Winn, Commander Rodger

Winterton, Lord xviii,

Wirths, Dr Eduard(Auschwitz) ,

Wise, Rabbi Stephen

women in war, British ;predilection for Black UStroops, problem of -

Wood, Sir Kingsley ,

Woolton, Frederick James,st Baron

World Jewish Congress

Wuppertal-Barmen (Ruhrvalley) bombed ; RAFkills , inhabitants ;RAF kills , more ;mass funeral

X-ray sterilisation of Jews(Auschwitz) ,

x-ray (telephone scrambler)–, –

xd sabotage units

Y-stations (radio monitor-ing) , –

Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku,

Yomiuri Asahi

York, bombed

Yugoslavia , –,

Zaleski, August


Zionists xii , –, ,–, –; try to in-fluence WSC –,

see also Amery; Dugdale,‘Baffy’; Palestine;Weizmann.