Independent Practice 3B: Final Major Project EGRD3015

Independent Practice 3B: Final Major Project EGRD3015 TOM ASTLEY PROJECT PICK ME UP


half way review on fmp

Transcript of Independent Practice 3B: Final Major Project EGRD3015

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Independent Practice 3B: Final Major ProjectEGRD3015


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Intro Did you know that more people are killed each year by falling coconuts, than shark attacks? Or ....

that 20 people in December 2009 where killed from the simple sound of a bursting balloon?

Ok, you must know ....

you can lose 150 calories an hour, just by banging your head against a wall ?

Ok you don’t know .... but I do and I also know that whilst reading these peculiar facts most of you smiled or smirked and now your day is that little bit more brighter, just from knowing a few comical (possibly life saving) facts.

My FMP will lift your spirits, make your chuckle with Informational delight, as you forget the worries of the day .... student loans, recession, finding a job, paying bills, we all know lifes shit at the moment so allow me to cheer you up.

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Andy Warhol: is a figurehead of American pop-art. According to his own definition he called his works “reproductions of everyday things”, which owe their effect to either enlargement, alienation effect of isolation or alignment of the motif. He takes an existing subject and applies his views or ideas on top or around this, in a way that people can light heartedly enjoy.

Designer Quirky: is a company that specialise in creating products that stand out and contrast in a humoured way. I’ve looked at some of their ideas and products just to obtain fresh ideas and new ways of thinking and designing.

Pop Art: The 1950’s movement is famous for pushing boundaries, informational design and expressive outcomes, where the outcomes have stood out and grabbed attention since then. The movement had no rules it was just expressive and fun.

Edward Ruscha: has consistently combined the cityscape with vernacular language to communicate a particular urban experience. Blending existing scenes and objects with his own thoughts through paintings, drawings and photography, has made Ruscha a popular Graphic artist across the globe.


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Development • To experiment further with different statistics and sceneries.

• Would like my work to progress to a more adventurous level.

• Want my work to interact with the public and for the public to interact with my work.

• Experiment with Ruscha’s style of working, and incorporate that into my own pieces of work.

• My final piece I feel I am still working towards until I have a solid idea, but I feel very confident that by progressing through this development stage and continue to experiment and persist with my ideas, a strong and clear idea for my final will become clearer than at this stage.

When we feel like we are banging our heads against a brick wall, that is the time we must be the most persistent.

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Evaluation To summarise so far, I have been incorporating my own imagery, text and set sceneries together based around the theme of statements and unusual facts. My aim is to make people aware of my work no matter how simplistic or complicated it is. As I’ve stated previously I’m working towards brightening peoples day and taking the edge of a time where people are worried, stressed and struggling, if my work can act as a pick me up to you the public, I feel I’ve completed my aim. I know that my research will play an important part in my projects progress because of the ideas and influences I can obtain from other design artists previous works, like Edward Ruscha who’s work I’ve only recently noticed and already have found it not only similar to my own ideas but has given me further inspiration. I feel confident my work so far can progress and improve to produce a strong final piece of work.