INDEPENDENCE 7.5 Conclusion to the American Revolution.

INDEPENDENCE 7.5 Conclusion to t American Revolutio

Transcript of INDEPENDENCE 7.5 Conclusion to the American Revolution.


7.5 Conclusion to the American Revolution

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The War in the West• George Rogers Clark: Colonial leader, who led

attacks on the Western front.

1. Weakened British forces

2. Convinced Native Americans to remain neutral.

3. Prevented British from attacking from West.

The War in the South• Lord Dunmore’s

Proclamation is WORKING!!!!

• Many Loyalist lived in the South

The War in the SouthPatriot Property Destroyed

The War in the South• Camden, South Carolina– Horatio Gates (Patriot Leader)• EPIC FAILURE ::::::::::::::::3,300 of 4,000 soldiers died

The War in the South

The War in the South• Guerrilla Warfare: Swift, Hit-and-Run attacks– Francis Marion • Attacked British supply lines and communications

Victory at Yorktown• Things weren’t looking good for the Patriots,

even after foreign allies joined.

• British General Charles Cornwallis: Moved troops to Yorktown, Virginia.

Victory at Yorktown• George Washington & Comte de Rochambeau

planned to trap Cornwallis.– G.W. had 16,000 troops

• French Fleet in control of Chesapeake Bay.

• Battle of Yorktown.

Battle of Yorktown


THE TREATY OF PARIS• Peace negotiations written by:– John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens

• The Treaty of Paris of 1783: a peace agreement that Great Britain recognized the independent United States. – New Boarders of US– Citizens could freely settled west of the original 13
