Indaba 16-01-13

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 0 041 503 6111 ) 525 Fax: 041 503 6220 2 [email protected] Editor: Bettie Giliomee Qualifi cations Include • IT/Computers • Accounting • Marketing • Sports Administration • Management • Media • Tourism • Boston Degrees • UNISA Degree Support REGISTRATION NOW OPEN 6 PAYMENT OPTIONS - UPTO 24 MONTHS TO PAY At Boston City Campus & Business College, we help turn dreams into reality. Our courses are practical, relevant, topical and most importantly of all accredited by – Microsoft, CompTIA, Institute of Certifi ed Bookeepers, PASTEL and we are an offi cial Licensee of UNISAto name a few. We boast one of the highest pass rates of any tertiary institution in South Africa. If you want the best chance of realising your dreams, you can do no better than Boston. Boston City Campus & Business College is provisionally accredited by UMALUSI, Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training; and provisionally registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private further education and training institution under the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Reg. No.: 2008/FE07/036). 1BZ8HH5U-160113-PX-ebkker-boston NCEBA DLADLA AND RIAAN MARAIS A 28-year old mother was arrested and appeared in the Uitenhage Magis- trate Court last Thursday, after her 10-month old baby died last week Tuesday, two weeks after he was severely injured during a domes- tic dispute between his parents. It is alleged that the mother, Lau- retta van der Ranse, was involved in an argument with Roshan Swartz (24), her boyfriend and father of her child at their home in Blikkiesdorp, Kamesh on Christmas Day when the incident happened. “We were drinking all day long and later that day Roshan told Lauretta she had had too much to drink and as the mother of the toddler she should stop. “An argument broke out and an an- gry Lauretta picked up the baby boy (Shewan Swartz) and threw him at his father. He fell to the ground,” said Pretty Swartz (28), Roshan’s sister. While Roshan picked up the baby, Pretty threw herself at Lauretta and they started fighting, she told PE Ex- press Indaba. Lauretta allegedly broke an empty bottle and tried to stab Pretty in the face. She blocked with her arm and ended up suffering a stab wound on her arm. According to police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Gerda Swart, the mother left the house only to come back the following day. “She returned the next day and was told to take the baby for medical treat- ment but refused to do so,” said W/O Swart. On learning about the incident on 5 January, members of the SAPS in Kamesh immediately took the baby to the Provincial Hospital where he was admitted before being transferred to the PE hospital. He later died of injuries sustained in the incident. Lauretta was granted R500 bail, but was only able to pay R300. Magistrate Johan Meyer insisted that she paid the whole amount owing to the seri- ousness of the case. The case has been postponed to February 27. Lauretta van der Ranse (28) during her court appearance last week Thursday.. Photo: SUPPLIED Pretty Swartz of Blikkiesdorp (27) shows the stab wound she allegedly re- ceived from an aggresive Lauretta van der Ranse during the incident on Christmas Day. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA Mother arrested Mother arrested after baby dies after baby dies your comment. Start your SMS with the word Indaba Indaba Cost per SMS is R1.50 SMS US 45530 45530 [email protected] Cell: 078 7036 533 239Kempston Road, Berry’s Corner, eDasi - Tel: 041 453 7881 Berry’s Corner Funishers now also trading as WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!! 1BZD3Q0U-160113-PX-mfkker-beds


Indaba 16-01-13

Transcript of Indaba 16-01-13

Page 1: Indaba 16-01-13

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 0 041 503 6111 ) 525 Fax: 041 503 6220 2 [email protected] Editor: Bettie Giliomee

Qualifi cations Include

• IT/Computers

• Accounting

• Marketing

• Sports Administration

• Management

• Media

• Tourism

• Boston Degrees


At Boston City Campus & Business College, we help turn dreams into reality. Our courses arepractical, relevant, topical and most importantly of all accredited by – Microsoft, CompTIA,Institute of Certifi ed Bookeepers, PASTELand we are an offi cial Licensee of UNISAto name a few.We boast one of the highest pass rates of any tertiary institution in SouthAfrica. If you want thebest chance of realising your dreams, you can do no better than Boston.

Boston City Campus & Business College is provisionally accredited by UMALUSI, Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training; and provisionally registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training asa private further education and training institution under the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Reg. No.: 2008/FE07/036).



A28-year old motherwas arrested andappeared in theUitenhage Magis-trate Court lastThursday, after her

10-month old baby died last weekTuesday, two weeks after he wasseverely injured during a domes-tic dispute between his parents.

It is alleged that the mother, Lau-retta van der Ranse, was involved inan argument with Roshan Swartz(24), her boyfriend and father of herchild at their home in Blikkiesdorp,Kamesh on Christmas Day when theincident happened.

“Wewere drinking all day long andlater that day Roshan told Laurettashe had had toomuch to drink and asthe mother of the toddler she shouldstop.

“Anargument broke out and anan-gry Lauretta picked up the baby boy(Shewan Swartz) and threw him athis father. He fell to the ground,” saidPretty Swartz (28), Roshan’s sister.

While Roshan picked up the baby,Pretty threw herself at Lauretta andthey started fighting, she told PE Ex-press Indaba.

Lauretta allegedly broke an emptybottle and tried to stab Pretty in theface. She blocked with her arm andended up suffering a stab wound onher arm.

According to police spokesperson,Warrant Officer Gerda Swart, themother left the house only to comeback the following day.

“She returned thenextdayandwastold to take thebaby formedical treat-ment but refused to do so,” said W/OSwart.

On learning about the incident on5 January, members of the SAPS inKamesh immediately took thebaby to

the Provincial Hospital where hewasadmitted before being transferred tothe PE hospital.

He later died of injuries sustainedin the incident.

Laurettawas grantedR500 bail, butwas only able to pay R300. MagistrateJohan Meyer insisted that she paidthe whole amount owing to the seri-ousness of the case.

The case has been postponed toFebruary 27.

Lauretta van der Ranse (28) during hercourt appearance last week Thursday..


Pretty Swartz of Blikkiesdorp (27) shows the stab wound she allegedly re­ceived from an aggresive Lauretta van der Ranse during the incident onChristmas Day. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

Mother arrestedMother arrestedafter baby diesafter baby dies

your comment. Start yourSMS with the word IndabaIndaba

Cost per SMS is R1.50



[email protected] Cell: 078 7036 533239Kempston Road, Berry’s Corner, eDasi - Tel: 041 453 7881

Berry’s Corner Funishers now also trading as


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Page 2: Indaba 16-01-13



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THE Department of Education inthe Eastern Cape is ready to deliv-er on the promise of ensuring thatall schools are resourced with theLearner Teacher Support Materi-al (LTSM).

This according to Department ofEducation spokesperson, Malibong-we Mtima, who said learning will betaking place from the first day of thenew school year (today) in the fulfil-ment of the Eastern Cape Depart-ment of Education’s plan to increasethe pass rate of 61.6% last year.

Despite improving slightly on the58.1 % pass rate of the previous year,the Eastern Cape still had the lowestmatric pass rate in the country.

By Thursday last week, Mtima

said his department had already dis-tributed 85% of textbooks and 98% ofstationery to all its schools across theprovince.

The SA Democratic Teachers Un-ion (Sadtu) in the province is, howev-er, less optimistic about the start ofthe school year because of what theycall “the unilateral declaration ofteaching posts for 2013 in the prov-ince by the Education MEC (MandlaMakupula).

According to Sadtu Provincial Sec-retary Mncekeleli Ndongeni the postprovisioning in 2013 is 4 000 less thanthe posts declared in 2012.

“Only 60 850 posts have been de-clared for 2013 - a significant cut from64 752 posts declared in 2012 whichwas a further decline from the 69 390posts declared in 2010,” said Ndon-geni.

“We are concerned about what this

will do to the delivery of quality edu-cation in the province as we are go-ing to be confronted by a teachershortage which will be a further set-back in our attempt to respond to thechallenges facing education.”

National Professional TeachersOrganisation of SA (Naptosa) in theEastern Cape believes the challengesstaring education in the face in theprovince relate to a workforce inwhich the average foot soldiers areunder capacitated.

Naptosa EC Chief Executive Offic-er Peter Duminy added that the Edu-cation Department has “a communi-cation network that creaks like arusty donkey cart, leading to infor-mation and instructions arriving fartoo late in districts and school officesfor effective planning and implemen-tation of administrative and curricu-lum matters.”

According to Duminy, Naptosahas taken note of the steps an-nounced by the Department such asthe improvement of school leader-ship, increased provisioning of re-sources and information and mobi-lising communities at schools,among other steps.

“We would, however, like to seethat each and every step taken in theprocess will have specific targets en-visaged for the year 2013,” said Du-miny.

Lack of communication of the Edu-cation Department’s managementplans is also one of the concernsraised by the South African TeachersUnion.

According to Jan Stroebel, the newchairman of the South AfricanTeachers Union and headmaster atFramesby High School, one of thebiggest challenges facing all schools

is the uncertainty, especially with re-gard to the filling of vacant posts.

“Up to now, we have yet to receivea management plan from the depart-ment with definite guidelines as towhat is going to be done,” he said.

“There are many schools with anumber of vacancies and it is diffi-cult to start a new school year with-out all the necessary staff. We wouldlike to see that every school in thisprovince has the number of staff asprovided for in the post provision-ing,” said Stroebel.

He said that as a union they wouldlike to take a positive approach tosolve the problems facing educationin the Eastern Cape.

“It wouldn’t help if we just sat backand complained. We want to takehands with the department and worktogether to find solutions,” said Stro-ebel.

Education department says it is readyUnions still concerned over posts


A new private school, which will ca-ter for paying pupils as well as needychildren, such as streetchildren, whoin the past did not have access to qual-ity education, will open its doors forthe first time today.

The Urban Academy, situated inconverted buildings across from theNew Post Office in Govan Mbeki Ave-nue, will educate learners from GradeR to grade 12. This year’s intake will,however, be only to grade 11. Withregistrationtakingplacelastweek,anintake of between 300 and 500 pupilsis expected with a staff complement of

24, according to the school’s newly ap-pointed headmaster, Chris Cronje.

EstablishingtheschoolinPortEliz-abeth is the brainchild of Cronje, whohas been in the education field for 37years as teacher and as principal.

“Our main aim is to make a differ-ence and give something back to thecommunity. Education, especially intheEasternCape, is indirestraits.Wewilloffereducationthroughtheuseofmodern methodology that has provensuccessful. We plan to offer privateschool education at a significantlylower fee than Model C schools,” saidCronje.

Urban Academy is another exten-sion of a Johannesburg-based project,

giving hope to children at risk.“The mission of Urban Academy is

to pursue and maintain excellence inall spheres of school life – academicand sports. It is the aim of the schoolto produce adults who are independ-ent thinkers,havephysicalandmoralcourage, who are articulate, well-mannered and tolerant, educated inthewidestsenseof theword, sensitiveto the needs of others and dedicatedto the service of the community as awhole,” said Cronje.

The parents of students that per-form to a set academic standard willreceive a rebate on school fees for thenext term.

“We believe that successful educa-

tion is a partnership between thehome and the school. An atmosphereof openness, mutual trust and respectmust exist amongst partners - par-ents, students and staff,” he said.

According to Cronje, the Academywill fill the gap between Governmentschools (including previously so-called Model C schools) on the oneside and private institutions on theother end of the spectrum – offeringquality and affordable education tothose not being able to get enrolled inthe ‘successful’ schools and choosingnot to attend the ‘township schools’where the educational outcome issometimes very poor.

The full curriculum, according to

the National Protocol, will be offeredwith classes from grade 1 to grade 12,as well as matric “upgrade” classes intheafternoon.Therewillalsobeanaf-ter-school care centre.

They will also offer rehabilitationand counselling for those in need,street children and those that are bat-tling to keep up or catch up.

The Academy will also offer a lan-guage laboratory for students and pri-vate individuals (adults) in need ofimproving their comprehension ofthe English language, as well as amathematic/numeracy laboratoryfor its own students, as well as stu-dents from any other educational in-stitution in need of improving.

Private school opens in the Bay


THE Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamberwill lodge an objection to the National EnergyRegulator of South Africa (NERSA) at publichearings in PE today (January 16).

In a statement issued last week the BusinessChamber said it believed that business and do-mestic consumers should educate themselvesabout what Eskom’s proposed 16% increase eve-ry year for the next five years means for theirbudgets and the bottom line.

Acting for the Business Chamber, AngusClark, head of the Chamber’s Strategic Resourc-es Task Team, will lodge the objection at thepublichearing inabid toprevent thepotentiallydisastrous effects of the proposed price hikes.Eskom has applied for the increase to fund itsbuilding programmes.

“The Business Chamber is going out to bat forbusiness and consumers alike,” said NelsonMandela Bay Business Chamber CEO KevinHustler. “The bills will only continue to rise asmunicipalities add on a percentage to the baseamount as income. Electricity tariffs are quick-

ly reaching their tipping point. Domestic con-sumers have to dig ever deeper into their empty-ing pockets, and businesses face the harsh reali-ty of closing up shop.”

Eskom’s proposed increase in the MYPD3(Multi-Year Price Determination) will have anegative and significant effect on business. “En-ergy-hungry businesses will lose their competi-tiveness, and in some cases even face closure ifinput costs are not reduced,” maintained Clark.

Domestic consumers will not be spared, andthe Chamber urges the general public to pre-pare for monthly electricity costs to effectivelydouble by 2018. “Domestic users currently pay-ing just under R900 per month for electricitywill face a R2000 bill for similar usage, come2018.”

Small and medium business owners will nothave an easier time of it as the cost per unit esca-lates. “Smaller businesses will end up passingthe increase on to the customer. Customers willplace smaller orders, or make use of their serv-ices less often. This places the small businessin jeopardy. Businesses close, people lose theirjobs, and the buying power of the man on thestreet diminishes,” said Clark.

Business chamber set to oppose electricityincreases at public hearing


AMAPOLISA aKwaNobuhle eTinarhaavule idokethi emva kokuba kufunyenweusana olubomvu nguNogada ludadakumjelo wamanzi kule lokishi ngeCawa.

Isithethi sabakwaNtsasana uWarrantOfficer Gerda Swart uthe lo nogada

wothuswe ngumzimba wentombazananaobudada embhobheni wamanzi osaedreyinini kumjelo okwisitalato iMatanzi-ma, KwaNobuhle malunga ne-12:55 nge-Cawa waza wazisa amapolisa.

Kucelwa nabanina onako ancedeamapolisa ukusombulula esi sishiqingokutsalela kwi- Detective Branch ye-SAPS KwaNobuhle kule 0 041 978 8600.

Kufunyenwe imveku edreyinini

The Department of Social Development andSpecial Programmes is requesting anyonewith information with regards to the biolog-ical father of the children, Zubenathi andGcobani Kopsani, to contact social workerMrs AH Jansen at 0 041 406 5883/5905/5708,during office hours (8am to 4.30pm) or fax0 086 581 8203. Their mother, Portia Kopsa-ni, passed away in 2010.

Kopsani children’sfather sought

TheDepartmentofSocialDevelopmentisre-questinganyonewithinfowithregardstothebiological mother of the child, Lilitha Zulu,bornon18February2007atDoraNginzaHos-pital, to contact social worker AH Jansen at00414065883/5905/5708,duringofficehours(8am to 4.30pm) or fax 0865818203.

To their knowledge the biological motheris Zoliswa Zulu from Kwa-Noxolo.

Mother sought

Page 3: Indaba 16-01-13


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THE ANC Women’s League (AN-CWL) has joined in the efforts toassist the victims of the fire in theChris Hani Informal Settlementin New Brighton, Port Elizabeth.

The blaze left more than 2 000 peo-ple destitute when 300 shacks and 19houses burnt down two weeks ago.Many of the victims were shel-

tered at the Ithembelihle Compre-hensive School. Last Thursday theyreceived clothing, blankets, sani-taryware aswell as school uniformsand stationery for the school-goingchildren.“Ward 17 Branch of the Women’s

league chaired by Phakama Bobaniwas joined by Wards 14, 26 and 28 tolend a helping hand to these our peo-ple,” said Nelson Mandela Bay AN-CWLSecretaryNomamfeneQuluba.TheBoardwalkCasino andEnter-

tainment World and some of itsService Providers like Khanya Clin-ic led by Zukiswa Kweyi also deliv-ered support to the needy victims offire.“Wewant to thank theChrisHani

Informal Settlement victims of firefor waiting patiently for their mu-nicipality during the time of need.We’ll continue giving them sup-port,” said Quluba who is also a PRCouncillor.Nelson Mandela Bay Deputy Ex-

ecutive Mayor Nancy Sihlwayi, amember of the ProvincialWomen’s

ing. We are here to say that they arenot alone,” said Sihlwayi.Council Speaker Maria Hermans

urged all parents to ensure that nota single child is unable to go toschool as the metro municipalitywasmaking plans to assist with eve-ry school need.


THE MEC for Human Settlements,Safety and Liaison Helen Sauls-Au-gustwillbevisitingLimekhayaHighSchool in KwaNobuhle, Uitenhagetoday as part of the Nelson MandelaBay metro’s schools readiness cam-paign for the start of 2013 schoolyear.The visits started at St. Thomas

High School in Gelvandale on Mon-day.“During these visits the MEC in-

teractswithschoolmanagementandgovernance structures on variouschallenges and successes,” saidCommunications Director LwandileSicwetsha.According to Sicwetsha, the MEC

has over the past two years visitedvarious schools throughout theprovince as part of an ExecutiveCouncil decision to prioritize schoolvisits in order to unlock service de-

livery challenges.Ithembelihle High School princi-

pal, Phumla Mavikela, told PE Ex-press Indabaher schoolwas ready tostart with learning and teaching.Ithembelihle improved its matric

pass to 84.2% in 2012 from its 56.5%of the previous year.“Few of the fire victims of the

Chris Hani Informal Settlement thatwere temporarily housed at theschool inthe last twoweekshavestilltobemoved.Theschool startedoper-ations on Monday,” said Mavikela.Mavikela has, however, com-

plained of what she calls a crisis - aproblem with fencing that under-mines their efforts for safety and se-curity at the school.“We also, as a result, have a prob-

lemwith vandals that destroyed ourtoilets anddamaged flooring in someof our classes,” said Mavikela, add-ing that this adversely impacts onthe teaching and learning at thisNew Brighton school.Big show of support for victims of

Chris Hani blaze

IN FULL SUPPORT...Home AffairsMinister Naledi Pandor visited thevictims yesterday and gave themher support, 133 IDs, 104 Birth Cer­tificates and four Marriage Certifi­cates at Ithembelihle Comprehen­sive School where they are still tem­porarily housed.


Ward 17 Cllr Ncediso Captain, Khanya Clinic’s Zukiswa Kweyi, Deputy Mayor, Nancy Sihlwayi and Cllr Nomamfene Qulubawith the Women’s League representatives. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

School visits for effectiveservice delivery in Bay

Concerned Ithembelihle Comprehensive School principal Phumla Mavikela. Pho-to: NCEBA DLADLA

Opinions andviews expressedin advertise-ments, newsreports andcolumnsare notnecessarily

those of the PEExpress, itspublishers andstaff. Pleasenote that alladvertisementsare exemptfrom error andomission.

League, said one of the reasons forthe formation of the ANC was to getpoor communities out of the grip ofpoverty and hopelessness.“The ANCWL endeavours to give

thepeople theirhumanityanddigni-ty back. We can’t sit down and donothing while our people are suffer-

Page 4: Indaba 16-01-13


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Page 6: Indaba 16-01-13



A big concert is planned for Satur-day, January 19 to raise muchneeded funds for the fire victimsfrom the Chris Hani Informal Set-tlement, New Brighton.

Social Development official, UnathiDulwanaandNcendisaCaptain, coun-cilor of the affected ward, approachedWillieGreeff of theWillieGreeff Trustassistance in relieving the immediateneeds of the approximately 2000 peo-ple affected by the devastating firewhich destroyed most of their posses-sions.Greeff immediately jumped on

board as his company is involved inthe building of low-cost houses and hecan identifywith the residents’ needs.Food, clothing and other essentials

were donated to the residentswho arenow temporarily housed at the Ithem-belihle High School.During the handover Dulwana

asked Greeff to establish a trust fundand help organise a music concert inaid of the fire victims.The trust fund, Chris Hani Victims

ReliefFund,wasestablished lastweekandGreeff said that he hoped that oth-er companies would also accept theirsocial responsibilities and contributegenerously to this worthy cause. (Seebank details at the end of this article.)Arrangements for the Chris Hani

Victims Relief concert is at an ad-vanced stage. Two national artists,The Blaze and Maisha, as well as MJ,of the soap opera Generations, andmanyestablished local artists, suchasNew Afro Teens, will perform.DJ Nwaiza and Point 5 have provi-

sionally indicated their commitment.

A few local companies, whichrepresent international brands,have also stepped up.The concert is being held on Sat-

urday, January 19 at 11am at NewBrightonPark. Entry fee isR30 perperson.Tickets are available at the Spar

outlets in New Brighton, Mother-well and Daku. For more informa-tion contact Zolani Ndunana fromWillie Greeff Trust at0 076 261 7076.The trust fund’s details are as

follows: Willie Greeff Chris HaniRelief Fund, cheque accountnumber: 62391972760, branchcode: 261050. When depositingmoney into this account, donorsare requested to use their compa-ny details, or cell phone numbers(in the case of individual dona-tions) as reference.


A local producer and director withhis cast that consists only of local ac-torswill steal the limelight on onSunday evening, January 20, when adocumentary, My Mase Kind will beshowcased.My mase kind is a uniquely South

African expression that encapsu-lates brotherhood, kinship andfriendship.This documentary embraces the

bonds shared by South African men,and explores the lives of former in-mates and what they have learntabout brotherhood, loyalty and whatit means to be a man.The producer Justin Oliphant,

who is from PE, says the story isbased in PE because he is from hereand passionate about telling the sto-ries of his city and its people.He says the documentary deals

with the concept of brotherhood orcommunity, as represented by thephrase, My ma se kind. It exploresthe relationship between two formerrival gangsters and an event which

solidified their friendship.“As a community worker and so-

cial activist, I’m always looking forthe kind of stories that will cause thecommunity to do introspection, butalso to educate them concerning thetrials, life-styles and experiences ofothers,” said Oliphant.It was filmed in Port Elizabeth,

during November last year, and eve-ry aspect of the production - pre-pro-duction, production, and post-pro-duction - took six weeks.Not only are all the characters

from PE, but also the bulk of the mu-sic used in the score, is by PE artists.The crew consisted of mainly PE

crew members, including, ClaytonThom (DOP),WardaMallick (sound);BruceGordon (co-editor), RowanNo-vember (production assistant), Jer-ome Smith (Production Manager),and Xolani Gumbi (Supervising Pro-ducer). Gumbi worked as assistantdirector on Blood Diamond.My Mase Kind was commissioned

by, and managed by Adhoc Pro-ductions.The show will start at 6.30pm on


IIHOLIDE zingade zibe ziphelile ki-odwa kukho uthotho lweziyungumaeziqhubekayo ngoku eNelson Man-dela Metropolitan Art Museum.Ezi zibandakany “iShips and

Shore” evuselelwe lulwandle kunyenoshishino lwaselwandle eqhubakuze kube ngama 27 KuJanuwari

2013.Lo mboniso uveza imdlalo ene-

memixholo yezeelwandle ngemi-fanekiso epeyintiwe ngezandlazeengcali ezaziwayo ze-Africana,imibono emitsha yeenqanawanamazibuko.Umboniso “i100 Shades of grey”

ukuqhuba ukuya kuMatshi. Ukusu-sela kolucacileyo ukrolonqo-linoukuya kwiithoni ezisulungekileyozoshicelelo ngamatye, lo mbonisouveza ukusetyenziswa kwezandikumsebenzi okhethekileyo eNelsonMandela Metropolitan Art Muse-um’s ogciniweyo njengengqokelela

esisigxina. .Ikho nemisebenzi yeprinti, imi-

fanekiso kunye nebody mouldyeplasta ngoyi-NelsonMandelaMet-ropolitan Art Museum Biennial Ex-hibition and Award 2008 winner,uChristine Maree.I-Art Museum ivula phakathi eve-

kini ngeye 9am - 5pm (KuvalweNgolweSibini kusasa), ngoMgqibeloneCawa ngeye-1-5 (NgeyokugqibelaiCawa enyangeni: 9am-2pm.Ghagamshelana ne- Nelson Man-

dela Metropolitan Art museum ku0 041 506 2000 okanye i-email: [email protected].

Concert for New Brightonfire victims

MJ from Generations.Photo: NAAKMUSIQU

Local talent to be showcased on

IN action Hilton Booysen, Craig Solomon, Rodwell Peters. A documentary,My Mase Kind thatwas filmed in PEwill be showcasedon on Sunday, January 20 at 6.30pm. Photo: SUPPLIED


Arts & EntertainmentArts & Entertainment

Evita Bezuidenhout,member of theANCand helpingwith the decorating of the Presidential pondokat Nkandla, will be visiting PE in Adapt or Fly. Evita (or Pieter­Dirk Uys’) brand­new show willbe showcased at The Boardwalk Vodacom Amphitheatre onMonday 28, Tuesday 29, andWednes­day January 30 at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from Computicket at R100 per person.





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DESPITE their devastating 5-2defeat toCallies,RealCitykepttheir hopes alive of winningthe SAFA Nelson Mandela BaySAB Regional league’s pres-tige trophy with a 3-2 victoryover Tomorrow Stars at Moth-erwell NU 9 Stadium on Janu-ary 5.

The game was scintillatingfrom the first whistle, keepingfans on their toes. City’s sure-footed striker Lifa ‘Cenna’ Teyisescored two quick goals whileStarsmidfielderLizoNorushu re-plied with a well-taken goal from

a set piece to make the score 2-1.Mlungiseleli ‘Mara’ Honi

banged City’s third goal andCity’s midfielder Siyabulela Tse-wana scored an owngoal for Starsto make the final score 3-2 in fa-vour of Real City. The strugglersRealAces registered their first 4-3win of the season over CrystalPalace.

Other SAFA NMB SAB Leagueresults:

* SUBS 2-1 Camper United* Showville 1-0 Bay Stars* Lion City 2-2 Despatch Pio-

neers* Morning Stars 2-2 Royal

Bucks* Tomorrow Stars 1-2 Hotspurs* Morning Stars 7-2 Real Aces


FOLLOWING their Christmasbreak, Zwide Football Association(ZWIFA) Marina Sea Salt PremierLeague games resumed at ZwideCeltics grounds on January 5 and6.

Celtics maintained their unbeat-en record when they narrowly beatGolden Aces 3-2 in their excitingclash. Kuyasa United Brothers

ousted Young Killers 4-2, withMan-chester City handing in their big-gest victory of the season with ascore of 6-1 against Soweto Angels.Camper United shared the spoils1-1 with Gal City; Umanyano Starsdrew 1-1 with Little Birds. MajorChiefs walloped Strikers United3-1, while Real Crusaders secureda 4-3 victory over Zwide Pirates.

Shining Stars were awarded softpoints over Morning Stars whofailed to pitch up for the game.

Celtics maintain unbeaten record inZWIFA Marina Sea Salt Premier League

A Golden Aces striker is watched by Zwide Celtics defender. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE

Tomorrow Stars goal scorerLizo Norushu shields theball from Real City de­fender Willy Ngqiyaza.



INEWBrightonFootball Association(NEBFA) Sedgars League iyaqhubanalapho bekukhethwa amakhwenk-

we emadodeni eStadium esiseNewBrighton ngomhla we 5 kuJanuwari.

Etshotsh’entla iBushBucks ibetheiWinter Rose 5-0 kumdlalo obucala-nye.

Ulwamvila lwe-Stinging Bees luvi-

INEBFA Sedgars League ibuyile

Winter Rose player is chased by Bush Bucks defender. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE

City set on winningSAFA NMBSABleague trophy

we yi-Bold Tigers eyibethe 3-2.Iwuvule kakuhle unyaka iPhondo

Stars xa ibizenzela kwi-Boast Piratesngo 2-1.

I-Eastern Jumpers itsale nzimakwi PE United 1-0.


NU 29 United Stars collectedthree maximum points whenthey ousted City Rangers 2-0during their MOFA Build It Pre-mier League clash at Mother-well NU 9 Stadium on January13.

The game produced fireworksright from the start with bothsides producing excellent per-formances.

Owing to heat wave condi-tions, the referee had to allowplayers to have some waterbreaks during the course of thegame. Stars goals came courtesyof Siyabulela Toyise and Vukani

Monde in the second half.MOFA Build It Premier

League full weekend results:* Valencia 1-1 Lion Stars* Young Ideas 4-1 Channel

Porto* Real Strikers 2-0 FC Angels* Young Tigers 1-1 Ikamva

Movers* SUBS 1-4 Liverpool

Starsgrab threepointsNU 29 United Stars squad and their officials. Photo: SELBY MADIKANE

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IN three days time, NelsonMande-la Bay will host the Orange AfricaCup of Nations (Afcon) and the Lo-cal Organising Committee (LOC)has assured the province and thenation that the City is ready andeverything is in order. Speaking

during the City’s State of Readi-nessmediabriefingat theCityHalllastWednesday the executivemay-or Zanoxolo Wayile said it was in-cumbent now upon the sport-lov-ing people of Nelson Mandela Bayand province to buy tickets andwatch thematches. A total of eightmatches is scheduled to take placeat the Nelson Mandela Bay stadi-


Wayile said that all plans regardingthe stadium usage, health and medi-cal,wastemanagement, disasterman-agement, communications, market-ing, events and publications, trans-port and safety and security werefinalised. About 500 volunteers in themetrohavebeen identified and tasked

with ensuring that the Orange Afcon2013 becomes a resounding success.

According to the mayor, safety andsecurityofall theplayers,officialsandvisitors will be taken care of.

Following in the success of the 2010SouthAfricaFifaWorldCup, themay-or believes this competition will pro-vide the county with an opportunityto showcase its ability as a nation to

host events of this magnitude.“Theclock is ticking. Itikit’ esandle-

ni (a ticket in hand). This is ours!(Yeyethu!). Everybody must be fo-cused,” said an upbeat Sport, Recrea-tion, Arts and Culture MEC XoliswaTom.

All the teams that are based herehave arrived and have started withtheir training.

Three days to Afcon Cup - itikit’esandleni


LOCAL soccer enthusiasts have beenencouraged to support the Afcon Soc-cer Tournament and buy tickets.

In the townships tickets are sold atSpar outlets such as Zonke Supersparat Motherwell NU 9 Shopping Con-venience, KwaDwesi Superspar at Zi-yabuya Shopping Centre and atBrightonSuperspar inNewBrighton.

According to Brighton Supersparmanager, Adriaan Terblanche, peo-ple from all sections of the NelsonMandela Bay area are respondingwell with regard to buying AFCONtickets. Tickets especially toGhana’s

game are going like hot cakes.According to Terblanche,

supporters should take ad-vantage of a new packagedeal in which a person re-ceives a discount when buy-ing tickets for all eightgames to be played at theNelson Mandela Bay Stadi-um at the same time.

Those who would like topurchase ticketsmust remem-ber to take their identity docu-ments along.


BOXING South Africa (BSA) Di-rector of Operations Loyiso Mtyahas warned boxers over the age of35 years who were inactive formore than 12 months not to regis-ter for licensing for this financialyear starting on 31 March 2013.

BSA, accordingMtya, will not al-low old boxers in the ring, he said.

“This is in accordance with Box-ing SA Act (Act 11, of 2001),” saidMtya.

According to the Act, a boxer ap-plying for a new licence should be“no less than 18 years and no morethan 35 years of age.”

A boxer that has been inactivefor a period of 12 months must, ac-cording to BSA Act, apply for anew licence.

“If a boxer older than 35 yearshas been inactive for a year, his li-cence application is regarded asnew and it will therefore be re-fused, said Mtya.

BSA according to Mtya is flexi-ble only in the case of boxers fight-

ing in the heavier divisions. Theseare very few boxers whose fightsare very few, he said.

“Still, a boxer must have beenregistered at the time of inactiv-ity for BSA to grant a licenceeven above the age of 35,” saidMtya.

Nelson Mandela Bay BSA Serv-ice provider Mthunzi Mapitizawelcomed Mtya’s call.

He said, “This is law. I actuallynever had a problem with refusinginactive old boxers a right to cam-paign in the ring.”

Buying AFCON tickets is the former Wide Awake Cricket Club player Zola Manyisana. With him are Brighton Superspar ticketprinter and seller Phumeza Jamani, Andiswa Lupuwana (promotions manager) and Adriaan Terblanche (store manager).


Over 35 inactive boxers not allowed to box in SA rings


THERE is a glimpse of hope thatBafana Bafana will actually playat the Nelson Mandela Bay stadi-um in the Orange Africa Cup ofNations (Afcon) 2013 competition.

That all depends on Bafanamanaging to progress to the semi-finals of this African showpiecespectacle which kicks off thisweekend.

The first Afcon matches at Nel-son Mandela Bay Stadium will bethe double header group matchbetween Ghana and the Demo-cratic Republic of Congo (DRC)this Sunday 20 January from5pm. Thereafter Mali will face offNiger from 8pm.

To complete the group stages

Ghana will play against Mali at5pm followed by the match be-tween Niger and the DRC at 8pmon Thursday, January, 23.

In the second roundCapeVerdeIslands will entertain Angola onSunday, January 27 from 7pmwhile Niger will play Ghana thefollowing day (Monday the 28th)from 7pm.

On Saturday, February 2 theNelsonMandela Bay stadiumwillplay host to Group B winnersagainst Group A runners-up - agroup which involves South Afri-ca.

If not, there is another matchbetween the semi-finals losers(Loser SF1 vs Loser SF2) fightingfor the third place at NelsonMan-dela Bay stadium on Saturday,February 9 at 8pm.

NelsonMandelaBayNelsonMandelaBayready forAfconready forAfcon


Bafana Bafana local supporters from left, Simphiwe Jama, Ludwe Bomali andThanduxolo Ntoni, will be watching the 2013 Afcon Tournament with keeninterest as they will be crossing fingers for their team. Photo: NCEBA DLADLA

ONLINE entries are virtuallystreaming in for the first nationalclassic of the year as prospective en-trants rush to make the deadline forThe Herald VW Cycle Tour, which isjust less than week away.

The mountain bike and road raceswill take place in Addo and Port Eliz-abeth on February 2 and 3.

JustinPeel, TheHerald’s chiefmar-keting officer, said the response hadbeen excellent,with twice the numberof entries received via the website

compared to thesameperiod lastyear.“Sporting events have been mak-

ing the shift to online entries as it en-sures that the entry process isstreamlined and that accurate infor-mation is captured. The process as-sists both entrant and organiser inmaking the exchange of informationand money simpler and safer.”

Peel said organisers were particu-larly excited about the reaction to thenew Ultimate Quest, which will seeriders take on both the 80km Ex-

treme mountain bike challenge onthe Saturday and the 106km Classicroad race on the Sunday.

“Entries for the Ultimate Questhave well exceeded our expectationsand we look forward to hosting somany strong cyclists this year.”

He said participants would only beable to register for this super-catego-ry online. “No Ultimate Quest en-tries will be accepted manually or atlate registration.”

Although entry forms for individu-

al events were still available at cycleshops in Nelson Mandela Bay, Peelurged cyclists to enter online asman-ual entries carried a R20 surcharge.

“Online entry fees can be paid viacredit card or EFT with entrants re-ceiving an e-mail confirmation oftheir entry and payment.”

He said entries received after thecut-off date of January 21 would besubject to an additional 50% late fee.

“Thiswillapplytothe80kmExtremeand 60km Adventure as well as the

106km Classic and 55km Pursuit.”Peelalsoencouragedthepublictofol-

low the event’s social media platformsfor updates, training tips and advice.

Registration for the 28th edition ofthetourwill takeplacefrom9amto9pmonFebruary 1on the exhibition level ofthe newly opened Boardwalk Conven-tion Centre opposite Hobie Beach.

Enter online at and follow @heraldcycle-tour or


game are going like hot cakes.According to Terblanche,

Those who would like topurchase ticketsmust remem-ber to take their identity docu-

Mayor Zanoxolo Wayile with his Afcontickets. Photo: NMBMCommunications

Where to buy AFCON tickets