Case work: Getting rid of the nickname “interwho” ? Launching Stella Artois as the global brand at inbev (formerly interbrew)



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Case work: Getting rid of the nickname interwho ?

Case work: Getting rid of the nickname interwho ?Launching Stella Artois as the global brand at inbev (formerly interbrew)What is inbev ?It is the brewing company.

Worlds number one brewer, it was formed in 2004.

It was formed by complex merger arrangement between interbrew of Belgium and compenhia de bedidas das Americas (ambev) of brazil.History of inbevInterbrew traces its origins to a brewery called den horen established in the year 1366 in Leuven in Belgium.

Before 1987 merger, both the brasseries Artois and brasseries piedboeuf had expanded through acquisition's. Interbrew continues the accusation strategy- acquired Belgian brewers heogarden in 1989 & belle vue in 1990.Later in early 1990s interbrew expanded rapidly ,pursuing more than 30 acquisition .Examples of those acquisition are . Labatt Canada in 1955 . Sun interbrew in Russia and Ukraine in 1966. . Oriental brewers in south Korea in 1999. . Diedels and beck& co in Germany in 2001. Recent acquisition . Malaysian lion group in china. . Apatin brewery in Serbia.

Interbrews traditional brand strategy: local brandingleft most decisions to local managers, and it even intentionally prohibited the usage of Belgium in its adsInterbrew managed the group through two geographic zones: the Americas and Europe/Asia/Africa. Interbrews corporate strategy in the 1990s was to develop a complete portfolio in both mature markets and growth markets through acquiring and developing existing local brands.In both markets, whenever possible, Interbrew focused on acquiring established, high-quality local brands, such as Labatt Blue in Canada. Interbrew acquired local brands, upgraded their product quality and developed them into strong local brands, such as Borsodi So in Hungary and Ozujsko in Croatia.Interbrew identied certain local brands with regional potential and developed them across a group of markets. For example, Hoegaarden and Leffe became leading brands in France and the Netherlands.