IN THIS ISSUE...scheduled a variety of events and meetings online and is cancelling, postponing,...

1 Germantown Presbyterian Church * 2363 S Germantown Rd * Germantown TN 38138 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT) T HE WINDOW A Publication of Germantown Presbyterian Church April 2020 SPECIAL INSIDE: EASTER BULLETIN DOING CHURCH DIFFERENTLY IN THIS ISSUE

Transcript of IN THIS ISSUE...scheduled a variety of events and meetings online and is cancelling, postponing,...

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Germantown Presbyterian Church * 2363 S Germantown Rd * Germantown TN

24Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now

that the day of His return is drawing near.Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT)

The WindoWA Publication of Germantown Presbyterian Church

April 2020




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Welcome to April and the most important season of the year for Christians! When people hear me say that, they some-times question my judgment and wonder about Christmas. Christmas gets all the hype, and we encourage people to get “into the Christmas spirit.” At Christmas, we see acts of kindness and generosity among people who aren’t even followers of Christ. Surely Christmas is at least equally important as Good Friday and Easter?

Well, true: it is hard to dissect the life of Christ and various events in it and emphasize one over the other. And, yes, it’s also true that without the incarnation of the Son of God in a human life, the Son, in the person of Jesus, could not have had a ministry before dying on the cross. The incarnation is central to our faith and our following God through Christ.

If I emphasize Good Friday and Easter over Christmas, it is because the atonement for our sin is the primary reason the Son became human. God redeems humanity by becom-ing human for the purpose of dying on the cross and rising from the tomb. The life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus only make sense through the lens of the crucifixion and resurrection. So, while I love Christmas and celebrate the incarnation, I believe that we have faith and follow Christ mainly because of the sacrificial love of God displayed on the cross and the sovereign love of God seen in the empty tomb. So, let us rejoice and be glad in our salvation during this holy season of the year.

Needless to say, this Holy Week is different from any other that we’ve ever had before! Everyone I talk to in every walk of life says something like: “We’ve never seen anything like this before!” It’s a true statement for businesses, families, schools, and churches. I joked with a minster friend this week by saying, “I must have skipped class the day in semi-nary when they taught us how to deal with pandemics!” It was an acknowledgment that we feel little prepared to deal with the uncertainty and confusion of these unprecedented times through which we are currently living. Your church staff and officers are meeting via video, talking, emailing, and texting like never before to make sure we are communi-cating the best we can regarding all of our various ministry areas and programs.

One of the biggest challenges for us has been how to con-duct Sunday worship services in ways that people can listen and watch. In our Presbyterian tradition, there are “Six Great Ends of the Church” that go way back to Colonial America. One of these great “ends,” or purposes, of the Christian Church is “The Maintenance of Divine Worship.” In other words, a church is not a church if it does not provide wor-ship services for God’s people. It has weighed heavily on our hearts to provide a worship service for GPC's people to listen to and/or watch since the “stay at home” provisions went into effect. Of all the things we are called to do, this is

absolutely the most important. As individuals and as a corporate body, we fail to worship God at our detri-ment, so we have taken special care to find ways to worship as a body of Christ even as we are separated from one another.

For the Sundays in April, we will continue to offer wor-ship services via our church website and other online “platforms.” I know this use of technology is new and different for us, and I’m sorry there will be some tech-nical difficulties for some members. Please hang in there and be patient, and I know you will be able to figure it out and join us “virtually.” We are eager to maintain all of the worship services we usually have: Palm Sunday, Holy Week lunch time services with our neighboring churches, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We will be providing all of these thanks to some technical geniuses within our congre-gation. The services may flow a little differently, but we hope you will join us through our website as we follow Christ’s journey into Jerusalem and to the cross. We will worship through music, reading scripture, preach-ing, and praying for the next week.

During April, we plan on having the church office open for essential business with one staff person present from 10:00am until 3:00pm. We are here to help and answer questions if we can, but please call or email first to set up an appointment rather than drop by randomly. The doors to the office area will be locked, although we will gladly open them for essential business.

I know this is a challenging time financially for many people, especially with so much uncertainty clouding around our economy. One of the core values of our church is “A Generous Spirit.” We’ve seen so many acts of kind generosity recently as we face this hard-ship together. I encourage you to remain as generous as you can toward GPC during this lean season. The Stewardship Team is analyzing all of our financial resources in order to be good stewards for the foresee-able future. Thank you for continuing to support the church with your time, talents, and treasure!

Grace, mercy, and peace,

D ear GPC Family and Friends,

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While We continue to remain safer at home, limiting our contact With each other and in public, gpc has scheduled a variety of events and meetings online and is cancelling, postponing, and/or re-evaluating other event decisions as We move forWard. please continue to Watch the gpc Website and social media for the latest updates on these and other events.

if you are not getting gpc emails and Want to, please contact [email protected].

current online/virtual meetingsfor information about these meetings & hoW to connect,

contact the communications department at [email protected]'s breakfast (friday mornings)various adult sunday school classes (sunday mornings) sunday morning Worship service (sunday mornings)children's sunday school (sunday mornings)youth sunday school & felloWship (sunday mornings/afternoons)

monday-friday, april 6-10, holy Week - lunch-time services Will be put online and posted; links emailedmaundy thursday, april 9 - service filmed and posted; links emailedgood friday, april 10 - service filmed and posted; links emailedfriday, april 17 - memphis Joy prom - cancelledfriday-saturday, april 17-18 - play in the pines @ pinecrest - cancelledsunday, april 26 - youth sunday - livestreamed/video-taped or some combination thereofsunday, april 26 - inquirers' luncheon - postponedsunday, may 3 - children's spring music program - tbdthursday, may 7 - amplify spring music program - tbdfriday, may 8 - pno - tbdfriday-sunday, may 15-16 - nacome churchWide retreat - tbdmonday-friday, June 1-5 - vbs & mission 901 -- closely monitoring the situation, but at the time of this print-ing there are still plans to move forWard

as of this printing both youth summer trips are still on schedule to proceed, but this situation continues to be monitored.

men's lunch devotion meetings - tbdpresbyterian Women circles & gatherings - tbdtheater felloWshp group - tbdvarious other felloWship groups - tbd

summer mission trips - tbd

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CirCles of Care MinistryContributed by Rev. Susan Carter Wiggins

On the morning of March 13, 2020, I was awakened from a good and deep sleep by the Holy Spirit of God around 3:00am with God’s voice clearly saying to me “Susie, I have something I need you to do, and I will show you how to make it happen.” And, so, I listened closely as God revealed to me not only what it was that God needed me to do, but told me what it should be called, and then pro-ceeded to show me how to make it happen in very short order. By 4:00am I knew. I did go back to sleep for a bit, but when I woke up for the day, my plan of action was set before me, and I began to follow God’s lead to create this brand new ministry God called Circles of Care.

The Circles of Care Ministry consists of teams of GPC volunteers (GPC Servants) who are willing and able to provide very much-needed care for our most vulnerable parishioners – those who as a result of sheltering-in-place may also be feeling isolated and alone. The first line of care, then, is phone calls and personal notes to these individuals, couples, or families. During these phone calls, needs are assessed, and when a need arises, then the next line of care is deployed. This may be grocery shopping, errands run, and/or meal delivery. Technology assistance is another team because there may be those for whom accessing our worship services, Bible studies, Sunday school classes, and meetings may be a challenge.

Friends, this is new and different for us all and we are navigating our way through it as best we can – each one of us. It is, and will continue to be, vitally important for us to stay connected and in relationship with each other as best we can, and this in and of itself should be a full-on GPC effort, for we are a family of faith together, and we are GPC strong! With God’s help and our on-going connection to one another, we will make it through to the other side, where I believe with all my heart greener pastures await us.

What can you do? (I’m glad you asked):

1.Think of those who normally sit around you in worship and call them. See how they are doing and if they need anything. If they do need something that the Circles of Care Ministry can provide, please email Pastor Susie at [email protected] with the particulars of the needs.

2. If you know someone beyond those who normally sit around you in worship who might have needs, please reach out to them, too, or at the very least, let Pastor Susie know ([email protected]).

3. If you, yourself, have a need for a phone call, a personal note, groceries, medications, meal delivery, or technol-ogy assistance in order to be able to connect with your GPC family of faith, please let Pastor Susie know ([email protected]).

My sisters and brothers, these are challenging times, indeed, and our God is faithful and steadfast day in and day out; our God goes before us, guards behind us, is our foundation, and the light upon our pathway; our God has brought each one of us to this place thus far in our life and faith journeys, and our God will continue to be with us today, tomorrow, and forevermore. This we know to be true, and upon these assurances we are able to place our trust, faith, hope, and love.

May God bless and keep you; may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you each and every day. Amen.

Blessings, grace, and peace,

Pastor Susie


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CONGREGATIONAL CAREPrayers for Such a Time as This

“Faith, hope, and love abide; these three; and the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). Dear praying sisters and brothers,Our faith is in the Lord, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of life – this we know to be true, deep in our bones and our souls. In times of stress and anxiety, we can easily shift back into our defensiveness stances of flight, fight, or freeze, forgetting that God has us, and the world, in the palm of God’s Almighty hand. These are those times when we must breathe deeply, inhaling the calm of the Holy Spirit, exhaling all anxiety and fear, and turning to God in prayer before we think, act, or speak. Let us then pray to our God: Holy Spirit of God, come and be present with us now. Lord Jesus, hear us as we pray. God of all life and all that is good, we come before you in a time of uncertainty in our world, in our lives, and in the lives of all those we love. These days are beyond our imaginations and our control, which causes us great concern. But, because you are our God and we your children, we know to turn to you for solace and peace, for strength and perseverance, and for patience in the unknowing. Bless each one here in this praying moment together, O God, with all that they need for this day, reminding us of your everlasting presence, love, and promises to us your children. Calm the strong winds swirling all around us, and draw us near to you. Equip us with all that we need to be your hands, feet, and very presence with those who are in need much more than us. Empower and embolden us to be your servants of love and beacons of light for our neighbors, our families, our communities, and your world, bringing comfort, healing, and consolation. In the name of Christ, our Lord, we pray, and together your people say, Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Susan Carter Wiggins

Grief is the normal and natural emotional reaction to loss or change of any kind - the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior.

Over five years ago, GPC began its Grief Support Ministry in an effort to reach out to bereaved individuals within the GPC family and throughout the greater Memphis/Shelby County area. This ministry seeks to provide an emotionally and physically safe environment in which participants can, in the context of community, become better equipped with tools for effectively navigating grief’s difficult journey.

Typically the Grief Support Ministry Group meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00pm in the church parlor. This ministry is open to the public.

Due to the current meeting restrictions in keeping with the CO-VID 19 guidelines, Grief Support has temporarily sus-pended meeting together until further notice. Those currently in this support group are staying in contact through emails, texts, phone calls, FaceTime.

If anyone has a need for grief counseling or grief support of any kind, please reach out to any of the contacts listed.

The Grief Support Ministry Team:Stephanie Wall - The Grief Support Ministry leader, GPC member and former GPC staff member, Elder, Dea-con, Certified Grief Support Specialist and Certified Grief Counselor, through the American Academy of Grief Coun-seling, The American Institute of Health Care Providers, and The Grief Recovery Institute

Beth Brock - GPC member, Elder, Deacon, Board Member of Memphis Crisis Center

Linda Oakes - GPC member, Deacon, Retired Nurse St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Hospice Volunteer

Contact information for Ministry Team:Stephanie Wall-901-494-7786 or [email protected] Brock-901-355-0262 or [email protected] Oakes-901-237-6566 or [email protected]

GPC's Grief suPPort Ministry

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MUSIC & WORSHIP ARTSI trust that everyone is holding up during this most difficult time. Locally, nationally, and worldwide mankind is facing a tremendous challenge. Through prayer, faith, common sense, medical science, and the dedicated work of the most talented research scientists in the world, we WILL get through this!! Our well-planned and carefully rehearsed offerings of music in worship during the season of Lent and Holy Week will obviously not take place as planned. GPC, as well as much of society, is paused/on hold!

We will do all possible to present worship and music for worship via streaming over the internet or on pre-recorded video in the weeks to come. Many have lis-tened these past Sundays and have had very positive things to say about the services. If you do not know how to access the services see the church website or emails with instructions which are being regularly sent out. We are using soloists and quartets of choir sing-ers along with Alex on the organ and piano to provide music for the online services. We are careful not to exceed the suggested number of participants and careful to space appropriately.

I have received numerous contacts from people in our congregation who are true friends and lovers of music at GPC expressing appreciation for all that we are doing to keep music and worship a central focus of GPC services especially since adjusting to going online. Keep all in your prayers! We are doing all that is currently possible!!

Let me again thank ALL of you who have and continue to support music at GPC through your contributions to the Music Fund, The Teachey Scholarship Fund, and your gen-erosity to the annual church budget. I currently have 4 student singers who have auditioned and been accepted in advanced workshops and summer training programs with various summer festivals and opera companies. I have pledged to help each of them with expenses through the Teachey Scholarship Fund. I am hoping that condi-tions will improve and that they will indeed be able to participate in these programs this year. Any contribution you might make at this time to the Scholarship Fund or the Music Fund will help as we support these deserving student singers. Long-time member and choir member Barbara Ragsdale wrote an article, A Stop Along the Way, which was published in the January newsletter, talking about the many student singers who have spent time here at GPC through the years sharing their talents with us and allowing GPC to become their home away from home as they studied developing their talents. If you missed the acticle, request a copy from Laurie in the church office ([email protected]) - you will be in-spired. Music plays such an important role in worship; it also plays an important role in life.

Music soothes the spirit, calms the soul, evokes tremen-dous emotion yet offers peace and tranquility in times of storm. Thank you for your love and support of music at GPC! I look forward to seeing you in worship.

Jerold C. Teachey, D.M.Director of Music

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Mission Partners - Local & Worldwide

For more information about GPC's mission projects locally and globally, go to and see where you

can plug in to be a disciple and serve generously and shrewdly.

Germantown Presbyterian Church is currently looking for ways we can support our community during this pandemic. Church member Ben Brock owns Amerigo and Char restaurants, and Friday, April 10 they will be delivering meals at a drive-through pick-up point in the GPC park-ing lot from 5:30-6pm. Order dinner from their limited menus and a selection of family meal packages to go! Limited menus and meal packages may be viewed on their websites at:

To take advantage of this, please call in your orders to either 901-848-4009 (Amerigo) or 901-249-3533 (Char) by 2:00pm on Friday, April 10. Each order will be individually packaged for quick pickup. We look forward to serving you!

GPC is also looking for ways to get involved in local area charities and help other local area businesses. If you have any ideas and/or want to get involved on some level, please contact the office at [email protected] and let us know what you want to do.

Supporting the Community During CO-VID19

Our Ghana missions team asks that you pray for good health and safety for our friends in the Upper Presbytery as well as the country of Ghana. Our committee remains in contact with the Upper Presbytery, as they too are being impacted by Covid19. They are behind us in numbers of confirmed cases; however, as we have all witnessed, these numbers will climb.

The Upper Presbytery sends their prayers and well wishes to all members of our GPC church family.

Our Ghana missions committee will share their needs as we come to know them. If you feel called to support them, we will share more details soon of how you can. If you have questions, please contact Ghana team members Erin Bowden (901-371-7884) or Beth Brock (901-355-0262).

Supporting Ghana & The Upper PresbyteryContributed by Team Member Erin Bowden

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The Latest in the Life of the ChurchPinecrest Open Gate Days

As weather and health guidelines permit, Pinecrest is offering Open-Gate Days.

Days will be added weekly as weather and developing guidelines permit. Engaging in outdoor activi-ties, such as hiking, is an essential activity! Please enjoy the wide-open spaces, digital scavenger hunts, creek for splashing, trails for hiking, and The Overlook. Exploring nature is a wonderful way to encourage scientific curiosity and wonder; consider integrating children’s learning activities with an outing at Pinecrest. Please maintain wide social distance and etiquette according to CDC recommendations.

Playground and buildings (except restrooms in Lodge) are closed at this time. $5 per person is suggested as a donation. Dogs must be on a leash. Please clean up after your pet. No childcare available.

Call 901-878-1247 for more information. E-mail [email protected] for digital scavenger hunts and Overlook directions. *Watch website and Facebook for future dates.*

How Are You Spending Your Days?

Take pictures of you and your family as you stay safer at home. What are you doing? How are you spending your time? Binge-watching new or favorite shows? Catching up on all your reading? Teaching yourself a new hobby? Fi-nally cleaning out that closet? Pulling out the old board games or card games? Writing that novel/memoir/volume of poetry? Learning how to video chat or use other social media and online resources in a new way? Take pictures of how you're spending your time and send them to: [email protected]. You might just show up in next month's newsletter!

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The Latest in the Life of the Church

Easter lily drive-through pick-up!

Yep. On Easter Sunday afternoon, April 12 from 2:00pm-4:00pm you may drive through the porte cochere on the Arthur Road side of the church and pick up an Easter lily to take home with you or deliver to a relative you're still allowed to visit. If you can’t drive by to pick one up, but you still want a lily, contact the church office at [email protected], and we will arrange to have one delivered.

Thank you, Flower Committee, for this great idea!

Come by any time on Easter Sunday, April 12 to take your family's picture at the flower cross.

Contact Information for the Presbytery of the MidSouth

presbyteryofthemidsouth.orgExecutive Presbyter: Rev. James L. Gale - 913-481--7574

Stated Clerk: Audrey Toombs - 901-383-0768

Members of the Flower committee met at the beginning of the year to make plans for 2020.

Save the Dates!

NaCoMe Churchwide Weekend Retreat

May 15-17Contact: Brooke Duke

([email protected])

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As I sit in the quietness of my office writing this article, I am ever aware of the noise going on in many public arenas over the fear of the coronavirus. (Hopefully by the time this newsletter is in your hands the fears and noise will have subsided….) Each staff member of GPC is carefully evaluating what actions they need to take to continue or discontinue programming in order to keep their participants safe. With programming three days a week this is especially true for our special needs min-istry as many of its participants have underlying health issues that make them more vulnerable than others. We are listening to the wisdom of many and weighing the weight of all our actions. One of the items on the table at risk of being canceled is the Special Needs Emphasis Sunday scheduled for March 22 and this breaks my heart. That is to be the service in which we are/were to celebrate all that GPC has been able to accomplish in connecting the special needs community with the faith community here. Invita-tions have been sent. Plans have been made. And now I sit and wait….

Fast forward…. This article goes to print the first of April. By then and before reading this article you and I will both know the outcome. Did we highlight the work of a church that has chosen to “embrace the special needs com-munity as if it were embracing Jesus Himself?” Did we get to celebrate? Or were services canceled to protect you and yours? Whether you missed the 11:00 service on March 22 or whether the service never took place, this is what you would have heard as we highlighted your work and celebrated your accomplishments!

“In 2014, Germantown Presbyterian Church, as a united family of faith and following the earthly ministry example set by Jesus Christ, proclaimed it would 'embrace the special needs community as if it were embracing Jesus Himself.' Today we celebrate the milestones ac-complished and successes we have had in just these few short years. Please listen carefully as I make the following request of you and remain standing until all have been asked.

If you have taught Sunday school in our Peace program, please stand.

If you have volunteered with our special need students during our Parents' Night Out program, please stand.

If you are a fourth or fifth grader or the parent of a fourth or fifth grader and have participated in our reverse inclu-sion model, as you are able please stand and remain standing.

If you are an adult or a youth or a junior volunteer who has served with our summer program called Wacky Wednesday, please stand.If you are a member of Threads of Love and helped during Dressfest, please stand.

If you volunteered at Dressfest as a personal shopper or offered a hand in any other capacity, please stand.

If you supported the Memphis Joy Prom by writing a check to sponsor a tuxedo or if you attended the prom as a volunteer or if you served or supported the prom behind the scenes in any fashion by writing a check, donating dresses, etc, please stand.

If you are part of the Men’s Ministry here at GPC, and you played a role in providing breakfast for our special needs Breakfast Club, will you please stand.

If you served breakfast or helped with any number of activities at Breakfast Club, please stand.

If you volunteered in our AMPlify music program, please stand.

If you led a class for our Friendship Circle sharing your gifts and talents with a group of special need adults…

Or if you just came and had lunch with our Friendship Circle, please stand.

If you shopped our Amazon wish list and bought us supplies, please stand.

If you are here at GPC this morning because you or a family member or a client has been served by our special needs ministry, please stand.

This is GPC living out the statement 'we will embrace the special needs community as if we were embracing Jesus Himself.' Well done, Germantown Presbyterian Church…well done!”

Germantown Presbyterian Church you are making a marked difference in the special needs community, so throw a party and CELEBRATE!

By Monica KirbyTo Celebrate or Not to Celebrate? That is the question.


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Watch for registration to open so you can”FOCUS” on VBS!

VBS is for current 3-year-olds (as of the week of VBS) through rising 5th graders.

GPC current 5th graders lead as mentors.

June 1- 5, 9:00-12:00

We are monitoring the situation closely, so be sure to stay tuned to the website and social media platforms for the latest updates. This summer kids will dive deeper into their faith by putting the FOCUS on God and His amazing plan for us. Children will have a blast as they discover how to trust in what they CAN’T see because of what they CAN see.

Help us prepare for VBS by registering your child as soonj as it opens! When you register you'll receive the cool color changing FOCUS cup! Remember, all 3-year-olds through current 5th graders should regis-ter. Once again this year our current GPC 5th graders will lead as mentors to our younger small groups of children….a very important role! You can help us by volunteering! We always need daily adult shepherds to lead a small group of children to each rotation. A teacher will be there to greet you at each station and lead the activity. Watch for that oppportunity. Another way to help is to pick up a donation item from our donation boards as soon as those are put out. We have many intricate supplies needed and greatly appreciate your donation of any item or gift card to specific stores.

Memory verse: Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And He is the one who com-pletes the journey of faith. Hebrews 12:2

Thanks to all the children who contributed to this year's youth auction by creating bookmarks to be donated and sold. The Children's Ministry had a great time partnering with the Youth Ministry to help raise money for summer youth trips.


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Thank you so much to all those who donated items, volunteered, and participated in the youth auction! We raised over $20,000! That's $4,000 more than last year! I'm so grateful for everyone's support!

Congrats to our Confirmation Class who was confirmed on March 1, 2020! We are so proud and excited to have such faithful eighth graders join the church. We are continuing to study God's Word in Sunday School and the youth are enjoying growing in their faith. The junior high youth will be studying the resurrection of Jesus and what that means for us today. The Confirmation Class is continuing their study of Jesus' death and resurrection. The senior high youth will be exploring the habits of Jesus.

Sign-ups for the Jr. High Mission Trip and the Sr. High Mission Trip are active on the GPC website. Final pay-ments for summer trips are due Wednesday April 8!

Please register if you are planning to go on these fun trips! As of this printing, both youth summer trips are still scheduled to go ahead. April dates: April 1- Compass, 6-7pmApril 5 - Youth Group at GPC: Jr High 4:30-6:30pm, Sr High 6-8pmApril 8- Compass, 6-7pmApril 12- No Youth Group- Happy Easter! April 15- Compass, 6-7pmApril 19-Youth Group at GPC: Jr High 4:30-6:30pm, Sr High 6-8pm April 22 - Compass, 6-7pmApril 26- Youth Sunday: Last Youth GroupApril 29- Compass, 6-7pm - Pastor Amanda

[email protected]

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>Gay Beaumont>Shirley Billups>Sherril & Jim Blair>Linda Sue & Bob Bobo>Huddy & Bayard Boyle**Jane Craddock

>Judy & Fred Frick>Nancy & Peter Hawkinson>Jean & Bob Hicks>Dot Ledlow>Aggie & Jack Losa>Willa Lowry

>Mack Pepper>Erin & Thomas Powell>Jackie & Bill Ruleman>Pam & Bill Spencer>Jan Thomson**Bob Thurman

> Amanda Walters>Woodie Whited, Johnathan Whited, & Sandy Franks

in our Prayers

The congregation extends its love, sympathy, and prayers to: the family of Joe Donaho in his death.

In the Congregation:

Coronavirus Prayers Sidney Baker - niece of Kay DonahoKyle Bishop - grandson of Brenda BishopTrip Hiller - grandson of Anne & Wayne TansilJohnny Nowell - son of Jo & Adm. John Nowell Patrick Peak - son of Eleanor DentonJason Ragain - son of Debbie Ragain

Doctors and nurses, emergency workers dealing with the novel coronavirus

In Service in the Military:

Friends and family requests submitted to the office for prayer will remain for 30 days before being removed. If you notice some-one you requested prayer for is no longer on the list, simply notify the office, and they will be placed back on the list.

**Indicates new request added since last month.

**Baby B & family - friends of Pastor Susie

**Katie Badgett - friend of Halfacres

>Julie Bland - daughter of Mary/Rodney Strop

>Elaine Brown - mother of Cheri Howle

**Carpenter family - relatives of Bob Hicks

>Janet/John Clark & family - friends of Mary Rogers

>Elaine Colmer - mother of John Colmer

>Nancy Dillon - aunt of Alex Benford

>Pat Fox - mother of friend of Sherrie Horner

**Virginia Goss - daughter of Gloria/Tim Goss

>Susan Hawkins - daughter of Ann Phillips

>Bibba Holland - friend of Phyl Simmons

>John Howle - son of Cheri/Mike Howle

>Ren Hua (& mother & stepfather, caregivers) - grandmother of Tingting Yao >LaLisa Lindemann - daughter of Dot Ledlow

>Cindy/Scott Moore, daughters Isabelle & Lucy - daughter, son-in-law, & granddaughters of Elaine/Tom Cates

>Hilliard Morgan - brother of Greg Morgan

>Rev. Philomena Ofori-Naaph - sister/friend/colleague of Pastor Susie

**AJ Pennington - nephew of Cindy Cleveland

>Jane Stearns - sister-in-law of Diane Stearns

>William Steven, son of Hayley Steven - friend of Susan Shirley Hurt

>Kila Tripp - daughter of Cindy/Rick Tripp

**Phil Walters - friend of Matthew Lindow

**Evelyn/James Warrington - sister-in-law of Catherine King

>Diane Young, daughter Jennifer - friends of Laura/ Woodson Farmer, Emmaline

GPC Friends & Family Prayer Ministry

Apr 5Morgan ArthurBecky & Vern BartonAbby Chandler, Anna, WillSteffie & Rob Draughon, Abigail, AmeliaErnie GoadJean & Robert HicksJo Ann OwensSusan & Ken Pasley, KendallJanet Roll

Apr 12Amy & Tim Barker, JayLalla & John ColmerPriscilla & Warren EastAndrea GoughnourPeggy HoganBetsie & George MenendezGreta & Seth Regenold, Cope-land & PorterLiza & Holt TrenorWilliam Warren, Kyle, Tyler, Will Jr.

Apr 19Sarah Cannon & Adam Pflu-grath, Evan PflugrathJane & Culver CraddockSusanne CrainBetty GreenJane & Jim KinneyHelen & Fred NormanMeredith & Greg Wagner, Angela & Cooper

Apr 26Honour & Eddie BateyPat & Dick BevierScott HallMary Ann & Randy HarrisMargaret & Tom Oldham, Caroline, JoshMary RogersLibba SchatzMary Jane Thompson, Viktor

April GPC Family Prayer Ministry

Page 15: IN THIS ISSUE...scheduled a variety of events and meetings online and is cancelling, postponing, and/or re-evaluating other event decisions as We move forWard. please continue to Watch


MeMorialsDuring the month of February GPC received the following

honorarium and memorial gifts.

Flower Fund

In Memory of Patti TraceyKay & David Collins

General Fund

In Honor of Cindy ClevelandGay Daughdrill Boyd

In Honor of Monica KirbyNancy & Jeff Halter

Memorial Fund

In Memory of Suzanne Bowlin20th Century Home & Garden Club

John Shanks

In Memory of Roy HendrixElizabeth Houston

Annette & Frank Tenent

In Memory or Richard KrewsonJerry Huff

In Memory of Bobby LanierAnonymous

Margie ArmourCentral Christian Church, Fulton, MO

Nancy & Jeff HalterKaren & Bill LawhornSusan & Lee Mallory

Lalla MellorMary Rogers

Amanda Walters

In Memory of Scott RulemanLalla Mellor

Amanda Walters

Music Fund

In Memory of Roy HendrixNicki & Tommy Lamar

In Memory of Bobby LanierNicki & Tommy LamarMary & Rodney Strop

GPC Financial Summary, February 2020 Feb. 2020 2020 YTD Feb. 2019 2019 YTD

Revenue $125,000 $431,670 $153,957 $353,670Expenses $133,001 $293,141 $136,211 $318,139Net $(8,001) $138,529 $17,746 $35,531

We had income of $125,000 in February, with expenses of $133,001, producing a small deficit of $8,001 for the month. On a YTD basis, for 2 months, our net surplus remains satisfactory at $138,529. Our results in both January and February were impacted by approximately $150,000 in 2020 pledges that were pre-paid in December 2019 and entered in revenue in January. The result is the appearance of a strong surplus early in the year, but we will need this money to make ends meet during the lean summer months.

We had contributions to Building Tomorrow Today of $8,902 in February and have just over $500,000 in pledges that should be paid in the next 3 months. We need all contributions outstanding to reduce our debt on the new buildings prior to establishing our amortization schedule in early 2021.

While our results for February are satisfactory, we expect to show a significant deficit for the month of March. We are in uncertain times, and we all are anxious about when the pandemic will ease and life can begin to return to a new normal. One thing that is certain is the cost of maintaining our staff and facilities continues. Our hope is that our members are able to maintain their stewardship throughout this period.

Page 16: IN THIS ISSUE...scheduled a variety of events and meetings online and is cancelling, postponing, and/or re-evaluating other event decisions as We move forWard. please continue to Watch


William G. Jones Pastor

susan Carter WiGGins assoCiate Pastor for ConGreGational Care

amanda maCkey assoCiate Pastor of youth ministry

tom sauer Pastor to senior adults

Jerold teaChey direCtor of musiC ministry

alex Benford orGanist/handBell direCtor

anna White direCtor of Children's ministry

moniCa kirBy direCtor of sPeCial needs ministry

WorshiP times: 8:30am WorshiP

9:30am sunday sChool 11:00am WorshiP

offiCe hours:

8:00am-5:00Pm monday-friday

G e r m a n t o W n P r e s B y t e r i a n C h u r C h

2 3 6 3 s G e r m a n t o W n r d

G e r m a n t o W n t n 3 8 1 3 8

P h : 9 0 1 / 7 5 4 - 5 1 9 5f x : 9 0 1 / 7 5 4 - 6 9 6 1

W W W . G e r m a n t o W n P r e s . o r G

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May Window Deadline: April 15

The APNC Congregational Survey is now available. Fill out the survey and let the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee know what you think. This is your chance to participate in the process of finding the next staff member. You can take the survey online by following this link: Or you can fill out a paper survey and return it to the office. If

you need a paper survey, contact the church office at [email protected].