In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows...

January 2013 Deposit Local Development Plan Representatives by MR C POSNETT In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note

Transcript of In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows...

Page 1: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3

January 2013

Deposit Local Development Plan Representatives by


In respect of

Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye

Technical Note

Page 2: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3

Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

1209-75/TN/01 Transport Planning Associates

January 2013 i


Project Details

Project Title: Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye

Project No.: 1209-75 Report No.: 1209-75/TN/01

Client: Mr C Posnett

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved for issue

Name James Morgan Peter Evans Peter Evans


Date January 2013 January 2013 January 2013

Document Review

Revision Date Description Checked By

Issued by:

Bristol Transport Planning Associates Cambridge 32 Windsor Place Cardiff Cardiff London CF10 3BZ Welwyn Garden City

029 2023 0303

[email protected]

Page 3: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3

Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

1209-75/TN/01 Transport Planning Associates

January 2013 ii





Site Location and Description

Local Highway Network

Pedestrian Infrastructure

Cycle Infrastructure

Public Transport

Proximity to Local Services








Traffic generation



Traffic Surveys

Traffic Growth

Total Traffic

Site Access / Gypsy Castle Lane Junction Capacity

Hay-on-Wye Festival




Page 4: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3

Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

1209-75/TN/01 Transport Planning Associates

January 2013 iii


Table 1 Summary of Local Bus Services – Brecon Road

Table 2 Providing for Journeys on foot – acceptable walking distances

Table 3 Summary of key facilities and services within the vicinity of the site

Table 4 Peak Hours TRICS derived trip rates and traffic attraction: 62 residential units

Table 5 Vehicle movements – Gypsy Castle Lane (Northeast)

Table 6 Vehicle movements – Gypsy Castle Lane (Southwest)

Table 7 Growth Factors

Table 8 PICADY Results: Proposed Site Access Total Traffic 2023


Figure 1 Site Location Plan

Figure 2 Pedestrian and Cycle Catchment Plan

Figure 3 Public Transport Infrastructure

Figure 4 Location of Key Facilities and Services

Figure 5 Proposed Site Access Junction


Appendix A TRICS reports – residential

Appendix B ATC survey

Appendix C PICADY output files

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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

1209-75/TN/01 Transport Planning Associates

January 2013 Page 1 of 15


1.1 Transport Planning Associates (TPA) have been commissioned by Mr C Posnett to

undertake a review of the existing transport infrastructure in relation to proposals to develop

land for housing at Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye.

1.2 In conjunction with Brecon Beacons Deposit Local Development Plan (LDP) the southern

third of the site is proposed to be allocated for the delivery of 20 homes. This Technical Note

supports representatives on behalf of Barton Willmore to the Deposit Plan, which seek the

expansion of the proposed allocation so that it encompasses the whole of the client’s site,

providing an opportunity to deliver up to 60 homes.

1.3 This report provides a review of the existing infrastructure and demonstrates that the site is

sustainably located and is accessible via non-car modes of travel, including walking, cycling

and public transport.

1.4 This report also assess the suitability of the proposed access arrangements and

demonstrates that the any additional traffic that could be generated by the development

proposals would be safely accommodated with no detrimental effect on the free flow or

safety of the local highway network within the vicinity of the site.

1.5 The structure of this report is as follows

- Chapter 2: Existing Situation

- Chapter 3: Proposed Access Arrangements

- Chapter 4: Traffic Generation

- Chapter 5: Traffic Survey and Junction Capacity Analysis

- Chapter 6: Summary and Conclusion

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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

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January 2013 Page 2 of 15



2.1 This section of the Technical Note examines the site location together with existing highway

and transport infrastructure in the vicinity. This includes detailing pedestrian, cycling and

public transport accessibility.

Site Location and Description

2.2 The site is located at the south-west fringe of Hay-on-Wye and is Greenfield in nature

encompassing agricultural farm land.

2.3 The site is set over a rectangular parcel of land which is bound to the west by Gypsy Castle

Farm and associated agricultural land, to the north by agricultural land, to the east by

residential housing and to the south by Gypsy Castle Lane.

2.4 The location of the site in relation to the wider context is illustrated on Figure 1.

Local Highway Network

2.5 Hay-on-Wye town centre is located to the east of the site and is accessible directly via

Gypsy Castle Lane, and indirectly via The Meadows then Brecon Road (B4350).

2.6 Within the vicinity of the site Gypsy Castle Lane runs in a northeast-southwest direction and

forms a priority junction with The Meadows. On its northeast approach to the junction,

Gypsy Castle Lane is a single lane carriageway with an approximate width of 3.5 metres

and is subject to a 30 mph speed limit, which decreases from 60 mph approximately 100

metres to the west.

2.7 The site is currently accessible via an informal access point from Gypsy Castle Lane. The

access is designed to cater for agricultural vehicles, which currently serve the adjoining

land. Gypsy Castle Lane also provides access to a number of private residential driveways.

2.8 To the east of the priority junction, Gypsy Castle Lane / The Meadows is a single lane

carriageway with an approximate width of 6 metres and is subject to a 30 mph speed limit.

The road is currently subject to traffic calming measures to ensure that vehicular speeds

remain low on approach to the junction.

2.9 Both Gypsy Castle Lane and The Meadows are provided with street lighting.

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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

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January 2013 Page 3 of 15

Pedestrian Infrastructure

2.10 The majority of pedestrian infrastructure is provided to the east of the site. Pedestrian

footways are currently provided along both sides of The Meadows, south of the priority

junction with Gypsy Castle Lane. To the east of the priority junction, a pedestrian footway is

provided on the southern side of Gypsy Castle Lane for a distance of approximately 75

metres. Thereafter footways are provided on both sides of the carriageway.

2.11 There are currently no footways provided along Gypsy Castle Lane to the west of the priority

junction with The Meadows.

2.12 An uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point, consisting dropped kerbs and tactile paving, is

provided approximately 25 metres south of the priority junction with Gypsy Castle Lane.

Similarly, an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point, consisting dropped kerbs and tactile

paving is provided approximately 75 metres to the west of the priority junction, across Gypsy

Castle Lane.

2.13 The footway provided along the western side of The Meadows currently terminates at Gypsy

Castle Lane (on the western approach to the priority junction).

2.14 An inspection of the existing public rights of way in the vicinity of the site indicates that there

are existing public footpaths provided along the eastern and western boundaries of the site

providing a link for pedestrians between Gypsy Castle Lane and the River Wye to the north.

2.15 Existing public footpaths are provided at the western and eastern boundary of the site

2.16 Figure 2 provides pedestrian walking distances which demonstrates that the majority of

residential streets in Hay-on-Wye are located within a 15 minute walk of the site based on

an average walk speed of 4.8km/hr (400m per 5 minute), as per the guidance contained

within ‘Providing for Journeys on Foot’.

Cycle Infrastructure

2.17 There are currently no designated cycle routes provided within the immediate vicinity of the

site. However, as detailed on the Sustrans website, National Cycle Route 44 (NCR 44) is

currently being developed and will extend through Ross-on-Wye. It is envisaged that

extension of NCR 44 will coincide with the development of the site, and could be utilised by

future residents in order to provide a sustainable link to neighbouring villages.

2.18 Figure 2 also provides cycle isochrones showing areas within reasonable cycling distance

of the site. The isochrones demonstrate that the majority of Hay-on-Wye is within 2000m of

the site; a 7.5 minute cycle.

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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

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January 2013 Page 4 of 15

Public Transport

2.19 The nearest bus stop to the site is located along Brecon Road (B4350). Pedestrians wishing

to access the bus stops from the site can do so via existing pedestrian footways provided

along The Meadows and Brecon Road.

2.20 The bus stop is currently located on the northern side of Brecon Road and serves

eastbound routes. The stop consists of a shelter with seating, and relevant timetable


2.21 Bus services that serve this stop, together with their frequency are displayed in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of Local Bus Services – Brecon Road

Service Route Summary Service


Approximate Frequency

Monday to

Friday Saturday Sunday


Brecon – Talgarth –

Hay-on-Wye –

Kingstone –



07:30 every

2 hours until


07:30 every

2 hours until





Rhaeadr –

Llandrindod Wells –

Builth Wells – Hay-

on-Wye - Hereford


Operates on


Wed / Sat

Operates on


Wed / Sat



2.22 As can be seen from the information contained in the above table, the bus stop located

along Brecon Road is served by frequent bus services, providing access to a number of

primary destinations throughout the area during weekdays and weekend periods.

2.23 A number of additional bus stops are also located within 1200m walk distance and 2000m

cycle distance of the site, and are illustrated on Figure 3 of this report.

Proximity to Local Services

2.24 As outlined in Manual for Streets (2007) walking offers the greatest opportunity to replace

private car travel as the primary mode of transport for short journeys, particularly those

under 2km.

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2.25 Guidance contained within ‘Providing for Journeys on foot’ sets out acceptable walking

distances to facilities, defined as those where a high proportion of trips generated by new

development can be conveniently made by passenger transport, on foot or by cycle. These

are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2 Providing for Journeys on foot – acceptable walking distances


shops, bus stops etc.

Commuting /School


Desirable 200m 500m 400m

Acceptable 400m 1000m 800m

Preferred maximum

800m 2000m 1200m

2.26 Table 3 provides details of a number of key facilities and services located within reasonable

walking and cycle distance of the site, based on an average walking time of 4.8km/hr and

average cycle time of 19.2 km/hr as quoted in Local Transport Note 2/08 Cycle

Infrastructure Design. The location of each of the key facilities and services is illustrated on

Figure 4.

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January 2013 Page 6 of 15

Table 3 Summary of key facilities and services within the vicinity of the site

Facilities/Services Location Approximate



walking time


cycle time

Wye Valley

Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins


Festival Site

Brecon Road

(B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3 mins

Church Gypsy Castle

Lane 575m 7.2 mins 1.8 mins

Fire Station Brecon Road

(B4350) 680m 8.5 mins 2.1 mins

Cemetery Brecon Road

(B4350) 800m 10 mins 2.6 mins



Brecon Road

(B4350) 800m 10 mins 2.6 mins


County Primary


Oxford Road

(B4348) 900m 11.3 mins 2.8 mins

Public Car Park Oxford Road

(B4348) 1000m 12.5 mins 3.1 mins

Town Centre - 1,050m 13.1 mins 3.3 mins

Forest Road

Enterprise Park /


Industrial Estate

Forest Road 1,200m 15 mins 3.75 mins

2.27 As can be seen from the information provided in Table 3 several amenities and services are

within acceptable walking distance of the site as defined by ‘Providing for journeys on foot’

whilst all others are within the preferred maximum. Hay-on-Wye County Primary School is

located within the acceptable walk walking distance threshold.

2.28 The site is ideally located to provide residents with the opportunity to access essential

facilities and services within close proximity thus reducing the requirement to travel via

private car.

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3.1 This section of the report outlines the proposed access arrangements for the site; detailing

vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access via the existing infrastructure and proposed



3.2 Access to the site will be provided directly from Gypsy Castle Lane via a formal priority

junction. The access will be located in the approximate position of the existing informal

access point.

3.3 The proposed access junction has been designed in line with national guidance and can

cater for service and delivery vehicles. The internal road width will be 5.5m with 1.8m

pedestrian footways provided on either side. Dropped kerbs and tactile paving will be

provided to allow pedestrians to cross to the internal site access road.

3.4 Visibility at the proposed access junction fully complies with guidance outlined within Manual

for Streets (MfS) and Manual for Streets 2 (MfS2). The ATC survey data demonstrates low

vehicular speeds in the vicinity of the proposed site access, with average 7 day speeds

recorded of 21.4mph and 85th percentile speeds recorded of 26.0mph.

3.5 The internal layout of the site will be designed in accordance with guidance contained within

Manual for Street (MfS) and Manual for Streets 2 (MfS2). The current parking standards that

are applicable to the proposed development are CSS Wales – Wales Parking Standards

(2008). The level of parking that is required for the proposed residential units will be

provided in accordance with this document.

3.6 The proposed site access junction and associated pedestrian facilities is illustrated on

Figure 5.


3.7 It is anticipated that the main point of access for pedestrians will be via the upgraded site

access junction. Pedestrian footways will be provided along both sides of the proposed site

access junction as per Manual for Streets guidance. As shown on Figure 5, it is envisaged

that new pedestrian footways could be provided along the northern side of Gypsy Castle

Lane which would provide a link to the existing pedestrian infrastructure, including the

uncontrolled pedestrian crossing points, located along Gypsy Castle Lane and The


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January 2013 Page 8 of 15

3.8 Given that the development proposals are still in the concept design stage, it is envisaged

that secondary pedestrian access points could be provided via the existing public footpaths

provided at the western and eastern boundaries of the site. By providing a link at the eastern

boundary of the site, pedestrian would be able to utilise existing footways and uncontrolled

crossing facilities provided along Gypsy Castle Lane to safely access the site.

3.9 Given the location and nature of the site it is considered that the proposed level of

pedestrian infrastructure will provide a safe and convenient link for pedestrians wishing to

travel into Hay-on-Wye town centre.


3.10 Cyclists will be able to access the site directly from Gypsy Castle Lane via the proposed site

access arrangements. As detailed within Chapter 2 of this report there are currently no

designated cycle routes provided within the vicinity of the site. However, it is envisaged that

cyclists will be able to utilise the existing highway network in order to access the site. This is

also true of existing properties located on the southern side of the Gypsy Castle Lane that

have recently been constructed.

3.11 Given the low vehicular speeds and volumes of traffic recorded along Gypsy Lane it is

considered that cyclists would be able to easily access the site.

3.12 As detailed within Figure 2.1, much of Hay-on-Wye is located within 2000m or 7.5 minute

cycle time of the proposed site and therefore provides a sustainable alternative to use of a

private car.

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4.1 This Chapter of the Technical Report presents the derivation of appropriate trip rates for the

proposed residential development, and distributes the additional traffic on to the local

highway network. The output of this section provides an estimate of the level of traffic that

could be attracted by the proposed development.

Traffic generation

4.2 The TRICS database has been used to undertake an assessment of the likely number of

vehicle trips that could be generated by the proposed residential development. The TRICS

database provides trip rate information based on existing trips observed from surveys at

similar sites throughout the United Kingdom. Sites within Greater London have been

excluded as a result of the greater public transport opportunities that are available.

4.3 The proposals are for 62 residential dwellings. An assessment has been undertaken utilising

TRICS 2013(b) and includes sites within the residential: Houses Privately Owned category.

The selection criteria have been narrowed to include sites located within suburban and edge

of town areas. There are a total of 26 weekday sample sites available.

4.4 Table 4 provides a summary of the calculated traffic generation, based upon the TRICS

analysis. The assessed peak hours have been derived from the ATC survey data as

detailed within Chapter 5 of this report. Details of the sites selected and the full TRICS

report is included as Appendix A.

Table 4: Peak Hour TRICS derived trip rates and traffic attraction: 62 residential units




62 units

Weekday AM Peak


Weekday PM Peak


Weekday PM Peak


Arr Dep Tot Arr Dep Tot Arr Dep Tot

Trip Rate 0.166 0.387 0.553 0.265 0.21 0.475 0.368 0.212 0.58


Generation 10 24 34 16 13 29 23 13 36

4.5 Analysis of the TRICS data presented in Table 4 demonstrates that the proposed residential

development could generate a total of 34 two-way vehicle movements during the AM peak

hour 0800-0900 and a total of 29 vehicle movements during the PM peak hour 1500-1600,

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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

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January 2013 Page 10 of 15

respectively. The data also demonstrates that the existing site could generate a total of 36

two-way vehicle movements during the more traditional PM network peak hour 1700-1800.

Distribution of development traffic

4.6 It is anticipated that the majority of traffic that will be generated by the development

proposals will travel east toward Hay-on-Wye. It has therefore been assumed that

approximately 80 percent of all vehicle trips from the site will originate from and travel to the

east via Gypsy Castle Lane. The remaining 20 percent of vehicle trips will travel west on

Gypsy Castle Lane. This is envisaged to be the case for both the AM and PM peak periods.

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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

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January 2013 Page 11 of 15



5.1 This chapter of the report considers the existing traffic on Gypsy Castle Lane and provides

an analysis of the capacity of the site access with the addition of development traffic and

future year growth.

Traffic Surveys

5.2 In order to assess the volume and classification of vehicular movements that currently utilise

Gypsy Castle Lane, an ATC survey was commissioned on the Thursday 10th January 2013

for a period of seven days. The survey was positioned on both on the western and eastern

approaches of Gypsy Caste lane at the approach to the priority junction with The Meadows.

5.3 The results of the ATC survey demonstrates that the peak hour traffic movements along

Gypsy Castle Lane occurs between 0800 to 0900 for the AM peak period and 1500 to 1600

for the PM peak period. In addition, traffic flow numbers have also been assessed for the

more traditional PM network peak hour of between 1700 and 1800.

5.4 A summary of the survey results for the peak hour and daily period is provided in Table 5

and Table 6. The results are based on a seven day average of the recorded vehicle flows. A

full copy of the ATC survey is included as Appendix B.

Table 5: Vehicle movements – Gypsy Castle Lane (Northeast)

Time Period

Cars / Lights Goods Vehicle

Movements Bus and HGV Movements

Total Two-Way


(inc. bus and

HGV) NE bound SW bound NE bound SW bound

0800-0900 9 16 2 3 30

1500-1600 14 15 4 2 35

1700-1800 15 17 3 1 36

Daily 170 208 28 28 434

5.5 The results of the ATC survey data demonstrates that, on average, Gypsy Castle Lane

(northeast) experiences 30 two-way vehicle movements (including bus and HGV) during the

AM peak hour 0800-0900 and 35 two-way vehicle movements (including bus and HGV)

during the PM peak hour 1500-1600.

5.6 The results also demonstrate that for the more traditional PM network peak hour Gypsy

Castle Lane (northeast) experiences 36 two-way vehicle movements.

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January 2013 Page 12 of 15

Table 6: Vehicle movements – Gypsy Castle Lane (Southwest)

Time Period

Cars / Lights Goods Vehicle

Movements Bus and HGV Movements

Total Two-Way


(inc. bus and

HGV) NE bound SW bound NE bound SW bound

0800-0900 7 6 1 1 15

1500-1600 10 7 2 1 20

1700-1800 11 9 1 1 12

Daily 105 90 15 11 221

5.7 The results of the ATC survey data demonstrates that, on average, Gypsy Castle Lane

(southwest) experiences 15 two-way vehicle movements (including bus and HGV) during

the AM peak hour 0800-0900 and 20 two-way vehicle movements (including bus and HGV)

during the PM peak hour 1500-1600.

5.8 The results also demonstrate that for the more traditional PM network peak hour Gypsy

Castle Lane (northeast) experiences 12 two-way vehicle movements.

5.9 It is evident from the ATC survey that Gypsy Castle Lane experiences relatively low volumes

of vehicular traffic during the AM and PM peak periods.

Traffic Growth

5.10 Forecast base traffic flows represent traffic volumes that will exist on the network in the

future regardless of any development in the area. They have been calculated by applying

growth factors to existing base traffic flows.

5.11 Locally adjusted growth factors have been calculated using TEMPRO (version 6.2) in

accordance with Department for Transport guidance. Powys was selected as the area and

NTEM Dataset 62 and NTM AF09 have been selected within TEMPRO.

5.12 The projected growth factors have been assessed for the period 2013 to 2023. This

represents a 10 year growth period after the target year of submission of the Deposit Plan

representatives and is therefore deemed to provide a robust analysis.

5.13 Relevant growth factors are summarised in Table 7.

Table 7 Growth Factors

Weekday AM Weekday PM

2013 - 2023 1.0600 1.0693

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Total Traffic

5.14 Total traffic flows represent the level of traffic that could be present on the local highway

network for the assessed future year with the addition of development traffic.

Site Access / Gypsy Castle Lane Junction Capacity

5.15 The surveyed ‘peak hour’ traffic flows have been utilised to run a capacity analysis for the

proposed site access junction utilising the PICADY 5.0 software. In order to assess a worst

case scenario, total traffic flows have been used to assess the AM and PM peak periods.

5.16 A summary of the results of the PICADY analysis for the total traffic 2023 scenario are

presented in Table 8. Full PICADY reports included as Appendix C.

Table 8: PICADY Results: Proposed Site Access Total Traffic 2023


Total Traffic 2023 –

AM peak (0800 –


Total Traffic 2023 –

PM peak (1500 –


Total Traffic 2023 –

PM peak (1700 –


Max RFC Max Q Max RFC Max Q Max RFC Max Q

B-AC 0.049 0 0.026 0 0.027 0

C-AB 0.012 0 0.010 0 0.019 0

Note: Arm A = Gypsy Castle Lane (Eastern arm)

Arm B = Proposed Site Access Road

Arm C = Gypsy Castle Lane (Western arm)

5.17 The results of analysis demonstrate that the proposed site access junction will operate well

within capacity with no queuing or delays expected during the AM and PM peak hours.

Hay-on-Wye Festival

5.18 The Hay Festival is an annual literature festival that is held in Hay-on-Wye for a period of ten

days from May and June. The Hay-on-Wye festival site is located to the south-west of the

site and is accessible via Brecon Road. During the festival period a number of fields that

surround the site are designated for parking. These include fields located to the west of the

site along Gypsy Castle Lane.

5.19 It is anticipated that the level of traffic along Gypsy Castle Lane and surrounding highway

network will increase during the time of the Hay festival. However, it is envisaged that

appropriate traffic management measures will be in place in order to limit the impact of

additional traffic on the proposed site access arrangements and internal roads within the


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Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

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January 2013 Page 14 of 15



6.1 This report provides justification from a highways perspective for the expansion of land

located at Gypsy Castle Lane to provide approximately 60 homes and associated

infrastructure improvements.

6.2 The site has been allocated for the delivery of 20 homes in conjunction with Brecon

Beacons Deposit Local Development Plan (LDP). This report supports representatives on

behalf of Barton Willmore to the Deposit Plan, which seek the expansion of the proposed

allocation so that it encompasses the whole of the client’s site, providing an opportunity to

deliver up to 60 homes.

6.3 The site is located on the south-west fringe of Hay-on-Wye and is Greenfield in nature

encompassing agricultural farm land. The site site is currently accessible via an informal

access point from Gypsy Castle Lane, which is designed to cater for agricultural vehicles.

6.4 The site is sustainably located with pedestrian footways, including uncontrolled pedestrian

crossing facilities, provided to the east along Gypsy Castle Lane and the Meadows. The site

is accessible via public transport, with bus stops located along Brecon Road, to the south of

the site.

6.5 Traffic survey data demonstrates that Gypsy Castle Lane currently experiences low

vehicular speeds and low volumes of traffic and is therefore deemed suitable for on-road


6.6 Access to the site will be provided directly from Gypsy Castle Lane via a formal priority

junction. The junction has been designed in accordance with MfS and MfS and can cater for

large refuse vehicles.

6.7 Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to access the site directly from Gypsy Castle Lane via

the proposed site access junction. It is envisaged that secondary pedestrian and cycle

access points could be provided via the existing public footpaths provided at the western

and eastern boundaries of the site.

6.8 The level of vehicular traffic that could be generated by the development proposals has

been calculated using the TRICS database. The assessment demonstrates that the site

could generate a maximum of 36 two-way vehicle movements during the PM peak period

1700 to 1800. This is not considered to be a significant number of new trips.

6.9 In order to assess the operation the proposed access junction in respect of existing traffic

flows along Gypsy Castle Lane and the addition of development traffic generated by the

proposals, capacity analysis has been undertaken using PICADY. The results demonstrate

Page 19: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3

Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

1209-75/TN/01 Transport Planning Associates

January 2013 Page 15 of 15

that the proposed junction would operate within capacity with minimal queuing and delays

during both the AM and PM peak periods for the future year 2023.

6.10 The proposed access arrangements will be carefully managed during the Hay Festival to

ensure that vehicle access is not impeded.


6.11 This report demonstrates that the Gypsy Castle Lane site is located in a sustainable setting

and is accessible via non-car modes of transport including foot, cycle and public transport.

6.12 It is concluded that there are no highway related reasons why the site should not be

considered for expansion in conjunction with Brecon Beacons Deposit Local Development

Plan (LDP).

Page 20: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3

Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Mr C Posnett Technical Note

1209-75/TN/01 Transport Planning Associates

January 2013 Figures


Page 21: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3
Page 22: In respect of Gypsy Castle Lane, Hay-on-Wye Technical Note...Wye Valley Business Park The Meadows 225m 2.8 mins 0.7 mins Hay-On-Wye Festival Site Brecon Road (B4350) 400m 5 mins 1.3