In Memory of my Mother - موقع التعليم الجزائري -...

SUNRISE 1AS NEW PROGRAM In Memory of my Mother In Memory of Mrs. Fatima Yahiaoui , Teacher of Physics. In Memory of Mrs. Malika Medbeur, Teacher of English. In Memory of Mohamed Necib, 3AS Student Lycée Lotfi 5

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In Memory of my Mother

In Memory of Mrs. Fatima Yahiaoui , Teacher of Physics.In Memory of Mrs. Malika Medbeur, Teacher of English.

In Memory of Mohamed Necib, 3AS Student Lycée Lotfi



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I would like thank Mr. Mohamed Chaibdraa, Director of Education, Oran Mr. Ahmed Benagaouch , Personnel Manager, Mr. Mustapha Boudia, Director of the Regional Centre of Pedagogical Documentation, Mr. Kamel Bereksi, Mr Mustapha Louznadji, Mr. Abdelkader Mars, Mr. Tayeb Zebbar Inspectors of English, Miss Farida Mechbeck for their great help and encouragement.

Gratitude to all the colleagues and friends among them, Farida Derragui, Fatiha Louznadji Sotra Baka, Nora Benboucetta, Karima Niar, Fadéla Sahri, Fatiha Tayeb Chérif, Houria Benabdellah.

I am truly grateful to my pupils. ‘You have given me the opportunity to embark on such a journey and finally reach its destination ! Without you, this work would not have been possible.’‘

Thanks to my Editor, Mr. Freha Benhammadi Dar El Gharb (Oran) for always taking my work through production.

I am grateful to Lynda Benyekhlef Defafni, Ali Belmehdi, Editions Dar EL Gharb for their help in framing the book and Mohamed Taouch for designing the book cover.


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مـخـتـلـف مـسـاهـــــــــمة إطـــــــــار فـي إصــــــــالح مــجــــــــال فــي الـفــاعـلــيـن دار يّســر التـربــويـــــــــــــة، المـنــظــومـة

ــرب ــ ــدر أن للــنــشــر الــغـــ ــ ــذا تصــ ــ هــ اللـــــغة فـي الـمـدرسـي شـبـه الـكــتـــــاب مـن األولى بالســـنة الخــــاص و اإلنجـلـيـزيـة

بلبشيـر سعـــاد لألســتاذة الثـــانوي التـعــلــيم أن و سـبــق الــتـي للمــؤلفـــــــات تــتــمـة

التعــليــم لـجـمـهــــور المعـــنية قــدّمــتــهــا.الثــانـوي

ــدر و ــارة تجـ أّن إلـى هـنــا اإلشـــف َـّ والمـنـهــــــــــــــجية يـتــمــاشـى الُمـؤل

ــدة ــ ــررة الجــديـ ــ وزارة قــبــل مــن المـقــ مــــجاال يـــدع ال مـمـا الـوطنـــــية التـربــيـة

ــاب أن للشـك ــ ــون الـكـتـ ــ ــدا سيـكــ ــ سـنــتـكـويـن مــجــال فــي قـويـــا

.اإلنـجـلـيـزيــة اللــغـة فـي الــتـالمــيـذ و تـتـمــاشـى مـعـاصـرة فالنـصوص

الكـتــــاب أّن كما للمتعلم القـــريب الـمحـيط مـخـتـلـفـة تـمـاريـن و دروســا يـتـضـمـن

ــوسيع شـأنـهــا مـن ــرة تــ ــارف دائــــ مـعـــ


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مـمــارسـتـه صـــقــل و التـلــمـيـذ.اللــغــويــة

التربوية للوثائق الجهوي المركز مدير مصطفى بودية السيد وهران


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This book has been designed to help young learners and teachers have enough material. I hope it will be a complement to the book ‘At the Crossroads’( 1AS). I have tried to select texts that appeal to the young people of today and devise activities that comply with the updated syllabus. The approach is competency- based. The last activity is a project, which the students can prepare and present.

This modest work is just an attempt, and I hope it will convey something of the interest and illumination I can gain form the ideas of colleagues.

Souad Belbachir


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1. Craig’s Daily Activities2. Amsterdam3. The letter4. Big Business for Cyber teens


1. A Piece of Rope2. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (poem)3. The Kite


1. What Teenagers Want on Holiday2. Exam Stress3. Advice Column


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1. Man and Nature2. The Model T- Ford3. A Great Doctor4. What a computerized World Will be Like


1. Phonetic symbols chart2. Functional Language3. Writing Informal Letters 4. Writing Formal Letters5. Writing a narrative6. Linking Words7. How to write an Article8. Pronunciation9. List of Irregular verbs


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Craig’s Daily Activities

My free time is very important to me. On week days I’m quite busy and I don’t relax much. I have to go to school and do my homework. When I have some free time, I usually watch TV, listen to music and read. Sometimes if my friend Tom isn’t busy, we meet and play computer games at home or play soccer in the park near his house. At the week-ends I do many different things with my friends and family. On Saturday mornings I usually clean my room and go shopping with my brother. Saturday evening is my favourite time of the week. I enjoy meeting my friends and going to a fast food restaurant. There we eat and talk and later we go to the cinema. On Sundays I often spend the day with my family. We go for long drives in the country. I really like the countryside. We go on picnics or have lunch at different restaurants. It’s a nice and relaxing way to end the week.

From Plus MM Publications (1999)

1. Answer the questions according to the text .

a. Is Craig busy on weekdays ?b. What does he do on Saturday mornings ?c. Why does he prefer Saturday evening ?d. Does he like the countryside ?

2. Find the meaning of each of the underlined words in the text above. Use the words in sentences of your own.


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3. Complete the charts below.

What does Craig do ……? ON


Usually Sometimes



Saturday morning

Saturday evening


4. Look at Kate’s diary. Write sentences about what she does in her free time.

Kate’s Diary

From Monday to Friday : Saturday : café with some friendsSwimmingSunday : Cyber café- video games- navigate/surfReading books


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4. Write your diary. You may use Kate’s model.

5. Answer the following questions then report to the class what you do every Friday.

a. What time do you get up ?b. What do you do ? c. Do you go shopping ?d. What do you do in the afternoon ?e. Do you go out ? f. Do you revise your lessons ?g. What do you enjoy doing ?h. What do you do in the evening ?i. What time do you go to bed ?………..

6. Write a paragraph on the following topic.

What do you do in your free time ?

Project: Conduct a survey.

e.g. : How many people go out in their free time ? practise sport ? How often do they play video games ? …………


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I live in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is different from any other city in the world because it is under the level of the sea. There are many canals which divide the city into islands. That’s why there are four hundred bridges in the city. Amsterdam also has many interesting sights. The most important ones are two churches which are over five hundred years old and a seventeenth century palace. There are also lots of famous museums full of classical and modern paintings. Amsterdam is a beautiful city and I like it very much. The land is flat and low, so it’s the perfect place for cycling. There are many bicycle lanes and I go cycling with my friends every day. Many tourists also visit my city. I feel very lucky because I get the chance to meet people from all over the world. From Plus MM Publications 1999

1. Answer the questions according to the text .a. Where does the writer live ?b. Why is Amsterdam different from any other city in the world ?c. How many bridges are there in the city ?d. What are the most important sights of Amsterdam ?e. What can you find in the museums ?f. How often does the writer go cycling ? g. Why is the writer lucky ?

2. Find the meaning of each of the underlined words . Use them in sentences of your own.

3. Complete the chart below about your town or city.


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Town/City : …………………………………….Location : ………………………………………….Population : ……………………………………….Area : …………………………………………………Climate : …………………………………………..Famous Sights : ………………………………………..


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Project : You have invited your pen friend, Jason, to visit your country/town . Before coming, he asked you to describe it. Send him an e-mail and describe your beloved country/town. Then collect photos or draw pictures, that you will send him by e-mail.

4. Read the texts below, and try to identify what message each of them contains .

April 22nd 200.Dear Kate, Thank you very much for the invitation. It will be a real pleasure for me to see all of you. Be sure that I will come.

Sincerely yours, Simon

March 18th 200.

April 15, 200.Dear Simon,

My family and I would like to invite you to spend the spring holidays at our spring house up the hill. It is a beautiful house surrounded with flowers and trees. I’m sure you’ll like it and enjoy yourself with us.

Best regards, Kate


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Dear Tim, We’ll celebrate our daughter’s first birthday next week. Come to share with us the ceremony.

Regards, Reeve

March 23rd , 200. Dear Reeve, Thank you very much for your invitation. I’m afraid I can’t come because I fell down as I was playing football, and now I’m in bed with a broken leg. Yours faithfully, Tim


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Dear Melissa ,

What wonderful news ! Congratulations !I am very happy to know that you’ve passed all your exams. You see, You didn’t have to worry, you just needed to work a little bit harder. I wish you more and more success. Love,


Dear Willy,

I’m sorry to hear about the death of your grandmother. Please accept our deepest sympathy in your time of sorrow.

In Sympathy Ellen

5. Write small messages. Use the texts above as models.

6. Read the letter below, then fill in the blanks with an article (a, an or the). If you don’t need an article, mark the space with a zero article.


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Hi George !

Spain is great ! We’re staying at …1…. hotel in …..2…. small town near ……3….. Barcelona. It’s …….4…… very pretty and there are lots of …….5…… churches. ……6…..people here are very friendly. However, Spain is very different from …….7…… England. The shops are not open all day. They close for ……8 ……few hours every afternoon for the ‘siesta’. It’s very hot at that time and nobody can work, so everybody goes to sleep. Yesterday it was …..9…. special holiday. There was ……10…… big festival and everyone celebrated on ……11….. streets. Tomorrow we are going to see …..12….. sights in Barcelona. I forgot to tell you that I met …..13….. Australian girl of 16. Her name is…….14…… Annie and she lives in Canada. She is …….15……tall, she has got…….16…… green eyes and ….17…. dark hair. ………18……. girl is lovely and we have become very good friends.

Love, Thomas

Adapted from Plus MM Publications 1999


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Linking /r/ is used before another word beginning with a vowel.e.g. : here and there. Later on. The waiter is a young man of 23.

In the examples above, ‘r’ is pronounced.

7. Read the dialogue below and underline the words where the letter ‘r’ is not pronounced.

Sylvia : Good afternoon. Can I speak to doctor Alison, please ?Steve : I’m sorry but she isn’t here at the moment. She travelled to Rome early this morning.Sylvia : Okay. I’ll call her back.


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The Letter

50 Baker StreetLondon

April 15, 200..Dear Sir,

I am writing to apply for the position of Junior Office Assistant as advertised in “The Daily” on 3rd May.

I am a seventeen- year-old student in my final year of High School. I am computer literate and currently attending a course in Computer Technology. I also have a computer at home on which I play computer games.

In addition, my knowledge of the English language is quite satisfactory. I am planning to sit the Higher Degree of English Examination in a few weeks, despite the fact that I failed it last year.

As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I have had previous experience as an office assistant. My duties included filing, answering the telephone and some typing, all of which helped me improve my organisational skills. I really enjoyed the job so that is why I would like a similar position this year. I am also interested in making some money for the summer holidays. I have enclosed a reference letter from my previous employer for your consideration.


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If you feel that my qualifications meet your requirements, please note that I am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to a favourable reply.

Yours faithfully, Elena Mason

From BE PRO (Hachette 1998)

1. Copy and fill in this résumé (Curriculum Vitae ) with information from Elena’s letter of application.


Name : ………………………………………………….Address : ………………………………………………..Age : …………………………………………………….Education :…………………………………………….Languages : …………………………………………….Previous work experience : …………………………………Interests : ………………………………………………….

2.You have seen this advertisement and have decided to apply for the job.



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MAUREEN’S RESTAURANT is looking for waiters /waitresses.

. You must be able to work at weekends.

. Need to have an experience.

. We offer basic training, a competitive salary and very good working conditions.

Interested ? Send CV and letter.

3. Do you know yourself ?

What are your strong points and your weak points ? Look at the following list of personal characteristics. 1. Put a cross in the appropriate column, and 2. ask a friend to rate you. Compare your answers.

Always often sometimes never


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Are you ?. sincere, honest, patient. able to follow orders. able to give orders. able to get along with others. able to make decisions. organized in your work. enthusiastic. . in good physical health. self-confident.capable of humour.polite. energetic. calm . able to work under pressure. cheerful. sociable


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Activity Now think of other recommendations you would like to make. Adapted from Be Pro (Hachette 1998)


REMINDERA.Your friend, whose letter of application has been accepted, needs advice to prepare for an interview. Since you are experienced, you give him/her some recommendations . Read the following :

“You must prepare yourself physically and mentally. You mustn’t be nervous.”

“You must describe important experiences. Don’t forget, you need to know about the company, ……….“You must be on time for the interview. Sometimes you don’t have to give long answers. Try to answer questions with a simple ‘yes or no’.”“You must show enthusiasm , interest and think positively.” “You don’t need to worry,”


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B. Read the short dialogues below :

. Father : A mobile phone or a head phone ? Which one do you prefer ? Alan : I want both.Father: Sorry. I can offer either a mobile or a headphone. Impossible to have both.

. Cecilia : I’d like to have a computer and a printing machine.Mother : I’m sorry darling. For the moment you can have either a computer or a printing machine, not both.

Teacher : Do Karl and Barry swim ? Donovan : Neither Karl nor Barry swim (s)

. Mrs. Johnson : Your children speak English and Spanish very well, they are gifted and need to study other languages.

Mrs. Robinson : Neither Simon nor Sally have time to study other languages for the moment. They are busy preparing their exams.

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Write down dialogues trying to follow the examples.

Fill in the blanks in the messages below with ‘to’ in order to so as to and their negatives.a. I’m sending you this message …….. congratulate you for the good job you are doing.b. I swim ……… keep fit.c. You have to leave now……….miss the train.d. You must introduce yourself ………to make your new friends know more about you.e. I revise every night before sleeping …………forget what I have learnt at school.

Pronunciation‘v’ is pronounced /f/ before a voiceless sound. ‘You have to leave.’

‘v’ is pronounced /v/ before a voiced sound. ‘ I have a big house.’

‘s’ is pronounced /s/ before a voiceless sound. ‘She has taken a bath.



Father : Why did you climb the mountain ? Ben : to / so as to / in order to discover nature.Father :You have to take a bath now so as not to get sick, look at the dust on your body and clothes !

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‘s’ is pronounced /z/ before a voiced sound. ‘ He has many books.’

‘d’ is pronounced /t/ before a voiceless sound. ‘You had to see her.’

‘d’ is pronounced /d/ before a voiced sound. ‘The road is wet.’

Read the sentences below and say how you pronounce each of the underlined letters :/f/ or /v/, /d/ or /t/, /s/ or /z/.a. She is very happy with her new mobile phone.b. Sam has to learn how to use the computer.c. Kathy has not sent the message yet.d. Alice was delighted to spend a week in Amsterdam.e. They have to work more seriously.f. They had to finish their project. g. You don’t have to wear a suit for the interview.


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Some young Americans love computers, but not for playing games. Trent, Danny and Charles run their own computer advice companies.

Their fascination for computers began at an early age. Danny Kalmick, from California, got his first computer at age five. When he was 11, he understood how it worked. Now Danny, 14, owns Kalmick & Co. , fixing computers and giving advice. So far, he has 50 clients.

Trent Einsenberg, 16, from Minneapolis, realised he could make money from his computer knowledge when he easily found the solution to a problem described on the Internet. Compaq, a top computer manufacturer, saw his response and offered him a job.

Trent had to refuse : he was only 14 ! But now, he has his own business, F1 computer. He starts his day at 5.30 a.m. in order to fit in both school and work, and clients sometimes call him at 1a.m. for help.

Demand for computer consultants is growing. “We spend 30-40 hours a week on our business”, says Charles Ross, 18, who created Pixelstorm in Florida with his brother and a friend . But what about school ? Charles says the business helps him be more organised and get top grades.


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How do these cyber teens see their futures ? Charles wants to continue developing Pixelstorm, but for Trent, computers may just be a hobby : “I’m not in the computer business to make money,” he told Easy speakeasy. “I enjoy helping people, so may be I’ll be a doctor.

Easy SPEAKEASY Nov 1997 anglais TERMINALE BEP 1. Fill in the table below according to the text above.People Age Places

2. Answer the questions according to the text .a. Do some young Americans love computers ?b. What do Trent, Danny and Charles run ?c. What age did Danny get his first computer ?d. Who offered Trent a job ?e. Why did he have to refuse ?f. Does he run his own business now ?g. Is Charles a good student ? Quote from the text to justify your answer.h. Will Trent become a doctor in the future ?

3. Find the meaning of each of the underlined words in the text above . Use the words in sentences of your own.


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4. Reorder the following sentences to make a short paragraph. Use sequencers: First, then, next, , …..finally……

How to use the phone.a. speakb. pick up the receiverc. when the conversation is over,

d. dial the phone number e. hang up f. or use auto- dial if it is stored.

5. Fill in the blanks in the text below using the following words .myself - a - more-surfing- have- until Last week my father bought …….1….. portable computer. He did not want me to use it because he needed it for his work. Moreover, I have my own computer at home. One day, as he was at work, I took his computer and started ..….2….. on the web. I enjoyed …3…..surfing and I forgot the time. I didn’t notice that my father was standing by my side …..4…… he said, “Didn’t I tell you not to use my computer ?” I stood up, frightened and said, “I’m sorry Dad, but your computer is …5….. sophisticated than mine and it helps me do a good job.” He smiled at me and replied, “Okay, Dwight. You don’t …6….. to be frightened, I’ll allow you to use it, if you take care of it.” I was very happy.


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6. You admire what the ‘cyber teens’ are doing. Write a letter of congratulations to Charles for the good job he is doing and the top grades he gets.

7. Study the phonetic symbols on 96 And with the help of your teacher, transcribe the word below using phonetic symbols.



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A Piece of Rope

The Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him ) was walking down the road one day carrying a piece of rope. A hungry man approached him from the other direction and asked for food. Instead of food, Mohammed offered the man his piece of rope and this advice :

“ Here you are. Go to the mountains that you can see in the distance, pick up some wood, and tie it with this rope. Then take it to the market and sell it !” The man did as Mohammed told him and soon was able to make enough money to feed himself and his family.

Moral :Helping people help themselves is sometimes the best way to assist them.

From English Teaching Forum October 2002

1. Answer the questions according to the text .a. What was The Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) carrying as he was walking down the road ?b. What did the hungry man ask for ?c. Did the Prophet give him some food ?d. What did he give him instead ?e. In your opinion, why did the Prophet give the man a piece of rope instead of food?

2. What tenses are used in the text ?


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3. Read the text and complete the table.Who are the characters ?

What were they doing ?

Where were they ?

4. Copy down the verbs from the first paragraph then say what the tenses are .


I was watching T.V. when I saw a mouse.

While my mother was reading the newspaper, I was surfing on the net.

5. Join these pairs of sentences with ‘while’ or ‘when’. Make any necessary changes :

The prophet was walking. He met a hungry man.He was wandering in the streets. He saw a silhouette.The man was picking some wood. The Prophet was climbing the mountain.

6. Pretend you are Sarah. Use the cues to reply to Charles. Use the past simple , the past continuous, ‘while, when, as’.


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Sarah : I had a beautiful dream.Charles : Great ! Can you tell me about it ? Sarah : (walk in the garden / hear a soft voice calling me.……Charles : Then what happened ? Sarah : I continued walking and I(stroll among the roses/meet a fairy)Charles : What next ?Sarah : ( talk to her/ find myself in a wonderful land )Charles : And then ? Sarah : I woke up and here I am !

7. Put each of these verbs from the story in the right column according to the pronunciation of ‘ed’ :approached – asked- offered- assisted

/t/ /d/ /id/

Poem Snow White and the Seven DwarfsThe seven dwarfs were friendly.

They found Snow White very lovely.She told them the whole story,

And about her step-mother’s cruelty.They listened to her attentively,

And marvelled at her softness and beauty.Snow White felt very happy,

For the dwarfs welcomed her warmly.She lived with them peacefully.

She was kind and pretty,But her step-mother was naughty,

And did not want to be surpassed in beauty.In the end Snow White was saved from the trap of the nasty lady

She married the elegant handsome Prince and lived happily. By Souad Belbachir


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1. Read the poem and answer the questions.

a. Were the dwarfs friendly ?b. Did Snow White tell them her story ?c. Did they enjoy listening to her ? Quote from the poem to justify your answer.d. Can you describe her mentally and physically ? e. Was her step-mother a nice lady ?f. Did the prince marry Snow White ? Were they happy together ?

2. Complete the table

Who are the characters ?

Physical description

Mental description

3. Look at the verbs below. They are all infinitives of irregular verbs. What is the past simple tense of each verb ?

tell- be – feel- do- find


The dwarf sat beside Snow White and said, “You are kind, besides, you are lovely.”


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4. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with ‘beside’ or ‘besides’

a. The cat slept ………. his master.b. The Prince was elegant, ………. he was handsome. c. The witch stood ……… the window. d. The step mother was naughty. …………., she was ugly.

5. Complete the poem below using the words given to young-lamp- richer- the -genie - happiness

Aladdin and his Magic Lamp

Aladdin and his magic…1.…… is a well-known story.It is about a poor boy and a…2……..

In this exciting story,…3….. genie makes Aladdin wealthy

By giving him jewels and …4………..He grants all his wishes,

And saves him from all the dangers.

He helps him marry the King’s daughter,And become richer and …5……..

He makes him live in great ……6……With the ……7…… and lovely princess.

By Souad Belbachir


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6. a. Read the following fable. Give it a title, then choose among the 4 proverbs below which one suits the fable best. As an ant was drinking from a river, she fell into the water. A pigeon took pity on her and threw her a branch. The ant grasped it, the pigeon pulled it to the bank of the river, saved her and flew away. Just then, the ant saw a fowler aiming at her saver, so she ran to the man and stung him. As his foot was aching, he could not shoot his arrow, and safe was the pigeon.

Proverbs : a. The sooner the better.b. Time is money.c. One good turn deserves another.d. Better late than never.

b. With the help of your Art teacher, try to illustrate the fable.

Project : Write a poem about a fairy tale of your choice. (Or a poem about your beloved country/ the place you live in ………. )

8. Discuss these sayings in class and try to find the equivalents in your own culture.A good name is better than riches.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Beauty is skin deep.All good things must come to an end. East, West home is best.The more, the merrier.


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Honesty is the best policy.God helps those who help themselves.

Read the text below. I am fond of watching horror films. As I was watching a horror film yesterday evening at midnight, I fell asleep……. I decided to go for a walk in the forest. It was the beginning of spring and it was quiet and sunny. I was walking among the flowers when I heard a strange noise. The voice said, “Just follow my instructions. Walk along this road, turn left, then keep walking until you reach a cottage.”I was really scared, but I had no choice but to follow the instructions. Armed with courage, I walked along the road, turned left until I finally reached the cottage. It was getting dark and there was no living creature. Then there was light and I heard, “Open the door, welcome home. Look above your head.” I woke up, frightened. You can’t imagine what a relief it was when I finally found out that my parrot was standing on the right side of my bed, above my head. By Souad Belbachir

1. Which of the titles below best suits the story ?a. The cottage b. the film of horror c. The dream


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2 .Complete the chart according to the text .

Character(s) Setting the scene

The weather

Your actions

Unexpected happenings

It was…Season…..Time

Cold/ hot…..Rainy/ sunny

What were you doing ?

Say what happened suddenly using link words

Using the information in the table above, write a personal story. There may be other characters in your story, so narrate what they were doing, using link words.


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The Kite

Herbert Sunbury’s mother, who was a very refined person, never allowed her son to be called Herb or Bertie. She was a strong little woman, whose eyes were small and beady. She wore her hair, which was suspiciously black for her age, in a bun. She never wore anything but black dresses, which were made of the finest materials. Her only ornament was a thin gold chain, from which a gold cross hung.

Her husband, whose name was Samuel, was a little man too. His hair, which he brushed carefully over his large bald patch, was very thin. Every morning for twenty-four years Samuel Sunbury had taken the same train to the City except on Sundays and during his fortnight’s holiday, which they usually spent at the sea side. He went to work in quiet grey trousers and a black coat, and when he came home, he put on his other black coat, which was too old and shiny to wear at the office.

On weekdays the Sunburys always had frugal meals, which consisted of a scone and butter with a glass of milk. But on Sundays Beatrice Sunbury served her husband a good dinner, with which he was allowed to have a glass of beer. Herbert was their only child. He had been a pretty baby and then a good- looking child, whom Mrs Sunbury had brought up carefully. Herbert, who was a good worker and far from stupid, got on very well at school. By the time he was twenty-one, Herbert was a nice-looking young man, who had inherited his mother’s regular features and dark hair. He worked as an accountant and


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every week he was able to bring back to his mother quite a nice little sum, which she put in a savings bank for him for a rainy day.

For his twenty-first birthday his father gave him a silver wrist watch, whose hands you could see in the dark, and his mother bought him a kite, several feet high, which he was pleased with.

From Stairway to English de boeck 2002

1. Copy down the table below and complete it with information from the text.

Character traits

Beatrice Sunbury

Samuel Sunbury

Herbert Sunbury

Physical appearance

What did she/he look like ?


What was she/he like ?


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2. Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B.

A B1. What colour was Mrs. Sunbury’s hair ? 2. Was she a weak woman ?3. What did she wear ?4.Was her husband a little man ?5.Was Herbert handsome ?6.Did he have fair hair ?

a. No, she wasn’t.

b. black dresses.c. yes, he was.d. black.

e. No, he didn’t.f. Yes, he was.

3. Read the short dialogues below, then in pairs try to follow the models and to ask and answer questions about the identity of a famous person of your choice.

A : Tell me Cathy ! Who is the strong little woman with black hair ?B : It’s Beatrice Sunbury.

A : Who is that handsome man in a black suit ?B : It’s Will Smith. He is a popular young actor and singer.


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REMINDERLewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland. It is a fascinating tale. Lewis Caroll wrote ‘Alice in Wonderland’, which is a fascinating tale.

The fairy loved all the children. She helped them with food and money.The fairy loved all the children whom she helped with food and money.

He was a poor farmer. He worked hard in order to feed his children.He was a poor farmer who worked hard in order to feed his children.

4. Use ‘who’, ‘which’ or ‘whom’ to join the 2 sentences.

a. The man was talking to the Prophet. The man was a beggar.

b. It was a story. . It was written by a young British writer.

c. The Prophet was a modest man. .Everybody admired.

d. Lady Diana was a kind hearted woman. She helped children in pain.


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e. One of these most successful films is ‘The Kid’. Charlie Chaplin made it in 1921.

f. Abraham Lincoln was considered the greatest American president. They called him ‘Honest Abe.’

5. Read the short texts below, then ask and answer questions about these famous persons.

Wilma Rudolph (1940- 1994)

African- American athlete.She was born the 20th of 22 children. In 1960 in Rome she was the first American woman to win 3 gold medals in the Olympic Games : the 100 m and 200m dash and the 400m relay.

Jesse Owens (1914- 1980)

African- American athlete. He won several gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin in Nazi Germany.Adolph Hitler, Germany’s Nazi leader refused to shake Jesse’s hand because of his colour.


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From Stairway to English de boeck 2002

6. Use the notes below about Albert Einstein and write a short biography. Use link words such as : In …later, at first, after, at the age ……

1879 born GermanyAt school not a very good studentGood at musicLiked playing the violinBecame a teacherWent to Zurich1921 won the Nobel Prize for scienceMan of peaceHated World Wars I and II1933 went to America lived theredied 1955

7. Write a paragraph about a famous person of the past. When you finish, stick a photo in your copy book or draw a picture of the famous person.

8. Game Think of a famous person. Make your classmates find the person by asking you questions. You have to answer Yes or No until they find who the person is.


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e.g. : Is it a man/woman ? Is he/ she African ? Has he/she got dark/wavy…. Hair ?

Is she /he alive?…………………………………

Projects (Choose one of these projects) 1. You are fond of reading books of fiction. You have just read a fascinating story and you have decided to share it with your classmates. So prepare:. a short biography of the author. Tell what the story is about. (summarize it) . Give a short portrayal of the characters (the protagonist (s)…….. Describe the setting (place and time)

…………..2. (From Plus MM Publications 1998) : Short story competition All your class has decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must begin or end with the following words :

I will never forget what happened to me last summer holidays.

Write your story for the competition.


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Our Findings Show


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What Teenagers Want on Holiday

Cosmos, one of the UK’s longest established package tour companies, has decided to listen directly to teenagers, promising to adopt their recommendations into the company’s family holidays.

It’s not an easy task. Teenagers are among the most sophisticated consumers around : media-savvy, diverse in their interests, aspiring to adulthood but still in need of security.

Six teenagers aged between 12 and 17 were invited to feed their comments to the firm in exchange for a free family holiday this summer.

Top of the list for both younger and older teens were water-based activities: a fun pool, water polo, water chutes and banana boats.

“Lots of people don’t like to leave their hotel,” said 15-year old Laila from Manchester.” “If there’s stuff going on there, why would you want to go anywhere else?”

But the young people also knew what they didn’t like, and that was the way operators try to ‘entertain’ them in groups. “Groups are like controlled fun-time,” said Laila scornfully. “Groups wearing T-shirts and hats –urgh ! I like to be individual on holiday.”

Neither did they think much of organized activities where teenagers were simply put together with a lot of other teenagers and expected to bond immediately. “If you


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are having fun,” said 13-year-old Laura, “you will make friends. But if you’re all in a circle saying your names, it doesn’t really work.”

So what do they want ? Adolescents aged between12 and 14 want to be active. They want beach discos, barbecues, beach volleyball and water sports. Girls usually like makeovers and talent-shows, while boys are keen on computer games and arcades, team sports and videos.

With older teenagers, it becomes more difficult. They would sign up for shopping trips to local towns, non alcoholic discos in real nightclubs, and local water parks. They wanted their own keys to their bedrooms when they were sharing with parents, and a discount to allow them to bring a friend on the trip. Once again water sports scored high, though with more adventure thrown in (water skiing, bungee jumping, jet skiing). Karaoke and Blind Date competitions would be fine too.

Mostly , they wanted the opportunity to take part in organized activities if they chose to, and the freedom to look after themselves if they preferred.

Teenagers are very difficult to cater for, and perhaps just as parents are doomed to misunderstand their children, holiday companies may never get it quite right either.

The Guardian 2002


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1. Read the text and answer the questions .

a. What is ‘Cosmos’ ?b. How many teenagers were invited to feed their comments to the firm ? c. Why do some teenagers prefer staying in the hotel ?d. Young people didn’t like being entertained by operators ? Why ? e. What are girls keen on ? What about boys ?. f. What sports scored high with older teenagers ? Name them.

2. Find the meaning of each of the underlined words in the text and use them in sentences of your own.

3. Which of the activities below are mentioned in the text ?

4.Activity Yes No

Beach volley-ballPlaying basket-ballWater sportsBoxingComputer gamesTaking part in team sportsBicycle riding


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REPORTED SPEECH1.Example : He says, “ John practises tennis.” He says John practises tennis.

Example : He says, “I can do it.” He says he can do it.2.Example : a- He said, “John likes sending messages .” He said(that) John liked sending messages..3.Example :a- He told me, “Go home”He told me to go home.

b- He warned me, “ Don’t smoke !” He warned me not to smoke.

4. John said, “ I love Helen.”He said (that) he loved Helen.

Mary said, “ I can help you.” Mary said she could help me/us/you/them.5. The students said, “We will stay here.” They said that they would stay there.6. Examples :“ Do you speak German ?” She asked me . She asked me if I spoke German ? “What’s the time ?” He asked me.He asked me what the time was.

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4. Use reported speech.“ I love diving.” She says.She says (that)………..

My father always says, “teenagers are difficult to cater for.”He says (that)………..

“ I am fond of computer games.” He said .He said (that)………..

“ Do you have an e-mail box ?” She asked me.She asked me if ………………………………

5. Read the dialogue below then report the exact words using ‘asked’, ‘answered’. Supply appropriate punctuation.Reporter: Do you have a computer ?Sam : Yes, I have.Reporter : What do you use it for ?Sam : to play games, do some word- processing and use it for my studies.Reporter : Do you send and receive messages ? Sam : Yes, every day.Reporter : What do you think of Internet ? Sam : It’s a good source of information. It helps me to get lots of information for my school.

Transform the dialogue above using ‘asked if’, ‘asked what’ ‘answered that’………….


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7. Quote the people below using direct then reported speech. Make any necessary changes. Start like this : Ernest Hemingway says that…..

‘When I am working on a book or a story, I write every morning as soon after first light as possible,’ he says.

(Ernest Hemingway )

‘The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important,’ he says.

Dr. Martin Luther King

‘The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated’, he says.

Mahatma Ghandi

‘The foundation of every state is the education of its youth,’ he says.

Diogenes Laertius (biographer of ancient Greek philosophers )

8. Read the texts below and guess where they are taken from. Circle the letter of the correct answer. Justify your choice.

a. Advertisement pageb. Advice column


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c. Opinion page

Dear Sir,

Can you help me ? I’m having problems with my parents, and I want to leave home.

My parents think I’m a child. Last night I went out and came back at midnight. They were still waiting for me and we had a fight. They think I stay out too late, but my friends stay out even later than me ! It’s not fair ! And this is not the only problem. Mum still wants to buy all my clothes for me. Of course, I don’t like what she buys because she never gets me anything that’s in fashion. What should I do ?

Francis Dear Francis,

I got your letter today and I’m writing back immediately. I’m sorry to hear that you’re so upset.

I don’t think that it’s a good idea to leave home. You must solve your problems, not run away from them ! But you are right, your parents shouldn’t treat you like a child, but don’t forget, you’re only fourteen and they worry about you. Why don’t you explain to them how you feel ? Tell them that you are growing up and need more freedom. But every time you go out, you should tell them where you’re going and who you are going to be with. Then they don’t worry so much. You should also tell your mother that you want to go shopping with her. I’m sure she’ll understand. If you


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show her the kind of clothes you like, she’ll buy you what you want. Take my advice and you’ll see that things aren’t as bad as you think.

I really hope everything goes well.

Peter Brown Psychologist

Adapted from Plus MM Publications 1999

1. Pair work

Imagine how Francis would answer if a friend of hers, Dave asked her what the psychologist advised / told her to do /not to do.

Use information from the psychologist’s letter to act out a dialogue. Imagine Dave’s questions.

Example :

Dave : What did the psychologist tell you ?

Francis : He told/ advised me to /not to…

2. Now, guess what Francis would write on her diary for the record. Then write a short paragraph about what she told the psychologist and what the latter advised her to do. Start like this :

On May 18th , I wrote a letter to the newspaper to expose my problem. I asked the psychologist to ……


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3. Pretend Francis has misheard what her mother said in each of the dialogues below. Report to her.

Mother : ‘Could you try the new dress on ?’

Francis :’ Sorry, what did she say ?’

You : ‘She asked you to try the new dress on.’A.Mother : Stop shouting please !You to Francis :………………………

B.Mother : Don’t come back too late.You to Francis :……………………………………..

C. Mother : Could you explain your behaviour ?You to Francis : ……………………….

4. Match each sentence in column A to a verb in column B.

Column A Column B1. “Remember you have to come back before 10.”2. “Beware of the dog !”3.“You should see a psychologist.”4. “I’ll never come back late, again.”5. “Why don’t you speak to her?” 6. “Please, please, please, let me stay.”7. “I’m sorry for not having told you.”8. “Okay, okay, I lied to you.”

a. beg

b. admitc. advised. apologizee. suggest f. warng. remind

h. promise


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5. Add suffixes ‘-ful’ and ‘-less’ to the nouns below to form adjectives.

Nouns -ful -lessHelp







Yesterday, as they were driving speedily down Main Street, two adolescents had an accident. Their car skidded on a patch of ice, then hit a tree. Moments later, the police arrived. The driver, who was a tall boy of 16, reported that he was not injured, but his friend told the police that his neck hurt. The police took him to the hospital for examination.

1. Complete the chart from information from the text.People Causes of the accident


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2. Below is a conversation between the police officer and the teenager. Supply appropriate punctuation and capitalization :

is that your car the police officer asked the teenagerno it’s my father’s the boy answeredwhat’ s your name pleasemy name is fredhow old are you16do you have a driving license the police officer askedyes of coursecould you please show it to me

3. Pretend you are a journalist. Write a newspaper report about an accident citing /quoting your witnesses.

4. Find the silent letters in the words below and cross them out.

Answer- friend- right- should- psychologist-column-walk - climbed

5. Read the sentences below very quickly then cross out letter ‘h’ in the words in which it is not pronounced.What’s his profession ?Who told him that his car was hit ? He is honest.Can you show him the way to the hotel ?Here’s the man who stole her bag.


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Exam Stress

Does the idea of sitting an exam make you anxious? There is no doubt that during the exam period stress levels tend to rise. Exams are certainly important but they are not worth getting into a state over. In actual fact, stress has a negative effect on your performance. Below are some simple ways of overcoming stress.

Firstly, it is important to know the date and place of each exam beforehand. This will remove the initial worry about what time the exam begins and where you have to go. Secondly, your physical state is particularly important during the exam period. Therefore, a good night’s sleep before each exam is highly advisable. In addition, it’s vital that you take plenty of exercise while studying, as sitting down all day can make it harder to get to sleep at night.

Another important factor is your diet. A balanced diet is necessary; a breakfast high in protein and fibre will see you through the day. However, if you don’t feel like eating first thing in the morning, take some fresh fruit with you and eat before the exam.

Finally, it goes without saying that in order to do well in exams and avoid stress, revise well in advance and don’t leave studying till the last minute. From Use of English for the FCE Examination MM Publications 1999


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1. Answer the following questions :

. Are exams important ?

. Has stress a negative influence on your performance ?

. List some ways of overcoming stress. Try to use sequencers.

2. Choose the best meaning for these words from the text :

A. Anxious = a. dramatic b. worried c. courageous

B. Vital = a. boring- b. sentimental c. necessary

C. Harder = a. more difficult b. easier c. hardly

3. Make suggestions and recommendations to help students to overcome stress.

Example :

a. In my opinion, parents and teachers should encourage the students whatever the mark is. b. Students should not worry about grades……………... I feel we ought to ……….. I recommend …………. To my mind we should make the student feel at ease during exams, a smile for instance will surely give him a boost……….


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4. Choose the words that best summarise the situation in each of the dialogues below.

Apologized/ refused / accepted/suggested to/ invited /offered/requested/agreed/ asked/ told/ ordered him/ her to – not to / warned Sally : Would you like another drink ?Mrs. Robinson : No, thank you , that’s all right. Summary : Sally offered another drink to Mrs. Robinson,

who refused the offer respectfully and politely.

Principal : Would you please stop talking ?Harry : Oh, sorry, Sir. (Harry stopped talking)

Doris : Are you free now ? Alex : Yes, I am..Doris : Would you like to go with me to the cafeteria for a

drink ?

Alex : Thanks that’s a good idea.

Reeve : I’m tired of working for my exams.Kate : So, am I . Let’s play computer games.Reeve : Oh ! that’s a good idea. Let’s start immediately.

Father : Don’t leave studying till the last minute next time! Otherwise I won’t allow you to go out.Kim : Sorry Dad, I won’t do it next time.


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5.Guess how the ‘s’ endings of the words in the table below are pronounced.Words /s/ /z/ /iz/Examsbeginsfinishesmakesexerciseslevelsminutesperformances


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6. Read the sentences below paying attention to the pronunciation of the ‘s’ ‘es’ endings.

- Doctor Stevens says that sleep is necessary.- She says that Mrs. Yates practises sport.- Sarah panics before exams. - Sam always finishes work before the others. - He revises his lessons before sunrise.

7. Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph. a. I asked Tim, an excellent student to lend me his previous year’s biology project, b. The first student to present her work was Alice.c. Last year, I needed a high grade on my biology project, d. As she was presenting her project, e. I copied it word for wordf. I realized that she was also reading Tim’s work !g. so I decided to cheat.h. without asking for his permission.i. and he did not refuse.j. Everything seemed perfect on the day I had to present my work to the class.

How do you think the author will continue her/ his text ? Write a short paragraph.

Project : Newspaper Questionnaire Results Number of informants :


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Age :A. Do you read newspapers ?

B. If yes, why ?C. Which newspaper (s) do you like best ?D. Why ? ……………………..


Which Newspaper (s) Do you read ?

- What is the most popular newspaper in your country/ town ?

- Why is it popular ?- How many of your informants read it ? - Why do they like it ? - Which page (s) do they like ?

- How much time do they spend reading the newspaper ?



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9. Transcribe the word below using phonetic symbols. ‘Newspaper’

Project :Some people like reading the horoscope page. Write a horoscope for an unknown person, on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and fold them. Then place them in a hat, bag, or another container. Then ask each member of the class to take a piece of paper from the hat, which is to be his or her horoscope and read it aloud .

e.g. : My stars say that ……………

Horoscopes can be put on the wall round the class. Students can go around and choose a future they would like.


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Euréka !

Back to Nature


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Man and Nature

Each time Man has interfered with the laws of Nature it was very often due to technological breakthroughs. Progress is necessary in medicine and sciences of course but we can notice that each discovery brings its load of good and bad things. Men improve their conditions of living and their lives but at the same time they do harm.

Many examples can be given to show how harmful it can be when Man interferes with the laws of Nature. Let’s take the discovery of the atom. It gave the possibility to find a ‘cheap’ source of energy, but it also brought bad effects. Radioactivity is dangerous for men and we don’t know what to do with the waste. Furthermore, when that discovery was made, nobody imagined at that time that it would also make the building of an atomic bomb possible. Not only is it hazardous but we can still see its effects on the people who have been exposed to the blast of the bomb in Hiroshima which took a heavy toll at the same time.

The deforestation of a rain forest like in Amazonia is also another example of the consequences it can have on nature : a change of the climate, lands which are gradually becoming deserts. The mad cow disease is a very up to date example of what man can do and how nature responds to interferences.

Another topical matter is genetic tinkering. It can make treatment improve and give the possibility for


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people to have children thanks to in vitro fertilization. But some scientists have become sorcerer’s apprentices.

To conclude, we must say that men must be very careful when they do or discover new things because if they do not care, sooner or later they will have to pay a heavy price for the harm they are doing or will do to nature.

From Annales BAC 2002 (Vuibert)

1. Read the text and answer the questions .

a. Is progress necessary in medicine and science ?b. What happens when man interferes with the laws of Nature ?c. Did the atom bring bad effects ? How ?d. What are the consequences of the deforestation of a rain forest like in Amazonia ? e. According to you what will happen if men do not care when they discover new things ?

2. a. Find the meaning of each of the underlined words in the text. Use the words in sentences of your own. b. What part of speech is each word ?


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1. The treatment was so effective that many people tried it.

2. Hunting is illegal; however, many people continue to do it. 3. Although he was handicapped, he worked hard in order to find a treatment against the disease.

4. Match the sentences from columns A and B . Then join them with ‘so+ adjective+ that’

A BStatements 1. The child was intelligent.

2. Pasteur’s discovery was great

3. She was courageous

4. The story was fascinating

5. The area was polluted

a. It gave hope to many people round the world.

b. She feared nothing.

c. I read it many times

d. He invented a new game.

e. we couldn’t breathe properly.


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5. Match the sentences from columns A and B then join them using : however, although, even though.

A Ba. Thomas Edison’s inventions were great

b. It was difficult for George Washington Carver to study at that time

c. The doctors advised him not to smoke

d. Hunters tried hard to catch the blue whale

e. He swam into the depth of the ocean

1. They failed.

2 . He could never give up this bad habit.

3. He made every sacrifice to obtain the best education

4. He did not manage to challenge nature.

5.He remained a modest man all his life.

6. Read the reminder and rewrite the science fiction passage below in the future perfect. REMINDER

By 2008, pollution will seriously affect people’s health. By 2008 , pollution will seriously have affected people’s health.

I will finish my project work on pollution by next week.I will have finished my project on pollution by next week.


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We are in the year 2015. Mr. ‘Discovery’ has found a treatment against AIDS. Many AIDS patients have been cured. Many other treatments have been discovered. The problem of pollution has been solved, animals have been protected from extinction, and all the people of the world have been united : The world has been healed. By the year 2015, ………………..

7. Complete the table with information from the dialogue below.

Starting words An abrupt interruption

An expression for dealing with interruptions


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Mr. Rogers : Fine. Can we start ? The main purpose of our meeting is to talk about technology and progress. Would you like to start, Maggie ? What have you got to say on the subject ?

Maggie : Well, I think that technology and progress ruin the quality of life. Now the way to solve the problem is that we should ban commercial hunting, stop vivisection, reduce water, air and land pollution. We should stop building many factories and avoid chemical fertilizers, pesticides, nuclear weapons……..we should make efforts to cut down on using computers, mobile phones…..

Mr. Rogers : You mean that hunters should stop killing animals for experiments and that people should stop building factories and using machines, avoid pollution to protect the environment. What do you think , Jim ?Jim : That sounds interesting, but I can’t really agree with her. What about progress and technology ? We are forced to destroy the environment because we need factories, nuclear weapons, we need to find treatments and combat diseases….

Mark : I disagree with you, Jim…Mr. Rogers : Just a minute. Let Jim finish, Mark ! What were you saying, Jim ?Jim : Well, I was saying that we can not do without technology and progress and that’s true…..


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One of the most important achievements in the history of the motor car was the development of the Model-T Ford in 1913, which was the first car to be produced on a large scale. The inventor of this method of production was Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. The production line, as it came to be known, offered employment to thousands of workers. It cut costs as well, making cars affordable to consumers. In addition, the replacement of old work practices made cars more reliable, while numerous improvements to the interior of the car made driving a pleasure.

So, car owners have Henry Ford to thank for his enormous contribution to the car industry.

From Use of English for the FCE examination (MMPublications)

1. Answer the questions according to the text :a. When was the Model- T Ford invented ?b. Who was its inventor ?c. How did the invention help workers ?

2. Find the meaning of each of the underlined words in the text above. Use the words in sentences of your own.


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3.Complete the chart

Invention – Date of the invention

Inventor advantages

4. Find the advantages of the following inventions : e.g : a. Television Television educates people.

b. The mobile phone.c. The card. Internete. The washing machine

5. Match each of the invention in column A with its corresponding drawbacks in column B.

A BInventions Drawbacksa. the televisionb. the mobile phonec. the car

d. the washing machine

1. It makes housewives lazy2. It can lead to violence/ cuts us from reality3. It makes other people get through to you wherever you are.4. It can cause accidents


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6. Write sentences like the ones in the examples below:

Though the television educates young children, it can lead to violence.The car allows us to travel long distances; however, it can cause accidents.


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1. Read very quickly the jumbled paragraphs below, then match letters A-C with numbers 1-3 to form a coherent text.

1 2 3

A Great Doctor

Jenner received worldwide recognition from his colleagues and many awards for his discovery. Thanks to Jenner no incidents of smallpox are reported today. The disease responsible for so many deaths up to the eighteenth century no longer exists. (A) Having a curious and observant nature, he was always carrying out experiments, writing medical papers and promoting medical knowledge. He took an interest in the smallpox virus, which was the leading cause of death at the time. Jenner noticed that when someone suffered an attack of cowpox- a very common but harmless disease- they could not become infected with small pox. It wasn’t long before Jenner started performing a series of experiments, which proved his theory right. He quickly came up with what he called the vaccination procedure. This meant injecting a person with the cowpox disease, which effectively stopped them from getting small pox. This procedure was successful and the death rate from smallpox fell dramatically once the vaccination became widely available. (B)


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Edward Jenner, the person who discovered the vaccination for smallpox, was born and raised in the village of Berkeley, England. At the age of thirteen he became an assistant to a surgeon from whom he gained a sound knowledge of medical and surgical practice. When he turned twenty- one he went to London and became a student of the famous Scottish anatomist and surgeon John Hunter, who was on the staff at St George’s Hospital. Three years later he returned to his village and opened his practice, where he proved to be a very sensitive and capable doctor. (C )

From Use of English

For the Examination MM Publications (1999)

2. After having reordered the text, read these statements and decide which of them are true and which are false.

a. Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination for measles.b. He went to London at the age of thirteen.c. John Hunter was Irish.d. Edward Jenner was a capable doctor. e. He carried out no experiment. f. He received many awards for his discovery.

3. Read the last paragraph of the text and pick out a sentence which is close in meaning to the following :

‘No people die of smallpox now because Edward Jenner discovered a vaccine against the disease.’


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REMINDERA. You can derive adjectives from some English words by adding suffixes such as : -able/ -ible -ous -ful –less- al- ive- -ic- -ing

Example : medicine medicinalHarm- harmless- harmfulPollute- pollutingSuccess- successfulCourage- courageousFame- famousPower- powerful- powerlessHazard- hazardousIndustry- industrialCreate- creative………..

B. Study the examples below : There is a lot of rubbish on the sand. There is plenty of/much water in the garden

None of my children smokes.He poured a little of the milk into my glass.

I have sent messages of love to all of you. Most of you know how to use the computer. The principal said, “We received donations. Some of the money will be given to children in need, the rest to buy books for the school library.”Half of the class campaigned against tobacco.The other half against noise pollution.


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4. Study Reminder A and use the adjectives derived from the words in bold type to rewrite the sentences below.- This animal will do you no harm. The animal is ……….- Alcohol is a real health hazard. Alcohol is ……………. - Doctor Gary always creates and innovates. Doctor Gary is……….. - After having discovered the treatment, he rose rapidly to fame. He became……………………..- Their attempt to land on the moon was a success. It was …………………

5. Rewrite the paragraph below by replacing each of the underlined words by an appropriate quantity word from reminder B.

Many dogs have been stolen in order to be sold to research laboratories. A group of teenagers marched peacefully to denunciate this act. 50 of them were boys and the other 50 were girls. 100 of them were saying all together, “Stop vivisection !” 10 of them were shouting, “Give us our beloved pets back! We won’t give up !” The police came and tried to part the young demonstrators. There were riots, fortunately 0 demonstrator was hurt .


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6. Read the letter below :

Dear Sir,

The exam period is on the way. I’m worried because exams put pressure on my daughter. She refuses to eat, and suffers from stomach pains. I took her to many doctors who assured me that there was nothing to worry about. What can I do ?

Mrs Annie James

7. Read the instructions below. Which of them do you agree with ?Encourage her for every effortMake her work harder.Tell her not to worry about grades.Reassure her that in the long run she will have better chances of succeeding.Encourage her even if the grades are low by telling her that she will do better next time..Beat her.Do not allow her to practise sport/ to go out with friends from time to time.Reassure her that everything will be fine whatever the results.Advise her to leave studying till the last minute.………..Encourage her to concentrate only on a few subjects e.g. : Maths, Sciences.Compliment her. Praise her whenever she makes progress.


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Now, pretend you are an advice columnist. Reply to Mrs. James. Start like this : Dear ……,

8. Now build sentences like the ones in the examples . Follow the second example. You can use : thank/ always remember/never forget /admire…………..

a. Electronic mail (1972) . Ray Tomlinson. Invention

b. Penicillin (1928 ). Alexander Fleming. Discovery


REMINDERLook at the examples below :

1.I spoke to a lovely nurse this morning on the phone. I guess you’re the nurse.I guess you are the lovely nurse whom I spoke to this morning.

2. We should thank the American W.H. Carrier. He developed the first air- conditioning unit in 1902.W.H. Carrier is the person whom we should thank for the development of the first air- conditioning unit in 1902.

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c. The world’s first radio. (1895) Guglielmo Marconi. Making

d. The aeroplane (1903 ) Orville and Wilbur Wright. Invention

9. Match the following sentences :

1.Kunta, the young slave, was arrested and thrown to jail ;

2. The students wrote an interesting essay on pollution;

3. Helen Keller was deaf and blind ; 4 . Georges Washington Carver worked hard ;

a. however, she was able to write a book entitled, ‘The Story of my Life.’

b. consequently, all the slaves in the plantation manifested their discontent.

c. thus, he succeeded.

d. as a result, the teacher offered them a book entitled, ‘Save the little dolphin.’


REMINDER 3. He invented a new machine ; consequently, he shouted, ‘Euréka !’

4. She worked hard and with devotion; as a result, her experiment was successful.

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What a Computerized World Will Be Like

Flying to Atlanta from St. Louis, I read an interesting article in U.S. News & World Report (December 30, 1985 issue, pages 116-117). The article projects what could happen to a typical baby, Michael Smith, born in 1986.

Michael Smith would grow up in an "intelligent" home where computers monitor room temperature, watch over children, and automatically call the fire department if there’s a fire. Robots will vacuum and rake the leaves. Stoves may say "dinner’s ready."

Little Michael will drool on a computer keyboard, type the letter "C" and the computer will pronounce it. If he spells C-A-T, the computer will say "cat." Michael will learn at home via computer telecommunications. He will grow up much healthier than his parents, being vaccinated against everything from tooth decay to AIDS. When he becomes an adult, our typical Michael Smith will have a workweek of only 20-30 hours. There will be mining, manufacturing, health and tourism industries on moon cities. Weather modification will blunt the fury of hurricanes or create cloud blankets to cool cities. Electricity from solar collectors in space will beam power to the earth. The deserts will grow alfalfa and other crops.

Mike Smith will be able to fly half way around the world in only an hour. Global language barriers will fall as computers give instant translations. More than his divorced and remarried parents, Mike is likely to be married and divorced, on the average, three to four times.


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As one authority predicts, "We'll see that divorce is not that bad. Our desire to have more meaningful relationships will lead to less resistance to break up."

Cancer will be cured in Mike’s lifetime. "Smart" pills will increase Mike’s IQ. If his body parts wear out, they will be replaced with artificial or genetically engineered joints, organs, even eyes. In 2080 A.D., at a hospital on the moon, Michael Smith will die at the age of 94. Many of his friends will live to be over 100 years old. Mike’s children will have a normal life expectancy of 120 years and beyond.

I believe the writers of the U.S. News article are sane. This is not a fairy tale. It is entirely possible. They are realists and stated that all this depends upon some big IF’s! This could happen to Michael Smith or our children, "IF they escape nuclear war, plagues, natural disaster and street crime, and IF there is no long-term economic collapse." And, I might add, IF God allows it.

From Internet 2004

1. Answer the questions according to the text

1. When was Michael Smith born ?2. Why will Little Michael grow up much healthier than his parents ?3. What will there be on moon cities ?4. What will the deserts grow ?


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5. Will Michael’s children live longer ? Why ? 6. Are the writers of the US News article optimistic ? Justify your answer.

2. Find the meaning of the underlined words in the text. What part of speech is each word ?

3. Read paragraph 5 of the text and pick out a sentence close in meaning to :

Michael and his friends will live longer thanks to discoveries in medicine.

4. Correct the punctuation in the text below :

as the pupils were studying a text entitled ‘The Child of the Future’ donald a little child of eight wrote these few words to his teacher if adults avoid corruption if they stop wars street crimes violence if they return good for evil if they help save the plants and organisms we will all live in peace and prosperity

REMINDERA. If +……Present simple……, Will/Won’t e.g. : If he spells C-A-T, the computer will say "cat." If you stop smoking, you won’t have health problems.

B. If+……Past Simple……,Would/Wouldn’t. If I were a leader, I would heal the world. If he worked harder, he wouldn’t fail.


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5. Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form

-If commercial hunting for skin, ivory and other products such as ambergris/ to continue, species/ to disappear.

- If you /not/ to water these flowers, /they/to die.

-What/to happen if/it/to/rain ? All my trees/to blossom.

- I/to fly/if/ I/ to be /a bird.

- What/to / happen if/ man / to/continue polluting / planet Earth ?

- He /to destroy himself - / endanger life

6. Match each of the parts (1-4) of the memo with its purpose. (A-D)

A. Problem B. Opening C. Closing D. Suggested solution


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To : Green Peace OrganizationFrom : Glenn RobinRe : Dolphins in captivityDate : March 3, 200..

We are a group of teenagers who are trying our best to protect animals and the natural world. (1)

However, I was upset last time to see dolphins, seals and killer whales kept in captivity. I felt miserable to see these poor creatures living in small ponds. And we all know that keeping dolphins, seals and killer whales in captivity shortens their lives. (2)

Dolphins, seals and killer whales should be in family groups roaming great distances across the ocean. They must be free and live in the wild. A law must be passed and hunters must be severely punished if this law is violated. We must all contribute to preserve nature and save animals from danger. It is possible to do so, we should ensure that no more dolphins seals and killer whales are captured in the future for animal parks :They all must return to the wild. (3) I am sure that if all these measures are taken, we’ll save animals from danger, protect the environment and live in harmony with the natural world. (4) Yours sincerely, Glenn Robin


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7.Little Sue went to visit a dolphin in captivity. She was sad to see the poor creature kept there. The dolphin enjoyed the company of Sue, and asked her the following question.

‘ Suppose you were an adult and a member of Green peace. What solutions would you suggest to solve the problem of animal hunting, and water, air and land pollution ?’

Write a short paragraph starting like this : If I were an adult and a member of Green Peace,

8. Conduct a survey. Are you for or against new technology ?

9. Transcribe the words below using phonetic symbols. ‘Health’ ‘Water’

Projects: Choose one of the projects below :1. Write the biography of a famous person : a scientist / a singer/ an actor / an inventor…………….. of your choice . (collect pictures, photos, ………)e.g. : Find out about famous people in medicine. For example, Elizabeth Blackwell, Alexander Fleming, Louis Pasteur, Marie Curie….. or a famous doctor in your country/town/area.


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Or :2. How has modern lifestyle affected our health ?Write articles, which will appear in the school magazine.

Or :3. Realize an anti tobacco /pollution campaign.4.Your school newsletter has asked you to write articles suggesting ways of avoiding stress during exams. Write your article. (4. From PLUS MM PUBLICATIONS )


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APPENDIX 2Functions Language exponentsA. Apologizing/Responding to apologies.

-Excuse me/ excuse my………- I am sorry……..- Pardon me…….-I beg your pardon….- I promise it will not happen again- A million apologies- It’s all right- Forget it- Never mind

B. Praising - That’s a good boy ! - Keep up the good work.- Well done !/ That was nice , brilliant, good, splendid……- Great ! Fantastic ! Excellent !- That’s not bad at all !- It’s the best……I’ve ever seen !- I was pleased/delighted/happy with your ……

to hear that ……..

C. Expressing Feelings/ Emotions/Attitudes

- I am + adjective- I feel + adj.- This is + adj.- That is + adj.-It makes me feel + adj.-How + adj.- What a…….- I am+ past participle- I feel+ past participle


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Functions Language exponents


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D. Expressing opinions

E. Drawing conclusions

F. Suggesting

- I think- I believe that…..- I did+ Verb (like, hate ….) - In my opinion, view……..- It’s my considered opinion- To my mind- You may be right, but……- I agree……. Do not agree- I disagree……. Definitely not- Perhaps but……. Yes, but…….- I could not agree more…..- Every one says it’s…….- Apparently, it’s….- It’s meant to be…….

- It’s quite obvious that…….. - To conclude…….- It will certainly…….- It has to……- From what precedes, it is clear that…….- The only logical conclusion is that………

- What about ……?- How about …….?- I suggest we……….- We could perhaps………- Why don’t we………- If I were you………..- You ought to/ should……- I wonder if……..


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G. Complaining/ Blaming

H. Giving instructions

I. Persuading

- Have you thought of ……..- Did you try…….. ?- Don’t you think we could…….- Instead of……, why don’t we ……- Why not + verb ?

- I am sorry to say…….but…….- I never thought you could……..- I am not satisfied……..- I did not think you could…….- I hate to say it, but………..- I never expected such a thing from you.- How could you …….?- Why blame me ?- Haven’t I the right to ….?- Your are always verb + ing……

- Imperatives / Don’t+ infinitive- Sequencers : First, next, then, after that…… - You + present simple- You should…….

- When- If + you +

verb+ (then) + imperative - As soon as

- You should/ought to …..


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J. Thanking

K. Planning future activities

L. Expressing Preferences


- You must…….. If you want…….- Any one know that….. Any body can see / can tell you that…..- You are free to choose……, but……. - If I were you, I’d…….

- Thank you /Thank you so much…….- Thanks ( a lot )- Many thanks- It’s a pleasure to……- I can’t tell you how grateful I am-You have been very kind…… - That’s kind of you…….

- Verbs : to plan, to intend, will- Futurity : Future, present simple, present continuous, going to, about to….- Time markers : next week, tomorrow, later…….

- Comparatives- Superlatives- Verbs : favour, prefer, enjoy……more……- I’d rather / sooner…..than…..- I’d like……. Instead of…….


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N. Describing (people, places, activities, objects, processes, habits )

- My favourite ……….- I am all for……- Comparative forms - Superlative forms- like - unlike- used to – not anymore- same - different-all, both- none, neither-while- whereas- on the other hand

- to be ….. to look….- There is – there are; it seems to be - used for- to function as- modifiers : very, rather, somewhat….. topical lexis : related to age, size, colour, space, time, etc…Passive voiceComparative etc…..

O. Reporting

P. Predicting

- Reported Speech : He said that he could do it.( Use all tenses )- according to him…… in his opinion ……..

- I am certain/ sure/ confident/ that+ future - I think / expect/ believe/ that+ future- In x years’ time…… + will


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Q. Speculating

R. Narrating

S. Giving Advice

T. Regrets

have + verb + (ed)

-If+ present+ future-If+ present - may, can-If + past – could- might

- If+ had verb (ed) + could/ would/ might have + verb (ed)

- It’s likely, possible, probable……

- Past tenses (Simple+ continuous)

- Adjuncts of time, place, etc…

- Cause , consequence, purpose,……

- Concession….. etc……

- Should – ought to- had better- If I were you, I’ d….- Couldn’t you go there ?…

- I’m sorry I couldn’t come..- Excuse me for being

late…- I’m afraid…..- If only I had told him- Why didn’t you tell him ?


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Greetings Set phrases for opening paragraph

Set phrases for closing paragraph

Signature endings

Dear KarlDearest MaryDear DadDear Uncle JoeHello Alan

NOT Dear sisterDear brotherDear friend

How are you (keeping) ?

Hi ! What’s new ?

I hope you are fine.

What have you been up to ?

I haven’t heard from you for ages.

It was nice to hear from you

I was very happy to get your letter.

Thanks for

Well, I think that’s about it.

Well, that’s all for now.

Well, I’d better finish off here.

Write soon.

Waiting for your letter/ reply.

I look forward to hearing from / seeing you.

See you soon

Keep in touch


Your friend


All my love

Best wishes

All the best

Lots of kisses

Take care

Bye for now


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your letterSorry I haven’t written for so long

It’s taken me ages to reply but…..

I’ve been meaning to write back but…..

Say hello to everyone.

Give my love/ regards to everyone.

Below, are some useful phrases in your informal letters to give news, invite, accept or refuse an invitation, give directions, apologise, ask for and give advice/ suggestions and explain a situation.

To invite To accept an invitation

I’d like to invite you to …..Would you like to come to…. ?I’m writing to invite you to…..I was wondering if you’d like to come to …..How about………..?

Of course I’ll come to……That would be great ! Thanks for inviting me…./ your invitation.I’d love/ be glad to come…How could I say no ?


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To refuse an invitation

I’m afraid I can’t come because…

I’m sorry but…..Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it.It was nice of you to invite me but…..We would have (had) a great time but….It would have been nice (to come), however, It would be nice (to come), however, I….I have already planned something so I won’t be able…..

To give directions Turn right/leftGo straight on / aheadOn the corner of….

At the traffic lights….Go pastGo around the round aboutIt’s on your right/ leftIt’s opposite/ next to..It’s right across from…When you come to around about…Go up/ down a one way streetWhen you get to the intersection….There’s a set of traffic lights…

To ask for advice

I’m writing to ask for your advice.I hope you can help me with…..I’ve got a problem and I’d like your advice.What should I do ?

To give advice

If I were you I would ….I think you should…I suggest you…It would be a good idea to …The advice I can give you is…..


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If you were in my shoes, would you…. ?What do you think of the problem/ situation ?I feel helpless and don’t know what to do.Do you think it would be a good idea to …?If you were me, what would you do ?What do you suggest ?Let me know what you think as soon as possible.I would appreciate your advice.

Why not, Why don’t you…..?My advice is to…..You might want to….The way I see it, you can……I’ve given your problem a lot of thought….

To apologize (I’m afraid that ) I won’t be able to….I’m sorry, but I can’t……I don’t know how to explain but…I apologize for….I’m really sorry….I’m sorry to say that…..

To explain a situation

You see…Let me explain….Let me start from the beginning…..But that’s not all…..Every thing started when….This is what happened.



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Greetings Set phrases for opening paragraph

Set phrases for closing paragraph

Signature ending

Dear Sir/MadamDear SirsDear Mr. /Mrs./ Miss./ Ms. /Dr. HarryTo whom it may concern

I am writing to you in connection with…..

I am writing with regard to/ in regard to / with reference to….

I am writing to ask you if you could inform me about….. I am writing to enquire about …….

I am writing for more information about …..

I would be very grateful if you could/ would/ reply as soon as possible.

Thanking you in advance for your assistance/ co-operation.

I would like to thank you in advance.

I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing

Yours faithfully

Yours sincerely


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I was interested in your advertisement in …….I would appreciate some further information about……

I was interested in your advertisement in…….

I would appreciate some further information about…..

Referring to your advertisement published in……..

from you.


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APPENDIX 5PLAN A narrative can be an account of a true event or something imaginary. T he most common way of writing a story is by narrating the events in chronological order. Below is a plan of a story, with questions to help you when planning one.

INTRODUCTION- Describe the backgroundscene (s)

- Introduce the main character (s)

- Describe the initial feelings (if necessary )


- Describe how the events started and developed

CONCLUSION -Describe the outcome of the events ( could also be included in the main part.)

- Make a short comment on the story.

When did the event (s) take place ?

Where did the event(s) take place ?What was the weather like ?What was/ were the main character (s) doing ?Were there any other characters involved?

How did the character (s) feel at that time?

What happened ? What did the main character(s)do ?How did the main character (s) / people feel ?

What happened in the end ?Was the situation resolved ? How ?How did the main character (s) people feel ?


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Time Since, before, before long, when, as soon as, just as, the moment that, while, as, during, all the while, in the meantime, immediately, afterwards, later, sometime later, soon, then, next, in the beginning, at first, in the end, finally, eventually, at last, until, by the time.


Although , even though, in spite of, despite, however, no matter how,/ what, whatever, but, while, whereas, nevertheless, regardless of .

Result - consequence

So, so….that, such….that, therefore, otherwise, for this reason, consequently, therefore, hence, as a result.

Cause- Reason Because (of) , as, since, due to , owing to,

Emphasis In fact, as a matter of fact, actually, to tell you the truth.


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APPENDIX 7Below is a plan for an article written for a newspaper or magazine . e.g. : article : Describing a place.

-Write an interesting headline

Introduction - Give general information about the place you are going to describe (name, location, etc…)

- Give reasons for choosing the place.

How can you make the introduction interesting ? What place are you going to describe ?Where is it located ?What makes the place interesting ?/ Special ?

Main part- Describe the place (size, landscape, buildings, streets, transport, sights, facilities, people, lifestyle…..)

- Discuss what activities people can do there.

What is the place like ? What are the important features of this place ?Are there any sights worth visiting ?What sort of facilities (hotels, shops,…) can be found there ?What are the local people like ?What can people do there to entertain themselves ?



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What is the atmosphere of the place ?

Conclusion- Make a general statement to sum up your ideas .-Make recommendations.What is your overall opinion about the place ?Would you recommend it ?


B. Pronunciation of third person singular - s ending: 1. After verbs which end in voiceless sounds, the - s is pronounced like /s/. Helps meets waits Keeps sits walks Likes takes wants2. After verbs which end in voiced sounds, the - s is pronounced like /z/. Answers gives rides Brings goes sells Buys plans shows3.After verbs which end in sounds such as /s/, /z/, /∫/, /t∫/, /dჳ /, /ჳ/ an extra vowel is added and the third person singular s is pronounced /iz/. catches produces manages chooses punishes finishes uses

N.B. : The same rule applies for words ending in –s. e.g: cats – dogs- bridges- houses…..


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Pronunciation of - ed ending in the past tense :The pronunciation of the past tense ending depends on the final sound of the verb :

1- After verbs which end in voiced sounds, the –ed is pronounced like /d/. Pulled studied breathed Burned cried climbed Stayed poured used2- After verbs which end in voiceless sounds, the past tense –ed ending is pronounced like/t/. Missed decreased laughed Watched stopped produced Looked hoped rushed

3- After verbs which end in /t/ or /d/ the ending -ed is pronounced like /id/. An extra syllable is added to the verb. Acted needed celebrated Sounded visited painted Started decided landed

CONSONANTS :Voiceless /p/ /t/ /k/ /t∫/ /f/ / θ / /s/ /∫ /

Voiced /b/ /d/ /g/ /dჳ/ /v/ / h / /z / /ŋ / /m /

/n / /ŋ / /l / / r/ /w/ /j / /ჳ/ /ð/

N.B. : All vowels and diphthongs are voiced.


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Some Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Past Simple Past participleto arise

to awake

to be

to bear

to beat

to become

to begin

to bet

to bleed

to blow

to break

to bring



























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to build

to burn

to buy

to catch

to choose

to come

to cost

to cut

to dig

to do

to draw

to dream

to drink

to drive

to eat

































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to fall

to feed

to fight

to find

to flee

to fly

to forbid

to forget

to get

to give

to go

to grow

to have

to hear

to hide

































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to hit

to hold

to hurt

to keep

to know

to lay

to lead

to learn

to leave

to lend

to let

to lie

to light

to lose

to make
































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to mean

to meet

to pay

to put

to read

to ride

to ring

to rise

to run

to say

to see

to sell

to send

to set

to shoot

































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to show

to shut

to sing

to sink

to sit

to sleep

to smell

to speak

to spell

to spend

to spread

to stand

to steal

to stick

to swim

































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to take

to teach

to tear

to tell

to think

to throw

to understand

to wake

to wear

to win

to write













woken/ waked




Dépot legal : 400-2006

ISBN : 9961-54-637-7


[email protected]

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