Improving Health Wellness

Improving Health & Wellness Health & Wellness

Transcript of Improving Health Wellness

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Improving Health & Wellness

Health &


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What to Expect in this Session

Session Roadmap

Developing New Skills – Improving Health and Wellness

Page 4: Improving Health Wellness

Not Several More than Nearly

at all Days half the days everyday

1. Little interest or pleasure in doing 0 1 2 3


2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless. 0 1 2 3

3. Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or 0 1 2 3

sleeping too much.

4. Feeling tired or having little energy. 0 1 2 3

5. Poor appetite or overeating. 0 1 2 3

6. Feeling bad about yourself-or that you 0 1 2 3 are a failure or have let yourself or your family down.

7. Trouble concentrating on things, such 0 1 2 3 as reading the newspaper or watching television.

8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other 0 1 2 3 people could have noticed. Or the opposite-being so fidgety or restless

that you have been moving around

more than usual.

9. Thoughts that you would be better off 0 1 2 3 dead, or of hurting yourself in some way.

Not Difficult at All Somewhat Difficult Very Difficult Extremely Difficult

0 1 2 3

Rate your Mood

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Physical Health

Healthy Eating

Improving Sleep

Overcoming Pain

Physical Activity/ Exercise

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0 Overcoming Pain

Dave & Pain

Dave has been in constant pain because of his back injury and has not been able to work because of this disability.

Frustrated Unproductive Down Tired Unmotivated Stressed out about finances

I usually oversleep or just stay in bed after I wake up. I spend a lot of the day watching TV. I haven’t cleaned up my house in ages; it really needs it.

My pain controls everything in my life. There is nothing more I can do to control my pain. Pain is the reason my life is the way it is. I can’t go back and change anything.

Dave used the Pain Tip Sheet to create a three-pronged approach:

I’ll walk at least three times a day for at least 20 min. each. I can make positive changes to control some of my pain and get my life back on track. It will be great if I can stop and relax when I notice that I am tensing up.

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Dave & Healthy Eating

Dave has gained 25 pounds over the past year.



Overwhelmed and unsure about how to lose weight.

I never have anything good at home, so I just eat fast food.

I just don’t do much physically; my back bothers me, and I get out of breath easily.

I don’t get out much, either to see friends or to just go shopping and things like that.

I have let myself go and now I look terrible.

I have no idea how to fix my eating behaviors—I just feel like giving up.

Dave decided to use the Healthy Eating Tip Sheet:

I’ll go shopping this week and buy what I need to have two healthy meals at home this week.

I’ll start keeping track of what I eat; if I get on a regular routine, I probably won’t snack as much.

Dave knows these are only the irst steps, but he wants to start small so he can start seeing improvement without feeling overwhelmed. He can add to his plan over time.

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Improving Your Physical Health

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Improving Your Physical Health

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Use healthy oils (like olive and canola oil) for cooking, on salad, and at the table. Limit butter. Avoid trans fat.

The more veggies -and the greater the variety - the better. Potatoes and French fries don't count.

Eat plenty of fruits of all colors.


0 Ho!va,d UMffllty

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health The Nutrition Source nutritionsource

Drink water, tea, or coffee (with little or no sugar).

Limit milk/dairy (1 -2 servings/day) and

juice (1 small glass/day). Avoid sugary drinks.

Eat a variety of whole grains (like whole-wheat bread,

whole-grain pasta, and brown rice). limit refined

grains (like white rice and white bread).

Choose fish, poultry, beans, and nuts; limit red meat and cheese;

avoid bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats.

Harvard Medical School • • • Harvard Health Publications

Healthy Eating Tips:

Ways to Improve Nutrition:

Planning for Success:

Page 11: Improving Health Wellness


1/2 plate of non-starchy vegetables

1/4 plate of 1/4 plate of potatoes, lean meat, pasta, or poultry, fish,

rice or eggs



Copyright © 2011, Harvard University. For more informa on about The Healthy Ea ng Plate, please see The Nutri on Source, Department of Nutri on, Harvard School of Public Health,

www.thenutri, and Harvard Health Publica ons,

Portion Control

Page 12: Improving Health Wellness

Ways to increase activity:

Making exercise fun—Ways to increase enjoyment of activities:

Exercise Tips:

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Sleep Tips:

Ways to improve your sleep cycle:

Set a sleep management goal and action plan.

Track your sleep.

Set a sleep schedule.

Develop a relaxing bedtime routine.

Bed is for sleep

Get up after 20 minutes

Limit naps

Limit screen time one hour before bed.

Exercise in the morning or early afternoon.

Get comfortable.

Avoid caffeine and nicotine in the afternoon.

Avoid alcohol.

Consult your primary care provider.

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Actions you can take to decrease your pain... Set a pain-management goal.

Talk with others who have experienced pain

Increase exercise.

Shift your focus.

Practice relaxation skills.

Talk to your primary care provider.

Other ways to improve pain management:

Pain Tips:

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What progress did you make towards your goal this week?

D Exceeded D Met D Partially Met D DidNotAttempt

What went well?

What challenges came up?

Action Plan The specific goal or activity I plan to work on:

Timeline for completing goal:

Steps to help me accomplish my goal:

Possible barriers and ways to overcome them:

How important is this goal to you?

How likely are you to complete these steps?

Tracking your progress:

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Action Plan Next Steps



Use a different skill

Next Steps—Notes

Other Skills

Next Steps— Plans to use these skills

Questions to think about:

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Additional Resources

The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, & Nutrition:

Free website for tracking exercise and diet:

More information on healthy sleep habits:

Helpful Mobil App:

List of organizations that provide free information on chronic pain:

Physical Activity / Exercise

Improving Sleep

Reducing Pain

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