Implementing Green Infrastructure into Municipal...

Implementing Green Infrastructure into Municipal Programs The Raleigh Experience Kevin Boyer, PE – City of Raleigh Jonathan Smith, PE – Tetra Tech

Transcript of Implementing Green Infrastructure into Municipal...

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Implementing Green Infrastructure into Municipal Programs

The Raleigh Experience

Kevin Boyer, PE – City of Raleigh

Jonathan Smith, PE – Tetra Tech

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Cleaner stormwater and water bodies Better aesthetics, health of streams, lakes Consideration of those living downstream Priority of City Council

(2030 Comp Plan)

Why LID and GI are important to Raleigh…

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Drivers for stormwater GI in Raleigh

NPDES Phase I stormwater permit? (1994)

Nutrient-sensitive waters rules? (1998/2003)

Stormwater utility and fee? (2003)

Water supply watershed protection?

Rapid growth and urbanization?

Want clean water/healthy streams? and

Shellfish waters?

Swimming beaches?

Combined sewer overflows?

Consent decree or court order?

Retention standard in NPDES permit?

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Expansion of Water Supply Watersheds


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Getting started, first time…

2007: City Council endorsed encouraging LID

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Encouraging policy, not enough…

2009: Raleigh’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan and LID

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Encouraging policy, not enough…2009: Raleigh’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan and LID

Element C – Environmental Protection

Policy EP 2.1: Green InfrastructureEnsure protection of Raleigh’s unique and significant green infrastructure – its natural resources, landscapes, and ecological systems – through best practices management stewardship and land use regulations.

Policy EP 3.4: Low Impact Systems for ParkingWell maintained pervious pavement or other low impact systems for parking areas should be encouraged throughout the City, especially in environmentally sensitive areas and floodplains, as appropriate.

Policy EP 3.8: Low Impact DevelopmentPromote the use of LID techniques to mitigate the impact of stormwater runoff. This includes the use of green roofs, rain gardens, cisterns, rain barrels, and on‐site wastewater reuse systems in urban and suburban landscapes.

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Getting restarted…2011-2013: Citizen commissions jump-started LID

Environmental Advisory Board | Stormwater Management Advisory CommissionSustainable Stormwater Report,  August 7, 2012

The Charge from City Council…the Environmental Advisory Board on August 4, 2011 provided City Council a report suggesting consideration of alternatives to the current standard requiring traditional curb and gutter (Streets, Sidewalks, and Driveways Access Handbook) and storm drains on roadways.

Observations and RecommendationsEAB’s and SMAC’s overarching recommendation is that the City’s strategies for managing stormwater on street and roadway‐improvement emphasize not only drainage, but also treating stormwater by slowing, filtering, retaining, and absorbing runoff. This emphasis should begin with the earliest planning and continue through implementation. Planners and designers should be allowed to incorporate proven alternative stormwater management practices as standard practices along with traditional curb and gutter, transitioning from mainly piped systems to systems with natural elements and that recognize stormwater is an important resource, not just a potential hazard.Further, once these practices are made available, the City should take every opportunity to apply them on its street 

projects. Recognizing that changes to established institutional practices come slowly and with difficulty, leadership from City administration will be needed to raise expectations that staff and contracted designers will consider alternative stormwater techniques on par with traditional techniques. 

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Back on the road…

2013: New LID recommendations from Commission; Council again endorsed; City retained a consultant

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Regulatory Mandates Creating Greatest Innovation In LID

• Some major cities are linking sustainability plans to regulatory drivers (e.g., CSOs,TMDLs, permit criteria)▪ Philadelphia▪ Washington, D.C.▪ Portland▪ Seattle▪ New York▪ Boston▪ Chicago▪ Milwaukee

• Other cities do LID too to different degrees

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Advancing GI/LID without Regulatory Drivers?

• Some common approaches▪ Demonstration project

▪ Grants/cost share programs

▪ Manuals or brochures

▪ Citizen outreach

▪ Get expert help


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Municipal Functions Involved in GI/LID

Core municipal functions involved in GI/LID: Different degrees of implementation and effectiveness

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Common Elements of Successful GI/LID Programs

1.Policies & Ordinances

• City policy• Refined codes• Legal Representation

2. Coordinated & Trained Staff• Administration• SOP Development City Property

(roads, parks, facilities)

Utilities Emergency 

vehicles Solid Waste 


3. Tools & Incentives

• GI/LID templates

• GI/LID Checklists

• Performance Standards

• Cost tool• O&M Manual• Strategic plan• Expedited approval

• Fees reduction• Cost rebate

4. Outreach & Education

• Demonstration• Multi‐media• Training & Certification

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Advancing GI/LID in Raleigh: A Strategy

• Three Phase Process (to “do it”)

1. Scoping

2. Build Framework

3. Implementation

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Scoping: GI/LID Work Plan

• GI/LID Task Force▪ Formed November 2013

▪ Senior staff from 6 departments plus City Manager’s Office

▪ Primary objective: provide input to develop a Work Plan containing priority actions to advance GI/LID

▪ Convened in 5 work sessions

• GI/LID Stakeholders ▪ Invited participants

▪ Primary objective: Review draft Work Plan

▪ Convened in 2 work sessions

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Raleigh’s GI/LID Task Force

• City Manager’s Office (including Office of Sustainability)

• Public Works Department (including Stormwater Management, Transportation Field Services, and Design and Construction)

• Planning and Development Department

• Public Utilities Department

• Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department

• Solid Waste Services

• Fire Department


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Raleigh GI/LID Stakeholders

• Business and development advocacy

• Citizen advocacy

• Environmental advocacy

• Key City commissions and boards

• Professional organizations

• Other public agencies.


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Work Plan– Impediments Identified

• Conducted review of past efforts, staff interviews, comparison to other communities

• Over 60 gaps and impediments noted▪ Policy/operational conflicts

▪ Missing tools and training

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Work Plan– Guiding Principles

• Accommodates essential City operations

• Is scalable and affordable

• Considers long-term cost effectiveness (sustainable)

• Considers strategic timing/phasing of projects

• Adds amenities

• Balances multiple City objectives

• Demonstrates leadership/ sets example

• Educates City staff and provides clear vision

• Makes sense to Citizens and City staff

• Considers the social component/complexity

Incorporate GI/LID into new development, redevelopment and existing development such that it:

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Scoping Results – Draft Work Plan

• Six priority Work Plan items identified1) Design templates for roadways

2) LID cost-effectiveness tool & applications

3) Site planning checklist & factsheets

4) Operation & maintenance evaluation & guidance

5) Priority opportunities for LID on existing development

6) Incentives review

7) Code and ordinance review (added by stakeholders)

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Elements Addressed by GI/LID Work Plan

Policies & Ordinances Coordinated & Trained Staff

Tools & Incentives Outreach & Education

City Policy

Refined Codes

Legal Representation


Standard Operating Protocols (SOP)

- Development

- City Property (roads, parks, facilities)

- Utilities

- Emergency services

- Solid Waste services

GI/LID Templates

GI/LID Checklists

Performance Standards

Cost Tool

O & M Manual

Strategic Plan

Expedited Approval

Fees Reduction

Cost Rebate

Demonstration Projects

Multi-Media Program

Training & Certification

= comprehensively addressed = partially addressed

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Advancing GI/LID in Raleigh

• Three Phase Process (to “do it”)

1. Scoping

2. Build Framework

3. Implementation

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The Overall Work Plan forAdvancing GI/LID in Raleigh

Code Review Work Group

• Code review

• Street templates

• Incentives

Implementation Work Group

• Cost effectiveness tool

• Factsheets and checklists

• Maintenance framework

The two work groups’ tasks are linked. 

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WP#1 – Design Templates for Streets & Roadways

• Purpose: Address issues in 5 road/street cross-sections in UDO▪ Targeted at City staff & development community

• Work Group Role▪ Identify problem street templates

▪ Input on ROW conflicts

▪ Field evaluations

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WP#2 – LID Cost-Effectiveness Tool

•Purpose of Tool: Evaluate LID design cost & benefits relative to conventional stormwatermanagement design▪ Educate staff, policy makers, development community,


▪ Support design planning

•Phase 1: ▪ Evaluate existing tools for applicability

▪ White paper on TBL benefits

▪ Recommendations for Phase 2

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WP#3 – Site Planning Factsheets & Checklist

• Purpose: Facilitate discussion between development community and city staff during site planning process

• Work Group Role▪ Select factsheet “topics”

▪ Inform factsheet elements

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WP#4 – O&M Evaluation and Guidance for GI/LID

• Purpose▪ Determine costs & responsibilities for O&M

▪ Develop guidance for sustainable O&M

• Work Group Role▪ Review & discuss technical findings

▪ Provide input on GI/LID O&M guidance document

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WP#5 – Priority Opportunities for GI/LID on Existing Development

•Purpose▪ Identify best opportunities for GI/LID on existing public

properties▪ Explore benefit of larger scale strategic plan

•Work Group Role▪ Input on priority retrofit criteria & opportunities▪ Support data collection▪ Review technical evaluations & concept designs▪ Input on implementation plan & potential for larger scale

strategic plan

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WP#6 – Incentives Review (Existing and New Development)

• Purpose: Research practices & policies and recommend incentives for City consideration

• Work Group Role:▪ Confirm existing incentives

▪ Review technical memorandum on potential GI/LID incentives

▪ Guide selection of proactive incentives

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WP#7 – Review of Codes, Ordinances, and Policies for Barriers

•Purpose▪ Identify barriers to GI/LID implementation

•Work Group Role▪ Clarify code interpretation▪ Propose clear effective policies that can be supported.

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GI/LID Opportunity Checklist

• Detailed focus on site scale code barriers/opportunities

• 5 goals

▪ Minimize effective or connected impervious area

▪ Preserve the hydrologic functions of unpaved areas

▪ Harvest rainwater to enhance potable and nonpotable supply

▪ Allow and encourage use of multi-use stormwater controls

▪ Manage stormwater to sustain stream functions


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WP#7 – Review of Codes, Ordinances, and Policies for Barriers

• Insert checklist tool here.


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Where do we go from here?

• But you haven’t built anything yet?▪ Framework for advancing GI/LID

▪ Raised awareness about what Raleigh has been and is doing

▪ Ambassadors for GI/LID

• Implementation▪ Code changes

▪ New policies

▪ Documents integrated into program operations


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Lessons Learned/Final Thoughts

• Strong stakeholder champion can drive progress

• Building “buy-in” from city staff is key

• Some surprising conflicts/agreements

• Significant staff turnover

• Maintain momentum


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Questions and Discussion

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Contact information

Kevin Boyer


[email protected]

Jonathan Smith


[email protected]