Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division

Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division,  commonly known as IMED,  is the central and apex organization of the Government of the Peoples !epu"lic of #angladesh for  monitoring and evaluation of the pu"lic sector development Pro$ects included in the %nnual Development Program&%DP'( %s per )%llocation of #usiness among the Different Ministries*Divis ions, the IMED also deals with the matters relating to +entral Procurement echnical -nit &+P-' and he Pu"lic Procurement %ct, .//0( he +P- of IMED acts as a central organ of the government for policy formulation, coordination, monitoring and improvement of the pu"lic procurement process in #angladesh( 1ision In 2013 IMED excels in the practice and mangement of monitoring and evaluation with core organizational competences in programme monitoring and evaluation, mass communication, and proect information s!stems it advises other government organizations on programme design and measurement"  Mission he IMED monitors and evaluates the performance of revenue and development investment "y collecting and analyzing information on  pro$ect and programme results originating from implementing organizations( %nalysis of the performance of ministries and sectors against agreed targets is provided to Executive +ommittee of the 2ational Economic +ouncil, line ministries and other concerned parties whenever necessary( 3henever possi"le IMED seeks to explain why sector or ministry performance targets have not yet "een met "y careful analysis of  programme outcomes( his analy sis is provided to the relevant "odies so th at they can improve their performance if necessary(  4unctions he prime function of IMED is to monitor and evaluate the implementation of development pro$ects in order to ena"le the ministries and executing agencies to ensure their proper implementation( hrough monitoring, it points out to the pro$ect implementing ministri es and other appropriate authorities the progress of implementation and  pro"lems, if any, relating to the 5uality , time, cost fo r taking reme dial measures( he !ules of #usiness of the government allocated the following functions to the IMED6 Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of development pro$ects included in the %nnual Development Programme( +ollection and compilation of pro$ect7wise data for preparing 5uarterly, annual and  periodical prog ress reports f or information of the President , 2E+, E +2E+, Mini stries and

Transcript of Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division

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Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, commonly known as IMED, is the central and apex organization of theGovernment of the People s !epu"lic of #angladesh for monitoring and evaluation of the pu"lic sector development Pro$ects

included in the %nnual Development Program &%DP'( %s per )%llocation of #usiness among theDifferent Ministries*Divisions , the IMED also deals with the matters relating to +entralProcurement echnical -nit &+P -' and he Pu"lic Procurement %ct, .//0( he +P -of IMED acts as a central organ of the government for policy formulation, coordination,

monitoring and improvement of the pu"lic procurement process in #angladesh(


In 2013 IMED excels in the practice and mangement of monitoring and evaluationwith core organizational competences in programme monitoring and evaluation, masscommunication, and pro ect information s!stems it advises other governmentorganizations on programme design and measurement"

Missionhe IMED monitors and evaluates the performance of revenue and development investment "y collecting and analyzing information on

pro$ect and programme results originating from implementing organizations(

%nalysis of the performance of ministries and sectors against agreed targets is provided to Executive +ommittee of the 2ationalEconomic +ouncil, line ministries and other concerned parties whenever necessary(

3henever possi"le IMED seeks to explain why sector or ministry performance targets have not yet "een met "y careful analysis of programme outcomes( his analysis is provided to the relevant "odies so that they can improve their performance if necessary(


he prime function of IMED is to monitor andevaluate the implementation of development pro$ects in order to ena"le the ministries and executingagencies to ensure their proper implementation( hrough monitoring, it points out to the pro$ectimplementing ministries and other appropriate authorities the progress of implementation and

pro"lems, if any, relating to the 5uality, time, cost for taking remedial measures(

he !ules of #usiness of the government allocated the following functions to the IMED6

• Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of development pro$ects included in the%nnual Development Programme(

• +ollection and compilation of pro$ect7wise data for preparing 5uarterly, annual and periodical progress reports for information of the President, 2E+, E+2E+, Ministries and

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other concerned(• !endering such advisory or consultancy services to Ministries*%gencies concerned on

implementation of pro$ects as and when necessary(• 4ield inspection of pro$ects for on the spot verification of implementation status and such

other +o7ordination works as may "e necessary for the removal of implementation pro"lems, if any, with the assistance of related Ministries*%gencies(

• 8u"mission of pro$ect inspection reports to the President and Ministers concerned whenattention at such levels are considered necessary(

• Matters relating to +entral Procurement echnical -nit &+P -'(• Matters relating to he Pu"lic Procurement !egulations, .//9(

• 8uch other functions as may "e assigned to the Division "y the Prime Minister from time totime(

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About IMED

Organizational StructureDevelopment Project of IMED

ADP Implementation Status ADP Project ListReportsIMED ormatIMED Director!Interactive Dialouge "o#$P%&$omplain



:ow It 3orks

;utput of IMED


+itizen +harter ofIMED

:ow It 3orks

IMED is involved in the wholegamut of activities in a pro$ectcycle 7 from pro$ect preparation

&pre7pro$ect' to pro$ect completionand even impact evaluation(

4ollowing is a "rief description ofhow IMED works6

a) Pre Project Phase 6During this phaseIMED examines the following6

!ationale of pro$ect cost estimatesand implementation schedule,duplication*overlap with other

pro$ects, consistency with the 4ive<ear Plan o"$ectives, comparisonwith experience of similar pro$ectsimplemented earlier, size of

pro$ect manpower and

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8trategic Plan

Present Secretar!

ormer Secretaries

8trengtheninr !esult #ased Monitoring Pro$ect

Pu"lic Procurement !eform Pro$ect 7II

Monitoring Disaster Damage !eha"ilitation Pro$ect7 .//=

Progress !eport

op en Ministries

;ther Ministries




)ear*ise Revise+ Allocation an+ &tilization

+ompleted Pro$ect Evaluation !eport

Impact Evaluation !eport



Other ections

• %"out #angladesh• ender 2otice• Media Gallery


sustaina"ility of institutionalframework for pro$ectimplementation( It suggestsimprovement as mem"er of the

pro$ect approving committees of

the Planning +ommission andDepartmental Pro$ect Evaluation+ommittees &DPE+' of the >ineMinistries(

b) "mplementation Phase# During implementation, IMEDmonitors progress to ensure timelyand 5uality implementation( It has

evolved a system of informationflow from pro$ects, agencies andministries for effectivemonitoring( he instruments forinformation generation consist of6&a' periodic reports, &"'

procurement reports, &c' fieldinspections, &d' monthlycoordination*review meetings, &e'special meetings with the Pro$ectDirectors( Information so

collected are processed andanalysed on a monthly, 5uarterly? annual "asis to reviewimplementation performance ofMinistries*Divisions which isfollowed "y macro reviews at the

2E+, the E+2E+ and "y the:on "le Prime Minister(

c) Post-"mplementation Phase#erminal evaluation reports are prepared "y IMED on all pro$ectsimmediately on completion( Itcontains an analysis of the pro$ect

progress with recommendations( Italso commissions ex7postevaluation of selected pro$ects for

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Contact "nfo

Mohammad Moyazzem :ossainProgrammer

elephone6 @AAB/9CE7mail6 programmer imed(gov("d

assessing their impacts on thecommunity and the lessonslearned are used in future pro$ectdesign and implementation(

;utput of IMEDIMED monitors more than 1200 pro ects of the #D$ and evaluates around 200pro ects on an annual %asis" IMED output consists of &

• monthl! performance evaluation of pro ects of the Ministries'Divisions,• (uarterl! performance evaluation reports of #D$ included pro ects,• annual review report on #D$ implementation,• annual pro ect evaluation reports,• pro ect directors) profile, and• such other special reports prepared at the direction of the *on+%le $rime

Minister, $lanning Minister, the E- and the E- E-"

.he main thrust of IMED)s monitoring activities is identification of implementationpro%lems and their timel! resolution to accelerate pro ect progress" #ll the reportsprepared %! IMED contain identified implementation pro%lems and suggestions foraction" .hese are discussed in review meetings held at the Ministr!, the E- and theE- E-" .he process helps resolution of pro ect pro%lems in time"


#angladesh has institutionalised the pro$ect monitoring system through IMED(

IMED s linkage with the planning process of the country provides it the necessary

planning7implementation feed"ack which is very vital for proper monitoring of pro$ects(IMED s pro$ection of weaknesses of the pro$ect managers in planning and implementationtechni5ues finally culminated in the creation of the %cademy for Planning andDevelopment which imparts regular training to officers in the techni5ues of pro$ect

preparation, implementation and management(

he system of field inspection and holding of review meetings at the Ministries hasesta"lished a system of management accounta"ility and closer interactions and mutual

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appreciation of pro"lems "etween the decision7makers and pro$ect implementingauthorities facilitating actions and on7the7spot decisions(

;rganizational 8tructure of IMED

IMED is organized into the following @ 8ectors*3ing*-nit( 8ectors*3ing*-nit are headed "y +hief* oint 8ecretary*Director Generals( hey report to the 8ecretary( he 8ecretaryworks under the guidance and instruction of the %dviser*Minister for 4inance andPlanning( hese sectors*3ing*-nit are 67

• %griculture, !ural Development and !esearch 8ector

• Industry and Power 8ector

• >ocal Government and ransport 8ector

• Education and 8ocial 8ector

• +o7ordination and MI8 8ector &headed "y a Director'

• Evaluation 8ector

• +entral Procurement echnical -nit &+P -'

• %dministration 3ing

Detail information a"out the functions and activities of the 8ectors are 6

A$riculture% &ural !e'elopment ( &esearch ector#

%griculture, !ural Development ? !esearch 8ector monitors development pro$ects of A/Ministries*Divisions( he Ministries*Divisions are6

&A' M*; 3ater !esourcesF &.' M*; %gricultureF &9' M*; Environment ? 4orestF & ' M*;4ood ? Digester ManagementF &B' M*; 4isheries ? >ivestockF &0' M*; >andF &=' !uralDevelopment ? +o7operative DivisionF &@' M*; +hittagong :ill racts %ffairsF &C' M*;+ivil %viation ? ourismF &A/' M*; 8hipping(

"ndustry and Power ector#

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Power and Energy 8ector 8ector monitors development pro$ects of A.Ministries*Divisions( he Ministries*Divisions are6

&A' Prime MinisterHs ;ffice F &.' Ministry of +ommerceF &9' Ministry of :ousing and

Pu"lic 3orksF & ' Ministry IndustryF &B' Ministry of ute and extileF &0' Energy andMineral !esources DivisionF &=' Ministry of Post and elecommunicationF &@' PowerDivisionF &C' +a"inet DivisionF &A/' Ministry of 4oreign %ffairsF &AA' %nti +orruption+ommissionF &A.' Ministry of 8cience, Information and +ommunication echnology

Communication and ocal *o'ernment ector#

+ommunication and >ocal Government 8ector monitors development pro$ects of .Ministries*Divisions( he Ministries*Divisions are6

&A' Ministry of +ommunicationF &.' >ocal Government Division

+ducation and ocial ector#

Education and 8ocial 8ector monitors development pro$ects of . Ministries*Divisions(he Ministries*Divisions are6

&A' Parliament %ffairs 8ecretariat F &.' Election +ommission 8ecretariat &9' Ministry of

Esta"lishmentF & ' Pu"lic 8ervice +ommissionF &B' Planning DivisionF &0' ImplementationMonitoring and Evaluation DivisionF &=' 4inance DivisionF &@' Internal !esourceDivisionF &C' Economic !elations DivisionF &A/' Ministry of <outh and 8portsF &AA'Ministry of DefenceF &A.' Ministry of >aw, ustice and Parliament %ffairsF &A9' Ministryof Primary and Mass EducationF &A ' Ministry of InformationF &AB' Ministry of >a"ourand ManpowerF &A0' Ministry of +ultural %ffairsF &A=' Ministry of :ome %ffairsF &A@'Ministry of EducationF &AC' Ministry of :ome and 4amily PlanningF &./' Ministry of8ocial %ffairsF &.A' Ministry of 3oman and +hildren %ffairsF &..' Ministry of !eligionF&.9' Ministry of >i"eration %ffairsF &. ' Ministry of ExpatriatesH 3elfare and ;verseasEmployment

Co-ordination and M" ector 6

+ollection and compilation of pro$ect wise data for preparing 5uarterly, annual and periodical progress reports for 2E+, E+2E+ and other concerned(+ollection and compilation of the monitoring and evaluation reports prepared "y different

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sector of IMED(Pu"lication of yearly evaluation report on the completed pro$ect of %nnual DevelopmentProgram &%DP'(Identify the common pro"lems of pro$ect implementation and recommend the way to

solve these pro"lems to the higher authority(Preparation of working papers for 2E+, E+2E+ and other review meetings(+o7ordinate the work of all other sectors and organizes the monthly co7ordination ?monthly review meetings of the division(Maintain all computer hardware ? software and other related e5uipment of this division(Maintain ? develop the data"ase, >%2, server and related other system(8upervise*oversee the processing of data*information in the existing MI8 system andensure the smooth functioning of the data"ase ? MI8(8uch other functions as may "e assigned "y the higher authority(Maintaining*updating of IMED we"site(Preparing and updating the pro$ect directors profiles(

8ecretarial service to the advisors committee for appointment and transfer of pro$ectdirector(

+'aluation ector#

Evaluation 8ector is one of the sectors of IMED entrusted with the responsi"ility ofconducting impact evaluation of completed pro$ects(

7 ;n an average, Evaluation 8ector conducts impact evaluation studies on A/ completed

pro$ects each year(

7 #esides, Evaluation 8ector prepares terminal evaluation reports of $ust7completed pro$ects, evaluates on7going pro$ects*programs of different ministries as and whenassigned "y the authority(

CPT, 64unctions of +P -

&A' 3ithin the Government, the +P - is responsi"le for policy formulation, co7ordination,monitoring and improvement of the pu"lic procurement in #angladesh(

&.' In accordance with !egulation 0 &.', the +P - shall6

a' monitor compliance with the !egulations and the Procedures and propose anyamendment to them or any new laws or regulations regarding pu"lic procurement whichappear necessary( In doing so, +P - shall not only take account of experience gained inmonitoring of pu"lic procurement in #angladesh, "ut shallalso keep up to date with

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standard international practicesF

"' issue procedures as well as guidance and instructions regarding the interpretation andimplementation of the !egulations( #esides, +P - shall provide advice and assistance to

Procuring Entities concerning the !egulations, the Procedures and other documents, suchas the 8tandard ender Documents, 8tandard !e5uest for Proposals, when re5uested to doso "y a Procuring Entity(:owever, the role of the +P - shall "e restricted to advisingProcuring Entities on how the !egulations and the Procedures shall "e implementedwithout diminishing their responsi"ilities( he +P - shall not have any involvementwhatsoever in the proceedings leading to examination, evaluation and*or award ofcontract concerning individual and*or specific procurementF

c' prepare standard formats, documents, -ser Guides and instructions and issue inconnection with pu"lic procurement, which shall include, "ut are not restricted to6

7 8tandard format for the Procurement Plan, Invitations for Pre75ualification &I4P ',Invitations for ender &I4 ', re5uest for Expressions of Interest &E;I', contract awardnotices, endererHs profiles and procurement related statisticalinformationF

7 8tandard Pre75ualification Documents, 8tandard ender Documents &8 Ds', 8tandard!e5uest for uotations &!4 s' and 8tandard !e5uest for Proposals &!4Ps'F

7 -ser Guides on Pre75ualification, 8hort listing, examination and evaluation of tendersand proposalsF and

7 Guidance 2otes and instructions concerning the manner in which technicalspecifications shall "e prepared, e(g( list of accepta"le technical standards widely in use in#angladesh and internationally(

d' prepare and present an %nnual !eport of the previous financial year and su"mit to theGovernment regarding the overall functioning of the pu"lic procurement system( he!eport shall contain recommendations on measures to "e taken "y the Government torevise and improve procurement practices, approval methods and other measures toenhance the 5uality of procurement work( he %nnual !eport shall "e delivered withinseven &=' months from the "eginning of the current financial year and shall contain6

7 statistics on procurement during the year referring to the num"er and value of contractsawarded, the methods of procurement used and for each method, the product category&supply, work, service', and the nationality of the 8upplier*+ontractor*+onsultant&#angladesh or foreign national'F

7 summary of Procurement Post !eview "y the Procuring Entities, inaccordance with !egulation B0F

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7 statistics on staffing and training activityF and

7 activities of the +P -(

4or completion of each part of the !eport, the following time schedule &from the "eginning of the current financial year' shall "e followed6

7 three &9' months for the completion of the statistical reportF

7 five &B' months for the completion of the summary on independentProcurement !eview of the Procuring EntitiesF

7 three &9' months for processing statistics on staffing and trainingF and

7 three &9' months for data on +P - activities(

he +P -Hs %nnual !eport shall contain Independent Procurement !eviews presented "y Procuring Entities for the previous financial year, e(g( the +P - %nnual!eport for the 4inancial <ear .// */B would include Independent Procurement !eviewsfrom Procuring Entities for the 4inancial <ear .//9*/ (

e' re5uest Procuring Entities to provide, in a timely manner, the information re5uired forcompletion of the %nnual !eport( he +P - shall advise Procuring Entities of the

prescri"ed format in which this information is to "e provided(

f' develop a pu"lic procurement we"site which shall "e structured as follows67 -seful documents, which will provide, the text of the !egulations, theProcedures, the -ser Guides and any new document or instructions issued "y the +P -concerning pu"lic procurement and links to relevantinternational

reaties*%greements*!egulations e(g( 3orld rade ;rganisation &3 ;', 3orld #ank&3#', %sian Development #ank &%D#', %sia Pacific Economic +o7operation &%PE+'and %ssociation of 8outh7East %sian 2ations &%8E%2'F and

7 Pu"lic Procurement ;pportunities, in which users should "e a"le to easily accessadvertisements of %nnual Procurement Plans, tender* proposal notices and contract awardnotices exceeding a threshold value determined "y the +P - for national andinternational procurement opportunities(

g' develop, promote, support and execute training programmes on pu"lic procurement including importance of adherence to the highest ethical standard and shall provide technical support to Procuring Entities for the initial and continuing developmentof their procurement staff(

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h' organise and provide secretarial*logistic support to the !eview Panel &!egulation B.6he !eview Panel', "ut shall take no part in the PanelHs decision7making process(

i' provide technical assistance in the field of pu"lic procurement through issue of

technical guidance notes on procurement(

$' provide technical assistance in the field of pu"lic procurement through issue oftechnical guidance notes on procurement(

7 failed to fulfil their contractual o"ligations under a pu"lic procurement contractF

7 provided false information concerning their 5ualifications to undertake a specificcontractF and

7 "een "arred from participating in pu"lic procurement as a result of corrupt, fraudulent,

collusive and*or coercive practices as descri"ed in !egulation AB &+orrupt, 4raudulent,+ollusive or +oercive practices'(

Administration 6

his sector is headed "y a oint 8ecretary( he sector is responsi"le for generaladministration and provision of general services and logistics( General %dministrationdeals with all administrative functions and general services of IMED that includes

personnel management, "udget, protocol, training, logistics supports etc( he "ranch is

headed "y a Deputy 8ecretary who is responsi"le for supervising the following sections7

ection# Administration-

⇒ Matters relating to personnel administration of class7A officers of IMED(

⇒ Matters related with security and welfare of officers(

⇒ Matters concerning salary, selection grade etc and different types of leave ofclass7A officers(

⇒ he task of drawing and dis"ursement of funds(

⇒ 2omination of officers for training, study tour "oth local and a"road as perstanding procedure(

⇒ Matters concerning attending different inter7ministerial meetings(

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⇒ Maintaining communication with different ministries and preparation andsu"mission of different regular statements(

⇒ Matters regarding management of store(

⇒ Matters concerning management of vehicle of the division(

⇒ Matters relating of administration of the li"rary of IMED(

⇒ %ll others works assigned "y the higher authorities(

ection# Administration-

⇒ Matters relating to personnel administration of class7II, III and I1 employees(

⇒ Matters regarding appointment, posting of class7II, III and I1 employees(

⇒ he task of welfare of employees(

⇒ 2omination for training of staff(

⇒ Preservation and management of service "ooks of class7 III and I1 employees(

⇒ 8u"mission of reports to different Ministries(

⇒ %rrangement of office accommodation of officers and staff of IMED(

⇒ Matters relating to house "uilding, computer and motorcycle loan(

⇒ Maintenance of machine and e5uipments & elephone, 4ax etc' identity card(

⇒ ask of despatch section(

⇒ Matters regarding security and supervision of office cleaning activities(

⇒ Procurement and supply of liveries for class I1 employees(

%ll others responsi"ilities vested "y the authorities concerned(