Imperial Valley press and the Imperial press (San Francisco) 1906 … · 2017. 12. 17. ·...

Farm Implements For Hale. Very little uh(h^ and good as new. Walter A. Wood Mower and Rake for $50.00 Me* Cormick Mower, only lined a few dayfl, $50.00. McCormick Mower and Rake, very littleused, $80.00. Chas. W. Fer- nald, Imperial, Cal. For Sewing Machine repairs and sup- plies nee Teller, Imperial, P. O. building. Ed. E. Boyd realty company says they have land and water stock for sale for $14.00 per acre on the Eastside. ICE CREAM The Imperial Drug Co. sells it, whole- sale and retail. W. F. Holt returned to his home In Redlands on Friday after a stay of ten days In the Valley. D. H. Chaplin made a short trip out to Los Angeles on business this week, The bakery and meat market Is now completed and we Invite all to call In and see us. Special attention will be given to the cantaloupe packers and growers to call on us and get your supply of bread and meat and ; If you want a pie we have It. Don't forget the place, back of the Franklin hotel. Cl Centro Bakery and Meat Market The ice plant is in operation and El Centro made Ice is now In the market. Everything works in a first-class man- ner and the electric power Is all that could be desired. The first full freez- ing of Ice was drawn on Thursday and shipped to Brawley for the cantaloupe growers. If you want to take home a few loaves of bread we. keep It; n6ne bet- ter. Also we can supply you with meat ad we are nicely fixed In our new quarters now. You can see the sign, just back of Franklin hotel. \ A special meeting of the El Centro Cantaloupe Growers' Association will be held at the packing shed in El Cen- tro. Cal., on Monday, June 1 1th, at 8 p. m. Business of importance will come before the meeting. Your pres- ence Is earnestly requested. By Order of the Board of Directors. W. E. Wllsle, Pres. J. Stanley Brown, Secy. El Centro, Cal. Notice Rev. W. G. Conley, of Redlands •and Mr. Crabtree, of Morganfleld, Kentucky, are visiting In the Valley this week. Both the gentlemen have Interests in No. 7 and are careful readers of the Press. -4 Governor R. C Powers and wife came In on Tuesday last to visit their place near Holtville and see for them- selves the wonderful crops produced In this Valley. Mrs. Raulstonand baby came down from Redlands last Tuesday evening on a visit to Mr. Raulston who Is one of Mr. Coopers force of carpenters. Ed E. Boyd realty company says they have land and water stock for sale for $14.00 per acre on the Eastslde. We have never made poor Ice cream and this year It's better than «ver. Imperial Drug Co. Notice All persons are warned not to cut or remove any timber or wood from the NE 1-4 of section 15-16-13 and the S 1-2 of SE 1-4 of section 1016-13 commonly known as the "Cole place," "Holton place" and -Wildcat Slough.'' F. J. Eddy. There will be a silver medal contest held In Water company hall at Im- perial on Friday evening, June 15th. Five young people will compete. Also -vocal and instrumental music will be rendered. Admission 25 cents. . The barge for the new clam-shell dredger is now being constructed at Yu- raa and should. ' be completed by the time the dredger arrives at the upper intake jn six weeks. From the Americ- an intake the canal will he dredged so deep that the entire head of the Colora- uo river can be turned through the con- crete headgate. .Meanwhile the work on the reinforced concrete headgute for the upper canal, being constructed by Contractor Carl Leonardt, is progressing rapidly. This gate will be built down to bed-rock and will be completed in abouf. thirty days. The great wooden gate designed for the by-pasa on the lower canal, where the flood has broken bounds, is com- pleted, but will not be placed in posi- tion until the lowering of the water in the Colorado river, which will be about September 15th. One encouraging sign was that the river was continually "cutting back," in tin's process, deepening its channel and lowering the water. The company was assisting the river' in this work by the use of dynamite, blasting out the hard places when in danger of damming the river-bed. The directors of the company were ex- ceedingly pleased yesterday at the prog- ress of the work along the Colorado riv- er a* d at the intakes of the canal for stopping the flood into the Imperial Val- ley. Mr. Doran stated that while the water at Calexico was higher than ever before, being three feet above the town, there was no danger, on account of the dykes which the company I'as erected toprevent New riverbreaking its bounds. Although the litigation with former President Heber lias Ween settled out of court, the suit, of the company against the Chaffeys will he up for trial in the Supreme Court on June 15. On June 19, at a meeting of the board of directors officers will elected and it ia stated on good authority that the re-election of tlie present officers, with Kpes Randolph as president, will follow. Director fl were elected l>y the Cali- fornia Development Company at a meeting ytifttcrdny afternoon resulting in /no change of management. Ef>es Randolph, preflidend of the company, It. H. Ingram and Willarrl J. Doran, representing the Southern Pacific in- terests; K. A. Meserve, It. M. Oleeson, Mr. Russell the latter of Imperial and Charles N. King of Jersey City, the lat- ter as resident director, were elected. From the I<o«t An^elr* Time* C. D. Company Election several days In the Valley last week looking after his ranch In the Record neighborhood, east of Heber. Mr. Rlngo is well pleased with prospects in the Valley and expects to become a permanent resident In the near future. E. H. Rlngo, of Riverside, spent "Millions rush In mad chase after health from one extreme of fadtsm to another when If they would only take a \u25a0good bath, a clean shive and a neat hair cut would do the worK. W. E. Downing, the El Centro barber, does it. Dr. J. M. Smith, of Palouse. Wash- ington, Is a Valley visitor this week. Mr. Smith has heard of our wonderful \u2666country and comes to see it for him- self. He quotes Mr. Grunsky of the 'Reclamation Service as saying that the Imperial Valley is the finest and most promising Irrigation district In the United States If not In the world. On Friday evening of last week the El Centro Cantaloupe Growers' Asso- ciation celebrated the opening of their new packing house with an ice cream festival and dancing. party that brought together one of the largest crowds of people that ever assembled in the Im- perial Valley. The building was ele- gantly lighted with electric lights, the dancing floor was all that could be de- sired, there was an abundance of ice cream and cake for everyone, the mu- sic which was furnished by the Mexi- can band was excellent and everyone enjoyed themselves to the utmost. There were large numbers of people from Holtville, Brawley and Imperial besides the residents of El Centro and Vicinityand from the Valley generally. The party was a success In every way and the people all expressed high ap- preciation of this testimonial of Mr. Lyon of his good will toward tham. Great credit is due Mr. Latson for the thoroughness and excellence of the ar- rangements and to the floor managers for their success in accommodating so many dancers. There was at least six hundred people attended the cele- bration, The veather was pleasant and everyone enjoyed themselves. Cantaloupe Celebration Mr. C. E. Talt arrived in the Valley this week to establish stations for the purpose of conducting Irrigation Inves- tigations for the department of agricul- ture. He tells us he has already es- tablished such stations at the ranches of Mr. S. M.Blxbyand Mr. W. S. Corwin near Imperial and expects to establish several more In other parts of the.Valley. . ; following the flag When our soldiers went to Cuba und the Philippines, health was the most important consideration; Willis T. Mor gan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. S. A., of Rural Route; 1. Concord, N. JL, says : "I was two years in Cuba und two years in the Philippines, und being an I>- ject to colds; I took Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption] which kept me in perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, wu find it the best medicine in I ho world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and alllung diseases, Guaran- teed at all druggists. Price 50c and if 1.00 Trial bottle free. We are Informed by the registery of the U. S. Land office at' Los Angeles that It will not be necessary for parties with desert claims to make any annual or final proofs while the lar.ds In this Valley are suspended pending the mak- ing of the resurvey. The abstracts on which the Instructions to the deputy sutveyors are to be based are already completed but have no been called for by the surveyor general and are still In the land office at Los Angeles. From what we could learn we are doubtful If the resurvey will be made until the water Is shut out and the ' flooded lands drained off. The men who have taken the contracts will find It impossible to do the work until this Is done as there are flooded lands In each of the contracts. 400 Acre ussignnient fine land, easily leveled and put in crop, Put cheap water stock on this and you have a bargain. Bert R. Chaplin, Im- perial, Cal. EL CENTRO nnn tabu; HoltAn-intefartMM R««lw«y Company WRAT BOUND No. 1. LMtt fiottflllt 9l39 ifc tn.da.Uf except No. 3. I>a"a IfoitvUle1:30 p. m. daily Includ- Ititf Sunday l-.ASr BOUND No. 2. Loa»« El Centre 1:00 a. m. dalljexcept No 4. I^are Xl Centro 3:00 p. m. dally includ- insrSnnday PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' DRB. HOr/TZMAN, OPTICIANS. We Correct all Errors of Refraction. Alpio Prescription Druggtatfl. Imperial, California. , t KO. H. V. SHAW, ATTORNEY AT Trfiw, Imperial, California. Office upfltairn in imperial T*and Com* Jf. SHEPHERD ATTO l<N K Y - AT- L A W Office on East Eighth Street Entitled to practice in all the Courta of the Htate, Department of the Interior at Washington, D. C., and all the bureang thereof. _— HN. DYK E. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, Imperial, Cal. Contracts and legal papers of allkinds carefully executed, f, * CRANKLIN J. COLE " Attorney-at-Law Admitted to practice in all courta Corporation work a Specialty HOLTVI LLE V > ' | CALIFORNIA \u25a0' '' '"''\u25a0' '' " Ed. E. Boyd realty company says they have land and water stock for sale" for $14 00 per acre on the Eastslde. Classified Liners Liners under this heading willbe in- serted for 5 cents a line each insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE Fresh, gentle family cows. Apply to A. S. Fell, 4 miles northeast of El Centro. may-19U FOR SALK CHEAP— Grain rack for a 4 horse .wagon, good as new. Address C. F. Perry, Heber, Cal. a-28tf FOR SALE—Cheap. A first-class sec- ond-hand Steel Hay Press, complete. Only been used n short time. Inquire at Edgar Bros. Imperial, or see C. F. Perry, Heber. apr-7-tf . _J FOR SALE— Cheap, One No. 1, and one No. 2 DeLaval Separators, in first- class condition. Apply to C. W. Fer- nald, Imperial. Cal. m-10-tf l-. ! ; . I have an order for. 160 shares of water stock that can be located in either of the water companies Np. 1, No. 5 or No. 6; will divide to suit purchaser in forties or eighties; $13.50 per share; all cash. VVrite or see F. H. Stanley, Brawley, Cal. . n 4tf FOR SALE— A steam engine, 14 J^se- power witli 150 feet belt. Inquire'vt this office. WILDS—of wild turkeys (acclimated). Address only G. G. G. Brawley, Cal. apr-7-tf Now that the Imperial Valley lands have been withdrawn from entry I have a choice assortment of assignments whieh do not re- quire filing. Bert R. Chaplin. FOR RENT Office for rent in the Garner building. Apply to.I, L.Wilson. oct 21 tf WANTED— To Trade 80 acres of land with water stock, 4 miles from town, for horses or mules. Address: Lock Box 133, Imperial. July 22 tf PASTURE— I can furnish grain and al- falfa pasture for So.head of cattle on my ranch. H. M. Kinne, El Centro, Calif. ' m-3-tf WANTED *~ —^ r _ WANTED Position as cook on a cook wagon for ditch camp or threshing outfit. Apply at this office or address A. care the Press, El Centro, Cal. june-9-tf " ' WANTED— 2O to 80 shares of water stock in Imperial Watercompany No. 1. On easy terms or casli if price is satisfactory. Address, J. H., Box 15, Imperial. juue-2 WANTED—Party to take' care of my ranch during the BUiuiner. Willgive liberal pay to proper person. Apply to . John Patterson, Silsbee. may-19tf . , WANTED—Hay baling, $2,00 per ton! Work guaranteed. Address Bucher Brow. Heber, Cal. my-12-tr WANTED— 2OO shares of Water Co. No. 5 stock; Will pay spot cash. Price must be reasonable. Fuller & Aten, El Centro, Oali ' April 14-tf I WANT TO BUY— 2o to 40 shares of Btoek in Imperial Water Co. No. 1, at rock- bottom price for spot cash, ad- dress E. W. Kales, Imperial, Cal. : m-3-tf FOR MXCHANCJIO— WiII exchange 123 acrea grazing land, with wood and water in Ventura County, 4 milea from b. P. It. R , worth $1200 for re- limiimluuent or other property in Imperial Vulley. M. W. C, 023 liryeon Bldgij Los Aiiuele'aJ Call dlOtf TO KXCUANGE— For Imperial prop- erty, 80 acre ranch near Anderson, 1 Shasta county, la excellent property withall modern iuipiovenutntti. Vulud $1500. Salisbury Realty Co. my-26 WANTED—SOO acrea of barley to bar- veut with htrndt-r. address A. 8. Fell, Imperial, Calif. m-5-tf Anything Your Doctor Orders Millercan supply you with any tilingyour physician may direct you to procure. Medi- cines to be prepared accord- ing to his prescription. MILLER'S Prescription Druggist Phone 37 .Second store from Bank J Brown's Express and f \) BAOQAaB DELIVERY l\ K D. A. Brown, Prop. Stand Cor. Ninth £ t) and Imperial Ave. 'Phone Res. 159. <J Trunks 25c in city, 35c outside. All « fj orders carefully attended to. Trunks g pv stored* «5c it iiiotiiii, *Tf M. V. DUTCH ER Real Estate and Investments Imperial Valley Lands a Specialty Imperial Valley ia the largest irrigated district in the United States. The best bargains on earth can be found in the Imperial Valley. Anyone having Im- perial lands they wish to sell or trade for Los Angeles property will find it to their advantage to consult me. My fa- cilities for finding bargains for buyers and buyers for bargains cannot be sur- passed. Write or wire me at 205 Mer- cantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Home Tel. 8182. Tel. Main 3440. I have 320 acres of the choicest land in the Im- perial Valley, nicely lo- cated and well. improv- ed. All fenced and cross fenced. Price right and will give good terms. See Wilson about it. /k / i!h >O^ /fl£ Teams 300 Teams Wanted at once To build the canal necessary to carry water to Brawley and every- body whose supply is cut off by the carrying away of our Main Canal. Let everybody bnn'g his team and go to work. There is just so much work to do, the more there are to do it the quicker it will be done. Until it is done these people will be* without water. Just as soon as the work is done i everybody will have plenty of water. Turn out and help in this emergency. The going wages will be paid. Report at the work on the Main Canal at the head of the Dahlia. The California Development Company By H. T. Cory, General Manager,

Transcript of Imperial Valley press and the Imperial press (San Francisco) 1906 … · 2017. 12. 17. ·...

Page 1: Imperial Valley press and the Imperial press (San Francisco) 1906 … · 2017. 12. 17. · Leonardt, is progressing rapidly. This gate willbe builtdown tobed-rock and willbe completed

Farm Implements For Hale. Verylittleuh(h^ and good as new. Walter A.Wood Mower and Rake for $50.00 Me*Cormick Mower, only lined a few dayfl,$50.00. McCormick Mower and Rake,very littleused, $80.00. Chas. W. Fer-nald, Imperial, Cal.

For Sewing Machine repairs and sup-plies nee Teller, Imperial, P.O.building.

Ed. E. Boyd realty company saysthey have land and water stock for salefor $14.00 per acre on the Eastside.


The Imperial Drug Co. sells it, whole-sale and retail.

W. F. Holt returned to his home In

Redlands on Friday after a stay of ten

days In the Valley.

D. H. Chaplin made a short trip outto Los Angeles on business this week,

The bakery and meat market Is nowcompleted and we Invite all to call Inand see us. Special attention will begiven to the cantaloupe packers andgrowers to call on us and get yoursupply ofbread and meat and ; If youwant a pie we have It. Don't forgetthe place, back of the Franklin hotel.

Cl Centro Bakery and Meat Market

The ice plant is in operation and ElCentro made Ice is now In the market.Everything works in a first-class man-ner and the electric power Is all thatcould be desired. The first full freez-ing of Ice was drawn on Thursday andshipped to Brawley for the cantaloupegrowers.

If you want to take home a fewloaves of bread we. keep It; n6ne bet-ter. Also we can supply you with

meat ad we are nicely fixed In our newquarters now. You can see the sign,

just back of Franklin hotel. \

A special meeting of the El CentroCantaloupe Growers' Association willbe held at the packing shed in El Cen-tro. Cal., on Monday, June 1 1th, at 8p. m. Business of importance willcome before the meeting. Your pres-ence Is earnestly requested.

By Order of the Board of Directors.W. E. Wllsle, Pres.J. Stanley Brown, Secy.

El Centro, Cal.Notice

Rev. W. G. Conley, of Redlands•and Mr. Crabtree, of Morganfleld,Kentucky, are visiting In the Valley

this week. Both the gentlemen haveInterests in No. 7 and are carefulreaders of the Press.

-4 Governor R. C Powers and wifecame Inon Tuesday last to visit their

place near Holtville and see for them-selves the wonderful crops produced In

this Valley.

Mrs. Raulstonand baby came down

from Redlands last Tuesday evening on

a visit to Mr. Raulston who Is one ofMr. Coopers force of carpenters.

Ed E. Boyd realty company says

they have land and water stock for salefor$14.00 per acre on the Eastslde.

We have never made poor Ice

cream and this year It's better than

«ver. Imperial Drug Co.

NoticeAllpersons are warned not to cut or

remove any timber or wood from theNE 1-4 of section 15-16-13 and theS 1-2 of SE 1-4 of section 1016-13commonly known as the "Cole place,""Holton place" and -Wildcat Slough.''

F. J. Eddy.There willbe a silver medal contest

held In Water company hall at Im-

perial on Friday evening, June 15th.

Five young people willcompete. Also

-vocal and instrumental music will be

rendered. Admission 25 cents.

. The barge for the new clam-shelldredger is now being constructed at Yu-raa and should.

' be completed by thetime the dredger arrives at the upperintake jnsix weeks. From the Americ-an intake the canal willhe dredged sodeep that the entire head of the Colora-uo river can be turned through the con-crete headgate.

.Meanwhile the work on the reinforcedconcrete headgute for the upper canal,being constructed by Contractor CarlLeonardt, is progressing rapidly. Thisgate willbe builtdown to bed-rock andwillbe completed in abouf. thirty days.

The great wooden gate designed for

the by-pasa on the lower canal, wherethe floodhas broken bounds, is com-pleted, but willnot be placed in posi-tion until the lowering of the water inthe Colorado river, which willbe aboutSeptember 15th.

One encouraging sign was that theriver was continually "cutting back," intin's process, deepening its channel andlowering the water. The company wasassisting the river'in this work by theuse of dynamite, blasting out the hardplaces when in danger of damming theriver-bed.

The directors of the company were ex-ceedingly pleased yesterday at the prog-

ress of the work along the Colorado riv-er a* d at the intakes of the canal forstopping the flood into the Imperial Val-ley. Mr.Doran stated that while thewater at Calexico was higher than everbefore, being three feet above the town,there was no danger, on account of thedykes which the company I'as erectedtoprevent New riverbreaking itsbounds.

Although the litigation with formerPresident Heber lias Ween settled out ofcourt, the suit, of the company againstthe Chaffeys willhe up for trial in theSupreme Court on June 15.

On June 19, at a meeting of the boardof directors officers willb« elected anditia stated on good authority that there-election of tlie present officers, withKpes Randolph as president, willfollow.

Director fl were elected l>y the Cali-fornia Development Company at ameeting ytifttcrdny afternoon resultingin /no change of management. Ef>esRandolph, preflidend of the company,It.H. Ingram and Willarrl J. Doran,representing the Southern Pacific in-terests; K. A. Meserve, It.M.Oleeson,Mr. Russell the latter of Imperial andCharles N. Kingof Jersey City, the lat-ter as resident director, were elected.

From the I<o«t An^elr* Time*

C. D. Company Election

several days In the Valley last weeklooking after his ranch In the Recordneighborhood, east of Heber. Mr.

Rlngo is well pleased with prospects in

the Valley and expects to become a

permanent resident In the near future.

E. H. Rlngo, of Riverside, spent

"Millionsrush In mad chase after

health from one extreme of fadtsm to

another when If they would only take a

\u25a0good bath, a clean shive and a neat

hair cut would do the worK. W. E.Downing, the El Centro barber, does it.

Dr. J. M. Smith, of Palouse. Wash-ington, Is a Valley visitor this week.Mr. Smith has heard of our wonderful\u2666country and comes to see it for him-

self. He quotes Mr. Grunsky of the

'Reclamation Service as saying that

the Imperial Valley is the finest andmost promising Irrigation district In theUnited States Ifnot In the world.

On Friday evening of last week theEl Centro Cantaloupe Growers' Asso-ciation celebrated the opening of theirnew packing house with an ice creamfestival and dancing. party that broughttogether one of the largest crowds ofpeople that ever assembled in the Im-perial Valley. The building was ele-gantly lighted with electric lights, thedancing floor was all that could be de-sired, there was an abundance of icecream and cake for everyone, the mu-sic which was furnished by the Mexi-can band was excellent and everyoneenjoyed themselves to the utmost.There were large numbers of peoplefrom Holtville,Brawley and Imperialbesides the residents of El Centro andVicinityand from the Valley generally.The party was a success In every wayand the people all expressed high ap-preciation of this testimonial of Mr.Lyon of his good will toward tham.Great credit is due Mr. Latson for thethoroughness and excellence of the ar-rangements and to the floor managersfor their success in accommodating somany dancers. There was at leastsix hundred people attended the cele-bration, The veather was pleasantand everyone enjoyed themselves.

Cantaloupe Celebration

Mr. C. E. Talt arrived in the Valley

this week to establish stations for thepurpose of conducting Irrigation Inves-tigations for the department of agricul-

ture. He tells us he has already es-tablished such stations at the ranchesof Mr. S. M.Blxbyand Mr. W. S.Corwin near Imperial and expects to

establish several more In other parts of

the.Valley. . ;

following the flag

When our soldiers went to Cuba undthe Philippines, health was the mostimportant consideration; WillisT.Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. S.A., of Rural Route; 1. Concord, N.JL,says :"Iwas two years inCuba und twoyears in the Philippines, und being anI>-ject to colds; Itook Dr. King's New Dis-covery for Consumption] which kept mein perfect health. And now, in NewHampshire, wu find it the best medicineinIho world for coughs, colds, bronchialtroubles and alllung diseases, Guaran-teed at all druggists. Price 50c and if1.00Trial bottle free.

We are Informed by the registery ofthe U. S. Land office at' Los Angelesthat It willnot be necessary for partieswith desert claims to make any annual

or final proofs while the lar.ds In thisValley are suspended pending the mak-

ing of the resurvey. The abstracts on

which the Instructions to the deputysutveyors are to be based are alreadycompleted but have no been calledfor by the surveyor general and arestill In the land office at Los Angeles.From what we could learn we aredoubtful If the resurvey will be madeuntil the water Is shut out and the

' flooded lands drained off. The menwho have taken the contracts will findIt impossible to do the work until thisIs done as there are flooded lands Ineach of the contracts.

400 Acre ussignnient fine land,easily leveled and put in crop, Putcheap water stock on this and youhave a bargain. Bert R. Chaplin, Im-perial, Cal.

EL CENTROnnn tabu;

HoltAn-intefartMM R««lw«y Company


No.1. LMttfiottflllt9l39 ifc tn.da.Uf except

No. 3. I>a"a IfoitvUle1:30 p.m. daily Includ-ItitfSunday


No. 2. Loa»« ElCentre 1:00 a. m. dalljexcept

No 4. I^are Xl Centro 3:00 p.m. dally includ-insrSnnday



We Correct all Errors of Refraction.Alpio Prescription Druggtatfl.

Imperial, California.—,


KO. H. V.SHAW, ATTORNEY ATTrfiw,Imperial,California.

Office upfltairn in imperial T*and Com*



Office on East Eighth StreetEntitled to practice in all the

Courta of the Htate, Department of theInterior at Washington, D. C., and allthe bureang thereof._—


Imperial, Cal.Contracts and legal papers of allkinds

carefully executed, f,*CRANKLIN J. COLE"

Attorney-at-LawAdmitted to practice in all courta

Corporation work a Specialty



'"''\u25a0' ''"

Ed. E. Boyd realty company saysthey have land and water stock for sale"for $14 00 per acre on the Eastslde.

Classified LinersLiners under this heading willbe in-

serted for 5 cents a line each insertion.



Fresh, gentle family cows.Apply to A.S. Fell, 4 miles northeastof ElCentro. may-19U

FOR SALK CHEAP— Grain rack for a4 horse .wagon, good as new. AddressC. F. Perry, Heber, Cal. a-28tf

FOR SALE—Cheap. A first-class sec-ond-hand Steel Hay Press, complete.Only been used n short time. Inquireat Edgar Bros. Imperial, or see C.F.Perry, Heber. apr-7-tf. _J

FOR SALE— Cheap, One No. 1, and oneNo. 2 DeLaval Separators, in first-class condition. Apply to C. W. Fer-nald, Imperial. Cal. m-10-tf

l-. ! ; .Ihave an order for.160 shares of water

stock that can be located in either ofthe water companies Np.1, No. 5 orNo. 6;willdivide to suit purchaser inforties or eighties; $13.50 per share;all cash. VVrite or see F. H.Stanley,Brawley, Cal. . n 4tf

FOR SALE— A steam engine, 14 J^se-power witli150 feet belt. Inquire'vtthis office.

WILDS—of wild turkeys (acclimated).Address only G.G. G. Brawley, Cal.

• apr-7-tfNow that the Imperial Valley lands have

been withdrawn from entry I have a choiceassortment of assignments whieh do not re-quire filing. Bert R. Chaplin.


Office for rent in the Garner building.Apply to.I,L.Wilson. oct 21 tf

WANTED—To Trade 80 acres of landwith water stock, 4 miles from town,for horses or mules. Address: LockBox 133, Imperial. July 22 tf

PASTURE—Ican furnish grain and al-falfa pasture for So.head of cattle onmy ranch. H. M.Kinne,ElCentro,Calif.


WANTED*~—^ r


—Position as cook on a cook

wagon for ditch camp or threshingoutfit. Apply at this officeor the Press, ElCentro, Cal.june-9-tf

" '

WANTED—2O to 80 shares of waterstock inImperial Watercompany No.1. On easy terms or casli if price issatisfactory. Address, J. H., Box 15,Imperial. juue-2

WANTED—Party to take' care of myranch during the BUiuiner. Willgiveliberal pay to proper person. Apply to.John Patterson, Silsbee. may-19tf. ,

WANTED—Hay baling, $2,00 per ton!Work guaranteed. Address BucherBrow. Heber, Cal. my-12-tr

WANTED— 2OO shares of Water Co. No.5 stock; Will pay spot cash. Pricemust be reasonable. Fuller & Aten,ElCentro, Oali

' April14-tf

IWANT TO BUY—2o to 40 shares ofBtoek in Imperial Water Co. No. 1, atrock-bottom price for spot cash, ad-dress E. W. Kales, Imperial, Cal.

: m-3-tf

FOR MXCHANCJIO— WiIIexchange 123acrea grazing land, with wood andwater in Ventura County, 4 mileafrom b. P. It. R ,worth $1200 for re-limiimluuent or other property inImperial Vulley. M. W. C, 023liryeon Bldgij Los Aiiuele'aJ Call dlOtf

TO KXCUANGE—For Imperial prop-erty, 80 acre ranch near Anderson,

1 Shasta county, la excellent propertywithall modern iuipiovenutntti. Vulud$1500. Salisbury Realty Co. my-26

WANTED—SOO acrea of barley to bar-veut with htrndt-r. address A. 8. Fell,Imperial, Calif. m-5-tf


Your Doctor Orders

Millercan supply you withany tilingyour physician maydirect you to procure. Medi-cines to be prepared accord-ing to his prescription.

MILLER'SPrescription Druggist Phone 37

.Second store from Bank

J Brown's Express and f\) BAOQAaB DELIVERY l\K D. A. Brown, Prop. Stand Cor. Ninth £t) and Imperial Ave. 'Phone Res. 159. <J*£ Trunks 25c in city, 35c outside. All «fj orders carefully attended to. Trunks gpv stored* «5c it iiiotiiii, *Tf

M. V. DUTCHERReal Estate andInvestments

Imperial ValleyLands a Specialty

Imperial Valleyia the largest irrigateddistrict in the United States. The bestbargains on earth can be found in theImperial Valley. Anyone having Im-perial lands they wish to sell or tradefor Los Angeles property willfind it totheir advantage to consult me. My fa-cilities for finding bargains for buyersand buyers for bargains cannot be sur-passed. Write or wire me at 205 Mer-cantile Place, Los Angeles, Cal. HomeTel. 8182. Tel. Main 3440.

Ihave 320 acres of thechoicest land in the Im-perial Valley, nicely lo-cated and well.improv-ed. All fenced andcross fenced. Priceright and will givegood terms. See Wilsonabout it.

/k / i!h >O^ /fl£

Teams300 Teams Wanted at once

To build the canal necessary tocarry water to Brawley and every-body whose supply is cut off by thecarrying away of our Main Canal.

Let everybody bnn'g his team and go to work.There is just so much work to do, themore there are to do it the quicker itwillbe done.

Untilit is done these people will be* withoutwater. Just as soon as the work is done

i everybody willhave plenty of water.

Turn out and help in this emergency. Thegoing wages willbe paid.

Report at the work on the Main Canal at thehead of the Dahlia.

The California DevelopmentCompany

By H. T. Cory, General Manager,