IMPACT! Positive Change Magazine May Issue



IMPACT! Positive Change Magazine is a magazine created to promote positive change through inspiring, educating and motivating our readers. We are a platform that allows charities to advertise free of charge to promote their events. We highlight humanitarians, philanthropist and charities for extraordinary work they do for their community. There are also many who have made amazing transformations in their life for the better and by telling their story in our magazine it will help to inspire others. emotional health, and conscious/inner growth.

Transcript of IMPACT! Positive Change Magazine May Issue

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testimonialsfrom ourreaders!!

follow me to

africaTHE TRIP



IMPACT! POsitive Change IMPACT! Positive Change IMPACT! Positive Change

time for cHaNGe






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Publisher, Volunteer

machinesThebehind the machine

Reggie Bryant, Founder:

Reggie is the creative force behind the

magazine. He is an entrepreneur who

wants to inspire the world to grow more

positive. Always moving forward, his vision

is becoming a reality as the support for

this campaign grows.

Administrative, Volunteer

Latonyia Roberson: Latonyia is a mother of 4 that devotes her time not only to her family duties, but to this magazine as well. Budgeting time can be hard, but she finds a way to get information organized, find content and conduct research for article topics.

Writer, VolunteerSara Levy:

Sara is a writer and contributor for the

magazine. As a former juvenile correctional

officer she brings years of experience

and passion for making a positive

impact in the lives of our youth.

Our Contributors:DaviD Baron, MDBen Bailey vikera Hunte raja jagnanDan

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our brain and its function is what truly differentiates us from the other animals and makes us uniquely human. Along with our evolution as a address 3

Each and every month we want to give our readers the opportunity to tell their own personal experiences of being bullied...







Each month we will begin adding testimonials from our readers. we feel it is sometimes better to hear others experiences and learn from them. So our first...

tableof the



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on March 22-23, a bitter cold Friday night/Saturday morning in New York City, a new movement took...


In december 2011, I decided to take a trip to Africa. I had never been and something had drawing her.


First off, you need to increase the frequency of your cardio workouts to a minimum of three 40-minute sess...




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IMPACT! Positive Change Magazine is a magazine created to promote positive change through inspiring, educating and motivating our readers. We are a platform that allows charities to advertise free of charge to promote their events. We highlight humanitarians, philanthropist and charities for extraordinary work they do for their community. There are also many who have made amazing transformations in their life for the better and by telling their story in our magazine it will help to inspire others. The magazine will also highlight positive lifestyle changes which include but are not limited to, health, fitness and nutrition, emotional health, and conscious/inner growth. We are currently look for writers and content contributors for these topics as well as other topics that would be important for our magazine as we grow.

As a free, online, non-profit magazine, donation money from for-profit business ad placements will be used towards maintaining and improving the magazine and reaching the goal of being able to distribute in our schools, hospitals, and shelters. We are dedicated to inspiring those who need it most. In our society today at times it can be difficult to find the positive. We hope to inspire change, a positive change.

1. To advertise with us. For more info email us at :[email protected]

2. You can go to our Facebook page and “like” at: and follow us on Twitter:@impact_pc and help spread the word about what we are doing.


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SIGN UP NOW: $10 per person/ $8 per person in groups of 10 or more

KIDS UNDER 12 FREE For more information or for Sponsorship, Product Placement and

Media Inquiries, contact [email protected] or 718.496.7050

Sunday May 12, 2013 Event Agenda: •9AM Registration: Park Row and Centre Street, Manhattan •10AM Press Conference: Park Row and Centre Street, Manhattan •11AM Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge in Peaceful Reflection •12 to 3PM Multi-Cultural Concert at Cadman Plaza Park, Brooklyn

Surprise Celebrity Guests and Performances! BRING MOM AND THE KIDS!


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I know fear. I understand fear. It’s sometimes irrational. It’s often paralyzing.

I’ve always been a cautious person, thinking about what might happen, who might see, what people would say, what people might think, how I might look in their eyes.

growing up as the eldest of six in a small community with two elementary teachers for parents, I’ve always felt a sense of being under a microscope. I was viewed as someone’s daughter or sister – not a real person. My life was lived in someone else’s framework and with other people’s expectations in mind.

Even though I moved to a new country and was married and became a mother, I still lived my life with what others wanted weighing in on my decisions. I was scared to have too much fun or make too many friends because of what my husband would think. I never went out without my son because I didn’t want ‘people’ to think I was a neglectful mother. I took a job that a responsible person would – something that made good money, not something that I enjoyed.

Then my mom died suddenly and without any warning. Then the most unexpected thing happened: after the grief, I quickly realized that she had been the one instilling fear – irrational fear – in me my whole life. Just like that, there was no one telling me I “should” or “should not” and no one to silently pass judgement on my actions. More importantly, there was no voice telling me, “You can’t.”

I quickly realized that I inadvertently had been living someone else’s life. I had been living a more cautious,

careful, almost sanitized life in an attempt not to repeat old mistakes. She didn’t want me to be the old her, but maybe she wanted me to be a better her and I had been letting her do it my whole life and not been living my own.

when I thought about the things in my life that I did because I wanted to do them for my own selfish reasons, there were very few things on that list. Then I thought about other things I wanted to do and why I never went through with them. Nine times out of ten, it was because of my fear of disappointing my family. Ironically, I had no fear of disappointing myself and my own expectations.

Then it felt like a switch was flipped in my brain. I slowly started to think about pleasing myself first ANd THEN others. I thought, “Vikera, live up to your own expectations and don’t disappoint yourself. You only have one life and you should live it how you want.” Life then became a bit easier.

I know that it’s hard to do when you’ve lived your life doing the complete opposite, but once I realized that this is MY life – the only one I have, MY only chance – it became easier and easier to do. I wasn’t fearful any more. I’ve travelled without my son, I have gone dancing, I got tattoos, I made a bunch of friends, I ate toast in bed, and I let my son have cereal for dinner. I wasn’t afraid anymore. I wasn’t paralyzed anymore. I just lived for me.

To you who are out there struggling to write your own life story, I say think about your life in finite.

each month we will begin adding testimonials from our readers. We feel it is sometimes better to hear others experiences and learn from them. So our first testimonial comes all the way from vancouver, British Columbia.

vIKeRA hUnTe

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Each and every month we want to give our readers the opportunity to tell their own personal experiences of being bullied. we wisll then post them with age and location but keep their anonymous in the hopes that these stories will help others who may be going through the same thing.

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Most of the time in a situation of bullying, you’re the only one who is really aware of the bullying. On the bully’s side, they either don’t know they’re doing it or they don’t care. Sometimes it’s only for attention. Now when you look around you, you notice how everybody acts. But you’re not like them, which is what makes you out of place, and that makes you an easy target. At some point you’re only options are:



I think we all know the easiest choice. But when I chose Choice #1 I walked into a nightmare. I had to fit in with the popular, and then I became a follower. Honestly, I did anything she said. I won’t mention her name so I’ll just call her “Bully”. She got me into too much trouble; in fact, I almost got arrested. I was being bullied along with another girl. “Bully” told us to vandalize the bathroom. So we did, to avoid the unthinkable threats she made towards us.

we love the fact that so many youth are coming forward wanting to tell their experience of bullying in our magazine. This month we have 12 year old from Kissimme, Florida.

Bully Me not


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I was even sadder to know that everyone around me at school including teachers didn’t even care. She kicked and hit me a lot, tripped me while holding my lunch tray, made other girls hit me and spread horrible and disgusting rumors about me; it was a lot to live through. Luckily, the school didn’t press charges. We had to write apology letters, including “Bully”. You’ll be stunned when you hear this; I had to write the apology letter for her too! Yes, she made me; she had me and my friend on lock! Eventually you will get sick and tired of the bad treatment and at some point most of you will resort to violence. I’m not saying that’s a good thing but that’s the bad road I took. Just remember that you don’t always need to fit in and its best to just let someone know, like your parents, cause believe me they will help you. If you’re reading this, my message to you is to stand strong and don’t be afraid to tell them. It does get better especially when mom and dad get involved.


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H . P . V .d O Y O U K N O W ?

genital human papillomavirus (also called HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted in-fection (STI). There are more than 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of males and females. These HPV types can also infect the mouth and throat.

HPV can cause serious health problems, including genital warts and certain cancers. There is no certain way to tell who will develop health problems from HPV and who will not. In most cases HPV goes away by itself before it causes any health problems, and most people who be-come infected with HPV do not even know they have it.

HPV is not the same as herpes or HIV (the virus that causes AIdS). Both viruses can be passed on during sex, but they have different symptoms and cause different health problems.

For more information please visit

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Body language can tell you all sorts of things. Like someone is having a stroke.





Spot a stroke F.A.S.T. Know the sudden signs.

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HealtH & WellneSS

Written by David Baron, MD




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our brain and its function is what truly differentiates us from the other animals and makes us uniquely hu-man. Along with our evolution as a species, our brains evolved and grew and developed the brain’s current capacity. I suspect that the brain will continue to evolve even though it takes many, many years to note the differences. Human evolution is characterized by a number of morphological, developmental, physiological, and behavioral changes that have taken place since the split between the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. The most significant of these adaptations are:

1. Bipedalism (walking on two legs)2. Increased brain size3. Lengthened ontogeny (gestation and in fancy)4. decreased sexual dimorphism (different appearance of male and female i.e. male and female birds having different feather colors)

The next illustration shows the evolution of the skull and brain from A. Africansus (2-3 million years ago) to Homo Erectus (“upright man” 1.8 million years ago) to Homo Sapiens (modern humans). By the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic period (50,000 BP (Before Present)), full behavioral modernity, including language, music and other cultural universals had developed.

It’s fairly clear that, as our brains developed, there was a significant increase in the size and shape of the frontal and temporal regions. Although many people choose to follow a vegetarian diet, eating meat and fish was a significant factor in the evolution and enlargement of our brains.

As the cells of the fertilized egg divide, they eventually form 3 different cell layers:

1. Ectoderm2. Mesoderm3. Endoderm

The nervous system is derived from the ectoderm – the outermost tissue layer – of the embryo (as is the skin). In the third week of development the neuroectoderm appears and forms the neural plate along the dorsal side of the embryo. This neural plate is the source of the majority of neurons and glial cells in the mature human. A groove forms in the neural plate and, by week four of development, the neural plate wraps in on itself to make a hollow neural tube.

braiN embrYoloGY

braiN DevelopmeNt

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The rest of the embryologic development of the brain is nicely illustrated above.

Throughout our lives, our brains change and develop. At birth, there are relatively few neural connections, but they develop as we grow and learn. during childhood, many connections develop and that is why, in this period, it’s easier to learn languages and easier to learn to play a musical instrument. Brain cells (neurons) are like electrical wires and they actually use electrical charge to work. Like a wire has rubber or plastic insulation to transmit electricity more efficiently, the neurons have insulation called “myelin” to transmit electricity more efficiently. As the brain matures from childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood, the connections become fewer, but more specific and with an increase in myelin. That’s why it’s easier to learn more complex mathematical and scientific concepts as you get older.

The adolescent brain is not fully mature. Full maturity of the brain occurs somewhere in the early to mid-20s.

I guess it goes without saying that it’s in one’s best interest to keep the brain healthy. This is done through a combination of diet, exercise and avoiding substances that can do permanent harm to the brain.

Substance abuse:

The current literature suggests that heavy drinking during adolescence does have a subtle, but significant, del-eterious effects on adolescent neurocognitive func-tioning. Studies have found that adolescent heavy drinkers exhibit decrements in memory, attention and speeded information processing, and execu-tive functioning. MRI studies were used to examine brain volumes in adolescents who used alcohol and in those who used marijuana. during adolescence, the frontal lobe, an area of the brain associated with planning, inhibition, emotion regulation, and integration of novel stimuli, goes through exten-sive neuromaturation, increasing in efficiency and specialization. In a study comparing prefrontal cor-tex volumes of adolescent heavy drinkers to non-drinkers and marijuana and alcohol users, prefrontal volumes were smaller in heavy drinkers relative to controls. Interestingly, in comparison of prefrontal cortex volumes of 16 marijuana-using and 16 control adolescents, few differences were observed. white matter maturation during adolescence through young adulthood is important for neuronal transmis

braiN HealtH

braiN matUratioN

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physical activity:

As little as three hours a week of brisk walk ing has been shown to halt, and even reverse, the brain atrophy (shrinkage) that starts in a person’s forties, especially in the regions responsible for memory and higher cognition. Exercise increases the brain’s volume of gray matter (actual neurons) and white matter (connections between neurons).

Through increased blood flow to the brain, physical exercise triggers biochemical changes that spur neuro-plasticity – the production of new connections between neurons and even of neurons themselves. Brain exer-cise then protects these fledgling neurons by bathing them in a nerve growth factor and forming functional connections with neighboring neurons. work of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, has shown that exercise helps generate new brain cells, even in the aging brain.

Numerous animal studies have shown that physical exercise has a multitude of effects on the brain beyond neurogenesis, includ ing increases in var i ous neu-rotransmitters and nerve growth factor levels, and angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels).

Can the foods you eat help to lower your risk of de-veloping Alzheimer’s and other age-related cognitive disorders? Researchers at the oregon Health and Science University recently studied 104 people with an average age of 87 who had few risk factors for memory and thinking problems. They found that participants who ate diets high in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins C, d and E and the B vitamins had better scores on mental thinking tests than people with diets low in those nutrients. The study also found that people with diets high in trans fats were more likely to have brain shrinkage and lower scores on thinking and memory tests. To avoid trans fats, steer clear of foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Packaged foods such as baked goods, some breads, crackers, chips, cookies, some margarines, fried foods and frozen foods tend to be the worst offenders. don’t be fooled by the labels ‘trans fat free’ – the product can still have up to 0.49 gram trans fat per serving.

As far as food supplements go, the B vitamins studied were specifically B1, B2, B6, folate (B9) and B12. It’s not difficult to increase your intake of these key vitamins through foods alone. only strict vegetarians or vegans who consume no animal products would need to supplement with B12.


sion between connecting brain regions. A recent study comparing adolescent marijuana users and matched controls indicated no significant differences in white matter volumes. Chronic alcoholic adults show clear abnormalities in brain white matter volume as well as microstructural alterations in white matter tissue organization. Typically, less white matter suggests dissipation of myelin-coated axons.

Here are some tips on what foods to eat for brain health:

• B1(thiamin) is found in tuna, sunflower seeds and beans such as navy, black beans, pinto beans and lentils.

• B2 (riboflavin) is found in yogurt, soybeans, milk and leafy green vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard, mustard and collard greens.

• B6 is found in many animal foods such as beef, poultry, salmon and tuna, but can also be found in fortified breakfast cereals.

Aerobic exercise, at least thirty to sixty minutes per day, three days a week, has been shown to have a positive impact on brain functions. Importantly, the exercise does not have to be strenuous; walking has been shown to have positive effects too.


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• Folate (B9) is found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach and greens (collard, mustard, turnip) as well as beans (pinto, black, garbanzo/chickpeas, navy) and in fortified breakfast cereals.

• B12 is mainly found in animal foods, but is sometimes added in fortified cereals. Use caution when increasing your B vitamin intake through cereals because many commercial cereals have excessive added sugars.

• Vitamin C is found in several foods besides orange juice. Strawberries, broccoli, kiwi, pineapple, even bell peppers and Brussels sprouts are all high in vitamin C.

• Vitamin D is plentiful in dairy products like low fat milk and yogurt, but it is also found in salmon, tuna and egg yolks.

• Vitamin E is found naturally in nuts and seeds. Sunflower seeds and almonds are two good sources.

• Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, tuna, mackerel, flaxseed and walnuts.

I hope that you found this article informative, entertaining and easy to read. It’s a lot of information, but you should be able to gather some pearls from your reading.


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Who would have thought? Alfred L. Cralle did in 1897. The Ice Cream Scoop, developed by Alfred Cralle,

is just one of the many life-changing innovations that came from the mind of an African American.

We must do all we can to support minority education today, so we don’t miss out on the next big

idea tomorrow. To find out more about African American innovators and to support the United Negro

College Fund, visit us at or call 1-800-332-UNCF. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

©2008 UNCF

T:7 in

T:9.75 in

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Stanging next to the Great pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

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day 1: Bout to board to Africa…

As I sit here at the airport trying to guess where everyone is flying to…Some to Brazil, some to Egypt and some maybe further and beyond like myself. I wander what their purpose of travel is. Could theirs be much different then mine? Could they too be looking for a change and flying into a country where they have never been? one thing that I always liked about traveling to another country is I get to be myself. In the big cities of the US, being too nice can make you an easy target. Also, in America people or more likely to judge you at first glance. I always say that everyone seems to be in their own bubble and afraid of new ideas of change…less open minded. In my journey, I know I will be more at peace and away from the concrete jungle for awhile to explore within myself what god has intended for me. The excitement consumes me, my mind is racing a marathon and I keep seeing signs that I’m not alone on this trip. No fear, just high anticipation of what’s next.

COME TO africa

wITH MEIn december 2011, I decided to take a trip to Africa. I had never been and something had been drawing me to her. I had enough money, I had the time, so I went on my journey in the hopes that something amazing would happen. I did not really plan, nor did I know anyone there, but I knew I had to go for some reason or another. I got my camera equipment together and decided to blog my entire trip. This is my blog.

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day 2, Part II: Arriving in Ethiopia...

I arrived in Ethiopia at 340 am. After the 10 hour lay-over in Cairo and the numerous cups of tea and coffee I had, it was impossible for me to sleep on the three and a half hour plane ride here. when I arrived in im-migration, I felt too exhausted to feel the full impact of actually being here in Ethiopia. I don’t think I chose Ethiopia, but I think Ethiopia chose me. I learned real fast that the ATM machines here in Addis

day 2: I’M IN EgYPT!

So, I had a 12 hour flight to Egypt, where I have a layover for 10 hours. I slept maybe one hour on that flight. I could not get comfortable, however the flight was peaceful.

As we arrived, I was trying to figure out how I would get out into the city because the airport looked so far from everything. Before I reached immigration a gentleman approached me and asked if I want to go on a tour of the city and see the pyramids. okay...he did seem a little suspect, and some of you would have been like, “hell naw!”...actually, I was thinking the same thing. I don’t know if it was stupidity that led me to go along, or faith. I took a gigantic risk, but it paid off. without risks, there are no rewards! So, here I am in this taxi and we are headed towards the pyramids. I’d have to say that Egypt reminds me a lot like Iraq and Ku-wait...just different landmarks. Everyone was trying to squeeze that extra buck out of me. I almost started telling people I was from another country other than the US. They seem to think we are made of money.

Anyhow, at first sight of the pyramids off into the distance, my heart dropped. I mean I have seen them on television and read about them for awhile now and I am actually going to get to touch them. The people there seemed to turn it into somewhat of a cheap tourist attraction. I was kind of disappointed, because I considered these pyramids to be sacred.

well, I got on a camel for the first time and rode to see them up close. overall it was an amazing experience and got some great shots. Now, I am back at the airport waiting on my next flight out to Ethiopia. I will put some video footage together soon.


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Ababa do not work with my bank card. I had to wait 3 hours at the airport for my hotel shuttle bus to arrive and while I waited I met a man. This gentleman was kind enough to help me out with no cost, in order to contact my hotel. He had his driver from the hotel he represented to drive me to an outside ATM machine to see if it worked. I had went from a country that was trying to get money from me from every angle, to a country where they give of themselves freely.

I waited patiently speaking with dowit(the gentleman I met who has been helping me), while I waited for them to send the shuttle bus over. dowit seemed genuine and kind. He told me I looked like I was possibly from Ethiopia. I laughed. I hope that will be to my benefit later on in my journey. He told me that most of Ethiopians are orthadox, while there are many Muslims as well. while seated with him, I noticed a few muslim women walking around the airport. I also noticed a few of the Ethiopian female stewardess, which reminded me how beautiful they are. I think it is in their eyes...something that sparkles. I would have to say their beauty lies there the strongest for me, everything else is secondary.

The sun was rising into a mist of dust and smog. My driver had arrived so I bid farewell to my new friend


dowit, as we exchanged information and I headed towards the hotel. The drive was exactly what I ex-pected of Africa. This is why I came here, I thought. This is what I needed and wanted to capture and my excitement for this trip rose to another plateau. Unfortunately, I would have to find another means of getting cash to myself over here, but I wasn’t stressed...just grateful. I had food and a clean room with hot water. It was around 40 degrees here this morning and I could imagine how many had no hot water at all. I saw a boy on the side of the street, just waking up having wrapped himself inside of a thin bag and his thin jacket. Men, were out for their morning run or what could it have been serious training for a marathon. I also passed by an area, where there had to have been over 100 kids playing soccer in different parts. Poor, but happy...always comes to mind.

I arrived at the Soramba Hotel and was pleased of the decor. Very modern, clean and the staff are very polite and helpful. I have arrived! The view from my room was amazing! I could see so far and it made me want to get out and roam the city. But I hadn’t slept and couldn’t be at my best. I decided to have a quick breakfast and get some sleep. I also needed to get cash sent over through western union, so I thought this day I would rest and regroup.

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To show you all of the seriously ill children that local health worker Khalada Yesmin helped save this year,

we’d need 122 more pages.

HELP ONE. SAVE MANY.See where the good goes at



(all checked on version 5_R1)X1A

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day 3 Part 1: well Rested...

well, I am so glad I took the opportunity to rest yes-terday and stay in my hotel room. I still have no real sense of what day it is or the time. Africa is inspiring me... so much that it is allowing me to access parts of my mind that had been dormant for so long. My level of creativity is outstanding right now. It almost seems that everything in my life that I had done, has led up to now. All those straight A’s in English Class, all those trips to countries such as dubai, Australia, germany, and Colombia, and the research I have done, on Africa and Ethiopia in the most recent years. Make no mis-take...none of that was in vain. god has a purpose and life is all planned.

Every staff I encounter here at the hotel is so courte-ous and friendly, to the point where I am almost un-comfortable. I don’t want them to feel inferior to me. I just want to blend in and go unnoticed. My room is spacious and clean, but my bed is hard. Irregardless, I slept like a baby. Last night was Saturday night here and as much as I wanted to go find a party, I knew I wasn’t here for that. However, the loud moans and screams from my neighbors made it evident what I missed.

I decided to have breakfast and type my blog in the lounge area this morning. Nothing but violence and the American Troops leaving Iraq, plays on the televi-sion from the news station. Luckily, the beauty of this Ethiopia woman in my sight is far more radiant. I saw what looks like to be another foreigner this morning. I was beginning to think I was the only one here. Most of the rooms on the floor where I stay were opened and empty.

The American dollar is strong here. The conversion is about 17 burr to 1 of our dollars. I purchased a meal last night and I paid 65 burr for it. That equals out to $3.85. Another comparison is the bottle of water I purchased this morning for less than $.75

day 3 Part 2: Traveling Around The City...

So, I woke up this morning and went to go pick up my money. BTw...shout out to my good friend dan-iel. After I was finished I could not wait to get out and explore this city. Still not sure how everyone will per-ceive me and act towards me it was a bit of a gamble heading out with my camera, but oh well. I began walking down my block and the morning air filled with diesel exhaust as buses drive by shouting what seemed like their destination route. I tried to blend in, but this camera made it difficult. It was a risk I was willing to take.

Not knowing what lies behind each corner, I keep walking, ignoring the attempts of younger boys trying to real me into their scheme. Everywhere you look there are homeless sleeping on the sides of the street. There were also plenty of shoe cleaners around, so I decided to stop and have mine cleaned. The young man worked diligently on my shoes as I began to take in all of my surroundings. After he was finished, I paid him the $3 and started off again. I ended up walking up a hill I wasn’t prepared for. I was hoping it would lead me back to the street where my hotel was locat-ed. As I finally cleared the hill and turned the corner, I passed a bar and decided to have a coke. Most there, were men who may have been on their lunch break and stopped to have a cold beer with friends. I could tell they were curious, but I remained at ease and wrote a bit.The weather is warmer to day than yesterday. It is probably about 72 degrees out now, but still a nice light breeze. I’m finding that most barely speak Eng-lish here and I am having to communicate using my own variation of sign language. I may have to hire an interpreter on my last few days, so make sure I get everything I need done, done.

one thing I always try to do when I come to a new country is always go to the local places, bars, barber shops, etc. It helps me become more relaxed and familiar. I just watch when I go to these places and you would be amazed at how much you can learn. Some men walk hand in hand, showing their endearment for one another as friends. In America we would not dare do such a thing. we even don’t fully embrace an-other man when we hug. we have become further and further from the truth...from being honest to one


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another. It seems normal for men here to just go to the bathroom anywhere they please...I have yet to see any women attempt this and don’t think I will.

You would be happy to know I paid less than a dollar for a beer early. It seemed a bit stronger as well. I was feeling a bit buzzed as I headed back to the hotel. when I returned, I made an attempt to get out to see the Hamer Tribe which is a few hours away in the South of Ethiopia. I ended up with a man, who I do not know, leaving at 6 am tomorrow morning. I know, I know...your probably thinking I am stupid and crazy. well...your right! You have to know that great things have not been accomplished without taking great risks and after seeing this evenings sunset, I knew I had made the right choice. I had a moment with god...He and I stood still.

dAY 4: wAS A BUST...

So, what was supposed to be an amazing day out here turned into a bust. The driver took me to a totally different place than I was supposed to go. The receptionist at the hotel who connected me with the driver claimed she knew were the Hamer Tribe was and he did also. I actually ended up at some old rock church that was underground. It was not Lalibela, unfortunately, it was much smaller. I’m sure it had some historical value, but who knew what he was saying? I needed a translator and besides, I was expecting to see tribes and was too disappointed to even want to know. That’s what I get for cutting corners, I guess. I negotiated with him a new price because he was not able to fulfill his obligation.I gave him $120 instead of $170. I felt hustled a bit, but honestly I think it was a misunderstanding. At least, that is how I will look at

it, to make myself feel I tried to call about other tours from official tour guides but I simply don’t have enough time left in Addis Ababa to complete any of them. You at least need 2 days for any of these tours. I wish I would have been able to prepare better for this trip. The internet was very vague with information on Ethiopia and I did not exactly know what to search for other than the tribes and Aksum. The next time, if there be a next time I will do this right and travel from the North all the way to the South of Ethiopia, covering everything. I feel like I got it all wrong, but maybe this is what was supposed to teach me something somehow. I assumed that English was commonly spoken here as’s not. I definitely needed a translator and am prepared to get one to tour the city tomorrow for my last day. I have taken some great shots, but I feel I need many more still in order to make this trip a success. Tomorrow will be a more aggressive day for me. The saying, “It’s better to ask for forgiveness, than permission”, comes to mind.

I went out into the city a bit this evening to capture it as the sun goes down. I walked down some side streets, maneuvering around the crowds. I stopped for what was to be a quick beer, but turned into 3. Needless to say, I was pretty buzzed when I left. I believe there is more alcohol in the beer they serve here than in America. That is how it was when I was in germany and I remember the US has strict regulations on that.I keep looking for the positive in things although it is a struggle today. I am determined to not give up on the ultimate success of this trip. How can I? So many of you are inspiring me. I do have lots of video foot

The sunset in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This was the beer I paid 50 cents for.

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age, which gets hard at times because I am alone and I constantly remind have to remind myself to photo-graph and to record.

So, tomorrow I will go to the museum and to The Markata, to get some gifts for friends and family. Then I will try to go to the Toto mountain which is a bout 7 kil from here.

I definitely will get an interpreter tomorrow. I feel so disconnect with everything here and maybe that will be my connection to connect.

day 5: My Last day...

So here it is my last day here in Ethiopia. I met a man by the name of Samson who owned a gas station down the block from my hotel. He asked me to come by for tea in the morning and have a conversation. I did just that. I woke up early as the sun rose. I couldn’t sleep well as usual. I had one last day to and a lot on my mind. So, I went to the gas station where I met Samson and we talked. we talked about the differences between our two cultures and I asked him questions about the history of his. He told me the reality of his country and how they see foreigners. I told him that I had expected that. He informed me that when they

see foreigners they raise the prices on everything. of course, they believe that we are far well off than they are and they are right in their assumption. Samson was not a poor man, had money and was able to run a successful gas station with employees. He offered to show me around a bit considering it was my last day and I needed an interpreter anyways. He took me where I could find some gifts to purchase. Something to remember Ethiopia by. See Samson told me the normal prices for things, but when we went into the stores they raised the prices. one thing I learned being here is to never take the first price they offer. Always negotiate. Most Arab countries are like that as well.

After I had purchased my things, we went for lunch. He wanted to take me to an Ethiopian restaurant to have Ethiopian food. I was up for it, like normally. we order chicken...Ethiopian style(spicy) and some meat that I thought was beef and this grain that was made almost like a thin pancake. I guess they do things differently here. There were no forks or spoons and we were meant to both eat from the same tray. He showed me how to take the pancake looking grain and wrap the mystery meat, then dip it in the chicken sauce. Needless to say, my mouth had a whole bunch of surprises waiting. The spice...the chicken sauce and what was mystery meat now was SHEEP! After

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day 5 Part 2: My Last day...

I arrived at the museum. It cost less than a dollar to go inside with a tour guide to explain all the artifacts they had there. Come to find out the underground rock church I visited yesterday was actually the old-est Christian Church in Ethiopia. He also went on to explain more about King Solomon and how he mar-ried and Ethiopian woman and had a child from her. That is why there were Jewish people in Ethiopia that Isreal sent for years ago. His wife wanted to go back to her home and so he let here go with servants. Those servants had children with Ethiopian women and so on. The son they had together traveled back to see his father. They had never met, but King Solomon knew that was his son. As the story goes, King Solomon gave the Ark of the Covenant to his son to transport to Ethiopia for safe keeping in Aksum. The name of

the church is Lalibela. For years they have claimed to have this there, but no one has seen it. only time will tell. I

also got an interesting history lesson on evolution. It was pretty amazing.

wait til you see the video footage from that. It put everything into perspective

for me.

Anyhow, my last day was tiresome as I met up one more time with Samson for a drink.

we talked about my trip and what I would do differently if I returned. I have a whole lot

of mixed feelings about this trip. only time will know if I come back or not. However, I

think I did real well not knowing anybody here in this country.

This experience has been unforgettable. Not many get to go to Africa, so I am grateful that I did.

he told me, I laughed. It tasted like beef, but slightly different. For me, I am very peculiar when it comes to food and eating off the same tray of someone that I do not know well? So, I told him I didn’t like it. He under-stood...well, he had no choice, I was paying for the meal But we laughed about it and that was that. when we finished, we exchanged informa-tion for the future and I went back to the hotel so i could prepare to go to the national museum.


Everyone in Addis Ababa gets their shoes clean daily because there is so much dust and dirt everywhere. So I decided to stop and have mine cleaned and people watch for a minute.

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This advertisement was prepared by BBDO New York

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Actual heartbeats from the children Domingo saved in Guatemala created this portrait of him. Help frontline health workers like Domingo bring hope to millions of children at




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FitneSS & nutrition

A: First off, you need to increase the frequency of your cardio workouts to a minimum of three 40-minute sessions each week. In terms of both fat burning and good cardiovascular health, three times a week aerobic sessions are bare minimum keeping it as an interval routine is even better for fat scorching.

Try to perform your cardio first thing in the morning to maximize fat utilization for energy. Provided you are not prone to symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), you might even try doing your cardio on an empty stomach. Early morning cardio gives your metabolism a boost that lasts well into the day. on top of that, when

C A R D I OriSe aND SHiNe to

termiNate more fat StoreS bY aDDiNG aerobic traiNiNG to YoUr morNiNG worKoUt meNU.Q: My exerCiSe prograM For tHe laSt tHree MontHS HaS ConSiSteD oF tWo 40-Minute SeSSionS oF CarDio eaCH Week, pluS WeigHt training tHree tiMeS a Week. Still, i aM Having SoMe DiFFiCulty loSing Fat FroM My MiDSeCtion. altHougH My Diet iS gooD, i Can’t SeeM to get riD oF tHe exCeSS. WHat Can you aDviSe?

-MiCHelle, neW york, ny

muscle glycogen stores are low (as they will be after a night’s sleep, insomniac or not), a greater proportion of the calories you burn derive from fat stores. If your stomach can tolerate it, you can raise the bar a little higher by supplementing with a non-ephedra thermo genic fat burners on the market, prior to your aerobic workout. Since caffeine has clinically been proven to increase lipid mobilization, products that contain a healthy dose of caffeine (or its herbal equivalents: yerba mate, guarana, and/or kola nut) typically provide the best results for raising your metabolism and burning those stubborn last inches of body fat. Recommended dosage can vary based on individual/goals.

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If after two or three weeks you have not noticed any significant improvements, try cutting all refined starchy carbohydrates and sugars, fruit juices, and alcohol out of your diet. You should also be mindful about keeping your protein intake high, and be sure to consume about 20% of your total daily calories form healthy poly and monounsaturated fat sources. Eat higher glycemic fruits right after your workouts, and as many vegetables as you want throughout the day, just be sure to avoid wheat, corn, rice and potato processed products. once you have reached your aesthetic goals, slowly reintroduce these items at your own choosing. The longer you can maintain your new body composition, the less likely it will be that you will regain any unwanted fatty tissue.

Q: I hAve been heARIng ThAT b COMPlex vITAMIn sUPPleMenTATIOn ARe A gReAT wAY Of nATURAl PRevenTIOn Of sKIn CAnCeR Is ThIs TRUe? AnD hOw DO I KnOw ThAT MY bODY Is AbsORbIng TheM CORReCTlY?

-lAURA, bROnx, nY

A: The B complexes are important membrane stabilizers. They are natural tranquilizers or anti-stress vitamins because of this property. They are important vitamins to help nerve function. The B complex vitamins contain PABA which is important in protecting the skin against the harmful effects of Ultra-violet radiation. PABA is an excellent UV screening agent and helps to protect against the development of skin cancer or sun-induced skin damage e.g. wrinkling and solar keratosis. Fair complexioned people should avoid sun exposure and should use sun- blockers with at least a 15 factor as well as use B complex orally. Such people are actinic or sun sensitive and are at a greater risk for the development of skin cancers of all types. People with red hair, blue or green eyes tend to be sun sensitive (actinic sensitive). women using oral contraceptives (a device or object used to prevent fertilization of an egg) increase their utilization of the B vitamins and need to supplement their diet with B complex, as well as people under high stress should do the same. The B vitamins are also water soluble and they are not stored in the body as are beta carotene and vitamin E. B complex supplements must be taken with food already in the stomach, if taken on an empty stomach; pain and nausea are not uncommon.

Solar iNSUraNce

The use of B complex in a dose of 100 mg once to three times a day with meals is recommended per patient tolerance. If the B complex is being absorbed you will know because the urine will be bright yellow and have a pungent smell due to the riboflavonoids present. This is to be expected and should not cause alarm. If no change in urine color is noted, then suspect that your brand of B complex is not being absorbed by your body- change brands.


email your questions to fitness Coach ben bailey at [email protected] or for more updates keep reading impact magazine fitness editorial.

To know more about our training programs and tips “like” us on


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If money’s

burning a

hole in your

pocket, it’s

not a new

pair of pants

you need.


CLIENT: Ad Council

AD #: Y6014-1AR DATE: 8/22/06

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reGGie brYaNt


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I have been asked by many why I created IMPACT! Positive Change Magazine. why I created the campaign. In this issue I decided to tell my story and let everyone know a little bit about who I am and why I felt com-pelled to begin a non-profit in the hopes of inspiring and motivating others to do better. Here is my story.

I was born in the Midwest. Rapid City, South dakota the home of Mount Rushmore. My father was in the Air Force and decided it was a good place to raise kids. As a result, I grew up in a city with very few African Americans. Fortunately, I had both parents who are still happily married to this day. growing up, I was the middle out of 3 kids. I had 2 sisters that I used to terrorize every now and then. Both of my parents worked hard and my father seemed to know how to fix everything. Although my father was my hero, I was still a mama’s boy. I was involved with music and band all throughout my years in school. I played the drums and piano and just knew I would be a world famous music producer one day. I had and still have an extreme passion for music and will never lose that.

After I graduated from High School I went off into the Army. I thought it would be a great way to see the world and pay for my college tuition when I was finished. I was right. I ended up in germany for my second tour and loved every minute of it. There is something about being in the military and the broth-erhood you experience with the guys you go to war with. I worked hard.I trained hard. As a 21 year old sergeant it was difficult to develop a leadership style having never led before. I look back on those times and see myself as a bully. when a person does not

know how to lead or motivate others properly, wrong methods get put into use. I used to embarrass and criticize some of the soldiers I was put in charge of when they messed up. Back then it was a normal way of leadership and what my leaders above me did when I messed up. It wasn’t right and if I could go back and change things, I would.

one thing about the military is that it taught me how to push myself past what I thought to be my limits. we learned to adapt to any environment quick and the so called “comfort zone” was a dangerous place to be. I remember sleeping in places that were too cold and too wet, too often. It wasn’t til I went to Iraq, I experienced the opposite.

I remember when the Twin Towers got hit. I know exactly where I was. I was working and everyone stopped in amazement looking at the television. Immediately our post went on high alert and we did not know what to expect next. we were in shock. Although, it took a few months we ended up being the second round of troops to head into Iraq. Final destination Baghdad. we arrived in Kuwait and I have never experienced heat like that in my entire life. It got up to 145 degrees Fahrenheit on the black top. we slept in sweat. It was too hot to eat, and we were tired of waiting for the go ahead to travel into Iraq. Imag-ine no contact with your family or friends for over a month. The last thing they knew, you went to war and haven’t heard from you since.


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I think every soldier before they go to war, thinks about being shot or killed. I know I did. I thought to myself, was the life I had lived a good one? did I get to do everything I wanted to? Like most I’m sure, my answer was no. I knew that if I made it back, I would live a more adventurous life and do more for others. going to Iraq was like facing any other fear. once you face a fear, you become empowered to do more.

Luckily for me 7 months into Baghdad, I got released out of the Army. They had extended me to stay in because of the war and now I was able to go home. You may say 7 months wasn’t long at all and you are right. It still was a different way of living and a lot to deal with in the beginning of the war over there.

After I got out and went back to the US. I had trouble finding a job. I stayed with my parents while searching for employment and became stressed out. Not to men-tion still trying to deal with coming back from war. I applied for a job overseas with Halliburton in Iraq and finally got the call. So, I went back to Iraq. This time as a civilian. I stayed in Iraq for 4 more years working with Halliburton. I traveled to over 15 countries around the world including Colombia where I learned to speak Spanish. Every 4 months we were given time to take a


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vacation somewhere and I took full advantage. during that time I remember visiting some countries where poverty was at an extreme low, but people were generally happy. They seemed to have no worries like most of us do over here in the US. They weren’t concerned with the latest cell phone, newest clothing trends and seemed to have more genuine relationships. People are more open minded overseas, I thought. Not quick to judge, but quick to help and not letting trivial things bother them much.

Being able to travel the globe and experience everything changed me. Each country changed me and transformed me into a better person. don’t get me wrong, I am not


perfect or a saint. I struggle everyday like most and am a work in progress. The main thing is that there is progress. As I work on myself and change myself, I can then change the world. The magazine and the entire IMPACT! campaign was a way for me to grow into a better person. I believe we are put on this Earth to help eachother. once you realize that, everything else will fall into place.

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