Imagine International Compensation Plan



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Transcript of Imagine International Compensation Plan

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Imagine International Compensation Plan

Documentation for Software Company


The Imagine International compensation plan is an innovative and trend setting method of

Independent Advisor (hereinafter, Advisor) compensation that rewards you for personal client

enrollment, client retention and leadership. The primary product forming the basis of this Compensation Plan is the Capital Credit xp Credit Building and Education Software.

The Imagine International products and services consist of

1. Capital Credit xp Credit Building and Education Software:

a. Capital Credit xp Credit Building and Education Software: Priced at $20/ mo.

b. The Imagine International Online Business Credit Builder: Priced at $35/mo.

New Client Acquisition Commissions: You begin with Imagine International as an Advisor just by purchasing an Independent Advisor Start-Up Website for $99. Every Advisor with the Company has

the opportunity to enroll clients, become clients for our services or to even enroll themselves as a

client and receive a 40% commission on all retail sales.

By simply telling people about the exciting benefits of Imagine International’s Credit Building and Education Programs, you can quickly build a client base and earn meaningful retail commissions and monthly bonuses on your client subscriptions. And by sharing the business opportunity with others, you can begin building a substantial Advisor organization.

Note: You may be your own member client. Bonus Value (BV): BV is usually based on the value of the sale after the 40% retail commission has been deducted. However, some future low margin products or services may be assigned a lower BV due to lower company gross profit margins. In any event, all BV will be assigned to the Imagine International compensation plan for appropriate distribution to Advisors. A more detailed explanation of these concepts follows in the Compensation Plan Summary.

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Compensation Plan Summary

You can begin your business relationship with Imagine International by submitting an Advisor Application and Agreement to the Company, and purchasing an Imagine Advisor Independent Advisor Start Up Website for $99. There is no other purchase required. Once the Company has accepted your Advisor Application and Agreement, your replicated IMAGINEINTERNATIONAL.BIZ website will be created and you officially become an Advisor for Imagine. There are additional ranks that can be earned by meeting the various qualifications for each. As an Advisor, you are entitled to begin meeting qualifications to earn all of the commissions and bonuses that are described above. Let’s take a look at them in detail.

I. Marketing Phase

Client Acquisition Commissions: Building a client base is at the foundation of your business and

every Advisor has the opportunity to receive a 40% commission on purchases made by customers

based on their earned rank and sales performance qualifications.

Qualification Requirements: The following Qualification Requirements are applicable to being

eligible to earn Client Acquisition and Subscription Commissions:

1. You must have completed an Independent Advisor Application and Agreement, and have purchased the Imagine International Independent Advisor Start Up Website, and

2. Be an Independent Advisor in good standing with Imagine International.

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II. Management Phase


As you begin realizing the tremendous opportunities available through both using and marketing the Imagine International Products, it is likely that many clients and other business savvy people will also realize these opportunities and want to get involved as an Advisor for Imagine. As you begin enrolling and assisting others as Advisors, who in turn enroll and assist others, and so on, you can build a substantial Sales Organization and earn increasingly substantial bonuses based upon their product sales volume. Therefore, it is important to understand the following measures that are used in calculating the various qualification standards and bonuses:

1. Personal Bonus Value (PBV): Every Imagine product or service that is purchased carries an

assigned “Bonus Value” (BV) that is generally equivalent to the Advisor wholesale price (retail less 20% for based Advisor commission) applicable to each particular service. The accumulated

Bonus Value of all subscriptions sold by you during a given pay period are combined to

determine your “Personal Bonus Value” (PBV) for that pay period. This PBV is used to calculate various other forms of compensation in other phases of the Compensation Plan.

• Personal Client Point Value (SPV): Every Imagine product or service carries an assigned “Sales Point Value” (SPV) applicable to each particular product or service offering. The accumulated Personal SPV of all products or services sold by you during a given pay period are combined to determine your “Personal Sales Point Value” for that pay period. This SPV is used to calculate various qualifications for promotions to various ranks and Maintenance to continue to be Paid As that rank for the month.

2. Total Group Sales Points (TGSP): As you become more active as an Advisor, you may begin enrolling and/or sponsoring other new Advisors, and they others, and so on, thereby creating a

downline sales organization. Each active Advisor in your sponsorship downline will also begin

accruing Personal Client Points (PSP) as described above. The total, within a given pay period, of the PSP of the Advisor at the top of a downline, and all of the PSP of everyone below that

Advisor is combined to determine your Total Group Client Points (TGSP) for that pay period.

This TGSP is used as the basis to calculate the eligibility to promotion to certain ranks as well as maintenance to be Paid As that rank for the month.

3. Level Sales Points (LSP): The total, within a given pay period, of the PSP of the Advisors on

any given level in your organization. These LSP are used as the basis to calculate the eligibility to promotion to certain ranks as well as maintenance to be Paid As that rank for the month.

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Table 2: Client Points

Product Points

Capital Credit xp (CCXP) 1

Business Credit Blueprint (BCB) 2

CCXP and BCB Bundle 3

Business Credit Blueprint Platinum Service

5 points up from and 3 monthly

The 5 Level Deep Unlimited Width Unilevel Pay Plan

A Unilevel Matrix allows you to have Unlimited Width and Limited Depth. Let's say that you are personally responsible for signing up 10 team members. You will earn a commission on all sales generated by your 10 Team Members. (You could in fact sign up 100 or 1,000 or even 1,000,000 or more people on your first level). Now lets Say each of your 10 Team members Sign up 10. Since 10x10 is 100 You will now have 100 People on your 2nd Level. You would also earn commissions on all Sales Generated by your 2nd level. A Typical UniLevel will pay down 5 or More Levels. If each person were to continue to get 10 this would leave 1,000 people on your 3rd Level, 10,000 People on level 4 and 100,000 People on level 5.

Management Phase Bonuses

Override Bonuses: As you begin building a Sales Organization, you can begin earning override bonuses between 12.5% - 30% of the Bonus Value generated by Advisors in your downline through up to 5 levels of your organization. These Bonuses are PAID MONTHLY and are in addition to all of the other commissions and bonuses referenced so far.

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1. Paid As Rule: Advisors who have earned the various title designations according to their enrolling and sales performance will retain those titles indefinitely even if they do not meet the specified bonus qualifications in a pay period. However, they will be PAID AS the rank at which they meet bonus qualifications for the pay period.

2. Compression: Bonuses are earned by and paid to Advisors that are Bonus Qualified. When an Advisor fails to meet the minimum PSP maintenance requirements to be considered Active, the Company's computer searches upline until it finds an Active Advisor no matter how far upline it has to search. The product BV then “Compresses” past all non-Active Advisors in the Downline until it has satisfied its payout requirements with Active Advisor levels. The term “Compression” is used to describe the temporary condition that occurs when someone fails to meet the maintenance requirements for a particular pay period.

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Requirements to be paid override bonuses. Qualification Requirements: The following Qualification Requirements are applicable in order to earn Organizational Override Bonuses:

a) In order to become an Advisor and be paid 12.5% - 30% of Sales BV through your Levels 1-5,

you must have completed an Advisor Application and Agreement, and have purchased the

Imagine International Advisor Start Up Kit, and

1. Are an Advisor in good standing with Imagine; and

2. Create at least 1 new Personal Sales Points during the applicable pay

period. Note: Subscription renewals do not count towards override bonus qualification Personal Sales Points.

III. Executive Phase

The Executive Team Builder Program

You can begin your new business as an Advisor with Imagine International by simply submitting your Advisor Application and Agreement to the Company, and purchasing an Imagine International Basic Business Website for $99. There is no other purchase required. However, you may purchase the OPTIONAL Executive Team Builder Program at the time you join Imagine International and receive your Basic Business Kit as a bonus at no extra charge.

Executive Sales Bonus Qualifications Within your first full calendar month of enrolling as a new Advisor with Imagine International, you have the option of purchasing an Executive Team Builder Program containing over $400 in retail value of various products, services and sales aids for just $249.00. Beyond the obvious advantage of benefiting from an outstanding one-time value, purchasing this optional program before the end of your first full calendar month of enrolling will also qualify you to earn Executive Sales Bonuses as described below. Or, if you choose not to purchase this special program, you may qualify to receive Executive Sales Bonuses in the future by personally accumulating 30 Personal Sale Points over any period of time.

a) Provided that you have qualified as described above, when you directly enroll a new Advisor that purchases the optional Executive Team Builder Program within their first full calendar month of enrolling, you will receive an Executive Sales Bonus of $100.

b) As your Level 1 Personal Enrollees begin enrolling people who purchase the optional Executive Team Builder Program, you will receive a Level 2 Executive Sales Bonus of $20.

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c) As your Level 2 Enrollees enroll Level 3 Enrollees who purchase the optional Fast Executive Team Builder Program, you will receive a Level 3 Executive Sales Bonus of $15.

d) As your Level 3 Enrollers enroll Level 4 Enrollers who purchase the optional Fast Executive Team Builder Program, you will receive a Level 4 Executive Sales Bonus of $10.

e) As your Level 4 Enrollees enroll Level 5 Enrollees who purchase the optional Fast Executive Team Builder Program, you will receive a Level 4 Executive Sales Bonus of $5.

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The Presidential Founders Program Each pay period, Imagine computer systems will search to find all Advisors who have accumulated a total of 10 Personal Sales Points and automatically place them in the Presidential Founders Program as a Legacy Candidate. The Candidacy period will begin on the first day of the pay period immediately following the Advisors Qualification period and will last for a total of 3 consecutive pay periods. During these three pay periods, the Legacy Candidate Advisor will have the opportunity to achieve Legacy Status and earn double legacy pay on any one of the six Legacy Pay Positions in the Presidential Founders Program pay table. (See Table Below). If a Legacy Candidate does achieve a Legacy Pay Position within those 3 pay periods, they will earn and retain the title of Presidential Founders Legacy Award Recipient.

In order to earn in the Presidential Founders Program, the Legacy Candidate must achieve certain Personal and/ or sales point requirements, they are as follows. The Presidential Founders Program Requirements To become a Legacy Candidate, an Advisor must:

1. Be a qualified ETB Plus Advisor;

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2. Accumulated a total of 10 Personal Sales Points during their lifetime as an Imagine International Advisor or a total of 25 LSP on level 1 of their organization.

To remain qualified to receive Presidential Founders Program pay, a PFP candidate, member or Legacy Award Recipient must maintain at least 3 PSP in any given pay period. Subscription renewals will count towards PSP maintenance requirements. Once an Advisor becomes a Legacy Candidate they will begin earning PFP pay once they achieve their first PFP Pay Position after their candidacy period has begun. The following will detail the requirements to be paid as a Legacy Candidate, PFP Legacy Award Recipient, and PFP member. During the candidacy period …. Within the candidacy period, if a Legacy Candidate;

1. Generates either 25, 75 or 125 LSP on their level 1 they will earn the following at the end of the pay period they achieved the requirement:

a. 25 LSP will pay $100 b. 75 LSP will pay $300 c. 125 LSP will pay $500

2. Generates either 100, 425 or 650 LSP on their level 2 they will earn the following at the

end of the pay period they achieved the requirement:

a. 100 LSP will pay $500 b. 425 LSP will pay $1000 c. 650 LSP will pay $2500

3. Generates either 375, 1250 or 2500 on their level 3 they will earn the following at the end

of the pay period they achieved the requirement:

a. 375 LSP will pay $500 b. 1250 LSP will pay $1000 c. 2500 LSP will pay $2500

If a Legacy Candidate does not achieve a Legacy Pay Position within the candidacy period, they will lose the opportunity to become a Legacy Award Recipient, but will remain a member of the Presidential Founders Program indefinitely. They will also continue to be paid for any level pay position they do achieve in any pay period for their life in the business. For example, if Mary did not achieve a legacy pay position during her candidacy period, but in a later pay period she achieves 125 LSP on her first level, 425 LSP on her second level and 375 LSP on her third level, she will be paid:

• 125 LSP on Level 1 will pay $500 • 1250 LSP on Level 2 will pay $1000 • 2500 LSP on level 3 will pay $1500 for a total of $3000.

When calculating payments from the PFP, no payments will be made outside of a qualifying tier. For example if David only achieves 25 LSP (Tier 1) on Level 1 then he will only be qualified to earn

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from Tier 1 pay positions, but if he achieves 75 LSP on Level 1, the he can be paid from tier 2 positions as well as Tier 1, but not Tier 3. At the end of the candidacy period, if any Tier 2 or Tier 3 pay positions were achieved and maintained, the Legacy Candidate will become a PFP Legacy Award Recipient and also be paid double the amount of the highest Legacy Pay Position they achieved, only if any subsequent tier pay positions were achieved as well. For example, if Bill achieves Level 2 Tier 3 pay position of 650 he will only be paid in that pay position as a Legacy Award Winner if he also achieved the Level 1 requirement of 125 points for that tier. Once an Advisor has become a Legacy Award Winner, they will continue to paid double their legacy pay position as long as they maintain the requirements of that pay position as well as any subsequent tier positions.

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Commissions, Overrides and Bonus Qualifications

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GLOSSARY OF TERMS ACTIVE: An Advisor is considered “Active” when you create at least 1 new Personal Sales Points during the applicable pay period, or maintain 10 active Personal Points from previous client enrollment.

APPLICATION AND/OR AGREEMENT FORM: This is a legal binding agreement between you and Imagine International, which covers your rights, duties, and responsibilities and those of the Company. This is vital and necessary information. The Policies & Procedures manual is an extension of this Agreement and should be read carefully. BONUS: Not to be confused with Commissions. This is the remuneration that is based on the percentage of customer volume of others, downline of the payee, in accordance with the respective provisions of the Compensation Plan. CUSTOMER: – a customer is a person that wishes only to purchase product at retail price from the company. Customers are not eligible to build downlines or receive commissions. Customer volume is added to that of the sponsoring income center during commission calculations; customers do not occupy a position in each level of downline. COMMISSION: Although it is profit, the difference in the amount of money that an Advisor earns

when a product is sold at retail but purchased at wholesale is Commission. This should not to be

mistaken as a Bonus. Some companies call a bonus a commission. It is important to understand the difference.

COMPANY: The Imagine International corporate or home office. COMPENSATION PLAN: (Sometimes called the “Marketing Plan”) The official set of definitions and performance requirements, as published in the Imagine International Advisor Manual by which Imagine International pays its Advisors. COMPRESSION: The term “Compression” is used to describe the temporary condition that occurs when someone fails to meet the maintenance requirements for a particular pay period. Bonuses are earned by and paid to Advisors who are Qualified. When an ADVISOR fails to meet the minimum maintenance requirements for earning bonuses at her/his titled position, the Company's computer searches downline until it finds an Active ADVISOR who is qualified for that rank or higher, no matter how far downline it has to search. The volume then “Compresses” past all non-Active ADVISOR’s in the Downline until it has satisfied its payout requirements with qualified ADVISOR levels or Generations. (See also “Rollup”)

DIRECT: Refers to Advisors that you have personally and directly enrolled. (See “Leg”) DOWNLINE: Those people directly sponsored by an Advisor, plus all the people whose line of sponsorship resulted from and came through that Advisor. ENROLL: To sign and submit an Advisor Application and Agreement form to Imagine International for the purpose of becoming an Advisor for the Company.

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ENROLLEE: A newly enrolled Advisor. ENROLLER: An existing Advisor of any rank that first explains the Imagine International business opportunity to a potential new Advisor and subsequently helps them to enroll as a new Advisor. FRONT LINE: Refers to all Advisors that are personally sponsored and/or enrolled (Level 1) by a particular Advisor or by the Company. (See also “Direct”) GENEALOGY: The complete set of relationships (as defined by “Levels” and “Legs”) between an Advisor and his or her upline and Downline. It is the “family tree” of any Advisor. GENEALOGY REPORT: A computer printout of your Downline. GROUP CLIENT POINTS (GCP): As you become more active as an Advisor, you may begin enrolling and/or sponsoring other new ADVISOR’s, and they others, and so on, thereby creating a downline sales organization. Each active ADVISOR in your sponsorship downline will also begin accruing Personal Client Points (PCP) as described above. The total, within a given pay period, of the PCP of the ADVISOR at the top of a downline, and all of the PCP of everyone below that ADVISOR – and within the matrix parameters of that downline – is combined to determine the Group Client Points (GCP) for that pay period. This GCP is used as the basis to calculate the eligibility to earn at certain levels in the matrix. I.D.#: The identification number used by the Company to identify each Advisor for Compensation Plan purposes.

ADVISOR: The generic name for an independent contractor who has signed an Advisor Application

and Agreement form with the Company, and whose Advisor Application and Agreement the Company has accepted. Upon acceptance of such Agreement by the Company, an Advisor is

eligible to purchase the Company's services at a wholesale price for resale and can enroll and

sponsor other people into their Downline retail Sales Organization. An Advisor is eligible to earn Commissions and Bonuses in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Compensation Plan.

INDIRECT: All Advisors in your Downline that are not directly enrolled by you. (See also “Downline”). LEG: Each personally sponsored Advisor is part of your total Downline and is a separate “Leg.” You and your entire Sales Organization (Downline) are one “Leg” to your sponsor. MAINTENANCE: The standard of performance involving an Advisor that is required for that Advisor to continue being “Paid As” a particular rank after meeting the initial qualification requirements for that rank. MARKETING PLAN: In Network Marketing this is also known as the Compensation Plan. It is usually depicted in a graphic manner in a promotional brochure and in detail in the Company's manual.

MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM): Another name for network marketing. (See “Network Marketing”)

NETWORK MARKETING: A non-storefront type of selling where a manufacturer, or its Advisors (a

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network marketing company) sells directly to the consumer through a “network” of Independent

contractors rather than through conventional outlets. Advisors multiply themselves directly and indirectly by sponsoring other Advisors and are paid accordingly on multiple levels.

OPPORTUNITY MEETING: A periodic meeting, or gathering of Network Marketing Advisors for the

purpose of introducing and explaining the business opportunities to prospects.

PAID AS: Advisors that have earned the various title designations according to their sponsoring and sales performance will retain those titles indefinitely even if they do not meet the specified bonus qualifications in a pay period. However, they will be PAID AS the title rank at which they meet point qualifications or Advisor leg qualifications for the pay period.

PERSONAL BONUS VALUE (PBV): Every Imagine International product that is purchased carries an assigned “Bonus Value” (BV) that is generally equivalent to the ADVISOR wholesale price

applicable to each particular product. The accumulated Bonus Value of all products purchased by

you and your retail customers during a given pay period are combined to determine your “Personal Bonus Value” (PBV) for that pay period. This PBV is used to calculate various other forms of

compensation in other phases of the Compensation Plan.

PERSONAL GROUP: An individual’s personal group is comprised of all his/her personally sponsored Advisors and customers. • Personal Client Point Value (CPV): Every Imagine product or service carries an assigned

“Client Point Value” (CPV) applicable to each particular product or service offering. The accumulated Personal CPV of all products or services sold by you during a given pay period are combined to determine your “Personal Client Point Value” for that pay period. This CPV is used to calculate various qualifications for promotions to various ranks and Maintenance to continue to be Paid As that rank for the month.

PLACEMENT SPONSOR: An Advisor of any rank who is immediately upline from a new or existing Advisor, and is generally responsible for the day-to-day coaching, encouragement and assistance of the Advisors immediately below them. The computer system recognizes a “sponsor relationship” based on the placement position between these two Advisors and maintains it accordingly.

POLICIES & PROCEDURES: The governing rules of Imagine International that define the

relationship between the Company and its Advisors, as well as between Advisors and other Advisors. The Policies & Procedures are specifically incorporated into and made a part of the

Advisor’s Agreement, which each Advisor must sign in order to enroll.

PROSPECT: A person to whom you want to offer the Imagine International business opportunity. QUALIFIED: As a Advisor you are considered “Qualified” in a particular pay period that you maintain the minimum qualifications of a particular rank. RANK: A new title is claimed at each level with increased percentages of bonus participation. You will always carry the title of the highest rank you reach, but are paid at the rank for which you qualify each month.

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RECRUITING: Inviting others to join your organization to share the same opportunity. RETAIL: Sales of the Imagine International financial services to the end users of those services. Retail sales are the foundation of your Imagine International business, and the ultimate purpose of all other activities within the business, including enrolling, sponsoring, training, etc. ROLL-UP: The permanent form of Compression. When an Advisor terminates his Agreement or

does not exercise his yearly renewal, his entire Downline rolls upline to his sponsor or the next qualified person and his name is deleted from the Company records. (See “Compression”).

SALES ORGANIZATION: Your Sales Organization consists of you and the people that you directly enroll as Advisors, and the people that they enroll as Advisors, and so on, and so on, and so on. There is no limit to how wide or deep that your Sales Organization can grow. (See “Downline” and “Leg”) STARTER KIT: Sometimes referred to as a “Business Kit”, it contains all the tools, forms, tapes, brochures, manuals and application forms, relative to the Imagine International business opportunity, needed to begin your new business. TITLE: An income center’s title is the name of the highest rank that the income center has ever earned within the compensation structure. Titles are permanent until a higher one is earned. Income centers are paid according to their rank, not title. TOTAL GROUP CLIENT POINTS (TGCP): As you become more active as an Advisor, you may begin enrolling and/or sponsoring other new Advisors, and they others, and so on, thereby creating a downline sales organization. Each active Advisor in your sponsorship downline will also begin accruing Personal Client Points (PCP) as described above. The total, within a given pay period, of the PCP of the Advisor at the top of a downline, and all of the PCP of everyone below that Advisor is combined to determine your Total Group Client Points (TGCP) for that pay period. This TGCP is used as the basis to calculate the eligibility to promotion to certain ranks as well as maintenance to be Paid As that rank for the month. UNILEVEL: The part of the Compensation Plan that is based on fixed Sponsorship genealogical relationships, i.e. Override Bonuses. UPLINE: The term “upline” refers to that portion of either your Enroller or Placement Sponsor

genealogy that precedes you. Your upline consists of the Advisor who is your Enroller and/or Placement Sponsor, and his Enroller and/or Placement Sponsor, and his Enroller and/or Placement

Sponsor, etc., all the way to the Company. (See also “Enroller” and “Placement Sponsor”)