Im db

Research into audience - IMBd In this presentation, I will be analyzing two films of different genres from the IMDb website.

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Research into audience - IMBd

In this presentation, I will be analyzing two films of different genres from the IMDb website.

The Dark Knight

The first film I will be analyzing is the Dark Knight (2008).

Already, IMDb shows how much praise it has received from the public and critics (9.0 and 82/100). This implies to the user the quality of the film.

The user ratings show the amount of ratings it has been given from the public (1,197,231) which also shows it has a big target audience.

By clicking the user rating, a weighted average of votes is shown of rating out of ten. This shows that nearly half of the users rated the film 10/10. This shows me the quality of the film

Scrolling down to votes from age and gender, users can go into further detail to find the films target audience.

Already, I can see that there are a lot more male votes than female (800,000 male and 170,000 female) which shows males are a more concentrated audience. Female ratings are similar to ratings given by males which show both genders are fond of the movie.

From clicking on aged under 18, it shows that teens clearly like the movie more than other age groups which would show the films main target audience would be people aged 18 and under and specifically males.

Females in their teens have given similar rating to males which show the film is mainly aimed at teens.

There are many different types of genre used in this film which helps reach a wider audience range.

Evil Dead 2

The second film I will be analyzing is Evil Dead 2 (1987) which is a comical horror film.

The ratings for this film show that the public have given a higher rating than critics (7.9 and 69/100) which shows the film has reached a target audience in terms of the public audience.

The overall rating show that most people voted within 10, 9, 8 and 7.

Here, it shows that males have given the most votes (650,000) compared to females (80,000) which implies that the main target audience would be males.

By clicking the age 30-44 shows that this age group have given the most votes for the film (35,000). It also shows they have given positive feedback on the film with votes of mainly 8 and 10.

However, the highest rated votes have came from males under the age of 18 but only have 500 votes.

Overall, I think the target audience for this film is mainly males aged from their 30s to 40s as shown in the votes average.

Use of two genres to create a bigger target audience.