im · 2015. 5. 15. · Jhty put on a terrific campaign to collect waste paper. People, / collect...

Wituuttr«t t*uDiIc Library. v?lley Brook AvaC, Lyndhurst, is. j. Í Support The Defense Council Buy How W ar Bonds! All-out w*r is descending on Lyndhurst and the rest of the cwfytry at last. The ban on pleasure driving, the rationing of almost all commodities, the ab- sence of up to 2,000 young men, the terrific new taxes that will go ittto effect soon, w ill make 1943 a year of great changes. We will now realize that the crush- ing effect of war wss something y (re read about but never under- stood. .'v v What we don’t like about the bureaucrats in Washington is their lack of knowledge of the details in the problems that face them. Ever since this' war started r re has been one long series blunders that have left the people angry and frustrated Jhty put on a terrific campaign to collect waste paper. People collect waste paper. Suddenly {tare is no need for the paper. they want scrap metal. People collect scrap metal. Now the steal mills don't want it. iTie bureaucrats decided to ra- tion oiL Then it is revealed that they don't know how many cou- pons hive been passed out and they are not even sure of how mijch eil is on hand. ft ban is placed on pleasure driving and the people are told ti) jfavel by bus but they do not khbw whether there are enough trf&s to take care of the situa- ttpSt. Mot One thing has been done W in Washington. Start- ,w(th the original bltmder at 1 Harbor, everything done th* government seems to out half-baked. Let us pray the military lives up to the American standard of efficiency u ’ ‘ v * ,Who are the heels at the Mer- Paiot Company who have drop out of the of the Vie Robert Charles Hp > w Robert Charles Harms, 529 Post Avenue, Lyndhurst, who has completed training in th>> Candidates Class at Quantico and has qualified for a commission as second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps A gradu- ate of Newark College of Engi- neering, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs Lorenz Henry Harms cf 529 Post Avenue. Ckplaln Eddie Ricken ’• flan to send factory to the front lines and let the soldiers come home and work in their places. How would you like to play around a While in- the Jungles of Guadalcanal with the Jap snipers? Seaman James Grosso had a story to tell in the Leader office last week. He was a member of the crew of that big new battle- ship that took on 84 Jap planes in the Solomon Islands and knocked off 32 of them. His ship then took on a surface fleet of the enailjy and sank four ship* Grddso manned an antiaircraft gun in the battle and was later told that his gun accounted tor four planes. He expects to get official (credit soon. He also re- v*»led that two other Lyndhurst men were aboard. This brings us to the question of just how many Lyndhurst boys are in the Guad- alcanal area. Carmine Seneae and Richard Reiger were lost there. Angelo Settcmbrlno was there. Malcolm Gailing, the San Francisco, Is coming home. We know of at least 10 more on the island itself. Other ships not reported certain- ly carry more There moat be from 20 to 30 at least. Uniform Hour For Closing Poll to Be Taken Among 1,250 Stationery Store Owners Uniform closing hours for a to- tal of 1,250 stationery stores, ic'1 cream parlors, and pharmacies in Bergen County will be the subject of a referendum by the Bergen County Newsdealers and Stationers Association, Inc., it was announced today by Abra- ham Sinofsky, East Rutherford stationer, who heads the organ i- zation of 225 proprietors of store* and route dealers Sinofsky said the decision was reached Thursday night by the board of directors in a J-hoUr meeting at the Y.M.H.A., 311 Es- sex Street, Hackensack. Ballots asking tor an expression of opin- ion will b# mailed to all ngam . ber* and the organisation's Mas agent will dred* more to store owners it. competing lines. Sincfsky said that many busi- neas men feel that early elating.; would be economical and would aid the war effort by removing the temptation for using ears In many parts of the county store owners are forced to stay open late because of competing mer- j chants' late hour*, but none prof. it by the extra effort and wasted overhead Further lack of mer- chandise to sell makes the late hours unnecessary, it was agreed It will be suggested in the bal- lot' that the uniform dosing hours be If) p. trv from Mondav through Friday, and 8 p m Sun- day There would be no effort to restrict S a t u r d a y closing hours. Mr. and Mrs Hubert Hodman and children of Washington, re- turned Monday to their home at Washington, after a two week visit with Mrs Rodman’s pa- rent*. Mr and Mrs Alfred Crankshaw. 281 Livingston Ave Draff Contingent To Leave High School Friday Morning The following men will report to Droit Board No. 17, Lyndhurst, N. J-, on Friday, January 15th, to go to Fort Di*. FROM LYNDHURST Robert B. Dkhort, 334 Grant Avenue Michael Saullo, 315 Sanford Avenue Daniel Gualtieri, 327 MiUwm Avenue John J. SivoUHo, 744 Filth Avenue Som J. Scelfo, 2S4 Cleveland Avenue Willis J. Van Confer, 4C2 Rutherford Avenue Jean Merich, S44 Valley Brook Avenue Albert A. Candia, 740 Lake Avenue George J. Lupinaccio, 218 Kingsland Avenue Peter G. CWmento, $52 Now York Avenue Adam L. Dodaki, 419 Jauncey Avenue Joseph W. Russell, 343 Page Avenue Albert W. Patterson, 240 Clinton Terrace Patay T. Longarso, 272 Cleveland Avenue Charles G. Iosco, 320 Milbum Avenue Joseph A. Gawrehik, Mt New Jersey Avemue Ronald V. Pelleteri, 709 Lake Avenue Marcus P. Patemo, S2S Pennsylvania Avenue Raymond M. Naxare, 2M Lafayette Avenue Peter L. Garramhone, 2#3 Ridge Road Joseph F. Bradley, S24 Third Avenue Charles R. Druhl, 208 Forest Avenue Joseph J. Duda, 450 Second Street Theodore J. Alberti, 234 Kingsland Avenue Vincent Campanaro, 217 Orient Way Leon T. Stahlewaki, 748 New Jersey Avenue Joseph A. Violante, 480 Thomas Avenue Edmund J. Stursenegger, 308 Valley Brook Avenue George F. Gandenberger, Jr., 824 Second Avenue Alexander J. Mustilli, 104 Meadow Road Pasquale J. Senna, 342 Green Avenue Stanley P. Swanicke, 812 Third Street Alfred W. Purdy, 288 Forest Avenue Charles E. Peterson, 530 Octavia Place Angelo L. Romano, 220 Lafayette Avenue Charles Landells, 733 Marin Avenue FORMERLY OF LYNDHURST Vito L. Bonadonna, 220 Park Avenue, Nutley Vito W. Astrella, 43 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J, James R. Brower, 50 Ninth Street, Wood-Ridge, N. J. FROM NORTH ARLINGTON Erich Kaiser, 40 Allan Drive Michael Do Marco, 114 Biltmore Street Albert Mercer Pasternack, 25 William Street Hiram Burnett Chariton, Jr, 12 Perahin« Place Roy William Meoaer, 32 Beeeb Street Findlay Mnrriae« Shaw, 14 S to w A n n s Jamws Kay Lees**, ft Newel P |m Edward Joseph Holli*. 49 WiMia Read Fred Murray PUger, 81 Ilford Avenue William Frederick Wilkinson, 0t Biltmore Street Charles Patrick Doherty, 71 Beech Street Thomas James Armstrong, 87 Union Place Anthony Sciortino, 182 Albert Street Albert J. Schwalm, 0 Park Avenue Fichard Lloyd Kraskin, 88 Exton Avenue Reginald Livingstone, 48 Exton Avenue Gordon Cheape Rutherford, 17 Inman Place Sidney Zucker, 88 Exton Avenue FORMERLY OF NORTH ARLINGTON Salvatore Mastrantonio, 54 Mt. Prospect Ave, Belleville George McKinnon, 117 Argyle Place, Arlington, N. J- i ¡Trial Alert For Council Next Month j Pr,nd,rg,it S,yt Authorities Are to -j Witness Affair j j 1 A grncrsl practice alert »(II | be hfld reb 14 hy tbc Lyad j hurst Defense Council .it was *n j | nourtced Uwtay by Chri* P»e«dri | g*st, chairman. Every unit of the! j council will go into action for { j the alert State oflktaU »ill b * invited to observe and make i j critic isma ! The alert mill lie the featur«! [ of the winter program of the j ( council. A seites of incident») j worked out in w e e t will be hel l | ! tu test the ability of every di I vision of the council j Alfred H MacMultan, vicc? chairman oI the council, ms nourtoed that certificates will be awarded to those who ha*e at- tended his lectuic course* They Meeting Held in Heed- have been given throughout the , / .1 |. township A public meeting to he , quarter* of Catholic hcU, ¿Jnu.£ „ thr‘ hl<„ Daughters .school will be the scene <f the presentations Ovei 300 ceitifl A meeting of leaders in tii • ‘ ate* are to be awarded Effort*; work Of the Women's Division o f ; will be made to obtain an out the Leiuthurst liefen*» Saving, «anding speaker for the affair Committer held Wednesday eve " Houghto,,. head M tlo- tiing at th. Catholic Daughter, A'r Wardens announced Club Bouse. 551 Valley »roots 'bat he ha> i**»ed instruction» t. Avenue, was followed by a parts hi# warden* In distribute n its , given In honoi of the women >»''» containing It* dim out regu who have helped the leader* on Istwns and instructions to eveev the day» .'t »ale* tor then r. , home in l yndhurst After Ihr specttve organisations Cloae t* 'ewnahip ha» been mad«- fully > a hundred *x>men were preaeiit. acquainted with the rules Police snd they are still talking about thirl Oll« Hayer, Jr and the the good Ume they had, an es 1 reserve police will report all fall pertence which will long he re >n* to observe the rule, metnbered by everyone who was The council will notify Mayor present ! Hoiace H Itogle that the t«wn Mias Mary E Rodgers, chair I *l’lP ,r»m‘ lights have not heeo man fcf the Women'» Division, j dimmed out in conformity with presided at the brief bustnew ] »he state regulation*: meeting when dates were assign I The council »ill a Ian notify i»d the several organizations I« j Commissioner William F Hal their respective sales ! ‘»«her that the lights of the Day For Filing SchoolPetitions Board of Education Election Quiet os War Draws Most Interest In Lyndhurst William C. < o4Ua* Committee On Savings N«\t W r.lnnils} I« the tits*! M>n *\*llt ti> S’’* li sr^î •>’ I IH midnight im litio«. m>i»t tw » tlrrW VthHi'S* Í líiikey \\ilh»traw*U - - - t TV rl k. report on sales up to that The n evfmng showed a total of StWI, 40 !, Hn worth at defena* savings Umrii ijmI eie min ooAd Utiniiiii lt^.r|llw rT r S 7 n ) rlit ion, ^ h ? e August ITth. Thi>u«ands o f dol. Ian worth are anld cacti week The spirit shown at the meeting u evidence that the women will keep right on aaertftelng time and pleasure to help in this pad of the local wat effort William C Collins, chan man | new I of the Lyndhuist Defens«- 8 av Ing» Committee, attended the meeting and expressed hi* #p predation for the work being Town Hall have not been prop- erty blocked «Mit New Library Books Listed The l.iodhurst Free Pubi»« 1,1 tviai’y advise, that tne following fc, are now available Award Given Shepher Jr. By Tamarack Mother Receive» Honor for Son Fetelly Hurt in Crash First' award «1 the Tama.a-X Beaver Medaltton went lo th late H»>mer Sheplwid it Announe^meot ofejM,<- *»» i -was made #t a meetiog ui is* ; arsrk Council tn Ruiherteo* M»ij . weak, and_Mr*. Hh»ph*rt( of the y«*«h- who was tatailr injure«! in a m«*»>*eve-U ' , s numth ago ae«e|>le<l 11 « *<•»>>' | The medaili«« wa» «-»t*' • • ! l (or tk<y SmuU and l»*.le«» »♦'. f eonttltnile lo the imp»«*em#f I • of Camp Tamarack in iHkla*v*t I Sbepberd w<u a «raft »i»*i> m j ,trut toi thifre latt in»«« He w*, awistaot *o<ut i *•»<' •< * j Rutherford ' tri«*p tn HI Mary » j Catholic Chjuerh I Sb*pb*id, who wa* »»ailing a «all m U m Altai *« ferso, 4is4 Wu, W4«M- attar an aectdsnt la Ws hak e n » ^ mummmmO when he waOaesd «niuewe w»n»ej A m & tir Hearing e* f *• . ,1 V ta» M I s a 1 «toy ihiy th.. «e eh« leethft“ , .it IkHflft i «w «n**H-.,by »... town, ta 1 M toe tim» of <t«-f«»» workers, have !».« , ,len«trd fnXtl |> i.H (,|.,t..ta',* tt* fe* as far wh*-** W f rnpur* ejNt C-mm m »*** Cimtvr** I! «mi Waiter Wolf a«*t Jl H>n«IH Wolfe ■ and fcxwtU *ak> Ik are ..not .«its»» whattor will", br i'a tut I..latea, (totrwtmd <0 <v t m et led io to aim ogh to .hea aa yet n^a-le n« M M g K I - •m il. Mr»' H»a*. «s> »«mon. . • *r man ot r . y*ae<«e>* « « n e u lle e •aid a course w redfc> PMle will l. .ra^g.. at*4 in *to »ysiwn ,c st m-nt-h I *, nie I«el*»mph.lta leeUred . - i «WMt d Mwmed «H 4uf ing '(,e*t«ng a.ti*»l»»e, *«d aaaa^ m at all ¡atole«* to a* n**Uto"t % I... ig*t fcwvf t»y Í!« tKan that •f la«« *ee» wa». ' *%• X,. .1 ,,d TtH nta, n.gbl t>y the >I«. «ni <f r<tu. alien Th# am**»l tt„ isapayef* must rato »ill to 1\r I, «al t - .dgal la I»*« «It t4 SSI* amount i< b, raised by laaalMn . tivi m St ..*« nwnparedi «ItH giaasatai f»t last year. AU«*«i C tllianwie, «haurngn 4 tu# tonante Albi and. No Hut iendet Athet ten, Horn of Life, H«k< H>^o- of n<Nut, Houtèll, Ciadle«! tn done by the w.mien. not . tiiy (or y, #I Cantphell, Clouil Walking Progrewsive Woman's Hepubli can Club will meet Titraday Mr. and Mrs Joseph Alonso, 844 PrmuyIvanis Avenue, enter- tained Friday nigh! for Mis*> Rosalie Donianjco, Mrs Susan Domsmco, Mis* Emily Stellato be' invited to speak Mrs Annette Scrino of Lynd- hurst; Mr and Mr*. Jcrom« lynti* 1Thalmsn, 343Octavia Alon*r> of Jersey City. Mis* Plaic.returnedWednesday from Sally Signa of. Rutherford, and] the Paaaetc GeneraiHospital. Mr and Mr* Anthony Conlori» where he underwent sn opera- nt Lyndhurst tion inmumty t»il also foe the u.|r Soldwr of the H«a I4wt and the nation lb was | |,art Wolf in Man» Clothing forester. Payment Ikrifcrred Oil tigrati Usuot Women; Spirting HliKtd, flltnrt bhfltet Without Wslls Si lone Meed It. Iheir I state deeply grateful for all 11 K ir ef fort*, and for Hie wonderful tf- 1suits of their wt rk At the conclusion of the busi neas meeting. Mia» Ttódfer» who „*#lh the Sr«. * Itsrsnitiit had previously welcomed sii II -»ringer Iftlrud i-“4— - “*■ in Wen I'jdleld Murdri Grosso Describes Fierce Sea Action What do you ihink of that writer for the Passaic Her News. Oppie Spssr” He write* that the now vscsnt »45im Job of County Treasurer could be eliminated for the duration becsusc "It is no secret to dis- close that the Treasurer hss little to do except sign his nsme Act- ually the work of the office is. Local Youth Says Ship Gave and Took Blows “You don’t think,'' he said “You just work like hell You're going so fast your motions are automatic The din around you is naity writer for the Passsic Her- Took Blows | ize this only dimly It la oniy aid News. Oppie Spear tie ______ when the firing It u up that y>* i On January 4 newapaper ac- i h*»rthe noise The silence count* told the stirringstory of \ throws the noise into relief how a lone Americsn warship j Your hcsd throbs for a time crushed a Japanese attempt to! Then you are too tusy trying t * recapture Guadalcanal by down- ! And out what happened to mirwt mg thirty-two aircraft and sink | it. When I was told my gun Ha l handfed"'almost '<>ur ShipsThe America «•'«"’ f 'ur pi*'.'. I <■ I f a; ^ H ^ Iv^ D e ^ V Trea»u“ '*■** «-om-nand ot everything I g.rt m t o t h . N .v> ewluslve y by "eowrei c , ^ L Q ,or hld 1T, , „ rd Van Valen for many, many Lyn<jhur„ j , me< Ft bruary 2 at • p m Cundidetr» U-nd^t ^ «rvd their Kriprt ft»r tht- Bnerd of Edu<«ii< fi >Aiil rtounrrd thnt re<r»«timenl* w m M 0 o w r tTrui#r t>r «rrvHi ei>d *n hour of fallow - ! »hip would folio* lee rream ! rekr and wrrr *rr%ad I Th« n tfir hffiU wrtr dimrord j Imvifiu liie whHr «nd Mur 1 Chrv»tm*A trw »* I hr ceftltr of j ■tir«<ticiit Mr» IkrtHfc a< t on th* pt«oo whit«* ail pr##rht }oimd in »trigmg ret * U *0*1 old Um# ftongi Of |«n itat ton* t r|)fWfiU*d In riwdrd Co(h«illi IJiughtfti of A m p r I c • W ofnifi» Cluh at I Lv odhur»!, Woman • Unf'wty « f CHnatian Servlrw M Ihn M#thi«l lift rhutftt, A nwr wart f/|n»r Aoniiarjr, Ftrrmrn § AumMary ia of fh< F»fpii But Gave More by Far Than It Hod to Take >“ ? H.e kr ^ ! ^ UX O r o - . IS, «on of Mr and „Mr, Twr- night* laler then encout ' ered a »urfarr fleet They knet work of the Treasurers ofllce <rf ^ (hry ^ ^ bu, ,h î^?dT.™ W,n Pm à n r y ^ 'b^ Avenue sketched ,n the detail* mnty of th could learn in many years Hr ^ om; of three Lyndhurst didn't see it study , men al *>*rxì I he shin.*r>d minntwl mam m»id«' , m ,, Wlrvl .« men aboard the ship.*ncl manned Oppie! You stop th , klnd of , m i , lrrT, f , gun crcd,ud talk this minute, you bombi’ person, you Imagine saving the , taxpayers a buck You th m l'i have your esrs boxed right 2 000 men * 60*1 Tliey had U. f •< suae the Higgr guns aboard were sending des with downing four of the Jap and de«trurti wt itfln the enerr ' fleet pr«ir Japanese ships w-e A husky *1 * .footer, younv sunk and Ortasn's toip dsdr Grosatj, who didn't bother to wttn grreniea like me Bui you shiuld se*- thoai guy* m action All the dl feel mg and sharpness leaves then, when thing, get tough They really go w* work, bracing yen up telling you whal to do anr’ how to t»r' it aJt tn the b n ! na tured way you can imagim A*«. - :• are the great, est men ir. the world Dange- doean t feate ftom You art to ■ tradition <*f th Arm Ixv thr Ve^ Pyramid Het fralermly Cha|»trt I •der *-4 H.e Eastern Ärar Ays n. of fore Ign Wen Kmbir-rt. C lu t «it % ■if fit The K t * » 1. High Set'muí Ì* At** ui' ËPH9 Aunillia 1 1 Mo Naa netta» Alswp. Hne a tlg to Matti»*« Aron»att Radio Relay League, Radi*. Amaleur» llaodbe»* ( *vt«r ctal de fetta» cdllittn 1 B»il*-y, Mo Itoti Studi tur thè Slwprrvtar»», Haruting. KubfHailoa Resi 1 * 1» of I«41 1*42 Honltl Au.WI, Anssirs «m H » f r i g * r 1 11 n n Breckrortdge Mo«tern Cawmil flagr Hr >wr> '.^ort lo f!»r>{,fM T< Catlt»lc y,«« Cafre» in Kr-gi ttarting Cara, ftott fio « 1 « Ship» Comit iwtity Vaarte»ik Creasyktarks, Jouraay Ini-. t *hltM l»r Veti* »lur PtlM luarting fa« thr Melai T-aU. I nano, Plylng Ouns, fetvn» Navy Ihvat t mriey foty*.tet» 0.1 »*»*! M,■ uf*. iat i * A«eeun:ling; Itala tt II»'» t« tlet a Raung « a Comtn fMo*i , in tto Ae**»y C< »»< fiuard «od Mere* ani Marma rduSt All Chi* dren l a.t-n Hammar. u , itio n Kart ¡man’• ItonS,. ni Kti trylng le avotd httting » j Iriatt ' Al Ito aeaafctn la#» week »*«« decide*! b. ini« natf» itoli -art drlvea tiat^fc t*,*«-* « aialani »soniit* »t **i>. • Ili *el u|< !h. ruibm l* •• n t hlnery HI amifleM l>l»li o 1 * r .t * H i ,<u I ut a » t . t li atoió* «.»«,« o|ten«d Tueadaf »t W rtlinifttii Praahylat i»t> Chi ttxh ’ ao.1 a OEtriilnue |. r ar vett f u t , J , nighls C ,0 W -1 a,r ’1 t IH« t tt vim of t h 1 11 1 * t » »1 t hai ge liatra tov« !<etre. a*< t I ,~an!> *ff te» tr«, ti 11^ « 4, Ir tri» Jatioarj ^1 i* *' Jari*,ar < 2*sI’ - * ^ ' * 1 ) 31. Rjrlhtf«fo«t! Jajjoart I Nulley January *t H-atii T> trai - ..... 1 M a. K »r , < r « » *<*'’'g January ta lo l««a n n aduli ll>«ul iaail»t, atr a, t-a> th#-» |l~ —gì' Ha. *»*«■ fall THe flt»i *S>«»wtat, •>»# »1 Camp 1 ao « 1 . ‘ th. Wmia» w.l I ' ary I* arvt! IT a a» • *g. «•»•! » th» rt>*rt IO A.;fi«»t Al('*»4»< ai Summe» week erub *»• •gad SD Saddest Funerol Far Twin Boyi, Sons of W. Fords l»r»lh„.M . s a ll.t l ». - ton Mail « H i «-<wf»w»«se*ai. , .+t\t etto! » nal f Utep » b-m *I rriwa HV,f' t«l fhm »>' tf I*-#|1 rt « itti Ma *W tM 'ì ^ (t «Hta * Breslin Heads Polio Group r •ho irr # t f,« U . N É : < •» t * ñt j 1 etisia ^ f & ♦'■- ******* *¿iki9*k Íñ®gter""PiF*' mt fssftn -a# *k f «»««■• « ff *♦*« . mt mt H Ma .Mu r 1 - og 4toaa..ii$y Mo « at Mary t. M ’ » •< e t k Om II d g « Mr. W t* graduate from Lyndhurst Hi*h Srbooi -so eager wa* he to get into action -toM of Iwo action» through which hia ship paaaed in one of them, et^ity.fnur plan«« attacked That wss the day nm ntrrM r firtng posree- o# the Mi>p cr»»tod thirty-t»ro of Harry Earl, son ef Mr snd them into the aster Mr*. Harry S Earl. 344 Livm- A single twsnb came through Avenue, of the U S Navy »mking the * 9 torm by.; « tl ® month t fuiwWf* f>rnr thf^igh Ooooonh. whs! we jt»i hesrd What poi iceman found who in wfcat car hi s secluded place Girls you would simply die laughing --------- t - t -— ---------- with Ms pansta Mias Veronica ITock. TM Hu erf Avenu«, wa» a pu«*1 v day a# tor aunv. M»*. I*M ' * of Crantwi-wd toNrtal A 1 TH# ah t p r rred OfóaiK gunto. Wtu like s did to Mega tacathed il the huge v«M ael and lifted it four feel Ru 1 ! came down, gathered itself u like an angry woman and bus’ led right through th* enemy The boys were prouder th* a*-ar (4 itour. flghiing.-&atx T^'.e knew they had been bit snd h plenty But the ship kepi rigi on m«A*ng a» fast a* ever M • important, 1 « kept Rrtng a* fa §M 4PWT ‘‘Don't giva th# kid* \ik* w anv credbt G ra m » s***£ *X»t* beicbmit f it to tiw old men, fba fery ma I Ml 11» %hip W* ^ ©Ml do. arere a e^irpaoei. 'ally 'fr*»ane wher. you mn Wr bàftnmtm Mrt C Sri loiagh. h*rd b**iit^l * bat>tr> Mr * M C*m ì». iMrf AgHr F àPr to ariMwn.u M»« rrmmJw IVoi«rf f* J* utfetrttrr. Mrt r*i -,«a. w.1•»aid tfw* êhtp fnf» • »# fragni#» iikr htmmìt , Mi - .<» Mr» M*»% r; a*1 d»4n I wjoa loo bai : S*t « mm Vevri» Mr. tlitf im «a«é i 1i Cri m ‘*ry Mr» Jm** w# 4«fot bereu»* »hr r*p -H»t Mr» t. NtMâfi 1 +i4 M» w at 1 aonxf .of u» eil . - i < »» Mr» VMtv fTrt#* ey w# aure wt'fe u fi* 4» Matn»^ tff Mr» Ai rvtng u n é tr ewr fOpUltfi M ■ n.r Mr» Martarrf H ~*r rtf* It #own Ul lila »hör 14? »' hm,mtmlU C«r1> M >*m *s*4 two etliaf Lynd- Uri i IU»r». «ptt, Mr» filin 'wörä ftw ri1 .. in-T i ' T'"1£ì?t*r ■H fr -^Uta ta#aly Tt»' alti# Mr» l o o* Hard m big 't*e *Ow Ihtn, only Hi tltertoa t^aa Mr» ud| I*-. 9P* *• ànww tl» iaa< w ìiiam# Mr« f (lalkmt físS rê m û r «na- a yaunftta? Mr« C UtrMiff Mr» C D*Smmrn 1 . » Anr%e -MU^wtaj.^ m*arr#t M rt II Pei»**? *<«fc THrr. it * N m* te Wi« § r l Mtr» f Htttnrr éém:ÍM, Mr» O la » a* AiBd - i r » ta» eaom * * lw ArIM,- Dati»; M*. trai mm p*§# Ena Van»#, ftgn. nmmmk» Alia » » • far All tton Art <*f Ì émmÊ i*m , I héì ü+m &*f*S tmM lal#i i WUimm ¥* AvotMie *%lm m * im a ##*a*s “"‘»e* * r i * Mw ¥ if • * I t ,m • I Oal^gMe fie« a# tlmfw* r *•$*** itv í - %f*+ Pfrtrft I V A I gititwrf f -tmw W > 1 # % ft i**at. f«** Ä Um Honor KoH Notice II ■Ìè*r Mf Hi « Mr

Transcript of im · 2015. 5. 15. · Jhty put on a terrific campaign to collect waste paper. People, / collect...

  • W i t u u t t r « t t * u D i I c L i b r a r y . v ? l l e y B r o o k A v a C ,L y n d h u r s t , i s . j .

    Í • ■

    Support TheDefense Council

    Buy HowW a r B o n d s !

    All-out w*r is descending on Lyndhurst and the rest of the cwfytry at last. The ban on pleasure driving, the rationing of almost all commodities, the absence of up to 2 ,0 0 0 young men, the terrific new taxes that will go ittto effect soon, w ill make 1943 a year of great changes. We will now realize that the crushing effect of war wss something y(re read about but never understood.

    . ' v vWhat we don’t like about the

    bureaucrats in Washington is their lack of knowledge of the details in the problems that face them. Ever since this' war started

    rre has been one long series blunders that have left the people angry and frustrated Jh t y put on a terrific campaign to collect waste paper. People collect waste paper. Suddenly {tare is no need for the paper. th ey want scrap metal. People collect scrap metal. Now the steal m ills don't want it.

    iTie bureaucrats decided to ration oiL Then it is revealed that they don't know how many coupons h iv e been passed out and they are not even sure of how mijch e il is on hand.

    f t ban is placed on pleasure driving and the people are told ti) jfa v el by bus but they do not khbw whether there are enough trf&s to take care of the situa- ttpSt.

    Mot One thing has been done W in Washington. Start-

    ,w(th the original bltmder at 1 Harbor, everything done th* government seems to

    out half-baked. Let us pray the military lives up to the

    American standard o f efficiency u ’ ‘ v *,Who are the heels at the Mer-

    Paiot Company who have drop out of the

    o f the Vie

    Robert Charles Hp >wRobert Charles Harms, 529

    Post Avenue, Lyndhurst, who has completed training in th>> Candidates Class at Quantico and has qualified for a commission as second lieutenant in the United States M arine Corps A graduate of N ew ark College of Eng ineering, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs Lorenz Henry Harms c f 529 Post Avenue.

    Ckplaln Eddie Ricken ’• f la n to send factory

    to the front lines and let the soldiers come home and work in their places. How would you like to play around a While in- the Jungles of Guadalcanal with the Jap snipers?

    Seaman James Grosso had a story to te ll in the Leader office last week. H e was a member of the crew of that big new battleship that took on 84 Jap planes in the Solomon Islands and knocked off 32 of them. His ship then took on a surface fleet of the enailjy and sank four ship* Grddso manned an antiaircraft gun in the battle and was later told that his gun accounted tor four planes. He expects to get official (credit soon. H e also re- v*»led that two other Lyndhurst men were aboard. This brings us to the question of just how many Lyndhurst boys are in the Guadalcanal area. Carmine Seneae and Richard Reiger were lost there. Angelo Settcmbrlno was

    there. Malcolm Gailing, the San Francisco, Is

    coming home. We know of at least 10 more on the island itself. Other ships not reported certainly carry more There moat be from 2 0 to 30 at least.

    Uniform Hour For Closing

    Poll to Be Taken Among 1,250 Stationery Store Owners

    Uniform closing hours for a total of 1,250 stationery stores, ic'1 cream parlors, and pharmacies in Bergen County w ill be the subject of a referendum by the Bergen County Newsdealers and Stationers Association, Inc., it was announced today by A braham Sinofsky, East Rutherford stationer, who heads the organ i- zation of 225 proprietors of store* and route dealers

    Sinofsky said the decision was reached Thursday night by the board of directors in a J-hoUr meeting at the Y.M .H .A., 311 Essex Street, Hackensack. Ballots asking tor an expression of opinion w ill b# mailed to all ngam

    . ber* and the organisation'sMas agent will

    ” dred* m ore to store owners it.competing lines.

    Sincfsky said that many busi- neas men feel that early elating.; would be economical and would aid the war effort by removing the temptation for using ears In many parts of the county store owners are forced to stay open late because of competing mer- j chants' late hour*, but none prof. it by the extra effort and wasted overhead Further lack of merchandise to sell makes the late hours unnecessary, it was agreed

    It will be suggested in the ballo t ' that the uniform dosing hours be If) p. trv from Mondav through Friday, and 8 p m Sunday There would be no effort to restrict S a t u r d a y closing hours.

    Mr. and Mrs Hubert Hodman and children of Washington, returned Monday to their home at Washington, after a two week visit w ith Mrs Rodman’s parent*. Mr and Mrs Alfred Crankshaw. 281 Livingston Ave

    Draff Contingent To Leave High School Friday Morning

    The following men will report to D roit Board No. 17, Lyndhurst, N. J-, on Friday, January 15th, to go to Fort Di*.


    Robert B. D khort, 334 G rant AvenueMichael Saullo, 315 Sanford AvenueDaniel Gualtieri, 327 MiUwm AvenueJohn J . SivoUHo, 744 F ilth AvenueSom J . Scelfo, 2S4 Cleveland AvenueWillis J . Van Confer, 4C2 Rutherford AvenueJean Merich, S44 Valley Brook AvenueAlbert A. Candia, 740 Lake AvenueGeorge J. Lupinaccio, 218 Kingsland AvenuePeter G. CWmento, $52 Now York AvenueAdam L. Dodaki, 419 Jauncey AvenueJoseph W. Russell, 343 Page AvenueAlbert W. Patterson, 240 Clinton TerracePatay T. Longarso, 272 Cleveland AvenueCharles G. Iosco, 320 M ilbum AvenueJoseph A. Gawrehik, M t New Jersey AvemueRonald V. Pelleteri, 709 Lake AvenueMarcus P. P atem o, S2S Pennsylvania AvenueRaymond M. Naxare, 2M Lafayette AvenuePeter L. Garramhone, 2#3 Ridge RoadJoseph F. Bradley, S24 Third AvenueCharles R. Druhl, 208 Forest AvenueJoseph J. Duda, 450 Second S treetTheodore J . Alberti, 234 Kingsland AvenueVincent Campanaro, 217 O rient WayLeon T . Stahlewaki, 748 New Jersey AvenueJoseph A. Violante, 480 Thom as AvenueEdmund J. S tursenegger, 308 Valley Brook AvenueGeorge F. Gandenberger, Jr., 824 Second AvenueAlexander J. Mustilli, 104 Meadow RoadPasquale J. Senna, 342 Green AvenueStanley P. Swanicke, 812 Third S treetAlfred W. Purdy, 288 Forest AvenueCharles E. Peterson, 530 Octavia PlaceAngelo L. Romano, 220 Lafayette AvenueCharles Landells, 733 M arin Avenue


    Vito L. Bonadonna, 220 P ark Avenue, NutleyVito W. Astrella, 43 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J ,Jam es R. Brower, 50 Ninth S treet, W ood-Ridge, N. J.


    Erich Kaiser, 40 Allan Drive Michael Do Marco, 114 Biltmore S treet Albert M ercer Pasternack, 25 William S tree t H iram B urnett Chariton, J r , 12 Perahin« Place Roy W illiam Meoaer, 32 Beeeb S treet Findlay M nrriae« Shaw , 14 S t o w A n n s Jamws K ay Lees**, f t N ew el P | m Edward Joseph Holli*. 49 WiMia Read Fred M urray PUger, 81 Ilford Avenue William Frederick W ilkinson, 0 t B iltm ore S treet Charles Patrick Doherty, 71 Beech S treet Thomas Jam es A rm strong, 87 Union Place Anthony Sciortino, 182 Albert S treet Albert J. Schwalm, 0 P ark Avenue Fichard Lloyd Kraskin, 88 Exton Avenue Reginald Livingstone, 48 Exton Avenue Gordon Cheape Rutherford, 17 Inman Place Sidney Zucker, 88 Exton Avenue

    FORMERLY OF NORTH ARLINGTONSalvatore M astrantonio, 54 Mt. Prospect A ve, Belleville George McKinnon, 117 Argyle Place, A rlington, N. J-


    ¡Trial Alert For Council

    Next Monthj P r , n d , r g , i t S,yt

    Authorities Are to - j Witness Affair

    j j1 A grncrsl practice alert »(II |

    be hfld reb 14 hy tbc Lyad j hurst Defense Council .it was *n j | nourtced Uwtay by Chri* P»e«dri | g*st, chairman. Every unit of th e ! j council w ill go into action for { j the alert State oflktaU » ill b *

    invited to observe and make i j critic isma! The alert mill lie the featur«! [ of the winter program of the j ( council. A seites of incident») j worked out in w e e t will be hel l | ! tu test the ability of every di I vision of the council j

    Alfred H MacMultan, vicc? chairman oI the council, ms nourtoed that certificates will be awarded to those who ha*e attended his lectuic course* They Meeting Held in Heed- have been given throughout the

    , / .1 | . township A public meeting to he, quarter* of Catholic hcU, ¿Jnu.£ „ thr‘ hln *\*llt ti> S’’* li sr^î •>’ I

    IH m idnight im l i t io « . m>i»t tw » tlrrW VthHi'S* Í l í i ik e y \\ilh » tra w * U— ■ - - - t T V rl


    report on sales up to thatThe nevfmng showed a total of StWI,40!, Hn worth at defena* savings Umrii ijmI eie min ooAd Utiniiiiil t^ .r |l lw rT rS 7 n ) rlit ion, ^h ?e August ITth. Thi>u«ands o f dol.Ian worth are anld cacti weekThe spirit shown at the meeting u evidence that the women will keep right on aaertftelng time and pleasure to help in this pad of the local wat effort

    William C Collins, chan man | new I of the Lyndhuist Defens«- 8 av Ing» Committee, attended the meeting and expressed hi* #p predation for the work being

    Town H all have not been property blocked «Mit

    New Library Books Listed

    The l.iodhurst Free Pubi»« 1,1 tviai’y advise, that tne following

    fc, are now available

    Award Given Shepher Jr.By Tamarack

    Mother Receive» Honor for Son Fetelly Hurt

    in CrashFirst' award «1 the Tama.a-X

    Beaver Medaltton went lo th late H»>mer Sheplw id it

    Announe^meot ofejM,*eve-U '

    , s numth ago ae«e|>le'| The medaili«« wa» «-»t*' • • ! l (or tkn«IH

    Wolfe ■ and fcxwtU *ak> Ikare ..not .«its»» whattorwill", br i'a tut I..latea, (totrwtmd d minntwl mam m»id«', m ,, Wlrvl .« men aboard the ship.*ncl mannedOppie! You stop th , klnd of , m i , lrrT, f , g u n crcd,u dtalk this minute, you b o m b i’person, you Imagine saving the ,taxpayers a buck You th m l'ihave your esrs boxed right

    2 000 men *60*1 Tliey had U. f •< suae the Higgr

    guns aboard were sending des with downing four of the Ja p and de«trurti wt itfln the enerr

    ' fleet pr«ir Japanese ships w-e A husky *1* .footer, y o u n v sunk and Ortasn's to ip dsdr

    Grosatj, who didn't bother to

    wttn grre niea like meB u i you sh iu ld se*- thoai

    guy* m action A ll the d l feel mg and sharpness leaves then, when thing, get tough They really go w* work, bracing yen up telling you whal to do anr’ how to t»r' it aJt tn the b n ! na tured w ay you can imagim A*«. - :• are the great, est men ir. the world Dange- doean t feate fto m You a r t to

    ■ tradition wr> '.^o rt lo f!»r>{,fM T < C atlt» lc y ,« « C afre» in Kr-gi t ta r tin g C a ra , f t o t t f io «1« S h i p » C om it iwtity V aarte»ik Creas y k ta r k s , J o u r a a y In i-.

    ’ t *hltM l»r V eti* » lu r P tlM lu a r tin g fa« th r M elai T - a U .

    I n a n o , P ly ln g O u n s , fetvn» Navy Ihvat t mriey fo ty*.te t»0.1 »*»*! M ,■ u f* . i a t i * A « e eu n :lin g ; Itala tt II»'» t« tlet a Raung « a Comtn fMo*i , in tto Ae**»y

    C< »»< fiuard «od Mere* ani Marma rduSt A ll Chi* dren l a.t-n Ham m ar. u , it io n K a rt ¡man’• ItonS,. ni K ti

    trylng le avotd httting » j Iriatt' A l Ito aeaafctn la#» week »*««

    decide*! b. ini« natf» ito li -art drlvea tiat^fc t*,*«-* «aialani » s o n ii t* »t **i>.• Ili *el u|< !h. ruibm l* •• nt hlnery

    HI amifleM l>l»li o 1 * r .t * H i ,< u I ut a » t . t l i a to ió * «.»«,« o|ten«d T u e a d a f » t W r t l in i f t t i i P r a a h y la t i»t> C h i ttxh ’ ao.1 a OEtriilnue |. r ar vett f u t , J ,n ig h ls C ,0 W -1a , r ’1 tIH« t tt v im o f t h 1 11 1* t » »1t h a i ge l ia t r a to v « ! *ff te» tr«, ti 11^ « 4,Ir tri» Ja tio a rj 1̂ i* *'Ja r i* ,a r < 2*s I’ - * ̂• ' ■ •* 1) 31. R jrlh tf«fo«t! J a j j o a r t INulley January *t H-atii T>t r a i -..... — 1

    M a . K »r , < r « » *«ul iaail»t, a tr a, t-a> a« th#-» |l~ —gì' H a . *»*«■fa ll

    THe flt»i *S>«»wtat, • > » # »1 Camp 1 ao «1 ■ . ‘th. Wmia» w .l I 'ary I* arvt! IT a a» • *g. «•»•! »th» rt>*rt IO A.;fi«»t Al('*»4»< ai Summe» week erub *»• •gad SD

    Saddest Funerol Far Twin Boyi, Sons of W. Fordsl» r» lh „ .M . s a l l . t l ». -

    t o n M ail « H i «-tr> Mr * M C*m ì». iMrf AgHr

    F à Prto ariMwn.u M»« rrmmJw IVoi«rf

    f* J* u tfe trttrr. Mrti» r*i-, «a .w .1 • »aid tfw* êhtp f n f » • »# fragni#» iikr htmmìt , Mi - .*m *s*4 tw o e tlia f Lynd- Uri i IU»r». «ptt, Mr»filin 'w ö rä f t w r i 1 .. in-T i ' T '"1£ì?t*r ■ H f r -^Uta

    ta#aly T t» ' alti# Mr» l o o* H a r dm big 't*e *Ow Ih tn , only H i tltertoa t^ a a Mr»

    ud|I*-. 9P* *• ànww t l» iaa< w ìiiam# Mr« f (lalkm tfísS rê m ûr «na- a yaunftta? Mr « C UtrMiff Mr» C

    D*Smmrn 1 . » Anr%e -MÛ wtaj.^m*arr#t M rt II Pei»**?


  • ii


    Italian American Mary McLoughlin, Mayor's Daughter Ladies'Banquet Robert Grant Engaged To Wed

    Italian, Am erican W o m a n 's Club w ill hold its annual banquet this year in New York City. Saturday night, January 30 The arrangement committee includes M rs. K a te Biddlecombe, Mrs. L ill ia n R icasela and Mrp. Ar.fliony Margiotta.

    Members of the auditing committee m et last night . at • thé home of Mrs. Biddlecombe, 538 Kingsland Avenue. Refreshments were served , by the hostess after the business meeting.

    Mr. and Mrs. George If . Koehler, 483 Roosevelt Avenue, „had as their guest M iss Helen Kei- pler of Philadelphia.

    Louis M ionTile Contractor

    “Q uality Produced By M aster Mechanics”

    W e inv ite yo u to see o u r showroom .

    SH O W R O O M A N D O F F IC E


    Phone R utherford 2-5045R E S ID E N C E

    54 K earny Street

    Founded 1927

    M r. and Mrs. M ichael M cLoughlin of Brooklyn, announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Rita, to Robert Grant, I son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant, 324 Post Avenue, at a . party Saturday night at tfteirj home. No date, was set for the wedding.

    Miss McLoughlin is a graduate of the Brot klvn schools and is; employed by the Tell Telephone Company, New York. M r. Grant is a graduate of Lyndhurst High School, attended St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, for three years and is now employed by Curtis W right Corporation, C a ld w e ll

    Celebrate Christening

    A christening party was held at the horfre of M r. and Mrs. M Pellettier, Sr., Sundal for Bab.v Rose Marie, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Ronald Pelle ttier of 70i< Lake Avenue. Sponsors of the child were Lucy Leonceni and Bob Pellettier. A buffet lunch was served.

    Guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. Pellettier, Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Scelsa, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pelle ttier, Mrs. J . Delia Lane, Mrs. J. Danza, and • children, of Lyn d hurst; Misses Stella Quass and Elizabeth Quass of Rutherford, M r. and Mrs. M. Leonceni, Miss Lucy Leonceni, and Be tty Leo- cenj, of Hackensack.


    V A L L E ! C O M E A N D G E T IT !

    L E G O F G E N U IN E (5 L B S . and U p )

    Spring Lamb » > 3 7F R E S H K IL L E D N E A R B V B R O IL E R S & F R Y IN G

    Chickens . . Ib* 41c

  • i m

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 14,19431

    T H E

    Price Bd. Hours P. S. Explains

    m S r S e r v i c e C a seerford, announces that the'hoursduring w hich th e board is to be op en to th e pub lic , effec tive on and a f te r Ja n u a ry ¡8, a re a s follows:

    M onday, 10 a m to 4 p m ; T uesday , 11 a. m. to 3 p. m . .and " to 9 p. m .; W ednesday, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m .; T hursday , 11. a m . to 3 p. m. an d 7 to 9 p m .: F riday , 10 a. m to 4 p. m .; S a tu rd a y , 9 a. m . to 12 noon.

    (Ill HDltwfceo poopla »topped ailing » W «^ 90t Her pretty Itali . . . she roolisod H » I I timo to do aomotHi*«

    HIII t veil of dim, dingy Jrabntu hai rapltcod your lovoly Highlight», lat ill apply Rour Oil Shampoo Tint. Swiftly, tbii aatin-ioft color-shampoo 900« to work — and your Koir ia gloaming again wMi loarltJa ond brif- llanco, with natural looking, young looking colorl For wo Mow Roux'i "Caution: Uia only 01 diroctad on ItfctL"

    . ROUX OIL SHAMPOO TINT-Tints, Conditions, Cl—a— "


    291 Stuyvesant Ave.PH O N E R U T H . 2-6817

    Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings U n til 9 P . M J ’

    As a re su lt of th e o rd e r by O P A banning th e use o f th e p r.- v a te au to m o b ile fo r p le a su re d riv in g , thousan d s o f a d d itio n a l p a tro n s flocked to th e P u b lic S e n ’ice bus a n d s tr e e t car lines.

    A new high record fo r n u m b e r of passengers ca rr ie d on P u b lic S erv ice buses and s t r e e t cars was m ad e J a n u a ry 9. O n few , if an y , Sundays in th e h is to ry of the company w ere m o re p a s se n gers carried by P u b lic Service than on th is p as t S unday , J a n u a ry 10.

    T he s itu a tio n has ad d ed to an a lre a d y acu te w ar tr a n s p o r ta tio n prob lem to such an e x te n t th a t V ice P re s id e n t M a tth e w R. B oylan of P u b lic S erv ice today ask ed th e p ub lic to u se th e buses an d s tre e t c a rs fo r e ssen tia l r id ing only

    “O ur first d u ty is to g e t th e thou san d s of w ar w o rk e rs in New Je rsey to an d fro m th e ir jobs each d a y ,” M r. B oylan d e clared . “To th a t en d w e a r e o p e ra tin g all av a ila b le eq u ip m e n t —m ore th an 3,000 buses. O ur m echan ics w o rk day and n ig h t in a n effo rt to k e e p a ll th e se buses ro llin g .''

    Mr. B oylan em phasized , too, th a t P ub lic S erv ice .like a ll o th e r b u s com panies th ro u g h o u t th e co u n try , is closely co o p era tin g w ith th e O D T in th e c o n s e rv a tio n of gasoline, ru b b e r an d eq u ipm en t.

    “It is v ita lly im p o rta n t,” h r said, “th a t o u r buses be k ep t in ru n n in g o rd e r, because w e w ill n o t be able to ge t an y m o re new

    ..ones" Bus manufacturersi, he pointed out. are working da» and night now turning out tank«, trucks and other motive, equipment for the nation's armed j forces. - i

    V ita lly needed gasoline and rubber should not be used by buses fo r non-essential riding any more than by the private autom obile, the Pub lic Service official emphasized. He said his com pany fe lt it should not operate any extra buses on Sundays tor non-esaential riding.

    M r Boylan said he appreciated the inconveniences the rid ers are experiencing and he praised the ir fine sp irit of cooperation. “They’ve been sw ell about it,” he declared. “ B u t the urgency of the situation compels me to ask that they ua* the buses for essential trips only. If pleasure rid ing is discontinued.

    can devote a ll effort to handling the m any, m any thour- ands of essential riders.”

    L E A D E R PACE

    Lyndhurst H ig h 's Basketeers Su ffe r 25th Stra ight Loss

    T w o tc a m > t h a t h o ld w o r d s o n th e s i te m.!« ,.i t inf e n c e m e t la s t F r i d a > a t th e L o d i b » > k r tb a l l c««urt w hen L o d i's co u rs tc r* fa ccd L y n d h u rs t H ig h Sch o o l-' H e a r'

    W h e n th r g a m e w a» o v e r b u th te a t t is p r c ' i n f . l r ;< itr e c o rd s , - - “

    Laxii H igh School, w ith • < r e t - , by a T-6 count i r d of 4« w ins against 3 loaae* B rie fs .fo r the p a s t severa l seasons, h a V N ot a sing le c a r w as p a rk ed t i t t le d ifficu ty in p u ttin g a 44-T in f ro n t o f th e school bu ild ing v ic to ry o v e r a w e a k L y n d h u rs t a tte s tin g th e e ffec tiveness of th e c lu b w h ic h abso rbed i u tS tn ru lin g on p leasu re d riv in g T h ere s tra ig h t l o s t over a p e r io d o f w as a la rg e crow d a t the gam «, tw o y ears. how evei

    L*^ti K u n d th e loose Lynd- T h e gam e w as d e la te d ten h u r s t zone defense to its ltk m g m in u te s la rg e ly th ro u g h gasoline a n d scored w ith o u t too m u ch d if-1 ra tio n in g T w o ly n d h u r s t p layer* ficu ltj T h e v arsity c lub a v e r- took I he w re n * b u s and d id n I aged*- 12 p o in ts a q u a r te r d u r in g a r r iv e u n til a f te r th e tune sel th e th ree q u a r te rs it w as in th e . M arly D o lsn , L y n d h u rs t coach contesi J isn 't d,i*ooura#ed “ I should hav eBlanked f o r J Stamaas , a w in n in g team iij abou t th re e

    OURS N A P S H O T S

    Henry DroxdowskiIt Entertained

    M r. and M rs W illiam Droi- dowski entertained Sunday st a welcom e home party fo r their son, H enry, who is home on a furlough from the navy.

    Present w ere: M itt C aro l Ca- prino, fiancee o f H enry Dro*- dowski, M r. and M rs Prank Bartu lav iz and children, M r and M is Jth n Cordone and daughter1, M r. and M rs. Edw ard Droi- dowski and children, M r. and M rs Anthony Droxdowski and children, M r W illiam Davendor. M r and M rs. A1 Davendor. Miss Josephine Solkolow ski, Misses Lo ttie and Elizabeth Drozdowski

    D I M - O U T* Permanent Store Valances


    ON TR A V E R tt HODSS P E C I F I C A T I O N S A S A U T H O R I Z E D I V T H E D E F E N S E C O U N C I L


    y e a rs ." h e sa id hojpt T h e score

    LO O i i**>cum io rk\«-in*.l„ m i i * g v i* r t B a e a « « » s i c t l a n . r u ' r l 'U .lu ( M aeaiu M v t lUvicuuu a h X M « .i l r l í «C u n tA n g

    T o ls i.

    L y n d h u rs t, on th e o th e r han d , shew ed v e ry li t t le The G o ld en B ears sc o re d a s in g le foul in th e o pen ing q u a r te r a n d th en fa iled Xa ta lly a n o th e r p o in t u n t i l D on j ^u*enm . tD ecker d ro p p e d in a field goal *" ’ 'in the f in a l period ag a in s t th e Jay v ees

    Joe B a rk u w sk i w as th e big s ta r m th e Licit t r iu m p h , ‘H ie lanky c e n te r ta llie d 10 po in ts,b u t the fa c t th a t h e w as highscorer does, not reflec t h is t ru e ro le in t h e v ic to ry In a d d itio n to the sc o rin g h e set u p m anv scoring p la y s , re tr ie v e d b a lls off b o th b ack b o ard s w ith r e g u la rity an d in te rcep ted n u m ero u s L y n d h u rs t p asses

    ■Emil O las in a lso p layed w ell fo r th e R am s, p e rfo rm in g s te a d ily at h is guard position an d d ro p p in g in 8 p o in ts Bob C u . tilo c o n tr ib u te d 7 »«ore an d F red B av ig n o la a d d ed 8

    For t h e G olden B ears. D e tk s r w as h ig h scorer w ith 4 o u t o f 7 j ta llied b y the losers. B oth o f hss I baskets c a m e if»: th e final q u a r te r j against th e Ja y v ees

    T he R a m s led by a 13*1 count 1 the e n d of th e firs t period, a n d j

    addl'd fo u rte e n p o in ts m ore in th e seco n d desp ite the fa c t th a t players w ere substituted frea ly .T h e sa m e was t r u e in th e th ird period, a n d in t h e final q u a r te r th e Ja y v e e s ou taeored th e loaars



    ** I»I I* re i• «» to4 f• I

    LVNOHUMT * p*o»**«•#

    ^ « • 1 *

    Activities At L H. S.

    ByJE A N N E A B R A H A M KON



    W e know ! Yes, the w inner of : the A M basketball league i» 1 none other vhan M onaio I'm member» of the w inning lean ara J Monaco, A W ilson. M G erartl, R Monaco, H KiganU'E K oeachtii, G . P isan o

    C on g ra ts , g i r ls ’ R eally , th is i» s o m e t ,h i tig to S w o rk an d fight

    G A S


    t r-



    m a o i «% • a s o » ü r I A H E * - P o « P v

    no«« ito#« > 4WÑI l» 0 # t # O N«*i m*t* !• *t 4 #0 AwgBi«*.. «•#»- ' *l| . |I IM « *»t i p * to r f a i * * '"»•# m te m a » t * ... . .,

    i lN I W V O f t K C l T V - t i m . « u t f » . t t . M t û t » l a g . a i t a . r * * i.» f* a l .< i* i. » • » / l . g f s l d F l l i l » « K r.* pr ohi»«)« i» * t l è r ig h i Hoto a i« « « , « a » « . Su*»»»* I t m m , M ta S ii, * 1 «a. «Uf», an«« *'»« nigiii th e , | Jun to t* tr ia d out K a rh ' n ight •

    different elaa* »»at t r y o u t until a ll four teams h a v r been (¡w arn Here's hoping you get on1

    As y o u know , we have been h av in g try o u ts for the nea cheerleader* O ut of 80 girls, to hav e m> fa r qua lified Three git Is h av e y e t W b e elim inated before a ful! squad h as been reached

    S o rry to say th a t you w ill n*be able U> see spirited IV i ,• Ho*smann tiiven o g as the !».) i' basketball games for a w hite lie cauaei of s sudden itlnes« ftei w ell w on, Oorts, because we sli want to -see yau again

    The H I are enthusiast te «ver

    for. and the i > g i ris « h o w e d that they wet e m a d e o f th eright stuff. Eng* ^ _ _ _ _ _ lieh's teem alao . —s h o w e d t h a t _ _ . . ‘they eouid .̂ Breuer Training

    right |

    ;»•««>.< « . » tfn-a»«**» a « a « e ie { e ra s e d w e r «S ete* .I ■« sSi*e>w! - i* a s , » s t e ' s s eIl l i H , Poo*irl*«oi **m~I* . te p«*%M#o o««*«a* m o » porlio*-.

    fo * M » • 0 « % oo* H m oI.

    I »*»#o#-|tm*m ! « «»o*o te« f l i t r*

    ■o# te**HhlOO«ts . • • 0 » « 0 .0 * * f I mI K I N I »o o t » l o f B a i i # a « t o**t»#t ^

    T P — o t

    i I « »0.1

    For U.S. Air Force ' jHand

    l a i g e * t • l a * *

    in h i s t o r y t>

    m l i e w e r i i < * tiainm g at tl

    I V Id EGERT’S1 A il oh tmiN oti* « uf ÍJ »ö| fppp *4 - --Ahm -hui Îmg iff, * * re l tiv gli! BgOiDir A ivb

    il k Ih4 o4 u i ihm liugr nIrr if m m +Ui. öl« !rsirtl-f f'g«> Ihr off Ih r AU i * K II* rt*rf t» ». i»ortfi M.» tddHiio K M aN « »« fi. fh r \L â U ü Jü ü . V'-î! *' ;

    Af {t f >fìg ftl«’ f'e ir S ffmg tr»in?ftg m H«rwirtjthe r id i’t i W ill » olititi»» «vom« oti art«**!*Atip y A h fV r .s ,Tf oifjmo ;r«*utfhly

    PR A N G lPA N t SM U S IC I C H 0 0 I

    A BOV r I t K l iN I B a t att i it it ii i i otta

    Stw ysasan t A » a w

    R e U . I MS) J At t . » .

    ihe ir pledge* a n d wi•» in f an n arw here (n W ar S tam p s a n d ftpiôr*''i*mt>m é*e km» piovo fomet luat NoA k̂.o«*


    U N IT ED N A T IO N S W E E KJ * * 14». thru 20th 1943

    RITZL I K D B C I S l J

    C A U . R IT H ! H t l

    W S A T JA N . 15-16M IC K E Y R O O N E Y


    —: W ith —U N H l'N T K R

    F ic id ie B A R T H O L O M E W— a ! o —


    — in — - —4—"I MARRIED A

    WITCH"Sat. M a t: F R E E ( ' m i' '

    T Every B -v & G ir l

    Sr.N . - M O N - T I ES . JA X 1 \ * R Y 17-18 19

    B E T T Y A R A B L E JO H N P ̂YN E

    C ES A R R O M ER O— in —


    — w ith —H A R RY JA M E S and His

    M l’S IT S I A K E R S-» a itc —

    "HERE WE GO AGAIN"— W i t h --

    ED G A R B E R G E N( H U U .IE M CC A RTH Y

    F IB B E R M c G E E & M O L L Y

    W E D .T U I R S . JA N . 3«-21 C O N ST A N C E B EN N E T T


    — in —"MADAME SPY"PEN N Y S IN G L E T O N

    A K T H l R IA K E B A B » D IM P L IN G


    'Yankee Doodle Dandy' Shows at Riva!» dudes thefollcw lnß passag God, L ife must be eternal, s d f*

    fix in "the" Christ fan S??*r.ce V * e’H f t r i t r Ls ^ Ï ! ! | Ï 2 2Lfwk StifDce-aoU H< alth w D I A M , the Be in« ^ o v.»s a n d .s K ey to the S c r ir tU ì« " by M ar , and shall be. whom’ " othin* elseB ak e r Eddv: -ßcc:u£.- L ife : t a r erase.

    «« Copier Ht> U * &*erst Gods’ P i - K E L L Y A N A G E L

    * *!*• h

    esar KumcK' pui tne uiiRf r Grable to do a little inIN Till*: R O C K IE S , ’ 1h< mirthfu .Tames and hir Makers, plusBennett, at the R IT Z T U E A T R E , January 17-18-19.

    Ritz To ShowNursePicture

    Mrs C Vunckn llt uvcl, pub Ucity chai'rmnn 'fo r the Lynd- huTSt Aux ilia ry r f—Nurse Service, announces that i short rn«.\ if, entitletl “ The Visit inti N iii • & c r v n hi A< I r, ? being * hi nv tv Jam iarv U) to f ’J at the Bit/. Theatre, through thu ccurtiFoil

    Kreatei tmpt itan during wai | time, due to the sh .rtaj-'.t df pn j vate .nur:-t-s anti..the lirmtt i \u>t*| pital space. The rairse who i .

    i { M * „ CU.» i i*t*j Duran

    on Jo h n Payne Shu asKs tjettvthis scene from “ SPR IN G T lM B :

    1, rnelodius musical with H arry “ S IN T O W N ,’’ starring Constance

    , Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday j

    Mothers’ Club To Hold' Regular Meetinq

    Mi Huts'. C lub of Lyndhurs1hi.Id their regular monthly m ett- ng TliurS


    Phone RUtherford 2*1275 « I RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST. N. J .

    f * r T*wt M id a if hi W te r T lK Mm w ( U T sW tY t M EM k N U kt


    I CLASSIFIEDWoman's C M Buttock Is Shifted Lt. J. Lotorraca Did You

    Naval. A viation Cadet W illiam f i l l Itenm ng C5a - Jo a n s* L *D a i id En i'c rk . »on of M i * n d ; . r w t , J t . of L> N JM ix U r . r*e E Rull« hi* leltei !;.i ., .....

    T 'a » r t i r y jw n W T 'l Lyitdhurvt m$y *••11 t N«un» on «a vie« HaHt t

    m. I« I > * daily at.MKk J 0?V7

    £V ctor» may fa U j*. < «hx altufT I p.. m and p m U rg e n t « u m a n Sunday* ami holktay*.- Tws* nur»** w iin a|' ' l .m n i * !r ; ...tly

    T h e welfare department of thr Woman's C lub of Ljrndhurst w ill entertain at a dcsm rt brxJgr and whit* «lepiianl tale at the 'f lu «h i me, 311 Valley Brook. Avuottc. U m u T tm a f t e r n o o n . F rid ay , J a n u a ry I I D eaaert « i l l be aerv« 1 a t I X F riend* a re m - v ito d

    On Wednesday, J*nuar> »7ih. thei* wtl) be an all-day department meeting M r* Joeepto 81ft» bey. chairman of the American Horn* Department, heaj« the ct-mnnUee for the day A lunch- •on w ill b t j» rv»d A t 1 p m M ua Mary lm


    C om m ercial ï e a à c r: s o m B O G E N REVIEW


    Published fTOT Thursday by The Commercial Leader Printing Conspasv a t 255 Ridge Road. Lvndhurst. Telephone RUth. 2-1051.

    EditorBusiness Manager

    Carmine Savino, Jr. Ernest J. Dabinett

    En te re d as secqnd c lass m a tte r A p ril 7. 1938. a t the Post O ffice a t R u th e rfo rd . X . J „ under the A c t of M a rch 3. 1879.

    Subscription S2.00 P e r Y e a r Five Cents Per Copy

    Lyndhiirst, N. J., Thursday, January 14, 1943

    Order Nowt awe who failed to ( c t a copy of The

    your dealer ran out of them . W e’re at fault. Circulation in

    rapidly in the la st few m onths. At la v e an ever-expanding list of hoy* in

    W iry w ho get copies. W e can only prin t a will be used,

    by leaving an order w ith your dealer or cmm bora« th e paper mailed to you by

    Winklemi fo o d governm en t suffered a serious blow ■ W a n t Van W inkle died. Known as well a s he w as in h is home community of Ruth-

    Vsss W inkle w as a figure of resolute to thote who feel th a t good

    o ast be achieved.ancfa a unique figure in the political

    and innocence so fa r as political Theae made him stronger, rath*

    F a r h e sw ept p as t pitfalls th a t m ore artful h av e grow n g ray hair wondering how to ■ k feel th a t the professional politicians

    in th e palms of the ir hands, th e big. mi Van W inkle was a powerful reminder

    yet a combination tha t th e pros

    Van W inkle would be alive and ■ad s ta te scene fo r many more m ake others who feel th a t they

    th a t they can do their bit sue* o a t and being themselves, bis

    he fe lt fo r years to come.

    T h e s i u kSchool Populations

    ■fcardsaod m aternity wards in all of the nearby —jaaid he a w arning to educator and taxpayeralike. In fcwe v u n th ese m aternity w ards are going to pose a real problem fa r th e school systems of not only this cosnmanity . b a t al t a r s as well.

    Any i w n o a r s t ob servei can realixe the danger of the sitnaliun. W M e th e student population shrank swiftly

    education costs w ere curbed, of governm ent w ere not

    comes to expand the eduea- will be no space in which the

    th e tax ra te upward, parsed f a r wh ich many fancy plans

    he devoted to the intelligent We have seen numerous

    new pa h lie edifices and new

    th ey will dem and that the post- to school bouses. W e’re going

    n those m aternity wards.

    About Dogs?O tto G Pohle of Saddle River

    for anything he wants to

    this week tha t stray dogs

    . officials had Chairmansituation has reached the point

    . r e taxpayers a re asking them- local officials are thinking about. ano th e r to the long string of loose the streets.

    people go out in the dark- out.

    ltkelv to have some dog sneaking ung life just a bit m ore miserable-

    dogs perm itted to run about?► wm r k d about the rabies situation

    Y et take a look out the window sea whole s us. I hope you w ill send me the paper to this., n^w address. Thanking you, I rem ain,

    Cpl. Em anuel Apop,Hq. Co. 13th. Inf..A. P.O . 8,Ft. Leonard .Wood, Mo.

    Dear S ir :How- -are you? Thanks a lot

    fo r the Com m ercial Leader. It sure is good tp receive it. M y new address is as follows. Thanks again fo r your prom ptness in sending m e the paper,

    i As ever,A lbert Russo,A.A.F.T.T.C.51(5 T .S 8 — D .t.S ,Class I I

    1942.Decem ber 22 Dear Kd ito r; >*•

    I reg ret to bother you again, but m y addreaa has changed.

    Tm now at the A rm y A ir Forces A rm orer’s School, here In Colorado

    W ill you please forward th" "Lo ad e r" Jo th is new address?

    S incere ly ,Sg t. Robert E . Woods,2nd T.S.S., Low ry F ie ld 2, D enver, Colorado.

    w h it

    Louis Dorando,Thomas A v e n u * . -Lyndhurst, N. J Dear Lou,

    W e a ll thank you for you 've done fo r us. W ill do our host to live up to the reputation you have bu ilt for us A M erry Christm as and Happy N ew Year to yau.

    A L L T H E BO Y S—Clupe, Frenehy, Ban ty, Polese and Ferrara.

    Decem ber 30. 1942 Dear Ed itor:

    I w ish to thank you. and the other members of your organirs- tion, who m ake it possible for m yself and the other members of the arm fd forces to receive your paper w eekly. It is something 1 am sure we a ll look eagerly forw ard td.

    W ishing a ll mMpbars of the paper a happy and prosperous New Year.

    Sincere ly your*.T S . Hubert J M cFarland, 286th O rd (M M )O .V.T.C .— M O P .

    \ Jackson, Miss.

    paper and the people a i hom e, ceive the lo t «11 they are doing for the you ’ever so much.boys in ' the service

    The people here are exception- j a lly hospitable. It is surprising how w e ll they’ve treated us since our a rriva l. To them we are a ll Yankees, w hether we’re from North o r South.

    H ere’s looking forw ard to another copy( of the Leader.

    Corporal Fred E . W ilson. A PO 704, care Postm aster. San Francisco, C aliforn ia.

    Dear Ed ito r:A m w riting a few lines to

    thank you for sending the Com m ercial Leader each w eek. The paper sure m akes a fe llo w feel

    P ic Carm ine Ì2186TMHq & Hq Sqdn 21st A D G 12th Replacem ent C ontro l

    DepotA ir Rep lacrm 't C en ter 2 A P O 635, care Postm aster, N ew Y o rk . N Y

    ■ 1 1,1 " V ..... ■'■■« !'« I...—Thanking you fo r your kind-

    Corporal F ran k Volpe.

    Jan u a ry 3. 1943.D ear S ir ; '

    I am dropping you a few lines ; h> express m y appreciation fo r

    your sending m e1 yo u r paper. I have been receiving the Leader

    Ja n u a ry I 1M1 re« u U r,y - * nd rt m akes a fellowr W fee l good to know w hat' is going

    rv w n L Pa rn ^ co » the o ld home town.Again I thank you 'fo r your

    t i l « ra r e a s j o f c l 1 kiw tae# l m «.nd jng m e the papern jvPn * see® one smcp i we oeen __ *rie» I would lilte to give tore ynur paprr. whieh «ou ld cer- y«u tain ly make M a r i n e famille*

    proud, but owmg to the rules of lat* ien# nrhip l u n unable to do so.

    flierr than | bv the Task Forcea t a Cr>lu*T\n tftat Lyndhurst i* w^ll

    r ter- ri*pre**-nted bv Marme» as well a* the Atm y and Navy,

    W ell. tim e i* short and I want to get thts le lle r nt! befor«> the boa» «ave» for the States, se 1 w ill ttem- a n h beat regards t» ali my frim ât

    r + t j i [ Sincerelv.P v t W illiam B lack

    D ear Ed itor:I w ish to thank you fo r send

    ing me the tow n paper It means a lo t to a fe llo w to read about how things are going along back home

    T h is man's arm y re a lly keeps a fe llow on the go. W e re doing our best become airplane m echanics. O ur lim e la lim ited due to the schedule we have planned W e do how ever. re sr» re to ert m ost of our correspondence done on our day off.

    In a few week* F ll he graduating from this school and be ready to take m y place on the lin e and "K e ep 'Km F if in g ''

    Yours tru ly.Pvt. W J Sellen.*99 School Aqd Barrack* 1121 A m arillo Field , Tax

    Som ewhere in A ustralia. December I* . IMS

    D ear Kditor:Today I received the firs! copy

    of the Leader since leaving Fo rt Bragg. N C . last ( l ward cen sored ( D uring that lim e I Have traveled fa r and seen much

    It is tuce to have f t * oppor tum ty to keep up w ith progresj in Lyndhurst' T Wish te thank r«w « w rtfe

    W h y S h o u l d n ’t

    t h i s N e w Y e a r b e

    J u s t a s “ H a p p y ”?

    r I ''HERE is notHing more satisfying than to work unselfishly for « just causa, to make

    willing sacrifice». That is a privilege ait wo Americans now have.. .tHe privilege of fighting for and working to preserve our freedom.New Year's resolutions should be grim, determined—focussed on winning the war. Not the least important factor in relation to the general war effort are the savings of the American pople. So among the resolutions you make, include a firm resofee to save more, with greater regularity, in 1943.

    Boiling Springs Savings' function is two-fold . . . to be of service to those who entrust us with their savings; to make such savings earn a return. We s e r v * you in both ways. Start saving now if you haven't already done so. It is the very best wey you can start the new year.

    B o i l i n g S p r i n g s S w i n g sA N D L O A N

    * * *


    A S S O C I A T I O N

    ♦ * *

    RU TH ERFO RO N j.

    ^ * * c o u p o T T cTTpping^ a l e OF ”2POPULAR BRAND || CIGARETTES !

    - CH ESTERFIELD S _ - m1 CAMELS d t f P d O V M 1

    I LUCKIES ■ ■ W U IRALEIGHS M B1 0L D GOLDS m INOTE: Yon Most Cut O at Coupon tor Cigarettes a t >1.17 ■ V JANUARY 15 - 16 - 17 ^









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    22c 22'50c





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    HMHelena Rubinstein'»WATER LILLYCleansing Cream

    1 1 0We Reserve The Right To limit Quantities

    B a r o n ’ sC U T R A T E D R U G ST O R E

    88 Park A ve . Rutherford