Illuminati Glassworks Gabriola’s Gingerbread Gallery ARTIST … › media › tours ›...

27 28 29 30 Feedlot Studios Mariko & Bryan McCrae Featuring handbuilt ceramics and graphic design. Be sure to add our whistlestop of a gallery to your list! 800 Valli Place ĥĥ ZZZIHHGORWVWXGLRVFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 31 *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Derrill Shuttleworth ĥĥ GHUULOOVKXWWOHZRUWK#VKDZFD Open for Tour Only Kimm’s Place Kimm Nightingale & Joke Mensink 0DJLFDO MR\IXO ³SDĥWDĥWL´ VFXOSWXUHG FUHDWLRQV and wall art. 900 Colleen Road ĥĥ NLPPQLJKWLQJDOH#\DKRRFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 32 Morag Orr-Stevens Studio/Gallery 0RUDJ 2UUĦ6WHYHQV An expressive collection of art quilts, wall hangings and three dimensional mixed media collages by an award winning artist. -HDQHWWH $YHQXH ĥĥ PRUDJGRQ#VKDZFD 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG 0RVW GD\V ĥ 33 34 35 Whalesong Studio Maureen OConnor Silversmith and glass bead artist, Maureen creates original handcrafted jewellery to augment your beauty. /RFNLQYDU /DQH ĥĥ ZZZZKDOHVRQJVWXGLRFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG 6XQ ĥ E\ $SSW 2FW ĥ Our House Art Studio Melinda Wilde 3DLQWLQJV IURP WKH KHDUW ZLWK D ZHVW FRDVW ÀDLU reproductions, art cards, calendars, magnets, or originals. Enjoy! 5RVV :D\ ĥĥ ZZZPHOLQGDZLOGHFRP 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī For Give & For Get Boutique Robyn McMahon 2QH RI D NLQG DFFHVVRULHV DQG FORWKLQJ IRU children, women, and a few things for the guys DV ZHOO %HDXWLIXO IDEULFV ĥ PRGHUQ FODVVLF 1RUWK 5G ĥĥ URE\Q#JDEULRODSURSHUW\FRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 36 *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Carly McMahon ĥĥ FDUO\#JDEULRODSURSHUW\FRP Open for Tour Only 37 *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Patrick Olmsted Handbuilt custom guitars and requintos. ĥĥ SDWULFNROPVWHG#VKDZFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 38 39 Sunstone Pottery Grahem Sheehan 7KH ZDUPWK RI ZRRG¿UH WKH SHUPDQHQFH RI VWRQH ZRRG¿UHG IXQFWLRQDO SRWWHU\ DQG terracotta garden ware. $UJ\OH /DQH ĥĥ VXQVWRQH#VKDZFD 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG $V ORQJ DV , DP KRPH ĥ ZHOFRPH *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Marcelle Glock Mad Mudslingerĥĥ ZZZPDGPXGVOLQJHUFRP Open for Tour Only Fiddlehead Farm Studios Ila Patel )URP RXU VKHHS WR RXU VWXGLR ĥ OXVWURXV ZRRO SURGXFWV KDQGVSXQ NQLWV DQG ZHDYLQJV )OHHFH URYLQJV \DUQV DQG VKHHSVNLQV 'HJQHQ 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZ¿GGOHKHDGIDUPFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī (IPßR (IWMKRW Ted Johnson Explorations in wood, inspired by art deco QDWXUH¶V FXUYHV DQG VKDSHV :LOG &KHUU\ 7HUUDFH ĥĥ ZHQG\JHGGHV#VKDZFD 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG Ħ Mindy Joseph Mindy Joseph Beautiful evocative abstract paintings. Colour, movement and mystery in oil, encaustic and mixed media. :LOG &KHUU\ 7HUUDFH ĥĥ ZZZPLQG\MRVHSKFRP 2SHQ ĥ 7RXU :NQG <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW Vikki’s Studio Vikki Vettese )URP ZHVW FRDVW VHDVFDSHV ORFDO KHULWDJH buildings, to abstract or realistic portraits; 9LNNL KDV VRPHWKLQJ IRU HYHU\RQH :LOG &KHUU\ 7HUUDFH ĥĥ ZZZYLNNLYHWWHVHFRP 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG ĥ )UL 6DW 6XQ DQG E\ DSSRLQWPHQW *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Heron Strauss Fine handcrafted furniture. Original design, graceful lines. ĥĥ ZZZKHURQVWUDXVVFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Gem Chang-Kue Studio *HP &KDQJĦ.XH Fine functional pottery and VFXOSWXUDO UDNX SLHFHV +RUVHVKRH 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZJHPFKDQJNXHFRP 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG ĥ GDLO\ XQWLO 6DW 2FW washroom available at studio studio accessible by wheelchair *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R /LVD %DOWLFK ´+HDY\)HDWKHUµ /XVK DQG VWULNLQJ RQHĥRIĥDĥNLQG FU\VWDO and gemstone power pieces. ĥĥ KHDY\IHDWKHU#WHOXVQHW Open For Tour Only Pier Gallery Artist Collective $ FROOHFWLRQ RI ZRUNV E\ ORFDO DUWLVWV LQFOXGLQJ SDLQWLQJV FHUDPLFV ZRRGZRUN MHZHOOHU\ DQG PRUH /RFDWHG E\ 6LOYD %D\ 0DULQD 6RXWK 5RDG 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG:HGĥ6XQ ĥ +ROLGD\ 0RQGD\V G1 Gabriola Artworks Kathy Ramsey )XQ IUHVK LQQRYDWLYH ZLWK \HDUV H[SHULHQFH VKRZFDVLQJ LVODQG DUW 6RDN XS WKH FUHDWLYH DPELHQFH IURP RXU LQĥKRXVH FRɱHH EDU ĥ 1RUWK 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZJDEULRODDUWZRUNVFRP 2SHQ DOO \HDU GD\V D ZHHN 0RQĦ6DW Ħ 6XQ Ħ G2 Slice of Life Gallery & Gift Shop -RLQ UHVLGHQW DUWLVW 0DDUWHQ 3HUHUD WR SHUXVH LQVSLUDWLRQDO JODVV DUW PL[HG PHGLD ZRUNV DQG glamorous jewellery. ĥ 1RUWK 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZPDDUWHQSHUHUDFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG 7XHVĥ6DW ĥ 6XQ Ħ G3 TOUR TIPS :HDU VOLSħRQ VKRHV DQG EULQJ \RXU FDPHUD 3OHDVH FDOO ÀUVW EHIRUH YLVWLQJ VWXGLRV XQOHVV LW·V during posted hours. :DWFK IRU URDG VLJQV XQLTXH WR RXU WRXU *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Chelsea Noyon ĥĥ H[FOXVLYHO\KRUVHV#OLYHFD Open for Tour Only Spirit Song Designs <YRQQH 1R\RQ Handcrafted sterling silver and beaded MHZHOOHU\ 'HWDLOHG EHDG WDSHVWULHV DQG amulet bags. +DPOHW 5RDG ĥĥ VSLULWVRQJEHDGV#KRWPDLOFRP Open for Tour Only 17 15 16 Gabriola’s Gingerbread Gallery Lynn VanHerwaarden In the midst of this magical garden sits a wee VWRU\ERRN VWXGLR ¿OOHG ZLWK DQ HFOHFWLF PL[ of whimsical creations and fantasy art. :LOGZRRG &UHVFHQW ĥĥ WKHSDFNUDW#VKDZFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪRU ORRN IRU WKH 2SHQ VLJQī Full Circle Pottery Ruth McCollum :KHHO WKURZQ DQG KDQG EXLOW KLJK ¿UHG IXQFWLRQDO SRWWHU\ Ħ PLFURZDYH DQG RYHQ VDIH 2\VWHU :D\ ĥĥ UXWKPFFROOXP#VKDZFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 12 14 Norgate Studio Sheila Norgate 2ULJLQDO ZRUNV LQ DOO VL]HV E\ QRWHG QDWLRQDOO\ represented Canadian painter. 7\HH 'ULYH ĥĥ ZZZVKHLODQRUJDWHFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪRU GURS LQī Eyes Wide Open Photography Nicholas Halpin &RQWHPSODWLYH 3KRWRJUDSK\ WLPHOHVV LPDJHV that touch the soul. %OXHEDFN &LUFOH ĥĥ ZZZH\HVZLGHRSHQFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Kathy Brandon Sterling silver and mixed metal jewellery with bold, clean lines inspired by the natural world. &RDWV 'ULYH ĥĥ ZZZZRUNLQJVLOYHUFRP Open for Tour only Tammy Hudgeon Studio Tammy Hudgeon /LYHO\ VSLULWHG YLEUDQW DQG FRORXUIXO DUW JODVV and mixed media paintings. This award winning $UWLVW¶V 6WXGLR LV DQ LQVSLUHG SODFH WR YLVLW 6H\PRXU 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZWDPP\KXGJHRQFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 13 10 Owl House HawkOwl My images range from owls, portraits, abstracts, prehistory; all driven by a passionĥ ate desire to feel, to connect, to understand. 3HQW\ $YHQXH ĥĥ RZOKRXVH#VKDZFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Tied up & Dyed Scott Shane 4XDOLW\ KDQGFUDIWHG WLHĥG\H 8QLTXH psychedelic art and clothing designs. 2SHQ XQWLO SP 6DW 6XQ 7RXU:HHNHQG :LOGZRRG &UHVFHQW ĥĥ ZZZWLHGXSDQGG\HGFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Simone Bell *RUJHRXV UDNX WLOHV DQG DUW SODTXHV ZKLPVLFDO IXQFWLRQDO SRWWHU\ \RJD DQG ORYHĥLQVSLUHG jewellery and unique Christmas ornaments. ĥĥ EHOOSHWHUV#VKDZFD Open for Tour Only Purple Door Mosaics Karen Aaker Vibrant mosaics using colourful tesserae. 1HZ WKLV \HDU 0RVDLF MHZHOOHU\ 6RXWK 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZSXUSOHGRRUPRVDLFVFRP Open for Tour Only *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Lesley Harris $FU\OLF SHW SRUWUDLWV RWKHU QDWXUH UHODWHG SDLQWLQJV LQ D SKRWRĥUHDOLVP VW\OH7UHQG\ FRVWXPH MHZHOOHU\ LQWULFDWHO\ EHDGHG FXɱV ĥĥ ZZZOHVOH\KDUULVFRP Open for Tour Only 11 Illuminati Glassworks Dan Bergeron & Jim Heeks )XQFWLRQDO GHFRUDWLYH EULJKW ZKLPVLFDO IXVHG JODVV IRU KRPH JDUGHQ ERG\ 3DW %XUQV $YHQXH ĥĥ ZZZLOOXPLQDWLJODVVZRUNVFD 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG 0D\ĥ6HSW )ULĦ6XQ Ħ :LQWHU 6DW Ħ 8 9 23 25 24 Indian Summer Leather Design $QLWD -DFNHOĦ'HJJDQ 8QLTXHO\ GHVLJQHG VRIW OHDWKHU EDJV SXUVHV ZLWK D :HVW &RDVW WRXFK ,VODQGV 9LHZ 'ULYH ĥĥ ZZZLQGLDQVXPPHUOHDWKHUFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Lorna Potts Ant Designs 2XWVLGH RI 7RXU :HHNHQG $QW 'HVLJQV -HZHOU\ FDQ EH IRXQG DW 5LFDUGR 5RDG RYHUORRNLQJ7D\ORU %D\ ĥĥ DQWORUQD#KRWPDLOFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪRU GURS LQī 8[MRàS[IVW Yetta Lees Strasdine Fibre arts using a variety of media and techniques including photographic transfer, hand/machine embroidery, quilting etc. 2020 Cooper Road ĥĥ \OHHV#VKDZFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Karen Curry Karen Curry Complex, contemplative paintings and panoramic photographs. 2895 South Road ĥĥ ZZZNDUHQFXUU\FD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Deborah Dallyn Deborah Dallyn &KDQGHOLHUV ĥ DUNV ĥ ERDWV ideas about the ocean. 0XUUD\ 5RDG ĥĥ GHERUDKGDOO\Q#KRWPDLOFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 26 *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Randi Lynch /D\HUHG HQFDXVWLF SLHFHV ULFK FRORXUHG fabric art inspired by shapes and colour in nature. ĥ ĥ O\QFK#GLVFRYHUJDEULRODFRP Open for Tour Only Beverley’s Woodworking %HYHUOH\ 3XUVHU Elegant, handcrafted pieces for the home, RɷFH DQG ZDUGUREH 7\HH 'ULYH ĥĥ EHYHUOH\VZRRGZRUNLQJ#VKDZFD Open for Tour Only 18 19 20 21 Cariboots Jim Henigman 6KHHSVNLQ SRODU ÀHHFH DQG KDQGĥIHOWHG SURGXFWV 6SULQJ %HDFK 'ULYH ĥĥ 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Stitching for Social Change Studio 6LPD (OL]DEHWK 6KHIULQ 6WLWFKLQJ IRU 6RFLDO &KDQJH 6WXGLR RɱHUV RULJLQDO FKLOGUHQ¶V ERRN LOOXVWUDWLRQV DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ H[ĥ KLELWHG IDEULF DUW RQ VRFLDO MXVWLFH DQG -HZLVK FXOWXUH ,VODQGV 9LHZ 'ULYH ĥĥ ZZZVWLWFKLQJIRUVRFLDOFKDQJHFD 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Brush With Nature Keith Poulton Painting of west coast birds in oil, acrylic and watercolour. Originals, cards, prints. ,VODQGV 9LHZ 'ULYH ĥĥ NSRXOWRQ#WHOXVQHW Open for Tour Only Lynch Studio & Gallery Tina Lynch )URP EROG EULJKW WR VLPSOH FRQWHPSRUDU\ )XQN\ LQVSLUDWLRQV IURP WKH KHDUW VRXO RI an island girl. ,VODQGV 9LHZ 'ULYH ĥĥ ZZZHWV\FRPVKRSOXOOXJLUO Open for Tour Only *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R -HQQLIHU /\QFK ´.QRWW\ E\ 1DWXUHµ ³.QRWW\ E\ 1DWXUH´ RɱHUV 0RGHUQ LQVSLUDĥ tions for you and your home, created in a unique mix of exciting mediums. ĥĥ ZZZHWV\FRPVKRSO\QFK Open for Tour Only 22 *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Dar Mace ĥĥ ZZZJDEULRODVWXGLRFRP Open for Tour Only *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R Amy Hollings ĥĥ KROOLQDOUQ#\DKRRFD Open for Tour Only *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R 6XVDQ %URRNV ħ *ODVVZRUNV ĥĥ VDEURRNV#WHOXVQHW Open for Tour Only 6 7 *XHVW $UWLVW DW 1R /LQGVD\ *RGIUH\ ĥĥ ZZZOLQGVD\VWRFNLQJJRGIUH\FRP Open for Tour Only Dianna Bonder Studios Dianna Bonder $ZDUGĥZLQQLQJ FKLOGUHQ¶V LOOXVWUDWRUDXWKRU 2ULJLQDOV DQG SULQWV ERRNV DQG PRUH A treat for all ages! &DQVR 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZGLDQQDERQGHUFRP 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Gabriola Studio +D\GHQ +DUYH\ Original silver jewellery, stained glass, fused glass, mosaics and much more. +DUULVRQ :D\ ĥĥ GHVR#\DKRRFRP Open for Tour Only ARTIST LISTINGS Paprika Design Nina Turczyn 7KH VWXQQLQJ VLOYHU MHZHOOHU\ RI 3DSULND 'HVLJQ LV DQ H[DPSOH RI ZKDW KDSSHQV ZKHQ a graphic designer turns to silversmithing! %HUU\ 3RLQW 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZSDSULNDGHVLJQFD Open for Tour Only 1 2 3 4 401 Gallery -Hɲ 0ROOR\ Award winning painter/sculptor that FUHDWHV PXOWLGLPHQVLRQDO ZRUNV %HUU\ 3RLQW 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZPROOR\FD 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Moonshine Studio /DXUD +DQGIRUG 6WXQQLQJ PXOWLĥWDOHQW MHZHOOHU\ WR PDVVDJH \RXU EHDXW\ FKDNUD /DXUD ZHDYHV PDJLF VLOYHU and gold pieces showcasing powerful gems. 525 Berry Point Road ĥĥ ZZZPRRQVKLQHVLOYHUFRP 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī Cherryl Reed Designs Cherryl Reed $ %RXWLTXH LQ WKH ZRRGV IHDWXULQJ MDFNHWV KDWV VFDUYHV DQG WKRVH IDPRXV FR]\ FRORXUIXO DQG DGGLFWLYH ÀHHFH VRFNV DQG PRUH $UPVRQ 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZFKHUU\OUHHGFRP 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī 5 Gera Benoit Studio Gera Benoit Canvas drenched in brilliant color and GLVWLQFWLYH LPDJHU\ 3/86 IDEXORXV DUWIXO MHZHOOHU\ ZLWK IXQN DQG FODVV &KHOZRRG 5RDG ĥĥ ZZZJHUDEHQRLWFRP 2SHQ<HDU 5RXQG E\ $SSRLQWPHQW ĪSOHDVH FDOO ¿UVWī

Transcript of Illuminati Glassworks Gabriola’s Gingerbread Gallery ARTIST … › media › tours ›...

Page 1: Illuminati Glassworks Gabriola’s Gingerbread Gallery ARTIST … › media › tours › tour_pdf_36.pdf · 2011-09-19 · Heron Strauss Fine handcrafted furniture. Original design,





Feedlot StudiosMariko & Bryan McCrae

Featuring handbuilt ceramics and graphic design. Be sure to add our whistlestop of a gallery to your list!800 Valli Place


Derrill Shuttleworth

Open for Tour Only

Kimm’s PlaceKimm Nightingale & Joke Mensink

and wall art.

900 Colleen Road


Morag Orr-Stevens Studio/Gallery

An expressive collection of art quilts, wall hangings and three dimensional mixed media collages by an award winning artist.




Whalesong StudioMaureen O’Connor

Silversmith and glass bead artist, Maureen creates original handcrafted jewellery to augment your beauty.

Our House Art StudioMelinda Wilde

reproductions, art cards, calendars, magnets, or originals. Enjoy!

For Give & For Get BoutiqueRobyn McMahon

children, women, and a few things for the guys


Carly McMahon

Open for Tour Only


Patrick Olmsted

Handbuilt custom guitars and requintos.


39Sunstone PotteryGrahem Sheehan

terracotta garden ware.

Marcelle Glock “Mad Mudslinger”

Open for Tour Only

Fiddlehead Farm StudiosIla Patel

Ted Johnson

Explorations in wood, inspired by art deco

Mindy JosephMindy Joseph Beautiful evocative abstract paintings. Colour, movement and mystery in oil, encaustic and mixed media.

Vikki’s StudioVikki Vettese

buildings, to abstract or realistic portraits;

Heron Strauss

Fine handcrafted furniture. Original design, graceful lines.

Gem Chang-Kue Studio

Fine functional pottery and

washroomavailable at studio

studioaccessible bywheelchair

and gemstone power pieces.

Open For Tour Only

Pier Gallery Artist Collective


Gabriola ArtworksKathy Ramsey G2

Slice of Life Gallery & Gift Shop

glamorous jewellery.



during posted hours.

Chelsea Noyon

Open for Tour Only

Spirit Song Designs

Handcrafted sterling silver and beaded

amulet bags.

Open for Tour Only




Gabriola’s Gingerbread GalleryLynn VanHerwaarden

In the midst of this magical garden sits a wee

of whimsical creations and fantasy art.

Full Circle PotteryRuth McCollum



Norgate StudioSheila Norgate

represented Canadian painter.

Eyes Wide Open PhotographyNicholas Halpin

that touch the soul.

Workingsilver.comKathy Brandon

Sterling silver and mixed metal jewellery with bold, clean lines inspired by the natural world.

Open for Tour only

Tammy Hudgeon StudioTammy Hudgeon

and mixed media paintings. This award winning



Owl HouseHawkOwl

My images range from owls, portraits, abstracts, prehistory; all driven by a passionate desire to feel, to connect, to understand.

Tied up & DyedScott Shane

psychedelic art and clothing designs.

Simone Bell

jewellery and unique Christmas ornaments.

Open for Tour Only

Purple Door MosaicsKaren Aaker

Vibrant mosaics using colourful tesserae.

Open for Tour Only

Lesley Harris

Open for Tour Only


Illuminati GlassworksDan Bergeron & Jim Heeks 8

9 23



Indian Summer Leather Design

Lorna Potts “Ant Designs”

Yetta Lees Strasdine

Fibre arts using a variety of media and techniques including photographic transfer, hand/machine embroidery, quilting etc. 2020 Cooper Road

Karen CurryKaren Curry

Complex, contemplative paintings and panoramic photographs. 2895 South Road

Deborah DallynDeborah Dallyn

ideas about the ocean.


Randi Lynch

fabric art inspired by shapes and colour in nature.

Open for Tour Only

Beverley’s Woodworking

Elegant, handcrafted pieces for the home,

Open for Tour Only





CaribootsJim Henigman

Stitching for Social Change Studio

Brush With NatureKeith Poulton

Painting of west coast birds in oil, acrylic and watercolour. Originals, cards, prints.

Open for Tour Only

Lynch Studio & GalleryTina Lynch

an island girl.

Open for Tour Only

tions for you and your home, created in a unique mix of exciting mediums.

Open for Tour Only


Dar Mace

Open for Tour Only

Amy Hollings

Open for Tour Only

Open for Tour Only



Open for Tour Only

Dianna Bonder StudiosDianna Bonder

A treat for all ages!

Gabriola Studio

Original silver jewellery, stained glass, fused glass, mosaics and much more.

Open for Tour Only


Paprika DesignNina Turczyn

a graphic designer turns to silversmithing!

Open for Tour Only




4401 Gallery

Award winning painter/sculptor that

Moonshine Studio

and gold pieces showcasing powerful gems.

525 Berry Point Road

Cherryl Reed DesignsCherryl Reed 5

Gera Benoit StudioGera Benoit

Canvas drenched in brilliant color and

Page 2: Illuminati Glassworks Gabriola’s Gingerbread Gallery ARTIST … › media › tours › tour_pdf_36.pdf · 2011-09-19 · Heron Strauss Fine handcrafted furniture. Original design,










Brochure Design: Andreas Kahre, with many

thanks to Nina Turczyn and Kathy McIntyre

Copyright 2011 Gabriola Arts Council

Box 387, Gabriola Island, BC, V0R 1X0

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 250-247-7409

Welcome to

the 15th Annual

Thanksgiving Studio Tour!

in all artistic disciplines, to the carnival atmosphere dur

available on our website



2 Gera Benoit Studio

9 Owl House

20 Stitching for Social Change Studio

28 Fiddlehead Farm Studios

3350 Coast Road 250-­247-­8931 WWW.PAGESRESORT.COM VHF 66A

Five Acres overlooking SILVA BAY

Fully equipped 1 & 2 Bedroom COTTAGES CAMPGROUND with showers & laundry

MARINA with fuel dock

BOOKSTORE;; books written & illustrated by Gabriolans

h a i r s a l o ncinnamon

corry lüdtke250 247 7403

[email protected] 473 dunshi re drive













Look for

tour signs!

Dine in, Take out and Catering



Take out:



Open 11am - 10pm - 7 days a week

Dine in, Take out and Catering



Take out:



Open 11am - 10pm - 7 days a week

Benoit, Gera 2

Patel, Ila 28

Ramsey, Kathy G2Reed, Cherryl 5

Strauss, Heron 28

Furniture 28,29Gallery and Gift Shop


g u




