iLead—a transformational leadership intervention to train ... · of transformational leadership...

STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access iLeada transformational leadership intervention to train healthcare managersimplementation leadership Anne Richter 1,2,3* , Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz 1 , Caroline Lornudd 4,3 , Robert Lundmark 1 , Rebecca Mosson 1,3 and Henna Hasson 1,3 Abstract Background: Leadership is a key feature in implementation efforts, which is highlighted in most implementation frameworks. However, in studying leadership and implementation, only few studies rely on established leadership theory, which makes it difficult to draw conclusions regarding what kinds of leadership managers should perform and under what circumstances. In industrial and organizational psychology, transformational leadership and contingent reward have been identified as effective leadership styles for facilitating change processes, and these styles map well onto the behaviors identified in implementation research. However, it has been questioned whether these general leadership styles are sufficient to foster specific results; it has therefore been suggested that the leadership should be specific to the domain of interest, e.g., implementation. To this end, an intervention specifically involving leadership, which we call implementation leadership, is developed and tested in this project. The aim of the intervention is to increase healthcare managersgeneric implementation leadership skills, which they can use for any implementation efforts in the future. Methods/design: The intervention is conducted in healthcare in Stockholm County, Sweden, where first- and second-line managers were invited to participate. Two intervention groups are included, including 52 managers. Intervention group 1 consists of individual managers, and group 2 of managers from one division. A control group of 39 managers is additionally included. The intervention consists of five half-day workshops aiming at increasing the managersimplementation leadership, which is the primary outcome of this intervention. The intervention will be evaluated through a mixed-methods approach. A pre- and post-design applying questionnaires at three time points (pre-, directly after the intervention, and 6 months post-intervention) will be used, in addition to process evaluation questionnaires related to each workshop. In addition, interviews will be conducted over time to evaluate the intervention. Discussion: The proposed intervention represents a novel contribution to the implementation literature, being the first to focus on strengthening healthcare managersgeneric skills in implementation leadership. Keywords: Leadership training, Full range leadership model, Intervention, Change management * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Procome Research Group, Medical Management Centre, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden 2 Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2016 Richter et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Richter et al. Implementation Science (2016) 11:108 DOI 10.1186/s13012-016-0475-6

Transcript of iLead—a transformational leadership intervention to train ... · of transformational leadership...

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iLead—a transformational leadershipintervention to train healthcare managers’implementation leadershipAnne Richter1,2,3* , Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz1, Caroline Lornudd4,3, Robert Lundmark1, Rebecca Mosson1,3

and Henna Hasson1,3


Background: Leadership is a key feature in implementation efforts, which is highlighted in most implementationframeworks. However, in studying leadership and implementation, only few studies rely on established leadershiptheory, which makes it difficult to draw conclusions regarding what kinds of leadership managers should perform andunder what circumstances. In industrial and organizational psychology, transformational leadership and contingentreward have been identified as effective leadership styles for facilitating change processes, and these styles map wellonto the behaviors identified in implementation research. However, it has been questioned whether these generalleadership styles are sufficient to foster specific results; it has therefore been suggested that the leadership should bespecific to the domain of interest, e.g., implementation. To this end, an intervention specifically involving leadership,which we call implementation leadership, is developed and tested in this project. The aim of the intervention is toincrease healthcare managers’ generic implementation leadership skills, which they can use for any implementationefforts in the future.

Methods/design: The intervention is conducted in healthcare in Stockholm County, Sweden, where first- andsecond-line managers were invited to participate. Two intervention groups are included, including 52managers. Intervention group 1 consists of individual managers, and group 2 of managers from one division.A control group of 39 managers is additionally included. The intervention consists of five half-day workshopsaiming at increasing the managers’ implementation leadership, which is the primary outcome of this intervention. Theintervention will be evaluated through a mixed-methods approach. A pre- and post-design applying questionnaires atthree time points (pre-, directly after the intervention, and 6 months post-intervention) will be used, in addition to processevaluation questionnaires related to each workshop. In addition, interviews will be conducted over time to evaluatethe intervention.

Discussion: The proposed intervention represents a novel contribution to the implementation literature, being the firstto focus on strengthening healthcare managers’ generic skills in implementation leadership.

Keywords: Leadership training, Full range leadership model, Intervention, Change management

* Correspondence: [email protected] Research Group, Medical Management Centre, Department ofLearning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77Stockholm, Sweden2Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm,SwedenFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 Richter et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Richter et al. Implementation Science (2016) 11:108 DOI 10.1186/s13012-016-0475-6

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BackgroundThere is a consensus that leadership is a key feature ofimplementation efforts. Leadership is included in mostof the frameworks in implementation science that high-light factors essential to implementation, such as theConsolidated Framework for Implementation Research(CFIR) (cf. [1]) and the Preparation, Implementation,Sustainment (EPIS) framework [2]. These frameworkshighlight that managers have an opportunity to influenceseveral of the factors that are known to affect implemen-tation success. From the existing implementation frame-works and from empirical findings on implementationleadership (particularly of evidence-based practice), it isclear that several manager activities and behaviorsinfluence implementation [3–6]. This includes supportingemployees, providing feedback, communicating about theimplementation, influencing the work context, and servingas role models themselves [3–6].Although it can be concluded that leadership is

important for implementation, some shortcomings havebeen highlighted in the empirical studies on implemen-tation leadership [3–6]. First, leadership has been de-fined and measured in different ways in the existingempirical studies, which makes comparisons acrossstudies difficult. Second, few studies rely on establishedleadership theory; instead, most list specific activities man-agers should perform in relation to an implementation.The lack of theoretical underpinning for managerialactivities makes it difficult to draw conclusions as to whichactivities managers should perform and why. Lists of man-agerial activities also neglect the fact that managerial activ-ities are not performed in isolation from each other but arerather grouped in clusters of leadership behaviors, forminga more consistent leadership style. In addition, the need forstudies on leadership styles was recognized in a recent callto develop concrete research evidence for key factors forimplementation [7]. Taken together, based on the currentresearch, it is difficult to draw uniform conclusions regard-ing what type of leadership is more effective for implemen-tation and how to train managers in implementationleadership (cf. [4]).

Full range leadership modelIn research fields traditionally concerned with leadershipstudies, i.e., industrial and organizational psychology, thefull range leadership model (FRLM) is the most compre-hensive and most researched leadership model [8, 9].The model aims to describe the full range of leadershipbehaviors, from the desired active leadership (calledtransformation leadership) to the undesired passive lead-ership (called laissez-faire leadership). Transformationalleadership incorporates managers who act as role modelsand are able to formulate an inspiring vision for thefuture. They encourage employees to be creative and

innovative, as well as giving them autonomy to maketheir own decisions, but at the same time coach them sothat they are able to develop their abilities. Several meta-analyses and reviews have documented the positive effectsof transformational leadership on productivity, employeeeffectiveness, job satisfaction, and group performance[10–15]. Studies in healthcare organizations have showntransformational leadership to be associated with betterpatient outcomes [16]. Moreover, transformational leader-ship has also been identified as particularly efficient forchange processes [14, 17]. The full range leadership modelalso specifies transactional leadership, a rather active lead-ership behavior that is associated with mixed results dueto the different natures of its sub-constructs. Of these,contingent reward has been found to be effective, whereasmanagement by exception is generally not considered toreflect effective leadership behaviors. While transform-ational leadership seems valid to make change happen, itmay not be sufficient. From research on organizationalchange, it is known that in addition to transformationalleadership, the transactional leadership sub-category ofcontingent reward is important for the effective manage-ment of change processes, e.g., managers being specific,providing feedback, and evaluating the change process[17, 18]. These activities also align well with the leadershipactivities highlighted in the systematic review of leadershipduring implementation [3–6]. Moreover, the full rangeleadership model includes laissez-faire leadership—wher-eby managers do not take their leadership responsibilityand instead act passively—which has been found to berelated to negative outcomes [19]. To conclude, the com-bination of transformational leadership and contingent re-ward may be a valuable leadership style to test in thecontext of implementation leadership.

Implementation leadershipBecause the full range leadership model is a generalleadership theory—that is, it describes how managers actin general rather than in relation to a specific aim—ithas been questioned whether general leadership is suffi-cient for understanding the relation between leadershipand specific results, e.g., implementation success. For ex-ample, managers who use transformational leadershipdo not necessarily focus on facilitating the implementa-tion of a particular practice at their workplace but caninstead focus their attention on other aims and still beperceived by their subordinates as transformationalleaders. Therefore, leadership specific to the domain ofinterest has been suggested for securing the desired re-sults in the specific domain [20]. This implies that scalesmeasuring general transformational leadership, e.g.,leadership behaviors without a specific target, might notbe sufficient to capture the kind of leadership that facili-tates implementation. In other research fields, domain-

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specific leadership has already been used to foster spe-cific results at the workplace, e.g., to increase occupationalsafety [20] or health [21]. In the field of implementation,these types of studies are scarce, with the exception ofGifford et al. [22] or Aarons et al. [23, 24], who studiedan implementation-specific form of leadership aimed atfacilitating the implementation of evidence-based prac-tice [23, 25]. Aarons used transformational and transac-tional leadership as the inspiration for his scale but didnot keep the factor structure suggested by the full rangemodel. Whereas Gifford aimed to change leadership,she assessed changes in leadership using interviews andalso based the training on the CPE model of leadership[22, 26]. To conclude, for leadership to be relevant forimplementation, managers need to focus their actionson the specific practice that is implemented, and henceneed to show domain-specific leadership, which we callimplementation leadership in the remainder of thisstudy protocol. So far, only one scale for implementa-tion leadership exists that strongly focuses on the im-plementation of EBP.

Implementation leadership developmentFor organizations, it is not sufficient to know that imple-mentation leadership is important; they also need to knowhow implementation leadership can be trained. Meta-analyses on the effects of leadership development haveshown positive effects, e.g., that leadership behaviors canbe enhanced through leadership training [14, 27]. Morespecifically, evaluations of interventions to foster generaland specific transformation leadership have shownpromising results, such as an increase in self- andemployee-rated transformational leadership (for examplessee [20, 28–32]). However, research on how to train man-agers in implementation leadership is scarce, an exceptionbeing a prior pilot study focusing on training managers inimplementation leadership using evidence-based practice[23]. Aarons and colleagues found that the five managerswho participated in the training showed a significantlygreater change in behavioral routines, improvement inleadership behaviors, and an increased emphasis onevidence-based practice in interactions with their em-ployees. Another prior study trained leaders in leadershiprelated to the implementation of guidelines concerningdiabetic home care. Managers in the experimental groupshowed a higher proportion of behavior change related todiabetic foot ulcers, which was the target of the practiceimplemented in this training. Moreover, through inter-views, they could show that managers from the experi-mental group reported using more relation- and change-oriented behaviors. However, both these studies involvedmanagers leading the implementation of specific practices(EBP) [23] and practice to prevent diabetic foot ulcers[22], rather than aiming to improve managers’ generic

implementation leadership. In both trainings, the practiceto be implemented (EBP or guidelines for diabetic footulcers) represented a large portion of the intervention’scontent.Whereas researchers are often interested in the imple-

mentation of a specific practice, managers are generallyresponsible for several implementations simultaneously[33]. Thus, increasing managers’ ability to lead implemen-tations in general, rather than only in relation to a specificpractice, is highly relevant from a practice perspective. Inaddition, from an organizational perspective, differentmanagers are likely to be involved in different implemen-tation efforts. It is not feasible to train managers inimplementation leadership for each new practice to be im-plemented. Thus, it remains to be investigated whetherand how generic implementation leadership can betrained with participating managers who focus on theimplementation of different practices.To summarize, based on psychological research, trans-

formational leadership and contingent reward seem tobe the most effective leadership styles during organiz-ational change. There is also evidence that these stylescan be trained, but there is little research focusing ontraining leaders in implementation leadership. Previousinterventions of this kind [22, 23] have focused on onespecific implementation initiative that all participatingmanagers had in common. To our knowledge, no imple-mentation leadership training has focused on genericimplementation leadership. Therefore, an implementa-tion object-independent training in implementationleadership has yet to be developed. This type of trainingis an important addition to the current trainings as itaddresses the needs of organizations, which regularlyconduct several implementations at the same time. Man-agers thus need to be able to lead the implementation ofdifferent practices. This goes over and above what exist-ing trainings in implementation leadership have aimedfor. In addition, exposing managers to different imple-mentation objects within the same training structureemphasizes the general aspects of implementationleadership, supporting the development of effectiveimplementation leadership that is less dependent on aspecific implementation effort.The aim of the present project is to develop and evalu-

ate an intervention based on the full range leadershipmodel for training managers’ implementation leadership.The intervention aims to improve managers’ generic im-plementation leadership by using their specific individualimplementation case as a working example. This impliesthat the participating managers use different cases, basedon what is relevant at their individual workplaces at thetime of the training. Furthermore, to evaluate thepotential effects of the intervention, a measure of gen-eric implementation leadership based on the full range

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leadership model is developed. Experiential learningmodels are used to increase the transfer of these skillsand behaviors from their specific case during the train-ing to other implementation cases they will subsequentlywork on.

Methods/designSettingThe study is carried out at the regional healthcareorganization in Stockholm, Sweden. The Swedish health-care system is tax-funded, and the provision of care isdecentralized to autonomous regional authorities. TheStockholm regional healthcare organization encom-passes care including primary, psychiatric, rehabilitation,and acute hospital care. The intervention is a collabor-ation between the researchers and the healthcareorganization. The researcher’s role is to develop andevaluate the intervention, conducted by a knowledgecenter at the regional healthcare organization, the Unitfor Implementation, where several of the research teammembers are employed. The intervention is funded withan independent, external research grant.

DesignThe study employs a non-randomized intervention de-sign with two intervention groups and a control group.The intervention was tested with a pilot group beforethe actual intervention groups. The baseline survey wasconducted in November/December 2015, and the inter-vention lasted from February 2016 to May 2016. Thefirst follow-up surveys were conducted in June/July2016, and the second in November/December 2016. Inaddition, continuous process evaluation with qualitativeand quantitative data collection methods is conducted.For more details on the project timeline, see Fig. 1.

Intervention groupsThe two intervention groups are assigned based on theembeddedness in the organizational context. Group 1represents the typical intervention group used for mostleadership trainings, consisting of managers who areinterested in the topic and therefore volunteer to par-ticipate. Thus, group 1 consists of line managers fromdifferent divisions of the healthcare organization. All arecurrently implementing an evidence-based method or

Fig. 1 Timeline for the project

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guideline, but the methods differ between the partici-pants. Group 2 consists of line managers from one div-ision of the healthcare organization. The division’s seniormanagement decided to allow all line managers to partici-pate in the intervention, as a means to improve the imple-mentation leadership of a newly established electronicsystem to facilitate care planning. Thus, the managers inthis group are from the same division and implementedlargely the same method. The control group consists ofline managers from the same healthcare organization.They do not participate in an intervention, but respondedto the questionnaires. The aim of including this group isto establish a reference value to indicate how much linemanagers develop their implementation leadership overtime without input. The pilot group consists of 11 linemanagers who work as process leaders for developmentwork within the primary care division. They receive theintervention a month ahead of the intervention groups,with the aim of testing the material and identifying pos-sible need for modification.

Recruitment process and participantsThe target population is comprised of first- and second-line managers in the healthcare organization, e.g., themanagers closest to the non-managerial staff or directlyabove the first-line managers. The recruitment of the par-ticipants in the two groups has been conducted as follows.Group 1: An invitation to participate in the interven-

tion was distributed using several communication chan-nels, with the aim of reaching as many of the healthcaremanagers as possible. This included emails to the fourdivision managers in the organization, emails to thoseon the Unit for Implementation’s mailing list (appx. 600employees holding different positions) and a post on theUnit’s web site. The inclusion criteria were as follows:(1) holding a formal first- or second-line managerial pos-ition in the healthcare organization and (2) having a spe-cific implementation project to actively work withduring the intervention. The recruitment, conducted be-tween June and October 2015, resulted in 41 potentialparticipants. Three of these, who did not hold a formalmanagerial position, were excluded. Eleven applicantswithdrew their participation due to major changes intheir organization and a high workload. Moreover, four ofthe managers, who had contacted the research team ask-ing to participate in the intervention, were later includedin intervention group 2/the pilot group (see below). Thefinal sample in group 1 consists of 21 managers.Group 2: In 2015, the Unit for Implementation was

approached by a division of the healthcare organization,requesting help with the implementation of a new elec-tronic system to facilitate care planning. AR and HHmet with the senior management group on five occa-sions during spring 2015 to discuss the possibilities for

support from the Unit for Implementation. These meet-ings focused on clarifying and specifying the practice to beimplemented and the organization’s needs and mappingwhere the organization was in their implementationprocess. It was determined that all 31 first-line managerswould be offered a place in the implementation leadershipintervention. Senior management was offered implemen-tation leadership training similar to that of their line man-agers but adapted to the function of a senior managementgroup. They agreed to participate, and this modified im-plementation leadership training was offered to all ninemembers of senior management for this division.Control group: 50 managers, identified from a previ-

ously conducted questionnaire study by the Unit forImplementation as first-line managers, were sent an invi-tation to participate in the control group, e.g., the ques-tionnaire. Of these, eight were excluded since they nolonger worked as managers, and one was excluded fromthe control group since this manager had registered toparticipate in intervention group 1. Thus, 39 managersare included in the control group.

Intervention developmentThe authors developed the intervention based on the sci-entific literature on leadership and leadership training anddevelopment as well as implementation. The scientificknowledge was collected through a systematic process.The literature search was conducted between January andMay 2015 in PsychInfo, PubMed, Web of Science, andspecific journals such as Implementation Science. The fol-lowing search terms were used: leadership and implemen-tation, leadership development, leadership training, andchange management. This literature search gave us infor-mation regarding what type of leadership is regarded asthe most effective, i.e., transformational leadership andcontingent reward. In the implementation and changeliterature, we found strong support for the behavioral-focused approach to implementation, i.e., the frameworkof the Behavior Change Wheel [34]. Thus, the content ofthe intervention is based upon a combination of leader-ship theory (transformational leadership and contingentreward) and behavioral change theory (the BehaviorChange Wheel) put in relation to the stages of implemen-tation (from exploration to sustainment) [34, 35].The scientific knowledge was completed with the views

of national experts in leadership and implementation andstakeholders in the local healthcare organization, collectedthrough the structured adaptive reflection methodology[36] in February and October 2015, respectively. Adaptivereflection, a technique used in higher education in orderto create a common understanding of learning goals andactivities [36], builds on the pedagogical theories of Kolb,Biggs, and Bloom [37–40]. The process starts with individ-ual reflection over which skills, behaviors, and attitudes

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are required for a manager to lead implementation. This isdocumented on Post-it notes that the participants gatherand then jointly sort in meaningful categories. Thereafter,the participants identify appropriate headings for each cat-egory of Post-it notes, using active verbs. In this way, thecategories become the desired training outcomes. Inaddition, the line managers were asked to reflect on whatkind of context they need within their division in order tosuccessfully lead an intervention. This was also docu-mented on Post-it notes and was used as the basis to formthe content for the senior management intervention(described below). The experts were also asked to discussrelevant pedagogical models and methods for how the con-tent of the intervention should best be taught to the man-agers. An adaptive reflection workshop was repeated forsenior management in group 2, where they were given theopportunity to reflect on what they thought line managersin their division needed to be able to do in order to be asuccessful leader of the implementation. The results fromthe experts and the practitioners overlapped substantially.

Intervention contentThe intervention content is the same for groups 1 and 2.The content was pilot-tested with the pilot group, andonly minor revisions were made. The intervention,consisting of five half-day workshops, aims at trainingmanagers in systematically implementing the practicethey have chosen by applying the Behavior ChangeWheel, an approach to achieving behavioral changewhile systematically applying relevant implementationleadership behaviors to facilitate the change process.The central implementation leadership activities that are

focused on are the following: identifying and defining thepractice to be implemented, analyzing potential obstaclesto the implementation, communicating the implementa-tion, identifying relevant implementation leadership be-haviors, handling resistance to the implementation, and

evaluating and assuring the sustainability of the implemen-tation. Each manager received personalized, 180-degreefeedback containing information about general andimplementation-specific leadership, contrasting the man-ager’s own rating with the aggregated employee ratings toallow them to identify their strengths and weaknesses inorder to foster leadership development.In summary, the intervention consists of the identifica-

tion and analysis of what needs to be changed in termsof employee and managerial behaviors to enable success-ful implementation. A more detailed description of thecontent of each workshop can be found in Table 1.

Workshops for senior management and change agents(only group 2)The senior management intervention consists of fivehalf-day workshops, aligned with the line manager inter-vention for group 2 (see Fig. 1). The overall theme of theworkshops is the same as for line managers but adaptedto the role of the senior management team. The basicidea was to train senior managers in behaviors concern-ing when and how to support their line managers intheir implementation leadership. To create an alignmentof the senior and line managers’ interventions, the seniormanagement received a summary of the line managers’Post-it notes corresponding to the topic of each work-shop. Moreover, they received detailed information re-garding what each workshop for line managers includedand which exercises and between-workshop assignmentsthey were doing. A more detailed description of the con-tent of each workshop for senior management can befound in Table 2.Change agents from each work unit, who have expert

knowledge in the practice to be implemented in thisdivision of the healthcare organization, were invited toparticipate during the line managers’ workshop 2, deal-ing with motivational and inspirational communication.

Table 1 Content of the intervention (groups 1 and 2)

Workshops 1 and 2Implementation and leadership2 × 3 h

Workshop 3Communicating theimplementation 3 h

Workshop 4Supporting the implementation3 h

Workshop 5Sustaining the implementation3 h

Introduction to implementationand leadership (FRLM andBehavioral Change Wheel)Action planinitiation—identifying,pin-pointing and analyzingemployee target behaviors180-degree feedback ongeneral and implementation-specific leadership behaviors,understanding and analyzingfeedback on implementationleadershipIntroduction of assignment towork with between workshops1/2 and 3

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentAction planfinalization—identifying,pin-pointing and analyzingmanager implementationleadership behaviors to enableand facilitate employee targetbehaviorsTraining of inspirational andmotivational communication inrelation to the action plansIntroduction of assignment towork with between workshops3 and 4

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentAction plan follow-up andrevisionUnderstanding employeereactions and resistance toimplementationTraining of possibleimplementation leadershipbehaviors to overcomeresistance and to support theimplementationIntroduction of assignment towork with between workshops4 and 5

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentAction plan follow-up andrevisionInterventionsustainment—measuring andmonitoring change,conducting adaptationsImplementation leadership tofacilitate sustainmentPlanning for transfer of learning

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They also attended a workshop of their own, dealingwith implementation in general and leadership duringimplementation, where they could identify their role inthe implementation process.

Pedagogical approachTo promote a learning environment and to increase thetransfer of training from the workshops to the work-place, the intervention was influenced by the theory ofexperiential learning [37] and by research on transfer oftraining [41]. The theory of experiential learning as-sumes mutual influence between theory and practice:concrete personal experiences are reflected upon, whichadvances the understanding of theoretical concepts rele-vant to personal experience. Further, an advanced under-standing of certain theoretical concepts is translated intonew actions, which leads to new personal experiences.These four steps constitute the learning cycle and havebeen incorporated in all workshops [37]. The peda-gogical approaches used in each of the workshops arepresented in Table 3. These approaches map onto Kolb’s

steps. For instance, in the first two workshops, man-agers’ experience from their own implementation wascombined with 180-degree feedback on implementationleadership; they reflected upon that experience; they re-ceived introductions to leadership and implementationtheories through shorter lectures; and they experiencedand tested new actions (either in practice during theworkshop or through “cognitive experimentation” interms of a discussion of lessons learned). Thus, the foun-dation throughout the intervention was constituted bythe participants’ current implementation objects, whichthey continuously developed by applying the models ortheories presented to them at each workshop. Moreover,they had the opportunity to practice desired leadershipbehaviors and receive feedback, which has been high-lighted as important for the transfer of skills fromtraining to practice [42, 43]. Consequently, implementa-tion leadership was continuously practiced in role-playexercises, followed by constructive feedback from fellowparticipants and the workshop leaders. The role play alsoserved as a demonstration for the observing participants,thus giving the participating managers the opportunityto learn from each other. In addition, interaction andlearning among the managers was encouraged, for ex-ample by coaching each other, preparing for role play,and through reflection in small groups.

Data collection of process and effect measuresThe effects of the intervention are evaluated throughquestionnaires distributed to the line managers and theiremployees at three time points in a pre-post design. Asystematic process evaluation using a mixed-methodsapproach is conducted to capture the effects of the inter-vention, as well as to understand what works for whomand under which circumstances. The data sources forprocess evaluation include self-ratings in questionnaires,documentation from the intervention process, inter-views, and a workshop evaluation in the questionnaire.

Table 2 Content of the senior management intervention

Workshop 1Implementation andmotivational inspiration3 h

Workshop 2Supporting theimplementation3 h

Workshop 3Identifying obstacles andmatching strategies3 h

Workshop 4Identifying obstacles andmatching strategies3 h

Workshop 5Sustaining theimplementation3 h

Introduction toimplementation andleadership (FRLM andBehavioral Change Wheel)Identifying and definingthe implementation objectTraining of inspirational andmotivational communicationIntroduction of assignmentto work with betweenworkshops 1 and 2

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentUnderstanding employeereactions and resistanceto implementationTraining of possibleimplementation leadershipbehaviors to overcomeresistance and to supportthe implementationIntroduction of assignmentto work with betweenworkshops 2 and 3

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentAnalyzing theimplementation targetbehavior throughidentifying hinderingfactors that may negativelyaffect the implementationRedefining theimplementation objectIntroduction of assignmentto work with betweenworkshops 3 and 4

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentIdentifying, pin-pointingand analyzing seniormanagement implementationleadership behaviors toenable and facilitateimplementation in thewhole organizationCreate an action planIntroduction of assignmentto work with betweenworkshops 4 and 5

Follow-up on the between-workshop assignmentAction plan follow-upand revisionInterventionsustainment—measuringand monitoring change,conducting adaptationsImplementation leadershipto facilitate sustainmentPlanning for transfer oflearning

Table 3 Pedagogical approaches

Work with one’s own implementation object throughout theintervention

Short expert lectures

Reflection in small groups and individually

Group work


Feedback from employees, i.e., 180-degree feedback

Feedback from fellow participants

Feedback from workshop leaders

Concrete work and help with one’s own implementation process,i.e., action plan and sustainability plan

Work at home between the workshops

Booster email between the workshops

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Pre- and post-questionnaires to managers and employeesAll line managers in the intervention groups and theiremployees receive an electronic survey sent to theirwork email addresses (pre = T1, post-intervention = T2and post 6 months after the intervention = T3) (see Fig. 1).In the control group, managers but not employees receivethe questionnaires. Before the baseline questionnaire wassent out, all the managers were sent an email to forwardto their employees explaining the objective of the ques-tionnaire and to encourage the employees to answer it. Atbaseline, all respondents received two reminders to par-ticipate in the survey during the time frame it was open.Subsequent to this, all the managers who had a low re-sponse rate (<70 %) at their unit were sent an additionalreminder to encourage their employees to answer thequestionnaire. The same procedure will be applied for thetwo post-measurements. All constructs included inthe questionnaires are presented in Table 4.

Main outcomes (primary and secondary outcomes)The primary outcomes of the interventions are employeeratings of implementation leadership and changes in pro-cedure. Secondary outcomes include employees’ andleaders’ work-related well-being and productivity, as well asimplementation climate (see Table 4). Managers’ self-ratingsof their general leadership are viewed as intermediate out-comes. A new measure of implementation leadership basedon the full range leadership model was developed for thepurpose of evaluating the outcomes of the intervention.Since the current training of managers had the goal of im-proving their generic skills in implementation-specificleadership, a measure specific to this aspect was needed.The previous measure for implementation leadership [24]focuses more on the implementation-specific leadershipto implement evidence-based practice; hence, it is notpossible to use it for measuring generic implementationleadership. Moreover, as this study is based on the fullrange leadership model, it has been important to keep thefactor structure of our implementation leadership scale inline with the model. This is the other distinction from theimplementation leadership scale developed by Aarons andhis colleagues [24] and was the motivation to create ageneric implementation leadership scale.

Process evaluation questionnaires to participatingmanagersShort questionnaires were distributed before and aftereach workshop for the participating managers (seeTable 4).In addition, the following constructs were included aspotential mediators/moderators and were measured in thepre- and post-questionnaires to managers: frequencyof manager-employee interaction, implementation ex-perience, prior experience of leadership development,tenure at the workplace, tenure as manager, number of

subordinates, gender, education, professional background,and age.

Interviews in process evaluationThe process evaluation also includes semi-structuredinterviews with participating managers and their em-ployees. The main focus of the interviews will be on thetransfer of training. Respondents are recruited using apurposeful sampling, so that different workplaces andindividuals with different experiences of the interventionare represented. Ten to 20 line managers will be inter-viewed. The interviews will be conducted directly afterthe intervention and again approximately 6 months post-intervention. Moreover, interviews will be conducted withemployees of line managers participating in the interven-tion (approximately 20 employees). The employees will beinterviewed 3 to 5 months after the last workshop.

Data analyses and powerQuantitative data (the pre- and post as well as theprocess evaluation questionnaires) are analyzed throughdescriptive analyses (e.g., frequencies, mean, and correla-tions), as well as with more complex analysis methodssuch as multi-level modeling and structural equationmodeling. Multi-level modeling is used to account forthe dependence of the data that is created by employeesbeing nested within work units [44]. Structural equationmodeling [45], e.g., confirmatory factor analysis, will beused to test the factor structure of the constructs in-cluded in the data collection. Moreover, SEM will beused when testing the relation of constructs with eachother cross-sectionally as well as over time. The softwarepackages used for these analyses are SPSS 23, HLM 7.1,and Mplus 7.2. In order to have enough power toconduct the relevant analyses, we follow the recom-mendations by Hox and his colleagues [46] regardingmulti-level data, that 20 higher-order units—e.g., linemanagers—are sufficient to be able to analyze data withthe relevant analysis techniques.Qualitative data are audiotaped and transcribed verba-

tim. The data material is coded according to differentevolving topics [47]. NVivo is used for the data analysis.Both types of data reveal different information that isimportant for understanding how well the interventionworked and which effects it had on line managers’ im-plementation efforts in their organizations. We thereforeaim to connect the results of the two types of data inorder to obtain a more holistic understanding and evalu-ation of the implementation leadership intervention.

Ethical considerationsFor the questionnaire data, all participants received a let-ter from the researchers explaining the purpose of thequestionnaire. Moreover, a research plan outlining the

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Table 4 Constructs in the questionnaires

Construct Data source Number of items and response format(1 = strongly disagree to 5 = stronglyagree if not otherwise indicated)

Respondent Time of measurement

Primary outcomes

Implementation-specific transformational,transactional and laissez-faire leadershipbased on [52, 53]


20 items ME

T1, T2, T3

Short form of implementation-specifictransformational, transactional andlaissez-faire leadership based on [52]

PEQ 6 items M WS: 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5

Changes in procedure based on [54] PPQ 3 items ME

T2, T3

Perceived change [55, 56] PPQ 1 item1 = large impairment–5 = largeimprovement

E T2, T3

Secondary outcomes

General transformational leadership andcontingent reward transactional leadershipbased on [57, 58]

PPQ 9 items(2 items)


T1, T2, T3

Implementation climate based on [59, 60] PPQ 6 items ME

T1, T2, T3

Quality improvement implementation scalebased on [61]

PPQ 4 items ME

T1, T2, T3

Self-rated health [62–64] PPQ 1 item1 = excellent–5 = poor


T1, T2, T3

Vertical trust [62–64] PPQ 4 items ME

T1, T2, T3

Discomfort with work [65, 66] PPQ 1 item1 = never–5 = everyday


T1, T2, T3

Work engagement [67, 68] PPQ 3 items(1 item for each subscale)


T1, T2, T3

Job satisfaction ([69], based on [70]) PPQ 3 items ME

T1, T2, T3

Stress reaction and recovery [62, 64, 65] PPQ 2 item1 = never–5 = everyday


T1, T2, T3

Self-rated productivity [71, 72] PPQ 3 items1 = low–10 = high


T1, T2, T3

Group process [73] PPQ 4 items ME

T1, T2, T3

Job crafting based on [74, 75] PPQ 8 items M T1, T2, T3

Qualitative job insecurity based on [76, 77] PPQ 12 items ME

T2, T3

Process evaluation

Fit of the intervention [78] PPQ 1 item ME

T2, T3

Direction [78] PPQ 2 items E T2, T3

Opportunity [78] PPQ 1 item E T2, T3

Participation quality [53] PPQ 3 items ME

T2, T3

Integration into existing processes andstructures [78]

PPQ 2 items E T2, T3

Readiness for change [53] PEQ 5 items M WS: 1 and 2

Situational motivation [79] PEQ 9 items M WS: 1 and 2

Knowledge developed by the authors PEQ 6 items M WS 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5

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overall project was included. On the first page of the on-line questionnaire, respondents received information onhow to fill it out and were asked to give informed consent,confirming that they had understood the aim of the sur-vey, that participation was voluntary and that they couldwithdraw their participation at any time, and that theyconsented to their response being used for research pur-poses. They were also ensured that no individual datawould be reported or published. For the process evalu-ation and for the interviews, participants received all theabovementioned information and gave their written con-sent. Data collection within the project has been approvedby the local ethics committee (ref no. 2015/857-31/5).

DiscussionThis project aims to contribute to implementation sci-ence by investigating implementation leadership, par-ticularly the training of managers in implementationleadership. We combine and address two importanttopics in healthcare, i.e., implementation and leadership,and will thereby make several contributions to researchand practice. First, the project will increase our under-standing of how and under what conditions implementa-tion leadership can be trained the most efficiently; e.g., itmay be important to incorporate group processes andworkplace factors when analyzing the broader conditionsunder which the training was successful. In the long run,understanding these mechanisms may increase the rateof successful implementation in healthcare. Second, wewill gain a deeper understanding of which individualsparticipating in leadership training interventions ismeaningful. The two intervention groups in this projectdiffer in one aspect: do the managers participate alone(i.e., show interest in the training and applied for it) ordo they participate together with other managers fromthe same organization (i.e., have varying interests in thetraining but organizational support)? Understanding howto best select and include managers in such an intervention

will create valuable knowledge that can inform future inter-ventions. Third, in this project, we used a technique frompedagogy, i.e., adaptive reflection, as a means to definetraining goals and activities in a systematic way. Involvingpractitioners in this way has several advantages: it is a wayto validate the intervention and the learning goals that havebeen created based on scientific knowledge, and it createsengagement by the target group as they have participatedin shaping the intervention and it is tailored to their needs.Fourth, we have included a variety of secondary outcomevariables that relate to the productivity and well-being ofemployees and managers. This gives us the opportunity toinvestigate the effect of leadership training on outcomes re-lated to employee well-being and productivity. Lately, lead-ership training has been discussed as an organizationalintervention to increase employee well-being [48]. Particu-larly when training managers in transformational leader-ship, employee well-being is expected to be an importantoutcome of the intervention [49–51]. In comparison toother interventions, this project allows these kinds of ef-fects to be evaluated. Fifth, the project contributes to thedevelopment of measures in implementation science. Wehave constructed, and will test, a new scale measuring im-plementation leadership. The scale is based on the fullrange leadership model, which encompasses transform-ational leadership, one of the most studied leadership stylesin all investigations of leadership [8, 9]. It differs from theprevious measure of implementation leadership [24] in thatit measures generic skills in implementation-specific lead-ership and can hence be used to investigate leadership inrelation to every new implementation. Whereas the previ-ous measure of implementation leadership focused onimplementation-specific leadership for one practice, namelyEBP (evidence-based practice), it is not possible to use thismeasure for generic implementation leadership. Moreover,as research on leadership has identified effective leadershipstyles, e.g., transformational leadership and contingent re-ward, we have held it important that our newly developed

Table 4 Constructs in the questionnaires (Continued)

Workshop evaluation developed by the authors PEQ 14 items1 = not valuable–10 = very valuable

M WS 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5

Organizational support [80] PEQ 4 items M WS 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5

Overall evaluation of workshop quality(Fricdrich A, Jenny GJ, Bauer GF:Development of a generic processappraisal scale for organizationalhealth intervention elements, submitted)

PEQ 10 items M WS5

Overall outcome expectancy [81] PEQ 3 items M WS5

Overall support of needs (Tafvelin S,Lundmark R, Stenling A: Developmentand validation of a measure of needsupportive implementation scale, in preparation)

PEQ 8 items M WS5

Note: Data sources: PPQ = questionnaire, PEQ =workshop survey; Respondent: M =managers, E = employees; Measurement: T1 = baseline questionnaire, WS =workshop(during intervention), T2 = straight after intervention, T3 = 6 months after intervention

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measure closely follow the full range leadership model andits factors structure. This is the other distinction from theimplementation leadership scale developed by Aarons andhis colleagues [24], who was inspired by transformationalleadership but then focused on leader behaviors that wereimportant for the implementation of EBP, and in the scaledoes not follow the factor structure depicted in the fullrange leadership model. If the current scale proves tobe a valid measure, it can be used in the future tomeasure implementation leadership for all kinds of im-plementation processes healthcare organizations arefaced with. As feedback and monitoring are importantfor leadership development and behavioral change, it isimportant to have a valid measure that can be used bothin practice—e.g., in training to provide feedback reports tohelp managers identify their strengths and weaknesses—andin research.

LimitationsThe recruitment processes for participating managers mayhave been limited; individuals could not be randomized intointerventions and control group, as the project had aimedto do. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that theintervention groups systematically differ in some aspect.However, the longitudinal multi-source data give us thepossibility to understand whether there are any third vari-ables involved that might have caused differences betweenthe groups and their development during the intervention.The recruiting, whereby individuals either themselves

applied to participate in the intervention (group 1) or wereparticipating together with all their manager colleagues inthe organization (group 2), might have resulted in great var-iations in motivation and readiness for the intervention be-tween the groups. It might be the case that managers whothemselves showed interest in participating in the interven-tion might have had a higher readiness for it and been moremotivated to apply the new behaviors at work. However,potential differences can be detected through our processmeasure of motivation and readiness for the intervention.

AbbreviationFRLM, full range leadership model

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the managers and staff members whoanswered the questionnaires and participated in the intervention.

FundingThis study has received research grant funding from AFA Insurance (projectno. 140114) after competitive peer-review. AFA Insurance is one of thelargest nationally recognized Swedish research agencies funding researchon work environment and health. The funder did not have any role in thedesign of the project.

Availability of data and supporting materialsNot applicable.

Authors’ contributionAR, UvTS, HH, and RM created the first draft for the content of the interventionand designed the evaluation. CL and RL were responsible for the developmentof the practical activities within each workshop. All workshops were given byCL, RL, and HH. A distinction in roles was made so that one group of theresearch team has been responsible for providing the workshops while theother group (besides HH) has been responsible for drafting and conductingthe evaluation. AR and CL were responsible for developing and deliver theworkshops for the senior management group (group 2). AR, HH, UvTS, andRM developed the effect and process evaluation. Interviews (part of the processevaluation) have been conducted by staff not involved in the design orconducting of the intervention, or in the evaluation design and delivery. Forthis article, AR drafted the first version. All other authors were respectivelyresponsible for a specific part of the article. All authors have approved thefinal version.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participateEthical approval for this project including all data collections was obtainedfrom the Stockholm’s local ethics committee (ref no. 2015/857-31/5).Informed consent has been and will be obtained from all study participants inconnection with the different data collections. In the case of refusal, theseindividuals will not be included in the data set used to evaluate the intervention.

Current status of the projectThe project is in its beginning. Currently, the baseline questionnaire surveyhas been completed (December 2015). The intervention has beenconducted between February and May 2016, with process evaluationperformed continuously during the intervention. Currently, the follow-upquestionnaire is being distributed. In order to answer the research questionsposed in this project, several data sources such as the interviews and thetwo follow-up measures still need to be collected.

Author details1Procome Research Group, Medical Management Centre, Department ofLearning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77Stockholm, Sweden. 2Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 106 91Stockholm, Sweden. 3Unit for Implementation, Center for Epidemiology andCommunity Medicine (CES), Stockholm County Council, 171 29 Stockholm,Sweden. 4Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development ResearchGroup, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, MedicalManagement Centre, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.

Received: 21 June 2016 Accepted: 20 July 2016

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