iICiAnm H n Yt eAItJIN 4THE fe ft3ee Republican Ticket...

r iICiAnm H + n ° Yt fStTtt fen + rnFl1c cJjjo7 = = pT n i 4THE l + eAItJIN oa KYr fe ft3ee PAUL M MOORE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER JAMES E FAWCETT ASSOCIATE EDITOR A BUSINESS MGR SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year X100- Six months 60 Three Months 25 Single Copies 6 Specimen copies mailed free on ap n Correspondents wanted In all parts of time county us forpar ticulars Telephone No 47 THURSDAY NOV 3 1904 MADISONVILLE AND WATER On November S the question whether Madisonville shall have a system of waterworks will be votes upon by citizens progress ¬ ive apd otherwise of that city of sufficient wealth to have any ¬ thing the public good demands TUB BEE trusts that Madison ville s progressive citizens may greatly predominate and that they will decide by a large ma ¬ jority to take a little more water in theirn The county seat was a fearfully long time getting away from the cheap oft five months public schools while she sat jingling her pockets fqll of cash and sending her fayored sons and daughters to distant schoolsletting the multitude of children do their best inthe short free public school heldIn any siort of room available We wntd feelingly on this question because we were subject as a boy to just such indifferent pub ¬ lic school advantages and at Madisonville and were number ¬ ed among the unfortunate ma ¬ joritywho could not command better things The town now has jtohbols and electric lights and waterworks and Sewerage system should cprao next and not bo long in coming jVe are for home first but want to see the entire county progress in AH good things hence our speaking out on this question which concerns directly only the citizens of Mad isonville There have been ugly fires there and others may come at any time as uncontrollable and possibly much more disas ¬ trous Madisonville should get water and get it quick It wouldnt hurt the town and its Saturday and cburtday visitors to drink moreof the limpid fluid and it is certainly good to put out fires TIIE Democratic spellbinders and brass banders of Hopkins and Webster counties areout on a campaign of logic this week The ragtime of the banders is good and quite as strong argu ¬ ment as the ragging of the bind ¬ ers This is another example of i high plane politics EDITOR COLLINS of the Green River News didnt mean any ¬ thing by associating the Demo- cratic ¬ rooster and ticket with the handsome picture of a large ele ¬ phant always the emblem of the G O Pat which a small boy was firing wads from a popgun but it certainly Vas funny The rooster surmounted the editorial column in true partisan organ style followed by the ticket Immediately under the candi- dates ¬ names was the elephant picture underwritten with the1 sentiment You cannot kill an elephant with a popgun SOME of the papers in the Third Congressional district who have beenjjoldng fun at William Henry Jones the Republican nominee and calling names may have a chance to change thqir views after election The more conservative Democratic papers seem to show that they see a strong probability that Mr Jones will win And when he goes to Congress he will bo found york ing and working always for the LeI itcrests of the district ho slot Mr Jones is no more a H Oiay perhaps than is his butlll 1 JA i an enviable reputation as an honest concientious worker in legislative affairs while a mem- ber of the Kentucky Senate and he bejirs this yeputatibn J tpng men who know him Democrat and Republican alike4 I l t I IF one should judge by the number of veddiugs intlusyicin ity during these election times he might conclude that the ora ¬ tor has been abroad in the land and with arguments that were eloquent and convincing for many have been elected With them the campaign is over and they are beginning to real ¬ ize that they are the servants of the v people However long doubtful or expensive the cam ¬ paign may have been we are prepared to state on good author ¬ ity that it has not been irksome or exceptionally unpleasant True his party may have in ¬ terrogated him relative to his attitude on Imperialism Wom ans Rights and Free Trade financial problems may have been discussed and the doctrine of 16 to without the consent of other people politely denounced along with certain other Rooseveltian whims of expansion yet withal his party has whipped him in ¬ to line and he stands today the victim of its beck and nod a willing subject of u great Trust NEXT Tuesday comes the vot- ing and then the shouting MOST everybodyexceptUrey- Woodson believes Roosevelt will succeed himself Apd Urey no doubt believes this but he is claiming everything in sight THE things that Bryan said Parker just after the nomination weigh vastly heavier tl an all the attacks he has since Made a on Roosevelt fie was from his standpointas leader tighteously indignant tthetian4 eaidlwhat he in his heart be- lieved ¬ His denunciation Part ker was scathing and complete and sincererHis later attacks upon Roosevelt cannot disguise his expressed opinion of Parker LETCHER R FOX Republican Candidate for County Judge Letcher R Fox was born at St Charles Ky in March 1889 Ho was educated In the public schools of St CharlesLand at South Ken ¬ tucky College at Hopkinsvlllo Ky Mr Fox taught school for two years and afterward studied law in the office of Judge J I Landes of Hopkinsville widely known as a- very able lawyer and former Judge of the Court of Appeals He was admitted to the bar four years ago at the age of twentyone and has since been In active prac- tice ¬ continuously Ho is a man of the best moral standing and bears the reputation of ati energetic work ¬ er Ho is a member of the Christian churoh a Mason an ElI and a Knight ofPythiasMr Fox is a newly married man having taken a bride on the 15th day of October It wsa Miss Ora Clardy a popular young lady of Christian county who made the young attornoy happy and became Mrs Fox on the named A Physician Healed Dr Geo Ewing a practicing phy ¬ sician of Smiths Grove Ky for over thirty years writes his personal ex- perience ¬ with Foley s Kidney Cure For years I had been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarged prostate gland I used everything known to the pro- fession ¬ without relief until I com ¬ menced to use Foleys Kidney Cure After taking three bottles I was en ¬ tirely relieved and cured I pre- scribe ¬ it now dally in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physicians for such troubles I have prescribed it in hundreds of cJges with perfect success lId by Jno X Taylor Republican Ticket For President I THEODORE ROpSEVELT I r For VicePro8iUbntL- CHARLES W F FAIRBANKS x For ConIgressSecond District W H OVERBY w ft vrv Vv c n- For Co nlt County Judge LETCHER R FOX Electoral Ticket Jas Wilhoit Ashland Ky Geo Denny Lexington Ky District 1st Thos B McGregor Benton Ky- 2d Davad Browning Dixon Ky 8dJ McKenzie Moss Bowling Green Ky 4thJno P Haswell Jr Harrods burg Ky 5thM J Holt Louisville Ky 6th Dayid B Wallace Warsaw Ky 7thL L Bristow Georgetown Ky 8thBJBetburumMtVernonIty9th0 10th H D Fitzpatrick Preston burg Ky l1tbWm H Ramsey London Ky v A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Sncceii If I could CeachthoiiuBiness man Throe things theyd make him- lDead advertls4TIs x 7 To guard each leak with argus eyes These were in vain without the rest The constant work and advertise For though you work with hand and brain Success you never will surprise Hard work alone IB all Be upright work and advertise For flour and water wont make bread Without the yeadt it yill not rise saidyoure J ACartjr This Is to certily that ajlaruggists rmoneyif stopsthecough vents pneumonia and srtllcure in ¬ clp1e Contains no opiates and is safest for children Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and insist upon having it Stops the lungsSold Faith creates the future Fatalism takes all force out of life o R EDWARDS SPECIALTY EYE EAR L NOSE ANDPHROAT TEST MADE FOR GLASSES i PhoenixBuildiax Hopkinsville Ky JOB WORK Will receive prompt atten ¬ tion at this office Estimates furnished upon applvation ThiS famous remedy VC doesforthestomach It V Is unable to do for Itself even If but disordered or overburdened II tn tho sky comes the star of health V to tho weak and J weary despon- dent v dyspeptic VAourlnf al- latomac lm h troubles and- digestive L dlstrdtrs Kodoll supplies the natural i Juices of digestion and u does the work of the IV stomach relaxing the j nervous tension while the Inflamed muscles I and membranes of that organ are allowed to rest and heal It cures Indigestion flatulence palpitation the heart nervous dyspepsia and all stomach troubles by cleansing purifying and strengthening the glands membranes of the stom- ach and digestive organs KodoIDjspepsia Tinr Dftttr Cu Supply TM- BottUs only S 100 size holding 21f tteM the trial ilia which sells for SO- ePrmnd 17 E 6 DtVITT t c CUCiH rll 1 01 < 4 ROYAL- Baking Powder- Makes C1eerta BrEad With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands no sweat f of the brow Perfect cleanliness greatest facility sweet clean healthful food Full instructions ia Royal Baker and Pastry Cook book for making all kinds of bread biscuit and cake I with Royal Baking Powder Gratis to anyaddress i ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NEW YORK lEER STRAIGHT Ill for this store when you want straight values There is always smooth sailing here for the purchaser of n i Furniture No rocks of high prices no shallow waters of poor quality Here js a stock of goods foVwhich we feel justified in claiming everything It is new the things are handsome Very serviceable and not at all high priced I nORTON i lIAR MADISON VILLE KENTUCKY II 7 I g + + + +++++++ + +++ + +++++++ + FOR SALEy + + containing 58 acres of good land two and tonehalf miles from Earlington plenty of good water for t good wells and a spring Nice 3 room house and t good barns and outhouses 25 acres under fence and in cultivation Price 1100 I 40 ri + ONE HOUSE AND LOT The property is situated + + ou Railroad street near postoffice and is in good condition + + Good water and outhouses Will sell for cash or ou time + Terras easy + threea = L lots front and back veranda good water and outhouses 4not far from business portion of the city This house has its been built two years Terms reasonable Will sell for + part cash and remainder ou time 4- f + Apply toy LYNN FAWCETT i F Real Estate Agents rMadisonville and Earlingtou Ky t THE- BERNARD ST 1 DRUG STORE Handles a full and complete line of Pure Fresh Drugs The Best the Market AfFords xI r YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE WHEN YOU PUROHASE DRUGS FROM THEM 9Also carry a Nice Line of I Cutlery Perfumery I Tobacco and Cigars 4 Prescriptions Pr0iiibiliJ lJ l e fJi- J 1 BRYAN HOPPER Manager Wb fI L N TIME CARD IThnij of Rrrlylaf oi ttaiu1Ipltfsih I through Earlington Effective Sunday Sept 18 r NOBTIC BOUND No 001104 pnt No 52 1122 armr No 6411821 ni titNo No 72t 420 p m i SOUTH HOUND No s1 407 p in No 53 480a ivu No 93 1104 pm No 07 400 a m No 00 815 p 111I No 71 1016 all1 L C R R TIME CARD Time of of Illinois Cen ¬ tral trains from Nortonvlllo Ky NORTH MOUND No 102 268 pm No 104 347 ft m No 122 local pass1085 a m No 100 local frt 285 pm SOUTH HOUND No 101 862 p mf No 103 187 a No 121 local pass 120 pm No 195 local frt 880 a m I r r cnurch Directory CHRISTIAN OHUKOH Sunday school at 930 am Preaching every Lords day at 1045 am and 780p m Prayer meeting every Wednes ¬ day at 780 pm M E OHUROH Regular services third Sunday at 11 am and 780 pm Prayer mooting Wednesday evening at 78O Sundayschool at 280 pm Class meetings second and fourth Sundays at B30p m E B Tlramons pastorM E CirunoH BOUTH C WV Hosson pastor Services first and fifth Sundays at 11 a in and 780 p m Sunday school at 980 a m Prayer meeting Thursday evenings at clock Ep worth League evo Sunday evening at 030 Also one Literary mooting each month with somo member The Womans Missionary Society Satur dav afternoon before first Sunday MISSIONARY BA1IIsTCnuBOII Preaching the second Sunday after noon at 280 oclock and the lug Saturday nlgbtOhurch masting Saturday night afore time day Sunday at 980 a m Prayer meeting every Monday night at 7 30 PRICE E GATLIN Pastor CHUHOH Boy A M- GoOnenpastor First Mass Snday at 7o olook Second Mass 980 oclock Afternoon service at 280 every Sunday GENERAI BAPTIST hr Services Saturday before the third Sunday in each month at 780 p m Sunday school 2 m Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 730 pm N F GABEUT Pastor PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HRO LA Regular services second Sab ¬ bath in each month and Saturday nights Wednesday nights Sunday school each Sunday morning at 980 oclock REV GE THOMPSON Pastor GOING TO THE WORLDS FAIR AT St LOUIS USE TH- EHenderson RouteT- HE LINE THAT IS COMFORTABLEBEYOND FREE RECLININGCHAIR OFFICIAL ROUTE FOR KENTUCKIANS ST LDUI5 ASK FOR OUR RATES GEO L GARRETT L J IRWIN Trav PassV Agt Gen Passr Agt LOUISVILLE KY IVAMSVILLMfRRE HAUTE Rtr I ITHROUGH I tI 21tHROUGH f NEW ORLEANS TO CHICAGO OININQ CARS SEHVd AU MEAtO EN iiOllTCi D N HILLMAN 0 PiA S JROa RS Oco Apt tVAKviLLt mo ° NA1Nyllli TENN- t L

Transcript of iICiAnm H n Yt eAItJIN 4THE fe ft3ee Republican Ticket...

Page 1: iICiAnm H n Yt eAItJIN 4THE fe ft3ee Republican Ticket ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s2r37/data/0368.pdf · r iICiAnm H +n ° 4THE Yt fStTtt fen + rnFl1c cJjjo7 = = pT n i l +eAItJIN

riICiAnm H +n °Yt fStTtt fen + rnFl1c cJjjo7 = = pT n i4THE l

+eAItJIN oa KYr

fe ft3eePAUL M MOORE




On Year X100-Six months 60

Three Months 25

Single Copies 6

Specimen copies mailed free on apn

Correspondents wanted In all partsof time county us forparticulars

Telephone No 47



On November S the questionwhether Madisonville shall havea system of waterworks will bevotes upon by citizens progress ¬

ive apd otherwise of that city ofsufficient wealth to have any ¬

thing the public good demandsTUB BEE trusts that Madisonville s progressive citizens maygreatly predominate and thatthey will decide by a large ma¬

jority to take a little more waterin theirn The county seat wasa fearfully long time gettingaway from the cheapoftfive months public schools whileshe sat jingling her pockets fqllof cash and sending her fayoredsons and daughters to distantschoolsletting the multitude ofchildren do their best intheshort free public school heldInany siort of room available Wewntd feelingly on this questionbecause we were subject as aboy to just such indifferent pub ¬

lic school advantages and atMadisonville and were number ¬

ed among the unfortunate ma ¬

joritywho could not commandbetter things The town nowhas jtohbols and electric lightsand waterworks and Seweragesystem should cprao next and notbo long in coming jVe are forhome first but want to see theentire county progress in AH goodthings hence our speaking outon this question which concernsdirectly only the citizens of Madisonville There have been uglyfires there and others may comeat any time as uncontrollableand possibly much more disas ¬

trous Madisonville should getwater and get it quick Itwouldnt hurt the town and itsSaturday and cburtday visitors todrink moreof the limpid fluidand it is certainly good to putout fires

TIIE Democratic spellbindersand brass banders of Hopkinsand Webster counties areout ona campaign of logic this weekThe ragtime of the banders isgood and quite as strong argu ¬

ment as the ragging of the bind ¬

ers This is another example of i

high plane politics

EDITOR COLLINS of the GreenRiver News didnt mean any ¬

thing by associating the Demo-cratic


rooster and ticket with thehandsome picture of a large ele ¬

phant always the emblem of theG O Pat which a small boywas firing wads from a popgunbut it certainly Vas funny Therooster surmounted the editorialcolumn in true partisan organstyle followed by the ticketImmediately under the candi-


names was the elephantpicture underwritten with the1

sentiment You cannot kill anelephant with a popgun

SOME of the papers in theThird Congressional district whohave beenjjoldng fun at WilliamHenry Jones the Republicannominee and calling names mayhave a chance to change thqirviews after election The moreconservative Democratic papersseem to show that they see astrong probability that Mr Joneswill win And when he goes toCongress he will bo found yorking and working always for theLeI itcrests of the district hoslot Mr Jones is no more aH Oiay perhaps than is his



an enviable reputation as anhonest concientious worker inlegislative affairs while a mem-

ber of the Kentucky Senate andhe bejirs this yeputatibn J tpngmen who know him Democratand Republican alike4 I

l t IIF one should judge by the

number of veddiugs intlusyicinity during these election timeshe might conclude that the ora¬

tor has been abroad in the landand with arguments that wereeloquent and convincing formany have been electedWith them the campaign is overand they are beginning to real ¬

ize that they are the servants ofthe v people However longdoubtful or expensive the cam ¬

paign may have been we areprepared to state on good author ¬

ity that it has not been irksomeor exceptionally unpleasantTrue his party may have in ¬

terrogated him relative to hisattitude on Imperialism Womans Rights and Free Tradefinancial problems may have beendiscussed and the doctrine of 16

to without the consent of otherpeople politely denounced alongwith certain other Rooseveltianwhims of expansion yet withalhis party has whipped him in ¬

to line and he stands today thevictim of its beck and nod awilling subject of u great Trust

NEXT Tuesday comes the vot-ing and then the shouting

MOST everybodyexceptUrey-Woodson believes Roosevelt willsucceed himself Apd Urey nodoubt believes this but he isclaiming everything in sight

THE things that Bryan saidParker just after the

nomination weigh vastly heaviertl an all the attacks he has sinceMade


on Roosevelt fie wasfrom his standpointas leadertighteously indignanttthetian4eaidlwhat he in his heart be-


His denunciation Partker was scathing and completeand sincererHis later attacksupon Roosevelt cannot disguisehis expressed opinion of Parker


Republican Candidate for County Judge

Letcher R Fox was born at StCharles Ky in March 1889 Howas educated In the public schoolsof St CharlesLand at South Ken ¬

tucky College at Hopkinsvlllo KyMr Fox taught school for two yearsand afterward studied law in theoffice of Judge J I Landes ofHopkinsville widely known as a-

very able lawyer and former Judgeof the Court of Appeals

He was admitted to the bar fouryears ago at the age of twentyoneand has since been In active prac-tice


continuously Ho is a man ofthe best moral standing and bearsthe reputation of ati energetic work¬

er Ho is a member of the Christianchuroh a Mason an ElI and aKnight ofPythiasMr Fox is anewly married man having taken abride on the 15th day of October Itwsa Miss Ora Clardy a popularyoung lady of Christian countywho made the young attornoy happyand became Mrs Fox on thenamed

A Physician HealedDr Geo Ewing a practicing phy¬

sician of Smiths Grove Ky for overthirty years writes his personal ex-perience


with Foley s Kidney CureFor years I had been greatly

bothered with kidney and bladdertrouble and enlarged prostate glandI used everything known to the pro-fession


without relief until I com ¬

menced to use Foleys Kidney CureAfter taking three bottles I was en ¬

tirely relieved and cured I pre-scribe


it now dally in my practiceand heartily recommend its use toall physicians for such troubles Ihave prescribed it in hundreds ofcJges with perfect success

lId by Jno X Taylor

Republican Ticket



rFor VicePro8iUbntL-


x For ConIgressSecond DistrictW H OVERBY

w ft vrv Vv c n-

ForCo nlt County JudgeLETCHER R FOX

Electoral Ticket

Jas Wilhoit Ashland KyGeo Denny Lexington Ky

District1st Thos B McGregor Benton Ky-2d Davad Browning Dixon Ky8dJ McKenzie Moss Bowling

Green Ky4thJno P Haswell Jr Harrods

burg Ky5thM J Holt Louisville Ky6th Dayid B Wallace Warsaw Ky7thL L Bristow Georgetown Ky8thBJBetburumMtVernonIty9th0

10th H D Fitzpatrick Prestonburg Ky

l1tbWm H Ramsey London Ky



If I could CeachthoiiuBiness manThroe things theyd make him-lDeadadvertls4TIs x


To guard each leak with argus eyesThese were in vain without the rest

The constant work and advertise

For though you work with hand andbrain

Success you never will surpriseHard work alone IB all

Be upright work and advertiseFor flour and water wont make

breadWithout the yeadt it yill not rise


ACartjrThis Is to certily that ajlaruggistsrmoneyifstopsthecough

vents pneumonia and srtllcure in¬

clp1e Contains noopiates and is safest for childrenAsk for Foleys Honey and Tar andinsist upon having it Stops thelungsSold

Faith creates the future

Fatalism takes all force out oflife





PhoenixBuildiax Hopkinsville Ky

JOB WORKWill receive prompt atten ¬

tion at this office Estimatesfurnished upon applvation

ThiSfamous remedy VC

doesforthestomach ItV

Is unable to do forItself even If but

disorderedor overburdened

IItn tho sky comesthe star of health

V to tho weak andJ weary despon-

dentv dyspepticVAourlnf al-

latomaclm htroubles and-digestiveL


Kodollsupplies the natural iJuices of digestion and u

does the work of the IV

stomach relaxing the jnervous tension whilethe Inflamed muscles I

and membranes of thatorgan are allowed torest and heal It curesIndigestion flatulencepalpitation the heartnervous dyspepsia andall stomach troubles bycleansing purifying andstrengthening the glandsmembranes of the stom-ach and digestive organs

KodoIDjspepsiaTinr Dftttr Cu Supply TM-

BottUs only S 100 size holding 21f tteMthe trial ilia which sells for SO-

ePrmnd 17 E 6 DtVITT t c CUCiH

rll1 01

< 4

ROYAL-Baking Powder-Makes C1eerta BrEad

With Royal Baking Powder there is

no mixing with the hands no sweatfof

the brow Perfect cleanliness greatestfacility sweet clean healthful food

Full instructions ia Royal Baker and Pastry Cookbook for making all kinds of bread biscuit and cake

I with Royal Baking Powder Gratis to anyaddressi




for this store when you want straightvalues There is always smooth sailinghere for the purchaser of

n i

FurnitureNo rocks of high prices no shallow

waters of poor qualityHere js a stock of goods foVwhich we

feel justified in claiming everything

It is new the things are handsome

Very serviceable and not at all high priced



g++ ++++++++ +++++++++++++

FOR SALEy++ containing 58 acres of good land two and

tonehalf miles from Earlington plenty of good water for tgood wells and a spring Nice 3 room house and

t good barns and outhouses 25 acres under fence and incultivation Price 1100 I

40 ri+ ONE HOUSE AND LOT The property is situated ++ ou Railroad street near postoffice and is in good condition ++ Good water and outhouses Will sell for cash or ou time+ Terras easy+threea=L lots front and back veranda good water and outhouses

4not far from business portion of the city This house has itsbeen built two years Terms reasonable Will sell for

+ part cash and remainder ou time 4-f

+ ApplytoyLYNN FAWCETT iF Real Estate Agents

rMadisonville and Earlingtou Ky t




Handles a full and complete line of

Pure Fresh DrugsThe Best the Market AfFords




9Also carry a Nice Line ofI

Cutlery PerfumeryI

Tobacco and Cigars4

Prescriptions Pr0iiibiliJlJ lefJi-J 1


L N TIME CARDIThnij of Rrrlylaf oi ttaiu1Ipltfsih I

through EarlingtonEffective Sunday Sept 18


No 001104 pntNo 52 1122 armrNo 6411821 nititNoNo 72t 420 p m


No s1 407 p inNo 53 480a ivuNo 93 1104 pmNo 07 400 a mNo 00 815 p 111INo 71 1016 all1


Time of of Illinois Cen ¬

tral trains from Nortonvlllo KyNORTH MOUND

No 102 268 pmNo 104 347 ft mNo 122 local pass1085 a mNo 100 local frt 285 pm


No 101 862 p mfNo 103 187 aNo 121 local pass 120 pmNo 195 local frt 880 a m


r r

cnurch Directory

CHRISTIAN OHUKOH Sundayschool at 930 a m Preaching everyLords day at 1045 am and 780pm Prayer meeting every Wednes ¬

day at 780 pmM E OHUROH Regular services

third Sunday at 11 am and 780 pmPrayer mooting Wednesday eveningat 78O Sundayschool at 280 pmClass meetings second and fourthSundays at B30p m E B TlramonspastorM

E CirunoH BOUTH C WVHosson pastor Services first andfifth Sundays at 11 a in and780 p m Sunday school at 980a m Prayer meeting Thursdayevenings at clock Epworth League evo Sunday eveningat 030 Also one Literary mootingeach month with somo member TheWomans Missionary Society Saturdav afternoon before first Sunday

MISSIONARY BA1IIsTCnuBOIIPreaching the second Sunday afternoon at 280 oclock and thelug Saturday nlgbtOhurch mastingSaturday night afore timeday Sunday at 980 a mPrayer meeting every Monday nightat 7 30 PRICE E GATLIN Pastor


GoOnenpastor First Mass Sndayat 7o olook Second Mass

980 oclock Afternoon service at280 every Sunday

GENERAI BAPTIST hrServices Saturday before thethird Sunday in each month at 780p m Sunday school 2 m Prayermeeting Thursday evening at 730pm N F GABEUT Pastor

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HROLA Regular services second Sab ¬

bath in each month and SaturdaynightsWednesday nights Sunday schooleach Sunday morning at 980 oclock




EHenderson RouteT-





GEO L GARRETT L J IRWINTrav PassV Agt Gen Passr Agt





D N HILLMAN 0 PiA S JROa RS Oco ApttVAKviLLt mo ° NA1Nyllli TENN-
