İHTİYAÇ 2 deneme




Transcript of İHTİYAÇ 2 deneme

  • Bu testlerin her hakk sakldr. Hangi amala olursa olsun, testlerin tamamnn veya bir ksmnn htiya Yaynclkn yazl izni ol-madan kopya edilmesi, fotorafnn ekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla oaltlmas, yaymlanmas ya da kullanlmas yasaktr. Bu yasaa uymayanlar, gerekli cezai sorumluluu ve testlerin hazrlanmasndaki mali klfeti peinen kabullenmi saylr.

    TG 2


    22 23 ubat 2014






    1. Snavnzbittiindehersorununzmntektekokuyunuz.

    2. Kendicevaplarnziledorucevaplarkarlatrnz.

    3. Yanlcevapladnzsorularnzmlerinidikkatleokuyunuz.

  • TG 2

    Dier sayfaya geiniz.3


    1. A verbal noun is a noun that is derived from a verb usually by adding the suffix ing and that exhibits the ordinary properties of a noun.

    In option A, the word thinking is a verbal noun because the original verb think has been transformed into a noun through the suffix ing.

    In option B, the word killing is a verbal noun.

    In option D, the word smoking is a verbal noun.

    In option E, the word mining is a verbal noun.

    A B C D E

    2. The correct usage of ourself is incorrect, the correct version is ourselves.

    A B C D E

    3. The sentence given in option A has ambiguity because it is not clear (or different meanings can be drawn from the sentence) who has the telescope? The man on the roof or Simon?

    A B C D E

    4. Jealousy in option E is a noun, the suffix y is used to form a noun.

    A B C D E

    5. The word given in option A is a monosyllabic word with only one syllable while the other options have more than one syllables.

    A B C D E

    6. The lexical item Brightness has been derived from the adjective Bright using a derivational affix (ion) in order to make a noun. The words in the other options dont have any suffixes that change the parts of speech.

    A B C D E

    7. Rather than comparing two different languages (e.g. English and French), Language Variation studies regional varieties of the same language; social, ethnic, gender-related and stylistic varieties.

    A B C D E

    8. All of the words given in the other options have similar meanings to the word establish. However, the meaning of the sentence requires a word to mean continue, which is provided in the word maintain in option D.

    A B C D E

    9. The first gap in the sentence requires the meaning of like or in the form of; this can be established with the phrase in the way that. The second gap should be to because the person(s) giving the directions (managers) is stated in the sentence and therefore their employees are the recipient of the directions. If the employees are the recipient (object) then the phrase should be give directions to in terms of collocation.

    A B C D E

  • Dier sayfaya geiniz.4

    2014 ABT / NG TG 2

    10. The sentence given is a typical example of If Clause Type 0. This is provided only in option E.

    A B C D E

    11. The correct answer is D because nature has been used in its general meaning and not any specifically known place and thus cant be used with the. The word Nature generally takes the when followed by the preposition of.

    A B C D E

    12. The sentence given in A may mean two separate things because the word duck can refer to an action of ducking or a duck that is a bird.

    A B C D E

    13. The correct answer is D because the sentence is correct in terms of punctuation. In sentence A, an apostrophe should not be used to make DVD plural. In sentence B, an apostrophe should not be used with 1970. In sentence C, to make a plural noun ending in s possessive, you need only add the apostrophe and no second s. In sentence E, friends should have been separated with an apostrophe in order to give the possessive.

    A B C D E

    14. The correct answer is option C because in the sentence the quest for religious freedom was, after all, one of the reasons that caused the first pilgrims and colonists to leave Europe in search of a new life beyond the Atlantic clearly states that pilgrims and colonists chose to go to the USA to live their religions as they wished.

    A B C D E

    15. Option A can be eliminated because there is nothing in the text indicating that the Mormons were the first pilgrims. Moreover, the statement many unusual religious groups have been established over time clearly expresses that the Mormons were established after arriving at the USA. The same sentence above enables to eliminate option C since the religion was not brought from Europe. Option D can also be eliminated because although it does have elements of mythology, there is nothing in the text that even implies that the Mormons were the only ones with an element of mythology. Option E can also be eliminated because although the text states that the Mormons were among the biggest 60, it doesnt state that they were actually the 60th. The correct answer is option B because the passage states that they have survived and prospered.

    A B C D E

    16. The sentence Mormons control a number of the biggest corporations in the USA, including the Hyatt and Marriott hotel chains indicates that there are other corporations controlled by the Mormons and that Hyatt and Marriot are included in these corporations.

    A B C D E

    17. Option A can be eliminated because the final statement of Brad I hope she feels better soon clearly states there is something wrong with her. Option C can be eliminated because the final sentence of Brad would be meaningless since it doesnt include anything negative. Option D can also be eliminated with the same purpose. Option E can be eliminated because if she slept it off then why would Brad say I hope she feels better soon? Option B on the other hand, indicates that there is something wrong, although not too serious.

    A B C D E

    18. The correct option should include a statement to which Joanne would say No, they were a gift from my sister. Option E is the correct answer because an implied question of payment would recall for an answer with no and that the money was paid by someone else.

    A B C D E

  • Dier sayfaya geiniz.5

    2014 ABT / NG TG 2

    19. The final statement clearly states the word products. Options other than C fail to include anything about products. However, Option C uses merchandise to refer to products.

    A B C D E

    20. The keywords in the given sentence are every good student, should, guess, unknown word and context. Option B is the only one including all of the key components.

    A B C D E

    21. The keywords in the given sentence are president, unwilling, comment, as/because and not yet consult advisors. Option E is the only one including all of the key components.

    A B C D E

    22. The sentence following the gap starts with the words such moments. The previous sentence needs something that includes an element of moments. In option A, lessons have to stop while the teacher re-established order, the stopping of lessons is the moments. The other options fail to provide anything that would fit for moments.

    A B C D E

    23. The sentence following the gap starts with the word others. The previous sentence needs to include anything that would relate to some. Moreover, the following sentences list roles of teachers, which would indicate that the sentence before the gap should also do so. Option C is the only one that includes some=teachers and roles=actors.

    A B C D E

    24. The main idea of the passage is about theories and how none can be excluded quite easily. The final sentence given in the passage is irrelevant because although the passage is talking about not being able to eliminate any of the theories the final sentence talks about something that is plausible and noticing. The final sentence is irrelevant in terms of cohesion and coherence.

    A B C D E

    25. The text is about how language is used. The text focuses on beliefs and each sentence other than the second sentence is coherent and cohesive. Option B is irrelevant because its talking about what activity has become popular.

    A B C D E

    26. The given sentence is the definition of tutor which is one of the teacher roles. A tutor shows individual attention and this is required for tasks like process writing which has more than one draft.

    A B C D E

    27. The correct answer is Historical Novel because historical novels rely on settings and details taking place in the past. Metafiction is a term given to fictional writing which self-consciously and systematically draws attention to its status as an artifact in order to pose questions about the relationship between fiction and reality. Gothic novels include elements of mystery, suspense, supernatural and horror. Bildungsroman is a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character. Social novel is a work of fiction in which a prevailing social problem, such as gender, race, or class prejudice, is dramatized through its effect on the characters of a novel.

    A B C D E

  • Dier sayfaya geiniz.6

    2014 ABT / NG TG 2

    28. Personification is when you assign the qualities of a person to something that isnt human or, in some cases, to something that isnt even alive. The examples given all include characteristics of a person to describe something that isnt human (e.g. stars).

    A B C D E

    29. The sentence The author of Sir Gawain and the other poems is frequently referred to as the Pearl Poet clearly states that all three were written by the Pearl Poet.

    A B C D E

    30. The theme marriage based on an innocent romantic love or profane love is bound to fail exists in William Shakespeares play Othello. The two characters in Othello are given in option A.

    A B C D E

    31. Classicism values traditional forms and structures with heavy focus on traditions.

    Naturalism envisages reflecting nature with its details the way it is.

    Neo-naturalism is both a modern theory of international law that tends to revive natural law theories through reliance on an inborn sense of justice and on ethical standards, and a Protestant theology which seeks to reinterpret the Christian faith.

    Existentialism generally advocates that psychological and cultural moves can exist together with the individual experiences. Therefore, the given definition belongs to Surrealism.

    A B C D E

    32. The given sentence is the definition of blank verse. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

    A B C D E

    33. The given sentence is the definition of productivity. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

    A B C D E

    34. Option D gives the features of vowels while the other options all include features of consonants.

    A B C D E

    35. All the options other than option E are true for suffixes. Option E is describing a prefix.

    A B C D E

    36. The given sentence is the definition of descriptive grammar. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

    A B C D E

  • Dier sayfaya geiniz.7

    2014 ABT / NG TG 2

    37. Both meat and fish are hyponyms of food. Thus, they are co-hyponyms of each other.

    A B C D E

    38. The given sentence is the definition of idiolect. Thus, option A is correct.

    A B C D E

    39. Option B, C, D and E all fall under the Maxim of Quantity.

    A B C D E

    40. The given sentence is the definition of Brocas Area. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

    A B C D E

    41. The given sentence is the definition of the lexical approach. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

    A B C D E

    42. Options A, B, C and E are all ways of showing incorrectness during accuracy work whereas option D is a method used in fluency work.

    A B C D E

    43. Pleasure and general language improvement are elements of extensive reading. Intensive reading is done in the classroom and is not fun but for learning. The other options are not types of reading but strategies used in reading.

    A B C D E

    44. Aptitude is not a source of motivation. Moreover, it has nothing to do with motivation but is about a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level, which can also be considered talent.

    A B C D E

    45. The sentence given is the definition of an Achievement test.

    A B C D E

  • 82014 ABT / NG TG 2

    46. Themes such as apologizing and inviting are functions and thus appear in a functional syllabus while at the bank and at the travel agent are both situations and appear in a situational syllabus.

    A B C D E

    47. The word must makes option B wrong for lesson plans because lessons plans are merely proposals and can be avoided when seen necessary or better by the teacher.

    A B C D E

    48. All the options given are correct for young learners but option D is wrong because young learners do need individual attention and seek the approval of the teacher.

    A B C D E

    49. Giving names to objects and people are the first real words uttered by the infant. The first word is the first step towards genuine communication.

    A B C D E

    50. Overgeneralization is an issue of development errors. Options B and E are both elements of first language interference and thus are not developmental errors. Options A and C are not related to the topic. Thus, the correct answer is option D.

    A B C D E