IGIC Update Phil Worrall, Executive Director

IGIC Update Phil Worrall, Executive Director


IGIC Update Phil Worrall, Executive Director. Housekeeping. Conference - New & Special Events. Wednesday (2/24/2010) Day 2 8:45am to 10:00am - General Session in the Great Room "The State of GIS in Indiana" - Jim Sparks & Phil Worrall 10:00am to 1:45pm???? – Exhibits in the Great Room - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of IGIC Update Phil Worrall, Executive Director

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IGIC UpdatePhil Worrall, Executive Director

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Conference - New & Special EventsWednesday (2/24/2010) Day 2

8:45am to 10:00am - General Session in the Great Room

• "The State of GIS in Indiana" - Jim Sparks & Phil Worrall

10:00am to 1:45pm???? – Exhibits in the Great Room

11:45pm to 1:00pm – Lunch in the Great Room

• David C. Ford Special Achievement Award Presentation

• Keynote Presentation by NSGIC President William J. Craig, Ph.D.

3:15pm to 4:00pm - Closing Town-Hall Session in the Great Room

• Birds-of-a-Feather Reports from each session

• Open Mic Session for audience topics

• Vendor Prize drawings

• Closing remarks.

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IGIC Grants & Projects

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2009 IGIC Grants

Grant Amount

2009 IndianaMap Data Sharing Initiative - FGDC CAP #7 Grant $75,000.00

Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Hydrography Updates $25,000.00

Great Lakes Initiative Area (GLI) Hydrography Data Upgrades $200,000.00

Upper Eel Subbasin Hydrography Data Improvements $29,000.00

IndianaMap HAZUS-MH Structure Data $83,660.00

Indiana ARRA Broadband GIS Mapping (IndianaMap Support) $57,200.00

Total $469,860.00

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2010 IGIC Grant Opportunities

• Indiana Silver Jackets Web Site Development (Nov. 25, 2009 - $24,500)

– Partnered with AMEC E&E (Matt Faulkner)

– $16,600 AMEC & ISP Hosting fees

– $7,900 IGIC fee

• FGDC 2010 CAP Grant (Jan. 7, 2010 - $50,000 grant with $50,000 match)

– CAP Category 2: Indiana High & Local-Resolution NHD Update Geo-Synchronization

– Partnered with Image Maters LLC (Jeff Ehman) & Indiana GIO (Jim Sparks)

– $36,200 / $25,000 Image Matters fees & software match

– $10,000 / $10,000 GIO – NHD Steward & PM match

– $3,800 / $15,000 IGIC fees & match

• USGS Partnership Grant – Local-Resolution NHD Development(Feb. 1, 2010 - $114,500)

– Two additional sub-basins (Tippecanoe & Upper Wabash)

– $110,000 Vendor fees

– $4,500 IGIC fees

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IGIC Project Status(FGDC 2009 CAP Grant)

• Data Harvesting – Data Integration Workgroup supporting the ongoing setup, testing and

monthly harvesting of the data sharing layers for the IndianaMap

• 2,161 Jurisdictional Boundaries

• 298,241 Street Centerline Segments

• 1,229,788 Address Points

• 1,980,072 Parcels

– Boundaries-Cadastre-PLSS Workgroup (GIS County Boundary development, Data Model Development & Harvesting QA/QC for boundaries & parcels)

– Street & Address Workgroup (Data Model Development & Harvesting QA/QC for street centerlines and point addresses)

• WFS Summarizer Tool– Testing and Reporting tool for QA/QC of Web Feature Services

(developed by Image Matters, LLC – Jeff Ehman)

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IGIC Project Status(NHD GNIS Names Updates)

• 12 of 38 Sub-basins in progress

• 5 technicians working on QC & Updates

– 1 IGIC intern

– 4 Waters Workgroup members

• Upper Eel Stats

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IGIC Project Status(HAZUS Essential Facilities)

Migration, Stewardship, and Maintenance of Essential Facilities for the IndianaMap and The National Map

(IGIC partnering with The Polis Center, IN GIO, IGS & IDHS)

– Collect and publish HAZUS data for all 92 Indiana Counties

– Stewardship and Maintenance of HAZUS Essential Facilities (Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Schools, Fire Stations, Police Stations, and Emergency Operation Centers)

– Prototype with 4 County GIS groups & Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs)

• Marion, Madison, Noble, and t.b.d.

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Board Member Outreach for 2010

• Implementing our Strategic Plan

• Supporting your GIS Sector

• Contributing to IGIC's Newsletter [Blog]

• GIS Advocacy - Talking to your Local Elected Officials

• Helping IGIC find GIS funding and grant opportunities

• Building an IGIC Social Network

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Board Member Outreach(Implementing our Strategic Plan)

1. IGIC will work to attain permanent base level funding to directly support IGIC, the IndianaMap and our partners, and the design and development of Statewide Framework Data programs.

2. IGIC will work with the Indiana Geographic Information Office as defined by IC 4-23-7.3 to develop and advise on standards, interoperability strategies, a data integration plan, and policy related to geographic information.

3. IGIC will help coordinate and lead local, regional and statewide projects and programs for the development and dissemination of geospatial data on the IndianaMap.

4. IGIC will grow membership by expanding benefits and corporate activities.

5. IGIC will nurture awareness and use of geographic information among the public and professionals through outreach and education.

6. IGIC will build partnerships to support and strengthen the Indiana GIS community.

7. IGIC's corporate activities will be managed in a professional and accountable manner.

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Board Member Outreach(Supporting your GIS Sector)

• 30 Board Member Representing 14 Sectors

• Distribution of IGIC Annual Report to your sector.

• IGIC Newsletter [blog] postings for each sector.

• Birds-of-a-Feather events with your sector.

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Board Member Outreach(Talking to your Local Elected Officials)

• What are we talking to them about?

#1. Ask for support to establish permanent base level funding to support GIS in Indiana (local & statewide).

• IGIC's Legislative Committee currently working with our County Surveyors Association to draft language for potential legislation.

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Act to amend IC 4-23-7.3-19To amend (g) & (h) below to Sec 19 of the existing Indiana Code

DRAFT 1.0 Greg White (February 19, 2010)

IC 4-23-7.3-19 Indiana mapping data and standards fund (Sec. 19.)

(a) The Indiana mapping data and standards fund is established for the following purposes:

(1) Funding GIS grants.

(2) Administering this chapter.

(b) The fund consists of the following:

(1) Appropriations made to the fund by the general assembly.

(2) Gifts, grants, or other money received by the state for GIS purposes.

(c) The state GIS officer shall administer the fund.

(d) The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund.

(e) The treasurer of state shall invest the money in the fund not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner as other public money may be invested. Interest that accrues from these investments shall be deposited in the fund.

(f) Money in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year does not revert to the state general fund.

As added by P.L.198-2007, SEC.2.

Act to amend IC 4-23-7.3-19

(g) The county board of any county that provides and maintains a countywide Geographic Information System (GIS) may provide for an additional charge of five dollars ($5.00) for filing every instrument, paper, mortgage assignment or notice for record containing a legal description of property or premises referred to by document number, to defray the cost of implementing or maintaining the county’s geographic information system. Of that amount, three dollars ($3.00) must be deposited into a special fund set up by the treasurer of the county , and any moneys collected pursuant to this document and deposited into that fund must be used solely for the equipment, materials, software, supplemental salary requirements and necessary expenses incurred in implementing and maintaining a Geographic Information System. The remaining two dollars ($2.00) will be deposited one dollar ($1.00) into the recorders special fund to offset the cost of implementing and administering this transaction and one dollar ($1.00) into the Indiana mapping and data standards fund as described in IC 4-23-7.3-19.

(h) The foregoing fees allowed by this section are the maximum fees that may be collected by any officer, agency, department or other instrumentality of the state. The county board may, however, by ordinance, increase the fees allowed by this section and collect such increased fees from all persons and entities other than officers, agencies, departments and other instrumentalities of the State of Indiana if the increase is justified by an acceptable cost study showing that the fees allowed by this section are not sufficient to cover the cost of providing the service. Allowed increases may be reviewed yearly by the county board and may be rescinded upon the completion of the project or projects in which said cost study shows the fee increase is necessary to facilitate.

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Board Member Outreach(Helping IGIC find GIS funding and grant opportunities)

• Times are tough & the competition for Grant $ is even tougher!

• Winning a grant is all about...

– Being creative (GIS is not the category or the cash-cow in many grant opportunities).

– Partnerships (GIS as a helping technology).

– Leverage existing funds & existing data.

– Eyes and ears on the ground!

• I need your help...

– Looking for potential opportunities, partners, and fulcrums. (grants.gov, cfda.gov, igic.org/funding/ ).

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Building an IGIC Social Network

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Live Winter Olympic Updates

Live TWEETS from the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and Whistler

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Live Winter Olympic Updates

#Olympics – We won the GOLD!

Click here for more...5 minutes ago on Facebook

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Live Winter Olympic Updates

Couples Ski Jumping

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Live Winter Olympic Updates

Dog Sledding

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Live Winter Olympic Updates

Canada Wins

Penguin CurlingGOLD!

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ClosingTown-Hall Session

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IGIC Committee/Workgroup

• Waters

• Legislative

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March 23: GLRHMC Meeting ($30)

Doing More with Less: Funding Today’s Survey Activities

March 24: Height Modernization Workshop ($100), 6 ISPLS CEU

What Will the Future Control Network Look Like?

University Plaza Hotel

3001 Northwestern Avenue

West Lafayette, IN 47906


Great Lakes RegionalHeight Modernization Consortium Meeting & Workshop

March 23 & 24, 2010 - West Lafayette, IN

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Great Lakes RegionalHeight Modernization Consortium Meeting & Workshop

March 23 & 24, 2010 - West Lafayette, IN

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Great Lakes RegionalHeight Modernization Consortium Meeting & Workshop

March 23 & 24, 2010 - West Lafayette, IN

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Upcoming IGIC Events

• Page 1 of the Conference Program

• For updates and more details, click on the Google calendar link on our igic.org home page.

• March 2011 – Indiana GIS ConferenceMuncie IN / Ball State at the Horizon Center