iGCSE Geography Case Studies

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  • 8/13/2019 iGCSE Geography Case Studies



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  • 8/13/2019 iGCSE Geography Case Studies


    Case Study 4 ' C asta! pr tecti n n the )e- + restc ast!ine / the S uth U3

    New Forest coastline in Hampshire has clay and sand cliffs of 30m which haveretreated 60m since 1971 now being protected by concrete sea wall and groynes

    !dflows and landslips at "arton on #ea after heavy rains wor$ing with nat!re byconstr!cting roc$ revetments and groynes H!rst spit v!lnerable to erosion now deciding whether to leave it to nat!re or protect

    it arshland with wildlife val!e from %eyhaven to &ymington so nat!re reserve created

    and New Forest named as National 'ar$

    Case Study5' +! din" / the *ississippi River6 USA0*EDC1ississippi is 3(00$m longFlows thro!gh ten statesHas over 100 trib!tariesHas a drainage basin covering 1)3 of the *#+,a!ses of 1993 flooding-

    Heavy rain in +pril 1993 sat!rated the !pper ississippi basin .h!nderstorms in /!ne ca!sed flashfloods id /!ly 1(0mm of rain in one day &evees in nearby towns collapsed

    ffects of 1993 flooding- 3 deaths 20 000 people evac!ated 46 000$m of land flooded 54 6 billion crop losses iver traffic stopped for several months 514 billion in damages ,ontents of and the b!ildings themselves destroyed .hreat of disease from sewage 8ns!rance claims high #tagnant water attracted mos !itoes and rats

    anagement- 6 h!ge dams and 102 reservoirs +fforestation to delay r!noff #trengthening the levees with concrete mattresses 42m:(m a$ing the co!rse shorter and straighter ; from 230$m to 300$m by c!tting thro!gh

    the nec$ of meanders to get the water passed towns more !ic$ly to the sea

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    "enefits of dam constr!ction ?itho!t the 3 600m dam the Nile wo!ld flood each year d!ring s!mmer so dam

    needed to protect farmland and cotton fields

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  • 8/13/2019 iGCSE Geography Case Studies


    Forest fires as land dry&egislation introd!ced to red!ce home and ind!strial !se of water

    Case study %' Dr u"ht in Ethi pia 0(EDC1thiopia is one of the poorest co!ntries in the world19(3;( saw the worst dro!ght ever,a!se-

    ainfall level was considerably lower than averageFamine ca!sed as civil war and poor roads made it diffic!lt to transport foodffects-Farmland dried o!t+nimals died and crops failed ca!sing widespread starvation and illness200 000 people diedillions of people needed food from

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    2300$m +maAonian highway 900$m railwayline from ,araEas to the coast .imber) logging companies ineral mining eg diamonds gold H ' #ettlements eg ,araEas

    ffects- 30000 $nown species co!ld be threatened ay lose species that are as yet !ndiscovered ,o!ld lose the c!re for diseases li$e +ids and cancer eg periwin$le fo!nd to c!re

    &e!$aemia &oss of +merindians d!e to !ropean diseases &oss of +merindian traditions #oil erosion as lac$ of interception as canopy removed &oss of n!trients in soil ,limate change and global warming >lobal balance of carbon and o:ygen affected

    ?ays to protect +maAonia- Iones for different activities &oggers !se selective logging practices &aws &imit licences to be given o!t estricting !se of heavy destr!ctive machinery nco!rage helilogging;!ses helicopter ,omm!nity forestry development scheme to ed!cate local people +void constr!ction where local tribes e:ist Fines and prosec!tion for lawbrea$ing 8ncreased patrols

    Case study 44' Deserti/icati n in the Sahe!6 A/rica .he #ahel is a narrow belt of semi arid land #o!th of the #ahara in +frica ainfall is only in 1 or 4 months of the year ainfall is irreg!lar with no rain in some years

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    'hilippines oceanic cr!st s!bd!cting !nder continental !rasian plate ie destr!ctive platemargin

    r!pted /!ne 1991r!ption events and management

    4 +pril steam e:plosions vegetation $illed and d!st on villages 'H8 &,# set !p to monitor er!ption 2000 pop evac!ated in 10$m Aone 43 +pril contin!ing earth !a$es; *# >eological #!rvey set 7 seismographs at ,lar$ +ir

    "ase N? slope villages evac!ated 9 /!ne ( hr er!ption with pyroclastic flows +lert 2 ; evac!ated to 40$m 10 /!ne ,lar$ +ir "ase evac!ated 14 /!ne !shroom clo!d 40$m high evac!ated 30$m 2( 000 people 12 /!ne er!ption 0$m high ash and (0$m)hr pyroclastic flows s!mmit collapses

    Heavy rain ca!ses m!dflows +ffects ho!ses bridges and river anila airport closedffects

    ( 7 dead 300 $illed by collapsing roofs 100 $illed by lahars

    +etas tribe ref!sed to leave or died in evac!ation centres from disease easles respiratory and gastric diseases 1 4 million lost homes 200 000 migrated to anila 620 000 lost Eobs (0 000 ha of cropland destroyed 1 million farm animals died No electricity for 3J wee$s 5700 million loss of roads water and telecom!nications +sh ca!sed global cooling 0 2 degrees

    Case Study 47' 3 be6 apan earth&ua#e 4

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    8nade !ate comm!nication between government and administrators 'eople r!nning thro!gh street hit by falling debris ignoring fires 2 hr delay calling #elf a!de@6 A!as#a 4

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    132 000 people were evac!ated from the area incl!ding 20 000 from the nearby townof 'ripyat *$raine

    #oil plants and animals contaminated

    Case study 4$: Dairy +armin" in an *EDC B U3 Name of farm owner ; r >ilbert Hitchen&ocation ,heshire 'lainselief low lying flat land#oil deep and rich growing good !ality grass,limate reliable rain thro!gho!t year

    mild winters so farmer does not need a lot of winter fodders!mmers not very warm so grass does not die

    #iAe 20 hectares+nimals 190 dairy cows 'roblems herd destroyed beca!se of foot and mo!th disease in 1960s

    .ransport 6 motorway nearbyar$et anchester and erseyside near

    .echnology efrigerated lorry to transport mil$,omp!ters control food in relation to mil$ prod!ction

    8ncome mil$ sales* s!bsidies

    Case study 4%' Intensive subsistence -et rice /armin" inthe Phi!!ippines'hilippines is a gro!p of 7000 islands in the 'acific ceanName of farm owner a:imo ,asiendo&ocation of farm "arangay "!say

    #ince when has he had farm;1996 beca!se of land reform actelief Flat at 70m above sea level#oil fertile clay loams,limate average temperat!re 42 degrees and 1(00m rainfall#iAe of land 4 6 hectares,rops;rice maiAe vegetables and cassava&abo!r; r ,asiendo and his seven childrenachines; rice thresher Bwhich he rents to others in villageC

    Needs to hire water b!ffalo to plo!gh for 4( e!ros per hectare,hemicals Fertilisers B( bags of nitrogen phosphor!s and potassi!m

    8nsecticide to $ill leafhoppersHerbicides to control weeds

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    &ac$ of ed!cation and access to contraception in most parts of *ganda clinic do note:ist

    'resident !seveni even believes that *ganda is !nderpop!lated ; he thin$s that morepeople will boost the internal mar$et and wor$force to increase the economyMMM Bvery!estionableMMMMC

    Case study 5?' China s One Chi!d P !icy

    ne child policy was introd!ced by ,hinese leader

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    1 +", of +8

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    8rreversible loss of arable land and increases in desertification 'arts of the north inNigeria are c!rrently s!ffering from encroachment of desert from the #aharan desert

    High infant and child mortality NigeriaGs infant mortality rate is c!rrently 100)1000births ,omparing that fig!re with those of developed co!ntries it shows the growth ofpop!lation has not created the chance for development of the health system

    8ncreased chance of the emergence of new epidemics and pandemics For manyenvironmental and social reasons incl!ding overcrowded living conditionsmaln!trition and inade !ate inaccessible or non;e:istent health care the poor aremore li$ely to be e:posed to infectio!s diseases

    #tarvation maln!trition or poor diet with ill health and diet;deficiency diseases Be gric$etsC Famine is aggravated by poverty +bo!t 70= of Nigerians live in r!ral areasand these regions are so !nderdeveloped that maln!trition has become a constantiss!e ?ith the press!re of pop!lation on the environment there is a decline in boths!bsistence and e:port agric!lt!re

    levated crime rate d!e to dr!g cartels and increased theft by people stealingreso!rces to s!rvive egions with high rate of pop!lation are posed to threats of highcrime rates &agos state for e:ample in the past years has had an increase in crimerate

    Case study 59' Underp pu!ati n in Austra!ia *nderpop!lation occ!rs when there are far more reso!rces in an area eg food energy

    and minerals than the people +!straliaDs landmass of 7 6 million $m4 44 million people Bdo!ble >reece onlyC +!stralia can e:port their s!rpl!s food energy and mineral reso!rces .hey have high incomes good living conditions and high levels of technology and

    immigration +!stralia is the worldDs thirteenth largest economy and has the worldDs fifth;highest per

    capita income

    8t is probable that standards of living wo!ld rise thro!gh increased prod!ction ande:ploitation of reso!rces if pop!lation were to increase

    Case study 5;' T urism in Ayia )apa Cyprus6 *EDC,ypr!s is third largest island in the editerranean8n 199( to!rism bro!ght (79 million po!nds to ,ypr!s+yia Napa is becoming a party town for yo!ng people Bli$e 8biAaC?hy is it attractive to to!ristsL

    ,limate #!mmer is hot with average +!g!st temperat!re of 30 degrees +$amas penins!la with !nspoilt forests "eaches with breeding t!rtles eg Nissi beach .roodos mo!ntains >reco penins!la with caves ,r!ise ships stop here

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    "each over!se means littering ood

    'rovides 40= of >

  • 8/13/2019 iGCSE Geography Case Studies


    &ess reliance on farming and greater economic diversification Foreign c!rrency !ltiplier effect Helps f!nd more infrastr!ct!re#ocial benefits

    News ideas and improves ed!cation ore services for locals to !se "etter p!blic transport services and widens amenities for locals to !se

    nvironmental benefits National par$ stat!s since 193( enco!rages tighter environmental legislation &itter collection 'lanting trees "!ildings in +rachova b!ilt to local traditional standards to ens!re !ality of the

    environment remains # F . * 8#'roblems for the economy

    &ea$age money spent on imported prod!cts from o!tside #easonal Eobs more wor$ers needed only in winter high season

    anagerial Eobs mainly go to the people from o!tside and locals tend to get the more!ns$illed and man!al Eobs e g the lady who is the anager of the s$i lifts comes from+thens

    eliance on to!rism in times of an economic crisis can be ris$y Ho!se prices increase so local yo!ng people cannot afford to stay in the area when

    they try to b!y their first home 'rices of goods li$e food increase so life becomes to!gh for locals

    #ocial problems &ocal traditions lost @o!ng people more e:posed to ideas from o!tside that can bring tension between the

    yo!ngsters and older generations 8ncrease rift between those who have done well and badly o!t of to!rism d!al society 8ncreased material aspirationsnvironmental problems

    .raffic congestion ; roads are Eammed when coaches ma$e their way thro!gh +rachovatown on their way to the s$i resort or raffiti

    Case study 5$' T urism in Fan@ibar 0(EDC1&ocated in the 8ndian ocean 37$m from coast of .anAania?hy is it attractive to to!ristsL

    ,limate temperat!re always 4(;3( degrees 8sland s!rro!nded by coral reefs *nspoilt white sand beaches #wimming with dolphins

    /oAani forest reserve with wal$s with g!ides ed colomb!s mon$ey can be seen #tone .own with

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    >ood Hotels at N!ngwi b!ilt to fit in with the environment

    "ad aw sewage flows straight into the 8ndian ocean ?aste left aro!nd island Fear of water contamination and lac$ of drin$ing water

    ffects of to!rism on local people>ood

    /ob opport!nities ore diverse economy ; no longer E!st relying on primary ind!stry 8mproved roads to !se

    "ad &oss of fishing stoc$s &oss of access to beach for locals as the hotels control it any Eobs menial and low paid Fresh water s!pplies are only for the benefit of the hotels ,ost of food has risen locally .o!rists c!lt!re and behavior often offends locals

    .he local economy starts to depend on to!rism 8ncreased crime and m!ggings

    Case study 5%' Ec t urism in the *a!dives8sland rep!blic in the 8ndian cean?hy is it attractive to to!ristsL

    1 190 coral islands 4(0 inhabited islands and (0 resort islands ,limate 46 to 30 degrees all year ro!nd

    How has it been developed to be s!stainableL

    esorts only b!ilt on non inhabited islands nvironmental 8mpact assessment before resorts b!ilt +ll resorts 2m bac$ from treeline No b!ildings taller than the trees No more than 40= of islands b!ilt on 8ncinerators to get rid of non biodegradable waste esorts recycle water for gardens #olar hot water systems #eptic tan$s for sewage

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    '!sh factors from e:ico B#anta 8nesC B4010C

    'oor medical facilities ; 1(00 per doctor

    &ow paid Eobs ; >

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    ffects on e:ico B#anta 8nesC

    .he e:ican co!ntryside has a shortage of economically active people

    any men emigrate leaving a maEority of women

    ?omen may have tro!ble finding marriage partners

    @o!ng people tend to migrate leaving the old and the very yo!ng

    &egal and illegal immigrants together send some 56 billion a year bac$ to e:ico

    ,ertain villages s!ch as #anta 8nes have lost 4)3 of its inhabitants

    Case study 7?: *i"rati n /r m Tur#ey t Germany?est >ermany needed reb!ilding after ?orld ?ar 4 in 19 2

    :tra labo!r was needed

    ?or$ers moved from poorer !ropean co!ntries li$e .!r$ey to >ermany

    any of the first .!r$ish migrants were from farming comm!nities so they went toagric!lt!ral Eobs in ?est >ermany

    .hen they got slightly better paid Eobs in factories and constr!ction

    any of the Eobs were dirty !ns$illed low paid and involved wor$ing long !nsociable

    ho!rs any >ermans did not want to do these Eobs

    "y 19(9 >erman had 2 million Qg!est wor$ersG which was 7 = of the wor$ingpop!lation

    Nearly one third of these were from .!r$ey

    ost of the .!r$s that arrived were male and aged 40;49 Bsee pyramid page 4( in te:tboo$C

    +fter 1973 recr!itment of foreign wor$ers became illegal

    However many .!r$s still arrive to be !nited with their families

    .!r$s have their own centres in many >erman cities they spea$ their own lang!ageand have their own c!lt!re Bfood dress and entertainmentC

    "enefits for .!r$ey

    ed!ced press!re on Eobs and reso!rces eg food

    &oses people of child bearing age and so these is a decreased birth rate

    igrants develop new s$ills which they may ta$e bac$ to .!r$ey

    oney earned in >ermany is sent bac$ to .!r$ey

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    'roblems for .!r$ey

    &oses people in wor$ing age gro!p

    &oses people most li$ely to have some s$ills and ed!cation

    ainly males leave and families are divided

    lderly people are left behind which increases death rate

    "enefits for >ermany

    vercomes labo!r shortage

    ?or$ers prepared to do the Eobs that locals do not want to do

    ?or$ for long ho!rs for little money

    ,!lt!ral advantages Beg resta!rantsC

    #ome highly s$illed wor$ers

    'roblems for >ermany

    '!ts press!re on Eobs

    &ow !ality overcrowded ho!ses

    thnic gro!ps do not tend to integrate

    acial tension

    &imited s$illed wor$ers arriving

    &ang!age problems

    #ometimes health problems

    Case study 74: *i"rati n /r m A!"eria t +rance #ince world war two France has had migrant wor$ers to reb!ild their co!ntry after ??4 +s France became richer it became more pop!lar with migrants from former colonies

    li$e +lgeria f FranceGs 2( million pop!lation 17= are now +lgerians +dvantages for +lgerians ed!ces press!re on Eobs and reso!rces li$e food in +lgeria "irth rate declines in +lgerian as people of reprod!ctive age wor$ing in France igrants learn new s$ills which they can !se on ret!rn to +lgeria oney sent bac$ to co!ntry of origin

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    +dvantages for French BhostsC vercomes labo!r shortage +lgerians prepared to do !ns$illed Eob +lgerians prepared to wor$ long ho!rs for less money North +frican resta!rants and other c!lt!re added to France #ome +lgerian migrants are highly s$illed ross National 'rod!ct per capita is estimated at 5410 per year .he massive genocide and war in 199 res!lted in the destr!ction of m!ch of the

    co!ntryDs economic infrastr!ct!re incl!ding !tilities roads and hospitals

    Case study 77' +uncti n / Piraeus6 Greece'irae!s is the !rban settlement ne:t to +thens in +ttica8t was the port of the ancient city of +thens and was chosen to serve as the modern port when+thens was re;fo!nded in 1(3 'irae!s remains a maEor shipping and ind!strial centreeasons s!itable as port f!nction-8t consists of a roc$y promontory containing three nat!ral harbo!rs

    .he large port on the north;west is an important commercial harbo!r for the eastern

    editerranean #ea as it is very deep and allows large vessels to shelter there .wo smaller ports Iea and i$rolimano also provide good shelter and are !sed fornaval p!rposes

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    'irea!s location is able to lin$ +thens with every island in the eastern portion of>reece the island of ,rete the ,yclades the ree$s live in +tticaNoise+ir 'oll!tion stays over +thens as mo!ntains s!rro!nd the city ca!sing temperat!re inversion

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    mpty b!ildings>raffiti

    .raffic congestionassive waste prod!ction and landfill at +no &iosia is f!ll:pensive to maintain services eg health and hospitals&oss of >reenfield sites d!e to !rban sprawl8llegal immigrants B(;10= of the pop!lation tho!ght to be migrantsC +n estimated 0 2 million are homeless +ppro:imately 1 million live in favelas Binformal shanty settlementsC .wo e:amples

    are orro de +lemao and ocinha B@ * *#. %N ? .H # N+ #MMC +nother million live in poor !ality government ho!sing in the periferia .he favela ho!sing lac$s basic services li$e r!nning water sewerage or electricity .he ho!ses are constr!cted from wood corr!gated iron bro$en bric$s and tiles or

    other materials fo!nd lying aro!nd Favelas are often fo!nd on land that is steep by the side of roads railways etc and

    flash floods can destroy s!ch ho!ses and ta$e peoples lives

    +t first the government tried to b!lldoAe s!ch comm!nities b!t now they remainbeca!se of the comm!nity spirit samba m!sic and football etc

    , 8 Favelas are tho!ght to be associated with dr!gs violence etc .o!rists to io are

    warned not to enter favela areas or ta$e val!ables to beaches etc #ome wealthy are moving to new towns to avoid crime

    . +FF8, +N< ' &&*.8 N o!ntains aro!nd the city $eep the f!mes in the city and ma$e the vehicles !se a

    limited n!mber of ro!tes .his res!lts in congestion and noise

    + vast amo!nt of r!bbish is prod!ced and in favelas this is not collected +long withopen sewerage drains it res!lts in the spread of diseases

    # &*.8 N# . .H # ' "& ## &F H &' H *#8N> ,8NH+

    ost of old temporary wooden ho!ses replaced by bric$ and tile and e:tended to !seevery s !are centimetre of land

    any residents have set !p their own shops and small ind!stries in the informal sector >overnment have added electricity paving lighting water pipes b!t the steep hills still

    restrict4 F+ &+ "+8 ' / ,.

    1990# government chose 16 favelas to improve !sing 420 million e!ros eplaced wood b!ildings with bric$ and gave each ho!se a yard ?idened the streets so that the emergency services and waste collectors co!ld get

    access 8mproved sanitation health facilities and sports facilities

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    *sed residents for labo!r to develop their s$ills and in ret!rn residents paid ta:es3 N ? . ?N "+ +

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    &ow cost of land &arge area of land 124 acres 'leasant wor$ing environment as 40 of 124 acres are par$land and landscaped &arge s!pply of e:pert labo!r from nearby ,ambridge !niversity ; 2 000 people in total &in$s with ,ambridge *niversity for research and development 'ar$ facilities incl!de a ,,. system conference facilities resta!rant and bar child

    care n!rsery health and fitness centre and s !ash co!rts ,ompanies can share maintenance and s!pport services with other firms 8t is lin$ed by roads reg!lar b!s service and cycle ro!tes to the town centre Not too far from &ondon #tansted airport for international lin$s 11 motorway lin$ to &ondon for inp!ts and o!tp!ts

    Case study 94' Industry in a )IC: *a!aysia0P(EASE )OTE )IC )E (Y I)DUSTRIA(ISI)GCOU)TRY1

    alaysia first developed heavy ind!stry li$e steel and ship b!ilding Now concentrating on high tech ind!stry li$e microelectronics and biotechnology 8t aims to be a erman company ol$swagen opened factories in #ao 'a!lo in the mid 1960s

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    "raAilian government enco!rages N,s as they tho!ght that s!pport ind!stries Eobsetc wo!ld raise the standard of living

    For ol$swagen the benefits were odern factories co!ld be b!ilt cheaply and easily >!aranteed mar$et for ? in "raAil and #o!th +merica ?ages low so prod!ction cost lower ilitary government in braAil so stri$es !nli$ely For "raAil benefits were 2= of e:port earnings from cars #!pport services /obs #$ills 'roblems for "raAil &ea$age money from profits ta$en o!t by ? 8ncrease car !se in braAil has increased cost of oil imports !ral;!rban migration for wor$ers has ca!sed problems in #ao 'a!lo ?ages of the wor$ers on the assembly line are too low to s!pport the family ?or$ers sometimes forced to wor$ very long ho!rs