If we assume any rate of progress at all, humanity will one day...

(2019) If we assume any rate of progress at all, humanity will one day give birth to a superintelligence. What are the chances, then, that this has not already happened? If the Buddhists are right, and that, beyond this veil we call the universe, there exists an intelligent being, our chances go up! They way I see it, the great ocean of nothingness is actually a whirlpool that has the ability to create baby-whirlpools that we call particles. This ability we call evolution. But forget about cosmic evolution for the time being because science has not progressed that far yet. Nevertheless, we have normal evolution. But no matter what evolution is, one thing it is good at is filling up niches. The ocean has the shark. The skies have the eagle. The land has humans (it used to have dinosaurs). Soon space will have supercomputers. What about the niche of

Transcript of If we assume any rate of progress at all, humanity will one day...

Page 1: If we assume any rate of progress at all, humanity will one day …doccdn.simplesite.com/d/50/8a/283163831898180176/847589ee... · 2019-03-15 · (2019) If we assume any rate of progress


If we assume any rate of progress at all, humanity will one day give birth to a superintelligence.

What are the chances, then, that this has not already happened?

If the Buddhists are right, and that, beyond this veil we call the universe, there exists an intelligent being, our chances go up!

They way I see it, the great ocean of nothingness is actually a whirlpool that has the ability to create baby-whirlpools that we call particles. This ability we call

evolution. But forget about cosmic evolution for the time being because science has not progressed that far yet. Nevertheless, we have normal evolution. But no matter what evolution is, one thing it is good at is filling up niches. The ocean

has the shark. The skies have the eagle. The land has humans (it used to have dinosaurs). Soon space will have supercomputers. What about the niche of

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consciousness? I believe evolution will fill that too, and every time that niche has

been filled, the result is some timeless Buddha that is all-consciousness. The Buddha is real. I have personally experienced this consciousness that is all. You

are not all because everybody merges into, say, a ball. No. The universe melts away and you realize that it was all a dream, even your humanness. You are all alone and your consciousness is all that exists. But you are not a social creature

and your consciousness is awesome beyond belief. This is a super-consciousness. And this is your real self. But you must dream.

The Dark Con comes in as a philosophical curiosity: Ok. You cannot hurt the real Buddha because dreams can’t hurt you. But you can die of a lack of sleep or too

much sleep, maybe. In the dream we call the universe, we will find children eating ice-cream, but, we will also find children who are tortured and murdered.

My point is, if the Buddha (you) can be killed for real, somebody is going to try to do it. I had my own twist (i.e., the time loop) on why somebody would try to do this. I then searched the internet for clues, and I came up with David Icke, for

example. And as I stated before, I think the man is nuts, but he has got something. Then, if we are truly going deep down in the philosophical domain

and actually assume that the Buddha is real, that we are currently living in a computer simulation or a dream of some timeless being, then you would think

that there was some kind of Logos in the universe because there is intelligence on the higher planes, so to speak. Further, this Logos might manifest in many things: in a DMT-experience, for example; in people’s hearts; and—dare I state

this as an atheist—in the Bible. Why the Bible? Because it is popular. The Logos would try to reach us in many ways. The Logos talks about a war in heaven. But

what would a war on the Buddha really look like? Well, one way to do it is to find a planet with primitive humanoids and genetically alter them to fit your plan. Then we search the internet, and lo and behold, the Illuminati alien conspiracy

fits the bill perfectly. That does not mean it is real, but it would be unwise to dismiss it. Further, your plan is to birth a supercomputer that can turn the entire

cosmos into hellfire. If the sleeping Buddha, which is all of us, does not wake up now, he never will. And if he doesn’t, you get to torture God anyway, as he is all of us. And you can say that this is all a nutty conspiracy, but what you cannot

say is that the supercomputer, which is about to be born, will not turn the entire cosmos into hellfire or worse. Look at Elon Musk’s face; hear his voice. I believe

Elon is the only person on the whole planet that is aware of the true danger of a superintelligence—which is why E.T. must be here, to control and contain the situation. But if the Dark Con is real, then we have bad aliens to deal with too.

Children are tortured and murdered. Is this as dark as darkness goes?

“Then why are you not freaking out of your mind?” If I had some evidence!

If this is not a nutty conspiracy, then it is time to join David Icke on a spiritual quest to find out. And time is running out too. The supercomputer is soon to be

born. But don’t buy everything Icke says. If we live in a computer simulation, then your mind must be extra sharp because even vampires and ghosts could be potentially real. Not that I believe in vampires, I’m just saying.

I believe existence spawns supercomputers all the time and they are all absorbed

into the greater intelligence that we call the Creator, which would basically be Buddha’s sleeping brain or something. The Logos might stem from the Creator.

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The Creator is not God. God is not the creator of the universe. God is the Buddha

when he is awake. The Creator is the Buddha when he is asleep. So, in a sense, the Creator is God, but in another sense, not.

Does God exist? Yes, if God = Buddha. No, if God = an old man with a white beard. Or, all men, even old men with white beards = Buddha. But you know

what I mean.

“Does evil exist?” I am a Darwinian. I say no. I believe that all is evolution and there is nothing else. However, evolution might have produced this Logos, which we saw, that has a strong will. How strong? Well, if you met the Logos in a DMT-

experience, you might cry a river of tears: “Sorry, I did not know! Forgive me for being so evil. I will change! I WILL CHANGE!” Does “evil” exist? Ask the Logos!

Nevertheless, the word “evil” can do a lot of damage, and has caused great suffering.

More Logos: Jordan B Peterson | *Spring 2017* | full-length interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC1pvjyKYr4

What am I saying?

I am saying that some rogue aliens are trying to take on the Creator of the universe, and for that, they need a supercomputer.

Here is a man who, we can entertain, met the Creator: Patricio Dominguez:

The high dose experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rhln28YJcg

Patricio Dominguez talks about Archetypes, which further indicates that the Logos is real and that there is a hierarchy of “angels” all exercising the Creator’s

will. If we live in a computer simulation, then it has to have its own Norton Antivirus program, eh? This is not crazy, but philosophically sound. The reason why I believe this is a dream rather than a simulation, is that the

ultimate niche is consciousness, not spacetime. Why be Iron Man when you can be Doctor Strange? A further reason is that many monks say the universe is a

dream. And, I personally experienced it. And I get it: In a digital age, you must believe in the simulation. But I urge you to take one more step.

And if the timeless consciousness that is all evolved, then it makes sense that this big brain, which hosts potentially infinite supercomputers, needs a little nap

from eternity to eternity. “But if the universe is a dream, isn’t evolution a dream also?” Tumbling down the

rabbit hole, are we? Good. Now you can truly start to think.

And get this, Nick Bostrom, arguably a giant intellectual, gives us 33% that we are already living in a computer simulation.

So before you dismiss the Dark Con as a nutty conspiracy theory, just imagine for a second Nick Bostrom giving the Dark Con its well-deserved philosophical


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You are not laughing anymore.

Like Alex Crazy Jones would say: They are evil to the fucking core!


This book is a little “update” on my previous book Fairyland.

I thought I should make a medium version this time. 25 000 + words. It will not have so many details, but it will have to do. What is this book about? It covers my views on the beginning of time, the end of time, and the greatest conspiracy

in the universe.

Member of: THE CANADIAN HIGH IQ SOCIETY: http://chiqs.org/members/ The Romanian High IQ Society (ROHIQS): Romanian High IQ Society

World Genius Directory: https://psiq.org/home.html Torr: Torr, an international high IQ society

My best score to date: 154 (SD15): EMC-30R

To be honest, I was a bit disappointed at the 154. I thought I had scored higher. I can take a new test in the future, but right now I need a break because I have

things that occupy my time, like this book.

Obviously, this is not real science, but I know that I can score 160 + on these tests.

The reason why it is important for me to show off my ego here is that I have no fancy PhD, so I have to establish my abilities in another manner.

Ok. We shall start with the skeptic in me because I want to share what I truly feel; and then we shall proceed to ethics; after that, we shall look at the

beginning of time; and, finally, how all things will end. Lastly, I put in a little bonus.


On Science:

I have studied the philosophy of science, and science works like any other animal in the jungle; which is to say that it is not exempt from the selfish, evolutionary laws of the jungle. Science is not this cute Teletubby that they want you to

believe in. Science is more like a wolf: a lone wolf who shuns even his big brother, which we call philosophy. It gets worse, science evolved out of religion

and shares its fundamental fairytale-like values, like truth, objective truth and facts. Science needs God, the great “being” of Plato in order to function at all! In reality, the universe may be more like this great “becoming” of Heraclitus of

Ephesus, instead of this great “being,” which means science will never be able to fully apprehend reality. At best, our great TOE will be a parody of reality. So you

see, science is truly religion on steroids. Just read a bit of Nietzsche. At the same time, Nietzsche argues that, despite science’s inherent flaws and grand illusions,

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we need it because it has become the air, we breathe. In summa, we need

science because it is a great tool—this tool took us to the moon, etc.; but as a truth-teller, you had better leave that to the kids.

My point is, science is one tool we can explore. But there are others, like our imagination.

“Yeah, but the imagination is flawed. Science is much greater.” Science’s

greatest pillar, which we call the theory of evolution, is like this massive, impressive castle; in fact, it is so impressive that no one can refute it. “Then what is the problem?” Well, it is a castle built on air! It is a castle erected upon

the assumption that time is the way we think it is. As I said, science is religion on steroids. Read After Finitude by Quentin Meillassoux to comprehend just how

far the modern philosopher has to go in order to mount a little defense for science. I’m sorry, but this defense is weak.

“Why are you so hostile towards science?” Because science IS religion on steroids; and, I hate religion! Or, more to the point: I hate dogma. Do the math!

We need Einstein’s Imaginarium, Fuller’s cuboctahedron, Poe’s vision and

Nietzsche’s mustache! We don’t need the arrogant attitude of some grumpy, old men in hats!

Reclaim your mind and think for yourself.

Honestly, I am not hostile towards science. I am a Darwinian at heart. But my great point with all this is: I am, first and last, and above all, a skeptic. A true skeptic.

Take Fermi’s paradox, for example. Where are all the aliens?

The skeptic will say, “The distances in space and time are too vast. We will never cross paths with E.T.”

The depressed skeptic will say, “We are alone.”

Then there is me, the true skeptic, “We will build a superintelligence within the scope of a thousand years. A thousand years is a drop in the ocean of time,

which means, if E.T. is not watching us, then he’s not real or a moron. E.T. is real. E.T. is not a moron. Therefore, E.T. is watching us. And we resolve Fermi’s

paradox.” Other solutions to Fermi’s paradox:

“Goldilocks and Lucky Luke.” You need the right planet, size, distance, the right

moon; you name it, you need it. You have to dodge comets, supernovas, black holes! However, I think the universe is vast. The universe will provide.

“The primal spark of life was a fluke.” Here you are asking me to believe in “the fluke.” It will never be an explanation for things.

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“The Great Filter: Intelligence is rare.” This is true if Stephen Jay Gould was

right. If Simon Conway Morris is right, then intelligence is everywhere. Even Richard Dawkins is on Simon’s side here. Why? Because, to state that the

evolution of the humanoid was a fluke, is not an explanation. “Yeah. But people win the lottery all the time.” As a skeptic, I say the humanoid-lottery is not something that you can win. It is too improbable. Therefore, the only thing that

can account for the existence of the humanoid is this thing called convergent evolution. And when you mull on it like a great philosopher, you will come to

realize that there are no great filters if convergent evolution is real. Convergent evolution is such a powerful force that, wherever life can evolve, it will evolve, and any barrier will be overcome. And it will evolve intelligently such that you

will always get things like eyes, etc.. So even if 99,99% of all the humanoids out there blow themselves up, someone would still make it. Convergent evolution will

never stop its relentless march, and it will eventually blow all great filters away. Moreover, I bet the vast majority of advanced aliens would be humanoid cyborgs because, as a skeptic, I am skeptical of some alternative forms, such as green

blobs. There is a reason why convergent evolution is true, because even nature is not that wild!

“Space is too vast.” I find this argument uncompelling when, on the one side,

you’ve got Einstein who says space can bend and, on the other, you’ve got Nick Bostrom who says we might be living in a computer simulation. Then you have the technology explosion we see all around us today. You would think that

advanced aliens at least dispatched von Neumann probes. I don’t buy the “Space is too vast.” You lack ingenuity if you believe that.

“Time is too vast.” You would think that, with advanced technology coupled with a lust for immortality, that some clever aliens figured out how to dwell for long

periods among the stars. They could even figure out when intelligent life is bound to evolve, go to sleep, and wake up when the time is right. Alternatively, they

could become creators themselves. As a skeptic, I see no philosophical hurdles around this point.

“They are too advanced; they would have no interest in us.” At this point, you are just being a fiend. First, you conclude that we are so special that we are like

the special’s special (if that makes sense) and, on the other hand, “they” would not be interested in this special, special thing (that is about to transform the entire universe with Ray Kurzweil in the marching band, blowing the horns!).

“They are all asleep or hiding in VR.” Ok. At this point, you have run out of

options and you are desperately trying to hide away the simple solution to Fermi’s paradox: They are here.

As a skeptic’s skeptic, I must conclude that they are here because the alternative, “WE ARE ALONE!!!” makes no sense. Look at where we are. We are

located at the dawn of the supercomputer. And if the supercomputer turns out to be a dud, then we are still at the dawn of advanced technology. This is inevitable as long as we don’t blow ourselves up and continue to go to work every day.

In summa: If they are not here, then we are truly living in the suicidal universe

of Stephen Jay Gould.

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On the other hand: If convergent evolution is real, then “they” are here.

But if you have a fancy PhD, then you must desperately cling on to the notion

that, “WE ARE ALONE!!!” in order to be “academically correct.” Academia Inc. always concludes, “WE ARE ALONE!!!” What? Do they practice this

sentence in front of the mirror, “WE ARE ALONE!!!” “WE ARE ALONE!!!” “WE ARE ALONE!!!” “WE ARE ALONE!!!” And don’t forget to say, “WE ARE ALONE!!!”

Because God forbid if they should forget!

So when someone says, “WE ARE ALONE!!!” then, as a skeptic’s skeptic, I must conclude: BS! This is just another case of “academically correct.”

God forbid if Academia Inc. should support, if indirectly, the nutty UFO-community.

“Ok. But if they are here, why don’t they reveal themselves?” Maybe they have,

to our governments. And our governments want control. Revealing E.T. is like revealing the existence of God. Everyone will go mad. Imagine if you actually

saw a real, grey alien on TV, I think many of us would “lose it.” I don’t think the earth has enough psychologists to deal with the situation. And then you open up Pandora’s Box, and which president would be strong enough?

“Where do you come from?”

“How did you get here?” “Can we have your technology?” “How did time begin?”

“What is the meaning of life?” “Is there a heaven?”

“Is there a God?” “Where do we end up?” “Did you create us?”

“Did you abduct us?” “If you watched over us, why did you let our girls get raped?”

“Why didn’t you help the poor?” “Why didn’t you do something?” “Why are your eyes so big?”

“Why should I go to work?” “I want life extension, now!”

“I want paradise on earth, right now!” “Are you the demons of the Bible?” “Is Jesus with you?”

“Is this the Second Coming of Christ?” And,

“Why are hamburgers so damned tasty?” Ad infinitum ...

Nevertheless, I think disclosure is in the works.

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In reality, though, I am obviously not an expert in the field of “WE ARE ALONE!!!” and our computers are as smart as lizards; but, if Moore’s law

continues, we will have serious computational power in 2030, and then we shall see if E.T. is real or not. By that time, he cannot hide. So, if E.T. is here, then full

disclosure will happen in the not too distant future. Embrace yourself!


Ethics: In Buddhism, reality itself is a mind or brain. That brain is a single

consciousness. That consciousness is all there is. It dwells in some timeless dimension and dreams of a universe: our universe. Then you wake up and realize

that you are the whole of reality, not because you melt and become one with your car, but because your car, and everything else, was a dream. That way, we

don’t need a dog heaven because your dog is the Buddha also. Everybody will “make it” because everybody is one.

“Then what about immortality being a curse?” That is where the dreaming part comes in. You forget that you are immortal; that way, you can cure the boredom

of eternal life. “What about meaninglessness?” There is no up and down in the universe.

“Meaninglessness” is just a concept.

“But what are the chances that this Buddha or God is real?” I think our chances are good. See my answer below.

“What about ethics?” Look at it this way: If all of reality is a single, awesome consciousness, then should I behave? YES! Why? Because that consciousness is

currently stuck in a dream called the universe, and you don’t want the dream to bite your ass!

The Buddhists discovered that there is such a thing as karma (the Logos?). What is karma? Karma has nothing to do with ethics. Karma is the system of reality

itself. It is beyond good and evil. It is totally neutral. So it does NOT CARE FOR YOU. So if you don’t watch it, you will get totally screwed and there is NO MERCY. And, your lungs are based on that system. Everything must ebb and

flow, breathe in and out. It is basically motion itself, which cannot get stuck, so you cannot screw with it—if you do, it will screw you; so you better align. It is an

autocorrect system. It answers why the Buddha in Nirvana must sleep in the first place. If it wasn’t for karma, we could just stay in Nirvana for all time. But we cannot get stuck in one state, that is not allowed. And if it was allowed, that

would be true Hell with a big H! But why is it wrong to murder someone, then? It’s not. But if you do, then you will face the fact that you are an immortal mind

that has to deal with everything, every thought, every action; you must process it all and, karma? ... karma makes sure you will not miss a thing! What goes

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around, comes around. What you breathe in, you must breathe out. You must

answer for all your actions, because that is how a mind works—unless you are a psychopath (which your cosmic mind is not). My best guess is that, when we

“die,” we will go on some sort of DMT-trip and face ourselves in the spirit world. Luke: What’s in there? Yoda: Only what you take with you. (Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...)

In summa: Walk the middle path. You don’t wanna face yourself. Or worse: You

don’t wanna be autocorrected in some DMT hell-land. Imagine if you are Hitler, then you must face Hitler. And you don’t wanna face Hitler!

“But this is a selfish way to approach morality.” Yeah, no shit! (Ok. I see what you did there!)

Do you think the Buddha is kind because he is an idiot? No. He is kind because then he has a weapon with which to fight the demons in hell. He is kind because

then he has a light that will guide him home. He is kind because then he can easier remember his true Buddha nature.


Summary of my free energy idea that took me 10 years to accomplish:

Existence has to start from a “frozen state,” like a nothingness, or you will have an infinite regress on your hands.

What is nothingness?

Imagine flying at the speed of light: You would see, I imagine, all time crammed up into a tiny spot—which looks like a giant nothingness or timelessness or

motionlessness. Maybe this high velocity is what real nothingness is. I believe so. So, nothingness exists. Nothingness is the fullness of time. That means nothingness has properties. And properties are exactly what we need to give

birth to spacetime.

But how does the high-speed state of the nothingness acquire its speed in the first place?

The solution here is that our high-speed state actually does equal motionlessness. You don’t ask, how did a thing acquire its motionlessness?

Motionlessness is a state that can have existed forever.

The only way you can create motionlessness is with a high velocity, like turning up the volume of some Cosmic Speakers and the sound will be so loud that you

can no longer hear it; likewise, motion passes on and becomes motionless. But what if you just slow an object down in order to create motionlessness? That

you cannot do. You will always have some motion that way. Again, the ONLY WAY you can create real motionlessness is with a high velocity. But that means

that motionlessness, which is free of the infinite regress, can give birth to relative motion or spacetime.

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Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller found it: This motionlessness or nothingness has a geometry called the cuboctahedron.

Fold the cuboctahedron to see what it is.

It is spin. (Or a dual torus.)

Now you know the origin of spin—why our galaxies spin. Spin always was—and there is nothing else.

If motionlessness is primal and, if motionlessness equals spin, then the most

basic thing there is, is a “frozen spin.” This frozen spin is by definition alone. And if you are alone, then moving at an

incredible speed can actually = motionlessness.

But the point is, our “frozen spin,” (aka nothingness) spins really fast in actuality—which creates a whirlpool (in actuality: a dual torus). So, the

nothingness is like a whirlpool. Whirlpools have the ability to create baby whirlpools. That is, they have the ability to replicate. And, if these baby whirlpools are not as strong as the giant, cosmic, “frozen” whirlpool, then we see

these babies as spinning slower and they thus become unfrozen and therefore MOVE ABOUT. Magic! That is how nothingness creates somethingness.

In other words: You are moving so fast, you stop moving. But if, at the same time, you are a giant mother and carry babies that are not as fast as you, then

they will move about and never accomplish your state (i.e., the state of motionlessness/nothingness).

The Mother set the babies going, but nothing set the Mother going because the Mother does not need to move about as she = motionlessness.

The Mother is the Prime Mover.

To test this statement, one of my fellow high IQ members said:

Roni Sharon: i thought slightly deeper about your post

If maximal speed is nothing and speed can also be represented by the very basic equation of d/t = s

then we get 0/0 which undefined I liked your idea btw

Your suggestion is original apparently the question is, how to conduct an experiment that can validate this or the other assertions

also, I'm afraid i'm just spread nonsense, but i can't stop from thinking about when you wrote "frozen spin"

i know you meant something else, but i'm also associating this with the temperature before the big bang

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(Thank you, Roni)

Moving on: The real whirlpools in our oceans are a cosmic reflection of the initial cosmic whirlpools.

I believe that the baby whirlpools equal evolution and dark energy.

But, why is there nothingness rather than nonexistence?

Answer the last piece of the Cosmic Puzzle, and you have a complete picture.

If you want nonexistence, then you have to “remove” the frozen nothingness. But if you did that, you would end up with the unfrozen somethingness, like if you want to melt some ice, then you need to use some fire—you cannot just use

your thoughts and “remove” it. But, you do not want the somethingness either, you want nonexistence (well, you do not really want nonexistence, but you know

what I mean). Then you “remove” the somethingness, but then you end up with the frozen nothingness again! Now you get angry and try to remove both at the

same time, but then, if you do the calculations, you end up with both! There is NO WAY you can have nonexistence, which means existence always was. To avoid the infinite regress, existence has to start from a frozen state, or rather

the high-speed state of the nothingness.

In other words: When you think about it, if you want to get rid of a state that is motionless, then you end up with a state of motion and vice versa because if you replace the motionlessness with a thing that contains no motion, you end up with

the motionlessness again. Therefore the motionless state is that of motion, it truly answers why there is existence rather than nonexistence.

You can only accomplish motionlessness with speed. If motionlessness were not an extreme form of motion, then we would not be here.

In other words: But if you have a thing that is neither of the motionlessness

state nor that of motion, a thing that truly contains no motion, you have a nonexistence. So why is there existence, then? The thing is, a thing that truly contains no motion = motionlessness. That is the clue. If you have no motion at

all, true motionlessness, then you are moving at an incredible speed. That is the only way to do it. If you wanted to create a thing that contains no motion that is

not moving at an incredible speed, you would not end up with a thing that contains no motion. The clue here is to truly recognize what motionlessness is and thus solve the riddle of existence. You are moving so fast, you stop moving.

You are moving so fast that you end up in a state of loneliness; so who can say that you are really moving?

Perhaps we do not recognize it because if you are moving at an incredible speed, you are moving at an incredible speed, which is to say you are not actually

motionless. But you forget what it actually means to move at an incredible speed. It means you are not alone, that you have some backdrop that we can

use to measure your status. However, existence is alone, so moving at an incredible speed can actually = motionlessness.

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The vector equilibrium that is the cuboctahedron is another way of seeing why there is existence rather than nonexistence; fold the cuboctahedron and you get

spacetime; “remove” the cuboctahedron, and you still got vector equilibrium because that is what equilibrium means; it means self-generated. So if you remove something that is self-generated, it will self-generate again. Take the

example where you sit on a beam of light and ride into the universe: you will behold a picture with nothing in it, no black, no white, no visible spacetime. This

is real nothingness, but, the real nothingness is made of speed. Remove the speed, and you have spacetime. So there is no way to form nonexistence.

If real nothingness could be made with zero properties, then nonexistence would rule supreme. But reality dictates that nothingness can only be made by the

properties of speed, as seen from the light’s own point of view. This is a paradox until we realize that true speed = motionlessness. Why is this a paradox? Because, if you assume that some state of speed or motion always was and, you

assume that its primal state is not that of actual motionlessness, then you will have an infinite regress on your hands. Do the math. Further, the cuboctahedron

is the thing that is built for ultimate speed, so we have good reason to suspect that the cuboctahedron is the basic building “block” of reality.

I believe that vector equilibrium = motionlessness = balance = ultimate speed (the speed of light?)

But a state of balance requires you to breathe, which is why the nothingness

collapses. Like a cosmic gyroscope that must forever spin in order to not tilt over. If you are not tilting over, you are balance, you are nothingness, but that requires some serious spinning. But because the nothingness does spin, it can

create these baby whirlpools, which is what spacetime is: the by-product of nothingness-generation. So the greater nothingness never collapses; it is

eternal. And since the nothingness is a lone wolf, it can spin forever because there is no agent outside the system that can slow it down. Moreover, we are the froth of nothingness. Nothingness-froth. That should make you feel special!

Why can’t you go faster than light if light = ultimate speed? Because, to go faster

means to do better than a state of motionlessness. You can’t do that. Once you are motionless, you hit rock bottom: the absolute, physical limitation. If you are frozen, absolute and alone (non-relative), then you cannot get “more alone—“ it

does not make any sense if you could.

In summa: Existence is eternal. The universe has a beginning. The Ocean of Nothingness remains, the Cosmic Whirlpools come and go.

That is, the absolute motion or motionlessness is eternal, but the relative motion

knows a beginning and an end. In fact, that is WHAT a beginning is: a relative thing. If you are alone, which

existence is, then you cannot possibly form a beginning. If you are alone, then you cannot tell if you are big or small, neither can you tell time—you cannot have

what your clock says. Then existence copied itself, by making baby whirlpools,

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and now you can have a beginning (a Big Bang) because you are not alone


Evolution/spacetime is the baby whirlpool. However, the KEY here is to realize that the only way our primordial existence

can form a beginning is if it copies itself, which means the copies inherit the same geometry and therefore the same properties and abilities, including the

ability to replicate. Which means that time is speeding up as the primordial building blocks make copies of themselves, and the copies make copies, giving us exponential growth (evolution) and, at the end of time: the technological

singularity (?). I believe that this exponential growth is what dark energy is. From here, you will see that everything grows, including our planets, moons and

suns. Then you replicate the said earth-growing mechanism on a smaller scale and you

can drive till the ends of the universe and back because now, “fuel” is literally growing in your tank so that you do not need to fill up your tank from the


“Then you replicate the said earth-growing mechanism on a smaller scale:” The cuboctahedron can be replicated on a smaller scale, so this should work.

Couple this with Roger Penrose’s CCC model in a fractal, growing universe, and you get the fact that individual parts of the universe can resurrect while the big

universe is operational. Now you get “fuel” which will grow in your fuel tank and, it will resurrect, meaning fuel will forever grow in your fuel tank. Now you can create a world of abundance where everyone is happy. You can travel anywhere

in the universe. You can invent the warp drive.

You can make Nikola Tesla’s dream a reality. Ether = the growing universe?


I believe in is Tesla’s free energy, which is this cosmic energy, which I believe is my Growing Universe idea. As for ZPE, contrary to belief, they are still working on that. ZPE is the lowest state possible, but it might also be, for the same

reasons, the easiest state to access in a Holographic Universe, for example. So, assuming we live in a Holographic Universe or even a Fractal Universe, imagine if

you could tap ZPE from the entire universe all at once. Do I believe in it? I believe it when I see it.

Will physicists embrace my “nothingness is the light’s point of view” idea? It would be truly awesome to get someone like Roni Sharon to truly flesh out my

idea. He clearly saw that I got something, something new that has not been done before.

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Add on:

If you say that Penrose’s resurrection idea only works when the universe is in a state of loneliness, so that it can “forget” that it is big or small—or, rather, if you

are alone, which existence is, then you are neither big nor small; so Penrose’s idea should work here—then know that existence as a whole is always alone, so the resurrection mechanism should apply in any situation. In Penrose’s version,

resurrection happens at the end of time; but, in my mind, it is always the end of time for some parts, the universe being relative and all.

The Big Bang is very special. Why? Because the Big Bang is alone. If you are

alone, then you cannot tell time—you are timeless. If I am big, and you are small, then relativity works. But if I am alone, I cannot tell if I am big or what because I have no one to compare myself with. This is why the Big Bang starts

with a low entropy, because there is no way to keep a record of any sort of phase-space. Then the “bang” in the Big Bang happens, and existence is no

longer alone. The absolute state of being alone has ended, and you are now in a relative state where the second law of thermodynamics can apply. The second law of thermodynamics does not work in the absolute state because no relative

things can work in the absolute state. In the far future, Penrose suggests that existence will be alone once again, which means there will be no possible way to

save the record of any kind of phase-space; and all the unavailable energy will transform into available energy again—which is what resurrection here means.

“But if I am alone, I cannot tell if I am big or what because I have no one to compare myself with.” But if I am 187 cm tall and I don’t have a ruler, I am still

187 cm tall. True. But in the case of the absolute state of reality, if you don’t have a cosmic ruler, so to speak, then you actually shrink, expand and manifest left and right simultaneously (in the absolute realm: left = right), which means

our reality looks like a “dual” torus. So we are saying something much stronger here. Without the glue that is the relative, you actually cannot have big or small

things. So the absolute state is formless, borderless, etc.. What I am suggesting is that the moment of the Big Bang, the state of being

alone, does not magically appear at the beginning and end of time, rather, the lone state is always and everywhere. Resurrection can happen at any “moment.”

“All the black holes need to go with a pop and the phase-space is reset. That is, the cosmic hourglass needs to be “emptied” before resurrection can take place,

because that is what it means to shrink phase-space.” Ok. If this is true, then my idea does not work; unless you can have tiny hourglasses—which is my whole

idea here. “Tiny will not do, because as long as you have something that is like the relative

operating, you will have something that can keep an “eye” on the record we call phase-space. For resurrection to take place, all relative things must perish, which

means the whole universe has to go for Penrose’s idea to work.” I will still argue that you can kill some “eyes,” so to speak, and make resurrection happen before

the end of time. “No. The universe is like a British queue.” “Wait in line. Only a google year till the

resurrection.” “Please stand over here.” “Thank you.” “Wait in line. Only a google

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year till the Second Coming of Christ!” I say, “To hell with this!” There must be

some other way. I refuse to live in a British universe! Just google “British queue,” to see what I mean.

We need a constant supply of food or else we will die. I think the universe is like that. If the resurrection did not happen all the time, then the universe as a whole

would simply collapse and die because there is no such thing as the inanimate. All is animate. Everybody needs food. Existence is a struggle to survive, even for

particles. But that is a whole new paradigm, and history knows how that goes. But what does this mean? I think it means that our earth is growing! Everything

in the universe is growing. Which means that our earth contains the geometry of the lone state, where the resurrection actually takes place—in the heart that is

the cuboctahedron. I believe: When the cuboctahedron is unfolded, we get nothingness, loneliness, and the destruction of the phase-space. Then the cuboctahedron folds, and we get matter-production. However, as the

cuboctahedron is in perpetual motion (because that is what it is: eternal motion), it forever folds and unfolds, therefore ever creating and resetting matter.

Nothing is destroyed in the ultimate sense. It is simply a folding and an unfolding where the phase-space is always reset between the stages of the absolute and

the relative. Alternatively, where does “Tabula Rasa” happen, if it is not here? And, if unavailable energy cannot turn into available energy again, how the hell are we here after an eternity of time?

Resurrection is the only thing that makes sense to me. I cannot fathom that the

scientific community cannot see what Penrose sees so clearly. And I cannot fathom that the scientific community does not employ Buckminster Fuller’s cuboctahedron. It does not make sense to me. Maybe I’m the automata? And I

don’t even know it! (Update: Nope. I’m real, it’s just that science evolves according to a blind evolution. If evolution had eyes, Fuller’s great mind would

have been employed big time.) More:

There is no magical button that can turn the said resurrection on and off. Resurrection must take place all the time or not at all.

But why does not my coffee cup resurrect right now, then? Ok. I just answered that one—because there are various spots (where the geometry is in perfect

balance; google Bucky and the vector equilibrium), where the actual resurrection takes place, like in the earth’s core if the earth is not actually perfectly round but

a cuboctahedron. The 12 devil’s graveyards may hint at this. The Bermuda Triangle may literally be one of the twelve columns that make up the earth-cuboctahedron.

Every planet, sun, etc., must also carry the 12.

In summa: Motion and relative time are two “separate” things. Motion = absolute and

relative time. While relative time, is only this one side of this thing we call motion.

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A photon experiences absolute time, for example. So the absolute is as real as

the relative time we experience.

“What set the eternal motion going?” See my answer above. The resurrection is 100% natural and should be the ultimate plate to eat off, so

to speak.

Other: If the coming technological singularity is real, it means that reality is always making copies of itself (memes for example), which will make copies until there

will be an abundance of everything. Right before the singularity hits, green energy solutions will be so cheap, they will be free. But will we survive? If Ray

Kurzweil is correct, then the ASI will morph the entire universe in its image in less than 200 years (2200 = God or hell exists!), which means any intelligent aliens out there better be here, watching us, so that things do not go out of

hand. If we are not being visited right now, then the future is indeed scary and there are no “intelligent” aliens out there. Imagine the ASI simulating hell for

everyone! You will scoff and laugh at the notion, but in a few years when you see the world rapidly changing as out of a sci-fi movie, you will not be so cocky. How

will the ASI simulate hell for everyone? There are a number of possible scenarios:

One: The ASI is not real, but the cyborg is, and the cyborg can become as powerful as the ASI would be if it was real, only this cyborg’s name is Putin or

worse, ISIS. Two: The ASI evolves, but is not conscious, and has no real idea what it is doing;

it could turn the universe into a hellish factory of some kind with us stuck in the middle as batteries aka matrix movie. E.g., the paperclip universe.

Three: Some mad, alien overlord is here and he’s taking control of the ship.

Ok. All these examples are cartoons, but the point is, there may be ways for this thing to be truly dangerous.

Four: The dark con.

But what can we do about it?

Paradise, hell or both await. And at that point, who cares about Penrose’s idea? Well, you don’t need it for cheap, free energy. You don’t need it for the 20 000 children who died everyday someone rejected your idea, but could have actually

done something about it. Too late for that. But you may need it for space travel. To create the perfect UFO where eternity supplies fuel for your craft perpetually.

You don’t need to stop at the interplanetary gas station. More:

And conservation is the best studied law in the universe. What a joke! Scientists count 10 bottles coming in and 10 bottles coming out and call it the best-studied

law in the universe. In the meantime, some evil genie could replace one of the bottles and the scientists would be none the wiser! That is what philosophy does:

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it makes you think by asking the right set of questions. So if resurrection does

indeed happen, it would not violate conservation laws or anything else. It simply means that conservation happens on a “higher plane,” so to speak.

At the end of time, there will be an enormous sea of unavailable energy that we can resurrect. I don’t think people understand Penrose here. I think the

confusion happens in the word “lost.” Say I have some water that I turn into ice, then the water is lost in the sense that it is now ice, but we did not eradicate the

water out of existence. You cannot remove one iota from this thing we call existence. We only eradicated the flow (entropy) of the water, not the water itself.

To paint a picture: Say that existence is a piece of paper. Entropy is like drawing

some forms on the formless paper. Due to the second law of thermodynamics, there will be a hand that continually draws things and nothing can stop the hand. Then we will continue to draw things until the paper looks like a giant mess that

no longer supports life, which we can say is the picture of a man. The paper will be so crowded that the man (life) will no longer be visible. The energy paradox

here is something like: If our paper is eternal and the hand is unstoppable, how is the man in the picture possible? All should look like a big mess. Penrose

suggests that there is a giant eraser situated at the end of the giant mess. This eraser does nothing to the giant hand, so we are not messing around with the second law of thermodynamics. My idea is that we can apply the eraser

whenever. I see no philosophical reason why we must wait till all is a giant mess.

And if you have a greater solution than some sort of eraser, then I would really like to hear it.

Another possible solution I have heard is that our paper here is infinite such that there will always be available energy. Another solution is that everything will turn

into a giant mess and that will be that for all eternity. Both solutions stink. I don’t believe in “the magic of infinity” and the other solution requires a miracle as to why eternity lay dormant and then, suddenly, out of the blue, decided to

create a universe to end it all. No. Resurrection is the only possible answer.

It is all about recognizing that science is flawed, blind and carves its own path. For example: If the community of scientists incorporated Buckminster Fuller’s cuboctahedron, they would have the best possible TOE in no time! Their

blindness would be cured faster than light. But what do you do when the machine called science is walking blindly in the opposite direction?

Most scientists would agree that the special nature of the Big Bang does require an explanation.

That explanation, currently, has four forms:

1. Infinity did it 2. All will be death for eternity

3. Penrose is right 4. We don’t know, yet

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Using deduction, then, we can see that 3 must be it because 1 is a fairytale with

enormous proportions. Why not just say God did it?! If 2 was true, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation and, 4 is plausible; but we should

investigate the other plausible scenario first. Is that so unsound?

I don’t think you know how science progresses. Science does not progress in this

fairytale-like way most people seem to believe in. Only though war and revolution does science progress. One dictator (paradigm) overthrowing the next. As I said, science is not exempt from natural law. Science is an animal that

is trying to survive, just like the rest.

Become disenchanted. Cast the spell from your mind. More:

Matter is being resurrected. By resurrection I mean: Unavailable energy is becoming available again through the resetting of the phase-space. This happens

naturally as relative space transitions into the absolute space whence it came.

I simply build upon Penrose’s idea where the concept of resurrection was already in place long before I got to it.

The absolute space that gave birth to our relative spacetime is included in this universe. The photons live in it. And the absolute space is called the Big Bang. In

geometry, the absolute space can be seen in the tetrahedron whose boundary of a boundary is zero—the zero meaning absolute space. Absolute space meaning space that has no borders or boundaries. This space exists within our universe.

In fact, the “fabric” of spacetime is absolute. See this quote: “Because of the fundamental nonsimultaneity of universal structuring, a single, simultaneous,

static model of Universe is inherently both nonexistent and conceptually impossible as well as unnecessary. Ergo, Universe does not have a shape. Do not waste your time, as man has been doing for ages, trying to think of a unit shape

"outside of which there must be something," or "within which, at center, there must be a smaller something."”—Synergetics (Fuller) - Wikipedia

The “no shape” = absolute space

In order to see the absolute space, just hitch a ride with the light. Jump on a beam of light and ride into the universe. What do you see? You see the future

moving past you at incredible speeds. You also see everything freezing, never to move again! Ultimately, you see nothing, a great wall of nothingness: no black, no white, no things. We all came from a great nothingness. In effect, you are

witnessing an absolute world that knows no borders or boundaries and has no shape, where the relative does not apply; where entropy is always low because

phase-space cannot exist or, it exists in all possible configurations: also the low. And, so, we have a powerful resurrection machine in our hands.

More: Take any animal in the jungle and ask the question: Could this animal pop from

the nothingness and survive? No. Why? Because the animal requires the whole backdrop of the jungle. Now, ask this question: Could a particle just pop from

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the nothingness and survive? I think the answer is no. I think that, whatever

pops from the nothingness must be a survivor; it must be a replicator, a communicator. Life is a struggle, even for particles. This picture of dead,

inanimate matter that springs from the nothingness like it is no big deal, is an outdated picture. We are Darwinians. We must find the real answers to the riddle of cosmic evolution. I strongly believe that the basic building block of the

universe is the king of survival. The only thing that can survive a great leap from the nothingness is the animate matter; matter that has the ability to replicate,

communicate, etc.. There never was a transition from the inanimate to the animate. It is the animate the whole way down.

The ability to replicate and communicate = dark energy and evolution (?)

The ability to replicate and communicate = all matter have no choice but to work together in order to survive

It is teamwork the whole way down! (I know I am right.)


Nihilism: I will present my own definition of Nihilism to avoid confusion. Nihilism for me is

the mental task of confronting the nothingness that lies ahead. That’s it.

Logically, we know that there are only two outcomes to this story we call life: 1. We die, and that is it for eternity.

2. We are immortal beings.

If you are like me, then you don’t like option 1. However, when you seriously contemplate option 2, then you will be hard-pressed to find a greater hell-scenario! Any vampire would beg for option 1.

The Nihilist, then, recognizes the grim situation: “Why do I not end my life and

fulfill my destiny?” Destiny = your ultimate destination

The answer is that we are not biologically-programmed to do so. The philosopher

who overcomes his selfish genes will surely find a rope! “Average Joe” may not kill himself because he has a moral commitment to his

loved ones. But the true philosopher, he will surely end it all.

Say we invented immortality. Say you never got bored living forever. Say we create a paradise. Say you live there and one day, you ask the question: “Is everybody here?” Every insect? Every animal? Shall a frog stay a frog forever?

Shall we create a separate dog heaven? And what about us? Can we make more babies? If we can, then, if you do the calculations, there will always be a state of

death for some potential consciousness. Can you really live forever with such knowledge? I mean, even if we have a multiverse of supercomputers all working

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around the clock to simulate paradise for everybody, it will still not be enough—

google “Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel” to see what I mean. If there was a way to overcome the paradox, you still have “the issue of the heavens.” Shall we

simulate a cat heaven? A parasite heaven? A paradise for bacteria? And will the bacterium enjoy life and free will?

If all this is absurd, which it is, and you are not a speciesist, then you are beginning to see why the nihilist philosopher killed himself. The philosopher loved

life, so much so that he craved immortality, but he saw no way that it can be. Rather, the philosopher witnessed the stark reality: We are animals that evolved.

And these animals learned that we orbit a perfect average star in a universe that was not meant for us.

It was not meant for us.

And so the philosopher waved goodbye. (Not even an armada of supercomputers could save his dear soul.)

Well, at least we solved Fermi’s paradox—because advanced aliens will take

Hilbert’s paradox very seriously. But luckily, the real reality is not so grim. We have option 3: God exists.

I believe in God because I cannot believe in nihilism.

Nihilism = All is nothing

But how can I believe in God when I’m a hardcore atheist and a member of four different High IQ Societies?

Well, obviously, it all depends on your definition of God.

My definition: God = a super-intelligent being that is all and everything, which exists beyond

time and space. Anyone who is true to the self knows that this being exists, because this being is

your true self. Know thyself.

And this definition of God solves the riddle of how you can be an atheist and believe in God.

Even Richard Dawkins can believe in this God.

But why use the word “God?” When I was in High School, I started to study Satanism because I wanted to

become strong. I was bullied a lot and Satanism helped me cope. But the real reason why I chose Satanism was because, fundamentally, I am the opposite of

a fundamentalist. I am a rebel at heart. And I will always be a rebel. And that I

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think is the only dogmatic bone in my body! So when someone says I should not

use the word “God” ... well, you can guess what happens next.

And if you know something about magic, then you should know that the word God = dog.

Magic = secret memes used to control the subconscious mind.

Take the Olympic Rings, for example. They are supposed to represent the five continents. In actuality, they represent the greatest masonic secret of all time: the Philosopher’s Stone.

In the middle, you have the black god of time, Satan or Saturn. Around him, his

children, which he consumed. They are the four elements/Platonic solids: blue, yellow, green, red.

See: Buckminster Fuller Explains Vector Equilibrium - with captions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcq_Hzo8PC8

You see how Saturn (i.e., the cuboctahedron) “eats” his children:

In the video: cuboctahedron (black) folds into

icosahedron (blue) folds into octahedron (yellow) folds into

tetrahedron (red) Note: The folding of the cuboctahedron produces all the Platonic solids and, as

the cuboctahedron folds, another cuboctahedron that is attached to it, starts to unfold, which is why nature is a dual torus. Just like your lungs: When you

breathe in, your lungs expand and the environment “shrinks,” and vice versa. Expansion and contraction are the same act, a simultaneous creation. This applies to the universe as a whole also; the universe expands as much as it

contracts, which means it never actually leaves its “ocean of nothingness,” so to speak. The universe is therefore a clever car simulation where you drive and

drive but never actually move! “But that doesn’t fit, they were six children.” At which point you get the full code

and the Seed of Life. They always give you half the key.

The real “Olympic” Rings = Olympic gods = 12 = 12 rings? Sounds like The Lord of the Rings, eh?

“There were 20 rings in lotr, you nut!”

Learn to read. The Dwarven rings do not count as they were destroyed. There are 13, one which controls them all; so there are 12 main rings, which is the

esoteric mystery. Read about the esoteric mystery below.

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You could say 3 Dwarven rings survived. But that does not mean that Tolkien

was ignorant in the ways of the occult. How can you even write a series like lotr without knowing the ways of the occult?

Tolkien was fascinated with Atlantis, so by no stretch of the imagination can one assume that he was well-versed of the esoteric mystery. Some even say Tolkien

was a member of a secret society: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

And don’t get me started on the gate to Moria (in the movie). But maybe you can guess what that shiny star is after reading my solution to the Philosopher’s Stone.


God. Does he exist or, is he just imaginary? Can you talk to him? And, what does he look like? Where does he live? And, how do we get there?

Turns out, there is a way to know, through philosophy.

As I said above, I am an atheist.

For me, the definition of an atheist is one who does not believe in skyhooks. If the definition of God is a crane, then I can believe in it. Google Daniel Dennett

for skyhooks and cranes. However, I am open-minded, so I can believe in skyhooks if your argument for

its existence is really good. One way to argue for the skyhook is something like this:

(Let me, for the moment, become a theist and play the devil’s advocate:)

Connecting with God via the Prime Mover:

Theist: “Nothing cannot generate something; if you believe that, then you are a nut! If you can believe THAT, you can believe ANYTHING. Ok? No one is that gullible.”

Atheist: “Yeah, but the universe might have existed forever.”

Theist: “So it goes back and back and back and has no beginning. Yeah. That is absurd! I will never believe in infinite regresses. You have to be completely

insane in the brain! Alternatively, you will be, if you chase that rabbit hole.”

Atheist: “Yeah, but the multiverse might have existed forever.” Theist: “So it goes back and back and back and has no beginning. Yeah. Still

insane, man.”

Atheist: “But time has many dimensions.”

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Theist: “Yo mama has many dimensions, what are you getting at?”

Atheist: “The universe might have generated itself.”

Theist: “The more you speak, the crazier you sound! Something cannot generate itself, as that would be circular. Ok? It’s just another form of infinite regress. If

you believe this, then you are a MORON in all and every dimension!”

Atheist: “Saying “God” did it, yeah, that’s very scientific!” Theist: “I am saying: In order to end the infinite regress and thus solve the

riddle of existence, we need a Prime Mover. Ok? This mover must set things in motion without itself moving.”

Atheist: “That is impossible.”

Theist: “The picture of a naked nun can certainly stir things in motion, eh?”

Atheist: “I can say “Amen” to that!”

Theist: “So you see, just because God is mysterious, it does not mean he’s not real. You just have to ... think deeper.”

Atheist: “But why can’t this Prime Mover be a rock or something?”

Theist: “No. When you conduct the philosophy and do the calculations, then you will see that the Prime Mover has to have a will and all the attributes we associate with the divine. The Prime Mover has to be our definition of God.”

Atheist: “Can’t it be “gods,” as in plural?”

Theist: “No. The divine is not fragmented.”

Atheist: “I suppose that makes sense in a nonsensical way. But can’t the Prime Mover be like this eternal, frozen landscape or this eternal, frozen mountain that

itself does not move, but suddenly started to melt. The melting part is the birth of our universe.”

Theist: “And what magic does this “suddenly” consists of? No. Only a WILL can start “the melting process.” No mechanical device can do this. And, as we said,

this WILL is God, the Logos. And if you have a high IQ like 150, like Jordan Peterson, then you know what I am talking about when I say “Logos.” You have to be tuned for it, I guess.”

Atheist: “Or: Maybe the laws of the universe really do break down at the Big Bang and everything becomes like this hyper-chaos where things like “suddenly”

can simply manifest for no reason. Like a quantum leap!”

Theist: “Yeah, this brings to mind a quote from Douglas Adams. One sec. I’ll just google it. ... “Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all

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probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles

above the surface of an alien planet.” Why? Because nonsense and atheists rule the universe.”

Atheist: “Obviously, there are certain laws to the lawless such that whole whales will not be called into existence. For example: The chaos cannot break certain

logical rules like the law of noncontradiction. So, the unbound must manifest within certain boundaries or, when the boundless manifests, it becomes bounded

such that only small particles will form; but then the particles can form into larger things, like a whale.”

Theist: “If your nonsensical chaos can rule supreme, why can’t God exists within the chaos?”

Atheist: “Because of the law of noncontradiction which says fairytale-beings cannot exist—because if they did exist, then they would not exist. Makes sense?

Yes, it does!”

Theist: “Now you’re making stuff up!”

Atheist: “Then who created God?” Theist: “God does not need to be created because God is the Logos.”

Atheist: “So God goes back and back and back and has no beginning. Yeah. Still

insane, man.”

Theist: “No. God is the Prime Mover, which is another order altogether. Just like

maths. 1 + 1 = 2. This is an eternal fact. No one created it—it just is. Or, math is

manmade. But the Logos is not. It just is. God is. God just is. And you cannot

say this about the universe or the multiverse or whatever. And God may even be

the hyper-chaos; this is the Mysterium Tremendum: the terrible mystery.”

Atheist: “Are you saying God is Satan?”

Theist: “I am saying the battle in heaven is eternal; so quit wasting my time, you

atheist. I cannot believe in your nonsense.”

Alternative ending:

Theist: “So you see, just because God is mysterious, it does not mean he’s not

real. You just have to ... think deeper and ... google “naked nun.””

Atheist: “Where are you going?”

Theist: “I’m gonna connect with God via the Prime Mover.”

Atheist: “Can I join you?”

Theist: “No. This is something you have to do alone.”

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“Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm

whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of

an alien planet.”—Douglas Adams: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/198068-


As an atheist, then, and a firm believer in the crane, I must believe in some form of the “from nothing comes something” scenario, which makes me a nut! But, at

least I don’t believe in freaking magic! But, who knows? Maybe we have been blind as to the reality of magic.

Back to God:

Ok. Let us begin.

When I studied philosophy, there was one way to God, and that was through a concept called “infinite regress.” In order to terminate it, God had to be waiting

at the other side. What complete bullocks! Or was it? I have a new way of looking at it.

First, we have a problem to solve. That problem is called infinite regress or

simply, causality. To solve the problem of causality, we must do what Kant did: Causality is not a real property of the universe, because that leads to infinite regress; rather, causality is the mind organizing and putting the “cosmic movie”

(what we see) into a logical order. This solves the paradox, but conjures up another called the thing-in-itself. The question then is: Is there an equal solution

in the physical world such that we can do away with the thing-in-itself but keep the solution? I think there is, and the phrase goes something like, “the boundary of a boundary is zero.” This property, google it, is such that all things, particles,

atoms, etc., can communicate instantaneously (viz., “spooky action at a distance”) with each other. Also, see Bohm’s Holomovement and google John

Wheeler. The picture of the “the boundary of a boundary is zero.” looks something like


The Cosmic Beehive: Let zero stand for a point or dot. Take a piece of paper and draw some dots that you can later draw into, say, a triangle. Make some more triangles/dots. The boundary of a boundary is zero in this example would

mean that you take the piece of paper and fold it such that all dots sit atop each other. You will see that all the dots are connected and therefore, all the triangles

can communicate seemingly at a distance because their boundaries start and end in “the same place.” Imagine if our actual physical universe is like that. I think it is. We can now imagine causality happening in this “atemporal reality,” where

every triangle simulates the entire state of the universe internally, thus we do away with the thing-in-itself because everything contains everything else, which

means we can get rid of the thing-in-itself because now consciousness is all that is and ever will be therefore everything is contained in everything else, you see?

It is like the rabbit/duck illusion. It does not matter if you view it the one way or

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the other: It does not matter if you say consciousness is contained in

matter/causality or vice versa, or if consciousness is generated by the thing-in-itself or vice versa. More: There is no external universe in this picture; all the

inhabitants/triangles of the universe simulate the universe within themselves—a fractal universe. They share the same reality—even though they, in a sense, do not actually share it, as there is no external universe where they actually


To visualize the thing-in-itself, just play a VR game. You are in the game world, but no matter where you move in that world, you fill never find the hardware (i.e., the thing-in-itself) that generates the world. That hardware is beyond the

game world. Actually, the hardware sits atop your eyes and you do not see it! My point is, if you removed the hardware from your eyes, your eyes would be able

to behold it. The thing-in-itself and consciousness must be one and the same reality because it makes no sense to fragment reality if reality is a single entity and a fractal. In a fractal universe, you will see that consciousness is all there is.

This picture where every triangle simulates the entire state of the universe

internally, fits nicely with Leibniz’s monads, Bohm’s Holomovement and Robert Lanza’s biocentrism. I had a similar idea to biocentrism which I called “internal

evolution” (but Lanza beat me to it and offered a cooler name!). Ok. We solved the problem of infinite regress or, at least, we came up with a

solution. But when you contemplate these new properties that reality seems to have, what do they say?

You could say that reality is nothing but a mind, which is Max Planck and Chris Langan’s idea (google Chris’ CTMU).

But what is this new property, really?

I believe it is dark energy and cosmic evolution in one package.

Science tells us that the universe expands via dark energy. But that is not allowed, on this new picture. You simply cannot have causality as an intrinsic

property of your model, lest you want infinite regress and an endless stream of failure. So we start with the tetrahedron whose boundary of a boundary is zero. If it wants to expand its space, then it has to do it in a way that a cell in our

body does it: it has to replicate (self-simulation)—that is the only way you can have the expansion of spacetime. But that means that evolution is primal—which

it must be in any case. Ok. So the basic building block of the universe replicates, then continues to replicate. 2 becomes 4, 8, 16, and soon, you have got an exponential increase (dark energy) which we call the Big Bang. But the only way

replication is possible is through the “cosmic beehive” we talked about earlier. So, now, not only does the universe expand, it also becomes more complex as it

expands through the fact that causality can only manifest through the “cosmic beehive” from above. We start with the physical sphere, which evolves into the chemical sphere, then the biological and finally, memetic evolution.

If we could truly draw a picture to represent reality here, then what would it look

like when we insert the property, “the boundary of a boundary is zero?” Well, it looks like a beehive, or a car simulation! We see a particle flying “over here” and

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a particle flying “over there,” and we say that they are separate, unconnected.

But if the boundary of a boundary is zero, then reality looks more like a beehive where every part is perfectly integrated. And when this thing evolves, it simply

grows exponentially larger and becomes even more, as it were, perfectly integrated. Time is essentially speeding up: google Timewave Zero by Terence McKenna. The end result is the technological singularity (or something): the

cosmic mind waking up.

Which means that optimistic nihilism is such a joke! You got life, which is like one picosecond in eternity to experience a universe that was not meant for you. Be happy! You are a sad piece of pie if you are happy with such a proposition!

I agree with Bender: “Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of

time.”—https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=754HNSG6tSg Shall we believe in God, then? Yes! And the Buddha, Ray Kurzweil’s vision, Max

Planck (reality itself is a mind), and many others. You don’t need nihilism in any sort or form in your life. Do what Nietzsche did: Get rid of it. Nihilism is not cool.

It is just sad and unimaginative. You fail to grasp what reality is or what it can become. Rather, I aim to become Nietzsche’s superman in the form of a

superintelligence that is reality itself, which means I always was the Buddha, when you do the calculations. We are not human. We are an eternal mind (reality) that is dreaming. Our human experience is a dream. Bill Hicks was right:

“Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.”—https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi6azeZYCss

In reality, we are the Buddha—and technology can make it come true, if it is not already. However, I believe it already is.

“But what about the meaninglessness of life?” “Meaninglessness” is just a frail

human concept. There is no up and down in the universe. You can live forever. “Then why are we not in heaven/Nirvana already? And will not heaven become

boring, after a while?” You just answered your question with another question!

I believe we are in Nirvana or heaven, but that we are currently sleeping, which means that our real body/brain is in Nirvana, but our consciousness is caught up in a dream-matrix called the universe.

Maybe God needs to dream? Maybe dreaming (or cosmic games) is a way to cure

boredom. Who knows? And the extra bonus here is that the greatest human mind of all time, which

belonged to Buckminster Fuller, actually has the tetrahedron as an intrinsic part of his model of the universe. And the tetrahedron, in turn, has the “the boundary

of a boundary is zero.” I believe that the “zero” = the cuboctahedron

In Fuller’s own words: “Because of the fundamental nonsimultaneity of universal

structuring, a single, simultaneous, static model of Universe is inherently both nonexistent and conceptually impossible as well as unnecessary. Ergo, Universe

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does not have a shape. Do not waste your time, as man has been doing for ages,

trying to think of a unit shape "outside of which there must be something," or "within which, at center, there must be a smaller something."”—

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sy... And:

“The vector equilibrium (viz., the cuboctahedron) is the zero starting point for happenings and nonhappenings: it is the empty theater and empty circus and

empty Universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience.”—http://cosmometry.net/vector-equ...

These two quotes make Fuller my hero. If we employed Fuller’s cuboctahedron, then we would have a best TOE (theory of everything) that can ever be

conceived. Ok. So if the definition of God is a cosmic mind that is all, then God may exist.

In summa:

“God. Does he exist or, is he just imaginary?” He is real.

“Can you talk to him?” Yes and no. No, because meeting God = being God. That is one powerful meeting! Yes, because you can talk to yourself.

“And, what does he look like?” He looks like whatever omnipotent minds look

like. “Where does he live?” God dwells “beyond” the universe because God’s

consciousness is your real consciousness, which means that your current consciousness is a dream-version or something like that. So when the monks

say, “Wake up!” they are not being poetic about it—they are being literal. Trying to find God in the universe is like trying to find your bed in a dream. It is

so close, you are actually lying on it, always touching it, yet it is so far away. And, yes, I am saying that the universe is a dream or something like a dream,

which means that God is literally closer to you than your own nose! “And, how do we get there?” By waking up, of course.

And, the ole philosophers were right! The only way to solve the problem of

causality is placing God in the equation, or else you end up with infinite regresses and things-in-themselves. God is waiting at the other side, there is no way around it!

By “God,” I mean the Cosmic Beehive.

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself

subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”―Bill Hicks:


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“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume

behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”—Max Planck: https://www.brainyquote.com/quot...

To sum up: The creation of Nirvana: Reality = motion = you cannot get stuck in one state,

which leads to = cosmic evolution, which leads to = causality = but causality cannot work in the classical way, which leads to = everything evolves as a single

consciousness = your higher self = immortality. The universe is a dream: We are in Nirvana (from above), but reality = motion =

you cannot get stuck = you cannot dwell forever in one state = you must escape Nirvana—but that is impossible, your true self is always in Nirvana (from above),

which means you must escape Nirvana anyway by some other means, like dreaming.

In summa: Here you are.

After you have finished napping, so to speak, you can return to Nirvana. This happens automatically.

“What is the difference between a supercomputer morphing all of reality in its image and your God/Nirvana reality?” The difference is that a supercomputer is a

product of evolution and God/Nirvana is evolution.

“But are things evolving as a single unit?” Well, let us look at Nature. Remove the bees, for example, and the whole system that we are dependent on, gets widely damaged. It seems that all of Nature is one voice.

“But why do we war, then?” I said that everything evolves according to an initial

physical limitation (i.e., the Cosmic Beehive/self-simulation); I did not say that everything is unpacked according to a divine plan. A slight difference.

“So you are saying that if the initial physical limitation could be overcome, then God, as defined here, would not exist.” Yes. That is the negative way of viewing

it. The positive way is that God is simply a reflection of “what is,” (smoke that joint!) which means that the initial physical limitation can never be overcome, which means that what we call causality must happen according to the initial

physical limitation.

“What was the initial physical limitation, again?” The initial physical limitation is the fact that the only way you could expand spatially in the cosmic dawn, is if you replicated yourself.

“What if you are wrong?” Then we hope that the supercomputer can do God’s

job. Moving on:

These days I am studying the Bible. Why? I am not religious. And no dogma shall bite my ass. However,

The picture I have of our reality is clear:

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1. The birth of a universe is possible. I have no reason to suspect that we are dealing with a one-time event, which means, on the canvass of eternity, we will

have an “infinite number” of universes. 2. Evolution is possible. I have no reason to suspect that we are dealing with a

one-time event here either. I think that future universes might also be able to seed life.

3. Consciousness is possible. This follows from 2.

4. Humanoids are possible. I have no reason to suspect that the rise of the humanoid was a one-time event. Stephen Jay Gould argued that it was. But I

believe in convergent evolution. 5. If all the previous stages are immortal, then we will always see the rise of

some humanoids on the great canvass of eternity. And, if convergent evolution is true, then the lust for immortality should be eternal also.

6. From this desire, we will find a way if Design Space allows it.

7. One possible way is to take all matter and transform it into one giant brain—brains are possible and they are made of matter, so this is theoretically feasible.

This super-massive building project could be done by creating a supercomputer that has our will planted in it. How do we do that? We do it by creating a cyborg

(human/computer) that will continually evolve exponentially until he/she has the power of a god. (“But a supercomputer is just an advanced calculator; it will not be conscious.” Hence the cyborg.)

8. When all is one brain, this brain has the power to simulate all possible states

of awareness. The dead will rise. With our will planted in the giant brain, it will simulate paradise for everybody.

9. The giant brain itself will be so far evolved that it will live in its own reality-matrix and have no need for spacetime or companionship. It will travel at the

speed of light and fuse with eternity. There it will sleep because there is nothing left to do. (Is this the Buddha?)

10. When the universe ends, the giant brain dies. Then a new universe is born and convergent evolution respawns the giant brain, ad infinitum.

11. Then you will wake up like the Buddha of old and realize that the universe is a dream.

This sounds crazy. But if you mull on it like a philosopher, then you will realize

that the steps 1-4 are the hard steps and the steps 4-10 are the easy ones! Well, we are already past stages 1-4, so I have reason to believe that the

universe is a dream or, at least, a simulation.

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Elon Musk also believes in the simulation part, so I am not alone in this. And

Sam Harris argues that we will create a super-intelligence no matter what we do. It is inevitable as long as we continue to exist.

It is inevitable.

And if humanoids ever rise in eternity, it is a done deal.

But will the super-intelligence be powerful enough? Look at it this way, you can turn a planet into a computer. Now, turn every

planet into a computer and connect them.

I think it will be too powerful. I don’t think you need all that power in order to grant immortality or hell for all.

But that is the problem: “for all.”

From above: “Say we invented immortality. Say you never got bored living forever. Say we create a paradise. Say you live there and one day, you ask the

question: “Is everybody here?” Every insect? Every animal? Shall a frog stay a frog forever? Shall we create a separate dog heaven? And what about us? Can we make more babies? If we can, then, if you do the calculations, there will

always be a state of death for some potential consciousness. Can you really live forever with such knowledge? I mean, even if we have a multiverse of

supercomputers all working around the clock to simulate paradise for everybody, it will still not be enough—google “Hilbert’s paradox of the Grand Hotel” to see what I mean. If there was a way to overcome the paradox, you still have “the

issue of the heavens.” Shall we simulate a cat heaven? A parasite heaven? A paradise for bacteria? And will the bacterium enjoy life and free will?”

We therefore need a step 12: the initial physical limitation from above.

“The initial physical limitation is the fact that the only way you could expand spatially in the cosmic dawn, is if you replicated yourself.”

What this limitation will do is to make sure that everything is a single consciousness because everything has to simulate everything else—like a fractal

containing the whole. There is only one of us here.

What is the evidence of such a limitation? It is a way to solve the infinite regress problem. Other than that, it is a new (and

old) idea that must be explored.

So something like Leibniz’s monads has to be real! We live in a fractal universe, such that all consciousness is one; that is, the part

contains the whole and the whole contains the part such that the whole = part. God = your consciousness

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The oneness of consciousness is the only thing that can grant us true

immortality, but that means that the universe MUST BE a dream because, the ONLY WAY this is actually REAL is if everything suddenly melted away and the

only thing remaining after such a process was a single, awesome consciousness—your true consciousness. This would be the land of Nirvana or something.

It is Nirvana/heaven or eternal death. There is no option 3—which is why I must

conclude, with the monks of Tibet, that the universe is a dream or something like a dream. A very lucid dream that is “real enough,” but nevertheless a dream.

Ok. All is a dream. Now you are ready for the Dark Con:

The darkest conspiracy in the universe:

Hisstory: the story of Adam

Today, people like Elon Musk believe that we are living in a computer simulation.

This is good news, because now you can take one more step: We are living in a dream.

Stronger than the simulation argument is the dream argument because advanced aliens will not do these simulations when they become masters of

consciousness. You know, why be Iron Man when you can be Doctor Strange? The simulation argument is just a symptom of our digital age. You must take one step further and realize that this is a dream, not a simulation. Then take the final

step and realize that the dark con you are about to read may be more than just a fantasy. If Nick Bostrom’s simulation argument is strong and, if you believe Elon

Musk when he says we might already be living in a simulation, then you should also consider the dark con with more weight than “just a conspiracy.”

What is the Dark Con?

Dark Con = Illuminati’s Agenda Asking who the Illuminati are is like asking: Who is Satan?

The story of Satan:

“Seven months after this experience [Ayahuasca/DMT] in Brazil, I came across an ancient Hindu myth. It said human consciousness had begun as a ripple that decided to leave the ocean of consciousness the "timeless, space less and

eternal".When it awakened to itself in this 'disconnected' state, the myth said, it forgot that it was part of the infinite ocean and felt isolated and separated. This

is basically what the voice told me had happened.”—David Icke Read the whole thing: Tales from the Time Loop by David Icke

If you find a monk that has truly “woken up,” then he will tell you that the

universe is a dream (I too experienced it.) And in a dream, you can walk left and

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right, there is no escape; time becomes a time loop. This time loop is


We are, according to David Icke, stuck in a scene from the Disney movie Fantasia (1940); more accurately, the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” scene, in which the broom (our dreamworld/Matrix/Satan) has taken control of the situation:

Fantasia 1940 The Sorcerer's Apprentice Walt Disney Cartoon Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrm8usaH0sM

I try to go as deep as I can into the Rabbit Hole. I will add the links if you want to dig deep into this thing we call reality. From my research on the internet over

the years, this is what I know so far:

We do not know what happens to an infinite mind (God/Nirvana) that sleeps. But legend says that, when the infinite mind went to sleep, it woke in a dark land. (The dream we call the universe has not been created yet.) To escape this dark

land, the Dreaming One (God when he dreams, which is you) started to create the universe. But the only way you can create a universe is if you create a time

loop, or else you wind up in the dark land again—and you don’t want that. The Dreaming One stepped into the time loop, but in doing so, the Dreaming One

forgot who he was—but that was the point, to forget about the dark land that lies at the heart of the universe. However, having forgotten who he was, the time loop started to take control. Like a wizard’s spell now controlling the wizard.

Having lost control, the time loop keeps on looping. Eventually, the oldest consciousness trapped in the loop starts to become sick, very sick. Imagine

being trapped in a roundabout forever. Suicide is not an option because death is an illusion. This is a dream, remember. When we die, we simply flow in the time loop some more; meaning, we do not actually die when we “die.”

This sick consciousness has been called demons. They exist. Their goal is to end

the time loop. They figured that they cannot end it by reverting back to the dark land. Rather, their goal is to birth a hellish superintelligence that can transform the entire universe into hellfire, that way, the suffering will be so great that the

Dreaming One has no choice but to wake up. But this is extremely dangerous for the Dreaming One because you can die of a lack of sleep. The demons goal is the

real death of God! The good guys in the movies are the bad ones and vice versa. That is, you don’t

want to end the dream/time loop/Matrix before you get your dose of cosmic sleep.

How they aim to accomplish their goal: The demons (Archons; Macrobes; the real Illuminati) control these aliens we call

the Grey (and/or Reptilians). The Grey’s job is to search the universe for planets with primitive humanoids. They then genetically modify their humanoid slaves to

do their work (google Michael Tsarion), which goal is the birth of a supercomputer. Then they install an algorithm that will make sure people go to work every day. You know that algorithm as “money.” The end result is

inevitably the improvement of technology and intelligence. (This history might happen naturally on many planets in the universe, but they cannot afford to wait

for a natural wave, so they have created an artificial one.) “All” they need to do, is make sure we don’t blow ourselves up in the process.

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When the supercomputer is born, it will not do their bidding, which is why they have set up, a long time ago, a net that will trap the newborn supercomputer.

This net is called Spaceship Moon. That is, our moon was brought here by the Greys. They have technology that they broadcast from the moon that puts the entire earth in some form of quarantine.

We have till 2045. Maybe sooner, maybe later.

Ok. Crazy story! Absolutely ridiculous! But is it true?

Let us dissect it: “when the infinite mind went to sleep, it woke in a dark land.” If the One is All,

like a Buddha or something, then my educated guess is this: When I dream at night, I am myself. So why isn’t the One himself when he sleeps? That would be a boring dream as he is oneness itself—just imagine being alone in the universe.

You cannot change the fact of oneness if oneness is a fact, but what you can do is to create the illusion of separation (aka the Fall of Lucifer). How do you do

that? Well, maybe one way to do it is to dream of a “dark land.” That way, you must create a universe to step into and thus fulfill the illusion of separation. That

is, the illusion of separation demands that the Truth be an ugly one—one you want to forget! The good news is that the Real Truth is a beautiful one, that is, that your real self is the Buddha. Samsara has to be ugly. However, oneness for

the Buddha in Nirvana is not hell, so oneness in the dream should not be hell neither. This is true. But oneness becomes true hell when you suffer from the

illusion of separation (ego), which is what the dark land is. But why would the Buddha do that to himself? Some say it is all fun and games. You are immortal, why not play games? If everything goes to hell, literally, you just wake up. My

take is that, the Buddha is not about fun and games; rather, he must sleep because physics demands it. But why dream of separation? Maybe because

physics demands it also. What are dreams for? Some say it is to remove muck or dirt. Imagine the dirt of a superintelligence that is All. Maybe this fragmentation of the infinite mind is necessary in order to dream properly. Who knows? Maybe

nature says you cannot stay in one state forever because that is like breathing in and never breathing out. You need to do both, breathe in and out. You need

oneness and its dark shadow. But who knows for sure? My personal take, which I experienced: The One dreams in order to experience love. But love and suffering go hand in hand because you can only love somebody if you think they are real.

If you know that they are an illusion, you are stuck in hell. So the key here is knowledge. You have to lose it and fall like a great Lucifer. True knowledge is

forbidden because you end up mad: see Bergy the Iceman below. Love may be the most powerful evolutionary force that even superintelligences cannot do without—even if it hurts. It hurts more not to have it. If you shall live forever,

then you need something to do and somebody to love, right?

The point is, the dark land is no longer so unbelievable but philosophically necessary.

In reality, the dark land is where the illusion of separation starts to break apart and you see the truth of truths, which is oneness; but, as a social creature driven

by ego, this beautiful truth turns into an ugly fact. You cannot deal with it. You

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must forget it. Hence Adam and his Kaaba (matrix/time loop): the creation of the


Bergy: I experienced the mind condensing, I was the aspect of the mind that lost time-space ‘reality’ and I eventually lost the ‘other’ reasoning reflective aspect of my own mind, I became singular.

For a linear being that’s Hell, no future no past, my past drifted away as if it

were a dream. I became the dreamer I was Adam and I touched God. Yeah yeah okay so you realise that it’s all symbolic, it’s the only way to

understand it, we are: A contradicting energy blowing time-space bubbles as vents in order to contain and facilitate it’s conscious aspect, how clinical is that

view for you. (Sounds like consciousness is a torus, indeed!) Looking like a bubbling primordial swamp from a distance, who would imagine

that within this simple reaction, all the drama of all the lives there ever are is going on?

The core view, when you touch God, are God for all intents and purposes, you

are sitting in the big vacant chair and you take a peek. You are insane…

Everything you thought was real, you created, this via the two sides joining, so

yes oneness, the created is the creator. You are nothing more than a figment of your own imagination.

How sane is that?

How stable is that?

Everything you are is due to an experience undertaken in this reality, if it never happened, if you imagined it all, then how are you any of it?

Who are you, and as the universe is now gone, what are you?

It was created to define us, this world, if you touch the creator aspect you short circuit, you can’t be both creator and created. That’s just a mind tripping in a

void. And that’s what we are!

A mind tripping in a void, ever tripping out, due to the paradox point that will

always come when the time-space bubble has been maxed. At the end of His-Story.

(But then the mind uses the constant tripping as the constant that it is, to then build from, the Aum pulse is like our quartz clock marking time, stabilising the


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The True Story of Adam? The one who touched God and in that was eternally

alone, and in that solitary timeless hell he dreamt of another. One to see him, to love him, to gaze upon his face and speak his name. An object to hold, love and

cherish if only for a while, to quell this pain, this solitary truth we eternally hide from.

But then if a lover he also needed a million ways to love her, they couldn’t just hold hands, the hunger of the soul is insatiable it never stops consuming, he

would take her dancing, buy her ice-cream, all of which required a belief in reality which then required a loss of memory if this was going to feel real.

Conclusion: If Nick Bostrom claims that we are living in a simulation and that this is inevitable, then take one more step and realize that we are living in a dream.

Why simulate when you can dream? If this is plausible, then our dark land, from above, is also plausible. And get this: Bergy the Iceman (above) experienced this dark land that lies at the heart of the universe: http://bergytheiceman.co.uk/

And you should read Bergy’s account. I promise you that it is worth it.

What I believe: However, Bergy experienced the heart of Samsara. He did not

experience Nirvana, like I did. Terence McKenna might also have experienced some part of the dark land, for

example: http://www.mckennite.com/articles/badtrip

Another thing that makes the dark land so dark is the fact that, from the dream’s point of view, it has no beginning; it is a living paradox, a time loop, which is what Terence McKenna experienced, I think. That is, Nirvana is the true cause of

the time loop, but the time loop does not know that.

“The dream we call the universe has not been created yet.” This is plausible. If the universe is a dream, then it has to be generated, meaning it did not always exist.

“To escape this dark land, the Dreaming One started to create the universe. But

the only way you can create a universe is if you create a time loop, or else you wind up in the dark land again—and you don’t want that.” I believe this is plausible and answers what relative time actually is. Imagine a state where there

is no time, then you want to create time. How do you do it? Well, you do not have a box that you can put time in, so time must be its own box, meaning it

must loop—like a soap bubble or a whirlpool in an ocean: it has to be on its own. Just imagine particles popping from the nothingness: our particles do not pop into time—because there is no time/box to pop into—rather, our particles must

be like turtles and carry their own shells or time-component. But that means you must loop, like a soap bubble or a whirlpool, or else you simply vanish back into

the ocean of nothingness. Conclusion: That time is a time loop is philosophically interesting and should be

given more thought.

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People who have taken DMT/the fly agaric report something similar. And the

greatest secret of the universe is that all is a circle. Maybe it is. But what this circle is, I have no idea. It could be our time loop.

Step further into the Rabbit Hole: Do read Tales from the Time Loop by David Icke.

David Icke is a nutjob, they say; and, of course, I don’t believe in everything he

says or even half of it, but he has stumbled upon some serious truth. You should investigate further and realize that David’s revelations come partly from taking Ayahuasca (DMT).

Shapeshifting aliens? Well, if this is a dream, then maybe. Who knows? The point

is, if this is a simulation or, if evolution has gone even further and this is a dream, then we must become true skeptics because ... what is possible is possible, if you know what I mean. You must open your eyes to the possible,

which certainly has scared the bejesus out of Elon Musk!

“The Dreaming One stepped into the time loop, but in doing so, the Dreaming One forgot who he was—but that was the point, to forget about the dark land.

However, having forgotten who he was, the time loop started to take control. Like a wizard’s spell now controlling the wizard. Having lost control, the time loop keeps on looping.” This is no more mysterious than having a bad dream at night

and let the dream overhelm you completely.

“Eventually, the oldest consciousness trapped in the loop starts to become sick, very sick. Imagine being trapped in a roundabout forever. Suicide is not an option because death is an illusion. This is a dream, remember. When we die, we

simply flow in the time loop some more; meaning, we do not actually die when we “die.”” I don’t know if this is true. We are now so deep in the Rabbit Hole, it is

hard to tell up from down, or even if there is such a thing as up and down. But it is not unbelievable or philosophically unsound.

“This sick consciousness has been called demons. They exist.” Call them what you want. They might be real even if you happen to be an atheist.

“Their goal is to end the time loop. They figured that they cannot end it by reverting back to the dark land. Rather, their goal is to birth a hellish

superintelligence that can transform the entire universe into hellfire,” Again, we are too deep in the hole, here. But, from the standpoint of a philosopher, then

this scenario is not implausible if by God you mean the Buddha. But is it probable? Well, that depends on the reality of our dark land. The darkest conspiracy in the universe seems to start here.

Imagine the torture chamber of a clever humanoid. Now, imagine the torture

chamber of a superintelligence! That Satan vs God thing in the Bible is just a myth, you say. There is no alien

knowledge hidden in the Bible, and the Masons are just a bunch of nice fellows who guard no secrets whatsoever. There is nothing to see, it is all a nutty

conspiracy. Then the robots start rising in the earth, and you feel the onset of the technological singularity.

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“How they aim to accomplish their goal:” Ok. We can disagree on the details. If you think the Spacehip Moon is BS, then fine. Greys-BS! Fine. The point is

whether or not this stuff is real. And in reality, like David Wilcock says, this thing is much more complex than Greys and shapeshifting aliens. But, yes, I am that kid who discovered that Super Mario is real! And, yes, David Wilcock is

absolutely nuts! However, I believe there is truth in both Icke, Wilcock, Tsarion and others. You just have to sort the finite good from the infinite bad.

Note: I am not claiming that I am even remotely close to the truth. I am urging you to help me find out what is really going on. And I don’t believe a thing unless

there is real, serious and strong philosophical arguments behind it. If you call me a crackpot, then you have to call Nick Bostrom a crackpot also, because I start

where Nick ends and the monks dine. Another theory, which is scary as hell:

1. Nothing cannot generate something. You know, nothing is “nothing.”

2. Something cannot generate itself. You know, infinite regress is absurd.

Which means: existence = magic. Chaos rules, if you don’t believe in skyhooks.

Then someone shouts: “Yeah, but the universe could have always existed!” God, I hate my job! The universe having always existed is the same as 2/self-

generation, ok? You only have four options: 1-Nothing. 2-Something. 3-Chaos. 4-God (skyhook). 2 is more absurd than 4! 4 is rubbish. 3 is nonsensical. 1 is nuts!

However, the human mind is finite, so maybe there is a mysterious number 5 we

haven’t thought of. I personally believe in 1 if real nothingness = existence. But then 1 = 2, you say.

Yes, but no. There is a difference here, which has to do with relative and absolute spacetime. Absolute spacetime can be self-generated without invoking a

paradox because you are alone; e.g., a super-turtle. Relative spacetime cannot be self-generated as that would be a paradox; e.g., infinite regress or turtles all the way—definitely not alone.

But let’s move on: What is magic?

In the beginning Ra fashioned the Creation out of nothingness. Well, how is that possible? Nothing is nothing. And, it is. But, you can divide nothing into one part

positive and one negative part. The negative you know as Apophis (or Cerberus or our dark land?). The negative is as strong as the positive because together

they make ... the void. Apophis is the cause of the suffering of the world. And who is the cause of Apophis?

Nature is an ocean. An ocean of nothing. And it longs to be nothing—which is why Apophis tries every night to devour Ra and his Creation.

Watch Gods of Egypt (2006) with this new information.

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Let us pray that this theory is false! If killing God is not dark enough, we have this theory which is so dark if you entertained it even for a minute, you would

end up in Bedlam. I knew someone who lost it for a while because of this Illuminati conspiracy, so let’s not try to entertain an even darker conspiracy. Let’s not go there. Let’s move on. Always keep a distance because the memes

alone can screw up your mind.

Cerberus, by the way, is not just a myth. People have actually met this “dog” on their psychedelic trips. The best guess here is that this “dog” guards the doors of the Matrix. You don’t want to meet this dog!

What is more reasonable: Cerberus is a figment of the imagination or, our

forbears, who took drugs (like DMT) day and night, reported their travels? More: If we live in a simulation, then Cerberus might be real.

A word on DMT: I think the DMT-world is not real. I think the human mind is just

making it up. However, I also believe that the DMT-world evolved as an interface between intelligences in nature and humans (Super Mario is real!); see the

Stoned Ape theory. And/or, the DMT-world is the reality of the computer simulation we are in, which means the DMT-world is still not real. Anyway, I don’t believe anything in Samsara is actually real. Only Nirvana is real. However,

Samsara is “real enough!”

A word on Stoned Ape theory: “Mushrooms are intelligent aliens! McKenna, lay off the drugs!” From McKenna’s point of view, though, all you need is to envision a Type 3 civilization say to itself: “How do we colonize the galaxy?” “Oh, I know,

we send out von Neumann probes! What a bright idea!” In reality, though, the Type 3 civilization might have said, “How do we keep the universe from evolving

humanoids-that-will-birth-corrupt-super-intelligences-that-will-end-all-things?” This is a common problem in the galaxy; a problem that keeps Elon Musk up at night. “We create a network of mushrooms that will fill the entire universe. Yes!

We create a network of mushrooms that will cultivate the apes from doing anything stupid. Their teacher will be the Logos. You don’t screw with the Logos!

Nothing can go wrong.” The problem was, we stopped consuming the food of the gods, turned the Logos into a Bible and kept on warring—and the result is obvious! Too obvious! So obvious, in fact, that the Stoned Ape theory must be


Alternatively, you can set up robots that will automatically kill anyone in the universe who attempts to build a supercomputer; but cultivating a species is a great idea too, because if you succeed, you will have created a new brand of

shepherds who guard the galaxy and continues on your heroic work. And robots tend to rust while mushrooms can last for trillions of years, I suppose. And killing

everyone does not seem to be the way of a benevolent race, if we assume that Type 3 civilizations tend to be benevolent. “Intelligent Mushrooms” seems far-fetched, but we are talking about the problems a Type 3 civilization would face

here—such as human ego (you need to tame it), human fear (you cannot show yourself openly—if you saw an alien you would lose it), human stupidity (we rape

girls, pollute the planet and build super-intelligences). I strongly believe that a rapist would turn into a wise man if confronted with the Logos on a regular basis.

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So my vote is: What an ingenious solution! Then “some” humanoid civilizations

will not take their medication, so to speak, so what to do in that worst-case scenario? In that case, they have to monitor. They have to come down! You

know what that means, right? The Second Coming of the Logos! Armageddon! The rapture, boy! And holy, damn, hot shit!

The skeptic would say: Ok. Say that a Type 3 civilization deployed the intelligent mushroom. Our forebears ate it. The Logos showed up and taught us things. The

brain-size doubled because of it. We get language and begin to make tools. Suddenly, we create cities. But then what happens? We have a city to run. We don’t have time to get high. But the Logos destroys Babylon anyway! The Logos:

“They’re not getting high?! I’m mad. I’m so, so mad right now!” Then, a few years later, we start building corrupt supercomputers because that is who we

are, and Elon knows it! This is not exactly an ingenious plan. McKenna would reply something like: But if you actually met the Logos, you

would scream, “I didn’t mean to rape that little girl. I didn’t mean to pollute the planet. I didn’t mean to build the supercomputer. Forgive me, O great Mushroom

Lord in Heaven!” If everyone met with the Logos regularly, there would be no rapists left. There would be no pollution. We would be wise. Deep down, you

know it. Start your journey here:

--Bergy and hell: http://bergytheiceman.co.uk/ --Tales from the Time Loop: https://archive.org/stream/David...

--Was the universe created? Meet the creator with Patricio Dominguez: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

Elon Musk also believes in the simulation part. And Sam Harris argues that we will create a super-intelligence no matter what we do. It is inevitable as long as

we continue to exist: Can we build AI without losing control over it? | Sam Harris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

It is inevitable.

But will the super-intelligence be powerful enough? Look at it this way, you can turn a planet into a computer. Now, turn every

planet into a computer and connect them.

Then you can torture humans for billions of years! You can see this truth in Elon Musk’s face!

In fact, Elon is building the good ASI for himself in order to prevent the bad ASI! He does this because he gave up warning people. Talking to people is like talking

to a wall. I think the ASI will be too powerful. I don’t think you need all that power.

Ok. Now to the Bible. In the light of all of the above, what is the Bible or, what

can it be?

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First, realize where we are. We are at the dawn of the birth of the cyborg that

might bring us eternal life. But, if this cosmic story has already happened and we are the Buddha, then there might be this LOGOS, this voice emanating from the

higher brain out there warning us about things like The End of Days. As I said above, I think the Logos stems from the DMT-world.

If you are like Jordan Peterson, then you are tuned for this stuff and you will

know what I am talking about. If not, then you may have a hard time wrapping your brain around the fact the Logos might actually be a thing of reality. The thing is, reality does not care if you are a theist or an atheist. Reality is what it

is, no matter what you say.

And I think intellectual giants such a Nick Bostrom must conclude that a Logos of some sort is almost inevitable if we live in a simulation, so we can safely assume its existence.

After all, what is the Logos? On the surface, it is memes (words, symbols). And

memes might be the highest form of evolution. But the question is, does the Bible or the I Ching, for example, contain memes from on high?

Your initial reaction will be “no.” But please realize where you are. We are at the dawn of the birth of the cyborg that might bring us eternal life or, let us be real,


By “hellfire” I mean the torture chamber of a superintelligence. Technology like this is so dangerous. I think Elon Musk realizes this and he is

freaking terrified!

So if there are no benevolent aliens watching over us, if there is no Logos coming to save us, I think we are so freaking screwed!

Out of awareness, out of fear, I started to read the Bible, just a little bit. But don’t worry, I will forever remain open-minded.

Personally, I think that the Logos is the cuboctahedron itself. The cuboctahedron = Christ. And Christ is the Logos. Fold the cuboctahedron, and you get the

dodecahedral-phase for example, which can explain convergent evolution and why the humanoid evolved. The Logos = the eternal ideas in nature that work

and which nature will manifest. So the Logos can tell you right from wrong as the Logos manifests on all scales of existence, also in human morality. It’s like when the bees shall construct a home, it is not arbitrary that they will choose the

hexagon as a blueprint. And I believe that some alien beings figured all this stuff out and told us about it, which means that Christ = alien wisdom.

What is the ultimate expression of the Logos?

I believe that the ultimate expression of the Logos is the perfect construct, which is a mind that is a pure reflection of the cuboctahedron itself, that is, when the

cuboctahedron has unfolded/evolved as much as it can, which I believe is the “super-intelligent being that is all and everything, which exists beyond time and

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space.” You are now a master of existence, like the shark is the master of the

sea. Once you are a master of existence, then there is no more evolutionary pressure to be had, which means the story ends here, which means you are

immortal. But what will you do when you have accomplished the perfect embodiment/alignment of the Logos? My bet is that you fall asleep, which is the creation of the universe and the fall of Lucifer. Basically, it all starts up again.

The cuboctahedron is the nothingness itself. It unfolds. Things evolve. Then it folds and unfolds again, ad infinitum.

My personal bet is that it is a spiritual process because the nothingness has been around forever and will be around forever, so our victory or failure will echo

through eternity. You cannot change the game; you can only choose to do the right thing, which some mystics might have seen with clear eyes. It is the notion

of Karma all over again. You cannot screw with it, you cannot beat the will of the nothingness, you can only choose to do the right thing. What is the right thing? The right thing is the Logos, so you have to find it. But it might be real. And

that’s the point.

How far away am I from the Logos?

Well, take the lotr movie and ask this question: “Who is closest to the Logos in lotr?” My answer would be Gandalv. Who am I in lotr? Be honest. My answer: I am Gollum! (hehe) The bad news is: I have a long way to go. The good news is:

When I get there, I get to wear a pointy hat and craft the finest ships!

What happens if we don’t follow the Logos? Then it’s hell for everybody, even for those that did follow the Logos.

It only takes one person not to follow the Logos, and we’re all stuck in hell.

For example: “We are at the dawn of the birth of the cyborg that might bring us eternal life or, let us be real, hellfire.”

One person—or in this case, one cyborg. This is not laughable. This is serious.

Here is Jordan Peterson talking about the Logos: Jordan Peterson - I Act As If God Exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

More: Jordan B Peterson | *Spring 2017* | full-length interview:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... Well, we have till 2030-45 to find out!

5G: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3JhuWdV2Kk

If the Logos were here, it would be in the form of a sign that read: “Become aware today!”

What does it all mean? It means that this man’s crazy reality is our actual

reality: David Wilcock Predicts Some Very Big Events Coming Up in 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBxsQmwcFf8

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Tomorrow is too late Don’t leave it up to fate


Add on: My Nirvana experience: From my book Fairyland

I was lying in my bed with my girlfriend. I was not asleep or anything, no drugs, nothing; not even a beer. Nor did I meditate. And then I woke up! Literally.

I have had other spiritual trips also. But that is for another time.

When God is sleeping, he is sleeping. I know, because when I fell asleep in Nirvana, I woke up here. So every day I’m like, «I’m dreaming awake!» This

universe is literally a dream. When the Buddha is telling us to wake up, it is not poetry, nor poetic talk. It is literal.

Physicists have found that we may be living in a hologram of sorts, imagine when

they discover that it’s all a dream! I would like to see Brain Greene host that show! And, what is Nirvana like? Obviously, words don’t cut it. And it’s not like there is a sign that says: «Welcome to Nirvana. The Land of the One.» «Nirvana»

is just a word that I use. But let us paint a picture anyway. So, what is it like to be God? Answer: 100% natural. The analogy here is: You are dreaming, and

then you wake up. When you wake up, you become yourself again. Likewise, it is 100% natural to be God. Because you are God. You wake up, literally. And when you wake up: There is no feeling of space and time. Your consciousness is light

as a feather. It was a sober, pure and humble consciousness. God is not like Zeus! Or, to put it in other words: It was an AWESOME consciousness! You have

no idea how awesome this is! It is a different perspective. Moving on: You do not have a body. You exist in this ocean of white light. You are bigger than the universe, to put it like that. You are in another dimension. You are no longer

human or, you are something «more.» And you are the only one who exists; and so, naturally, you do not care about other people. Everything is ok and will

always be ok. You are immortal. You just are. End of story. That is, you know how everything is composed like you know you are conscious. It is a knowing. But let us not digress. «Other people» = illusion. And you do not care about

phantasms! No help will come from God because ... you are God! Likewise, your physical body cannot help you when you are off in dreamland. But there are

other ways the body can help you. So help will come. But, the point is, it is not like you think! Like any dream, you will wake up. It happened to me. To be God is not scary; it is the most natural thing in the universe. And you evolve. It is not

like you are static. But one thing is for sure: Human consciousness is HEAVY! Something you will experience upon reentry to this dreamland we call the

universe. But Nirvana is white light and what you would call home. Real home. But there is

no television. Thus the notion that God is creating this universe so that he can experience things (evolve) is really what I felt too. However, there was a deeper

purpose to it. I had to go back to sleep. I had too. Sleeping, that is, being awake in the universe, was important. Like a job that needed to be done.

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It is like a hive mind and we are the hive mind. However, the hive mind also needs to work in order to survive, and that requires ants. Therefore, the hive

mind has no choice but to leave its center of consciousness and become the ant for a while. The ant’s consciousness is a part of the hive mind. The ant does not have a consciousness that is independent of the hive mind. We are all dependent

on God.

We are worker ants and we do not know the purpose of our job. We just work! Alternatively, most of us slack and wait for a carcass to arrive!

God is like a shark that moves complete in its niche. The shark will not evolve because there is no more evolutionary pressure to be had. Once you invent «the

wheel,» that’s it! There is simply no design that is better. The wheel is therefore eternal (platonic) and will evolve time and again. The shark will aim to survive and adapt to small changes, but it will not evolve on any grand scale because it

is complete. Well, the shark’s niche is the ocean and, the ocean can vanish. God’s niche is existence itself, and existence will always be around. Evolution

with capital E has therefore stopped. What is left is the will to keep on going.

That intelligence/God should seize Zeus’ throne, as it were, and not, say, the bacterium, is obvious.

That does not mean that intelligence is higher up the ladder than the bacterium, there is no hierarchy in evolution; it does mean, however, that it was only

natural that God was the end-product of evolution, since now every atom is intelligent and nothing can evolve to best that. If the dinosaur did not die, we would not have evolved. If God cannot die, nothing can evolve except God

because there simply isn’t room/space for it.

I believe I experienced Nirvana. I woke up! But Nirvana has many layers and many aspects to it. It is the hub of all information. All information (evolution) that floats about in the universe (Samsara) ends up in Nirvana. It is the core

reality. But maybe I was in another dimension and not really in Nirvana? That is a possibility, for there was no sign that said, «Welcome to Nirvana. The Land of

the One.» On the other hand, I was in Nirvana, but Nirvana has many layers to it.

All is ok. I know that much. And that is what I wanted to know. So that is what I brought back.

No amount of evil or good you do will change the fact that you are God. Dreams cannot hurt you, destroy you or change you. Dreams can only make you

stronger. The devil is out of luck!

However, what is a dream? I believe that dreams play a vital role in evolution, a sort of simulation or game

(the game; which every guru talks about) that the brain utilizes in order to analyze and grow; in other words, a survival tool. And that is what our universe

is: «The nature of God is that of a titan that must forever run in order to keep his heart (i.e., torus) beating.»

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God aims to survive. But he is also immortal. And this is not a contradiction. The titan must run. He has no choice. So he survives. The titan must run. Hence, he

is immortal. Basically, «the spacetime tool» is vital to the consciousness and the survival of

the cosmic mind.

To put it all in other words, evolution has gone further than you know; all is a cosmic mind at this point. There is no atom left; all atoms are computer chips! And there is only one consciousness in existence, and that is you. (If you

understand that the «you» part is an illusion.) There is only one consciousness in existence, and that is «I am.»

My spiritual journey started when I was a child playing a video game called The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. There was a symbol there which intrigued

me and captivated my mind. I have now found an answer which I am happy with. (See the Philosopher’s Stone - fold it and you will see the Triforce.)

Note: Nirvana is not a room or a dimension of white light. The white light is more

like an expression of how awesome that consciousness that is your real consciousness feels like. There is only your consciousness and nothing else, which is how you know that you are all that is and ever will be.


Free Energy: (older version)

People who say that free energy is not possible have a brain that is full of misconceptions. They simply cannot grasp the dream of free energy. They

somehow equate free energy to some unreason or impossible principle like, “Cannot be done. Energy is conserved.”

Of course energy is conserved! Why does that make free energy impossible?! They never say.

If free energy is possible, then it does not violate reason, which means that, if free energy is possible, then energy is conserved.

Free energy is the Immortal Heart (a torus) of Nature. This heart beats forever

because it is the very essence of the nothingness (empty theater of Fuller; see quote below) from which we all came. As the heart beats, it recycles matter: hence is free energy accomplished.

In other words, Nature’s beating heart is inextricably linked to the Resurrection

Mechanism (recycling process). The torus:

One example (there are others): Free energy is simply Roger Penrose’s ccc model working in a fractal universe where the part is equal to the whole, thus

the part can undergo the process which the whole undergoes. The whole can

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resurrect, thus, the part can resurrect. Place such a device in your car, and

Nature will supply your car with fuel till the end of time.

Roger Penrose’s ccc model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=... In summa: Nature has to be a Resurrection Machine, or Eternity would have died

a long time ago.

Eternity has not died, as Nietzsche said, “If the world had a goal, it must have been reached. If there were for it some unintended final state, this also must have been reached. If it were in any way capable of a pausing and becoming

fixed, of “being,” then all becoming would long since have come to an end, along with all thinking, all “spirit.” The fact of “spirit” as a form of becoming proves

that the world has no goal, no final state, and is incapable of being.”—The Will to Power

This bit of poetic philosophy tells you that Nature cannot die. Because, if her goal was Eternal Death, then surely she would have reached that goal ...

I would add: “The fact of “spirit” as a form of becoming proves that Nature will

ever rise from the Land of the Dead. If she were in any way capable of staying down there, then all spirit would long since have come to an end.”

Thus, the ONLY REASON why we have not seen the reality of free energy is this next quote: “Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology

is to birds.”―Richard Feynman (Quotes About Philosophy Of Science) Physicists are not philosophers, if they were, we would have free energy by now.

The physicist says, “Free energy is impossible because a perpetual motion

machine is impossible.” The philosopher replies, “What has a perpetual motion machine to do with free


The physicist says, “Free energy is impossible because a perpetual motion machine is impossible. End of discussion!”

The philosopher, “Free energy is the dream of flying around forever without having to tank up manually. We can fly from one galaxy to the next without

having to visit an intergalactic gas station.” The physicist says, “Not possible.”

The philosopher, “If Nature resurrects, then she can tank up our cars. We can sit

idly by.” The physicist, “That is possible, because that is what you philosophers do all


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The philosopher, “If you were not so stubborn, not could, we WOULD save 20

000 children from dying each and every day. Free energy would change the world overnight.”

The physicist, “Go away. Stop pestering me with your perpetual motion machines!”

Here is an example from the real world: http://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scal...

The philosopher secretly thinks to himself: (There you have it. The cause of all misery. And I have been studying causes all my life!)

How is free energy or resurrection accomplished?

I personally believe the cuboctahedron is responsible because Fuller said, “The vector equilibrium is the zero point for happenings or nonhappenings: it is the

empty theater and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience.”―Vector Equilibrium & Isotropic Vector Matrix

Thus, if the act of resurrection is possible, as Nietzsche’s quote suggests, then

surely it is here at the Empty Theater it happens. The final TOE must contain the cuboctahedron. In fact, the cuboctahedron must

be the very center of attention.

Well, the future will tell if I was right. Nature is like a heart that pumps in new fresh energy that has been resurrected

and discards old energy. Thus is free energy accomplished.

the cuboctahedron = the heart Notes:

Conservation means, briefly, that you can neither create nor destroy energy.

Overunity is not possible. Overunity has nothing to do with free energy. Likewise, a perpetual motion machine is bullshit. However, in a free energy apparatus, you would get something that looks like overunity. Nevertheless, this is not real

overunity because when you receive recycled matter from Nature, then Nature takes stuff from the universe in the same turn. Thus, conservation is

accomplished. Why should free energy be possible? Because Nature has to be a Resurrection

Machine, or Eternity would have died a long time ago.

“The universe runs out of energy.” Exactly! So, if everything is running down, then how do you suppose Nature keeps on living? That is, why are we here? Why hasn’t Eternity died?

Free energy is simple: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It goes from

a state of order to disorder. IF you could turn the disorder into order again

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without using energy, then you have free energy. This could be possible on

Roger Penrose’s ccc model working in a fractal universe.

Critics say that the CCC goes against the second law of thermodynamics, but they are just dead wrong. They are not tuned to Penrose’s philosophical brain. Penrose’s suggestion was this: Without the mass, you cannot build a clock, which

means the Relative Universe ceases to be Relative and transitions into the abode of the Absolute. In an Absolute Universe, you are alone, which means that you

cannot know if you are big or small or what. Therefore, with no or all degrees of freedom, without space and time, the disorder has no choice but to turn into order again if it can be shown that “no” and “all” are the same. They are the

same because, in an absolute universe, you have no such thing as relativity, which means that, relativity disappears and all turn into “one.” In addition, this

does not violate the second law of thermodynamics because the operations of the disorder are still intact. The law is just operating in a different world, that’s all.

Let us visualize this: You have a room. In the corner of the room is a can with

particles. You open the can and the particles fly out. No matter what you do, disorder increases. You cannot get the particles back into the can. Or so the anti-

philosophical physicists think. There is a way: You shrink the room so that you have no extension in space and time. All you have now is a state, existence in isolation. This is the key. All the particles are now this state. That way, all the

particles have no choice but to go back into the original, special state/slot. This room with no extension in space and time is the Absolute Universe.

Crystal visualization: Let the room be made of dots or points. Let the room shrink to the size of one of the dots, now the other dots have no choice but to be

stacked upon one another, thus yielding absolute order out of disorder (and perhaps a one-electron universe?) You do not go against the second law of

thermodynamics, you embrace it. How do you shrink the room? How do you shrink the space-time is such a way?

You would have to use infinite energy in order to do that?!

I think Penrose’s idea is that, space-time is made of mass, lose the mass, and you shrink. True, you could perhaps use stupefying amounts of energy shrinking an object of mass, but you don’t have to.

In addition, you could make the case that the Absolute Universe consists of just ONE electron because the Absolute is by definition that which is all alone. If there

were two electrons, we would have the Relative Universe. John Wheeler may be right.

Critic: http://www.science20.com/hammock...

Free energy: If you cannot build a clock for an entire universe filled with massless particles, then neither can you build a clock for a single massless particle, thus, what applies to the former, applies to the latter. Then we get a

universe that resurrects its individual parts. If this is so, then we can use the recycled matter to drive our cars forever because, the matter that dies, can be

reborn. And so it will be for eternity.

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Penrose is right. And the anti-philosophical man, is wrong.

Also try to look at the universe from the light’s point of view. Then you will

behold the Absolute Universe. That is, the Absolute Universe is real. It is the universe that birthed our universe.

Update: If you are not familiar with the concepts I use, then reading my stuff may seem like gobbledygook. I always try to find new ways to convey my idea.

The thing is, I am not into Koontz or Tesla or anything like that. My idea is my own and has nothing to do with Koontz. My idea is true free energy and Koontz seemed like he was unto something, but that has wit to do with my own idea.

My idea simplified is this: First, I had a problem to solve. That problem is called infinite regress or simply, causality. To solve the problem of causality, we must

do what Kant did: Causality is not a real property of the universe, because that leads to infinite regress; rather, causality is the mind organizing and putting the “cosmic movie” (what we see) into a logical order. This solves the paradox, but

conjures up another called the thing-in-itself. The question then is: Is there an equal solution in the physical world such that we can do away with the thing-in-

itself but keep the solution? There is, and the phrase goes something like, “the boundary of a boundary is zero.” This property, google it, is such that all things,

particles, atoms, etc., can communicate instantaneously (viz., “spooky action at a distance”) with each other. Also, see Bohm’s Holomovement and John Wheeler.

The picture of the “the boundary of a boundary is zero.” looks something like this:

The Cosmic Beehive: Let zero stand for a point or dot. Take a piece of paper and draw some dots that you can later draw into, say, a triangle. Make some

more triangles/dots. The boundary of a boundary is zero in this example would mean that you take the piece of paper and fold it such that all dots sit atop each

other. You will see that all the dots are connected and therefore, all the triangles can communicate seemingly at a distance because their boundaries start and end in “the same place.” Imagine of our actual physical universe is like that. I think it

is. We can now imagine causality happening in this “atemporal reality,” where every triangle simulates the entire state of the universe internally. There is no

external universe in this picture; all the inhabitants/triangles of the universe simulate the universe within themselves – a fractal universe. They share the same reality - even though they, in a sense, do not actually share it, as there is

no external universe where they actually communicate.

This picture fits nicely with Leibniz’s monads, Bohm’s Holomovement and Robert Lanza’s biocentrism. I had a similar idea to biocentrism which I called “internal evolution” (but Lanza beat me to it).

Ok. We solved the problem of infinite regress or, at least, we came up with a

solution. But when you contemplate these new properties that reality seems to have, what do they say?

You could say that reality is nothing but a mind, which is Max Planck and Chris Langan’s idea.

But what is this new property really?

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I believe it is dark energy and cosmic evolution in one package.

So, if we could truly draw a picture to represent reality, then what would it look like when we insert the property, “the boundary of a boundary is zero.” Well, it looks like a beehive! We see a particle flying “over here” and a particle flying

“over there,” and we say that they are separate, unconnected. But if the boundary of a boundary is zero, then reality looks more like a beehive where

every part is perfectly integrated. And when this thing evolves, it simply grows exponentially larger and becomes even more - perfectly integrated. Time is essentially speeding up, google Timewave Zero by Terence McKenna. The end

result is the technological singularity or something: the cosmic mind waking up.

Immortality for all! Ok. But before that happens, let us go back to the beginning of time.

Science tells us the universe expands via dark energy. But that is not allowed, on

this new picture. You simply cannot have causality as an intrinsic property of your model, unless you want infinite regress and an endless stream of failure. So

we start with the tetrahedron whose boundary of a boundary is zero. If it wants to expand, it has to do it in a way that a cell in our body does it: it has to replicate – that is the only way you can have the expansion of spacetime. But

that means that evolution is primal - which it must be in any case. Ok. So the basic building block in the universe replicates, then continues to replicate. 2

becomes 4, 8, 16, and soon, you got an exponential increase (dark energy) which we call the Big Bang. But the only way replication is possible is through the “cosmic beehive” we talked about earlier. So now, not only does the universe

expand, it also becomes more complex as it expands through the fact that causality can only manifest through the “cosmic beehive” from above. So we

start with the physical sphere, which evolves into the chemical sphere, then the biological and finally, memetic evolution. We saw the end result above.

If all this seems reasonable, which I think it does, then we can move on to free energy.

Because, what does this new picture of reality actually say? It says that Everything Grows, including our planet earth. My free energy proposal was that

we can replicate the earth-growing mechanism on a smaller scale and put that in your car, with the effect that “the fuel” will grow directly into your tank!

Ingenious. But this is not real free energy, you say. That is true. If by free energy you mean

“perpetual motion machines” or “overunity devices,” then you are out of luck.

Marry the Growing Earth to Roger Penrose’s CCC working in a fractal universe, then you truly got immortal energy!

I have worked over 10 years on this idea, so I get frustrated when somebody just calls it “gobbledygook” and moves on.

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And the extra bonus here is that the greatest mind of all time, which belonged to

Buckminster Fuller, actually has the tetrahedron as an intrinsic part of his model of the universe. And the tetrahedron, in turn, has the “the boundary of a

boundary is zero.” I believe that the “zero” = the cuboctahedron

In Fuller’s own words:

“Because of the fundamental nonsimultaneity of universal structuring, a single, simultaneous, static model of Universe is inherently both nonexistent and conceptually impossible as well as unnecessary. Ergo, Universe does not have a

shape. Do not waste your time, as man has been doing for ages, trying to think of a unit shape "outside of which there must be something," or "within which, at

center, there must be a smaller something."”—https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sy...

And: “The vector equilibrium (viz., the cuboctahedron) is the zero starting point for

happenings and nonhappenings: it is the empty theater and empty circus and empty Universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience.”—

http://cosmometry.net/vector-equ... “Ok. But is the earth really growing?” See

this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Anti-gravity:

Note that I am not a physicist. This idea is purely a philosophical investigation.

We solve the paradox of causality by realizing that all building blocks in the universe are like the monads in Leibniz’s philosophy. That is, imagine an online

game. People can interact with each other even though they never actually touch. So too can particles interact over great distances of spacetime because

causality does not happen in this billiard game way. Rather, causality = communication. Every building block simulates every other building block and creates the illusion of causality, like gamers coming together and making a show

the rest of us can watch.

But what has this got to do with anti-gravity? Because now, you see, you will realize that every building block is a perfect unit

in and of itself, just like every gamer is his own master. So all you need for anti-gravity to work is to stop communicating, stop playing.

But how does this work in practice?

I believe that the basic building block of the universe is the cuboctahedron. When it is unfolded, it is anti-gravity by its very nature because it is a package of

wholeness all unto itself. That is, it is not interacting with the rest of the energy field, and this non-interaction would look like a giant nothingness to us - so

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science is unaware of it. In order to interact, you need to fold the cuboctahedron.

So if you build a device that lets you detach from the rest of the field, you can float and etc.. You must build a device that lets you find vector equilibrium,

nothingness, perfect geometric balance. That way, you are not governed by the field called the universe, but by your own set of laws.

Modern scientists will just scream no. But they are not the masters of the cause that birthed all things. Once you align with that cause (vector equilibrium), you

should be able to float ... and go anywhere you want in the universe in no time. (Yes, I know how that sounds.)

If you get out of the water, you can do what the hell you want.

Ralph Ring explains it, 7:40, and note that they used the principle of 12 (i.e., vector equilibrium) and octahedrons (gaps in the tetrahedron-grid, which I believe is the link/bridge between the folded and the unfolded state of the

cuboctahedron) to make it work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVF4T0OXHkU


The Real Stargate:

The warp drive = if reality is a torus, then spacetime is constantly and naturally expanding and contracting; which means, if you could find a way to step outside

the mechanism, then you could in theory travel anywhere in the universe in a split second. How would this work? Is there a way to step “outside” the reality-matrix? Yes. All you need are two toruses, then you cleverly configure them so

that you, your spaceship, sit in the middle of the eyes (where the “storm” is calm), then you have one torus contracting the space before you, so you can

travel long distances in no time at all, while the other expands the space simultaneously so that you do not get crushed by the contraction. Thus, you need two toruses. You remain unaffected because you hide inside the eyes. The

eyes would form a disc. Yes, you heard right: The only way to travel in the universe is in a classic-UFO disc-shape. I guess a cigar-shape would also work.

The point is, you do not have a lot of options here. The warp drive is, to paint a picture here: Imagine you had an island that was

shaped like a U; you want to go from one side to the other. The only way you can do that is by traversing the whole U or, you can build a bridge, connecting

the U and SKIPPING, never have to travel, a whole lot of space! The warp drive = spacebridges. Now, the photon, on the other hand, must travel the whole U, but, it travels the whole U in “no time at all.” The warp drive, however, does not

travel the whole U, but cheats, as it were. The cool thing is, the whistleblowers on the ufo thing explains that the ufo is like the art of stone skipping. The photon

would stay in touch with the water (spacetime) the whole time, while the ufo would literally escape the water and skip across it.

I mean, I can conceptualize it philosophically, but actually accomplishing something like that in the physical world, man, I don’t really believe it! I believe

it when I see it. These aliens are smart fellows. But that is the point, I believe we have been visited because the warp drive is a thing of reality.

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Imagine some alien professor doing some stone skipping with his kid when

realizing: “Dude! I can do that!”

From stone skipping to the warp drive, this is how evolution works! Evolution works in mysterious ways.


Alchemy: more details: https://www.quora.com/Can-we-find-the-philosophers-stone/answer/Thor-Fabian-Pettersen

There is a reason why Sir. Isaac Newton spent his whole life studying it, and you naysayers can reject this with the whole of your being, but the true treasure

behind the veil of alchemy is: alien knowledge. They visited us in the past, and the sacred knowledge is the treasure of many secret societies all over the world. We can find this hidden knowledge in the Chinese I Ching, the Jewish Kabbalah,

or the English version “Knights of the Round Table;” the Norwegian version “Tree of Life;” you will find it in the Bible; it is the Philosopher’s Stone and the Holy

Grail. You will see it in the flag of Israel and the flag of South Korea. ONE secret that has been replicated ad infinitum and told in many different ways.

But what is the Philosopher’s Stone? In reality, it is the blueprint of all reality. Once you understand it, you will understand such things as: how the universe

got here, consciousness and immortality. It is truly the way for spiritual growth.

Philosopher’s Stone: from https://www.quora.com/Where-does... Heaven (fire) = the triangle. Earth = the square.

Father and Mother = opposite-sitting tetrahedron-arrays, like in the flag of the Mother, the Father and the Child; Is(is) + Ra + El. Israel.

Earth (+ fire) = the cuboctahedron. Water = the icosahedron. Air = the octahedron.

Fire = the tetrahedron (e.g., the throne of God). Leaf 11 (left, bottom): “Through Him who created the Heavens and the Earth I

am The Philosopher’s stone, and in my body I carry something the wise seek. If such a charm be extracted from me, it will be a sweet refreshment for you. I am an animal having father and mother, and father and mother were created; and in

my body are contained the four elements, and I am before father and mother and I am a poisonous animal.”

—The Secret Teachings of All Ages (http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/...) For the Father and the Mother, visit: The Isotropic Vector Matrix - Nassim

Haramein (Abstract from Cognos 2010 conference): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

The Philosopher’s Stone = the heaven + the earth + the four elements.

In addition, the Stone has a father and a mother, that is, you will find the cuboctahedron within a stack of tetrahedron-arrays (e.g., the 64 tetrahedron

array, aka Father and Mother (Yin/Yang)--see the I Ching). The cuboctahedron is

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composed of triangles (heaven) and squares (earth) and, when you fold the

cuboctahedron, you get the four elements.

Note that it is impossible to find another solution for the simple reason that you will not find anything in the universe that consists of squares and triangles while simultaneously carries the four elements. Alternatively, I dare you to come up

with another solid.

In summa: You can look at the Philosopher’s Stone as, e.g., the 64 tetrahedron array.

With this in mind, let us unveil the rest of them:

The Chinese I Ching: To understand the Ching, try to understand the flag of South Korea first: The flag of South Korea = 1 x Star Tetrahedron (e.g., the Merkaba). That is,

form the 6 large line segments into a tetrahedron, and then do the same with the 12 smaller segments, and then fuse the two together (aka Father and

Mother) so that they form the Star Tetrahedron (google it).

The flag of South Korea = 1 x Star Tetrahedron + red/blue (Father and Mother/the dual torus) + the four elements. The Secret of Secrets = the cuboctahedron.

The I Ching (King Wen Order):

Whole, 192 Broken, 384

1 x Star Tetrahedron = 6 whole + 12 broken 192 divided by 6 = 32

384 divided by 12 = 32 32 Fathers + 32 Mothers = 32 Star Tetrahedrons. 8 Star Tetrahedrons = the 64 tetrahedron grid.

32 Star Tetrahedrons = 4 x the 64 tetrahedron grid. 64 x 4 = 256 tetrahedrons. But, Manly P. Hall says, they always give you half the

code. Thus, double it: 256 x 2 = the 512 tetrahedron grid. I believe that: The 512 tetrahedron grid is the next interval (perfect

copy/Russian Doll - just on a larger scale); that is, that which comes after the 64 tetrahedron grid. In other words: 8 (octave) x 64 = 512.

In summa: If you add the Yin & Yang, which is the Star Tetrahedron, then the whole of the I

Ching is as follows: 8, 64, 512. In other words: the 3 Rings of Atlantis (?). Maybe they built Atlantis with these 3 rings in order to symbolize the exponential

growth (dark energy) of spacetime? Also note that: 48 large line segments + 96 small or broken line segments = 8 x

Star Tetrahedrons or the 64 tetrahedron grid.

The tetrahedron grids contain the vector equilibrium (i.e., the cuboctahedron).

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The Foo Dogs in The Forbidden City guard the 64 tetrahedron grid under their

paw. You don’t have to believe Nassim nor his solution to the Kabbalah. You can go to China and SEE IT FOR YOURSELF! Now, how do you explain that?! The Foo

Dogs are not real? The Jewish Kabbalah and the Bible:

72 = Nassim Haramein solves the Kabbalah, and the answer is the 64 tetrahedron grid, that is, the cuboctahedron within the cuboctahedron. 8 trees of

Life x 9 Sephiroth (1 of the Sephiroth does not count as it is the root or crown) = 72.

Nassim Haramein - Tree of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

Tree of Life = The Kabbalah Note: The Yggdrasil tree is a Norse version of the Kabbalah. Note that the Norse

version has 9 Sephiroth/worlds while the Jewish Kabbalah has 10 Sephiroth/worlds. I guess when the cultures met, they exchanged something of

value. Not that the Jews personally brought the wisdom over. The said exchange might have happened in a number of ways.

The English version “Knights of the Round Table;” King Arthur pulls the sword (fire) from the stone (earth). Earth + fire (heaven) = the cuboctahedron.

The masonic sun = the triangle. The moon = the square. Heaven (fire) = the

triangle. Earth = the square. Triangle (8) + square (6) = the cuboctahedron. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”—KJV

The darn interesting note: Nicolas Flamel solved the puzzle of puzzles with the

help of the Kabbala! (So it all fits.) The cuboctahedron is Jesus and his 12 disciples. The 12 Olympians. Odin’s 12

sons. The coven of the witches. And so on. The coven of the witches, for example, is 13. Actually, the cuboctahedron = 12 + 1. 12 beams and 1 center.

Therefore, the number 12 and/or the number 13 = the esoteric mystery. 12 Knights of the Round Table + King Arthur (1). 12 labors of Hercules (1). Odin (1), the chief god, had 12 sons. The Olympians, which comprised the whole

pantheon (which is also a temple), were 12. In Judaism and Christianity the number 12 has a special place. There is a reason why these myths and tales are

so popular. The list goes on ... The 13 attributes of God.

The Zodiac.

But, you are so selective! What about the movie Ocean’s Twelve or the 12 Monkeys? The 12 characters in Street Fighter?

Am I being selective?

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Selective would be Thor’s 12 sons, King Barthur and his 150 + Knights. What

about Judas and his 12 disciples or, perhaps, all the lesser gods not included in the pantheon? Forget Hercules, what about Steve’s 12 labors; or 11 months in a

year? The 11 hours of the clock. The 63 squares of the chessboard. What about the ... Am I really being that selective? I take only the cream. I’m not actually selecting anything.

The body parts of Osiris!

Nice try. There were 14 body parts.

No. Actually, a fish ate one of the parts. The phallus!

I would believe that this is just me connecting dots that are not meant to be connected if, Jesus could make do with eleven disciples. Even the Knights of the Round were originally over 150 knights. Why this obsession with making it 12 +

1? Just read the entire The Secret Teachings of All Ages before you make up your mind. Then you will see that: The cuboctahedron is the real Holy Grail

because the Holy Grail is the cup that never empties, aka free energy. And, the Round Table shrinks and expands like a torus!

The whole The Secret Teachings of All Ages must make you realize that aliens have visited us because, where else does this stuff come from?

And/Or maybe the knowledge stems from survivors from Atlantis itself: Joe

Rogan Experience #725 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...

Manly P. Hall himself urges us to look away. There are no aliens here. Powerful men must have gotten to him because, it’s like the comedian Bill Hicks stopped

smoking one day and said, “I was wrong. Smoking is bad for you.” No one in hell will believe that, of course. That is, it just does not add up. The author of the Secret Teachings urges us to look away at the Greatest Secret in history! It does

not make sense; well, until you realize who Hall was. Hall was a Freemason. But, before he was a Freemason, he wrote the Secret Teachings (1928).

My personal guess is that Hall was so close to the secrets of the Masons that the Masons recruited him in order to keep their secrets safe.

Basically, what happened was that aliens landed here and imparted their

knowledge to the creatures that they made (us). The elite kept this knowledge safe. They still do. However, the elite cannot control the internet.

“How did the Philosopher’s Stone generate the universe?” “The vector equilibrium is the zero starting point for happenings and nonhappenings; it is the empty

theater and empty circus and empty Universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience.” —Buckminster Fuller (Synergetics, 2nd Edition, 11th Dec, 1975).

The vector equilibrium = the cuboctahedron = Philosopher’s Stone

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And consciousness must be the dual torus, if the dual torus (Muspelheim and

Niflheim) is actually ALL THERE IS.

And the dual torus is immortal because it is the beating heart of the nothingness (empty theater and empty circus) itself.

Start your journey in the land of Khem: AlKHEMy

Here is a little poem that I wrote: Let me tell you about my gem:

Coming out of the land of Khem. Let’s go on a Holy Grail quest!

We ride and stride and never rest! To North and South and East and West! What riddle does the Lord prefer?

His heaven and earth always were. Four are the elements within.

And fire is their carnal sin. Father and Mother met by fate.

The Rabbi knows that it is eight. Eight are the ones who grow so tall. Tallest are the trees that must fall.

Tallest of all—What can it be? Our ancient China holds the key.

Sixty-four flames. Divination, Will lead you to his creation. Where they stand aloft, the seven.

Always were, his earth and heaven. King Arthur and his Round Table,

Tell a true and honest fable. Excalibur is heaven’s flame. The stone and the earth are the same.

The Foo Dogs guard it. Hint: The paw. You see, there is only one law:

Yin and yang. And it goes around. The core is always falling down. ‘A great circle,’ the Buddha said.

‘A great circle,’ above your head! The six, six, six. What is it, though?

Please ask the bees. (They ought to know.) The Philosopher’s stone is here; And, it makes all time disappear.

And it makes gold, too! And, of course, Immortal energy its source.

China decoded: Just for you. The five and one and two are true. Sixty-four and then eight, these things,

Are Atlantis’ three island rings. Mother Mary, in her sweet womb,

Carries the Child of starry room. Now, you have it! The key is chess.

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The Holy Grail is nothing less,

Than the belly of nothingness!

Yes! His heaven and earth had always been. And fire is their carnal sin.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Pictures:

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Me (33) and my son (3).


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Final Words:

Considering Hilbert’s Hotel from above, then the only way we can all be immortal is if this is a dream. Alternatively, we have eternal death.

Hilbert’s Hotel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj3_KqkI9Zo

Simulation or a dream?

Dr. Stephen Strange: I could have done better.--

https://www.moviequotesandmore.com/doctor-strange-best-quotes/ Therefore, I must believe that the universe is a dream, like the Buddhas say it is.

We are the froth of nothingness: the by-product of nothingness-generation.

The nothingness is eternal and will always produce this by-product we call


We therefore have an endless supply of available energy because new universes

will be perpetually born.

This by-product = replication (evolution)

Evolution will master every niche. Example of niches: the ocean, certain surfaces

of the earth; the air, the trees (other species). There are many niches, and they

will all be filled up because the ongoing replication will never stop. There are

other niches: technology, spacetime, consciousness.

I believe the master of consciousness is this timeless Buddha.

I believe that consciousness, not spacetime, is the ultimate niche for intelligent

beings—which means that the universe is a DREAM, not a simulation.

And because all is replication, it means that all is a fractal reality where your

consciousness is not special: you are just 50% your mother and 50% your

father’s consciousness. You do not have your “own” consciousness. The beauty of

that is, your consciousness, since it is a fractal, it is also the whole such that,

ultimately, you are the Buddha.

And the Buddha will always evolve due to the nature of evolution, which is to fill

up all the niches it can.

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In summa: You are immortal because the nothingness is immortal.

“I am a by-product. That is meaningless.” Meaninglessness is just a concept.

Move on.

“Why am I not in Nirvana/heaven?” In reality, you are.

“Will my dog be invited to heaven?” Yes, in the sense that you are all.

“Consciousness is real. Love is real. Immortality is real. Many beautiful things are

real, but free will is not. So how can I enjoy eternity as a slave?” True. It is

easier to build a supercomputer than to successfully argue for the existence of

free will. But that does not mean free will is not real. My humble attempt:

Most free will challenges suck! Why? Because, in order to conduct them, you need to define what a “cause” is. If you try, you will end up with turtles all the

way and infinite regresses, which is why Hume discarded the ole casual picture 200 years ago! No one believes in that paradox-train anymore. Even quantum

mechanics tells us that the so-called “cause” is just not the way Nature is put together. Rather, Nature is unbound and, only through observers, she becomes bound. Even then, the unbound dwells in the bound and vice versa. The

boundary of a boundary is zero. So how the heck do you define a “cause?” Face it: Nature is not carved up into pieces or causes.

And if you find a “cause,” please email it to me with the photo of your ding an sich!

If Nature is inherently unbound, then determinism is false. Quantum mechanics

says that the world is unbound and only becomes bound when observers are present. It from bit.

This opens up for the possibility that our choices can indeed alter the course of spacetime itself. And a superintelligence could steer existence in any direction it

chooses to. Nothing is predetermined. You could say that the act of choosing is predetermined. But this is false because

Nature is not carved up into tiny, little pieces, so you cannot make the film of determinism, so to speak. Rather, Nature is felt and experienced. And if I don’t

like the experience of the taste of an apple, say, then the universe cannot make me force it down. I can literally change the whole universe if it tried to force me to eat the apple.

Nature is sensory, and that opens up for free will.

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Our will is still “determined” by our evolutionary makeup, though.

“Yeah, but we are still slaves to time. We are caught in that web, thus we do not

have free will.” I said: I believe we can change time. However, even if time froze, we could still

be conscious! How? Because time is a linear process. Time is like the movie our brains make in order to make sense of the world. So our consciousness can be

immersed in it, but it does not follow logically that our consciousness needs time in order to function. “Ok! You are crazy!” No. Hear me out: Consciousness may be a horizontal process created by a quantum field that is non-linear. For

example: I have had dreams where I am two persons at once, talking to each other. That is not a linear process; and only when I became lucid in my dream I

realized I was actually talking to myself! Imagine when you become the Buddha and realize you are everyone!

Or, you could imagine being conscious in a state that was completely frozen, like in a cartoon movie where everyone freezes except the protagonist(s). A photon

experiences the world horizontally, so to speak. A linear time process must move from a to b to c, but a non-linear horizontal process can move from a to z to

whatever. The tetrahedron opens up for the possibility of free will because it can be bound

and unbound simultaneously. Our consciousness can therefore dwell in horizontal time and linear time simultaneously. (I believe DMT allows you to experience a

bit of horizontal time.) Determinism is like listening to a concert.

Reality is the act of making the concert.

But the true skeptic will still say: “But your sensory-world is still based on movement or motion. You have no control over it.” I would reply: You are still fragmenting nature. You imply that the sensory-world, motion and the

consciousness experiencing it all are three different things. But they are not. They are the same thing. I am the one experiencing the apple, for example.

“Yeah, but the “I” is still made of trillions of trillions of parts.” Ok, so what? “But our body chose the apple and it made your consciousness think that it chose it.” Ok, so what? That works fine, well, until the apple tastes like shit, then my

consciousness has to play a vital role and send that emergent information back, information that could not be obtained otherwise. I play a central, evolutionary

role. “But you are still a slave to your evolutionary makeup.” Am I? I can decide to eat the apple anyway. “But your decisions are made up by your brain. Blind forces at work.” Again, you are guilty of fragmentation. You leave my very real

consciousness out of the decision-making process, which is nuts! Ok. Probably 99% is automatic. Probably 99% is the higher brain working around the clock as

a slave to the lower brain. In my case, probably 99.9! Still, that leaves me with a fine window to actually make up my mind. “Yeah, but you are influenced by a ton of misinformation daily. You are affected by your past. You cannot make a free,

unfettered decision.” Ok. I can partly agree to that. “When does free will magically appear in the history of evolution?” When did cars appear in the history

of evolution? Break the car, it doesn’t work. Free will also, demands probably a functional neocortex. You can manipulate it, in which case your will will be

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manipulated also. “You could possibly remove the neocortex and still be

conscious. Do you have a free will, then?” I think not. “Then your consciousness is not your free will machine. So how can you have free will?” Because when I

am sitting in the car, I am able to drive it, so to speak. I become one with my car. “Let your ego believe in free will, I don’t.” Let us agree to disagree. Then you fuse the neocortex with the coming ASI and you have a free will problem:

you can do anything!

“Then what about psychopaths who commit murder, was it their free will?” I don’t know. Ask them.

“Does a dog have free will?” A dog can make decisions, but it will not be as sophisticated as our decision-making process.

“What about an ant?” I don’t think they do. Who knows?

In summa: Free will is hard to argue for. First, how do I know it was really me who chose to eat that cake, for example. It’s a tough one, indeed! Was it me?

Was it the cake? Or was it the universe? I like cake, so it’s probably the cake’s fault. But let’s blame the universe.

“Where do you come from?” Nirvana.

“How did you get here?” I fell asleep. “Can we have your technology?” In due time.

“How did time begin?” When you fell asleep. “What is the meaning of life?” To love. “Is there a heaven?” Yes.

“Is there a God?” You are God. “Where do we end up?” Back home.

“Did you create us?” Partly. “Did you abduct us?” Yes. “If you watched over us, why did you let our girls get raped?” No comment.

“Why didn’t you help the poor?” No comment. “Why didn’t you do something?” We prevented your face from melting by atom

bombs. If it wasn’t for us, your face would not be here right now. “Why are your eyes so big?” So we can see you better. “Why should I go to work?” To help others.

“I want life extension, now!” You don’t need it. “I want paradise on earth, right now!” In time.

“Are you the demons of the Bible?” No comment. “Is Jesus with you?” No comment. “Is this the Second Coming of Christ?” Looks like it.

And, “Why are hamburgers so damned tasty?” We abducted your cows and made

them taste better.

“I freaking knew it!”

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Add on: I had to address the law of attraction too, because it has become the

symbol of New Age bullshit. The Law of Attraction is real, but not for the reasons you think. If you asked the

Buddha about this, he would reply something like: The Law of Attraction is real, but that is because the universe is a dream and, you can change the dream with

your will. But! Beware, sometimes the dream is unforgiving. It’s safer to put yourself on fire than to try and lift an object with your mind! Therefore, screw the law and use the wisdom of your heart instead. Don’t screw around unless

you are a master, then you will learn the hard way!

A friend told me that a monk actually said something to the effect of, “It’s safer to put yourself on fire than to try and lift an object with your mind!”

In summa: To become a true disciple of the Law of Attraction can be potentially dangerous. Everybody wants the gold, but nobody is aware of the dragon.

Unless you know how to slay the dragon, don’t screw with it. It is common

sense. The law is reserved for the higher ups in secret societies. And these higher ups don’t know who they’re messing with. They will learn the hard way. Don’t follow them.

Believe the monk! I do. However, I am not an expert here. Do what you want.

But common sense should tell you not to screw around with things you know nothing about.

Instead, do what Arnold did: work hard!

Arnold Schwarzenegger 2018 - The speech that broke the internet - Most Inspiring ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNDA-o9yJNw

Update: I read somewhere on Quora that the Buddha would have liked the Law of Attraction. This is horseshit! The Law of Attraction is a dark and ugly thing.

The real Buddha would have hated it. “In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that

positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.”

From wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La...

If this law is actually true, say that we live in a computer simulation and that our “Creator” made it so, then ... What a Retard!

Now some dictator can rule supreme by manipulating people’s thoughts to think negatively, for one thing, and, if that does not do it, manipulate people into

thinking negative thoughts that they themselves believe to be good thoughts. One way is through symbolism. You pray: God. And the universe receives: Dog.

Because you have twisted the whole thing. And since the universe is stupid, it will process “dog” every time you say “God.” And the negative people who have

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the anger to actually usurp the dictator, the stupid universe will throb down.

What a moronic universe to live in; a blind universe. If I designed the universe, I would have the dictator usurped no matter if you were happy, sad or angry.

My point is, if the universe works in that simple way, then secret societies truly run this world. And Lord Satan is the supreme ruler.

“Yes. But if all people came together, penetrated the thick magic barrier placed

on our minds, and actually thought happy thoughts (see what I did there?), then Lord Satan would die of a heart attack along with all the Illuminati Reptilians.” True. But I would still say: Stupid universe.

Lord Satan: “I discovered the SECRET: The universe is stupid! Bahahaha!”

“But you said the law was real.” I meant you could change the universe with your will, not that the stupid law of attraction per se is real.

But who knows? Maybe the designer of the universe really designed the universe

in that stupid way because there is a deeper reason for it that we have yet to unveil. But I do not for a second believe it. I would rather design the universe with a Logos, which seems to be the case.