IELTS Test in India and the UK

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IELTS test in India and the UK March 2013 (General Training)Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Where do you live now?- Describe your city.- Where would you like to live in the future?Cue CardTalk about a gift that you gave to someone recently. Please say- What was the gift and when was it given?- Whom did you give it to?- How did you feel about it?Discussion- Talk about the importance of gifts in your country.- What kind of gifts do you like to give?- What is the role of advertisement in gifts industry?IELTS Speaking test in Sudan March 2013 Speaking testInterview - What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- What type of transport do you usually use?- Do you think transportation in your country is good? Why?- How would you upgrade the transportation in your country?Cue CardDescribe a situation when you were late. Please say- When was it?- Why were you late?- How did you feel about it?Discussion- Do people in your country accept excuses for being late? Why?- What type of excuses do people in your country accept?IELTS test in Sudan and Azerbaijan March 2012 (Academic Module)Speaking testInterview- What is your name?- Where do you come from?- Describe your house or apartment.- What do you like about your bedroom?Cue CardTalk about money that you received as a present. Please say- Who gave you the money?- When did you receive the money?- How did you spend it?Discussion- Which professions have the highest salaries in your country?- Who should have the highest salaries in your view?- Should parents give their children a lot of pocket money?IELTS test in Saudi Arabia April 2012 (Academic Module)Speaking testInterview- Do you come from a big city or a small town?- Tell me about your home city.- How close is the relationship between people in your community?- Do you think your community is safe for bringing up children? Why?Cue CardTalk about your best friend. Please say- Who is your best friend?- How did you meet him/her?- Do you see him/her often these days?- Why is he/she your best friend?- Please describe his/her personality.Discussion- Is friendship important to you?- Is friendship a problem at workplace? Why?- Why do some friends break up?- What is more important: friends or family? Why?- Do you have a friendly relationship with your kids?IELTS test in Australia March 2012 (Academic Module)Cue CardDescribe a movie that you like. Please say- What is the name of the movie?- What is it about?- Why do you like it?Discussion- How are movie stars treated in your country?- Should films be financed by the governments?- Do they have any educational value?- Can you learn other languages from movies?IELTS Speaking test in Azerbaijan February 2013Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- What subject are you studying?- Do you like it?- Do you use computer in you daily life?- Did somebody explain to you how to use computer in the first place?- When did you use a computer for the first time?- What did you use it for, the first time?Cue CardDescribe a present that you have given to someone. Please say- What was it?- Who did you give it to?- Why did you choose it?Discussion- Did he/she like the present?- What kinds of things are usually given as gifts in your culture?- On what occasions are you expected to give presents?- What kind of presents do people give to little kids?- Is the cost of gift of any importance?IELTS test in China and Israel February 2013 (General Training)Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?Cue CardDescribe a cafe that you like to visit the most. Please say- Where is it?- When and how often do you go there?- What is so special about it?Discussion- What does it look like from the outside?- What do you like about it the most?- Is there anything you dislike about it?- Would you recommend this place to others?IELTS test in Sudan December 2012 (General Training)Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- What can I call you?- What is the most challenging part of your job?- Would you recommend your job to others?Cue CardTalk about something that you plan to do in life besides your work and personal life. Please say- What do you want to do?- What should you do for your plan to come true?- Why do you want to do it?- How would you feel once you have achieved it?Discussion- Do you like museums?- Have you been to a museum recently?- What museum would you like to visit?- Is it important for children to visit museums?- Do you think people take more photographs now than they did in the past?- When was last time you took a photograph?IELTS test in the USA and Cyprus December 2012 (General Training)Speaking testInterview

What is your full name?- Do you work or study?- What part of your job is more challenging?- Would you recommend this job to others?- Can employers ask employees to work on Sundays?- What do you do to keep your body fit?- What did you learn from your secondary school to keep your body healthy?- What do you think you would do in the future to be healthy?Cue CardTalk about a present that you gave to your friend. Please say- What was it?- When did this happen?- How did you feel about it?Discussion- Do you think people enjoy more giving or receiving gifts?- What type of gifts do children like? Why?- What do we have to consider before giving gifts to people?IELTS Speaking test in Oman March 2013Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- Where do you live?- May I see your ID?- Do you do some housework at home?- What housework do you dislike to do at home?- Is it important for a child to do household chores? Why?- Do you live in a house or an apartment?- Do you like your home?- What kind of home would you like to have in the future?Cue CardTalk about a meal that you were invited to. Please say- When and where it took place?- Who has invited you?- Explain why you enjoyed the meal.Discussion- Explain the importance of having a meal together as a family.- What are the problems that working parents are facing with meal preparation?- What is the difference between a daily meal and a meal prepared for a special occasion?- Do you agree that there are more foods available these days as compared to the past?IELTS Speaking test in Nigeria March 2013Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- What is the major challenge at your job?- Would you recommend this job to others?- Do you like to take pictures?- Why do you think it is so?- Do you have a family portrait at home?- What is so unique about it?- When was the last time you took a picture?- Do you think people exercise a lot these days?- Do you exercise yourself?- What exercises do you do?Cue CardDescribe a major event in your country. Please say- Who takes part in the event- What is important about the event- Why you like/dislike this event.Discussion- Do you think people from the countryside forget their local culture when moving to the city? Why?- How do we encourage preserving the culture?2 recent IELTS Speaking testsSpeaking Test 1Interview- Describe the town you come from in your country.- Do you believe bicycles are popular where you live?- Do you believe bicycles are important to children?Cue CardDescribe something you have always wanted to buy.- What is it?- Why do you like it?- Do you think you will buy it some day?Discussion- Do you believe shopping is more popular today than in the past?- Does it affect our society positively or negatively?- Do you believe we spend to much time shopping?- How does advertisement affect our shopping habits?- What are the pros and cons if it?- How does advertisement affect business?Speaking Test Interview- What is your full name?- Tell me about your town.- What do you like about your town?Cue cardDiscuss a sports activity you watched or joined, you should say- Where it happened- What exactly happened- Why it was memorableDiscussion- What do you think is the most popular sports nowadays?- What do you think about the benefits of swimming?- Do you think swimming is a good sport?- What sports activities were you engaged in at school?- If you were given a chance to go back to school, what sports would you engage in?- Should children be encouraged to do more sports?- What kind of sports are better for the kids, team or from individual sports?IELTS test in Mongolia March 2013 (Academic Module)Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Where do you live now?- Do you work or study?Cue CardDescribe a cafe that you like to visit a lot. Please say- Where is it located?- Why do you like it?- How often do you visit it?Discussion- Is a cafe a good place to meet people?- Compare a cafe and a restaurant, what are the differences?- Do you like to meet with your friends at home or outside?IELTS Speaking test in India March 2012Speaking testInterview- What is your full name?- What should I call you?- What do you do? Are you working or a studying?- Describe your job.- Did you always want to do this job?- Do you like walking?- Why do you like to walk?- Did you walk a lot in your childhood with your family?Cue CardDescribe a foreign culture that you like. Please say- What culture is it?- How did you get to know about this culture?- What do you like in it?Discussion- What are the advantages of knowing a foreign culture?- Is it necessary to know the language of that culture?- Do you think it is easy to learn a foreign language?- How does learning the language help?- Do you think that foreign culture reminds you of your own culture? How?IELTS Speaking test in Nigeria March 2012Speaking testInterview- Can you tell me your full name?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- What subject are you studying?- Do you think many people study this subject?- When do you think a mobile phone is most useful?- Do you think our environment is noisy nowadays?- What kind of noise do you like or dislike?Cue CardDescribe an advertisement that you saw or heard recently. Please say- What is the name of the advertisement?- Explain what it is about.- Why did you remember this advertisement?DiscussionWhat type of media is mostly used for advertising?- Do you think children like ads?- Are they influenced by ads?- Are you aware of any regulations imposed on advertisement?- Do you think advertisement should be regulated since children are influenced by it?- What other methods apart from singing and dancing do advertisers use?