IEEE 期刊會議投稿 流程

IEEE 期期期期期期期期


IEEE 期刊會議投稿 流程. IEEE 期刊投稿流程. Transaction/Journal/Letter. IEEE Transactions 8-10 頁印刷頁或者 24-30 頁雙倍行距的學術論文 IEEE Journals 論文長度與 Transactions 相當,但領域更細分 IEEE Letters 3 頁印刷頁或者 9 頁雙倍行距的短學術論文. IEEE Quality Makes an Impact Journal Citation Report Results, by Impact Factor. IEEE publishes: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of IEEE 期刊會議投稿 流程

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IEEE Transactions– 8-10頁印刷頁或者 24-30頁雙倍行距的學術論文

IEEE Journals– 論文長度與 Transactions相當,但領域更細分

IEEE Letters– 3 頁印刷頁或者9 頁雙倍行距的短學術論文

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IEEE publishes:

• #1 journal in Electrical and Electronic Engineering• 16 of the top 20 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering• 8 of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications• 6 of top 10 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture• 3 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Cybernetics• 3 of the top 5 journals in Automation & Control Systems• # 1 in Artificial Intelligence• # 1 in Transportation Technology• # 3 in Imaging Science• # 3 in Robotics• # 5 in Biomedical Engineering

The ISI JCR presents “quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals”

(2010 report released June 2011)

IEEE Quality Makes an ImpactJournal Citation Report Results, by Impact Factor

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利用 Xplore甄選相關期刊

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利用 Xplore甄選相關期刊 -續

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Top 10 journals in Telecommunications

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

Progress in Electromagnetics Research

IEEE Communications Magazine

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 

IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

IEEE Network

IEEE Wireless Communications

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舉例期刊 - IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (J-SAC)

J-SAC publishes only papers that are submitted in response to aCall-for-Papers in J-SAC issues and other publications of the IEEE Communications Society as appropriate to the subject area of the call.

Papers submitted for review for possible publication in a J-SAC issue must be submitted to one of theGuest Editors listed in theCall-for-Papers.

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Find J-SAC on IEEE Xplore

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CALL FOR PAPERSIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsBroadband Wireless Communications for High Speed Vehicles

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Tools for Authors

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電子投稿: E-Submission

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評審流程Review Process


e.g. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine

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注意事項Multiple Submission


Submit Conference Paper


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強調原創性IEEE's policy on duplicate publication states

– "authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication. If authors have used their own previously published work(s) as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very briefly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s)."

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投稿以前發表的會議論文歡迎已發表過的會議論文,但需要進行大幅修改,如 :

必須引用原始會議論文,並解釋在此基礎上如何進行提升 期刊論文應對會議論文的文獻綜述 , 結果等部分都需進行擴展

對以發表會議論文的題目和文摘也做小幅修改 如果原始論文非 IEEE會議,作者必須要為 IEEE重新出版的部分獲得正式允許

在通过Manuscript Central進行投稿時,選擇“manuscript type” 為 "Post conference paper"

e.g. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

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e.g. The IEEE Sensors Journal

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不當行為Plagiarism includes– “ copying someone else’s work without appropriate credit,

– using someone else’s work without clear delineation of citation

– uncited reuse of an authors previously published work that also involves otherauthors”

Self-plagiarism involves– “ theverbatim copying or reuse of an author own prior work without

appropriate citation

– duplicate submission of a single journal manuscript to two different journals

– submission of two different journal manuscripts which overlap substantially in language or technicalcontribution.”

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不當行為處理Immediate rejection of the manuscript in question

Immediate withdrawal of all other submitted manuscripts by any of the authors, submitted to any of the Society’s publications (journals, conferences, workshops), except for manuscripts that also involve innocent co-authors

Prohibition against each of the authors for any new submissions, either individually, in combination with the authors of the plagiarizing manuscript, or in combination with new co-authors, to all of the Society’s publications (journals, conferences, workshops). The prohibition shall continue for one year from notice of suspension.

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期刊發表體現更嚴格的評審以及更高品質的成果沒有演講此類口頭交流信息的形式大部分期刊論文至少有 3 名以上評審人審稿,並有副主編定稿期刊論文必須很好地反映該領域研究狀態,因為評審人會仔細審核其引用文獻期刊論文接受率通常遠低於會議論文

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利用 Xplore甄選相關會議

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利用 Xplore甄選相關會議 -續

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Conferences Call For Papers

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Travel Support for Students

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IEEE全力支持你的研究!IEEE Fellowship/Scholarship

– IEEE Charles LeGeyt Fortescue Fellowship 

– IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Conference Travel Grants 

– IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Summer Research Grant 

– IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society Graduate Fellowship for Research on Electronic Packaging 

– IEEE Computer Society Merwin Scholarship

– IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society Graduate Student

– IEEE Electron Devices Society Graduate Student Fellowship

– ……

IEEE Competitions– Presidents' Change the World Competition

– IEEE Computer Society Simulator Design Competition

– Student paper contest

– ……

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