IEC 79-12 Ed 1 (1978) Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 12 Classification o

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IEC 79-12 Ed 1 (1978) Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 12 Classification

Transcript of IEC 79-12 Ed 1 (1978) Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 12 Classification o

  • iWIiation 79-12: 1-EC - 79 PT*J2 78 m 4844891 0080234 8 m -

    CO M M I S S I O N L E C T R O T E C H N I Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L E


    I N T E R N A T I O N A L E L E C T R O T E C H N I C A L C O M M I S S 1 O N I E C REPORT

    Publication 79-12 Premire dition - First edition

    1 9 7 8

    Matriel lectrique pour atmosphres explosives Douzime partie: Classement des mlanges de gaz ou de vapeurs et dair

    suivant leur interstice exprimental maximal de scurit et leur courant minimal dinflammation

    Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 12: Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air

    according to their maximum experimental safe yaps and minimum igniting currents

    Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rights reserved

    Bureau Central de la Commission Eiectrotechnique Internationale 1, rue de Varemb

    Genve, Suisse

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • I E C 7 9 P T * 2 2 78 4 8 4 4 8 9 1 0080235 T m

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    Le contenu technique des publications de la CE1 est constam- ment revu par la Commission afin dassurer quil reflte bien ltat actuel de la technique.

    Les renseignements relatifs ce travail de rvision, ltablisse- ment des ditions rvises et aux mises jour peuvent tre obtenus auprs des Comits nationaux de la CE1 et en consultant les docu- ments ci-dessous:

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    0 Rapport dactivit de la CE1 Publi annuellement

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    En ce qui concerne la terminologie gnrale, le lecteur se reportera la Publication 50 de la CEI: Vocabulaire Electro- technique International (V.E.I.), qui est tablie sous forme de chapitres spars traitant chacun dun sujet dfini, lIndex gnral tant publi sparment. Des dtails complets sur le V.E.I. peuvent tre obtenus sur demande.

    Les termes et dfinitions figurant dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris du V.E.I., soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication.

    Symboles graphiques et littraux

    Pour les symboles graphiques, symboles littraux et signes dusage gnral approuvs par la CEI, le lecteur consultera:

    - ia Publication 27 de la CEI: Symboles littraux utiliser en lectrotechnique;

    - la Publication 117 de la CEI: Symboles graphiques recom- mandes.

    Les symboles et signes contenus dans la prsente publication ont t soit repris des Publications 27 ou 117 de la CEI, soit spcifiquement approuvs aux fins de cette publication.

    Autres publications de la C E 1 tablies par le mme Comit dEtudes

    Lattention du lecteur est attire sur la page 3 de la couverture, qui numre les autres publications de la CE1 prpares par le Comit dEtudes qui a tabli la presente publication.

    Revision of this publication

    The technical content of I E C publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology.

    Information on the work of revision, the issue of revised editions and amendment sheets may be obtained from I E C National Committees and from the following I E C sources:

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    0 Report on I E C Activities Published yearly

    Catalogue of I E C Publications Published yearly


    For general terminology, readers are referred to I E C Publi- cation 50: fiternational Electrotechnical Vocabulary Q.E.V.), which is issued in the form of separate chapters each dealing with a specific field, the General Index being published as a separate booklet. Full details of the I.E.V. will be supplied on request.

    The terms and definitions contained in the present publication have either been taken from the I.E.V. or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.

    Graphical and letter symbols

    For graphical symbols, and letter symbols and signs approved by the I E C for general use, readers are referred to:

    - I E C Publication 27: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology ;

    - I E C Publication 117: Recommended graphical symbols.

    The symbols and signs contained in the present publication have either been taken from I E C Publications 27 or 117, or have been specifically approved for the purpose of this publi- caiion.

    Other I E C publications prepared by the same Technical Committee

    The attention of readers is drawn to the inside of the back cover, which lists other I E C publications issued by the Technical Committee which has prepared the present publication.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

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  • C O M M I S S 1 0 N L E G T R O T E C H N I Q U E I N T E R N A T I O N A L E R A P P O R T D E L A C E 1

    I N T E R N A T I O N A L E L E C T R O T E C H N I C A L C O M M I S S I O N

    I E C R E P O R T

    Publication 79-12 Premire dition - First edition

    1 9 7 8

    Matriel lectrique pour atmosphres explosives Douzime partie: Classement des mlanges de gaz ou de vapeurs et dair

    suivant leur interstice exprimental maximal de scurit et leur courant minimal dinflammation

    Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 12: Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air

    according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents

    Droits de reproduction rservs - Copyright - all rights reserved Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut Btre reproduite ni utilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd, lectronique ou mca- nique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans laccord crit de IBditeur.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced o r . utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission i n writing from the publisher.

    Bureau Central de la Commission Eiectrotechnique Internationale

    Genve, Suisse 1, rue de Varemb

    Prix Fr.s. 24.- Price Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • IEC 77 P T * 3 2 78 4844893 0080337 3 W

    - 2 -



    Douzime partie: Classement des mlanges de gaz ou de vapeurs et dair suivant leur interstice exprimental maximal de scurit

    et leur courant minimal dinflammation


    1) Les dcisions ou accords officiels de la CE1 en ce qui concerne les questions techniques, prpars par des Comits dEtudes OU sont reprsents tous les Comits nationaux sintressant ces questions, expriment dans la plus grande mesure possible un accord international sur les sujets examins.

    2) Ces dcisions constituent des recommandations internationales et sont agres comme telles par les Comits nationaux.

    3) Dans le but dencourager lunification internationale, la CE1 exprime le vu que tous les Comits nationaux adoptent dans leurs rgles nationales le texte de la recommandation de la CEI, dans la mesure o les conditions nationales le permettent. Toute divergence entre la recommandation de la CE1 et la rgle nationale correspondante doit, dans la mesure du possible, tre indique en termes clairs dans cette dernire.


    Le prsent rapport a t tabli par le Comit dEtudes No 31 de la CEI: Matriel lectrique pour atmosphres explosives.

    I1 constitue une partie dune srie de publications traitant du matriel lectrique utilis dans les atmosphres explosives.

    Les parties suivantes de la Publication 79 de la CEI: Matriel lectrique pour atmosphres explosives, sont dj parues;

    - Introduction gnrale (Publication 79-0). - Construction, vrification et essais des enveloppes antidflagrantes de matriel lectrique (Publication 79-1). - Annexe D: Mthode dessai pour la dtermination de linterstice exprimental maximal de scurit (Publication 79-1A). - enveloppes surpression interne (Publication 79-2). - Eclateur pour circuits de scurit intrinsque (Publication 79-3). - Mthode dessai pour la dtermination de la temprature dinflammation (Publications 79-4 et 79-4A). - Protection par remplissage pulvrulent (Publications 79-5 et 79-5A). - Matriel immerg dans lhuile (Publication 79-6). - Construction, vri6cation et essais du matriel lectrique en protection a e )) (Publication 79-7). - Classification des tempratures maximales de surface (Publication 79-8). - Marquage (Publication 79-9). - Classification des zones dangereuses (Publication 79-10). - Construction et essais du matriel scurit intrinsque et du matriel associ (Publication 79-11).

    Un projet fut discut lors de la runion tenue Paris en 1974. A la suite de cette runion, un projet, document 31(Bureau Central)39, fut soumis lapprobation des Comits nationaux suivant la Rgle des Six Mois en aot 1976.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • The following countries voted explicitly in favour of publication: Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark E!ZYPt France Germany H w w Y

    Japan Netherlands Poland South Africa (Republic of) Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Yugoslavia

    The United States National Committee voted against publication of this report because it considered that, for some gases classified in this manner, changes in the maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) and variafions in the degree of pressure enhancement which may occur under pressure piling and turbulent conditions could result in a factor of safety of less than unity under actual conditions.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • 1.




    Douzime partie: Classement des mlanges de gaz ou de vapeurs et dair suivant leur interstice exprimental maximal de scurit

    et leur courant minimal dinflammation

    Domaine dapplication

    Le prsent rapport donne des directives pour le choix du groupe ou sous-groupe appropri de matriels lectriques protgs par une enveloppe antidflagrante ou conus de faon tre scurit intrinsque, daprs le gaz ou la vapeur,dans lesquels les matriels sont destins tre utiliss.

    Le prsent rapport indique les critres de classement des gaz et des vapeurs les plus courants. Des conseils sont donns au sujet des essais excuter pour classer les gaz ou vapeurs non mentionns dans le prsent rapport.

    Classement des gaz et vapeurs

    Pour les matriels protgs par enveloppes antidflagrantes et scurit intrinsque, on peut classer les gaz et les vapeurs daprs le groupe ou sous-groupe de matriels requis pour utilisation dans une atmosphre particulire de gaz ou de vapeur.

    Les principes gnraux appliqus pour tablir les listes de gaz et de vapeurs dans les tableaux sont indiqus ci-aprs.

    Classement suivant les interstices exprimentaux maximaux de scurit ( IEMS)

    Pour les enveloppes antidflagrantes, les gaz et les vapeurs sont classs suivant leurs interstices exprimentaux maximaux de scurit (IEMS). La dtermination normalise de lIEMS est effectue avec lappareil dcrit dans la Publication 79-1A ; mais, si des dterminations ont t effectues seulement dans une sphre de 8 litres avec inflammation proche du plan du joint, elles peuvent tre admises provisoirement.

    Les groupes de matriels lectriques sont: Groupe I: Groupe II:

    les limites des IEMS sont: Groupe IIA: IEMS suprieur ou gal 0,9 mm. Groupe IIB: IEMS suprieur 0,5 mm et infrieur 0,9 mm. Groupe IIC: IEMS infrieur ou gal 0,5 mm. Note. - LIEMS est dtermin 20 C ou corrig pour cette temprature.

    Classement suivant les courants minimaux dinjlammation (CMI)

    utilisation dans les mines (mthane). pour applications dans dautres industries.

    Le groupe II de matriels lectriques est subdivis et, dans le but de classer les gaz et les vapeurs,


    Pour la scurit intrinsque, les gaz et les vapeurs sont classs en fonction du rapport de leur courant minimal dinflammation (CMI) celui du mthane de laboratoire. La dtermination normalise de ce rapport CMI est effectue avec lappareil dcrit dans la Publication 79-3; mais, si des dterminations ont t effectues avec dautres appareils, elles peuvent tre admises provi- soirement.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.



    Part 1 2 Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps

    and minimum igniting currents r

    1. Scope

    This report provides guidance on the selection of the appropriate group or sub-group of electrical apparatus, protected by flameproof enclosure or designed to be intrinsically safe, according to the gas or vapour in which it is intended to be used.

    This report provides the basis for the classification of the most used gases and vapours. Guidance is given on the tests to be carried out to classify any additional gases or vapours not listed in this report.

    2. Classification of gases and vapours

    For the purposes of flameproof enclosures and intrinsic safety, gases and vapours can be classified according to the group or sub-group of apparatus required for use in the particular gas or vapour atmosphere.

    The general principles used to establish the lists of gases and vapours in the tables are given below.

    2.1 ClassiJication according to the maximum experimental safe gaps (MESG)

    For flameproof enclosures, gases and vapours are classified according to their maximum experi- mental safe gaps (MESG). The standard method for determining MESG shall be the vessel described in Publication 79-1A, but where determinations have been undertaken only in an 8 litre spherical vessel with ignition close to the flange gap these can be accepted provisionally.

    The groups of apparatus are: Group I: mining applications (methane). Group II:

    the MESG limits are: Group IIA: MESG above or equal to 0.9 m. Group IIB: MESG greater than 0.5 mm and less than 0.9 mm. Group IIC: MESG less than or equal to 0.5 mm. Note. - MESG is determined at, or corrected to, 20 OC.

    for applications in other industries.

    Group II apparatus is subdivided and, for the purpose of classification of gases and vapours,

    2.2 ClassiJication accosding to the minimum igniting currents (MIC)

    For intrinsic safety, gases and vapours are classified according to the ratio of their minimum igniting currents (MIC) with that of laboratory methane. The standard method of determining MIC ratios shall be with the apparatus described in Publication 79-3, but where determinations have been undertaken in other apparatus these can be accepted provisionally.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • classer le gaz ou la vapeur.

    Groupe IIA: 1IEMS est suprieur 0,9 mm, ou le rapport CMI est suprieur 0,9. Groupe IIB: 1IEMS est compris entre 0,55 mm et 0,9 mm, ou le rapport CMI est compris entre

    0,5 et 0,8. Groupe IIC: IIEMS est infrieur

    1) Seul le rapport CMI a t dtermin et sa valeur est comprise entre 08 et 09, la dtermination

    2) Seul le rapport CMI a t dtermin et sa valeur est comprise entre 0,45 et 0,5, la dtermination

    3) Seul 1IEMS a t dtermin et sa valeur est comprise entre 0,5 mm et 0,55 mm, la dtermi-

    Une seule dtermination est suEsante lorsque:

    05 mm, ou le rapport CMI est infrieur 045.

    I1 est ncessaire de dterminer la fois IIEMS et le rapport CMI dans les cas suivants:

    de IIEMS est alors ncessaire pour classer le gaz ou la vapeur.

    de IIEMS est alors ncessaire pour classer le gaz ou la vapeur.

    nation du rapport CMI est alors ncessaire pour classer le gaz ou la vapeur.

    2.4 Classement suivant une similitude de striicture chimique Lorsquun gaz ou une vapeur appartient une famille de composs homologues, on peut provi-

    soirement dduire le classement de ce gaz ou de cette vapeur en se basant sur les rsultats obtenus pour dautres composs de masse molculaire plus faible, appartenant cette famille. I1 convient de prendre les plus grandes prcautions lorsquil sagit dattribuer le compos un groupe.

    Classement de mlanges de gaz

    de IIEMS et du rapport CMI.


    Les mlanges de gaz ne sont gnralement attribus un groupe quaprs dtermination spciale .

    3. Tableaux des gaz

    Le classement prsent dans ce rapport donne des indications sur les groupes de matriels lec- triques utiliser dans un mlange particulier de gaz/air afin dviter les risques dexplosion dorigine lectrique. Il convient de remarquer que certaines des substances numres, comme le nitrate dthyle, sont relativement instables et peuvent se prter une dcomposition spontane.

    La liste des gaz et vapeurs de ces tableaux ne vise pas tre exhaustive.

    Toutes les formes isomriques des produits classs sont comprises.

    La signification des lettres affectes chaque gaz est la suivante: a = classement daprs la valeur de IIEMS. b = classement daprs la valeur du rapport CMI. c = 1IEMS et le rapport CMI ont t dtermins. d = classement en fonction de la similitude de structure chimique (classement provisoire).


    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • The groups of apparatus are: Group I: mining applications (methane). Group II: applications in other industries.

    the MIC ratios are: Group IIA: MIC ratio above 0.8. Group IIB: MIC ratio between 0.45 and 0.8. Group IIC MIC ratio below 0.45.

    Group II apparatus is subdivided and, for the purpose of classication of gases and vapours,

    2.3 ClassiJication according to MESG and MIC

    or MIC to classify the gas or vapour. For most gases and vapours it is sufficient to make only one determination of either MESG

    One determination is adequate when: Group IIA: the MESG exceeds 0.9 mm, or the MIC ratio exceeds 0.9. Group IIB: the MESG is between 0.55 mm and 0.9 mm, or the MIC ratio is between 0.5 and 0.8.

    Group IIC:

    i) The MIC ratio determination only has been made, and the ratio is between 0.8.and 0.9, when

    2) The MIC ratio determination only has been made, and the ratio is between 0.45 and 0.5, when

    3) The MESG only has been found, and is between 0.5 mm and 0.55 111111, when an MIC ratio

    the MESG is less than 0.5 mm, or the MIC ratio less than 0.45.

    Determination of both the MESG and MIC ratio is required when:

    an MESG determination will be required to classify the gas or vapour.

    an MESG determination will be required to dassify the gas or vapour.

    determination will be required to classify the gas or vapour.

    2.4 ClassiJication according to a similarity of chemical structuse

    When a gas or vapour is a member of an homologous series of compounds the classification of the gas or vapour can provisionally be inferred from the results of determinations of the other members of the series with lower molecular weights. Care should be taken when such inferences are used in allocating the compound to a group.

    2.5 Classification of mixtures of gases

    of MESG or MIC ratio. Mixtures of gases should generally be allocated to a group only after a special determination

    3. Tables of gases

    The classification in this report provides guidance on the group of electrical apparatus to be used in a particular gaslair mixture to avoid the danger of an explosion from an electrical source. It should be noted that some materials listed, for example ethyl nitrate, are relatively unstable and may be prone to spontaneous decomposition.

    The list of gases and vapours in the tables should not be considered to be comprehensive. All isomeric forms of the compounds listed are included.

    The significance of the letter against each gas is as follows: a = classied according to MESG determination. b = classified according to MIC ratio. c = both MESG and MIC ratio have been determined. d = classied according to similarity of chemical structure (provisional classification).

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • ~

    IEC 79 PT*KL2 78 W 4844871 0080L45 2 = - 10 -

    TABLEAU I TABLE I Gaz ou vapeurs pour lesquels un matriel

    lectrique du groupe IIA est requis Gases or vapours for which Group IIA

    apparatus is required

    Gaz ou vapeur

    Gas or vapour

    1. Hydrocarbures Hydrocarbons

    1.1 Alcanes Alkanes

    Mthane Methane

    Ethane Ethane








    Dcane Decane





    . Mthylcyclobutane Methylcyclobutane

    Mthylcyclopentane Methylcyclopentane

    MBthylcyclohexane . Methylcyclohexane

    Ethylcyclobutane Ethylcyclobutane

    Ethylcyclopentane Ethylcyclopentane

    Ethylcyclohexane Ethylcyclo hexane

    Dcahydronaphtalne (dcaline) Decahydronaphthalene (dekalin)

    Formule chimique

    Chemical formula










    Mthode de classement

    viethod of classification


















    Le mthane (CH4) se rapporte un gaz avec impurets ngligeables. I) Methane (CHd refers to a gas with negligible impurities.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Gaz ou vapeur Gas or vapour

    1.2 Alcnes Aikenes

    Propne (propylne) Propene (propylene)

    1.3 Hydrocarbures aromatiques Aromatic hydrocarbons

    Styrne Styrene

    Isopropenylbenzene (mthylstyrne) (methylstyrene)

    1.4 Hydrocarbures benzniques Benzenoids

    Benzne Benzene

    Tolune Toluene

    Xylne Xylene

    Ethylbenzne Ethylbenzene

    Trimthylbenzne . Trimethylbenzene

    Naphtalne Naphthalene

    Cumne Cumene

    Cymne Cymene

    1.5 Hydrocarbures mlangs Mixed hydrocarbons

    Mthane (industriel) l) Methane (industrial) i)

    Trbenthine Turpentine

    Naphte de ptrole Petroleum naphtha

    Naphte de houille Coal tar naphtha

    Ptrole (y compris essence de ptrole) Petroleum (including motor spirit)

    Solvant ou essence de nettoyagi

    Mazout Heating oil

    . Solvent or cleaning petroleum

    - 11 -

    Formule chimique Chemical formula

    CBH5CH CH2

    Mthode de classement

    tethod of classication


    b .




    . d

    (calcul) a (calculated




    Le mthane (industriel) comprend des mlanges contenant jusqu' 15%, en volume, d'hydrogne. Methane (industrial) includes methane mixtures containing up to 15%, by volume, of hydrogen.

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Gaz ou vapeur Gas or vapour .

    Krosne Kerosene

    - Gas-oil Diesel oil

    Benzol pour moteurs Motor benzole

    2. Composs contenant de loxygne Compounds containing oxygen

    Oxydes (y compris les thers) Oxides (including ethers)

    Monoxyde de carbone Carbon monoxide

    Diprop ylther Dipropylether


    2.2 Alcools et phnols

    Mthanol Methanol

    Ethanol Ethanol




    Alcohols and phenols .






    Mthylcyclohexanol Methylcyclohexanol

    Phnol Phenol

    Crsol Cresol

    4-hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-oni (diactone-alcool) (diacetone alcohol)

    2.3 Aldhydes Aldehydes

    Aldhyde actique Acetaldehyde

    Formule chimique Chemical formula












    CH2(CH2)4CH OH I

    CHsCH(CH2)4CH OH




    . CHsCHO

    Mthode de classement Method of classificatior












    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Gaz ou vapeur Gas or vapour




    Mtaldhyde Metaldehyde

    Ctones Ketones

    Actone Acetone

    Butanone (thyl-mthyl-ctone) (ethyl methyl ketone)

    Pentan-2-one (propyl-mthyl-ctone) (propyl methyl ketone)

    Hexan-2-one (but yl-mthyl-ctone) (butyl methyl ketone)

    Amyl-mthyl-ctone Amyl methyl ketone

    Pentane-2,4-dione (actylactone) (acetylacetone)



    Formiate de mthyle Methyl formate

    Formiate d'thyle Ethyl formate

    Actate de mthyle Methyl acetate

    Actate d'thyle Ethyl acetate

    Actate de propyle Propyl acetate

    Actate de butyle Butyl acetate

    Actate d'amyle Amyl acetate

    Mthacrylate de mthyle Methyl methacrylate

    Methacrylate d'thyle Ethyl methacrylate

    Actate de vinyle Vinyl acetate

    Actylactate d'thyle Ethyl acetoacetate

    Acides Acids

    Acide actique Acetic acid

    Formule chimique Chemical formula

    G H 5 C 0 CH3

    C,H,CO CH3

    C4HgCO CH3

    C5Hi1CO CH3

    CH3CO CH&O CH3


    H COO CH3

    H COO C2H5

    CH3COO CH3

    CH3COO C2H5

    CH3COO C3H7

    CH3COO C4Hg

    CH3COO CSHll

    CH, = C(CH3)COOCH3

    CH2 = C(CH3)COOqH,

    CH3COOCH = CH2



    Mthode de classement Method of classification





















    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • IEC 74 P T * 1 2 78 M 4844871 0080147 T M - 14 -

    Gaz ou vapeur Gas or vapour

    3. Composs contenant des halognes Compounds containing halogens

    3.1 Composs sans oxygne

    Chloromthane Chloromethane

    Chlorothane Chloroethane

    Compounds without oxygen

    . Bromthane Bromoethane




    Dichlorthane Dichloroethane


    Chlorobenzne Chlorobenzene

    Chlorure de benzyle Benzyl chloride

    Dichlorobenzene Dichlorobenzene

    Chlorure d'allyle Allyl chloride

    Dichlorthylne Dichloroethylene

    Chlorure de vinyle Chloroethylene

    d,d,d-trifluorotoluene (phenyltrifluoromthane) (bernotrifluoride)

    Dichloromethane (chlorure de mthylne) (methylene chloride)

    3.2 Composs contenant de l'oxygne Compounds with oxygen

    Chlorure d'actyle Acetyl chloride

    Chlorthanol Chloroethanol

    4. Composs contenant du soufre Compounds containing sulphur

    Ethanethiol (Ethyl-mercap tan)

    Propane-1 -thiol (Propyl-mercaptan) '

    Formule chimique Chemical formula













    CHCI= CHCl

    CH2 = CHCI




    Mthode de classement Method of classification




















    (calcul) a (calculated

    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Gaz ou vapeur

    Gas or vapour

    5 .


    . Thiophne Thiophene

    Ttrahydro thiophene Tetrahydrothiophene

    Composs contenant de l'azote Compounds containing nitrogen

    Ammoniac Ammonia

    Actonitrile Acetonitrile

    Nitrite d'thyle . Ethyl nitrite

    Nitromthane Nitromethane

    Nitrothane Nitroethane


    Mthylamine Methylamine

    Dimthylamine Dimethylamine

    Trimthylamhe Trimethylamine

    Dithylamine Diethylamine

    Trithylamhe Triethylamine




    2-aminoethanol (ethanolamine) (mono-ethanolamine)

    2-dithylaminothanol 2-diethylaminoethanol

    Diaminothane Diaminoethane



    Amphtamine Amphetamine



    Formule chimique Chemical formula






    Mthode de classement tethod of classification
























    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • TABLEAU II TABLE II Gaz ou vapeurs your lesquels un matriel

    lectrique du gsoupe IIB est requis Gases or vapours for which Group IIB

    apparatus is required

    Gaz ou vapeur

    Gas or vapour

    Hydrocarbures Hydrocarbons

    Allylne Prop yne

    Ethylene Ethylene


    1,3-butadine 1,3-butadiene

    Composs contenant de lazote Compounds containing nitrogen


    Nitrate disopropyle Isopropyl nitrate

    Acide cyanhydrique Hydrogen cyanide

    Composs contenant de loxygne Compounds containing oxygen

    Ether mthylique Dimethyl ether

    Ether mthylique dthyle Ethyl methyl ether

    Ether thylique Diethyl ether

    Ether butylique Dibutyl ether

    Oxione (oxyde dthylne) (ethylene oxide) ~.

    1,2-poxypropane 1,2-epoxypropane



    Butyl glycolate (ester butylique de lacide hydroxyactique) (hydroxyacetic acid, butyl ester)

    Formule chimique

    Chemical formula

    CH& = CH


    CH2CH2CH2 U

    CH2 = CHCH = CH2

    CH2 = CHCN



    CH2 CH2 O


    CH2 CH2 OCH2 O


    CH20 CH20 CH20

    Mthode de classement

    Method of classincatior










    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • - 17 -

    Gaz ou vapeur Gas or vapour

    Alcool ftrahydrofurfurylique Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol

    Acrylate de mthyle Methyl acrylate

    Acrylate d'thyle Ethyl acrylate

    Furanne Furan

    Aldhyde crotonique Crotonaldehyde

    Acr ylaldehyde (acroline) (acrolein)

    Ttrahydrofuranne Tetrahydrofuran

    Mlanges MiutUres

    Gaz de four coke Coke oven gas

    Composs contenant des halognes Compounds containing halogens

    Ttrafluorthylne Tetrafluoroethylene

    l-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (pichlorohydrine) (epichlorohydrin) .

    Hydrogne Hydrogen

    Actylne Acetylene

    Bisulfure de carbone Carbon disulphide

    Nitrate d'thyle Ethyl nitrate

    Formule chimique Chemical formula

    CHz = CHCOOCH3

    CH2 = CHCOOCzH5

    CH = CHCH = CHO

    ~ ~ _ _ _ _

    Mthode de classement Method of classification


    CHz = CHCHO








    a (calcul) (calculated)




    Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IEC

    Document provided by IHS Licensee=SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY/5902168001, 05/07/2004 01:44:03 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please callthe Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295.


  • Autres publications de la CE1 prpares par le Comit dEtudes NO 31

    Other IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No. 31

    79 : - Matriel lectrique pour atmosphres explosives. 79-0 (1971) Partie zro: Introduction gnrale. 79-0 (1971) Part O: General introduction.

    79-1 (1971) Premire partie: Construction, vrification et 79-1 (1971) Part I: Construction and test of flameproof

    79: - Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres.

    essais des enveloppes antidflagrantes de matriel enclosures of electrical apparatus. lectrique.

    79-1A (1975) Premier complment: Annexe D; Mthode dessai 79-IA (1975) First supplement: Appendix D: Method of test pour la dtermination de iinterstice expri- for ascertainment of maximum experimental mental maximal de scurit. safe gap.

    79-2 (1975) Deuxime partie: Enveloppes surpression 79-2 (1975) Part 2: Pressurized enclosures.

    79-3 (1972) Troisime partie: Eclateur pour circuits de 79-3 (1972) Part 3: Spark test apparatus for intrinsically-safe

    79-4 (1975) Quatrime partie: Mthode dessai pour la 79-4 (1975) Part 4 Method of test for ignition temperature.

    79-4A (1970) Premier complment l. 79-4A (1970) First supp1ement.l

    79-5 (1967) Cinquime partie: Protection par remplissage 79-5 (1967) Part 5: Sand-filled apparatus.

    79-5A (1969) Premier complment. 79-5A (1969) First supplement.

    79-6 (1968) Sixime parfie : Matriel immerg dans lhuile. 79-6 (1968) Part 6: Oil-immersed apparatus.

    79-7 (1969) Septime partie: Construction, vrification et 79-7 (1969) Part 7: Construction and test of electrical appar- atus, type of protection e.

    79-8 (1969) Part 8: Classification of maximum surface tem-

    79-9 (1970) Neuvime partie: Marquage. 79-9 (1970) Part 9: Marking.

    79-10 (1972) Dixime partie: Classification des zones dan- 79-10 (1972) Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas.

    79-11 (1976)


    scurit intrinsque. circuits.

    dtermination de la temprature dinflammation.


    essais du matriel lectrique en protection