IDP information booklet - · VET Unit of Study: Agricultural Technologies AT116MUR...

Program information booklet 2016 Integrated Diploma Program: Academic Program in Agricultural Technologies Diploma of Agriculture (AHC50110) Registered training organisation: The University of Queensland, Gatton Vocational Education Centre (1511)

Transcript of IDP information booklet - · VET Unit of Study: Agricultural Technologies AT116MUR...

Page 1: IDP information booklet - · VET Unit of Study: Agricultural Technologies AT116MUR – Indicative cost: $795.70 (approx. as at 24/8/15) AHCLSK505A Develop Production

Program information booklet 2016

Integrated Diploma Program: Academic Program in Agricultural Technologies Diploma of Agriculture (AHC50110)

Registered training organisation:The University of Queensland, Gatton Vocational Education Centre (1511)

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Developed by

The University of Queensland Gatton

Vocational Education Centre (UQ-GVEC)

UQ-GVEC enquiries

Telephone: (07) 5460 1353 or (07) 5460 1356

Address: University of Queensland

Gatton Vocational Education Centre (UQ-GVEC)








© The University of Queensland 2015

Copyright materials contained herein have been reproduced under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, as amended, or with the permission of the copyright owner. This material may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever except for the purposed of individual study.

UQ-GVEC is a Registered Training Organisation: RTO 1511


CRICOS provider number: 00025B


Disclaimer: The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.


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Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 

Program objectives .................................................................................................... 2 Employment opportunities ............................................................................................................ 2 Opportunities for further study ...................................................................................................... 2 

Program overview ...................................................................................................... 3 

Entry requirements ........................................................................................................... 3 Program streams .......................................................................................................................... 4 

Program structure and schedule of fees ................................................................ 4 

Important information ....................................................................................................... 4 Courses and competencies within units of study and streams ...................................................... 5 Case study/work placement .......................................................................................................... 7 

Course presentation .................................................................................................. 8 

Academic course descriptions ................................................................................. 9 

More information ...................................................................................................... 12 Campus accommodation ............................................................................................................ 12 Q-Fever screening and vaccination ............................................................................................ 12 

Policies and procedures .......................................................................................... 12 

In conclusion ............................................................................................................ 13 

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Introduction The Integrated Diploma Program (IDP) is an innovative program developed in 2014 in response to the need identified by agricultural and allied industries for graduates with the knowledge and capacity to operate effectively in an increasingly technological workplace.

The Western Australian government has recognised this trend and collaborated with the University of Queensland to establish more meaningful pathways to higher education in agriculture. Collaboration between the Muresk Institute via the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) and the University of Queensland (UQ) Gatton Campus resulted in the IDP being offered at Muresk from 2015.

The IDP is a two-year, full-time program delivered at the Muresk campus via a blended academic and applied mode (lectures, tutorials, practical classes), with vocational competencies embedded and aligned within the delivery. Students who undertake the complete program are eligible for two outcomes:

an academic transcript from the University of Queensland for courses completed withinthe two-year Academic Program in Agricultural Technologies; plus

Diploma of Agriculture (AHC50110) issued through UQ-GVEC (upon successfulcompletion of the two-year program).

This combination of academic and vocational training will equip graduates for a range of careers in the increasingly technical fields related to agriculture including: farm enterprise managers, agribusiness services, research support staff and local government.

The IDP also provides a pathway to university level studies. Entry requirements and any potential advanced standing are subject to each university’s requirements. Students who intend to seek this pathway should consult the UQ-GVEC IDP program coordinator or contact universities about specific prerequisites.

This prospectus provides the basic information for you to determine if the IDP meets your needs. It outlines the entry requirements, approximate fees, courses of study and options, vocational competencies, delivery modes, qualification outcomes and pathways to employment or further study. For further information contact the Muresk Institute.

We look forward to your enrolment in the Integrated Diploma Program at Muresk.

Mark Pace Director UQ-GVEC

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Program objectives On completion of the program graduates will be able to demonstrate:

a sound theoretical understanding of the science of plant and animal production, and the natural resources that impact on agricultural production

an awareness of and basic skills in using agricultural technologies

an awareness of the issues impacting upon agricultural production

an ability to communicate with rural professionals and advisors

the skills to continually improve knowledge and awareness of agricultural technologies through access to industry information sources.

Graduates will also be able to demonstrate:

competency in an acceptable range of appropriate agriculturally related skills

an appropriate knowledge of the principles underlying the practices

an awareness of the issues relating to the effective, efficient utilisation and conservation of agricultural resources

an appreciation of the integration of theory and practice gained through formal study and the achievement of an acceptable work ethic

a positive attitude to lifelong learning in a rapidly changing society.

Employment opportunities

On completion of the program graduates will be well suited to gain employment in positions such as:

Agricultural research technician

Trainee agronomist or sales staff within an agribusiness

Trainee management staff within agricultural enterprises

Instructor within the agricultural vocational education and training sector

Local government environmental officer.

Opportunities for further study

Graduates will be well qualified and prepared to pursue higher education options within the university sector. Graduates may seek pathways, into a number of universities offering agricultural and related degree programs. Contact the UQ-GVEC IDP program coordinator for more specific information in relation to higher education opportunities.

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Program overview Academic program: Academic Program in Agricultural Technologies

Integrated vocational programs: AHC50110 Diploma of Agriculture

Campus: Muresk Institute

Offered by: UQ Gatton Vocational Education Centre (UQ-GVEC)

Course start date: Semester 1 (late February/early March 2016 – exact date to be confirmed)

Course duration: 2 years full time (4 semesters or part time equivalent)

No. of academic courses: 16

No. of vocational competencies: 10 (subject to variation based on national packaging rules)

Semester duration: 15 weeks (subject to final timetable arrangements)

Entry requirements

Minimum Year 12, with five sound achievements including mathematics, English and a science subject; or, a Certificate III in Agriculture (or equivalent).

* * *

Special consideration for entry may be granted to applicants on the basis of other qualifications and/or work experience.

Applicants entering the program with higher vocational qualifications may apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL).

Applicants applying for entry without a Certificate III in Agriculture (or equivalent) or who do not have any rural background or experience will be required to undertake a skill set training program offered at the Muresk Institute before the start of the Integrated Diploma Program. Any student may elect to undertake this program, which will include up to eight units of competency.

Students will be working with farm animals during the Integrated Diploma Program. Accordingly, all students enrolled should be screened and/or vaccinated against Q-Fever to reduce the risk of contracting this disease. Check with the program coordinator for more details.

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Program streams

While all students undertake the same courses and competencies in Semester 1, students may elect to undertake one of three streams (or specialisations) offered within the remaining three semesters of the program. These three streams are:

1. Crop production

2. Animal production

3. Plant protection.

There are some stream-specific courses and competencies offered in the second, third and fourth semester units of study.

Program structure and schedule of fees 

Important information

Academic courses or units of competency are subject to change under review arrangements.

Students are not required to choose their stream until the second Semester.

Streams are conditional upon minimum numbers of enrolments.

Part-time enrolments are considered on a case-by-case basis and are only permissible upon approval by the Training Manager.

VET FEE-HELP is applicable to the Diploma of Agriculture only.

Costs contained in the above Schedule of Fees also apply to students who may be seeking Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) where applicable.

This Schedule of Fees and program structure is correct at 24/08/2015.

Fees are indicative only and are charged on a nominal hour basis as per the current Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) course fee rates.

Total nominal hours will vary for students approved for RPL or Credit Transfer.

Diploma of Agriculture charges apply to concessional and non-concessional students, in accordance with the applicable DTWD VET Fees and Charges Policy.

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Courses and competencies within units of study and streams

The academic courses and aligned competencies to be undertaken for each unit of study and stream of the four semesters are provided in the following tables. Detailed information on each unit of competency can be found on the Australian Government Department of Industry website.

* Courses/units are indicative and subject to change under review arrangements.

Semester: 1, 2016 29 February – 25 June 2016 Census date: 31 March


Crop Production

Animal Production

Plant Protection

IDP academic courses

AGRC1120D Agriculture and Biology

MGTS1965D Learning and Communication

LAND1120D Soil and Water Resources

AGRC1125D Agricultural Mechanisation I

AHC50110 Diploma of Agriculture (2 competencies) VET Unit of Study: Foundations of Agriculture FA115MUR – Cost $773 (approx. as at 24/8/15)

BSBCMM401A Make a Presentation

AHCSOL401A Sample Soils and Interpret Results

Semester: 2, 2015 25 July – 30 November 2016 Census date: 31 August


Crop Production

Animal Production

Plant Protection

IDP academic courses

ANIM1110D Animal Husbandry

AGRC1130D Crop Agronomy

MGTS1966D Rural Business I

LAND1125D Land Management

MGTS1968D Enterprise Compliance Systems

AHC50110 Diploma of Agriculture competencies VET Unit of Study: Agricultural Production AP215MUR – Cost $773 (approx. as at 24/8/15)

AHCBUS508A Prepare and Monitor Budgets And Financial Reports #

AHCOHS501A Manage Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Processes #

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Semester: 1, 2017 (third semester of program) Dates TBA Census date: 31 March


Crop Production

Animal Production

Plant Protection

IDP academic courses

ANIM1115D Animal Production Technology

AGRC1140D Plant Production Technology

AGRC1170D Plant Protection Technology

MGTS1967D Rural Business Management and Human Resources II

AGRC1135D Agricultural Mechanisation II

AGRC1145D Experimental Techniques and Application

AHC50110 Diploma of Agriculture (3 competencies) VET Unit of Study: Agricultural Technologies AT116MUR – Indicative cost: $795.70 (approx. as at 24/8/15)

AHCLSK505A Develop Production Plans for Livestock

AHCBAC507A Develop Production Plans for Crops

AHCBAC505A Plan and Manage Long-Term Weed, Pest and/or Disease Control in Crops

AHCBUS501A Manage Staff

AHCWRK502A Collect and Manage Data

Semester: 2, 2017 (fourth semester of program) Dates TBA Census date: 31 August


Crop Production

Animal Production

Plant Protection

IDP academic courses

AGRC1175D Plant Protection Systems

AGRC1150D Management of Agricultural Production Systems

AGRC1155D Rural Business Management Systems

AGRC1160D Case Study and Work Placement

AGRC1165D Contemporary Issues in Agriculture

AHC50110 Diploma of Agriculture (3 competencies) VET Unit of study: Agricultural Systems AS216MUR – Indicative cost: $795.70 (approx. as at 24/8/15)

AHCAGB505A Develop a Whole Farm Plan

AHCBUS506A Develop and Review a Business Plan

AHCBUS507A Monitor and Review Business Performance

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Case study/work placement

The Semester 4 Case Study and Work Placement course involves a placement on an approved agricultural or agricultural related enterprise or operational sections contained within Muresk Institute. This is a capstone course that enables students to undertake a case study where they can apply their knowledge and skills in a work setting. The placement enterprise will be selected and approved on the basis of:

suitability of the enterprise in terms of industry representation, including best practice initiatives

location of the enterprise in relation to daily access for students from, and to, the Muresk Institute Campus

nature of the enterprise and the experience able to be offered, in relation to the student’s specialisation and agreed case study outcomes

availability of suitably qualified and experienced staff to co-supervise the case study activity in conjunction with an appointed academic supervisor.


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Course presentation In each semester students enrol in four academic courses and a range of aligned vocational competencies prescribed for their selected stream of study. Typically the academic courses may be delivered in two- or three-week blocks interspersed with a two-week block of applied skills training and industry placement. The following table provides an example.

Example only of block‐teaching schedule for a semester 

Muresk Teaching Calendar (example only)

SEMESTER 1, 2016

Week Date Starting Comment Courses Held Notes

Orientation 22 Feb

Week 1 29 Feb Course 1 and Course 2 Academic/Prac

Week 2 7 March Course 1 and Course 2 Academic/Prac

Week 3 14 March Applied Skills and Industry Training

Gap training

Week 4 21 March Applied Skills and Industry Training

Mid-Semester Break

24 March – April 4




Week 5 4 April Course 3 and Course 4 Academic/Prac

Week 6 11 April Course 3 and Course 4 Academic/Prac

Week 7 18 April Applied Skills and Industry Training

Week 8 25 April Applied Skills and Industry Training

Week 9 2 May Course 1 and Course 2 Academic/Prac

Week 10 9 May Course 1 and Course 2 Academic/Prac

Week 11 16 May Applied Skills and Industry Training

Week 12 23 May Applied Skills and Industry Training

Week 13 30 May Course 3 and Course 4 Academic/Prac

SWAT 6 June Tuition-free week

Exams 11–25 June Exam period

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Academic course descriptions Semester 1

AGRC1120D Agriculture and Biology

This course provides an overview and historical context of agriculture and its integral role in the evolution of human society; introduces the key elements of the environment and natural resources on which agriculture depends; covers the basic biology of plants and animals; discusses the importance and role of diversity within agricultural systems and provides for skills training in routine plant and animal production tasks.

MGTS1965D Learning and Communication

Learning and Communication is designed to provide skills and knowledge that will be useful in the workplace and to help you complete the Integrated Diploma Program. Effective communication includes the ability to function well in work teams and organisations, and to access useful information to solve problems and improve knowledge. The course will include an understanding of how we learn, the transition to adult learning practices and the difference between scientific, industry and general media communication styles. Practical activities will include the ability to develop, structure, research and deliver a report on a relevant topic and make effective presentations.

LAND1120D Soil and Water Resources

An introduction to agricultural soil and water resources, and irrigation. Soils: Formation, classification, and physical, chemical and biological properties. Water: Farm water sources, accessibility, and quality and quantity requirements. Irrigation: application methods, system types, components, operation and evaluation methods.

AGRC1125D Agricultural Mechanisation I

An introduction to: basic engineering quantities, concepts and calculations; workplace health and safety; the forms, functional requirements and operation of tillage, planting and crop chemical application equipment; and to applied skills training in tractor and farm machinery operation for land preparation, seeding and crop chemical application.

Semester 2

ANIM1110D Animal Husbandry

This course considers the welfare of animals; their feeding and nutrition; animal health plans and biosecurity; the behaviour and handling of animals; breeding and reproduction; and provides training in animal husbandry skills. The emphasis is on pigs, beef and dairy cattle, and sheep.

AGRC1130D Crop Agronomy

This course builds on Agriculture and Biology to look more specifically at agronomic aspects of crop and pasture production. It broadly covers the biological resources and the principles of soil management, crop management and pest and disease management.

MGTS1966D Rural Business I

This course covers the fundamentals of farm business management, how financial and physical information is used within the business decision making process and by lenders and other stakeholders, what financial statements are, what they show and how they are linked with each other and with physical business and business plans.

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LAND1125D Land Management

This course provides an introduction to soil and water conservation principles and practices including soil erosion and drainage and to the principles and practices underpinning contemporary land management strategies for improved sustainability and profitability in extensive (grazing) and intensive (cropping) agricultural production systems.

MGTS1968D Enterprise Compliance Systems

Enterprise policy, procedures, process and practice requirements in relation to compliance with occupational health and safety, food safety and quality assurance.

Semester 3

AGRC1140D Plant Production Technology

Covers the underlying principles and operation of a wide range of technologies which are used, or have potential, for application in agriculture and related industries. Measuring and recording environmental factors including soil nutrients and water. Monitoring and measuring crop growth and crop health. Controlling the crop environment and plant growth. Plant improvement. Optimisation of crop production. Organic production practices. Postharvest handling and storage technologies. Protected cultivation.

ANIM1115D Animal Production Technology

Animal enterprise management (case studies of animal production enterprises); animal production techniques including herd selection methods, stock feed processing and handling, pasture utilisation and grazing management; animal health and biosecurity; transporting animals; production of high quality animal products (meat, eggs, milk and wool).

AGRC1170D Plant Protection Technology

Strategies, practices and technologies used for sustainable management of pests and disease in plant production systems.

MGTS1967D Rural Business and Human Resources II

Business planning: development and review of business plans; preparation and monitoring of budgets; business and enterprise performance evaluation. Financial and production analysis and reporting; research information synthesis and presentation. Management of human resources on farm and in rural organisations.

AGRC1135D Agricultural Mechanisation II

This course provides an introduction farm power units, grain and pasture/fodder crop production harvesting, handling and storage equipment and to skills in farm survey and set-out techniques.

AGRC1145D Experimental Techniques and Application

The role of experimentation in maintaining and improving the productivity of plant and animal production systems; biological variation; experimental design; basic descriptive and analytical statistical techniques, sampling and measurement, data collection, recording, summarisation and presentation; the development and application of a range of field/laboratory skills relevant to agricultural research and service industries.

MATH1040 Basic Mathematics (OPTIONAL)

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Semester 4

AGRC1150D Management of Agricultural Production Systems

Management of enterprises and complex rural businesses to achieve environmentally, economically and socially sustainable production systems; utilisation of computer-based models and programs, communication technologies and information resources; finance and marketing; value chain management. These principles and practices will be applied to animal or broad acre production systems.

AGRC1175D Plant Protection Systems

The planning, development, implementation and management of best practice strategies for weed/pest/disease control systems; contemporary issues in plant protection IPM, drift reduction, buffer zones, etc.

AGRC1155D Rural Business Management Systems

Based on the enterprise placement: integration of financial and management systems; application of business and financial management and decision support (modelling) packages. The preparation and presentation of a business plan, and performance evaluation report for a selected enterprise.

AGRC1160D Case Study and Work Placement

A detailed study of an enterprise or other appropriate workplace based on an (approximate) five-week structured, cooperative placement. A learning contract negotiated between the student, co-operator and appointed academic staff member. Assessment based largely on three major reports covering specified resource, business and production activity.

AGRC1165D Contemporary Issues in Agriculture

A seminar series presented by experienced staff and guest speakers on contemporary issues influencing agricultural policy, productivity and sustainability including: climate change, water allocation, renewable energy, biodiversity, biosecurity, carbon trading and food security etc.

CHEM1004 Chemistry (OPTIONAL)



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More information 

Campus accommodation

Muresk Institute has dormitory and fully catered style student accommodation. Students wishing to reside on campus during their studies should contact the Institute in relation to availability and cost of accommodation.

Q-Fever screening and vaccination

Q-Fever is caused by a bacterium called Coxiella burnetii. People get infected by inhaling the bacteria, usually while in contact with infected animals, animal tissues, or animal products. The main carriers of the disease are farm animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. In rural areas the risk from kangaroos is also significant. A wide range of other animals can be infected including camels, llamas, alpacas, rodents, cats, dogs, birds, wallabies and other marsupials. The bacteria can survive harsh conditions and remain in the environment for long periods of time, so hay, dust and other small particles may also carry the bacteria. Veterinary, agricultural science and other students who work with the animals listed above:

are at risk of contracting Q-Fever

should be screened and or vaccinated against Q-Fever if required to reduce the risk of contracting this disease

may not be able to undertake practical work if not immune to Q-Fever.

Each screening and vaccination program consists of two visits, one week apart.

First visit: Your potential Q-Fever exposure history is discussed and recorded and screening tests including a skin and blood test are performed to check if you require a vaccine.

Second visit: One week later – your screening tests are checked and a Q-Fever vaccine given if tests show no immunity to Q-Fever.

It is recommended that students book and attend a complete vaccination program.

Policies and procedures The IDP has two sets of operational rules, due to the mix of jurisdictions that govern the program. These can be found in the UQ Policy and Procedure Library (PPL) and UQ-GVEC’s Code of Practice. Students should be aware that in cases where these rules are in conflict, The University of Queensland rules will take precedence.

Students should familiarise themselves with all policies and procedures relevant to their program.

UQ-GVEC’s Code of Practice

UQ’s policies and procedures are available through:

o myAdvisor

o UQ Policy and Procedure Library (PPL)

Muresk Institute’s policies and procedures

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In conclusion This booklet is an overview of the program, and details are subject to change. The intent is to provide prospective students with sufficient information to start enrolment procedures.

For more information or to start enrolment procedures, please contact:

Prue Jenkins

General Manager

Muresk Institute

T: 9690 1456

E: [email protected]

Further information can be sourced at the following websites:

We look forward to welcoming you as a student within the Integrated Diploma Program at Muresk Institute.

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