TORRANCE- HERALD, To THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, t<VM The Cargo Carrier M-2!t, new | Ixml of all life, brlow, ali( rier, has "Weasel" and can travel swiftly over mud, snow or other treacherous tor- lx ipply or PITS nicknamed the Whose light i.s truth, whose warmth is love, Before Thy ever blazing throne We ask no luster of our own. --Oliver Wendell Holmes P£ft(£ WUN6V bu. TOM LOVELADY Several Hundred Attend Hospital Ship's Rites Several hundred members of the ship's hospital company of the U.S.S. Hope, Navy hospital ship, attended the commission- ing ceremonies held at the Na- val Drydocks, Long Beach, on Sunday afternoon. Capt. Schuyler F. Helm, USN, commander, Naval Operating Base, commissioned the vessel and Commander A. E. Richards, USNR, assumed command. Com- manding officer of the Army hospital aboard it Lt. Col. T. P. Protzman, M.C. BE PATRIOTIC.' PICNIC IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD! WEEK- WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, SEPT. 4th FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS TWELVE 9-INCH 4 PAPER PLATES W DRANO ..... 21c BORAXO..... 12e ANTROL, 4-oz.. 19c SYRUP RE-FILL OUR BEST SWEET A A/- SLICED PICKLES Zoc . No. 303 Jnr ROSEDALE SMALL AAr RIPE OLIVES Zoc NO. olM Jflr LIBBY'S MAMMOTH AAs* RIPE OLIVES Z9C MARSHM/" AUIC|VC PLANTER'S ^ f., ~ F^IT^^oJS0 p VIHGINIA DARE INSTANT ADE ,.,..,. ........... Makes 10 Glnsses /*UI/*l/Ck| 0 Grape. Oransc, Cherry, etc. tHlLllCn & 9AC ________, NOODLES .,b.j.r0lr DEXTA SMALL ALUMINUM CLEANER Only 10° Pint 25° Quart 42* TISCARENO BROS. QUALITY MEATS Group 4 Store BEEF Round Steak _.._. 39k T-BomiSteaiisT. 43'* Sirloin lips. J. 73U CENTER CUTS Berf Roasl ^-W* Ground Beef... 2% """""VElF""" Choice Veal Roast.31'«, Veal Chops..... 47^ FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY NO POINT BEEF STEAKS ..... 32'm Tender, They Don't Need to be T-BONE STEAKS.. 36< tt ROASTS?! T^. 23< tt PORK Pork Shoulders.. 30?b Pork Loins..... 33£> Pork Chops..... 33k Pork Tegs 1JL...34' rt Spareribs.. ."."7T4i Delicatessen if Pickles^ 3 for lOc SWEET Pickles... 3 for IQc Kosher Dills. .eaL 10c BullTjams... Ib725c Wieners.. . . Ib. 33c (WHOLESALE OR RETAIL) 3 for 2lc I pt. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND IDEAL Ranch 8 A.M. to 7 KM. Daily Market Saturday Till 8 P.M. 2067 TORRANCE BLVD. TORRANCE Five Sons of One j Family In Service;' Is It a Record? j Five sons of the late Thomas Justice, are in the armed services, and a sixth Is ahoiit lo join his brothers fighting in the various (lira tri-s of war. Unless Ihe claim Is chal- lenged, tills will stand as a record for Torrance five In the service and soon a sixth. Those who wish to dispute this record are welcome to do so, as the Torrance Herald wants a complete record of tile hoys overseas or in tile service in the United Sattes. Paul N. .lustice, whose wife is employed at National Sup- ply Co., and who has an eight- months-old son he has never seen. Is in the Navy with a rating of AS '-!/< . He is in Ihe South Pacific. l.eon N. Justice is a seaman in the Navy anil Robert ('. .lust ire is a private first class In the Army, l^on being in Ihc South Pacific and Roltert helng wilh Ihc invasion forces in France. Rowland Justice is a private first class in the Army and also is in France. Thomas Justice, AOM «/e in the Navy, is in the South Pacific. The sixth son, Clovls, i.s lust turn- ing 18 and soon will be In one servfce or another. These three are the sons of the widow of Thomas Justice who resides at 1554 W. MOIh si., while I-con, Paul and Robert are sons by the first wife who died many years affo. Wult School Classes Being Offered Here Free for adults in me- chanical drafting again i.s beiug offered for evening students at Torrance High school. J. H. Hurehett, regular drafting in- structor, will be in charge. This class will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:45 lo 9:15 p.m. Blueprint reading ami ma- chine drafting is part o. the work available. All interested persons are invited to register at the high school at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16, or call J. H. Burchett, Torrance 315. Classes in commercial subjects and gymnasium are also being offered on the same evenings at he same hours. KITCHEN FATS Harbor City and Torrance were the only harbor district communities during the month of July to report increased kitchen fat collections, according to the War Production Board. Tiie slump elsewhere was attrib- uted partly to hot weather. Harbor City supplied 510 pounds in July compared with 384 In June and Torrance 3,126 pounds against 2,981. Johnny Gallareto Home With Many Medals on Chest Wearing the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf Clusters, 20- year-old Staff Sgt. Johnny lareto is home from 40 missions over Italy and occupied Europe. He participated in the softening up of the Normandy coast on Invasion Day. He holds also a presidential citation, won as a tail gunner on a Flying Fort- ress during the epochal eight months he flew over Europe. Graduating in 19-12 from Nar- honne High school, Sgt. C.alla- reto enlisted in the Army Ail- Forces in December of that year. He is home on a delay en route to the redistribution center al Santa Monica. He ar- rived home Monday by train, having left England nearly seven weeks ago. Sgt. Oallareto is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gallarelo of 23015 Cypress St., Lomita. His father is carpenler foreman at I he Columbia Steel plant at Tor- rance. where Johnny worked for a short time after graduating from high school. It is apparent that the young flying soldier is a good exam- ple of the millions of youths who after the war will be back home to start life anew. His mother says he had no idea of what he would choose as a life career before going into Ihe service. When the "big show" is over he will he one of the many who will return to seek an occupation and build a foun- dation for the next generation. ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Hans Andersen, 2358 24flth St., and Mrs. Mar ") Willmorc and Mrs. Laura Tin' crTlto left Sunday for their cabin at Sllverado. Mrs. Wlllmnrc and Mrs. Turcotto spent the weekend and Mr. nnd Mrs. An- dersen are spending the week, iust resting and vacationing GIRLS' SOFTBALL CHAMPS PLAY . . . Here is Lucy Smith, slinger for the Universal Microphone Co. girls' softball team which is participating in the Southern California championship softball double-elimination tournament here. Games are played at 8 p. m. every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Chris Bogiagis Wants to Know Who's Worried Care Needed In Christmas Gift lail Overseas Families of war prisoners should use the current next-of- kin labels in sending their own Christmas parcels since no spe- cial yuletide labels will be is- sued by the Provost Marshal's office, home service department officials of Los Angeles Chap- ter, American Hed Cross, ad- vised this week. The folio wing "do's and don'ts" for Christmas gifts be- ing sent lo men and women overseas wen; disclosed by I hi- lled Cross to aid in shipment: Don't send home-cooked food, for even fruit cakes arrive molded or mashed beyond rec- ognition; don't send diaries un- less requested; don't send leath- er goods to the Pacific theatre for leather cannot take the tropical climate; don't send gum or candy unless vacuum-packed in tins, lo the tropics; don't send anything you yourself Wouldn't want if you were trav- eling or camping. Were yon hoard oiit e at (lie rallon omething week cir did yuu c<iiii|iluln In » waller that your denil tasso was roid? Did you .spend a sleepless n I Kill after over In- dtilgint; in luxuries? And Isn't it simply terrihlc that you can't buy that new re- frigerator? Tough world here. Cpl. Chris KoKlagls of Tor- ranre, former pupil of Miss Irene Mills, journalism and Knglish (earlier at Torrance High Nchool. would be glad to share your hard luck. lie doesn't sny so, except between the lines. In u let(<'r from a foxhole tin Saipan. He en- closed a special edition of the Saipan Post Dispatch. (lie American Forces- i«.vn dally mimeographed newspaper, fur Aiiierlean Inline ror ll'llptlnll. The paper cave a ri-Niune of what they know Mien- .ibollt Hie war anil the main events at home. But t:hrls' Idler you could not read It without scratch- Ing your back or recoiling from Hie files, inosqiillos anil oilier Insects he so realivtlo- ally pictures. After they landed seared. at that the American forces started digging foxholes and found they ciiuldu'l make II. "After digging down u foot or so we lilt solid rural . . . we bent our picks and broke i many a trench knife trying lo 1 dig in. Instead (of foxholes) i we built small barricades of , timber an:! pieces of broken . He lias foiigbl on eight is- lands. He didn't think he'd ever fight on this oni bomb- ings, straflngs and an artil- lery attack but "luckily I came out unscathed." Chris adds there's no mo- rale builder like u letter from home . . . What was that you were worrying ubuut u while ago? ' IN /O/O A PRIZE OF ^lO.OOO VSAS AWARDED FOR AN OUTSTANDING /A//? ACHIEVEMENT. VJHAT U/4S IT It is a far cry between the airplane of 1710 and those win- ning the war for us in the far corners of the globe! And 10 it is with the Torrance National Bankl Today our service ex- tends into every field of finance . . . that's why it is wis- dom for every man to have a connection with a reliable bank . . . and that's why we invite you to join our thousands of satisfied depositors. ;.HU![(1.I|B lit! Ill i'I ,fO <'HT)B}S Ol (Turn Ut-siilc />»Ji'.i / AY<i</> Coffee Ceiling Regulation Is Clarified The ceiling price ill culfee served ill restaurants is not nec- essarily five cents a cup, L. M. Kcarns, OPA food price chief, said today in response to quer- ies from several cafe proprle- "Restaurants which charged more than five cents per cup or pot of coffee during (he pe- riod of Oct. 4 to 10, 1942, may charge the higher price if and when they file a cerlificalion io Iliis effect with their local OI'A board," Kcarns .said. El Toro Marines Will Meet Fast Buena Park Team i On Friday niglil :it I hi- Tur- ; ranee Municipal park, when the' I Kl Toro Marines face the Huena i j Park soflball team, enthusiasts I I an- expecting to witness one of ! the hardest fought contests of i | the tournament. Up to date, the El Toro Ma- t rines have played 28 game:; and dropped four during the season. Their latest game was with Ihe las Angeles Port of Embarka- tion Wacs, and running first in the tournament. The result was | the Marines 27, LAPE 0. : Huena Park has a similar rec- ord; one' win against Ihe Ma- rines by the small margin on .M.-UKIVIT^ consider it wry for lunate to have teams of this jriillhcr competing in the Tor- i ranee Southern California cham- pionship tournament. II the girls will fight evcr> inch of the way to win the contest. Winners of the tourney will be 'eligible to meet the world's champions. I Monday night, the Torrance Girls beat Universal Microphone | by Ihe score of 9 lo 2. On the linen's side of the tournament, i Northrop Flyers beat Dow (Chemical by 1 to 0. I,ast night there was no girls' game, but the men's game re- sulted in a score of Doak Air- craft 2 and Goodyear Rubber 1. There will be replacements In the girls' tournament play as a result of the failure of the teams lo play Wednesday, Dale Riley, superintendent of recrea- II ion, said. I Tonight Northrop Girls play I Baldwin Park at 9 o'clock. The ; first game al 8 o'clock will be- between the soldiers of the Army hospitals and the Ameri- can Barbers. Tomorrow night Columbia Steel will play Bohn Aluminum on the men's side. 840 Scratch Winter League Is Under Way The 28-week 8-10 scratch win- ter league al Torrance Howling Academy got under way Thurs- day night in good fashion, ac- cording to Al Coast, secretary. Good bowling was the rule and high score's were much in evidence. Von Bergen led the parade with games of 187-201- 201 589. H. Anderson had high individual game of 233. Buy Them at Your Dealer ACCElEpMUSSE SEED CoWP^v . , ' B'rT> N C HE'S 'I N BRAWIEY, .GARDEN'A, SALINAS VISAUA: SAN OIEGd."SANtA MARIAl Plastic GARDEN HOSE Plymouth Plastic Ho.o ammpn the wntor quoition; liljht weiciht (50 feet wciahl 61/. Ihs.l, itrorifl. durable, stands, 'kinkinii. stionil prciturc. etc.. and 19 .1 buy -It the now low price of $'J.OO (reduced fiom SILO" is fully rjuarantecrt. Wo h.m. H y it bofnrc buytnq. LAWN RAKES, Both Wooden and Steel LAWN EDGERS LARGE SELECTION OF HIBISCUS IN FULL BLOOM Hours 8:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. CLOSED TUESDAY An Army Engineer Corps fire- flKhtinK school the only such military training unit in Ihe country operates at Kort Lew- is, Washington. STRIDE . . . into our air-conditioned alleys for a healthful, enter- genial group. HURRX! HURRXI HURRY! Call Immediately lor ' YOUR LEAGUE APPOINTMENT TORRANCE BOWLING ACADEMY 1953 Carson "A FRIENDLY TORRANCE INSTITUTION" TORRRflCE nflTIOIlRL BRHK DEPOSir INSUIANCE COUP SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DOUBLE-ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT GAMES, EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Beginning August 28, 1944 GAMES CALLED AT 8 P.M. TORRANCE MUNICIPAL PARK ADMISSIONS 25c and 40c, Tax Included

Transcript of IDEAL Ranch July … · TORRANCE- HERALD, To THURSDAY. AUGUST 31, t



The Cargo Carrier M-2!t, new | Ixml of all life, brlow, ali(rier, has "Weasel"

and can travel swiftly over mud, snow or other treacherous tor-

lxipply or PITS

nicknamed theWhose light i.s truth, whose

warmth is love,Before Thy ever blazing throne We ask no luster of our own.

--Oliver Wendell Holmes


Several Hundred Attend Hospital Ship's Rites

Several hundred members of the ship's hospital company of the U.S.S. Hope, Navy hospital ship, attended the commission­ ing ceremonies held at the Na­ val Drydocks, Long Beach, on Sunday afternoon.

Capt. Schuyler F. Helm, USN, commander, Naval Operating Base, commissioned the vessel and Commander A. E. Richards, USNR, assumed command. Com­ manding officer of the Army hospital aboard it Lt. Col. T. P. Protzman, M.C.






DRANO ..... 21c

BORAXO..... 12e










INSTANT ADE ,.,..,. ...........Makes 10 Glnsses /*UI/*l/Ck| 0

Grape. Oransc, Cherry, etc. tHlLllCn & 9AC

________, NOODLES .,b.j.r0lrDEXTA SMALL


Only 10°

Pint 25°

Quart 42*



MEATSGroup 4 Store

BEEFRound Steak _.._. 39k T-BomiSteaiisT. 43'* Sirloin lips. J. 73UCENTER CUTS

Berf Roasl ^-W*

Ground Beef... 2%"""""VElF"""

Choice Veal Roast.31'«, Veal Chops..... 47^FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY

NO POINT BEEFSTEAKS ..... 32'mTender, They Don't Need to be


ROASTS?! T^. 23<tt

PORKPork Shoulders.. 30?b Pork Loins..... 33£> Pork Chops..... 33k Pork Tegs 1JL...34'rt Spareribs.. ."."7T4i

Delicatessenif Pickles^ 3 for lOcSWEET

Pickles... 3 for IQc Kosher Dills. .eaL 10c BullTjams... Ib725c Wieners.. . . Ib. 33c


3 for 2lc I pt.


IDEAL Ranch8 A.M. to

7 KM. Daily Market Saturday

Till 8 P.M.


Five Sons of One j Family In Service;' Is It a Record? j

Five sons of the late Thomas Justice, are in the armed services, and a sixth Is ahoiit lo join his brothers fighting in the various (lira tri-s of war.

Unless Ihe claim Is chal­ lenged, tills will stand as a record for Torrance five In the service and soon a sixth. Those who wish to dispute this record are welcome to do so, as the Torrance Herald wants a complete record of tile hoys overseas or in tile service in the United Sattes.

Paul N. .lustice, whose wife is employed at National Sup­ ply Co., and who has an eight- months-old son he has never seen. Is in the Navy with a rating of AS '-!/< . He is in Ihe South Pacific.

l.eon N. Justice is a seaman in the Navy anil Robert ('. .lust ire is a private first class In the Army, l^on being in Ihc South Pacific and Roltert helng wilh Ihc invasion forces in France.

Rowland Justice is a private first class in the Army and also is in France. Thomas Justice, AOM «/e in the Navy, is in the South Pacific. The sixth son, Clovls, i.s lust turn­ ing 18 and soon will be In one servfce or another. These three are the sons of the widow of Thomas Justice who resides at 1554 W. MOIh si., while I-con, Paul and Robert are sons by the first wife who died many years affo.

Wult School Classes Being Offered Here

Free for adults in me­ chanical drafting again i.s beiug offered for evening students at Torrance High school. J. H. Hurehett, regular drafting in­ structor, will be in charge. This class will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:45 lo 9:15 p.m. Blueprint reading ami ma­ chine drafting is part o. the work available. All interested persons are invited to register at the high school at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16, or call J. H. Burchett, Torrance 315.

Classes in commercial subjects and gymnasium are also being offered on the same evenings at he same hours.

KITCHEN FATSHarbor City and Torrance

were the only harbor district communities during the month of July to report increased kitchen fat collections, according to the War Production Board. Tiie slump elsewhere was attrib­ uted partly to hot weather. Harbor City supplied 510 pounds in July compared with 384 In June and Torrance 3,126 pounds against 2,981.

Johnny Gallareto Home With Many Medals on Chest

Wearing the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf Clusters, 20- year-old Staff Sgt. Johnny lareto is home from 40 missions over Italy and occupied Europe. He participated in the softening up of the Normandy coast on Invasion Day. He holds also a presidential citation, won as a tail gunner on a Flying Fort­ ress during the epochal eight months he flew over Europe.

Graduating in 19-12 from Nar- honne High school, Sgt. C.alla- reto enlisted in the Army Ail- Forces in December of that year. He is home on a delay en route to the redistribution center al Santa Monica. He ar­ rived home Monday by train, having left England nearly seven weeks ago.

Sgt. Oallareto is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gallarelo of 23015 Cypress St., Lomita. His father is carpenler foreman at I he Columbia Steel plant at Tor­ rance. where Johnny worked for a short time after graduating from high school.

It is apparent that the young flying soldier is a good exam­ ple of the millions of youths who after the war will be back home to start life anew. His mother says he had no idea of what he would choose as a life career before going into Ihe service. When the "big show" is over he will he one of the many who will return to seek an occupation and build a foun­ dation for the next generation.

ON VACATIONMr. and Mrs. Hans Andersen,

2358 24flth St., and Mrs. Mar ") Willmorc and Mrs. Laura Tin' crTlto left Sunday for their cabin at Sllverado. Mrs. Wlllmnrc and Mrs. Turcotto spent the weekend and Mr. nnd Mrs. An­ dersen are spending the week, iust resting and vacationing

GIRLS' SOFTBALL CHAMPS PLAY . . . Here is Lucy Smith, slinger for the Universal Microphone Co. girls' softball team which is participating in the Southern California championship softball double-elimination tournament here. Games are played at 8 p. m. every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Chris Bogiagis Wants to Know Who's Worried

Care Needed InChristmas Giftlail OverseasFamilies of war prisoners

should use the current next-of- kin labels in sending their own Christmas parcels since no spe­ cial yuletide labels will be is­ sued by the Provost Marshal's office, home service department officials of Los Angeles Chap­ ter, American Hed Cross, ad­ vised this week.

The folio wing "do's and don'ts" for Christmas gifts be­ ing sent lo men and women overseas wen; disclosed by I hi­ lled Cross to aid in shipment:

Don't send home-cooked food, for even fruit cakes arrive molded or mashed beyond rec­ ognition; don't send diaries un­ less requested; don't send leath­ er goods to the Pacific theatre for leather cannot take the tropical climate; don't send gum or candy unless vacuum-packed in tins, lo the tropics; don't send anything you yourself Wouldn't want if you were trav­ eling or camping.

Were yon hoard oiit

e at (lie rallon omething

week cir did yuu c<iiii|iluln In » waller that your denil tasso was roid? Did you .spend a sleepless n I Kill after over In- dtilgint; in luxuries? And Isn't it simply terrihlc that you can't buy that new re­ frigerator? Tough world here.

Cpl. Chris KoKlagls of Tor- ranre, former pupil of Miss Irene Mills, journalism and Knglish (earlier at Torrance High Nchool. would be glad to share your hard luck. lie doesn't sny so, except between the lines. In u let(<'r from a foxhole tin Saipan. He en­ closed a special edition of the Saipan Post Dispatch. (lie American Forces- i«.vn dally mimeographed newspaper, fur Aiiierlean Inline ror ll'llptlnll. The paper cave a ri-Niune of what they know Mien- .ibollt Hie war anil the main events at home.

But t:hrls' Idler you could not read It without scratch- Ing your back or recoiling from Hie files, inosqiillos anil oilier Insects he so realivtlo- ally pictures.

After they landed that the American forcesstarted digging foxholes andfound they ciiuldu'l make II.

"After digging down u footor so we lilt solid rural . . .we bent our picks and broke

i many a trench knife trying lo1 dig in. Instead (of foxholes)i we built small barricades of, timber an:! pieces of broken

. He lias foiigbl on eight is­ lands. He didn't think he'd ever fight on this oni bomb­ ings, straflngs and an artil­ lery attack but "luckily I came out unscathed."

Chris adds there's no mo­ rale builder like u letter from home . . .

What was that you were worrying ubuut u while ago?




It is a far cry between the airplane of 1710 and those win- ning the war for us in the far corners of the globe! And 10 it is with the Torrance National Bankl Today our service ex­ tends into every field of finance . . . that's why it is wis­ dom for every man to have a connection with a reliable bank . . . and that's why we invite you to join our thousands of satisfied depositors.

;.HU![(1.I|B lit! Ill

i'I ,fO <'HT)B}S Ol

(Turn Ut-siilc />»Ji'.i / AY<i</>

Coffee Ceiling Regulation Is Clarified

The ceiling price ill culfeeserved ill restaurants is not nec­ essarily five cents a cup, L. M. Kcarns, OPA food price chief, said today in response to quer­ ies from several cafe proprle-

"Restaurants which charged more than five cents per cup or pot of coffee during (he pe­ riod of Oct. 4 to 10, 1942, may charge the higher price if and when they file a cerlificalion io Iliis effect with their local OI'A board," Kcarns .said.

El Toro Marines Will Meet Fast Buena Park Team

i On Friday niglil :it I hi- Tur- ; ranee Municipal park, when the' I Kl Toro Marines face the Huena i j Park soflball team, enthusiasts I I an- expecting to witness one of ! the hardest fought contests of i

| the tournament.Up to date, the El Toro Ma-

t rines have played 28 game:; and dropped four during the season. Their latest game was with Ihe las Angeles Port of Embarka­ tion Wacs, and running first in the tournament. The result was

| the Marines 27, LAPE 0. : Huena Park has a similar rec­ ord; one' win against Ihe Ma­ rines by the small margin on

.M.-UKIVIT^ consider it wry for lunate to have teams of this

jriillhcr competing in the Tor- i ranee Southern California cham­ pionship tournament. II the girls will fight evcr> inch of the way to win the contest. Winners of the tourney will be

'eligible to meet the world's champions.

I Monday night, the Torrance Girls beat Universal Microphone

| by Ihe score of 9 lo 2. On the linen's side of the tournament, i Northrop Flyers beat Dow (Chemical by 1 to 0.

I,ast night there was no girls' game, but the men's game re­ sulted in a score of Doak Air­ craft 2 and Goodyear Rubber 1.

There will be replacements In the girls' tournament play as a result of the failure of the teams lo play Wednesday, Dale Riley, superintendent of recrea-

II ion, said.I Tonight Northrop Girls play I Baldwin Park at 9 o'clock. The ; first game al 8 o'clock will be- between the soldiers of the Army hospitals and the Ameri­ can Barbers.

Tomorrow night Columbia Steel will play Bohn Aluminum on the men's side.

840 Scratch Winter League Is Under Way

The 28-week 8-10 scratch win­ ter league al Torrance Howling Academy got under way Thurs­ day night in good fashion, ac­ cording to Al Coast, secretary.

Good bowling was the rule and high score's were much in evidence. Von Bergen led the parade with games of 187-201- 201 589. H. Anderson had high individual game of 233.

Buy Them at Your Dealer


' B'rT> N C HE'S 'I N



HOSEPlymouth Plastic Ho.o ammpn the wntor quoition; liljht weiciht (50 feet wciahl 61/. Ihs.l, itrorifl. durable, stands, 'kinkinii. stionil prciturc. etc.. and 19 .1 buy -It the now low price of $'J.OO (reduced fiom SILO" is fully rjuarantecrt. Wo h.m. H y it bofnrc buytnq.

LAWN RAKES, Both Wooden




Hours 8:00 A.M. to 6 P.M.


An Army Engineer Corps fire- flKhtinK school the only such military training unit in Ihe country operates at Kort Lew­ is, Washington.


. . . into our air-conditioned alleys for a healthful, enter-

genial group.


Call Immediately lor ' YOUR LEAGUE APPOINTMENT


1953 Carson







Beginning August 28, 1944GAMES CALLED AT 8 P.M.