IDEAL Academy Overview

imagine a high school committed to academic excellence and social justice in equal measure. imagine a curriculum that adapts to your personal interests. imagine a place where all students are affirmed and accepted for who they are. imagine a program that honors your passions. imagine a faculty that customizes your experience. imagine high school the way it could be. imagine high school the way it should be. imagine an IDEAL Academy


An overview of IDEAL Academy

Transcript of IDEAL Academy Overview

imagine a high school committed to academic excellence and social justice in equal measure. imagine a curriculum that adapts to your personal interests. imagine a place where all students are affirmed and accepted for who they are. imagine a program that honors your passions. imagine a faculty that customizes your experience. imagine high school the way it could be. imagine high school the way it should be. imagine an IDEAL Academy

IDEAL AcademyIDEAL Academy is a secondary school program built on the core values of inclusion, diversity, excellence, acceptance, and leadership. The program at IDEAL Academy is shaped by a commitment to social justice and community, which leads to the development of independent learners and global citizens. Our IDEAL Model of instruction is delivered by teams of outstanding faculty members who provide a challenging and richly diverse learning environment. Students engage in progressive studies in all subject areas, with a special focus on individualization and cross-integration—attention to how each subject informs another.

Curriculum at IDEAL Academy draws upon educational research and best practices and is grounded in the belief that every student can achieve. The curriculum is globally focused, and balances skill-based instruction with project learning, service learning, and apprenticeships to prepare graduates for post-secondary opportunities, such as college and internships.

outcomesStudents at IDEAL Academy will develop a personal code of ethics, empathy for others, and a belief that participation in the global community is a responsibility. Graduates will be independent, confident leaders, skilled communicators, constructive team players, effective and efficient problem solvers who have a deep self-awareness and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing world. Students will graduate

with a solid academic foundation, a genuine understanding of what it means to be a global citizen, and a deep respect for differences, both cultural and academic.

programThe IDEAL Academy provides an individualized, challenging, and inclusive education tailored to each student’s unique learning style and interests. Our program offers multiple pathways to success, and our faculty builds choice and interest directly into each student’s schedule. The Academy offers a variety of college prep classes and supplemental coursework, and will prepare students to excel in undergraduate studies, the workplace, and their personal relationships.

In addition to offering a diverse, customized high school experience, the IDEAL Academy program promotes healthy values and social-emotional life skills for all students. IDEAL’s anti-bias and multicultural principles are woven into the fabric of the curriculum and school. We support each student’s positive identity and attitude development by directly addressing the impact of stereotyping, bias, and discriminatory behavior, encouraging cooperative learning, and teaching conflict resolution.

academic lifeThe curriculum at IDEAL Academy focuses on academic specialization. Coursework delivers the subject-based knowledge and understandings required for an IDEAL Academy diploma, college admissions, or a career path.

CORE CURRICULUMIn order to graduate, students must complete the following minimum requirements in the core curriculum:

4 years English4 years Social Studies4 years Physical Education3 years Mathematics3 years Science and Engineering2 years Spanish, Mandarin, or American Sign Language2 years Visual and Performing Arts2 years Life Skills

In addition to the core curriculum, students will take courses and electives in an academic concentration of their choice.

CONCENTRATIONSDuring their 9th grade year, students study a broad and balanced range of subject domains including humanities, sciences, mathematics, technology, languages, the arts, and physical education. Students survey courses for potential concentrations, based on their learning profile, interests, and strengths.

IDEAL Academy offers three areas of concentration that each incorporate project-based instructional strategies, service learning projects, and internships, all within a social justice framework. By 10th grade, students complete a personal project in a chosen area of concentration, which guides their course choices for 11th and 12th grade.

STEAMIDEAL Academy believes that the arts and design, in concert with fields like science and technology, will bring about the global innovation needed in the 21st century. This concentration will focus on the STEAM subjects: science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Students will develop a mastery of design principles and will come to appreciate their ability to solve problems and effect change.

Performing & Visual ArtsThe arts are a universal form of human expression and engage us in effective, imaginative, and productive activities. The IDEAL Academy concentration in performing and visual arts encourages student development through creating, performing, and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences, and ideas.

Humanities & Social SciencesSocial justice is a core philosophy of IDEAL Academy, and this concentration offers students a focus on civil rights, law, economics, and global living concerns. Students will learn to critically analyze individuals and societies, encouraging graduates to respect and understand the world around them and to become agents of change.

INTERNSHIPSGraduating students must also complete an academic internship in their area of concentration. Partnerships are established with local businesses, artisans, and social service agencies. The internship provides opportunities for students to develop complementary skill sets, such as the art of interviewing, working in a business environment, experiences with a particular craft or trade, project management, and networking.

areas of concentration

Performing and Visual Arts

Students in the Performing and Visual Arts concentration have opportunities to function as artists, as well as learners of the arts, developing curiosity about themselves, others and the world. Students hone their personal talents and become effective learners, inquirers, and creative problem-solvers.

Coursework in this concentration challenges perceptions and develops creative and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to understand the arts in context and within cultural history, supporting the development of an inquiring and empathetic world view. Study of the arts challenges and enriches personal identity and builds awareness of the aesthetic in a real-world context.

Performing and visual arts courses help prepare students for further study or careers in the visual arts, music, theatre, dance, film, literature, and performance.

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics)

IDEAL Academy’s STEAM concentration challenges students to apply practical and creative thinking skills to solve design and engineering problems; evaluate the impact of information technology (IT) on individuals and society; develop a high level of science literacy, which they can apply in a practical context; and integrate the arts into design-thinking. As they investigate real examples of science applications, students will discover the tensions and dependencies between science and morality, ethics, culture, economics, politics, and the environment.

Students pursuing this concentration complete coursework that develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to provide a meaningful foundation for further study or a career in various industries such as the sciences, research and development, fashion, multimedia production, video game and web design, architecture, IT, and the Maker/DIY movement.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Coursework in the Humanities and Social Sciences concentration equips students for inquiry into the historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological, and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. Students consider both local and global contexts, and focus on disciplines traditionally studied under the general term “humanities” (such as history and philosophy), plus disciplines in the “social sciences” (such as economics, business management, geography, sociology, and political science).

The study of social justice helps students critically analyze the diversity of human culture, attitudes, and beliefs. Students learn to recognize that content and methodology can be debatable and controversial, and to practice the tolerance of uncertainty. This concentration prepares students for further study or a career in law, journalism, education, politics, or activism.

student lifeIDEAL Academy is dedicated to creating an inclusive school community for all students. We believe the best education occurs in a school made up of students with varying abilities, ethnicities, genders, races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We also believe that students are most engaged and successful when their school experience is built around their personal interests.

By participating in clubs, affinity groups, dances, trips, and other school activities students gain valuable opportunities to make friends with a wide range of peers and to extend their hobbies and interests beyond the school curriculum.

Each club or school activity has a faculty sponsor for oversight and guidance. Examples of student clubs include Cooking, Tech, Chorus, Spanish, Chinese, and ASL. There are also opportunities for student leadership through the Student Council and the Academic Integrity Council.

sports & recreationStudent athletes at IDEAL Academy have the option to participate in a variety of activities, including interscholastic and intramural sports. Competitive sports include soccer and volleyball in the fall; basketball in the winter; and track and field in the spring. Intramural sports vary throughout the year based on student interest and participation.

student supportIDEAL Academy offers a variety of support services to ensure every student’s success.

ADVISORSStudents at IDEAL Academy are known by all staff members, and are matched with a teacher for individual and group advisory meetings. The faculty advisor serves as a single point of contact for academic and social support. Students participate in group advisory sessions, which foster community building, self-awareness, self-understanding, and support for identity development.

ACADEMIC SUPPORT & TUTORINGIDEAL Academy offers both academic tutoring and enrichment for students. Students can meet with faculty before and after school for guidance on homework assignments and clarification on lessons, as needed or on a regular basis. For those students who require additional support, the Academy offers a variety of related services including Speech and Language, Occupational, and Physical therapies, as well as counseling. DAILY LIVING SKILLSAn important component of the Academy’s curriculum is our focus on promoting independence and preparing students for life on their own in the “real” world. To accommodate students who need additional support, the Academy offers individualized instruction in specific skills, such as nutrition and diet, household management, finance, and career development.

COLLEGE & CAREER GUIDANCEThe school’s Director of Placement will work with students and families, beginning in their

junior year, to set goals and evaluate the wide range of post-graduation opportunities, such as two-year and four-year schools, as well as other professional schools, careers, and programs. The school’s Director of Placement, Academy Deans, and each student’s Advisor participates in this process with the family. Some of the services the college guidance program offers are classes on writing the college essay and the application process; information sessions on standardized tests and financial aid; trips to college fairs; and visits from representatives from a variety of colleges and universities.

tuition assistanceAt IDEAL Academy, we believe a family’s finances should not prevent a child from accessing an independent school education. We also believe socioeconomic diversity strengthens our community, and we have created a generous tuition assistance program to ensure accepted students are able to attend IDEAL Academy.

imagine yourself atIDEAL AcademyTo begin the admissions process for IDEAL Academy, please visit our website at

All applicants to IDEAL Academy must submit a completed

• Applicant Information Form• Student Application• Parent Questionnaire• Teacher Recommendations• Transcript Release Form

Links to each of these application pieces can be found on the IDEAL Academy website.

Once your application has been received, a member of the IDEAL Academy Admission Office will contact you to schedule a school visit. Hard copies of all application forms are available upon request.

If you have any questions about IDEAL Academy, please contact the IDEAL Academy Admissions Office at 212-769-1699 or [email protected].