ICSE questionpaper

2009 ICSE biology Question paper Class – X Subject – Biology Time-1½ Max. Marks.80 Section-I (40 Marks) Answer All Questions From This Section. Question-1 A. Select words from the following list which best describe or match statements(i)- (v): (Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Cell wall, Cytoplasm, Cellmemberane). a. Where cellular respiration occurs? b. Non-living structure which surround the plant cell. c. Which contain chlorophyll? d. Very thin layer of all cells. e. The major part of the cell excluding nucleus. B. State the function of the following: a. Root hair b. Epithelial c. Cambium d. Stomata e. Cortex C. Define the following: a. Diffusion b. Plasmolysis c. Root pressure d. Osmotic pressure e. Semi-permeable membrane D. State whether following statements are true or false: a. Photo synthesis occurs in all plants b. KDH absorbs necessary for photosynthesis c. Starting point of food chain is plant. d. Respiration is the only biological process in which oxygen is produced e. Oxygen is the energy currency of a ,living cell E. Choose the odd one out: a. RBC, ATP, WBC, Platelet b. Auricle, Aorta, Ventricles c. Eosinophil, Basophil, leucocytes, Nucleoplasm d. Thrombin, Monocot, Fibrin, Vita mink. e. Fructose, Sucrose, Glucose, Calcium F. Give reasons for the following: a. As result of ultra filtration along with excretory product certain useful products

Transcript of ICSE questionpaper

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2009 ICSE biology Question paperClass – XSubject – Biology

Time-1½ Max. Marks.80Section-I (40 Marks)Answer All Questions From This Section.

Question-1A. Select words from the following list which best describe or match statements(i)-(v):(Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Cell wall, Cytoplasm, Cellmemberane).a. Where cellular respiration occurs?b. Non-living structure which surround the plant cell.c. Which contain chlorophyll?d. Very thin layer of all cells.e. The major part of the cell excluding nucleus.

B. State the function of the following:a. Root hairb. Epithelialc. Cambiumd. Stomatae. Cortex

C. Define the following:a. Diffusionb. Plasmolysisc. Root pressured. Osmotic pressuree. Semi-permeable membrane

D. State whether following statements are true or false:a. Photo synthesis occurs in all plantsb. KDH absorbs necessary for photosynthesisc. Starting point of food chain is plant.d. Respiration is the only biological process in which oxygen is producede. Oxygen is the energy currency of a ,living cell

E. Choose the odd one out:a. RBC, ATP, WBC, Plateletb. Auricle, Aorta, Ventriclesc. Eosinophil, Basophil, leucocytes, Nucleoplasmd. Thrombin, Monocot, Fibrin, Vita mink.e. Fructose, Sucrose, Glucose, Calcium

F. Give reasons for the following:a. As result of ultra filtration along with excretory product certain useful products like glucose, salt etc are also filtered but these are not excreted.b. Glucose is absent in the urine of a healthy person.c. The urine is slightly thicker in summer than winter.d. These are frequent urination in winter than in summer.e. All living things must excrete.

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G. Complete the following: (5)a. The part where fertilization occurs in human female _________.b. The period of pregnancy is called _________.c. Gestation period in human female is ___________days.d. Placenta is __________ permeable.e. Sperms contain ___________number of chromosomes.

H. Name: (5)a. A substance that initials an in mule response.b. The micro-organism that causes AIDS.c. WHOd. Chemical substances obtained from certain micro-organism that destroys harmful microbes.e. The anti biotic discovered first.

Section-II (40 Marks)Answer Any Four From This SectionQuestion-2A. Write the location and function of the following: (3)a. Meristematic tissueb. Cardiac musclec. WBCd. Ciliated epitheliume. Parenchymaf. Collenchymas.B. State the difference between: (4)a. Cell and tissueb. Bone and cartilage.

C. With reference to the diagram answer the questions (3)a. Identify the figure shown alongsideb. Label the parts 1-3c. Where can you see this structure?d. What is the function of part-1?

Question-3A. Give the technical term for loss of water in the form of water droplets from the margin of leaves. (1)B. Name the respiratory openings found on stems of woody plants. (1)C. Describe an experiment to prove that transpiration occurs more from the lower surface of the leaf. (3)D. Describe any three conditions which affect transpiration. (3)E. Explain briefly transpiration is important for plants. (2)

Question-4A. Answer the following: (5)a. Explain briefly seeds sown deep in the soil fail to germinate.b. Give two chemical overall equations representing aerobic and anaerobic respiration.c. Do the roots respire? If so, how?d. What is the importance of the process of fermentation?e. What is anaerobic respiration? Name two organisms respiring anaerobically.B. The adjoining figure shows an experiment performed on germinating seeds. Study the (5)same and then answer the question that follows:

a. What is the aim of the experiment?b. Write the chemical equation for the process mentioned in (i) abovec. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the apparatus as it would appear after 24 hours.d. The soaked seeds used in the experiment have their seed coats removed give reasons for the same.

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Question-5A. Give below is an incomplete table relating to certain structures found in the human body, their location and function. Study the same and then give the appropriate answer in terms of structure, location and function, for the blanks 1to 8: (4)

Structure Location functionEpiglottis35

yellow spot 14the glands on the top of the kidneys7 2insulates the axon6


B. Write function of the following: (5)a. The mucus membrane inside the nasal passage.b. The epidermisc. Cartilage in trachead. Squamous epithelium of alveolie. Diaphragm` in breathing.C. Write the kind of animal tissue found lining the respiratory organs. (1)

Question-6A. Write the difference between (4)a. Cerebrum and cerebellumb. Sensory neuron and motor neuronB. (3)a. What is a lachrymal gland?b. What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?c. Mention the characteristics of the image that falls on the retina of the eye.C. (3)a. Write the four principal tastes and the respective regions of the tongue concerned with their perception.b. How is ear protected from dust and bacteria?

Question-7A. (4)a. What are hormones?b. Name some endocrine glands.c. Why pituitary is called the master gland?d. Briefly write about thyroid gland.

B. Name the glands responsible for the following diseases: (3)a. Gigantismb. Goiterc. Cretinismd. Diabetes mellituse. Myxoedenaf. Diabetes insipid .C. (3)a. What are the age restrictions for marriage by law for boys and girls in India?

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b. Name two surgical techniques (one for humane male and another for humane female) that can be used to prevent pregnancy in the female.c. Give two advantages of small family,

Question-8A. Name: (3)a. A pollutant largely responsible for acid rain.b. The solid particles which pollute the environment.c. The source of maximum air pollution in large cities.d. The unit used for measuring the relative loudness of sounds.e. An organism which helps in nitrogen fixation.f. The type of pollution which causes headache, irritation in eye membrane, affects respiratory tract and may also cause cancer.B. Answer the following: (3)a. Noise is regarded as unwanted sound. Give reasons.b. Give reason why bio-fertilizers are preferred to chemical fertilizers.c. Give two measures for controlling pollution of river water.C. The figure shows a special type of association between two organisms. (4)

a. Name the kind of associationb. Name the organismc. How do they benefit each other?d. What is the importance of these associations?

ICSE BIOLOGY question paper2008इस पृ�ष्ठ का� हिन्दी� अनु�वा�दी By morgan ⋅ March 27, 2010 ⋅ Post a comment


The question paper is divided into two sections. Section I contains one question (a) to (h): all parts are to be answered. Section II contains five questions numbered 2 to 6. You are to answer all the questions.

SECTION I Compulsory: 40 Marks]

Question 1

a. Name the following: [5 x 1= 5 marks] Structures through which guttation takes place. Hydrogen acceptor in plants during photosynthesis. Ratio of offsprings in F2 generation in a dihybrid cross. Fibres that connect the two cerebral hemispheres. Statistical study of population.

b. Differentiate between the following with respect to the terms given in the brackets [5 x 1= 5 marks] Cell wall and Cell membrane [nature] Natality and mortality [definition] Phenotype and genotype [definition] Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system [function] Pure and Hybrid strain [definition]

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c. Define the following : [ 5 x 1 = 5 marks] neurotransmitter root pressure mutation law of dominance power of accommodation

d. State whether the following statements are True or False, if false, re-write the correct form of the statement by only changing the last word of the statement: [5 x 1 = 5 marks] Plants that manufacture their own food are called heterotrophs The number of pairs of autosomes in man is 23. Biosynthetic reaction of photosynthesis is light dependent. Cytoplasmic organelles that produces starch is ribosomes. The world population increases due to good medical facilities.

e. Complete and Re-Write the following structures and their special functional activities: [5 x 1 = 5 marks] Eustachian tube and _____________ Phloem and ____________ Iris of the eye and ________ Grana and __________ Semipermeable membrane and _______

f. Given below are 5 terms in each set. Without changing the 1st term, arrange the remaining term in a logical sequence. Rewrite the correct sequence. [5 x 1 = 5 marks] Skull, piamater, brain, durameter, arachnoid Destarched plant, iodine added, washed in water a leaf boiled in alcohol, placed in sunlight. Soil water, xylem, cortex, endodermis, root hair Pinna, cochlea, tympanium, ear ossicles , auditory canal. Cornea, vitreous humor, lens,retina aqueous humor.

g. Select the appropriate terms from the given set to complete the following. Rewrite the sentence. Use one term only once. [5 x 1 = 5 marks] Terms : exosmosis, endosmosis, hypotonic, hypertonic, opening, closing, more, less, turgid, flaccid. During the day, the guard cells make _________glucose than the endodermal cells. As a result , guard cells become________. The water from endodermal cells enter guard cells by ________. The guard cells become ____ and their inner walls move away from each other, ________ the stoma.

h. Match the following and Rewrite: [5 x 1= 5 marks] SlNo. Column A SlNo. Column B i Corrective lens for myopia a Magnesium ii Synthesis of Chlorophyll b Turgor pressure iii Static equilibrium c Potassium iv Transparent part of sclera d Wall Pressure v Pressure exerted by cell wall on the cell contents e Concave f Convex g Conjuctiiva h Vestibule i Cornea j Semicircular canals

SECTION II [ 40 Marks] [Answer all questions.]

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Question 2 a) Differentiate between the foll. i]vaccine/serum ii]passive immunity/active immunity iii] antiseptic/disinfectant iv]antibodies/antitoxins v]virus/bacterium. [5] b) Given below is a cross section of Spinal Cord. Study it and answer the following: Name the process shown. Name the pathway shown by arrows. [ ½ + ½ ] Label a, b and c [ 1 ½ ] What kind of a nerve is the spinal nerve? [½ ] Classify the following as voluntary, simple reflex or conditioned reflex actions. sneezing 2) knitting without looking at it 3)swimming 4) salivation at the sight of food. [2]

Question 3 : a) i) Name a, b, c [ 1 ½ ] ii) Draw the cell as it would look after its placed in hypertonic solution. [ ½ ] iii)Name and define the process that the cell will undergo. [1] iv) Plants die if excess fertilizer is added to the soil. Explain [1] v) Give one significance of the above process for a tissue. [1] b) Label a, b, c and d. [2] Differentiate between dark and light adaptation.[1] Give 2 causes for hypermetropia. [2]

Question 4 i) State Mendels law of independent assortment [ 1 ] ii) A pure tall (T) plant with pure red (R ) flower is crossed with a pure short (t ) plant with pure white ( r) flowers. 1) What will be the genotype and the phenotype of F1 generation? [1] 2) Give the possible combinations of gametes that can be obtained from F1 hybrid. [1] 3) Give the genotype and phenotype of the off springs of F2 generation if 2 plants of F1 generation are crossed. [2] Name and give the functions of a, b, c and d. [4] Differentiate between conduction loss of hearing and sensory neural loss of hearing. [1]

Question 5 The apparatus shown here was set up to investigate a certain physiological process. The weight of the test tube with water and the plant was noted. After a few hours, the weight was noted. What is being investigated? [1] Explain your observation after a few hours.[1] Give one disadvantage of this process to plants.[1] Define the process. [1] Name a control for this experiment. [1] i) List out the steps in photochemical reaction of photosynthesis. [ 2 ½ ] ii) Give the full form of NADP [ ½ ] iii) Why do leaves look green? [1] iv) What happens in dark reaction? [1]

 Biology - 1997 (I.C.S.E)You are on questions 1 to 2

- Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.- You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.- This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.- The given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.- This question paper is divided into two sections.- Section I contains one question with six parts (a) to (f) ;

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- All six parts are to be answered.- Section II contains six questions, numbered 2 to 7 .- You are to answer any four of these questions.- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[].

SECTION -- I (40 Marks )Compulsory : Answer all parts in this section.

Q 1 (a)

Name the following :(i) A pollutant which reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.(ii) The male reproductive cells of mammals.(iii) Sheet of muscle between the thorax and abdomen of mammals.(iv) The element required for clotting blood in man.(v) The tube that leads from the ovary of the uterus.(vi) Openings found on the undersurface of dorsiventral leaves.(vii) Tissue concerned with upward conduction of water in plants.(viii) Condition of cell in which the cell contents are shrunken.

Q 1(b) Complete the following sentences (i) to (vi) given belows by filling in the appropriate word of terms from the given below:Osmosis, Ciliary muscle, Aorta, Stapes, Alveoli, W.H. O, Malleus, Diffusion, Dorsal Aorta, Bronchioles, Iris, Red cross.(i) The part of eye responsible for change in the size of the pupil is the .............................(ii) The process by which molecules distribute themselves evenly within the space they occupy is termed ........................(iii)The ultimate end parts of the respiratory system in man are the .................................(iv) The organisation which provides relief to victims of any nationals calamity is the ...............................(v) The blood vessel leaving the left ventricle of the mammalian heart is the .............................(vi) The ear ossicle in contact with the oval window of the inner ear is the ...............................

Q 1 (c)(i) Mention if  the following statements are true or false:1. The pregnancy of the women can be prevented by the method of Vasectomy.2. Cones are the receptors cells in the retina of the eye sensitive to dim light.3. The unit of light absorbed by the chlorophyll during photosynthesis is the proton.4. D.D.T is a disinfectant.5. Lungs of man are protected by the pericardium.6. The part of the ear associated  with balance is the cochlea.

(ii) Rewrite the wrong statements from 1 to 6 above in the correct form by changing only the first or last word.

Q 1 (d) The diagram along side represent certain organs in the abdominal region of man.(i) Level the parts numbered 1 to 7.(ii) Name the organ systems shown in the diagram.(iii) Name three parts other than those marked which are clearly seen in the diagram.

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Q 1 (e) Given alongside is the diagram of a bean root:(i) What term is given to the part marked 'X' ?(ii) What does it contain?(iii) What significant role is played by thestructure named in Q (ii) above in the soil? Briefly discuss how the structure plays this role.(iv) What happens to the above mentioned structure when the plants  dies?

Q 1 (f) Give one point of difference between any three of the following pairs on the basis of what is indicated in the brackets.(i) Sensory and motor neuron. (function)(ii) Blood and lymph. (composition)(iii) Dicot and monocot stem (arrangements of vascular bundles )(iv) Inspired and expired air (percentage of Oxygen and carbon dioxide)(v) Ureter and Urethra (function)


Section - 2Q 2 (a) The diagram given below represents the spinal cord of mammal seen in a transverse section together with the nerves . Study the same and then answer thequestions that


(i) Label the parts 1-8 indicated by guide- lines.(ii) what do the arrows indicate ? What is the pathway indicated termed ?(iii) What type of nerve is shown in the diagram ?

Q 2 (b) Complete the following table by filling in the correct location of the following structures in the human body and mention one main function of each:

Structure Location Function

(i) Epiglotis

(ii) Eustachian tube

(iii) Chordae tendinae

(iv) Nephron

(v) Organ of Corti 


Q 3 (a) (i) Draw a neat labeled diagram of the apparatus you would set up to show that oxygen is given out during photosynthesis.

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(ii) Give the overall equation to represent the process of photosynthesis.

Q 3 (b) Write briefly as indicated in the brackets on the following :(i) Myopia (Symptom and Cause)(ii) Penicillin (Source and Function)(iii) Red Blood Corpuscles (Origin and Function)(iv) Tympanum (Location and Function)(v) Mitochondria (Structure and Function)

Q 4 (a) The figure alongside shows an experiment performed on germinating seeds. Study the same and then answer the question that follow :(i)What is the aim of the experiment?(ii)Write the chemical equation for the process mentioned in Q (i) above.(iii)Draw a neat labeled diagram of the apparatus as it would appear after 24 hours.(iv)The soaked seeds used in the experiment their seed coats removed. Give a reason for the same.

Q 4 (b) Answer briefly the following question:(i)Why are capillaries thin walled?(ii)Mention two functions of the choroid coat in the eye.(iii)What is meant by gestation period?(iv)What is the effect of shivering?(v)What is meant by photolysis of water?Q 5 (a) Given below is the simplified pathway of the circulatory system of man :-(i) Name the blood vessels marked 1 to 8.(ii) Name the chamber of the heart which :-1. receives blood from '1',2. pumps blood into blood vessel '8'.(iii) Mention two structural differences between blood vessels '7' and '2'.

Q 5 (b)(i) Define transpiration.(ii) Describe an experiment to prove that transpiration occurs more from the under surface of dorsiventral leaves.

Q 6 (a) The figure alongside is the structure of a cell :(i) Label the parts A to I as indicated by guidelines.(ii) Is it a plant cell or an animal cell ? Give one reason to support your answer.(iii) Is the cell shown, turgid or flaccid?

Q 6 (b) Give appropriate terms for the following :(i) A membrane that surrounds the foetus and secretes a protective fluid.(ii) Protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord.(iii) A statistical study of human population.(iv) Substances that are applied to the surroundings where germs thrive and and multiply.(v) The inward movements of solvent  molecules through the plasma membrane of a cell.(vi) Loss of water in the form of droplets from the margin of a leaf.(vii) Adjustment of the eyes in the order to obtain a clear vision of object at different distances.(viii) The small amount of inhaled air in the respiratory tract that does not take part in gaseous exchange. 

Q 7 Explain briefly the idea contents in any five of the following statements :(i) Oxygen given out during photosynthesis comes from water.

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(ii) The need to limit the size of family is more vital today than ever before. Give two reasons.(iii) Root hairs becomes flaccid , when fertilizer are added to the moist soil around it.(iv) Transplanting of seedlings to a flower bed in the evening is better than doing so in the morning.(v) In summer urine is slightly thicker than in winter .(vi) The man can live without food for a number of days but he can not survive without Oxygen for more than a few minutes.(vii) Environmental pollution is a recent problem . Do you agree ? Give two reasons to support your answer.

Biology - 1998 ( I.C.S.E)You are on Questions - 1 & 2

Time:One Hour and a Half

-Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.-You will NOT be allowed to write during the firs 15 minutes.-This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.-The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writting the answers.-The question paper is divided into two Sections.-Section I contains one questions with five parts (a) to (e); all five parts are to be answered.-Section II contains six questions numbered 2 to 7. You are to answer any four of these questions.-The intented marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ].

Section-I 40 (Marks)

Q 1 (a) Name the following :(i) The duct which transports urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.(ii) the endocrine gland which produces emergency hormone .(iii) The sheet of muscle between the thorax and the abdomen of man.(iv) The fluid that is present inside and outside the brain.(v) The opening though which light enters the eyes.(vi) Openings on the stem through which transpiration occurs.(vii) The organ in man concerned with maintaining water balance in the body.(viii) The photosensitive pigment present in the 'rod' cells in the retina.

Q 1 (b) Select the correct answer out of  four available choices given under each question. Rewrite the correct answer from I to VIII :

(I) Osmosis involves diffusion of :(i) suspended particles  from lower to higher concentration.(ii) suspended particles  from higher to lower concentration.(iii) water from the more concentration solution to the less concentrated solution.(iv) water from the less concentration solution to the more concentrated solution.

(II)  Transpiration pull will be maximum under which of the following conditions?(i) open stomata, dry atmosphere  and  moist soil.(ii) open stomata, high humid atmosphere and well irrigated soil.(iii)  open stomata, high humid atmosphere and dry soil.(iv) closed stomata, dry atmosphere  and  moist soil.

(III) If the  rate of respiration becomes more than the rate of photosynthesis, plants will :(i) continue to live , but  will not be able to store food.(ii) Be killed instantly.

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(iii) grow more vigorously because more energy will be available.(iv) stop growing and gradually die of starvation.

(IV) Which one of these reactions occurs during photosynthesis ?(i) carbon dioxide is reduced and water is oxidised.(ii) water is reduced and carbon dioxide is oxidised.(iii)  carbon dioxide and water are both oxidised(iv)  carbon dioxide and water are both reduced.

(V) Excretion  commonly involves :(i) removal of all by-products during catabolism.(ii) removal of by-products during anabolism.(iii) removal of nitrogenous waste.(iv) all of the above.

(VI) In mammals , the cropus callosum connects :(i) the two optic lobes.(ii) the two cerebral hemispheres.(iii) the two cerebrum to the cerebellum.(iv) the pons to the medulla oblongata.

(VII) which of the following is the route that a sperm follows when it leaves the testis of a mammal ?(i) Vas deferens ->  eqpididymis -> urethra.(ii) urethra-> eqididymis->  vas deferens.(iii) epididymis -> urethra ->  vas deferens(iv) eqididymis ->  vas deferens ->    urethra.

(VIII) Which one of the following NOT a function  of WHO ?(i)  Maintaining statistical health records for most countries.(ii) Preparetion and marketing of new medicines.(iii) Regulateing international quarantine work.(iv) Playing an important role in the eradication of epidemic and endemic diseases.

Q 1(c) Given below is an example of a certain structure and its special functional activity e.g. Kidney and excretion. On a similar pattern fill in the blanks :(i) Ribosomes and ......................................(ii) Blood platelets and ................................(iii) Cochlea and .........................................(iv) Hydathodes and ..................................(v) Alveoli and ...........................................(vi) Chloroplasts and .................................(vii) Meninges and ....................................(viii) Neutrophils and ................................

Q 1(d) Choose the odd one in each of the following :Example : Calyx , Corolla, style , Androecium.Answer : stylei)Insulin , Blood sugar, Andrenalin , Thyroxineii)Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone , Prolactiniii)Larynx, Pancrease , Testis , Ovaryiv)Cerebrum , Cranium , Cerebellum , Ponsv)Cell wall, Plastids , Large Vacuole , Centrosomevi)Cortex , Pelvis , Retina , Medulla

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vii)Trachea , Bronchus , Alveolus , Diaphgramviii)Phenol , Boric acid , Iodine , Mercurochrome.

Q 1 (e) Which of the statements in Coloum II are appropriate for the items listed in Coloum I ? Rewrite the correct matching pairs :

Column I        Column II

1)The blind spot     a) carries impulses away from the brain and spinal cord.

2)The yellow spot          b)carries impulses towards  the brain and spinal cord

3)The stroma       c)is the place for aerobic respiration.

4)The grana        d)is the place for dark reaction of photosynthesis

5)Cretinisme)is the place through which transpiration takes place.

6)Myxoedema            f)is the place for light reaction of  photosynthesis

7)Afferent neuron        g)is the number of deaths in a specified number of time

8)Mortality                                      h)is the number of live births in a specified period of time

  i)is free of rod cells.

 j)is the exact centre of the posterior portion of  the retina

 k)is a condition due to undersecretion of thyroxine in an adult.

  l)is a condition due to lack of thyroxine in a child.


Q 2 (a) The following simplified diagram refers to the outline plan of the circulation of blood in a mammal.  Study the diagram and write the number and the name of the blood vessel in each case as mentioned under :

(i) several hours after a meal containing a lot of protein, which vessel will contain the highest concentration of urea ?

(ii)Which vessel would contain the highest concentration of amino acids and glucose soon after ameal ?

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(iii)Which vessel begins and  ends in capillaries ?

(iv)Which vessel will contain the smallest number of red blood cell per unit volume of blood ?

(v)In which vessel will the blood carry the most oxyhaemoglobin ?

Q 2 (b) Explain briefly the role of the following health aids :( i)Antiseptics(ii) Disinfectants(iii)Penicillin(iv)Sulphonamides(v) Vaccines


Q 3 (a) Moist germinated seeds were placed in thermos flask A, and germinating seeds which were placed in thermos flask B.   Thermometers wre inserted in the flasks and the mouth of each flasks plugged with moist cotton wool.  The two flasks were fixed upside down as shown in the diagram. The initial temperature on both thermometers was noted .  After about 48 hours, the temperature in flask A was found to be much higher than that in flask B

i) State the object of using the apparatusii) Explain why a rise in temperature occurs in flask Aiii) If 5% formalin was not used after boiling the seeds, the temperature of flask B would have risen considerably.  Explainiv) Why were the flasks inverted ?


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Q 3 (b) The following diagram is that of a human brain. Guidelines 1 to 5 indicate different parts of the surface of the brain and these are as follows :1. Frontal lobe of cerebrum       

2. Temporal lobe of cerebrum3. Occipital lobe of cerebrum4.Cerebellum5. Medulla  oblongata

study the diagram and answer the following questions :(I) What handicaps would result from :i) damage to part numbered 3 ?(ii) damage to part numbered 4 ?(II) Mention one main function of each of the parts numbered 1, 2and 5.

Q 4(a) The following  diagram represents a mammalian kidney tubule and its blood supply.  Parts indicated by the guidelines 1 to 8 are as follows :1.U-shaped loop of Henle.2. Proximal convoluted tubule with blood capilliaries3.Bowman's capsule4.Afferent arteriole from renal artery.5. Glomerulus6.Venule to renal vein7.Collecting tubule8. Distal convoluted tubule with blood capillaries

study the diagram and answer the following questions in each case :i)Where does ultrafiltration take place /ii)Which structures contains the lowest concentration of urea ?iii)Which structures contains the highest concentration of urea ?iv)Which structures contains the lowest concentration of glucose ?v)Where is the most water reabsorbed ?

Q 4 (b) A well watered healthy potted plant with   variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours.  It was then set up asshown in the diagram below and exposed to light for about 12 hours. At the end of this time, leaf X and leaf Y were tested for starch.  Study the diagram and answer the questions that follows :

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i) why was the plant initially kept in darkness for 24 hours ?ii) What is the function of sodium hydroxide solution in the flask ?iii) select the correct leaf from the five available choices shown in the diagram  as A,B,C,D,and E .  Rewrite the correct answer by filling in the appropriate letter for the question that follows :1) After the starch test, leaf X would look like ..............................2) After the starch test, leaf Y would look like...............................iv) The experiment with leaf Y shows that photosynthesis requires the presence of certain factors. Mention any  one factor.

Q 5 (a) State one function of each of the following :i) Ciliated  epithelium lining the respiratory tractii) Epiglottisiii) Skiniv) Mitochondriav)Medulla  Oblongata

Q 5 (b) The following diagram represents a plant cell   after being placed in a strong sugar solution .  Guidelines 1 to 5 indicate the following :

1. Cell wall2. Strong sugar solution3. Protoplasm4. Large vacuole5. Nucleus

study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :

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i)What is the state of the cell shown in the diagram ?

ii)Name the structure which act as a selectively permeable membrane.

iii) If the cell had been placed in distilled water instead of strong sugar solution , which features would not have been present ?

iv) If the cell in the diagram possessed chloroplasts, where would these be present ?

v) Name any one feature of this plant cell which is not present in animals cells.

Q 6 (a) The diagram below shows part of the capillary bed in an organ of the mammalian body.  Some of the blood arriving at the capillaries at points labelled.  A moves out into the spaces between the tissue cells.  Study the diagram and answer the questions that follows :

i) when the liquid  from the blood is surrounding the cells , what is it called ?

ii) Name any one important component of the blood which remains inside the capillaries and fails to move out into the spaces.

iii) Some of the liquid surroundings the cells does not pass directly back into the blood but eventually reaches it by another route through vessel X.  Name the fluid present in vessel X.

Q 6 (b) Answer the following questions :i) Name the endocrine cells present in the Pancreas.ii)Name two hormones secreted by the above mentioned cells.iii)Mention one main function of each hormone named in (ii)

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Q 7 (a)The figure given below represents the female reproductive system of a mammal.  Parts indicated by the guideline   A to D are as follows :

A. Uterus

B. Fallopian tube

C. Ovary

D. Vagina


Give appropriate terms for each of the following :

i)the cost of reproductive phase in a young female

ii)Rupture of follicle and release of ovum from the ovary.

iii)Monthly discharge of blood and disintegerated tissues in human female

iv)Process of fusion of ovum and sperm

v)Fixing of developing zygote on the uterine wall.

Q 7 (b) Differentiate between members of each of the following pairs with reference to the phrases in brackets :(i)Osmosis and Diffusion (flow of  solvent molecules)(ii) Myopia and hypermetropia  (cause of the defect)(iii) Glycolysis and Kreb's cycle (Reaction site of the process in a cell)iv) artery and vein (Direction of blood flow)(v) Aerobic and anaerobic respiration (End products of the process)

Biology - 1999 ( I.C.S.E)

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You are on questions 1 to 3- Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.- You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.- This time is to be spent  in reading the question paper.- This time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

-The question paper is divided into two Sections.- Section A contains one question with six parts (a) to (f) ;all six parts are to be answered.- Section B contains six questions numbered 2 to7 .You are to answer any four of these questions.- The intended marks for questions or parts of questions,are given in brackets[].

  SECTION-A   (40 Marks)(one Hour and a Half)

Compulsory :Answer all parts in the Section.

Q 1(a)Name the following :(i)The cavity in the body in which the   human lungs are located .(ii) The soluble protein present  in blood plasma responsible for clotting.(iii)The parts of the female reproductive system where fertilisation takes place.(iv)The organisation that provides help and relief to victims of flood.(v)The process by which leucocytes engulf and destroy bacteria.(vi) Respiratory openings found on stems of water in the form of droplets.(viii)plants that prepare their own food from basic raw materials.

Q 1(b)complete the following statements (i) to (vi) by choosing the correct alternative from those given in brackets:(i) The protective covering of lungs is the (pericardium,pleura,diaphragm).(ii) Bacteria found in the nodules of leguminous plants are (saprophytic,parasitic, symbiotic) in nature .(iii)The gaseous pollutant which causes acid rain is (carbon monoxide,Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen  dioxide).(iv) The valve present between the left atrium and the left ventricle is the (tricuspid valve, bicuspid valve ,semiluar valve).(v) The blood versel supplying blood to the kidney is the (renal vein, renal artery, dorsal aorta).(vi) which of the following is an insecticide ?(Phenol ,DDT, carbolic acid)

Q 1(c) (i) State whether the following statements are True or False:1.Deafness is caused due to the rupturing of the pinna.2.Penicillin  obtained from Penicillium notatum is an antibody .3.The  percentage  of oxygen in ins pired air is 16.4.4.cells that have lost their  water content are said to be deplasmolysed.5.Photosynhesis result in loss of the dry weight of the plant .6.Xylem is the water conducting tissue in plants .

(ii) Rewrite  the false statement from 1 to 6 above in their correct form by changing  the first or the last word only .

Q 1(d)  Complete the following table by filling in the blank space numbered1 to 6:

Structure Function

Yellow spot 12 Filled with sap mostly in plants.3 Produces male gametes in man .Erythrocytes 4Grana of chlorophyll 5

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6 Transfers urine outside the body 

Q 1 (e) Given below is the diagram of the Human   Ear .Study the same and then answer the question that follow :

(i) what role does the ear drum play in hearing ?(ii) What common term is given to the parts labeled A,B and E?(iii) Would there be any difference if these three parts mentioned in 'ii' above were replaced  by one big one?Why?(iv)Give the biological tem for the parts mentioned in 'iv'above.(vi)State the functions of the ear.

Q 1 (f) Given below is a simple diagram of the human kidney cut open longitudinally . Answer the following questions :

1. Give the definition of excretion .2. Name the units of kidney .3. Why does the cortex of the kidney show a 'dotted' appearance ?4. Mention two functions of the kidney .5. Write two differences in the composition of the blood flowing through blood vessels A and B.

Section-B  (40 marks)Attempt any four questions in this Section .

Q 2 (a) The apparatus given below was set up to demonstrate a particular process occurring in plants . Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

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(i) Name the process .(ii) What is the object of the experiment ?(iii) Why is soda lime placed in the tube ?(iv) What change , if any, would you observe in the lime water in Flask A and in Flask B ? In each case give a reason for your answer .s(v) Mention one precaution that should be taken to ensure more accurate results .(vi) Give an overall balanced chemical equation to represent the process .

Q 2 (b) Briefly describe the functions of the following :(i) Epiglottis(ii) Scrotum(iii) Alveoli(iv) Placenta


Q 3 (a)

(i) Given alongside is the outline of the human body . Redraw the same and then place the following organs in their correct position and label them .1. Thyroid glands .2. Windpipe .3. Diaphragm .4. Right and left lung .5. Right and left kidney .6. Adrenal glands .(ii) Name the hormone produced by the thyroid gland and state its function in the body .(ii) What would a child suffer from if there was hyposecretion of this gland ?(iii) What role does the diaphragm play in inspiration of air ? Explain briefly .

Q 3 (b) Mention one point of difference between the following on the basis of what is given in brackets .i) Respiration and Photosynthesis (Gas released )ii) Cerebrum and Cerebellum (Function)iii) Antibody and Antibiotic (Source)iv) Red blood corpuscle and White blood corpuscle (Structure )

Section-B  (40 marks)

Q 4 (a)The diagram given alongside represents an experimental set up to demonstrate a vital process Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :

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i) Name the process .ii) Define the above named process .iii) What would you observe in he experiment can be set up after an hour or so ?iv) What control experiment can be set up for the above experiment ?

v) Keeping in mind the root hair cell and its surrounding , name the part that corresponds to

(1) Concentrated sugar solution (2) Parchment paper and (3) Water in the beakervi) Name any other substance that can be used instead of parchment paper in above experiment .vii) Mention two advantages of this process to the plant .

Q 4(b) (i) What is meant by 'reflex action ' ?(ii) State whether the following are simple reflexes , conditioned reflexes , or neither of the two :1. Sneezing2. Blushing3. Contraction of pupil4. Lifting up a book5. Knitting without looking6. Sudden application of brakes without thinking .

Q 5(a) The figures given below are cross sections of blood vessels .

(i) Identify the blood vessels A , B and C.(ii) Name the parts labeled 1-4(iii) Mention two structural differences between A and B .(iv) Name the type of blood that flows (a) through A , (b) through B.(v) In which of the above vessels referred to in (iv) above does exchange of gases actually take place?          

Q 5(b) Match Column A with the most appropriate term in Column B . Rewrite the correct matching pair.

Column A Column B

1. Liquid part of blood without corpuscles . Diffusion2. The clear front part of the eye . Abscess3. Place where carbon dioxide leaves the blood . Bronchiole4. The liquid squeezed out of blood during clotting. Cornea5. The spreading of particles by mixing . Alveolus6. Contain pus . Iris7. Small air tube . Plasma8. The pigmented circular area seen in the eye . Serum.

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Q 6 (a) The diagram given below represents a defect of vision of the human eye :

(i) Name the defect .(ii) What is the effect of this defect on man ?(iii) Mention two causes for this defect .(iv) How can this defect be rectified ?(v) Draw a neat labeled diagram to show that how this defect can be rectified .(vi) What is the nature of the image that falls on the retina of a normal eye ?

Q 6 (b) A candidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours . Then in the early hours of the morning she covered  one of the leaves with black paper in the centre only. She placed the potted plant in the sunlight for a few hours , and then tested the leaf which was covered with black paper for starch .i) What aspect of photosynthesis was being investigated ?ii) Is there any control in this experiment ? If so , state the same .iii) Why was the plant kept in the dark before the experiment ?iv) Describe step by step how the candidate proceeded to test the leaf for the presence ofstarch .

Q 7 (a) Give suitable explanations for any three of the following :i) Grapes shrink when immersed in a very strong sugar solution .ii) Breathing through the nose is said to be healthier than breathing through the mouth .iii) A higher  rate of transpiration is recorded on a windy day rather than on a calm day .iv) Leguminous crops act as natural fertilizers .

Q 7(b) Define the following terms :i) Hormoneii) Ultrafiltrationiii) Antisepticiv) Transpiration .