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  • Auburn University

    Engineer Entrepreneur

    I-Corp Proposal

    Thin Film Nanocomposites of Carbon Nanotubes & Biomaterials


    Melissa Peacock


    Dr. Paul Swamidass

    April 28, 2014

  • Contents

    1 Introduction 2

    2 Invention Description & Merits 2

    3 Commercial Products 3

    4 Market 3

    5 Business Potential 4

    6 Need Addressed 4

    7 The Customer 5

    8 Current Solutions 5

    9 Cost 6

    10 Conclusion 7


  • 1 Introduction

    The Innovation Corps Program is part of the National Science Foundation

    that offers both mentoring and funding assistance for qualified projects. Grants

    of up to $50,000 are awarded for 6-month periods to facilitate research efforts.

    Qualified projects should involve scientific or technological innovations from which

    society may profit in areas such as Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Sci-

    ences, Geosciences, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Biolog-

    ical Sciences, Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Education and Human

    Resources, and Office of Cyberinfrastructure. Accredited academic institutions in

    the United States, Federal Agencies, and Federally Funded Research and Devel-

    opment Centers (FFRDCs) are eligible to submit proposals [13].

    Auburn University is seeking to commercialize a nanocomposite film inven-

    tion developed in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the Department

    of Materials Engineering by professors Dr. Virginia Davis and Dr. Aleksandr L.

    Simonian as well as postdoctoral fellow Dr. Dhriti Nepal and Shankar Balasubra-

    manian, a graduate student [6].

    2 Invention Description & Merits

    The nanocomposite films, consisting of carbon nanotubes and biomolecules,

    possess strong mechanical properties as well as antimicrobial properties or en-

    zymatic activity. Carbon nanotubes, which are known to be stronger than steel,

    contribute to the film strength and durability, while the biological element provides

    other desired properties, depending on the particular biomaterial included. One

    coating that Auburn University constructed included single-walled carbon nan-

    otubes (SWNTs) and lysozyme (LSZ), an anti-bacterial polypeptide. Lab studies

    showed that surfaces made with these coatings were strong as well as efficient at

    exterminating Staphylococcus aureus on contact. Thin films can be fabricated

    through various methods, creating more application possibilities and production

    cost flexibility [6].


  • Figure 1: Carbon Nanotube & Lysozyme Thin Film

    Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) image of carbon nanotube/lysozyme thin

    film [6]

    3 Commercial Products

    Potential commercial products for CNT/biomaterial thin films are antibac-

    terial surface coatings that can be used for multiple applications. These coat-

    ings would create surfaces that offer sturdy, long-lasting defense against infection-

    spreading germs. Possible applications include hospital beds, gym equipment,

    computer keyboards, and public transportation [5, 6].

    In particular, antibacterial coatings would be ideal for handrails and grab

    bars found in public transportation vehicles, especially with the high volume of

    people who use public transportation. Americans took approximately 10.5 billion

    trips using public transportation in the year 2012, and public transportation has

    increased by about 35% in the last 17 years [8].

    4 Market

    The vast market for this product includes, but is not limited to, hospitals, fit-

    ness centers, public transportation businesses, and public schools. As reported by

    the American Hospital Association, there are approximately 5,723 U.S. registered

    hospitals that contain about 920,829 staffed beds. The hospital market is even

    larger if community hospitals, federal government hospitals, psychiatric hospitals,


  • and long term care hospitals are considered [10]. Fitness centers, which include

    gyms, YMCAs, and community centers are another probable market. The In-

    ternational Health, Raquet, and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) estimated there

    to be about 30,500 U.S. health clubs in 2012. For the same year, they recorded

    approximately 50.2 million U.S. health club memberships. The number of health

    clubs and health club members appear to be growing yearly [1]. Other poten-

    tial markets may include over 7,300 public transportation organizations as well as

    around 99,000 public schools in the United States [7, 8, 9].

    5 Business Potential

    Due to a variety of applications, there is a large market for this product.

    Consequently, there exists a sufficient demand. The total number of registered

    hospitals, health clubs, public transportation businesses, and public schools in

    the United States sums up to be around 142,523. Taking about 2% of this sum

    gives a total of 2850 potential customers. While this is a rather small number,

    the customers of this product will have to order large quantities to coat chosen

    surfaces. Also, the market is not limited to these types of businesses [6, 11].

    The competition for this type of product is very small. Some others are explor-

    ing the technology, but it is not commercially available. This type of technology

    can only be created by those with specialized expertise related to this field. A

    significant risk of this product is the demand not being high enough to outweigh

    the cost the of the product. To maintain demand for this product, it will be impor-

    tant for the company to hire a research and development team to make continuous

    improvements to the surface coating technology [5].

    6 Need Addressed

    Thin film nanocomposites that consist of CNTs and antibacterial biomaterials

    address the need to prevent the spread of infection. This invention would create

    more sanitary surfaces in a variety of public places. Hospitals probably possess the

    highest need for advanced infection prevention due to several reasons. One reason

    is the high number of infectious people in hospitals. Less obvious reasons include


  • the high percentage of hospital visitors that become infected by contaminated

    surfaces and the development of superbugs such as methicillin-resistant Staphy-

    lococcus aureus (MRSA). Infections that are contracted by visiting a healthcare

    facility are called healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Approximately 31,000

    people die from HAIs every year [7, 12, 15].

    7 The Customer

    The customer of this invention would likely be a large business or organization

    that serves an extensive amount of people. The type of business or organization

    would involve people coming in close physical contact with each other or with

    shared surfaces. The organization or business must be large-scale in order for the

    benefit of incorporating antimicrobial surfaces to outweigh the material costs.

    8 Current Solutions

    To control the spread of germs in hospitals, hospital workers use clean hand

    practices. They wash their hands with soap, alcohol gels, or alcohol foams be-

    fore and after coming in contact with a patient. When necessary, they will wear

    sterile gloves when caring for a patient. Another way hospitals deal with germs

    is by cleaning contact surfaces with hospital-grade disinfectant sprays that were

    developed to kill harmful bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas

    aeruginosa, and Salmonella enterica, which are commonly found on hospital sur-

    faces [4, 15, 18].

    Similarly, fitness centers provide customers with sprays or wipes to clean

    equipment after use. Some gyms offer antibacterial sprays to kill germs, while

    others offer sprays designed only to eliminate oil and sweat. Because many gyms

    leave it up to the customers to clean equipment after themselves, clean surfaces are

    definitely not guaranteed. Some customers may not wipe off equipment effectively,

    and others may not clean equipment at all [2].

    As for public transportation, riders must assume personal sanitary practices

    to avoid contact with germs.


  • 9 Cost

    As an estimate, thin films would contain approximately 70% lysozyme and

    30% SWNTs. The thickness of the film would range between 5 and 200 nm [5].

    Cheap Tubes Incorporated sells 90 wt% single-walled carbon nanotubes at a price

    of $8000 per 100 g, which is equivalent to 8 cents per mg. Sigma-Aldrich sells a

    ready-to-use lysozyme solution for $83.90 per 10 mg, which is equal to $8.39 per 1

    mg. An approximent density of the SWNTs/lysozyme mixture can be taken to be

    1.67 gcm3

    , the average density of the LSZ solution (LSZ and sodium acetate) and

    the SWNTs [3, 14, 16, 17].

    The cost of 1 squared meter of film was calculated using a film thickness (H)

    of 5 nm (5 107 cm) was calculated.

    V olume = LW H (1)where,

    L=1 m=100 cm and W=1 m=100 cm

    V olume = 100 cm 100 cm (5 107 cm) (2)

    V olume = 0.005 cm3 (3)

    V olume = 0.005 cm3 =Mass


    Mass = V olumeDensity (5)

    Mass = 0.005 cm3 1.67 gcm3


    Mass = 0.00835 g = 8.35 mg (7)

    70% of 8.35 mg = 5.845 mg LSZ (8)

    30% of 8.35 mg = 2.505 SWNTs (9)


  • At $8.39 per mg, 5.845 mg of LSZ would cost $49.04. At 8 cents per mg, 2.505

    mg SWNTs would cost about 20 cents. Therefore, it would cost about $49.24 for

    8.35 mg of the SWNT/LSZ mixture to cover 1 m 1 m of surface area.While it would cost around $50 per square meter of film as far as material

    costs, additional costs would exist to fabricate the film. The selling price would

    probably be at least $100-$200, depending on the fabrication process. Customers

    would likely need to purchase large quantities of the film to cover desired surfaces.

    The price of the product would decrease if the materials were purchased in larger


    10 Conclusion

    Carbon nanotube thin films made with biomaterials combines the strength

    of single-walled carbon nanotubes and the antibacterial properties of certain en-

    zymes. Because of increasing bacterial resistances, there is a need for more sanitary

    surfaces. These thin films could be used to coat surfaces found in hospitals, fitness

    centers, and schools, as well as many other surfaces, to keep them free of harmful

    germs. A large market exists for this type of product since there are numerous

    public buildings and public transporation vehicles that would benefit from antimi-

    crobial surface coatings. A possible risk in commercializing this product involves

    the relatively high cost necessary to produce the film. However, the primary cus-

    tomers of this product will likely be large businesses or organizations that can

    afford the product and will greatly benefit from such a product.


    [1] About the Industry. IHRSA. N.p., 17 June 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:


    [2] Attwood, Emily. Properly Cleaning and Disinfecting Fitness Equip-

    ment. Athletic Business. N.p., Feb. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

    URL: http://www.athleticbusiness.com/Fitness-Training/ properly-cleaning-



  • [3] Cheaptubes.com: Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Prices. Cheap Tubes.

    N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL: http://www.cheaptubes.com/carbon-

    nanotubes-prices.htm#Single Walled Nanotubes Prices


    PITAL. Department of Veterans Affairs. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

    [5] Davis, Virginia A., et al. Preparation of Precisely Controlled

    Thin Film Nanocomposite of Carbon Nanotubes and Biomateri-

    als. Patents. Google, 4 Feb. 2010. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:


    [6] Davis, Virginia A., et al. Thin Film Nanocomposites of Carbon Nanotubes

    & Biomaterials. Auburn University Office of Technology Transfer: n. pag.


    [7] Elias, Nina. How Hospitals Can Make You Sick. abc-

    NEWS. N.p., 29 Nov. 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:



    [8] Facts at a glance. Public Transportation. American

    Public Transportation, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:

    http://www.publictransportation.org/news/facts/Pages/ default.aspx

    [9] Fast Facts, National Center for Education Statistics. U.S.

    Department of Education, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:


    [10] Fast Facts on US Hospitals. American Hospital Association. Health Forum,

    2 Jan. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL: http://www.aha.org/research/rc/stat-


    [11] Gehl, Derek. 4 Steps to Assessing Your Products Profit Potential. En-

    trepreneur. Entrepreneur Media, 9 Sept. 2008. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:



  • [12] Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs). Centers for Disease Control and

    Prevention. N.p., 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

    [13] Innovation Corps Program (I-Corps). National Science

    Foundation. N.p., 7 Nov. 2006. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:


    [14] Lysozyme from chicken egg white. Sigma-

    Aldrich. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. URL:


    [15] Rufus, Anneli. Infection: How Hospitals Are Breeding Grounds for Super-

    bugs Youve Never Even Heard Of. Alternet. N.p., 19 Oct. 2011. Web. 28

    Apr. 2014. URL: http://www.alternet.org/story/152786/infection

    [16] Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Sigma-Aldrich. N.p., n.d. Web. 28

    Apr. 2014. URL: http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/materials-science/material-


    [17] Sodium acetate(127-09-3). Chemical Book. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

    URL: http://www.chemicalbook.com/ProductMSDSDetailCB1230044 EN.htm

    [18] Welch, Jason, and Sara Snow. Where And When To Use Disinfectants

    In Healthcare Facilities. Ed. Corinne Zudonyi. CleanLink. N.p., n.d. Web.

    28 Apr. 2014. URL: http://www.cleanlink.com/hs/article/Where-And-When-

