Ice blue button

Team Leader: Stephen Mickelsen, Mobile Application Architect Company Name: Team Name: Team Members: Chris Burrow, M.D., EVP Medical Affairs Richard Carter, Creative Director Bettina Experton, M.D., M.P.H., President & CEO Art Friesz, Senior Software Engineer Vishu Ghanakota, Senior Software Engineer Nina Hein, Project Manager Fred McClain, Mobile Application Architect Randy Ullrich, SVP Wireless Patient Application Submission Slide Deck



Transcript of Ice blue button

Team Leader: Stephen Mickelsen, Mobile Application Architect

Company Name:

Team Name:

Team Members:

Chris Burrow, M.D., EVP Medical Affairs

Richard Carter, Creative Director

Bettina Experton, M.D., M.P.H., President & CEO

Art Friesz, Senior Software Engineer

Vishu Ghanakota, Senior Software Engineer

Nina Hein, Project Manager

Fred McClain, Mobile Application Architect

Randy Ullrich, SVP Wireless

Patient Application Submission Slide Deck

©2013 Humetrix. The ICEBlueButton phone and tablet apps are based on Humetrix U.S. patent #5,995,965 and other pending patents. "Blue Button", the Blue Button logo, and the slogan "Download My Data" are registered Service Marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), an agency of the United States Government and are used by permission of HHS.

Which of the crowd sourced product ideas

inspired our application?

Nora Jean Levin Application Idea to…

“Shorten the endless user data entry process to just one step and let me

enter my own data on drugs, pharmacies, and preferred providers...” by:

• Entering & maintaining health related information in a portable, low friction

process that utilizes extraction from existing clinical data & claims data

• Adding self entered information which may not be included in current Blue

Button+ data fields, but contains important information about health status and

preferences and may be useful in the future, including in emergency situations

(e.g., authorized representatives, insurance type, preferred providers, language, ...)

• Delivering an application that includes this rich contextual information about me

and my loved ones in a snapshot.

Application Main Features

In summary: A mobile app for immediate

access to critical personal health information in

an emergency with auto-fill & editing of Blue

Button+ data & easy self-entry of other data.

©2013 Humetrix. The ICEBlueButton phone and tablet apps are based on Humetrix U.S. patent #5,995,965 and other pending patents. "Blue Button", the Blue Button logo, and the slogan "Download My Data" are registered Service Marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), an agency of the United States Government and are used by permission of HHS.

• Mobile app running on iOS smartphones and tablets for immediate access to an ICE record by

either non-medical rescuers or emergency personnel using QR code scanning

• The ICEBlueButton record data are auto-filled by extraction of Blue Button+ C-CDA data pushed

to the Blue Button+ enabled ICEBlueButton app by MU-2 or Blue Button+ compliant EMRs. When

more than one record is used to auto-fill the ICE record, the app aggregates data from the

important clinical fields of medical conditions, medications and allergies

• The app automatically generates a Direct address for the app user to receive C-CDA data

pushed by MU-2 or Blue Button+ enabled data sources

• The app allows for self-entry of non-Blue Button+ data and easy editing of pre-populated data

• The app automatically generates a QR code on the user’s device for anytime access of a basic

ICE record retrieved by regular QR code scanning of the user’s device lock screen or scanning

of printed copies of the QR code (including stickers which can be placed anywhere). A complete

health record can be retrieved by authorized EMS personnel using the EMS version of the

iBlueButton Professional App to scan the same code

What is it?: Mobile phone or tablet app for

immediate access to critical health information in

an emergency by EMS professionals or


©2013 Humetrix. The ICEBlueButton phone and tablet apps are based on Humetrix U.S. patent #5,995,965 and other pending patents. "Blue Button", the Blue Button logo, and the slogan "Download My Data" are registered Service Marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), an agency of the United States Government and are used by permission of HHS.

Patient app & emergency responder user experience

d 2 3






Notification of Blue Button+ (BB + ) Record Receipt for Easy “one

swipe” Download

ICE Record Auto-Fill of Downloaded BB + Record

& Easy Self-Entry

Auto-Generation of QR Code on Device

Lock Screen

Scan with EMS version of iBlueButton

Professional, for authorized full record access

Scan with any QR Code reader

ICE Record Viewing

Full Record Viewing

Natasha Jones

A bystander on the street

who sees Natasha in need of help

From Home

From Home


Scan in Emergency

Emergency Summary Medical Record

How the app works: A Blue Button+ enabled

application with auto-generation of Direct

addresses, auto-receipt of Blue Button records via

Push notification and auto-fill of an ICE record.

©2013 Humetrix. The ICEBlueButton phone and tablet apps are based on Humetrix U.S. patent #5,995,965 and other pending patents. "Blue Button", the Blue Button logo, and the slogan "Download My Data" are registered Service Marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), an agency of the United States Government and are used by permission of HHS.

Enter Your App Password

App Automatically Generates Your Direct Address

Enter Your Direct Address and Click


1 3


6 Receive Push Notification of New

Downloaded Record

View/Edit Prepopulated data from Blue Button Record, self-enter

additional data, and click Save to generate

ICE record


Direct Registry Service

Push Notification Service

Enter Direct Address

ICEBlueButton Server

EMR Patient Portal


Click “Transmit” 5

Display Direct Address


How the app works: Easily select sections of

the app generated ICE record to edit the pre-

populated fields extracted from Blue Button

records and self enter other fields as needed.

©2013 Humetrix. The ICEBlueButton phone and tablet apps are based on Humetrix U.S. patent #5,995,965 and other pending patents. "Blue Button", the Blue Button logo, and the slogan "Download My Data" are registered Service Marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), an agency of the United States Government and are used by permission of HHS.

Auto-filled ICE Record: Select

Section to Review and Edit

Enter Personal Details as desired (can leave fields


Toggle on & off aggregated Medical

Conditions from imported Blue Button records

Toggle on & off aggregated

Medications from imported Blue Button records

When data entry & editing completed

and Saved, QR Code created for

ICE record retrieval

Blue Button+ Powered

ICE Mobile App

©2013 Humetrix. The ICEBlueButton phone and tablet apps are based on Humetrix U.S. patent #5,995,965 and other pending patents. "Blue Button", the Blue Button logo, and the slogan "Download My Data" are registered Service Marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), an agency of the United States Government and are used by permission of HHS.

Co-Design Impact on the App Development

• In response to Nora Jean Levin’s idea, we designed a mobile app which provides automated entry of

complex medical data from existing online Blue Button records while also enabling the user to easily enter

their own information and generate a “snapshot” emergency record for themselves and their loved ones

which can be retrieved using broadly available QR code scanners

• After review of our app by Co-Designers, we changed our design so that the app always generates the

identical QR code every time an updated record is created to allow anytime anywhere retrieval of an ICE

record by scanning not only the device’s lock screen but also by scanning any printed form of that single

QR code (as wallet cards or stickers which can be placed on school backpacks or bicycle helmets)

• There was very strong support by our Co-Designers for our proposed concept of having a QR code

enabling a customized ICE record with limited data to be retrieved by anyone using a standard QR code

scanner, and a complete record summary medical record to be retrieved by EMS personnel using a special

Emergency Medical Services version of the iBlueButton Professional app

• …and for Catherine Rose’s idea that there should be an app to help keep her daughter’s school team,

therapy teams and themselves all on the same page regarding her care, the ICEBlueButton app will allow

Catherine to create an ICE record for her daughter for anywhere access to critical up to date medical

information available whether her daughter is at school, or visiting one of her many health care providers.