IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11...Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII....

Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII. BOZEMAN, i\101 'TA 'A, TUESDAY, :-\OVEi\IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11 LVI WILL NOT APPEAR ON DATE 1rd Received Th at A rti st k nab le To f ulfi ll Contract As ,;eheduled aln, sc u the f urt i nun f the l re rt c )Uf l 't ht' here th wed: R. B. lbw . 'OTICE Important meeting of the LootErn Club at the Lambda Phi Bouse, Wednesday even - ing at 7 ::lO . All members are requt>sled to be present as the play and tlate of production are o LC' decided upon. Hardy Tharp, :\!gr. ::\1 0 x T A A B L u E WA'.\' TED The We ekly Ex ponent ne eds two proof rea der s who hav e Monda v afternoons off and can s pend that tim e in th e down -t own Expon ent of fice. Anyo ne a lready tr ying o ut for Expone nt positi ons, or anyon e el se who wish es to work on the college pa per is eligi ble to try out for thi s work. BENNETT ON WAY TO CO NFERENCE OF NAT IONAL STUDENT FEDERATION WI LL MEET WITH REPRESENT.\T l \'ES FR 0 ::\I O. 'E Hl''.\'DRED AND SIXTY COLLEGES _\ND l '.'<l\"ER"ITlES TO DISCl"S:' PRO::\IINEYJ' OF PREsE. 0 1' DAY COLLEGE THl:\l\ERS l Don BennPtt. Jll'E' Iden o t c :\1. S. C .. le.1.t h ·t' t irl .\nn Arbor, \Iichig.u., where :\lortana s nt t le c 1! , c.l.a1nnan of •h_c l'Otl(('t t- 11111ttl·c, ha!oi l('CL"llUI w. 1.J l 0 l'llg"O that Su.!\·l uulJ not l".Jlll' ii after the iir:-:t. ot tht• )C·ar. i all. A mN ting of h1 l·once Les Buffons Name New Pl edges on T urk ey Day A N D Those wis hing to do thi s wor k, see th e E ditor so me t ime thi s week. A rt Ba zaar To Ee Opened on Dec. 3 the annual ngrro f t l s G 0 ' COURSE NOW OFF ERED ·ational Stu1lent F rnt1on Xorth .America, which m et:o t t 1 l of )lkhigs.m Iler 2, 1. Articles Have Already 1. :llore than ir.o c 11• , h l' e c1.mmittec has bet'n c11llcd t :-.Icier a vlan of action th ocfate1l ...\1 i t ' Bureau ln ., o ver who ate n onsibh· for 1 ltntlac to appt"ar hPH· It wu I that the fallure of tr• np r as !' hcdulul will ml'an financial Honorary Soc ial Frate rn i ty Oub ta nd ing Senio r Men T A T E L D IN PLAY PROD U CTION Been Received By the Art I gne•I up for this o irr s. Depar tm ent Th1ough•>Ut the :·a ,. lr 'l __ Jcen on C' i1 at ,na .. to thl' conre1t l·ommi t e ot tf-il· 0: u unnounct the follow. ej!<'. ing- pledo-l'S for nic·mbership in Course Tau g ht By Mrs . Davis and Open Only to Juni ors and Seni ors I problems such as ...\1 liil 1 t r , u 'fhe annual .\rt .bazaar 1 son·· Chapel. the vuluc of 1 by the Art tlub will he held m p,, ricula Activities. thn r t' 1, nrt. depar:rnent of II t 1 ick hall I Eledn·e and Re•...imre< ( 0 , t t l Cf'embt.r th111l ar.d f()urth. l \\ 1ll Lecture y .... tem. ,.t('. Th (_ n 1 be open to the collecre students a11t1 du cug-h the sue kcr rnd c n he prnJlti"itH 11 to l'ar.cl'l t {' lt>- 01c-anizatii n Earl Greg-ory, 11 1 ndt•r of nt1 · <'t voith the Jlc•n Bl•nnctt. Elt, n llairn :::ta 1 ilev f-{, <lg· b n·au 1 d to anan < o"he on, Ht•rhe1 Winner dr l Jae'· T1:n . aily goo(l ur bettct num!H r·, ;:.. a. L<" Bt 1 t1if ins b a h n n1ry o :,e red at this lOllll" •te l·1nity, the nHmber:;nip of wh <·h · tinl( . A number of l·orclrl om· 1inutl•d t., ten upper cla5smc:n w 1 ll1 an· on tour in tht· we$ ut t.11 ha\·e been nut:-tartlin.£,! in rr on from .. Ol 1 will af ord p ,, Montana State C"o11ege now c. ffor. to ::> 00 and ' on to .1.00 and on Sat- tor a l'Or dera :m a eourse in play proclu<:tion under thi-· urday from to :l.00 ful o" th%f' ue ti n!l; SPIRIT l' and it is fl'lt that h\ (I UJa;>ri1 and ac:tiv It i:-o the oldest me 1' ! direction of Mrs. Davis. This only A great of the mticlt!s ha\'{ I :i'reiklejohn f \\ -:; on ,, f ll ------------------------------ open to Juniors and Seniors . There already arnvtd und nrr tiierl'.'.' Pn::;.idtnt uf .. t l ll Montanan Forces Now Have Office I are in the cla" this quarto.·. soon. Tloe di•play will 001<- IS a 'brillian• •reaker au! Standard speech. whirl1 re:'ults in of beaut1fcl foreign obJe tR frrp11 ._ritw of our e iul'at n.:il Italy, G1·eL·c:e:-, .Jeru. alem. lfl Pre:-iden• :Mic( 'lCkt>n nt-er brouJ?"ht to R zeman in pi'l f 1 ·aternity c.1 the hn\-ill"' he t\\() .\r !l;' Burl"'au n11mbe"? f<Jtndt>d in 1.10 I. Sin e its irau1ru1 ·1- ht ha\e J.?'OOr. e.foct at th. t:.11 1 ., Jt ha taken }('ading- part in + :\ 0 ·r Cf A [ l B ·1d the of phonetics. is bein d" p 1 . 1 Ch' n l op r' oor grzcu tura Ul mg <tud1ed this quarter. Thi, >peech ·- ia, er,ia. Bu garla, . apan, "'"· Colle!'• iF one 0 ti 0 I . . Brittain Swedln. There will al onmcnt for ext nchn by the hig-hls c:ultund_. pul· so be artfrle::; from the Indian in <;.hapingo t' e r th ... Rozenar audlf'nt:•"· ia lSl of tre college. v. positively pro\i1!e :-: 1 t OnP c tht interesting- fN t ci" numbn n fill out ih oblig . .-10 1 every year's jritiation i.:; thl' annnal ts tkklt it is a ... L<:::- Bouffi,ns at whi1·h ·:mr :i3t y('ar the c mcert cuni· j the. initiates appear on the hiH i'1 tee d.e C"ant·l•llatwn .'. 1 ' I put on famous onp the h1g- kind of .1 ,.,tunt part of th m. t1- and the ls thl\ 'vatior.s of the openi.ne: nitrh of \ Vork on the bc·l'n new ideas for the ir sedions. SuL"h a science of sourd; h): tht:-< nu·an one bazaar net only enahles e thf'·e men will· .. numhl•rs, and s: ffer-i d a fina - ation. los the ehy ..\ nun.her (If othE .u .hnUlna an<l the norlh\\f t s . Cl 1\T suffer in the sa:ne manr r I enror ass JVOW thc tancrllation of the ·ert . _ __· Collecting Dues ath Phy sics Club I Paya ble to Mo wery d H 11 or to Treas ur er .rganize On i R oy Ke rlee handi<.'apped this fall. du· tile of annuals is nc1w in the offic!• lea1 ns. to U!';e tongue anri cry one to gee what other to there being no offic.:e in whi 1 an<l will bl' en-a ilable for by the teeth and how . even· are in art, but will g-i\ 1 members. c:ound 111 the l angu 3 P:e 1 " ptTr them the to bur \o;·c}y keep supplies and holt.1 confu Offi,·e equipmert .)f cluced. _The. tits for gifts th<.<t are in This situation has beEn par iall 'ypewriter, degk, fi ling cabinets am1 Columbia, l. of "1;,:consH'. \: ashin<z· expersive. rl'medied by the recent acquirin-" f 11 other supplies '"- ill b1• bought for thl" ton. Iowa. and Stanford give th All mane\· taken in fr•m t.b sal annual work of a temporary tJffin new office. Equipment v..-ill be p::.dd course. 1 o one of thes:e of thingos from I aly and GrP o w ll in Room rf the for with the surplu: rom the lows person . to take rart m n .l!:'O to heln the war orphans of th J"-: building. Although the ne-w offic<.' This surplus was mnd,,,, nlay w1thout havtn:.r taken a cours countries \)hatc\'er pro:iit. the .\ 1 Ins a \'e1·y meag-er supply of furni- ross i ble by the staff taki ng in phonetics . I dub mal;es ·,\· JI he used t'I rurL"ha ture. it permits the assemblin.'.!: advantage of eni:rravir:g. Oscar Wilde'::: 1 •Jmportar<'e of Re- sr.-methiug- fo1· tht.• det'artmcn . all )lon!anan property at onl" p i t Due to the \"alue of ine- Earnest" is being- l·earl photw' i- !taff and ('Onfennres be possible to }eaH! the offu:e open Each member of the clasq s t be held. to use by all. Bennett and Tootell 1 1ck and dire t a one act play It is very to have the to ( ff1ce ant Ut(' "The Dreamy Kul'' by EUJ?t:ne Debate Tryouts 1 and it furnishe:-- a pla e in wh other .Montanan prop1 rty. 1t \\ill not 'I cally in claM h F ae ul tv a nd l\1 enl· In o ·dcr that tl!e :-eni( r due.., such a place in whkh to h 111 c·nn hel<l responsible for all annual f'lOj')- which has bN>n chrected b} Lillia1. . mav be ('Ollec:t<l more ea .... iJv an·t ferenc.:es. Tl.i:-; makes it t eity Any statf mem ber \\ho w1she:-> 1 1:\fa1·shall. will be put on in 1oom '>l}-1 1 Held For Frosh er s As \ Ve il As Ad vanced! the Renior trea:-urer ha .. have a fill- of annuals from othf'l· to look up maten.d or wtrk m th<: of the Ag-g1e buildir.g- next 1 tu de n!s of Bo th Depart m ents the class roll divided into two !'st· schools which may be refetTed to b;· office, should see eit her or thcS< evenmo;. Anyone interested ;_. we!. \" ill )[eet Misso ula T hi rd " 'eek n Club with ore degignaterl to col- the depar•ment. editors in g"et in.t men and an·ange f •r a time to do so come to come. Th1ee will he lect from list. The nHn s0!eet in the next threl" :\I1s ed to collect the due.3 are thl· ;,;enio 0 l c St d t 1 r t R £ d l plan!l; to choose Sevt::ral fol math,matics-1.hysics lub h;o president. :l!owery, and ela" tre , n Y r eW U en S V 0 e eTeren Um public production. Freshman and So1 homorc d bate 01.,;anizc<l on the campus, t·on1- urer, Kcrlee. j The second w:ll h.· wer hdd last a' 1 d of mathematics and physi< It was decided by the seniors. at On Compulsory M1"l1.ta ry Tra1nzng mostly work on oral expression. Th. '\','e<ln<sday. Charles llle, Bcnja.'1·n. lt y members and advanL"ed :-:U- a meeting- fall, that their wvolves the study of correct Franklin and ,Jesse Helm make ur .s in tht two dues shculd he fi(tv cents. The elas'i breathing- to g"ive perfect use of the Sophomore t<'am. Tht: eig-ht me1n "<'f. '\'.\'. D. 'fallmar l'l :i,inna11 efficers c:lea. up all of debt:-> I voice. Al so dramatic i nterpretation ber!i on th!? "q:ad an .. Helen CH17.ie1, sel'retarv c.:·f t lC' that 'hE- ha!' :it the pn·spnt timP. The \'de on the question of ('01, .or. _the of -a ll literature will be taken up. \.Villis \"Ji,'ooc.l. i ;enry D. A prcgram comm {'( ·11 vf the"c debt... h?ve bl'en out· pulsor:i-• :\lilitary Traini n g- wHd 1 wa .\l1htary 1: ram1ng (•lub h ave state•l The spring quarlt.•r will be "pent ten .• \.rthur SI eldor, :\hny. l 1t l'n d of Prof. Tallman. Prc.f. H:u .-;Landin)!' for the p::i . .;.t two or three held last \ Vedre.;day in the r that if student body b not in fa- ent i rdv in pla\· production. not Burl Lamb and James :\Iorn:-;on. The Helen Crnzier ha,·e arrant{e'; a .. ancl 1 .t ,·,. de.·i·i·etl 1 ,, :...·"• t•.,,.,, var of a change. not hi ng- mor_e wi!I onl\; the actual givirg- of th.1• I tt:am to dehate th_e will l.e .. ., - ing buildinJ!, showed a slight b h l .r I h f h r t} :re a .m Afolrtlt1hee ·,·';! .. oblil!ations paid t:p this quarter. a""li ity in favor of military a don_e at plresent tboward tis play but a study of r ram t e ir:-.t om· on H<. - "" '' if not this quarter, t.y 'he \\intc·l· since lt v.'Ou d nol e 1 up. and scenery as well . squa . . rst gave a lecture on .:\ll l'.iplP qumier at. thC' vc>ry latest it i:s at presC'nt. There unl the students are not in favor of th ___ 1 There hag been a keen rnterest In .J a nu ary DO:-\ B. UE.'.'ET ard at the se-cond rt'" lJntfei"'tocd that if the : ... 1279 vote,., <:ast with 17:{ fa\01111"' change. I _,in debat.J rear ard ay e\ tnmg, Professor J-L1m l"e I to pav these debts it is abs' lutclv nee· comrulsory train mg- ard 101i m fa- The Anti-Compulso ry club held Spur S A do pt New Frosh-So11h ct.mtu;.t 13 exp"' ·ted to be :=:den .tht·.athancement .cf Pln ... essat:y that ('\(l'Y ray <lue" I \OJ' of op 1 10nal traimng. at the S ... .\ . E . h ouse 1.a.;• 1 teams or. ahout vh:wpoint:s fo1• thf' t:on 1d1tration o the oode1n A rlc>al o, I immediateh-. If thev are pairl nO\\ I Because of the J-;mall numhcr 'f i mght where they discussed thp s1tu-1 l • • t p[ qual strength . T.h<' I \\flll ti"ac which p.01rts tO\\atd n' 1 .• u..,, if Ief•- until the :-rrin<,.:. quarter, be favoring both sides of this p·opti At meetmg tht•y dec:idHl to pre- e), H.ialmo Lai:rto( I oster is by t.ht·.,.'lll'lll· 1 it wiII. :in. lPtify ond.iiion.s which will. I votes' at ation in some ne_w member;-;. nitia ion an I last year "'.th Dew rn<l prnf1tablt! club . ratier l'Umhersome. tion have decided to hold am·th, r sert a l<'tter l'Once1· ning the move on the team >;one .o .. these vu - The with th<' s nior presi- \"Ote in the ne:ar future· Ro ag to I! 1" 1 heing red hen, to Dori .App o in t Committ ees For Joint for Soph de_bate this ) earl hut 1 <' PHA ZETA NATION AL dent 'Jr werv colleciirg from one :incl a definite idea as to just how ti'' Gurnett to be pre>cnted at tic Stud- rnre To Be Given out foi· i·at»ity. .. l ' l Rov'Kerlee .. ('lass treasurer from t,H_ body stands on thL.; qut•stion. enl Federa·iun. N " Q . ' _ :.\uang-emer.L.; have bH:n mad_ \\It' ! FR.\TE RNlT Y INITI ATES oth r. are a< follows: All student 1 ext natter Missoula to debut" team th< e . ·. . third week 111 Januan·. ntstead of bC'- of senior who>e nanws ho_• 11. Montana Hall Rapz"dly _A ssumz"ng . . . fore tho holida1» as 'lud been tent 1- rnur JoneR and Fa1nwr Gm" l<'tters from A tc ,J In' f-l The l ast Spur meet1111? a JOIJtt tively JJlanned .. come to visit the {'Hmp .. s a!!airi J will plot«(' pay your ti bus i ness and se5sion held nn ex pect to >ta1· about thr p 1hose whose name1 hP'?lll corm W1.th !'8any Rooms Completed Tuesday at the A. o. Pi house. I r z I' I There a short tn('t'till'" s. In thei r •7allon" } at with the T let+('rs \. to . pay at Olll'<' lls, and a flowmg- beard. to Roy Kl•rlee. duri ng- whit'h the rcw initiation ----- \·ice was read . the old hav· eas il y recoirnized. arc thi All t.he reco nstr uction work up ,n the . .-c readv fo r f'' ing been burned at th.:- dedi<•ation ol of_ A:pha nat· '.nal ); E \\' !\J .. \ ).' C L L'B. the buildin!! is now l'Olll J leted ant.It'> fu1ni:>hinP,"s. 'fh{: Sla i1 -case tonne(•: the Fireplare in ll t'.'rriL"k hall. D r terni\:· extersive has the: remcdeling' bel 'l i1:g these floors will req ui re a little new ini tiation was by :\1r. on oc ge anc Oit · a The Xl:wman Club met Sun<lav ·1i- work before the build ing is r eady for Rutledge. and 11lans are hei!1Jr lll:lck i• seletted by ..\11 ha trrnoon at- the of Coluinbu" that hardly a single room remain:. but a few dD\'s of to initiate him aR an hcnorary me''l· J qu arter . Hall H o'...lock. unchanged. Tht> laying of nC'W rc"lf labor will l;P this part of the: ber of the ori:?anization. The new for Hl2tl Hn'\ ing has been compleic.<l and "urk , ... building . were appoirted to CLUB 1\ fEETS TH URSDAY 1!•27 took up thc•ir Jutil's: l now being concentrated upon thl• This floor L; now ent i rely c.:o:n- work in with Fani!" cw•1- Ernu:;t. :\kl.:i.ug-hlin, vkf.• t. cc1mpletion of the intericr. 1 ,Jl'ted ex'.'..'ept for the sheh:es and for the join: dance whiC'h h lub will meet ing at 7 ::iO. Dec. 2, in r!')Olll 11r1 e Ag. building. The ;pedal f·'l of the evening will be <l talk l \" y Gardiner, who has rH·ently n·- »d from a trip E:broad. He wi:I ss A1.nkultuTe in Europe fl.\NGES L - R. O. T. C. l\eral }·aYe ·v:ulC' i1 l udrnt officers of the R. 0. T (' t·imtnl. John has Leen to the position 1 f B:1 1 t·t 1 ExeL"utivc Officer, while Ead ha:-. prcmoted to Caritain mpany "D". Tom )kCahe, :nary Tat- The kalsomining and revarnishin tables. As as these are set·ured to be held th<' first of m":t quar t:-.n. anrl tre<t.,.Ut'l'I. F. .-\.-tcr; c:f the upper lhrec• floors is praclic-a'- the library will be ready to rcreiv<' Accounts o( the instullation or the short business meet ing lunth wa!- ly done a ncl orl y a litt le work upon the books which have bee n stored ir. sixth Spur (•haptcr at Pugl't Soun I . by the comm t et in char)!e. the flooring- is necessary to mu1'1 the engineering- were read arc! for the ;\atinna1 F'HESJ DI E. -:\OTICE. There will bP a me·.::.> int!: o:' t l Freshman da'.":> Tue-day. :s'o- vember :W, in room Lewi-.t Ilull at ;, o'cl1){'k. Everynnl' be t '11..· 't'. :\'OTI CE-ALL R E.\D ERS AKYONE DESIRING ANY ------------------------------ con\·ention, whkh is to be ht>ld FROM LOG HOUSES TO $250,000 BUILDINGS in June, werC' ..\ fter a (·ial hour, refr<'shm('n's were "l·d TH URSD AY EYF NING ART CLUB WILL NOT MEET the faculty fi1·:;;t came to the institu- The ..\ rt Cl ub n1l'Cts evt-rv Thur··- tion . day night at 7 :00 in he ·\rt rL The wonders that time h as wrou(!ht ra r tmert in the buildin · are almost uubelfrvab lc. Jn thosP is open to all stud COLLEGE CHOR USES :\IE ETS FOR EARLY REHE ARS"\LS Lis return from the tra toui". .-\dam i-> conct.!n- trating- all his effort" on thl t'ollt;.!l' chorus in view of the :Ol'{'V' d an:'luJI tate tour nl'xt qua1 The l'(; to his c:nll fvr \\8 largl'l' than t·\·ei bt.•forc and c anticJ patt s an exl·eptional chorus. Two pradkt•s a week arc being: l'onclucted, and Fridar ut i>'.00 p. Ill. \\'C'clnesday will b<' the last chance for nnyonl" to l'Tlkl t} c dub anci a;I memhcrr; arc r quested l<- be Jffest·nt. SOPIIO " OtlES-;\'01' 1( E. Thcrl' will be a •. tini; of L .c Sophomc:.n· clas.s hC'r 1. at .1 o'dock, in the t:. ur- assembly Be th{•r1.. FHA):K Hern ARD, PH·. GIHl.S- I' \Sh ETH.\ LL. . St.,wart Lockwood of the B11- of EntomoloJ:y. F. S. D. A 1 in Bozt•man Tuesday and \V<' lr fc. r n conference with thl:' ers of the Entomolog-y depart· , and lo usl! tht' Entomolog-y Ii- . LolhVOOll is in ch arge of the an a luboratorv oi the Bureau of ology loea t;d at Bill ings . OR ANNOUNCE- :'I I ENTS lN TITE \VEEKL Y EX P 0 N E.' T, P LE ASE HAXD THE:\ I TO RUTH ASBl.:RY BE F 0 RE 8 :00 :\IO. 'DAY .\IORXL FERAllL Y SAT TJ RD A Y i\IORNING It was a cold, snowy day ea r ly in SeJ;tember, HW6. A !-<trang-er at tht- depot, ar.d c:har:ered, for tl · sum <'f tl:'n rents:, the Bozeman ·tr· t (UI' . nr·w obsolete. to take him to th·· <ii:-fant ('ollege campus. The tar stopped at what at th' sl"uthea:-.t 1..:orm•r of the foo·b;11l field. from whc·re tl1e stranger, a ne".' prcfcssor. L"Ou lcl all the buihlinc ;, c.·vrsi:-;tinp: of two or three log- :-.tru lures and the brick Nlifice nnw kn lW'l as the lxtension scatterc1l about on the '''a!'te whi1·h formed the campus . Such was ) ion· tara thirty years ag-o, when one of the pr ese nt members of good old days of 1 R!16, the Engineer- taking- the Art At rn·:ot"'' irg department wns in the bast'ment most of t he member<:: are makin t of the extE;nsion buildi ng. wood block cards. The• and physics nnd some of tht:: other are permitted to do any kind of wor were held down town in a th at thPy rh sire to and then• w ·11 woc·dtn sti-ucture whi ... h had been '.l I he classes in gcsso work. jewl•lry 1 s·kuting- r ink. A few <:lasses were al- ll'ather tooling. batik. dc:hirg- Hncl so held in one of the city now various k inds of I t'lo'.'oed. There wC're eig-ht members on T here was no meetin!? lu.;;t wt>i k, the faculty, most of whom wen· new, because of Thanksd,·inl!, and for tl.e vear there had been :1 w ill be none this week bl'l.'ause of th grave e;;_ecutin? crisis, eve1 y person I bazaar whil'h is to be held in the de- F'ery '-!id or t hr cam!lUs inttr· .... 11 i in or in for tht• it•am 1t•p<.rt at t he f!'.' nc \.t Thun·d1n at fiH· c.'dol·k. Pr at"ticP 1md " ill hegin next "t k. lt imp· rt ant that eH'n !.:"irl intln·sted ht.• ;:1t t"is . ( Co nt inu ed from Pa ge T wo) partmen t. --------------- Functi< n of the Studcn f t•deration of .\merit-a. The (;oun.n u> iiJle11 w ; Is lPere a real e ti Fed era ti on tu.J r... ? \V l ;... l'Ontribttte to Amerka II j Is such a Federnt en mcrel,· a pap with indefinite an•l \ag-ue method . Are thl' act v1t1 of such a Fedcrat1 n men Iv r JTll. ant? Do other e·.;:ist., ·organ ti(lr.:-; fulfill in an .ode• Ja e the aims of t'1e . l i ia w 1' derat on., \\"hole-\:J.earted nn rn- telliJ!ent. suppor1 o t . ':lt11 n l s dent Federatwn must 1,l. pl ec l upun :rntisfactor) an"Wt•rs t • QtH.'stions. Purpo"'"e of n. 1. To a.('h1eve a sp111t tion amonC' ent th ou 110ut " to the end ·hat the ex e nr1e 11 inure to i.he ad\ anta 2. Tu dc•;don urnlcr tw<'en the Rludenl:'; of An n .:i a foreign rountries . ;j, To furt'1er an in dent opinion f' n qu t .. rn, na ancl internatt• 1111 11r rt n . ThP . "ati' nal S•\l :le t 1 "P1 er of ..\merka 1ull& f t Ja c t \·hle a o'-" a1nt dt•h•Jrntl' " •h Niu .. l nll in o !"IPr 1 nat1nn. T"u<:. v.; Ii lf'g to ha\" thr f r nt n- .. 1 J .. i i T' ' l.hP country w h t1inment of two.J

Transcript of IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11...Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII....

Page 1: IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11...Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII. BOZEMAN, i\101 'TA 'A, TUESDAY, :-\OVEi\IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11 LVI WILL NOT APPEAR ON

Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season

n XVIII. BOZEMAN, i\101 'TA 'A, TUESDAY, :-\OVEi\IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11

LVI WILL NOT APPEAR ON DATE 1rd Received T hat A rtist k

nab le To f ulfi ll Contract As ,;eheduled

aln, sc 1ulul~d u the f urt i nun f the l·olk;n~ l re rt c )Uf l

't ht' here th wed: R. B. lbw


Important meeting of the LootErn Club at the Lambda Phi Bouse, Wednesday even­ing at 7 ::lO . All members are requt>sled to be present as the play and tlate of production are o LC' decided upon. Hardy Tharp, :\!gr.

::\1 0 x T A


B L u E


The Weekly Exponent needs two proof rea ders who have Mondav afternoons off and can spend that time in the down-t own Exponent offi ce. Anyone a lready try ing out for E xponent positions, or anyone else who wishes to work on the college pa per is eligi ble to try out for this work.



l Don BennPtt. Jll'E' Iden o t c .~. :\1. S. C .. le.1.t h ·t' t irl .\nn Arbor, \Iichig.u., where r<.•J,rt~sen1 :\lortana s nt t le c

1! , c.l.a1nnan of •h_c l'Otl(('t t- cnur~

11111ttl·c, ha!oi l('CL"llUI w. 1.J l 0

l'llg"O that Su.!\·l uulJ not l".Jlll'

ii after the iir:-:t. ot tht• )C·ar. i all. A mN ting of h1 l·once

Les Buffons Name New Pledges on Turkey Day


T hose wishing to do this work, see the E ditor some t ime this week .

Art Bazaar To Ee Opened on Dec. 3 the ~Cclind annual ngrro f t l


·ational Stu1lent F rnt1on Xorth .America, which m et:o t t

1 l niveT~ity of )lkhigs.m Iler 2, 1. ~1any Articles Have Already 1. :llore than ir.o c 11• , h

l' e c1.mmittec has bet'n c11llcd t :-.Icier a vlan of action t~ain th ocfate1l ...\1 i t ' Bureau ln ., o ver who ate n onsibh· for s· 1 ltntlac to appt"ar hPH· It wu

I that the fallure of ~aln tr• np r as !' hcdulul will ml'an financial

Honorary Socia l Fratern ity l'icl1~ Oub ta nding Senior




Been Received By the Art I gne•I up for this o irr s. Department Th1ough•>Ut the :·a ,. lr 'l

__ Jcen hea~cd di~CU$~ii• on C' i1 at ,na

.. to thl' conre1t l·ommi t e ot tf-il· Le~ 0: u fon~ unnounct the follow. ej!<'. ing- pledo-l'S for nic·mbership in Course Taug ht By Mrs. Davis

a nd Open Only to Juniors and Senior s

I problems such as ...\1 liil1t r , Co~ u

'fhe annual .\rt .bazaar spo~~ure 1 son·· Chapel. the vuluc of 1 by the Art tlub will he held m p,, ricula Activities. thn llo~ r ~\ t' 1,

nrt. depar:rnent of II t 1 ick hall ~1 I Eledn·e and Re•...imre< ( 0 , t t

l Cf'embt.r th111l ar.d f()urth. l \\ 1ll Lecture ~ y .... tem. ,.t('. Th (_ n 1 be open to the collecre students a11t1 du cug-h the sue kcr rnd c n

he prnJlti"itH 11 to l'ar.cl'l t {' lt>- 01c-anizatii n Earl Greg-ory, 11 1 ndt•r of th~ nt1 · <'t voith the Jlc•n Bl•nnctt. Elt, n llairn ~. :::ta 1ilev f-{, <lg·

b n·au a·1d to anan < o"he on, Ht•rhe1 Winner dr l Jae'· T1:n . aily goo(l ur bettct num!H r·, ;:.. a. L<" Bt1t1if ins b a h n n1ry o :,e c·on~1dl red at this lOllll" •te l·1nity, the nHmber:;nip of wh <·h · tinl(. A number of l·orclrl om· 1inutl•d t., ten upper cla5smc:n w1


ie~ an· on tour in tht· we$ ut t.11 ha\·e been nut:-tartlin.£,! in ccllC'gl~ rr

gcn_~ial publ~l: on Flr~day. from ~ .. Ol


meetm~~ will af ord p ,,

Montana State C"o11ege now c. ffor. to ::> 00 and ' on to .1.00 and on Sat- tor a thorou~h l'Or dera :m a eourse in play proclu<:tion under thi-· urday from ~:00 to :l.00 ful analvs1~ o" th%f' ue ti n!l;


l' and it is fl'lt that h\ (I UJa;>ri1 and ac:tiv tic.~. It i:-o the oldest me 1 '

! direction of Mrs. Davis. This i~ only A great ~any of the mticlt!s ha\'{ I re~sor :i'reiklejohn f \\ -:; on ,, f ll

------------------------------ open to Juniors and Seniors. There already arnvtd und th~ o~hers nrr tiierl'.'.' Pn::;.idtnt uf .. ~d11he t l ll

Montanan Forces Now Have Office I are fo~rleen in the cla" this quarto.·. e~pected soon. Tloe di•play will 001<- IS a 'brillian• •reaker au! Standard speech. whirl1 re:'ults in ~1st of beaut1fcl foreign obJe tR frrp11 ._ritw of our e iul'at n.:il

~'Pain. Italy, G1·eL·c:e:-, .Jeru. alem. lfl Pre:-iden• :Mic( 'lCkt>n nt-er brouJ?"ht to R zeman in pi'l f 1·aternity c.1 the ('ampu~ hn\-ill"' bl~~· he t\\() • .\r !l;' Burl"'au n11mbe"? f<Jtndt>d in 1.10 I. Sin e its irau1ru1 ·1-

ht ha\e J.?'OOr. e.foct at th. t:.11 1 ., Jt ha taken }('ading- part in + :\

0 ·r Cf A • [ l B ·1d • the stud~· of phonetics. is bein d" p 1 . 1 Ch' n l op r' oor grzcu tura Ul mg <tud1ed this quarter. Thi, >peech ·- ia, er,ia. Bu garla, . apan, "'"· Colle!'• iF one 0 ti 0 I . . Brittain ~nd Swedln. There will al onmcnt for ext nchn •

u~ed by the hig-hls c:ultund_. th~ pul· so be artfrle::; from the Indian n:~er ~hare in <;.hapingo t' e r th ... Rozenar audlf'nt:•"· T~e ~01 ia lSl of tre college.

• v. 1!~ positively pro\i1!e :-:1t OnP c tht interesting- fN t '"C~ ci"

numbn n fill out ih oblig . .-101 every year's jritiation i.:; thl' annnal ts tkklt no1der~. it is a ... ~.ild. L<:::- Bouffi,ns A~~Pmbly at whi1·h ·:mr :i3t y('ar the c mcert coun~ cuni· j the. initiates appear on the hiH i'1

tee suff~red_ d.e C"ant·l•llatwn .'.1' I \:~1nou~ ~os.tumes ~ml put on ~0:11.e famous L(gm~ka, onp 0 ~ the h1g- kind of .1 ,.,tunt a~ part of th m. t1-

'p1~ and the ~ta~e. Ph~net1cs ls thl\ 'vatior.s of :'.\lon~ana. the openi.ne: nitrh of h~ \Vork on the ~lontanan ha~ bc·l'n new ideas for their sedions. SuL"h a science of sourd; h): tht:-< nu·an one Thi~ bazaar net only enahles e thf'·e men will·

.. numhl•rs, and s: ffer-i d a fina - ation. los the ehy ..\ nun.her (If othE

1 1~ .u .hnUlna an<l the norlh\\f t s . Cl 1\T suffer in the sa:ne manr r I enror ass JVOW

u~h thc tancrllation of the ~al

·ert. _ __· Collecting Dues

ath Phy sics Club I Payable to Pre.~ident Mowery

d H 11 or to Treasurer

.rganize On i Roy Kerlee

~1.:ffiously handi<.'apped this fall. du· tile of annuals is nc1w in the offic!• lea1 ns. to U!';e ~he hp~. tongue anri cry one to gee what other countrie~ to there being no offic.:e in whi 1 • an<l will bl' en-a ilable for u~ti by the teeth ~n speakm~. and how . even· are <loin~ in art, but will ~l:-:o g-i\ 1

~laff members. c:ound 111 the Engli~~ langu3 P:e 1" ptTr them the ch~nee to bur \o;·c}y non~I keep supplies and holt.1 confu •n.e~. Offi,·e equipmert c:omd~ting .)f cluced. _The. dram~~1? de~artn~ent~ tits for rhri~tma::. gifts th<.<t are in

This situation has beEn par iall 'ypewriter, degk, fi ling cabinets am1 Columbia, l. of "1;,:consH'. \: ashin<z· expersive.

rl'medied by the recent acquirin-" f 11 other supplies '"- ill b1• bought for thl" ton. Iowa. and Stanford give th All mane\· taken in fr•m t.b sal annual work of a temporary tJffin new office. Equipment v..-ill be p::.dd course. 1 o one of thes:e school~ ~1- of thingos from I aly and GrP o w ll

in Room :~OO rf the Agrit.:~l~ur.1\ for with the surplu: rom the 19~1~ lows a~v person . to take rart m n .l!:'O to heln the war orphans of th J"-:

building. Although the ne-w offic<.' ~lontanan. This surplus was mnd,,,, nlay w1thout havtn:.r taken a cours countries \)hatc\'er pro:iit. the .\1

Ins a \'e1·y meag-er supply of furni- rossible l ar~ely by the staff taki ng in phonetics . I dub mal;es ·,\· JI he used t'I rurL"ha

ture. it permits the assemblin.'.!: advantage of discoun~ c~n eni:rravir:g. Oscar Wilde'::: 1•Jmportar<'e of Re- sr.-methiug- fo1· tht.• det'artmcn . all )lon!anan property at onl" p i t Due to the \"alue of •~oak iile~ an~ ine- Earnest" is being- l·earl photw' i-

!taff meeting-~ and ('Onfennres l·:~, be possible to }eaH! the offu:e open Each member of the clasq s t be held. to use by all. Bennett and Tootell 1 1ck and dire t a one act play

It is very ad\anta~eous to 11 ~1v 1 have the key~ to th~ ( ff1ce ant Ut(' "The Dreamy Kul'' by EUJ?t:ne o·~eq

Debate Tryouts 1

and it furnishe:-- a pla e in wh other .Montanan prop1 rty. 1t \\ill not 'I cally in claM

h F aeul tv a nd ~ ludent l\1enl· In o ·dcr that tl!e :-eni( r cl:~~s due.., such a place in whkh to h 111 c·nn hel<l responsible for all annual f'lOj')- which has bN>n chrected b} Lillia1. . mav be ('Ollec:t<l more ea .... iJv an·t ferenc.:es. Tl.i:-; makes it po~~ihl<> t eity Any statf mem ber \\ho w1she:->


1 :\fa1·shall. will be put on in 1oom '>l}-1 1

Held For Frosh ers A s \Veil As A d vanced ! qui~kl~~ the Renior trea:-urer li~i:;; ha .. have a fill- of annuals from othf'l· to look up maten.d or wtrk m th<: of the Ag-g1e buildir.g- next Thu1sd~n·

1 tuden!s of Both Departments the class roll divided into two !'st· schools which may be refetTed to b;· office, should see either or thcS< evenmo;. Anyone interested ;_. we!. \"ill ) [eet Missoula T hi rd " 'eek n Club with ore per~on degignaterl to col- the depar•ment. editors in g"et in.t men and an·ange f •r a time to do so come to come. Th1ee other~ will he

lect from ea~·h list. The nHn s0!eet ~iven in the next threl" week~. :\I1s

ed to collect the due.3 are thl· ;,;enio 0 l c St d t 1 r t R £ d l Davi~ plan!l; to choose Sevt::ral fol math,matics-1.hysics lub h;o president. :l!owery, and ela" tre , n Y r eW U en S V 0 e eTeren Um public production. Freshman and So1 homorc d bate

01.,;anizc<l on the campus, t·on1- urer, Ro~· Kcrlee. • • j The second quarter'~ wcr~ w:ll h.· tryout~ wer hdd last Tue~<lav a' 1

d of mathematics and physi< It was decided by the seniors. at On Compulsory M1"l1.ta ry Tra1nzng mostly work on oral expression. Th. '\','e<ln<sday. Charles llle, Bcnja.'1·n.

lt y members and advanL"ed :-:U- a meeting- thi~ fall, that their dac:~ wvolves the study of correct po~turf Franklin and ,Jesse Helm make ur

.s in tht two department~. dues shculd he fi(tv cents. The elas'i ~rnd breathing- to g"ive perfect use of the Sophomore t<'am. Tht: eig-ht me1n

"<'f. '\'.\'. D. 'fallmar i~ l'l :i,inna11 efficers mu~l c:lea.1· up all of debt:-> I voice. Also dramatic interpretation ber!i on th!? Fn·~hman "q:ad an ..

Helen CH17.ie1, sel'retarv c.:·f t lC' that 'hE- cla~!': ha!' :it the pn·spnt timP. T he \'de on the question of ('01, ::\.l~t;ibers .or. _the An ti -Comp~l~ory of -a ll literature will be taken up. \.Villis \"Ji,'ooc.l. i ;enry l~a1de, D. ~ ~u!-A prcgram comm tt~1· {'( ·11 ~ome vf the"c debt... h?ve bl'en out· pulsor:i-• :\lilitary Traini ng- wHd1 wa .\l1htary 1: ram1ng (•lub h ave state•l The spring quarlt.•r will be "pent ten .• \.rthur SI eldor, :\hny. l 1t l'n

d of Prof. Tallman. Prc.f. H:u .-;Landin)!' for the p::i . .;.t two or three held last \Vedre.;day in the En~:nl' r that if th~ student body b not in fa- entirdv in pla\· production. Thi~ not Burl Lamb and James :\Iorn:-;on. The

Helen Crnzier ha,·e arrant{e'; a )~"ai·· .. ancl 1.t ,·,. de.·i·i·etl 1,, :...·"• t•.,,.,, var of a change. nothing- mor_e wi!I onl\; j~,·oh-es the actual givirg- of th.1• I tt:am to dehate th_e ~o.phs will l.e .. ., ·~ ~'- - ing buildinJ!, showed a slight maj~H·- b h l .r I h f h r t}

:rea. m Afolrtlt1hee f',·'1··~?.le111):.~,at11:".in ·,·';! .. oblil!ations paid t:p this quarter. a""li ity in favor of military trainin~ a ~ don_e at plresent tboward tis en.~ play but a study of ~ettings, makl~· r os~n ram t e ir:-.t om· on H<.

- "" '' if not this quarter, t.y 'he \\intc·l· since lt v.'Ou d nol e reces~ary 1 up. and scenery as well . squa . .

rst gave a lecture on .:\ll l'.iplP qumier at. thC' vc>ry latest it i:s at presC'nt. There w~re unl the students are not in favor of th ___ 1 There hag been a keen rnterest

In .Janua r y

DO:-\ B. UE.'.'ET

'~b r a ard at the se-cond 111eetin~ rt'" lJntfei"'tocd that if the cla~ : ... 1279 vote,., <:ast with 17:{ fa\01111"' change. I ~hO\nl _,in debat.J th.i~ rear ard t~t: ay e\ tnmg, Professor J-L1m l"e I to pav these debts it is abs' lutclv nee· comrulsory train mg- ard 101i m fa- The Anti-Compulsory club held ~i Spur S A do pt New Frosh-So11h ct.mtu;.t 13 exp"' ·ted to be

:=:den .tht·.athancement .cf Pln ... ir~' essat:y that ('\(l'Y ~ElllOr ray ht~ <lue" I \OJ' of op 110nal traimng. 'n~eeting at the S ... .\. E . h ouse 1.a.;• 1 l:lo~('. ~~ t~e teams ~le or. ahout vh:wpoint:s fo1• thf' t:on 1d1tration o the delc~ates.

oode1n tI~11es. A .inca~ rlc>al o, I immediateh-. If thev are pairl nO\\ I Because of the J-;mall numhcr 'f i mght where they discussed thp s1tu-1 l • • t • p[ qual strength . T.h<' I ro~h \\flll ti"ac

which p.01rts tO\\atd n' 1 .• u..,, if Ief•- until the :-rrin<,.:. quarter, be favoring both sides of this p·opti 1· At t~1· meetmg tht•y dec:idHl to pre- e), H.ialmo Lai:rto( a~d I oster Bue~ ~est. is be1~g. shrn~·n. by t.ht·.,.'lll'lll· 1 it wiII. :in. lPtify ond.iiion.s which will. I votes' ca~t at t~is e l ectio~ memhc1_~ ation ~u:d too~ in some ne_w member;-;. nitia ion an I d~bat? last year "'.th ~[a•:!'"rct Dew

rn<l prnf1tablt! club. ratier l'Umhersome. tion have decided to hold am·th, r sert a l<'tter l'Once1·n ing the move on the team >;one .o .. these a· vu

- The li··t~. with th<' s nior presi- \"Ote in the ne:ar future· Ro ag to I! 1" 1 n~en1 heing spons~ red hen, to Dori .Appo int Committees For Joint for Soph de_bate this ) earl hut 1 <'

PHA ZETA NATION AL dent 'Jr werv colleciirg from one :incl a definite idea as to just how ti'' Gurnett to be pre>cnted at tic Stud- Fan~-Spur D·rnre To B e Given out foi· i·at»ity. .. l

' l Rov'Kerlee . . ('lass treasurer from t,H_ ~tudent body stands on thL.; qut•stion. enl Federa·iun. N " Q . ' _ :.\uang-emer.L.; have bH:n mad_ \\It'

! FR.\TE RNlTY INITIATES oth r . are a< follows: All student 1 ext natter Missoula to debut" th~u· team th< e . ·. . third week 111 Januan·. ntstead of bC'-

of senior ratm~. who>e nanws ho_• 11. Montana Hall Rapz"dly _A ssumz"ng . . . fore tho holida1» as 'lud been tent 1-rnur JoneR and Fa1nwr Gm" w~th l<'tters from A tc ,J In' lusin~ f-l The last Spur meet1111? wa.~ a JOIJtt tively JJlanned ..

come to visit the {'Hmp .. s a!!airi J will plot«(' pay your due~ ti Ral:~h business and ~oeial se5sion held nn

ex pect to >ta1· about thr p ~lowery; 1hose whose name1 hP'?lll corm W1.th !'8any Rooms Completed Tuesday n i ~ht at the A. o. Pi house.

I r z I' I ~t'l 1 There ~vas. a short bu~ines~ tn('t'till'" s. In thei r "t~r. •7allon" } at with the T let+('rs \. to . pay at Olll'<' lls , and a flowmg- beard. thr~ to Roy Kl•rlee. during- whit'h the rcw initiation ser~

----- \·ice was read . the old initia~icn hav·

easil y recoirnized. The~· arc thi All t.he reconstruction work up ,n the . .-c floo 1 ~ readv fo r insl~liation f'' ing been burned at th.:- dedi<•ation ol

· initiate~ of_ A:pha 1 Zet~, nat· '.nal ); E \\' !\J .. \ ).' CL L'B. the buildin!! is now l'Olll J leted ant.It'> fu1ni:>hinP,"s. 'fh{: Sla i1 -case tonne(•: t he Fireplare in l l t'.'rriL"k hall. Th~_. ~ary D ~gnru 1lu~a. ~ r terni\:· extersive has the: remcdeling' bel 'l i1:g these floors will requi re a little new ini tiation was writ.~C'n by :\1r.

on oc ge anc Oit · une~on a The Xl:wman Club met Sun<lav ·1i- work before the building is r eady for Rutledge. and 11lans are hei!1Jr lll:lck

i• student~ seletted by ..\11 ha /'..l~ta trrnoon at- the Kni~hts of Coluinbu" that hardly a single r oom remain:. u~e but a few dD\'s of concentra~tll to in itiate him aR an hcnorary me''l·

J qu arter. Hall H ~;;;o o'...lock. unchanged. Tht> laying of nC'W rc"lf labor will fini~h l;P this part of the: ber of the ori:?anization .

The new officer~ for Hl2tl Hn'\ ing has been compleic.<l and "urk , ... building. Committee~ were appoirted to

CLUB 1\fEETS THURSDAY 1!•27 took up thc•ir Jutil's: l 1t·~iclt:n now being concentrated upon thl• This floor L; now entirely c.:o:n- work in l'O-Opt>ra~ion with Fani!" cw•1-

Ernu:;t. :\kl.:i.ug-hlin, vkf.• fH'c~ider t. cc1mpletion of the intericr. 1,Jl'ted ex'.'..'ept for the sheh:es and mittee~ for the join: dance whiC'h h

lub will meet Thur~da\· i ng at 7 ::iO. Dec. 2, in r!')Olll 11r1 e Ag. building. The ;pedal f·'l of the evening will be <l talk l \" y Gardiner, who has rH·ently n·­

»d from a trip E:broad. He wi:I ss A1.nkultuTe in Europe

fl.\NGES L - R. O. T. C.

l\eral c·hancc>~ }·aYe l.H:'t.~1 ·v:ulC' i1 ludrnt officers of the R. 0. T (' t·imtnl. John ~lori~on has Leen ~ n tecl to the position 1 f B:1 1 t·t 1

ExeL"utivc Officer, while Ead ha:-. bL~·:-- prcmoted to Caritain

mpany "D".

Tom )kCahe, ~c·trt>tary, :nary Tat- The kalsomining and revarnishin tables. As ~oon as these are set·ured to be held th<' first of m":t quar t:-.n. anrl tre<t.,.Ut'l'I. F. ~ea!. .-\.-tcr; c:f the upper lhrec• floors is praclic-a'- the library will be ready to rcreiv<' Accounts o( the instullation or the

short business meet ing lunth wa!- ly done a ncl orly a litt le work upon the book s wh ich have been stored ir. sixth Spur (•haptcr at Pugl't Soun I

. "t:~n~d by the comm t et in char)!e. the flooring- is necessary to mu1'1 the engineering- ~hop.;. were read arc! plnn~ for the ;\atinna1


There will bP a me·.::.> int!: o:' t l

Freshman da'.":> toni~ht. Tue-day. :s'o­vember :W, in room !~04 Lewi-.t Ilull at ;, o'cl1){'k. Everynnl' be t '11..· 't'.



------------------------------ con\·ention, whkh is to be ht>ld hrr~·


in June, werC' di~t·usscd. ..\ fter a (·ial hour, refr<'shm('n's were ~l'r "l·d


the faculty fi1·:;;t came to t he institu- The ..\ rt Club n1l'Cts evt-rv Thur··-tion. day night at 7 :00 in he ·\rt rL

The wonders that time h as wrou(!ht ra r tmert in the \\~oman's buildin · are almost uubelfrvablc. Jn thosP ~fembers-hip is open to all stud n·



~ince Lis return from the orchP~· tra toui". Profc~sor .-\dam i-> conct.!n­trating- all his effort" on thl t'ollt;.!l' chorus in view of the :Ol'{'V' d an:'luJI tate tour nl'xt qua1 t~r. The l'(;

~ponse to his c:nll fvr try-uut~ \\8

largl'l' than t·\·ei bt.•forc and c anticJ patt s an exl·eptional chorus.

Two pradkt•s a week arc being: l'onclucted, \Yed~t.sclay and Fridar ut i>'.00 p. Ill. x~xt \\'C'clnesday will b<' the last chance for nnyonl" to l'Tlkl

t} c dub anci a;I memhcrr; arc r quested l<- be Jffest·nt.

SOPIIO" OtlES-;\'01'1( E.

Thcrl' will be a •. tini; of L .c Sophomc:.n· clas.s \\'t•<lnr~day, Dl·c~m­

hC'r 1. at .1 o'dock, in the t:. ~in ur­·n~ assembly Be th{•r1..

FHA):K Hern ARD, PH·.

GIHl.S- I' \Sh ETH.\ LL.

. St.,wart Lockwood of the B11-of EntomoloJ:y. F. S. D. A 1

in Bozt•man Tuesday and \V<' i· lr fc. r n conference with thl:' ers of the Entomolog-y depart·

, and lo usl! tht' Entomolog-y Ii-

. LolhVOOll is in charge of the ana luboratorv oi the Bureau of

ology loea t;d a t Billings.


It was a cold, snowy day ear ly in SeJ;tember, HW6. A !-<trang-er ali~htl•, at tht- depot, ar.d c:har:ered, for tl · sum <'f tl:'n rents:, the Bozeman ·tr· t

(UI' . nr·w obsolete. to take him to th·· <ii:-fant ('ollege campus. The ~trC'

tar stopped at what i~ at p re~ent th' sl"uthea:-.t 1..:orm•r of the foo·b;11l field. from whc·re tl1e stranger, a ne".' prcfcssor. L"Ou lcl ~t>t.· all the buihlinc ;, c.·vrsi:-;tinp: of two or three log- :-.tru lures and the brick Nlifice nnw kn lW'l

as the lxtension bi.:ildin~ . scatterc1l about on the barr~n '''a!'te whi1·h formed the campus. Such was ) ion· tara Stat~ Colle~e thirty years ag-o, when one of the pr esent member s of

good old days of 1 R!16, the Engineer- taking- the Art rour~e. At rn·:ot"'' irg department wns in the bast'ment most of t he member<:: are makin t of the extE;nsion buildi ng . Chemistr~1 wood block Ch1·istma~ cards. The• and physics nnd some of tht:: other are permitted to do any kind of wor • da~ses were held down town in a th at thPy rh sire to and then• w ·11 woc·dtn sti-ucture whi ... h had been '.l I he classes in gcsso work. jewl•lry 1 s·kuting- r ink. A few <:lasses were al- ll'ather tooling. batik. dc:hirg- Hncl so held in one of the city ~t.:hool s , now various kinds of rraf~. I t'lo'.'oed. There wC're eig-ht members on There was no meetin!? lu.;;t wt>i k, the faculty, most of whom wen· new, because of Thanksd,·inl!, and lhc•1·~

for tl.e vear befor{~ there had been :1 will be none this week bl'l.'ause of th grave e;;_ecutin? crisis, eve1 y person I bazaar whil'h is to be held in the de-

F'ery '-!id or t hr cam!lUs inttr· c· .... 11 i in 1-{irt~· h~"'kt::ball or in tt~in·.! for tht• it•am 1t•p<.rt at t he f!'.' n~nat"ium nc \.t Thun·d1n at fiH· c.'dol·k. Prat"ticP 1md tr:!inin~ " ill hegin next "t k. l t i~ imp· rt ant that eH'n !.:"irl intln·sted ht.• ;:1t t"is meetfn ~ .

( Cont inued from Page T wo) partment . ---------------

Functi< n of the ~oitional Studcn

f t•deration of .\merit-a. The (;oun.n u> iiJle11 w ;

zntion~. Is lPere a real e ti Fed era ti on o~ ~ tu.J r... ? \V l

;... l'Ontribttte to Amerka ~a



Is such a Federnt en mcrel,· a pap sodtt~,.. with indefinite ~uns an•l \ag-ue method . .,;·~ Are thl' act v1t1

of such a Fedcrat1 n men Iv r JTll.

ant? Do other e·.;:ist., ·organ z· ti(lr.:-; fulfill in an .ode• Ja e the aims of t'1e . l i ia ~ w 1' derat on., \\"hole-\:J.earted nn rn-telliJ!ent. suppor1 o t . ':lt11 n l s dent Federatwn must 1,l. pl ec l upun :rntisfactor) an"Wt•rs t • QtH.'stions. Purpo"'"e of FedL~ratic n.

1. To a.('h1eve a sp111t tion amonC' ~he ~tJdcn"' ent colil'ge~ th ou 110ut " to the end ·hat the ex e nr1e ,· 11

~hall inure to i.he ad\ anta 2. Tu dc•;don urnlcr ·tondin~

tw<'en the Rludenl:'; of An n .:i a foreign rountries .

;j, To furt'1er an in dent opinion f' n qu t .. rn, na ancl internatt• 1111 11r rt n .

ThP . "ati' nal S•\l :le t 1"P1 er

of ..\merka \~ 1ull& • f t Ja c t

\·hle a mean:~ o'-" ~H·q1 a1nt dt•h•Jrntl' " •h Niu .. l

nll progrc>~ in o !"IPr 1 nat1nn. T"u<:. v.; Ii lf'g to ha\" thr f r nt n- .. 1 J .. i i T'

' l.hP country w h t1inment of


Page 2: IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11...Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII. BOZEMAN, i\101 'TA 'A, TUESDAY, :-\OVEi\IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11 LVI WILL NOT APPEAR ON


The Weekly Exponent Publi,hed every Tuesday of the College year by the Stai!

chosen from the students of ~fontana Stnte College of the University of llontana1 Bozeman, Montana

Sul1scription Rate: $2.00 per school year


I r eolkJ.:t.' llffored n pn~pntatl)fY ".'llU_l:<- I ~,,,,~~ ~'''''''-'''-''''''"'-'X'-''"''''~ ,,~,,~,,~ ~ummer .. By pa:.·meni of :~. :-n\n,1 lO 11upib. .....j,·irg .h':.?:.h ~ :-um American student~ may h\e wtt l to 1:!0 vr 1' "" h r

European fnmilie~ u.nd thu~ l'njoy •h sc:h.ool. pTi\"ill'j!'e:- tu .t:'':l•r:.:onc. ~\It t ~ FL 0 WERS opportunity of libtuining- pt-r~ona' a rad1u::. of forty 01 ft ft:. m1h "· I ~ knowledf.?'e of the .anl.!"Ufl~t~ unit t'U:-o- was the wish of th .. • f;wulty t .a ~

:\'o,·. ~O - Tuesdar - Spur "Meeting, ;; o'clock .

tom~ of the pnrlilulnr coui:try. onh· strit'tly l'Olh~~rntt· ::;tUth.•nb l'C ~ s. At the requt•st llf the Gt.•rnuu1 bC' .t;>nwllt'd, but mo~t pl'opl: tt-iou·' ~ FOH _\LL OC.\ SSIONS

AccE-ptance !or mailing at sptcinl rate of postage provided f;)r in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,

authorized February 17, 1919

Dt>c. 1 - Wedne,;day - Eurodelphian inEeling 7 ::30.

Y. \\-. C. A. ~l eeting. A~~ociated tudents Senate

:\ationnl L'nion. the '.'\ational Stu<ll•nt that this w:ts :i th lH! \\luch 1.' 1, ' F'C'd('ration will soul hl Germany in 1•en•r be nn·omrlbhltf m a ..::n~l ~ tht• s.ummPr of l~l21 Sl'\'t:l'Ul coadH~- lifotinH.'. About Hll'.~ l~l' J'll:->ltl•n , M Langohr Florist aml diredors of athletic.-. The)· will uf the Crhcr,ity ,trun,.:ly ureul ',.,_ ~ 0

' instn.11.:t German teachers in tlw prnc- :-;olido.tiun <)f th· State Cnlh·g-e :rn 1 " l~J E. i\Iain Meeting. tke and spirit of Amtrkan connt'l• thl' l"nin.>r:--1~y. tu form one .bi~ !'t'l" ~ Phone 95 Subscriber to the !\ew ~turlent Jntercoll~giate News I

Se:rvice coYering the hnppemngs of nil American colleges

Dec. a-Friday-Alpha 0 Fall Part;-. Sigma Chi smoker for the other Pledges on Campus.

ithe sports.. Thi,.. !'l'n·il't,: wil! bl"' a and bt. · t1..•r in,..ti· utio11, in wh1 h. ' g-ift of the sturh.'nt:i. nf .-\mL·ricn to ~\·n:; as~crlt'\I.. thC' mrmhcrship in r. ' '-''-''''''"-'-'-''-"-'-''-''-'''''''''''-'''-'-'"''"''''-'-'-''-'-' thL•ir 1..·o-workcr..: in GL'rnw.ny. ,-ear:5-' timt.' mi~ht t'\'l'Ti 1'1.•ath 1..",0i.l, and univcnitics.

Editor-in-chief ····--··········Donald \Yeydemeyer '27

Det -I-Saturday - Omega Beta Fall Party.

!1, The fnstitute of lnt1..•rn:l~inn:d ~l fig"ure whk·h ''a:-; c1:1:-il~ ~urpas:-;c.I Eclu1..·ation under thC' director . .;hip of in six \"('~J'S without l'OlbU!idalion. \ I I I I I • I I I • ' I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Dr. Stephon P. Jlnl!l!<lll is f1m1ishin·' prof1·,;or who lnnk a Jl"st-grndun«· - c L A s s I c B A R B E R s H 0 p tht'.' >ationnl ~tuiknt Fe>dcrcition ,1f l'Our.~1.• about 1!1\lO at llan·anl, I America with a li..:t of fon.·iJ.rn :"tu world-famuus institution t~ven th1,_•n, -O'C '?8 dC'nlS in the difforl'nt .\nH•rit't\n ('ol- ~a,·:s thnl )I. S. ('.ha~ bt•ttcr in ·true 1\1anaging Editor ....... -Josep~~~~in B~~l~~~~ ,29 ~ ............................................. ..._.. • .._..._..._..._..._..._.._..._.._..._..,........_ ... _..._..._.._..._ .......... .._ • ....,......_--; leg't~. The loc:al Ft•dt•rntion commit- :o~s. hett1..•r courH':-; and bettl'r <'qui11- -Associate Editor __ -····---·--···-------· tt•c will ha'"e chan:rr nf the entNtain- mun thn1 Hnn·anl had that :-h.nt • As~ociate Editor-·- - ... ___ ,,.Frank Hunsaker '29 £ x c H A N G £ s ment and rare of the~(· studrt~ du1·in ,. timr al!o. n fact whkh would a"toun l • Nf'WS Editor .... --- .................... Roy Kerlee '27 ., ~ th<' ,·car. Thi~ \\·qJ t•nnblc tht> fon thL· Ntrly workl'r:-; at :\fontana ~tntt· •


FINE HAIH ('l1TT ING IS Ol'R Bl1STNESS Feature Editor ...... --·-·:·· -··-···:.·~Iarian Sha;v '27 ~ ~ ign ·~tudl•nt~ to hcconw an intec-ral collt•gr. 2\lorS?"Ue:-<-E.;,tlwr \\ ukef1eld, Ass1~tant, :\lnrgar~t \ Borghild Anderson, Editor ~ part nf thl' {·nllrl!l" and nhtain :1 :=;o little t·nn e'en the wi~e~t of u-. .. Ba~ement Com mercial Banh lkDonnlJ I ~ tll'nrer yj('w of .-\nwrican rn~titutinn . ..:, fort1..•ll thl' futul'l Tl~e L!'l"OWth l f -

S AFF > 10. Throurrh tlw htlp of tht- ;\'· •. our t·ullc~t.· in \'\'l.'l"Y hi:H1 . h. in ;.11:.~ 1 1 ,, •,, 1 • 1, 1 1 1 1 • 1, • • • • • 1 • • 1 1 1 • 1 • 1 • • 1 1, 1 1,, 1 1,,, • 1 1 1 BUSL '"ESS T , , ........ ..._..._.._..._..._ .......... _ ........... .._..._ .... ..._..._..._.._.... ............................................... .._..._,._..._ ............. tional rrionF. of Etll"OJl(" a~ wl"ll 11~ I ter :·:ear:- :;:inu:o lS!IH, h:-:s far l'X- ===============-:============~

Phone 332-J

Business nranager... ........ Ernest D~Alton ,271 \\' 0;\11:'\G STl"OE "'ORJ\:$ :JG llOl' HS OCT tl">at of the Interna iional V\•dt•ration ('eedcd the ~Yildt'."l dn,•am_s ( r :.: t•a -Acherti~ing ::\Ianager .. LaBelle 'Yorth1ngton 29 OI•' EYEHY 21 of Student~. ~\nwricnns :-tudyinz nt c~t cxpel'lntwn~ of ~h~ Jlllll'"'l'~·:-: \\hl ~, ~....-.~~~~~-~-~--CJrculation :\Ianager. . .. -Ru sell Anderson ,28 European unin•r:-ili<'~ will rc<·<"in• in- j made our school p~c'~"'l'lbk. \\hat ' T R y u s F I R s T ~lenOJ!Tt1pher"" Glml):s Nichol~, Fnda llt·n<lrick::;on, I trnduction-. to h·1din1? Em·o1lf'nn stu. your 1-.>'lle:::-s for l!l:1h · f Colla Hollis In an effort to ..,!elt'rmme how "'tutl~nb at the Unn ers1ty dl•nt~ anri. t.•duca;or:-; Thi~ arm net.. I of ")Ollltnj! s1wnd thl'ir tmH:, thl.' faculty there puts m me>nt. is ~imilar to that mentioned in The Dt.·ltn Tau frutPrnity l nt('r- ' Courlrr Print -. Bouman. Mon1 .. na about :H:; hour:-; pet \\'l"'Ck Ill da .... ses nnd ~tudy. .\ quo;- the precC'dinrt paragraph. Shorth tain~d at a d:mi·t~ and p:nty ~attn. i twnaire wa:; ~l'nt out to 1~~ :-:tudt•nts Sl•lcl'ted at random. after thl"' :\fichil!'an C'ongre~~. infor day l'\·enin,i!. ~"' :!'i. l;!;!(l. )lr . .------- I Som1..• of the nn:-:wers g-inm were both frank and a~rnsing. j nrntir·r. will be s~nt to all mt1 mbcr..: :\kC'ray. Dr. L. H. '\;eymun and )tr. Oiw <'()-ed clc<·lared that on tlw 1~ight in qu~~tton she. 1·ez~:chng" ~he Y~nn,u~ ~u~m~1.er .~0~1::-:e:<-, nnd ~lrs. \\'t•:"t w1..·re the l'hapL'l'O n..:. t EDITORIALS . spent the hours from s::~_O to ll:aO rn_"chatter. Ano.t#ht•r ofi~1 ~~~ ~;nn~~;~~~~~l ~h~:,~:-.. :~11:~~]\- I >Ir. nrd ~trs. B. L. Grant wt·re ~uts ....


THE SUGAR BOWL All Editorials written by the EditC'r 1;'"1


othendse signed I stuchnt startled his que~honC'l'S bY statmS? that he wo1ked. th . t Tl N t fl} --- -- - ~ ~tudil'd, -and played H total of a6 hour:;; out of ~\'err 2-L ~1;~de~11~ ~~:ci~1;~z;~! :~n~f .-\1~~1.!1'1

1 ~ 1


... Sun<lny tlmner guesb nt th!.!~ Sil! ---------~-------- - - -111..• Explained thnt he worked twtln• hour::. as night man group of irdh·i<lu:il~ dedicated tu th Chi house \\Clt' Arduc Etkman. '-----------------------1 inn gnrnge and was able to sleep and study part of thnt , isuahzation of \mencan education 1 Darayl Peterson. S~rnbut .. n:rdw. ~1 1 ~· 1 time thu~ douhling up.his hours. and thl~ furthn ice of fC'llow,h1p Shme. Joe Ottenheimc>r, l•ia~.k \\ar,' ~1 • 1 1 • 1 • •' 1 1 1 1, • • • ' • 1 1 • • • • • 1 • • • • • • ~ • 1 • • • • • • • •, , - 1 • • FOOTBALL SEASON I .-\ 1

freshnum rep11rted that he spent n full hour going I with ~turlents f other 1..~ountries .-\.-h\:~nth. Thomp:;:on, Fn•d (ht· an i from bulletin to hulll'tin h) keep pt)Shd on th0 Ynrious ~he_y. w~ul~ arhh·"~ _thi_~,. aim, n~1 ! h.>·. '"Rl·d 2\lillet . ..... ....... ..__ .. _...._ ...... -..... -.. ...... -..... -. ..... -..-..w .. ..._..._..._..._..._._ ---- . \\arning-:-; an<l notit:e~ tht• fro~h ar fon.:0d to oh:-;ent> .. \\nHI~ 01 111ou~ ul r~rnu:~, hut rLJth1.21 With two men on the All-conference football l .. h Cl . . .1 i; f l't· l


throug-h such pr ,t11·al niea,ure' a> . . - h ·able n1ention ·1long t.t uonu.: e. . v .11. l)UtlinC'<l nbove. Tn the n n-sumalion squad. and t\\O gncn OllOl 1 "' - -- -- of the;.;.(' ('rds WP w "mld mainiain ·Ju· COMING TO THE with the conference Htanding of 1000. )fontana .. 11.\Tl.ESS .. COLl.EGT.\:"S C.\l'SE l~lll'STllY LOSS best traditions , \merirnn RIALTO St·1te c·m feel ju'tI'· proud of her fighting ele,·en. / . tion. ' ' . l . t r (' Southern Branch :\'O\ 19 (Pll'l-College Youth I \\nateYer tribute that the stm en ts can gl\·e o I ancl .Im. fad of g-omg- hatle,, '' hn"n" a telling eff~d <•n DECE:\IBER ;J-6-7 these fighting football nll'n "ho ab!)· upheld the th" ,t1-:rn hat mdu>tl ;-. mcurdmg- to f1gur" rdcasetl h)

athletic honor of the .school would be, at ?est, only/ the Department of Commerc• recent!). <Continued , ,111 l'al!e Onel

FROM Ult; ('.\BINS

a poor expres~ion of lhe real e~teen1 \\Ith \\ha.:h ~tin'' hat manu.facture1"' 1e:o1t o. .~.°;er ~ent decrea~e1 011 the futultv h l \in,I! lwcn :.l~kl'd t the ~tud >nt _ regard the football squad and coach. 111 th• \ltlue of then product' ,mce 19-.l. and cap und cloth . 1 .1 ti h .. ~ :- c ~ • J • d I• ·c;:. on of 6-1 e1 etnt in the saml' Jen •th of time. n-.:t~' a~l on Y \\tl or . lrt'l" a~·,~ ''flat an\·one can ~a,· to these men, will soon be tat tn °~ e P g heen rt--rnstnttd. Tw ot tht''l' l·l'.!Jl forgottez~, but the l:eronl that they e~tablished Eugene, Ori.'. •·\\"cbfoots'" in~tcacl of ''"··ebfooters'' has i~~~ll~h~~~· n~~~;b~~1 ·::;\h'~.";~n::1t'.~~t c.:::'~ thiH year will linger long in the memory of foot-1

been udupt•d a> the nil-knamc of the Uni,·ersity of Oreg-un ulty. ball fan~ who watched the strugsde of a fighting athlE tit• tt>ams. The m•w sohriqlll t ii::. the result of a Thtre were 01 I:\ ~ix or 8<'\·en :-tu­clawing Robe at eleYen, as it wor~ed ib;; way moYemt·nt re ... ·ently ~tarted to find a name with u fightin,i; d~n~~ ~-ho 1hac! t· omplt•tC>d three

1 yt·a{; through four conference teanls to nctor~-. and a :-;ugg-c·:-;tion and a hint of sa\"ag-ery in it. hut tradition own o ___ 'l! __ ' _c_in_o_._'_"_' _<_'_"'_' _e,_iu_,_·•_•t_)_· -'-'----------------nut. and the old na.mt wns contradt><l. clean conference slale.

nxn l'Oll"ED 1'01! D.\TES :\llLIT.\RY QUESTION

I One hundred and rifty dull'~ a )'lllr with dift\>rcnt girb

is the aim of a club recently formed at tht! UniYersity of 1

Last week a ballot was held on the Military 1 ~Iichigan by the nHn there. A_ man is eligible only when 1. question which has been recei\ inf! 80 much at-1 h1..· has bt. n :-;l,,•1.:11 111 t·ompan.r with n pretty girl and gl\·e:-; tention of late. Out of $Ome 900 students, only ht·r nanw wh.-n initiated. lie must also furnish her ad-

279 YOted. This signifies that either the referen- t!re:-o~ anti phone number.


All Sizes

-------dum \"Ote was not ad\'ertised enough for e\'eryone You can nlwnys llraw quei.:ns if you have the jack.-Ca_,-_ 1

$15.00 WAGNER BROS. to take adrnntage of this chance for an expression

of opinion on this subject, or that the students are not sufficiently interested in the que tion to eYen consider it. )!embers of the Anti-Compul­sory i\Iilitar~- Training club, working in cooper-I ation with some of the members of the Student officers in R. 0. T. C. haYe planned another ballot so that a more definite expre-sion on one side or j the other of this question will be secured in order I that this question will be settled. It is important that e\-eryone hm·ing any opinions on this subject one way or the other should \·oice them in a ballot to he held soon since the outcome of this final ballot will determine the course of action of the club for optional military training. If the Htudent '>pinion is ennl)· di\'ided on this subject or if the opinion is in farnr of military training as it is at present, the club will do nothing acti\'el~­for the extermination of tht' compulsory feature; but if thl· opinion of the majority of the students farnr optional military training, the Anti-compul­sory club will continue acth·e work toward the elimination of the compulsory feature of military


11 \llV \IW-Plll'\;CETO:" Sl'LlT

. \ split hn::- reL'C'ntly nrisen between Princeton nnd Harntrd, old time athletic contender~, bHau8e of lack of sportsmnn$hip on the part of one ~l"hool to the- oth r. lt'ading- to the breakin,:! up of the Bi" Three whh:h is one of the largest athletic confer-

.. We Cash Your Checks ..

I ! ......... .._.._._._.._.._._._.._.._ .. _..._._._._._.._.._ ......... .._ ........... _-_.._.._ ........ ....,.. ........... _ .... .._.._.._ ...... _.._ ........................ . I ~ \

I ~ Packard Oldsmobile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l"nC1 !-;. in the ea!-;.t, and by far the mo:-t important. \ \ The· hreak tH:curred he('au~e of certain statement~ ~ ,\'\: made by lhr 1JnrYard Lampoon, ridiculing and ~ D y K

slanderinr: Princeton students. Princeton promptly '• 0 OU now \ took up thl• fig-ht, declared Harvard unfit for inter- '. \ cnll<'i<iatc competition. and caneelled all future en- ~ That Olds ha,; been manufacturing i\Iotor Cars at ~ ga~(·tnent~ with he>r. , J · ill. h f I ' \ ,ansmg, 1 ic ., or 29 years·. \ There is no he tter jud$?e of the l'alibre of an in- r, \ l"titution than thL• manner in which it associates with \ That Olds plant embraces 72 acres'? \ <ithl'T institutions. "No man can li,•e unto himself ~ ~ alone," ,ays an anci<nt adage and it npplics equally ~ That Old~ emplo)·s one inspector to each seven work- ~ to colleges. ~ erH? ~

The >cor1' "hich any school, college, or unh·ersity ~ That ~·ou can par more but there is no better? ~ makes a~ain:-::t its opponC'nts will soon he forgotten, 1 ~ ~ but tlw ~pirit with which \'Odories an• won or lost \ \ w 11 live in the memory of thl' public. -Editorial in ~ ~

THE BUNGALOW Where Qualit) Reigns

.. _._._._ .... _._ .. _._ .. _._._-.... -.. -............................. -........ ... 1111I1 I I I 1 111 I11 1 111111111111111111t111ti1111111114



Lunches at All Hours




Hauseman & McCall "Trul)· a Xmas .::tore"

"dence at )fontana State. Top 'o the World Western College Gunnison, Colo. ~ ~

more Intimate Co


ntaet hdween Fnc· 111 mosl cases, require a knowlorl~< I ~ Clyce Willia~s . Ray Fields ~ r ....................................... ,,---, .... F .... __ '_E_ ....... v-----E-...--N-...--:s ...... _ .... S ....... A .......... K ...... E ......... ' , ............................. .. u .. ty anJ Underg-raduate". 1..•tl' .. ck. of the lnnguag"e and thl· country Yi~ \ 302 East l\ la tn Street ~ , 3. The Open Road is acting as our ited. i ) ~


1 C ntinued fr m page 1e) and bulletins prepared by thco::c o g"anizations. "'e aun to pl'rfor 11 thP ~ame ~er' kc for J!'.'ldi."TJ..'TDf~ua+c lif that the"e "OLICt ("S "'nJertakt• for kachers. The intl'.'rl"ollegintl"' news sn\'ice du!ing 1hc y£'ar 1!1~7 \\Ill !it

su~ bi-\\cekly nrticlE>s b~· cxpett edu ca~vrs ancl It adin~ students re~nrdin important contemporary problems Jf \llld r-graduatt" life, such a~, 1 l ,

Fn• ·hman Rule in AthlC'tic~. {'')-np­E>ration of the 1"lut1Pnt Count q with th<' Facul y, tho Probll·m of the non­Fratern t~ \Ian.1 Mrans of Aehil·vin~

travel ug-enl in arrarginj! tour:-: of :,. Tht• !'\'ation1.1l ~'uclent f.'etlcr~1- .._...._ ................ .._.._ .. _ .. _ .. _.._.._ ...... _..,,,._._.._.._..._..,...._...._._.._.._.._._ ..... ._..._.._..._._ . ..... -..-...-..-..-.-..-.• • .._ ......... .._..._ \ Amerkan studt!nts to n1rinus Eur tion will ac: a - host to parth•s of ~ opean countries. The:-e tours c11n:;.ist Euro1w<:n students l'{llllinj.!' to . .\Ill('!' I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I •• I I I I , I I I I I J I I ' ' I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I • J I ' : of lweh-e or fourteen students and ~1 i,·a and will providl' hospitality anti \ leader. Co-Op(•ration by the :\alion. enter:ainml'nt for th1..m at the dif· 1: - \ al t:nions of European countrit·~ :;c:- forent American cullt·)!'<'~ nrd citit•s. .. D A N c I N G : ~ cun,:; <'ntrct• into g'O\'ernment drcles 6. By arrangement with the Pa11 : : \ ind priYate homC'~. During" thC' sum- American L'nion. probably in t'1" • .. ~ nwr of 1!1:!1, approximately fin• hun· !-;.Umnwr of 1U2s, studlnt group~ will • : ~ dn.>tl studentg will tra\·el {nder the"<' yjgjt Latin American ('Ountries ar:d .. .. ~ :iuspire:;, likewi~e Latin Amcril-:in st1Jdent:-: will _ \ .J. A :->perial group of offi. ial ~tu- come to the Cnited .. "'tate~. 1

.. • cll:'nt rqirescntatives will travel to 7. The ~ntional Pnions of Eurn- - rrO KIO \'JLL .\ GE - ~ Europe to ~tudy student <·onditions. penn rountril•s ha\'(' offned the use • < Th(>se touri' wi11 conform to tho~c r,f' of a large number of private home-. - .. \ the EnJ::"li~h Speaking l'nion an<l will, for Amcricnn students durin~ thr- "" : ~ Friday Nite, Dec. 3 : ~ I


;o.;e" Records Released En ch I The Blue Devils : ~ - < - \ - \

.. ~ $1.25 to $19.00 I I



Week :\ew Snn1>1>Y • he<"t Music

Arri' ing Daily Come in and hear lhem it will

he a plen:,urc to sen~e you E\ EllYTlllNG IN MU IC

Orton Bros. Bozeman, 1\lontann

~\n eight piece orchestra pla) ing- long- dances


- \ : ~ : ~

: ~ : ~ Admbsion I Oc Dance 10 cents : ~ - >





To be found at better bar ber ~hops-e'er)\\ here

H~ the applieation or in 50l' and i.ic bottles


ince 188;)

I I I• I I I I I I I I I I I I I• I I I I I I I I I I JI I I I It I I I I I I I I It J •I I I I JI Ii ....................... .._.._..._..._..._..._ ... -._.._..._. .. ..._-..-....._......_-.,........._ ..... ..._ ..... ..._..._..._..._..._.._..._..._..._-._..._-.,...._~

Page 3: IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11...Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII. BOZEMAN, i\101 'TA 'A, TUESDAY, :-\OVEi\IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11 LVI WILL NOT APPEAR ON


.Jal'k \\.-iley visiled his parent..; for hanks,1?ivir.g-. Ile is a stc1t1.: field an for the Pacitic Board ,,f Fir nderw riters.

:\larion Bat<•<:, '26, i~ \'i,,itin<.!' J~uth ine Cald\'•(.'11 for the Thank ~g-iYin eek end. She wa::: graduated in thr

"' e ('a te r to t he


Fir..,t cla~s work assu r ed-buy Shining Ticket and c.oave money. C'\ine) Shines for One Dollar.


Art cour:-.e and i!'.; row teaching .,.t Robert~, )fontana.

Earl Buckingham, ·~2. <. C.. \"a~ taken <}Uite ill in the Hawaiian Isl­and~ whf. n• he wa.:, workin~ for the t:. S. Geocle!ic Sun es. He has he(•:'l rdie\"ed from his duti and i-. rct'lrn ing- to \\·ashington, D. C.


- ------------\ ).lay Dunn. Ed'~ ~ister. and ~lr. ar.d

ON THE CAMPUS :\frs.. Gurnett were dinner gue~b at the Beta Epsilon hou'e on Sundu)'.


Stewart Eg-~leston. a Phi Gamm~ I Bayard Taylor and .)lurr y Ua\ ij Delta, from \\~t'~tt.rn Col~t:g-e, Ohhl. son of Great Falls were ph.•dg-t•d Bt•~.1 was a gi1e~t F r1da~: evl'runi: at tl:J. Ep~ilon after dinner at the hou e n Ome.e:a Beta fra~ern1ty. Thnnk:s:~h·ing day.

I Ruth Rae. who io a!tendinir th 1------ - - - --------,,= = = = = =-===----).lu.q:raret Booth, Ediwr - Helen Solberg, Assistant a week-end guest at the Pi Phi houg .. ~~~~~~"""-"'-""-""-"'-""-~~~"-~~X'-.~

Univer~ity at :\lbsoula thb year, wa" I . 1. Kappa Sigma annources tie pled1>;· :l!a1ion Bales, '26, who is teachinr I Th~~~~~i,~1~1~1,~;~tio'~";vit~p~:!r p~;~ \ ~ fiALLATIN LAUNDRY i

Hele1 Patter on, who was g-ra<lu- mg of Bob Hawks of Butte. in Ro:b_r~s, :J.I o!lt., sp.ent the week- ents, Prof. and :\lrs. \\', D. Tallman. ~ ~ ·led in the Senetar:at Course in '2fi . --- end visitmg friends 111 Bozeman. __ ~ EXPERT DRY CLE.\ NI 'G ~ wa:-; in Bozeman thi':'- T~·ank~givin ~lr. H~1de! of Belg:ade w~s a ~ un- - - I A, number_ of t~e Alpha Garn nm ~ ~ week t:nd. :\li"s Pa Lers0n i~ teach~ <la} gue:-;t al, th£ Amigo hoi;se. .. Rhos entertained with a dinner par- ~~ ~ inl? cnmmercial wr rk in the Rourdu1 --- Jean ;\1(•holson and ).largaret Ham- ty, at the chapter hou::e on Thank . ..;- 133 - 137 E. '-Hig-h sthool. Earl Grego1·y stopped to vi:;it i'l I mon<l spent th_e w~e~ end al the horn~ I gi\'ing day. ' ~ A lways a t Babcock St. ~

Helena on his return trip from Idaho. of the latter. rn L1vmg-ston. -- fl ~ 1, Your Service ~

Helen Robinscn, wf.o was a sop!lo- , . -- -- ThanksgiYing dinner g-ucs·s at tlw A Phone 79 ~~ . . - . . F ranc1s R oscom spent the week i\'lr. and i\Irs . \Vallace Todd were I . . . . . . a <;.: ~

more here in 2o, is now 'eat:hlll~ i end in Big Timber. . Sunday ·dinner guest~ at the 0 B FPl1 Beta Phi house v.ete. ~hs . J. J. e.f>s - ...... ~<c.q_.. ttl h h ·

1 I h · · · · · ynn and daughters lrerc and .... \., c~ ~

:"lea e . \\' ere s e supervises t I J . ouse. Kathryn of Deer Lodge; Elizabet". ~ . ~ . . ~ A~+ \York. ard ha . .; _a fourth graclc. I. R\a~·~ Danielson spent the week enr1 -- .

1 Ainsley of Anaconda, Gladys Led- ~~'ii:S~"'S'-~~~~""'~"""-'~'-"-'-~~"'-.~"U).~"'-.~"-.~~'-"-'

:\hs~ .Robmson obtained her teacl er',~ m .h.-soula. . "i\11:s. F ly"!1n and daut?;hters, Kath. ,better of Great Falls , and jJarian ce1tif1cate at the Sta~e ::-..'"ormal a.. 1 ~~ _and Aileen, spent the week er.I Johnson. ' - - -~~~~~~~~~------~

:\lat ion Mos.ier vi~itt:d 111 \Yhitehall VJSiimg Martha Flynn. i ~'l:l-OHXHXH:H:><:><><:><»IX><X!<XIHXH:><Hi Cheney, 'l'ashinirton. j over the wee~< end. I ' I

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I ~ I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •r~;:;c~h~~;.;~~re:~'\n r~~~·~i1~1~1:1~rg te~~~;i~n ~:1~7;~s. ':i;~2:t t~~h~,·e~~ I F A s H I 0 N l t BOZEMAN fiRILl AND BANQUET HALL :

end with her parents in the city. i Rachel Gallairher spent the week J B I t Banquet Hall for Parties, Suppers, '

Eric k son's Bl'S A'.'iD TAXI SERVICE

- en.Int the Kappa Delta hou•e. we~:z~lat;,~~~~·ndi~~~lv~~~~~~a a~a:~~I arber Shop I t and Initiations t Dolly Ellin~wootl and Clarice Kin- Alpha Cam hou_se. I'• and I t VQULKQS BROS., Props. I

.. mr uth ~r.cn· the w~ck l'lld in Butte. t l


Prompt, Iteliable Sen-ice - Careful, Court eous Drivers .. \'irg-inia - , 'ii::ited in : en<l.

I Beauty Shoppe Right in Bozeman Hotel '

Chet Alderson anti ~Ir. i\ltC'arthy I I-, ____________ - - - - --' Gilbot and Ruth Case\ \~ere dinner guests at the Beta Ep- r Arac..onda O\'Cr the weei{ s1lon house Saturday evening 1 • J . B. NEIL, Proprietor - -----·

g'. tie". t ,,

1 I! Baths Phone 461-J

PHONE 3-1--!-W .. , l\Ir. Nouman was a dinner ,.., Sunday dinner gue.:;ts at the- Lamb~ the :Seta Epsi lon house on l\londay ---------------'

' • ' ' I I • I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I ' • I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I; da Phi house were Jean Bul'ke and even111g.

G .Lt:>' Cur:vuche. u.:l11te gold remforad Cd~t', $35

The first rect.rngul..u Wn.st \Va.t.:h which we can fully re~ommc:n 1 .tt tlus price.

If vou ha' e been look mg for a really d~pend,1ble \Vatch at a moJerate pnce see this new wnstlet in its choice of several dc>igns m sturdy white gold reinforced cases.

ff. A. PEASE & CO. J ewelers





Walk 0 1·er Shoes St etson Hats Nobby Caps


Collar to Match Shirts zn

New Styles and Colors P l?ICED AT

$2. 75 OR 2 FOR $5.00 That's va lue· it s hows in the s hirts-you'll see it, too

1 Farrell's Clothes Shop "THE COLLEGE SHOP"

Ruth Grarl. Thanksgiving di~ner guesb of Al­

:.\Ir Ha~kinROP. waR a dinnn guest pha Gamma Delta were· Marg-a1·ef Pt the Be a Epsilcn rouse \Vednec:da. ~lcDonald, "Shorty'' Fo


rtin, Osca;'· e\"enmg:. 'Gilbertson and Earl Klein.

Sh01·ty Fortin. ·2;;. C. E .. spen ' Tharksgiving' with friends in Boze­man.

Alpha Gamma Rho anrounc:c>~ tl

The Amigo club entertained al a Smoker, :Monday evening, for the members of Alpha Tau Ome~o fra­tcrnit:r.

pledg-ing of Martin ::-..'"el5on of Bd- Dinner guests at the Amigo houc:e grade. Saturday evEning wert- Esther Slock-

-- ton and R. E. Stockton of Strathmor ....

Mnry Dun~: cf Lewistown, was c: I Alberta. g-ucst of ~ita Creel durino· tht -============= Tha11ksgi,·ing holicla)'S. ~ ~

Sheila Brown wa:; a guest o; h , sister, :'\-Iargaret, durirg the Th~nks­gidng holidays.

:\!rs. Delia :\1arshal1 was a oue1:;t at the Pi Phi house during tl et-o y2~' week.

)fa. A. \"{. l\lahon was a Thankc:. gh·in~ dinner guest at the Ka~JJl~ Sigma house.

The member!" of Kar.pa Sig::·a e;i tertained at an informal h:::ius. rat t Friday e\·ening.


Jacobs Costume Shop FOR


Delh·er 40 WEST MAIN

Phone 77


I . Proies:or and .:\1rs. Eri:: Tl-~r1 -t?- ]

sen and son were Sunaay diC!k' THE NE'V 1930 YEAR FOBS


cue,ts at the Kappa Sig-ma hous,. WITH COLLEGE SEAL

Gladys Lcdhetler and Elizabet'l and in the Blue and Gold Colors Ainslee, students from Dillon wer"

1 visiting )Jarion Johrson. '


Champion Shoe Shop GIVES

10% Discount TO ALL STUDENTS

Opposite Woolwor th's



$2 and $4 EACH

meinschmidt & Co.



MFG. OPTI CIAN I Broken ~l::l•::e:rom ptly

Roo m I Story Block




D. H. BUDD CO. P lumbing, Heating, E lectr ical

a nd Sheet Metal Work

Phone 300 30 W. Main


LESLIE E. fiAfiE J ewe ler and Optician

Broken Lenses Replaced the Same D ay 20 S. Bl ack Ave. Phone 925· W




HERE'S SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT! From a long and in t imate study of h uman nature, we have come to the conclu­sion t hat men, like women, have to have something to worry about to be happy. His family's health-or his check book's diet. His falling hair -or-the ri se in fuel. SO - s ince you have to ha\'e something to worry about fo r to-morrow-\1·e're suggestin g tha t you let it be you r Winter Underwear .


$1.00 to $8.00 Holloway's

At The


TUESDAY. MARCH 30 "Subway Sadie"


Our Anniversary show "THE SHOW OFF"

With Ford Sterling. Lois Wilson


Association Vaudeville


" Gigolo" with R-0d La Roe· que, Jobyna Ralston, Loise Dresser



Glor ia Swanson's "Fine Manners"






~ ............................ ~ .. .....,. ...... ........................................................ w..-.........-............ .-.-..-....

! = CHARMING FROCKS ! ~ FOR MISSES ~ :: Of Bpecial importance is our show- ~ :• ing of sn1art frocks for the young ~ :: ini~s. Frocks for eYer,.· occasion, > ~ ~ ~ fulfilling the most exacting require- ~ > ments of the smart young miss, and • ~ reflecting quality, fashion and rnlue. ~ > Satins and si lks, with clever trim- ~ ~. mings and slee1·e treatments; party ~

frocks of rich soft colorings; twills, ~

':::: jerseys and 1101·elty cloths in tailored ! • modes. All showing latest use of

pleat~. tucks, shirring and embroid-~ ery. In all the new winter shade~. \ .

II @MBE;~f;;~'~;'©'.'' '" '"" I ~ -4LWAYS RELIABL&- ~

.._ ................ _,.~w.,,._.._.._.._..._.._ ••• .,..._._....-..~._ • • • _.._. - - -.-. • • • • • • • • ~


Page 4: IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11...Congratulations To Utah U; Yours Was a Brilliant Season n XVIII. BOZEMAN, i\101 'TA 'A, TUESDAY, :-\OVEi\IBER :30, 1926 .T.IBER 11 LVI WILL NOT APPEAR ON




PROSPECTS BRlfiHT i SPORTS--Of Tt:T'S r e~~~~!~~~~~~~~ II M:n ~:Ea C • FfA~s ~~~~· 1 I ,


T<'am L:tah U. l\lonlana Stale l'lah Aggies Colorado Aggies Colorado College Colorado Teachers DenYer U.

G. W. L. T. .5 ..i 7 7 .6 .6

5 .; 4

0 0 0 0 1 2

Pct. 1000 1000 .800 .714 .667 .500 .429 .333 .200 .200

Pts. O.P. 13.1 16

52 !l 6.1 43

5 2 0 .; 2 0

107 -11

MEOW / Scoring Machine All Out Editor ___ _L __________ ~ _______ A_s_s_is_t_a_n_ts ___ •

\Vith nn undefeated Conhrerce • Colorado U. ........ .. .. 7 Brigham Young . .. .6

..... 7 3 3 2 1

3 4 4 4

0 0 1 1

72 33 95 56 86 63 43 83 48 98 23 119 13 142 19 55

l'"tah Cniversit\· won their annual Turkey dus gam~ with Utah Aggies 3-l-O, and aJor.g with it t.his year t~e championsh]p of the Rocky l\fountam Conference. The Utes haven't been defeated this yenr1 winning \Vit.h large margins over every le:-1m thi.:y hnve played. Montana State ranks alon,C! with them for conference hon OT$, havir:g a clear slate al:;o, but they had only four eonferenre gan~e.:: and five are required to f!Ct t_·ons1d­(.•ration for high honors.

Colorado Teachers <lefent('(! fov,·a State Teachers 12-0 in a touj!h game played at Greel~r Saturday. Pete Brown, flashy Teacher halfback made two touchdowns in the lasr five min­utes of play to break a deadlock which was Iowa's all the way.

... * •

The bif! gridiron _game nf the sen­son was pl~~Ted Saturday at Chieng-o when the An11y and NaYy playl"d a 21-21 tie before 110,000 ~11eetators.

.... * * s

I football season behind them the Bob­! cats are now puttin,!? their entire ef­forts on bsskelball. Although there are only three of last year'$ regulars , back in uniform Coach Romney hopes I to develop a team which will equal. if not surpass. the achieYementg ·Jf last yenr's basketball team.

('oat~h Romney will prolrnbly builJ the team around Glynn at center. , Winne1· nt forward and Breeden nc guard ;ind there '''iii be some hot 1

competition for the other places Cummins. Yandell. Babcock. Fjeld and ca~hmore from last year's squad are all out workintr hani for H pla.e. Sen•ra] men from last year's Frosli are also trying out and among- the~e

Vogt. GardineT, Gill. Twilde, und Huwl ~N!m to be goocl nro~pects. Last. but not least. at'e lhTPe new men \Yho ha,•e exceptional hi!!h school records behind them. ·ward ard I Thomp~on from t:tah anri J\IacF'ar .. land from Billings should soon m.ake themselves known in collegiate bn.s- I ketball.

La .. ·t weC!k the SCJUAd spent most of their time shootin_g- bnskcts and taking a few li!:rht exercises to !Jc>t their mus.des limbued up again.

'HoweYer the\· will start in carnc::-t University of Califo111ia t_}i:fea.tt."1 this week <lll.d the first scrimma.g-e

~font.nna l"niyersity .A(!l-0_: puttm,:: will probably be tonight. them. last in the P'icltlc Conferenl'e Tlie Bobcat souad, of 10 picked

sr.andmgs. .. • .. • I men, will leave December 16 on the / coast trip. Games ha\•e been s~hed-

l':irneig-ie Tec.h. gave Notre ~ame uled with manv stronsr teams; a111l n beating 19-0 and ouh:lassed hnute I among- these a~e \Yas11ington Si ate Rockne's second edition of the fom· colleie, ·w·ashiPgton University, Gon­

horsemen. • • • • zago and Idaho UniYersity_ Thi<::

Bobcats lose to College of

Idaho on Muddy Field; 7-0



Playing in a sea oi mud the Bob-, mnde good.

School of lllines. Colorado 5 ·western tate 6 \\'yoming .... 4

I 4 0 6 0 2

0 0 2



/Romney Attends

1 Sports Meeting1

I Will .\. r ran ge Football a nd Basketball Sc hedule For Next Year

I Coach Ott Romney 1s leaving rt·~

I Tuesday for 01:.'nver. Colorado, t • join in the annual c:onferetll'e with th a'hletic director3 nf the Rocky :\lou•1· tnin Confl"n_nce D~cember 3 a d -! On the way o\·er he will jon the l" ~'. oa } es an 1 during the remainin ..

"'art o: the n;p the\- will figUle oul the probable football and besketbnll schE-c..h1le for o ·r S.l•c'ion of thP c:on­ference.

cat:::; lost to the College of Idaho Co .. ·- !\crmally the Bobrats shnuld ht1n .. ot.es 7-0, after failin.g at man~.- won this ganw. but they wen ~~dly thances to SCl.)rc, in a game whL h of[ color. Althou:.::h they 3llow~d was \'ery fast nncl thril1ing. :'IL S. \'ery few gnins they n'rnltl nDt gar1.~1 C. s<.'emed to lack the final pi:nrh )rardage when it \\'tlS needed. Glyt a needed to con\'ert ad,·antag-es in+o migsed fiYe cham•t.·~ for fidd goal· scores. Four times i11 the fir.:;t qnar from good sl'orin~ distante~- T1; tPr, Lwo time:.s in the second, onL:I? in game did not do ju,;:tit'c LO thC' Hit,

the third and two times in the four: n and Gold after 1he kind of i:!a.m:"' ar1:.• the eLances that the Blut' an1l they h::n-e been plnymg- all_ :>c-ason . ii I Gold had to make pointer~. ThC' ldu- the Rocky l\lountain Coni1:.rcn ·e. ~11 ho team wa~ keyed up fo1· the- g<1mc, which they finisht•d ~,n a par. with

1 -..i.•hich wa~ tlwir big- e\'ent, while thC' Utah. tTnivcrsity with a stanriin~ ·'' J

Bobeat::; wf're confident of winring: 1,000 per cenl. The wbole tl?am \\:1.

and lacked th:• nel'essury pep. not pl~ying· in season form .. nlthntu::rl. I Earl Gregory who captained The Coyotes made eight ii1«t they thd !~lay a good defons1:·e g~m·:, the 1926 football squad thru an

downs to the Bobcat~· ten and ll'O For the Coyotes l/\\ell pla) ed goou .

Dct·emt-er :1 will be de\·a·ed etireiy lo foe mee-t:nf! of the- athletir dire•:­tors. and sturlent mana%!ers of th! ,·nrious s~·hools in the conferente .. \ tl-i~ time the,- will decide on t'1e schedule for i:hi:; year·s basket.ball

yards to the latter's 230. accordirn' baH throughout. undefeated conference showmg to Boise papers. The offo:iarin,g- wci~ Lmeup: .-ery poor and ineffil·ient for a g-am· Glyr.n (Capt.) L. E. as important as thi.:; post seaso:1 Olsen L. T. game of two diffe rent. tonfercni..:e Ario L. G. leaders. The Idaho team il> confer- \\~ilson r. ence champion of thi:o Northw!:-st Con- \~ogt R. G.

'ference, and is one ,,f the best teams Dobeus R. T. jn that section of the <.'cuntry. Idn- Keyes R. E.

Baldric'.: Palmer

I1icu.:: (;ii !~1 !l J



Il\'TERCLASS B.\.SKETBALL and al•o for next year's foothnll, Jiontana State made su.h a l'Teditabl~

STARTED LAST N IGHT showing- in tho tonference this ven r that Romney 5:.hould have no ciiffi­cult)' in scheduling- the> f;\-e required

The first series of intu-dass bas- football g-ames for UJ27. ketball started .:\londa~- night \\"l".et On D~cmber 4 there will be th_

trip will g-h-e the Bobcat hoopster!i The Bobcats placed one mnn on th" a chance to perfect their team-woTk

all confercr:ce team, one on the sec- rutd get in the proper condition be­ond all ecmferencf. and two men re- fore the reg-u1ar conference esas()n

Albcr,son Browr


1 ho's touchdown came lute in the thir,-1 \Yinner Q. Valery Glynn, star end of the quarter when Lowell passed O\"er the Gardner L. II. Lowell

Bobcat team who has been re- goal line for a Lweh e yard g-arn anJ Babeock R. IL

the Class A an<l Cla8a B teams; o1 annual meeting- of the facultv ... e each elass tan.c:led for their re::;p_i.;. resentatives of the FotcuJty AthI ti tjye honor5_ The1 e will be four game I as.:::ociations. Denne B. S·winl'"le v-m eve1-y ni_g-hL of the wt..ek. in~i...:tlin· Tepresent. )fontnna Stnte anJ will Saturday. probably leaYe next Thursdav. Thd

• • • * The Bobcats ha,·e a hett\"~' confer· ceh-ed honorable mention. I starts.

a touchdown_ It wa ." the orly cl an.e Penfield F. B. Dil!t•·:

\\"o~lll:-cently selected to all conference the Covotes had tv score and they Referee-Frnncis.

end position for the 1926 foot- ---·------------,--------=-------Utah U. pla{;ed fh-e men <>n the ence schedule this year for the>-· have

first all conference team, one on the four games each \:i.•ith Utah Univer­second and one on the third tea.m, sity, Utah A.rrgies ard Brizham Colorado Collel?e and Utah Ag-g1es Young University. Two of the were given two apie<.'e. .l-fontana O'ames with each team will be played State and Colorado Aggie~ eaeh ;wa:r from home. These six gamB

ball season. I BOBCATS TO PLA y I The unique te-ature of this tom11a- PU11)0Se of this meeting is to tlisC'uS~ t

n1ent is tha' letter men are eli!...rible the effedin:.>ness of the fr·o l-:'ll "nl to play, \•·hile under the intran;ur.11 basketball rule3 now in use and to :--y~tem lelt-:ir men were barred. Thi~ decide if any l'hamres need to bC' $peeds un the 11lay <·On~ido·ab1y :m:i made.

placed one man on the fir~t team_ and ·two i:rames each \dth Jamestown

• * * * College and Montana Universi!y will Glynn was rated as the best triple giYe the Bozeman fans a chance t1.,1

threat in the Rocky }lountain Con- see a lot o.f good basketball this

Y. W. C. A.

There will be a Cabinet Meet­ing of Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night. at 7:·~o in tJle ""omen'~ building.

RAILWAY CLUB Will Be First Varsity Garnes of

Season .As Test of Bobcat

makes the l!ames aln1ost as intere!>t-in~ as ihe Y~n~;ity games. T:1e Cb ~ Rine- in Basketball! R~n.:;; out A teams art ct)lnp(>:>ed mostly of let. Football! tcr men and tho~ of varsity experi- --------C'llte while Class B. men l·.ave not J Tat: Beta Pi held a short bu~inc~ had so mueh expfrier:ce_ meeting Friday l:Venin,g-.

ference for the past season. year. Strength ------=======~~==~:::::::::= 1 -- ___ .........,...,_,

~~~,, ~ ,~->....,

E11e_r!/thingS \~ · ' gozngtobe ·

all right THAT'S the way P.A. talks to you in the bowl of a pipe. This great national gloom-chaser stabs the darkest clouds with a ray of sunshine.

Buy a tidy red tin of Prince Albert today and see. Tamp a load of this friendly tobacco into your jimm1-pipe and light up.

Cool as a sub-cellar. Sweet as the breath of fresh-cut violets. Fragrant in the tin and fra­

grant as you smoke it. Never a tongue-bite or a throat-parch. So mild you can hit it up from

sun-up to sun-down, yet with .a body that satisfies completely.

There's more philosophy in a pipe-load of P. A. than in the average Doctor's thesis. No matter what brand you are smoking now, you

don't know how much your jimmy-pipe can

mean to you until you pack it with good old Prince Albert. Get started now.

PRINGE ALBERT -110 other tobacco is like it!

P.A. i1 Jofd t!YCr)'ather~ ir1 tid y red lin1, po1111J 1md half. pound ti11 l111midors, drid pound cry1tal·glrJJ1 humidors ,. i1!1 JP011t;;c-moi1tc11er t op. And al11·oys 11•ith e,·cry bit of bite dnd parrh remo-red by the Prince Albert proce.u.

The basketball " .. son at ~lontap:\ "Rip" \\'ilgon, \\·ho ma tie I State College opeU< officrnll\ at lh' cl II f I l gymnasium Thu sda~ and .I.,riday, I ~econ a con ere1:.ce_ ~,e ~~ 1011 Dec. 9 and 10. "hen the LiY11utston for center pog1tJon, Rtp "111 be

I Railway Club llll'l'ls the Bob1:nts ln ,1 back next year LANfi'S EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE

120 East Main

.-\lhlelic Shoes Including Dr. l\Jeanwell's Athletic

two game se1 ies. The f11.;;.t gunw -----------. --. --1 will be held al Livingston on Tl,ur~- sti-ongest ~nardiqr t.'lll!lbtnallf•n i.i day, and Friday the fast Rclilway the eonfr>rent_'t'. Glynn and Brt:'t.'t!t"n. City quint comes to Bozeman. In ad- \Yinner, captain. is a l't.g11\ar t1 11 •

dition the Club brings with th~m ward a.nd great thin~:; an.• cxpedt~J 1 several well known ''-"Testlers wh 1 of him this yrar. which "-ill bt.~ hu

will grapple with the colle~c mnt last. Cummins a11J 'Yilliams, lettl" -------------------------..:.; artists as a curtain ndser to th' men of last \'ear, ar~ out for plal'e" I basketball tilt. lat iot\\~ar<l And P:"L1ar<l respe~th·eJ, --- - - - -----==,--- -~ -- ----


The Railway. Club has tf:eir u--ual The Fro~h nrnte1:inl is esn:·t·iallY ._ .. _.._...,.._.._ .......................... .._.._.._ .... .._..._,._..._ ................... .._ ............ -.. .... ..-.. ...................... .._....._.._ ...... .._.._ ...... -.. !scrappy five wrth such stars as 1.11$- stro~1g tlus ):ear with Fran~ \\ anl ."' ( keep, former Park County ll1gh leadmg cand1d.att> for lhe pffot po~:- I ~ star and several other well kno\\" l tion, Thomson. the Dixit" flash, g-oin~ 'i pla;ers who hawci made interestin·~ at forwat·d. and :\ll'l<"arland. a fotTm~r ~ games for the B.obcats in_ former Billi~g~ Hie-h ~tar. arother g0t.1d bl'! ~ years. The Cats w11l open with wf11t to fill Cottam~ "hoes. The lo~s. o ' \ looks like one of the strong-est po-


Hartwig anct C't:ttam will be felt hut ~ t.ential teams in many year:.. The Coach Ronmey is e:-rpecte<l to deYelr1 p

1 \

J guard positions will be ably fill<>tl by n powerful s.co1·in!! combination from ~ that sensational pair, rated thC' the a\'ailable material. j \


The Robc;1t ::; plal'ed t.wo men 011 the all c:onicrencc teams and two reecivcd honorable mention. Utt\h Uni\·ersity reeC'ived five places on the all con fen nee first team. Utah A.e:g-iPs anJ Colorado College each placed two. whi le l\Iontana State and Colorado Agg-ies were mouored

with one man apiece. Glynn was called the be-st triple threat in the entire confe~·ence and was placed at end on the first all con­ference. "Rip" \Vilson wns !!h-en a berth on the seconU team at cent1::1· and 1\•nny Babcock and Jim Ario were gh-en honorable men~ lion. The hams follows.


Glynn, Montana Rtate


:i\.liller, \Vyoming U.


\\'twlhingt.011 1 B.Y.U.


~ '•

I I ~ ~


U1E DO IT! ""'-"-' '* ..

CITY DYE WORKS Just Phone 185

Linford. Ulnh .\ggies TACKLE

.l0r;'. Colo. College GUARD

Lofgren, Colo. Mines .................................. -.. -.. -................................................................................................................................. -'" ...... ....

Gibbons, Utuh Aggies

Leggett. Colo. College

Writing, Utah U.

Dykeman, Utah U.

.Knyser. Colo. Aggies. CENTER

\Nilson, Montana State GUARD

Scilley, Denver U. TACKLE

Tiobson, Colo_ Teacher~ END

?\ll'Glone, Colo. U.

CaUey, Utah U.

Ceeil, Colo. College

Ormsbi·, Wyo. U.


Tinsmnn, Colo. Aggies

Vandenb<'rg. C'olo. Co'ge.

Howles1 Ulah U.

Dow, Utah U.

Rankin. Colo. Aggies JTALFBAC'T(

Bohn, Colo. U

Field, Phelps, C. C.

Pant>k, Dcm•er U.

r.J'h(lmas, Utah Aggies HALFBACK

Bl'own. rolo_ Teach~rs FULLBACK

Caldw<.'11, Colo. Aggies l\1ildrexter, Dem~e1· U. IInwlc:,-, Utah Aggies

Honorable mention: Hatton, c:enlcr ~rnd Sannclcrs. guard1

De1wer uninJrsHy; Evans, halfback, nnd Tluguener, end, Culorado Teachers;

Collins, halfback, and Thorn~, C(:)nter. Brigham Young university;

Gish, center, lI~trkins, halfback, Ccnrp:er fullback, Wyoming university; Warburto11, quarterback, l\lnrtindalc, C'tid, Utah Ago.tries; Aiken, half­

bal'k, \Vestcrn tate Ct.)llegc: l1(.\lhig1

halfback, Brndy, guard, Colo-1·ado AJ?'gies; Bond, fullback. Colorado :!\Jines; Osborne, end, nn<l

Forrest Phl'ip:-;, halfback, Colol'ado colleg:t•; Ario. guard umi Babcock, halfback, M011tunu State college.

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College Overcoats Of High Character

Broad sh ulders. straight line

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ed from the finest and most at­t: traetil'e patterns priced for

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THE MEN'S STORE McCracken Bros.

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