iB B .TB' H 1..B,-1 I I'! Am II I f7 ,5Ieuks&...'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work...

a' ' -f fc te .. trVViHP4ywjVYWli!rt'o. KMWiWMwWWf 0i ". fir afibsri ir iB .TB' uB, , . 1. M t V A B i H ; -- 1..B,-1 vJ I'! II f7 BULLETIN i ;.. li I b&u J , Btf 9' . Am ' i I ,5Ieuks& n jv ih m a tm sm - id m x PUBLISHED BY J. W. ROBERTSON & Co. F No. 128. IfoNOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1882. 80 tenia Rubucrlptlon per Uunft, i , THE DAILY BULLETIN , Is' published every morning', and cir- culated, throughout the town, and for- warded to the other Islands by every opportunity.- - ' Subscription,. - 50 cents per montii. II. L. Sheldon; - Kdltor. Alt business communications to be ad- dressed,' J. VT. Rotntltrsox & Co. HowCariyle Served a Vjtritof. Thomas Carlylo's powers of clieck-in- g undue forwardness arc the theme" of uumeVouBaucpdj6tC9', tbb , most characteristic'' Of 'Well is the f ollbwing, which is literally true :- - A preSUmingjfellojx wlio had been broiigntlto dine with' him by a com- mon frlend,legan to speak slight-.ingly of his great hero, Burns?,call- - ing him a much'Wcrratod,'Tuani,l' etc. Carlyler made, no comment, which emboldened the critic to con- tinue in the "same strain till dinner ended. When theyl aroso to go':to the thawing room, the host broke his grim silence at last : , . Is that your hat and Btick in the corner, sir?" i ",Ycs." " Then yotfhad better-tok- o them 'and be gone at once. - The crestfallen visitor obeyed, and his introducer was about to fol-- . low, when "true Thomas " stopped him, saying "that he "had done no wrong." . , Thirccalla'Hhe story of a.worthy Q'ua&f who attempted to1 disarm a welMcnown " bitter tongue&'by;in- - $lfcihg him to diriiicr&but the'back- - bi&r, whilo,enjoyingthcgood;cheor, f continued his abfi&e unabated. The Swiin Wtneftce. a'fter.'.bearinc itfio'r a .', ' U 1 .k"it'nAn idla tw mnntmttorintr nndr'ft', drink-o- ff erine : nnd'.moTr,V' M iedj,-lifhn- g him through the opcn'windqw'Mntp the street; "iVdl 'give 'thee ' ' offering. Mother of Invention. What re- lation is a,loaf of brtad'toa 'necessity. A steam-engin- e is an Jnvention. Neces- -' sity' is .the mdSfcer ofv iuTention ; therefore a loaf of bread is mother to a steam-engin- e! Cs BledilimJBread ex Calbarlcn, for sale la. , quantities to sult,by, f,ft s 06 A. S. CLEanoRK & Co. FOUSALK, a No. 3 , "Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from 1 to 2 ton's per day. Ae, pulleyn, belts, etc., all In good order; can be run by steam or horse power, just the article for a'plautatlou. 1 ALSO, i " HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat Branl'Barlcy, Whole and Ground, Mixed Fec'd; etc.' AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ' 50 Jin LAlNE & Co., 34 Fort st. t .. PIONEEB STEAM- - CANDY FACTORY ''ANEfcBAKEKY,. F. .HORN; Practical Confectioner, '.P(qstry;Ck)ok,4inAJaker. . No.71 Hbt'cl st. Telephone 74. 69 ice MANukacronY. Ice delivered to nil part of the City, fihlppliur Hupplled In quantities to snlU Tttlephonc, No. 58. OMws.ut Wilder' & Co.'h. ' M Jk' HONOLULU IRON CftWorki Co. Steam englne, sugar 67T mills, boilers, coolors, Iron, ,bris and lesul paHtlngs; mchlncrj' of every decrliitlon made to order. Particular 'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work executed on short notice. 1 B. F. EHLER8 & Co., ' ' DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest HoveltiMjn Fancy Goods 71 Hats, Hats, Hats, PLUSH"! PLUSH TRIMMINGS 1 Hi -- ni a PLUSH! PLUMES! PLUMES! PLUMES! Satins ! . Satins ! Satins ! TRIMMINGS! TRIMMINGS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! JUST RECEIVED 3 i t THE HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, . ' ' 'of Jk.. 3MC. nMCellis, No. 104 FORT STREET. - (94) - HONOLULU. New York Life Insurance Co. ' ' ', $47,000,000. Surplus, 810,000,000. Purely Mutual. This Comnanv issues every desirable form of policy. The tontine policy by this Company yields better returnsthan those offered any other company. For particulars apply to 71 "" C. O: BERGER, General Agent Haw'n Islands. "OHJtEMAfN.'S. FUND INSUR- - 'JL' ANCE COMPANY of San Fran- - clscd.ft"Flroarid'Marlne. Cash capital Gold. 6600,000. 'Dwelling risks a .spe- cialty! dWclllnps and contents mured-Jor,- a perlpd'pf ,3 years, for two premiums in advance. Bv writing small lines 'on1 carefully 'selected risks, well distributed offers'' Indemnity second to none. ILosscrpromptly adjusted. ,jBisiiop,& Co.. Agents, foj the 10 . Hawaiian Islands. J. ill' 4 Q JEWELER, OPTICIAN, Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store la the'i'Hawallan Gazette" bulld- - 4t.r . Bank. r AX" tfe&AR-T- . Mannfactunnc mo.Jqwcler, No,6 Kaahamanu st. 31 WJ(3ifi!S..'6eiiiSch, Prnntiriil 'i Watchmaker. tSS" Hotel Street,' opposite the 133 3m - "international Hotel. -- a D.W. CLARK, Waff Maker- - and Jeweler, s Always pnjhanda nice stock of 5WaJcifilsf-Cloc&'andxJewelry.-- a ItepalrlnR.Watchcfl and Clocks a Spec- ialty, No. 8 Fort Street. 3:1 T7T i" Redwood and Cedar r VETSf LONG, for nale' In any quan titles! by 34 . r , AI.IJ5N i. Houisson ' .. . V J nr THE OKLE111WTEI) . Isilikalahi Manifesto ! , OF TUB ELECTION, .CAMPAIGN 6f February, 1882, Translated by II! L. Sheldon j published byT. G. Thrum. Price, :: 2fi cents. May be had at J. W. Robertson & Co's " 40 " ' " Eccoivcd by every steamer. .AT Assets, jssued by 'Detached ttfo Robert C. U. Cooko. T EWERS & COOKE, fsuccpstors'to Levers & Dieksnn. Importers and Dralcrs in Lumbpr and all kinds of Buildimr'Matcrlals. Fort itroot. .Honoliila." , ' 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers. in Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materials of every kind", cor. Fort and Queeu st:., Uouolulu. 1 ALLEN ft ROBINSON, XJl Dealers in lumber and all kinds of building materials, paints, oils, nails, etc., etc. 71 H OLLISTER & Co., Wholesale crs of J'lnc Tobaccos and Cigars, and Manhfacturcrs of jSoda Water, Ginger Ale, &c, &e. . is T dbIHELIPSi Fmctical Plumbeis, GasFittcrs and Coppe- rsmiths, No. 18 NuuuniiBt, Honolulu. HoiiBo and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st. importer and dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.' v f ' i Kl BROWN & CO., Importers and In Ales, Wipes and Spirits, No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 PERSONS SEEKING 'Employment; and all' parties either njlonolulu or at any1 of the'Islunds In the Group""'!! want of.Employic will plcaaemukc their" wants known to the andcraiRiicd, who will do all in their power to till their orders. P. C. Jones, jr., J. B. Atherton, B. F. Dillingham, Employment Committee Y. M.C.A. , - . 1 ONF EOTIONERY, . "P.jMcli No. 71 Fort st., above Hotel street, Keeps unvays on nana an as. Hortment of the hot Frcnrh aud Califor- nia raanufucturcd confectionery, which he nfl'cra J'or aale to the trade or at retail. arrcdurtid jirlct't; also thu beatbranda of cnoictv ciKunt n du iiiui in inu niarKei. The lust ice cream, soda water and cord- ials Call and try them. 1 Drink FiHlior's CHAMPAGNErCIDpR! o' favorably known' throughout Hie Hawaiian Islands. Sold by all respectable dealers. No. 1 0 Liliha fit., Honolulu 71 "The Planters' Monthly," Price 15 cents a copy. Subscription price - - 81.t0 a year. Send orders to ' J. W. R&BEKTSON & CO. 'IxuLjtkiiLu - .. ....:x. JORT STREET. Commission Moroliants. CUm Spreckel. Wm. WM. " G. IRWIN' & COMPANY, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. G. W. UACFABLANB & CO., Imnortertt and Conmilnblon Mer. chants. Itoblnaon's Flro-Itro- Bulldlne. j iucen street, lionoiuiu. TT HACKFELD & COMPANY, - uencral " Uomra Queen street, Honolulu AS. CLEGIIORN 4 Co., Importers Connnlsslon llerchants, Deal- ers In General Morchuudlc, Queen aud Kaahuumnn sts., Uouolulu. 78 IT. A. p. Cutor. P. C. Jonei.Jr. n BRE W E R & C O. -- 'Shipping ond Commission Marohonts Queen street, Honolulu. 1 THEO. II. DAVIES & Co., im- - and commission mer- chants; and agents for Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, British and Foroign Insuranco Co., and Northern Assuranco Co. 71 T?D. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.. - Importers and Commission Mer- chants, Hi nolulu, Oabu. n.B.WIlllama, A'.Choaabroueb, W.n.Dlmtmd WILLIAMS, DIMOND- - & Co.. ' Shipping and Commission Mer- chants, Union Block, corner lino aud Market streets, San Francisco, Cal. A0BMT8 Fon Pacific Mall Steamship Company, PaclHc Steam Navigation Comnanr. Cunard Koyal Mall Steamship Company Cal. line of Packet from Now York, Hawaiian line of Packets, China Traders Insurance Co. (limited), Marino Insuranee'Co. of London. 71 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE. r Imnnrior nnri Doiuor in r..Mi j- - UUUWUt Merchandise, C;ueen at , Honolulu, S. GRINftAUM & CO., J--- Importers of General Mer- chandise and Commission Merchants Honolulu. j MS. GRINBATJM & CO., commission Merchants. 214 Califomiu atreot, San Francisco, Cal T1 - Importer and Commission Mer. chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Cattle. J. B. Atherton. nASTLE & COOKE. vy Shlnnlnir nnri ffVitvi,n(a.lnM xr. chants. Imnortcrs and Denlcra in Rin'. eral Merchandise, No. 80 King atxeet. Honolulil. j W1 WO CILVN & Co.. Importers and General lienlnre In English. American and Chinese Iro. visions, X'jantauon Tea and General Supplies. Alio, white and colored eon-tra- ct matting, all qualities and prices. B No. 23 Nutiann Street, opposite Mr. Afoug's. , ,' 81 J AMES HANLON mil attend to" lamo or 'sick horses'. ' L(?avc orders at J. W. Robertson & Co's. 74 lw JOHN A HASSINGER. tnko Acknowledgment to Contract for Labdr. Interior Jfflcc, Honolulu. T E. WISEMAN, 27 Morchut st. v Ko.il Estate Bro'-e- r, Emplojmcnt Apont and Uencnd Onico.Biwlncs.s. Telephone, No. 172. io QHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Agont to take AcknowledRraonts to Labor Contracts, AND GENEItAL mwiNPIKS AGENT. Olllce, in Maken's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumauu rtrvets. Honolulu, il ?.o. ii. ROHEirrsox. DraMnan bi-s- t teams In town. Teiophoufl No. tJ5. . 15 PEOPLE'S LINE OF OMNIBUSSKS. JamksDodd, - - . Proprietor. NUUANU VALLEY KOUTEt Up trip: Lone W. O. Irwin & Co'. A.M. 0:15, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30. P.M.-- 12 :05, 2 :0O, i :00, C :10, C :30, 9 :00 Down trips: Lcnvo Hca. or J. It. lt. A.M.-B-- .30, 7:30, 8:30, 11:00. P.M.-12- :45, 2:30, 4:40, 5:40, 7:00,0:20 Sunday Time Taiiij:. Up trips; Leave W. O. Inln & Co't. A.M. 9:00, 10:00. r.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, 0:30, 8:15. Down trip ; Lca o Hi n. of J. H. Ii X' A.M. 9:30, 10:30. r.M.-12- :4C, 3:30, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10. BE11ETANIA & PUNAHOU ST. KOUTfl Up trip: Luae W O Irwin A CoV, A.M. C:00, C:B0. 7:45. 10:00. P.M.-lB- :0.-, 2:00, 4:00 5:10,6:45.10: xraii inp: JLcao Pannhaa atrust. A.M.- - -- 0:30, 7:23, 8.40, 11:10. 'r.M.- - 12:415,3:10,4:30,0:10,7:10,10:20 SJCNTIAY TIME TABU!. Leave the Stables, cor. Fort and notel stP., for Punahou Street, Long Branch Baths, fare 50 cts., baths Included: AJi.-G- :30 to Walklkl; 0:00, 10:00. and 12:15. r.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklkl: 0:45 and 8:4o. Down trlpa: Loive Pnaibon atreot, A.M. 8:00, 9:30, 10r30. vm. 12:40, 3:10, 6:30, 7:10, 0:00. WAIK1KI JIOUTE: Out trips: Leave W. G. Irwin t Co.'a A.M. 7:4.r, 10:00. r.M 2:00, 5:10. Down trips: Lca e Walldki. A. M. 8:L'0rI0:50. P.M. 250, 5:50. Sunday trips: Leave stables. A.M. 6:30. r.M. 2i00, 4:00. Leave Walklkl: a. m. 7:40. in M. 2:50, 5:10. The Long Branch, Baths will bo the ter- minus. Professionals. w R . CASTLE, Attornev at Tjiw in.: TCn ary Public. Merchant street, next .U the Post Olllce. SB. DOIJG, Lafi-yg- and Notary Pul- - No. 15 Kaahumanu s. 11 T BLDAVinSONrAttorneyatLnw v 24 llorelmnt btrvet. 1C - JOHN RUSSELL. Attornev nt Law, corner of Fort nnd Mer.'lmnt streets (up btnlrs) 115 Cm "OICIIARD F. I3ICKERTON, J-- " Attorney and CouiiHellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free- holds. Ofllce, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub- lic, and Aficntfor taking Acknowledg- ments of Instruments for the Island of Oabu. No. 8 Kaalmmauu strcst, Hono- lulu. 2 1 FRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney 15 Konhuinanu t. 23 w ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor- - ncy at Law, No. 30 Morchant street. 73 1m M. HA&AN, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, Rci"Idcnco and Olllce, 104 Nuuanu st. Olllce hours from 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3. to 5 r.M. 101 DR. G. TROUSSEAU beg to notify friends that ho Ims rcHumed practice In Honolulu. Resldruct) and consulting rooms, No. 73Pnncliboi) (t, opposite tbo'ruukiil Kate of the Qiaten's Hospital. Consulting hours from I) a.m to IS. Telephone No. 103. 5fl lln TR. EMERSON, residence nnd con- - JL sultutlon rooms at No 2 Kukul at., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 140. M2m A FULLER, Sun'eyor for ISnrean Veritas. 71 WIUY TAYLOR, Teacher of Piano- - ' fnrtn and Orirun. Tunlni? In all It bmuclicH. 40 On K. HOWELL, Consulting and Coiihtrtictlng Engineer! otro 38 Merchant street. 602m K 4 'J! it M

Transcript of iB B .TB' H 1..B,-1 I I'! Am II I f7 ,5Ieuks&...'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work...

Page 1: iB B .TB' H 1..B,-1 I I'! Am II I f7 ,5Ieuks&...'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work executed on short notice. 1 B. F. EHLER8 & Co., ' ' DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the

a'' -f

fc te..trVViHP4ywjVYWli!rt'o. KMWiWMwWWf 0i ". fir afibsri

ir iB .TB' uB, , . 1. M t V AB i H ; -- 1..B,-1 vJ I'! II f7 BULLETIN i

;.. li Ib&u J , Btf 9'.

Am ' i I ,5Ieuks&n jv ih m a tm sm - id m x


No. 128. IfoNOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1882. 80 teniaRubucrlptlon

per Uunft,

i , THE DAILY BULLETIN ,Is' published every morning', and cir-

culated, throughout the town, and for-warded to the other Islands by everyopportunity.- - '

Subscription,. - 50 cents per montii.

II. L. Sheldon; - Kdltor.Alt business communications to be ad-

dressed,' J. VT. Rotntltrsox & Co.

HowCariyle Served a Vjtritof.

Thomas Carlylo's powers of clieck-in- g

undue forwardness arc thetheme" of uumeVouBaucpdj6tC9', tbb

, most characteristic'' Of 'Well is thefollbwing, which is literally true :--

A preSUmingjfellojx wlio had beenbroiigntlto dine with' him by a com-

mon frlend,legan to speak slight-.ingly

of his great hero, Burns?,call--ing him a much'Wcrratod,'Tuani,l'etc. Carlyler made, no comment,which emboldened the critic to con-

tinue in the "same strain till dinnerended. When theyl aroso to go':tothe thawing room, the host brokehis grim silence at last :

, . Is that your hat and Btick in thecorner, sir?"

i ",Ycs."" Then yotfhad better-tok- o them

'and be gone at once. -The crestfallen visitor obeyed,

and his introducer was about to fol--. low, when "true Thomas " stopped

him, saying "that he "had doneno wrong." . ,

Thirccalla'Hhe story of a.worthyQ'ua&f who attempted to1 disarm awelMcnown " bitter tongue&'by;in- -

$lfcihg him to diriiicr&but the'back- -bi&r, whilo,enjoyingthcgood;cheor,

fcontinued his abfi&e unabated. TheSwiin Wtneftce. a'fter.'.bearinc itfio'r a.', ' U 1 .k"it'nAn idla tw

mnntmttorintr nndr'ft', drink-o- ff erine :

nnd'.moTr,V' M iedj,-lifhn- g himthrough the opcn'windqw'Mntp thestreet; "iVdl 'give 'thee

' 'offering.

Mother of Invention. What re-

lation is a,loaf of brtad'toa'necessity. A

steam-engin- e is anJnvention. Neces- -'

sity' is .the mdSfcer ofv iuTention ;

therefore a loaf of bread is motherto a steam-engin- e!

Cs BledilimJBreadex Calbarlcn, for sale la. ,

quantities to sult,by, f,ft s

06 A. S. CLEanoRK & Co.

FOUSALK, a No. 3 ,

"Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 1 to 2 ton's per day.

Ae, pulleyn, belts, etc., all In goodorder; can be run by steam or horsepower, just the article for a'plautatlou.

1 ALSO, i"

HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat Branl'Barlcy, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Fec'd; etc.'AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

' 50Jin LAlNE & Co., 34 Fort st.



F. .HORN; Practical Confectioner,'.P(qstry;Ck)ok,4inAJaker. .

No.71 Hbt'cl st. Telephone 74. 69

ice MANukacronY.Ice delivered to nil part of the

City, fihlppliur Hupplled In quantitiesto snlU Tttlephonc, No. 58. OMws.utWilder' & Co.'h. ' M

Jk' HONOLULU IRONCftWorki Co. Steam englne, sugar

67T mills, boilers, coolors, Iron, ,brisand lesul paHtlngs; mchlncrj' of everydecrliitlon made to order. Particular

'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp.Job'work executed on short notice. 1

B. F. EHLER8 & Co.,' '

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the Latest HoveltiMjn Fancy Goods71

Hats, Hats, Hats,PLUSH"! PLUSH


Hi --nia


Satins ! . Satins ! Satins !





No. 104 FORT STREET. - (94) - HONOLULU.

New York Life Insurance Co.' '', $47,000,000. Surplus, 810,000,000.

Purely Mutual.This Comnanv issues every desirable form of policy.The tontine policy by this Company yields better returnsthan

those offered any other company. For particulars apply to71 "" C. O: BERGER, General Agent Haw'n Islands.


clscd.ft"Flroarid'Marlne. Cash capitalGold. 6600,000. 'Dwelling risks a .spe-

cialty! dWclllnps and contentsmured-Jor,- a perlpd'pf ,3 years, for twopremiums in advance. Bv writing smalllines 'on1 carefully 'selected risks, welldistributed offers'' Indemnity second tonone. ILosscrpromptly adjusted.

,jBisiiop,& Co.. Agents, foj the10 . Hawaiian Islands.

J. ill' 4 Q


Dealer In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store la the'i'Hawallan Gazette" bulld- -

4t.r . Bank. r

AX" tfe&AR-T- . Mannfactunncmo.Jqwcler, No,6 Kaahamanu st. 31

WJ(3ifi!S..'6eiiiSch,Prnntiriil 'i Watchmaker.

tSS" Hotel Street,' opposite the133 3m - "international Hotel. -- a

D.W. CLARK,Waff Maker- - and Jeweler,

sAlways pnjhanda nice stock of

5WaJcifilsf-Cloc&'andxJewelry.-- a

ItepalrlnR.Watchcfl and Clocks a Spec-ialty, No. 8 Fort Street. 3:1

T7T i"Redwood and Cedar

r VETSf LONG, for nale' In any quantitles! by

34 . r , AI.IJ5N i. Houisson' .. . V JnrTHE OKLE111WTEI) .

Isilikalahi Manifesto !


ELECTION, .CAMPAIGN6f February, 1882,

Translated by II! L. Sheldon j publishedbyT. G. Thrum.

Price, : : 2fi cents.May be had at J. W. Robertson & Co's

" 40

" ' "

Eccoivcd by every steamer.






Robert C. U. Cooko.

T EWERS & COOKE,fsuccpstors'to Levers & Dieksnn.

Importers and Dralcrs in Lumbpr and allkinds of Buildimr'Matcrlals. Fort itroot..Honoliila." , ' 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers. inPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

aud Building Materials of every kind",cor. Fort and Queeu st:., Uouolulu. 1

ALLEN ft ROBINSON,XJl Dealers in lumber and all kindsof building materials, paints, oils,nails, etc., etc. 71

HOLLISTER & Co., Wholesale

crs of J'lnc Tobaccos and Cigars, andManhfacturcrs of jSoda Water, GingerAle, &c, &e. . is


dbIHELIPSi FmcticalPlumbeis, GasFittcrs and Coppe-

rsmiths, No. 18 NuuuniiBt, Honolulu.HoiiBo and Ship Job Work promptlyexecuted. 17

GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.importer and dealer in Gent's,

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers.' v f ' i Kl

BROWN & CO., Importers andIn Ales, Wipes and Spirits,

No. 9 Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

PERSONS SEEKING'Employment; and all' parties either

njlonolulu or at any1 of the'Islunds Inthe Group""'!! want of.Employic willplcaaemukc their" wants known to theandcraiRiicd, who will do all in theirpower to till their orders.

P. C. Jones, jr., J. B. Atherton, B. F.Dillingham, Employment Committee Y.M.C.A. , - . 1

ONF EOTIONERY,. "P.jMcli No. 71 Fort st., aboveHotel street, Keeps unvays on nana an as.Hortment of the hot Frcnrh aud Califor-nia raanufucturcd confectionery, whichhe nfl'cra J'or aale to the trade or at retail.arrcdurtid jirlct't; also thu beatbranda ofcnoictv ciKunt n du iiiui in inu niarKei.The lust ice cream, soda water and cord-ials Call and try them. 1

Drink FiHlior'sCHAMPAGNErCIDpR!o' favorably known' throughout Hie

Hawaiian Islands. Sold by allrespectable dealers.

No. 1 0 Liliha fit., Honolulu 71

"The Planters' Monthly,"Price 15 cents a copy.

Subscription price - - 81.t0 a year.Send orders to


'IxuLjtkiiLu - .. ....:x.

JORT STREET.Commission Moroliants.

CUm Spreckel. Wm.

WM." G. IRWIN' & COMPANY,Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu.

G. W. UACFABLANB & CO.,Imnortertt and Conmilnblon Mer.

chants. Itoblnaon's Flro-Itro- Bulldlne.j iucen street, lionoiuiu.

TT HACKFELD & COMPANY,- uencral " Uomra

Queen street, Honolulu

AS. CLEGIIORN 4 Co., ImportersConnnlsslon llerchants, Deal-

ers In General Morchuudlc, Queen audKaahuumnn sts., Uouolulu. 78

IT. A. p. Cutor. P. C. Jonei.Jr.n BRE W E R & C O.--'Shipping ond Commission Marohonts

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

THEO. II. DAVIES & Co., im- -

and commission mer-chants; and agents for Lloyd's andthe Liverpool Underwriters, Britishand Foroign Insuranco Co., andNorthern Assuranco Co. 71

T?D. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO..- Importers and Commission Mer-

chants, Hi nolulu, Oabu.n.B.WIlllama, A'.Choaabroueb, W.n.DlmtmdWILLIAMS, DIMOND- - & Co..

' Shipping and Commission Mer-chants, Union Block, corner lino audMarket streets, San Francisco, Cal.

A0BMT8 FonPacific Mall Steamship Company,PaclHc Steam Navigation Comnanr.Cunard Koyal Mall Steamship CompanyCal. line of Packet from Now York,Hawaiian line of Packets,China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Marino Insuranee'Co. of London. 71

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE.r Imnnrior nnri Doiuor in r..Mij- - UUUWUt

Merchandise, C;ueen at , Honolulu,

S. GRINftAUM & CO.,J--- Importers of General Mer-chandise and Commission MerchantsHonolulu. j

MS. GRINBATJM & CO.,commission Merchants. 214

Califomiu atreot, San Francisco,Cal

T1- Importer and Commission Mer.

chants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cattle. J. B. Atherton.

nASTLE & COOKE.vy Shlnnlnir nnri ffVitvi,n(a.lnM xr.chants. Imnortcrs and Denlcra in Rin'.eral Merchandise, No. 80 King atxeet.Honolulil. j

W1 WO CILVN & Co..Importers and General lienlnre

In English. American and Chinese Iro.visions, X'jantauon Tea and GeneralSupplies. Alio, white and colored eon-tra- ct

matting, all qualities and prices.B No. 23 Nutiann Street, opposite

Mr. Afoug's. , ,' 81

JAMES HANLON mil attend to"lamo or 'sick horses'. ' L(?avc

orders at J. W. Robertson & Co's.74 lw

JOHN A HASSINGER.tnko Acknowledgment to

Contract for Labdr. Interior Jfflcc,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 27 Morchut st.v Ko.il Estate Bro'-e-r, EmplojmcntApont and Uencnd Onico.Biwlncs.s.

Telephone, No. 172. io


Agont to take AcknowledRraonts toLabor Contracts,

AND GENEItAL mwiNPIKS AGENT.Olllce, in Maken's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahumauu rtrvets. Honolulu, il

?.o. ii. ROHEirrsox.DraMnan bi-s-t teams

In town. Teiophoufl No. tJ5. . 15


JamksDodd, - - . Proprietor.NUUANU VALLEY KOUTEt

Up trip: Lone W. O. Irwin & Co'.A.M. 0:15, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30.P.M.-- 12 :05, 2 :0O, i :00, C :10, C :30, 9 :00

Down trips: Lcnvo Hca. or J. It. lt.A.M.-B-- .30, 7:30, 8:30, 11:00.P.M.-12- :45, 2:30, 4:40, 5:40, 7:00,0:20

Sunday Time Taiiij:.Up trips; Leave W. O. Inln & Co't.

A.M. 9:00, 10:00.r.M. 12:10, 2:00, 4:00, 0:30, 8:15.

Down trip ; Lca o Hi n. of J. H. IiX'A.M. 9:30, 10:30.r.M.-12- :4C, 3:30, 4:30, 7:10, 9:10.

BE11ETANIA & PUNAHOU ST. KOUTflUp trip: Luae W O Irwin A CoV,

A.M. C:00, C:B0. 7:45. 10:00.P.M.-lB- :0.-, 2:00, 4:00 5:10,6:45.10:

xraii inp: JLcao Pannhaa atrust.A.M.- - -- 0:30, 7:23, 8.40, 11:10.

'r.M.- - 12:415,3:10,4:30,0:10,7:10,10:20SJCNTIAY TIME TABU!.

Leave the Stables, cor. Fort and notelstP., for Punahou Street, Long BranchBaths, fare 50 cts., baths Included:

AJi.-G- :30 to Walklkl; 0:00, 10:00.and 12:15.

r.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklkl: 0:45and 8:4o.Down trlpa: Loive Pnaibon atreot,

A.M. 8:00, 9:30, 10r30.vm. 12:40, 3:10, 6:30, 7:10, 0:00.

WAIK1KI JIOUTE:Out trips: Leave W. G. Irwin t Co.'a

A.M. 7:4.r, 10:00.r.M 2:00, 5:10.

Down trips: Lca e Walldki.A. M. 8:L'0rI0:50.P.M. 250, 5:50.

Sunday trips: Leave stables.A.M. 6:30.r.M. 2i00, 4:00.

Leave Walklkl:a. m. 7:40.in M. 2:50, 5:10.

The Long Branch, Baths will bo the ter-minus.


w R . CASTLE,Attornev at Tjiw in.: TCn

ary Public. Merchant street, next .Uthe Post Olllce.

SB. DOIJG, Lafi-yg- and Notary Pul- -No. 15 Kaahumanu s. 11

T BLDAVinSONrAttorneyatLnwv 24 llorelmnt btrvet. 1C-

JOHN RUSSELL. Attornev nt Law,corner of Fort nnd Mer.'lmnt

streets (up btnlrs) 115 Cm

"OICIIARD F. I3ICKERTON,J-- " Attorney and CouiiHellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-holds. Ofllce, No. 34 Merchant st. 1

BROWN, ATTORNEYand Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub-

lic, and Aficntfor taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for the Island ofOabu. No. 8 Kaalmmauu strcst, Hono-lulu. 2 1

FRANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney15 Konhuinanu t. 23

w ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor- -ncy at Law, No. 30 Morchant

street. 73 1m

M. HA&AN, M. D.,Physician & Surgeon,

Rci"Idcnco and Olllce, 104 Nuuanu st.Olllce hours from 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3. to5 r.M. 101

DR. G. TROUSSEAU beg to notifyfriends that ho Ims rcHumed

practice In Honolulu. Resldruct) andconsulting rooms, No. 73Pnncliboi) (t,opposite tbo'ruukiil Kate of the Qiaten'sHospital. Consulting hours from I) a.mto IS. Telephone No. 103. 5fl lln

TR. EMERSON, residence nnd con- -JL sultutlon rooms at No 2 Kukul at.,corner of Fort.

Telephone No. 140. M2m

A FULLER, Sun'eyor for ISnreanVeritas. 71

WIUY TAYLOR, Teacher of Piano- -' fnrtn and Orirun. Tunlni? In all

It bmuclicH. 40 On

K. HOWELL, Consulting andCoiihtrtictlng Engineer! otro

38 Merchant street. 602m





Page 2: iB B .TB' H 1..B,-1 I I'! Am II I f7 ,5Ieuks&...'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work executed on short notice. 1 B. F. EHLER8 & Co., ' ' DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the



? V '.'7 v W &--?

flift jailg lulkfiifcTHURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1882.


High rents do not help a country'sadvancement, especially when puton Hb cnltivatahlo soil. To thecontrary, they arc a clog to progress.

This is one of the existing obstacles

to J I awnii's prosperity. Wo speak

move particularly for the districtssurrounding Honolulu. Consider-able of the auible laud here is underthe control of men who aro willing

to lease, but at such a high figure as

to make it unprofitable to tho lessee"

In some instances an annual rent ofsixty and seventy dollars per aero isasked for a short lease of unfenccdand uncleared land. The cost ofclearing, fencing, and preparing forcultivation would probably exceedthe gross proceeds of the first twocrops. To a native Hawaiian or awhite man such routs aro simply pro-

hibitive. The consequence is thatthe bulk of tho tillable land in andaround Honolulu is cithor being cul-

tivated by Chinamen or remainswasto and unproductive. Of the

latter 'unoccupied and uncultivatedland there is a large aggregate area,much larger than may be generallysupposed. We aro awwo that inplaces want of water for irrigationprevents cultivation; but we alsoknow that the high rent demanded istho sole cause of and

in many otherplaces. 'Acre nrc hundreds ofacres of excellent taro laud, with anabundant supply of water, now lyingidle, within a radius of three or fourmiles of Honolulu. Wc have beenrepeatedly told by natives that theywoidd gladly till much of this landif it could bo secured at a reasonablerental, but that the present rate is sohigh that after paying rent and otherexpenses nothing would remain oftho proceeds of their crops. Theowners of land and administrators ofestates do not benefit thomselvcs,tho estates they administer, nor thepeople, by thus placing rents unap-

proachably high--. On tho other hand,a fair rental would probably bring asteady profit to tho lessor, improvetho condition of tho lessee, nnd contribute to the general prosperity oftho nation. Let thoso who aro con'ccrned thoughtfully weigh these coneidciations.

Tun bails Lady Lampson andStella will sail for San Francisco to- -

mono w.

A mcftino of tho Stockholders of

tle Hawaiian Agricultural Companywill bp held this' day, at 1 p.m., attho ofllco of C. Brewer &' Co.

The Band will give a moonlightconcert at Emma Square tliis evening,

Just Received tram .London, oneLarge Astronomical Telescope, daynnd night glasses attached, withTripod 6 faet high. One BplcndidTelescope, day and night glassesattached, witn stauu. lor sale by116-l- w J. W. Robertson & Co.11 JU""" .. Jl .1VTOTICi:. There will ho a meetingjLi oi mo amcK-nome- or me miwallah Agricultural Company THISDAY, at 1 o'clock p.m.. at tho ofllco ofC. Urcwcr & Co.128 It J. O. Cahtku, Secretary.

LOST, A Vest Button and Link,Stono" with Gold Kurrottud.

ings, was lost yesterday morning. June27th, between 0 and la o'clock, betweenthe Mkellko Landing and (3. 'West'scarriage shop. Kinder will bo suitablyrewinded by leaving the. sumo at thisolllco. 127 3t

FOUND, on Saturday Fast, on HotelHtivet. a Kiiekago ol Transferring

papeia. The owner can have tho aamcby paying expenses and calling at thoBulletin Olllco. 127 Iw

--A Plantation Draft, whichFOUNDowner can hao on provingproprrt.v nndp.ijlng for tills udvurtUe-xnon- t.

Apply to120 Messrs. Cahtlb & Cookk

LEGISLATIVE.Yesterday, while discussing lho

items of pay of tho Sheriffs of Hawail and Maul, a warm debate en'sued among tho Hon. members ofthe Houso, during which some verysharp remarks wcro made, criticisingthe way things have been carried onunder tho supervision of said Gov-

ernment oHleials, as also their ownpersonal actions regarding theirduties. His Ex. tho Attorney-Ge- n

oral however nut a stop to thisfeeling, by Btating in substance thattho probabilities were, a thoroughcleansing and reconstruction wouldbo mado in the Police system of thoKingdom, and that as far as ho wasconcerned, ho was prepared to say

that things will be conducted in amore satisfactory manner heretofore.

Mr. Brown from spocial com-

mittee to whom was referred thesubject of Artesian Wells, reportedrecommending 1st, That tho sumsof $5,000 caoh bo inserted in theAppropriation Bill for artesian wellsat North Kona, Hawaii, on tho Isl-

and of Molokai, nnd at Mnkua,Oahu; and secondly, the sum of$20,000 bo also appropriated forboring artesian wells throughout theKingdom, to bo under tho control oftho Minister of the Interior. "Which

report was adopted.Mr. Kauiukou, from Koolaupoko,

presented a resolution that the sumof $1,000 be inserted in the Appro-

priation Bill for improving tho har-

bor of Waimanalo, Koolau, whichwas laid on the table to be consider-ed with tho Appropriation Bill.

Mr. Rice gave notice of intentionto introduco ' tho following bills :

let To amend law relating to theservice of summons and process inPolice nnd District Courts ; 2d Toprovide for a more efficient registra-tion of marriages ; 3rd To providea penalty for false acknowledgmentto instruments ; '4th To provide apunishment for trespass on the pre-

misses of Female Boarding Schools.Rules being suspended, Mr. Na-wa-hi

presented n petition from llilo,with over 500 signatures, prayingthat $500,000 be appropriated forlaying a railroad from Hilo to "VVai-pi-

which was laid on tabic forconsideration with tho AppropriationBill.

The House then resolved itself intocommittee of tho whole, Mr. Kapenain the chair.

Tho eonsideration of the Appro-

priation Bill was then taken up, andthe following items under the head ofDepartment of Attorney-Gener- al

were rcspoctivoly considered andpassed.Pay of Attorney-Gener- 912,000

" Clerk to Attornoy-Gcn'- l. 6,000it Aiarsnai oi me Kingaom. 7,000i Sheriff of Hawaii 5,000

" Maul 6,000" Kauai 4.000

" Salary Cl'kSh'ff nawall. 1,200" " " " Maul... 1,200

The items of $4,000 each for Dis-

trict Attorneys for Hawaii, Mauiand Kauai, were on motion of HisEx. the Attorney-Gener- al strickenout.Apprehension of Criminals 96,000Incidentals 2,000Expenses of Coroner's Inquest. . . .1,200

The House adjourned to 1 p.m.

At 1J r.M. tho committee againresumed the consideration of theAppropriation Bill.

Tlic item 'of $20,000 for CriminalExponscs was on motion referred toa special committee.

Tho item of $C0,000 for an"Armed force, contingent fund tobe expended by advice of the Kingm Cnbinot Council," was the lastitem in this Department brought forthconsidcrablo discussion, wldch lasteduntil 3 ;30 r.M., when tho motion toindefinitely postpone was lost by avory large majority. Tho item thenpiissed'with an amendment providing

that said sum Bhall bo used only 'forarmed forces for the Islands of Ha-

waii, Maui nnd Kauai., Tho Committee then rose and re-

ported progress, which was adopted ;

and the Houso adjourned to meetagain this day, at 10 a.m.

Fire Alarms.Mn. EniTon : Now that the,town

is divided into thirteen fircwards,thcro Is considerable confusion and

uncertainty when an alarm of fire isgiven, nmong tho members of thevarious Fire Companies as" well astho public' generally, to know thoexact location of tho conflagration.This confusion was noticeable onMonday night lost during the alarm

of firo at tho houso of ,Mr. "Wood,

when tho cnirines were taken indifferent directions. This is not anexceptional case, butevery time an alarm of fire is given.Now, Mr. Editor, to remedy thisconfusion in future, I would sug-

gest, that in every fireward a bell beercoted. i A firo occurs we will sayin No. 12 ward, when tho nell be-

longing to that ward and the AlarmBejl at the Bell Tower is Tang only.Invthis case only these two bellswould bo heard, and the location ofthe firo would be a certainty. Thismethod would do away with thebells attached to the. various enginehouses, for if used they would onlycause confusion. The largest expenditure, would bo tho purchaso ofbells, as poles with a smallcross-ba- r

would bo sufficient to hang tho bells,with a rope attached, reaching with-

in six or eight feet from tho ground,or high enough to bo out of reach ofboys. ' Yours, 2


HORRIBLESMEETING 'of all who expect toA turn out with thu "Antiques and

Horribles," on the Fourth oi July, arerequested to

Meet This Evening, at 6:30Sharp, at tho Pacific Hoso Co's Hall.

128 It ' Per Oi der of Committee


Last PerformanceBUT ONE !

Thursday EveningJuno 29th.






By roquost, the ovcnlng's entertainment,wlll concludo with

The Skeletons!Pricos as usual: ,

B57" Reserved seats at J. W. Rob- -

crtson & Co., withoutextra charge.

'J t $

Mr Adams will offer tho house-

hold ifurniCure at the rcsidonce ofjMr.

0. 1 Williams, No. 4 Palace Walk,

for salo to-da- y, ilso a choice lot of

Bramah and Cochin fowls. Read the

advertisement.w ho will hold his Regu-

lar Cash Salo when ho will offer drygoods, furnishing, goods, goroeries,furniture etc. Also tho stock

of "goods belonging to tho cstnto ofC. Ascu, tho lease of tho premises

formerly occupied by C. Asou, withall tho buildings thereon, also forviolation of tho Rovonuo Laws ar

number of coses of Chincso goods,

and other articles.

At a meeting of Harmony Lodge

No. a, T. O. Q. F. held last Mondayevening, thcioUowing officers wereelected for tho. ensuing trm : G. W.

Pascoe, N. G ; M. D. Monsarrat,V. G.; A. W. Richardson, Rcc.

Secretary; T. A. Dudoit, PermtSocreUry ; S. Selig, Treasurer.

Prof. Zamlocji gives another ofhis interesting entertainments, atMusio Hall thfa evening.

2516 packages of sugar come tohand since yesterday morning. ;

Tnfi steamer Iwalani is dnc to-

morrow morning from Knu, Konaand Maniacs.

TnE hull, rigging, boat &c. of theschooner Haunani sold for about$G00 yesterday.

A meeting of those who expect totake part in the Antiques and Horri-bles on the Fourth, will be held attho Hall of the Pacific Hose Com-

pany this evening. Sco th adver-

tisement in another column.

Sketches mado by Mr. Maske-lyne-'s

Automaton Zoe. For salo by1 16-- 1 w J. "W. Robiktsok & Co.

The person who borrowed thenative version of tho " Constitutionand Laws of the Hawaiian Islands ;"Established in tho Reign of Kame-hamehal- ll,

1842, from Mr. CecilBrownts office, is requested to re-turn the same. 124 lw

.i i .'i, hiiiiisaagacs3AuotionSaloBbyRP. Adams

This Day, Thursday,June 29th, at 10 a.m.

Sale of Furniture !At the rcsldonco of O. P. Williams,

No. 4 Palace Walk, will be sold

Household Furniturein part at follows,

'Mack walnut bedroom set, 'lllack walnut dining chairs,Black wulnut parlor chairs,Black walnut Rockers,Black walnut dining table,Black walnut wardrobe,Also, filming Machine, neat safe,

Brussels carpet, Kitchen Furniture,And a choice lot of

Bramah & Cochin Fowls., E. P. Axuus, Auct'r.


TUIOSE Ladies and Gentlemen whodisposed to

Assist in, the Musical partof the programme of the xercises on

the I'lcnlc Grounds on tho

. Fourth of July,Are cordially invited to

Assemble at ttfe LyceumOn Monday Evening Next, at 7 :30 sharp

Prof. Bergcr has kindly consonted toconduct the ehorui.es. '

' John II. Paty f Committee128 4t Myuo.n Jonks l on Music.

BALK, one new Kcow, capable ofholding 10 tons, built by G. Emmei,

and now in good order. For further partlculars opply to Timo. II Davies & Co.

J VTSTT5trF.I'llif!nrntt ri.MHMSktt! .UxeAgtenU of Uie German bark

"Wittim Pivplit" will tA ro--cnnndttilia nnv rittl- aaii.

traetcd by tho crow. J. W. Moiakr,110 , Master " Anna Frccht


JE Tho BrirWnito,Having undergone extensive repairs;With a good Inventory, nnd well foundin sails, rigging, &c, is now otlercd forsals, for particulars Inquire of

117 A. J. Cartwbiqiit.


IRRIGATION 'after this dato (Janeis limited to (4) 3our

hours per day,From' D to 8 in the morahijr, andFrom 4 to 6 in the evening.

Permission to irrigate during moraconvenient hours will bo granted on ap-plication to the Superintenpent.

Persona found irrigating except dar-ing specified hours wilt have their pri-vileges suspendenVwithout notice,

G. D. Pkkutii, ,

Supt. Water "Works.ApprowLs&igncdv. H,Ki Kaai,

Mto&tevb!mmior. . 124

WILDER & Co.,General Agents for the

Mutual Life Insurance Go.of New York,

Tho Largest, Safest and HostEconomical Life Insuramee Co.

in the world, .

Cash assets, over $90,000,000

For information ranitannnfr tiCompany and for ratbs of insuranceapplj to WiMiiB & Co., GeneralAgents ; or J. E. Wisxhak, Solicit- -ng ftgom. ii

lB,OOOORt.A.IAE0EB.- - - Kesent Agant,

Honolulu. H. I. 71


tfafffBJN. Builders

Buggies, Carriages, Express lVagonn' and every kind of vehicles

miuiiif actured.

Blacksmithing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done

G. WE8TKeeps constantly on hand and for

sale a complete stock of carriage '

building materials.

All orders promptly filled. 71

WANTED, A competent andto rent or supt-rlnten- d

the lower story of the American Hotel.It has been expressly designed for aBoarding House and will be furnishedIf the latest and most convenient style..No Chinese wanted.Apply at No. 70 Maunakea street, to120 tf Z. Y. Sqt'iMM, Proprietor.

WANTED. A live man withwho is both J mer-

chant and accountant, can bear of abusiness opportunity by address-ngCF-

Bulletin oiUce. Principalsonly. All communications strictly con-fidential. ' 100

younrGIH,tomake her-self generally useful in the house

of a lady on Maul. For particulars en-quire at the Hawaiian Hotel, Room No.10, in the morulnj; before 9 :30. 97

FOR SALE, a MULE CAltf;apply to

103 II. Hnckfeld & Co.

KALK. a ylish Carriage Horse,; drives double or single, perfectly

sound: also Harness and Top Buggy.C9 Apply to 0. 0. Ukuokk.

IT'OR KALK, n two-seate- d wagonpolo and shafts, and a

double harness, nearly new, price8150. May bo seen in rear of No.20 School st. YT. G. Nccdham. 72


Page 3: iB B .TB' H 1..B,-1 I I'! Am II I f7 ,5Ieuks&...'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work executed on short notice. 1 B. F. EHLER8 & Co., ' ' DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the

1?". iWK J fSTr T. "TTf MS' is


TELEPHONIC.Dimond Head, June 29, 0:30 ft.to.

Light N.E. wind. "Nothing in "Bight.

. Arrivals.Juno 28

Schr Ullama from Kohnla.Stm Waitnannlo from WnimonaloStm Haleakola from Pcpcckco

r Depastures.Juno 28

Schr KaluriaforMalikoSchr Catcrfna for Hanolcl

Vessels Leaving this day.Bk Stella for San Francisco.Bk Lady Lampson for San FranciscoSchr Kekauluohi for Hanalel.

Passengers.Vessels in Fort'

Ocr bk Stella; SommerHaw brig NlnltoCatucron ,..Am bark Kdwarcl May, JohnsonBrit bk Lady Lampson, aforstonBk Anna rrecht, Holler '

Am bk Camden,

Vessels JSxpeoted.ItlC Kami Frm DaBk Paradox, fm Ncvcastlc-on-Tyn-o, JyGrblcAdolPb.fraNewcastle-on'TyneJ-

Haw bk Kale, fm Bremen SeptHaw bk Iolanl, from Bremen, OctBk Josefa, fm Cardiff, AhgBk Oberon, fm Liverpool, AugBr bk Olengabcr, fm Liverpool, .

Am tern Eva from Humboldt, JuneAm bk Martha Davis, from Boston SpBrit ship British Ambassador, NC.N8W

. Am bk Adella'carleton fm Nc, NSW SpNlc bk Beraljio, from Nc, NSW dueAm tern Hera from Nc, NSWAm bktne Grace Uobcrts.tra Nc.NSW JnAm bktne Discovery, S F, JuneAm bk W ILAJmy, San Fran JunoAm bk KL PeUlngill, Departure Bay, for

KahtfulRMSS Zcalandla, from Sydney, July 3Stmr City of New York from SF, July 9Am bktne Amelia fm It Blakcley, JlyBk FS Thompson,fm Nanalmo fr Kah'ulAm schr Anna, fm Eureka, for KahululAm term Emma claudlna fm SF fr KaluAm achr Ida Schnauer from Eureka, for

HUo .

An bgfne Haiftrd fin 8 F, for KahululBrit stm Suez, nil S F, July MAm bk Emerald fm Ft Gamble, ' July




Haw bk CblclagO Ms Newcastle, .July


Imdor Boseaorante.,i r Luu !

, vvuiumuicauufu vu ucs Left at J. W. Robertson & co'a

Mr. Iiidgr Eosencrantz

WISHES to Inform the public that heNO way connected with

Wells' Music Store.. . , 126 St

Mr. Isidor BosenorantaIS QUITE BIGHT.

GKO: F. WELLS,128 Proprietor of Wells' Music Store.

The undersigned Is nowprepared to give lessons In 8panlsh

or French, and. any other foreign lan-guage, orally and scientifically, with themost easy method to its perfect knowlebgc, to young ladles at tho KinderGarten School premises, Nnuanu Ave.nue, dally from 2 to 3 p. m,- -, and toyoung men, at the premises oppositeQueen Emma's, from 9 to 10.p.m.For particulars enquire therein, 92F. 1). A. Marquez.Prof. of Languages.

UNION FEED COMPANY, A. W.Manager. See advertise.

I mrnt on other page. 28

M. W. MoChesner & Son,Proprietors Honolulu Tannery ;

Dealers in Hides, Tallow A Leather,Also, Groceries, Provisions

71 Salt, etc., etc., etc.


ESTABLISHMENT,At Mrs. A. M. MelUs' Cloak and

Mantle Making Department,No. 104' Fori Street, : : HonoluluOrders executed at short notice. 72

HARD SOAP,Toilet Soaps, Blue Mottled Soap,

.just received. Our toilet nonps arebeautiful and cheap, families would dowell to examine.

on A. S. Cleouokr.'a Co


OMkand Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Plaulug Mills, Espla- -nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood.work nnlsh. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan,lug, Mortlclng.uud Tenanting,

Orders promptly attended to and workuroers irom tue otuer

solldlefl. 21

Oceanic SteamB&ife Comp'y,THE Al33MI

Iron Steamer Suos,DODD, .... . COMMANDER

Will leave Honolulu


For frclghHtr-piwsaij-c, having superior

accomodations, appiy to134 ,' 'tTM. O. Inwm ft Co:, Agents.


Tho dipper Bark

Lady Lampson,Mansion, .... Master.

Will havo quick dispatch for the aboveport, ior ircignt or passage apply to

C. Brewer & Co., Agents

T. R. FOSTER k Co.'s

Line of Steamer

The Iwalani,Baths, ..... Commander

Runs rogularly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Tablo:

Leaves Honolulu at ir.u. onMonday, July X Thursday, Aug. 24Thursdays July 13 Monday, Sept. 4Monday, July 24 Thursday, Sept. 14Thursday, Aug. 3 Monday, Sept. 25Monday, Aug. 14

AttRIVBH AT Honolulu:Tuesday, July 11 Friday, Sept. 1Friday, July 21 Tuesday, Sept. 12Tuesday, Aug. 1 Friday, Sept. 22Friday, Aug. 11 Tuesday, Oct. 3Tuesday, Aug. 22

The C. B. Bishop,Berry, ..... Commander. , Lbavxb Honolulu everyMonday, at 5 p.m., for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eleelo,-an-d Wairaea, Kauai.

Returning leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

The Jamea Makoe,McDonald, - . Commander

- Leaves Honolulu bvbbtThursday, at 5 p.m., for Kapaa and

Kilauea, Kauai., Returning Leaves

Kapaa every Tuesday evening. 75

Steamer Likelike,King;? Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at; Lahalna, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona,Laupauoehoo and Uilo.

Returning, will toush at all thealoVe ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

PACIFIC MAIL Steam.ship Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Tho splendid stcamshto

, Zealandia,Wcbbe Commander,

Will leave Honoiulu for San Franeisoo, .on or ahout July. 3; '

FORSYDNEV via AUCKLAND-- TUe splendid steamshipCity of New York,

" Cobb, commander,or about July 9th,

For frelght'and 1 assage apply to H.Hackfeld & Co., ' '

f'REAT Bargain For Sals TheVJT premises Jutely occupied by G.C. Beckley, on Liliha street; sIhothe adjoining property with dwel-in- g

bouse on same. These placesare favorably situated and but ashort distance from town. For further particulars' apply to George C.Beekloy. 78

Shirts and Hosiery,Fancy and Blue Flannel Shirts,White Shirts in groat variety,Imnorted omrosa'.v for this market.7$ lw A. S. Cleghorn & Co.

HPHE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Ha.L waii Par Aina," owned and

edited by Kawuinui Bros. ; has aweekly, edition of 3,0U copies, andis me Dcst auveriising mcaiuin. ui-fle- e,

No;.C Merchant st. I


The undersigned' are tlte

ONLY AGENTSFor these Islands for the Celebrated

Rubber Stamps.J. W. ROBERTSON. & Co.

H. 1'"

3 1 1nleP SP--.iia MskB


haJa r SaBBasS

m ft AzZ HbskIbMbssI

2 a & 8 s"S5W J2 S 9 nSUBBSISlBBBHi

m 5 8p!L i,i0Q



O ssssjsjssjjssjsf

m aere

CD mm



m oo 4 S--

14 03

o O$

c FT



s?0 8








CHA8. J.124

PHIL, STEIN,Carriage Maker,

Kos. 38 and 80 Fort street,(above Hotel.)

New, Carriages of all ktedson hand aad built to order.

Repairing, Painting and Trimming75 promptly executed.

PILSENER BEER!Just Recoivod per

Bark Edward May,A small lot of tho celebrated

PILSENER BEER!Whice wp offer,, in quantities, to

auil purchasors. Also ,.'

Wines and Liquors!IV- -r

Warranted good Qualities.120 aw Ed. HoOKhltsfe? ft Co.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Have just received

Ex "Forest Queen,"25 bblo G. G. E. F. Flour,

100 bbla Limo,

60 cases modiura bread,

10 cases oocoanut taffy,

25 cases canned corn,

10 bbls eocoanut oil,

1200 keg shooks,

20 cases light twist tobacco,

10 cases dark P. P. tobacco,

6 cases sowing machine,20 cases boots,

5 cases American prints,

50 cases blue mottled soap,

20 cases wash blue,

60 cases sardines,

60 cases olive oil, ,

&c, 4c, 4sb.

For sale by

II. HACKFELD Co.Juno 12. 113

THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1863.

Hart Bnoi., : : Proprietors.

MEAL!Served up in flrat-ebu- s style at all hours

Open froa S a. n. to 10 p. m.

Always on band

Cigars, Tobaooo, Pipes4c., te. Also,

Iced Xrinl!- -


ujte,luK&k$&Xli K .' t & ,faafa&U.JL .. U '' 4rx. Anfiw- -

J. UtX. U.."J1'. J

DlY !



Lowers St Cooke,Lumber Merehaiits,

Kcop cocstantry 00 band a full

assortment of

Lumber of all Kinds.Paiata, Oils, Varnishes,

Brnshca- - of all sorts.WaH Parier, NtuTsh

71 Spikes, &c, dec.

Beaver- - Saloon,H. J. Nolto, proprietor.

First-clas- s RefreshmentsSorved from 3 ajn. to 10 p.m.

Firstclasa grades ofTobacco, Cigars, PIpesp

and smokers1 sundries.

A Billiard Table !

is connected with tho establishment.

TO'OTICE The following Drafts andXl Jloney were either Stolen or Lostfrom my pocket last Saturday. '

Payment of the Drafts have been(topped.Drafts No. 1D3 for 9130; No. 100 for

9100; AO. 109 for 832 0 ;

No. 202 for 8150; 'nil drawn to-th-

order of C.Sam Lung & Co.,by F. 8. Pratt on O. W, Jlacfar-lan- e

A Co., and unendorsed.Draft No. 3730, drawn to the order of

C. K. Kapulo for 8806 7M00,byF. F. Porter, on W. O. Irwhi

. Co.Draft No. 3719, drawn to the order of

K. II. Bailey, for 8233, by C. II.Alexander on Castle A Cooke.

Two Ten Dollar Notes, and one TwoDollar and a half gold piece.

110 lw H. A. Hsxk. .

4thofJuly!FLAGS. FUGS. FLAGS.TTTE havo just rcceivod a largof V assortment of

Hawaiian, American,and British Flags

in 3, 5 and 7 yard long! lis; also Hawaiian and American Pl&gs, printedon cloth, from 3 x 6 to 23 x 34 in.

For nnlo elionp by83 J. "VV. Robertson SiCo.

H7T r- -

Pencil Holders.Something New, 15 cents nch, forsalo

hi .1. V. KoherUon & Co.

.j&nlSkiktam'' imtt'ir

Page 4: iB B .TB' H 1..B,-1 I I'! Am II I f7 ,5Ieuks&...'attention' paid t) vhip's blackimltliinp. Job'work executed on short notice. 1 B. F. EHLER8 & Co., ' ' DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the




M. Mc;INEf;Y,Importer and Dealer in

Clothing, Boots andJShoes, PerfumeryToilet Articles, Fookot Cutlery, etc., etc.

Gents! tiurfiishing ftoofyunTcs$ iValises.iTraveling Dags, Watches, Diamonds, dewoicry iivcr-wur-e, i.

Northeast Comer of Fort and Merchant sts., Honolulu. .

AT THI5 WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENTCaJvalwftys,bo, found, , .i - , , t ,

Full Lines of gdpoilFfirnisffin'-6kods,- .


3h Call' Select ono those Celebrated

i iiiir nIv--1 TTT jt i Jiiiri 'An ui on a i inaiTim1 I I 1 1 1 I wiii I ii 1 1 JlM V ' Jlf 1- al 1

May 12 (32)

Bruce Cartwrlght.i 3" r sLuc?y A V.



Union JEleed Company



:arries-tiie- -

Largest Best Stock.

:rHM,.($BfiJI AN' FEEDi

Of All description, and to full supplyUUUDUU1W1J UOIIUi

3Send orders A? W:&USIliFortSt, Honolulu.

Dr.Do Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

ThoTioctor has) just returned from'ntour aiound tho Ishnds, aud holds nat-

tering letoniincndatlous from numerousmanagers and private owners; of horeesfor las skill and capibHitleq, .In curingnil manner of diseases and complaintsin itock. . ,

All oidcrs to be lclt at J. a."Go's Diujr Store, Honolulu. 115 lni

JAMES H. HANLONjGeneraljlacamith '


I rarrier.r

Ts now permanently located at tho( siiop on King strcet.'latcly occupied

by Mr. G. West. '

JOHNTin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangcsof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals, tHouse Furnishing Goods, j

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Only Fifty Cts. per PoundsryANILLA-- 8

Chocolate Creams !

. This delicious and very nutritious

, ' Confection


Is .manufactured fresh every week by(

IT--. HORN,,

rractidal Confectioner and Tastrycoo

Warranted to bo' Strictly

For saloVat his Pioneer Steam Candy.p,aSi$ 1 0.00 Reward1'



TTTill bc,puid for information thatYVwiiriond'to the'eonviction of

, whoever cut tho tailfealheis off, and plucked the .backand In east feathers out of a Peacockbelonging to me. A further rewardof 810 will he paid for informationleading to the conviction of whoeverstole !J Pcachicks about a month old,,belonging to me, from Pawiiu onWednesday tue 2Uli into.

Geo. II. Lite.Pawaa, Little Britain, June 9, 1882

'' ,


v- -

' 'V h- r




'"- - i. .t.

guarantees keep aUll









Just' Received

Per D. C. Murrayt new lot cloth- - backed


All- -


A. W.


A of

Drawing Paper. !

ITracing paper in sheets,

" " 'Triangl&WtJblbr Sintf

Dixon'? ;Drawing Pencils,n BlankBooks, Fools Cap, a ,

Thnmb'Tacks'and a''flrie afisbrtment

of Notarial Record Books,''Siipremc Court Scrap Books,

Register of Actions.

Stock "Wallets,orBiUCasoa, &c, &c.,&c.,&c.

J. W. Eobertson & Co.




For sale atA. W. IiiciiAnnsoN's.

''iist-'eceive- d''

- ex Kalnknua,

Table itnd-Pi- Fruits, .Nice Breakfast, GoodB, such as

Candle Flip, Salmon 'andI'itr I'ork In filb, Tins,

Bultadl. for families. For sulo byM .' &- - Clkghoun Co.


Californian Mules !


r Expected per Lady Lampoon,

Apply to 0. Brewer & Co,

$Mk wyTTJaHAY, JUNE 2Bfjlfl82.

Tho SoUtoncsa of thaxons.Tho . Saxons nro a vry polity

people so over-polit- o thatthey notunfrequenlly bring dovrnj ridiculeupQ&KbThsolvcs. It u&cjl, to bololcljin Dresden that astrangcr intho city gwas ono day crossing thebridgerthat spans thbEjbe, anilasked & ""native to bo dkacJtQ&lto, acertdinTlchurch, which .hoHished toAnd. ft'4 .

Really, my dear siij'Baid theDrosclenor.'bowinff low.'"'I criovagreattv to sav that T poannot tella .' Vs i. J t . A

Tho..straneer .passd 'on,, a, littleBurprisod at this volubloanswe'r toa simplo question; HOi-hV- proceedflfl but a. fow rods'Wiien ho

eadJiurreVl foot-fetd- bchihd him,!ana,"tu'rKing, saw thelvsanie mah

moment hiHnnrsii6r."wasi'bv;Jhi3 side.t ',.. --r"-.. u'.A :ma ur.uin ncuriy igunu, uuv viiyugu

' '- -left'to "say,- - t, i.'iuv u.iur sir, yuu ukcu ihu iiuyvoukrcouldi'find the chufoli. aud' Itpaihod'mej to saytha.tltuicl'( notknoWk Just now I- - metWhvbrbthcr,and asked I.him7but:l gnDvo to soy.tuai-n- oianoi. tcnow, cuuer, --

A Wise King.J r(L Of"Victor Jmahuel this,.Btory is

1.1J --!...iajiuui uuuiT uiugmpiiy ui iu:ii,,Kiiig.uujr, iui u-- ui o.i uf

the Cathedral. of Pisa with allJiiscourt and a" following, of citizenswhich oiunibcred some thousands hefound the great ".entrance' closedagafnstr him. Somo1 one --proposedforcing the door, and

the Liberals

. :

J ! l.S ,.- -. -- l.S ,

v in


abotit.bijnV But the king 'seeing a"smilingly,-- "

'J Let us passiin'hearmy friends,;itjisa narrow v5ay

O ' t.Vcrysoon taftcf.the same thing

bxipp'cncd.at Bologna. ThoTiingojiyisitihg thcDuomoJ was. received, byone' or two' inferior clergy at a,.sideentrance; l ?Grcat indignation wasexprc'sse'd.by the citizens,o mpchso' that ihe bishop. 'was'"sp'inewhatalarmed, and came to apologize tothe' king, excusing his absence rtitohoplea of illness. Tlic king replied.- -r

i iou wcruuiiongiaj not toj'om-sel- f fbylord. , I do

notgo'to'church to vibit pries tf,'.hutto worship Godi" r' sj

" How to'Go to Sleep,A medical sdntleman contributes

tho following: I'ventme to sufggesta but'simplc remedy' 'for ' wantof sleep.0" Opiates in any .form, c,vpnthe ltquori opiu sedat and chloro-form, will leavotraces of'thcir Influ-ence tbcTuext morning, jl thcrefor,epresenbe for myself ancLTinve

so forotheissonlons ;

simply common onions," Taw,"butuuiiioji vrtiiuiiaj oiuni;u(Hmuu

IT'or Sfvle; l

1 FineJttmp-soat-Kockawa- y,

. ncarly,ncw and In perfect onler, putt- -able for tamily or hack business.

1 LarseTorniture ExpressWajron.

has 'just been '

1, two-seate- d Spring-Wago- n,

' (' it-- SWsound and In perfect running order.

I L,ight Road SuUcy," "sw

has been used but very little, and is,'"' ln Pcrfctrt vAct

Also ajew.ects ofC "J ? x


: ?&- - s v


fhatleaila'td'.para-"dis'c.'.f"- ;



NewSlingle Harness.--lApply ar C. E. WllllainswFurnlturcWarerooms, 111 Fort street ' ' 07 2w

s'Ju6t Received,Fer bktnc Eureka, a full Upe of

BIjCJCLE SHIRTS, Silk, merino and cotton.

Pajaina Suits, fc'Etc.01

VA. W. Richardson & co.


Drink Puliner &G.o's

GINGEKALE75 cents per dozen. 4


,". mW

WBSBmffgsmmmammmmin km, ,.


Z -- :'. imp'orters'.inft'biniertln" ',,i;'"u'l -

Hurdware,;! Agricultural --Implements,'" ' House Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils,'Yarnishos &c. aHayd:.rtadWiwkl.tiW3?I;to tfoistbcjc ofj

invitoitne attention of bu.crs.

Simple.and oheap' d6yice8wfor holdinMnlar' Lanterns.unuerncsvtn.uio oouy oi a carnage, tor tne purpose ox ,t ' H'kyr,.. 4v' luumlaatlng tho roadway, t, i , -


Lantern Holder. ... . " iTfleCdulter.'i ..' '

Bi u .



Kew styles of Plows, Harjysys,kCultivators, &c.,.&e.

A NpvcUlesn thmariettoonuteerous"toVhcitlohT!

examineDILLINGHAM COi,Fort,

Jef T. Waterhousereceivcdr,ox Atalanta,

A FINE STOCK OF GOODSConsisting part

Prinits,)r9Jicli.Mrinps,Hats, Caps, Perfumery,





c ZS2

. .To which thoy


- - J .


All Tubular.

Lanterns. .

j i

fnil line of Tinware, and many

! Call iOndj 'bur stock..j Street.


in of,

... Saddlery, Hardware, Faults, Oils,

Crookeryware, eto.vetc. ,;

t?'r'' WexCTMBmSotwmj & g

rrs rsrcvmtim vivvani vhsirihrr-J.- 3 MjM TtTnriTBrMrri iBTi




t4" Has

mmmWwMSti2 Bllll9ilfi.VWIllMiKI

2 ;" WAR0S8&C?AEiiAiDWffttOThELFASTjmAH?l g.

WILDER & CO.,ov ft. l h'v'

Importers and. dealers in' t, i,

Lumber and "


Building Materials,of all kinds...

Al8p,,intBtpck, uPaint and whitewash bruBhes,

--, Metallic and other paiuta,

Glass, paint oil, ''

Doors, Bashes, Winds,- - f

t 4. ,&CYf &C, &C.," "'1

In quantities to cult1

71 at low prices

. v J '

. i l ii


, . - .


,. ,

'' ,'' ' '- -









.. .


, - .





"cTS-'B-'3 ao



i'-- 5

i.ll otl".


Fop salo

J. J





..i ,' P





l 1





. FIRE WOOD ! iJ. 1 17 L I 1.'

First quality of best Are wood

FbfSaleWhag!Either In cord wood'or cut 'and split io

order. &y-- All ViOod'delKcredto ,,any part of the' city without' .

' extra charge.

Send orders to v )- A

.Enterprise Planing Mills;'nJ v jafFoffstreet.

."i rr t ?f j,-'- l


120QACpils Manila, ; nd filsal Jtope, ail sizcB. r

' '.. v r Fpr.alj.Ioyv, by -

02 ?P- - ,,, .A.'wMlrcc'&Co.

J. W, R0BER1JS0N.& CO.,



it 1



Subscriptioii'Depa'rtmentVo ore prepared to 'recoivc- furtiior orders for any pnperor mngazmo

ptiblislicd'in California, tTio"Eaqtcri.Statcs, Canada add Enrbpo'jJ ' 'A

At the' prosont time wo rcccivo by every inail. over ono hundred, andlii'jy'diiferpn prfpors and rnagazines, published in, the English, French,Genna'ii'and Scandinavian Lnnguages, for our subscribers.

As our subscription list is largo, we arc enabled to furnish tho pasporat a low rate of subscription. , "

i ', .