Ian Allison / IPY JC CliC Science Conference Beijing, 14 th Apr 2005.

Ian Allison / IPY JC CliC Science Conference Beijing, 14 th Apr 2005
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Transcript of Ian Allison / IPY JC CliC Science Conference Beijing, 14 th Apr 2005.

Page 1: Ian Allison / IPY JC CliC Science Conference Beijing, 14 th Apr 2005.

Ian Allison / IPY JCCliC Science ConferenceBeijing, 14th Apr 2005

Page 2: Ian Allison / IPY JC CliC Science Conference Beijing, 14 th Apr 2005.

IPY Concept

An intensive burst of internationally coordinated, interdisciplinary,

scientific research and observations focussed on the Earth’s Polar regions

Timeframe• 1st March 2007 to 1st March 2009

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Developing the IPY

1. Establish ICSU IPY Planning Group (2003)2. Call for Ideas (“bottom up”)/ Presentations/ Website 3. National Committees / Points of Contact / National

Workshops 4. WMO co-sponsorship5. Develop Outline Science Plan6. Stakeholder consultation/ Discussion Fora (2)

IPY Framework Document (November 2004)

• Science Plan• Data Management Plan• Education, Outreach and Communication• Organization and Implementation

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IPY Objectives

1. Seek major advances in knowledge and understanding

2. Obtain a snapshot of the current state of the Polar regions

3. Establish a legacy of new or enhanced observational systems, facilities, infrastructure and research networks

4. Ensure unprecedented access to the data generated

5. Attract and develop the next generation of polar scientists and engineers

6. Capture the interest and involvement of polar residents and of schoolchildren, the public and decision-makers worldwide

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1. Current Status of Polar Regions2. Change in the Polar Regions3. Global Linkages4. New Frontiers5. Polar Regions as Vantage Points6. The Human Dimensions

IPY Themes and their


Observational InitiativesData Activities

Education, Outreach and Communication

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IPY Organisational Structure

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Mandatory Characteristics of IPY Activities

1. Makes significant advances within IPY themes2. Involves polar region/within the IPY timeframe 3. Contributes to international collaboration 4. Viable management plan and organisational structure5. Viable plan for necessary logistical support 6. Adopts IPY data management principles and aims 7. Proposes education, outreach and communication

activities 8. Fosters the next generation of polar researchers

Plus 5 other desirable characteristics

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Expressions of IntentSubmitted (Jan 2005)

• 165 Biology• 145 Cryosphere• 115 Meteorology• 110 Geosciences• 90 Oceanography• 90 Human studies• 55 Space Science• 103 Data; E,O & C;


60% Arctic

25% Antarctic

15% Bi-polar

About 880 EoIs in total

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Assessment of “preliminary IPY status” of EoIs

1. potential to make a major contribution to IPY; significant international collaboration; possible core project

2. potential to make a significant contribution to the IPY; could be further strengthened by collaboration and integration with other EoIs

3. potential to make a significant contribution to the IPY; needs to form strong collaborations and to integrate with other similar EoIs

4. not directly relevant to objectives of IPY; reject

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Cryospheric Expressions of Intent

Topic CliC # EoIs

Terrestrial Cryosphere CPA1 10

Permafrost CPA1 20

Snow properties CPA1 10

Glaciers and Icecaps CPA2 22

Antarctic ice sheet CPA2 19

Greenland ice sheet CPA2 17

Sea ice and icebergs CPA3 25

Palaeo-climate CPA4 5

Evolution of polar glaciation

CPA4 11

Sub-glacial lakes 2

142 + 2

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The flavour of Cryospheric EoIs

The State and Fate of the Cryosphere (607)Cold Land Processes in Northern Eurasia: Regional and Global

Climate and Societal-Ecosystem Linkages (392)The Thermal State of Permafrost: An IPA Contribution (125)

The dynamic response of Arctic glaciers to global warming  (30)Glaciers, Climate and Sea Level (446)Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet (69)Antarctic Ice Sheet Accumulation and Discharge (351)

Short-Term Arctic Sea Ice Predictability (154)Role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in Past, Present and

future Climate (109)

International Partnerships in Ice Core Science-IPY Initiative (203)

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Interdisciplinary/thematic links - I

Links between different Cryosphere topics

CPA1 - Permafrost Human studies: Adaption and vulnerability to change;

New risks and stresses; Societal responses to rapid change. CPA1 - Terrestrial cryosphere, Snow properties.

Human studies: New risks and stresses; Societal responses to rapid change.

Meteorology: Weather and Climate; Hydrological cycle

CPA2 – Glaciers and Ice caps.Meteorology: Hydrological cycle

CPA2 – Antarctic ice sheet, Greenland ice sheet.Meteorology: Weather and Climate; Hydrological cycle

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Interdisciplinary/thematic links - II

CPA3 - Sea Ice & IcebergsOceanography: Ocean circulation; Biogeochemistry and

ecosystems; Coasts and marginsMeteorology: Weather and Climate; Hydrological cycle

CPA 4 – Palaeoclimate (ice cores)Geoscience, Meteorology: similar topics

CPA 4 - Evolution of polar glaciationGeoscience: Plate tectonics and gateways

Biology topics: links across several Cryosphere topics

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Recommendations from Consultative Forum, Mar05

• Provide feedback on EoIs to National Committees as well as to Principle Investigators

• EoIs submitted late will be assessed • Structure and function of Project Steering Committees to

be clarified. • Full proposals submitted after June 30 will be accepted; JC

will also consider possibility of a second full Call. • Establish regular communication with COMNAP and FARO

and provide information on logistic requirements (particularly ships)

• Investigate mechanisms of engaging with international funding organizations

• Establish stronger links with other relevant initiatives (e.g. ICARP II)

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IPY Full Proposals

• Submissions will be limited to about six pages, and include a one-page executive summary.

• Emphasis on meeting IPY criteria; national funding agencies will assess science detail.

• Full proposals will be assessed against broadly the same criteria as EoIs.

• Address synchronization with other EOIs, Project Steering Committees, funding plans and opportunities for interdisciplinary links .

• Endorsement by IPY National Committees will be important.

• Proposal templates and guidelines will be available on the website. Submission of full proposals will be accepted only via the IPY website. Cut-off date of 30 June 2005.

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IPY Timeline

2005 2006

Nov. 2004: ICSU/WMO IPY Joint Committee & IPO established / EoI AO

14 Jan. 2005: EoI submitted to JC

Mar 2005: JC examines EoI and provides feedback

March 2005: JC reports to Consultative Forum

June 2005: Full Proposals due to JC

Autumn 2005: JC announces IPY programme

March 2007: IPY beginsOngoing opportunities

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IPY Snapshot and Legacy

International Year of

Planet Earth International Heliophysical Year


Electronic Geophysical Year

2007 2008 2009 2010200620052004






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