i yi'*! 1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054395/1884-02-28/ed-1/seq-3.pdf ·...

i t! LOCAL G A T H E R i m HOME MATTIE8. le ]fS' TS % tore. >bes. un- arch, need oods nter, by OES. U-J re ! Ms Also. Newels, ,&<•. ORE: ,&.c, Us will LLY AY! line took and new helf- kip •om pair i he else a. w. A U. Ball road. .i:>l r W/i»6iNoiUi:e\May.p*leaVTowTi~Hall; •'••'..]'.: " .:... -•''.'. C"< ^',o''> "'''• Thurso K.viKV-r.ANp atv'Town day evening.- j; ,,, 'Hall: •txu*—4 DO A. M. N, ,-vr >o«l. W»y and Eastern- 11:40 t unloO) PMI 4>0lcf i l u i . « CiOrt© f»-1 f o l l o w s >la.lr'..l l^jU'la: ... ». c.'oltoo HtogB—^ p M. Dekali J auction. HouUiern, western. Kaet- ern and Way Mai'.»— I- w P. M (JltJen .bura—*4U P. M Poiwium —•40 P M. i>i(,i^nat)ara, l>ehal»> Junction,(Kmveroeur, Walert.iwn.Ho'iihern. VV'.vetern and Eastern (t .11) i- M _ its R. COUNTY OoyiiT and Court bfSeialons, >ue week ,*bm next Monday. >,' ASH nesday WBDNESDAY i —To-day,.:(Wed- , i Is the Qrst day bf.tLent.\ A NKW Type Writer lian made appearan.v <MI the market, amd W Remington, county clerk, W. H. Klin- ball, an.I H. I). Kit-worth, of this vil- lage, purchased one each last Saturday. Tboy s e e m t<> b e far s u p e r i o r t o a n y o P the old style machines which have been on the market for a number of yearn ; they not only do much better work, but are *"M at half the prlqe of tin- oilier niaibinoti—$40. 11. {t. Par- ker & Co., ot Uouverm-ur, are the «ole agent* for the State of New York. t I'AKINKRHHIP- >y given tliat the co- DlSMtll.lTlDN N>>tli«' 1M IUTII partuernhlp fornieriv exlHtlrit; between F. K. St«irr» and K. \V. Roach has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. All debts due to Raid grm must be paid Immediately to F W. Roach, who will continue t i i e tiii«ln»"»H. Dated Canton. V>h 2 1 . 1-M4. F. W. KOAI'II. 4<5-6t I*'- E - STORKS. FARM LABORERS.— All kinds skilled La- borers, Mechanics, Ar- tisans, &c., secured for any person by Bonney Bros., Canton, N. Y. Call and see them for full particulars. ^ AT COST FOR 15 DAYS—Cloaks, Dol- mans, Cloakings, Beaver Shawls, White and Colored Blankets. HAFFOKD & HAVENS. HON. M. D. BECKWITH nasi our thanka for a copy of the Albany Even-, lng Journal Almanac for 1884. m TAKE the tittle folks to the Town Hall on Thursday evening to see the fairies In their beautiful operetta,» •>. * . Mas. AMOS L. OLADDBN, of Pter- pout. has recently secured a widow's, peunlon and back pay amounting to $2,250. Miss JEXNIE SWAN, the only daugh- ter of Mr. George B. Swan, of Pota- dam, died at her father's residence, In that village, on Tuesday evening of last week. *• THE Ogdenaburg athletic and row- ing association, which has lately been organized, opened their roonaa to the. public and invited guests on Tuesday evening of last week. -«, W-— THE attention of our readers is called to Mr. F. W. Roach's notice to the public, offering at cost during the next twenty days, his entire stook of winter and spring clothing, etc. -* FIFTY bright little people In cos- tume, and singing In opera, will be a novel and Interesting entertainment. Go and see them In the " Kingdom of Mother Ooose," Thursday evening, at the Town Hall. BIOELOW & HEALV have Just opened the largest line of Ladies Fine Shoes and Slippers ever shown in Canton. * 1 0 0 0 Yards Lawns, Cambrics and Perualea, at 12Jc—1 yard wide. BAFFORD & HAVENS. Two or more Magazines and Papers at reduced rates. Subscriptions taken by Bonney Bros. 38-tf MISSES' Common Sense 8obool Shoes at Bigelow & Healy's. FOB SALE—A few lots. Geod locality, office. choice building Inquire at this Our stock of Boots and Shoes Is complete and prices as low as the low est. No trouble to show goods, invite all to call and examine. BIGELOW & HEALY. We NOTICE. All persons indebt- ed to Bigelow & Hea- ly are hereby notified that their accounts must be settled, either by note or cash, on or before April 1st, 1884. BIGELOW k HEALY. . » L o o k at our Quilts at Six Shillings andll.W. Marseilles at $1.50. SAFFORD & HAVENS. MAKE NO MISTAKE.—Buy R. R. Tickets to all through points of Bon- ney. Baggage checked through to destination. Information cheerfully TRUNKS and Traveling Bags at Bigelow & Healy's. LADIES Fine French and Cur Healy's. Strapped Kid at Sandalls in Bigelow & FOB SALE—A large second-hand open grate Htove, suitable for a hotel or office. It Is stylish and in good order, and burns either wood or coal. In- quire at this office. HOSIEBY AND U^KWEAR marked down to close. SAFFORD & HAVENS. WANTED.—We will pay $3.50 ner cord for Baswood Broo.n-bandle Bolts, delivered at the factory on the Island. 42-tf " W. E. KINO & Co. GENTS' French Calf* Hand Sewed Shoes made to order for $8.00 can be had of Bigelow and Healy. An An«wer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kid- ney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of ca- ses already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act irts. Every THE local butter market is dull. For old butter there is scarcely any de- mand, and new, which alone Is quota- ble, has declined about one cent since our last report. We quote Welsh tubs, new, 22(aj24c. for good to fine. , ^ SOCIAL.-The Ladles' AldSociety of the M. E. Church will give a Leap Year Social and Oyster Supper in the church basement on Friday evening of tbfeweek. Admission 10 centa; Sup- per 25. All are cordially Invited. THE citizens of Norwood held a school meeting on the evening of the 15th Inst., for the purpose of finally fixing upon the site of the new school building to be erected in that village. The location known as the ABbley site was agreed upon by a vote of 91 to 67. •• * THF.BE was a pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. W. H. Tallman. on Gouverneur street, last Friday evening, ths occasion being the oyster supper gh en by the Ladies' Aid So- ciety of the Presbyterian ehuroh. About one hundred guests were enter- tained, and the visit was a gratifying success in all respects. ••. . • THERE will be an oyster supper and musical entertainment In the congre- gational church at Rensselaer Falls, on Thursday evening, March 6th, for the benefit of the Rensselaer Falls Brass Band. The band Is said to b'e a very fine one, and no doubt those who at- tend will be treated to some excellent music, as well as a good supper. » THB tannery property of the Shaw Brothers, at Norwood, was sold on the 14th Inst. It consisted of 1,300 dry bides and 150 sides of finished leather, all of which was bid In by Mr. Jarvia, attorney for the plaintiffs in the suit against the bankrupt firm—the dry hides for $8.05 apiece, and the finished leather for $3.85 per side—the sale amounting In the aggregate to $4,095.00. * ONE of the most pleasant church so- ciables of the winter was the New Eng- land supper given by the ladles of the Baptist church at the residency of Mr. Charles Hall, on Main Street, on Thurs- day evening last. The supper was a genuine Yankee feast, and the decla- mations and magic lantern were very entertaining. Notwithstanding the boisterous weather, there was a goodly attendance. OCR Methodist friends had a right good time at their "pink social" in the basement of the Methodist ehuroh on Tuesday evening of last week. The at- tendance was large, there being a gen- eral turnout of the Methodists, and the other socitles of the village being well represented. The arrangements which the ladies of the ehuroh had made for the entertainment were very complete, and the evening was greatly enjoyed by all present. A COMMITTEE appointed by the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union will beat the chapel of the Presby- terian church at 4 p. M. next Wednes- day, i March 5th) for the purpose of or- ganizing such children as may be pres- ent into a temperance Society. Let the parents secure the attendance of the children and the ladles of the com- mittee will spare no effort to make the ^Hon. Wnu ^, 8»*y*r in f!»** burgh, where h*ia«tt^«odo« pto*M : slonV bbtlnea*. ->"" f '-,•>; -.-,• *•' .- * —Mr. Beth Johnson o*me u p trotaa- Albany lastwetk, foiafew daya 1 villi with hi«:Canton.trtepd«.v -... , ;, \_ . .^Projf. VW. B. "<|opkiaon amvM home QTi Saturday evening from Brook- lyn, where he hat b«jen spending s*v- eralweeka. •'-£,/'"•}',. •-.•"-' .'•.V,. —Mr. ! B. B. Wlma, of W*ta#bfm," counsel for the Rom*, W.atertown and Ogaensburg Railroad, waa In; Canton on biwiaeaii iaatSatjtfday,, y K „, -r.Mrs. WlUWootf raffia at th« hpnif of hex mother la Otwegatbhle^asalatr log In preparations for tbs wedding of her slater, which is to take- place In. a few days. . .- • •'-.-.•••, .: •">'.';... ".-' •,£ —Deputy Attorney G^eiii v71%tn A. PoBte arrived;fcb«a Albany onJftt- urday evening, for a abort visit -.With his family, and rejtmrned to the capital on Tuesday.--, - •- •< -' ; - '*' - * : . ••-"'." •,. ,: . —Mr. H. M. Barber, head" cl*rlc in Mr. M. D. Padkard'i»«oxe,;»turtedon, Thursday evening last from'atrip^to and beyond the. MHiltilppi river..- He had been alwentjouffweeks, •'. f Mr. Fred S. ftemliogtoii arrived here on Wednesday .evening, ptlaae week,- on a visit to, his mbfther and other w - lativee and frjtend* %ix this:vW«& He return* to his western home abofit: the middle of this week/ . * V . .••< "• . * ' LrTTLE B O Y BLIUB at Town Hall Thursday evening. ? m -,\ '.'••:.' canton's pirospertty. . Mr. Kelsey, the ijpedW correspond- ent of the Utica BMcfdia, was In Can- ton last week, and while here gathered up some, facte in relation to our beaotH fiil ana rapidly gtof!ngvillage ( whioh : he communicated to that journal, as follows: CANTON, Feb. 18—There are some fifty new bulldinga going up here the: coming season. Men of entBrprlseahd capital are investing, their' mpniy to encourage manufacturing, and the out- look for business the coming season is, flattering. The Canton JLiumber Com- pany, recently organized, will Imme- diately commence preparations for building a large sa^ mill that will em- ploy aome80Q me% They have par- chased the old Leigh milt, located just outside the viUagu poandary, and will build the new mill ,upon the other aide of the river and out the timber Upon the spot. They ;wlll invest about $75,000 In thU business. s Money Invented la manufacturing, as above mentioned, always Bete the wheels of trade anil business generally to humming, and gives that cheerful . r - •- from and busy aspect (to a place that dls- tlngul ' town. TtMrs waa a tan« and «• Ofc^F.ft?sVe..ridlreao^ftoWf, mm*** pws»ntfrom*ll the iowiis bordsrilig oa.tha- ; Ei-1r^ivtAois;Ttrlr; -^nA JKpja' Jf©pr*d»M JTorfbi^ ipA:'m^ $*' * 6. rallroaa -^vwn&m%?JwS**: Foatar^ita prsaWf^^ D^dttUi, of Fan <V»vingtci^i'lto>^aio^,^^ offlo^o|/tfe.t|5#ai4ny, j. '•;<*-. ..\\ ; After wmarkipyi*re1ria4>f. mmt* wns wresent,^ Judge Foitto; *m called: apba and explal juA tliij clrodipttanosa wjbiofajlatl to^ti^nf of ^w«tinf»; andtii»^ii»i«of thtwtop*^ later vtflngtoi&tif^tfiOfta^ thft bOaer : towns ilon'g tga- river fcfthil otmfin^oa, ;^»ajH4h»,wa«ifirf»entin aowrdarioe with; an;---;.«ndeiBtt(4uR!Jjg ton,;l«t'i'tttmralif};* ^ ttPK^ r ***$ requeate^himto l b ^ > f « the river- route and iinveattgate |ta;advanfii|»e shohfel ,g9.t>iThjBy; JMift-'fttirtr '.Wi^' :*minea,"hei||4/4ii-1b«iin^1i$X beyond' Fort Cbvington; *T>hajr>iM^ come to this inoeting to assist ta Txiild- ing a road, through Massena to Ogdesas- Burg, if the pepplt? 1$OD& ? tbJ ilw-c^ fer^snnloientencourl^ftuieji^ Tfa^ hsid no settled^policy^ to make;«mne^f tionva^ywhete wJtf£„exJat^n^^J^uwlgh" lines to. 'the. west. . Such conneotton wotttbjbft m a ^ e i ^ n ^ n f t e j ^ i t h M w a i aol'the quea|ip|i^:" w»t##^ aired was to haire the people pat dxnirn,* figurwand say definitely what ^Hiejr* would do t^fti^eV,''th€:pit^po^^-«xr, pension.' Inftirther;«M#rkiiJadge Poster^ inttmatlid that the road, would com© to Stossenalfifr.we»iini> tarUier.: Committees or^the, .sey^nUr towns ;#ere;appolnte4 |o aaoertaln;-:.wh#t aft- elstanoe the oltizenii-o|' tKflr:re«p*ottve towns would offer, and report at; a' meeting to be held la Qgdensburg ft'Jj some future date to benamed by Jindge Foster, after which; the\mwting ad- jonrned. ;. • "•'. V. The Ogfim^c^^mxlotUopM^ announces that Judge Foster hai tete- graphed that he wllil meet the "local committees at pgdensburg on* Thunv day evening of this jveek. «aUa of a iwrofrkable I ^^** ^ri<*." HesayslB'r.Howss beard his d<n> 4< wtak«'^lj« -aiaasy'^aa* gotoy to #aawi«tfcii^^jpaW,feu3^ mSm *lJ»«>dtsif A'taDen trs*, -rhsr% h^^^xr^cliidferulaaate-haiulle, MA mad btiiin at liomt."' tib* bear ofci ^actefl; t& th«1ttit*m6l» i|9trnaion,.« ,t>a* tog bis •snfon of fasting, sad If r. BCoires w«ntft>r?efttfbBoe*ai^;:' R»- ferjajigif ^th""fciwV^?l^ohin»n and Harden Brown, armed with a re- peating rifia and •; double-barrelled sho> gun/', he ass«ilbs^ bruiix in his dm, »nd aa he came out deipatAed ^teTbow itflmWing over ths blUoo blank-In the Riciiflel ia Ml* innfteafejdv,i»: iii*, oocpil by. w»rxm o; Observed^* good Bepablican, who ftMsedthe hj* Tr%htboldly: ; M UU take a»y whiskey hot, because the windtfMoylag>o6jal$V'> i: i* TJpapoke another of the sort, a sea- soned polltiotaa:.*•„ ; * v .-.'. "I'lfjoin you there,:.inylrl ^^drirta: to PwhfoiiiOiis/J The JPederal ofBce-holders^ 1iqi!3efrSBr- •6a Coiinty i*e StUwarti. IThe; "'" tlngulshee the lively the dull Canton people Iteel very much en- couraged in regard to the prospect of building the projbosed railroad from Ottawa via Wadialngton to Canton, which evidently will form a part of the Adirondack li|ie. The mill properly mentioned as hav- ing been purchajied by the Canton Lumber Company, Is the saw-mill and water power lately owned by Mr. J. Newton, at " Layi'a Falls," just above the village. Thie preparations for building the new itnlll are already well advanced, the square timber having been out, not " on the spot," but with- in a distance of a few miles, and drawn upon the grouucll) during the present winter. We givtf a more oomplete ac- count of It elsewhere. _. ^.^^v' Bahday*>;biit drib: meal is-«llowea, which -fai jaoJE^tobe. -takentillaa^frhoon,"> '=.:_ v .:'; rr-,: S< AtthatmeaUif onanyday permis- (|lbn «honId he grahteaior eatjagjHesh, t»th flesh aadilsS are not to be used at the sa!me time. '"•-';--.• - 1 ;'-".:';.. ,• 4.. Aainatt reftesBmenir, obmmonly called a- collation, is' allo^red In the, evening. "No general,rale;84', to the quanti^ of foMpeWtJfteci'aVtWB time /» or,, can be :pcwhi oat the practice of tbre morft regular, (?hrlttlan 1$ never to let It exceed, the fourth pairt of an ordinary mea" "" " ' " nmitfdthat ^-;' ;.••>• TLUt «f jrtu-ors. Lilt of grand jurors of; the poanty court and oourtofsesalons, Match term, 1884 5 James Taylor Canton* Bobert Adair^ Lisbon, Sylvsnus S. Harvey Fotedani, Hugh WUherheadpswegatcliie, Alex T ander Young ParlshvUle^James Now^ land Brasbe?, John a Glbboni. He^ dlreatlv uponthe diseased --« -. . . - -..- -.•.•.,... ^ ...—•, bottle guaranieefl. ""Ftff m4*& i WQ7?*fmm&r& . bottle by Geo. 8. C'onkey & Co. Ayer'8 Marsapartlla Is the best medlcloe for everyone In the spring. F.mlgTants and travelers will find It an effectual core for the eruptions, holla, pimples, wiema. cto,. that break outon tbe satn-the effect of disorder IQ the blood, caosed by sea-diet and life on board ship. A mother's milk cAn t save the baby. j (.'aslorla can. there Is no ' may be.' ('•atorla Is a pleasant, healthful food as- ] Imitator for flatulent, sour utomaohed and I irritable chlMron. It Is no! narcotic-. ' Onunr Liniment.—An iDstanlaneoas Paln-rellever. A practically perfect car* for Rheumatism. Burns. Wounds, old Bores, Neuralgia, Weak Back. Sprains, Spavin arid Lameness of any kind. Cheap, quick, certain. Ii u a. good rule to »oo«pt only such trie<U. Iclnes as have, after long years of trial, proved worthy of confidence. This Is a case where' other people'* experience may be of great service, and It ha« been the experience .of thousands, that Ayer's 'i'henry Teotoralls the b«it cough mecllcine-ever'used. .:" Sine PtaysielMna ««td«««; ', Mrs. Helen Pharviz, Ko. '• 831; Day ton . St., Chicago, 111., is now In her slxtyr' eighth year, and states that she has suf? fered with Consuuvptlon, forabout ten years, was treated by nine physicians, all of them pronouncing her case hope- less.. She hail given ,up all hopes of «ver recovering., Beven bottle* of Drv, King's New Discovery forvGonsump^ tion completely cured, her. Doubting onss, please drop her a postal and sat- isfy votirseivM. ,:Call' at G«o./8; Goo* k«y A CVaDrug Stors and get a FPSS tive. OPERETTA.—The Unlversallst don- day School, of Canton, Will present, on Thursday evening, February 28th, In the Town Hall, the magnificent ope- retta, entitled " The Kingdom of Mother Goose." It is a scenlo ftdry play on a grand scale. About fifty characters appear. Tbe scenes include a ple-nlc party, the winding of the May pole, a night In fairy land, the familiar and amualng figures of Mother Goose,, tableaux, recitations and songs: The whole form a brilliant and amusing entertainment. Don't miss It. . Ad- mission 25 cents ; children under four- teen years 16 eetits. ., '5 • - , . " •• " . . ' * ' , ',';'" - -;.- .,•'',.- »'" COUNTY LCNATIC ASYLCk.^rThe committee; consisting of Supervisors /Morrison and" San ford ( - apd-Superin-r tehdent of the Poor ^ckrtder,- ar* 'pointedby- the .Board:, of; Supervisors last fall to sinqulre into the expediency of erecting at or' n'earthe Alms House, > an asy lum .for bu r I nsane, and .to 'draft a plan;for,such.sr.buildingV : :«l^d''toi.'I»''; oelVe.bids 'for lta^c»n8trnctib%,.b^d, a; :meeting In fthls,-;yillage ;on Tuesday. Dr. Charles S. Hdyt,rsecretary oKtBe 8ttteBo)|uii w of ! Charld«j^^ wh^ arriyed frotn Albijay M0h6>yttigh*i, ; viaitad the poor hou« Tuesday morning, and met with the oommlttos In the after- noon. The dsUberatt«a»of ^ eoni- mUtesars notoloasdas wafo topma, bat ws dB<i«»c«j»d t t e t tikay m strongly tn nvv«r of th«p9Bsnia«d k«ll*. H*aSv -,-. -r r ••-.".,. : : _ .j Wtast hiM Done It r We presume there is not a citizen of Canton who is not fully sensible of the great improvement that has t*ken place in the moral tone of' our village during the last eight months. But do our citizens stog j to think %rj»> has produced this grattifyingonangef For two years prevtoms to the first of last June there was ai rough, disorderly ele- ment existing here, that defied the cl»il authorities, and fairly terror« lzed the place. Public intoxication exhibited itsfteastialdeformity in broad daylight, mnd brawls 'and loud profanity made tbe nights hideous. Deceut people—especially ladles of re- fined sensibilities—dreaded to walk through our principal streets after dark. All that i ias passed away. For the last six months Canton, has been a model village. Not that disorders have entirely disappeared, for that is. something that we cannot expect till the millennium has come. But breaches of the ;peace have been few and far betweeip, 'and exhibitions of lawlessness ar« promptly checked; and offenders aie speedily put out of sight. The authorities are masters of the situation. ' * For this grattifyihg change we are indebtedtotheMthful service of -Mr,- Nathan F. Pratt, our efficient night policeman. Wfhen Mr. Pratt went oh duty, in June last, the roughs, who had been runnng the town in theW own way, were very ostentatious 'In their boasts thjt they would soon dis- pose of him; Ibut they gave.that up after a Jittle wholesome* experience, and since thfn there Has been tio trouble. Theyfunrderstand that if they break the law ior offend public decency they must answer for it, , ? and wjieh offlcer Pratt asks them to walk with him they go] for iheyjknow/rtjiey " have to." Mr. PratttoItiiexcelieht officer, and his services are worth to the village many Ames whiat/they cost. , Hedbesj his^ tfbtk qa)tat3y and eoi^dira^iiinil^p^Hv^ -V«na,eiNt^»nyt;- -•..,.. py~f-^>^- AfOTHER GOOSE appears in ^town Halli Febrnary 28th..* _/,. ;>,, mon, HerbertA* JtowlahdMorristowa, Robert B. McQregor Hammond, Henry. H. Jones Canton, J. O. Houghtott'Oi- wegatohle, WUllanf Cuthberb^Ham- , mond, Martin; V. Htoelton fowler; Edward Glfflin Depeyste'n George B; SohofleW Hermon, BiohardWdodward; Macomb, Glle* E. Holbrook Pidtsdanii 8iraaon P. Day Hfermon, John Mayne Oswegatoblo,' VanBureh AWen Pier- pont, CleianblNoble Edwards, James aStleyWaddlngton.Moore & KnfrPP, Stookblhii <3eorg0Hobin«>n Canton. LiBt of ViW jurQW of the count/ courtandoourtofses8tons,MarQh, 1884: John Bacon, Massena; James R. Bill Oawegatchle.Frarik M. Baboock Gjouv- erneur, EU M. Lawton .BossleJolin.G;. Nichol, Morrlstowti, Frank P«ibpdy Pitcairnr^sAyetfe Sampson, Parish- ville, Joseph Hawkins, Morrlstowh, Albert F.&clSfell, Mbrristown; Bbe^J It must also be borne e custom of nBing'milk, , . - aa ~ t . ehees^j-itt* ,th*e Uke,'is 5. General mage-has, njadeit law- il to drink, in 'the.inbrnihg, some varmilquld, as: ieH,\ obflfeg,,6r ohooo- atoi Mth a orabter j)r,Bmall pieceoX -w*d.. -' M :*-x v .i' • .;"•- ,* " ''. -^ 6. 1?ecesslty; anldl custom have au- thorised the use bfl»bg's lard instead ofvbuttorin preparing n»h} vegetables, eto. i ';.' -. -""* - ' "''• 7* By aispensa^bn, the use of flesh meat will be allowed at any time on Sundays, and once a day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the Exception: of Holy Thursday, and the second ana last Saturdays of Lent, v. ,.'.."• ",'",.. 1 .. - 8. The following persons are exempted from thepbllgatlonsof fasting: Young theht DJstrlot. Clohvehtlob, ao they;Jure epdeavormgtobreak up the proceed- ings and. throw .t^-eJeiBttonfrtto; the St*toCk>ttventi6iBi JK*b*"littfe| of the Stalwaro*toj-head Wooflpulp'a District Gonvei w*u, ma^wm -op «tw. wv «onjni«uou ion County are Stilwarti. IThey can-; W«X WShT'»-vtfQg: bfturewt the ej«^ jibt eieot theV^lontt •' mmw M The bear weighed AM -povtifa w& "**»'' ~' * ' ^ "~ ,i, '~ — ' - - L —' the seventh. ^ttUu.Wi^^ Novsmbet. ' H* adds that on one ooca- «Ion,I«tnai,six-#er© killsd in qne night I 3Jh« ; ;ftotthat the ietter,wa« «vejryi>ody' i&i!t^ r %%n$ Alio ;6rtho4bx ,bear'i(roapL..l}fr guilty of alJ^hig* ^*at :bojniP iWparri ;to^*fcory Wsilghtiy •*. :• . , •:-..j"""! i yi'*"! 1 "-/,"- r '.:,' ' :>" . , X ^ a t W n » « a n | « t t s « i . :', ••^-.'r*^'i '--. TThe fblloTrtng regnlationB fat. I^ent in the diocese of OMensgurg have been, Issnedby Bishop wadhams, and were W|d o« gnnflay.teiftl th«> QathpHo chujcheaof thedlfjoese. •--•:-/.., i \Aih 'W«dneaaay, ttiO first dayiof %*a»;JkHs «n^,year 1 on the; ZWx day »fP*roary. w^rm ui!miifiws|ji».tju.jiiui ) and all who throngn weakness cannot S at vriUioufc greit prejudice to their eatth. *-;;.-. •- •..•>'. 9. Persona dispensed from: the obli- or advanoed age, or hard labor, are not bound by therestrlotlon of using meat oplyit one-nielt on dayi, on ^hveh if* use is granted by dispensation, Others dUpense4 from thefastforother causes, as WJ?H as those who are obligedtofast, one lc«1^-J6ta t wSBftU«^la^ld);j3ep T. Watt, Oswegatohlei Isaac Bloljards Louisville; "P. W. Fleethamj Depeyjf ter; William Vibber, Plerpont: J.fl|. Austin; Depeyster: Biobard Shoen, LoukvIIle;4JPhn G. Crawfordi Lquif- vlllaj Charles J<)hnwniCatitonrAdam. AitSBison, Madrid; Williato|V Ci boon. Cantoh i Adam Nlralcks, Mass; na; John Hunkins, Bussell} Williai Aikine, LisWinj Horace Wam t Stool holm: David Graham, Pitoairg; M loin d GillfitkMtoI^Ke^er%jte^ . Hammond; Horace Hi '"Wing** £K>USB- vllle; AlexanderDqddij Gouverneur: Theodore Leonard| t^htonjjDanfel Byan.IiUbfn-r DftntelX^ary,^Brashe:? George Diljinghaai, Lisbon; Joeeih (J. Martin,. LIsf irtW ' ' " Itt Hortiiefn-iftititsfo trim^thei lit atrii«,niiid:h^*-.i. ; . --',--' . » -,. are per^oittedtous^e; irie^t only at si 10. The wwbai time extends f>om the, first Jsunday Of" Lent.to Trinto Sunday inclusively;and within.this Albert F-McNell,,Mbrrlsfown; Kbei: periodthi^faithfuirwho have attained Curtia, PlCTpoati A*n>a>?^ „a_ ^ ,^„... ^r.^.j, r,^ oonfBuioji^f theirWh". and;wtiefl.*W John/Sherman's.i.'}atost;;|)iiiMe ally of thecolored- persuasion hasaquamt and fragrant name: violet Keelingf -• < Sw;eet-Vi9l«tsl» / •.•.>•-:: -•' :jv{i . - *&epa#tl£bgm*f bia proyiafg that ex-|ptoJerK : ofth»„ EnioE^Mr shall %preferredin-the rttfikMigibiwppolnt- ments to^iciyil offices, where they possess the requisite business, iqnalla- ioatJohs; Ba93tt-app>a^rance ; of«xlema- ^gnery ttiat;*;^ndWB^ would?; dd'hettervtoavold.^.' Lov%$ -<?W« : jDe»nbCr^; >^''-';','L : .>.•'•] ^> :;,'. . Tfhe fact Is Well known among those *whp n*ve: hadvany 0pnorroJrifty of |Ba»ingvSeBMorvj MUler'a Minfons. thatlteloes nbth«iev)eth6 nomination Convehtton"wSnldW-wlsfe Wiitebk the, present ~ exigency-of the: KenubHT cahi party.'' Sen8^t , 'Miller doubtleea hweahia^ujagmehttothis effect upon the knowJedM H6; has of the, feef v toward President Arthur Lon; the pan apf,ffieBepubllcatt8<>f New !5fMk€tate. ^xpm^eriM,' •*•. •.;; •••'. ; '- •:.;,! r^ Hon. Elbridge G., Eaphtlm, the ^mplrtStote'elega^ftemiithe Stal.- Wart^Halfbreed fight of ;i8Sli as the suotfefiflbr of Roscoe ,C#lrtin» pas won fthe^dubWciiietof "thewhisflibgsena- tori"-by h«r maudlin eXhimfttons in the national eapltol. Hunflliating! ; It iooba as if the historian (Mr. Blaine) Will be" compelleatofleeto Alasfca ortoEergnellen's Land If he is evertobring bis narrwve'down to the date when he called BosobeConk- liugattirkeycook—fitt»ti ' A*contest between Mr.,Arilbur and General Logan .wijuld nbt he great; it wbuld^ be little. The t^ot that they are opposed to each other issaltsfhctory; it renders them both bajrnllfssrr But it will nottakeonetodefeat theother. Unleeathe country and the party are sadly misrepresented at Chicago, they will both sink^to the Insignificance, to- which they are Justly entitled.—Baf- fafo J&prm, '',"-. indeed, the situation lu jtfew-York IA extremely precarious.' w e do ijiot believe, that Arthur or Logan br Blaine would stand a shadow- of a chance to carry the State. Therefore, if the par^r leaders are worldly, wise, they Will not press their favbrl(*s r 6>r it woiiWbe/ a colder day for ithem to be left" outtldo than ItMrn-Boston HmOdr , ' ... , 1 H. -The Plattsburgh-JBepwSfidan says: "NoW wateh aiiil «ee now; the cuBtom hotjse* forces will bestir themselves to ciaptur'o oattciiies andmo}i wjaventlbnf enbntthin eaoh^lstuict A " *•'"•" candidate—*' A Stalwart warta"—a solid delegation York.. Forthe flghtbetween theBe- publican factions this time, Will hot be in the State r Convention, but in Congressional dlstr^cts. , ' mi i-i.;.;-.i.-iSsi<ii -r— J Mr. Lockers Lla.uor BUI. Having pui?ch^s interest of F.E. ^tort! o^ the firm of S%« Roach, in* tlie- (MsM business, I stoH oflfer A,T COST fo|r, cash, ^TOiflg,.tii4, Aj^j i Mm Moved, hy their cohlteasbr. ,*o receive Holy Communion, Children at the age of seven years are considered bound by this law of confession. Pastop and parents should take notice of this fact-. < ' COBUTT' COKXECPOXDBlrOE. ' ° • • •'• Pbtidatn. ; -'- - : . ."• ... Lent begins on WedpeKday of this "weekj ^ervldea will heT held here in Trinity Ohiirch, during the" Lenten season, ok Wednesday ,and Friday' tnornlh^, and on T>nwday». Friday and Saturday aftelnToons.' -' . Blthon ToitJevoC TfJta^.MB estpejsted to preach,toT|(nife % Church; next Fri- day evenwgjiad Sunday mornhig. i Mr.S^Ahfius^BedWayisiithome [fromSeir'lrpik'iefefor;a'|ew,days. Jprincipid jleardj owiniiedithe Mett(- ttt«ratnr« T raii< Awsrtls Tjie fqllowlhg iit^a^tomehtjot t araonntl *^*r|^ t ^ ^ e wgefa# of t ie unive^fcyl^ l^^^4q»*^^ 14^ . -„„-_ ..... ,,, .- ^epartmeri&.o.funton jandlilgh:-S6hp6te ^dlat>U?J?it hrere-last'Sunday tnornihg, -. .. . .*.^«*__,„ * . i „x,...«.x r x. ^ . i. ^ pggfcor, belrjg; Qonve^sarWsslsyaa/ef^iuflsry^ ^vss^nllBaiyfi.Mtit.i.-H""**"'-"""''' I,,,,.,,..," £crWymS^'AcSjaS^L7»...Mr.,....VU!f.H.i^^M^iu^| ocdeflsbarr PnlMklAc* aratfyerss! Wstsrtown Hiftl BchpOl,.,.,».,,,„„y.„', ,i,r. :«ny„, hold teachersVexamlnatlons as follow Coiton, Match *8d; Pierpontl^ 4th; Btisaell, l ^ h VSih%;, ; S& Idaroh0fh« : Heim"on,T^rdh ^ 1 C4in- ton,;ii1i|o|i « $ j » W f i t r &W » Kt Wisildingison;^^^ March l l ^ r |^ttppii. March 12ti&|-Beii8seli^vPjs^rMsjrolt; nations wW wmmenof at -9;&* A.H.;fJe^fld'riol #Mttfe;lfai< p extoinatibns 'if'ithbtit obn ftrrlng .mcs'lri. regiirdto time; -' v /";•- T? »•' - ''•' V '•-'•*.'%' •- - i •A.-HAIOf r"' r ^KooiC^mislWn#rj'8so6a^pi»rfc^''T Rev -^ Unwelt Fel^awy-Sftht^Sai., -. '• ;•* *."•" •. t/f'.i; ••'•."•.i'saiSj J' :"A<K . . . : ^EIGHUOBING canmriEs. . 3''-- '''.-''. /.^jiiiiain.''' ;;: . i:-.'-'. -". f "Tbe'-MaiblieVita^ Mrs. BJdph haiiiiit^raired, at •Tm> bwja ex- -pehse, Mow--aatmoa ^troufcand -j%* ? (Wbrook'toi^tromjhe. State hatoh* 'erytobe piit into Chateaugay Lake. We : believelt willalap prove profitable. Proprietora or Adirondack T^rta can flndrho,surer W*yTto Jncnsase• tfieir guests tlumhfc•toEgj^JfitP pMQf! i-in their^dnily^sMra; Balph hae «# ari eximpttthielijre^ottl" see others follow, ••',•• ? ) glad to Pli^bh|gTt-iMta'^jeeo.- del.. ., , nPdiraathe'-Waoe ©f holding*tt»e-an "aaaon, in ^Fnne '^jm^ M f h e pro- arammifbirth©meeting ineludeaad- Iresseannd po«N«8ttotad^tingnlshed; «aatl«nen* avWtto;L«keGe(or»e, and possl bly aw«f^•xbu^oato»^«mtoeal« l^$ffiFB$ffi ! *mpmm win practically be ehaofed for this State, should the bill introduced by Mr. Locke of Rensselear. county go upon bur statute books, does away with li- censes altogether, and provides that any person riiay sell liquor ^ho pays a, tax-to do so. Every dealer ,in spiritu- ous drinks istobe taxed f261 monthly, or $800^a 'yearV and every'dealer in malt liquors $12.50 monthly, or $160 yearly. The" person desiring to sell liquor hastomake his application to thejsuperviaor of bis' town; in New York to the alderman of his ward. The application istobe forwarded to S e.-coun^r treasurer, and a copy of it tne-town assessor^.-who Istoenter it ihliilf hboki andltp then,to become a lien bn tlie ie>r estate jwhere the business is conducted. Liquor is not to be -sold, oji Sunday. ;The present civil damaged ifl retained. All pres- ent exolse laws aretobe«\ rept ,away, and With them thebbardiaf excise in every :eity. A.dealer istopay bis tax to the couniy treasqrer, and within tettidays after dbing-fl^hs imay apply to the treasurer for in ieclept. and after, obtaining .it is to, |h0^r it |to the town lessor,! who la-IdenterJhetax 6h his books aa paid. Thfl: lien oh" the property then ceases»v A dealer is Je- altiredto-display this tax 1 'receipt in Sis place Of business in a conspicuous place.; If a liquor; d # e f .neglecte to pay the tax; the assfiBSbrsaretoasses* the amount due» and it heeomesfilieh upon the property.«It la wld IniBUp- portofthisbtilthat inrOhjicra,similar JaW has redUeed the fturabeirbf liquor stores by about 4,600.ie^ng.-oWy12,- 000, and has turned ^ifttoTthe State rapbrted from ,-New:^wm; ttiat, the proprietora; of 1,450 ^ l N n » have # ready organized to fight_Mn Lock's -^Amv/m Ttmta, * - • ;- j ?-;, ;-,,i«.t-r T: J-SS I", W. fa$;i ill ., __,__ . .. - *••'•• ' •' •/'•'••• •JZ-^£^8%$$L being well ^ ^ ^ a i i d p ^ and w^et, is "of Baore'r^l inip^atomp^ppl TO Bnslness raUlar>s. . Albert N. Fottrki^r,-,^MO%ristown« madean assignment to Stanley L^ Fitch, on the 16th Instant,,; preferring, in tha order named, the foiloWin|: Nattohal Bank;: Ogdeft»iburf, llvO;. 1 Oomtloo]! Brother^ Dtlto, *fe; Ge^rtB E|iihbli» TJUca, - ^ . ; ^ H a n ^ t t - B J 0 i . » ' . OgdeTiilr' burg;"f22; <>"Briea : &" Murray, Blng- ampton^tlS -'^R...:B. Ch»pWn^Morrls- town, 118; Bussey, McLeod * Co., Troy,: M& i Schedules of fabfl^lsf and assets not yst filed. ", . ;"TAax6avA.:-'All«*, \<oi'-W^' fttoafc holm, ass*gr*sd on tkje l«th imstaat, to :'Ort! «on ''-JU.''. Daelrar.v. Ha prefsrs 6. Bresee.WM; IraDn^ton, WOO; Alfred. R. AII«*;WI D?i »«ri#, $mi w^ H. Sawena, *88; Vaooom Oil Co., Boeherter, # S ; /. W. Tuttte * Co* Plattsborgh,'WW UabilrUw anit **•: seta not «U«ed. -'." " ''<•>• "' -•;' „ . Reur^nH. Naylor, Canton, aartiMd on ths Mth float.,toW. W• JDeskftsK Eldredgs * I U l p h 4w» pCflMpsd An* $110,; . Ootnstook BrothfM, UVOB. AC 1837.17:; ArjMiia -Kaylo*, wi«» of tbs bankrupt,torWO; Wm. Woodeil, ter 168; Amos ^aughn, ftjetJB," Ko-tntv m«nt of liaMimss and asnate ikd. John a EMIoi MUd«sth#40 roaVitohlaBlh?1^08to.th», fitaolonfe :m »{IO,000, -tea ^ which;jiiey4r^ved road itocl| r :wJ3ile1j l : »toot' **% *"*$&;. •old by the 'm* York M .000. Th^itoatf»!,,.with thajt paid bytiKetown*;Mw'".eaxj»sledf the town ind«btotoess;c^^ of said bondsfjmdjeavea;:*- n|4ah<jei in t .2MMihJsmm. - . - * * \\* "'[ vftu;iiw:^mi *;»w*N. ,*t4don the Boiin, Watortown a»4 Ojtte»»- bur»railK*d, was inslnntir kHllM af DsiWb Junction w Thar#d*yjta«t, about midnlgnt. Hs w*»t«ttin«^* wjowjsioW whfla aba w»» n»okhj««p s*d wa«o««tht batwetn tha Jte' coal trssits, HissJstvnldsw a « | 'w^miomtm r . ^B* TTS*-^ jsjawabl .of, Ogdspsbwrg. ;• .. _ m andtsssel side. This hs_rfngs ihttemi4o«4airor cures htt wssrapt. n*m«y1lirm;#h»9» -Thei^la^agh, doof ; T«B xtUmber. of Ihtermente % the <»meWri«loltt»eto#n^f^OsWegatohie between July 1st and Jai^'. M, wa>'m Boot and Shoe House, ' ,'.'•"' ;••''-*:..'• : ' • i ' if friz * K You will find an unnsually good stoc m&m ani gjto^s, wiieii ^ ^*}%. nish to those wanting^ at the towMlbosWil! ••'. ';"..- -- . ,•:-/'.'" • . ^ ;t i tern** 1 Tates<and no deception use4 #$ tft .<nja]0it^'J >Mtbj ' i>gtogr««> y-«n»oomr rhlch.se- «%|byv : the;; ofT-ues-; 'had.to^ Win»iow^i#aaftth« Mhtoal Lffs Jn» suranee Coi. t .&#E«iW»lJ»'Li»A^aur- ant* Soolsty 6f4h»*Srnited Stated and other d«*odants, by wWob It Is sought tod>en*and ei^blWi, the allDtniente of water prtwer on ths- Saraoac ^river, rlB^©ri^|s«ai*!l|to m*t* cirWnp*rto*tfcspwrer. B>h.Fetw ^PaJj^of.P^la^u^aiaiatod': »pp««» for ti* pJarntHaj^whihs | Ths t4*rao< Major Dnnlsk, eoUaetot of tbH port «xpttisv,w<s ojadnBttsjad, •housAFStt-l^ I*s*lttoosh*r«;b*!ai uiiijI'iplsjiT llswiniltstit ths ebsmfar asfc- luf terlAmp9o(»O0n«t. It Irun- unecs and «ta«rt»£I«f» .' ,4Wn^-WNnllnil|IMiMroeei assatsTtta-pssrsc wtilfenaonae. ot»o*^nw^bi«ttibi»ndsotfrtala- V»mamhm&Lr /si *1®*** tngisaBXofkjnlnis issnsliU— In ths - - - - Mfci *£!& •"*JaaA*i *- ,^R^4-V J*. -^n^iiM^nS**-! "nW!*^^ 1 ;^'' -4--.'iiii Cms- y-ri

Transcript of i yi'*! 1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054395/1884-02-28/ed-1/seq-3.pdf ·...

Page 1: i yi'*! 1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85054395/1884-02-28/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Walert.iwn.Ho'iihern. VV'.vetern and Eastern — (t .11) i- M _ its R. COUNTY OoyiiT and Court bfSeialons,








un-arch, need oods nter,




re !




, & < • .



Us w i l l


AY! line


and new





i h e


a. w. A U. B a l l r o a d .


W/i»6iNoiUi:e\May.p*leaVTowTi~Hall; •'••'..]'.: " • .:... -•''.'. C"< ^',o''> "'''•

Thurso K.viKV-r.ANp atv'Town day evening.- j; ,,,


•txu*— 4 DO A. M. N, ,-vr >o«l. W»y and Eastern- 11:40

t unloO) P M I 4>0lcf i lui .« CiOrt© f»-1 follows >la.lr'..l l^jU'la:

... ». c.'oltoo HtogB—^ p M. Dekali J auct ion. HouUiern, w e s t e r n . Kaet-

ern and Way Mai'.»— I- w P. M (J l tJen . bu ra—*4U P. M Poiwium —•40 P M. i>i(,i^nat)ara, l>ehal»> Junct ion, (Kmveroeur,

Walert . iwn.Ho' i ihern. VV'.vetern and Eastern — (t .11) i- M _

its R.

COUNTY OoyiiT and Court bfSeialons, >ue week ,*bm next Monday. >,'

A S H nesday

WBDNESDAY i —To-day,.:(Wed-, i Is the Qrst day bf.tLent.\

A NKW Type Writer lian made appearan.v <MI the market, amd W Remington, county clerk, W. H. Klin-b a l l , an.I H . I) . K i t - w o r t h , of t h i s v i l ­

l a g e , p u r c h a s e d o n e e a c h las t S a t u r d a y .

T b o y s e e m t<> b e far s u p e r i o r t o a n y o P

the old style machines which have been on the market for a number of yearn ; they not only do much better work, but are *"M at half the prlqe of tin- oilier niaibinoti—$40. 11. {t. Par­ker & Co., ot Uouverm-ur, are the «ole agent* for the State of New York.

t I ' A K I N K R H H I P ->y g i v e n t l i a t t h e c o -

DlSMt l l . lT lDN N>>tli«' 1M I U T I I

p a r t u e r n h l p f o r n i e r i v exlHtlrit; b e t w e e n F . K. St«irr» a n d K. \ V . R o a c h h a s b e e n dissolved this day by mutual consent. All debts due to Raid grm must be paid Immediately to F W. Roach, who will c o n t i n u e t i i e tiii«ln»"»H.

D a t e d C a n t o n . V>h 21 . 1-M4. F . W . K O A I ' I I .

4<5-6t I*'- E- STORKS.

FARM LABORERS.— All kinds skilled La­borers, Mechanics, Ar­tisans, &c., secured for any person by Bonney Bros., Canton, N. Y. Call and see them for full particulars. ^

— • — AT COST FOR 15 DAYS—Cloaks, Dol­

mans, Cloakings, Beaver Shawls, White and Colored Blankets.


H O N . M. D. B E C K W I T H nasi our

thanka for a copy of the Albany Even-, lng Journal Almanac for 1884.

m T A K E the tittle folks to the Town

Hall on Thursday evening to see the fairies In their beautiful operetta,»

•>. * . Mas. AMOS L. O L A D D B N , of Pter-

pout. has recently secured a widow's, peunlon and back pay amounting to $2,250.

Miss J E X N I E S W A N , the only daugh­ter of Mr. George B. Swan, of Pota-dam, died at her father's residence, In that village, on Tuesday evening of last week.

* •

T H E Ogdenaburg athletic and row­ing association, which has lately been organized, opened their roonaa to the. public and invited guests on Tuesday

evening of last week. - « , W-—

T H E attention of our readers is called to Mr. F. W. Roach's notice to the public, offering at cost during the next twenty days, his entire stook of winter and spring clothing, etc.

-* F I F T Y bright little people In cos­

tume, and singing In opera, will be a novel and Interesting entertainment. Go and see them In the " Kingdom of Mother Ooose," Thursday evening, at the Town Hall.

BIOELOW & H E A L V have Just opened the largest line of Ladies Fine Shoes and Slippers ever shown in Canton.

* 1 0 0 0 Yards Lawns, Cambrics and

Perualea, at 12Jc—1 yard wide. BAFFORD & H A V E N S .

• — •

Two or more Magazines and Papers at reduced rates. Subscriptions taken by Bonney Bros. 38-tf

MISSES' Common Sense 8obool Shoes at Bigelow & Healy's.

F O B S A L E — A f e w l o t s . G e o d l o c a l i t y , office.

choice building Inquire at this

Our stock of Boots and Shoes Is complete and prices as low as the low est. No trouble to show goods, invite all to call and examine.



N O T I C E . All persons indebt­

ed to Bigelow & Hea-ly are hereby notified that their accounts must be settled, either by note or cash, on or before April 1st, 1884.


L o o k at our Quilts at Six Shillings andl l .W. Marseilles at $1.50.


M A K E NO MISTAKE.—Buy R. R. Tickets to all through points of Bon­ney. Baggage checked through to destination. Information cheerfully

T R U N K S and Traveling Bags at Bigelow & Healy's.

L A D I E S Fine French and Cur H e a l y ' s .

Strapped Kid at

Sandalls in Bigelow &

F O B S A L E — A large second-hand open grate Htove, suitable for a hotel or office. It Is stylish and in good order, and burns either wood or coal. In­quire at this office.

HOSIEBY AND U ^ K W E A R marked d o w n t o c l o s e .


W A N T E D . — W e will pay $3.50 ner cord for Baswood Broo.n-bandle Bolts, delivered at the factory on the Island.

42-tf " W. E. K I N O & Co.

GENTS' French Calf* Hand Sewed Shoes made to order for $8.00 can be had of Bigelow and Healy.

A n A n « w e r W a n t e d . Can any one bring us a case of Kid­

ney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of ca­ses already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act

irts. Every

T H E local butter market is dull. For old butter there is scarcely any de­mand, and new, which alone Is quota­ble, has declined about one cent since our last report. We quote Welsh tubs, new, 22(aj24c. for good to fine.

, ^ — SOCIAL.-The Ladles' AldSociety of

the M. E. Church will give a Leap Year Social and Oyster Supper in the church basement on Friday evening of tbfeweek. Admission 10 centa; Sup­per 25. All are cordially Invited.

• T H E citizens of Norwood held a

school meeting on the evening of the 15th Inst., for the purpose of finally fixing upon the site of the new school building to be erected in that village. The location known as the ABbley site was agreed upon by a vote of 91 to 67.

• • * •

THF.BE was a pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. W. H. Tallman. on Gouverneur street, last Friday evening, ths occasion being the oyster supper gh en by the Ladies' Aid So­ciety of the Presbyterian ehuroh. About one hundred guests were enter­tained, and the visit was a gratifying success in all respects.

• • . . •

THERE will be an oyster supper and musical entertainment In the congre­gational church at Rensselaer Falls, on Thursday evening, March 6th, for the benefit of the Rensselaer Falls Brass Band. The band Is said to b'e a very fine one, and no doubt those who at­tend will be treated to some excellent music, as well as a good supper.

» T H B tannery property of the Shaw

Brothers, at Norwood, was sold on the 14th Inst. It consisted of 1,300 dry bides and 150 sides of finished leather, all of which was bid In by Mr. Jarvia, attorney for the plaintiffs in the suit against the bankrupt firm—the dry hides for $8.05 apiece, and the finished leather for $3.85 per side—the sale amounting In the aggregate to $4,095.00.

* O N E of the most pleasant church so­

ciables of the winter was the New Eng­land supper given by the ladles of the Baptist church at the residency of Mr. Charles Hall, on Main Street, on Thurs­day evening last. The supper was a genuine Yankee feast, and the decla­mations and magic lantern were very entertaining. Notwithstanding the boisterous weather, there was a goodly attendance.

OCR Methodist friends had a right good time at their "pink social" in the basement of the Methodist ehuroh on Tuesday evening of last week. The at­tendance was large, there being a gen­eral turnout of the Methodists, and the other socitles of the village being well represented. The arrangements which the ladies of the ehuroh had made for the entertainment were very complete, and the evening was greatly enjoyed by all present.

A COMMITTEE appointed by the Wo­men's Christian Temperance Union will beat the chapel of the Presby­terian church at 4 p. M. next Wednes­day, i March 5th) for the purpose of or­ganizing such children as may be pres­ent into a temperance Society. Let the parents secure the attendance of the children and the ladles of the com­mittee will spare no effort to make the

^ H o n . Wnu ^ , 8»*y*r *» in f ! » * * burgh, where h * i a « t t ^ « o d o « pto*M : slonV bbtlnea*. ->"" f '-,•>; -.-,• *•' ..- *

—Mr. Beth Johnson o*me up trotaa-Albany lastwetk, f o i a f e w daya1 v i l l i with hi«:Canton.trtepd«.v -... , ;, \_ . .^Projf. VW. B. "<|opkiaon a m v M home QTi Saturday evening from Brook­lyn, where he hat b«jen spending s*v-eralweeka. •'-£,/'"•}',. •-.•"-' .'•.V,.

—Mr.! B. B. Wlma, of W*ta#bfm," counsel for the Rom*, W.atertown and Ogaensburg Railroad, waa In; Canton on biwiaeaii iaatSatjtfday,, y K „,

-r.Mrs. WlUWootf raffia at th« hpnif of hex mother la Otwegatbhle^asalatr log In preparations for tbs wedding of her slater, which is to take- place In. a few days. . .- • •'-.-.•••, .: •">'.';... ".-' •,£

—Deputy Attorney G^eiii v71%tn A. PoBte arrived;fcb«a Albany on Jftt-urday evening, for a abort visit -.With his family, and rejtmrned to the capital on Tuesday.--, - •- •< -';- '*' - *:. ••-"'." • , . ,: .

—Mr. H. M. Barber, head" cl*rlc in Mr. M. D. Padkard'i»«oxe,;»turtedon, Thursday evening last from'atrip^to and beyond the. MHiltilppi river..- H e had been alwentjouffweeks, •'. f

Mr. Fred S. ftemliogtoii arrived here on Wednesday .evening, ptlaae week,-on a visit to, his mbfther and other w -lativee and frjtend* %ix this:vW«& He return* to his western home abofit: the middle of this week/ . * V

— • • — . . • • < "• . * '

LrTTLE BOY BLIUB at Town Hall Thursday evening. ? m-,\ '.'••:.'

canton's pirospertty. . Mr. Kelsey, the ijpedW correspond­

ent of the Utica BMcfdia, was In Can­ton last week, and while here gathered up some, facte in relation to our beaotH fiil ana rapidly gtof!ngvi l lage ( whioh :

he communicated to that journal, as follows:

CANTON, Feb. 18—There are some fifty new bulldinga going up here the: coming season. Men of entBrprlseahd capital are investing, their' mpniy to encourage manufacturing, and the out­look for business the coming season is, flattering. The Canton JLiumber Com­pany, recently organized, will Imme­diately commence preparations for building a large s a ^ mill that will em­ploy aome80Q me% They have par-chased the old Leigh milt, located just outside the viUagu poandary, and will build the new mill ,upon the other aide of the river and out the timber Upon the spot. They ;wlll invest about $75,000 In thU business. s

Money Invented la manufacturing, as above mentioned, always Bete the wheels of trade anil business generally to humming, and gives that cheerful . „ r - •-

from and busy aspect (to a place that dls-tlngul ' town.

TtMrs waa a tan« and «•

Ofc F. ft?sVe. .ridlreao ftoWf, mm***

pws»ntfrom*ll the iowiis bordsrilig oa.tha-;Ei-1r^ivtAois;Ttrlr; - nA JKpja' Jf©pr*d»M JTorfbi ipA:'m^ $*' * 6. rallroaa-^vwn&m%?JwS**: Foatar ita prsaWf ^ D^dttUi, of Fan <V»vingtci^i'lto>^aio^,^^ offlo^o|/tfe.t|5#ai4ny, j.'•;<*-. . . \ \ ;

After wmarkipyi*re1ria4>f. mmt* wns wresent, Judge Foitto; *m called: apba and explaljuA tliij clrodipttanosa wjbiofajlatl to^ti^nf of ^w«t inf»; andtii»^ii»i«of thtwtop*^ later vtflngtoi&tif^tfiOfta^ thft bOaer: towns ilon'g tga- river fcfthil otmfin^oa, ;^»ajH4h»,wa«ifirf»entin aowrdarioe with; an;---;.«ndeiBtt(4uR!Jjg

ton,;l«t'i'tttmralif};* ^ ttPK^r ***$ requeate^himto l b ^ > f « the river-route and iinveattgate |ta;advanfii|»e

shohfel ,g9.t>iThjBy; JMift-'fttirtr '.Wi^' :*minea,"hei||4/4ii-1b«iin^1i$X W » beyond' Fort Cbvington; *T>hajr>iM^ come to this inoeting to assist ta Txiild-ing a road, through Massena to Ogdesas-Burg, if the pepplt? 1$OD& ?tbJ i lw-c^ fer^snnloientencourl^ftuieji^ Tfa^ hsid no settled^policy to make;«mne^f tionva^ywhete wJtf£„exJat^n^^J^uwlgh" lines to. 'the. west. . Such • conneotton wotttbjbft m a ^ e i ^ n ^ n f t e j ^ i t h M w a i

aol'the quea| ip| i^:" w » t # # ^ aired was to haire the people pat dxnirn,* figurwand say definitely what ^Hiejr* would do t^fti^eV,''th€:pit^po^^-«xr, pension.' In ftirther;«M#rki iJadge Poster inttmatlid that the road, would com© to Stossenalfifr.we»iini> tarUier.:

Committees or the, .sey nUr towns ;#ere;appolnte4 |o aaoertaln;-:.wh#t aft-elstanoe the oltizenii-o|' tKflr:re«p*ottve towns would offer, and report at; a' meeting to be held la Qgdensburg ft'Jj some future date to benamed by Jindge Foster, after which; t h e \ m w t i n g ad-jonrned. • ;. • "•'. V.

The Ogfim^c^^mxlotUopM^ announces that Judge Foster hai tete-graphed that he wllil meet the "local committees at pgdensburg on* Thunv day evening of this jveek.

«aUa of a iwrofrkable I ^ ^ * *

^ri<*." HesayslB'r.Howss beard his d<n>4< wtak«'^lj« -aiaasy' aa* gotoy to #aawi«tfcii^^jpaW,feu3^ mSm *lJ»«>dtsif A'taDen trs*, -rhsr% h^^^xr^cliid ferula aate-haiulle, MA mad btiiin at liomt."' tib* bear ofci actefl; t& th«1ttit*m6l» i|9trnaion,.« ,t>a* tog bis •snfon of fasting, sad If r. BCoires w«nt ft>r ?efttfbBoe*ai^;:' R»-ferjajigif ^th""fciwV^?l^ohin»n and Harden Brown, armed with a re­peating rifia and •; double-barrelled sho> gun/', he ass«ilbs^ bruiix in his dm, »nd aa he came out deipatAed

^teTbow itflmWing over ths blUoo blank-In the Riciiflel ia Ml* innfteafejdv,i»: iii*, oocpil by. w»rxm o;

Observed^* good Bepablican, who ftMsedthe hj* Tr%htboldly: ; MUU take a»y whiskey hot, because the wind tfMoylag>o6jal$V' > i: i*

TJpapoke another of the sort, a sea-soned polltiotaa:.*•„ ; * v .-.'. "I'lfjoin you there,:.inylrl ^ ^ d r i r t a : to PwhfoiiiOiis/J

The JPederal ofBce-holders 1iqi!3efrSBr-•6a Coiinty i*e StUwarti. IThe; "'"

tlngulshee the lively the dull

Canton people Iteel very much en­couraged in regard to the prospect of building the projbosed railroad from Ottawa via Wadialngton to Canton, which evidently will form a part of the Adirondack li|ie.

The mill properly mentioned as hav­ing been purchajied by the Canton Lumber Company, Is the saw-mill and water power lately owned by Mr. J. Newton, at " Layi'a Falls," just above the village. Thie preparations for building the new itnlll are already well advanced, the square timber having been out, not " on the spot," but with­in a distance of a few miles, and drawn upon the grouucll) during the present winter. We givtf a more oomplete ac­count of It elsewhere.

_. . ^v' Bahday*>;biit drib: meal is-«llowea, which -fai jaoJE tobe. -takentillaa^frhoon,"> '=.:_ v.:'; rr-,: • S< AtthatmeaUif onanyday permis-(|lbn «honId he grahteaior eatjagjHesh, t»th flesh aadilsS are not to be used at the sa!me time. '"•-';--.• -1;'-".:';.. ,•

4.. Aainatt reftesBmenir, obmmonly called a- collation, is' allo^red In the, evening. "No general, rale; 84', to the quanti^ of foMpeWtJfteci'aVtWB time /» or,, can be :pcwhi oat the practice of tbre morft regular, (?hrlttlan 1$ never to let It exceed, the fourth pairt of an ordinary mea" "" " ' " nmit fd that

^-;' ;.••>• TLUt « f jrtu-ors. Lilt of grand jurors of; the poanty

court and oourtofsesalons, Match term, 1884 5

James Taylor Canton* Bobert Adair Lisbon, Sylvsnus S. Harvey Fotedani, Hugh WUherheadpswegatcliie, AlexT ander Young ParlshvUle^James Now^ land Brasbe?, John a Glbboni. He^

dlreatlv uponthe diseased — --« -. . . - -..- -.•.•.,... ^ ...—•, bottle guaranieefl. ""Ftff m4*&iWQ7?*fmm&r&

. b o t t l e b y G e o . 8 . C ' o n k e y & C o .

Ayer'8 Marsapartlla Is the best med lc loe for everyone In the spring. F.mlgTants and travelers will find It an effectual core for the eruptions, holla, pimples, w i e m a . cto,. that break o u t o n tbe s a t n - t h e effect of disorder IQ the blood, caosed by sea-diet and life on board ship.

A mother 's mi lk cAn t save the baby. j (.'aslorla can. there Is no ' may be.'

( ' • a t o r l a Is a pleasant , healthful food as- ] • Imitator for flatulent, sour utomaohed and I irritable chlMron. It Is no! narcotic-. '

O n u n r L i n i m e n t . — A n iDstanlaneoas Paln-rellever. A practically perfect car* for R h e u m a t i s m . Burns. W o u n d s , o l d Bores, Neuralgia , Weak Back. Sprains, Spavin arid Lameness of any kind. Cheap, quick, certain.

Ii u a. good rule to »oo«pt on ly such trie<U. Iclnes as have, after long years of trial, proved worthy of confidence. This Is a case where' other people'* experience may be of great service , and It ha« been the exper ience .of thousands , that Ayer's 'i'henry Teotoral l s the b«it cough mecllcine-ever'used. .:"

S i n e P t a y s i e l M n a « « t d « « « ; ' , M r s . H e l e n P h a r v i z , K o . '• 831; D a y t o n .

S t . , C h i c a g o , 111., i s n o w In h e r s l x t y r ' eighth year, and states that she has suf? fered with Consuuvptlon, forabout ten years, was treated by nine physicians, all of them pronouncing her case hope­less.. She hail given ,up all hopes of «ver recovering., Beven bottle* of Drv, King's New Discovery forvGonsump^ tion completely cured, her. Doubting onss, please drop her a postal and sat­isfy votirseivM. ,:Call' at G«o./8; Goo* k«y A CVaDrug Stors and get a FPSS

tive. OPERETTA.—The Unlversallst don-

day School, of Canton, Will present, on Thursday evening, February 28th, In the Town Hall, the magnificent ope­retta, entitled " The Kingdom of Mother Goose." It is a scenlo ftdry play on a grand scale. About fifty characters appear. Tbe scenes include a ple-nlc party, the winding of the May pole, a night In fairy land, the familiar and amualng figures of Mother Goose,, tableaux, recitations and songs: The whole form a brilliant and amusing entertainment. Don't miss It. . Ad­mission 25 cents ; children under four­teen years 16 eetits. ., '5 •

- , . " • • " . . • ' * ' , ' , ' ; ' " - - ; . - . , • ' ' , . - » ' "

COUNTY L C N A T I C A S Y L C k . ^ r T h e

committee; consisting of Supervisors /Morrison and" San ford (- apd-Superin-r tehdent of the Poor ^ckrtder,- ar* 'pointedby- the .Board:, of; Supervisors last fall to sinqulre into the expediency of erecting at or' n'earthe Alms House,

> an asy lum .for bu r I nsane, and .to 'draft a plan;for,such.sr.buildingV::«l^d''toi.'I»''; oelVe.bids 'for lta^c»n8trnctib%,.b^d, a;

:meeting In fthls,-;yillage ;on Tuesday. Dr. Charles S. Hdyt,rsecretary oKtBe 8ttteBo)|uiiwof!Charld«j ^ wh^ arriyed frotn Albijay M0h6>y ttigh*i,; viaitad the poor hou« Tuesday morning, and met with the oommlttos In the after­noon. The dsUberatt«a»of ^ eoni-mUtesars notoloasdas wafo topma, bat ws dB<i«»c«j»d ttet tikay m strongly tn nvv«r of th«p9Bsnia«d k«ll*.

H*aSv -,-. - r r ••-.".,. : : _ .j •

Wtast hiM Done It r We presume there is not a citizen of

Canton who is not fully sensible of the great improvement that has t*ken place in the moral tone of' our village during the last eight months. But do our citizens stog j to think %rj»> has produced this grattifyingonangef For two years prevtoms to the first of last June there was ai rough, disorderly ele­ment existing here, that defied the cl»il authorities, and fairly terror« lzed the place. Public intoxication exhibited its fteastial deformity in broad daylight, mnd brawls 'and loud profanity made tbe nights hideous. Deceut people—especially ladles of re­fined sensibilities—dreaded to walk through our principal streets after dark. All that i ias passed away. For the last six months Canton, has been a model village. Not that disorders have entirely disappeared, for that is. something that we cannot expect till the millennium has come. But breaches of the ;peace have been few and far betweeip, 'and exhibitions of lawlessness ar« promptly checked; and offenders aie speedily put out of sight. The authorities are masters of the situation. ' *

For this grattifyihg change we are indebted to theMthful service of -Mr,-Nathan F. Pratt, our efficient night policeman. Wf hen Mr. Pratt went oh duty, in June last, the roughs, who had been runnng the town in theW own way, were very ostentatious 'In their boasts thjt they would soon dis­pose of him; Ibut they gave.that up after a Jittle wholesome* experience, and since thfn there Has been tio trouble. Theyfunrderstand that if they break the law ior offend public decency they must answer for it, ,?and wjieh offlcer Pratt asks them to walk with him they go] for iheyjknow/rtjiey " have to." Mr. Pratt to Itiiexcelieht officer, and his services are worth to the village many Ames whiat/they cost. , Hedbesj his^ tfbtk qa)tat3y and e o i ^ d i r a ^ i i i n i l ^ p ^ H v ^

-V«na,eiNt^»nyt;- -•..,.. py~f-^>^-AfOTHER GOOSE appears in ^town

Halli Febrnary 28th..* _/,. ; > , ,

mon, Herbert A* JtowlahdMorristowa, Robert B. McQregor Hammond, Henry. H. Jones Canton, J. O. Houghtott'Oi-wegatohle, WUllanf Cuthberb^Ham-,

mond, Martin; V. Htoelton fowler; Edward Glfflin Depeyste'n George B; SohofleW Hermon, BiohardWdodward; Macomb, Glle* E. Holbrook Pidtsdanii 8iraaon P . Day Hfermon, John Mayne Oswegatoblo,' VanBureh AWen Pier-pont, CleianblNoble Edwards, James aStleyWaddlngton.Moore & KnfrPP, Stookblhii <3eorg0Hobin«>n Canton.

LiBt of ViW jurQW of the count/ courtandoourtofses8tons,MarQh, 1884:

John Bacon, Massena; James R. Bill Oawegatchle.Frarik M. Baboock Gjouv-erneur, EU M. Lawton .BossleJolin.G;. Nichol, Morrlstowti, Frank P«ibpdy Pitcairnr^sAyetfe Sampson, Parish-ville, Joseph Hawkins, Morrlstowh, Albert F.&clSfell, Mbrristown; Bbe J

I t mus t also be borne e custom of nBing'milk,

, . -aa~t. ehees j-itt* ,th*e Uke,'is 5. General mage-has, njadeit law-il to drink, in 'the.inbrnihg, some

varmilquld, as: ieH,\ obflfeg,,6r ohooo-atoi Mth a orabter j)r,Bmall pieceoX -w*d.. -' M :*-xv.i' • .;"•- ,* " ''. -^

6. 1?ecesslty; anldl custom have au­thorised the use bfl»bg's lard instead ofvbuttorin preparing n»h} vegetables, eto. i ';.' -. -""* - • ' "''•

7* By aispensa^bn, the use of flesh meat will be allowed at any time on Sundays, and once a day on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the Exception: of Holy Thursday, and the second ana last Saturdays of Lent, v. ,.'.."• ",'",.. 1 .. - • 8. The following persons are exempted

from thepbllgatlonsof fasting: Young

theht DJstrlot. Clohvehtlob, ao they;Jure epdeavormg to break up the proceed­ings and. throw .t^-eJeiBttonfrtto; the St*toCk>ttventi6iBi JK*b*"littfe| of the Stalwaro* toj -head Wooflpulp'a District Gonvei

w*u, ma^wm -op «tw. wv «onjni«uou ion County are Stilwarti. IThey can-; W«X WShT'»-vtfQg: bfturewt the ej«^ jibt eieot theV^lontt•' mmw M The bear weighed AM -povtifa w& "**»'' ~' * ' ^ "~ , i , '~ — ' - -L—' the seventh. t tUu .Wi^^ Novsmbet. ' H* adds that on one ooca-«Ion,I«tnai,six-#er© killsd in qne night I 3Jh«;; ftot that the ietter,wa«

«vejryi>ody'i&i!t r%%n$ Alio ;6rtho4bx ,bear'i(roapL..l}fr guilty of alJ^hig* *at :bojni P iWparri ;to^*fcory Wsilghtiy

•*. :• . , • : - . . j " " " ! i y i ' * " ! 1 " - / , " - r '.:,' ' :>" . ,X^atWn»«an|«tts«i. :', •• -.'r* 'i '--. TThe fblloTrtng regnlationB fat. I^ent in the diocese of OMensgurg have been, Issnedby Bishop wadhams, and were W|d o« gnnflay.teiftl th«> QathpHo chujcheaof thedlfjoese. •--•:-/.., i \Aih 'W«dneaaay, ttiO first dayiof %*a»;JkHs «n^,year 1on the;ZWx day »fP*roary.

w^rm ui!miifiws|ji».tju.jiiui)

and all who throngn weakness cannot

Sat vriUioufc greit prejudice to their eatth. • * - ; ; . - . •- •..•>'. 9. Persona dispensed from: the obli-

or advanoed age, or hard labor, are not bound by therestrlotlon of using meat oplyit one-nielt on dayi, on ^hveh if* use is granted by dispensation, Others dUpense4 from thefastforother causes, as WJ?H as those who are obliged to fast,


l c « 1 ^ - J 6 t a t w S B f t U « ^ l a ^ l d ) ; j 3 e p T. Watt, Oswegatohlei Isaac Bloljards Louisville; "P. W . Fleethamj Depeyjf ter; Will iam Vibber, Plerpont: J.fl | . Austin; Depeyster: Biobard Shoen, LoukvIIle;4JPhn G. Crawfordi Lquif-vlllaj Charles J<)hnwniCatitonrAdam. AitSBison, Madrid; Williato|V Ci boon. Cantoh i Adam Nlralcks, Mass; na; John Hunkins, Bussell} Williai Aikine, LisWinj Horace Wamt Stool holm: David Graham, Pitoairg; M loin d GillfitkMtoI^Ke^er%jte^ . Hammond; Horace Hi '"Wing** £K>USB-vllle; AlexanderDqddij Gouverneur: Theodore Leonard| t^htonjjDanfel Byan.IiUbfn-r DftntelX^ary, Brashe:? George Diljinghaai, Lisbon; Joeeih (J. Martin,. LIsfirtW ' ' "

Itt Hortiiefn-iftititsfo trim^thei lit atrii«,niiid:h^*-.i.;. --',--' . » -,. •

are per^oitted to us e; irie^t only at

si 10. The wwbai time extends f>om the, first Jsunday Of" Lent.to Trinto Sunday inclusively;and within.this

Albert F-McNell,,Mbrrlsfown; Kbei: periodthi^faithfuirwho have attained Curtia, PlCTpoati A*n>a>?^

„ a _ ^ , ^ „ . . . ^ r . ^ . j , r,^ oonfBuioji f theirWh". and;wtiefl.*W

John/Sherman's.i.'}atost;;|)iiiMe ally of thecolored- persuasion h a s a q u a m t and fragrant name: violet Keelingf -•<Sw;eet-Vi9l«tsl»/ •.•.>•-:: -•' :jv{i . -*&epa#tl£bgm*f bia proyiaf g that ex-|ptoJerK: ofth»„ EnioE^Mr shall %preferredin-the rttfikMigibi wppolnt-ments to^iciyil offices, where they possess the requisite business, iqnalla-ioatJohs; Ba93tt-app>a^rance;of«xlema-^gnery ttiat;*;^ndWB^ would?; dd'hetterv to • avold.^.' Lov%$ -<?W«:jDe»nbCr^; > ''-';','L:.>.•'•] > :;,'. . Tfhe fact Is Well known among those *whp n*ve: hadvany 0pnorroJrifty of |Ba»ingvSeBMorvj MUler'a Minfons. thatlteloes nbth«iev)eth6 nomination Convehtton"wSnldW-wlsfe Wiitebk the, present ~ exigency-of the: KenubHT cahi party.'' Sen8^t,'Miller doubtleea hweahia^ujagmeht to this effect upon the knowJedM H6; has of the, feef v toward President Arthur Lon; the pan apf,ffieBepubllcatt8<>f New !5fMk€tate. ^xpm^eriM,' •*•. •.;; •••'.;'- •:.;,! r^

Hon. Elbridge G., Eaphtlm, the ^mplrtStote'elega^ftemiithe Stal.-Wart Halfbreed fight of ;i8Sli as the suotfefiflbr of Roscoe ,C#lrtin» pas won fthe^dubWciiietof "thewhisflibgsena-tori"-by h«r maudlin eXhimfttons in the national eapltol. Hunflliating! ; I t iooba as if the historian (Mr. Blaine) Will be" compellea to flee to Alasfca or to Eergnellen's Land If he is ever to bring bis narrwve'down to the date when he called BosobeConk-liugattirkeycook—fitt»ti '

A*contest between Mr.,Arilbur and General Logan .wijuld nbt he great; it wbuld be little. The t ot that they are opposed to each other issaltsfhctory; it renders them both bajrnllfssrr But it will not take one to defeat theother. Unleeathe country and the party are sadly misrepresented at Chicago, they will both sink^to the Insignificance, to-which they are Justly entitled.—Baf-fafo J&prm, '',"-.

indeed, the situation lu jtfew-York IA extremely precarious.' w e do ijiot believe, that Arthur or Logan br Blaine would stand a shadow- of a chance to carry the State. Therefore, if the par^r leaders are worldly, wise, they Will not press their favbrl(*sr 6>r i t woiiWbe/ a colder day for ithem to be left" outtldo than ItMrn-Boston HmOdr , ' ... , 1 H .

-The Plattsburgh-JBepwSfidan says: "NoW wateh aiiil «ee now; the cuBtom hotjse* forces will bestir themselves to ciaptur'o oattciiies andmo}i wjaventlbnf enbntthin eaoh^lstuictA" *•'"•" candidate—*' A Stalwart warta"—a solid delegation York.. Forthe flghtbetween theBe-publican factions this time, Will hot be in the State r Convention, but in Congressional dlstr^cts.,'

mi i-i.;.;-.i.-iSsi<ii -r— J

Mr. Lockers Lla.uor BUI.

Having pui?ch s interest of F.E. ^tort! o^ the firm of S % « Roach, in* tl ie- ( M s M business, I stoH oflfer

A , T C O S T fo|r, cash, ^TOiflg,.tii4, Aj^j



Moved, hy their cohlteasbr. ,*o receive Holy Communion, Children at the age of seven years are considered bound by this law of confession. Pastop and parents should take notice of this fact-. <


' ° • • •'• P b t i d a t n . ;- '- - : . ."• ... Lent begins on WedpeKday of this

"weekj ^ervldea will heT held here in Trinity Ohiirch, during the" Lenten season, ok Wednesday ,and Friday' tnornlh^, and on T>nwday». Friday and Saturday aftelnToons.' -' . Blthon ToitJevoC TfJta .MB estpejsted to preach, to T|(nife%Church; next Fri­day evenwgjiad Sunday mornhig. i Mr.S^Ahfius^BedWayisiithome [fromSeir'lrpik'iefefor;a'|ew,days.

Jprincipid jleardj owiniiedithe Mett(-

ttt«ratnr«Traii< Awsrtls Tjie fqllowlhg iit^a^tomehtjot t J«

araonntl * ^ * r | ^ t^ ^ e wgefa# of t ie unive^fcyl^ l ^ ^ ^ 4 q » * ^ ^ 14 . -„„-_.. . . . , , , .-^epartmeri&.o.funton jandlilgh:-S6hp6te ^dlat>U?J?it hrere-last'Sunday tnornihg,

- . .. . .*.^«*__,„ *. i„x, . . .« .x r x. ^ . i. ^ pggfcor, belrjg;

• Qonve^sarWsslsyaa/ef^iuflsry^ ^vss^nllBaiyfi.Mtit.i.-H""**"'-"""'''

I , , , , . , , . . , "

£crWymS^'AcSjaS^L7»...Mr.,....VU!f.H.i^^M^iu^| ocdef l sbarr P n l M k l A c * aratfyerss! Wstsrtown

H i f t l BchpOl,.,.,».,,,„„y.„', ,i,r.

: « n y „ ,

hold teachersVexamlnatlons as follow Coiton, Match *8d; Pierpontl^ 4 t h ; Btisaell, l ^ h VSih%;,;S& Idaroh0fh«:Heim"on,T^rdh ^ 1 C4in-

ton,;ii1i|o|i « $ j»Wfi t r &W » Kt Wisildingison; ^ March l l ^ r |^ttppii. March 12ti& |-Beii8seli^vPjs^rMsjrolt;

nations wW wmmenof at-9;&* A.H.;fJe^fld'riol #Mttfe;lfai<p extoinatibns 'if'ithbtit obn ftrrlng .mcs'lri. regiirdto time; -'v /";•- T? »•' - ''•' V '•-'•*.'%' •- • - i •A.-HAIOf r"' r^KooiC^mislWn#rj'8so6a^pi»rfc^''T

Rev - ^ Unwelt

Fel^awy-Sftht^Sai., -. '• ;•* *."•" •. t / f ' . i ; ••'•."•.i'saiSj J' :"A<K . . .

: ^EIGHUOBING canmriEs. . 3''-- '''.-''. /.^jiiiiain.''';;:. i:-.'-'. -".

f "Tbe'-MaiblieVita^ Mrs. BJdph haiiiiit^raired, at•Tm>bwja ex--pehse, Mow--aatmoa troufcand - j % *

? (Wbrook'toi^tromjhe. State hatoh* 'erytobe piit into Chateaugay Lake. We:believelt willalap prove profitable. Proprietora or Adirondack T^rta can flndrho,surer W*yTto Jncnsase• tfieir guests tlumhfc•toEgj^JfitP pMQf! i-in their^dnily^sMra; Balph hae « # ari eximpttthielijre^ottl" see others follow, ••',•• ?

) glad to

Pli^bh|gTt-iMta'^jeeo.- del.. ., , nPdiraathe'-Waoe ©f holding*tt»e-an

"aaaon, in Fnne '^jm^M fhe pro-arammifbirth©meeting ineludeaad-Iresseannd po«N«8ttotad^tingnlshed; «aatl«nen* avWtto;L«keGe(or»e, and possl bly aw«f^•xbu^oato»^«mtoeal«

l^$ffiFB$ffi!*mpmm win practically be ehaofed for this State, should the bill introduced by Mr. Locke of Rensselear. county go upon bur statute books, does away with li­censes altogether, and provides that any person riiay sell liquor ^ho pays a, tax-to do so. Every dealer ,in spiritu­ous drinks is to be taxed f 261 monthly, or $800 a 'yearV and every'dealer in malt liquors $12.50 monthly, or $160 yearly. The" person desiring to sell liquor has to make his application to thejsuperviaor of bis' town; in New York to the alderman of his ward. The application is to be forwarded to

Se.-coun r treasurer, and a copy of it tne-town assessor .-who Is to enter it

ihliilf hboki andltp then,to become a lien bn tlie ie>r estate jwhere the business is conducted. Liquor is not to be -sold, oji Sunday. ;The present civil damaged ifl retained. All pres­ent exolse laws are to be«\ rept ,away, and With them thebbardiaf excise in every :eity. A.dealer is to pay bis tax to the couniy treasqrer, and within tettidays after dbing-fl hs imay apply to the treasurer for in ieclept. and after, obtaining .it is to, |h0^r it |to the town lessor,! who la-IdenterJhetax 6h his books aa paid. Thfl: lien oh" the property then ceases»v A dealer is Je-altired to -display this tax1 'receipt in S i s place Of business in a conspicuous place.; If a liquor; d#e f .neglecte to pay the tax; the assfiBSbrsare to asses* the amount due» and it heeomesfilieh upon the property.«It la wld IniBUp-portofthisbtilthat inrOhjicra,similar JaW has redUeed the fturabeirbf liquor stores by about 4,600.ie^ng.-oWy12,-000, and has turned ^ifttoTthe State

rapbrted from ,-New:^wm; ttiat, the proprietora; of 1,450 ^ l N n » have # ready organized to fight_Mn Lock's

-^Amv/m Ttmta, * - • ;- j ?-;, ;-, , i«.t-r



I", W.

fa$;i ill ., _ _ , _ _ . . . - * • • ' • • ' •' •/'•'••• •JZ-^£^8%$$L

being well ^ ^ ^ a i i d p ^ and w et, is "of Baore'r^l i n i p ^ a t o m p ^ p p l


Bnslness raUlar>s. . Albert N . Fottrki^r,-,^MO%ristown«

madean assignment to Stanley L^ Fitch, on the 16th Instant,,; preferring, i n tha order named, the foiloWin|: Nattohal Bank;: Ogdeft»iburf, llvO;.1 Oomtloo]! Brother^ Dtlto, *fe; Ge^rtB E|iihbli» TJUca, -^ . ;^Han^tt-BJ0i .» ' . OgdeTiilr' burg;"f22; <>"Briea :&" Murray, Blng-ampton^tlS -'^R...:B. Ch»pWn^Morrls-town, 118; Bussey, McLeod * Co., Troy,: M& i Schedules of fabf l^ls f and assets not y s t filed. ", . ;"TAax6avA.:-'All«*, \<oi'-W^' fttoafc holm, ass*gr*sd on tkje l«th imstaat, to :'Ort! «on ''-JU.''. Daelrar.v. H a prefsrs 6 . Bresee.WM; IraDn^ton, WOO; Alfred.

R. AII«*;WI D?i »«ri#, $mi w^ H. Sawena, *88; Vaooom Oil Co., Boeherter, # S ; / . W. Tuttte * Co* Plattsborgh,'WW UabilrUw anit**•: seta not «U«ed. -'." " ''<•>• "' -•;' „ .

Reur^nH. Naylor, Canton, aartiMd on ths Mth float., to W. W• JDeskftsK Eldredgs * I U l p h 4w» pCflMpsd An* $110,; . Ootnstook BrothfM, UVOB. A C 1837.17:; ArjMiia -Kaylo*, wi«» of tbs

bankrupt, tor WO; Wm. Woodeil, ter 168; Amos ^aughn, ftjetJB," K o - t n t v m«nt of liaMimss and asnate ikd.

John a EMIoi


roaVi tohlaBlh? 1 08 to .th», fitaolonfe :m »{IO,000,-tea which;jiiey4r^ved road itocl|r:wJ3ile1jl

:»toot' **% *"*$&;. •old by the 'm* York M .000. Th^itoatf»!,,.with thajt paid by tiKe town*; Mw'".eaxj»sledf the town ind«btotoess;c^^ of said bondsfjmdjeavea;:*- n|4ah<jei in

t .2MMihJsmm. • - . • - * * \\*

"'[ vftu;iiw:^mi *;»w*N. ,*t4don the Boiin, Watortown a»4 Ojtte»»-bur»railK*d, was inslnntir kHllM af DsiWb Junction w Thar#d*yjta«t, about midnlgnt. Hs w*»t«ttin«^* wjowjsioW whfla aba w»» n»okhj««p s*d wa«o««tht batwetn tha Jte' coal trssits, HissJstvnldsw a « | 'w^miomtmr. ^B* TTS*-^ jsjawabl .of, Ogdspsbwrg. ;• .. _

m andtsssel side. This hs_rfngs ihttemi4o«4airor cures htt wssrapt. n*m«y1lirm;#h»9» -Thei^la^agh,


; T « B xtUmber. of Ihtermente % the <»meWri«loltt»eto#n^f^OsWegatohie between July 1st and Jai^'. M, wa>'m

Boot and Shoe House, ' , ' . ' •" ' ;••''-*:..'• : ' • i ' if friz * K

You will find an unnsually good stoc

m&m ani gjto^s, wiieii ^*}%. nish to those wanting^ at the towMlbosWil!

••'. ';"..- -- . ,•:-/'.'" • . • ^ ;t i tern**1

Tates<and no deception use4 #$ tft .<nja]0it 'J

>Mtbj ' i>gtogr««> y-«n»oomr rhlch.se-«%|byv:the;;

ofT-ues-; 'had.to^

Win»iow^i#aaftth« Mhtoal Lffs Jn» suranee Coi.t.&#E«iW»lJ»'Li»A^aur-ant* Soolsty 6f4h»*Srnited Stated and other d«*odants, by wWob It Is sought tod>en*and ei^blWi, the allDtniente of water prtwer on ths- Saraoac river,

rlB^©ri^|s«ai*!l |to * » m * t * cirWnp*rto*tfcspwrer. B>h.Fetw ^PaJj^of.P^la^u^aiaiatod': »pp««» for ti* pJarntHaj whihs |

Ths t4*rao< Major Dnnlsk, eoUaetot of tbH port «xpttisv,w<s ojadnBttsjad, •housAFStt-l^ I*s*lttoosh*r«;b*!ai uiiijI'iplsjiT llswiniltstit ths ebsmfar asfc-lu f terlAmp9o(»O0n«t. It Irun-

unecs and «ta«rt»£I«f» .' ,4Wn^-WNnllnil|IMiMroeei assatsTtta-pssrsc wtilfenaonae.

ot»o*^nw^bi«ttibi»ndsotfrtala- V»mamhm&Lr/si*1®*** tngisaBXofkjnlnis issnsliU— In ths

- - - - Mfci

*£!& •"*JaaA*i

• *- , ^ R ^ 4 - V J*. -^n^iiM^nS**-!

"nW!* ^1; ''


