I !! ] , .....

I I !! ] , .. .::. VOLUME XXV New AdvertiSements. } . .._ . r! . and U'l'erpool, I began to · tbe t.lfM of frott would be oo a Ia !rat ooa\ woold I thiak mof6 than keep \be woodeD dock io repair farner.• AXOTUIR U. ,. liiAVAL DPillT -------- - , • . f ThoiQIJsQn-S'Mmlical Hall 'i . _ .. ... ook !o HaW;&. \he IIIOraolll •rio&\ ole.- od time of Ud _., It Ill lb. n.r"-1' be 1l lo HaJJfu, are poftl'fal a'1tQlDeotl ll1d t My opioioo lo -"- Ia tbla. It Ia the btel dock SlmptOD llaa blllll, and I ha...o wpeo&.d· tbe elevu bo lla bt . him.' In tbe Mother Country, to which wa)ookl for o)Dr lo latut, welllod tho uewapapera durior r ec .... lllecl•llob aedlootlof pabUc meetiDg. belli, eepecla!Jyln latp oommen:ial eeotroa. 'or &be of bearior memben of UM HOI\ 11 of Commooa ex11laha Uleir .actlgq; Sometlm .. meet!ilg. ate called br tho memben ao . doa• &o obtain tho endor- aatioo of their eooalituopciea. Qoile aa o ft.eo eoonnad by leadiogrMn to call tbeir reproeeotati'l'll to acco unt ror &ina of omla- aioo or oornmiNioo. H ow ofUlo clo wo "' lliiY tocb accoooll io oar countr y? Wheo bu a member of Moo treal held eacla a mooting or been tom mooed before 110eb a ooeet.lag? Not sood mADYToan at all neota. I ll:oow demooatnatiooa are occ:ulooally bold lo boooo ol a pany l eader, bot thl.a ia oat tho aame lhing, llll d although from each 'tpeecb aa Sir li lcbard CarhrfiabL'e good may come io ooo- etqae "oco of tho iot.ereet wblnb Ia &Ureb7 lo pablic alram, atilt &haL doea 110\ abow the apooll.noooa lAt.eroa io goo d I(O'I'Oromoat wbicb Ia ubi bited io meeliofil' I ban alloded t o. Some will •Y tbll alate of a.lraift t. na - avoldablo, lint I am connoc.d. t ho lA 1 , Bol · .. y thd a dock ooly luta for a on time, while a atone dock II good for et.erolt,. !' . • Do yo• tblqHt will mMt"tbe cllmatfe reqaireDJeota of St. Jolla's ?• - • Decidedly. h lr better for Jobn•a thaD a llODO dock WOUld be. 1 stock an the :Medicines Co O&nied o.11 aU lhe Uoaon at ll• IIU!II. Q.UT , W'1IIR. ;, Hanor boea " 1oara . at Ita aod eo- peed in tbe IIIIIDI labery, 1 bow 10101t.bina ot dookl. Wlile eome r- iD Daa- doe anperiateocUaa the oolll&nletloD pi teal· log at.oamera for oar !eet, I made tba doob there a ahldy. In the e:r.ecatin council I bitterly eppoeed the ooOIUIIoUoo a atooo dock for thia ptao.-for tboao reuo oe: Ita coat would be eoorutooa uad wo ahould ool ..,. U ftollhecl for muay yeara. h woold-oommeoce .. but coat 12-QOO , OOO before It waa oompl&- ed. Thia loob wellto-daJ. 1 .. nr uw a bolter ooe. Hat 1 know what it be- hiod and bonuth the abella. UriDr wlth- ia a IDDabot of tho work., I baYe care! ally watch ad ila cooalraotioo e'l'ery day and &Ill perfecUy aa1ialied wit.b U, bd eoonnoed that tbit dock 11Ul ba far be\t.or 111d mor6 proftlablo for St.. Joho'a than any dock i.D 'Soppoeo put of what tbey uy' it tt-uo, And that tbo exposed &.Jp p11rt of wood- en dock wiU ODIJ I.e 3o Jean, caD than be al a 11Dall expooao; or In ococrelo faced whb wood. 1 th iolr t hat wooden dock ooold be oooalructed lo JlaHfax within two Je&n to auh all oo1r preMDt reqoiremeDte at ooo-foDrtb tho that would baYo I.e be u:peoded for a I to DOdock. 1 What do 700 tblok of tho aaaall leak lo the J obn·• docc?· · · ll will dry up aa the earth pack• and eetU• dowo. All dry docka leak when ft.nt 011eo.a waa 1 mpoulblo I.e prl'l'oot tblt. Tho l•ak lo thl.a ono Ia lea than I huo aeeo in other docks wheo oron od, Wo ooald not flod 1111yleak lo tho bottom of thia doclt ; so tbal there ie no vitel de- fect in it.· Bl ooJ Mixture, K eppler's Cod T.i ver Oil ani! lhl\ T.tlllllf In dien (for COIIli•·cnollll) I!Aefonoe or Sp1'110f, Allen'• LUDg Dalaam !::no's :\{o,JiCAtcU :)ugnr (for Worms) Jud110n's Ocld l :uu 11 \" 11 lhir Dyo, 'l'ricopherous · Judaon'H Oold Ink, Tc. tUcrJ\' T ooth Powder, f'il •ntc of Mmg011ia, Caynnn o Lozenges ll uuc; h'; u 01140 l.ioimout P eppermint U1oger .J.oz.ougso Fru it ::iavoty and Mooro',. Food 2\l urm)"a .Fluid Sche pp'• Pr-..p11t-ed Cocoftnut Beef Iron and Wino <Atlfa Jelly, N rovc'a Fuod V Diti(Ovory Canoed PioOAfll)le, Limo J ui co 00 do Q ui nine Wauu f:annod f:.umcJ P eaches K• llo!!i:'s As lhmn Reuu.'<l y W oodill'a llRking P owdo r d i>Y Co1wrrh ::inulf Yorksh i re Rel i&h s Drops l> I . • L'J " · H oJI DiLtcra lJriod SAvory, l>rictl Sago "' y II D ·--• '1" D • I 'fl o Qr. W "llt ut· '• \'incgar DiLtcrs !' rtet aym ll ullowrn 's (.;urn Curo Ylaeg&r ,m Bou!ea , C•>m Extrnclor Piek aWn 11 Cryal.:ll llutl.L P crcha l ooth ::)topl'}ng CoCf oo sod PMlO K• ·:J• . in••'s lo.scc t l:' owdor Coco11 and p., 1.;hn Oiletl S ilk Roll! & Cos. "t Fl lea oJi t lu 0 }1 Jl '·' llli UI'II Emulsion fu rrops Lmen rl a:r.e , I"" aR . l · ,, . ..., . · ·lt· 1 .. 0 "'t 1 · 111 ·r Hai r fl11t aht>s, Cloth es Brushes ..,..a"ll.. •l'-' n :. ""' Sl . I \ "" ' '6 :::). .sillu Putnu r'll F.mnl sioo N .. il anu T oo th l!o. . I ll v mg • ·,I.J L"ht.OI n• HKir CosmnLHtne l,l, .t,i ru :'ll e.h c. .t Diseo,.eay Dre nmg Co mb 8 &, T ,; 0 l' nr"ativu P clle ll \Vux Tapo r&_. me , . I N "t Lun e Ju1oo & Glyconne 'o r ""ou 1 , I Jo T oileL Vin rgar \ · , t·I"'OI"O<lf :S 11 ram:; A proos ·d }'\ p _ , ' . n Adab oa a aUI o wuer Ju .. •,;9 Conc:entral.ed Lye, &-cnt.OO Soaps F: 'I' "'"' C.Jn'l.ound 'oi " od p · t - in l lb Tins ''" do · IX · 1 · 'I' 1 · " P owd ers U mllcr, Stcn na . mun A ('t'l 110 o "' ' 1 y •llo w Ochre D 11 mar Var ntah l I I .,. I . f 1! \>i.-<1 1!11 '" " " t u • ,.., ' " n n:,: or I' 13Ml F:n "lish Coi' 1 .J G ..\ Tin8 \ . ' II ·r \ "i,...,r B ..,. ·""' o S . J }CIII '" . o ' l'l I I' Trull!l!'.ll ."\tinwoo .l St.nin, \V:dnnt l8 an , A llen's l l.ur . ·n· I :\I dt O""II' " clo. o .. t.: do. I , ·r . tt . ... 1n1n1t " j -. ,\ .l u 1 " l" ll"-" .• F l'c . i::Hrtl• H ore hound c .. ndy I lluth I) Jft l .... c .. rl>ohc u ' r 6 Al wnys on h and n lnr ga Sl ot.:k of T oiiot Requisites, Dyes, Cigars and C1gar1ttes. · · t Presci'iptions nnd nccur· nltt' lllt on 1!1\"t!n o ntdy prC'p:lr cd with pur a Jr ugs. \V. 11. o..a..:EU:>- GEO. WEBBER, DRUGGIST, water street, Hr . Grace Joly7. ' CARD I T BE SUBSCRIBER, l bankfnVor pu\ fuo re, bep to Intimate that /,10 l•t&ill prepa r ed to . oxeealo all work In lila lloa of t r&de viUl oeato- and detrpalob, aod . at. rieu ooL I.e be aten In &own. Ito W'lll P raotee that 1 11 work eolnut.ed to blm ::I bt po\ oat of b.llnd io a tboroogbl7 .errienblt 111 d .. uafaetory tnaoner. Alllo.ioda of work, from tbe ltid aboe to ( be hel'l'leat IIU-booL, can be made and repal'"' A .Retl(lenct-Wa:er weat, oear 1 dtewa' Hill J. W. KENNEOY, DectC pd SMc J/dtr . ON. State Fair of Pennsylvania Be14 a\ Phu.4elphi&, Sept. 1884. SPECIAL TELEGRAM. Pllilodti]' AiD, Sqtl. 1 8, 1 8&4. Wum: SJ:Vo"INO Co .• ClovolaDd, 0 .: 'l"bo " \VlllTE IS KINU" io l' biladelphiA. We bne rccei'l'ed the bl.buL honor althe Fair of l'eonaJhanla, premium to tho Wbito Shutlle Sewing FinL preruiato to tho 'ntomauo Tbru.d Macbio_o. l:iiln_ r to tho Whi te Shr:nl o Sew tog l'l.laclnne. Med•l to tho \\'bito Auto"!atia Sa nwlo 'flare.atl M•chinc. S1 >eeial mcottou fur aup · erior nuochaniam, ai anplicity: n_ ns;:o of work. a nd qnnl it )' of lloo \\ h•!,e :;bott le ao•l AuliHnft tie S.S wln11 'llao Wblt.e Sowiua machine a th3 ack- nowll!dged Kiov of all. Vlctoriou whto- eMr ha ._,..tit ion, .. tia fact.ory wbercYar in \aC. by The White Sewing Co. ?>fAchi ue Fimlings, etc. , k t>pl const.K ntly on Lli ud. Uepairin g- u St.cei.. J. D. FULLERTON, . Sole AgenL W hite Sewin11 Macbiao l'o. for Ntwfoandland. Cor Duckwo rth St. anti Ucck'e Covo, llcc. I S. MllyiO. Iy sr. J oh o'a QUEEN Insura,nce Company QUEEN I NSUR A NCE BUILT I NO UV ERPOOL, - A:-11>- QU KEN t NSU RA NCKDUILDIN'CJS, GO GRA CECII URCH S TREET, LON DON. DllDdee."-Cap.. White Ia 7S 7ean of li6. bot l oob aa youthful lllld actin aa tho anraco 111111 of •5. Be boula of barior killed more aula than aoy other man io tho world but be oner lillltd one oo a Suo- hJ, allowed bie IDP to do anyiiAiiDir wo rlt oo 'for the elena 7tan 187()-81, Capt.. 9 bJoD&bt ... Ia Into St . Jobo a ia atolme.n. The •oterao old Maler proudly boutetbat lao Denr drao1t a el .. of liquor 1.o b1a lila. MR. BURCIIUL, go'l't romeot eaainter of : • 1 can tpeak freely about tbe dock, boeaue 1 wu in no waJ eoaDeotad wil.b ite origin or the prtparatloa of tho plana, etc. I baYo watched ita eonatrnclioo lo detail, and am boa od to MJtbd 1 oenraw better malu- ial or pot into aoy uDdertak- ioJr. Tho doclt bu boeo. moet f11thfall1 buil t.. It bu be eo eeeu by a gnaL many pl'l'ctical and aeiouti6c men. aod all aa-reo on thaL point. Aa a practi cal enginu r I am perfectly utialled thAt tho dock wi ll ho all we IL 1 doo' l think•wo haYt paid 11 too moeb for k. 1'b Simpaoo'a DOl made wbtl eouldCr a fair ""- .. Slllnl llc&:AT, UQ., of tho public work• depart ment : l hue watched tbe COIIItract6oD of . oar dock daily liooo ll commneed. S.mpaon • gh u;ua perfeet aatiafaotioD. Good mater· tala hue been uaod. Tbere buo been no complaiota on either tido. ' fbe wor k ia cun1pleted 1i11: monlha ahead of 1 conaider Si•npto'l'a a btuer doclt fpr our climate than a elooo dock would lie. &. U. K&ATf!IO, eSt. Jobo'e doclt· durior n- rio alaj!ea of oonatructioo. .,.\ntyou .. u.. 6 that 1t Ia a tboroagb piece 'of workDWl· ?' .P..ytlll. It II ttn\ elaal, both io workman - ahfp and material.' Would you \>4! ,( tla6od Ul baYa a d 11ter dock lo Halifax.? 1-II OT. COIDlANt>IR PRINDLE, U.s" H., mperiat.oo.deohr tho United Stetot DIIVJ· Ja.rd, Brvoii:IJU, Now York, io repl1 to tbe queatioo: What it :rour oplnioa or the rolAtl'l'e merite of atcoe YL woodca for aucb What ie yoor opinion or \ho relati'I'O me rite of aUloo '\ut\ woodeo docks?' ' I am going to report Ul th• Uolled gonrnmo . ol on that poiat and 'flU aft.orwarda aond yoa a copy of tho re- por t. ' Soppoao tho St Joha'a dock bad beta bail &of atono i01tead of • ood. bow maot. would It ha'l'o coat l and how long wocald i L ban taken to bol d ?' •ln rouod fl_Jnru •1,600,000, more ; aod it would taken at laut f our 7eart.' ------ w ANT:ED, A PUBLIO OPINIQp. a eliroato u &bat of llalifa.x 7' ro t ho magolftOuDL apoecb wh ich Sir S.ld : ' From my o:rperiooce aad kn ow- Rio)a,d Cartwright r eceotl7 dell'l'orod leqe of docka lu cold olilllln!l, I tblok io tho Q o.oeo'a Hall tbare were eneral there can be oo queetloo of lobo aaperiori ty polota broagbt oat which, buiog ootb illg ot woodoo doch u competed with thoao to do wi th parLJ politiea, appeal to enr 1 epoatroctod of maaool")' .r · thooahllul 111ao lo tbia our country, wbaL- ' Bow ?• onr may be bll opCaiooa of oar political • Aa far u cooatraotioo it coocero ed the problema, or of tbo apea\er who tbero dia· merit of wood Ia tbat it Ia leu a.troeted b7 coaaed tb- problema. I belio'l'o, too, frott, a nd aol- maaoory jointe are kopt th.t whether 001 a,re11 with or diaoola perfectly tlgh,, th e froat deeuoya it 1'bon from t ba riewe 111 Sir Richard adbeal oo of loo ao<J n ow to at.oao II Cartwright, no oDa will deoy that, neo nry much greater than to woo4 in cold for ao other -u, the fact that bo wu we.atber. Nut, lA polat or coat., woodep able t.o appear before a larre reproaoota- docka can be bailt for nry mocb leaa mooe7 ti'l'o aodlooco Jo the greateet centre of in- than aUloo, of laQl8 aootioa. telU,eoce io tbe Domiaioo, witb hardly a While aaeoory doch OlD be ooo.alractod nolo, and doal wilb tho moat iolricate,qaea. wilb low narrow all&rt aod lbo IIUDO aloe tloAI ao clearly and ao ably aa to bold t t..o alopee, tho width of t.b• foundation and cube atteullon of tbat aalieaco for an bour a nd of muoory oec-..,for till• Laconaide"rallly coUUea • .. it atteruoe &o tbe ooo- iDortuod. 41ricl&ll uad aUIIII.olll.lon of all. The wUI Yery ' r eatl7 lUoreaM die 001\ O'l'et ptrtlcular pol 11t opoo wbicb I wiab DOW to cio• Nclloo u employed io ma- •AI.ara• ie bit alhaloa ...._ apa&lly of .. _,.,. doclta- Under ordtliMJ clrea•· public opioloa between geaenl tloctiou, atlocoa a wooden dock can be boUt Ia 18 the waDt of an aothe and l at.olliReot aaper- montha ; a aUloo dock umally takee hom 'l'ialon aocl of the worli:, aod YO tea four to eight yoan, aa wltooea the etooe or otU rep_n .. tiua- Wben blamed lor docka at Qaebtc and l:.qoinialt., 71t far thla. the ordinary voter will eaoerally ae- from completed, altboogb aeno or more knowledge It, but pleada preeanro of basi- yean buo elapeod ai.oce tbeir oommaooe- D- uad dl.aiocUoaiioa Ul be bothered wilb meot, tho •lt imato cost of wbfch I am al110 polltlo.a all the time· 'fhia i.e not as h infor med will u oeed th o by about abould bt, ant.! tho qoMtloo Ia. W hy Ia it? 61) per cent . 1 bad tho pl euu rt of Yl.aitlog I am afraid beoeoao meo look apoo poilU- tho Dow doclt al Eaqaimalt, B. C. laat eel qaoelloaa u aomethlag apart from, aod apring, ba t t ho wor\ eoUrel1 lUI· oulllide of their l.odiridaaf lnt- Jreah aad peaded, w:th tho atrucluro only pattlall7 botinOII and are laclloed to coneldor polltica completed. Tbe cl imate th ere ia much aa a boaioeu of itMlf, ln whlob tboaa wbom milder and ma1 oot pron aofficioot11 lbey dob politictac:. are to do the work for aeure to uetningl y dfect thla atcoo dock. tho of tbo OOIDIIIGolty . CertaioiJ, thll Tbe or wall wit hin tho oolfer· Ia tho very beat to foroo tbo men who dam and forma D oll ooo aide of tho ootnaao do lake aD aol.ln iotereat lo politic. aod do waa obeernd to be erack.ed from copl.og Ul work for the pabllo to make bulineae of buo by reuon of aetUemeot of tho f oooda· that work and It aa other blllla011 atloae.' i1 moo io the eommaoitr, treat their buaiooaa- • How m&DJ dock a are lbelD io Brookl7a 11 , to make pat. l'ble Ia oootrary no& and Now ool7 I.e tho efBoloocy of the goy. Only l.breo p'l'iog d ocka- ooe etone, of tbo qoootry bu& t.ooda to de- at tho 8c ookiJ• naYJ-Ja.rd, two of wood al I!Tado and bring Into what ebould the Erie haain.• b., and freqoootlyll, tile moal booorable ' ia yo or uperitooe of thoae dareo aphefll in wbioh aoy citJ&eo of ooao- docb ?• try can eogago. Oar people, too, are of opioioo poioted out by Cartwnrht ia ''oo of cause-a of 111d I tbat Ia tile oritl- eiam of tho . more pany a'lfu - of b11 tpeeob, thta 'l' e ry poiot which a ppli" equally Ul all 111d more Npooia\11 at.Jll to tboae wbo aro not party moo. will not be allowed t.o fall Wlhooded by lobo And the r eador11 o{ bl.a wordt. Fs.suu.. BEIB.S '1'0 KANT XILLtONS. The Bomance or au llqUell Kiaor8h&re of -tha J'eonlnga' Gold Olaimed by a Lady - Oooaoqueucee of Elopement of a Queen'• )l[aid or Bouor. - Sevoral Hewf'ouudlacd ll"amlliea Iat.ereatocl. ( Seven chi ld ren of Jnan011 f•out o : .ro n ow four of wbo10 are still iu Newf oundiaod. Tbe oth er t broo aro residents of the Uni&ed One a aon, lim in 'Pe;nn., Cl eec:on.i ll dauJJhter, M,.., Ayleebu ry, iu E verett, and tbjrd, abo a daughter, Mra. Jane B. Pulont, "'aidea in Cbcl r:l. Thill ladr waa cali!Kl . upon by " Glob. reporter.. ' 'About tbroo yeara ago," uid ra. Pa raona," mr broLIJer, who livea in C.:!Jes-, Penn., aon\ me 11 slip cut. ft"OGl somo Ph iladelphia paper that &old about. amount of mouor in Ensla,nd awaitiu:; riahtCol h eira. H e alao wr.>te t.bat ho thought t.bill wu tho J eooinr wbom be bad beard Aunt .Beta y, tltaL ill my aeoood eldoat aiat.or, •nd my father of\en &alkinr of . A.ant. Detey would say to my f11tbor, J11m1111, you ou4bt to go to London aud look ; porbape you can get aomo of it.' My rovlied j I I don't 6'1'CC ex pect to of it, may. Y011 know,' ho would sa y, • m other'• Lro•JJ•r tried to kill h er for away wilh (a thor, aod l don't tbjo k be will e ver Jut a ny of us huo the provorty; I mUJt get roady prettr eoon and go oYer and 106 alx>ut it. TWENT Y -F U\STANNUAL REPORT cily eoRioeer, ltalifu : From what I ban eeen of the d ock, aoJ aa fu aa an opioloo can be formed in ila proaoot rtat.o, 1 buo oo beei latioo in UJing thlll It ia a good piece or workmaoalaip aad full1 eqoal1 tbe btat woodeo doc\a oa tho At l aal o And I hue ' eumlood whole of t!aem. The Meura. Slmpaoo ban beto uceediogly fortooate. Ia the ft nt plact they ba'I'O-bad amll!oifteeotait.o f or a dock.\ A better one could ba.rdly bo obu l oed,. h waa all IX· canted from Jiter depoal'-. fbero wu not a foot otfOcik blaatio&f r ootti.og. ADd thereby a nry bee.y it e11 of oxpeoao wu aned. Th ea tbe alt.o waifarolabed free by tbt pYeromeot.. All makriala wer e ad - mitteo datr free, a nd a rate of doty .... ai'l'ea on Ill rooda pa rcbaatello tbe ooloor . Th- bariJ18 obtalned, lbo cblcl ntmai.aiog itom of upooae waa •I ban been Ia charge of the lJrookiJD greatly mlltakeo In tho vleor hero aaplaln- oa.y (atone) f or tho put alJ: yean. IL ia ad, for I ooad arro oa bua!o- men, oow Ia nry bad eondilioo. lt Ia SbO ft. at when their bo.aloeaela ao aoprotlong, or about half tho alae of tho now doc\ perou., that repr-Dtatho bodlee of them r.t.St..,kJbo•e,eoat onr $2,000,000, t ook eight auch aa tho lJoarl! of Tndo of St.. Jobn, year/ to balld, bu coal 860,000 ia rou nd N.B., &re moll' orialwor politioiaoa to do ftJ!uree to ke ep It in repair, lllld oow r aomelbtor for tboir ualatance, 111d lo a qlliru Jl 60,000 t.o put it io good coaditioa , coo.atry wb•re commen:o Ia tho moat im· the uttanes works bariog been nearly do- portaot caH of a aourament which bu no atroyed bJ f rott. in climate preeumabl7 rorelp polloy and DO mUitary or oanl very much mllder . Cbaotbatof l:lallu. My polity, qaeellooa are aa lm- oxperie aa. a nd knowledge of woodoo portal>' &o them aa freight or at.ock dock• II limited t.o olleonallon and official I leta. To be well acquaioted wilob th- eurnlnalioo or them dari ng ooDatraclion t aUotr a boaint aa mua eooaidera part of bla and lbelr operation allorwuda, althoueh wor k. one or the -otiala of a for a time I waa eoNed lo tho cooauac- w.U-Io.formad iot.oUigeot 1.-utio- rDilll. lion of ooo of tbeae dockt lo Pbiladelpbi..a.. Why ebould bo oot equall7 oooai:lor It bia 1 believe that when the people get I.e k{\OW daC:y to keep w•ll-lllformed u to Ia lobete wooden docks thoro:J& bly, that they SOlnfl OD lA tho Oonromeot or hia COUD• will oolveraa lly adopted.• try io Lha' work on tba woU-dolng or " Tbia, or aimilar b\llr, my broLher . wboia aboot 66r •raolcJ,remombera hear· ing a great many Then , m1 mo-- ther often told mo, wbon I diepleuecl her, the& I wa• a pretty &irl tc be t he- deeoeodant of a tuaid of honor to Lbo queen, and t.hAt 1 oughL \o be aabftroed tbr.t 1 Lad become eo d egenerate. If we children bad onlr known eowetlun g about it bef ore all ol my auote antl unclee died wo would b6 all rizhL noll' ; but yo11 aoo, fhe anti Accounl.s tor t.b.s year 1878, presented \o th o Sharebo ldera at the Annu.lll eeting,on Tuetday,27th 1870, nt which sh owed, in tho DlVIderd and Bonua at th e rate \o&ethor of 16 per cent. wu deolarecl, being car ri.oJ tor .ward. FIRE BRANCH, That tho Premiama for 187R, after dec.luot ing R o- insuraneee, amounted to bting an of 11 over tho Prominm Income ur 877 ; and the Losael to £ 201,661, being 65.1G per cent. on Premlama ot the Y ear. IN THE LIFE That New Polioica }lad i au. ed " "t or £222,•85 ; t.l&e Life l!'uod. loy the tuldit.ious mado &o it u the ot tho year's operaloiooa now repreaenl.l 47.9 per cent. or the en ti ro net Prtllnium, rrivec.l Oil 11very policy in f orce. The aorplaa balance in Ule Fire Ao- ooanL waa abown e.o be £107.599, oaL ot wbich £20,000 waa appropmted \o \ c:cou.n•, raialns .AOOOUDL to 14.o 000 and making with the Be- '"'"' toDd Balance carried lof1Fard labor. , T. CROASDUI 1 ,.l .. ty go'l'en:uoeot e11aint1r lA Newfoond- tTod : I ba" 1t1tohoCl ... conatruct.l on of the dry dock daJ. by c1aJ tho firat pile ... driyeo, l'bo IIIU4Idalt ant all or tbe vel")' bello qaallt)' aad the eoald oot be 1 'Denr •w a be'- t.or job, or haw ef tlle oom_pl.Uon ot conlll.ct tbat pYo aootl perfec\ •t.ilfac- tioo. ' ()APT, .nalllf 1 of lhll S.B.. JliraiUf •: t 101 dellehle4 wlt.ia the dook, aad aball p,otmr ablp on hoD mr oe:r:t alp. 1 doll'\ thlok tll•t K wni be able to handle llai boam- that will o!ar thla wlot.or. ooii1U)I1)•a aoauuo•, har bot ai"uter ef St., waa uked for b oploloo oo the dock, Ita collltnlctloo (od eapebllltl-, be\ COD.11enoaly deoHued to gi•e on the pond tha& be wu a tnUIItbt otl011r, lllld It wOClld bt Improper io bico to offer aa oploloo. Capt.. ltellia· eon wu 'oe ' ol Ole wbo vlaited tho Untied Statea cloob, ud he aya be 1r the ODIJlD&n lo 8\, John's wiN» howe llllytbiDf abea• a doek, It Ia to be Sba' be dld DOUMl at llber&J to uprea bimltlf for pabliOUO.. ._ .. -.octm.a.D I Wl!M do JOU daJ•k tl the dir dock at 8&. Sollo'w'? ftlllbcl •llaan wo bMI•Mloll .., IIJin&' lhM It ia a ,ood dook. 1 IJIIalnJIIla faftl' of a ... dooll" for llaUiu, uUll •• u.. a .Joh•'• 4ookad•eae .. ru\loa aacl_. pitted. uaclaow I- Ia IMor tla .-oar aoot for Balll,u' Yoo llier tile BaltltMN doek. Bo• doee " _,.,. IJIIII tile . .. 8&. Bow do you account for tlao faot lhat whlqh depeoda ite protperity . Not only, aU or ooarl1 all ' Eorliab eoaiDtera la'l'or bowonr, Ia lbo lnt.oiHpot formatioa ai.CDI ?' of each In or loiOD D._ry, bot No danbt macb of 1\ b1 dao . to tbeir an oxvroaion o it on aocb oc:eaaiooa edacatloo and lifo long practice lo t he ex- \A w o 6110Diial. I tat tb!a j adalog no\ 011 of muoar1 for penoaaoot ool7 from tbe ataodJ)oiat or a citl&eo, etlactaNt, tile - of &belr dl.apoal for. bat alao aa know log what a balp each eueut.loc lliOh worn and tbe r wut of oC opioloa oo the pan or icc!nalntaaco with tho moclera form of tbe t be poblio would be to the '•oemben eooakaetioo or wooden doob DOW aaopted of tho legltlaturo. For what lr more Ia America. F oTmod1 I mJMif fuored oat.ral than tbat membora of pwll1111ent, a\qno docta lo to wood uoUI ft.Ddlq tbe publie apath.t11 and IDAtteot.ln oloear obeenatloo oooriaced &o faeta wblob we ald bt expected to etartlo - of t.belr dcliabiii\J• oll•pa- aod tl!· thiakiDf men, eboard OOIU to bollne tb- eieooJ.' fiOM after all not etanlloK. or,tlodiDf Vo yp-o. thlak uay more tf4De doclta baliAI- mtn eooept, l.a· will be boUt l'a the UelMd &at. ?- jonee doae to their -btlll11te1, • 1 do aO'- Stoat doch. wll.b pi are poee t.boM lojari• of •loor OODMq"aoe ? ac.w loboapt mucll too ooatly. uad OQIIIIUII• Al Umft of r:ral eleotloee cuadldatee t.oo e•eb d ... In batldlor .• oaa ...n, llD oot 10ob llallla. ud opioloe •What do'" thlali: of the workman· 11 u,_d br &&.,.. ..,, -tedal Ia tM Dock a• S&: ._.e..,, wMII nallr a t-&ter oppenanlly JoU'at• for cllepNaloaale jodpa .. t ie aino, tile .• to ur I loan ,.t .. a-eon · oeiJ.., ClflD Mlll7 ob&ain u _... • .W. piaL' ' 1 ... & 10 flalfllo opi'Dlon Ia br pabUo meet-o Do,.. tWai of NewfoaDd• '- or M&IOD ol pcabllo bodl• OIIMr• 1u1t WIN .. Ia woocl .... U.tre Ia ao paeeibUity of ooolfolll., e of .... ___....... allq .,., : •ppeilet$ &7 a -Jori*! ola ·DMidecDJ•' ol Colli--. ••• ed lot .• bed ,. of.._.... a u•u••· •ty •nt;!( .. ,..=dt In· c...- ... dle,...t. to ...U., 410 .,_. .._ ....... d_ ttlla, ... :e; ........ .,. 11 1M ...... _ oar 1- of oonra-• 11ettet - ._ ....... of OQI' ......... ucl la._,M ,..ta,.._.,.-. .... - .... ... .......... WI- .................... of ...... ll ..-ul per- .... ._. ..... , to tile u ..... IMIINOIIIJ -.· . . ... .... ,."' "• ..... - .... -t':;- .... Wil E-If TIUif ADV&RnaCD FOR 'rBIIEI I\3 it wu over for ty yCIIU'I and at l hat thoro wu bnt vel"f litUe oommoro:• cation bet ween Newf oundlan:i and t!.e old world . Tho onlJ newa wo ceived down there wu by 11'1&1 o( an oc- tbip lb \L back am! C ortb. Mr brother IIJI \bat be played in tho garret of tho old botol wboro we wore born with nu w \aer of tho old awor<b, opeulet&ot, auh11, he-11.11, elo,, worn br G randfather · b tl t. DOW tboeo old relies, amO DJ waiob 1 WOr& proba\aly bia p8JI8rl canno\ b6 fou nd." ' What hu !Jeoomt1 or t.bem r waa asked. . 'l'Jlat ia what we canoot God out. My eld•t aant, Mary OouJh, kept lhe hot.el for a number of yeara, and it waa ahe Ua&t kept &he and mother. Wben abe "-- quil.e old abe was b lind and had &oJive up the bote\ n.._ Site &o li•e ' with her ni&re wbo had married and l'OID01efl to ada. I hue written to thia nieoo, bni abe atatea Lh .d abe doea no& koow where the art.iotea e&D lie. aprins a.n o lct bat\ that. be!oapd &o my J"nd ruolhnr : round. J' had larp ,old ... oa i' oo wlrich ber name, Tr!p heui& .leoninp.' wu eagrned. Tbi• beh mu._ ben wom by Iter in \ae- tdre her mafriaae. All o ther ..,. Ga.MIOOG,UOI,r "•1 aacl in New· · Con.._.. •' a,., .... ,. Ia 11orou to Lendoa .. "'• 1111\Uar, tut4 Jaeo allecl .,... (Moll td any cW& tca•cd rru.. r, .. r Lili· tOW .Iat&.l.laat

Transcript of I !! ] , .....





.. .::.


New AdvertiSements. Adve~ments. } .

.._. r!. ~ and U'l'erpool, I began to ~ · tbe t.lfM of frott would be oo a

Ia !rat ooa\ woold I thiak mof6 than keep \be woodeD dock io repair farner.•


--------- , • . f • ~

ThoiQIJsQn-S'Mmlical Hall 'i ~ . ~~us. _

..... ook !o HaW;&. ::~this, \he IIIOraolll •rio&\ ole.- od time of • ~otioa, Ud _., It Ill lb.

-~~.&be n.r"-1' be m~• 1l lo HaJJfu, are poftl'fal a'1tQlDeotl

ll1d t My opioioo lo ~ -"- Ia tbla. It Ia the btel dock SlmptOD llaa blllll, and I ha...o wpeo&.d· tbe otbe~ elevu bolla bt. him.' •

In tbe Mother Country, to which wa)ookl for o)Dr ~aodol lo reprpaooiALI.,~veru'­latut, welllod tho uewapapera durior rec .... lllecl•llob aedlootlof pabUc meetiDg. belli, eepecla!Jyln latp oommen:ial eeotroa. 'or &be ~ of bearior memben of UM HOI\11 of Commooa ex11laha Uleir .actlgq; Sometlm .. ~~~- meet!ilg. ate called br tho memben ao.doa• &o obtain tho endor­aatioo of their eooalituopciea. Qoile aa oft.eo eoonnad by leadiogrMn to call tbeir reproeeotati'l'll to account ror &ina of omla­aioo or oornmiNioo. How ofUlo clo wo "' lliiY tocb accoooll io oar country ? Wheo bu a member of Mootreal held eacla a mooting or been tom mooed before 110eb a ooeet.lag? Not for~ sood mADYToan at all neota. I ll:oow demooatnatiooa are occ:ulooally bold lo boooo ol a pany leader, bot thl.a ia oat tho aame lhing, lllld although from each 'tpeecb aa Sir lilcbard CarhrfiabL'e grea~ good may come io ooo­etqae"oco of tho iot.ereet wblnb Ia arooa~d &Ureb7 lo pablic alram, atilt &haL doea 110\ abow the apooll.noooa lAt.eroa io good I(O'I'Oromoat wbicb Ia ubibited io K~~&lieb meeliofil' I ban alloded to. Some will •Y tbll alate of a.lraift t. na­avoldablo, lint I am connoc.d. t ho


lA1 fa"''OJ.:~P.' , • • Bol · .. y thd a wood~o dock ooly

luta for a on time, while a atone dock II good for et.erolt,. !' •

. • Do yo• tblqHt will mMt"tbe cllmatfe reqaireDJeota of St. Jolla's ?• - • Decidedly. h lr better for s~. Jobn•a thaD a llODO dock WOUld be. 1

Now~ stock an the leadin~ Pate~t :Medicines S~wmg Machin~ Co O&nied o.11 aU lhe Uoaon at ll•


;, Hanor boea " 1oara . at Ita aod eo­peed in tbe IIIIIDI labery, 1 bow 10101• t.bina ot dookl. Wlile eome r- iD Daa­doe anperiateocUaa the oolll&nletloD pi teal· log at.oamera for oar !eet, I made tba doob there a ·~ ahldy. In the e:r.ecatin council I bitterly eppoeed the ooOIUIIoUoo ~f a atooo dock for thia ptao.-for tboao reuooe: Ita coat would be eoorutooa uad wo ahould ool • ..,. U ftollhecl for muay yeara. h woold-oommeoce .. but coat 12-QOO,OOO before It waa oompl&­ed. Thia d~ loob wellto-daJ. 1 .. nr uw a bolter ooe. Hat 1 know what it be­hiod and bonuth the abella. UriDr wlth­ia a IDDabot of tho work., I baYe care! ally watch ad ila cooalraotioo e'l'ery day and &Ill

perfecUy aa1ialied wit.b U, bd eoonnoed that tbit dock 11Ul ba far be\t.or 111d mor6 proftlablo for St.. Joho'a than any dock i.D

'Soppoeo put of what • tbey uy' it tt-uo, And that tbo exposed &.Jp p11rt of ~ wood­en dock wiU ODIJ lu~ ~ I.e 3o Jean, ~~ caD than be reoow~d al a 11Dall expooao; or In ococrelo faced whb wood. 1 thiolr that ~ wooden dock ooold be oooalructed lo JlaHfax within two Je&n to auh all oo1r preMDt reqoiremeDte at ooo-foDrtb tho coa~ that would baYo I.e be u:peoded for a I to DO dock. 1

• What do 700 tblok of tho aaaall leak lo the J obn·• docc?· · · ll will dry up aa the earth pack• and eetU• dowo. All dry docka leak when ft.nt 011eo.a J~ waa 1mpoulblo I.e prl'l'oot tblt. Tho l•ak lo thl.a ono Ia lea than I huo aeeo in other docks wheo oronod, Wo ooald not flod 1111yleak lo tho bottom of thia doclt ; so tbal there ie no vitel de­fect in it.·

lr~rke's BlooJ Mixture, K eppler's Cod T.iver Oil ani! lhl\ T.tlllll f I n dien ( for COIIli•·cnollll) I!Aefonoe or Sp1'110f, Allen'• LUDg Dalaam !::no's :\{o,JiCAtcU :)ugnr (for W orms) Jud110n's Ocld Pt~io~, l :uu11\"11 lhir Dyo, 'l'ricopherous ·Judaon'H Oold Ink, Tc.tUcrJ\' T ooth Powder, f'il•ntc of Mmg011ia, Caynnno Lozenges lluuc; h'; u 01140 l.ioimou t Peppermint Loze~gos. U1oger .J.oz.ougso En<l'>~ Fru it Sal~ ::iavoty and Mooro',. Food 2\l urm)"a .Fluid ~i11gneein Schepp'• Pr-..p11t-ed Cocoftnut y,·~oth'oJ Beef Iron and Wino <Atlfa J.o'oo~ Jelly, N rovc'a Fuod N~a lltropJ:Lymun'~ V {·~cu•ulo Diti(Ovory Canoed PioOAfll)le, Limo J uico

00 do Q ui nine Wauu f:annod Oyt<tcn~, f:.umcJ Peaches K • llo!!i:'s As lhmn Reuu.'<ly W oodill'a llRking P owdor

d i>Y Co1wrrh ::inulf Yorkshire Reli&h n~tcnun s Drops \Vorcea~rahiro S~taeo l> I. • L'J " · H oJI DiLtcra lJriod SAvory, l>rictl Sago

"' y II ~· ~:ur, D ·--• '1" D • I 'fl o Q r. W "lltut·'• \'incgar DiLtcrs ~luu !' a~L, rtet aym llullowrn•'s (.;urn Curo Ylaeg&r ,m Bou!ea , l'utnaro'~ C•>m Extrnclor PiekaWn 11 W~hmg Cryal.:ll llutl.L Pcrcha l ooth ::)topl'}ng CoCfoo sod ~~1lk PMlO K •·:J•. in••'s lo.scc t l:'owdor Coco11 and ~hi~ ~o t :n~'"' p.,1.;hn Ti~uc, Oiletl Silk Roll! & Cos. ~t aa~o. "t Fl lea ~-oJi t lu 0 }1 Jl '·' llliUI'II Emulsion furrops Lmen rla:r.e, I"" aR

. l

·,,. ..., . · ·lt·1 .. 0 "'t1· 111· r Jufan~ Hair fl11taht>s, C lothes Brushes "~"~~~ ..,..a"ll..•l'-' n :. ""' S l . I

\ ""' '6 :::). • .-..~" .sillu Putnur'll F.mnlsioo N .. il anu T ooth l!o. . I ll vmg I~-• ·,I.J L"ht.OI n• p,"t~ml HKir Drn8~1C80 Cos mnLHtne 1' :~1 cc'3 l,l, .t,i ru :'ll e.hc..t Diseo,.eay Dren m g Comb

8&, ~i· T ~~=

,;0 l'nr"ativu P cllell \Vux Tapor&_. me ~ng , .

I N " t J n"~cwrs Rimmoll'~ Lune Ju1oo & Glyconne

'o r ""ou1, I J o T oileL Vinrgar

\ · , t·I"'OI"O<lf :S 11 ram:; A proos ·d }'\ p _, ' . n Adaboa a aUI owuer Ju :--l'on~e .. •,;9 Conc:entral.ed Lye, &-cnt.OO Soaps

F: 'I '"'"' C.Jn'l.ound ~yrnr 'oi " od p · t - in l lb Tins l'ani~l,'M ''" do · I X Ill~ • · 1 · 'I' 1 · " P owd ers U mllcr , S tcnna .

::SI.<"•~ mun A ('t'l 110o "'-·' 1 y •llo w Ochre D 11mar V arntah l I I .,. I . f 1!\>i.-<11!11 '" " " • t u • ,.., ' " n n:,: or I' 13Ml F:n" lish Coi'1.J V~t1 ni~h- l G .. \ Tin8 \ . ' II ·r \ "i,...,r B .. ,. ·""' • o S .

J }CIII '" . o ' l'l I I' Trull!l!'.ll ."\tinwoo.l St.nin, \V:dnnt l8an, A llen's l l.ur )tll<~IO~r, - ~~· ·~~ . ·n · I :\I dtO""II'" clo. o .. t.: do.

I , ·r . ~''""r tt .... 1n1n1t " • j -. • p · ,\ .lu 1" l "ll"-" "· .• ~ F l'c . i::Hrtl• H orehound c .. ndy I lluth I)Jft l .... ,·cr~'" c .. rl>ohc ~oop, u ' r 6

Alwnys on h and n lnrga Slot.:k of

T oiiot Requisites, ~erfumes, Dyes, Cigars and C1gar1ttes.

~ · · t Presci'iptions nnd nccur· ~Pl·f""!'Oil:\1 nltt'lllton 1!1\"t!n o

ntdy prC'p:lrcd with pura Jrugs.

\V. 11.

o..a..:EU:>-GEO. WEBBER,

DRUGGIST, water street, Hr. Grace

Joly7. ' •


TBE SUBSCRIBER, lbankfnVor pu\ fuore, bep to Intimate that/,10 l•t&ill

prepared to. oxeealo all work In lila lloa of t r&de viUl oeato- and detrpalob, aod .at.

rieu ooL I.e beaten In &own. Ito W'lll P raotee that 1 11 work eolnut.ed to blm ::I bt po\ oat of b.llnd io a tboroogbl7 .errienblt 111d .. uafaetory tnaoner.

Alllo.ioda of work, from tbe eligbtu~ ltid aboe to (be hel'l'leat IIU-booL, can be made and repal'"' A

.Retl(lenct-Wa:er S~l weat, oear 1

dtewa' Hill J . W. KENNEOY, DectC pd SMc J/dtr.


State Fair of Pennsylvania Be14 a\ Phu.4elphi&, Sept. 1884.


Pllilodti]'AiD, Sqtl. 18, 18&4. Wum: SJ:Vo"INO Co .• ClovolaDd, 0 .:

'l"bo " \VlllTE IS KINU" io l'biladelphiA. We bne rccei'l'ed the bl.buL honor althe ~late Fair of l'eonaJhanla, Jo'in~ premium to tho Wbito Shutlle Sewing Maehio~ FinL preruiato to tho Wbi~ 'ntomauo Sio~tlo Tbru.d Macbio_o. l:iiln_r Med~l to tho White Shr:nlo Sew tog l'l.laclnne. ~·l'"er Med•l to tho \\'bito Auto"!atia Sanwlo 'flare.atl M•chinc. S1>eeial mcottou fur aup· erior nuochaniam, aianplicity: ~~~~~L n _ns;:o of work. and qnnlit)' of lloo \\ h•!,e :;bottle ao•l AuliHnfttie S.Swln11 1\11\t'hlo~.

' llao Wblt.e Sowiua machine a th3 ack­nowll!dged Kiov of all. Vlctoriou whto­eMr ha ._,..tit ion, .. tiafact.ory wbercYar in \aC. by

The White Sewing Co.

Sewin~ ?>fAchiue Fimlings, etc., kt>pl const.K ntly on Lliud. Uepairing-u S t.cei .. li~y

J. D. FULLERTON, . Sole AgenL W hite Sewin11 Macbiao l'o. for

Ntwfoandland. Cor Duckworth St. anti Ucck'e Covo,

llcc. IS. MllyiO.Iy sr. J oho'a

QUEEN Insura,nce Company


- A:-11>-



DllDdee. "-Cap.. White Ia 7S 7ean of li6. bot loob aa youthful lllld actin aa tho anraco 111111 of •5. Be boula of barior killed more aula than aoy other man io tho world but be oner lillltd one oo a Suo­hJ, ~Of allowed bie IDP to do anyiiAiiDir worlt oo ~at dl{:~ 'for the elena 7tan 187()-81, Capt..

9 ~ ~t.o bJoD&bt 260,~

... Ia Into St. Jobo a ia atolme.n. The •oterao old Maler proudly boutetbat lao Denr drao1t a e l .. of liquor 1.o b1a lila.


go'l't romeot eaainter of ~cwfoaodlaod : • 1 can tpeak freely about tbe dock, boeaue 1 wu in no waJ eoaDeotad wil.b ite origin or the prtparatloa of tho plana, etc. I baYo watched ita eonatrnclioo lo detail , and am boaod to MJtbd 1 oenraw better malu­ial or worktot.~~abip pot into aoy uDdertak­ioJr. Tho doclt bu boeo. moet f11thfall1 buil t.. It bu be eo eeeu by a gnaL many pl'l'ctical and aeiouti6c men. aod all aa-reo on thaL point . Aa a practical enginu r I am perfectly utialled thAt tho dock will ho all we IL 1 doo' l think• wo haYt paid 11 too moeb for k. 1'b Simpaoo'a DOl made wbtl eouldCr a fair pro~ ""- .. .._....~

Slllnl llc&:AT, UQ.,

pr~aident of tho public work• department : l hue watched tbe COIIItract6oD of.oar d~ dock daily liooo ll commneed. S.mpaon • gh u;ua perfeet aatiafaotioD. Good mater· tala hue been uaod. Tbere buo been no complaiota on either tido. 'fbe work ia cun1pleted 1i11: monlha ahead of ~hoo. <~ 1 conaider Si•npto'l'a a btuer doclt fpr our climate than a elooo dock would lie.

&. U. K&ATf!IO,

• eSt. Jobo'e doclt·durior n-rio alaj!ea of oonatructioo. .,.\ntyou .. u.. 6 that 1t Ia a tboroagb piece 'of workDWl·

?' .P..ytlll. It II ttn\ elaal, both io workman­

ahfp and material.' Would you \>4! ,(tla6od Ul baYa a d 11te r

dock lo Halifax.? • Moa~ ~tlaioly.


mperiat.oo.deohr tho United Stetot DIIVJ· Ja.rd, Brvoii:IJU, Now York, io repl1 to tbe queatioo :

• What it :rour oplnioa or the rolAtl'l'e merite of atcoe YL woodca doc~• for aucb

• What ie yoor opinion or \ho relati'I'O me rite of aUloo '\ut\ wood eo docks ?'

' I am going to report Ul th• Uolled gonrnmo.ol on that poiat and 'flU aft.orwarda aond yoa a copy of tho re­port.'

• Soppoao tho St Joha'a dock bad beta bail& of atono i01tead of • ood. bow maot. would It ha'l'o coat l and how long wocald iL ban taken to bol d ?'

• l n rouod fl_Jnru •1,600,000, per~pe more ; aod it would bav~ taken at laut four 7eart.' ------w ANT:ED, A PUBLIO OPINIQp.

a eliroato u &bat of llalifa.x 7' ro tho magolftOuDL apoecb which Sir S.ld : ' From my o:rperiooce aad know- Rio)a,d Cartwright r eceotl7 dell'l'orod

leqe of docka lu cold olilllln!l, I t blok io tho Qo.oeo'a Hall tbare were eneral there can be oo queetloo of lobo aaperiority polota broagbt oat which, buiog ootb illg ot woodoo doch u competed with thoao to do with parLJ politiea, appeal to enr1 epoatroctod of maaool")'.r · thooahllul 111ao lo tbia our country, wbaL-

' Bow ?• onr may be bll opCaiooa of oar political • A a far u cooatraotioo it cooceroed the problema, or of tbo apea\er who tbero dia·

merit of wood Ia tbat it Ia leu a.troeted b7 coaaed tb- problema. I belio'l'o, too, frott, and aol- maaoory jointe are kopt th.t whether 001 a,re11 with or diaoola perfectly tlgh,, the froat deeuoya it 1'bon from t ba riewe e~reeaed 111 Sir Richard adbealoo of loo ao<J n ow to at.oao II Cartwright, no oDa will deoy that, neo nry much greater than to woo4 in cold for ao other -u, the fact that bo wu we.atber. Nut, lA polat or coat., woodep able t.o appear before a larre reproaoota­docka can be bailt for nry mocb leaa mooe7 ti'l'o aodlooco Jo the greateet centre of in­than aUloo, of laQl8 en~• aootioa. telU,eoce io tbe Domiaioo, witb hardly a While aaeoory doch OlD be ooo.alractod nolo, and doal wilb tho moat iolricate,qaea. wilb low narrow all&rt aod lbo IIUDO aloe tloAI ao clearly and ao ably aa to bold t t..o alopee, tho width of t.b• foundation and cube atteullon of tbat aalieaco for an bour and of muoory oec-..,for till• Laconaide"rallly coUUea• .. it atteruoe &o tbe ooo­iDortuod. Tbla~ 41ricl&ll a.od~·~-t••auc)o uad aUIIII.olll.lon of all. The wUI Yery ' reatl7 lUoreaM die 001\ O'l'et ptrtlcular pol11t opoo wbicb I wiab DOW to cio• Nclloo u uellal~ employed io ma- •AI.ara• ie bit alhaloa ...._ ~~ apa&lly of .. _,.,. doclta- Under ordtliMJ clrea•· public opioloa between geaenl tloctiou, atlocoa a wooden dock can be boUt Ia 18 the waDt of an aothe and lat.olliReot aaper­montha ; a aUloo dock umally takee hom 'l'ialon aocl of the worli:, aod YO tea four to eight yoan, aa wltooea the etooe or otU rep_n .. tiua- Wben blamed lor docka at Qaebtc and l:.qoinialt., 71t far thla. the ordinary voter will eaoerally ae­from completed, altboogb aeno or more knowledge It, but pleada preeanro of basi­yean buo elapeod ai.oce tbeir oommaooe- D- uad dl.aiocUoaiioa Ul be bothered wilb meot, tho •ltimato cost of wbfch I am al110 polltlo.a all the time· 'fhia i.e not as h informed will u oeed tho eatlmo~t.o by about abould bt, ant.! tho q oMtloo Ia. W hy Ia it? 61) per cent. 1 bad tho pleuurt of Yl.aitlog I am afraid beoeoao meo look apoo poilU­tho Dow doclt al Eaqaimalt, B. C. laat eel qaoelloaa u aomethlag apart from, aod apring, bat fouo~ t ho wor\ eoUrel1 lUI· oulllide of their l.odiridaaf lnt-Jreah aad peaded, w:th tho atrucluro only pattlall7 botinOII and are laclloed to coneldor polltica completed. Tbe climate there ia much aa a boaioeu of itMlf, ln whlob tboaa wbom milder and ma1 oot pron aofficioot11 lbey dob politictac:. are to do the work for aeure to uetningly dfect thla atcoo dock. tho r~t of tbo OOIDIIIGolty. CertaioiJ, thll Tbe wiu~r or ~aay wall within tho oolfer· Ia tho very beat w~ to foroo tbo men who dam and forma Doll ooo aide of tho ootnaao do lake aD aol.ln iotereat lo politic. aod do waa obeernd to be erack.ed from copl.og Ul work for the pabllo to make ~ bulineae of buo by reuon of aetUemeot of tho foooda· that work and lru~ It aa other blllla011 atloae.' i1 moo io the eommaoitr, treat their buaiooaa­

• How m&DJ dock a are lbelD io Brookl7a 11, to make 1~ pat. l'ble Ia oootrary no& and Now Yor~ ?· ool7 I.e tho eoono~c efBoloocy of the goy.

• Only l.breo p'l'iog docka- ooe etone, oromeo~ of tbo qoootry bu& t.ooda to de­at tho 8cookiJ • naYJ-Ja.rd, two of wood al I!Tado and bring Into ooot.omp~ what ebould the Erie haain. • b., and freqoootlyll, tile moal booorable

' Wba~ ia yo or uperitooe of thoae dareo aphefll in wbioh aoy citJ&eo of ~ free ooao-docb ?• try can eogago. Oar people, too, are

of opioioo poioted out by Cartwnrht ia ''oo of c~ie[

cause-a of i~ 111d I ·•~ tbat Ia tile oritl­eiam of tho. more ~c~larly pany a'lfu­men~ of b11 tpeeob, thta 'l'e ry importAn~ poiot which appli" equally Ul all partie~ , 111d more Npooia\11 at.Jll to t boae wbo aro not party moo. will not be allowed t.o fall Wlhooded by lobo bNre~ And the reador11 o{ bl.a wordt. Sro~ST Fs.suu..


The Bomance or au llqUell Kiaor• ~emlly.-A 8h&re of -tha J'eonlnga' Gold Olaimed by a Obe~ Lady -Oooaoqueucee of ~ Elopement of a Queen'• )l[aid or Bouor. - Sevoral Hewf'ouudlacd ll"amlliea Iat.ereatocl.

( C.'DJ~Cl•duJ.) Seven children of Jnan011 f•outo

now Iivia.~:, fou r of wbo10 are still iu Newfoundiaod. Tbe other tbroo aro residents of the Uni&ed S~&~os.. One a aon, lim in, 'Pe;nn., Cl eec:on.i ll dauJJhter, M,.., Ayleebu ry, reald~a iu E verett, and • tbjrd, abo a daughter, Mra. Jane B. Pulont, "'aidea in Cbcl r:l. Thill ladr waa cali!Kl . upon by " Glob. reporter..

' 'About tbroo yeara ago," uid ~J ra. P araona," mr broLIJer, who livea in C.:!Jes­, Penn., aon\ me 11 slip cut. ft"OGl somo Philadelphia paper that &old about. 1-hi.~ amount of mouor in Ensla,nd awaitiu:; ~he riahtCol heira. H e alao wr.>te t ho thought t.bill wu tho J eooinr wbom be bad beard Aunt .Betay, tltaL ill my aeoood eldoat aiat.or, •nd my father of\en &alkinr of. A.ant. Detey would say t o my f11tbor, • J11m1111, you ou4bt to go to London aud look ~hia P~ll'"Y ; porbape you can get aomo of it.' My &~btl' rovlied j I I don't 6'1'CC ex pect to ~tany of it , butourchild~n may. Y011 know,' ho would say, • mother'• Lro•JJ•r tried to kill her for runnin~t away wilh (a thor, aod l don't tbjok be will e ver Jut any of us huo the provorty; bn~ I mUJt get roady prettr eoon and go oYer and 106 alx>ut it.


cily eoRioeer, ltalifu : From what I ban eeen of the d ock, aoJ aa fu aa an opioloo can be formed in ila proaoot rtat.o, 1 buo oo beeilatioo in UJing thlll It ia a good piece or workmaoalaip aad full1 eqoal1 tbe btat woodeo doc\a oa tho Atlaalo ~ut. And I hue 'eumlood ~be whole of t!aem. The Meura. Slmpaoo ban beto u ceediogly fortooate. Ia the ftnt plact they ba'I'O-bad amll!oifteeotait.o for a dock.\ A better one could ba.rdly bo obul oed,. h waa all IX· canted from Jiter depoal'-. fbero wu not a aio~tle foot otfOcik blaatio&f r ootti.og. ADd thereby a nry bee.y ite11 of oxpeoao wu aned. Thea tbe alt.o waifarolabed free by tbt pYeromeot.. All makriala were ad ­mitteo datr free, and a rate of doty .... ai'l'ea on Ill rooda parcbaatello tbe ooloor. Th- ·adn11~ bariJ18 ~eo obtalned, lbo cblcl ntmai.aiog itom of upooae waa

•I ban been Ia charge of the lJrookiJD greatly mlltakeo In tho vleor hero aaplaln­oa.y (atone) for tho put alJ: yean. IL ia ad, for I ooad oo~ arro oa bua!o- men, oow Ia nry bad eondilioo. lt Ia SbO ft. at ~time when their bo.aloeaela ao aoprot• long, or about half tho alae of tho now doc\ perou., that repr-Dtatho bodlee of them r.t.St..,kJbo•e,eoat onr $2,000,000, took eight auch aa tho lJoarl! of Tndo of St.. Jobn, year/ to balld, bu coal 860,000 ia round N.B., &re moll'orialwor politioiaoa to do ftJ!uree to keep It in repair, lllld oow re· aomelbtor for tboir ualatance, 111d lo a qlliru Jl60,000 t.o put it io good coaditioa, coo.atry wb•re commen:o Ia tho moat im· the uttanes works bariog been nearly do- portaot caH of a aourament which bu no atroyed bJ frott. in ~ climate preeumabl7 rorelp polloy and DO mUitary or oanl very much mllder.Cbaotbatof l:lallu. My polity, tba~ .politloal qaeellooa are aa lm­oxperieaa. and knowledge of woodoo portal>' &o them aa freight or at.ock dock• II limited t.o olleonallon and official I leta. To be well acquaioted wilob th­eurnlnalioo or them daring ooDatraclion taUotr a boaint aa mua eooaidera part of bla and lbelr operation allorwuda, althoueh n~-'7 work. one or the -otiala of a for a time I waa eoNed lo tho cooauac- w.U-Io.formad iot.oUigeot 1.-utio- rDilll . lion of ooo of tbeae dockt lo Pbiladelpbi..a.. Why ebould bo oot equall7 oooai:lor It bia 1 believe that when the people get I.e k{\OW daC:y to keep w•ll-lllformed u to wba~ Ia lobete wooden docks thoro:J&bly, that they SOlnfl OD lA tho Oonromeot or hia COUD• will ~ oolveraally adopted.• try io Lha' work on tba woU-dolng or

" Tbia, or aimilar b\llr, my broLher. wboia aboot 66r •raolcJ,remombera hear· ing a great many ~imea. Then, m1 mo-­ther often told mo, wbon I diepleuecl her, the& I wa• a pretty &irl tc be t he­deeoeodant of a tuaid of honor to Lbo queen, and t.hAt 1 oughL \o be aabftroed tbr.t 1 Lad become eo d egenerate. If we children bad onlr known eowetlung about it before all ol my auote antl unclee died wo would b6 all rizhL noll' ; but yo11 aoo,

fhe Repor~ anti Accounl.s tor t.b.s year 1878, presented \o tho Shareboldera at the Annu.llleeting,on Tuetday,27th ~{ay, 1870, nt which Bernar~ ~all,~., prtlllit.l~. showed, in tho DlVIderd and Bonua at the rate \o&ethor of 16 per cent. wu deolarecl, £14,03~ being car ri.oJ tor.ward.

FIRE BRANCH, That tho Premiama for 187R, after

dec.luot ing Ro-insuraneee, amounted to &4~6,274, bting an inc~o o f £~,391

11over tho Prominm Income ur 877 ; and the Losael to £ 201,661, being 65.1 G per cent. on ~be Premlama ot the Y ear.

IN THE LIFE DEPARTM~NT. That New Polioica }lad ·~n iau.ed"

"tor £222,•85 ; ~d lha~ t.l&e Life l!'uod. loy the tuldit.ious mado &o it u the re~ul~ ot tho year's operaloiooa now repreaenl.l 47.9 per cent. or the en tiro n e t Prtllnium, rrivec.l Oil 11very policy in force.

The aorplaa balance in Ule Fire Ao­ooanL waa abown e.o be £107.599, oaL ot wbich £20,000 waa appropmted \o Sa~te \ c:cou.n•, raialns ~ .AOOOUDL to 14.o 000 and making with the Be-'"'"' F~nd toDd Balance carried lof1Fard -~~4.000.

labor. , T. CROASDUI1

,.l .. ty go'l'en:uoeot e11aint1r lA Newfoond­tTod : I ba" 1t1tohoCl ... conatruct.lon of the dry dock daJ. by c1aJ ala~ tho firat pile ... driyeo, l'bo IIIU4Idalt ant all or tbe vel")' bello qaallt)' aad the worktot.~~ahlp eoald oot be eu~ 1 'Denr •w a be'­t.or job, or haw ef tlle oom_pl.Uon ot ~ conlll.ct tbat pYo aootl perfec\ •t.ilfac­tioo.

' ()APT, .nalllf 1

of lhll S.B.. JliraiUf•: t 101 dellehle4 wlt.ia the dook, aad aball p,otmr ablp on hoD mr oe:r:t alp. 1 doll'\ thlok tll•t K wni be able to handle llai boam- that will o!ar thla wlot.or.

ooii1U)I1)•a aoauuo•, harbot ai"uter ef St., .Toh~'l, waa uked for b_· oploloo oo the dock, Ita collltnlctloo (od eapebllltl-, be\ COD.11enoaly deoHued to gi•e 1~ on the pond tha& be wu a ~v­tnUIItbt otl011r, lllld It wOClld bt Improper io bico to offer aa oploloo. Capt.. ltellia· eon wu 'oe 'ol Ole wbo vlaited tho Untied Statea cloob, ud • he aya be 1r the ODIJlD&n lo 8\, John's wiN» howe llllytbiDf abea• a doek, It Ia to be ~cl Sba' be dld DOUMl at llber&J to uprea bimltlf for pabliOUO..

._ .. -.octm.a.D

I Wl!M do JOU daJ•k tl the dir dock at 8&. Sollo'w'? ftlllbcl

•llaan wo bMI•Mloll .., IIJin&' lhM It ia a ,ood dook. 1 IJIIalnJIIla faftl' of a ... dooll"for llaUiu, uUll •• u.. a .Joh•'• 4ookad•eae .. ru\loa aacl_. pitted. uaclaow I- Ia IMor tla .-oar aoot for Balll,u' • •

• Yoo llier tile BaltltMN doek. Bo• doee " _,.,. IJIIII tile ... • 8&.

• Bow do you account for tlao faot lhat whlqh depeoda ite protperity. Not only, aU or ooarl1 all ' Eorliab eoaiDtera la'l'or bowonr, Ia lbo lnt.oiHpot formatioa ai.CDI doc~l ?' of each In or loiOD D._ry, bot

• No danbt macb of 1\ b1 dao . to tbeir an oxvroaion o it on aocb oc:eaaiooa edacatloo and lifo long practice lo the ex- \A w o 6110Diial. I tat tb!a j adalog no\ ~ain 011 of muoar1 for penoaaoot ool7 from tbe ataodJ)oiat or a citl&eo, etlactaNt, tile - of &belr dl.apoal for. bat alao aa know log what a balp each eueut.loc lliOh worn and tbe r wut of eq~roaloo oC opioloa oo the pan or icc!nalntaaco with tho moclera form of tbe tbe p oblio would be to the '•oemben eooakaetioo or wooden doob DOW aaopted of tho legltlaturo. For what lr more Ia America. F oTmod1 I mJMif fuored oat.ral than tbat membora of pwll1111ent, a\qno docta lo pnf~ to wood uoUI ft.Ddlq tbe publie apath.t11 and IDAtteot.ln oloear obeenatloo ~ckx"perieooe oooriaced &o faeta wblob we ald bt expected to etartlo - of t.belr dcliabiii\J• oll•pa- aod tl!· thiakiDf men, eboard OOIU to bollne tb­eieooJ.' fiOM after all not etanlloK. or,tlodiDf tba~

• Vo yp-o. thlak uay more tf4De doclta baliAI- mtn eooept, wil.boa~ p~ l.a· will be boUt l'a the UelMd &at. ?- jonee doae to their -btlll11te1, aboat~Saup-

• 1 do aO'- Stoat doch. wll.b pi are poee t.boM lojari• of •loor OODMq"aoe? ac.w loboapt mucll too ooatly. uad OQIIIIUII• Al Umft of r:ral eleotloee cuadldatee t.oo e•eb d ... In batldlor.• ~ oaa ...n, llD oot 10ob llallla. ud opioloe

•What do'" thlali: of the workman· 11 u,_d br 1M~ &&.,.. &~--. ..,, ~ -tedal Ia tM Dock a• S&: ._.e..,, wMII nallr a t-&ter oppenanlly JoU'at• for cllepNaloaale jodpa .. t ie aino, tile

. • ~r to ur I loan ,.t .. a-eon· oeiJ.., pc~bllo -~~ ClflD Mlll7 ob&ain u _... • .W. piaL' ' 1 ... & 10 flalfllo opi'Dlon Ia br pabUo meet-o • Do,.. tWai eM~ of NewfoaDd• '- or M&IOD ol pcabllo bodl• OIIMr• 1u1t WIN .. Ia ~of woocl .... U.tre Ia ao paeeibUity of ooolfolll., e of....___....... • allq .,.,: ~D\ •ppeilet$ &7 a -Jori*! ola

·DMidecDJ•' n~ ol Colli--. ••• ed lot . • bed ,. of.._.... a u•u••· •ty •nt;!( .. ,..=dt ~•erwood ~- We In· c...- ... dle,...t. to ...U., 410 .,_. .._ ....... d_ ttlla, ... ~~ :e; ........ .,. 11 1M ......_ oar 1- of oonra-• 11ettet

- ._ ....... of OQI' ......... ucl la._,M ,..ta,.._.,.-. .... -.... ... .......... ~f WI- .................... ~ltr of .W.le..ael~ ...... ll ..-ul per- .... ._. ..... , to tile u ..... IMIINOIIIJ -.· ··~· . . ... ....,."' "• ..... -....

-t':;-.... ·~··:::=r:

WilE-If TIUif ADV&RnaCD FOR 'rB• IIEII\3 it wu over for ty yCIIU'I ~o, and at l hat ~ime thoro wu bnt vel"f litUe oommoro:• cation between Newfoundlan:i and t!.e old world. Tho onlJ newa tha~ wo r~ ceived down there wu by 11'1&1 o( an oc­e~~aional tbip lb \L ~radecl back am! Cortb. Mr brother IIJI \bat be h~U played in tho garret of tho old botol wboro we wore born with • nuw\aer of tho old awor<b, opeulet&ot, auh11, he-11.11, elo,, worn br G randfather Pu~Uo · b tlt. DOW tboeo old relies, amODJ waiob


WOr& proba\aly bia p8JI8rl canno\ b6 found."

' What hu !Jeoomt1 or t.bem r waa asked. .

• 'l'Jlat ia what we canoot God out. My eld•t aant, Mary OouJh, kept lhe hot.el for a gtM~ number of yeara, and it waa ahe Ua&t kept &he la~her and mother. Wben abe "-- quil.e old abe was blind and had &oJive up the bote\ busi~ n.._ Site wen~ &o li•e 'with her ni&re wbo had married and l'OID01efl to C.m~ ada. I hue written to thia nieoo, bni abe atatea Lh.d abe doea no& koow where the art.iotea e&D lie. r-~ aprins a.n olct bat\ that. be!oapd &o my J"ndruolhnr : -· round. J' had • larp ,old ~1\0klo ... oa i' oo wlrich ber name, • Tr!pheui& .leoninp.' wu eagrned. Tbi• beh mu• ._ ben wom by Iter in ~nalan•l \ae­tdre her mafriaae. All ~ other ~hingJ ..,. Ga.MIOOG,UOI,r ~red. • "•1 ~ aacl in New· ·Con.._.. •' a,.,....,. Ia 11orou to Lendoa "» .. "'• 1111\Uar, tut4 Jaeo allecl .,... (Moll u~ td ~t any

cW& tca•cd rru.. :£r, .. r Lili· tOW .Iat&.l.laat


. . Jlemorandum relaUYe to 'Ulo Colollial ~ Indlan XUiblLloa, to be b.eld i.D l.oado~a~ in \U 7eaJ' 1888, for Ule coaaidek\lon of Ule ao.viUillllt of NowfOWldl&n\ _ \._...-

GoYOtamonta to oolllp)y with an1 lona ol CIU.Itoatioo, aa Jau bean the cuto"ID u prowl"- &nlbidona. Eaeb Colony ta, , uortfora,, at~ lflllnT""W IU&ke a \ OIUII­catioo moat wltable to ha o•a reqalte-meota. l

'he jtanb~rb -.A.tiD- I

\ ( t, ; I , r ~ • . . I :



"h It tboagk~ that lllr~ .T~o~p.aftor tho elnpemaat of lila ai1ter, deaU'OJed the Cam· 111 recorda of her hinb, and for thla reuoo they caaoot__be found. ..& will .,.,bicb w.u put OD reeOrd, left O~llf to 1Ju1 h~n -'law. A 16cood will wq made, aod Mr. Jealli9t- took h to to· recorded, but being a carff~al old aent.lomao ho wished to look 4c ower ooeo uao.... Uofortana~l1 he bad hft bla gl-at boma, and oat baing able to read l"lthoat them be concludod he -..ould •air antl1110cne other day ' to p'acc 'lho p&p~r on record. A · few day1 after lbls he WAll taken aiclt aod bo ncYer aflerwarda lclt bls bed. Tho contenta or thia will bue, ocw• been' made public, but bla nlec.. •bo, It Ia uid, waa ono of tho atl4!111QR •ito-. lAid tbu a claoao •bicb it ('Ontaloed1 rowolted tho fo rmer •ill, and It la belie~d that io this l•ttcr di)CUmcnt hia aistor'a name Ia mentioned. M1 hal· hand and I wool down to Ollr old hom•­llt~Ad IIOTiia time aince to 611<! out if any o f t he old papeia belonain~: to my g111ndpar~nte could be found, but all 011r cffa rta wc~re unuailin~."

Ctncou.n (2). _/ 0oWIIIIIO'STRI:£T, t

27th NoYember, 188,. S Sia,-

1 bayo t he bononr to tf!lomit to you the acoompcioyiog coplea of a Memorandum wblch I bawe rcceiYed froon Ilia Ro7al lliGhoeu the Prince of Walo1, aod wb1cb was prepared &ftcr preYiona fall iotor­ehangfl or Yiewa between tiia Royal U igb­neaa and myaelf, notifying tbe appoiaUilOIIl by thetQocon of a Royal Commwion, aod di!.IICribing tho proposed llrr&njlementl lor the pn"P.oae of orgaalamsr and carryin2 out an ~xh1bitioa in London, during the year 1886, of tha Producta, ~bnuf&Cturc8, Md ltcaources of llcr Majrat7't Colonial lind I ndl"o F:mpire.

In fu~eraoce of ~ i~ It Ia trueted that iacb ,OoYW..e!i~• •1 take aa earl1 opportunU1 of-p • oe a o.t.lope of tho objecta In lead for erblb1Uoo, •bieb requeatod ~1• for the tta.lte of OlllfGr· ml~1. be modeiiTld aomewba' oa the pria­olple or tJ!.• en Jloaod •roolmeo, more •· ppolall7 aa rogatda also o ~ and alJie of typo. It would CO!IIIdtnbl1 (acllltate t.bia objoc& if ea.ob GO•oromon• were to haft ita Catalogue prin\141 Ia Load on, b7 Afa.ra. Clowea & Sona, Limited; tho Olllc:ial Prin~re and Pabliebera to tho Etbibltioo. Each Gonrnrnent will be at liberty to aell ita owo Cat&Jogoo, tbroagh tbo OIBcial l'<~bli•hert4 tbe Etblbltiou; bot the Ro;ral Commiuion will be glad to rooein, aa aoon 1\1 pr&eticablo. a . d.igel' of It, in or­cior that ia may bo embodied in a Oenenl Catalogue or tbo Etbibition, •hlcb will be pobliahod br tho Commiaaion.

Duanro tbe pal& week, ~~ eyee o( ~0 oountry •nd or. 'lae ..,.. publlo o•1taide b&Ye been direoc.d &o......U the nelabboriDI aettlemaot of Bay ROberta, by the falllo neW1 that bad takoll plaoo there. We &{Ye el.aewbere for tbe information of ~o reader coploua extracta from the col~ umllJ of the SL Jobn'a J/~cury, anent the ma~ter.

From what we o'an gather from nri· oue aourcce, tlloloadina facta of the cue aro tbeao:

8tll to J.u~; bui w au•• bear in lJiiDd .U' it ia not e&aJ 1lw•11 to t.ell ~hen preoautio.JlU:¢" •-i wbeo U..1 ue no&. If 41id mab a ia beiJic O..r•e&UUOUA, i& waa I

are miat.ako to -ko, one tpade lao out ot aolioitude for lbe intereeta of peaoe ud ~~ oommon good. It le of oourse very annoyinjt to tba law-abidina ~be pat on a par with the lawle•, !Jut tb-nka to the publicit1 gi•eu to the !Aut.a of tho cue. no b~~cr111 baa enaaed to the roputu­tioo.. of, !J-1 Bobwa-fS a . 1/w·abj.sij_ng commat:l1t1· We deprecate an1111l\'ere crit.ieiam on magiatrate. even when they -err on ~e aide ol ower·cao~ioumeu Such ie calcula~d to lead Lhom to neg­lee~ taking precaution• even when auob are neceeaarJ. \Ve' lbink tbo o!"Nlr propf'f oftbe .Bay Ro!Mort.a people coaJ,I 'be aawed and tho true lt.ate of inat.tera shown wiLhout being anxious to (ut.eo ~o blamo for ower.caut.louanou ou any body. !lin l'araon1 it tbe wife Tho111aa Par10ns

of tbo flrm of l'aM!Ona & lJoloerty, roofers. ::ibo ia 3 ulcc look in~; lady, apparenlly ba­hec u 40 aod 4b )'t !UW of ~e. anu ia the ,.oun ·ea~ gmndchitd liwlag. Sbo i1 lht onotber of quito a family of eon• and 1ll\ll11hte r._ T he aocial circle~ in quiet

'huiiU!a Me di1caaaio~; tbo a!Jaira of lila J c:uniugw falllilJ with much iutcrut.

1'1~"-'I&Dt'" eyrup ; aot.hiog equal• It l\S a worm me.Jieiue ; tbc nanoc 11 /lln tber Gmvca' Worm J::xtcrwinator.

1 GiYe Uolloway'a Corn Cnre a tri~l. It

-remond ten coroa from oue pair of fe~t witboul aoy pain.

It only remalo1 for mo 'to recommend tbia undertaking to the moat faworsblo consideration nr your Go\'ernment, and I rely witb confidence on your own per10oal eltortl to eecaro a worthy repre4ent&t.ioa of tbo Col..>oy under JOUr GoYommoot.

I cannot doubt that tho Government and peol'lo or ~ewro~odlaad -.111. ahara my a:owfactioa at ltuowtng that th18 1mpor· hnt andertaldng will hu o tbe "dvaolA~o of tbo per110nal auperlot~n~enco ~I t11o Prince of Waloa, wbo•o adm1ul1tnhYO ca· pacity ia u well known to yoa M . tho wam1 intaro1t with wbicb Uis ltoyal Hllfh· ueu req4rd1 all malton coooectcd with tbe Coloai•l Empire.

1 buo we boaour to be, Sir, rour moat obodicot, bumble SerTant,

Our ~;rul.aiL ~;lory b DOL in DUff r .. n. rl iog, biH io ruiog CYe"' tlmo wo bll. Tbo Officer Admiois~ og


. , the Go•oroa•cnt ol Should yon IJII'llin ;roar ankle or inj t1re Newfoundland. 1ounclf In falliag use ~lioard's Liui­munl., it will aoou extract tho paiu and oure JOU.

A lady writu 111 abe would not bo with­out Minard's Uoimeot if itcootf20:o bottle, for in ~- or dipbtberia, croup, and &lthma. whoa t ho patient ie almo!lt dead fo r W£01 of br~th and a remedy ie requir­ed to .. ~t inat..antly ; it csn't be beat aud cot ta doly ~:, ceata.

· Amoa Woolly. M.U., of Koaciu•co (.;ounty, Indiana, Myl: • For throo )'1\aU

pall 1 have uacd ALLEs's Lt:sa IJ\U AlA ox­tcoaiY~Iy ia my pi'3Ctioe : aad I am ati~· tied th&t thoro ia oo better wediciao for luog lli.touea in lliO.

Cant.iou.-Be wat'O or any man wbo ofTera yo~& an imitatinn ~~rt icle, no mat~r \fbAt it io, .. ad U J I it is • just """ good M t he geuaioe ;' they aell all kiali• or • •bam remo<lie• ' in thi• way npoa tho ror ntation o r t ho Pllin-Killcr-be aaro and ~ot the lleauiao wade b;r Perry Dari&

II Some Ill\)' 'Con1umption C.\n't b• rnrr~.t ' • Aycr'a Cberry l'ectott.l. 118 prO\ col lJy forty

year'a exp~rienco. « ill cure tb1• •ha.·M•• wbcn not alrea•IJ ad uncoll boyonrl the reach of mell1co.l aid. E Yen ~hen ltd ut.e atior.U Yery :;re3t rtlief, aoll to'lu ruo ro­frcahiog sleep.

N o 1n!!'erer from aay ecrolul•)tll oli.Ac,•c. wloo will fa irly trJ Aycr'• $3rul'anlla. need dNpalr of a cu re. It will purge thl' hl~otl or all impuritiea, th~ret., .Jeotruyin~t the &;orml from which ~~Crofull\ 11 llo•"lllope•!, nnd •ill iufouw~ new hfe and ~1110r thruu.;b· ont tho wbolo phyoic.a.l org.:unuuun.

H we could •peak on lone• of thon?.~r we woulrl 1111e our Yoico to • h iSO oil people •·•erywbrre to _J:;et at ooce a l.outtle uf JoltnUJo.'• .-t nodynf Loni:Nnl Ae a pre· vcotive or dirbtheri3, pnenmnola, congo!· tion, and all .Jan.:crou~ throllt anJ luo~r d ieoaaoe ita value ;, p.-i«ltu.

Cerlrun parlice bno been fo r ye\f~ tlood in~t the couolrJ with 1m111••ot r•ck• of horse aod c.a.lllo powd<·1"11 wb1cb are ntwriJ worthlou. Don't be 1.loce1roll by 1tuun Sheridan'• po•dera .,., t bo oolr k o-J known in llloa conotry which aro atrlotly pure. TUy are YOry powerf11l.

Mr. II. F. McCarthy, Cbemi1t, Ottawa, 'tnitet : • 1 hne beeo do1penoiug :1.1111 j••h· hing Northrop & Lymao'a E1nul1ion of t;nol l.i•cr 01l aad llypopboopbitu of Lin1o " '"' &Ida for tbo p.ut two year~, and con1irlc r t bat tbore i11 no better preparadoa of the aame kind in tb • market. It i1 very P"la­tablo, and for cbroaic oougb1 it bu no

Orpb11 M. !lodge. Battle CN'olc, Miob. , writu: ( opaet a tea-kettle or boiling bo t ,.aLer OD my baod. I at ODCO &i>pliod Dr. Tbomu' Eclectnc Oil, and the effect waa to imcnodia~ly allsy tbo p&Jn. 1 wu ea red io throe da7a.

Wba~ Toron~·e •ollltoown Good S:\m· nritao aaya: 'I hno beea trouiJied with n,.pepa!Aand LiYOr Complalol for for ? VOr 20 years, aod I ban trt.d many remollitll. !Jut oo•u fouod an article tl•a.t hu dooo ane u rruob s:oo-:1 u Northrop 4: J.,.,uan'a Vegetable DlacoYery aal Dyapeptlo Curt.• -CLA114 •;. POtrn.R.

Worl.hl ... 8tn1l'. Not 10 W& my friend; if yoa ooold ue

the 1troog healthy. bloomin11 moo , womeu ani children tha~ buo been nitod from

• borda or cialtoell and. almoat detith, b1 the u. or Hop, yoa would "'Y • Olori­Oill aad layalaablo romedy.'-Piailadtlplr"ta p,__ .

Tn R&uow WKT..:M'r. Fellon . in bit.

r.!AliLnonooon llousr.. Losoos, S. W .. l :!5th November, 1884 )

The 011\cial Guctto or tbo 18t.b of N OY. ember. 1~. n copy or which ia encloaed, ooti6ee tb't ller Majesty tho Q ueen hu been pleased to nomiMtc a Ro~l. Com­mia§ion for tbo' o r. orJ:1lnlXIDg and carrying ou~ an Exh1b1l10n on London, dor· iojt t bo year 1886, of tho Prodncta. l\{llnn· l~cturet aod lteaou~et of tloo Colonisl and lndiso Emoiro.

Ia 1141umia~ the t.CiiYo Pre.•idcncy of 1hi~ Commi1111ioo. ili1 ltoyal lligbncaa ia <lesirouR of huintt the opportunity of brin~;inif prominently aader notico tho de­• eklpment aod progrus wbieh have ~e.en made in tloe nrious parts of tbe ilntub Empire. tra•ting that a more intionate ltootrletl~:e m"y th:111 be obtaintw:l or tho n.~t field• for ootof1>r'l~ wbicb exist tllrou~boat tbo 1"\nn•h Ooroinion.

T h; fiM.nei~t ."ptem bl' \Y~icb the !ntor ­Mtionnl l::thH.nliODI hulu 10 Louuun in H!51 nn•l 1863 wen) Cl\rried out wu on tbo IJnai" or a C:narantee Fund, anll tbie ayrtom hilS bern au~l'Mfully rnll.owod in the seric• of l ntornauonal F:thlbl!lon• no ,.. bein~: hl'l<l " ' South 1\en•in~lnn, in tbo flulldm~:• e rected by tho ~xecutivo CoiD· mltteo of tbe l n toroat iooal Fisborie• E x· l.1lJIIIOn. It may bore bo mentioned thaL tbc1o llu1l<liol!d. as well '" t he Go.rdoos. b"~e. A' lth t bo nppronl of Hia Kopl I h~:boe"". be on rented. for tho year I 6, from t ho F1ah~ries Exocullre and from ller :.taje•ty'• (.;o1omwnonuu fo r tho J::x­hit•itioo of 18.~ 1. re3pcctiYely.

It hu boco determined t.o carry out the Colonial aod Indian ~:xblbitioo upon thio ll:\me nue~no of guar11ntoe, ao.J tbe Soc re­t.ary oi St.ata for India in <.:ouncil hu al· re:uly fo:Uaranterd the oucn or £~0.1)()() out of the £ ;\0,1)()0 wh1ch It is C!llm&tefi will l.oe •ulficicot. h i1 t rootetl that tbo llTC&t Coloniu. UJIOO the OO·OJ>Ontioo o r whicb th., suca""" ot the J,;xhibition mnet ml\io ly •lerend, w11l reel ablo to guaroatoe au m1 • roaunll"f(. m tho n,:~rPt:ato. to at leut .t;3\l,(tl0; 1\nd Ills ltoyal ll h:hocl.! woll bo forl ~.t t.o be 1olorrn~d. "' os..rly M rouiblo, nf the amount wl'u" h tho GoYernm~nt of ~ewfeun<IIAod wonld bo dioroacd t.o Jrl3r · an~e tor tbo patpo'IO or u 1sting to o rry gut tbia undert.akong. It alloulli b• a<l<led t bat lbo cxporience of tbo ri'CUD' E~hibi­tioaa wl11ch have been bold a.t Sooth Kcn­aiogtoa the woll grounded hope tbat tho ~rhlbition of l88ti will be •~If­supporting, and that, M in tho1r c."'"· it will not be neccHarJ to make any call upon the Gaannto,.,

Woth re11:ord to lho diYi•ino o r t ho avail­able exb11Jitiog Bpftce in tllo Ba lldinga, amoog tho variouR ~:doibuiog GoYernrucuta, 11 ba• h('OD decided that it will bo more condoci Yo to tbo ~:onornl intereata of this Exbillitioo t.bat tho Royal Commiuion 1bould, ltaelf, malto tho boat flC-'IIIble •I'· propri&tioo of 1ucb apace. Thoro ia, there­fo re, forward&<! with tbla Momor~~ndum a general plan of tbo Buildina:• on whlob tho apace • bieb the Royal Comrnil!lion hu

. di r~tod abould be l et &part for tho Gow­eramont of Newfouotllan-1 , i.e olearlylodi­cated. To tbia general plr.n l1 annexod an cnl.ugod plan, togethe r with 1100tiona aod elovetiona l.lf this apace, lbo1, it i.e treated, afJordio~r all tho information aeceaury to

ble lilo preparatory arY&Dgemonla for filll ag np tbe Court to be made in the C'olony otcelf. Tbia apace amounta to 7,800 tqnaro feet, and except that it Ia DOC_.., to proyide, for tbc oiroui&UOD ef • iaiton., a lonttttadlnal pauage 20 fee' lo width, and amallor 1ido puMIU. upeciallr wbero doon oocur In tho 1traclure, a! 10 fool Ia width, tbe d11poaitioo of thia •pace Ia oatirolylof~ to tbo CtoYeroment of Now­foaodlaad. Jt ia, bowonr. earaoally re­ I bat no IJarriera or part.itloaa may be betwoaa tbe 1pa0011 a.a.lauod to the Yariou. <:oloolal Goveromenta, wb;oh mlabl in any way mar the aenor&J affect.

Many polnta of !otere.1. will doubUoaa preaent thellllolwes to the Go•ernmeoL of Nowfooodland, t.od to tboao who are con­cerned io t bo pn~~ratlon of tho Exblbi· tion. bot His Royal Blabne. •iab01 par· ticularly to point out that be bop01 that careful atatiatice of Uoo Coloo1 fi•Y bo propar~d, carrying the loforuoation tb 1885, and fa ancb a clear and nadablo form u to t"Orcnit thi,9 taluablo iolormatloa to be readily undofetood b7 tbo •orlciog claaaea o r tbla country. Mapa, specially prepared (or the informatioo of tho public, 1bould also, u far aa pol'lible, be proruloeotly abown io tbo Nowfoaodland Court.. It is boped tbat tbeeo alat.iatica, .u well aa lbo maps, on a rednced acalo, •Ill be l&rgel1 made oao of in the Catalogue.

Much intercat ia tal:oa io tbia Coootry In tbo wooda of tho nriou• Coloniea, aod Hie Royal Highnees would bo glad to find that whore CIUiee aro requiai~ for tho d11play or jtooda. tbeao Caaea •bould bo made from tho nativo wooda or tbo Colony, in order that a comple~ rcpreaoatatioo o r tbcm 10ay be practically abown.

Witb reference to tho bulldiog Stone• aod Marbles ol Newfoundland, it is I Djt· goa ted tbat they ebould be sent OYer io the fono or l'odoatall, a alto~b to acale or wbicb I• enclosed, aa likely to add noifor­noity, and to road~r tho apecimona or com­mercial nlao.

Aa it i1 po..,iblo tbat tbe 'l'llrlona Co­looi"l Gonro .. neota participating In tho Et.bibition mlly del\iro, 1\1 Ita oo~ome, that a purmaoant Colonial MlliOIIm aboald bo founded in London, it baa boon •agguted that thoro are atrong uuona for abowioi tbe adaptabilit7 or tbo Prodacta of tho Colony, geoor&Jis, In"' pr&etical a maoaer aa poaaiblo ; hence 1\ would be doainhlo that tbe Raw Prodoc~ aboold be diaplayed in connect!o_p with Lbe Maonfaoturod A.r­ti;.le.

Ui.a Ror nl lligboess hu decided ~bat OommemorMivo Mcdala abould be g1na to all thoso t&~ng p3rt In tho l::xhibitioo, and bo trlliLI to buo tho aaaiataoco of apodaliat.l of kuowo rtputo. who will com· meuco to make, :ot tho opening of tho l::x­bibition exballltin lteport• on tbe Jto­aoorcoa ' of the nrloua Coloaiea. T beae Keporta, i..,.ucd at an earl) Jll.ago. will ~alto tbe place of tbo J ury 111~m or preYIOlle Exhibition•.

Heforo eloaing tbia Memorandum, rofcr­oaac 1n11y hrieOy bo made to apoci&l fca­turaa which Ilia Royal lllghoou h"a In Yiow. for thO general adfantaae Of tho J::lt · hibitlog G<lvernroent.a.

Tilia wo11ld seem to bo a fitting occuloa for t bo collootioa or all book• and ..Joan­menta b"Ying relation to t.ho Colonina and India ; a Library, therefore, will, Uia R?yal llighneu truaLI, be formod by tbe Yartool GoYonorucnta ooncoroed , wbicb I ~ •ill doubtloat be found poselble t o aupplement with oontrib•• tiooa from thia oouatry.

S[l9Cial arran(olcmeotl will bo prowidcd lorlbo prsctical.lllllllratlon, hy one apecial Kitchen, of .UI- tbo Colonial ~·roeon Mc!U I ndllttries mad or tbe Colonial Preaorved Meata, Fl•h and Vegetabloe. 'fbia depart­mont ••II bo carried oat by tbe ltoyal Com­miuloa itaolf, in a rdor tba~ tbo due par-ticip..,lion <lf the yarioa.a lntcr .. IAI concerned m~y bo rnll.intaioed.

There wilt al•o be a Colonial Fruit and Vegetable Market, which it ia hoped tbat oacb Gonrnmoot will :nmlco arrangemeoll to 1Upply by moothl.r abipmenta. '.l'bi• department will al•o bo nuder tb~ control of tho Royal Cowrol~~tioo.

An exhibitioa or Colonial Winu •ill bo O'lt&niud bJ tbo Royal Commi11ioo.

.Arraogementa bne al10 been made for a limitod ap:.ce to be aH appart for tbo ex­hibition of Linor Animal• from the Col­onies.

Jo ••uming tho oootrol of tbeao Yarion• doparlmeota, tbe Rorat Commialoo wiah to alford to tho actnal Prod11oera all tbe ad­uht..agoa or a fair d iaplaJ in the Exhibition. l 'be ImJ>Orten, will, no doQbt, bcreafter benet!~. bot tbo proaeat time, tho la~reat of tbo Prodacere, 11 Exbiblton, are of tbo fireL oooalderation to Hia Royal Blgbne11, aod bore ll IU&J be montionod tbaL fo tbeae Department&, u well u jlcuet•lly through­OIL the Exbtbition, It hat ~en decided that only bona Bdo Coloalata eao, tbroogb thotr reepeotln Goweromeota, participa~ in tbo Exhibition ; It •ill not tboreforo, be poatiblo for tbo Royal Coromiaaion tg an1 application•, upon anr pre­tenoo wbat.aYer, from Colonial lmporttre or Acenta lo tbil OOOillry.

B1 Order.

Byway of preface, we ma1 aay that " will bo remembered tha~ & abort .time ago, a number of ~he Bay Roberta Pro. tealantJpeoplo, chieBy, we may aay in juatico to tha settlement, oom~ poaod of tbo more yoothful and irrecponaible of ~be oommanity, in apito of the di.auasiot:l.ll of the moat elderly and inBuootial men, atrtt.cbOII an Clnl!iga and an Onngo acrooa tbe road lead• ing t9 tho Rom.n O-thoHc Chapel, tbua oowpelling to paai under \.bam on tbflll' way to eervice tba Roclo111ptorist "P'atbcra whoee coming ~he1 had protested agaiul\ on the ground tb11t lflt year their mia­aion here bad boon productiwe of etrile. Qur re-dora will ~llect, too, we ad..Jed our voice to \be remoastrance af Bay Roberta' more ataid citiana.

It apveara th&t the 1tir of tbia weelt ...... oauaoo by tbo rotura to Bay Rob­ort.e of tho umo preachers. Aa on tbe former ocea.eion, tho enaign md some Ornnge 1trotohed ou a pole wore huna acr0111 the street. The Redomp· toriat father~~, accompanied by Bishop Macdonatd•aud Father Walsh, Admioit . trator o r tbo Diocaae, a rrived in Bay Roberta on Snnday at about 12.15 p .m. Tho Roman Catholic pt"'plo of tho place had &IIO~blod ~ their chapel, but t he B1abop and bta party refused to pua under tbo Saga. The people refuaod to haul them down. Noboc!y, howoYer, wq i.otarfored witt., nor wq any dispoaitioo ahoW"D to Cere with any one. Tba flap, it ... 011,

from what we can !dii'D, were pl.aood Lhere In anawer to a cballena• to -to an, and tho ooly ~bing tbo people abowod a dot.ermiaation ~ do waa to -keep them ~here. A~ tbo request of thl' Magia­tratOI!, a numbt'r of police had beet~ do­t~patobed from St. J obn'• and Ilubor Graoe, and oo, it aeem•, tlie repres!'nla. tiona of I the 11.'\mo parties, and of Mr. }iolloy, A'Deriean Con•ul, tbo war-ahip TentdOI was eont ~ Lbe ICIDO on Moo· day; but the eenicea o£ neither tho ner the otboraeem to hawe been requu·· ed. The people did t:ID~ appMr ~ be at .n dispoeod to be dianrdarly; bnt oxbib­it.ecl at tbo aame time no dispoaitioll to haul do•n tk& flaga. The magia~ratea did no t nnture to inte.rfaro, being u oubtful as to t ho legality or tho llep. Tb, ai'uatiun 'bua croat.ed ·~ A a~anr one. Uero on ~~o cne hapd w-. tbe BiWiop o( Harbor Grace de;nAadio~t that tho Bags should be hauled down. Here on tho other, the people d etermin­ed n ot to do 10 notil their act wa1 11hown to be au ille~l one. llerl\ was tl1e represcnt.etl "b7 the Magi~t rates of tho Dietrict, by Hor !olaje~~t1'• wu. abip Trnedo1, and a large JXILWO of po­lice-poweriOII ~ lol.jlr,onfl I ~ut •h•~ tho law could not do, tbe peoplo did of thoir own accord. On Tttllllday thoy•groed to take down tho 6agw, and the mi.nionon held their eervioea, and departed.

'We are nry aorry that tb0111 wlo are reaponrible for t~• putting u11 of t.heae Bags did nol talu the aamo vie• of tho matter~ that sprtMOd by ue in our article wri~~n ou 1t1e former oooulan. We quit.e al:f'l'l witb ih• Nm:ury tbat it wu a childish 110d an insulting thing to do- It wu n u:~chriatian act. We cannot aeo tba~ an1 good can oome of it. The intereata of the Pro· teataut people or Bay Roberta, .. men and aa, are not in tbo I aut pro­moted by it, that we 0114 aee.

A.t tba aame time ,.,.~, wo oondemn the action of tho Bay Bobert.e IliOn wo would no~ ~awo approvtd of any at-­tempt to foroe tbem io~ compllanoe wi~b the wiabea of any one, uulC!SI their act was a lawlosa one. II wo wore 111re the Bay .Roborl.lmeo were breaking t.Lo law1 of the laud, we would uy bt all moana le~ tbe majMty of 'b• law be m•intainod. Bat il there la no law to prewent tho •tretehing or banDera acroaa the et~t pro'l'ided they eauae no obatrootion, thti oniJ •apt,..l that we can defend la tn appeal to t'bo ~ aenae abd JOOd. feelina ol tho people. On tbeae and aD rtgard lor t'bo' aood IWDI or Prot.M& we would buo

Do not delay Ia reu.loJ reliel for · lluloffolkL Mother GraYOI Worm Ener­mioa~r I. a pi~ ICI,. o~. '\

Tbaro are a oamber or nrle~ of oorna U ollo••J'• Cora Core trill r-o•e any of them.

our appeala. We t.nla1 tbat what men will not be ooeroed ln,to <lolna. the1 will do ou~ ol ~ lor 1M Yeritlel oC tbelr ereecL

.A.a regatde tho wisdom or unwiadom of Biahop llfaodonali'a courte, the -rre .-alent opinion IMICiml to be that it would huo bean wiser not to baJO paid any attention to tho int.ended lnaulc..

Ir we ~ere to notice all ~ho ~r~ion1 of our contcnnporary t bo ..tdoooo4 eall ing for comment, o\lr pen • auld be aearcoly e'l'or out of our band•. That wo dsl not n otice it ofuoner i.• droe to two reuona, Yi%., to diainclinaLion to be al.,aya mgaged in 6odiog laul~. and ~ wan~ of t.ime •mil apace tor such dUio\1118iooa. A~ timet, however, wo God it noceaaary, ia t ho iot..ercau of what we conceiYo to be truth and right, to call public a ttention to the ve ry strange policy punuw bJ our coot.ew· pomry. ..Batd-.-oont.empor'ry, • <ono or the.¥ critique~~, generally promises a .:Oply. 1 We wait Pll~ientl7 flX' s-.Ud roJ pl7. ,1 t ia no' forthoomio~r. In it.a ·~au' tbe~ appoan in our contempo­rary'• correapoadonce ~lumn an epistle bailing from Harbor Grace, and con­taining, b6id011 a nuruLer of dU.tort!ld atatement.a of f.-ct., a &OO<I dl'al oC nn· gen~lowanly peraonal romarlaa oo the editor or 110mo one e\ao whom the writer oftbo eplat.le aupposea to bo re&pOD-'il.le for the STA~DAIID'a utteraoCOII.

Tho rolo pla7td hy tho .-fd&>OCO~ IIICmS to be this : "To gi •e no tiCtl of a reply to tho Sr.L"''D.U.D. Not lo attempt & roply ; but in•tead. let a Harbor corr·ea· poudon~ a p11011r in a anhaequent woe wiLh a column or.,. of unfounded aMer-­tione, plor;t.ifully inlAirlarded with per eonal abuse, ' ' Tho ~vantages of thi11 plan t.roobYioua. Tho Jl rl~ ~"pea onder CO'I'O: of this equid- like 8hower o( inlc, from what m ight provl'l an awk · ward predieau1enL, tbat of huin: ~ coaf0111 b7 silence that our atrictures nre joel. Then there ia a pouihility of l.ull­dosin~t tbo St'A.."i'DAIID, for not Ol'l'tJ' one can beu ridiculj) and obloquy. Be.aiJoa (u ~he ~d1JOOOU man appe,.n• to aopposo from ~be fact of inserting tbll'!o nogm1 · tlemanly fH'r&onalitiae) many o£ tho n>ad­ora. of ~h"t ebl'tll like that sort of thin~;. Such a thing "t.aki'S gnmd" wiLh lllmll

aO'rt of people of CYory pen~u~~ion­what aort we do noL aay. U nfor1u nate ly for our oontl'mpor:>~J a nd "hia CAUMt',

" the bMt hud 10hemM of mico unti men stnna .. f, a -gley," &i Burne u,&l to ~ •1 \Yo wonlcl reapcotfull1 inform onr ron . tflmporary that in tho view of thinkin:: men he is bJ this polioy ol bis only mak· inr & pnhlio exhibttioo or Lbot rottl'nnt¥.•

!Of tbe caueo th:ot n.-edeaoch a bolat.eri ng up. A8 for the ST.L"''DAIID euccumbin!f to aucb a modo of warfat'O,wo A!l8ure him t.hnt we carr etaud anv amount of abuse he may see ftt to i'n.ert rospectins; ue. W e can afJord ~ emile nt euob worao than sillr dillpi"J'll· Wbnn ho sncoeeds in caoaing us to adopt s i milar weap­ona, then and not t ill thou, wil he h11vo pined any advan~ge by the line of conduct be is purauing We a'nll etri•e ~ bo•• in mind, howevvr, that one cannot "touoh pitob wit-bout beinc defiled ." The public will, of courwe, admi~ .l.hat it ia OQI1 ju•~ that thoao banor ~he oon:luot of tbo Adoo­~ abould "a boulder" ths r011ponaibility or adopting 10 unpraf0111ional D COI: r&O u tho inaerlion ol such low peraonali­tioa. In ,4!itioe to the nominal edito r, wo mua~ aay'tha\ wo do not think tko in­aea tion of euob tbinp ia to his taste ; but it ia well botna t~at the 'rMl lllf\n• agement of the p!lpar ill under th& O)Dtrol or " biager moo tb&n he,.. 110 far .. aocialat.atua I• concerned, a lthough we do not aay, ef more l'llllpcotable me11.

Holdioi the Adr>OCOU, Lhen, rt'ftpon­aible for wbat no editor would in­aert on leas be himself approtted or it, we will hue a few worda w aay ra-peoliag the made and Yilwa advanoed bJ ~hew virtually P<li· ~~ letter.. So IDUCb UIOI'e o( our ..,ailablo apauo .'II• a -we iutand..t being taken qp witll introductory remarlts, we IDOl\ tTy to be hrie(. ,

:a • .. 1 • j

I I • ;

~ Ume pl'!)feaioo, who,u we think ~~ ~d~ (a.Md tboagh h ia to denyiDJ) wlll .. roe111 dan}, · hu repeatecllt mede ' ol ita columna. "Tlutb knofl (many l£biok on t.he of poeaible evidence,) wbo;eor 'We uae~· 11 Truth" 'fiDtUI'M ,to Dodwfteb tn 1)e. tween bu lliCOI o r ridicuht a pieoe of ad•ice to the partr he charp w1tb pen· ning the article. E•identJy he would be beLl.or ploaaed, if tho writer, wbocwor he be, allowod blmaolf to be "bnll-doz­.M"~ailellcc. What .. pity, the Terra No-$ Ad~ eanno~ clutmp1on icaown cauao; and that tbe champion a!Jould aoe fit to uao aucb dctCllllivennnour I

(roa TUI nAr.OOR OllACB DEAR Ma. EntTOn,-

WYing Carlloocar laat nijiht for Urigua at 6'p.m., I patacd through Harbor Grace aod rtiYerbead. and although 1 rnot a jlro:~t many pereona, both old aud young, yet [ reeeiYod ootblog but ciYilltr from t oem. But when p.'\AiiDfi tbrongb Spaniard'• lhy, oear to old Mr. Gos•c's, there wu ataading there a orowd or young men at tbe entrance of a laoe ; aod oo my coming cp ooo of tbtcn ruabed owt, Ma witb a large plclrot a&tul:k my boreo oo Ilia fore-shoulder. I w11 going amart a t tbo limo, and bad ooly t.ime to g11t ono blow of IDT whip aorou tho miiiCreant'e ehooldora, bot 1 bMo no donbt ho knowa I( to-day. "Wbeo I atruck t.ha l~llow. WJ bono ru1bed forward, and by tho timo I couhl rnll up, tho whole lo~ bAd d iurreared. An nltl mao came up ju•t Allor, nod Nlkell was tbc mMtor, an•l hawin~r boon told,, " Ah, sir, t hey d ill uot k no-..· you/" ~o•, Mr. ~:ditor, It i3 not lonzeince D r.

AJI"n waa 11ruck Ia Spanilud'A H.,,. on the hu11l by a .nouo throwu l\1 hno t..y aoo1o ono who r ushed up a l&oc 11ftcr <loiog t he cowardly deed. And 1\ friuo•l of u•ino told me hull nigbt t h"t t.ria •lurinGtb~ psat f"ll hu has bl•on aimiiRrly Alll\Ck~d M ho UM Ileac dri •io~ throns:h tloiel'lace.

So !IIIII it app<~r• lhtit it. ml\llOra not who paltltl, wh~thcr it bo nuciator, doctor, u1~rchant . or fl• hcrq1:>D; nit wbo ridt in ~a·· riO!Jrl ha1•e to ruu the 11auutlut. II t~ia then i.!l "'"Y pcnou, :no to oo treated wbo ride tl1rou~:h "t"oinrd'« fl•y. I woniJ ad•iao the mM:1~tr11tO of tbo di"rict 1\nd (o~p~lQr C~rt )" tO loul: WCII AftOr t hl' Spaniard• llay rnul(bs. Is thoro a polico· mao ltltiuuud 1\l tb1s plac,•? 1 ._,w uouo.

Yours tt.c Ju\1~ GOOO ISON.

Brigua, J"o. 2, 188.).


Died at Quobec, CIUlada N ovember ~lat. l!lr. William "E. llogera, ngod ~ Yo.ara.

"' T hut 1t..r tar 1tar drelfoM, Ttlt all ue pa-.~,..._1 • "'•1 ;

At noorulng b11;b aod bll(bor abloH , 'To pur~ aod Ui)rfect day :

Mor oln.k th.,..., ot.An lu empty ootj;bt, llat bldo lhomoot••• lo bouoo'• 0 "0 light."

A no thor &tar of no mean order in t h~ rntellectanl firmament of Newfuand lan<l. bu 1111ldenly vani•hed in eternal II!)&CO,

another Jo•er Of learning b"a p:IA&Cd 1\WDJ ,

anul hcr noble-minded maa hM gonu from oar mt<lll, nuotl>.!r heart Lu c".u.od to beat:

To many t hia ... t c•~ot will be" 1ource of re~trot, hut to nono moru 10 t hl\n tu t he non~p•nion& of l1 i~ earlier d•y&, whl'n boy­hoo•l '• carele11a boura (o.part from acbool) ftew ~:~~lly by.

Too proud for looli•h @CJ)ro, In him '"• JlOOr aiWIJ I four11.1 o williojl.&<lvocatc : t oo ... 11 l'ducated for ~tlf .conceit. l.o1~ morj' th~n nrtllnMv mentAl nbihtJ d1J no t len I loitn to ahun 'or th1ul< h• .. of the ilhttrMt on t hia 1\ecouu' : too l iber~al-min· l~d lor hiJ.!l.liiJIIII•lor o.ll circnmat.nuces 11M! ch&n$1• ... neOIIIriAn &trill' f<>un•l no in l11• hr~l\3 1 becau•~ !Jo .. ~, ao nn lcnt 1\dmirer uf liberty of tlooucl•t n~o.J M:tioo

'1\••at h the Stara and Strir e11. wh~ro " • lillcJ " re8poetable lllld re•poneihle •it nA· tiou for ~nmc tim<', his courtcOWI <l iopOAI­tion won lor biro ll boat of ad01lring fri r ud1, wbiltt. hia literary l&bon, connycd to tbe fr~end1 and p11tron1 of tbo ~TA.NOlRt"l, hnc been or no mean ord~r, among~~t which I may obt~r~e that "The l\lan in the Moon" ia not " a exc~rtion.

" ror~ .. ~·t. dear frlood. alu! lt.rewell, !'JI) ltH•K"r rouhl '!()'.J •'--Y; Onr t ,uentry ho• euataln.d .. lou. T cfu aoou JOU pu.ted .... y."

K. Jlri~;ua n latrict, Doc. 23. 18 i .

By Telegraph. - -o--

IIALII'AI, .Tao 6-Fostcr urf!'U tbo GoY· eroment to lake moro energetic actioo in reprd to tbo coloo1es. llo ooodemne tbe n~ati•e policy or lurreoderin~t overytbiog to Gorroauy and Fr3nco .

Geoeral <.:awjHJrnoo, French Minirtcr or W11r, htu rcaiga'od bocnuae of Forry'a ~o­~pa~b. c;oneraJ. Le'l'al succeed• b101 Payron, Mi nlfttcr QJ MArine, alao retign~.

}'mnce evacuatoa Kc~luog. T bo ~·reocb deluted liYe thousand Chi ne!le.

WoiiOillry ropbrta tbe u.tilfmotqry pro­gN'It nl tho expe(ht ion.

Orden hue bedo receiYO<I at I'ortamootb to prepare thrte iroocl"'la for 11ea.

The unpopularity of Lords OranYilie and Derbr inet ·uu daily. It will r,rob5bly expel botb lro10 tbo Cabinet. ll • hOJlt'd that Ditko aod HA>~ebarrJ will tako thoir placet.

Oladatono i• Ill. Jav G-Gcoeral Stewart roarchod to

Gadltul e,od ,.tarood io one woolt. ne lef' a ab'ong force at Gadltul. No man in the • bole co lama waa aiclt.

The 7\"!,c• ·d cnotiocea tho Cabloet'a ev&IIYO foreign policy.

Gladttono ill recoYering.

"Maclleal .Mootbly," glrea reuon for tbe ptcaliar aet1o11.. or lti• flyp<>pphoa­pbltea Ia of dl1ea~a, wblcb - to be bora• oal b7 Cacti. , Prom IOnic MtJoe oC the 8f1D~clc Ner•ee air tho Urpole .. CIIOIM are 1t.reogtbenod and tho pedao' onrocnaea hla 111alad1 aimpiJ, pl-oJ.Jr aad npldl1•

Ia lbere anrtblar CDM>e aaao,.ing tba'a hnior 1011r ooro fltepptd 11:r.n 7 Ia there aoythlor more ilul •o geul ng rid of ll7 Holloway'a Coro Oure wUI do IL

Witb rolerooco to tha admioiatntioo of tho Etblbition. It ku alraady boca that-it it tbe lnt.tmion of llie Roy.U Uigb­ae~~ to talto tho ume ErocutiYe part u be did in tbo cue of the Paria UniYcraal Ex­blbitlon or 1878; ud, w1tb the co nun' of Uor M.aj'oat(a Gowernmeut, be baa eoleated Sir l 'hll p Uunllffo -Owen, K.C.M.O. C.O., C . I.E., Director of tho South Keollnctoa .:\l 1110um, to act .u Soore tary to the Uoya l Comrul•lon. Ilia Uoy11l lllgbaeQ •Ill, ia ao1 mauera of 1peoial importauoo, addreM bimaell poraonally t.o 'be l':ncntln CoiO­'or appointed by t he Ctoterncneot or Newfo11odl•nd, bu~ be trooi..J be obliged oy all genei'!U corr11poodooce being carried oo •lt.b ' bo Secretary to tbe Royal Com• misaiOD.

x..dlea,]oa canno~ m&lto fair lklo, roa1 chetlt,t ~ aperlclloa •1• Wltb all ooa­lllebcJia of Fnnoo. or boaatllla,.. of the •orll!, while lo .,oor health, and aotblna will aiYe you eoob good beaiLhJ •troaJitb, bQOyaD' lpirita aad beauty II llop Dl~l.ora. A l.rial Ia oar tala proof.- Tt.Ugr!Jpl.

P!111LI~lfl0 BT Atmroll'tr.-llla F..xoel­lency tbe Go•eroor hN been plaaaed to ro­COfllln• (prorialooaliJ) 'nomll Key-oolda Smltb, Eeq, IIi Cooaal-Geoaral for Pert.o­cal lo Nowfoaodlaod.

.Enn CIOIIId the NIDOUI ol Uie f1a«- be derended OG lepl pnnda, •• would donbt the wildom ol•oau~u ~be autboririea to enforoe the law. r, II ~~ law iut.9noood in t.hle oue it would in tbe pr"""' t.etaper ohhe pte .. uredly be io'l'okod to ln&erl'IC'e '" other oaaea. What woaltl become ol,all lbe aroh• IJICI atramen ol flap that the nrio111 aociedte loft to di.aplay, if wbu ,. ea'aoe f« tba gooee wu mede •ace for \lie gan­der, to au b~1 pbruo t-411d ~his

'""' o'ne dlllrou, ot rw paa1 wOGtd bve to inala& upon. L

We may dlamia the larp por~on ol 1.\le let&llt'8 in '\u•lioll - takMl up w ic.b ver-aliti• .-stbooL maclt not.ioo­Tlte Ut.DmJI' at ri.clioole ma1 bl paeaed onr wi~out any oot.ioo,

Oae cuob le"-r appeared In \be ..4/loo­OIUf a wee~ or ao ago. Frnm a n~fercnoe therein ma<lo, one would ptber that lbe oorreapoodent OOIUiidOfed' it quito on~ of place for a aew•JMirer to hue re po!Ura to 6ntl out by peraonal obeerwA· doa what ia PDI 011, Thla la quit.e a 01iatake. It i• oae~~~&ry, ~lly in wiew oC tbe qaeer atoriee of happeninre tbat we 6.nd gi'I'Oo to ~e pttblic here or elaewhere eu replariJ bt - c.b~.~dtiOOOU oOcnepoDd•la and ,olber eq&a1IJ uu· ecmpaloa men. It woald1 doubtl0111,

Tho r.oi"ID&o upechtioo to tho Congo la a failure.

The French Uodor-Soorotary of War bit resigned.

Tho Chlnue otrer 11,000 per mootli lO foreill'!l oftioort ""log in the Btet..

o ... n,illo ~llle& bia conaont to tho pro• poaed conference i.n Pam oa Ec1ptllll alfalna.

Feny makea propoaala likely to pron r.ooeptablo to Dri&iah. •

J.ut 7-Tbo n-ol!lrCIII a Neollltrueti.oo ot the Ministry before aa iol'l'itablo woiO of 'MDICU>t. '

S..c: thoueud troope leen ~!carla for ToliClalo nut weak.

. eedectodiJ mild. All porta IR adll opu.

JAx 9-Y.arthqaall8 in Spain, oootibue. Swltu;land liN bee• ahabD:

Rejotelop Ia Lo•doo owu Prl11ce Vlo­~r•a ~Uajority. Bella nro ··nlllf. Ptap hoiatad for featiYal.

Gladatooe'a aco Intimated the ioleoded retiremoo• of bla fatber at the end of tea· aioo.

JJilbop Jaokaon of Loodon died •ad <teo IT 1el~rda1. •

Oermao omcere aro JIYel1 drllliog Chlaeao troopa.

'l'bo Arcbbiabop of Moacow had tweoLy· • three yoanr prieeta Boaged by 10ldiera.

U ttgbca' ~rial at l'ana oommencad rea­terday. Mocll olci1emeoL

JAN 10.-Feolaa -in1 attemplell to murder Tbomaa l'holan or Doooun H-'• offiuo New York. Pbelao waa a Foniaa 101pec~d of botnyiog aeeretl. Be •11 atabbed twe!Yo tlmeL He waa t&ken to the boapital. ,

Oladatooo ia iUipronor. Wolaelerl41o­r;rapb• that ho •ill reach Kbr.rtoura on 24th January. Jle recommeada tl.o G,)YOtD· meat to deepa&cb SOOO meo by lbe Sor.ltiw, lo order to open the Berber Uoato. Ue aalta for anolhor colamo of tho Nile raolc. Jlo ( eapecLI hea'Y ft&btlng after tho reliu of K hartoum.

Franco propoaea ~ confine the1lrllUb oocopatioo of tho l'/ilc to tbree/.eare. T ho French hat>o 110iud Loyalty • land 11nd probibi t l!:ogliab millionariea te continuo here. Tbe Gcrruant &~~Ito control or (S2m01L

'l'he BritU.h (iolern .. o~:~t croatea a minia­try or Education' whb Playfair lUI lirae

Local and other Items

E?"fbe Ctr.ircb of Eoj!laod Aouual Mi -eioMry Meotoug will be held lu the llriti•h llall ou Tutaday c•11uing nell, Dt 7.30 (1' ,

clock .

-Tnr. CmLoncs·:; ASSt;.u. F.:o.-r£JtT.\t::. m:sr took p: cc in the ;\IMnhic I 1&11 ou the nftorooon of Tn•·111 l~y last. TM u ·• Cll•ion WM 1\ l iWO o r IUIICh piOMDrt: 1111<1

mrrTimcnt to tbc ch1lllreu who r~turn~d to tueir homes at ~.30.

« Is A to or 111r. l 'oon- \\'o hue ple:13u• o in dirrctinll tho attention or our roaciero to tbe eotertainrotnt In be gi•cn io t he T ut>l .\ betinence II all on 'fuursJ ,y efllniog out hy tho .Mino:rol nnd lJramntic Troupe of II.M.S. T'nrdw. Wo wiab t bem a hll'npor bouac. 'l11"Y doaorYe 11-tho obj•ct t boy bavo ia view ia a eood ono. ~ult advortiao­mo~.

V- T 11r. Hl\·tnn&AD G.uE- The following are t be w11oeuee eumincd for the Uefcaco aince latt ,rero<~ :-Edward Cumnlln•, lticb."d ll•;rcr, Walter SiaDot'- Michael Doyle. W illiam Kell7, f:dward I.oe, Pat­rick !lawler . John Sbaugbroo, i.Awreoca Kelly, Hichard 1>31lon, Mo•u Hqtt, J ohn l)ugjlan, \\" llhnlll Butt, l'l.omu vlanu., ltichM"J :llacl.:ey, John Kelly, Pnuick .\lor-ri~~acy, lind Juhu Sh.ritlan. /

-Muostc -o\o ~mcrgoae:r Meeting or Lod!;• ·• lt ... bor G race" No. 4i9, H. ::;, 1-'. .t: A. M , wM htld in the /lla•onic I tall on the cvenio~r of TneAdi\J lut, tbo bth ins~ .. a t 6 o'clock, p.m., for t be purroae of in ­AtAIIin~ tho O fficore for the cQsoint: Jnr. l 'ho Leautilul cer~moQy \YIUI p~rformod by the li on. A. M. M"cltl\y, I'.G.M .. aaaisto·J by ~.:. ~thwell, 1-:Aq., l'.G S.

The followlug M'O tbo o!!lcen for the current yc..r :

II . YoucJall, U. ll' .. lf .. cleoted. Hobart S. l\lunn, S II'., "I'{'Ointo I. II. .1. Fiu.c;oral<l, J IV., "f>pointed. 1~eY. lt. I.ogan, (.'hnp., appointed. .John Pate111un, 1'ruu .. re-elected. .Jolon F. Munu, .~cg .. "Proioted. .lohn T"JIP• S. f), app"n"d. P. U. Knu~bt, J.D. appointed. W . A. Oke, t S _._ . d ,J A. Wbltm~n . f ltll'Onu, appoan~ . .l•>l•n Sp":O'~, I (i, "JlJIOint ed . ll'ilh~m :-licbolo. Tslu, rC ·I\fpoioted.

OusGt PJ:ocr.'ISIOli~.-Oo Tu~.l~f lout tne 0 M D!f0 Society or llrl;,:ns bold t brir A~. uual ~roces.1ion, to the number of 3bont40). The ::Society proceeded from t beir fA l~o:e tn tho We<~ICJ'llD (.;horeb to atten<l Di•ino Ser­vice held by tbo fteY. ,J, (loodiiOD; af~r wbicb tbey pr~ed on t.belr UI!U&I lino of marcb aod back to tbeir L odge. 'fb11 C. II. B. Soeiety'a nand of thia town wore hired lor tbe occu ioo. 'l'bc weather was all that co11ld be dMired, and eurytlllng (l'U· on off q uietly and orderly. although thrnt• to a ::t'r(fin extent were clrcola~d, w(tb ou' prob~bly any Intention oxcopt to intimi.Jat• tbe Socioty.

On t he follo•ing n~t.y (WedneJdftJ). al­though boin~t "err wet, t be CuplcJ• Lod , e, together with membon from the neigllbor­ing I.o1lgn to tho number or abou~ :100, . a fter ntWndiog Sorricc in W ealeyMChurch held tbeir first prooeuioo In Copida, ac~ companied by tho c. B. B. s·a & nd. EY­trytbiog he re too wu quieL :>od orlleri,.­Cvm.

Tboraday Evllt:li1l~·· lfltaaonic Aaaomllly

Aa many of our re!Adora are aware, it h"' for lneral JUri paot been tho praCtice of the ?lluoaio ~·raterolty nr Lhia town ~ hold a #Oirtt-daonn"tt on tbe Ot'eaiog of tbo an. noal inatallt~tloo of ita officora. It i.t al ­most unnootM3rJ to 11111 that ia ~e~on!l 11oue hr. 1nany aur.cOIJful,.ueonblies of 1ho afore3111d nsture hno been hold under t he an1picea of Lod,sc " llarbor Graco"-IIS· liOmbliea, the r<:'mernbmnoa or which, doubtleu, is llill froah i n the me1ooriea of mooy of thou who had tbo p16Unro o/ at· tcnlling t bem. Dot, wltbo~t wl1btng In detract In any reapect from t be roerita of former IDAIDnlc ••ombliea held In tbla towu, It may neYortbcleu be trntbfully ._,jd or the OliO •blob took place OD Tnuraday c•pnlng, tbal in polat of oxoel­lence It exoeodod all or ita predeccaaora, 111c:ooaful tbo11gb many of I beta latter Ut:l• doubtedl7 were.

A• re~;ardt the method or reproaentallon to be adopted b7 t.ho Gournmeot or New­foundland, l•la boped thaL the Gowernmeot pf tb't Colony will appoin' a sioiJII Ereca­n,.. Co111mlal0111r to rep-si'" ... , lhblblt.loo, will! wbo .. ml~ebt be aaeoclated, If -rr Dot !DON tbu CWO or three At· alalao• Comellaieoen.

ma Excelleocy baa al10 boao pl.eaaad to reooanl111 Don JoM Me.loltot l'•ra, u Vloe-CooiCII for Spalo, darillr "• abaeoot from tbe 0oiOD11 OD .. ,.., of Doe .At:l• toalo Stopla. •

Tbe people ~C Bey Boborta are locais: nu' et the -.p.w. ot the polloe ucl 01 UM. 'I'.,.._ to their eeWemaL They -toaalder 'It• pnoaaUoa. ea*irely ~n­D~Ce~Nry, aDd d a publio mllting latelJ held there bare blamed t.hrOov-

pleue the -4Mcxu.' oon'elflOIIdeot if be nd anch u · the ~~- t~ '!Djo1. ~. JDODo­polJ or aup;;::,;t. tbe paQio ... ~ ac­oounta of p onal clilplaJI for iu~ *uoe.. -&t ~ •oQOt be.

t Oeoeral Niader Ia repidl7 adY&DciAi oa Laoeoon. ,t..

EartbQ.aalio. lhocb io Spa! a oontiouo aa well .. .-hocb in ltal7.

J•• 8-()oi1"'200, milea of "'tbo Canada Paoitle )UII•ar ror\alo unftalabtd ln tbe

Tbo da1 on • blob thi•J~r·e aasembl1 waa at tlrat proi>Oted to ~ hold wall u the Gtb o( Jr~nuArf. Owlog, bow­onr, to nnnoldable ciroum•t~ncea un­nec-ry to rola~ here, t he a..embl7 baa to be poatponed until Thartday tan tbo St.h ln1t.. Oo that day, acoordingly, the Brelbrtn of Lodca "Harbor Grace," In compan1 wit~ many friend• or both aexea re~lrod al 8 p.m. to the Britiab and .M•­aonlo Halla. 1'bero Jbe1 ware joloed b1 & a amber or other friend• and lo'l'et'8 of tho terpalcho..... at1, I)Ot OaiJ or thla toWII. bot of tbe nolghborh1, "•na alao, and of 8t.. .lobn'a ~ we\1. Tbwe, alao, aaaem· bled to (raleroaliJ ,.e:ot tho111 lbolr '' Bret.reo or tbe myetla tie" belooc· i01 ~ 8.!11.8. T~; lojlether with C~l. Drammood aed •nral ol ollloeft of lbe 1blp, wbo tholllh Dot ~n• we,. 7d .,...aa.t OD tiM apeoW la­'ltatfoD ol .Lodp " lhrbor GTaoe," wboee .... .,.,.. w~r~ ooly too elAd of cbe oppor-­&a.alti t o extend \0 a~a ... pllaal aernDla ot Hl:r MajealJ' the Qo1eo & trolooroe aa cordllll u 1c w11 bwmr and alnco,.,

Wit.hool btt~l able ~ & an nu' 'd&t.e .., ru Ja adnaoa, Ill• Euibllioll trUI opeD darlac lrlt fortaipt Ia .Ma7, ill abe ,..., 18M. Wfda &!Ia amp&. &lu ~tbielt Ia belDf &in. to Ill 00~ Ia Ia ...... , . lllos*l iiW &'- wort cl I••IIMioa _, '­...,.... U I fortoJPa fN'JoU to ........ cl ...... .

.... .... ....... ., lllllllaldbltiee .. to ... ....... .,...,.... ........... .:;::: ... Cofpllj,,Jt· •• .... co

~~~~8.,.. &a. Colooial

Bla Ereelltn~ lbe Oonrnor,la Coull­ed, h• ~o pleu.d to appoint Ulo Ru'd A•tm. Hey~, M.,A., fo be a millibar of Ult Cban!h ol Ea,laad 8ou:d bf Ez. .,.'- !OT E ..... hlf PapU 'l'eecbort a.a4 Teaoblrl: aad ... ll.o'f. WID. ""•lap, OrMoepoeotl, to til a ..... ot th!lia& 8oUd ol ....... ,.~ S,.rlelii Rortll, ia pleoe ol ... BWd Sol•o• ......_.., leliiMDIIktiL .

Btl KaaniiMJ, I• o.u.IJ.. .., _... dlo pleaeacl to tiiiiOllll Mr. Daticl .Btiad· ford, (~ RiekJ co be I 8erntor ol

--~~---8aerttarfl oat~ •. Ju. •. ~~.

ernmoa~ 'bere(or. J'ntlgbi lly t.he uplauationa llllde bJ \be Nw• c~, \ben ciOII DO& MilD to be maoll lfOQM to OIDiaN tM ~u,.. Au yet. we oPilO& qalte .... wl&la .oar ooa~;c,...U., ... the......... ... .-.~c~m. J' ........ q "" ... llaU U... PNaiialllaa ...... JIDDII I Pf• ..... &Mt llMN ... .., l1&ll. ll •1 rl.aJr olaay ~rbaoe ol tn peace from

A1 reprcll&lte oplnlOa' ot U..' writer who lip ·JU.aelf ~ hW' ~t the Sr.uro.un article M ref'erred ~ waa writtell bJ tbe pertOil he aU ... web il oal7lat. opildoa; ud ~~ oarreot or 1MK i71011'0111 a _.... ol muala pnblio IIDOIIMGt. ' II b ...... .,_ ADd if it ... ~.... tot . aar lib &11M .... p' -- "' irrk ... Pf'O"D, ......... ~tie ....... to ~~~~p~( .. wbee.Mr Uae IDOIIOpOir ~ ...... for c.he p.,.. ~cl ~ paiectto "-' P... ~

Rookr Moaotal~~~o \ Deleplae hoa • 160' CatltQIJo aocietiel

p!lld llomaca to tJ.e PO{Mt~1· Tb;e J.»ope deelanld thU a~ ~JIIIt-na JmllllDtDL ,

F.llktme diltrtll II pt~~~~~t lo I&Jac& owl•& to eodli!Jil!Jd ~t~of lll'tlulaall•

Til• Freaeb Woopl •' ~-- loeuer. rlbiJ. from fewer and ~t•l'1· , .J..- ._._... ~Pt to eo... .Tba foreiJI! mlataten bne Bea (rOm tho C&Jiltal • ~· Ia nable an a&lieod the Calt­lae,..-.... · '.1'111 lo No.a Scotil le •nprt•

' DOA!dea . aforecotOif ell'ao~tert from ls.ll.S. ~ th41N' •en p....-t, ~19 • t~\'e ollaar miiiDbera of t ho ab!D'a O>>ftl·

pa•T· To t.beat, t ha A~~e~~bl7 wq dHplf iDdtbted fo• the oboloe 'moalo \balo, I( ma.-• b• froai1 aoknotrledgd, belpe:llo Do amatl


111cuore to ma\'e tbe plb,rloa tbo decided b7 printo partie~ miarepranllur the OM·

1uccett i~ nndoobtedl7 pro•od to b.. doct ol in~bltaots of Blly Ro.,_lie, aod na1cly,iodtccl, baa h ~D lbc good fortune wberea. t.ho Cio•crnrueot bne taku ac&ioo of a llMbor Grace dabclna aaeembi.J lo be In L!le face of r~peat~ UlorucM from ti... fafored w~b lllUAio o( tbt cbaraelcr or llaa~ M. J aa'uoee of tht Peaoe io a., llDMrii wbich folincd eo promioen& aful ure of tbo tbac tbe public ~aoe ebould •M ~

~t=~ln.mont ,o( Jut Tbanch7· llnt . ~ ~7ro::!,~~=t th! =-:--:~::.,':::!;

At &SO , t he llfaat!lr of CeRmODICI, In on :Y.,WiriWe, th• uta~ b)" the tr. Junk Ri.lrlfiue, aoooonoed the lln' Gofel1lmnt, ud dowB&IIcl ao ollolal iD· dao~ qu'adrillo. Soon-the 1111ootb apa· lo dlaproq UJ allepdoo frooa ioua floor or the Muonio Hall pfcaentod wbatef8r aonrd nlecdDJ OQODr~

nt); u imated appeara~~oe ; aod wl.en aa law-abiding citluoe.'" .. )Jualc .,.0 ,. wltb Ita \"'luplaCMU a well, • Now we ar6 f orotd to deolare •£ tbe " •·!I ... .,. toolce>d lo~e to er- wblchet-..!rc apia, good citlua1 of &7 Roberta baq• bien ~\a<l ollw•nt m•rry u a manlege-bell" b&dly mialed bJ IOmtbedJ-me political

Jhncing ,..,. OD(alted in with ~;rut uat trichler pre~ed a trap in~ which tbe7 t • ,J,.tena o f couples in the large ~~~&Cm· walked with cagernoea. 'fbe reeolotioa t>h.!e ·-qundrillo, lancent,, polka ~UC· puaed b• tbom aa compand wltb lbe fact. r~f !ing ti.\Cb othor in rap1d aucci!IIIOD . wo ahall 'prH(!otly dioalou lea•ta no doub' \ t~lhrr novel and pleaaiog fu.turo o f that tbe7 hne beau miaioform .. , eod for i~c prognmme WM tho Introduction a aioieter moti•e. o>l tho " Quadrille llluonic." 1'hla Tbo r eaolotioo fin& IAJII, "WbtteM re­or cour.e could onlJ bo partil'i!"t· P<rrta haYe been . forwarded b7 .. pf\~a&e ,, t m br tho Brethren of t bo Cr:Lft, woth (it p.vtiet'' miarepr1114!ntiug tbe conducl of ,.t re almoat aoPQTOuoua tO ndd) thll india- tile iobabitaoc. o f Uay Roberta." lliabop J"'!lfAhlo a.aaiet.aoee o f their fa.i r p11t1.ncre,~be McDonald ia, doubtlea, the "privat.e b •liee. wbo were adorned for t ho oecutoo ('&tty" t o wllolll tho ruolotioo cble67 re· • ith all the jewels. honorsl\od iotignia of ferrod. flo sen~ word that he wu pre­tbc ancient order , aotl thna. for t.ho nonee vimtod from ~;oing to wua by au Ota.ngt 01 lr~t.. J>Oil'd in tbo character of flag 1/rtUA.ttl ocrrw tlt roGd. But tbla io · ~~~.,..n~ ! for mation did not cauao tho &ctioo to ronch

A• ~~ gonc r..lly the CMO witb enttrt11io- cond~mned b7 tbo reeolulion,-t be o• er­r.~.t• ta nl tbe ol\ture o r ~o one under ro- n.Jiog o r the Maj(iatratea of Ba7 Roberta. :.<.,. " unhecdl'tl fltw the hour~,'~' nod As a ruU.Cr of fact, which we ahall • , 0 ((Hlt bar- too toon for 110m a tloe pro5eut lr pron. tbey were not o• erruled in "'""~er f olk ) nlidni~tht 3~ le ngth rh·· " " Y way. OR tk r.ontrory tlu adion nf IN rol and tl•o COUIIJany deac..ndc L t o Gor:a 11111n11 lt'CU in rrply to thtir rtqKtd.

11 ~ to.-er hnll wbereio lour b.rgc tRblta The I!C"ond r~•olution iu tbo con•rlaiol 1..•1 l~eeu crcct~d. \l'hlcb d i1pl:\ycd io l('~iab ia, " And wbHOU tbe Goveromcul hne

1 • ,( u :oo their w61!th o f 11ood thing•. tnken Aotion in tho face or repeated a..,ur­~. m attention, it wM aiM ~be oblerved, ancee from II. M. Ju1ticca of lbe Puco in j c 1 w en beetowcd upon tbe ornAmeol<\tion Ho~c. t hAt tho public peace wrll not o! the tAbl•e-in 10 1\tlraath·e a manner "' be broken." Upou t his aud th e p recoc.liug 1,, proclaim that aurh could only bc t he complaiot, t he rt'aoluti<>u -luruantls "no 1 ,.,.ti..-nrk of Ulc nimble finll""' 11nd tho offici,,! inYtAllll&liou to diapro~o au;rAII o­l .,,,J.·~tion of t Lc refiu~d tNte l'f tile lady ~;atlone fro m whaterer aourco r<:Oectzn~e on It •1 .;~of the Urc tbren. our1 character aa law-abiding citiun11."

.\h~r tbo comrany-wllh appetltu .Fully •ympatbiting wiLb tbie natural ocwiro ,,_.,1.,.1 Nl uo tlmtbL bJ the . ull~tory ex<'r· to be -rtutli~ato.i, aod desirous tbat tbe ·: ..... .. t.ich they bad ]Wit t ohuqutShed-had di~oity of I he lllaj:lltfii\CI o r Bay lloberu I rt.lhn or tbc IUJllliY or !-tood t hinga 10 •hould not aufTr r. tbo Gove rnment, at our l·,,uu tifully pro•idod for th~tr rtaalement ; eun(lll ao lic:i tnt!onll. hne con1coted to the 1 ~ J•rOCecldiogl (or 1\ (el¥ tllOWODt3 1.00\c p ubliCfttiou Of thO following lelograma. ~ ! th•rcnL fo rm nnd directzon. '-' ApplicAtion buiug boeo mado for a

L!poo ~h. Youdall, tlto ~baler of Lorl~:e p~lice Coree to bo aent to Uny Roberta. II r bur Gmce,'' de.,nl.,e<i t he d uly-tho J ud~:e R~~o uoll "" rl'quc.~ted to proceed

1 ~~·~tog duty u he ~PI'topn •t ely d<'~IJ.!U"t· t bore aud reJKII"' upou tho condition or af. , .J itrol utcodinJ; to the company a l.,e, lair1 a bc.1rty. and A frate rnnl gree11ug. llo re· Un the tlay of ita date t ho following ltrrt'd tiret to tho latl io11; aecuud to tho meauar waa r~ce[Yecl from Judgo Uoouctt, ~In 1 friend• then pr~aent from m~uy neigh tbo Stipendi~ry of tbo diel rict : -t ori•.: pl..cce• 1111d llurd but not hut to the II•1180R lluACt, Uoc:!\1, 188 ... att"'u;:ere fro1~ 1 1.~1-S . 7'tnfdro~-to all of "II no jult returned fro m llarl>or t>raot~· oo bj ,., ho fdt hsppy, OD beb31f nf tho Sur Dn•c 1\0d T11ylor. They \110 beat w~c. t.o e xtend, aa bo 111\id bef!'~e . " eiTortA to keep t he peace, and ••ear in .,11 ,n and mon co u!illl welcome. ¥ ntnd· tllirty .lr f<>rty "lJ<"Cial cnuat<lblu. I will h r1•unioua like tbe prt'IICnt, rc:marL<tl tbo ~euti .t arll:aon and aix conatabletl ou &ltur­/;.,·•~~r. aro much to be d~pi reJi at ~II llmre. da;r. Tbty t binl: this wuffidont. "


TOTAL ~P.STI.NEICE HAL~ Thursday evening-nen

Jao 16, 1886.

IA· aid oflpofl ohadtlM of .all. denom-• uia\iona.

nui R. M 8. IJ'OtMM'

Minstrai&Dramatic Tr~pe wllll(i• e a Ur&od Eolertalnment o( Jaric· tiM oo TbllrWeJ ·eveninR IIUC.. lCith · inat.., ODder tho tliatingol~h .. ,l r•troD3jlC of Uapt. C . E. Drummond aud 0!1\cers of U. M: S. TentdOI.


Overtort ............... .. ................... r>And Oponiol! Cborae-Dn,..,. tilt Uitvr . •. 'J'roupe Song-Lot.-c ot Homt ... ...... ......... A. D11un Soo.s-Honno/1 ................... ..... {;. Jonea ~~~11-TM old log rabi11 ... .. . ...... l'. Nichola Soog-1/will-o -bye llaby , ........... C. Yates Song- rrn a lnwdt 'lm,..l, ~~~"l'···A . llonlo n. • ODI(- Ring. ring dt lW,kJ ... ........ W. Cox Song-Hortl ' " f.<Jt t ..... .. ... ... C. Jone•

INT~H\'A I, OF 10 ~~~~l iTE . P..t.hT II will com10enco ~Yith ll •tj~IIJ!hAblo aktitch, cntitletl, Tltt llcm•rr I I> b-r. ·

To he lo llowrd b7 tho S.ilor11' llo;npipc ................ C O •enden Jou:umenul Uut't ... A l 'Ortl'lli. t' Clo•erly Song &. d.1ncc-Sw-t tl A la.:c A ·m .... l'.lhrnea Concertino1 Solo ......... ............... T. \\' i lls Slopdmnce,llornpip~ ... C.O .-.,:ltl(n,T llaruea Trio-Tit( Fire iu tllr f;rou-.\. Dn.oo, W.

Co x t~nd T. Harne&. Orand Wolk Round - Far .Azray- J'roupc

Go I 8:\vu tho Qtt••t!ll.

Door• open a~ 7.30 . perform:uoc~ ~~~ . The l:lmud of tho Abo~o !lhip will bo iu tz.l·

lendl\ncc. Aduuaeion-lhecr.-ed 'e1111, 21u: Bnck

Seac., If. Tickcc. LO be hod Ill the door. G. <.: II APli l N, .\lana!Jrr


Fancy and Toy ~azaar, VIOTOB.IA STREET,

Floor-Mat Patterns Scrnps for crnp-Alhums,

Brnckct-Chips, Brackets, Wall Pocket;;, &r.

w ean aod aeo them. A . • • A . nm.:~u:1.s.



AYER'S· Cherry · Pentoral.

Jfo oUI« -plaiJILI.,. eo 1111114lo1111D U..U ~utbaeeatrMIIDttlle tlu-cla& a..cllaq~: 110111 eo Lrl4etl wilh b7 t.fleiiM\Iolit:r olllllrer­en. 7ha ordlaat7 COQih 0~ cold. I'CRIIIJIC pubape f rom a trlftlna or 'IIIICODICioDa tm· pooaro, t. ol~n bat the ~of a la\al alokct'M. A TltR'I OllXIU&'f P&erOLl L baa wll pro no Ita o111eae:r la a fortr ~·aa~&~ 1f1tll throat IUI4 IUIIJ.U...., aoiMI abolll4-f takaa ln.AII-wllhcKit Cloi&J.

.A Terrible Oooah C1Frtl4. " la 1881 1 took aaonncold,..-lllcbAtrff\N

m:rlaap. 1 baa a lenible eG11£ha.!11<1 ~ D.IJbt attor ulahlwlth""t •l""P. :.1>0 doc10rw It•"' mo up. 1 trltd A,, ••• , OnltiiU\' I'~ TOtul., wbkh I'OIUe•e<t my lunp. 111\lneod aleopb and atroNed mo tho ron llUCHMI'J

!:,Jn~e.lreco,..:';r, ":J,emJ.:::'~· a ~~ uut ure ...,.. I>Jroe\Od. 1 am ...,. G:l rran olol. halo and hoarlr, ontl am ..UI.Ood .Joo.r CtaXAV l'&CTOtuL Mfed me.

IIOn.<<'tt: I'A taDIIOTII&:IL" RoU!ngham, \'t., Julr JB, 1662.

CMnp. - A 1\fo thcT•I Trlbn~ "Whlloln tho eonnl ry lu.l1f1ntar tnJ little

wr. tl•...., ,.,.noW, wu 1&1<011 UIW1th cro~p; It ...,1!11 ... It be trOulll d.lo fi'OID otranca· laU<>o. Onoor tbo ta.mll:r ~ed l11o ....

:.r .. to~L:~ ~~':f..~'k:~~~e'\:..!'!tl';,'l! wa• trl .. t lu amall and ff1!i\umi&Od_,., Cc4 to our doll~bt In I t"" thaD ball aa hour tho l '}tlo patlonl wu b""'thlna rutlr. ' l'llo oJoo. t<>r nltl tho\ tbo Clll:nAl' Pat'roiUL baa ,.Yell n•f •lltrlln,;• lifo. CfUIJO~,wondez a\ our iir:\t tu~of l~!J!:~Oiltlrn:.-."

1110 USlh St., Now \'ou,llay iO, leal.

"f but> nKod ATIIR'I CU'1AII'f PltcroJU L I ll mr tamlly lot ~<~•eflll yun, and do DO' b .. ltate to pronoaaeo ll the tnOit o!l'octaal ron>ollf lor eou~:ho aD<! eoldo we hne oou \r1etl. A. J . Oru.:r.a."

l.Ako 0t")''LII, Minn., lllllrch 1~, I~ "l rolfo"'.t for olabt ran f t11tn Droa<bltl&,

::! •[~!~~ •:;•a;:=:~ ';!l:.,nt.:;: a.Y i•,u:,-on.t.L. Jot.:rn \\' .&.l.DP."

ltyll3lla, )\lu., April b, u;u. "I unootur eno~h ro ~UC! ot A.n::a••

Cu r.nttv l'rC'TUaA t., l>ello• lcll 1\.0 I do t.has but thr It-o """ I obould IODIItlnC<! bno dle.l from tung UllUb!• ""E.. OJUODO-'i.''

l'ai .. Uno, Tel .... Aprll22, 1&l.

No e.>~H> of an a11ootlo:> of tho lbi'OIIl or 101'00 ulal<l wl.!l<b cannot be ~t•allr rcllo•o4 br tb& "'" ol A vt:n•a Cm:ntt.- l'1:croa.u., aaj It "'10 olora.-• curo wb110 t.llo dt.oue II DOl alre.>dy boym:d lh~ t:Oill fO\ Dl IUodloiDO.

Or.J. C . Ayor& Co.,lowoll, Moss, Soltl by all Drua;t.tta.

Tilt'S. l\Dl li iWO i.: Co. \\'holC"-'110 Ageo,, M .Johu'd.


Advertisements. r ccoivcd Lhe ir oaual Stock ot

Acme & Woodstock

SKATES, nnd 1vonld eolicit a call from iolcnding

IIU rehtUICMJ. Jot .:!ll.


Monday n ext, 24th in:;,t.

New Advertisements.

Farmers and Mechanics ·.·

P rovide youi"'IIIVOI with n boU!o or PAIN-KILLER at t.hi.l IOUOU o{ the . year, when compl.tint.ll llnl 10 ))renlbn~; it .ia • pro1opt., we, enclenre Cllfe. It thay aave you daya o r eickni*, and you will tiud i ~ il more ••luable tben gold. Boaout-e you ty tho geouioo PE.RttY DAVIS' PALN·IUI.I.BR, and w.k.o oo • othor mixture.

Conuno, Ont., March· 3. 1880. I bavo been 1101ling P orry Dnvia' Pain-Killer for tho r~aa~ six yea111, and l!uo mnch pleuuro io stating Lha~ it.ll aalo in thnt tio1e ba boon larger than aoy qther pa.teo~ mcdicino that I ha1•o on my ebel•ce, a a d in ~hoao years I hue ne•or hcerd 1\ CIIY~zncr I:IJ ll.llgM !.Jut \YOrdl of tbe highoat rraiao in itt ruor. It is an nrticlu tba~ scoma to Lavo combined in i~ al1 lbut goes ~ make a lit'll c!tul (tlmily rMdicin.e, aml 1\8 long 11.11 I ltavo a l1ouw and etoro, l'orr1 Duia' Paio-K.illor will be round in liolL.

Yo:~111,&c., J. E. KEN~E!>Y.

Boworo o f Oount.or!oit.a and Imlt.o\iona.

Dec. 20, Price ~Oc,. :!5.:., ttnd Ci<k per bottle

f'\ - I

FISHERIES FOR 188'4./ -o--- . .

Traina will ron bctwe~n . American Net & Twine Company' HR. GRACE & sf. JOHN'S BOSTON". '

Daily (Sundays cxcrptcJ) aa follo...-a:

Ltnt'e ltllrbor Groce, 9.30 :am. S t. -!cotoo'a, :1 p.m. St . • lohu'e, 10.30 a.m. llnrl>or Grncc, 4 p .m.

Arri-ro nt

Arrh·c ot

For rnto•, tim~ l11blc~. or further infor­mntioll, nrply to 1::. C. Qrt~>'TIS, Ascur, l lar!Jor G.~

·' 1-:. II. SA \'ILl. E. u.,cral .Vanugtr.

Post Office Notice .

W e dO&irc to c.'ll t ho :~ttcntlou of tbo Trade of ll1o0 laln otl to oar lntgOIJ inercMod fncilitie• for aoppl);ng t ho beilt &ratlo of A merican Cotton Netting for


HEltRING XETS. F or mnuy ycnr11 we hnvo nimctl to l'er(eat tho Twinu 11pccially mt~no(I\Cto rcd hy n~

lo r t hid iuJu11try. At the h1to f ..11ndoo F11hery Exhibition wu received tho ooly G old

llllodn.l :IWl\rdctl (nr this ci:\1\.S or G oode. _Th~ MOJlCriurlly o f Cotton .:\cttin~ for fi ~hing purpoaca over llcn.p i11 now ! rcctr

1\0WIItetl by t ho~ ,.,·bo hn'c l:l >' ~n l bnt po rt.Joo or our ml\uufaetures" fllir trinl. 1 We respect fully ur,:l.' tho loomo tncrchl\ol.8 uod nil t hoau intcreat.ed i:o tbc fiabetil!ll

o( tile hl"nd, wLo J.o,·u not nlrCAdy dono ao, to give t l.lis impori./Uil aubJeCI their ntlOD· tHHl. \\'e behove It l"ill f'I'Y l hCUI 10 do 10. ,

8:\mplet and quobtion! freely gi1•eo, nod corrupondoncB aolicitcd.

American Net & Co., Boston, U, S. A.

A.30. ESTABLLSHED 18·12.

• ril E lttcntiGn or t he l'ublic is calle•l I ' I more e-rpeciAIIy AO at the b~!;111111n(; or 'J'bc D1&41illtatu or Day llobe rtA, i t will tl.r new t t.>llr · t bcy bri nj: to~:~tloer mony of bo n~n. dtd not have much .r .. llh in tho 1:1c hreth.rcc and other lnenrl• who perchAnce law-ab1diog chAracter of their fcllow-ciLi­!.a-1 lot"en AbttflnL from tbe~t h<>Dlrll Jurtng tens.

Post-Office At Piddlcton, Xcw ~·u·bor Rond tG t t.o follo\fin~ s .. ctioM or the Notice. One Black M . ~OIIIIOI .. Intcd stl\lute1, Tirlo ,,;, cbe>pter

are' I llfi ~::;LIIlll !lt\ .• ·•Sut,j,•ct IO tt.cpro.-isions t':ld

0 U T P 0 R T S AT T-ENT I 0 N ! , hr •e portiou of the pa~t y<a.r ; and, h~ Oo tho !!nd of Janttary the fo llowiog L•l ;o doubt, btlpt'd 'frry msteri"ll~ to t.lC!J'&tch waa received from Judge He o­r.ulcDll\nd Atrcn~theo Ull ll•l uf lt'llOT · nett :­'~' I' a od good-~t~t ll that !!Loul.t alwaya anb·


-.•t betweeu frh•nrl• a nd n~• ~hbora. ACtor •mre oU:lor obaenauons, t he • reeker co n· r uoi.N w1th thu hope tbftt tloe cowp• ny rhf\n(: the remaindur of the llljtlol wo ul•l "l~Y LhetoAelvco to the Mlu\l t xt.:ht ILill br felt 1-erauaded tbty bad d:mu~; tllo hr4t put.. •

J'ho orr\ • ("''&kur-thr St'nlor \\ ar·l~n. H -. M uno, ' '"''1··-• llndt.! t.o the plouure t b"" oll'oded the whole of thrlh to •tc

1r.•cot tl1111 ctenlnl( tbe t'apta1u aml Ulll­r ,·ra ci II M S. 1'o•ttlv., u ,.. .. 11 1\11 othf"' of zbe :-.h'{'' t coru('&ny who, h~ " ."' l(l"d to 'l)' ... \\ere ~Ohl•t'Ct•·J '"'" ua m tht' en· .1 ~r~og•l• of Ur othcrhood-.\Ju otllc Jh nlterl.oo-1."

Ca pt. Hrummon•l. in rct ornln~; the tb•nkl ,., h1.u••.1 • .,J. h11 l)llirt·ro, cJ pr.·o ... ·• t the •1, tf• • ··nti t· of cnU&lu,lc "'l. arh t ttcy All foil ,.,,.ar Ia the llrr ll. r,•n 11f 1 -•· 1.:~ " IIMlo<lr t; .. .,..0 · !&u 1Lc t-... u•!•n u1t: \\ ay 1u ll tbcr h'\ ' L•:,t,..rt:t~L.~' l l '.l'cn uu •ou OC",.'-1 on.

.\1:- :.L1 ;-on lt•1rt' drr• a tt •pttn n let

li ARllOR GRACF., Jao. 2. ... Just rec~ivetl from Taylor :ln.! Oawe :

• Urat•~:e t>roc~88ion iMulted hero to-day. Atlviae y<'u hue ~II posaiblo mean& protcc· IIUD h ... ro for Sunday and Monday.' 1 au· <r•e you o.·nd police force from St.. Joho'a ""'' ordwr Ttnuln' th~rf~."

l 'po u r~cPiJH of tlut !!nmewhaL alormins: tr•h•;::.1m, the lio"ro<nent acted in tbe maller : uot ordt>ting the Ttllt.J!,, lo lliy Hnbrrt•. t.ut l endinll a • mall ronco rorce to tho accuu o f1 hu <'lptcted di1turbanco. At they ····zMd • ery aoxiOUI, MtNI'L D .... e and TAylor wor" oeot tile following tneaA¥e by tb\) AIIOrDC) (;'euoral :-

ST. J onM's Jao. 2 18M. )' ru ha•tn~ rep•l'senloc.l Lhron~h J udao

llounell that you rrquire police force. to preMr<o tho peaco Sund•1 · Moud•r and luo•!Uia). \.o•rrzllnenl .-ill ordor 80\'~n COO·

•t..<hulnry from lhrbor c;.,co nnd Cil(ht n~hoN , .. luch wtth )"llU r p,wer it 11 pr,.aum .. ... 1 " · II t • .- aml'l• You can awur !u a~c­''!~ 1f nrr.t" l~llrJ '

C)o t b• :\rd. tho nr xt day, ll10 follo tring W;\3 r\'C~IVC<I fr~m ,JUrlj!e !i~!lllet\ '

IIA t:I•Ott (;R4CI, Jau S, JAA[l

'\1AI~'5 for !\orth~ro DiRlriclll will be !l' malle up anti dUt)lltchcd by o•·or · IRnd route oo Wr1ln~~·llly, 7tb 1\nal :.!l•t J Anu-.y : 41.!1 And I th Feurul\ry : ~lit •n•; 18th March ; lat aod J{Jtb April, rl011iu~; at 8 &.Ill , thRf!l. .

JliFl'o rrespondenco poatr•l 1 ho1l hour ,.ill rrm!lin until t hr fu llo>•·zn: f ,,rl · ni11htly dtapalch. 'l11t pnlthc "'" tbt,re­foNt r('()unteJ to hue all zn>d ml\ller pottetl t1mcly. a.s tbi1 rule w1ll uo>t w tlo parte<! fro m. · OeroetAI Poet Ollice, t

S\. John'a, J an 3. t AAfl \

Commercial Bank of Nfld N'OTIC E is h~roloy ~:i~~n lhl\t 11 l>ivi­

alen•l on tho Capzl.ltl Stock of this JnAtitutiOD IlL the r4tC of J•:i ~eht p<-r t 'l)u\. per Annum ha..~ l"'rn <it'claro:d lor tl11' lonlf. ye.'lr ontlinJ: 3 1At !lrccn~oor, 1881, llt~<l .,,~ 1 be pRJAUio !\t it11 III\Oi.lltl: lio n"''· tn tills City, on 1\nd after Tbn,alfty , t too H•h IOPI .

Tr..usfcr Uooka olo·~·• lrow the •·:h t<t 8 th iniL, botb Jay• inclusivu.

lly or.Jor ol the lloard, Ht:;NitY <.;OOKf' ..


known M • • tl.c r t.tdiNon ~hrc.' ' rcgni:U111n~ hcrdu contnincd, rhc P ost-mM· o\L<O, tcr t>cnttal nntl his n l>ordiol\let tbllllhl\t'O

One Cart and One Dray, tht• U'\1111Sl\'e ptiYilc~:e of eont'eytD!!, reecif-• in~. collccu ug. aen1ltng And tleli.-cring lEt·

put up b~· :\leur• '.\'nrr~o & \\'!oilman: All tcra vith111 tbiA Colony: And nny penon nr~ gunrnlltc~J 1\u I. "ho ahnll. ~xc~pt in tho CD•c~ h~re oxccpt-

FitA:\CIS I'IDlH.F.. ('11, <'Oilccl. •end. conY•'Y or d~li.-or, or un-(kl :!4 . tlcrtol:l' to COIIYC)' or ddi•tt nuy letter ll'ith-

T~~ SUD~~ .. rl·.~~~l~ 1 t::;~~;~~;~s~·~r::~~~n;~·~r ~J!~Lur(:; . it, otllct,.t!c thAn 1n coufonn~ty w1th

~~~"'~i~,W~~o:~;~d , r~~ce~;~d~ d1e~~~c;.e~~ would rr~pN:tfully l.wg to ' info1111 t.l1cir or (o111ul in hie 1>0!-I'U~ioo. loc~r a p_c~l\lty

numerous !1 ir nds nu11 pn~rnna lbaL of Unc Dollr.r; but such exclultYC pnv~lege tl 1 • .. c:tl ahA II not apply to I etten 1ent IJy pnvate

1 ~'Y mvu ~' . iotlivi<iuniR to be: mo.llctl in tho 6Bt \\'ay A YF.Rl' L!.GG F. ASSORnrE~T or Post Ollict."

or Section !:8.-" Wbo1oevrr ah11ll con1·cy

B .1. h M f t' d G d n letter otberwi'"' tbAn by P011t (excet>t aa n IS anu ac e 00 s ill l.lereln prO\' tdctl !or). or &h~H r>Crfor m 1\0}' I Cr\'iCt) ioci<IC' to 1110 COil 'I'Oying of

which thry uc pr,.pnrc:ll to r;ell Ill the lon-- any •uch lultor (rono place to plnce, or sb~ll Coil ('O~tiulc price• fli t ('tiJih! Pt·ml or C:\ •tPe to h~ ~cut 1111)' tiuch \,•Iter,

All our UcJI~rtm~nta rrt• Ia II : :t~cl owin~ or rnRI..o 11 collectio~: or oumptcd Jetton for t o tho _very de,Prl's~tl llr<tc o f h ttFILt a • ·e th<' purpo.• of con n •) in!( tbr m. •luul for ftrC gOIIIJ:. to grvo ou r CUII~omer • tluJ .-cry 8 ,a·l ofienc~ (n rfciL Twenty Doii:U'I : nod Utt\ (IOM!ule nino• for t!.clt IIIIIII''Y · ,_\ wltoiiOr.-cr shall be iu tht! practice or com-

FO lt 'rJ-f E J J A I) { E~ j u11 ttiot; ~ny or tloc •cmnl nc:ta prohibited

J(ga !=- •

If you want to know what our

£5 BEDROOM SUITE is like please send u.s your address and we will

send you a

-1? :::S:OTOG-R...A:I?:::S: XT • ..!-

~ Send on application..

Nfld. Furniture & Moulding Co., G H. & C. E. ARCHIBALD, Managers,

.... how Rooms, Duckworth St.; Factory, Forest Rond1

St. John's.. I · fu•t !ltal I he C\>11 fl~lt)' l• lld !HC<'~nt .. ith ~- . to 1111:la a ~~ntlemiW ,.., <> ""' 111~-t ..

up zn ~laaonry . a• . .! w ~tl perh• p• rould 11' 1' C them so111t 1o!orru-t1Un \'ilh r~apcrt to L\~ ~~c•~nt craft in oth~t hn•la.

t :,,, u~d the etJ•et of bri"~;in~: u;> LionL , who rc:mRrked lbaL it • •• u<> t.wllh· o-11 tOOLDd ! lhal he found hunr..cll ~ •1:~11 lltJOD to att.lrCI\IIUCb al&rl(c aa5rm­t- 'liu hy the Oattenu~ Allu~iona made to 1 :•· •ell !Jy tile t pt akcr wbo h~d ju•t ~.'It a .. a. l.lut 8IOCC tbl\L duly hAd tl<voh·l'd c; O'l him.""'' 8ioce A Unu~b atulor shonld t. r"3t!)' for 1\0f cm<>~euey, he would cn­.J ,•no~ to bo ~quAl to th~ onuzon lie ol),(' \'ed t hat """round il ditlicult to C1· I """' to the aMcmb~go bow ~ucl.l he hlld ~nj~yi'd bimself to-oi,:bL lie dtd uot kno w t I.. at lie wu' aueh a sinning light in MMOory aa bir Muon bad repreeeolt!d hi~ t o be : bul true it ia that be had labored 1u

t be c.;~tuioco th~ day of bi1 ioitiAlioo ; and lroe it ia aleo that " wha~ a mao like. he meat aoueed•ln."-3ud be would uauro h)l junior bretbre o that Ule higber they ri•o in tho <.:raft, t.t:e more will tboylo•e and est.ofm it. Be moa~ freely confeae tha~ tht euoiog'aaaae.mbiJ ba~ been a_ '?orce ~f moo.lh gnti6CAt.iOD tO b1111, rOYlYIDg II I~ did bis aUacbme11t ud devotioo t o tbe Craft, aa well Ill alfording him the greak'lll pl~re whicb a Muon csn exptnonco­urudy, that of 1pe11diog an a!:ft!eable n eoiog in tho aoclelJ of bit Drelbreo., their

" F ifty me-n were anmmllnrd ftl opeci oontlllbles. All bnt six r efused to hr a-.orn· Jach on will hA'fo olc•cn meu. ll ope you h~-.e l!t'Dt aome from St Joho'1."

we hi\~(·~ •r l'iall by tlu• ~ ... ~tzoo, f<> t the ~pa~u of ouc. wco~

Co PARTNERSHIP NOTICE I 1 s!tall,forc,·en· week t.o Khall conuou.- 1u • l'lniu, Brocndecl, Sttunpcd ao1l .111\tnl~ •io aoch t•t.'\Ctic~.' forfeit Four llnmlred Dol-

Jnckets, ~lnntlc•, l'l• tCt11, t'ou r -lh · b'\utl, tar• lO llcr 1.\l~j~aty Cut the uto of t!lo Harbor Grace Stove Depot FISHERIES, 1885

L itb and kindred. Our space being exbaaaled, we han oo

room more &ban to r.d.J that t he company at the couoluaion of Lieut. Fraaer'• re­mDrltt, repaired to tho upper ball, a.od tl•u tlancing 'ifU aaain eoNod io tiJl tbo "9tCO

•ma' boor&." Tbe foUowiog are tho oaml'l o f ,&bo om­

CtB of H. M.S. T~ prOIOtlt oo tho OCC&· s!on:

<JapL D111mmond, Ueut.. Ad&IDIOD, J ,ieut.. Fruer, Ueut.. ltnenblll, Lieut. Lord Jobo Sooti, Mr. Coleman, AJr. ltawlior, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Cbaioe, Mr. U~baw, Mr. Dolton, Mr. Eacrtoo, :&lr. Coll4taoUoe,

Tbe Bret.breo of the Cralt pruan~ bellldM Llo11t. fr:~~er, &c., were : Mean. W . Mee·

~o J . Warrto, -. Uoal, G. Brown, W ahoo, F. St ribllog, (.), Cook, AI. Uuo­nr, John IAUJ, W". WoodleJ, J.. ll. tnltb. A. Duo, -. Willz:ea. Belore coocladina, U ia o.nl7 fait

to tbe commlt'M of manaaemeut ~ •1 tbat tbe greetelt credll l.a doe ~ t ... m for the -.err tadlfaa\Ory wa7 In •bi.cb tbey performed the lmportaat work eo­tru.atod 1.o their aare.

Nor mod a~~ ~ praiM .,_with· btld from thOle ladiM to wbOM klndlJ om001 lbo r[. !Utift owed ita large .UCOIIIL

Tht5 mea<at:O waa really alarmin~t. H 1loe cllllPM of U"y Roberta wou ld not llCt aP COUitllhl,•l whl'n uked UJ tbeir mllgis­trntU, th t•y tnuat, it auemod lit t lot tir.e, be srprehcnll\'e o f troultlc:, and it beho•·ed the GoYornmrut to tnlto aoolD D)caturu to trreurve t he peace .

Un Sunday afternoon tbf A llorn•y Geueral rt!<'ei.-od the following from Mouu. Dawe aud Taylor :-

• flu Ront~. Jan. 4tll. " E verything quieL Many people o n the

~tract. ~li..,ion r.rrind about • 1:!.1.'!. Onngo flttg 11ud enaigo arche4 IICJ~ tho road. TI•o1 hold no u " ice. F~l certain tbo7 will uot bo interrupted."

'1 b ia meaa11t, i t will be aeeo, waa aeM alter chapel tlmo, and therefore the pouibilitr or a colliaiou bad abated. In otber worda, M-1'1. Dawe and Taylor ne•or hinted tbat prot.eeUon woold not be needed unlit \be Bl.abop aod priCj~tt bad refuaed to wlll lr.

At t be 11mo time Ule Gonrnor reoel•ed t~.ppliC.ltiooa (rom Biabop ltloDooald r.nd tbe Cooaul o f t he Uoited StAte., tbo latter ala.imiog prot.ection for tbo Redemptoria~ fatbera, upon tbe ~trouoda tha~ the7 were AmeTican ci tiuo1. 'fbe following m-go wu lben 10nt to Dawe and Tr.ylor :-

ST. Jon"''• Jan. 4. "Biabop McDonald wired Oon111or pre­

f ented aaying mue, And mlal!ooarlea, u United Sc.tu citisene, through consul, claim proteclloo. GO'ftl1lmeot o rdered TOt(t/tu ro to DaJ &.,.rta, and liD con­atabolary fro:zt bere. titrongl7 urJ:e 0900 you to diauado people from acta calcolatcd ~ &nDOJ."

.. u !1.20 o 'oloek In the o'fenlog, a! the diJpateb of llae police force an o rdtr to the TtMtdM to proceed to Ba7 Rober~. and aleo after the c:lealor of tbe ttleJIT&pb oflioe, the rollowlna m-r• waa recei'fed from KeMra. Dawe and Taylor :-

B..t.f Roa&~, J~n.4, 1~ "Dlabop McDonald oo• hlndertd In at;~y ••1 from holdlnr M-. w .. repeate.llt

lofOI'Oied b7111 through Clap\. Delaoer aod otb•n tha• be weald oot be ioterf.,ed with i11'U7waJ. Weroaran toed tbla. ADJ I'e• poA IM)Oinl')' to thil, from wbatner IOGNI, c. enlirtiJ untrue."

Tbie eodt the Oi)~odenoe dectio• the action of the Go"'nmeo,, •ltd It entlrtlJ uooera* t.he keootlq from the ob&rJe of bnlnr oTertfddeo t.hol!llfll&n• Oo U. o&her bud, 1' altariJ ..&abliiiMe ~. reepotlliiiWI;J of *"• tald .......... ro, olllha& ... doee, ud u tbe ~­OIIDt bad aeted 01ldntJ to &Itt fCNIW ll did adopt. It woal4 rwlly II••• ""o piltr or the charr .... iD ... Bat 80'-tl r-lotloo. We han nowo \lie truth ofn'rlbla.....,.

lllfDt •• w * po6 ,.. ... of •r ~ laate btM lllillllcl. uill( ..,., wll taU -edriot. llltJ .W ......,.,.,.. e.qaire ... ................................. --=

N01'1 CI.: ia ber<-lJy g••~o tl1"t ou r nCJ>h,•w, TttOliAS S . (~ti.LA KO, baa lbia dDy b.:~u

admitted to P~rrtnrrthip iu o ur ll!:tiDNia, wl11ch "i1Hro111 thiA dat.u be couductr tlnn­•l.r tho tlrm oacne of J 11.U.tlD lluoTuu:a & <.:o.

NATHA.!\IE£. J l l.I.AfiU . JUliN l' . • IILLAIW.

II arbor In Jan., 1885.

N'OTXCE. I •ill oot bo r etponsit..lo for debu con­

tracted by u£0RO£ PIIILtr MtU.S rt.owER, widowor.

GEOIWE diSCOCK, Bello hie, Dec. 26, 188-l. 1'n,ttt

f'ur-linl'ti Cnpca. \\'11t"rtnoofe, T iu , Colony.'' Sc:llrfs, Squ:\rea, l'lu• cr~. 1-'cntlll•rt Ofli d <.: r d 5: i1' 1-'rillinJ.:, l\roc3.Jecl ~tlks. !);~tio> . Vcl~eta , , , zccra an rcws o • tcnm 1\D " tn~

iu (,at 1\ll t be to;o,·eltics o! the ~~ ... •on. I nc.:etA nnd pat.~cn~cl'll on board au~h I "~"'"1~. C•lntiUCIOt'l 1\tld J''IIMDgOtl by Jt4tl·

FOR THJ~ ·GEN1'R I noay. rlri•·cl'll and t:a.'IIIOng~B b7 r_nl\ll wng-1:<'118 nutl Bll coun cn;, &ro caulzoued not

\TO llll-ro · w i11ln n;:•· tLr forrj:•' ia!:: Sllctions. tul'r~by liet Sc.'lrfe BrActs \,. p .,. • Shirt• · wal;lll(; th·m~clru !table to the pem~ltiea. W ool Sb1rt1 1\q,it \\'ool Shilu <· llr.:l.-<'1'11 Gl!t-•·•~1 l'otl Office. ~ FaDCJitit.cbe!lti'"oa,.JSI.Iirw .. ittl wl- s~. Johp'a, btll u.,c., 18 I ~

lart in gru~ l'llric tr.

-ANO-GlMa, TiD. & HnrdwnreEet.nbliahment.

(To tM aut nf .lftuu. J ll!n .lfunn 6· Cv'1. We r cepcetCully jn• ito tho 11ltcntloo of mtrt:e~Jttilt prtmisn.) tho l mporlin~ ~etchant., to tho facilitiee

C.L.KENNEDY of tbe nudct11igneJ, with their new Mill 1\D.! Mncbinory, for the manuft~.eturo of fiabing r..,:~r of beat 1\ mtriCAll cotton

thauk fnl for )l<\Mt f1t1'01'11 roceivctl rrom econowlicallt."dll~tcd ~ U.o wcnta of 11ti the pooplo o f this town lll1d outporls, lbe h lantl Ft~henca, n rx1Jt fvr Sabnon Gill wiabes to inform his m:llly friond.s nnd Xtl•. F iabermcn cnn hM·o w11rca m&do to n~ttrons thl\t he has now iD atock " large order, by applytug ~ t bc lmpottiog .M~r-,~- t blnt.

HATSAN:p CAPS NEW lo gtel\~ vancty.

vnricty o f rt C'l llun i• lf,p only fobri.c •u d in t /t( Unittd

8 0 0 K S ! S T 0 V E }!f!.td . 11nd u bi<'Oming Ullit:erMtl all ot•tr tlto

t uo lrtt.ea\ ;Gloucoatu No~ & 'rwine Oo., READY •l\:1 A DES NO:W I N STO~K , !!:liS! Yo~a. of <.:as-. I ~tell'a l\l..gJUtoe. J ho Qu••cr, Good

wo can a* n eryooe in qulllity. pricf IUid \\'or.Ja. Sunday hlaguioe,SuodAy a t H ome, Biu from t he .wu.IICjlt to the largu~ 11 three dirToreot bindin~o:e. Leiano H our,

BOOTS & SHO'ES Tho English Jllastr!lted.M~~inc, 'l'b.o

' Wo ha.-o • lar~o~er •took and "renter nrietx t bt\11 ever befcrre . and vary chup.

IN S- ORE GOODS '11'0 hl\Ye

Hooflo!! Felt ()O~tlSl )',itrh fonlhcra Grindetonu, I • 1 t Splrita of ' l'urptntine l.inace 1 011-'1),, , c (i;il(l nw, Wbitc Lead l'11iuc. of '\II ~tors P utty. \\'hitiul(, Ocbre Varoi•h-Copal. iM~OJ:~' "'"' Fnuiturc

-In jlellOD.Il, haiC ~Ilona, q tt:lrl.\ aoJ ou cl rau~:ltt.. Koro~~ Qi{ ·

Window Gl~- atr~ rei~ Koifebrick, Gloe fia.rnOii-all kindt,1 • lkepou 11ncl <;o • era lkfih•t~.te of e ••ory d~ription, Tra 1-i:eltll'a· Onl Roll era, ~~oamelled 8ft king Dlahu S.ltt-epnna-euamciled .aud linoed Glauware-IUIOtted Uritaoola Metal 'l'ta 1nd Culfeo Pote Albata & J::loctro·l'lato 'fnblo, U~uert a od

'l'es Sp(l()oa Albata & Y.lectro-:Plalc T11blo and Dcaort

Forb, OtlllorJ o f all kinclt lt'ory-bandlo '1\blo and DtUOrt K niTel

TOOLS or uery description for

Carpenten, Coopcrt, Blaelt•m•th1, llaaooa. t;boemakot'l and Tlt.llora.


Century, l hrper'e l\lt!.~ll.llnc, 'I bo 8071 Own Annual or Paptr, cloth p lain and cloth t::ilt, )toulledge's llo\'1 and G irls Owo Annuala, t-'tullily lle raiJ, •ol. 5:1, Dow Delli l ..oodoo .Journal, Thu W elcome, elotb'ptAin and clolh f!ilt, 'l he l,;nioo .Jnck1 Soruethiu~t to Head, ' t . .Nicholu, <.:hAtn· ber'a Journal,' Little Folks: Little \\'ide A ~~ke, Chalterbo:r, Suo•IAJ.• Fnmily Frientl, Th11 Friendly \ 'iAhor, Cl11ld'e Compnnidn, T11u J'rixe, <:loild'~ Own llla~;~Uioo, lnfnnf1 M::~,:,'lziuo , &e., &c.

DIARIES FOR 1885. Ereelaior aod otber P ocket Diariu, 50 varletiea from 12 Cl'nltto $2.60'c~cb. lligh­cr prict'd Uinries, llllntleomely boond io Ho•l•n nnd Crocotlile l ~11thcr, "ilh 4 lo 6 pocke>tt, l:icriut..liog and Olneo Ui11ticu io great YllriOtJ.

,J. F. C!IISHOLM. SL ,J obn'a, Dec. ~.

D.M.JOHNSON, 1\l.D., C.M.,

Phy.slclan. Surgooo & Accoucheur.

R ealdonce and Sllf'l:llry- the boueo latetr ocoapied by ~tr. Ouo Kru~;er. Hont"'-8 to 10 a.m., 2 ~ 4 p.m., 7 to 9 p. m.

Nov. tCI. Gm


IMPROVEMENT. W • offer a new 'fwioo, l'rrres~IJ fot C•r·

lin, llerrio« and Cod &late, tb~ rodueu wrlgll~ :.'0 ptr ceol • and no 4ccreaao lri 4\tongtb. lmpo,rltB "'Ill hATe aampln .. A•k tbP lat~re1l:ine Oe•r. of r11po .At>e Ca{l• Cod, &lltf l'ortland (o•t'r -tOO •eiu~ ,.b,eb •loe l;i~ce th.. b I profit. atd tie .. re'plJ, •lib not...ooe escertiou, will be-TAr l-i!fhmt. l

Glo.}loeeter No • & Twlne Oo., ,r- UQIII\OC,


of all dcacriptions with nil ID rro\'CmC'tt \3~DI pt isi D!;


FR.Um:LlN HALT .. . aml Sli IP'S.

tor;clhor with ORATJ.o;s and F l rl'JNOS of oil siZM.

A IMo, n fino assortment of the n cwesl atrl<'ll of

Gothic GRATES (British and l~rucrican.)


Hoatou !\ov 29 3m

Protestant Union -OF-


Carbanaar Braach will meet on t bo ie a large stock of tho following articlu

nnd othel'll t oo numcrou8 to ar.'Cil) ­Pt.iolll of fill colol'll, Spirits of 1'11rpeotioo -LAST TUESDAY­Mired l't~.i ntalo 1, 2 and 3 lb tina

lo ucl.l O:O'Dth at 7 .30

lR1 order.) J . ALk.."<A.NDE.R ROUINSON,

Ao:. t G. 1/o" Stey.

Liui!Oc:l Oil-boiled t~.nd ra,.., WhHo l ..tDd ZinT- W hite, l'u rry, Whitin~,t, Uchrn. C:tuo Copal nnd Fomiturt Vamit b, Mucil"l:e Kcroecno Oil, \\' intlow Ulnaa-allllitu llaroesa, Furniture and Uru.~ T'oll h Rrunawick lll:v::lc, (;hue'• Liquid Gloo Glycerine L<'ather Urc11ing.

H A R 0 W A R E. JUST RECEIVED of ovcr1 d uscription. l'cr !fot•a &Qlian froro Dntaio,

O•Al Roilcrs,

Eoamelled Roll Tioned Dailer11 1884 voLuMES I Jo:a~lis1H · American Him 1\nd Mortiao Loeb • • \VIndow 1-'ornituro, &ah lJillaucel Draa Poll! to:l\dl. llraclteu and Rin~:~ ArnNicnn A xu no(\ llatc:beta ~o:rliJh Ur.lcbcta A meric:an Cut ~alta anti Finl1hing Nt~.ila. Oluawaro-l.Amp Cbitnnir.a and Uurnel'll llllll 11ncl Uioln;t Jtoom J.'m(ll ChaodelieB....:! and 8 ll~hll. S~au ~'able I•JDpl. Toile~ Stoll llritaonlll Motl\l Tea 11nd Coft'ee l'ots ~ ill'er-platt'll 1 'ablt, J) terleod r enpoool iiTl'r·plAI~~~ 'l'abto and lJ-rl Forlt1

CUTLERY of all Kinds. hOI'J·ttc~ntllc <('111blo and ll-ert Knhee l • ory-bandle Pickle Forb. ToOLS Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. OltOCERlf;S.-Coff~e. 8oa&-L Matehca.

crc, eto. To aU nf • biob lu<~pt('tion i• iaTitod.

~Forule at the townl~blt prlctt. . • C. L. K~L' I;I.>Y.

Nov 9

The Girls, Own Annual"' · (Cloth and C lol,b Gilt.)

Routledjre'a Lvory Girla'l\nnoat; clolh !{'It Th;~ Ohattorbox bor.rdf. do The l..itt!o W ide ,\ wah' ' do ' do Tbt .Lit lie t-'olb •do do 'l'be Sunda7 do do Tbe Famll7 Friud do do Tire Fa nnly Vi lior' do do 1'be Chlldro:u'• Frh!od do do Tho Chlld'a Corcj)•nio .do ilo 'The Prl&e do ao Tbe l ofant'a Mapalne • do dO '.l'he Brilitb J .. e11ile do do Tbt Kncilob Wor\Dlln do c1o fbe Brttltb Worlr.wooaaa llo do Tbe &ud of Hope Rnl•• do \Jo

'b11 <.:ot4at!er &ttd Arti.- do do J . ,, OUlSUOLllt

' L Job11'o1 Oct. l7

THE H ... ~RBOR \


Misc~Uany( ly wouotlffi, for be h~d lond Leonora wilh ,Jit)lo at~ogth ~nd pua~on of a noble oa· tur~. Uit 10rrow for a lime completely maaLered hitn. Itt 111ld to hlmaeH tha~ he could DO~ bur to go bs !k GOY. Uo IliUM ••it a littlo lon~-er.

• Y ee, bteauao ( cann~ uodti'ILand at al~ wb1you aro going w lodi&. What palo ia h rou aro rooulnl( away ff'Om ?'

De ewteoJ aod looked at her keoalf.

ter to leaYO tho armr aod lin al Lao· ,euler l 'arlt. He cao Jte.ll afl'ord to do eo without your wooey, for 1 am u rich u you are I' • • DIOOJilPL'ET:Stn:ss.

NOihl~~~t rHIInj{ In ita o...., ~>mp1tlont.,. (',n bAY• wt'lnh N 1-ftaiJ', bat alnoe

JlMoa>e lt l•d• ond t~nd11to turllh r aweetntu, ,.Ucr. hl~~r, dooetoer, tbau lu own,

8prl~f(• N!al S,.,..,. dwelll ant In tho mean log. U"""'"'• '"""IIi• h ho ol btr bluo b..oora,

But J• hldo1tll In lwr ' '"'lrr ltanlng T<> the •• n•n~er'e rleh .. r woahh ol llowerr,

,D .. wn lo hlr lvun~th- mlololode "'""'1 • I nil\ dor. •lum ll•ooolo •he •nrld with light ; T •Wl!hl'• my•to r:r lo .., ow..-( aud IH lr

Jut btaue h eudo Ia tl&rr1 nlabt..

J,lf~ It <N>l1 l·ril'hl "hto It r-leth T u .r'-"l• .. tna~r,•l~prr Hfoallnt'(t;

Dtutvd "" o f1 ,..,.., o ftt>l wb. n it 1.-adrlh T<> a more lllYiu. oad poorfllCt lo••·

1 "'"' lh> m.)"'ttr;r nl r"'G""J"'"" du'r: l ·o not,..ll e•m f:INI~>u• ~han5:o ~~~·:r;

Jh 1 welo ·<>w wo "' '{ boi.J Nlr ,,,..,.,.. lr•lr Wbea It ......... aa I 1L•y puud a war .

Nor 1bre I<> blamt OI'J'• Filla lnr iM<Wnp'e teDil .. In •"-•t "'•nt lhtlr """"l.l' llr•; thor roll

'l uwonl• 410n1o lu6ulto •' • •••h ollo•o aod a wool· fi4'JII•.

D.....-lai oan,.l moo' rtluclant 10011. A. I'Mo<"Tan.

Comin~r Into Port.

l h11\"f> wrAlherf'!ll llto fnrhult"fft t"l\~f nf etclru\1, \ \"lrertt lh~ •in·l• •·f r.:a~•l<:a blow :

1 h• •• •ht'C'r"l l•y lht '""'" •ll•t I!'·AAh to losm Thu •tu.!!o'llf"• rtu,l I rule t"'·'-••;

l 1J1•~ jur,· I iu th\' t~ur,: .. fir tbe wlal•tll"t; tea. Au,l •h• "'il.l ~frottJl P.lrM• of th,. ..... Itt ...

A• my bra~~ bu k 1 u<r•rrtl anti I,.., o l A t aU'"CI Tu I be nf U.l t'ro "nJrd t ail.

'f1 C!D the M-!ll•trfu l ,pJrh "'"'' ott mft, A nd oclth l\•IU<~ I wrr•tl<~l gl>d:

.A od d.anq-pr tr• t h:Ce ' 1._•-tlor\!\fo brtdet And l.o• <" wu 1•••11 ..JI nl'tl.

Th• n t.1!e .._ .... " tf,m• th"t b!11w me ao, Aut rlrw ., 1be w1l•l wirula, 0\' :

A1 •I ll"rt" "''" "p ,,oa •tn••n.nio ou~ lll~;h u~t-to wi1b tLoolty.

Oh lht'~f'lt:t'n tl"j •. thf\;;l~rlr'tnl •h yt 'l'h~~~ot I'll t, , ,,f li!o w d • pefl t :

Oh the .f.,,__. min,:: rlphtli whh tl1t' tiltiJ\ ttarl N•.ath tiJ~ ai;;J'• mn~111rinu' loot!

Oh tL• ll~ht,ll,;lot h~rt ••·I ' '·• ••ronsdt>iro Anti tl•o JlUh·~;· .. 'l·tidte"' lhJ: ~hrill ,

lVhf'&. J ,,)" h\·~t \rlth r.•, ''"' ~~~~~, IDli•eJ, An•l \'Mih h>·l Ill lroa lo I .. 111

,.fbe whole wfd., WC I tJ "•"' hduro ut lh4 a, A nll nt,.t t our fill fnta ("lit I,

.A nd ·~ D" .. t-r lonkr.t ~, .. s,., tml ~owarJ, OClWanl [ &:U<' 11 .. t'ntun'l Wfl •nH· t,

}; t>rr bcof t·re U4 tht· t~r hnr•:n'1 \Vht'ftl lim Rl ll ''I •J'l i~ti ro h"o

Jllnnr lh\•I•IJ'<i '>Of r ... tb ( roll\ JI .. VOQ

Our Life 11'0111 a Lolo dl\'ioo.

~ow '"T ¥C~J:tre i<~ weJI .. nl,h ,,,, A nd my • IILuorh"f l .. l ."f ' a.rn ~·1n~

A nJ my u if• an• rf'",t , au I nn· l,art~oaC""Jrc.l bel k • ()"'i!" Olo·•l,!' an•l h .... TII) ~n. 'Tt,e (A111 l l l tf'f'.tO c,•mN I rom tht di•taol abort

\\"uh ha (\ollnu diet a nd ~w("~l. .And IOOa In lht ••loci b"l"'r •J r··VO

l.onif· P"'ted lr ie"d• I oha'l ".,.,...,, 1'be voyage is: w~JII-at~h ,w,·r.

1 h11uph at 1!mea a t'( lui"' "'In· I \\"ill nulo &bo ro p,•a: .. ,,1 .... 11 ... A.l.J!a,

A ad lurro,. ~ w 1 • f, ·1. Dut the w-3 h .. s bft.c-. ·ru" a Wtu U"!f'tl,

And tcl~~oci !nrc• f"' r 1 "'' ·" ' ,.... ·, (' \ \'hh n\y ••il• ~~ ltlti\ .. J .• .e· • • l ••·r!~ r •! roJ p~.

A t;d 1DT e.r;.J ('HI,, u ol 10' ""


f:i,m4"tlmr • in r t\ '1 ,.·,. •" ' ~ liuN-t dr "ffm• :,• thco :1 r 11 I' l~ ... re l~u .... ,

l'r,..m• "' a tulur,. unruhft" l· 01 a Ill• lull •·I gln•r • • ·I l•rr• ,

D~t tbl IWort .. f d ~ •• th.;"tt •ttl ta~rr And awakC!o,..J 1 i tL·~ut:h• .. mt• rn 11~o~b liruo

)Jy lau r dl • I'll ~_.,, It llL•ath ~ ri r •·r . A.• t c:r06f h.a J • r\c. W':Jolf\r •rw.e1•n..,.,

80tr.•tim"-· wb~D D'lJ" .,..d 1~ t"f"('A: 1 An4l burd~e l w ilt• c~ro aul w ll',

l wat. lrr ah-.ue b11Lc 'lre..n.t1el, AaJ n.t to i:.. (QI. • It .a f n •

.A I• t I "'"'"' tt ... ,. ,..,_ : "'' •• ·;.:• ' U1erul1 wnb ih tn'llt~'l d.·r , .. ,

A '~~~t~r,::o;.-0."~:',~: :';r:'t:n!:;, .m~. Sc mrhot-o I tblnk of • !,,.,, """

\\"ho b•• s·•.i•r-1 fr ,.w mnrta! • •J::l•t, f,:nra,. •WRY ' n thf' at "'I: .. ('I~ · tr~ '"r~l•,

Awaylo thco m ,&,.lv!J • ·I ll~ul • By lh•• ..:••1' n ett •ur. 11t1 ' • t'• ,.. I.

Jl f1 \M' ·riJ W. A f ) f, . .. t no .. ,\ I f ',j'

l . t Nl, • h'\11 rDOUt1 L IL r ....... t .. !t r.t, )o If.• li •l&nt, r•t Lc-;ar, ~ l"'t ... lHihJ

--------~._. ______ _ Lancaster's Chaice.

DT Mtu. Au • ~ll \'w:n :lln.ur.. --.n .--

( C••nc/.,Jrc/ )


1'he.o calM Do v~rG with hit atnogo •lory. Now iotlte<l ~11 wu ended. thou11h~ •lie bopeleu lover. Sho wat r oins: away 'od he ~nltl ncYer eYoo a« her ~in, tbl4 brlaht·e1 , aoft-• oic I irl •ho ba i Atoltn into ia beMt al~uOA•IIr'!, •ho hat! been 10 cruel whim, who hll<l ~light· 11 .COrned him, aod yet whom be Jo,.efl with all tho atroog pauiou of his young manhood.

Ouce or twice Do \ ere reiten~ted hial\d· •ice that ho ahould ~;o home 11nd ml\ny Lady A<lela, but U\nc&~>ler only l11ugbed n1iacorabl1 in bit IIICl'.

• W h"' witlt my htar~ onrl at~nl lull :>1 another woman 1' llo !IAiJ bitterly. ' No, I unnot du that much injuetico w bcau ­tilul uuly Add"- I rrepect her too much.'

Go where hG woul.l, do whAt he mi:;ht, tho lace he loYed wu ever before hia lAney. . \ a tho time tire., ner.r lor her drp.uturo to Amrrica a ttn~uge longing tool: ~-uion of him. lie yearned lA> eco the ltving lac<~ of tho ~:irl o nce more, btforo tho "' iltl waYU o f tho binG Atlantic divid ed them rorurr 1\8 wl•lely aa if ~ho wero in ~or l! rno, ~nd be io his. He hMI no lonl!cr ""Y biue rncss or ugcr tow"r.l her in bia heart aioco be h<'d le.,rnod or that sweat aorrow bid leu in her young brt!ut-a aorrow al:rn to hia o wn,

• 1 ahoul<l liko to •<'0 the mao who Wl\l ~o colt! and h~~ord that ho could not Jon htr,' be oaid to biiDttll. ' llo must be a wtock o r 1\ alone indeed. P oor little L ~o· norl\ 1 1 .. ill go do" 11 to IAn~aatcr noel wi.b her good·b1 and God· ~peen on her homo· ,...,,! wav T here C..o bo 110 harm in that.. 1 ;,;...,1 IK'O her once more. or I •hall 1:0 mad with longin~ for her tweet, fair fnro 11nd her soft voice.

So in 'tho firrl h~nt ol aweltoring J uly ho went olowo to (...,oc:utcr 1'11rk, intent ou ••• ia ~ hia rratlcos r-~· rl witlt ono llut look M tho lo,·ed face.

(;IIA I"n:tt XXXIX. li e Jboucbt him•tlf ,·ery fortuMio tlutt

when I.e croucd tho 11rouud o f 1ADC.Ulcr ~n<l c11lerecJ tbo houtlt', no one 11.'w him. II ",.. j11s\ whftt ho wi•hed.

lie wenL •ttai~ht tn t he hon•ekc~pcr's room, 11nd he fou nd :lira, \\' e1t aittiog "lo ne in the httlc 11tling-room J;'linr; o ver hrr ll«ouot·bn<J I: with 11 pen and ink. Sbo ro 11e- in ~u:un~ ptrrnrh,liou 1\l tl1o uoc1pcct· « l ••dn o f tLe m:ut er of LancMter l'arlc.

•· l <liJ oot know you wc rd 111 tbe boute, my lord,'' ~he enid .

.. ( have but juat rotcretl it,'' he rerlie.t· "Do not l~t me dt•turb you, Mrs. WeaL· 1 c~ •nc 10 •rc your nito:e. ·•

· L••ooor:t 1' ah~ •a•d with 1ome aurpri•e. • Oh tlesr, I ""' \ 'NY !onr. but •ho 11 n<>t bere. · "'" ' • ho wontlered at the aulldeu p•lrues.~ th•t o~n•pre.\J Ilia lr.ce.

. :-lo t hero r he llflramur.d. ' h abo '-o11e tbeo? I tbous:ht-l untlr r~IO'ld I bat y oM wonltl 1:<> \Ttl h lw r 10 ,\mcric.l .'

• O h yes oo I al,l\11,' Ahe Roawerod. ' Bu t ahe 1s ool go11•' thrre yet; I did no~ meao tl"t. She will be h~re : l11a e"tomg.'

• 1\'bero i~ hhc now' ho ukctl, eager ly, lln<l ~I r~. \\' r81 re plicJ

I • She hM ~;nne over to tho A Lbty nliDI to Otlll• ' aket~h thi• rnNnio.:.'

• Tlln•.k yoo,' h~ • •i,J, " ' l :,•trrinl o nt of th~ roonl w\lh •urh r·~~: ; >illn~y lhl\t tho ~;n1~l 11<1ul'!cl alter !1101 111 allllUemeot and con1t.crnMion.

· llt l\r mo I what hu lh!\t r nor child door oo• I' obo thou~:ht, nenoutly. ' I~ is " l•llY oht ever carnr to l.1nCLOl<'f l'\tk. Site t,,... but 11 &On')' timo• uf 1L heru. 1 al· mo•t w ••h ahe h21l acc('p~ '" l l.•enteooul lJo Y ~ra. 1 ~ "'' ould ~~ ~~" l>e~n •udo a s:ranJ m•l<h for l.•'r, nnol ''"' i• '"•J bnjZht ftocl prrtty '" r•· "'~'" ' " noy ••~• ou of hfe . I w o urft"r w !uU 1-"'f'' t I .AOt".JJii lc r C'\n Wr\.Ot

wllh her Ia h·• .:• in!; to acoi<J ber fo~ liD)'• dung •be hu done?'

H 1t " '"lc shu 1'•"1'' utul~<l tl•c ""rruy qa•·•tion• to he,.elf, o:~r ho:ro \K01 otr1 lin;.: a•·rou th,• p.rk 1\ntl l<w•• no' l tid I• tn­W:lrtl t he .\l,b~y r111n"· ,.,., r~· u rhl· r t !..~u~ht •walloweo f Uf' 10 th t.• i n trurt! i.)r~U)!: t t'J IICO

J.~t,OOr> "~""' · Hit he'rl 1;~,~ '"'" ''I)· •~ he CMnt• ' " ~t:l t of l>er nt 1.-t •illrn~: amonh tt.,. &.:rt.•eu s: rA,. r .. a,. in• 1·~·1 tU f' n th·r brlur,., tut 1101 l~ ttclo 1or;:: hns•lr no .,., for he r o lrl\w ' n~; ruM~fl:\1-ln~· lot" till•· lotr ou thu j;!ri\OUt. •n•l her h~n~l wtt• Lo.,.c-1 on hrr """· h~r fooe Iudden from ai~;ht on l1cr bbrk •l~e•c.

' l'oor clulol 'h(• II on~;h i .C''"i':lYi llnl\ltly. 'Sho hna A f'IIOrrow lo ft1CVC OVt\ r lUI well"" 1.' An<l be atq•ped aoft ly. tl lmo•t ft'arinJl 10 inlrntln o pon the ncrt<lntM1 ol her j;!n el ,

lAdy IAI c:\JIIer WM ro rp·:~eo l an• I "nr;::ry yot lo:\lh to turn h:t.•;k 11gniu. for something 11ud frightened all in on,• ... ben ahc b,•ar.J dro., bim trre.,••L hly to her &icfc. th:t.t Leonon \\' c't h:ul ., l••s.•l l.i .. u te n•ot The aoft echo o( l·il foot.atep on the c ra11 Ue Ye re. ~he mode him ow11 tho truth et11rtiod her . Sbo looked up qnickly with when lie csmc to mnke hts hl\lty adil'u•, G 1,,.. cry. ll u uw tcara upon ber face, and abo ronno.lly abuAed tLe 'pert m•nx.' aa Mid her r~y lipa were q uinriog llko a abe calll'd be)<', for her • itll!JCrt.inenco and I ch•lrl'a. prunmptlon:' • J.o.,norn,' he cried and knell down im-

' Whom dot• eho think eho will I(Cl t puhtively by her sit! e. I >ouabe think @be will ~ptur~ 110 carl or Slt.e waHO talt eo braurpriae for amoment, II dulo:C' ?' ftbe lu« red, na<l Uo Vorc ftOIWtr· l lh!lt abo ror,;:o t lA) d ra w awa, t bo h odl he ed, coldly: cnu~ht darin.;ly 10 b11. Sho looked up a~

'l do not bclif'vc that aho hMenr roalri· IJtm ant! aaid. with a catch in her breath; monial drsign• on •ny one, I a •ly l.aocou - • I tbou~:ht you were In Loonon.' 1er. Sbo returlll to America iu a Ye ry few 'l:io 1 WIUJ until 10 -dsy, but I cnmc dn•n day a.' to bi1l yuu good-by,' he Dntwered, fiiAitio~r

lAdy U\ne&.\ler wu an 1urpriaed that ahC' h•a hnngr1 eight unrutraioedl1 on tbo palo lfl\Y\1 YCD~ 10 ber reJtef Ju a haily C l<CiaUl~· beauty Of her lifted f:U:O. tlon : · Then you line" that I wu ioioa- away?'

·Thank lltuen! And I deYoutly wish abe 111\:eol. t b3t abe bmd rtlllaioed th~re l' • Yu, I u w Du Vt re lo town. fit told

• There are mor., pt~ua than one who me, • be anawered, 11rd a pretty bluab crep~ will Ill.! reo with 1 our l11dyablp there, • he into her oheeka, 11od ber IMhos fell . ' Aod uid, betra1~•l into" lau11h a' her •aitYit. 10,' ho wen~ on, bttlf aruiling, ·you refuaed

• W bom ?' abc e-'claimed, with a el4r t. my friend io spite of all my ad•ico w the ' Myn lf for one,' Joe Answered. ' 1 a m contrary.

no~ u liberty to impli.:sle any ono elae.' Hb11 pulled her handt auddeoly away. She gn e him a snuso glance. ' Yu, 1 relulled him. Waa it won !t. mr 'Do 10u meao my nephew 1' ahe ill<)uir· while,' wltb a atinginlt I <'Orn lo her voice,

Wu It poeelble tbaa the did not guea.o? Kad abe waauodetttood him all &lou11 ? Hit heart be't with a auddeo bope.

• [ fUll lloelng from that 111ilery that tho Pod bu ru~ iow iolwortal doggerel,' ho aaid. • llaYo 1ou nner beard ol it, Loouora? 1'hu pain which it

I I or all pAIDI the gtHleol poln, T<> lo.,. aud DOL bo 1-!>Ye.l ao.'111a' l'

Sbe looked aL htm wltb a no•. s tranao light In ber 10ft eyea tba~ m.'\do hia boart beat tutl\nlloously. •

• Yea J bue ltnrd Clf lt..'ahe 111id, • but I d id not 'tuow that you were 1\ 'yictlm to ita panga. W ho ialt tbat you love, Lortl LaD· cut•r?' .

• Ia IL po-.iblo 1 011 don't know?' he uked, and then he uw that her cyu were ahining with hope, &Jid her whole graceful form ~ambling.

llif!ouk cbo small bands ag-nitt. loU> hia, and tho did not ofl'er to lake them away .

' 1 will roako a compact with you, Leo· nora,' he aaid. ' If I will te:J you whom J lo•c, will you thou tell ut.c to whom you hue s:t.-en 1oor heart?'

• Y ee, 1 will toll you, • abo rt'plied, wi1h a toft, aweot lauFb.

• Litten, then, bo 111id. •t hAvo been in loYG with yo11, Leonora, ever tinco &bat fitat day I uw yo u in New York.'

• Anti I with ynu.' ab~ aoaw2 red , glo\\ing with happy blnabea. ·

• Mr flarlif4!l' be criod, a d e~us:ht ~cr in hia anna and preuod her to htw bcnun~ heart. ~ Then whr bavc you been 10 cru. l w UlO &it tho lime?'

• Ueeauao I thou~;bt you wero c;oinll to rniU'ry lAd y Adela, and 1 ,.M eo jealou• and uniHt.ppy that 1 misunderstood you all t bo wbilo, Leooorn coofcue<l, wllb ab1 rr&Dkneu.


• L.td1ll.ancaatcr will be • ery angry with ua, •ill abe nol ?' uked Lconor ... liltiu..: bet bead frorn bi1, wbcru i1 bad been roetiog a few ailont, bappr mo­menta.

• I hno no doubt ehe will,' be rcrlied, witl1 aupremo iodiJJertucc lo hi~ nunt'a wrath.

• Sbo will not give you nny of her moo•y. I au~poso ?' puraued tho iirl.

• :So, not a penoy, I am aura. But we ean rio wit bout it, can wu not, lovc ?' he ,u ked. fondly.

· Uul will you nr,·cr rtgrct th\t ynu ch<'~t n10 ineleat.of {Ady Addl\ 1\D<I yonr AUnt't fortune 1 Can you,.lkar poverty fc.r n•y uke?'

' 1 ahall never retrret 1nytbtn~. and lor tho rt81 I ~Lall ocv~r know th:t.l I am poor. llu' ng you. my darlin~e. l ahallal way8 deuro lllyaeU rich.' he ana•tre~. foutlly cartuiug her.

· And you will UCI'Or bo Mham ed o f mo ?' aoxlouely.

• :S enr, my darling.' •Nor of poor Aunt We~t, • bo i• only

tbc bouaekeeper at Laoel\atcr Park '/' 'fhon indtw ho wioctd, but only for a

UIOment., and bo anawe~rl brnely : ' She- belon;ta to you , l.cono,.,., ancl ~h··

ie, bet•dca. " good :.nd worthy wo111au. I ~bAl l not be aabatued o f hrr, hut abc mu•t not I <Jrve a~ the l':ult an" more :-'he •h~ll be miat~l to a poai~iou b~filliuJ; the •nnt ot the futuro Lad1 L.'>oc:>ater.'

• She will leave tho l'ar~ We aro goin~r lA> London for" week. then .,., Mil (nr No:w York ,' 13i•l l.coool'!\.

• Ia my bride going to lca~f wo 10 IO'JD ~· be wlri•;>ercd, fondly.

' Yea, but tho will como h'ck ,..hen you come to :Sew York for hu,' 1\os•o:rcd Leono:11o, with a bluab "~d 11 an.ile.

• T hAI will b~ 10 a \'<'f)' ehurt trhil~ . &!len. But why J;O a t .. 11, n~rlios? l:uuldu '~ we bo m3rriod nghtnw~~· ?' ·

· \\' 11l.out aoy tro.uu-rw I :S o, ai r, titan It yon . ll ~side10, my 1111nt ~nrl I lon\'c •nmc hu11110:U to attcutl to in,:\ ,.,. Y •Hit, 1\n.l I w11n1 her to aco my t.ati•u laud .~od appro· cinle ir.'

• \\' heo may I como alter yoo, tbcn, my thrlin~t ? 1o S•ptcmLcr 1' ·

• Oh dear, no !' • Octobtr ?' ' :So, iodcrd-tLat is, I will ask Auct

W est,' demurely. • l ahllll no~ wait 11 day lom::er t han Oc ­

tober , miu. Du yuu hc&r tbl\t ?' ho 8.\}'il, l11ukhing, but tu caru .... t. for, loo 13)'1 to bitnaetr, thouj;!btfully, t he darliol( bu no ooe but lllrro. IV cat to t.\ku care ol her, anJ tbu aoooer eho if. married aod 1ettled tho betler for ber.

• You bt gio to play thu tyrant Koon ?' lau11h• t ho h"PPY betruthed .

• In ren uge for the woy you huo treat· ed mo all tbia while, ' be repliea.

Aotl then he adda, with n et~ruer li~tbl in hi• baodaomc blue eyu:

I I am going lA) take roo borne 0011'. Le onora, aod prucot 10u lO lAdy Lsocaa· ter a• my promiAted wifo. Are you willing, my darliog 1'

• Ob, Leo non. I' cried ber aunt. diama1ed. • Yet, dea.r auo~ cried tho ttirl, da•tnt·

ltt•ly, • 1 am not tho poor dep~~udtnt girl yo~t aod every ooe elae tbonQn~ me. .My rather made hit fortllne lo CaliforniA. He wu Ycry weaiLb1, aoJ bo hu leh me ble whole fortune, wl~ the exccptlo.o or . " le~y w yourtelf Lba~ will bop yuu 10 lu&ury 11ll1our lift. •

• llu t whf did you let a• Lbiak lb11t you wero poor, my dear?' uolaimed tho good aonl.

Leonora laughed pyly, io apito of ber onemy'a angry, wouderin~; faco.

' 1 tlid not ouctly Itt 10u, • abo ai~. • Y ou eeo you took it for ~tranted, and l dtol not cootradic~ it. for,' 'l'!i th a ahy glance into bcr 1111'er'e face, • J wanted to aee if any one would loYo mo for myself alone, and 1 am rlcbly rewarded, fo r

' 1 llo dou no~ lovo me fo r my birth, Nor for mrland• 10 brOAd and fair :

lie loves 1011 for m1 own lruo worth, And that le well--"

LAdy fAntMicr could haYO ~illed her for her brilliant lrinwph, b ut aho WM powcrleaa to do anything but carry out her an11ry threat•, 10 she retired from t bo .cane, an<l went to ber dower house whcro fh r actually adopted a I!Cion or tho honao of Laoc.~•tcr and m11lo him tho heir to be r we3lth, but t his lad wM wo young to marry the earl s dau~hter ao t ho dowaser no•cr hAd t hat honor in tho family.

lint her tplooo "'"' 'l'eoom raaed harm­lu~tlv snd t.nb~od o•er tbo beado of LorJ Lauc.·uter.aool hia fnir L.!ooora. for, in the far-lamed laoguago of tbe llory-boolt, " tb~y wt ro marriud, and lh·ed h~ppily o\'er aherwarJ."

(Tilt F.IIO.)


:llr. Arehiba.ld t'orbu,tha celeb~;~~ted war cor~•pondf'ul, In the S~dnry M or,.i•g

' 1/trat.t tel:• t ho foll o wing Md dory of his brother'& lilc:-' Up amon~r the heather billt of lSorthcrn Scotlmod h o brotheu were reare.t togl!ther io r. Presbyterian m11nse. Th~y weul ~o tho p:~rish achoul tO(ICther, m11rl thcort' to tho l,;ui••eraity. l.lotb baJ re­belliout, froward blood in tfu!ir veina, Tha younger and by f.\.f the more brilli:~nl broth­' ' • rcmaintl :~t tho Uuivcr#ily until •at•nt down' fo r:\ IMdcap piece Of 10Uihlu} foJiy . l o cluune for hi• miabj, he must needs ruu oJJ to aeA, ancf A.ulor~ all O'l'er thll ITOrld , till, at leu~o:lh, wnme twenty yea., a,::o , ho 11nudod IOUleho• 011 l.he coast of Queen•· lantl. Since. th~n. hut ng11e 11nd piec$· me11l tidings nf bim reacnod hill relllti'I'CI­ror Lett 1urw I>UI nooo at all. It h3a bl\p· r ened no•· to t ho elder brother-the war corrc8pon.t .. nt.. lcclunug brothl!r-to pay 11 ~i•it 10 t.Jnetuoland ; antl he ooturnlly be· took himself 10 ,~arch ouL lhe c•ret'r of tl~ err:>ut t u u nl h•• lather. 'I be sto ry o f that career Cl\llle In • c rnp• ~ O"' the ec.•pcgrncu wae oo a c.•ule elation • cp oortb ;' no• abephrnlin~ on tho Uur,.ctt: now reclins o 11 tho ~lorlwish goldfi,.J,J, ita~lf 1\ll but n

mrmor~· cr·· now; "&aio in aug \rat ~hck ar; ht .. r . ru,..Jrn:~ki •1: 11hout Hom•. sod then ooothcr •P•·IIat abephr:ding u Mount Ab· uo,J "'rc; 11ill ll\ttr in tho'f>Oul abont Too,.,oomb•; and l11•1 of :~II iu tho· pnl cf t hO\I rfoce, after A long illneu in lUI hnoriL\1. 1 ho old. f~mi!lar. aad atory or a w' cck~d lifu and a Jlf~maturo duth ! y,,, oo ,·,uce anywhere tJ utter at ghl M.f~ tiod AUoJ fOYil>): wbr JS Of lhO bfllli~u:, r eek• le•a wn1f, ahuya chl•,·ry. 1\lwoya 1\ truo rrientl-to all .... ,.e him•df, .. lui etrcwitlll hil Yt\l(rant p•th wtth bl,the humo r, with yet r~'ll~lllbertd t c raP' o Ye...e. bore hum. ;>rou~. the re ~·nderly p.<thet io. To thr •e:~rchm~o: hrotho:r Clltue ml!n h om alAr off Jll~t 10 lt'ttily the love lh~y oore to 'poor oiJ Altek ; ru~ge<l mine•~ froru Cbart~r'• 'I owN~. bu•h ha111h !rom the Uo woa, II&· tion rn~•·acera who hacl 'bna&co' bim,a nd had btcn closfTcd or praited iu 1:!3 CTOr•ready •c,cA , and tho hoapital wartlllr, too, in T o1owoomba, , bad clotcd bis eyf!ll (bit o,.n 'om~• hat dim lUI ho toiJ thr l&d, eimplo atory) ; and tho good old P rceb1· tt>tian m' n 'e' or, alao. to whom aa lho u oda wero running out the ton of the m11.1110 turned with the r ekindled ioninct of bia hoyhood. Thero wero n~:uo ~to• iea of a lillie book or poems tl at had been pub· liaherl enmewherc; but tllst tmll wne a faint until a R oelrbl\mpton mAn who hl\d ltnown and lo• od blm whoAt' 111\Dl~~moog hit fell owe waa ·A lick the pott,' brought to tho IJrother the little gree• Yolumo. wbo•o title-p•ll'l bora' V oicu'fro m tlto buah' by Ale.uoder Forbc11."

• 1 bno no objection,' abo an1wered, for Leonora, belo~r but human. tbouf(bt 'ho woold rather e11joy tbit triumph onr ber eoew1.

So tbe1 weoL baok to tho houao, aod Lanoaatcr Jed bit lowe to tho library, where ooo of tho aenaoUI bad told him Lady lAocaater wu aitting with :111'1. Welt goio1r oYOr thcs bouaokceping books of tho latter.

T o tbll a COITCIIpOndent or tho Ancltland Ermi~>!J Star adde tho following particulal'l or tbi• a&d· udl(aated life :-· Ilia poom• u cited my attention while In p~aa at the N ortlttrlt ArgfU office, RoekbampU>n, and it may 1-e ealely lllllerted that for yfgor nod pat bot a few of biacompoaitiooa are uoelled onl1 b~ earth'• greate.~t poet&. Io 10athful Rueeotl11od a ain11le mao like Mr. Fo rbtoll o1igbt bavo aued an indopeodeoco. cuhint.­ed bi1 geoiu1, and ahono o'er all Anst.ral­uia lito al eleellic light: inetead be hu left but a fticlterlng lil!b&, and enbt ided l11lG eternal darkoua. We are apt to amilo when 1ileoeo aauru ua thataleohol It a nar­cotic poieon. bot wbe o the emile• of incre­dulity, tbo ttormy beuta of ridicule, e&·

bauated, pall! awar, the facta remain, ~nd like ,tbe 'eull 1ruall <mice,' aaert tbc m­lehea witb irreaiatiblc po.,er. Keen ohio"· iog soieotiata buo long aince le11rood w d iYide drankardt into two great clanoa: the fll'lt, wiUt ita aobdiYhliooa embracing nil kinde of 'lllt.h1 drunkarda'-meo who drink lA> inw&icatioo merely rot the lo.,. o( t ... olient plt;awre ; and the tocoud clue

The1 opened t he door)nd entered. My lady atared at tho pair in horro r for a mo· tnenc, then eho ro10 tnAjealically to her feet and ttroek her gold-beaded cane apoo the ftoor with a reaonndlog thump.

• So 10u Gre como bomt at ll\lt.' ebe c ried. • !.lot what dou tLit muo? Why hue yo u broujtht impertinent minx into my preuoee 7'

ed. ' to aell rny body and eoul for pal try gold ?• • J aaid 1 wu not U liberty to olme &!ly ' No; you were ri~:ht not tu jliYe tho

olio elae,' be rephed. band •hile 1our heart wu &J\Olber'a.' be

' P erbapa 100 will apeak more re~pcct­fully of MJaa W eat wben I tell you that abe t. my promiaed wife and t he futnre Lady of lAncutcr,' her nepboY auawered,

embrl\cio~r all 11aeeted •lth oer'folll diiOUOI called 'dijl'IOmllnfa, • • mania a poto,' &o.~ brought OD b1 COIIIbt.Dt 010 of that. heaD• tifal limpid liquid, aloobol. 'I'beeo di•­eun dra~; meo imperocplibl1'from poaltlou u.d1'eflnemoot to the deptba or ruin and abamt. 1'heo we hue tht atauamao tta~rgoriog io ra111, the elerjlyraao blaa· pbeming God, a a d the honorable banker a tbier and liar. UnHh the fll'lt grea\ ol .. they cannot foraako Lbo driolt a' will, but ha•e to atruwt~lo fiercely for montha wi1b an almoat O<rarwbelmlog- foroe. lin· iog t he uaoa.J earea of hfe to battle Yllh, In fita of deprea1loo they .,aiu lo many in1taneea rt'tort to Ula.t fatal atSIIlul"nt, from wbieb chey formertr 10 oftan dtriYed temporary rallef. lA> boL aluk deeper low rolo, with 1-n•d hope aud ouerltf for 11ootber offor" aotil-

Then bo w·eut away, and Ll\dy I..t. neule r nid, bendin,:: down h look into her faee atraii:M"•1 coulldod the be~ o l hie rfjec· tllaL &oddeuly grtw burning criUIIOD, u abo don to all the ladiea of the hoau. T hey cried o:1L rbarply : all •gr~ed with ber thu Leonora Wttt waa ' W b1 do you aa1 that ? llo w dare J.OU? an Impertinent minx to huo refntctt'aucb a lla• Lit~utenanc De Vtre told you--• ..,r~odld oll'er; buL that it wu a nar. • Ye1, he baa tohJ n•e tbatyoo would no t 10• •'cap~ fo r l.ieute.nanL ·De Vero. and marry him becauao yon Jo Yed uother. ~ba~ be liad uettd LO 110 Ycry tha nkful o•·or lie lea trice ~rP1 ruao • hoover he may 11. • be, Leonora. Jlo.., muoh J env1 bitt~, I

fo tbe me•n!ime,lAd1 f.ane&~ter'al!Detll need not ay,' he aaid, tarne•tly, carried ~w <rcry eunou. onr her nt~pbew'a ab. awa1 by tho puaioo that filled him. ••moe. '.l'be tarl a nd hi• da,.gh ter tell:c:d ~bt looked aL bi111 whb bit gra1· blot of~~~· .,..,, ·n~, felt eteretlr •l!ltrln·· e1ea full or wonder . · eel ,_11Uol o•er Lord f.Aoaaaler'a • Yott I l.ady Adela'a Intend tid bnabendl' 11011tl abaeoce. hwaa a pelpableali~;ht> aho eaid bi tte rly. !0 lbee. Tltef did UOI bellen tho a\ory or ' ] aru not her int ended hnab,nd,' he ID• l....,Uol botlne• in Londo •· • • ered. Dn you tl•lok l am leu ooble than

1Vbal buie- oould be hue? you, Leonora, Lbn I could WTOnJ aoy Lady Lanoaatotr wrote bor nephew a one by giYiog my haod .rill out my bun.

abarp, lmperatlYo letter of reo.ll. Sbo wu No, J do not lo•e Lady Adela. aod I cu1 08 Ua«Da ltK her 1otta-·eherithed ecbenle aeur be her bn•baod, Do yoa ltnoY yltat.­lllto.Jcl faiL Sbe iodiiiMecS qti'- platol1 l wu doiotr np In London, child ?' tllat lltr JHIII•uu. ,. .. e.\ll.lne'-l!, tud !.beL ' llow ebould 1 k11ow ?' the aa.lirer-11 N did act OOIIle to ttrma 100ft tbe Yoold ed. •- IOfllt•• ln111, and, w11ree atiU, tho • Wtll, I wu t.rylag to ucban~ta Into a woold cot bim out of her •0 • rtirhneot tl1at.- Ia "" '"" l or Iod!a ; I am

lAae.llfu tbrew tbat lett anarily ioto pfolf to Lbrow' OYer llJe tweat)' tbonaaod a IN In, ~ awore to 1111 (. tile' he 1ear ucl n~o away from Eartaod eod my w .. lcl liCit f'l new La110111..r woald ra•n.' ,., af Ill Jadfa, •d aile mlltbL Mf tNr 'Yoo nn !' •l•o •l•l. dra•laa a long lillalland for 1rlt' fuorfte wltl! lLe ey bftath ud pdq al !lito Yltb dilated woa. .... prtud 10 aaeob. 11111 woald'lta coae deri:IJ tf"L ' 1111 Ia. • llat why, Lord LaaCJiter Y'

I• lllort, CMr Mro na Ia a lea ' Cu10f1 .... why ?' ta. aalte!d: blUer· Udlllc.......,_ JJIIIIautwMeon. '

atornly. • Tbo Lad1 o f IAncuter ! \Vbl\t I do

100 mean that 10u ba•o aaerilleed all your fuwro proapeota for tbia low-born and p~noileaa jlirl ?' cried my lady. growing pilrtle In tbo faoe aod aetu•lty fuawlo~; 11 the,11pa wiLb fort.

• 1 ban a.orilloed ooLblng, l!ld 1 hi\YO aoolml<l my fut uro bappioeaa by roy OO· tf'Othal,' Lord Lao~r aoeYered, proud· If.

Tl!e old lad1 atared at hlru apeeoble11 with l'lfle lOT a few eeeonda1 then the etruck her eane <rloleT~tly opoo tbe ftoor ap!D,a!!d bu ..... out w!tb conocutnte<l wrath:

• Tbt!n hear 11111, 1011 blind, beeotted youag fool. Y oa t hink you bue played me a floe melt, bul I'll hue m1 rnengc , be IJir• of tba~ I No' • dollar of mouey aball &YtiT 10 to 100 I I will Ita YO It all to ••• next of Ilia. And you, Qll,.o IAn· outer, may go oa urnioa )Ollr be&rgardly plt11a010 in the army, and' your wife may take lo eolalen' waahto,. 11nd 1our eblld· reo ,tarn or beg, bu' 1 will nerer urrow yo11 a cruel to kHJl '100 from ecaniof, aor a na to keep you lrom freeaing I' ·

Aa lnditDU& ntort row to tho mao 'I lipe. ba~ befora ht cooM ~pe~~ll Leo­oora'l ••"" clear Yoloe nor oaa apoa tho eileDCO :

• 1 hQPt, U.dy Laoouter, that neltl!n m:r ... f, 1toy baabaad, aor my oblld~a may be reddeed to the cllre .....,.,, .. yoo aa­tki~1 I ahall peraoadt C.ptal.a Laoeu.

" Poraolt.., by bla trltod1 he pinee aloae, Tt..a drop~~ Ia to hl1 ..,._.,. uapldod aad aelroo1n.'l

' While ucrythiog whlob tftebea ua .elf-reapect. ncb aa odaeacloo

1 eto., aeta as

• tafeguard agalna~ 111 fallia1 tnto tho lira• grea~ oJ .. ol filthy dn1oltarda, ••erJthlar conoelnblo baa elpll1 failed &o •" IIIOd· erato dnnltera from tbt dlat- wblcb 11-lencly tranaler from honor to d~ • and will eontione to fall uti! YO ~ al*-~ lbo oonalitnent propertiet of aJoobol.

• 'l'lult Mr· Alenoder Forboe belooftd to a dl•l•lon of the latMr lllucll·to·6e­phled ol ... there c:ao be lil.lle doullt: and I' t. •d t.o rtftoot oa bl,l mot* latDeotable fate :

• • Yet U..e wUitln til• 'llllrklblc rlaaa Uelr .. w tl1e OlDie io 1 .. ,

Till• all "'". ewe troa ~ 1o ...._ ltt aallUoo• llrillk t.llll &•·



PILLS. Medicine

THUS. M':ltUilUO & Co., Whole&&lo A$lllllla, S~ . • John's.


Marble & Freestone Works ALt::X ANDEU s~liTII, P1W t•n(e:TOU.

A S deeirea to &bank those who hnvf' • • fAwo rc<l hirn in thu 1••eL wll lo

their ordeu, ancl wonld intimate 1\t tlor I&IIIC t iDIC tbnt ho bU latlhtiC8 for r<Wo rm ­iDI: work ia his liuo wtth unequ.\lle'd •lc· •patch "nd neatneu. snd ·~ prices tloftL CAn· not bo eompcU!d with. Tho.e n:quirin;;

Kantel Pieco51 M onumont.e, Tomba, Hoad.atonoe, Curba, Ho&.rtha t.lld

Copings, will do well to call on b11n. Thty c:m ob· taio artlatlc, Lbnrou~:h and chute workonOII· t hip. fit priou lower t lrau ~~ lowoet dl<l· whert. Church Work-Font.a, Alt.are, Tablet.e,

&c.-a epcociAlity. The Sublterioor htHing olmn•l fo rty yent~~'

e•perience lu thia colony i~ th•r~ru..., "' ft

pt1AIIion to proYida l\11\leriolancl \\' ork aol\11· eb11) lw~t Clllculated w ouduro thu Bcveriuc• uf our climate. ~.

2i6 Gower Street, t. Johu·~ April 18.

Eligible Building LOTS. To be Leased

o r a term or yeara aa m11,1 '>o as:reed upon h11L piece ef LA;-; U on Bllllncnnau Streol, oppoaitc tho ruideoeo of ~I'' .lohu S trorp. ' The above forma a moat eligible aito lor building purpo1ea.

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Sciatica, Neuralgia, lJoadl\cbc , Jo:arache, Toothache, (;rAmpa, Druillea, Spralne, Oonjtba, Coldt. Qoitl8Cy, Eryaipelu, Colic, (.'roup or ltattlce,~oaraoneu, l.lurus, Jiron· chitie, Numbnee• ol t he Limbe, rcn,,viuc U.odru1f and produeiojt tho ~rowtb or tloo Uair, aud u a Hair Vreuiog it uoeque.llcd.

$500.0~ Reward. offered fori. bettGr 1\rti~le , or t ho Proprio­tore o r any remedy &bowing moro T ¥llmo· uiaJ, of gcunioo c ures o r the 11bo~o diaeuea in tho 1111no lenJlth or tltne. Thor" is no· Ul io~: like it when taken internally for Cram~ Colic, C roup, Cold11. Cougloe, l'le11rla1 , llol\l'leoces aud Soro 'fbrollt. It is perfectlr harmlcu, and can be gh·cn ac­cordin~ lA> dirt!ctioua 'dthout a uy iojur1 WbAto:YCr.

lllinllf<l'l Liniment I• fnr Mlo by all Oru~;si•ts and llcalera. I' rice '.!6 ern&..~.

Good Family Reading. Belling nt Greo.Uy roduood l'ricoa.

l~iaure Hour, I bl$.'1, cloth pi~ in Ofll(ct, 7•. tKJ. Leiouro llonr, l b&'l. cloth 11ilt etl,;cl, S.. 9d . l.e•aur.: llour, l t-.'>:1, half calf marble edges, 111. S •u .. Jay nt Homo, 188:1, cloth plaiu cd.:c•. i s. ~uuday at llomo. 181!3, cloth p1lt eJ~ea, 9d. Suadmy at llome 18l);j, half calf 1uMblo edges, ! Ia. :)undt\y Ma~uinc, 1883. cloth l(ilt ed~:c•, !Ia. ::inn· oiay t.t..gnmo for I 74 .(>.1). i -S..,.cllio~ at 7~. each, (;nod \\'ord1. l lill3, c lutlo gilt P•luc•. !Ia. 6·1. Good \\'orol•. I , ib, clut h Gilt edgu, 7s. Uny o r ll~u I I, clo th "'It ~tlj.;c•. 7a tid. Uay ~r ltut. cootAiniug " l'hc Lonl's I'll~ l.lo•nr,·re,'' hy llcab:t Stretton. "ln~:lu Uccll," lly ('rudun:ia, .~c. &c., f>s . F•mily Trc '" y , I -.;s, cloth, ia. lid. ' 1 ho W dco•nc, I !>:l, cloth pl .. io l'•l~rca, !1•. 'fl.o W ~I come, I :l, cloth ~t•h ,.,Jgva, Hill. t;d. The Daisy l-'t\lnily tury l'apcr. Yo l• 4, 10. II nn•ll :l, tid. e:>ch. '1 he ChriU1nn J're:lllllfY, lbi • cloth.[>~<. Frio>nol· ly Grcetinga. illu~l1'3t~,l II~a<hDI(~ fu · the l'eoplc, ti•. Chru.llau At:<', vo la. :!:i t\lld :!4, c loth M.-h. i~. titl. (.!uwer. \'ol. J. ~1. cloth, (Is. lXI. Cb,unbcr'~ J ou r•1nl 111."10. ··ols. 2 1\U<I :1, ~loti• ~"cl' II~. GJ. Bo w 11.11•. Kll utlr)' vol&. cluth, cacb 7•. \' oun11 1-:~>;:l,.nd, an11tlry vol•. cloth each, [Is. 6d. I"' '"'"" .lournnl , ennolry •·ola. cloth cnch. til. 1;.1, \\' cdJtnlC Uclll, vol• :1:1. :!~, each G<. tio l. Uoy" Own 1\nuual. I , 8s !lol. ()cr. II. J . F. l: lliS IIOLM, St. J .. bn'ft

GENERAL AssuranaeCaUlpany FlRR ANB J.JIF E.

ESTABLISHED A. D. 1 8 3 7.

U E AD tH'FlCE :

103 C ANNON R'fREET, Lo~ooll, E.C

Capital : £1,000,000 Stg ' J~,uM\ncca effec~o almost all l:indf .,r p roperty in :Sewfoundlaod at loweal pouiblo rates.

Aog. J I.

J . A UG UST U . C'I.I FT. SoLICITOR. ~T. ,} lUIS'S.

A 'Jf"''.' f 10r .Vrtrfmmdlantl, 1-: .' ll. TIIOM PSO~.

Sub- l l!ftnl fi•r J/aroor Uract




Pills & Ointment. -o-

P urity of Blood eNo.ntial to Bealtll , Stro.ngth, a.ncl Lo.n~r Ll!e.

J'TH.E .. ·.P.ILLS·i surpua ~til other M r P q rify ing the Blood ; they aro availllLio' for all ns a domestic and houaebo! J r f'medy for aU oi.aordc ra of tbu STOMACH, LIVF.R, KIDNF.YS ant' BOWEl.S. ku Congl'tltlnti and Obstroetiotlll of every lind tl"'y quickly reruo\'e the caubc,and nl consLir ... tiou autl 1haordc..OO condi tion o( tho ilowols, t!.cy ac~ aa o. clt:anbing aperient.

For D Cone~ilution11und nil Female Complninll! tbcso Pills aro un~ aur1la."'cJ-thcy co rt·c.:t al l l t rrguluriticat nntl \Veaknessell from wbutcvcr cuutiu nrising.

stands unril'allcd for !he f...:llily it u~ pln}'ll in a·oJic,·ing, hcalin,, und thor­ough ly curing tho m011l in•otcnto Sort" ,.nd Ulcc rM, •ntl in cases of BAD LEGS, BAD UREASTR, OLD WOUNDS, Gout, Jthoumatism, nnd nil , kin tli.s.o cru;eH, i~ 11cts os n charm. ~na.ufucturcd only at P rofCI!sor TioLLO•

WAY's i,. J itl":nL, !i33, OXFORD • "l'ltEl-.:1', LO~DOS, tLnd lj()hlllt b. l hi., 2H. 9d., 4w. 6., I Is. , :!:?11., nnd 33d, Bo x Rnfl Pot, ""J in C11n. d 1L •H 3G cents, !10 cl'nts, nnJ o i J•O cents, fttul the },.rsu si:tUI in proportio u.

[J"'OAUTION - I hnv~ no Agont In the Unllod Stntoa, nor uomy M edicine a aold thoro. Purchuora enould t boreforo ook t o the L o.bol on thoPot.e ondBoxoe If tho ntldreaa u not 033, Oxford Street, London, they aro epuriout .

The Trnuc .\lu rktl 11f 1uy snitl M t.Ji­cim~ til(• n•giRtcrcd iu Ott.u\\'11, "'"lnlho ,,t \\'usll in;;:uu.

Si:~ur.l TI :O)IAS H OLLOWAY . [t:l3, Oxford SLIN·t, Loudo n, l

Dcx:. ld, I& '0. (

PHCENIX Fire Assurance Company. LOli UAIIII STIII.:t:T .t CIIAU!~L ClOS!I

U):\1,0~ .


Tllt.:S1'EF.l' & OJ IIEC:rOR.'l. ; .. , ... f:,l ... r.t llovlll,t: .. , o.~"''" "'"''"r1. F.t~. o ... muolturoou. t :oq 1\.l.l. llod!:"on,t:•q )1.1 . T he If (to J .. •u~ I t) ~IS · ~•r J J.•Lt~k. U•rl J ohu Chot1o11. t:•'l· l t.l' .. l '.ll !1. • 1). t; . Co" I'~· t;"'l , )I t' t:h ... Tb~. l.ocu,F..,q, J uho ('onl•~ Do•••· l:lkj J no D. li•J:•"•· tA<J. 01!0. A . FoiiCII', f~. J ehu Str\\arl Oaley,l:.q 0. E. Cbarlee 1Un1, ~· Dudley R. tlm.itb. Etq W J. 'l'bompooo.t::e

A UD11'01lS : Waller Blrcl, Etq. I J.ord \\'ru.nroolt l' blppl

J uoeph frando Lotcher, Eoq.

,fi)JIS J . l!LOOliFIELO, Sccrtlflry . FtlASCI5II.Mci>ONALO, , J.ut SccrtiC"ry.

lnsnrnnces Rgainst Lou by F iro aro ef· reeled by tho

PIHENIX CO~lPANY, .,po~ n ery d~riptioo of Property in nory par~ of t bo world, on t he moat ll\vonble term~.


T be oromptitodc and liben~lity •ith •vbicb it. en~mcota Me sl~~oaya meL on this Compao1 aro well k11owo, a11d tho i m­portuoce cf itt rolati0111 with tl•o publlo 101\Y be estimaUd from tho f ftC I t hat IIU~O t~ l'lltabliahment. it haa paid morn than '1 \\'BL\'Jo} MILL!O:SS ~'1'1-:RI.ll\U iu di~~eluuge of claima for Louet by lim

SEWING MAcHINES Assurance Com:p ny 7 OF LONDON.

Looln:n .. a Ha.nd Jllaohinoe Blck-f~rd

Burek.. Olotlloe Wring'lrt Aome .v .. Jhohl.nee

Contezuual PUt.iting ll&ehinoe Boat Machine 011, Neodlce and At!Aclt.­menta for 1\U SEWING ~lACIIlNES. all reduced to bott.'.lm pricca, for oae roonLb oat,.

Th SiM~ Ma111ffar.hui11g Ctr~~fONY· M. F. SMYTH. Aor:llT,

172 Water .)t, St. J o bo a SEWINS MACHINES R~t'AIRED

.T:Fl...AIN" -TO--

.HARBOR GRACE. 'I)EUSONS eettllag doYll atoogtho Rail-

wey Track aad eleowhero would do well to call at.- A. & E. Paraona FURNI· TURE STORE &Jid lotpeot tb11r oxtcoaiYo Stoek before porohaalog •'"•here.

We keel? In atock nory thloa In thcs bol11c·foro11hing llue tbai would Dl&ko &

home ooreforbble; Cbamber Soltca from 90/ lo .UO Bedueada from 12/6 to WJ/

, E&tcoeioo Tab lea trom 60/ to 70/ KJL4ben 'fablea from 10/ co 14/6 Bedroom Tabt .. from 6J6 to 10/ Work Tab)oa r,_ 10/ &o 20/ Walool and Marble '('op Tablea 12/ to 00/ Onlaod Roood Tablet 17/ to 40/ Chalra-Ptrfon.~ ead Out Seat. G/6 to 8/ Wood SoU 6 Cue Sea' R~lrla1 10/ to 24/ Doable &Jid Sia~tlt Baok s,iadle Cball'l, f1

'<141 and 6J Ar• ud ~ Obalra lt/6 to tiJ} Clrllldrea'a ceu aDd CrUlet,

>Cooollet aed 8oiM, Foo• S.O.Ia. WW.No&a.PI ...... ._. .... &an Sklol1 ucl 0utf'"'-f18, Wuh Boarda, 'hbl, Baohts. TNsu ltlotaJd1ap. Plotca .. , ..... ...,

N.B-l"altl• am91..r lit ... bJ ...,.. lac aad llltera0011 bslM, wbo are d.Sroa• of ba•tall' t1Ma!r pieR'" U"• c.- be ao­oommoclated bJ ateppl.,. iato PAR80No• PdOT08RAPB10 BO<»IS, Oftr Fan~l· tan Store, opJIOI!.I!ttN .. ~atpreaiMt or x .... .I~ an ,. Oo.

A,. & ~ PARSON~


St:sscntnto CAPITAL ......... £ 2,000,()(,() " T OTA l. l svr.trr.D FUNUS UP·

WARDS M' .................. %,760,00C " Alr.IUALfSCOllt: UPli'AbOSOF 360,000 "

TI1e "Gt:AllDL\N" b oins: afint-claaa E~liab I nsumnoe Company ,oiTI'ra allthoee adnntagca mo~tdeain.blo to inaurcre,viz.., undoubted nabili\j', f11vorable terma and promp~ 114\Uicmon~ o I elaimalor lou

!he undon•~:ned buin~ been 3ppoiot ed Agent for Ncwfouadll\od ia prep41'ed to it· aue :rolicioeagaloet.lou by Fire

Feb. 1


JOSEPH GfJDDEN', Sub-Agen~ ll r. Groce.

Northern 4£sur~e C'mpany



CAl'ITAtr-£·3,000,000 Stg.

FIRE PREMIUMS ................... UOS,<OO LJ£1!. Ito ... ~ . ............ '167,(00 ~'rL.RJ.lfJ.' .... .. ............... ...... UO,OO<

UJ:AD OFFICES: LolfDOW-1 lloorple Stree• UUDI.Ilf-8 KJn1 8\rcoel.


liUIID'IDOI eft'rcMII OD PJoperlr in Newto ... cllaad u ~rreb\ Ra" of p,... ml., •. Pa~ncrusa-J'onDI of Applteattoit

Cor J'jre ADd Life liUIIlraDCO, and aU o._ I afortDaUoa GaD bt o\tafned a1 he olllot of

A. 0. HA YW • .\Jm. Jolm'1, ..,_, for NAi

HaUl or p remium and all othor informa­tion rDII)' be obt.e.iued 0 0 arplicatioo to

W. ,\1 U RENDELL. $t.JORS's,

,;l gcnr Jnr NnrfouAdla"d

$200.00 Reward ! Will bo paid for t bo dotectioo and ~on vic. tioo or an1 pert!on telling o r deali11g io any bolfDI, conntcrfeit or Imitation H oP B IT­TEllS, oapeclally Bltte rt o r propl\raUona with tho word Ror or llot'Bin their namoorcou­neeted t herewith, t bi\L ia i11teoded to mit ­lead and c heatthe pnblie, odor 11ny prepar­lltion put in any fo rrn, pretendlns: to be tl1o atuno "' llor JltTTf:t:S Tho Gcouioe ba' u elaator of GnEEN U ors (no tice t!Jia) prioted on tho wbitc ll\bel, and 11ro tht: pnrea~ ud beat medlcloo on earth, especia lly for Kltl ney•. Liver aod Nenoua l)ieueu. Bew11ro of all olhera. and of all prote:~ded forma \&a or r ocoipta or H OP BtTTIIIlS pobliabed In papera ur for ule, u they are fropd1 nuct awtod1C11. WboeYer dealt lo &Ly "bul tho gcouiue will be proeocuted .

JJor HITTtUUI Mro. Co., mlS Roeheater N.Y.

~~t ~ltt~Ol' ir~t l'tzmblttb ._AlfD -


I S printed a,d poblltbed o•ery S.nva­r>AT momin(: by J. F. MtntH at tho

" Scuderd" Oflee, Stru" roar of lleure. Qalalla'e dlop, Jlarbor Graeo NeYfooadluuJ Taus-Tweatyllhllllilr• per aon•-par·

able bal(-JUrly, , Tina paaer le ao\ aned to ur nbecrlber

for • 1- tum OIU11h: -atbe. Tlus roa Aonmltwo-FirafluntJoe- .

for three 11•• (brnler t7P0) te., lor nary edclltlow fi•t ld. Yor..eacb COD • tbls•tJOII ODt•tllfN el tM lid ebarp. '

crAd"'"'-tane.l" .. at Ule otlot crt tll\• paper wt&M .. t writtca Ntnet10111, llmltJ-.r M •••ber of 1~~~trtl0ba (Aao-

.,.tlta.,~«HNotlete whll'b tht~m~l•e tb1111eel"" noepUc!) will be npeattd aatll ordtrtcl Ia 'Wrffia& to be witb· dfii'WD.