I Visited Http

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  • 8/6/2019 I Visited Http


  • 8/6/2019 I Visited Http


    When some people come across this painting they feel melancholy and loneliness, it was

    also painted for the birth of his nephew. How someone can feel sad and lonely when looking at

    this painting is beyond me, but I suppose we all interpret art different.

    I thing going to a museum is a meaningful experience. It is something that one should

    feel different emotions, it is something that one should enjoy. Whether it is from new artists or

    older artists, it should give them some sense of different feeling. There is so much emotion

    waiting to be captured waiting to be felt. And like I said every person interprets art differently, so

    one person could feel sad looking at Iris at Sea by Jamie Wyeth, a painter from Maine or one

    person could feel joy from Sad Clownby Barry Leighton-Jones. We learn things differently just

    like we feel things differently. That is why I feel it is a meaningful experience.

    I feel as though both are beneficial. In person because you can feel more of an authentic

    experience, but also online because its generally free, and youre not being corrupt as to how

    you feel about that work of art. I believe that one individuals interpretation is important, it is

    something they can call their own. Just like I knowAlmond Blossom has the meaning of sadness

    behind it, but I feel joy and warmth. Its not meaningful if someone tells you what you are going

    to feel.

    My on-line experience was pretty neat. I got to see paintings from other countries that I

    wouldnt have been able to see, it was calm and quite, it was something that I would do again

    due to the fact that it is free and I can do it in my own time any time of day.

  • 8/6/2019 I Visited Http


    Outside Assignment: The Museum Due Date: _______________

    1. Visit two ART museums; one in person (a large museum or a college art gallery- please do Not visit a

    commercial gallery or natural history museum) and one on-line site associated with an actual, respected

    museum (Do Not use Olgas Gallery or other such sites). Browse the museum collections and address

    the following questions in the form of an essay two to three pages in length. The three-page limit does

    not include the bibliography or works cited.

    2. Your essay should address these points:

    Describe the museums you visited; give their names, the names of the shows you viewed, and name and

    visually describe in detail at least two works for each museum. (This section should be no more than 1/2

    of your paper- be concise!) I DID MY PIECES OF ARTu

    Respond to this quote:

    Museums preserve, collect, and educate the public and convey standards about arts value and quality-

    but whose standards, and how? (90)

    -this quote is from the chapter Money, markets, museum from But is it Art?: An Introduction to Art

    Theory by Cynthia Freeland (Oxford University Press, 2001)

    3. Attach proof that you attended a museum (ticket stub), and visited an on-line site (printout of the first

    web page and the web address).

    Additional Information:

    You essay should be in proper format (MLA or Chicago) and free from spelling errors and mistakes in

    grammar. Do not rely solely on computer spelling correction- have someone else check your work.

    Your paper should have 1 margins and use an 11 or 12 pt standard font. (eg- Times New Roman)

    Double-space your paper

    When you reference the article you must use proper citation format and include a bibliography or

    works cited page.

    Please staple all the pages together (no report covers or paper clips) with the rubric on the back of this

    sheet as your first page.

    Late papers will be penalized 20 points for every class late. This assignment is 20% of your grade.

    Papers are not accepted via email.

  • 8/6/2019 I Visited Http


    Rubric for Outside Assignment Student Name: _____________________________

    Did you give the name of museum, name of exhibition, and attach proof you attended a museum in

    person and online?

    0 5 10 15 20



    Did your essay address ALL the questions in a thoughtful manner?

    0 5 10 15 20



    How well did you describe at least two works viewed from each museum?

    0 5 10 15 20



    Were you able to express how your experience was different in person from online and which you

    believe is more beneficial to a potential viewer?

    0 5 10 15 20



    How well were you able to respond to the quote Museums preserve, collect ?

    0 5 10 15 20



    Possible Point Deductions:

    Poor spelling and/or grammar: -5 Missing citations in the text: -5

    Incorrect type of museum: -10 No bibliography or works cited: -5

    Too small/big font and margins: -5 Late paper deduction: _______________

    Total Points Earned: / 100 possible

  • 8/6/2019 I Visited Http


    Comments: ________________________________________________________

