I Tvtt sPills aril h1 I a -...

I I- tI I J p L L- tar T V t 4 1I r 1 BREAD PERFECTION The new Quaker City label in miniature on bag or full size barrel is YOUR guarantee direct from the miller of FIRST QUALITY flour Insist uponthe- red and blue all grocers QUAKER CITY FLOUR MILLS CO PHILADELPHIA JEWELRY SILVERWARE CLOCKS l etrriSL Watches Optical Goods Watch and Jewelry RepairingA- lso ENGRAVING PROMPTLY DONE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C J SMITH THE JEWELER LEMON ST PALATKA FLA All repair work promptly tQ and fully guaranteed JOSEPH R WALSH 12 East Adams St Jacksonville Fla Drink a Bottle o genuine Look for Trade Mark on h it iff The Most Healthful and Refreshing Drink Palatka Coca Cola Bottling Co EDWARD KUMMER Prop Menufoetuiera of Ginger Ale and Soda Wnten Most HealtaM and Refreshing Drink The only anthoriMd bottlers I j I I I j I I I I I i II lIxI i r on- v i labelat I I I V I i i Automobile Tires and Repairs r I j Michelin Goadrioh II I t t 1- 1jj W 4IIfIII 7 I I I ilA II The i a c bI- r 4 r w I jq- s 4 t- I j SyS r I 1j Hartford at- tended i i Cn tL abel I ¬ > < > ¼ Ovrse sond you believe In fllrtlngr It to the salt of life But cant it bo overdone I Sure You can set anything too ratty I try to read ancient WJio tore oft lUnua by h yard But truth ccnf iied I turuffor rttt To modern and more fllppaht bard Explained When Is a fellow no good t Wheat Yes When ho ta nothing but A good fel bw a good the rushing rla- UMcMEEKlN Correspondence Mrs Rose Norris and daughter who have been toting Btever has returned to Baltimore Miss Lnla Snipes and Mr Wm Miller of Long were mar- ried at the Methodist Church on the 27th Inst Rev Mr Johntty offlcla- tlht They will go to housekeeping at Johnsun Dr Hamilton and wife attended the Miller wedding Mr Young of Interlaoben bks old his turpentine property hero to Mr MoMnllan of Interlacben Mr Joiner woods rider for Mr Young will go to Georgia to turpentine busln e tor Young- Dr wile Utter ded the Miller wedding Mr Tlft frOBM ota bee Into JfJ KVD aUlmore In health Lee Kennerly our wee In MoMeekln Saturday The New York party who bought the Glbbens place Is Improving same Col J W Headen Is editorial writer on the Pensacola Journal Miss Alice Hug of Virginia Is vis Ring Mrs J L MoMurtry Henry Hutchinson Jr was visit Ing here a few days ago A new bank is being organized at Hawthorn Some of the stook is being taken here TbanKiglvlbR was observed gen- erally In this section- A Mr Adams of Louisville was at Uol MoMurtrys few days since prospecting with a view to locating MoMeekln Is big of cringes and tangerines Mr Tilt will take Lou MoMeeklns grofff In place of Mr KIlDgtnan Adna and Will Jpbnson aro ties for the A U L Ry Henrys mitt Is In full blast and running full time Mr 0 W Weeks who bought the Hartley and Knight places has Just made considerable Improvements on them We are looking for the hard road but It hardly bo built yet we are taxed to assist In all tho 200 000 of improvements Unless something Is done tQ help West our Board of the people will make move to create a new county out of Way Alachua Putnam and Brad- ford making Hawthorne or Melrose county seat H There Is no little talk In g rd to al warranty deeds to lands In buyers are us t have oj tiSglpie and feaiabls pla wfiireoy a purohaser can lands something fashioned aVertbo Torrens System In North Carolina Why dont the Board of bounty Commissioners have an clerk in the County Clerks office I understand the law shows one The election Is Over get down to business LAUNCHES FOR SALE Four good Launches for salo cheap Write or sail on Sands Bros Palat ka Fla Do Unspprielated the Ifh M catch eu It stther the llmea Herald land It Johnson and e tJ Miss da aa red lulU shll pIng a c haul- Ing I of Putnamby al the the dUJloulty In securing nam couotyta bdasarfll lU1 Our wilt elve BO ri to now pots s tl e- Mil lw i r- Ile for broths pat ou thinks be tlm or I Super- Intend race raising e ugbs t l Ito t me- rt efeieto i oner s Ielr tofu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > I I ReceIved Vs ThIs Year Road Sprinkles Send me RIDGEWAY Fall VWhlkcTIO- 18T of theu III RldI SUllhl Yell CIRCS Yroot N Coro MIlk till rear Not a lnsl Uk on the qUill of Rzdgew PAID Straight Pn at mat orsr ho 100000 mar Ctcb rropOllUo their chopbrera N DWe roa IIUIAo4 f- r to try Rldstay ktrslght Per N Co Coco f lid frllldlJ oUIc Af LYiA I lrlahtothl1lrnl W ma Plo u 1fT r MI4 III 1 at au ntratgbL w do pgbrehoa that D9 J whlekq JIaql4 W elk t M bread In till South t W EXPRESS I t 1 i 2 Full allona In 2 Class Bottles Full Gallons In Lade 4 Full Quart Bot- j I 9Gallon 0 1I7U Full Quart lJotllles 6ns w will retread moo to refer roe to the AUanU or Florida NUOI1ll DnD JcUouUl PIt e4 day tII order L SPRINKLE lSTILLING D tfnet7t cease nod JIj tl8f11S0NULIE r I 330 It naY Street I I l i 64242 Orders fly O Mr STIAICgT Proof um cnetomere feordm4 from the uma Mend i and 0 the whbkq rue wsnttna beg custpmer- oIt 444 I We rent you our Wltlekert1t at ylaete S your lw rob tars triad RWQaWAY Try r- ou ora w sod u feq ltf- dwq r WbMeier a bpeuq than wnt Imm- IGIr ro 7b kkos ibtrt U L naanattr has d uTpopular- ltrP 0 0 WUgLESOLE hnnEs 1REPII- aHa nelt 400r- el C 3 Kej e 6O0- I e5 Whey r 112 e e e any dbutleeed eoatmner We we uprae a hip rm a salre- dII COMP INV Wrehbnua eyJ carts Y s < > Is one whom With Impure blood can- not good health Wltnadlsordcred LIVER there cannot be good blood revivify thetorpld UVER and restore Ito oatural action ji A healthy LIVER meaiu pure Pure blood means health Health meats happiness Take no Substitute AH Druggists COMO OorresDOndence t Services wets held at the liethcMlst Church Sunday Sermon 11 t m by Rev J B Orlpiwn The Epwoitn League meeting was held at the M E Church Sunday at m Bverette E Palmer of Kalkaskat Mlob la the guest of Ills aunt and uncle Mr and Hr Stephen Palmer Bible service was held at the Baptist Church Sanday at It a m Horace Prior who bas been a at the Water Oak left Monday for his borne In aokionvllle A of Kokoman Indiana left Monday for his Northern home nil at Palatka on the way nephew of E F Sullivan for telegram the death of bis father on Sunday The sympathy nil is extended to him and ha mother in their sorrow- M F Force Ion of D N Force of U fc late arrival at All View Cottage t Mrs A E Drake and son E Drake left last week for DeLaivd Mr Bennett who haw been a guest at the Water Oaks left Monday for DeLand C A LeHardy Dealer In Groceries Confections Fruit Cigars Courteous and fait treatment Patrons at all times and satisfaction guaranteed Owner SUth and Lemur If yon want HomeMade Fare Ice Cream Hot and ft Cold Drinks call on- I L A SMITH- At the old stand Agent for f HUYLKRS CANDIES Chia0sgJLa ndry 3o t installed an IRONING MA- CHINE Better prepared now tha ever before to do Boca BpS Bicycles and GunsT- he finest Bicycles made the Pone Tribune and Exoelslor Bicycle Tires Sowing Machines Needles and Belts and Oil Double and Single Barrel inns AmmunItion 0028 417 Lemon Street Return d wilh It JS and w win U Bztruto mfficlent a nuSTlo roar home o Br Corn tt jr No bolUnr r o troabl no rpantv- a 34013 loner II not u regnMntod- tvM CakMBT Jocftm Bremi Aducwtlle Hi HAPPY HOME healt abounds I hero sPills i at p Leader Mias his laAlabama on receiving a NT I f i i Candy Ii- I It It i Work on if uiT1 Ui4 bicycles solicited E O EARLS alto l fOIl loaN Apl l Dund fet t Whisk 125 1 Tvtt Ttmes Herald 7t18 and chat borne dec rests o ttltortat tteR A1t RoMR eq ep C e4 i Repair 12 UARTS bottles Toro doe dtaWab pure b04 and r fse N Wit r a sk I5 4s > THE SHREWb GAMESTER Ever play cbeckersl- If so you know that the game con mists In capturing your opponents checkers If you can break through his Into the king row your disk Is crowned kIng of the Mosaic may tore at will and jumps anything It gets next to One way Jo win is to block the game by preventing any move ou the part cf your opponent The gtfkno of life In some particulars resembles the checkers game Whether be U a careful or a reck- less player the average man nowa- days moves cautiously hoping In the competitive game to evade being v- Bontfw5TtbeSbr wd players get Into the king rely and become rovers or robber kings They jump the common fellows right and left and continually Its your But of all the players the devil Is the sbrewest player extant There Is no devil Ob yes there tel He may not have the legendary toll and may lack the traditional horns or pitchfork but be is Satan just the same Call him spirit of evil malign Influence or what you will he Is the devil What an adept gamester hr N The young man who thinks bo can drink and let It alone is playing checkers with the devil How Satan must laugh In his sleeve at such a player whoso game Is neither a deep one nor lengthy The devil knows from tho beginning that the contest if the game goes on Is east and the young man a sure loser The young woman who flirts with strangers plays a risky game with his Satanic majesty a game In which she is scheduled to lose She thinks she can outwit the devil and ho lets her think BO She has gone out of her way to meet one who can outplay her The man who is dishonest in busi- ness is playing checkers with the king of Imps Ho will get left because his adversary knows every move of the game The devil fears nothing ex cept that be who plays may quit too ooon Dont get Into the devils game Shy devil Ho will piny with you laugh nt your Jokes weep nt your sor rows and lie like the devil Ho may let you win a tow Barnes But dont think too busy to play or has forgotten He may even cry out that you lire too smart for him He may tell you that he is clumsy But dont you believe it The devil does not try to block your game nor will be let you block It He wants to play you to the end and beat you When Lucifer Invites you to sit down to his simple and harmless game of checkers why Tell him to go to he EASILY DECIDEDT- his Question phould bo AnSWbr od Easily by Palatka Foople Which is wiserto have confidence in the opinions of your fellow citizens of people yon know or depend on statements made bv utter strangers in faraway places Read the following Edward Gravier Lemon St Palatka Via says For several months my back caused me considerable trouble I bad a lameness and soreness across loins and there was a dull ache through my kidneys almost constantly- I could hardly walk and when sat down for a while back be came no still that It waa only with great difficulty that I was able to arise If twinges pissed through my kidneys I had often of Doan Pills and nt last pro- cured a box at Uanghtona drug store They removed the lameness and sore nets and at I feel ten years younger If recommendation will be the means of bringing relief to kidney trouble you are welcome to use It- Por sale by all dealers Price Buffalo Ne York sole agents for the Untted States Remember the name Doans sno take no ether The annual reunion of the members of the Florida Division O A R will be held iu Klsdmmoe February The Farmers Union warehouse and 808 bales of cotton wero destroyed by fire the other night at Marianna THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDYS LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP SANDS BROS Electrical Engineers Dealers and Contractors Agents for Palmer GASOLInE EKQINES The Standard of the World made fa all sites BAKDALL WlU- Jl eal Estate InsuranceC- ity and Country Properties Orange General Farms Potato Farms Houses and Winter Homes Stores Hotels and Un improved Lands of all descriptions Hardwood Turpentine Locations a specialty TELL US yoUb WANTSWE HAVE IT Do you own Florida property you would like to sell If DO list We for it Of dart opposite courthouse P O Dos i r morel hades where II CO the rl nEOEa e ell arid Lot that It I cry hole hntoww re- siding o tW cents Ft n y cksc us e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < That have railed to t purlfylnc a they parilla s test count In two Get It today In tablets caned Th Reproof It was in the midst df season and Htudenta of Professor Blanks clash well aware that their lesson had been neglected were pre- pared for reproof but not for just way In which it came At the end of the hour be down his book un the desk and i Well thats the worst recitation lUtenwl Why Iw actuallyr done of It myself I South Companion To Anxious Inquirer who asks nsn if there are rats on a catboat and whether cowcatchers were first put on milk tmltiH we reply that the editor who knows all about such things busy looking up whether or not Rich- ard Ill when be stopped Klnjr Henrys bier thus bccatpe th first temperance crusader and will not bo to answer Anxious Inquirer until be rests up a little Brownings Mag name STATE OF Onto Cvnr or Totn r LtJOAS COOHTT r Frank J Cheney makes oath thathe Is senior partner of tha firm of F J money business In the the sum of ONri HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every cae of Ca- tarrh that cannot be ourea by the of Halls Catarrh Cure L Sworn to before run anti mv this Oth d 7 of D 1668A V SEAL GLEASON The Government building which has been under coarse of construction la Fernandina for some time will be ready for occupancy in a very short time f Feel heavy after dinner f Tongue coated Bitter taste Com- plexion fallow Liver needs waking up Rrftulets cure at tacks 26o at any drug store A new German colony is being opened np in Leon county and 6000 acres ofr choice fruit and truck lands are uow Ira progress of colonization The peculiar qualities of fhambw- rIains Cough been thjor- oughlr during epidemics of In and it was time we have not heard of a case of pneumonia Sold by AckermanStew art St Augustine City Council is goirg to expend 30000 during the next few months for street paving The from Influenza Is of Its resulting In pneumonia This Remedy as It not only cures Influenza but counteracts tenden- cy of the disease towards pneumonia- Sold by Ackerman Stewort Hunting by moonlight Is thelatest In Dude county hunting birds not afldnltles What They Will Do for Yon They will cure your backache strengthen your klddeyai rect urinary Irregularities buildt up the worn out tissues snot eliminate the excess uric ado that causes rheumatism Pre vent Bright Disease and Difl bates and restore health an strength Refuse aubatitutetkT- oiboir new customer at we cia lead In for their hard era i dollars we art willing to lota JiOQOOOJS 3full Gallon whl ltty373 4 full gallons wMnkoy 12 lull quarto whiskey 450 24 475 This Is regular oldtun and totaled by honest Nosh drolina people overflow InemuwW when the whiskey fcte return b lwc uid ao M rDISTCOVt t Ba od I h1 a atab the to Unanswered lIP 14 q t j I of County and aforesaid firm will use FRANK J on NEST s fcrlhed De- cember A A W I I 0 t can be qr I Foley X- iPiII 1 111 I I t f ft Oifk area Woods aril a usual liquid form or the the slammed ex- claimed L- ever nlne tenths t- able f y v e Toledo State and J t- In tip 1 1dn lyIs EY SHIP 13v t cah agtha oa nre heardof 6grres tamer r t t K We and tested Ii agree itI swab t voarmon ybeauoe It b loepa to you rta ttoaa- I Casper Preldeat ml ettber place Or ad- dress out letter ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + °

Transcript of I Tvtt sPills aril h1 I a -...

I I-




p L L-tar

T V t 41I r


BREAD PERFECTIONThe new Quaker City label inminiature on bag or full sizebarrel is YOUR guaranteedirect from the miller of FIRSTQUALITY flour Insist uponthe-red and blue all grocers



Watches Optical GoodsWatch and Jewelry RepairingA-




All repair work promptlytQ and fully guaranteed

JOSEPH R WALSH12 East Adams St Jacksonville Fla

Drink a Bottle o genuine

Look for Trade Mark onh it iff

The Most Healthful and Refreshing Drink

Palatka Coca Cola Bottling Co

EDWARD KUMMER PropMenufoetuiera of Ginger Ale and Soda Wnten

Most HealtaM and Refreshing DrinkThe only anthoriMd bottlers














ir on-


i labelatI






Automobile Tires and Repairsr


j Michelin Goadrioh









I ilA






4 r

w I



4 t-









tended i


Cn tL abel







Ovrse sondyou believe In fllrtlngr

It to the salt of lifeBut cant it bo overdone ISure You can set anything too


I try to read ancientWJio tore oft lUnua by h yard

But truth ccnf iied I turuffor rtttTo modern and more fllppaht bard

ExplainedWhen Is a fellow no goodtWheatYesWhen ho ta nothing but A good fel


a good




CorrespondenceMrs Rose Norris and daughter

who have been toting Bteverhas returned to Baltimore

Miss Lnla Snipes and Mr WmMiller of Long were mar-ried at the Methodist Church on the27th Inst Rev Mr Johntty offlcla-tlht They will go to housekeepingat Johnsun

Dr Hamilton and wife attendedthe Miller wedding

Mr Young of Interlaoben bks oldhis turpentine property hero to MrMoMnllan of Interlacben

Mr Joiner woods rider for MrYoung will go to Georgia to

turpentine busln e torYoung-

Dr wile Utter ded theMiller wedding

Mr Tlft frOBM otabee Into JfJ KVD

aUlmore Inhealth

Lee Kennerly ourwee In MoMeekln Saturday

The New York party who boughtthe Glbbens place Is Improving same

Col J W Headen Is editorialwriter on the Pensacola Journal

Miss Alice Hug of Virginia Is visRing Mrs J L MoMurtry

Henry Hutchinson Jr was visitIng here a few days ago

A new bank is being organized atHawthorn Some of the stook isbeing taken here

TbanKiglvlbR was observed gen-erally In this section-

A Mr Adams of Louisville was atUol MoMurtrys few days sinceprospecting with a view to locating

MoMeekln Is big ofcringes and tangerines

Mr Tilt will takeLou MoMeeklns grofff In place ofMr KIlDgtnan

Adna and Will Jpbnson aroties for the A U L Ry

Henrys mitt Is In full blast andrunning full time

Mr 0 W Weeks who bought theHartley and Knight places has Justmade considerable Improvements onthem

We are looking for the hard roadbut It hardly bo built yet weare taxed to assist In all tho 200000 of improvements

Unless something Is done tQ helpWest our Board of

the people will makemove to create a new county out ofWay Alachua Putnam and Brad-ford making Hawthorne or Melrose

county seat HThere Is no little talk In g rd to

al warranty deeds to lands In

buyers are us thave oj

tiSglpie and feaiabls pla wfiireoy apurohaser canlands something fashioned aVertboTorrens System In North Carolina

Why dont the Board of bountyCommissioners have anclerk in the County Clerks officeI understand the law shows one

The election Is Over getdown to business


Four good Launches for salo cheapWrite or sail on Sands Bros Palatka Fla




M catcheu It

stther the

llmea Herald



Johnson and


tJMiss da aared


shll pIng a







the dUJloulty In securingnam

couotyta bdasarfll lU1Our


elve BO ri to





Mil lw i r-

Ile forbroths pat

ou thinks betlm or




raising e ugbstl Ito t me-





Ielr tofu











ReceIved Vs ThIs Year RoadSprinkles Send me RIDGEWAY Fall VWhlkcTIO-

18T of theu III RldI SUllhl YellCIRCS Yroot N Coro MIlk till rear Not a lnsl Uk on the qUill of Rzdgew

PAID Straight Pn at mat orsr ho 100000 marCtcb rropOllUo their chopbrera N DWe roa IIUIAo4 f-

r to try Rldstay ktrslght Per N Co Coco flid frllldlJ oUIc Af LYiA

I lrlahtothl1lrnl W ma Plo u 1fT r MI4 III

1 at au ntratgbL wdo pgbrehoa that D9 J whlekq JIaql4 W elk

t M bread In till South


It 1

i 2 Full allona In 2 Class BottlesFull Gallons In Lade

4 Full Quart Bot-j I 9Gallon 0 1I7U

Full Quart lJotllles 6nsw will retread moo to refer roe to the AUanU or Florida

NUOI1ll DnD JcUouUl PIt e4 day tII order

L SPRINKLE lSTILLINGD tfnet7t cease nod JIj tl8f11S0NULIE r

I330 It naY Street





64242 Orders flyO Mr STIAICgT Proof

um cnetomere feordm4 from the uma Mendi and 0

the whbkq rue wsnttna beg custpmer-oIt 444

I We rent you our Wltlekert1t at ylaeteS your lw rob tars triad RWQaWAY Try r-

ou ora w sod u feq ltf-dwq

r WbMeier a bpeuq than wnt Imm-

IGIr ro 7b kkos ibtrtU L naanattr has d uTpopular-

ltrP 00 WUgLESOLE hnnEs 1REPII-aHa nelt 400r-

el C 3 Kej e 6O0-I e5 Whey r

112 e e eany dbutleeed eoatmner Wewe uprae a hip rm a salre-

dII COMP INVWrehbnua eyJ carts





Is one whomWith Impure blood can-

not good healthWltnadlsordcred LIVER therecannot be good blood

revivify thetorpld UVER and restoreIto oatural action

ji A healthy LIVER meaiu pure

Pure blood means healthHealth meats happiness

Take no Substitute AH Druggists


OorresDOndence t

Services wets held at the liethcMlstChurch Sunday Sermon 11 t mby Rev J B Orlpiwn

The Epwoitn League meeting washeld at the M E Church Sunday at


Bverette E Palmer of KalkaskatMlob la the guest of Ills aunt anduncle Mr and Hr Stephen Palmer

Bible service was held at theBaptist Church Sanday at It a m

Horace Prior who bas been aat the Water Oak left Monday for hisborne In aokionvllle

A of Kokoman Indianaleft Monday for his Northern home

nil at Palatka on the waynephew of E F

Sullivan for

telegram the death of bis father onSunday The sympathy nil isextended to him and ha mother intheir sorrow-

M F Force Ion of D N Force ofU fc late arrival at All

View Cottage tMrs A E Drake and son E Drake

left last week for DeLaivdMr Bennett who haw been a guest

at the Water Oaks left Monday forDeLand

C A LeHardyDealer In

Groceries Confections

Fruit Cigars

Courteous and fait treatmentPatrons at all times and

satisfaction guaranteed OwnerSUth and Lemur

If yon want


Fare Ice Cream Hot andft Cold Drinks

call on-

I L A SMITH-At the old stand

Agent for


Chia0sgJLa ndry

3o t installed an IRONING MA-

CHINE Better prepared now thaever before to do Boca BpS

Bicycles and GunsT-

he finest Bicycles made the PoneTribune and Exoelslor Bicycle TiresSowing Machines Needles and Beltsand Oil Double and Single Barrelinns AmmunItion

0028 417 Lemon Street

Return d wilh It JS and w winU Bztruto mfficlent a nuSTloroar home o Br Corn

tt jr NobolUnr r o troabl no rpantv-

a 34013 loner II not u regnMntod-tvM CakMBT Jocftm Bremi Aducwtlle Hi


healt abounds I





p Leader Mias

his laAlabama on receiving a



f ii Candy Ii-

I It



Work on if uiT1 Ui4bicycles solicited E O EARLS

alto l fOIl loaNApl l Dundfet


Whisk 1251


Ttmes Herald


and chatborne



o ttltortat tteR A1t RoMR



C e4



12 UARTSbottles Toro


dtaWabpure b04 andr


N Wit r a sk I5 4s


THE SHREWb GAMESTEREver play cbeckersl-If so you know that the game con

mists In capturing your opponentscheckers If you can break throughhis Into the king row your diskIs crowned kIng of the Mosaic maytore at will and jumps anything It

gets next to One way Jo win is toblock the game by preventing any

move ou the part cf your opponentThe gtfkno of life In some particulars

resembles the checkers gameWhether be U a careful or a reck-

less player the average man nowa-days moves cautiously hoping In thecompetitive game to evade being


Bontfw5TtbeSbr wd players get Intothe king rely and become rovers orrobber kings They jump the commonfellows right and left and continually

Its yourBut of all the players the devil Is

the sbrewest player extantThere Is no devilOb yes there tel He may not have

the legendary toll and may lack thetraditional horns or pitchfork but beis Satan just the same Call himspirit of evil malign Influence or whatyou will he Is the devil

What an adept gamester hr NThe young man who thinks bo can

drink and let It alone is playingcheckers with the devil How Satanmust laugh In his sleeve at such aplayer whoso game Is neither a deepone nor lengthy The devil knowsfrom tho beginning that the contestif the game goes on Is east and theyoung man a sure loser

The young woman who flirts withstrangers plays a risky game with hisSatanic majesty a game In which sheis scheduled to lose She thinks shecan outwit the devil and ho lets herthink BO She has gone out of herway to meet one who can outplay her

The man who is dishonest in busi-ness is playing checkers with the kingof Imps Ho will get left because hisadversary knows every move of thegame The devil fears nothing except that be who plays may quit tooooon

Dont get Into the devils gameShy devil Ho will piny with you

laugh nt your Jokes weep nt your sorrows and lie like the devil

Ho may let you win a tow BarnesBut dont think too busy to playor has forgotten He may even cryout that you lire too smart for himHe may tell you that he is clumsyBut dont you believe it

The devil does not try to block yourgame nor will be let you block It Hewants to play you to the end andbeat you

When Lucifer Invites you to sitdown to his simple and harmless gameof checkers why

Tell him to go to he


his Question phould bo AnSWbr

od Easily by Palatka FoopleWhich is wiserto have confidence

in the opinions of your fellow citizensof people yon know or depend onstatements made bv utter strangers

in faraway places Read thefollowing

Edward Gravier Lemon St PalatkaVia says For several months myback caused me considerable troubleI bad a lameness and soreness across

loins and there was a dull achethrough my kidneys almost constantly-I could hardly walk and when satdown for a while back became no still that It waa only with greatdifficulty that I was able to arise If

twinges pissed throughmy kidneys I had often ofDoan Pills and nt last pro-

cured a box at Uanghtona drug storeThey removed the lameness and sorenets and at I feel ten yearsyounger If recommendation willbe the means of bringing relief to

kidneytrouble you are welcome to use It-

Por sale by all dealers PriceBuffalo Ne

York sole agents for the Untted StatesRemember the name Doans sno

take no ether

The annual reunion of the membersof the Florida Division O A R willbe held iu Klsdmmoe February

The Farmers Union warehouse and808 bales of cotton wero destroyed byfire the other night at Marianna



SANDS BROSElectrical Engineers

Dealers and ContractorsAgents for Palmer GASOLInE

EKQINES The Standard of theWorld made fa all sites


Jl eal EstateInsuranceC-

ity and Country Properties OrangeGeneral

Farms Potato Farms Houses andWinter Homes Stores Hotels and Unimproved Lands of all descriptions

HardwoodTurpentine Locations a specialty


Do you own Florida propertyyou would like to sell If DO list

We for it Ofdart opposite courthouse P O Dos




hades where




rl nEOEa

e ellarid










tW centsFt n















That haverailed to tpurlfylnc atheyparilla

s testcount In two

Get It today Intablets caned

Th ReproofIt was in the midst df

season and Htudenta of ProfessorBlanks clash well aware that theirlesson had been neglected were pre-

pared for reproof but not for justway In which it came

At the end of the hour bedown his book un the desk and


Well thats the worst recitationlUtenwl Why Iw actuallyr

done of It myself I SouthCompanion

To Anxious Inquirer who asks nsn

if there are rats on a catboat andwhether cowcatchers were first put onmilk tmltiH we reply that the editorwho knows all about such thingsbusy looking up whether or not Rich-ard Ill when be stopped KlnjrHenrys bier thus bccatpe th firsttemperance crusader and will not bo

to answer Anxious Inquirer untilbe rests up a little Brownings Magname

STATE OF Onto Cvnr or Totn rLtJOAS COOHTT r

Frank J Cheney makes oath thatheIs senior partner of tha firm of F Jmoney business In the

the sum of ONri HUNDRED DOL-LARS for each and every cae of Ca-

tarrh that cannot be ourea by theof Halls Catarrh Cure L

Sworn to before run antimv this Oth d 7 of

D 1668A V


The Government building which hasbeen under coarse of construction laFernandina for some time will beready for occupancy in a very shorttime

f Feel heavy after dinner fTongue coated Bitter taste Com-plexion fallow Liver needs wakingup Rrftulets cure attacks 26o at any drug store

A new German colony is being openednp in Leon county and 6000 acres ofrchoice fruit and truck lands are uow Iraprogress of colonization

The peculiar qualities of fhambw-rIains Cough been thjor-

oughlr during epidemics of Inand it was time

we have not heard of a case ofpneumonia Sold by AckermanStewart

St Augustine City Council is goirgto expend 30000 during the next fewmonths for street paving

The from InfluenzaIs of Its resulting In pneumonia This

Remedy as It not only curesInfluenza but counteracts tenden-cy of the disease towards pneumonia-Sold by Ackerman Stewort

Hunting by moonlight Is thelatestIn Dude county hunting birds notafldnltles

What They Will Do for Yon

They will cure your backachestrengthen your klddeyairect urinary Irregularities buildtup the worn out tissues snoteliminate the excess uric adothat causes rheumatism Prevent Bright Disease and Diflbates and restore health anstrength Refuse aubatitutetkT-

oiboir new customer a t we cialead In for their hard era idollars we art willing to lota JiOQOOOJS

3full Gallon whl ltty3734 full gallons wMnkoy12 lull quarto whiskey 45024 475

This Is regular oldtun and

totaled by honest Noshdrolina people overflow

InemuwW when the whiskey fcte

return b lwc uid ao



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I Casper Preldeat ml ettber place Or ad-

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