I THE SALT UKE I ULU pRCE1FIE · The committee will resume the con d ration of the pure food htli...

ESTABLISHED cfUNE 6 1870 EDNESD fY JANUARY 6 1904 OEHT8 Probably air ras METALS Silver f f per ounce Copper ll4c Xew York 123 t- 2c r Lead MH 2w York 435 i 1 THE SALT UKE I I pRCE1FIE I TI I SALT LAKE CITY ULU i Japan Has Russias epIy Jte the large Does Not Know Its Cantmrts Russia Said to Have Made ConcessionsAConflict Prpbabi Start in Korea Tokio Jan ft fcW p m Aa extra edtUon of the Otticial QtaiaAte has K containing army and Bavy orders prohibfttng the nuWlaH- ing of any reports of the movements of troops sr war vessels from this time on Otherwise the Japanese authorities ere toot interfering with press messages St o A seodofilcial dispatch to a news agency from Vladlvostock and private information from Mukocri state that owing to K i disturbances between the Koreans and the Japanese in Korea the Rue 4 sian Second rifle regiment at its full strength has been dispatched to f Korea in order to protect Rnssten interests there f Tokio Jan 5 105 p m The Russian reply to Japan has not yet been received It is reported from Vladivostock that the Russian squadron there te preparing for action with a email military force on board Its destination is unknown but It is probably Chemulpo Korea SIDES TALKPEACE BUT PREPARE FOR WAR WerId 1at itt b 4- b been issued 4 4 1 Peteriburg Jan i fs t 9 4 I 1 AccordIng to aother repet a RuIau eruaer ha t Pert krth < F 4 9 + > + + + +++ ++++++ ± + ++ + ++ ++ + + + + + ++ ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ ++ + ++++++ + + + +++ + ++++++ ++ ++ +++ + J u 3 It developed todiiy the greatest difference tt- ween Russia and Japan arises f m the proposal n tde by Russia tha neutral zone rtiall he established f Mending frjm Pingyang In Korea on south to the Russian frontier on the The Hussian government has N Dressed a iHingneaa to recognize the pre jx ndemtinK influem of Japan in thr remaintler of Korea and the tw- it vers are agreed respecting the prin iplc of the integrity of China and of Kuaa- pan however saw no reason why tc proposed neutnl none vhouki be er Mished holding that the entire pen in- ia should be the subjeoL to net prx- I i leraijng influence sir attitude of Russia is believed to If Jue to the fact that if Japan con l3 Kotra she will thereby be able more easily menace Port Arthur as n as viiuivost ck- i dipinntnt who gave the Anfoci Preys the fm gon Information Ircsse himself a confident that Ku 5ia in he reily to Japan will give iy on this vitsl point United States WUJ Protect Consulate V J Oorea Jan CA detachment or- Kfrfirj seams hip Viksburg now lytc- ii hemulpn arrived here yesterday as i guard for the American legation A- Mhef body cf seventy m rirts will ari- v tomwirOu Th United States iar pirl Zaphiro is atoo at Chemul- puvrc Russia Junin anl Great Brit- ain have ch one manofwar Quiet prevail but the palace is LeivUy guarded by the Corean army The mmemnts of the Japanese tnope and fleet are unknown here The pttitude of the Corean government is iiohanged Solicit jde Jp shown as to rat may happen on the arrival of Japanese troopr MADE GREAT Russia Hopes Her Proposals Will Insure Peace tt Pvtersbura Jr n 5 In her reply to Japan Rus ii made treat conces- ns and hopes her proposals will prove i ptaole to Japan The foreign office informed Assc- iaud Press today tlat structions had tx n sent to Vicero Alexieff on which ti reply was bas The lat r was iriwn up in the most concfliatbry 01 i H Some of the Japanese proposilu v re accepced while others made the sjojsct if xterdfil observations and rp met by countir proposal air tr ig in many cir c s that on Thursday next the Rus sian Christmas the czar may be able announce that oeaee is assured The flurry on the bourse yesterday is explained by bankers as being due to ht annual settrtment of operations and aid that it was wholly influenced the far eaittrn situation London Jan 5 The statement made pARIs a c eta I I le pfd ciuzs LANDED at Soi1 1tLtyfve marines from the Unted here 4 OOiOS IONS the S S j t V IS i There hopes t 0 b 1sy < > > > > ° ¬ ¬ HOUSE COMMITTEE STRUGGLING WITH PURE FOOD LEGISLATION Washington Jan 5 Pure food legi was taken up today hy the house mmlttee on interstate and foreign mraerce Pr nosed amendments t the present law were explained to the remittee by Dr Wiley ehtef of the i ur au of chemistry of he department r f agriculture One amendment suggested by the Na mil Pure Food association strikes K the words with latent in the pro i i n against misbrardin tf food products no as to relieve the govern cit from the necessity of proving tb intent to de eive in such action I r Wiley ifd fifty cargoes of Ger- ntar wines ontanr g s lylc ald hal hen sent hack wnl r the law regulat- ing importation of i r Mn foods Dur- ing the six months le had teen P- el eration without suit or process of av nearly all shipm ntj of adulterated f reign foo s bad been stopped al rough previous to th operation of JH law ten per esnt f n41 importt nor anddrinks were aciilterat K pres talivc Mann of Illinois aske f salicylic aci i was injurious to health M Wrfejr replied that according to thr- r neral opinion it was injurious how V T he Mid he w s v conducting Vnd experimenis to ascertain this fact Then declared Mr Mann you isv t ion C 4 law flu > < > > < ¬ > ¬ by the foreign office at St Peterpeurg to the Associated Frees today regard- ing the sent to Viceroy A1- e ijr was communicated to the British foreign office and tc le- gation here both Expressed pleas at the fact that Russia had evinced such a friendly attitude hut they sail no definite conclusion could be drawri until the nature of the counter propos- als was known The Japanese legation reiterated that the cardinal points th Japanese proposals admitted of no counterproposals and said that if a serious point were included among those Rcvepted there a possibility of reaching a settlement by further i go- tiations LESS HOPEFUL TONE Diplomats Xnpatidtly Awaiting Text of Russias Beply Paris Jan 5 A dispatch to the Ha vas agency from Ttokio today says The preparations for the embark ation of two divisions of Japanese troops are continuing actively It is believed they will be dispatched to ports in south Korea to restore order Owing to the absence of details re fearding the Russian reply the o cials here are careful not to ocprejBa a- j opinions as to the outcome hut the nit era tone of the comnwttt in official fe vies is slightly loss hopeful Tle meal signiticiuit feature of a dJf witch ffojpa hastening final ptxpaeation for a- more extensive dispatch of troop i Korea than at first contemplated Th- government has now decided to send an army of 35 090 men organized as two j divisions to Korea This is more thai double the strength of the expedition first contemplated and requires a large fleet of transports and extensive ar rangements which are proceeding rap idly towards completion The destina- tion of this army is to bar southern Korea particularly Pusan and MuF mpho The officials here at first understood that Russia would not ob- ject ta the dispatch of the expedition but the magnitude of the to raise some doubt as to whetheV Rus- sia nill acquiesce Although no posi- tive advices have given of the preparations for the dispatch of this large army the reports excite some ap- prehension as It ta saM it may develop into the first outward set of the conflict Humors are in circulation at MarsetHec that a French naval division composed of the armored cruisers Kleoer Des Moix and Admiral Aube and the turret ship Suffern is about to receive orders to sail for the far east The reports however cannot he confirmed here but there Is reaeoa to believe that the naval authorities are considering the dispatch of warships in the event of a serious turn in the situation This is due main ly to the present small French naval force te Pacific which te confined to two unimportant vessels They lit was I I 1fJ the I bees Im- pending the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ bfcve barred wines before yaw knOw they wre tn iriousr1- Wo have taken the action because the German laws prohibits sslycilic acid responded Dr WBey Yet retorted Mr Mann hut that law passed for the exprese purpose of retaliation Mr Mann duclared that if the present bli became a law it would permit Dr Wiley to destroy millions o dollars of export bjsicees in meats by declarias borax injurious to health He suggest ed ao amendment to ail v sub0tanost- o be placed in foods for export whe- ubatances were not prohibited hy the of the country to which the foods were tc be shipped No opposition to this tinaendincnt was made by Wiey The committee will resume the con d ration of the pure food htli next Friday MUJLD BED P0 REVENGE Budapest Jan 5 Paul BretniU f liberal meinbar of the Hungarian was murdtsed at Nay Kiktfide today by two peasants The motive was re venge for tho liss of a lawsuit brought by the father of the murderers against Eremltx out Geithan was laws Dr diet > ¬ J vVashlnKton Jan 5 Jonah A KaJanianoate Priace Cupid the t Hawaiian delegate in congress appeared n police court today on ute char e of disorderly condnct fir which he was Arrested test night his case being continual until Thursday He had an altercation with a man ramed lrke ovei a personal matter and wneu lhr poKc interfered that h n bit rights as a member of congress and was immune from irn t Hf rnd Clarke wcr taken inti ustody 1 and when advised n thr joino station to feav Olliteral or send for his- s friends he tie Hnei on ti ground Uutt be nut subject ta arresj- H J iu ti niyht in a fell a id vaf taken in th black marla to court l y vh r h waif s v n tre ituul prison far of roffee aivl sar1- wi dsf Kffjrts w r again niade to have him seed for friendto ar 5f th jiiaiur lot lv nsistcd on a trial and the ase was continued t PRINC CUPID IN JAIL l r i hark stat d stood S was 4 i < > < SiOOt REPLIES TO PROTESTANTS penies Tat Potygam Is Prac V ticed by ALL OTHER VARiES DENIED Special to The Herald i ASH9EMI3TQN J C Jib 5 ena f DCJr Staoot SJML Chairman Burrows t e4t Md t ly to gt for pub Iteatioo any fhforimrtlon concerning Smoots answer t he charges filed aserlitst JtbH Chihrmsti Burrows sail th answer would not tie made public until after it wEs submitted to tha- eloettone oommittoe trhlch would be S turd y Senator Smoot said his answer was at the disposition cf the cotmnittee and he co Bid ra it would be an Impropriety oar his part to an- nounce Its eoiaeats Jn whole or in part From authentic sottrees It fe learned that Smoots answer te not the volumi- nous doempaeat it Was expected to be aatd aJio tmt th n cruA af the answer to such that an investigation of Mor oM s i roB D r WJ certaim- I In kft ew r denies h6ohit iy the chitrgt that T br has been a polygamist He also denies absolutely K he has taken an oath an a mem r of tiie Mormon church or an offi car of suck church in conflict In any I manner with the oath he has taken as senator of the Uatted States He in slots thaf all other ehlti es made by citizens of Utak represented by the committee of nineteen are not germans to the question of his right to hold his seat as senator He insists that they af all irrelevant and hav2 no bearing whatever on his title to a seat in the genate But While not admitting that the charges have any bearing on his ha proeeede to ansrwer lheu reserving the point however that thy not material Follow tide pi pcedure he denies thai the Mormon pneirhood r first presidency is vested with supreme authority over the Mormon people eith- er in temporal or spiritual Polygasry Not Practiced He denies that polygamy hr practiced recognised encovnaged or counte- nanced by authority of Mormon church or by the Mormon people and denies generally pevi4caHy all of cl rgs set forth m the pro t s of the coniinittee of nineteen Ho admits that parts of specific statements and quotations In the protests sic cor rect but jrtates that they are in the main garbled an l when considered in reiatioit to the contest proceedings of which they form a part would convey a entirely different meaning front that sought t he conveyed by the protest aatq qu g0ea oe the team r At would evtfroly Meutcaiice e- Mt pVotivt te stowing In hte aflpwer Smoot states that not as a representative of i Mormon rlmrrh but as the repre- sentative uf the Republican party of tltah AM Sapublicans Fer Him He y that during the campaign preceding his election it was charged by I en oeratic papers that would be mage senator 4f the RepuhUpan party won and it Vas geneiytOy tmderetood in Utak that he was the candidate of the neptibllcaft party B states that in the legislature be received the entire Republicafi vote including that of Gentile mcmbeee of What party that the Democrats all voted against him including Democratic Mormons He concludes hy reasserting tit at no time has he takea an oath or oblfora tioy inimical to the government of the United States and conflicting with his oath as senator Petitions Prom Idaho Special to The Herald Washington Jan S Senator Srroot today i rc frnted in the senate resolu- tions of the Weber cLub and Buslrfeas Mens n eochitlon of Ogden favoring government aid to the American merch- ant marine service An unusual num her of petitions against Senator Smdot were presented m the senate today a large number being from Idaho 4 4 Mormoni Church 4- 1NVTIAIO t4D mcZ- aXLY i t lest l 0 I iniat lie cast ore the Cud the ther t Burt hr don he- w lie the I ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + t IN VAT Passenger Train Collide With ffrei ht Kan Many People Riftedh Bpies Being Still v iriAhe lA reltage AWFUL WR1 ROCK ISAND Near Topeka fJPBKA Kan Jan Rock island I passenger trala No 3 coHW ft with a freighttrain two miles a aut ot- Tbpeka about 1 oclock this Rcporte from there say many yeopje are caught in the wreckage A P- cial train with doctors and ofllcMso the road haa just left here fo wreck The general superitttt cut office reports It is very serious Englneorjs Jleardon and B JlLtHtn were killed Qver a dozer pa vengec are fataily hurt 4 All the passenger coaches except t o last two 3ufUnans were piftft vw Jta a heap The two trains met s nifue- eii a headoa cojliaioiv- Wrecking1 crews ave been Mlht wreck from Htrington Hoe j T the e t- ote t taeistatt aeaiii aupi4e MBB LAW IN OREGON Holy Roller Apostles Treatld to a Coat of arid7 T Feathers Portiftnrl Ore Jan 5 A special to ibe Hyening Telegram COiv H- Isnys A v- creftfeld and Brooks the Holy Hotter ar eatks vhjive at the Joigp coat of tar and eatHei L Lasil night about 10 oclock twenty 4fter- ir tned citizens west across t Hvftr into LlttB county and took the tile men tJcm the cottage where they hadvbeen Tar- from n iast received pet > Su hertend said to the Associated P ssre have no positive information at t r about the wreck other than to 1th engineer and both firemen are ateo some pas l lftlled but we do how ifMK- yjejijast report Yt got from Wll- jf that mane people were yet re w ek ge and that alt the wrecked two BSlEaaDB WORTH 6000000p- Nieuse N Y Jan SvThe will of Congressman Janiee J BeWen- i of an estate valued t KMt- MD Xtocal institutions are given Mfe or which Syracuse u lve eHy will lfra 0 aad the SyrActise Col i and injured Nw F ire hut IraI 4teo 25 MatUelne U Des igitlion- wiow hack i es- corted thera to th southern parlT onljte- ttwn whrv they were trintH d and tticroughly tarred and feathered They were then released and toldthat if Ifcey were ever caught in Coravallis- S in they would e lynrhed About 12 oclock tonight riends o the vIe tmte reeecd up a movore- dtpentfne and oil for the purpose of repiovlhgr the obnoxioss covering morning aotti daylight Crefllek- laad MBS Maud Hurt the oldest daugh of O V Hurt drove to Albany vhere they were married about B- oMock risked In regHBd to this tter Mr Hurt It ftwkpJace without my knowledge orl cotwent but aa both parties are of age Icould rot have stopped it Van W and tel Wen saId ¬ Paris Jan 1 The Che ao of the Paris edition of the New York Herald cables as follows thousand Japanese troops are ready to tend at Masafrpho and their landing will jMobably mean war A regiment of Cossacks ft expected at Port Arthur es are being retnoved from Biagove rh rok the capital of the Amur province hi Eestern Siberia to TsitscMUr In Manchuria The px tlo of the troops hi Mehuria Is being rearranged hut their location is kept a secret llANDIN OF 1ROOPS MANS W4RI Eight Rneer Mining and Oil Stock Promoters Using the pilsi- in a Scheme to Defraud the Public at Largq iAS hAVE BN Accused of I > p md4POt j n 4Fran Jager sad j JoifM Jager w i known through- out the United States as mining toek sfotairE and prei o r ar- rested tod r OB the compfttot of poet onloe Inspector Win My Ketcham on the charge of using the maths in a scheme to defraud The arrests were ordered by the gov- ernment oftcuUs after itt inquiry had been niade Into the methods of the Model Gold Mining company and the Jager OH company of wnich concerns Frank Jager is president and treasurer and er secretary More than S8CMM I Involved te tie and the federal authorities declare that sensa- tional Revelations will he made when th priaoaer are arraigned in court The sw were tatoen before a j Batter iowr Yhelr bonds were fixed at J2000 ech and they were reJeeoed oa bail At the re qiMSst of Prank Jager who said he in tended leaving a few later with a party f etockheiders to attend the annual meetiit of the com- pany at Presoott Commissioner Foote continued the bearing of the case to Jan 15 List of Properties According to the federal officers the following and oil wells are included IQ the list of those fraudulently repre- sented hi matter sent through the malls Mc ab fo4I Cop per Jewie We i Nf 3 Gold Bug Sink to Rise North Model Alta Helen No t Copper Queen Liberty Bell Bruce Herron Bachelor Tom Rd Copper Crown Belmont Jager Oil company Oft company Fnutkeiese Briquette company Standard Briquette company Inspector Ketcham said trxKx that he did not mrk th ratm th proper- ties ar of nn lu hut tbut he repre- sentations n to the earnings of the prop- erties fire fraudulent Only One Was Good The inspector said hen fing thr m iif t- tiuu all tb n The men have were John ease tiled hears Arts Ant rican Gold McKinley that na1e ipr5et1tn abut Lhc holy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ oae of which our snvesti- Md was the McCa Ariz The that the resources and profits hive been and that Jfc seal ilmamnir account which slw- becnimirgeft against profit has t forth In adr matter sent through the maR fsr of makmg a good showin We charge that of stock on the MrengtB adiertiaing tnatter hav been nMcIe false pret nM a the lirop0rty operated by the Moder ow- pftny va worse the management represented to stockholders at annual meeting in 19tif said Tjie ar spite work A of wished to disrupt rife com We have made no done aid we wilt bring heavy damas JEERED AT SOLDIERS ThomaS Evans and her 4yMrora laughter who wore taken from their home at Anaconda to the bull for Jeeratg at oidi r Yl miners have been rf leaBdby the military authorltief after being se vereiy reprimanded Mr V M ordofefi to leave the district JMd as he a fl to do so he is boBx filled In tb bull pen mosey ine ier fltItlessl Increased el g the The guverameuts position Is that erg is as impairment of capital to the 4 that the zejoite ho t1t off reef hi atd my brother I Dup4y suith Crlpp1 reek Cot Jan pit yes- terday non- union wad still > < DANGER TO COMMERCE Cabinet Trying to Figure Outa Plan of Action inthe Far Eist Washington Jan S Long and care tel coneideraUon was given to the sit- uation in the by the president ard his cabinet today The information received thrtmgh iiptomatlc channels if most carefully guarded At the con clusfon of the cabinet meeting the mem- ber were unusually reticent It is f lt by officials of the administration that it would be improper publicly to discuss a subject so delicate as that vhich is end1ng between Japan and Riwsia in too the United States is not of the principal potrtiec This governments reJaUone to th ronftroverfy are purely eoMRnercial If war between Japan sltouM result while It is not expected that cvrn in a remote way the United States wiuld b drawn into it efforts cer- tainly would be made by this govern- ment to protect its commBRc ia the fa east To afford this protectloa In each a- way as not to often either aation party to the war both of wbom are on friend ly termy with the UnitedStatfB would be a delicate and difficult Uk t te- t will h- cnwrtderejO t4 t re Mtiiiss th- I resident and his cabinet v- In iUs in the army are pending but thy wre not brought up at Udays eabiet meeting UNION PACIFIC GETS CHICAGO ALTON Railway Deal ofParreaching Mag nitude Announced oixBeli able Authority f Chicago Jan 5 The Post says f According to reliable authority f- f the Chicago AK will be sold t to the Union Pacific This was 4 the subject of the KuknLfeb cit 4 cular asking for the deposit of stock to facilitate the sW of the f rood The response to the request f for the deposit of stock has been 4 so general as to kisure Use f- f of the deal f The Altos wm be used to afford the Union Pacific anti the Southern f- f PacHIc a direct Chicago outlet and f the headquarters of ties entire sys f 4 tejn may be moved to this city 4 4 It is intimated that the put f chase of the Alton by the Union Pacific may not m any way inter 4 fere with the plans suggested for v 4 the close affiliation of the former f 4 with the Kansas City Southern 4 far eat I nik + + succesS I 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + > + + + + + + + + + + + + + President Kramers Reply to An Inquiry astxv Whether Negotiations With the Strikers for a Settlement y Were in Progress SVRAL WS AGO Vice J Special to The Herald jASTLH SATE Jan Attoroey S King and A S Fowler repre y3ntag the defendants in the OjjB eviction eases brought by the corn E were at Castle Gate today left ilf Bali Lake on the train this evening Pfbthtsg could be learned here of any fttfore ce looking to the adjustment eariy differences ind Mr Kramer m fponee to an Inquiry coaeernine a ru njpred conference with Klag Pow 8 H that the strike was settled e- eritl weeks so far as the company aajp concerned and no negotiations ichatcoever were pridIng that he kraw BaiJi nal Manager WiJIUa a was later Wtroadwfl and stated that there would be no ehanfrj in the policy of the corn P inyJ heretofore outlined with refer i9Pett th strikers men had M eretC with the com und their places were hued by i men who were t stay r1- H retrained but the eviction of train the properties of the com i riy which matter vas being p fehed- aa rapidly ap possible Kc ifiTo Change in Situation very little in the strike from the mine is dally increas- hBk w the new men are becominaf moro with the vorK- Th ncfisent otitpnt to TO per cent of the output one year ago P r cent of the I 5 Van and I and ago I that the ther relations sate hOW hEro iZdkorn hero is tuetkaft St this place The coal output various 1 slid 70 > > > < AFTER HE lElS BIS SHARE Washington Jan MPhlTlFpeIJuaauVarilla the minister from Panama and the blot signer wth Secretary Hay Af the treaty will resign his ofHr after the eXch tttje of imttncatfeni of th i Ufny between the Washington and ncnia ovrnnent Hte WKc t r it R said will be Mr AroKe 4h i ht latry of Panama h e son f i ati t 3iti Buaauvarilla probably will go to Paris after his rusignattim anal a IC flOW ere ii here numberof men required st jfsjv to result VMs President Kramer and General Manager Williams here tonight and report the general situation aa very Coke ovens at taste as yet resumed and M that there fano iai i of firing these ovena at from the Sunnyside ovens is for nil of the Utah smelters Quite a laCge number of U strikers are eporttd leave the points and t is stated that the United Mine Workers union hs withdrawn sup port from the single men slId then to leave ttah and seek work elsewhere HAfiRIMAN WILL 8E SUCCESSOR F BURT f 4 Omaha Jan 5 It was semi 4 4 offleially stated today that IS H 4 4 Harriman will become pre Hetof 4 4 the Union Pacific r Utu to sue 4 4 cod Horace O Burt 4 4 nation anQMoikeed V A general managerjsH hft named 4 4 who will be the actual heitd of the 4 4 affairs of the roads with laettdquar 4 ters in Omaha The road will be 4t 4 operated by a method similar to 4- sf that in vogue onthe Southern Pa 4r 4 rifle road Mr Harrlmaris incum 4 4 honey it is said will be for one 4 4 year at the end ot wlrielt period 4 4 his permanent successor If any 4 4 will be named 4 Washington Jan Representative Dixnn of Montana Introduced reso- lution today providing for a wire fence along the Canadian Iwunilary between Lake iff the Woods and Point Roberts The object of fence is to keep out hiJirtf immigrants ant Jki be so one climbs ItT w sierretary of omnwrc and ilkboifis directed to re- rori on the featsibility of the pn jecie3 ago reeeap ah a are The Gate have not jail mates likeli- hood the output ikj to ttah fields for eastern 1L o was recently 4 + M0iAiiA AN IDEA a the < t equippe4 a to give Ccmitc ¬ < ¬ > MANY TO BE REBUILT j Chicago Theatres Must Conform to Legal Requirements A 1NQ1JEST BEGINS THURSDAY TSRTUJflAL BUSTNESS ZEST Hf BAD SHAPE rntflCAGO Jan S7h several corn 1 f ntitt es compoee of the membes of the city coahcil appointed last night to investigate the condition of the local theatres had to report upon what alteratioas are necessary to make them conform to the building ordi- nances their first meeting today Aocsrauir to statement of Alex arder Friestwlt one of the member o the committee it is doubtful if 35 per cent of the theatres ever will re open tfcefar doors Strict adherence to the building laws would require that every of the play houses in the city bo eC fireproof construction and th would require the demolition and of th majority of the the atres Alderman Jones chairman of the said tonight We will first revise the building ordinances Then we will vteit the theatres and decide what alterations will be necessary to- mtifef the constructitaof theMouce eon to tile law Ctf course the owners or theatres will do nothing until they Know Just exactly what city alder men will demand of them but they wljl be obliged to reconstruct their theatres to conform with ordinances Alderman Friend declared Some o the leedlujj theatres In Chicago can- not conform to the ordhiancess unless they are entirely rebuilt and they may find it too expensive to make the changes I do not believe over 35 per- cent of them will ever open again any how Tour Arrests Made Late this afternoon the attorneys of It fire department caused the arresi four employee of the Fuller Con- struction company David Jones a rna ronry foreman and Angus McKay otto Rauscli and John kingston iron work- ers Attorneys for the Puller com- pany took who had been sought by the police for several days to ihs fire department It had been charged Lust Jones and his meabroke the sky- lights or theatre after the tire in order to destroy possible evidence It dtxclor d today after the arrest of Jones anl his men that the skylights Iwere blocked by scsHtlings tied with wire to prevent their opening and bincft the theatre was buiU Jones in making Ml statement to the fire department said I ck th me up through an dHttrher ned out npurt tno- tlif xir m f over the stage Pirst I i ma ed the wooden scantlings which brdKe Curo jtanes to gtt t the wiresio JiV th tfeenu I Ih aUy got the wires off aad on ned the Jones wtfe aakipd why he went to the roof of theatre and replied that he had been told that the north walt had cracked Ill the fire and went to se if lit was true He declared he had loos- e tf the skylights because he feared they might fall through and injure somebody or the stage Why did you take three iron workers with you to Inspect a brick wall asked Attorney Fulkerson of the fire department Jones was confused but finally an- swered that the men went with him through curiosity Numerous witnesses who were in ad joining buBdhigp overlooking the the- atre testified that the were not open daring the fire Inquest Thursday Coroner Treager said tonight that he was almost ready for the inquest which will Thursday morning I wish it understood he said that this in not trial hut simply an in quiry determine the facts of the fire as far as we can The coroners jury will not attempt to fix the blame of time fire upon anybody ncr will it rec the punishment of anybody It will simply report on the facts as it has been able to gather them and the test of the work wil be left for the states attorney if it is found that there is anything for him to According to th managers fo the lo ca theatres the closing of the play- houses In this city has disarranged theatrical buslr p of the entire coun- try Companies that have been hooked for lump city for the next fortnight either suspended or they are being sent to other cities thus forcing other com psnieo to change their routes Life fctmiance companies object to the statement of the coroner that rj verdict iU be ren iered tftw the in qeest chioning that large urns of mon y In Insurance on of thos who perished in the theatre fire depend tOm their payment on tne verdict of the Coroners jury ar l attorneys for relatives oCthose who died declare that a verdict should be given in each par ticular case of death in order that co- lhciion of lasurance may be possible NET EARNINGS SHOW GREAT FALLING OFF New York Jan 5 The dirertm1 4 f of the pnited States Steel corpora 4 tten met this afternoon f Pier 4 4 pout Morgan and John D Recite 4 4 feller Jr being among those 4 4 present The directors passed the 4 4 dividend on the common stock 4 ih tiut declared the regular quarterly 4 4 dividend of 14 per cent on the 4 4 preferred stock 4 4 The net earnings for the quarter 4 4 ending December 31st were report 4 4 ed to be 14843042 HS against i 4 66759 for the some y iod in 190J 4 MW GIKEAL GSAlfTED Hamilton O Jan 5 Alfred A- KmCpp selfconfessed murderer uf iv persoos now in the penitentiary at lumbu awaiting execution for the tour ef of Ms wife was granted a new trial today WILL RAVE t S I held the qua re- building the the or Jones the nod of them had been opendd three building hZ the skylights Then I touzuj blleJ1iS U41uith 1nde and a the a daJ the are liven the 4 4 t 4 ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ + + + ++ + + + + ++ ++ + WHY THEYWILL OPPOSE WOOD Views of tha Minority of the Senate Committee A SOME DENIED TJGIST SSQIUBS ABOUT The view the minority of th senate com tee on military affairs protf against the confirmatfan of Briga Gen Leonard Wood tl he majt t oral liars been prepare In the a brief to be used by the opponet this nomination when tee reports the Committee are presented for action of the senate in executive- s The brief follows the teiiii introduced before the senate corrirmv in the investigation which was hc i on Nov ir and continued until DPI directing the attention of senators the passapes in the printed rep n f the testimony and entphasizii charges made before the commuter t is declared most of the important n ters brougu out in the hearhigr to publK knowledge subsequent General Woods promotion to ho b adler general and that BO compv investigation has yet been made ii Kard to the actual facts of Cie Wood and exp Tif These assertions are made fir purpose of meeting th rgurm r Senator Foraker that objection General Woods advancement h 1 have boon made when President M Kinley hid under consideration s- matter of promoting him to brig J er general Some Charges Nat Denied First submitted in the heist is the ar- gument that it is not dented that th dcra to tht coirt whit were intr d J- by Major K Rathbnne were a t issued hy General Wood These or were for the admission o ex pane nrinny and in that connection alter a been railed the minority to an der issued by the secretary of war a whirl nera1 Woods orders are dared t have been a perversion n- structions Secretary Roots order was proniuii i by Colonel Scott a adjutant geiuTii Xovmb r 11 199 and transmitted t court on Nov 15 1901 In this mi order the prosecution is instructed c if it has ny intention of using a d ncp in the trial of the postal tlmony applied for in the United Sr a steps would b taker t i immediate form the proper Judicial authorities t u this be allowed The minority says that to gl ar i this order eneral Wood used his ausu ity as military governor to change tn tire judicial system of the island Pardon of Reeves The secoiul count in tle brief o e testimony relates to the pardon of Reaves and his testimony In thr pos CHses in this connection the i of the senate is directed to the sti meat of General Wood in answer t t charges filed by Major Rathbone ural Wood tells the circumstances u which Rerve fUTreBderftd money ceived from Neeiy in Cuban p frauds afterwaM tUT9 suit v- dence in the trials Qen W X 1 i that in pAi oninf he believei had right toconstitute hint a iiesK for the state for although 1S J had been a defendant h ha i t freely aiifi fully concerntog the fr committed in the postoffitee departreett It is charged further that Getters i failed to inform the court that h promised to pardon Reeves and thai n consequence of such failure the court garded Reeves as a defendant mitted hfm to testify without the solemn- ity of an oath Genera Wood is charged in the v i count with having a made to Major James 5 Runcie n t o cause the arrest of CoryAon M Riih A KI had been an assistant to Mr N ey in tae finance bureau of the departtmiu it posts The Magazine Article The Rurcie magazine article is the A- bject of the fourth count With many ife- rences to the printed testimonies for no purpose of supporting argumen t is made RuncH sWeats that w re mad between himself Ray Star ra Baker ad General Wood for RUIK i write an article all Cuba and General Wood understood that tnr ar would be criticism of General HroK administration He also swears rat after it was written General Woo n o him if it had beet written act gem ta Baker lInker states that General Wood v a- very frank in his expressions of crlti i a- cf the BiK ke administration ant as i general result of hh i a he found that General Wood was tagonistic to General Brookes attir i istration JaiAlai Conees ion The JiijAiai concession forms the l itx count in th minoritys brief and th lowing Bumming up is made Jtid Advocate General Dudley su that th ncessfon to this institni a was rev r ompletedby the signatur f the Spinisi governor general The dent of the company states the d cunv- of April i7 J and Ht 16 w submittel o General Wood tbts meats b ii 15 approved General d in all thir parts They induced grant uf t for ten yea it claim trat rhe gambling was an adj t rather thaT a part of game is d proved b he president of the JaiAial General Kd did not furnish full in- formation the Action ot the war df- jiartnifnt Walliss Clearnsan with Tf any C of New York testified TTiC an ordor was cabled to Tiffany by f- Xarasqueta for a sliver service valued about OIK and that he tOOk9uch or ice to Havinia where it watt accepted t paid for by Zaraaaneta That this ws Ii gift to G nrai Wood front the JaiA al company i admitted Other charges The pixil ount says General Brooke testified to th subordinatvui of General Wood nd- he tBrooki refrained from a r martial process because of the i that such a not be sancti I by the war department The sevtrth and last count in time ll refers entir ly to General ls veraty The ttati of Brieati r General udlow wander L cien TftanK Major Rvn Alexis K ad a nunhr ot is quoted in support of th count Denver Jan 5 The local Minis teritil Aiiiance has adopted luttons in opposition to the seating 4 of Unit d States Senator Reed 4 Smoot CHARGES NOT MA1IT TH3 DQGTO VV ten s i has cases cannot V attn i 3 the and 4 tea t the v oar j aol proc 0 the in- statement a 5 ti Li visIt S j a a V C rs the fir i < s tatimonles P r ire o S 4- PERNIW1 SMOOT e 4 a 4 e 4 rose 4 5 4 4 5 t 4 > <> > ¬ > ¬ > > > > ¬ > + + +++++ ++++ + + ++ + ++ + + ++ ++ +++ ++ +++++ ++ SQ5ETHSW6 DOING OVER HERE tare th- T Ire M cap vice tyefgV San FranciJ Jan 5Ordes have bttn received tr i transports Warren and JJcade fr so a Thif will make llv carrying vessel that are being ready for Th y of curryinjr il re o SOOO poUliers with their lUtJancnt i the flel1 Th Sherman and Bufoni are now r a ly o sail r hours noti and lie k vil l ready put tooa vM a VV In addition to these nvo vtesfels the tirnsimrt ix is coming ili she should be m tMuHiarb n wit time next Jen uaJS tmztf now bei s prcrared to fit her for cat lag hor s I got ser it this port from th and >

Transcript of I THE SALT UKE I ULU pRCE1FIE · The committee will resume the con d ration of the pure food htli...

Page 1: I THE SALT UKE I ULU pRCE1FIE · The committee will resume the con d ration of the pure food htli next Friday MUJLD BED P0 REVENGE Budapest Jan 5 Paul BretniU f liberal meinbar of




Probably airras METALS

Silver f f per ounceCopper ll4c Xew York 123 t-

2c rLead MH 2w York 435 i




Japan Has Russias epIy Jte the

large Does Not Know Its Cantmrts

Russia Said to Have Made ConcessionsAConflict Prpbabi

Start in Korea

Tokio Jan ft fcW p m Aa extra edtUon of the Otticial QtaiaAte hasK containing army and Bavy orders prohibfttng the nuWlaH-

ing of any reports of the movements of troops sr war vessels from thistime on Otherwise the Japanese authorities ere toot interfering withpress messages

St o A seodofilcial dispatch to a news agency fromVladlvostock and private information from Mukocri state that owing to K

i disturbances between the Koreans and the Japanese in Korea the Rue 4sian Second rifle regiment at its full strength has been dispatched to fKorea in order to protect Rnssten interests there

fTokio Jan 5 105 p m The Russian reply to Japan has not yet

been receivedIt is reported from Vladivostock that the Russian squadron there te

preparing for action

with a email military force on board Its destination is unknown but Itis probably Chemulpo Korea



WerId 1at




been issued44

1 Peteriburg Jani fs




1 AccordIng to aother repet a RuIau eruaer ha t Pert krth<

F 4 9




+ + + + + + + + + + + ± + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++




+ +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

J u 3 It developed todiiythe greatest difference tt-

ween Russia and Japan arisesf m the proposal n tde by Russia tha

neutral zone rtiall he establishedf Mending frjm Pingyang In Korea on

south to the Russian frontier on theThe Hussian government has

N Dressed a iHingneaa to recognize thepre jx ndemtinK influem of Japan inthr remaintler of Korea and the tw-it vers are agreed respecting the prin

iplc of the integrity of China and ofKuaa-

pan however saw no reason whytc proposed neutnl none vhouki be erMished holding that the entire pen in-

ia should be the subjeoL to net prx-I i leraijng influence

sir attitude of Russia is believed toIf Jue to the fact that if Japan con

l3 Kotra she will thereby be ablemore easily menace Port Arthur asn as viiuivost ck-

i dipinntnt who gave the AnfociPreys the fm gon Information

Ircsse himself a confident thatKu 5ia in he reily to Japan will give

iy on this vitsl point

United States WUJ Protect Consulate

V J Oorea Jan CA detachment or-

Kfrfirj seams hip Viksburg now lytc-ii hemulpn arrived here yesterday asi guard for the American legation A-

Mhef body cf seventy m rirts will ari-v tomwirOu Th United Statesiar pirl Zaphiro is atoo at Chemul-puvrc Russia Junin anl Great Brit-

ain have ch one manofwarQuiet prevail but the palace is

LeivUy guarded by the Corean armyThe mmemnts of the Japanese

tnope and fleet are unknown here Thepttitude of the Corean government isiiohanged Solicit jde Jp shown as to

rat may happen on the arrival ofJapanese troopr


Russia Hopes Her Proposals WillInsure Peace

tt Pvtersbura Jr n 5 In her replyto Japan Rus ii made treat conces-

ns and hopes her proposals will provei ptaole to Japan

The foreign office informed Assc-iaud Press today tlat structions had

tx n sent to Vicero Alexieff on whichti reply was bas The lat r wasiriwn up in the most concfliatbry

01 i H Some of the Japanese proposiluv re accepced while others made thesjojsct if xterdfil observations and

rp met by countir proposalair tr ig in many cir

c s that on Thursday next the Russian Christmas the czar may be able

announce that oeaee is assuredThe flurry on the bourse yesterday is

explained by bankers as being due toht annual settrtment of operations and

aid that it was wholly influencedthe far eaittrn situation

London Jan 5 The statement made



c eta




ciuzs LANDED

at Soi1

1tLtyfve marines from the Unted






S j



i There hopes













Washington Jan 5 Pure food legiwas taken up today hy the house

mmlttee on interstate and foreignmraerce Pr nosed amendments t

the present law were explained to theremittee by Dr Wiley ehtef of the

i ur au of chemistry of he departmentr f agriculture

One amendment suggested by the Namil Pure Food association strikes

K the words with latent in the proi i n against misbrardin tf food

products no as to relieve the governcit from the necessity of proving tb

intent to de eive in such actionI r Wiley ifd fifty cargoes of Ger-

ntar wines ontanr g s lylc ald halhen sent hack wnl r the law regulat-ing importation of i r Mn foods Dur-ing the six months le had teen P-

el eration without suit or process ofav nearly all shipm ntj of adulterated

f reign foo s bad been stopped alrough previous to th operation ofJH law ten per esnt f n41 importtnor anddrinks were aciilterat

K pres talivc Mann of Illinois askef salicylic aci i was injurious to healthM Wrfejr replied that according to thr-

r neral opinion it was injurious howV T he Mid he w s v conducting

Vnd experimenis to ascertain this factThen declared Mr Mann you

isvt ion


4 law



< >



> ¬

by the foreign office at St Peterpeurgto the Associated Frees today regard-ing the sent to Viceroy A1-

e ijr was communicated to the Britishforeign office and tc le-

gation here both Expressed pleasat the fact that Russia had evinced

such a friendly attitude hut they sailno definite conclusion could be drawriuntil the nature of the counter propos-als was known The Japanese legationreiterated that the cardinal pointsth Japanese proposals admitted of nocounterproposals and said that if aserious point were included among thoseRcvepted there a possibility ofreaching a settlement by further i go-



Diplomats Xnpatidtly AwaitingText of Russias Beply

Paris Jan 5 A dispatch to the Havas agency from Ttokio today says

The preparations for the embarkation of two divisions of Japanesetroops are continuing actively It isbelieved they will be dispatched toports in south Korea to restore order

Owing to the absence of details refearding the Russian reply the o cialshere are careful not to ocprejBa a-

j opinions as to the outcome hut the nitera tone of the comnwttt in official fevies is slightly loss hopeful Tle mealsigniticiuit feature of a dJf witch ffojpa

hastening final ptxpaeation for a-

more extensive dispatch of troopi Korea than at first contemplated Th-government has now decided to sendan army of 35 090 men organized as two

j divisions to Korea This is more thaidouble the strength of the expeditionfirst contemplated and requires a largefleet of transports and extensive arrangements which are proceeding rapidly towards completion The destina-tion of this army is to barsouthern Korea particularly Pusan andMuF mpho The officials here at firstunderstood that Russia would not ob-ject ta the dispatch of the expeditionbut the magnitude of theto raise some doubt as to whetheV Rus-sia nill acquiesce Although no posi-tive advices have given of thepreparations for the dispatch of thislarge army the reports excite some ap-prehension as It ta saM it may developinto the first outward set of the

conflictHumors are in circulation at MarsetHec

that a French naval division composedof the armored cruisers Kleoer DesMoix and Admiral Aube and the turretship Suffern is about to receive ordersto sail for the far east The reportshowever cannot he confirmed here butthere Is reaeoa to believe that the navalauthorities are considering the dispatchof warships in the event of a seriousturn in the situation This is due mainly to the present small French navalforce te Pacific which te confined totwo unimportant vessels





1fJ the












bfcve barred wines beforeyaw knOw they wre tn iriousr1-

Wo have taken the action becausethe German laws prohibits sslycilicacid responded Dr WBey

Yet retorted Mr Mann hut thatlaw passed for the exprese purposeof retaliation

Mr Mann duclared that if the presentbli became a law it would permit DrWiley to destroy millions o dollars ofexport bjsicees in meats by declariasborax injurious to health He suggested ao amendment to ail v sub0tanost-o be placed in foods for export whe-ubatances were not prohibited hy the

of the country to which the foodswere tc be shipped No opposition tothis tinaendincnt was made byWiey

The committee will resume the cond ration of the pure food htli next


MUJLD BED P0 REVENGEBudapest Jan 5 Paul BretniU f

liberal meinbar of the Hungarianwas murdtsed at Nay Kiktfide todayby two peasants The motive was revenge for tho liss of a lawsuit broughtby the father of the murderers againstEremltx

out Geithan







J vVashlnKton Jan 5 Jonah A KaJanianoate Priace Cupid thet Hawaiian delegate in congress appeared n police court today on ute

char e of disorderly condnct fir which he was Arrested test night hiscase being continual until Thursday He had an altercation with aman ramed lrke ovei a personal matter and wneu lhr poKcinterfered that h n bit rights as a member of congressand was immune from irn t Hf rnd Clarke wcr taken inti ustody

1 and when advised n thr joino station to feav Olliteral or send for his-s friends he tie Hnei on ti ground Uutt be nut subject ta arresj-

H J iu ti niyht in a fell a id vaf taken in th black marla tocourt l y vh r h waif s v n tre ituul prison far of roffee aivl sar1-wi dsf Kffjrts w r again niade to have him seed for friendto ar

5f th jiiaiur lot lv nsistcd on a trial and the ase was continued



ri hark

stat d stoodS






penies Tat Potygam Is Prac

V ticed by


Special to The Heraldi ASH9EMI3TQN J C Jib 5 ena

f DCJr Staoot SJML Chairman Burrowst e4t Md t ly to gt for pub

Iteatioo any fhforimrtlon concerningSmoots answer t he charges filedaserlitst JtbH Chihrmsti Burrows sailth answer would not tie made publicuntil after it wEs submitted to tha-eloettone oommittoe trhlch would beS turd y Senator Smoot said hisanswer was at the disposition cf thecotmnittee and he co Bid ra it wouldbe an Impropriety oar his part to an-nounce Its eoiaeats Jn whole or in partFrom authentic sottrees It fe learnedthat Smoots answer te not the volumi-nous doempaeat it Was expected to beaatd aJio tmt th n cruA af the answerto such that an investigation of Mor

oM s i roB D r WJ certaim-

I In kft ew r denies h6ohit iythe chitrgt that T br has been apolygamist He also denies absolutely

K he has taken an oath an a memr of tiie Mormon church or an offi

car of suck church in conflict In anyI manner with the oath he has taken assenator of the Uatted States He inslots thaf all other ehlti es made bycitizens of Utak represented by thecommittee of nineteen are not germansto the question of his right to holdhis seat as senator He insists thatthey af all irrelevant and hav2 nobearing whatever on his title to a seatin the genate

But While not admitting that thecharges have any bearing on hisha proeeede to ansrwer lheu reservingthe point however that thy notmaterial Follow tide pi pcedure hedenies thai the Mormon pneirhood rfirst presidency is vested with supremeauthority over the Mormon people eith-er in temporal or spiritual

Polygasry Not PracticedHe denies that polygamy hr practiced

recognised encovnaged or counte-nanced by authority of Mormonchurch or by the Mormon people anddenies generally pevi4caHy all of

cl rgs set forth m the prot s of the coniinittee of nineteen Hoadmits that parts of specific statements

and quotations In the protests sic correct but jrtates that they are in themain garbled an l when considered inreiatioit to the contest proceedings ofwhich they form a part would conveya entirely different meaning front thatsought t he conveyed by the protestaatq qu g0ea oe the team

r At would evtfroly Meutcaiice e-

Mt pVotivt te stowing Inhte aflpwer Smoot states that

not as a representative ofi Mormon rlmrrh but as the repre-

sentative uf the Republican party oftltah

AM Sapublicans Fer HimHe y that during the campaign

preceding his election it was chargedby I en oeratic papers that would bemage senator 4f the RepuhUpan partywon and it Vas geneiytOy tmderetoodin Utak that he was the candidate ofthe neptibllcaft party B states thatin the legislature be received the entireRepublicafi vote including that ofGentile mcmbeee of What party thatthe Democrats all voted against himincluding Democratic Mormons Heconcludes hy reasserting tit at notime has he takea an oath or oblforatioy inimical to the government of theUnited States and conflicting with hisoath as senator

Petitions Prom IdahoSpecial to The Herald

Washington Jan S Senator Srroottoday i rc frnted in the senate resolu-tions of the Weber cLub and BuslrfeasMens n eochitlon of Ogden favoringgovernment aid to the American merch-ant marine service An unusual numher of petitions against Senator Smdotwere presented m the senate today alarge number being from Idaho



Mormoni Church






l 0I iniat




Cudthe ther


Burt hrdon

















Passenger Train Collide With ffrei ht KanMany People Riftedh Bpies Being Still

v iriAhe lA reltage


Near Topeka

fJPBKA Kan Jan Rock islandI passenger trala No 3 coHW ft with

a freighttrain two miles a aut ot-Tbpeka about 1 oclock thisRcporte from there say many yeopjeare caught in the wreckage A P-

cial train with doctors and ofllcMsothe road haa just left here fowreck The general superitttt cutoffice reports It is very serious

Englneorjs Jleardon and B JlLtHtnwere killed Qver a dozer pa vengecare fataily hurt 4

All the passenger coaches except t o

last two 3ufUnans were piftft vw Jta

a heap The two trains met s nifue-eii a headoa cojliaioiv-

Wrecking1 crews ave been Mlht

wreck from Htrington Hoe j





taeistatt aeaiii aupi4eMBB LAW IN OREGON

Holy Roller Apostles Treatld toa Coat of arid7 T


Portiftnrl Ore Jan 5 A special toibe Hyening Telegram COiv H-Isnys A v-

creftfeld and Brooks the Holy Hotterar eatks vhjive at the Joigp

coat of tar and eatHei L Lasilnight about 10 oclock twenty 4fter-ir tned citizens west across t Hvftrinto LlttB county and took the tile mentJcm the cottage where they hadvbeen



iast receivedpet


Su hertend said to the AssociatedP ssre

have no positive information att r about the wreck other thanto 1th engineer and both firemen

are ateo some pasl lftlled but we do

how ifMK-yjejijast report Yt got from Wll-

jf that mane people were yetre w ek ge and that alt the

wrecked two

BSlEaaDB WORTH 6000000p-

Nieuse N Y Jan SvThe will ofCongressman Janiee J BeWen-

i of an estate valued t KMt-MD Xtocal institutions are givenMfe or which Syracuse u lve eHy will

lfra 0 aad the SyrActise Col

i and injuredNw

Fire hut



MatUelne U Des igitlion-wiow

hack i es-corted thera to th southern parlT onljte-ttwn whrv they were trintH d andtticroughly tarred and feathered Theywere then released and toldthat ifIfcey were ever caught in Coravallis-

S in they would e lynrhed About12 oclock tonight riends o the vIetmte reeecd up a movore-dtpentfne and oil for the purpose ofrepiovlhgr the obnoxioss covering

morning aotti daylight Crefllek-laad MBS Maud Hurt the oldest daugh

of O V Hurt drove to Albanyvhere they were married about B-

oMock risked In regHBd to thistter Mr HurtIt ftwkpJace without my knowledge

orl cotwent but aa both parties are ofage Icould rot have stopped it







Paris Jan 1 The Che ao of the Paris edition of theNew York Herald cables as follows thousand Japanese troopsare ready to tend at Masafrpho and their landing will jMobably meanwar

A regiment of Cossacks ft expected at Port Arthur es arebeing retnoved from Biagove rh rok the capital of the Amur provincehi Eestern Siberia to TsitscMUr In Manchuria

The px tlo of the troops hi Mehuria Is being rearranged huttheir location is kept a secret




Mining and Oil Stock Promoters Using the pilsi-

in a Scheme to Defraud the Publicat Largq

iAS hAVE BNAccused of


p md4POt j n 4Fran Jager sadj JoifM Jager w i known through-

out the United States as miningtoek sfotairE and prei o r ar-rested tod r OB the compfttot of poetonloe Inspector Win My Ketcham onthe charge of using the maths in ascheme to defraud

The arrests were ordered by the gov-

ernment oftcuUs after itt inquiry hadbeen niade Into the methods of theModel Gold Mining company and theJager OH company of wnich concernsFrank Jager is president and treasurerand er secretary More thanS8CMM I Involved te tie and thefederal authorities declare that sensa-tional Revelations will he made whenth priaoaer are arraigned in court

The sw were tatoen before a j

Batter iowr Yhelrbonds were fixed at J2000 ech andthey were reJeeoed oa bail At the reqiMSst of Prank Jager who said he intended leaving a fewlater with a party f etockheiders toattend the annual meetiit of the com-pany at Presoott CommissionerFoote continued the bearing of thecase to Jan 15

List of PropertiesAccording to the federal officers the

following and oil wells are includedIQ the list of those fraudulently repre-sented hi matter sent throughthe malls

Mc ab fo4I Copper Jewie We i Nf 3 Gold Bug Sinkto Rise North Model AltaHelen No t Copper Queen Liberty BellBruce Herron Bachelor TomRd Copper Crown Belmont Jager Oilcompany Oft company FnutkeieseBriquette company Standard Briquettecompany

Inspector Ketcham said trxKx that hedid not mrk th ratm th proper-ties ar of nn lu hut tbut he repre-sentations n to the earnings of the prop-erties fire fraudulent

Only One Was GoodThe inspector said

hen fing thr m iif t-

tiuu all tb n

The men have






Ant rican Gold



na1e ipr5et1tnabut Lhc holy






< ¬





oae of which our snvesti-Md was the McCa

Ariz Thethat the resources and profits hive been

and that Jfcseal ilmamnir account which slw-becnimirgeft against profit hast forth In adrmatter sent through the maR fsr

of makmg a good showin Wecharge that of stock on the MrengtB

adiertiaing tnatter hav beennMcIe false pret nM a

the lirop0rty operated by the Moder ow-pftny va worse themanagement represented to stockholdersat annual meeting in 19tif

said Tjie arspite work A of

wished to disrupt rife comWe have made no

done aid we wilt bring heavy damas


ThomaS Evans and her 4yMroralaughter who wore taken from theirhome at Anaconda to the bull

for Jeeratg at oidi r Ylminers have been rf leaBdby

the military authorltief after being severeiy reprimanded Mr V Mordofefi to leave the district JMd ashe a fl to do so he is boBx

filled In tb bull pen

mosey ine ierfltItlessl Increased



Theguverameuts position Is that erg is asimpairment of capital to the 4that the zejoite ho t1t


reef hi atd my brother I Dup4y


Crlpp1 reek Cot Jan

pit yes-terday non-union






Cabinet Trying to Figure OutaPlan of Action inthe

Far Eist

Washington Jan S Long and caretel coneideraUon was given to the sit-uation in the by the presidentard his cabinet today The informationreceived thrtmgh iiptomatlc channelsif most carefully guarded At the conclusfon of the cabinet meeting the mem-ber were unusually reticent It isf lt by officials of the administrationthat it would be improper publicly todiscuss a subject so delicate as thatvhich is end1ng between Japan andRiwsia in too the United Statesis not of the principal potrtiec

This governments reJaUone to thronftroverfy are purely eoMRnercial Ifwar between Japan sltouMresult while It is not expected thatcvrn in a remote way the United Stateswiuld b drawn into it efforts cer-tainly would be made by this govern-ment to protect its commBRc ia thefa east

To afford this protectloa In each a-way as not to often either aation partyto the war both of wbom are on friendly termy with the UnitedStatfB wouldbe a delicate and difficult Uk t te-

t will h-

cnwrtderejO t 4 t re Mtiiiss th-

I resident and his cabinet v-

In iUs in the armyare pending but thy wre not broughtup at Udays eabiet meeting



Railway Deal ofParreaching Magnitude Announced oixBeli

able Authorityf Chicago Jan 5 The Post saysf According to reliable authority f-f the Chicago AK will be soldt to the Union Pacific This was4 the subject of the KuknLfeb cit4 cular asking for the deposit of

stock to facilitate the sW of thef rood The response to the requestf for the deposit of stock has been4 so general as to kisure Use f-

f of the dealf The Altos wm be used to afford

the Union Pacific anti the Southern f-

f PacHIc a direct Chicago outlet andf the headquarters of ties entire sys f4 tejn may be moved to this city 44 It is intimated that the putf chase of the Alton by the Union

Pacific may not m any way inter4 fere with the plans suggested for v4 the close affiliation of the former f4 with the Kansas City Southern 4

far eat

I nik

+ +










> ++++








President Kramers Reply to An Inquiry astxv WhetherNegotiations With the Strikers for a Settlement

y Were in Progress




Special to The HeraldjASTLH SATE Jan Attoroey S

King and A S Fowler reprey3ntag the defendants in the

OjjB eviction eases brought by the cornE were at Castle Gate today left

ilf Bali Lake on the train this eveningPfbthtsg could be learned here of anyfttfore ce looking to the adjustment

eariy differences ind Mr Kramer mfponee to an Inquiry coaeernine a runjpred conference with Klag Pow

8 H that the strike was settled e-

eritl weeks so far as the companyaajp concerned and no negotiations

ichatcoever were pridIng that he kraw

BaiJi nal Manager WiJIUa a was laterWtroadwfl and stated that there wouldbe no ehanfrj in the policy of the cornP inyJ heretofore outlined with referi9Pett th strikers men had

M eretC with the comund their places were hued by i

men who were t stay r1-H retrained but the eviction of

train the properties of the comi riy which matter vas being p fehed-

aa rapidly ap possibleKc ifiTo Change in Situation

very little in the strike

from the mine is dally increas-hBk w the new men are becominaf moro

with the vorK-Th ncfisent otitpnt to TO per cent of the

output one year ago P r cent of the








that thether relations

satehOW hEro


hero istuetkaft St this place The coal output

various 1

slid 70






Washington Jan MPhlTlFpeIJuaauVarilla the minister fromPanama and the blot signer wth Secretary Hay Af the treatywill resign his ofHr after the eXch tttje of imttncatfeni of th i Ufnybetween the Washington and ncnia ovrnnent Hte WKc t r it R

said will be Mr AroKe 4h i ht latry of Panama h e sonf i ati t 3iti Buaauvarilla probably will go

to Paris after his rusignattim


aIC flOW ere ii here

numberof men required st jfsjv toresult VMs President

Kramer and General Manager Williamshere tonight and report the general

situation aa veryCoke ovens at taste

as yet resumed and Mthat there fano iai i

of firing these ovena atfrom the Sunnyside ovens is fornil of the Utah smelters

Quite a laCge number of U strikers areeporttdleave thepoints and t is stated that the UnitedMine Workers union hs withdrawn support from the single men slId thento leave ttah and seek work elsewhere



4 Omaha Jan 5 It was semi 44 offleially stated today that IS H 44 Harriman will become pre Hetof 44 the Union Pacific r Utu to sue 44 cod Horace O Burt 44 nation anQMoikeed V

A general managerjsH hft named 44 who will be the actual heitd of the 44 affairs of the roads with laettdquar4 ters in Omaha The road will be 4t4 operated by a method similar to 4-sf that in vogue onthe Southern Pa 4r4 rifle road Mr Harrlmaris incum 44 honey it is said will be for one 44 year at the end ot wlrielt period 44 his permanent successor If any 44 will be named 4

Washington Jan RepresentativeDixnn of Montana Introduced reso-lution today providing for a wire fencealong the Canadian Iwunilary betweenLake iff the Woods and Point RobertsThe object of fence is to keep out

hiJirtf immigrants ant Jki be so

one climbs ItT w sierretary ofomnwrc and ilkboifis directed to re-

rori on the featsibility of the pn jecie3

agoreeeap ah a


The Gate have notjail

mates likeli-hood the output

ikj tottah fields for eastern



was recently4




the< tequippe4 a to give








Chicago Theatres Must Conformto Legal Requirements




rntflCAGO Jan S7h several corn1

f ntitt es compoee of the membesof the city coahcil appointed last

night to investigate the condition ofthe local theatres had to report uponwhat alteratioas are necessary to makethem conform to the building ordi-nances their first meeting today

Aocsrauir to statement of Alexarder Friestwlt one of the membero the committee it is doubtful if 35per cent of the theatres ever will reopen tfcefar doors Strict adherence tothe building laws would require thatevery of the play houses in the citybo eC fireproof construction and thwould require the demolition and

of th majority of the theatres

Alderman Jones chairman of thesaid tonight We will first

revise the building ordinances Thenwe will vteit the theatres and decidewhat alterations will be necessary to-

mtifef the constructitaof theMouce eonto tile law Ctf course the owners

or theatres will do nothing until theyKnow Just exactly what city aldermen will demand of them but they wljlbe obliged to reconstruct their theatresto conform with ordinances

Alderman Friend declared Someo the leedlujj theatres In Chicago can-not conform to the ordhiancess unlessthey are entirely rebuilt and they mayfind it too expensive to make thechanges I do not believe over 35 per-cent of them will ever open again anyhow

Tour Arrests MadeLate this afternoon the attorneys ofIt fire department caused the arresi

four employee of the Fuller Con-struction company David Jones a rnaronry foreman and Angus McKay ottoRauscli and John kingston iron work-ers Attorneys for the Puller com-pany took who had been soughtby the police for several days to ihsfire department It had been chargedLust Jones and his meabroke the sky-lights or theatre after the tire inorder to destroy possible evidence Itdtxclor d today after the arrest ofJones anl his men that the skylights

Iwere blocked by scsHtlings tiedwith wire to prevent their opening and

bincft the theatre was buiUJones in making Ml statement to the

fire department said I c k thme up through an

dHttrher ned out npurt tno-tlif xir m f over the stage Pirst Ii ma ed the wooden scantlings which

brdKe Curo jtanes to gtt t thewiresio JiV th tfeenu I Ih aUy got thewires off aad on ned the

Jones wtfe aakipd why he went to theroof of theatre and replied that hehad been told that the north walt hadcracked Ill the fire and went to se if

lit was true He declared he had loos-e tf the skylights because he fearedthey might fall through and injuresomebody or the stage

Why did you take three iron workerswith you to Inspect a brick wallasked Attorney Fulkerson of the firedepartment

Jones was confused but finally an-

swered that the men went with himthrough curiosity

Numerous witnesses who were in adjoining buBdhigp overlooking the the-atre testified that the werenot open daring the fire

Inquest ThursdayCoroner Treager said tonight that he

was almost ready for the inquest whichwill Thursday morning

I wish it understood he said thatthis in not trial hut simply an inquiry determine the facts of the fireas far as we can The coroners jurywill not attempt to fix the blame oftime fire upon anybody ncr will it rec

the punishment of anybody Itwill simply report on the facts as ithas been able to gather them and thetest of the work wil be left for thestates attorney if it is found that thereis anything for him to

According to th managers fo the loca theatres the closing of the play-houses In this city has disarrangedtheatrical buslr p of the entire coun-try Companies that have been hookedfor lump city for the next fortnighteither suspended or they are being sentto other cities thus forcing other compsnieo to change their routes

Life fctmiance companies object tothe statement of the coroner that rjverdict iU be ren iered tftw the inqeest chioning that large urns ofmon y In Insurance on of thoswho perished in the theatre fire dependtOm their payment on tne verdict of theCoroners jury ar l attorneys forrelatives oCthose who died declare thata verdict should be given in each particular case of death in order that co-lhciion of lasurance may be possible



New York Jan 5 The dirertm1 4f of the pnited States Steel corpora4 tten met this afternoon f Pier 44 pout Morgan and John D Recite 44 feller Jr being among those 44 present The directors passed the 44 dividend on the common stock 4ih tiut declared the regular quarterly 44 dividend of 14 per cent on the 44 preferred stock 44 The net earnings for the quarter 44 ending December 31st were report 44 ed to be 14843042 HS against i4 66759 for the some y iod in 190J 4

MW GIKEAL GSAlfTEDHamilton O Jan 5 Alfred A-

KmCpp selfconfessed murderer uf ivpersoos now in the penitentiary atlumbu awaiting execution for the tour

ef of Ms wife was granted a new trialtoday














of them had been opendd



hZ the skylights Then I touzujblleJ1iS U41uith 1nde and










t 4




















+ + + + + + + + + + + + +



Views of tha Minority of theSenate Committee




The viewthe minority of th senate comtee on military affairs protf

against the confirmatfan of BrigaGen Leonard Wood tl he majt toral liars been prepare In thea brief to be used by the opponetthis nomination when tee reportsthe Committee are presented foraction of the senate in executive-s The brief follows the teiiiiintroduced before the senate corrirmvin the investigation which was hc ion Nov ir and continued until DPIdirecting the attention of senatorsthe passapes in the printed rep n fthe testimony and entphasiziicharges made before the commuter t

is declared most of the important nters brougu out in the hearhigrto publK knowledge subsequentGeneral Woods promotion to ho badler general and that BO compvinvestigation has yet been made iiKard to the actual facts of CieWood and exp Tif

These assertions are made firpurpose of meeting th rgurm rSenator Foraker that objectionGeneral Woods advancement h 1have boon made when President M

Kinley hid under consideration s-

matter of promoting him to brig J ergeneral

Some Charges Nat DeniedFirst submitted in the heist is the ar-

gument that it is not dented that thdcra to tht coirt whit were intr d J-

by Major K Rathbnne were a tissued hy General Wood These orwere for the admission o ex panenrinny and in that connection alter a

been railed the minority to ander issued by the secretary of war awhirl nera1 Woods orders aredared t have been a perversion n-

structionsSecretary Roots order was proniuii i

by Colonel Scott a adjutant geiuTiiXovmb r 11 199 and transmitted t

court on Nov 15 1901 In this miorder the prosecution is instructed c

if it has ny intention of using ad ncp in the trial of the postaltlmony applied for in the United Sr asteps would b taker t i immediate

form the proper Judicial authorities t uthis be allowed

The minority says that to gl ar ithis order eneral Wood used his ausuity as military governor to change tntire judicial system of the island

Pardon of ReevesThe secoiul count in tle brief o e

testimony relates to the pardon ofReaves and his testimony In thr posCHses in this connection the iof the senate is directed to the stimeat of General Wood in answer t t

charges filed by Major Rathboneural Wood tells the circumstances uwhich Rerve fUTreBderftd moneyceived from Neeiy in Cuban pfrauds afterwaM tUT9 suit v-

dence in the trials Qen W X 1 ithat in pAi oninf he believeihad right toconstitute hint aiiesK for the state for although 1S Jhad been a defendant h ha i tfreely aiifi fully concerntog the frcommitted in the postoffitee departreettIt is charged further that Getters ifailed to inform the court that hpromised to pardon Reeves and thai nconsequence of such failure the courtgarded Reeves as a defendantmitted hfm to testify without the solemn-ity of an oath

Genera Wood is charged in the v i

count with having amade to Major James 5 Runcie n t ocause the arrest of CoryAon M Riih A KI

had been an assistant to Mr N ey in taefinance bureau of the departtmiu itposts

The Magazine ArticleThe Rurcie magazine article is the A-

bject of the fourth count With many ife-rences to the printed testimonies for nopurpose of supporting argumen t

is madeRuncH sWeats that w re

mad between himself Ray Star raBaker ad General Wood for RUIK i

write an article all Cuba andGeneral Wood understood that tnr arwould be criticism of General HroKadministration He also swears ratafter it was written General Woo n ohim if it had beet written act gem taBaker

lInker states that General Wood v a-very frank in his expressions of crlti i a-

cf the BiK ke administration antas i general result of hh i ahe found that General Wood wastagonistic to General Brookes attir i

istrationJaiAlai Conees ion

The JiijAiai concession forms the l itxcount in th minoritys brief and thlowing Bumming up is made

Jtid Advocate General Dudley suthat th ncessfon to this institni awas rev r ompletedby the signatur fthe Spinisi governor general Thedent of the company states the d cunv-of April i7 J and Ht 16 w

submittel o General Wood tbtsmeats b ii 15 approved General din all thir parts They inducedgrant uf t for ten yea it

claim trat rhe gambling was an adj trather thaT a part of game is d

proved b he president of the JaiAialGeneral Kd did not furnish full in-

formation the Action ot the war df-jiartnifnt Walliss Clearnsan with Tfany C of New York testified TTiC

an ordor was cabled to Tiffany by f-

Xarasqueta for a sliver service valuedabout OIK and that he tOOk9uch orice to Havinia where it watt accepted t

paid for by Zaraaaneta That this ws Iigift to G nrai Wood front the JaiA alcompany i admitted

Other chargesThe pixil ount says

General Brooke testified to thsubordinatvui of General Wood nd-

he tBrooki refrained from a rmartial process because of the i

that such a not be sancti I

by the war departmentThe sevtrth and last count in time ll

refers entir ly toGeneral ls veraty The ttatiof Brieati r General udlowwander L cien TftanK Major RvnAlexis K ad a nunhr otis quoted in support of th count

Denver Jan 5 The local Ministeritil Aiiiance has adoptedluttons in opposition to the seating

4 of Unit d States Senator Reed4 Smoot











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San FranciJ Jan 5Ordes have bttn received tr i

transports Warren and JJcade fr so a Thif will make llvcarrying vessel that are being ready for Th y

of curryinjr il re o SOOO poUliers with their lUtJancnt i

the flel1 Th Sherman and Bufoni are now r a ly o sail rhours noti and lie k vil l ready put tooa vM a VV

In addition to these nvo vtesfels the tirnsimrt ix is comingili she should be m tMuHiarb n wit

time next Jen uaJS tmztf now bei s prcrared to fit her for catlag hor s


got serit

this port from th and>