i t v l I iC SIQfill t- o Always f theufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01453/00099.pdf ·...

vlS5Pri FLORIDA JULY IS1908 ii r k 7nT- rtlJ11 ItAJ EIIJLE n r i r r 113111 SIN = = THE HORSE BREAKER He Cured a Valuable Animal of a Bad Hcbit j jui u IMS H Uiuitiful tiutl iiu able lo wfuuoi1 Imil Ins tri fcpeon j u f Mi 114 Iw tut horse boll one in k that of suddenly lying down lui- jjjj rider uas on Ills bulk link tiihl not be endured s ho ordered Ills xorv- v tot to get the l ursc properly broken ta says a writer In Chambers Journal Accordingly away wont gmoiu horse breaker In the city I ti Durham without montloulU- Ku animals particular frailty left him llul Ha Ui Time next day the teacher ol horses roth out on an experimental trip with the dukes favorite ami pros taU found ulmstIf rolled upon he toll ami the horse by his suit ver- I at hU- Ob said the horse breaker uut ul all embarrassed Is that your cus tea S himself the 1 MXt day with Vl ral stakes tad plenty of Kouful ivp mill tlit- BBcercnionluUH steed to a largo Uehl 1 ajjolulng Durham cathedral KMIng- I rind ami round the animal acord lit to hU diameter soon stretch himself comfortably rider and all on green w d Without saying a word the hit luvnlcer fretting up scbed UIHIII Ids wtttden Htukrs drove them deep and tlrai Into the ground nil aroHud tits wlillul brute and then by laeans of the IIK fastened him down exactly hi the p on chosen by him gelf so that i vr legs our body co U stir one hu h Of course after a tilde the bone was willing to get up feat the teacher was willing he should lie Milt and there he kept Win with tarty of bay ami water within tract for three days anti throo nights him felt Bitting on his back for most of the ttae smoking Ills pipe The horse sever again lay down with his rider Meeting of Farmers Union The Farmers Union of Alachua County will meet at Bell on the 4th of August Arrangements will be made to have some Rood men to nd drew the mooting The board of di- rectors are requested to meet at Alacbua on the of July to make f a Iou settlement of the affairs of Ute union E G SPENCER Pres Deans Ointment cured me of ec aema that had annoyed me a long time The cure was permanent lion S W Matthews Commissioner Labor Statistics Augusta Mo- K you have found anything see If- fcMMTertlsed in the Wast column GAINESVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY- We are displaying n perfect line of POUCH ROCKERS POUCH RUGS VUDOR Poivh SHADES HAMMOCKS CREX lulu MATTINU UUGS SprvniU i wiU gift Pillow w k SUM itM W Hr till m w- uu HIV lit lrtlullulltollllI tit tat t till wlib a Jllllrul to break Iwutl aleck Bust bl pruridotil took tile bad 2 rd I 1 t al I t uuJ tIt atilt Rolm in j t hit 1I Wi WI wfII- I S 11 Iff Mh l r III- rt t t Itll Sd t lAIC sr I j lat IU Jlllllll t Hiw The late Duke burr tint t 111 IV very boat ill a nut r strong rl os lta I i a 0 IZKFRIUEItAIUlta- IIII alt1NIS ins Utir bt4Irtitltl- It Ito I 1 td let utw the rvMbr tai kilN a lilts wa I oTrIM rid it 31S fI IS r 11 1 r- o V k tMpt > < > ° = + + ° + Notice of Application of Sale Notice It hereby sivin to Mrs H II Jones Griffin Georgia Mrs Lena Jones Griffin Georgia Mss Mote K Hose Griffin Georgia Otys J How Cvilartnwn Georgia V J Rose Mluneola Texas Mrs M fc Ruse Voodlawn Alabama Hugh h Rose St Louis Missouri Albert Hose Hlrniiiighaiu Alabama Joseph Mouiphls Tennessee Mary Rose Memphis Tennessee P T Kul ley as guardian of Mary Rose Mem- phis Tennessee W J Rose Eugene Rose and all whom it may con- cern that the undersigned as Admin- istrator of the estate of Thomas E Rose deceased will on the 5th day of August A D 1901 apply to the Hon J T Will Judge of the Cir- cuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Cir cult of Florida In anti for Alachua county at his office In Starke Florida- at nine oclock a m or as soon there- after as the matter can bi heard for authority to sell at public sale the real estate belonging to the said stat In Alachua county Florida be- Ing more particularly described as towlt Five acres of land describ- ed as follows Hounded on the North by lands of H M Smith on the East by of Atlantic Coast Line railroad on the South by land of Mrs Lizzie Reuses on the West by land of Austin Ross Also ten and 103 acres more or less described as fol- lows Hounded on the North by hind of J V Mays on the East by land of II D Wood on the South by land of H I Wood on the West by of Atlantic Coast Line railroad Also ten acres more or less de- scribed as follows Bounded on time North by land of H D Wood In the East by land of Wolfenden Reeves on the South by land of H P Wood on the West by land of II I Wood Also a framed store house and the land on which same is located on the West side of the Atlantic Coast- Line railroad near the Atlantic Coast- Line du ot in the town of Evlnston and now occupied by Wood Evlns all of sold laud btilUB situated In time County of Alachua and the State of Florida Said application will bo based u on the petition for such sale now on said court All or any of the above mentioned heirs ore hereby to show If any they have why such mile should not bo mud This July th A P I two K XV RUSE AdiHiitUtmtiH of mti of Th M n K Kin Tired af 0 ing In Print Mr ii t Mid Uw wife I a1 I iii i n- V 1 If lit ft l lt U B m M FOR SPEEDY RELIEF T- Hose m- In noUn 1 IOU MW rCb uttI M hi It i 1 hull i- tt It 1 r 1 II 1 I t I I I j U I I WMe R4tII h mm I i rhJ I e t IOUs MZ1- 1y C a sit- uated fol- lows right of way three quarters right of way eau e hit L re w ul1 have siI1 that UHkrd arils Nu111NN 1tn- it rtttII ptrrwlt tutu ptmi1 h rata 1lueitI 11 mm is waM1 at t- tnlbd11ame iwtiteivlr 111 II4 ds1 tea ital eU uluh- Ighl mhw IIIs U hl a iwtMtue 1- mulr 1 111 Mskilh r ail h 1 IM o r P t 444 l 11 k I I- I r- 1K N NI at yAdWMN11- MIIAt I S u14 1044 4 a1 t- i 11www Itwsle itten111 u- e 1111111 tl alt INIa r11 J4- a 4 tttk N Sd tbtte tIWNN Ml e at ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > Oarrfe and Kipling tturri was cju liy at XVitorloo in n hurry t a iniiii o- WHS 1 i tcitlti from tlw kstil l n wltii j itKrs a ic xd nmny slag ny Itiis ntatvit them IK lofnllv- t i in ruRhlu aninul n- MI T lw fIt l t the nnn i r Km- nl KltllM Mially In n tearing MTV Thy Ulrich MI in II tinr i vlhu fatos then suio l In r n and asked cn h other ttlilibiT ho wont Then Kipling ex chiluilii Lucky beggar m t- iaiH rs seized the bundle front Bar- rie hunt hlai sonic money timid made ff nut you did not stoop to pick up his dirty halfpence did you que- ried one of Mr llarrles hearers amus- edly Didnt I though returned Barrio and added ruefully But he hadnt lung me halt enougbSt Jatiles Gazette Rosa Colds From Paper Roses A patient of mite la subject to rose colds a doctor said She caught a tEnt rose cold last week from a of artificial roses That often happens It Is supposed to show the mystic psychological aspect of dis- ease but na n matter of fact It Id just as natural to take a rose cold from rows as from time real kind Why Because the iMr roses that bring on rose colds are always It Is the fad you know to per- fume artltlclal flowers The scent used IR the essential oil of roses and It is this oil iu the natural lowers that causes rose colds New York Press- A Keen Observer Ethel aged three had been to visit her cousins two fuu loving and romp Ing boys She bad climbed upon her fathers knee and was telling him of her visit Pupa every night John and George say their prayers they ask God to make theta good boys said she That Is nice wild papa Then thinking soberly for n few min- utes she said Ho aint done It yet Delineator little want ad will accomplish Dig results HAIR NATURALLY AIUNDANT mice It I Free eff Dandruff It Luxuriantly Hair preparation and dandruff cures aa a rule are ducky or Irritating affairs that do no earthly Rood Hair when not diseased grows naturally luxuriantly Dandruff It the cause of ninetenths of all hair trouble and dandruff Is caused by a germ The only way to cure dand ruff Is to kill the germ and BO far the only hair preparation that will positively destroy the germ la Newtiroa Hcrplcldo absolutely harmless tree from grease sediment do matter or dangerous druPe It allays Itching Instantly makes hair glossy and soft as silk Destroy the cause you remove the effect Sold by leading druggists lOc In stamps for sample to The Ilerplclde Co Detroit ftUetu J 8 BodUord Co Special Agents NEW CARLOAD Fancy Horses and Heavy Draught Mules AND INSPECT THEM Davis It Oliver tHuD 1 t t f A Ore Send 41 ALL r rL r ARPER t V I I 3r ems teh its I hen 1 W I gull yeti vu bou- quet Paper per- fumed iwrnja i M yN Nr1A1 < ¬ ¬ ¬ = trtf TL M J egctabfcPrcparationrorA- sIromote3Ti cslionChcerful- ncss andRestContalns neither nor JOT NARCOTIC Remedy for Constipa- tion Worms ncss Loss OF SLEEP NBV YORK YttiC- XACT COKOP WRAPfCB or Infants and Childron Always Bought Signature Ki For Over Thirty Years CMTMM WMN Mm TWM WTT J J WTILLIAMS WHOLESALE and RETAIL LIQUORS 211 West Hey St PO Hex 401 JACKSONVILLE FLA WILLIAMS PAYS THE EXPRESS M IAy ASTORIA iC 1 SIQfill The Kind You o ula- ti1gIhcStnaMh tlmlDow bcC Bears the SJ I 0 A ea CASTO RIA i Irma i M1 i4J P Nv0 4 j cal Oi a dlmJDs4Nrw- llpk Riwirta- inpwr e Jkios Use TacSiwt h Signature et 493 ITh 5 4 L = CASE GOODS EXPRESS PAID OeSoto Rye 4 full quarts 500 C full quarts 700 12 full quarts 1275 12 full quarts freight paid 1200 Williams No 10 Rye fuirqunrtH 320 full quarts 450 12 full quart 900 Old Halifax Rye 4 full quarts 420- C full quarts 500 12 full quarts 1200 Sunny South Rye 4 full quarts I 275 6 full quarts 400 J2 full quarts 800 36 full pints 1200 Yellowstone lourbon 4 H ttleo express paid 540 Case express paid 1275 Old bone Express Collect Bottled In bond by tho U S Govmt 4 full quarts express 500 12 full quarts express paid 1275 24 full pints express paid 1375 4S full half paid 1500 4 t pints express L until 3 > Old Homestead Corn Whiskey gallon jug express paid 260 Special Offer Idlchrook Whiskey In drums Distil lery Mottling Express Paid 100 pints In drum 3600 200 halt pints In drum 3GOO Sold only by drum will not break drum Cern Whiskey Exprew Paid Rocky Fork per bottle ex paid 140 Kocky ork per case ox paid 1275 N C White better ox paid 250 N C White flue ex paid 275 Laurel Valley Corn ex paid 325 Rye tohlskey Express PaW Per Gallon Queen City ox paid 259 Bunny South vx paid 275 live Malt ex paid 325 Hurdlo Ryo ex paid 450 Overholt ex paid 450 Rica Ulll ex paid 450 Planter ex paid 500 Old lloone ex paid 500 XVilllnms Private Seal ex paid GOO Alcehet One grade only and jug ex paid 45Q Gin ox paid 250 325 nod 450 N h > Send Trial Order Ups a Are YOU Being HuntedO- ne of todays want ads may be hasting you Lug the city for you It may have a mwwgo for you of urgent personal importance one that when you got it and heed it may chnutjo the immediate curronts of your activities of your interests may even place around and about you now etwrowuiiita now asaooiatos miry glvejyouan entirely now alert in Nsiiiwa w y Isnt it North xvhita tn trv to ft l t this may hot bit tm today Umatrow er very w WHOUULE HMHM II it weather 1 aGO DOHOaaOaDaOaOo- b LIII f 4 f11 GROCERY CO Groceries 8ml Grain d l4 cJrtler TCo 11 4 I NMUt41 u es acts I It 1ItIC hih N JIfflflhiWUIUi1JWI > +

Transcript of i t v l I iC SIQfill t- o Always f theufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01453/00099.pdf ·...

Page 1: i t v l I iC SIQfill t- o Always f theufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01453/00099.pdf · llpk Riwirta-inpwr e Jkios Use TacSiwt h Signature et 493 ITh 5 4 L = CASE GOODS EXPRESS




rk 7nT-


n r i r


113111 SIN

= =


He Cured a Valuable Animal ofa Bad Hcbit

j jui u IMS H Uiuitiful tiutl iiu

able lo wfuuoi1 Imil Ins trifcpeon j u f Mi 114 Iw

tut horse boll one in k

that of suddenly lying down lui-

jjjj rider uas on Ills bulk link tiihlnot be endured s ho ordered Ills xorv-

v tot to get the l ursc properly brokenta says a writer In Chambers JournalAccordingly away wont gmoiu

horse breaker In the cityI ti Durham without montloulU-

Ku animals particular frailty left himllul

Ha Ui Time next day the teacher ol

horses roth out on an experimentaltrip with the dukes favorite ami pros

taU found ulmstIf rolled upon

he toll ami the horse by his suit ver-

I at hU-

Ob said the horse breaker uut ul

all embarrassed Is that your cus

tea S himself the1 MXt day with Vl ral stakes

tad plenty of Kouful ivp mill tlit-

BBcercnionluUH steed to a largo Uehl1 ajjolulng Durham cathedral KMIng-I rind ami round the animal acord

lit to hU diameter soon stretchhimself comfortably rider and all on

green w d Without saying aword the hit luvnlcer fretting up

scbed UIHIII Ids wtttden Htukrs drovethem deep and tlrai Into the ground nilaroHud tits wlillul brute and then by

laeans of the IIK fastened him downexactly hi the p on chosen by himgelf so that i vr legs our bodyco U stir one hu h Of course after atilde the bone was willing to get upfeat the teacher was willing he shouldlie Milt and there he kept Win withtarty of bay ami water within tractfor three days anti throo nights himfelt Bitting on his back for most ofthe ttae smoking Ills pipe The horsesever again lay down with his rider

Meeting of Farmers UnionThe Farmers Union of Alachua

County will meet at Bell on the 4thof August Arrangements will bemade to have some Rood men to nddrew the mooting The board of di-

rectors are requested to meet atAlacbua on the of July to make

f a Iou settlement of the affairs ofUte union E G SPENCER Pres

Deans Ointment cured me of ecaema that had annoyed me a longtime The cure was permanentlion S W Matthews CommissionerLabor Statistics Augusta Mo-

K you have found anything see If-

fcMMTertlsed in the Wast column




We are displaying n perfectline of





SprvniUi wiU gift Pillow

w k


itM W Hr tillm w-

uu HIV

lit lrtlullulltollllI




wlib a Jllllrul to break


aleck Bust

bl pruridotil




2 rd




al I t uuJ tIt atiltRolm in j

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Wi WI wfII-

I S 11

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The late Duke

burr tintt 111 IV

very boat



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ins Utir bt4Irtitltl-

It Ito I



let utw

the rvMbr tai kilNa

lilts wa I oTrIM ridit


fIISr 11 1 r-

o V k tMpt








Notice of Application of SaleNotice It hereby sivin to Mrs H

II Jones Griffin Georgia Mrs LenaJones Griffin Georgia Mss Mote KHose Griffin Georgia Otys J HowCvilartnwn Georgia V J RoseMluneola Texas Mrs M fc RuseVoodlawn Alabama Hugh h RoseSt Louis Missouri Albert HoseHlrniiiighaiu Alabama Joseph

Mouiphls Tennessee MaryRose Memphis Tennessee P T Kulley as guardian of Mary Rose Mem-phis Tennessee W J Rose

Eugene Roseand all whom it may con-

cern that the undersigned as Admin-istrator of the estate of Thomas ERose deceased will on the 5thday of August A D 1901 apply to theHon J T Will Judge of the Cir-cuit Court of the Eighth Judicial Circult of Florida In anti for Alachuacounty at his office In Starke Florida-at nine oclock a m or as soon there-after as the matter can bi heard forauthority to sell at public sale the realestate belonging to the said stat

In Alachua county Florida be-Ing more particularly described as

towlt Five acres of land describ-ed as follows Hounded on the North bylands of H M Smith on the East by

of Atlantic Coast Linerailroad on the South by land of MrsLizzie Reuses on the West by land ofAustin Ross

Also ten and 103acres more or less described as fol-

lows Hounded on the North byhind of J V Mays on the East by

land of II D Wood on the Southby land of H I Wood on the Westby of Atlantic Coast Linerailroad

Also ten acres more or less de-

scribed as follows Bounded on time

North by land of H D Wood In theEast by land of Wolfenden Reeveson the South by land of H P Woodon the West by land of II I Wood

Also a framed store house and theland on which same is located on

the West side of the Atlantic Coast-

Line railroad near the Atlantic Coast-

Line du ot in the town of Evlnstonand now occupied by Wood Evlnsall of sold laud btilUB situated In time

County of Alachua and the State of

FloridaSaid application will bo based u on

the petition for such sale now on

said courtAll or any of the above mentioned

heirs ore hereby to showIf any they have why such mile

should not bo mudThis July th A P I two

K XV RUSEAdiHiitUtmtiH of mti of

Th M n K Kin

Tired af 0 ing In PrintMr ii t Mid Uw wife I

a1I iii i n-



If litft

l ltU











MW rCb uttIM hi

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1 hull i-

tt It1



II 1

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a sit-



right of way

three quarters

right of way

eau e

hit L

re w ul1 have siI1that UHkrd arils Nu111NN 1tn-

it rtttII ptrrwlt tutu ptmi1h rata 1lueitI

11 mm is waM1 at t-

tnlbd11ame iwtiteivlr

111 II4 ds1 tea ital eU uluh-

Ighl mhw IIIs U hl a iwtMtue 1-



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1K N NI at yAdWMN11-

MIIAt I S u14 1044 4 a1 t-

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Oarrfe and Kiplingtturri was cju liy at XVitorloo

in n hurry t a iniiii o-

WHS 1 i tcitlti from tlw kstill n wltii j itKrs a ic xd nmny slag

ny Itiis ntatvit them IK lofnllv-t i in ruRhlu aninul n-

MI T lw fIt l t the nnn i r Km-nl KltllM Mially In n tearing

MTV Thy Ulrich MI in II tinri vlhu fatos then suio l In

r n and asked cn h otherttlilibiT ho wont Then Kipling exchiluilii Lucky beggar m t-

iaiH rs seized the bundle front Bar-rie hunt hlai sonic money timid made

ff nut you did not stoop to pickup his dirty halfpence did you que-ried one of Mr llarrles hearers amus-edly Didnt I though returnedBarrio and added ruefully But hehadnt lung me halt enougbStJatiles Gazette

Rosa Colds From Paper RosesA patient of mite la subject to rose

colds a doctor said She caught atEnt rose cold last week from a

of artificial roses That oftenhappens It Is supposed to show themystic psychological aspect of dis-ease but na n matter of fact It Id justas natural to take a rose cold from

rows as from time real kindWhy Because the iMr roses thatbring on rose colds are always

It Is the fad you know to per-fume artltlclal flowers The scent usedIR the essential oil of roses and It isthis oil iu the natural lowers thatcauses rose colds New York Press-

A Keen ObserverEthel aged three had been to visit

her cousins two fuu loving and rompIng boys She bad climbed upon herfathers knee and was telling him ofher visit Pupa every night Johnand George say their prayers they askGod to make theta good boys saidshe

That Is nice wild papaThen thinking soberly for n few min-

utes she said Ho aint done It yetDelineator

little want ad will accomplishDig results


mice It I Free eff Dandruff ItLuxuriantly

Hair preparation and dandruff curesaa a rule are ducky or Irritating affairsthat do no earthly Rood Hair when notdiseased grows naturally luxuriantlyDandruff It the cause of ninetenths ofall hair trouble and dandruff Is causedby a germ The only way to cure dandruff Is to kill the germ and BO far theonly hair preparation that will positivelydestroy the germ la Newtiroa Hcrplcldoabsolutely harmless tree from greasesediment do matter or dangerous druPeIt allays Itching Instantly makes hairglossy and soft as silk Destroy thecause you remove the effect Sold byleading druggists lOc In stamps forsample to The Ilerplclde Co DetroitftUetuJ 8 BodUord Co Special Agents


Fancy Horses and

Heavy Draught



Davis It Oliver

tHuD 1









r rL r






3rems teh






I gull

yeti vu




iwrnja iM

yN Nr1A1






trtf TL


J egctabfcPrcparationrorA-

sIromote3Ti cslionChcerful-ncss andRestContalns neither


Remedy for Constipa-tionWormsncss Loss OF SLEEP



or Infants and Childron

Always Bought



For Over

Thirty Years



211 West Hey St PO Hex 401 JACKSONVILLE FLA




iC 1SIQfill The Kind Youo

ula-ti1gIhcStnaMh tlmlDow bcC Bears the







M1 i4J P


4jcal Oi


dlmJDs4Nrw-llpkRiwirta-inpwr e


TacSiwt h Signature et493






4 full quarts 500C full quarts 700

12 full quarts 127512 full quarts freight paid 1200

Williams No 10 RyefuirqunrtH 320full quarts 450

12 full quart 900Old Halifax Rye

4 full quarts 420-C full quarts 500

12 full quarts 1200Sunny South Rye

4 full quarts I 2756 full quarts 400

J2 full quarts 80036 full pints 1200

Yellowstone lourbon4 H ttleo express paid 540Case express paid 1275

Old bone Express CollectBottled In bond by tho U S Govmt

4 full quarts express 50012 full quarts express paid 127524 full pints express paid 13754S full half paid 1500



pints express


until 3


Old Homestead Corn Whiskeygallon jug express paid 260

Special OfferIdlchrook Whiskey In drums Distil

lery Mottling Express Paid100 pints In drum 3600200 halt pints In drum 3GOOSold only by drum will not break

drumCern Whiskey Exprew Paid

Rocky Fork per bottle ex paid 140Kocky ork per case ox paid 1275N C White better ox paid 250N C White flue ex paid 275Laurel Valley Corn ex paid 325

Rye tohlskey Express PaWPer Gallon

Queen City ox paid 259Bunny South vx paid 275live Malt ex paid 325Hurdlo Ryo ex paid 450Overholt ex paid 450Rica Ulll ex paid 450Planter ex paid 500Old lloone ex paid 500XVilllnms Private Seal ex paid GOO

AlcehetOne grade only and jug ex paid 45QGin ox paid 250 325 nod 450




Send Trial OrderUps a

Are YOU Being HuntedO-

ne of todays want ads may be hasting you

Lug the city for you It may have a mwwgo for you of urgent

personal importance one that when you got it and heed

it may chnutjo the immediate curronts of your activities ofyour interests may even place around and about you now

etwrowuiiita now asaooiatos miry glvejyouan entirely now

alert in Nsiiiwa w y

Isnt it North xvhita tn trv to ft l t this mayhot bit tm today Umatrow er very






weather 1


DOHOaaOaDaOaOo-b LIII f 4 f11


Groceries 8ml Graind

l4 cJrtler TCo 114 I NMUt41

u esacts

I It 1ItIC

hih N


> +