I , synf ^^^'-OHaputymediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/lewis_clark/T10N_R4…h...

1 ,.»„ 'W-t the « t w m- •...'-.. e ^ / - ^ / . .. . •. .. ..••..• H j h«ret,V wrtfy .h- o/ lCt . on , -/ . . fl I , synf "^"^^'-OHaputy

Transcript of I , synf ^^^'-OHaputymediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/lewis_clark/T10N_R4…h...

1 , . » „ 'W-t the « t w m- • . . . ' - . . e ^ / - ^ / . • .. . •. .. . . • • . . •H j h«ret,V wrtfy .h- o/lCt. on , • - / . . fl

I , synf "^"^^'-OHaputy

H «^_—>SGW 2 Revised 1969 County S^...f..'s~i

• STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG ^ *? --• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE , . , „ . . t. _ . , . „ . r .... € " . ; .I M O N T A N A W A T E R R E S O U R C E S B O A R D ^ ^ ^ ^ t y , ^

• NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9ravel- shale sands*>"e- etc Shew• APPROPRIATION B f MEANS OF WELL * ? * f wh'ch

h w a f is found a:i,f

• . . . height to which water ries- in well.• Developed after January 1, 1962• (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session taws, 1961, »t .mended) Top of Ground (Eirr. above -«u^nH This form to be prepared by dril'.er, and three copies to be filed F™» TO• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (F*t" (F«t)H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. ~H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ,H form may be returned.

I / ; /./ T WcKrtSCh• OwnerU.«^.X-vXft657xS r"far~Arfmln1,trator't Use |

• Address J.?£.&....Wd.L/.j.&./xi.£, File <=?./<&>. £>,-C -I •• , , t h i - Q«-~-«~"/, i97f 1

• ....../y.e/..e..tt.&.,..J.H&..tq.l /,:./.&.*?.&. ••

• Date well started GW 1 •

I completed \£u.h.£~...JS.£r.Q.•M / — • • • • « — mmammmmmMMt, i . mm i — m i — • 1-1 n ,mu i IMII •••HI—I U'III MI I W — _ » - - — •iwinwiminww

I Type of well /&JTj.U.<Z.<L. -H | (Dug. driven, bored or drilled* —__«_«, ______ ';I Equipment used ...(,-./rj-.W- .-Vi J2.r.U.L ' ~ -B (Cham drill, rot»ry or other) _______ «.v——. ••

H Water Use: Domestic ££ Municipal • Stock • Irrigation B ' :

H Industrial D Drainage Q Other Q#* Garden/Lawn fS '• ' -** • ' '"._ H *n«s**:#-rikrt / V"*^t">: - . _ ._» .__»__ ._—- _ - . - ••. -. - )•

H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I ".H state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block """"—t—~ ———— ——•— -—

H and Addition) ._. _ . .__—_» —.—


H Slxeot SUW und From To ~~" ~ ~ • - —-—• Drilled Wdjhl (Pert) (Foct) PFRPORATIONS____H f ^ l ^ ^ h JF*i __>!«__« _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ • w • • ^ ^ ^ - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ H « _ H i b _ i i H a _ H i _ a f t H _ i H b i i i

^^H now or veiling in •• • •• • . . . . . . — — .. -m»_^^^_« •«•*••--—__» •—•_---.--.—--v—^__i—_---- - -_ -—_. , . ^ ___,__>_. ^ _ _ _ _ .

H Kind From To _____________________________________

I • »,/r*.« < « « H ^ ~» -^^tf-J- —-h-j—

I • — ^ — — ^P7"""""" ;H i I ; Static wator level ft.* ;H I I Pumping water level ..... f.<?..'. f t . * , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ .,^__________ _ _ _ _ _H - j J a t gallons per minute.H ! V j measured minutes after pumping.____ _ _ _ . . _ _ •H ; ! began. __________ _______________________M v* —r- • i B *Measured from ground level. _ _ _ . . _ _• I I Well devts.oped by „ ""I i . . . . . . .J for -.. hours. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ .H j > Power.£iie._ZMc-Pump /„...„... HP "*" ,"*.""II j ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, __— _1 1 packers, type of shutoff)l l . s I p~II Z~~Z ;



I Driller's Signature jdlr.fll1~&Y....JX.xAxLo.gJfcl h-

• C-iller's Address ..^Z/../t.M.hl.O...cV XJ.'~...D.&.&£0..SQ<L.... ^J 1wm LICENSE NO ' o w e x o c t depth of bottom

^ ^ H ;i •'• s$ / <?/*)/)*£"— * o i i i e A , , . J 4 ) ' — ! ' •• • • : • :':,: ••••'• E H R

«H ; •;••• pL/yof<y<7 ; iu*«*«4 rW~ \ HH•H : ' • > • . . ' ' • O s « ! H ? i ~ £ L ~ •• •••• -. : •;• ' : : " . . ..: : ; . . | J : : ; l ^ l

HH • • a ^ - ^ ^ K ^ > ^ " " ^ • • ••• . " '••'••' ' • -:-->^- - - M " . ^ B H

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H - • : | ' . : •', • V, ^ •' • • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | M B

H ^ ^ H . • . • ' • • . . .•• . ' . ^ ^ ^ ^ B

^^^^Hf .. < ' ; . .: '- ' ^H^^^P^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V - ' > • ' • , • ' ' ' : , ; •, . ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ |

I - "• - 7 ^ I• G Approv.il Stock Form—State Publishinc Co.. Helena. Montana—3SSS* =* J»s •

I File No T /O2U 6/j$? I


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights, " II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) •

I i.Ji*j^±.^ ^L^H-,.^ II / (Ntfme of. Appropriator) * (Address) i—. (Town) •I County ol..^M<^iM^.^:.L^l^r/C State of jM.##>Z4^..f^:. IH have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: •

m ; ; j.^ | | | ^ benefipial uss on which the clajpn is based/^.ftM?.<rJfife«c»-._. •

I — i — ^ 1 : 1—;—j— Jbs&tuAsJ'ci.A&^-Sj^^ mI _J__J-..i _j. j .1 ^aJ^^^^^^^<^(Z^^^ d II ' . ! " " ! '• i i 3. Date or approximate date <or curliest beneficial use; and how con- •I ! j • ! j-—j tirra^us the use has beep .^^iMt&f*:t.JM.±£..€>. m

II w ' •• • -' '•' '. ';' | 'i ' " E *rHf\ » / •

\ \ • ! ! ^&"*&CbVrU£. *C*i!^.-«J«>j«rO^t:- •:• •

| ^ j , , „ j j ^ r ^ ^ a m o t u ot 0£ groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons II '< S j ; 1 i per minute) &&..f^££.Jtzt&^...J&!^..<>a>7*L*^^ II _..'•__! s j L_L_ &^.../^..^jgjhlf~^ II \ 1 _..» I I ! 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acrrn^c and description of the lands II g to which, water has been applLu and name of the^ owner thereof I

I J^4£Jk*>..'X~.—l'J$.a*cAuu~>Jij^.^A~<£d~ 1I 7zi%»*l4sec-23. ?.*£%&.#& * ^ ^ ^ Z ^ ^ 1 ? r ^ < i : ^ f c ' II Indicate point of appropriation " " " ' ' *' II and plat<: o£ use, if possible. _ _,. . . . , , - , « , • • . , , II Each small square represents 10 6- ^ u e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the •

I acres. location of w c h well or other means of withdrawal I

I M..^LsekJj£l^ - II 7. The d&te of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other -works for with- •I drawal of groundwater .SL/L4.*U<l.a<ty...J..&.M& I

I .<&.g*../&z«**^-(/^^ II O JLP J^ • mI 8. The depth of water table (...^^....^^L..^u*H*u4i •I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other j •I -works for the withdrawal of gtoundwater....^^./jL..Zi£i<^.^..-.r...J2.^ •I ....#d!aJ>d{&^.d*ic^ » '• II ^F1 $-6K*<i^toH^ II • » •/ "--* •••ia >.-.-iit.* ". ••/—-•••• / II 10. The estimated amount of grouridwater withdrawn each year.3.*#ta,^55fc«^..^^ I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drifting of cacTH^llx^vMlaTOe.^ t •

I ' ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ F K m

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of thiB net, including HI reference to book and page of any county record....... •

I z^^ II Signature of Owner 0&M.<£.&...Q.r...Js^&*i..4L •

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the eodt'ty in which the well is, I1 located. I

I II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. • •I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau II nf Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. * r\ . m

^ — — " — — — — • I

vm — — — ^ — _ — i

^ H . . w i 4 - ' - - i a - ^ ' ' ^ S r ^ , • :• • • . .- • •••• • •;. :

I ' ' :


8 " % / ' r '*"'•• v v ? ""' 4 ft

I S T l U F U B L I t H i X a C O " " " " / . . . . «

I STATE OF MONTANA DRUUJTS IOG II ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE Iridfca*e the characrsr. color, thick> II MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD nDS5 o f s t r a t s s u c h w soi|, day, sand, i

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ;; %£ * t ^ ^ l ZntZ 8I APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WHl ^ ,o w h k h w r t r ri«s ,„ we i i. II Developed after January 1, 1962 B

I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (EI*V. SOOT- se» te-en U

I This form to be prepared by driller, end three copies to be filed Tv!£a ofcu II by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in L _ _ _ • • • II which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. V ^ l i l gj?fli. [Hbtdi .f**tWM*<. TWteft'OW <ftf* — 1I Please answer all questions. It not applicable, so state, otherwise the Q fftT-, • h MMW9t?H*iii • ' aI form may be returned. a f i »>.« nt*ffiP~t?*aB'*t*(fc"* iS5***iw> iTftatind • I

I Owner J M ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ For Aerator's Use I ^ Z S H £ ^ 5 S 7 ^ lI Address ..JL_i.-. .1- - i . - File ^./..^^..-S.-O. — -M-*----»lttSf~—- |1 ' " ; A . « M y ^ / ^ 5 • at 3a—»&&•&» 3oiia»fiod 1

8 ^ Date, well started Wf!9.m...W*..."B39... GW 1 ^ * g i ~ 4 _ - L ~ * t g k » T»1WW» 3 i i M f t » M > - 1

I -* completed V*9.:..W*...^70. -«4.T-98~|-«W^-%i^S*-8JBijr— I• • 1 1 1. jLiaaaauiffiW :—• II Type of w«ll teXto!* -96- »4- - b^ iWIft- teHrtW II ' (Dag, drives, bored or driHed) -TO»V- 3 p 0 | UltWIHy *flphfr-gy«>y—^,<'ft* .. •I Equiomenr used .^XPa.'^AlX l-#t«i—-—— • , II ' (Cham drill, rotary or other) "jf"?*^ Tpl^1 . 4*8 <*W»-4ylfiyfrfflft~fcfhBHy*|i'^Ml'l'lE ******* •I V/ai>»r Use: Domestic Q Municipal Q Stock n Irrigation n -J3M?-«^P - fHiy | l l^^%-gSf»Jf"" ! •• IF %iMt*1»«fr- — •; I1 Industrial • Drainage • Other n * Garden/Lawn • •—~" " - . _ — — — — — . — - — — — . •

• II 'Describe ——--» - -—. -.—-._.— ——.—«— -»«.. _

I USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ^ j J S S S - i J ^ I ^ ^ J ^ Z ^ ' 1 '. II state number of acres and locatior or other data (i.e. Lot, Block *~ h-!*~i * W p W » ' ' ^ •IB-*P«WI*I"—— •I X& 1 2 g . p , W - ••' ; • 1I and Addition) 1 tit,?!—lg-m 20 gapt>«»- . I

I ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL « *-< : BI Site ef Sh* witt ! Vntt To „—..._•.. —._«. — ~ — . ——— •-»----«-«---—---------»---~----—-------- - •I O-HM WtWrt <FMt) (F«*) ratWM-ATIOXS •• Role of Cartn- — - . - — . « . . - . — . — . , -_• Kind From To _^_ ^____ _«__»__»_«^_«-____--«---—------. 9

rr ib» o 25 . 1 i

f 6» li &»CU&* 23 Ut? llM.3 *»roh i»rfo . -— II vmfan. t»m I

I Tswf IILTT «___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ — — . — — I

** ~ ~ ~ " ^___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ••• H

I I j I j I Static water level ....Sj-gj ...ft.* " , * " " " . . . •

; j Pumping water level —J^S Tt.* . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II ...».-J J at .....Jg gallons pr,r minute. •I i ; measured minutes af'.er pumping ^ ( __,__ II j ; began. ,V 1I w j i "" "Measured from grovnd level. ^ ^ , ^ _ _ _ _ . II > j Well developed by &&£!««* mI ......J >..„! for .....j. ..hours. _ _ _ . . _ — ' m• ] • Power.. Pump HP . . . . nI ! ! Remarks: (G'avel packing, cementing, ^ ^ __ __ , •

X ^ ^ f t ^ f f p8CkerS' °f ***** II ..?. y4 % Sec....«^ ; II T //,;•: (N)R Z... E, 1S ^' • II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. If EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. _ _ _ _ _ •

Driller's Signature . C ^ ^ / ^ M . j ' —— I

Drillsr's Address ..£^j*f. /ft.Jbfjfc. ' -L 1 II I

LICENSE NO /.2t. ~-HL2~.—- Show exact depth of bottom I

i{70°6' I

rH | . • . - . . • . . • • • • •' .. **>**

— » .*. Tata*, y f—; ••:...

H | • •• . t w ^ ^ r y ^ ; ^ ^ ^ . . •if;.-'* ;

Hj • • .• . • • l l * - * 5 2 . - » ! . « y f ^ l v i * * ' * : . ' : ••• ••.>...•• ;.

I -- -.L ,

I I^H^H "tiggSht. 3 r»w 2 ««rts-«i 1969 County...i>.*'.C^:. i*p~...~ •___•> «T.»T»'FVlLi'«V<l'ii CO»'"V*CY ^vj5 l

• • • STATE OF MONTANA l ( f ..„ DRILLER'S LOG <7* 1W ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUN&WATSR CODE ' - - • - « ^ ^ t e the character, color, thick- I• • MONTANA WATER SESOHRCES BOARD ., . . . _ n e s £ o f s t r a ,3 s u c h a s so i l > d ( | y # s a n d f I

| H _ NOTIC1 OF COMPLETION OF GRCUNDWATER " fav*!' sL;5f: j 3 " * * 0 ^ f=- sh<™ ISB AFPKOPKlATrON B f MSAN3 OF WELL g* - tich SE r U " IB M H Developed after January \, 1962 •

H | l (Under Chapter 237 Montana S«t>km lawn, 11961, »% •rmmded) Top of Ground reie*. ,bc« sea ie*en I

9|flH This form to be prepared by driller,, and tthree copfes lo be filed **»» To I •fl^n by the owrwr with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (F"° _ } ) •••n which the welt is located, last copy to be retained by driller. O 5 ' SOU ttad l a T ^ COaTBO •H^HB Please answer aJi qttesfiens. !f not applicable, so state, otherwise the pltm^fj - fl

*>• ^ ^B^H[ foiw »r>8y be returned^ _ _ _ _ _ _ I

•H Owner .H^^^^.^^^r-^Adm;ni5trator)5 Use I - ^ - • l ~ g f f l & — — I

1 H Add s j&jiZj&xsart FH. <3>an^k - •&- ~®~ JBmjassuasBBLJZ—-. I

V B | jUL^...on^. Z ^m^m.... K14li^h1aSF--_ai--e-_^ I\ ^M Date we.l started ..^.**J?1?:.. GW1 -gy .^^L13^,^^1K55g i r-.-I i : 1

: | H completed ..f^.^.f...;1?!?. -«5SS»i_J___ ; 1flH T . .. 4ictll»a " 5ff"~55 fgfc gtxt «_ft elmr"" ' fl• • • • Type of well .„ „ SSTr* TMT-iSr^Trrur^^*"' •^ ^ ^ H •«^___ *_j*«» <DUE, dilven, bored or drin«l) »<W» * « W O A « y H•^^•1 _ . , olitoc«i QURULI. : •••BE Equipment used „ „ "~KK"""lWr ¥f"~»*~''::«3Sii3kf* """ •

/ _ _ _ • (Churn drill, rot«yoroth<rt & & 7 9 TajBKfc ^ W f » * •^•B Water Use: Domestic f | Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation D KHK—SKSf«.JftS«.-aSS!Sra_.. •

^ ^ ^ ^ B Industrial • Drainage • Other d * Garden/Lawn • , ~ I

• — HfcfSTg^Sdff - — I^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, Mt» 8*P«*U T " •^^^•j state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block •

^ 1 and Addition) - — -f—j-^^roasr----— ^ I^ ^ H ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL __»-».-«.. - - _ . , - - _ - I^ ^ ^ H '= •'»••! ,' ' ' - ' = •:•- - _ f t Tf T W t w M T - •^ ^ | % M TrfSrt !FSS) (M) PERFORATIONS A ^ 8 . P . B U . •^ ^ ^ H Halt crfCMfets • • • — — — _ — . - — —— • •

^ H ' •. 6" '> 5/8*'»•»• rr ib . ^ JR5 <Ao .; I

• i IZIl : I• _ T. I^ ^ ^ B I j I j I Static water level ....5.^, ft.* I^ ^ | B ! ! Pumpinajwater level .5?. ft.* . •_ _ _ _ | — -•• •!"• —•< a ' ^®- gallons per minute. •

i ^^^H ! ; measured minutes afier pumping.___ _—„.«, . ^«_^__ — _«_«»______.^ ••;

i; « I ^ B j i i 3a«- *„ T.,,I—iimm m — \ ••• •

• _ _ • I ' *Me£^ured from ground level. __»»_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •; ; ^ ^ H I ! Well devoloped by'*r*ll»1C " " " " " •

;';:i ;^^^B ] -;— --- *or ••** ..hours. ^ ' " I

_ 9 _ _ ' ! Power ..... Pump HP •HJ^B j ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _ _ _ , •

• _ _ H _ I ' packers, type of shutoft} .. . 1 I

^ H NEJA ti£M s«..ik3i Z~ZIIZ~I1~""\ •"", " : ; 1^ ^ B UO.M. N R.£.W^:. E •^^B s" w r [ " •• • INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. ' I• ^ • [ EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. •^ ^ ^ | _ / O / -J /") ' - . — . _ . . _ — . _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . H^ ^ H Driller's Signature .../^^fcfr/."/^i.j:u:U I

^ | Driller', Addre« ....^...^..?*?™**..*"*>•. """j T I

_ _ _ • LICENSE NO ? ? ' ' . ... Show exact depth of bottom M

* I

n1 ; - ) , , 217940 _ _ :; ^;; ;:• - - ^ M

^ ^ H ' ;' "w.byCirttfy that ttm wnhbi •«. ' '. V . :,' .. ,' ' -':" '••• ' ••..]}• ' • • ^ . & : ' ^ B

• • ^^r^sjs&z - ' • • • ' ' • • ' • • : ' : m m

- H - : ; ] - - s~ •"* HW^^^k <3!5__£?*13 G"w 7 Rtvi«d i9w County £?J.. .>A—•- B______B

I H STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG ^ ^ MBfl| M ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE I n d i c a t e t h e ehar8Cter, « , „ , ,h5ck. B_BH MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such as soil, day. »nd . MB

HB NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9""?1' shal*' sandstone- f c Shew HHm APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL * j * £ * ^ ^ «•^B Developed after January 1, 1962 flBES

^ ^ B (Jnder Chapter 237 Montana Session liws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (Eiev. tho- «»tCTtn B S H^^^K This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed FM— TO I __HB^HB by the owner with the County Cleric and Recorder in the county in I (FeM) (g***) , BV_^^9 which the well is located, last copy to te retained by driller. _ O I ffa | c J ^ t w 4. tp^a****JP I B^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the __, , ... 2 r - H^H^ H fornyay be re^f-^ ./&_ ,&<Ll-.-£*>£33*£:L. HH

H c i n ^ ^ . _ _ - _ ^ _ _ ^ZI Sg ZL-c£*j-4-f+*^£.- H^ H Address ..J.J«jSsk^mijh^&^ File S?/5.S^3a... ^ - - -9-C*" --^SSufcJeiaLj|fftff»Mr^ . JS. .^ , I . - HB

B yf ... ^?. t^^.2: ^ ^ T^^npsgp"" §H^ ^ B Date well started ...!J..~ JJJLr^..!?/-.... GW 1 T5 • •»-- ^g H^H

S^B complet«d f..T..3J^. Z.J.J.. H^B

[ B Type of we.. J^^U^£_. I l l 1 H |I^^^^B ^. (Dv$, driven, bored or drilled) I _ _ _ - „ _ _ _ _ _ „ m — m m m m . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ — ^ ^ _ _ _ H I

I H H Equipment used .\2-<*(>r*rfl*_«<?>«KSi_« • ^ ^ ^ 1I ^ B H I (Churn drill, rotary or other) _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ ^ H R

•BH Water Use: Domestic O Municipal JX Stock Q Irrigation • " ^___BB l H . — _____ ~* l_____lH^B Industrial Q Drainage n Other • * Garden/Lawn Q — ' ——* ' ^ ^ ^ H

•R oesenbe - - ^ ^ BHI USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, -——— ______________-—-— - ^ ^ ^ HHI state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block '—'—— ' ~" H^H^^^^HH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •!• Hn^^^^H

H | and Addition) _. IHJ


^ H % S M SW^M SSR PERTORAnONS _ _ _ _ |^ ^ ^ B Hole of CMlut —— -—— — ~ , . _ . _ . - . — — . — — — . — — — . - ^^^H|

• 4/' n Ib o ?? « 'w' »« BJ

I —' ? J— °°- ZTZZZZZZ] B^ ^ ^ — , • Static v/ater level •/•••/•••• ft.* . . . ^____f^ ^ f l ! ! Pumping water leveliK..fe ft.*1

m .__ __BI^ H -; *..-1 at gallorj p© minute, . I , „ _ _ • •^ ^ ^ B ! ; rrvea*u 8JO minutet after pumping,._,_._ __1«-« . „ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ « . _ _ , _ _ _ « . ___•_•^ H , . 1 I ; _ t>eg»"- •*«> Z Z ' I II ^ fli ^B ' ! "" 'Measured from ground level. __«_«.„«._____..__»._«._«.«»«_„__. ^ ^ ^ HBB I ! Well developed by .^ „. Z-Z.-l " 7 T " " * *" • "" J___B•B i.. . . t .L.4.. for .- h o u i * * - * - ^ * " ^ .II1 "SBfH B I I Pmver_«5 Purnp....^ HP '""" "" "*"..,"""* "*."*"""*""_**""' ^HVH ^ l • | K*mam^ftiC«l peeking cementing, _ — __,.«._«._, _.-,_—._,_._._,_,_ ^ ^ | B^ ^ ^ B u________X___ _>__«__. peckers, type of shtito:?; •____•| ^ B - . - • • - • - / ' ^ » : ....•«•„ „ - ; 1 ^ H

• ^t^.!^:S| :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{Ei ZZIZZZI| WB M T INDICATE LOCATION OF V/EU. AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. — • ^ ^ H• • EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. •— BMYH | Driller's Signature fe....^*S™l ±±^^±^f... ~""~~'~~~ Z~TZ', ^ HPAAV C) 1A it— .-»——-.—.—.——.——._,«-._._,-._,_. ^ ^ ^ BB B Driller's Address . ^ T > r ^ r ? ^ Y . /^•.^^r?^*' H- •>••• II ^ B

B-B LICENSE NO ~i&. ^ Sh0W eX8cf d c p t h o f b o t t o m BVA

I _-_ 1


^BBSJ i *>3reby certtty that th» within m »^ ^ ^ ^ B itnjRMMrt jWtt nted In nw,ofnc« on^ ^ ^ ^ B ft«i«i fe- rt»y «f /Sfc^g<y • • • ' • • • • •

HBJ ^jaw^[^st«'«^MflA*na. . V / • - '. . .

^ H File No.. T 10 B* R k *• . ' I


HI Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights I^ ^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lavs, 1961) •

I B • I^ ^ ^ 1 i QrantJS^ Bu«¥wll > o l C*atr»l P«rk B»l«ta •^ ^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) •^ M County «*..***•- * C l f c r k State oi .*»*«** I•^|H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana hws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: •^ B » ^°;^->-> IM^Kl • •; y-jy^l^</^^^' I 2- T5lc bencfuri*1 use on vrhieh the claim is based *JTi6**i | |?'» Ij ^ ^ H ---4----;^*H^>--41—; :--- »tookVI&MV dawMtia. I^ ^ ^ H • ! ; • : '; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use-, and ho*? continu- I^ ^ H ---:--..:.—-| '•---;—'... . ops the use has bemA MWJ,...«i».««*hi)^wr... I

: - ^ ^ H : : ; ' ; &• l9 »* oontlaoott*, f j , S956, «ix wentbi/ 3T.f«r •. . ^ H B w 1 \ \ 1 \ : 1 E •

^^^Hj ""• ; ; ; 1 ; 4. The amount of gronndwater claimed (in miner's techts or gallons I• • ;•• ^ ^ B ....:...."•.-..! :.—!•"-:--- jBcr mimi te) !*! ' !* 1 ' !^^*!** .#1»...85P. HP->. #! • ..«&..*»«... I.; . ; ^ ^ H ; • • j : \ *5*..^..H»«.....?P.t»1..2S>O..,lIii.* H

^ ^ ^ ^ H I • : '• I '. : ' 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands I, ^ ^ ^ H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof I^ ^ H Ii^...««ir».f...ftt.J*f.t*Mrf...l.«»l.. I

\ • • !^«..V^..Scc?»....lW.»RM.1|f. I^ ^ H | Indicate point of appropriation ' "' I^ ^ ^ ^ D and place of UMS, if possible. Each , , I^ ^ ^ H small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- D^ ^ ^ H tion of each well or other means of withdrawal. *****f^f...W* . M ? I

^ ^ ^ | 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works tot mrih- I^•H drawal of groundwater 8<IBIM» *•. l t«»..?.!» 1

HH 8. The depth of water tabled*.. . * * * • « • •....#». .•}*. *••*•...'&!ii..**x...t**ti I

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, «izn and depth of each well or the general specifications of Any other I^ B l .works for the withdrawal of groundwater * ..*»..«»^.PmJ9&.3to*l**!^.to.to^MM§fr,P**+ I

•"•'"• ' ^ ^ H ^#...?...*»» • i*»!»i.".i?.**.M*'.' '.".*••*•.• '.'.".'.'. '..'.I'.'.'. ..'-..'...'.'..'.'.".'.....'.'....." .."ZH...Z I

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwntcr withdrawn each y*ar.*«ti»*t«d toUl Of 15,000,000 fe*llW« I^ ^ ^ B frea «11 thr*« wills for t i l u«««« •^ ^ H H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available **B^ly .fcr*WJk «ad »*»(| Jdth . I

• ^ ^ H B •5^..fl*rdp|M».. in *o.*..2 I

^^^^B 12. Such other information ol a similar nature m may bu useful in carrying out the ]»o1icy of this act, including •^ ^ ^ H reference to buok and pnge of any county record. •«*».. }tfx - - I

B 8 "if' // /? c Ij^^H Signature of Ovrtm,xJ^^LM\}.//'f,-j.y^ C:\.. .. I

^ ^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by tbo owner with the County Clcr5' and Recorder or the county in which tha well is tjcatcd. I

I ^ ^ H | Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will bo icturiied. I

^ ^ | 0 Original to the County Clerk and Itecorder; P.'plicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of IH ^ ^ H Mino.g and Geologj% and Quudruplicnto for the A:»propn;.tof. r 4 ^ I

I^^H II . ^ l ^ l ^ ^ l l

I ft •' S I ' A I t Of r.'.u-K. - I A , • • , - ; • ' v • :•••'. ' • ;••.;. ^ ^ ^ H• H C O U N T Y O F L E W i i K- : ' A ' ^ ; -**• • - : :; :', ^ ^ |

I I I hereby cer'.ifv u-^ t!-o w .hin in- ; : ;' ;; ^BHHI strument wav li'c:i n my office on \ . :; : ,: ^ ^ ^ l l

I I A.D. lsJ-.a z X - ? j ^ - L — m i n PBSt : ' ', '•'••.• '• ' • •';'; ^ ^ HI I ' X _ OLC\SZV...L-W- g • • • : • ' • • . • :••••; . - - :•.••:- W^^M

• II __/J ne«ow's^f l,ew^i* Ctart .:.'.• ^^B^PJIII £ovrtty. | tat«OfMWft*M. ! • Ji " ! / • • • ' . * " fl|H

IH T^^^£2^^- v':K HI1 1 H ' - ' _ * : "'' ' i; " • • • • ^i^ifln

•H ' . , ' ' * -: ' /ML',. , . >•"• ^ H ^ ^ l

I H B TW' ^^^^^|

1 ^ "" I - ^

I r- - • joH-'iio 1H i J ^ - s G W 2 Revised 1*69 County...LeWJ^S...6l..Q^.^^.--~^ 1HI ST*T_ PUMUtHIMC COW<P*HY VV *S __!

I STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG Jl I• ADM.N-STRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE Indicate the character, color, thick- II MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such as soil, clay, sand, 1

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9 r a v e 1 ' shale s a" d s t o n e ' f * Show II APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL * & £ * £ , ^ v S I• Developed after January 1, 1962 I

• W«Mkr Chapter 237 Montan- Session Uws, 1961, a» amended) Top of Ground <B».. above sea itven I

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed Fr™ To 1m by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in iVttO ** I• which the welt is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ ° _ _ l u _ _,_r_J_*°;_LJL_i_?_l'_i 1• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _____________________________ 1H form may be returned. 10 28 c l a y & grave l __ •

I Owner ^ i ^ J f c c * I For Administrator's Use H 1 - ^ 4 ^ - 1 - ^ ^ , . I

I Address .Hest..Qf ..Htlena. File . .^. . .^/ .#^^/. . L41- -&• BSfeSSL.Q'JHSl I

I % /.:.^..^^ CH — I• Date well started Oct.....30-70 G W , . •

• completed Nov..1-70 I

I Type of well drilled. . 1H (Dug , d r iven , bored o r drilled) _ _ _ _ _ ••- . M

I Equipment used Churn _ IH (Cham drill, rotary or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ — — — > — — M

• Water Use: Domestic Q Municipal • Stock |~j Irrigation • j ' -""*"' •

• Industrial £) Drainage O Other D * Garden/Lawn • ' • •

BH l l j ^ J f c 0*f 1 1 ^ # ^ _ ^ ^ —f ^ ^ ^ ^^^m ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^Ml _ _ ^ ^ j _ BW4 ^ A ^^^^ VWMMM H t a HMB4M ^ H

^ B L/tS5>Ci IDts . . . . x . . . i , , . . . . 4 „.„ , „„„ __ •.-_• i IIIII.IL <_-»m»->- — - _ , - _ . - _ - — - — — - - _ - — — — mm

• USEt If used for Irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, — — ___________________ j •• state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block m

I and Addition) ^ . I


I Drilled Weight (Fctt) (Fed) PERFORATIONS •| H . How or Cannk ' ——— — _ _ _ » „ • . _ _ « _ » __»•_•__*«-*-_—_•_« * _ • - _ _ » _ • • _ .. «• Kind From To , , , •• Sl»« (Feet) iPft) ———- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - — - _ - - - - - — _ - _ . _

6 | | 1*71 £ C\ A_ft . M _ _ . _ _ _ « • • . « _ • « • _ _ _ _ • _ - « « . MM « _ « _ _ « • _ . _ _ _ > _ fl1/XO u •*« ._._._.-._—•..—_._.—._•_»•—— - _ • — _ _ _ _

• : none • ; ;, M

I ' J j ' [ • I Static water level 12. ft.* " " " . ' ' •• ! ! Pumping water level .....3.0 ft.* _.__, 9I -; 4 at .2.0. gallons per minute, IH ! ; measured minutes after pumping _______ ._,_,.„,____,__,_»_,_,„___._,.• I• ; ! began. . | I33 ; x ! *Measured from ground level. ___ __ _,__ •• ; | ! Well developed by ...-B.Qi.leE - •• •• L . ! .„„ . for 2 hours. I• • j | Power Pump HP *"* MI i ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ ______________.__._____.._ I• J" ' packers, type of shutoffjt ._____>_-_._________._. I

I NE. ....'/4 &I...V4 Sec...,'^3 [..[ - MI T...1Q N R...A E . _ ! 1


• / 0 JP n ~" • —._-._.—._._. __. •I Driller's Signature X!...l£Z~3. .^.:^^±rj. \ " I• s+~ ^ ' ,,^^ x / , , _ _ __. _, . •I Driller's Address L_*...\*<v*e_j^...^..\.A._-A--- -* " ' II LICENSE NO ^. K 2 *— s l l 0 w exaut depth of bottom •

I MW3 1

^ ^ ^ ^ ^^I *'I"'''''''''''MII'I'II''II'*III>*11^ _____ _|

2 1 4 3 5 4 . ; • -.; . . •:' ' • / / •;;•..•• H

: • "weny- c e r t i f y t h a S t he w i t h i n .n ' ''' ' •• '• " ™ - ' ' ' £•' ^ ^ B

irj^'.^^Si ;: • • • \ . : y :; •:• !. | H |

~* * ^ J • • • : • • • ' • ' • \ . • : ' • ' • • • ' : • • ' - M l

k^^_ , i , , ^ , M M

^ H 'Pile No T /P. J^,...^ :V I^ ^ H DUPLICATE County .,..-«! ?:... -:. I^•H STATE OP MONTANA i—^ ~, p v? y - ^ •? —^ IBH ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODE ®< u c ' ' f| I I^ ^ B OFFICE OP STATE ENGINEER *- >-» Q£C 3 0 JS88 -^ I

| ^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Ri$fcM t tNuiNEE5? I• w j H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

^ ^ H Carson Construction Company IHH 1. dba HeleaB Saod and Gravel Company t of P 0 Bpx 1153 Helena Ifl^^B (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) IHH County of I***:*.***.?.**!* State of Montana I^ ^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1. 1962, as follows: •

- _ ^ _ r . ; : • j ; | | 2 The beneficial use on which the claim is based I*^M> ...J :.....: :.....:.*..:...? IndioBtrial and irrigation. I^ ^ H _J i :____ > . :X [ 3 . . . JSjp^N j ; ; ! • -•;—• 3_ Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- •B ^ ^ H ;—I ;._ .<—] j — ous the use has been JRiBVliAlt...dMdW...WtklM!!IIA»..i'. U^ ^ H i i i I i i ut^JtiAtfamLttrnvt^.a^ I

, ^^^H : i i ; • i i- The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons fl||HH . . . . ; . . . . :—:- . . . ..;....;—!„... per minute) 200 gullona perMdimte. I

. ^ ^ ^ H I ' < '< i ; . ! 5. If used for irtigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •Ij^^^H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof •^^^H W...§er«f of ..hiJf..|^...^|M!^.J?^!Mr. I

^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation '" I^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. Each „ - , . . , • , . , , , * * , •, m^ ^ ^ H small square represent 10 acres. "• The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- •H ^ ^ B tion of each well or other means of withdrawal I

'• fl^^l WWti"'*' 1*1 ff| f«i|*wf» larftrfi pi—pf •

: . ^ ^ ^ D 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- I• ; ^ ^ H drawal of groundwater S«ta cd! etw^lAtlaa.afc^^ I

; ^ H 8. Tho depth of water table *«»•»*••..»$...<•?..*..«!•*• I

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other I; ^ ^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater $•!. wmXl- appttoadMtely 50 ft»-4«*p-r--tttl3llsilag 1'• j ^ ^ H • deep«*»ll pvap^ for wttMr«n«l^ • - 1

! ^ ^ ^ 1 10- The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .a m, >»lllloa galloos^ - I

v^H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if availablc.Jlo log av*lIabL*r 1

^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful :.u carrying out the policy of this act, including I• ^ ^ B rci'ercmce to book and page of any county record IH ^ B Ihil* wall A»o«d to lrrlgAt» pi*tu» m

^Hj Signature of Owner ^1^..(^:.<-*&^^ I^^^^H W. A, Ctttrsoa •? , IBB Bate Dfec«b*r 18, 1963 '.." I

^ ^ ^ H Three copies to bo filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well ia located. I

^ ^ ^ H Please ansu-er all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

jn^^H Original to the County Clurk and Ilecordcr; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of Iwi^Hi Mijica and Geology, nnd Quadruplicate- for the Appfopriator. / n a / 9 Ij^^^H ' ' " 7 " fl

STATE OF MONTANA J _ -*I**Mp»l I "*"* • *- • : •COUNTY Of LEWIS & CLARK \ SS;. - " - ^ V * * ^ ^ ^ ^ J •I hereby certify that the within In-•• • £ J • ^, • •3trume«t was filc-J )i r^sofiice on •; !^ ^j : Htnfs-CZ^L- ' l ' i ' o t -Vfc-A**^-?- ;.•; ., > • • , , .; , • • . • • . . • • , . . B^jj»-jg_^__A .:;{__/. Win. MSt... • • ' * ' • ' . . "'." . • - 1 • •'.'•• a |

^ • ^ ^ Deputy / / v .. •

s ^ k f i . " •• -•• : : •• : - " •

Z 3 6 ;"•'•• ' ! •.•: O ; ' [ . . . ; . * H

v T *< r» • - » • ; • « • • ! > " ^ • • • " '.•' ' I<„ i ' i -'.r '' • . •• - a :. •• < . , • M

f .<• • • M - i : • a • • - , : • •••. c : ••• • , . ••>.. .t» M a • . ' •• « . ' B

SI tf . " • •• ,• ... » . • ' • • . ••-• •

' . . ""' H "'"' "•" "i' " ': ..• ".' '• ' '' , ^ H

3 ' 2 . • • • • • * • • . • ' , • ^ |

'• ' V J

*m :•• ; ; •: I

^ H ^^^^^^^^^"•••••^•^••••••••••••••BMBBMBBBjaBB^B™

I T— ._ ,. IH H File No T /'-' R =T. t X B«H^ B • .. . . ^ H^ ^ H DUPLICATE County...lj;rr::x....f. ^ W-Vjwj^H STATE OF MONTANA fg*\ •? (*"» [? IT ~* — pT\ ^ ^ B^ ^ B ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE j n j j] j J ^ D R^ ^ B OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER DEC B 0 1983 ~^ HHIH H^ H Declaration of Vested Gronndwater Bights S T A11 t in u i rt t E R ^ H^ ^ ^ R (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1.961) ^ ^ H^m ^mB^BH Carson Construction Company |B^BI^^^B i d^, Helena Simd^Griwel^C of ) ^ 1153,J^lena,l^tana ^ ^ HI B H (Name of Appropriator j (Address) (Town) fl^B• H County of?*wii...an4..Cl*»k .State ot-JfeftSSBft - i^H•|^BJ have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol- ^ B A B !B^BH lows: " ^HH• ^ K , . . ;—, 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based AW&.**irMl ^ ^ H^ ^ V ! j ' | ! l__ .«W*...«ffi!MlMCT.*I»lb!..*3^SftU<^^ HDI^ ^ ^ H i . i -j j v 9 J H B| ^ ^ ^ B ! i j I I 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial &se; and how con- ^B^m^ ^ ^ H I XlX I | tinuous the use has been ...i?*P ^ H ^ B• ^-fiH1-^" ================== mI ^ ^ ^ H I —_| ^ rj,^e amoun^. of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ ^ HB H - r - f 4 h-t- per minute> ?5?5-— ' -• HI^^H ! I ' J fl^B^ ^ ^ H 1 ! ! i 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the j ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ ^ H s land? to which water has been applied and name of the owner ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B Groan Meadow Country Club* ownsr Montana H D H^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the | ^ ^ B^ H Each small square represents 10 l o o a t i o n o f e a c h w e U Qr o t h e r m e a m o f w i t h d r a w a l WOM•^H acres- P«P" I.vott auka taadtt Rood • ^ ^ H

• = = = = = = = :.:•::: ::::: = H^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ H B^ ^ H drawal of groundwater M*.*»rk,w.iK^..«ach.y^ ^ ^ H

^^M 8. The depth of water table S#XtrtM«.jRwm.i*U*^ fl^B

^ ^ ^ 1 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any ^ ^ H^ ^ B other works for the withdrawal of groundwater Ito well drillM,. potri a»u^^ ^ ^ H• ============================ •^ ^ H | 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .*P.».OW.»OpO.Ral. IBl

^^H' II. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available i f!?*.!:...***...'?.....!!1!1***! ^ ^ H^ H ..*o«<i..ci«y..laxix:t., ^ ^ H

^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the oqlicy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ B• • reference to book and page of any county record l*».!».i*^...^..0?^«?M..W««..»l*>M.J*ML ^ H^ ^ B natay for 43 yaara. ifraiMmt vAth tfamfcitwa (CSluh *e> ui» t a . rme^xirmA, »n mmt**^ f^fflfry ^ ^ H

^ H Mvto.* ^^m

^ H Signature of Owner-.^^j^^^^U?^^... j ^ H

^H •«••^•B Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is ^ ^ ^ BP ^ ^ B located. ^ ^ ^ BPAvB Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. Af£HB^BJI Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines ^B^BJP^^B and Quadruplicate for'the Appropriator. . , „ Vfl^B

i L

^ ^ ^ H . STATC. Of MONTANA , : " J ^ W * * ™ f * S » ' •• ' ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H ' ..OUNTY c5" '.CwiS & CI.ASK . . • " < "*^^f^ '4^ /% '..•%***/ ' '.:." ' ' •''. •.'•.. : ^ ^ ^ H

^ B j j ^ K I hereby cer'ify rh^t the wti^r. u, [,, ,;. • . , " • ' , • . - • ' • '•'• S' . ' • ' • • : • ^ ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ ^ H V s t r u m ^ y . - 1 ; . *I;:;-J !r>N^y office o» '< : . .' . ^ ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ ^ H KX>.2£>.^^-.'J^f' rr.li'. MEt : , . , . , '...' ; j ^ ^ ^ H

K M ' File No T...-, :.2.^.E7,. . ."'..p............"H ^ H DUPLICATE County.. .,._.."' T '•::^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA^ ^ B ADMINISTEATOE OF GEOUNDWATER CODE f—> ^ .o ^ - y -. ;~~\^ ^ B OFFICE OF STATE EHQINEEE n<j " " ^ I 1]

^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) STAI t t N b IIM E t ?x I

^ H ! «, A, <too« , of..... ..»?..•«.«»• ^ ^ ^ I^ ^ ^ B (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^ ^ H Coiuity of Lewis udCl«rk State of Montana^Hj^l have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . ^ The beneficial use on vrhich the claim is based Irrigation

- Hv —-i ;•-—: :.-—j-X-.j-X- *ad Induatrlfil F»Mfpo«*«* -

•H i : i i j x i X^ ^ ^ H , ,.„...,. I ^ I g j j ^ e o r appjQxijjja g 5atc of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- •

1" j ^ ^ ^ f — i — ! — : — : — j — ! — oun the uso has been gaarii««t dac« vnkamm« Os*4 «l«»a •^ ^ H w i i i I j I E l9*3»-li«a--1»et»--«^*lr--c«««4««»«»»----~ I^ ^ ^ B "'"•; • | j ; ; 4. The amount of groundwatcr claimed (in mmer 's inches or gallons I^ ^ H . . . . j . . . . : . . . . . : j - - . . : . - - . : . . . . perminute) 2000 6«l«v ^cr «invit« - I

^^^^^H ; I : I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •^ ^ ^ K s to wliicb water has been applied and name of the owner thereof W^^M Appttwlnfttely -^iew^"f««w-Mitv-|WaBd. |

' ^^B HI 14-W^cc. 23-T.JHW R.-J4».. <h#o*r», M? r*tlro«l «M ao^t*~*r*mVt. - |fl^^H Indicate point of appropriation * * " I^ ^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. Bach „ „ » . , , • > - , * » .. J J i •

r ^ ^ ^ H small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of -withdrawing such water from the g.vound and the loca- •R ^ ^ H tion of each well or other means of withdrawal I

'. "; j ^ H •-••1ni^"ftW«--«w«fM^-^i»lW . I

; . ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for wita-^ H | drawal of groundwater CoM*i*ti<m ^ t « ttttkoowtt* -

j^Hi 8. The depth of water table .v«rl«bl«..£jtw«.A0..ifc.....tP...2S..ft;j...M

•H^B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specification,* of any other•0H works for the withdrawal of groundwater i fall t> <mc<wr*fd and WMffJ-in. BM»onry«. -Varlom....Bn portal . tn«n^ u»^ to wi«^r«v- «»• g**uad w»t«r

^^^H| 10. The estimated amoiutt of groundwatcr \vithdrawn each year tnao m i l l i o n .galloiMl.

« H B V 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available **.. ***•. *^**,.^...'.!"

• ; ; ;•^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including" ^ | ^ H reference to book and page of any county record g«»..bi«Ji u«ing...l^aJiiat*r..tft..ixrl4(»ttL..I*.ttWir*^ B «nd h«y grwmd. Irrls«tio»i not »quir*d..«««9.-fMB»tbM«^.JMenany..jfc..enArtR..^fffti.i

^^M Signature of Owner }C^/£^^i^^^ ^^^ H Ql. A. Carson)•H Date..* D^s«ib«: 18.1963

H^H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well h located.

A ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be rc-turned.

fl^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau offl^H Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. / • ( a ' o

• ^#^#—x 1

1 1

_____t* _ _ _ "" " / : • • • • • - . y--' ~ , ^ ^ H |

^ ^ H JN r * . . . . • ^f • c /m ft H H_ _ ^ ^ ^ | <="3gH*>3 GV/ 2 Brvjsfd 1969 Covnty.tfa-Jb**^^-Z..f*SZ**~6***t>>^--- _______


•H NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER W"*1- shate' »n*io~. etc show ^ HB ...• APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEIL * j * " "** ~ ^ ^ •^ ^ H Developed after January 1, 1962 __^_H^^•H • __ _B^ ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Se«ion laws, 1961, a. amended) Top of Ground «•*». »imc«. level) ^ ^ H^ H ^ H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed F««- To ^___H^ ^ ^ H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <Fw0 <Ft*° ____»_»_______ I^HB^ ^ ^ H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q h W A H • 7 ^ 2 ^ yw 0 . ^ ^ B l^ ^ ^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise ft* _i _ „ (T ^I^B^ ^ B form may be retumecL .J^JLU.-GJbu*^£LM*Sk*e&£ ^Si

mt Owner jOCtU^J&L^ ^ Adn,nistrator, Use-1 p ^ j i ^ U ^ d L ^ ^ , — . H |^ H Address JLl .ZO..^«A.4si (File. !?~*?.5&3. -fcil a&L<t^Z^<^3U^-<^rwifcc^.^ Hi

^ ^ B ..Tft^*iz^.v..r?%r*j&i^^>^. $.:cs'.&*n -~-»- \ ^ H

^ ^ B Date well started 0DWCA. . I V . 7 . / - GW1 fi^V

• B completed 0y\&*4j&JlL\ ^ ^ B

^ H Type of well . . .CuJU^ . HH^ ^ ^ H P | (D"*. "iriTen. bored or drflled) _______________—-_—___._——— ^ _ _ ^ H^^^^H Equipment used .Ct^r^^r^^rrf.. —•— — ————.————.——.— ^___H•HHB (Chutn <Jriii, rot«r;- or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ H Water Use: Domestic TS Municipal Q --<ock Q Irrigation • —— — -_—.—— i_fl^H

. •^H • . ; ^^Rj ^ ^ ^ H Industrial • Drainage Q Other • * Card^-./'awn Q — —•—-—— _ _ _ _ H•^^^^^^^^H -m-,- n r i n _ i i - . _ _ _ _ _ _ • — _ - i . . • • - ! - | m • • , • • • • • - • • • . • • • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H UeSCriDG .---.^ .-. . . . . . .„ , --—___-. —.__.—- -_—__.—-———-_»—__—-——-—-__.__.—.__,_— _^__^^^p• ' ^^^^^^^^^^^ i • _ ________________[

^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I _ _ _ • _ •fl^HR state number of acres and location or other dete (i.e. Lot, Block " — ~* HI

^ ^ ^ ^ H and Addition) . _._, S ^ ^ H

: ^ ^ ^ H ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ....feG,..?Z * . j^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ H M M *wUEf <?S?) (»W) fERFORATIONS " _ _ _ H^ ^ ^ ^ B tlolC «T CMblf . , _-,_.»._,_,_,,-_._._._._._•_._._._.—._._——••• V;, • _ _ _ •

| ^ H ^ / / ) ^ l b o 7 ^ K*K KSi ^ —- - • ••-. ^ H

^ ^ 9 | I , I j I Static w^er Uvel */.C ft.* """". , ' ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ ^ | | i Pumping water level <«<?. ft.* ,_ ,__ | ^ ^ Hj ^ ^ ^ H \— - —.—1- at , S.% gallons per minute, . ...,_.„„..,. ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ | H B ! I measured minutes after pumping.__,____,_ ,«.^._,_.___,_,_,_.__,_,«._,_ ^ ^ ^ |

^ ^ ^ H w j S _ b*08"- I I I ; 1— : ^^m* ^ ^ B I ! J ; 'Measured from ground level. _,_,_.__,___,_.«.__._.«._,__._._,«__._,_. ^ ^ H H

^ ^ H ! i Wel1 developed by ^_»^uLfeO.....| T"" "1 "*"*~"""~' *** M W l'^^^^B . . . . . . i . . j for .tTt. hours. ___.._._,__,__,_._,__.- ._,_,_._._,_,_,_. "4HHHI

; ^ ^ ^ H i i Power^JL*—*'... Pump.....y.*-... HP*" -.-—.—•—- _. _. I ^ ^ ^ H:____B_| i i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, „__,__ _,_>_.. •_._._,_,_._,_,_._._._,_»_._,_._ ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ ^ H ' packers, type of shutoff) ***"* *""* "*"** . . . . "" _____H

^ H T....../& N R If. ^ ...» ^ ^ H



• i Drnier's Signature U..^J±f. ^ ^ ^ 7 . . 1 1 1 Ht % Driller's Address <L£**X^>/. V^^.. \~~1 T B_ _ • _ • LICENSE N" 7 ^ Show exact depth of bottom ^ ^ H

I %I

H^H ; twr&y cerwy tfta« the *rtthtn in-

• I J^W^^P4^ -^ ^ H '• 3 • • • • • • • ' . ' ' ' " • • • • • : ' : ; > : S •


X_fl_^_l_^_^_l * • >* b*m » • i _ j y ^ ^ ,^»_ I1 a Mf^^mrM^*—»-i-r*" - w ' - i, A ._- ^_i__. ^ g ^ w ^ * . • __ Jiia—t Jnyi***r-M_T#iA^T-'—> •• fr6-—* -V ff_»n^i i ^ M »•!• • •_^M_ni_—M__Tia^T_a_^_n _^_^_^__T_dM_l_i__' _••—j_^_^flln^'' fl_l

^HB * * STATE OF MONTANA DRItlER'S LOG t 1 ' 9• H - \ 0 ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE,- - o 197] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t h i d c - ^ I• • -. ' MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD J « e s ^ strat, st*h as soil, c ^ . " n d . ' :* I

^ H * NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, sandstone. ^ c . a « w •

• - APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ; . . . - ^tt^Z*£r%^^ I^ ^ H Developed after January 1, 1962 . , ; ? ; , ; I

^ ^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana, Session laws, 1961, • * amended) Top of Ground (Bet. «bow *cx \m& ..*. ' _ I

j^^H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to, be filed Jg«» *• , • . '» ,, ;. i Ifl^^H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in v ~" \ " HJ^^^B which the well is located, lest copy to be retained by driller. Q /? - .. / ' '^-" ' -L ' ~7t*~fZ?&<rrt, $ * Ifl^^H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _________ (T •W^m form may be returned. ^ & if cJ>f. . W- ^^jZJ.. _ _ •f^H / ^ Tryuc-nSUL . DIHB Owner MC/Lu, _>c/c<^o J—-—r—rr 7-7; 1 -2Jrf- .jfesL. __^-<_dL_.<_--^r 4 •I ^U wwnei—^...-o<_«-.—«« » For Administrator's Use tf I •

i^B Address _2a.ZO.. .£x*«c&S«£ {File £»>S.SZ33. S ^ I -2__.. ^_C^-Cl-_&«-.^ ,__-a-_-c_^J 1Ji_H -/ />-* - 7 ^ ^ jMpZi~~*u^/7s97/ HZ "I—I \ I•H Date well started 0^*~A. I v . !7 . / . . GW1 —<* I

^ ^ B coimpleteri Oy\te**d(£>SLl IH^HH y>-\ ' _ _ _ _ _____ ___________________________ MS^H Type of well ...LA*UJ<c<£ „ 1 Bi ^ ^ ^ ^ a H (Dot. driven, bored or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________—_—__—-——-————-———- HJ^^^H E u'pment used - V * ^ * * - * - ^ ^ . _ ——.— _._.—_. _.___,-__.___._._-_._._--.--——_— •H B ^ H ^ I (Onvo drQl, roury or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________._—______<____•_-_—__—-_• H

flj^H Water Use: Domestic JOH Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation Q — |

| ^ ^ H Inaustrial D Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn • ' I

•^^H *Describe „.„. „ ^ „ „ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . — . _ . — — ~ _ _ _ — _ _ . - — _ — « • -—•-*—i •

^ ^ ^ H USE: if used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, — — ——— - .*• •• •HH state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block —-— ——— —_—_.___—_-—-.__——..—.- m

^ ^ H and Addition) | B

• _ _ • ESTIMATED ANNUAL ^HDRAWAl ...$&...???.. * \ 1

mm ' ssi3 « r ~ " SB5 o%> re«t«iATioNS • ; • IBB| ,/ \qih o 7^. Vte SS1) (r o I

..:.'•; • • • • f ! I r I S«a»ic water level 5^.S1 ft.« X Mi ; , ^^^B 'i ! Pumping water level (c?.*?.. ft.* ___ ,_—_ I

I ^ ^ ^ B -J ..—4-. at .Cj! gallons per minute. I.; ^ ^ ^ H ! ; measured minutes after pumping I

... ••.. ^ ^ B . _ I 1 s _ **9»n' '. J ; fl; _______• ) « *Meosurcd from ground level. _«___. .________«_____«_____„_ . I

ffAffl i ! W e " developed by ^6o*fU.6<<~J..... " " " " **"" •BV^H i J for . ...r£. hour*. »„,____. •V^H f ! ! Sy Power, _i_«-&.'... Pump Y..X-... HP ••____• \ i J \ R*"11*' *! (Gravel packing, cementing, ____ _ _ _ , _______,__.»______««.»____, I^ ^ ^ B \ ! j packers, type of shutoff) .____ _____ "*""""* •

^^M * \ „...% VA Sec..^7...-:?... ( •

^ H I* •§• °""^r' -j r .".z""ri...ijir."."'.*. ~"~~ ~" •^^M INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL/&D PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. B_ ^ H EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES: >. B

^ ^ B / f; 3 * ' r\ „ •• • Driller's Signature L&.J£±**{. ^Tct.*?! |— IMM I Driller'. Address ......SLJkft y.. hZ£&.^.. f | ^ " I^ ^ H i w i i irtkitc M/t 3 0 Z iL— Show exact depth of bottom • I

I ——1^ B GW 2 Approve1 Stock Form—State Publishing Co., Helena. Montana—46805 otfjjjgp? fl^^^^H

I File No T Li2j:L..H.JlM .^3 ^ H

H TRIPLICATE '^o::^'i:'. V:',Tr:; VZ'ilV-:.'„'•:. BO'KD County. £cu*te..5~.L£&i£Li-. fl^B


I - dtor. above sea level. ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater •£• I - Appropriation by Means of Well BHHt - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 ^ ^ B• j — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) ^ ^ H H

I L 0 " V SToSS?* ^^..A^,A^^A^. ^ddress^e^^^i^ | |Ij - 7* 32» **al aoffc liB>*stagSJlf>r 3*&&* ©awning Address <a i a a 5 y i . . . | i o a t™. MjULI 1 52 «• b T ' s o f t Whl&O Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater....—. —• ... H91

I| H » a s t o t » Date well 8tarted-*a»--5r~i9€^ -Datflfiomplete<L...ftass..^..-19^.... flH

• I - ' h i *••?• 4>4«H» M M . - Type of well...*RiXlft& .Equipment nsea~0bttm~4g&ll ^ ^ B• I «•* * 4 « f lliMtt gTSjr J 1 (Dugj driven, bored or drilled) (Chtirn drill, rotary or other) 1H9T• I — . S S ? 9 4 ^ l M * -Water use: Domestic #] Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation Q fl^H• I _ »wans Industrial D Drainage D Other Q ^ 9• I Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata ^ ^ ^ B• I met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show • j ^ ^ B• 1 _ depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing 1BHIII , , strata and height to which the water rises in the well. ^ ^ ^ HI f f — H** waast aeapetgo ••• B ^ ^ BI I - s ^ 8^r r> <£• ^^^^ H II ffl Hole of CMtat tOnd Fran To ^E^S• • Site (FM*> (Fed) HHHI I 6« 6g/B«* o.o. • •[I P ! b*l ° % ^i*w HI K l*ttJl|3 U7 t i f l S p ^ •

1 9 I— » Static Water Level for non-flowing well wH

| | _ | 1 1 | 1 _ * -...feet. gB| | i __ j ] Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well . ^ ^ H' • _ ! 1 Pumping Water Level.......a0... .feet ^B^Bfl w ! I E at....5D...... -—gal. per minute. j ^ ^ HH j j . Discharge in gal. per van. of flowing well l ^ ^ ^ B

I h -....±:.....::..L.... -.-.-. HM ~ | • How Tested. ballar fl^B! • - I S 1 S Length of TtttAlSSs ~ — ^ ^ H; • — Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- ^ ^ | B9 " 8*#_8^_Ta«lt-AK typeof off)......... Hj, H . Indicate location of well and • « - • -...—...... ^ ^ ^ H• • place of use, if possible. Each ^ ^ ^ H^ H — small square represents 40 ' " ^^Jj^H^ K acres. ;,...!..„ ._ ^ ^ ^ ^ K

• 1* * 7T "'" —".."•..«••— ^ ^ H• „..„ ;.<l (Continue on reverse side) ^ HBB t iI . ^^^HlG£ USE—If used for irrigation, industml, drainage or other. Explain, state ^ ^ ^ BH _ , number of acres and lorition or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- ^ ^ H |H i— tion)' . \ ? 9 1^M I ...„ L.. ,.„„ _ „ „ .. ^ H ^ B

H ' ' Show exact, depth of bottom. ^ ^ ^ B

• /•// IB| H Tltis fyrm to be prepared by driller., and three copies to be filed by the owner with the. VV"\T"\" "V '"•""" " " " ^ ^ ^ H• County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, li»sue copy to be Drillers License Number ^ ^ HH retained by driller- S*J •, * /^l ^ ^ ^ H HIB Please answer all questions. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be •"—JkLLi £.»<xt-.uAtii.,~.... ^ ^ ^ HWB returned. Driller's Signature. ^ ^ ^ 6

I */?{?$-• WBi •"""""" B|

B9 >^*:< '---•'•-^•^feS;^

•H^H •.'•'••"••''jv;"'i-'i;=iitLr.i"^-;:;:'Jj;^y-!'-;.;^ •:^?j;-.i!\^'^".;~;i^vi';i;«?-- i--= :V'7'/:^:•^!'o^v^^.:i;i<;';;,i^1Jj'".S>?y^

^^^^^^t • • - ; ' , , ; . ' ; ; : v ; ; ^ > ' v \ " : i ; . ^ : ; j ' ;^H; . t •»• , • • • • • : ; ( , • • • : • > ' , ' ' ; ' • . • . : , v > ' , ; : ; ; } ; i ' ' ' . . ' - V - " ' : s . . - - ' /^^'•^.••'••'.^'.•'£i^i'-::'-r\'l:-':'-V:yS-^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " " " ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • • • ^ ^ • • • • • • • • M H B M H ]

B H ,—V ••"'• ~^~ B |•H G* Approved Stock Fom:—State Publishing C o , Helena. Montana—39089 o^_ »»3 ^ ^ H J

• File No . ^^^^.^.,qi;:^^^ a jB DUPLICATE County..2.t.W.Xi.....*l...C../A.r.-^ | BHj STATS OF MOM-ANA fl|H ADMINISTRATOK OF GROUNDWATER CODE p -^ ^ ,-, ^ „ .. „ T, r ^ ^ f lWk OFFICE OF STATE ENGHT3ER ! ^ ^ ^ „ \j ',,, • j ; '( flH

• Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights! ! 13 1984 "" B^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) | H |

• j . ft ti / ,-STAiE Ei-i'ciu-iLLiA HB iJL±>duLJL ldfLd±B±4- oiM«iL*.*nj<*..M : BHI (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ^ | B^ H County otJLs-!st±*.. A-JLJ.&.k..f(- State of _i'i..D...'xJL^..i4j&«!'. _. H |HI have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January I, 1962, as follows: , SS

^B ! ! ! ! I '. 2. The benefkial use on which the claim is iased../T0.y_5.. ....i.Ci./..q™ ^ H^M — ; j i ! j ) — t*jss. ! Cr£.6x. .3......JAX^LMJULA..A .Gx!..a.^..jl^.^ fl|

• | 1 \ U_LJ,__ A^^'«7S"n-*H/ ^ f |^ H S I S 1 1 1 3- Date or "approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- V ^ l^ ^ 1 j j ! j — j tinuous the use has been ...I...7J..A..7- 0X..S.A.. _... fl^|

HI j ; ; | ! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons aHa[ j 1 j j 1 j — per minute) JLQ.JO. yiw^»- -*OXH..« H H

HK 1 1 ' ; I ' ' ' 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands B H jM B s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof Hj

^ • J Indicate point of appropriation \ ' -i H O B• H J and place of use, if possible. . . . . . . . . .t_ ^ J ^ H^ H Each small square represents 10 6- T n e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^ HH B acres. y j . . _,t „ location of each well or other means of withdrawal... H H• yr,Ut J&JtMsfJseJ*!*. j&£*AEwJt~ r!L>^^L^L^^^.^ :~f H H^ H 1.1 ,AA/lX^i£&AJ9b>v'^*^^ AVIHfl a * ' HHH B 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of. the well, wells, or other works for with- ^^M^ B drawal of groundwater E$../UJLLd -r^*»- JL&wwvjufc. Ch«w*Ui.*.jurK /..Q..a..y? H HB ^w..../.a:s: £ J*L - H HB 8. The depth of water table..V.«A^t(«l^...^wB:»«s ^....^Co..../i2...^rffc._ ^ B

H H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each, well or the general specifications of any other H HH H works for the withdrawal of groundwater ..„,. r .». r.... BBJI• J*XOJU.Z uje^..^..«-........^...':....ci^^^.._....^ uo...LJLJup H

^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year J...y../.§....A.^...0.$.M...£loA...7?..ttl.lli\J)-\ ^ ^ H

B I o wi^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ^..k^k~*sJttuL£***J.. HI• • „„„., „ , HH

I •- " IHJj 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ H |HJ reference to book and page of any county record....... H H

B ZZZ." ZZ'^SiJ^dRiiaBj^Aj^2L'ZI^~.'.. ' Ill '. ....2. Zli—"I'^^.IZZ. | H• $£** **&•&•/ 1• • Signature of Owner. fo L4tk~<uw^K....*^&*&£%:&-i<( HH

B Date LZ.Z.lLl.Ll.1 BB 9• • Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is H H

HJ located. ^ H |

H J Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so stati-, otherwise the form will be returned. H H

H J Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ ^ HH J of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator, * . > a HHJ

^^HalaMWWBMMBBMMM^^^^^ iar ^MMa^^^—- --. ^^^P^


• H iszz-7* ' - ' . • . \ :• •'•.:,.'•'.• ••••;• ":

^ ^ 8 , ' . ' - : v- ' ' .: . ::; 'I :,

^ ^ ^ H s, * re or MONTANA . 1 ^ ' • ::^ ^ ^ ^ V BOUNTY or i.CW!3 •". JUAPK J • ' , ' . , :..

^ ^ | ^ B : i h e r e b y c u r t i f y '.>:,; w - • • •'••'•! *> • • •_ . . ' . "/ , . : '. ... ... . • '^ ^ ^ ^ B ; s t r u r n e n t \v;<; W i i i:: ••'! o'--e& f " --• . '": : •• . . :

^ ^ H ; . k.o. 19Jt!L-\>:.J?6 ?..*•••*• w---i • .- - . • • • • . • • . : - ' •^ ^ ^ H : _ZO_. ._o 'do ; l< ^ . . . M . _i,.'

:' ... • ; . •. ' . ;• -:

^ ^ ^ H B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P f riorcis of Lc^isA-Clark - . 4 . .. . . . , ^

^ ^ ^ ^ H ' County', JBtjtiyo* Montana. / . , '• tf - M ' • ' . • • " • ' i:' «

^ ^ ^ ^ B '• *'"• . " " C d i i n i y I ^ e c o i ^ e r "' • . . . • •' . ^ ^ '•"' -• '•'•-•.•'.;.. };"•' .;-."'*

• i * — ^ - ^ r " - *' 1 :•."**':{ ::1*-M

I „_' _____ || ^ ^ H - Y - T t PUBLISHING COV.P&MY __ ^ _______

H STATE OF MONTAKA H S. C E ^ V E D DRILLER'S LOG j ) . 0H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE Indicate the character, color, thick- •• ^ MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD /,.; :, : , ; . ; , n e s s o f s t r a t a s u c h as so i l, day, sand. •B NOTfcE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9 r_* ! ' sha1*' i

sandstone ' «*• s h o w •

• gPFROPRlATION BY MEANS OF W i f e S '^SS5S» I ^ ^ H s e " •_ _ • ^4 ., Developed after January 1, 1962 ^M^ ^ H . ».„ 1 .—, ^^M

•B (Under'tnaptsr 237 Montana Swsion laws, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground (EICT. above«»level) H^ H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed *-«» To ^ H^ B by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (Ft*t) <Fctt) M |^ H which the well is loce J, last copy to be retained by driller. ___ ^Hj^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the j_»|t ct«rfCH * - p[t- P p p r ? r ; ^ H

• form m f l y b e returned_ iusap •• owner ^..,7...^.^,M..my.er -| For Administrator-S U 57-| " - 4 — - h r ^ r r . - ^ - " ^ " = •H Address X917..JK*U»ie..St* File .A31DJS J-gSgae-Hlth.x,biy . , , •H 1 ^HH „ ».elB»*.,...Koat«na. A^fcl-H+IS..73 -J>L..-3JL-. —hlaclqt-Xiaifttrnna . S^ H ~ " ^i-h f]^y ; , MBH Date well started .....4/6/7.1 GW1 9.:..Q.5...A,.m-.. . 1 HH pSLl &fi— v«ry right gray SM completed ....A/14/71 llmpatoaa HH H ' ——' _»______________»_________„_____ I ^ HH Type of well drilled -A3—L-iSI- l lxa hrwin 11 ma fl|^ ^ B (Dug, driven, bored or dttlitd) ___________ gfmwa "^fti '"liffT ___6^M Equipment used SfeWrn...<irllJL — ^MH^B (Churn drill, roi»ry or othtt) ^^ Pf> »t prt>«- gyffy l f~m ^ ^ BPS Wa1er U s e : Dcmostic'D Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • Rtoaa . ~ -—- ^ H• Industrial Q Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn Q —21.-12-1-• ttXS Irroim Unaat-nnft • •!____ •.— «—_«-_, yy-t^Q fftfflB0 frUi^T i i - __•&^ ^ ^ S • n A v ^ v i n A __^_>___ __^_^.^_^ - —. - .- -.. — -- ^^^^^^|B ^ ^ H | L / C 5 t n u e — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ ™^ ~ ^^ «—-—» _ _ ^ _ l! • • 120 126 at}ft h-nyr) Itaift wtfh •__• • USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, 1 Bfmif* r l i i - I ! - HJB state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block SB£_£__y HH• • : . fB• • and Addition) • •


^ H tMtled WtlcM (Feet) (F««) PERFORATIONS _ H I

• • Kind From To ^ H

• • 6« 6 5/8" o.D. S l" <FtH) <FM1) ' «

-__-_• 19 1 t 0 /tit*' 1 < i _A«» •>'.<-.«-! •—*-_,-__.. . - — — «. -_..-..mM._»^«.--.-»-M---MM---..-«-M<^. ^_____^ ^ ^ B . * l i y *•"* * * i iwJr l . O F C t *-_.•—•--.« ->—_-_—• -_> •-_--.—«M «_•---. *— -_-.-_--->.-.-.«. ^ ^ ^ _

^ P perforated at 110* ^M_ _ _ • t.n I1A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' | _ _ _ ^^ ^ ^ H : W l K l ~ _ _ _ _ _ _——w__. ___—_ — — _ » _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |

• W •^ B I i j '' f I Static water level ©n ft.* __B^ H i ! Pumping water level 1.QQ.. ft.* f ^ || ^ l j . . . . . 4 at 20. gallons per minute. _ _ |^ V ! I measured minutes after pumping ^ H^ B j '; began. . . ^ H^ H y, j ; B *AAeasured from ground level. ___..___»«—._.__.—-———._—_—_.-.. • ___i! • < ! Well developed by b«-ll«- _, ^ H^ H j » _J for .... .1% hours. _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ . _ _ . _ _ , • ^ H^ B ] m ! Power Pump HP ___•^ H ; j Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ _ _ _ , . t o .______«____«__.__ . ._ ^ H^ B i----~-____---________ pickers, type of shutoff) __H^ ^ ^ ^ H S ••--——"——•••I l ™ — * — " " " K"«"»i—•_•_• • •_—1^WMMBM———MBH"~-<*H*>W~~«*~~—• , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

^ B .«» '/4 ._•—V4 Sec.23 ^ |• T....14 @ R.-4 E . . H


H Driller's Signature .R«Jifirt.J;r.Lce,..ri.eceflSGLd ^M

• Driller's Address a-^fly^.fcjtentana ' ' " H

• . LICENSE NO 131 ~-Vl*44M~ Show exact depth of bottom •H "** l 126 ft. ^H



• ' I twreby c»rtlty that the wtthln In- ' : - ^ ^ | H• ttmment was fiied In mv office or ' ^ ^ ^ f l• : thi« . / 7 ri^y nf rJ^Sfa • : . .• • • : . • ' • • • • . • ;:: : : • ^ ^ H

• ; A.o. 39.J?^-_aj_ iS^ l^n. p,« • • • • . . ; : . -.-., :'••:;•; ' ^ ^ B• ' -.J'ciock./i..M. and record- ; . : : ' : ::./ ' ^ ^ ^ B• , W on jiaRe , at Hnf.it y. •••' ^. • ' . . • . .' • ' i; '.": ^ ^ ^ ^ HH • . pt^y^ ^ f J e c o ^ s p ^ r f w i r a n d ,-v': ' . ' ' • • • • . / ,'! ^ ^ ^ ^ 1• ^ W ^ C»unty. StpteanSontana. " - .i : ' ^ ^ ^ H

I •• •; **>~>4*:&^ .:•".. : : - . - : ; . • f ' - «

I ! m Y7aim- JfeftuA, *• • •• •• ^ H

• ' ' •—"•I z: iiinpnt^ I^ H DUPLICATE County...^., . ^ i ^ _ 1^1 ^R^ ^ H ' STATE OF MONTASAP^V"7"" ^ K P"^ iS T ^ flH^ ^ B ADMINISTRATOR OF GSOONDWATER GODK !i VJ U= H SS• ^ B i mnT1 „, nMnT1<i OFFICE OF STATE ENGmEER. U B ^ B• • • Top of Ground LTTT . , V .. « '.r.r i - -•' ^^^H

HH ~ (Kiev, above sea level ..) Notke of Completion of GiFoundwatef ^ |H 7 Appropriation by Mean§TofTW ljQlMEER H^ ^ H ,» -. • , , • (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) aYaY|^^O — 0-2-/ /firf** &£4rse~ v • • • •fl^B - ^ * c / owner^^^G^ ^ HBBBM ^ zp •* ^HHH ^ B ^ / - 2 . 7 ' f?*A/~ d>h V Drfller.... i.<L£.JK^/.<*^>*.p....Adar^^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ R / y / ^ ^ i ^ i / Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater _ ^ H Hfl^D t?^*'" «r ^ •HI^ ^ K - Date veil started./!7r<?fi...../£ Date Completed..^.4f6....^..^.r.6.S;... | HflV 2 7 - $ 4 * L , / * 'J t r . / _ / / ^ H^ ^ H Typo if •well #/.*:+././.£..&. Equipment Vse&.&/lV.*M:.&>:*'.//. flH^^^^m — s- < (dag, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or ^ ^ ^ H^ • 1 j S . ^ - 3 ^ ' fl'rn^. afe**^ drilled) other) ^ ^ H^ • ^ H _ tf/(itft/ Water Use: Domestic C3 * Municipal • Other • In-igation Q ^ H H^ ^ H ' Industrial D Drainage Q Stock Q ^ H H

^ ^ ^ | H ^ 3 Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ ^ B ~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, day, shak, gravel, rock or Band, etc. ^ ^ ^ |^^^^H — Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character o£ water- ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ H B bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. ^ ^ ^ H

V ^ B ^ B — Sin or Sin ami Vroa To vrBmUTnnn ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ H OriSed Weight of (Fed) (FeM) PEBFOEATIONg ^ ^ H~^^B ~ ^ J " Ca>b>* v / Ktad Fr«n "" To | ^ ^ B

•I _ t>H" ffi'&o ia6^> - ^ ^ • •H i n /b H

^ ^ ^ B ^ Static Water Level for uon-flowing Well /.&. feet. ^ ^ H

^ ^ H - ....: : :.... ! •.....'-... Shut-in Pressure for Plowing Well ^ ^ ^ 1

^ ^ ^ B —';—;•-"-• i—!—! Pumping Water Level.....2.5! feet at I..8. gal. per minute. ^ ^ ^ B

^ ^ ^ B ! ! I*"*' * 1 ; j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ H - : : : \ \ '• How T!estcA...~k?..<S..U£.!Z:. Length of Test .3..A.jrr.£ ^HH:: ^ ^ B __ .....:....:....; •,—.;—-•; ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B '• : : • i i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B — ; : ,"" ; '; j tion of place of use of gj'oundwater if r.ot at well, and any ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B • : ! ..: ; j other similar pertinignt information, including number of ^ ^ ^ B

^ ^ ^ B — * ' '•' •—•" ' '• '—-1 ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) ^ ^ ^ HSfl| _ lot* 10, 11 tf 12 Blk 7 Hoeel Park Ud,, J^^M

^ ^ ^ B ._ Indicate location of well and ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B place of use, if possible. Each fl^Hv|H| **~ small square represents 10 acres. ^ ^ B B

^ ^ ^ B .- Show exact depth of bottom. •> & ^ • ^ H^^m »»— ...„.££.. B ^ HS j ^ H Driller's License Number ^ ^ ^ H

• -J&bt&A •^ ^ ^ H Driller's Signature | ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B in tlie county in which the veil is located. ^ ^ ^ B•IB • • •SBHH l'li'ase answer all questious. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^^^^H^ B ^ B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to tin- State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^ ^ ^ B• — .,„, |

-™ • . I

• : .-. .-..:." .1I ,,&, I^ ^ ^ H I hereby certify riat the wlthHi m- • M |^ ^ ^ ^ B strument v.vs tiled In my office on ^ H

•H ihh 2 4 ^ a y «*=_*«***<,.,.. • • H^ ^ H A.O. 19Ar_ at _-2zi_mln. pant H^ ^ H _ £ o-ckK*.<3LM. • H•^^H Rf.cOf'35 Of Lewis & C»W« ^ H^ | ^ B : Coonty^S^ale cf ».'.c;r.tanS>*i---'" ' ^ H

B -—-7 - —- , ^^ ^ ^ | H O* Approved Slodt •Fomi~-5t»Je publishing Co. Helena, Montana--38(87 « _ aS /j^

j^H File No Tl.Q.../1-/ TL 4.....?

^ ^ B DUPLICATE Conntr .^&^.V^±^.A.Q-LM.X. I^ ^ B 8TATE OF MONTANA Ifl^R ADMINISTBATOR OF CHtOXJHDWATEB CODE , -> ,p <£ «j -r^ — r~^v I^ H | OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER | D ; ^ i , w, L> \ **» I l\ \ I

^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights " "" I^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) S ] A I il t ^ U! M f.H f; I

• H i lhoona.s..ZJ...JiQ.Qxa._ of EQ.uS.e...l Helena....... I^ ^ ^ K (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) I^^flj County of LfiVllS...&...C.lari. „ State of Jfollfcana. _ I• ^ ^ H have appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: •

• ^ S B . ; ! i i t ! 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based - •-S^V : — i — i — i — i — i — } — I>r.irj)dLng...TCat.er..v..gax^ •^ ^ H | J i |_ __ i j j^j trees Iu^BH \ : ! ! i i i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- •J M J I ; 1 • i i !-—i tmuous the use has been...JL.W.ell a b o u t JL$>48 I^M ) i i i i i i l^3.ll.....Mte)it..lS>52 „. 1

^ ^ ^ H w —i—i—i —i—i—i— E Stead3r...use __ _ „ _. •' ^ ^ ^ B • I i i ! i ! 4. The amount of gronndwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I^ ^ 1 ' 1 j 1 i i i per minute) l.M&ll^&$S.$,.M~g$l*...mV...m%R* I^ ^ 1 i ! i i i S --- l...Hftll-...1;fi.5.1:m12..xa.l-.....P.QX..B?.in>. I' ^ ^ H ; ' j — i — i i—i—i— with possible 30 gal & 1? g a l . per rain. max» •^ ^ ^ H \ i ! ! ! ' I ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands Il^^^B \ g to which w&ter has been applied and name of the owner thereof •I^H ; .g.atdszi..irTAga.tlftn-oym^.]^ftr.sxaail-.alK}Ait.-5Q» 1• • 6xS£y4JAEtjSec..^3. T.I.O.. n..\\... J.Q0...E.t..A-3CL.x..65...£ftfi.1u .T±iQmaa..l>......lQQr.a^...e.t tat I^^^^H Indicate point of appropriation " " " ' " •• ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. . •« Bach small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the •Bfl^H acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal . •H [ £ai;]i alejc.tri&».&um^^ I• H j • ..„ l...3.e.t.* ....„ I^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other work* for with- I^ ^ H dra-wal of groundwater....Elr.at..s.ell..open-jdxille.d..iri..aho.ut...l9A8...&..camp.le.t.Qja.«1 1^ ^ H S.Q.aond...w.ell.rT...iar.illed...Qrily.s...l952.-...iiaffie...year I

^ ^ H 8. The ^epth of water table...J.ir.at...VI'fill«29*-.<'«secoild..wa.tar....la.val W^ ^ H Second we 11-47 to 48*—second water level IH ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other I^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater Bo.th»r^dr.illfid...with...six .lneh..casillg. I^ H B Eisjs.t...aall».t»^uxfaee .dep.th.-33" Ifl^H Sexiond...TSall««sur.fajce...de.p.tli«53* I

^ ^ H j 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year UnkaQJSn.'KbUfc...4Pl.Qia1*y •

^ • • V 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available I^ ^ H Rir.s.t.jffflll.^lay.^..aand..dL.gr.ava^ I^ ^ H k aaeond..»flllsClay«ino.atly...aand...and...gra.val^ <•

| ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including IwAv£ reference to book and page of any county record.-...W?.5?..» •

^ H | Signature of Qwrier^^/10.±%[email protected][AfiUrtr. I

H r*u>/J^//Jl I^HH ; Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is fl^ ^ ^ B located. I^ ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Ciprk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau •^ ^ ^ H of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. t •

H I ' x

^ ^ ^ H ilATE OF VO'-'T-'N* It;. • . ' " i^^^B ^nViTV Of U'AI" '. CLAW* • - - . ,

^ ^ H f^L.-.-.;.© •;'"'• ••HO,'- y- . • • • • : - : , f ; . - ; > . v , « .

^•^^H ft O o o u t y f ) ' • ' • • ' • • • ' . . • •

m^M j ^64) _ •••• _ • | ' < | . : i . ;


^ H • . <<:'•


^ H Approved Slock Form—Staie Publishlnc Ca, Helena, M« an»—390B9 a £B3 " ^ J


• D e c l a r a t i o n o f V e s t e d G r o u n d w a t e r R i g h t s _ . . . _ . IH (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) S I i\ \ Z. L i * U 1 ;i L u t\ •

I : I• l 9B£m£a<UtiJh&saBL , ^ S t . * Cantonal Park, tyi.nTt •H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) BH County ofJ^«i!»..*..£J*i*L __ State of.~.!iSffl£fl8i B

I *" '*" *"*"*' ""*' *thC — ——J—'•"— IH ; i i i i i 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based...ftWBUM^- •K _. ' , rpjar- ';—-i 1 88^8&^. . l t l*a l^^ - •^ 1 ; V*-2f '; ! j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- _B• 1 1 j j j 1 tinuous the use has been.. ,.A]fcKnJt..Xftft..aad..OftntirJaQMal*... O

• ; I i I j j | th»T«ii?t«i», „ _ _ _ _ ! ! I• w I i , i M J IE " " - 7 " ""• 1H I 1 i l l 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons H• L j j j j — pOT mmute)....«SW»!*Jj^^ _.. I^ B i j ' ! ! ^f - j *?. . JW^ftfflHi9M!K. -.. ..... - — HH ' ' ! ' 1 ! '» ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands flH g to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof SB Smm jut abnte •• F*. IWL-%. Sec.33... TW«. R.«?.. • IH Indicate point of appropriation " "" " " ' ' •• and place of use, if possible. - ,—. * . , j - v A -_ ,x. J J ^ I . I• Bach small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the •H acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal .... .— H• ^C^JPffP". ™ •

H 7. The date of commencemeoland <;ompletiooof the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- jHj• drawal of groundwate^...^™*1^...*?..*?**. - •

I "" I• 8. The depth of water t ab le . . . .*?»^«»«^^ . .M. .*«« - 9

H 9, So iar as it may be available, the type, size, and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other •S works for the, withdrawal erf sTOiindwater...H4)^^ •

• :::::~::::~^ I• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year.._.li?SSHMA^i*...IS..f«^.i|!tfel. •

H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if av&ilable..J^tfr^..4^&9<M^i£MA •

• t^mM.%9..!fm^%^mM..miXS».u „ •

I "* """'"" I" IT. mI ~ 1• 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including •• reference to book and page of any county record....... •

I Signature of 0vmtT..lU.(MM..<X^Lj^J^^...l\jJ(/y4tT<J'r I

I Date DM»..2VXMJL I

• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I• located. •I Hj• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. 9 |I m• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau •I of nines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. . H

I *'" I" — __--___., I

/JTZ.OJ> -2--

. .,.".'''•" "•"• • " • ' " i r • * ' T ^ W . . . • ' . .• • •

^^in j^Z! .'•• ,•••• " •

, h ^ e w certify ttvtf t h e « m * i m«rtnjwwBjt * a s filp.1 <n my Offlc© on . . • • : • :

.... •*• Btfetfits of t * w < « & € ? > r t c . " '•

^ ^ ! S ^ « ^ ^ ^ ^ — ^ ^ • • - ^

I ' ' • . • • . . ' . - • • . ••• •7:'i::::\

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tkL, ••-'-'••j,,,,, , .

I .,;•- ____. _ o * » 1^ H PUc No _ T..JM TL..M. _ j j ^ H[J DUPLICATE County *S5**il.J§li9*.. j H^9 STATE 0 P MONTANA ^ _ _ _ flHH H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE 1 0 ! i^.Lh-I? v--? i i | n I ^ ^ HBj OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ^ NOV 26 1963 ~^ HHI

H j Declaration of Vested Groundwater Riahtsr^ ,r J ^ ^ I ^ F D mm^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) "" ^ ^ ^ B• •| H | i...Mid*i^.J^MI*.-IM^Mt..^.*.M , of...!?*?-*...1?!??"!. . _ _ Is?*** HV1M B (Name of Appropriator) ' (Address) (Town.) H H BH H County of 'JS^L§L&S^ State of * • * * • • ? . _ • •^ ^ 1 have appropriated grotmdwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: BVBHH N

H ^ H IH H ; j | ; ; | 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based fl^^^l• H i j i ! j ! ?«^"**!¥>K.]W?^1§?...1?*!*!!^). UWiH B ; I ; ! ~! ', 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- V H H ;HUB 1 j 1 j 1 j - — tinuous the use has been _ - — H H H

H w • i ' — i — F i K im.M»M..m%v*%te* ; f-fj• 1 j ! i : i j t > IwHHI I ; ! I ', 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons 1 B H HH I j ! ! ! ! " per minute) . -— , _... H H H• I J j j ] i ]J5ft.Jti1ll«M.Jp«r.«dPllMi.™ ^.....:^i,.,.,nt:. i H V IH I ' | . .. I ! ' ' ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands » H H HH I s / to which water has been applied and name of tiie owner thereof H H H

HI MJAM sec.».. TJl. tJS9 .. «A4M«*.*»i™**..i«*V— — „ | HH I Indicate point of appropriation * ' * "* * ~* * j ^ ^ H aH i ail<l P^ace °f use> & possible. i HJHflH I Bach small square repres nta 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ; H HH I acrcB. location of each well or other means of •withdra-wal ............ ./ H H HHI mtemm. - \ UUH t " " - • •; HB l 7. Th« date of commencement and completion of the construction of tbe well, wells, or other works for with- H H HII drav?al of groundwater - ' H H H

• »••••-•- --• , •H 8. The depth of water table MRfettMWL ^ ^ ^ H

I HHH 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size ami depth, of each well or the general specifications of any other H H HH works for the -withdrawal of groundwater - ^ | ^ HH' Paj.-»tXl.ai.ltatL.rfl*a^ W^M

1 ::::::::z:::::::::::::=:::::::::=z:=:: •H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year... Jto..dat«-annllabl« - ^ ^ ^ HI HBIn 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available H H H

H Bon*. .AWaUafcl*. - HH1H <&••R 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ BH reference to book and page of any county record -. H V HH KtaBA... .............. ............... ................... AVAVAWi

I Signature of Owner /.^£p/....~....xQ^..L.?\. H H B- -" f •I Three copieR to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is H H VI located. HBVI H V AI Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. H H VI Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau H H nI of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. . IHJ

•MIS y. HS

- m

1 f%skf'"P : : I• ! " _._... * •^ ^ H S COUNTY OF LEWIS * CLARK > 9 S ^ ^ ^ H^^•K 1 I hereby certify that the withtn In- ' . . V . : ' : ' • ' •••..•.:• :, . ' ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B 9«r«mBnJ. was filed kiiTiy office on . fl^^H^ • 1 *it_J£a_.dayofi^zZ— : : •• - : • • ; . / ' ', ••;•-••••,, : ^ ^ H^ ^ H MJ,^ A.D. l g - i L A - a t - p A i g - m i n . f/a»t .--.. ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ H f ^ _ _ Z / _ _ . o ' c t o c k _ i i : _ M . •••;.:. # ; , . . . • . • • ' •• . . •' • ;•. •. '••••• ' •• ...; .. . . - B ^ H

| ^ ^ H Count *(*:?)t"'ti»a»'Montana. X , J ^ ^ ^ ^ H


M • ^ . . ^ ^ ^ _

• G —Helena Independent Record ^ „,% ^ ^HHH


I ! ? I :•- -':^ • •• ::"5 [i I ^ BI Declaration of Vested Gronndwater Riglils L ^ B• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) HB

I , ' STATE ENGINEER \ ^ HI 1 jM4tU^r.ZL^U-..-J^ , Of J.4*CjLv::*r*., ^ ^ . . 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ B• (Name of ApproprMor) (Address) (Town) j^^H• County ol ^^.^^.J.-Q/tj^.J?.. State of *.?*,.- -3* - . ^ ^ B• have approprtatedr^roUhdwMer'according to the Montana laws iifffe'TpT'leHto January 1, 2962, as fol- ^ ^ ^ 1• lows: • • • •I N • • •1M I x—| 1 ; ; 1 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based ^BHJ|ft Q ! uJ I— +JH?rK*&2&Za • ^ H• ! j 1 I j J 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^^Bm• I ' l i i - tinuous the use has been *y .,.__.....,. H^HHH — • 1_, j—j—i— - *f " /o •" t, "t. SHH1• i j | ! j E ^Bc?**^• adt^;:; ; ; •. w^mm j ( | ^ ^ g a n i o u n t of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ ^ H• j 1 p e r minute) i^..^. .*, ya..*,.... > .r • • •1• ! ! ! v > H t> ^cvMJy- ^h^i^o2& • M S• | j I I . ^••1• _ I : ; : ! 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the ^ ^ ^ H• s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner ^ ^ B B• jjl thereof /i£#»«**~^. y ' . . 0 ^ ^ ^ ^HHI M...M Sec2J.... Tia- R^K- ^ ^ BI Indicate point of appropriation ^ ^ ^ BH and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^ ^ | H• Each small square represents 10 l o c a t i o n o f e a d l w e U Qr o t h e r m e a n g o f w i t h d r a w a l I | H |• acres. | ^ H B |

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- * • ^ • HI drawal of groundwater ...> • ; • • ^ B• v ^db-4b>i>^tf\tf^---s^ »y5*r^-a-(f-jts«V»iaW3ag/ \ ^ H |• 8. The deprtiotwater table j^....J^. '. ; a ^ ^ B

I •••>• 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of »-ach well or the general specifications of any | ^ ^ B• other works for the withdrawal of groundwater BB^I

• HB

• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .^.i...f.&.^O..l..^.O^--:^ii^.^^^-,-^ • ^ ^ l

I ii. T h e l o « o f f ^ t i ^7^^ H H

• 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ • BI reference to book and page of any county record ^ ^ H

• Signature of Ownet*<rtt*-o*-^-C^' .-4A-*<r!k"•• | ^ ^ H

I Date ^ ^ H |

• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is • ^ ^ 1I loca'.ed. B^B

I Plea.se answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^B^H

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines fl^HI and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ ^ H

• S , Kr"";^; I . . . . . • ; ' .- ;•• . ; ' : .• • ; • • . • ' ,

| ^ ^ B STATE OF MONTANA • » „^ ^ ^ H COUNTY OF LEV^IS & CLARK | « * . .. •;/

j^^^B thereby c?Hifv that the within 'm-^ ^ ^ ^ H StmrTjinWvjs filed In W^pVtce »n '^H^B msM-^L- flay OL^Z^JhiSLtJje • ' • ' ' ' '.^ ^ ^ B ' A£L 3P 6 ^ . . . at.f3.iSZ.min. t » » . ' • . . . , ' ' /•• ,";,-..• .'.-^ ^ B H "• / n ' r X n r M / Z Z s M . J . • . ; : ' • .-;. •' . ', • ' .''••.-

^H^^H yftrcrds of LevnteAJBtSrk ' . - ' , A ;•"-.X._

^ ^ ^ B Countrry-.te/if Montana/X - • J • • . •:' •,-|1"l

^^^^R ' C o u n t y t J t t o o W j r . • ' • ' :• •• . -,^ ::;:-•';•• •! :

mam oop«% v r ,



I A ^ j G W l R t v M d 10S9 f ^ "*•=*._ Countyc2}-_^^---vf?--»~-*-&41=*£f. 1• »T«Tt rUIU'MlHO CO »« •« » fc» ' - ;. " — JW. •

I STATE OF MONTANA J - O DRILLER'S LOG 1I ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ;; _ indicate the character, color, thick- II MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such as soil, day. sand. 1

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUhK&Ttft-^v T;;T OF — . § S ? U shalf;: .sandf>Re' f0- ,show. II APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF W ^ ** c o N ^ f f i To ^ r ^ " , II Developed after January 1, 1962 r\ A •I (Under Chapter 237 Monttn* Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (HCT. above «» iran I

I This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed «£«» To II by the wvmer with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in • __ - II which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _Q 7%-g'ffft "LlBWli OTW OXlMf II Please answer all questions, if not applicable, so state, otherwise the - ; — — .. .. II form may be returned -2^-129—t l» t t jaoofcff-4to» : I

I owner jf i>.lHStiMft 1 For Admini.tratorTuir-| " ^ ^ "^T^HS^ " " I

I _, 1 momm •f-o.ay — II Hel?5ft*..?foatan&. J.96PJ. JU^.^ .&'&,. ------r • ^ ~ II ••" ^ *- - XJ « 7Q 79 Wig l*»a 6«>jlttBt : I

I Date well started(ki7.J.$.:J.<?..?...Q. GW1 ...$%%.....£jj?J-. MaWgtOPP f

I . *my\±\*&Qtt.J*k:J.9m..\ j [-39- -.-BBS -*iMm-?*&m*-tom**M»--- 1

I Type of well ...Ae43a«d. -JPg-Xfltr- IWl«fl (51-WJ 1|WMI%«» II (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) - _ _ _ _ _ •• •

I Equipment used obasm SrllX -33_)» ZSSSL- HXU. Ri?tty-lte»»»wi—-— I• (Churn drill, rotary of ether) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; •

I Water Use: DomesticlCI Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation • -•£££&?-3!2_fc" • IVlJf lMMPd gl ' *V ~"*"•• •

I Haaa&tone — I1 Industrial Q Drainage • Other n * Gardon/Lawn Q "~; II *Describe — — _ _ _ __— ___.——- •I USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ———— HI state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block "*—— - —-— • __—.— . •I . A _ . tots 21 thru 28 BIook:i77 Syndicate Add. — ' II «»i<* AddltionX*® t#ta ctt3r--of-a«l«» • 1I Section 23 Towiahis 10 H Ranao L W II ESTWATEPANNUAI. WITHDRAWAL ••lyO^OOg^.lSSS;..^.." X^-*to^**te$*G-H*tt*-- II 5S£ to' 5JT> (£« r*RFORAT1ONS ! - II 6» ^ a t e " - k i > . Sbe (Fetl) (Feti) II Xflto* 0 29 4 — '* I

Z|ZJZZZEEEJ II L N '• T : II I \ J j I Static water level —.ufo ft.* ' II ! ! Pumping water level - J % ^ ^-*._ __,___.__— ____—._ IR J 4 at .%Q. gallons per minute, II ! ; measured minutes after pumping.____ II j ': began. 1• y, ; " • * * Measured from ground lfi>^). _,__. II j ! Well d^eloped bybBttT"! ______ L__I I I 11 J . . . . . j for .....* hours. * •I j • Power Pump HP MI ' • ! * Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, k •I ~" 1______—___. packers, type of shutoff) IB fl_I .U...?u U.u sec.2-. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ—l'ZZTX 1I T.., .. N R.r1f.." .. E II w i r s 41r w II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. • I


I Driller's Signature ..A..^-fe-C/Z../^-.<:^'. I

I Driller's Address .(Md.ilCU /ftOXL^ * • I

±. LICENSE NO...TO.. ~&- Sh'iW eX8Ct d6plh ° f b 0 H ° m 1

• | 236423 *1S£*^~~^ •^ ^ H ^.SIArE Of MONTANA , ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B JOOfmr OF uwis & CURK p ^ ^ ^ HM H I harot* c.rtlfy that th. wtthln (o. '''•• . ^ ^ 1

H f l ZLjf '' RecOfd« H.lfZ&*C*arh <;,.. . ' < "• ^ ^ H^HB^B *MyitytJft«te of MonopaT .'• , ' ^ ^ ^ ^ |

i^H ^ ^^<?^cS^^^Vr HI

^ ^ ^ H ' ' • . ' • . . • ^ ^ H

^ H ' ' ' "" ' ' '' : ; r •• .. :,',., . . ' ' ; ^ H

^ ^ ^ H ' . • ' c . r' • ' ' ' '' «•";•'• : .'. ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ ^ H • ' • ; " • • • ' ' . " ' ; ' * . : .' ; ' ^ ^ ^ ^ |

H^^H ' .. . . ' . ' ' ';'.' •_• • ' ' ', <: ^ ^ ^ ^ HH^^^B . ' : ; ,•:,' • • ' • . ' • • < • ^^^^M

^ B ' ' "" ' ' ' .- ; ;'':' H l^ H | y vr .', ^ ^: - ' .-' ^ H

^ ^ H =€^*»3 GW i Rtv«ta 196? jtoal - Scott — Weals fi. Q F" H"'" "7" r& County.Mi^_..&..Cla_*: 1

| ^ H STATE OF MONTANA -.-, . - . . , DRILLER'S LOG ^ ^ I^ m ADMlNtSTRATOR OF GROUNOWATER CODE ' ' -< ' W.cate the character, coior, ^ick- I^ M MONTANA WATER RESOUKCSS BOARD M o ; ; ^ r^,,--..-,,,. ^nesvof strata such as soil, clay, s*nd, I


• • APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL « * >0 ^ T l ^ t v S I^ ^ H Developed, after January 1, 1962 I^ ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, »s amended] Top of Ground (BCT. •!»*« «a level) I

^ ^HH This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be fiied Fnm To I^ ^ H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ff**t) (F**t) ... \ I^^Hl which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. __jj j j _ g^y _ __ \ I^^•H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the • • , I^ H l form may be returned. » » r.m«wt ******* ._ I

| H Owner J««..B«3mol«« 1 For Administrator7*"^ -12-- JfL- - Q ^ . . 1

^ H Addr^lfl05.*ftt l j tL^O.»^^r1le.^^.<^Z -20--.2$. C«li i^W>4 . , 1

<^B .-Hla^JSfflH!»»..59&01 (jfasl&.JZ%JlM... ^ $ Z 5SZ Zo«s»_ • ~~~ 1

^ ^ D Date well started JimB..12*.X95.Q GW 1 .. .•..fLZ&:.'I?.:..... -30— -W> Cwwcmt grovolr- . - i — I

^ ^ H / completed .j:uaB..UU»..195O -J*0— -*6 4fet«4» 4 gmWriL "—• 1

^H^^^^B Type OT w e H ..J«Ct I I I U K J — . - . , . . . _ . — . . . . — » . , , .*....,..*. —*—•—•« »,—•—«—• —.«..—.—.—«..—«—•—.—«••—*—-—IM*—****—*!* M" • ^ ^ ^ H (DUB, driven, bored Ot drilled) . . ., , •• ' ' •

:'. l | ^ ^ H . Equipment used .Chuwt-- *-- i ——. _-.—-.---. I^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ' ( C h u m d r d t , r o U r y o r o t h e r ) - — •• • -,• .,- , M • ••• : '• I

H^HB Water Use: Domestic Bfi Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • «.«»». «.«.. . . . •

^ ^ ^ B Industrial • Drainage • Other Q* Garden/Lawn • ' —-—.h-—.—-»—.- 1

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H uescriDe , -•——«. —_—- .—••——.»-—»—«——»,—.—.—.—»—•—.—»•. «

• • USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ——— j ""'•"" I^ ^ B | state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block "" • —-.—• —«—— •

. ^ H Lots 8-16 Bllt 188 9yn4. Add. .: I•t^B «nd Addltion)jpWA..4tt...8,^apsjk..(.a1,O4- A«ws) ISHB Section 23 Towahip 10 H Rar^* 4 W 1 ; I"BH1 g T ^ A T E r ) ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL -jOOyOQC/ gaUonB- • — - I

' • • M 8^to? S2?» ~ ^ TERFORATIONS ' • I^k^k^k^k^k^k^B « a U M « inZ!i . . ' ' . — . . . . . _ ji_m M M -run i M » » M ~rm •iiiuu it.tr TnT' Trfr*-~—ln~ -mm •MWVT-Mmr mwrMfflr-wirrffl-irT H

• ^ ^ ^ H W»<l Ff»m to , . ' ' H

; ]^B . 6 in . 5& In, l U . 0 *6 ' . • :; I

; ^ ^ H ! I ' ~ • I

WM " Z Z . - . H Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 3 ••• Il ^ ^ H I T I " n Static water level 3<X ft.* ^ ^ ___, , •mMmm'"' : I

, ^ ^ ^ ^ H ! i Pcmping water levol ....J|3—-. f t - * . _ _ . « . _ _ _ . .•_-.«.«_-.«_»«^«.-.-._»,».».-. - . I.. ^^^Hj -] -!—y— at Z% gailons per minute, I

^f^B ! ; measured minutes after pumping,____ — „ „ . . .«»«.«.•»_—»—.—«.-.-.«.«»•.— ' I^ ^ B I | j began. ~ I l - I I T •"*".'"," „""""", ™ . I^ ^ ^ ^ B i ! "* *Measured from ground level. ._« . - • -»-» —. — . !

• ^ ^ H ! I Well developed by ...Ball**. - -> » - j^HB J j for 3 hours. «.^.J_ 1—.-, ._-. 1I^^B I • Power.Slfj^.... Pump ! „ . . . HP _»_~-----^_-_»-»--«««_-__»_«««-_^ 1^ ^ ^ H '• ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ - ._,— , _«*____».«._...,«._«».*»»_»M.«»_ IJ ^ ^ H B • • packers, type of shutoff) _____ J: f^B ,,. _.J ZZ II B J£.M .^f.V4 Sec 23- 1

n s w —: , , IH^H INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. — - . — . - . — . I• • • EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. ". IIH Driller's Signature M1f*S.Sl<W9.* -1- I

fl^H Driller's Address !4«l«#J..M0Kt.»na IE 1 I

| H LICENSE NO k9. 55 Sh0W 0X8Ct d0pth Of b0H0m I

— I

*P"Bvq^^^^^^^^^^r ^ ^ — — . _ - _ . _ —__— - ™__—__ _ -^ _ - , , w—^^^^H^^^^H

j^^^B OUNTY OF LEWIS & CLARK f *» . • r ; ^ ^ ^ ^ H

HH h*r»by certify th«< the within >i> • .. r , ' . ' ' ^ '' - : ^ ^ ^ l

^ ^ H Hto ^ S f y rt,r«f ^Ju^>C .. . .••.•;. .; .... ••• . ^ . ^ v . ? ^ : ; ^^M

^ ^ ^ B . ' / '••• ' -R»ttO»|L.Ot.jJ»*»h * d i r t : " v ',. . > :: :.':::' :.•• ^ H |

^ ^ H i®?* 3 CT^tew i96<» Well - Ho. 1 t i & C H! [ \," g£ FJ County...l«*t»..4.JClaxJc..v I

^ ^ B STATi OF MONTANA , .-.„_, DRILLER'S LOG ^ 3 I^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ~ ' ° Indicate the character, color. W I^ M MONTANA W A M RESOURCES BOARD f,c, ;TAfJA DEPA-.f..,,_ _. , ^ s t r a t a such as soil. clay. sand. I

| ^ l NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDW$r!ft*CEs AND C Q W R W 8 I 8 # shalf' u

S8ndstone' f c _,show IWm APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL j j j * £ ^ "seT? J 2 IM H Developed after January 1, 1962 I

BH| (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws. 1961, « amended) Top of Ground (_g~. _bove « i icrei) I

^ ^ ^ H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed From To I| ^ ^ H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <Fea) (FttW I^ ^ ^ H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q, j j n T p p y l 1 ft ^ T ••- ___——.- 1^^BH Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the __-_-—. --_--_____—____-------—-_—-«---—-- 1I BS form may be returned. in ___L dire I• ^ • ^ B ^ M B • ' - " ' " — nliiIT •* mmAmfi i "• » • • •

Wk > Owner. I*e. te|Oldi j For Admin;strator-s"Us7-| ' ^ ' - * ~ ' ^ ^ ' V * * * - — — I

^ H rA(Wresslf»5..!?oifl ..P,9.K.. x..97?Fiio- ^6 »-25--2JL.. JJlajr I

^ B ; L^*M*..feKtMj».596pi ^.-c.<.^5C^^;.... ~&—Sfc~-Cw«nt gmial-

^ ^ H • bate well started >P.?*1..15_..1?^....GW 1 ...$:£?„.&•..*#. -•&>- »$*~ >tj_tT &.^garal .

| ^ H completed .Aj»«!il. .?»#.. l?6l. . —

HH Type of well .JfeiljM. „^^^^^B fDuf. driven, bored or drilled) «»_____. _______ —__—_-_-_-__-_-_——____--__.-_»_—^ ^ ^ H Equipment used ...fitoSI5*. ~— ————'. I^ ^ ^ ^ H (Chnrn drill, rotary or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - I

^ ^ ^ H Water Use- Domestic H Municipal f_] Stock D Irrigation • — ——.-....———-— -_—.-_«_.__—_---

^HH Industrial 4 Drainage Q Other D* Garden/Lawn Q '!—

sHHHHc j ^ \ •_>*_** • V\^_i ___. _____________ _i___«^^^_^^^_ ^^^_^^^^^_______^^^^^^^u^^^^M^_i__•• ___M_^_K ___i^^_aAIMM__^BA

^^^^^^^^B WcauriL/c . . - . . . , . . , . . . * . . - - .» , - - - - • . , .» . . . . . . . . .»_, . . .....i..».__._»»._,.»,..,..»..,..„...,, —--• •-—--" —-••_--—--- - -_- - - - - - - . —-._--. ---_---.---..__-. —--

^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, —-—- ——— ——---_-—-«--------------------_-— ,^^•H state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot.Blpck ——— •——— — — . — — « — — — . - — - - •^•H All property adjaovot to City of H«I«DA __—_^ ^ 0 and AddiHon). rnvMlby. >hU«-.ClV.y Ho»» Picck 1 ,^ ^ B S»ction 23 Tmo;»hip 10 N IUnc« 4 W- _ - _ • ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL -_^O0O,CXX) f a l i o n *• I H MUM Wright SS?) < P V « PERFORATIONSI ^ ^ ^ H nave or cwimi -—• • ~ -—.—-.——— - . - . - -_- - -—-_-_- - - - - -—»-_• . -_-^ ^ ^ H Kto« Frmn To •• ::

^ ^ ^ H Sta* 1F«H) (Fwt) •—-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

flH 6 in . 6 5/8 0.3. 0 59 5/16 ty 54 59 " I " , 7"""""" • • ]^^^m , _ _w i _ /o _, __ , k___-._--_-_--«»_-__-..

• ' ..- ' _EEEZZZZZZ ;- fl^^B I ! j ' i I SfatiC W8ter leVel — HM. H'* "~~"" '""***" *" — ""

^ H ^ | ! I dumping water level .??.........ft.*,____-_ _-__-_.____._._.__«__«__—.«__-_-_--_ I. ^ ^ ^ H ......L....> 2.—_ at .r?. gallons per minute, ""... * **"*". I" ^ ^ ^ H ! | measured minutes after pumping ._______.__._____„_______________ I

' •; ^ B w j 1 ! b *s a n - *.?_" ".T".* r rn 'irzirTZi : I<^^^M 1 | 'Measured from ground level. I

'.\\ ^ H ; ! Well developed by ..SftiiMK ' " " " " ' . J^ ^ ^ H i .'-..».. for .2 ...hours. I

•; j. j ^ H | j Power..»#.«s Pump 2 ..„ H p — - • « • |______H ! ! Remarks: (Grovel packing, cementing, _____.„, -,__-.< _______.______ ,,—OT__ __ _....^ ^ ^ H ' packers, type of shutoff) . . . t «--—-—

I' • _i5 __5_l_.".- EEEEEEEEE_EZZZZ7"7;• ; -^^H s w __--_---_-_-_-_-__ -_-_____«___


^ H W»lt«r Riddocic^ ^ H Driller's Signature —• - •^mm H»l«aa, Montana^ ^ H Driller's Address * ' '______• LICENSE NO ^ 59 Show exact depth of bottom

^ ^ H JOUWTY OF LEWIS i CL*Rf! j «*" ! ^ ^ H

^^^H '• I haratoy certify tfmt thu •vithtn i, • . • '• . ; • " • ; ' ; • ' ; ^ ^ H


I R ^ f ^ S ^ f f Q • " • I• . ' J Ha <W S..s» * W toe. VmP. • •I G w | j j . ;. -J07"? Approrved Stock Form—Suie Publishing Co, Helena, M:mr*n*—<23» *"cdjjgg^>S •

I PDe No._ T J •• '- R •''••'•.'-'-• ^i I• MONTANA DEPAJTWENT OF NATURAE ~/\ J£— •I DUPLICATE RESOURCES AND ttngggpygji 2 CountyJfeJfc...<t j£l. 1I -Q,, STATE OP MONTANA I• "- ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNBWATER CODE flI i lifi] • Top of Ground OFFICE 05 STATE ENGINEER IK '••• , • - J

I ~ (EiOT. above sea ievd > Notice of Completion of Groundwater II ~ Appropriation by Means of Weil II ~ DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 II — (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) II O to 12 top soil and clay II _ Owner. JLftAJtarfZUOda •- Addre^..»M*9il^JfaP**Iia II - Drmer.»itee-iiMotffc K^KKJMSsm»Jmmm. I

H 1 2 %O 2 5 OWMHBfc gJP*V»l)ate of Notice of appropriation of grotinthvat<?r..S!5lltffe!BR. •

m Date well started-*H6»BB .Date complctcd..-*^l?l?.§#-.._ ...... I

• _ .' Type of welLMS3t3M Equipment nsed.-®tein|_JPrttl M• $ 5 %O 2 5 ttlttT ^Z' M v e n > b o r e d or drilled) (Chnrn drill, rotary or other) /S^Kh^ •I ~~ , ,- Water tise: Domestic fl| JItmicipal |jfl Stock Q Irrigation Q II t- , Industrial fi2 Drainage Q Other n •I j—'• ftit . - o ^ ;_ „ Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata •M '• J 8 5 w 4 8 OMMMBCS gTtWK|net with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show •B — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing •• strata and height to which the water rises in the welL I

I _ 42 to 44 u t t r and g r ^ ^ I *af 5S I «SD ^^^TION, I• (Me «(CMhi« KM fkw T» •• — She (FMO O?«O •

I I d» 88# O 41 I

I ~ jiu;U.?% fl)'/S N s t a t i c Water Level for non-flowing well 1

I • - • f W/?/?/• I j «"*" f t. I• — j j Shut-Jn Pressure for Plowing Well _....„ Im _ i • ^ Pumping Water Level...JL4.» feet M

• __ w | | s at./-4A gal- per minute. I• _ i • Discharge in gal. per tnin. of flowing well I

I - | | How Tested. l*dii*..!/*±^?.l.. ' I• ~ I i '••—-i Length of Te«t™AJBB^. „.—. I• "~* Remarks: (Gravelpacking,cementing,pack- I

I ~ 5.€v4.^fscM..--fhB»-li»»"- crs' typco£f ihutoff ) I• — Indicate locStioii oi wclrand - • -«• - I• place of use, if possible. Each •• *** small square represents 40 ' •• ___ acr««. „....., ,„..„..„„;..„ ^1

• » — (Continue on reverse side) I• 0SE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state •• — number of acr«ft and location or other date (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- •• __ tion). MI AH- aropmty >4J»>««tt"*o-ei»r^>f -ttgtror - II " », , ^ , ---j^tiaMftjBttj^^ II '-i i r-.irJ Show exact depth of bottom. A~ **, A W 4 | * h w •1 * » * * • ftttBBRE ilSTIMATKP"OSg ^jtX»;iX«r"^ICC18«I'" II This form to be prepared by driller, aitd three wplei to be filed by the owner with thk ^••lhMBfc"4#*»"—•- II County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well ii located, tiwwe copy to be Driller H License Nurabgr •I retained by driller. fij ^ f ^) /9 •

I Ploa»e aturwer all queitlon*. If not applicable* «o (tato, otherwise the form will be ^ w K R p * ! * ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ II returned. ^ - Driller's Signature £) * A I

236419 < ^ T ^ \ < — •


. — _ _ — i*«cr>rti« '^L*wjr< C1w«: owyny.j(ifc»»* of wotiflK; '' »

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H o3jg^>3 GW 2 Rtvised 1969 ,, County.?! .7. TI^ZZ _ . , •• B > «T»TE PU»UfHINB COMP »NV > J i j ' 3 1 0 7 O •£. •


1 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER «'«•>. sh t le- —*"<»»• eic. show I1 APPROPR.ATON BY MEANS OF WEU * j * I ^ ZZ i ^ " IU Developed after January 1, 1962 •

Hj , (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session taws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground <!,„. above 3 « level) •• I

If This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be fiied Fran "to I• I by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (Fett) ffff . IB which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. 0_ 6 __^_}*°_____' — _ _ _ _ _ IB Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the : IH form may be returned. __^__ 6 IB Clay _ ___ ___ I

I Owner J******* I Por Administrator's Use"-] ^ A ^ J_«--UPMrt - _ _ . I

I Address.l^...^)?^a..?>..O«J««... File - * - _ - i & -SlST _ . I

• ; .RflkUna Monrtaaa JSL4.AS JttRsaSLJBS.TOi ,«.-. 1m ' '" •"" 5 9 ^ 1 •" . I• Date well carted *«£<&. l * . i$7 GW 1 .: _4&_..52. GXsi— 1I completed .*fS^t.h...V#!. JNL~3k JQffifiB8NMdL2»ac 1

I Type of well ? * " M ^ . . : _ JZfe_.-UQ &mAj&SO&. IB (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) . . . . • M

H Equipment used . . ^ S * • 1H I (Chum drill, roUry or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . m

• Water Use: Domestic H Municipal O Stock Q irrigation G " "~ ' ' " •

B Industrial ft Drainage Q Other D * Garden/Lawn G I

B *Describe > — • — ———.——————_._,——_.«. •

B USE: If used for irriganon, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I I

1 slate number ^ f ^ ^ t J ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I K W — f - -' — Ii] and Addition). »4vlar..li8l %..Cl!iy..J^^ 1- - - IB ';''$Miioii''^'fttMtt*^'io.S'..i3Bip4v II ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ••5Q»QQ0.»QQ0..JSaXtoa« —.. IB 8 3 M S W « ^ <?SK) ( & ) PERFORATIONS ~ IH Holt or CaslAf . — •———• ——•—————-—>-—————.——- •B Kl011 F«"« To •H Size (Feet) (Feel) ——— ---_-—»_—«__--------——-_-— _

jS JJSifi. 52 lb» 0 110 5/16 by} .. • •B 14 «5 105 L__ I

H • w " ' H Z I IB I I j "] Static water level 5 ^ ft.* ' IB . ! j Pumping water level 9Q. .ft.* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ . _ _ _ _ _ IH -' - i - - ^ - - - at jLtfQ gallons per minute, -___-___________j____________. •B ! ; measurecT..2-jjf^i^ites after pumping ___._ . . •

IP j j began, ' IKB W , ~ ~ j ~ * 'Measured from ground le.-'l. _ „ _ _.,._——_»». SM j I Well developed by ...^1_» ________„ *_jB j . , !__„ for JJ..........hours. ___._,_ , ___»_.__ IR| j • . Power.._g^0. Pump....ljrl. HP r •B ; I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ _,__ . I• j ' "J"~"~ packers, lype of shutoff) I IB s 1R &M..M VJM Sec...5S IM T..10J N R.A..1 1 . 1B s w IH INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. f I• EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. \ I

• / D O ' BE Driller's Signature ^Lt^^rX . r r. r rr I

I Driller's Address £*£:±Z^J. >b .vrfe. ... -L 1 I

K LICENSE NO .^. .£> . . ^-~ Show ex0Cf d e p t h o f b o t t o m 1


236420 fl|

s i * i t o f I » : I ; N I A N A • • • ! „ . • : .^Mii i MLXJ ^ ^ ^ MOUN7V Of'•ifwib 4. CLARK f b* IHP^, -I.II i " j - ^ ^ ^ H

v : • • - • • ' • • - •• • • * W P * * i l J ' • ^ H•• nefttby csrtlty; ttat the wltfihi tr. • ._ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

• - 2 ^ t 6 c * 3 - t t . : y • •••• ,. •• • ••; . , w^m

': , • « i & ^ ••:•••• . - • • • . • • t'-S •

m mnm • — — — — — | _

I i:Sifl?. £ i ^ ^ I

^ ^ H Water Use: Domestic D Wfdnici^r^^BIBeirt] i m g m i * ^ ^ --•,-_.„ S^'G -..•" | ^ H

^ ^ ^ B Industrial • Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn Q . . " a m ' * ° I ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ B *Describe „ * ————— • — .~———>—.———•——- ^^H^ ^ ^ H j USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ——— ^ _ _ _ . ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ————— — —~ — — — . . — — — . • » - ^ ^ H• ^ H | and Addition). — — , — — — — . — — — — — — — — ^ ^ H«ga . :. • • • ;—; — - — - . . ;• ^M{•H { ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ££&„.#&£ • — — — ^ Hf^^^^B' . - ' -•• • - - / .i1 ' ' • — _ ' - ^^^B

J ^ H wnw SWMM SSO <F«) PEKTORATIONS . , . _ _ _ . ^ H.^^^m •- Hole of C«rtnt • , . ^ H l^ ^ ^ ^ H : Kind From To _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •' - • • • • ... - ',. ^^^M

^ m - f i" // <o ~>'f su* (Ft*° ap"to — — •—-.'-.— ^ n

| ^ m ' \ ===S~iN : ~ -(p>; „.___,_._—« ,„.. „•'-.. i • !IJ^H j j j j 1 Static water level /Lz?.. ft.*"* ~"~ [ '^. ' ^ HH^^B j ! Pumping water level .../&£. ft.* _, ,__. _. ; ^ ^ HBBB -; -I a' .8r-ST. gallons per minute, , _^ •'- ^ H Sfl^H i i measured .jfefAminutes after pumpincj._,__ ___..«__._._»_._.-.__.-.-.-.-.-.-— ^ H

.f^H- ' j j began. _ . ; , H |] ^ H H w '," j ^Measured from ground level. _, _.___-— _-—. ^ H ll^^H j j Well developed by ......&&k ^ _. j |f^H ] J for .3zr.. hours. .j — — . WM; | H • ! PowerjSs^i Pump../..2^-.. HP : MHI H B B ! ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ _ — . _ — - . — . — — — . - . — — . I H^Hi ^ '' s J?li >!/ packers, type of shutoff) -.„.... _ ^. SB

• H V* V* Sec Z3... • • — IM^H^H T J D xR\ P *y E -.' • • _. • „ — 9IEI^ H H £>*J A^C^ey ->J~£A^ut^'i>^ -—— I H I• • { INDICATE LOCATION OH WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. \ IHU: ^ B | EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. h— l f l l

H Dri,,er's Signature . . . . . ^ . ^ t ^ ^^±±t - [ j Z T T ^ZIZ^ fflW DriHer's Address Cr.::^^). fttX&Z*'-. ^ T "T" •

S H E LICENSE NO... A ?" — Z £ l f Show «xact depth of bottom , • •

^^^^^^HHH^^B STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG ^ |I ^ H H B B P ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE |nd,cate ,he character. color, thick- •

S^^^H^^HHHR^ MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness o f s!rata £uch as soi|> clay, sand, H

W l H H H H H ^ W * ^ ! ? NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER arav^' hals sandstone, etc. show •• H P - APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL * j * V ^ Z i £ t J3l •H^HgiP' Developed *fhsr January 1, 1962 | H^ H j j H S p .(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground {Eiw. «bov5 se» icve» ^ H

^^^KH This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed Fran To _ . H^ • m by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <Fw>) <Fec<) j / ,.? M_B^Ht which the well is located, last copy to be retainisd by driller. _ _ 2 _ _ _ _Z_£$_£____£___w£___.____ fl^—lflVBgiv Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwiss the i J . ^ ^ H• j ^ H K ^ form may be tetumed. ~ £ V ? z 7 ££%&*iZ ____l^^^^^^^^^^^^5^^^?4 * ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' " _*__>___*___• ___ __4 _ _ • w • __*_«_) _ _ - _ M _ _ * _ V U M _ > — _ I » _ _ V * _ _ _ I _ I _ * •«__»•_ • _ • » • • • _ • _ _ _ _ * * _ * ^^^^^^^^^B

• ^ B Owner (LfpoS Srf&3UlJi^ks\ c . . • • TT1 1 ^lZ.i-l7J — SA^^--^^4- - HB ^ H B *jwner C^.^J ^.iMj/.x&y^&Ris For Administrator's Use I / £ftft4 f ^?^ ^^S

^ H Address ./2r.^/. .//.jtfJUL... File ££$&£ 3.2- S . .A^^XsJSZ. •H | A^y.^.J^iAjyU^ Qd'SS&SLjMf,* Mzl&J-l^^jf&*^ H^ ^ ^ H Date well started Q..dfl/.EZ.J.L GW1 ^Kk

^ H completed Q.djOtS.31 J ] ; .: ^ HH i Type of well P.MMJ.. LJ H^ H ^ ^ _ /2- (Dog, driven, bored or drilled) ___«„_ _ _ _ _ _ ________________-_____-——__——— ______1^ ^ ^ ^ B Equipment used /idzUSL&^L „ — — — — _ — — — — ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H A (Churn drill, rotary or othrr) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ HH H Water Use: Domestic D AA'rjnidpal J2f Stock \J Irrigation D ]______

^ ^ ^ H Industrial Q Drainage Q Other • * Garden/Lawn Q T * ^ ^ H• ~ -4-4- — ••^•H U^E: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, _______^ m state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block —~" ———-————————————•—•—•—- ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B | H and Addition) „___,_,___»_.«.___,—.__.»._.___.____»-_--__-_. i •_____!

^ H H EST^ATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL I.2c.1?../.Cl£.£. . :. SB

^ H WP.S M !&» PERFORATIONS 4 flHj^ ^ ^ • H Bole of Culnt — , - » - — — • • ' — - * — — - — — — - — — — — - • — — - " •• • _ _ _ _ •_ • • • • • Kind From To . ' _H^H

• I I ,« M// o 35 •" i ^ z r m__^__^E_H^H 4*~ _^f* ^S" - " _ _ . _ _ - _ _ - . _ _ _ -• • • - •• - - • • • - . _ • • - , | | | HI.ITllTHIIIinilTIII I - - - - - - - - - - - - - I

Ml **'* /i'" __t-X_Z-. j flH H I j i I j 1 Static water level /Jz^.. K*~\ " " ... """.*" "* • ^ | ^ |H I i ! Pumping water level .../.H.9.. ft.* ., fl^H• • I I -I -i at %.£.. gallons par mimjte. ______•B H B B , ' i measured .. '.'Aminutes after pumping , _ _ _ _ , _ _ . . _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _ . _______!flu w s I i . s00- I Z I —"*""*"*""' ; _______!•HO ; : *Measured from ground level. _ _i _ __S____i• H B j | Well developed by <&.<X. -| HHI H B •••! —. - ! for ,^f. hours. J __ •_______!• • W l i i PowaruS iCri Pump../..^:.... HP S_HI ^ H | B < ! Remarks*. (Gravel packing, cementing, __.__, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_______!| _ R | \ /).t .„/ packers, type of shutoff) | . HHn i l iZ+L/t.jf *&**''?£ i • •iDI I ' v* V* Sec 13... HI ______I B f l l T __2../lfcR . .. E. ._, _ _ H( H _ U l^/ As£d-*sC£S ~*f**£&*vL*l^'+~~; _______H U INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USB, IF POSSIBLE. ^^MM M ! EACH SMALL SQUARF. REPRESENTS 40 ACRES^ ' • _ • !

H I DHHer's Signature . . . L ± . ^ ^ . ^S.^t. ["^37^ jZT^T 1 H'^H Driller's Address Oj±Z±i ft^^^. t Z 1 """T H |

^ ^ H n LICENSE NO $ i " j J ~ Shaw exact depth of bottom 9^95

• ''J ^C/S m•aBHl_a_______________-_-___... 1 ^ 1M "^ H M M 1 B I I * l ' ' ' i ' ' M ni i i_n^^ m

. ' , . • • , i . . . i , •

', ' ' ' • . . • , ; , , . ' ;

i '•• ; • i • . ' .

' • • • • " • • " ; ' . , ; • • ; " • ' . : ' • ' ^


I BE-f *r^IV £ B /,-• -.-6./ "' II =jf~§«>3 GW i Rtvtud t»9 County --4 •

I " " " " " " " ' " " " . •-• A^ II STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG ^C •I ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE, " ^d' icaVe the character, color, thick- II MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ri<^ of strata such « soil, clay, sand, I

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 5rav*'' shat*: sandstone- f=• sh™ 1, APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL { J * - * £ , SjT^JSS • I

I Developed after January 1, 1962 •I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session U w , 1961, at amended) Top of Ground g;:cv. atove sei, ie»ei) •

I This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to oe filed ! From \ To MI by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in | <FMO i f fw | •I which the well is located, last copy to be retained by drillei. j _ II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the . - /• /' II form may be returned I ^^^j^J^kLML-d^LbL. I

I ' C ^ n e r ^ ^ - ^ / ^ r T | F A<« • . , t • t, 1 1 U -J^±O_-J_-._ II «»»Ki^4/u'...it..*.i._se: for Administrator s Use 7-/y„ /? I

H AddTe^^/^£.,^LSic^x3L... File w?Ji&£'O:: L L__. _ ir/_.._ ~ I• ) "/ ^^^^ Q 36 flipm Iraawn Ulna (\Tay •

...^^(^^..\3^r^ Z:JL:.Z£ --^l^--Lj^JJPgie.Jasfea^ |j Date well startea^..2E,...W?X GW 1 ...J^Ltf^. -^Ilfi-Kl^^^^?^^^-- V

I completed ...|fay..Z9»-n7.I.l \ 1-^K^^-j^^^y-?^^,^--- 1

I Type of well ... jte*HX&&. ~*MTT"55KS—ST T trr——r—— •I 0>og, driven, bortd«drilled) 9* VTf\ ^ < " » ^ M » HtW>ttfflW •

Equipment used ....mm*..MXk...^^.^.^ F^T^"i;S^g^iiU^i^^ 1I Water Use: Domestidib Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation D ~-m r j 5 i > T ? f ^ r W ^ t V ^ ' I ^ ^ ' ' " ' " " II — . UI Industrial Q Drainage Q Other QJ* Garden/Lawn Q r II• ^ •• n

I "Describe wtA • • B I y , "* S" * " " " IBI USE: If used for Irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, " I II state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block "~" —"" —-—-.-— —-— — ! •I and Addition) J | |

I P TIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL II Sht at Sin and From To „ _ „ « . __ . . ,„ ————— —————— ___—___——_——————————————————— ^mI Drilled Wrf«M {VMi) <F*rt) PERFORATIONS _ » _ » _ . _ . •• • Rote ot C«i«i ~ •—• • • —.—.—•— .—_—»—>. —•—>—»—•—»—-—• H

I Kind From To _-_—>——-__--_«—_—_—---_--_ : •

I 6« fe S/a« o # » . Stee tFttl) (Fm) . II 3f Xb, • 0 22 T~,,.I 1I 6« ai to z_at« I J^* piftsti<» weii iimv t r~ ;"-; 1I porfo-ated i?jpos»"ii7 to 1112 I

I ° r= ' = ZJ-lX"— -H—j II I j I > I Static water level ..^X f t¥, ft.* •I j j Pumplrta water level -*.9.Y .ft.* II J — - 4 a' ^ - - gallons per minute. II i < measured minutes arter pumping _. ___.._,_ II ; > began. „ •I w i *T E *Meesured from -ground level. __ __ __ , II i ! Well developed by .59*S-f.?f! _ _ > _ _ II L . . . . . ] . . — . . for .....? hours. _._»_._. *»I j ! Power.... Pump HP MI * \ | Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _____ ____, __- .________—.«-_—_.__._ '• •I ——_-----_-_—____, — packers, type of shutoff) .-_________, _ —_——__ _—_______—-___-____ • IH • ^ ^ , * * * - 4*1 I? ' - * ... l i»i...,n». . . . , . . . . . • . « . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -_.__-.__»•» i _ - . • L w n 1)11111- I T - -I'll m i - u ! • • • • • • • • • • ! • • im-ii n i HIM IIMLI ^__l

I $£.* < ..Vft Seci..^.... 1I T /.fl...NR 6 C E 1I S ' W II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. 1 II EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 4Q ACRES. 1 II /j * / - / • - • ' • flI Driller's Signature .A.<teL'/r£^:£...w ' + f- II »•« » ^ CXawsy, »>»*• "Igfer-T - II Driller's Address T!ZT. * • * i ^ a ' •I L1CENSF. NO Sh0W eXaCt depth ° f b 0 " ° m " IL— — --____-_J

_ I2366C6 '£S2i ~fr;\ ; I


•rot>y c»rt«y that the j*miin ^ ' •

•t'««^wM.nte in. mf<oSe««rf?x ,- * ; •'***.., -xf2— ,6t* GLrJ^Jttj&S , • • • . ' . . . ..'•• • ••;. • .• . • • ' • • • • •

—-<<aL-o'ctoe»u9£.M. ' - • ' • , , „ • ; . : , ••• •. ••":•'; "• •; •• ' • • • ' - y - H x x t f t i i i < r f i « w h > c L r t • . . , • • • - . • ' . . . ' • . . • ' • •

CSHmf. Stew of M o n f W j * ^ ; . • • • . • • : • • • : - • •

v^2P • , • • • • : .. . • • . . , > I


^KM <^^jGW2Rttbjjnw Countju6idA.A;..Slg.riC. „ . ^ H


• B *~ NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, amfalo™. w . Shov» H

m £ APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEU *J* « ^ ' ^ T a •|HB •'-.'- Developed after January 1, 1962 ^ H

^ H '•"** (Under Chapter 237 >Aont«n» Session Law«, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground qgtr. .bo-,._ i«-tn L W

^ ^ B This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed I Fre» To ^ H^^m by the owner with the 'Itountv Clerk and Recorder in the county in ! (F<*° ffw*' • •^H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q.^' 5 . S 1 P--'fTfr •^•t, P V g Lr"P « ^ 1 • •^^m Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the . . ... ^ H^ H form may be returned .5*31 _&_>..-IE-MELJte83®.J2E323t&3L H |^ ^ H . _____ saptjy cli^y ^ ^ |M Owner i . i . . J > M * - For Administrator's Use ' ' k^» ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ "*»—• M

^ H Address .iBlS.J.ftiSne.J^ss'. File 33O.$£/ UJUQL '^aa^ J^rey crs«yaag aaad^. — H

•i Hrteaa^Jucuitaiis; %?.I&fi2aJl2SAV. b&>ad$5>fl3.T*n ^1ty«gaja3ay.MBd..L- •^ ^ ^ ^ H ' r .. "iiT iifflTLi "Vlfl'feftiP f .i - -.1 . I . I -T- - - • ^ ^ ^ 1

BB Date well started ..^jAly..r^.ia2.... GW l ka>Q.<lsi*S.<~Tan ranfly nil> jHH j ^ H .- .—»_.»_____ i ffy W. Iflriw1 • "• ————IBH completed ..Ji__/..19.»..13!?2 -32*58.3-^ ilJ,aa.r.Hndy,.,,gtaTft11g.,BUfc,~ H

^ H Type ot well , ^ 1 * 1 tta>&!.^Su>&! ail1l<.y>R.';nriytgjrA\aaI . H^ ^ ^ H CDUR, arhreB. bored ot drflled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -i ^ ^ H

•H Equipment used XJlwrb. _ (,_.$.* it-Ufli ^nj tMK\$ B&l- • M |^ _ ^ _ | (Chnra drill, rotary of othtr) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - M E Q

• • Water Uie-. Domestic ® Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation Q fr----. -Ul_-J... V^lifi?, <PP,m1 1 H^ B , wtth 3? ffi-*^ ^ ' ^ B^ H Industrial Q Drainage Q Other • * Garden/Lawn Q ' * ^ H

^ H . . ' V- _H_^_^_^_H ' * r^t-er-^tV^A ' . . . . _ , . . . ' ..... — _ -. , Mlll -._., mm _. _ _ ^ _ ^ S^^^^^^^K ' U e a u IUt* - • • • • - - - • * - • • - ' • • • • - - - - • - - • • • - • • » . • . • . • - • . . . . - • . • . • - . • - » . - - _ . . . 1 . . . . . . » . . , _ » » . . . t . . » . , . . . ™——— «^^™ " ^ •• • • ™ • • i^^^^w —— ——. —_-_—-—_.—. —^^^^_

^ ^ 1 USC: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ' "" . ^ H^ ^ H Mate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ———-.———--_——~——————-»————- ^ HHB and Addition) «. ^ H


| ^ H Drilled WcIgM <F«1) (V«() PERFORATIONS ' ^ H

H 6" Iron 4l.5« 40.8' "jj- S» <r«> • •_^_^B WS r«a _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ , _ . _ . _ . - _ ^ H

M 151b, 1 H

H w=ag8g — ^ = • ^ - H |^ H j j P* ! I Static water level *%,&-..ft.* .;...: . • ^ B^ ^ B I ( ; Pumping water level f t .* ._ ._ .____. . . _ _ _ . _ _ , ^ _ _ _ . _ , ^ _ _ _ , » . _ . ^ H^ ^ H -| - !"— at .ag gallons per minute, ^ K^ ^ B j ', < measured minutes after pumping _ _ _ _ ^ B

_ H « '• 1 1 B be«an- '""? '"' ,""""""""" T~"* ~~ B

H___ ' ' *Measured from ground level. ____ t ____ _ . _ . _ . _ . _._» , ^ HJ^m i | Well developed by .bttilliift "* " "7"""* """ ' "—•"-' ~" ^ < ^ HI ^ ^ B i--^ J for hours. . ^ H• j ; Power Pump HP "* "" . ^ 1!_^_ i 1 1 Remarks-. (Gravel packing, cementing, _«.«.,»«__.«._,_,_,_,«.«__, _« _ _ |S^^B ' peckers, type of shutoff) " " " " * :*~~"" •'"•—•~~-——"•-—-'•—*——*-** ^ H[__• S«t I •H | *Li....% .UE.V. Sec23 .-...-r, , ' H• • T.10 (N3K..J* * U.i/-t •• * cs> - ~T.7i""""" " :; •^ H INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF UStf, IF POSSIBLE. ^M^ H EACH SMALL SQUARlLjREPRESENTS 40 ACRES. ^M

BHI 7/ ^ ^ H•H DrlHer'iSlBnato«9»W*«-M^^-.425fe^JHi.- 4" S^ B B R ^ ^ B : r - _., r - _.. m T—) _ -. n 1 [ r i | n 11ir ••-_-,— ,„„•. , , „• U_JI>_ BIU a_iu^ >II|LL ^ . j ^ ^ • _ H ^ _ I

Hn Driller's Address2_O-.G-€tt_ter-ATfr« -Wat ' ' HB H _ H• I««^"«odiw.'5f6fll' LlCENSE N a 2 « * £ - * ! - — s h ^ •«•« d«P'h ^ bonom H

" "" ____-_,-— .j


I • ;" -iz "" ~1"™"fl :...«., 230251 , fe^ ., , , .HaB STATE OF MONT A N * ; ( v - " "• ^^ ^ ^ B COUNTY OF LEWIS & CLARK j * - . :

^ ^ ^ ^ B 1 twrtby certify £h*tt the •within lo- . _ r :HH strniMrit. was.-: rued m w y o m c B o n

^ ^ ^ ^ B .• / a'ricitkLJrfu, *na fccor**— , : • :* , . .-...:.•

^ ^ ^ | ' :• •••• '"•• • ' • • ; • • • i - r S S W .•• ' ' • • . . . • • . • , • . • ; . . . • . • • •

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H G Approved Stoi* Fcm—Stt'.t f*i'Mi«.hinp Co., He'rra, Montana—*133»" «^^3^>*3 fl

^ H FncNo T MM _R m _ 1

^ ^ H DUPLICATE County...!"*!*?**..!*!•.. C.larjfc fl^ H STATE OF MONTANA ,—. _ ^ ^ 1^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODE D ) L > < L . & i i t f i k n | fl• • • • j n 1 ' U •• • ^ • T OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER U U c r p 0 Q IQgQ X—J H

j^H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rigljts^jj: ENulNLER I^ ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) fl

•1 I^ H 1..-.—l.^25??l of itouf 8. Balena _ •^ ^ ^ B (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) fl^ ^ H County of™*5!^*JL£?*5* State of .....H»O.t*Ba fl^ f l ^ H have appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as folk An: •flflfla N I•fl^fl ^ Y~--] j | ; 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based- flfl_VV —:—i..Ti^-~ -.;—I i— _ ftcneft&Le —— _... —. flflftVH ; ; ; j | ; 3 Date or approximate date of earliort beneficial use; and how eon- fl^ ^ ^ H — ; — ; ; ! — ; !— tinnous the t.*e has beed-J&S&JL — -- I

^•"^^•• ' •B w —i—|—j. i—i—I— E IIIZI^ZZIIZIZZIIZIIZIIIIIIZIIIZ I^ ^ ^ H • • ; • ', • 4, The amouV. of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •^^Hj .-..:....:„..• • L..J.... per minai-;), i<L.g9.Ujm/..MllUJta. 5

^ ^ ^ H ! ! i • ! 5. If usnd for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •H ^ ^ B s

t o which water has been applied and name of die owner thereof •^ ^ ^ B , . ^xm and xarden HW •* C secH™ T^I ail z :::z:zzzzzzzz:zz:zzz:z::z:zz n^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation "** * " I I^ H EwhSat l §a^r£m£tol6 (I. The means of withdrawing «nch water from the ground and the I^ ^ ^ H acres. lomtion of each well or other means of withdrawal—......—.—........ l j^^ I^H . ..„..... jRiMBp.... .........„..........._.............................. • !

^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- Ifl^Hj drawal of groundwatcr— ...&J?.ftL ••••>" » - -» •— - — I

l ^ ^ ^ l 8. The depth of water table........... M£&.. ~ - . — —........ R

H^H ». So far »« it way be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other I^ ^ ^ B works for the withdrawal of groundwater. - - - » •^ • ^ H .„„.„....„.. „._... .RUE-MaUL... „...._„......... .~.. ..„ •

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amonnt of groundwatcr withdrawa each year...~..58JKlfc..t*Um . — . •

' ^ ^ ^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each w*U if available J!£A....~ M

^ ^ ^ H 32. Such other infonnatiou of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of tnis net, including M': ^ H H reference to book and pag«; of any county record— .!•?£? ~ — •

'. ; • • Signature of O w n e r ^ i : ^ ^ I^ H Date.....^**?^...^.'...^*?.! I9^H Three copies tc be filed hy thp owrier with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well in I^ ^ ^ B located. B

^ ^ ^ H Tlcanc answer all questions. If not applicable, so st*ve, oth rwine the form will ha retnrtpd. fl

I ^ ^ ^ H OriRinal to the County Clfrk *nJ IWorder; dnplicale to the State Engineer. Triplicate to the Montana Bureau fl9^9 of Min« and Qoology, and Qnn.ir-uplir'uie {or *M Ajinropriat^r. y- - -7 - •

• H --. • ; tmt&m f**-*~ • • •• . . , ^ H

^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA » „ ' ^ H |^ ^ B COUNTY OF LEWIS & CLARK { «* | ^ B

^ ^ H t twrotry certify that -.he wtNn in- ... . ^^H j

« g*JX-»'«*«!^M' y -. • : 1fl|^H * County .^*«ylftoy^o«aftat J\ • $ ' ' ' : '• ••• V ^ H I

IB . #* ° M

• I B • ' ' ' ' ' ''::::-; ^ 1


^ ^ ^ ^ H GW 2 Approved Siotl Fort:i—State PoW'ihing Cc. Helena. MBnt»n»—-if SOS a^§g£te>3 H

^ ^ H File No T •J:J^.-JL~.JiZJ^L-—.£-..-. I


MB - (E!e7. ,0*,™mlwei > Notice of Completion of Groyndwater IH H — Appropriation by Means of Well IKH ~ DEVELOPED AFTER JAHPA&Y 1, 1962 I^ S ^ H — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) I

| H | - 0 • 9' loom, sharp OvmShfiU£r WfJ/JX^^kdAr^^M wiLP&* WS. 1^ ^ 5 — grawl and " ~ ~ """ ~ •• • _ aw»» clay Drm«~S?*S!L.SAi3ti»* ^ddrCss..J^«»T*...lcHit.(l...... 1IH^ft 9 «• 16* iftKgft t i g h t j ) a t e of Notiee of appropriation of grounuvrater _ _ •• M ^ V __ eoavs* sliarp •^ ^ H "" gJBWWll, 9mm Date well started. Al«*.-22«,....19.69..Date completedJiMg2T»~.19fia I

^ H — clay •,- ^^^^^B r— Type of welL^flBlH— Equipment lascd—OttWCtt-Arlll fl

H ^ H 16 - k2* f i n H a ? ' d.l»'lV (I>UK, driven, bored or Arilled) (Chum anil, rotary or other) •^ H — Water use: DomestkJn Mtinicipal • Stock Q Irrigation • •^^M _ H2 - 52» <»*«'y ki'-jht Industrial Q Drainai?e Q Other 3 •^ ^ ^ H __ **«»» »»».«» MA Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata •^ ^ ^ H «»a !*<»*#«•*,— - ^ - t *. i m « t *»* i n drilling:, such a?> soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc Show •^ ^ ^ ^ H _ 5** "* 57* * * * • ^wlttjLaWM* depth at which water is encountered, thickness suud character of water-bearing •fl^^H ' XlnSsfcctMl strata and heipH to which the water rises in the well. •

: ^^|H Mw of MM at* i* From To vtrnPttttA-ntOM I•. ^ ^ M - M M Wfl«M (F«*) ff««» W * " * * " W W • 1

^ ^ ^ H - HWMI ofc-i#iw Kim rtvM *r» - •

^ H _ l ? lb . jO 53 II H ' — , t& fin**1 INirfo I• • • Iv2» cppn»ae» 2to 3 g.p.m* k |« O «?T ration*, wit I^ H " irit^ torch I

: ^ | H *- N Static Water Level fot non>flowing well I

^ H - | i 1 S I -....3S. -fett. : I^ ^ H | j \ t Shut-in Pi-assure for Flow^w Well 1^ B ^ H _ ! ! Pumping Water Iicvcl....— - ...feet I

S - ^^^tifajX^A—I—h—i—* r28-; : v1*"**"? • I•^H - ," > ^f > i i -— ! Discharge in Ral. per min. of flowing wdl •• ^ B - #to*u*&c**'/<r- &jLfijjf*JJlt ^ \ ' ^ I

•'"• 9 ^ H "" 'j i How Tcsted.....1»ldOjllt. If^M - L—— »——! Length, of tent .?„***?• - I^ ^ ^ H — Remarks: (Gravel packing cementing, pack- IJ ^ H - .^.y4._sec.5i. T./M. *AM cr8> im of 8ht3toff} * I<H^^B —. Indicate lcwsaUon of well ami * -— * -* —*"• I^ H ^ B place o' use, if nowibic. Each •^HflH — nmall isqitarc rsprcwjnts 40 " •

J^^^H .„.. „,, .-...(Continue on rcteys*? «t<3*t) II^^^K """ USE—If used for legation, hi'lustrial, rrulnftKC or other. Sxpliin, «tat« IJ^^H — number of neven end loctiUon >r oti'jf i <inta (\.p.: Lct, Block amd Addi- I

^HB ' ' Show exact depth of bottom. ^ '^nsJ& cxr^£^^ £^^%<-^XZ (Ick^ifi^'f-^ I

• " ^ "T;.- ^ I^ ^ H Thi» f*rm to b« pHtptred by driller, vnA thw« co|>}e« to be fi»«d by t t» «w«w *'Wh « » ".I", ;" , " , ' " r ; '.' ' I^•H Ottirty Qwrk wtd Rewrd«r in the county to which, th* well in l«c«t«d, Uw«M6 e»py to b« ""'"•** »'ic«niie Nuirjlier •HH rcu'.iM4 by driller. / / ,• £. (J •^ ^ B W«*wi mswer .ill (jueKtlom. M not app»«lile, ao »U»tc, otHewlse the form •rill te .»Jl....^..C...t:.l y...«if::.L«L. „ •^ ^ B rctwr«d. Dr«!.«rV SJgnalurc. •